The State of the American Worker 2013: Attitudes about Work in America


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  • 7/30/2019 The State of the American Worker 2013: Attitudes about Work in America







    IN AMERICACompiled by Karlyn Bowman, Senior Fellow, AEI and Andrew Rugg, Research


    (Updated August 2013)

    AEI Public OpinionStudies

  • 7/30/2019 The State of the American Worker 2013: Attitudes about Work in America



    Table of Contents


    OVERALL SATISFACTION ......................................................................................................... 3JOB ANXIETY TODAY .............................................................................................................. 14SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF WORK ................................................................................................ 31WORK-LIFE ISSUES ................................................................................................................... 44WORK CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................................... 47WORK TIME AND COMMUTES ............................................................................................... 53LOYALTY .................................................................................................................................... 57THE BOSS .................................................................................................................................... 60OTHER WORK AND JOB ISSUES: ........................................................................................... 62ATTITUDES ABOUT LEISURE ................................................................................................. 64

  • 7/30/2019 The State of the American Worker 2013: Attitudes about Work in America




    For the past five years, AEI has released a yearly poll compilation on workers attitudes about

    their jobs to coincide with Labor Day. This years study, The State of theAmerican Worker,2013, comes at a time when there is tentative evidence that people think the economy isimproving. Still, in Gallups August 2013 question, 76 percent said it was a bad time to find a

    good job today. In a related and recently updated AEI Public Opinion Study, Economic Security:Americans Concerns about their Jobs, Personal Finances, Retirement, Health Costs, Housing,and More, we look beyond concerns about work.

    This year, poll responses from leading survey organizations show that the vast majority

    of workers are satisfied with their jobs. There has been little change in the responses since

    survey organizations started measuring them regularly in the 1970s. (The results from the majorsurvey organizations are shown below.) Eighty-five percent of employed people said they were

    completely or somewhat satisfied with their jobsaccording to Gallups August 2013 poll (87percent gave that response in 2010 and 90 percent in 2008.) Only 15 percent in 2013 said theywere somewhat or completely dissatisfied. Gallups numbers are similar to those from the

    National Opinion Research Center and the Pew Research Center.

    Dissatisfaction is slightly higher among some groups than others. Young people, for

    example, are just starting out and their salaries are often low. Their dissatisfaction is notsurprising. It is a product of their place in the life cycle.

    After looking at overall satisfaction, we look at peoples views about specific aspects of

    their job. How satisfied are people with their coworkers, with what they earn, with their benefitsand vacation time?

    Most pollsters in the public domain dont ask questions about work attitudes very often.

    We include here some older questions. In 1955, 32 percent told Gallup they would be happier in

    a different job. In an October 2006 survey, 27 percent told Pew Research Centerinterviewers

    that they would be happier in a different job. Seventy percent said they would not. In a January2011 Gallup poll, 70 percent said their job was ideal for them.

    In 1977, in an Opinion Research Corporation survey, 47 percent of teens said having asecure, steady job was important to them in choosing a career. In 1999, 21 percentof them

    gave that response. Young people are more likely than older ones to say they have seriously

    considered changing jobs, an attitude that is also a function of their stage in life. But theirexpectations about their jobs today are different from the past, too.

    QUESTION:How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your job? Would you say you arecompletely satisfied, somewhat satisfied,

    somewhat dissatisfied, or completely dissatisfied with your job/the work you do.

    Completely satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Completely dissatisfiedJul. 1989 28% 61% 8% 3%Jul. 1991 31 30 6 6May 1993 46 41 9 4June 1994 39 47 11 3Aug.1997 35 51 10 3

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    Aug.1999 39 47 12 2Aug. 2001 41 44 11 4Aug. 2002 43 46 9 2Aug. 2003 44 41 11 4Aug. 2004 50 39 11 3

    Aug. 2005 42 44 11 3Aug. 2006 43 47 8 2Aug. 2007 46 48 4 2Aug. 2008 48 42 7 2Aug. 2009 50 37 10 3Aug. 2010 48 39 8 4Aug. 2011 47 36 13 5Aug. 2012 47 42 7 4Aug. 2013 46 39 12 3

    NOTE: Sample is employed people.SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION: Would you say you are satisfied or dissatisfied with the following things about your life: Your job/the work you do?

