The Story of Emily



english comp

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  • The Story of Emily

    Hashkansas is a small town in the Midwest of America. It is an old farming community in

    a forgotten corner of this emty state.

    In a quite suburbs on the outskirts of town lies golden plains nursing home

    In 1984, 18 year-old sara started college it was the beginning of her adult life.

    Earlier in her first term, sara was selected for the college cheerleading squat with her

    best friend lori that met her at college.

    Sara and lori had a close friendship that has lasted nearly 30 years. But it was a

    relationship that was to change forever on one tragic evening in the autumn of 1984.

    On September the 22nd, the girls went out celebrate for being celected in the

    chearliding squat.

    They had gone out to a local bar partying and having a good time as the bar closed at

    midnight , sara and her friend lori were walking out to the car and lori was in front of

    sara the nest test lori can recall is her getting pulled down out of the way ans saras

    body in the air after she has been hit by a car and while she was still in the air

    another car from the other direction hit her.she laid lifeless in the middle of the road.

    Saras injuries were so serious That she had to be air lifted to a specialist emergency

    hospital 40 miles away in Wichita. When they arrived at the Wichita hospital their

    parents were informed that Saras condition was critical. The impact with the second

    car has fractured saras skult causing massive brain injuries. Sara had a massive

    hemorrhaging in her frontal lobe which is forming into a blood plot the size of a fist.

    To save Saras life, her doctors had to perform a dangerous surgery. After the surgery

    had finished, her parents were allowed in to see their daughter. What they faced was

    every parents worst nightmare. The life saving surgery had caused a massive brain

    damage. Sara fell into a deep coma.

    As the weeks turned to months, hopes that Sara would ever wake up started to fade.

    She was transferred to the golden plains nursing home, where she would lay

    unresponsive for the next 20 years.

    Saras best friend lori moved on with her life. She moved away and started a family

    but she always felt responsible for the accident that caused Saras brain injuries.

    For years, lori have been hunted by what she witnessed the night of saras horrific


    For the last 20 years, lori has been making the 3 hours journey to visit sara from her

    home in Kansas city until recently these visits with the cause of great sadness as she was

    always greeted by silence

  • The financial strain of looking after sara has left her parents almost bankrupt. Theyve

    sold the family home, and live on a trailor park with the remainder of their possessions

    and memories of happier times.

    Saras doctors encouraged her friends and famillly to accept the she would be trapped in

    a fugitive state forever. Despite this, they tried desperately to wake her. No matter what

    Saras parents and Lori tried, they failed to elicit a response from her. Like sleeping

    beauty, Sara slept on but there was little hope of a fairy tale ending. If she ever woke, it

    was likely that the young woman, friends and family had known has gone forever. As

    sara lay helpless at golden train nursing home, seasons came and went without any

    change in her condition.

    Then, after 17 years on silence, there was a dramatic development , sara began to

    scream. Friends and family were filled with hope they believed these screams could

    be the start of meaningful communication. As her cries continued, the initial hope

    faded. Saras family was forced to accept that her screaming might continue

    forever.byt then, after 3 years, something extraordinary happened, in feburary 2005,

    20 years after Sara first fell in a coma, her parents received an urgent phone call. It

    was one of the nurses at golden planes. The nurses informed saras mother that

    theres somebody who ones to talk to her. The mother surprisingly heard the voice of

    her daughter saying hi mom. Saras emergence after two decades was like a fairy

    tale. Everyone was baffled by her recovery.

    Sara amazed the medical community when she started speanking after being in coma

    like state for 20 years.

    20 years in coma have dramatically affected saras body Her joints have ceased and her

    voice slurred as shes using muscles that have laid dormant for 2 decades

    Since sara started talking in January 2005, improvement have been a slow and hard-

    fought battle but one which she is fithing with extrodinary determination.


    Now that sara has woken, loris best friends has been returned to her

    But now that sara has awoke finally she can move at long last.

    Since sara first emerged from her coma like state, she had made extraordinary

    progress. Saras mind has broken free from her coma, but her body still suffers the

    effects of being unable to move for 20 years. Shes persuing a physical therapy 3 time

    a week. In order to be able to move normally again.

    After 20 years of sleep, saras emergences was not a fairy tale ending. Shes still

    suffering the effects of her severe injuries. Now her challenges is to see how far she

    can recover. After 20 years in a coma, sara faces a much greater battle of recovery.

  • Sara has proved to every body that there is hope. Shes determined to break new

    boundries and continue her fairy tale recovery.

    that cares for a hundred eldery and inform residants , it is also the home to a medical

    miracle. Sara defied medical convention when she woke after being in a coma like state

    for twenty years.

    then in 2005, something extrodinary happened for the first time in twenty years , sara

    spoke. But incredibly, sara awoke after 20 years.

    Never before in medical history has somebody being in a coma like stake for so long and

    started speaking again.