    Satisfied DissatisfiedJan. 1949 67% 20%Jul. 1963 85 11Aug. 1965 82 13Sep. 1966 87 6Oct. 1966 85 10

    Nov. 1966 86 8Apr. 1969 87 7Apr. 1969 90 6Aug. 1971 84 11Dec. 1971 84 9Jan. 1973 77 11Dec. 1984 70 20Sep. 1988 76 8Dec. 1991 71 16

    Apr. 1995 73 11Feb. 1997 69 12May 1998 75 16Oct. 1998 70 9

    Nov.1998b 86 13Nov. 1999 71 10May 2001 70 10Jun. 2001a 89 11Jun. 2002a 89 11Jun. 2003a 91 9

    NOTE: a) Sample is employed people. B) Sample is employed people or those going to school. In 1984, Gallup changed thewording of this question from the work you do to your job or the work you do. In 1998, 1999, and 2001 a volunteered notapplicable category was added to the questionnaire. This change may explain the smaller number of total respondents in thesubstantive categories satisfied and dissatisfied in those years. * In Nov. 1998, Jun. 2001, Jun. 2002, and Jun. 2003 the

    question read: Next we would like to know how satisfied you are with each of the following aspects of your lifevery satisfied,somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied. How satisfied are you with...your job, or the work you do? Thesatisfied and dissatisfied totals were obtained by adding up very and somewhat satisfied and very and somewhat dissatisfied.SOURCE:Surveys by the Gallup Organization.

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    QUESTION: Do you enjoy your work so much that you have a hard time putting it aside?

    Yes No1955 Gallup 51% 45%1988 Gallupa 33 67

    2001 Ipsos-Reid


    23 77

    NOTE: aSample is employed people.SOURCE: The Gallup Organization and Ipsos-Reid.

    QUESTION: Do you think you would be happier in a different job?

    Yes NoJun. 1955 32% 63%Jan. 1965 21 66Aug. 2001 33 61Aug. 2006 35 59Sep. 2006 34 63Oct. 2006 27 70

    NOTE: The 1955 and 1965 samples are in-person.SOURCE: The Gallup Organization, 1955-2001 and Aug-Sep 2006, PSRA/Pew, 2006.

    QUESTION:Nearly all of us, of course, want many things in life that we dont have. Sometimes our wants concern the materialgoods of life, sometimes they concern opportunities, sometimes they concern psychological or what are sometimes calledspiritual satisfactionsWill you tell me from the list on this card those items which seem to your particularly deficient I yourown life nowthat is, those which you really feel would make a big difference in your own happiness?

    Gallup/Institute for International Social Research, Aug. 1959

    Better health 31%More interesting work/More congenial job 21

    Greater faith in god or religion 35Being of more service to other people 36More exiting life 16

    More leisure time and chance to enjoy leisure 35Better education than I now have 50Ability to get more enjoyment out of life, greater capacity

    to be satisfied with things as they are for me now 29More opportunities for my own personal development 32Greater economic or financial security 52

    More pay, larger income 44

    Happier home and family life 20Better home to live in 36

    NOTE: Adds to more than 100% due to multiple responses.

    QUESTION: On the whole, how satisfied are you with the work you dowould you say you are very satisfied, moderately satisfied,a little dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?

    Very satisfied Moderately satisfied A little dissatisfied Very dissatisfied1972 49% 37% 11% 3%1973 50 37 8 41974 50 38 8 41975 56 33 8 31976 53 33 9 51977 49 39 10 21978 52 37 8 4

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    1980 47 37 12 41982 48 39 9 51983 53 36 8 41984 47 35 12 61985 49 38 10 3

    1986 49 40 9 21987 46 38 11 41988 48 40 10 31989 48 38 10 41990 48 39 10 41991 46 42 8 41993 44 43 10 41994 47 40 11 31996 46 40 11 41998 48 39 10 32000 45 44 9 32002 50 36 9 42004 50 36 9 42006 49 38 8 42008 51 36 9 3

    2010 49 36 10 4

    NOTE: Sample is employed people. Asked of those who are currently working, temporarily not at work or keeping house. SOURCE: National Opinion Research Center.

    QUESTION: All in all, how satisfied would you say you are with your jobvery satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not too satisfied, ornot at all satisfied?

    Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied1973a 57% 33% 7% 3%1974 59 33 5 31978 45 31 7 51984 59 32 6 31991 43 41 12 31992 52 34 9 5

    1993 43 44 10 21994 46 38 12 51996 45 43 9 31997a 54 36 4 51999 54 37 6 32000b 54 37 6 22000a 50 42 6 12001a 58 36 5 12002 49 40 8 3

    NOTE: a. Sample is employed people. b. Sample is employed/unemployed/retired/formerly employed.SOURCE: Harris Interactive.

    QUESTION: Everything considered, the satisfaction you get from the work you do, what it pays, satisfied are you withthe field of work you chose to go intoextremely satisfied, fairly well satisfied, not too satisfied, or not at all satisfied?

    ---------------------------Field of work you chose----------------------------------Extremely satisfied Fairly satisfied Not too satisfied Not at all satisfied

    Nov. 1973 38% 47% 9% 5%Nov. 1976 41 43 11 4Nov. 1979 33 49 12 6Nov. 1980 37 47 11 4Nov. 1983 36 47 11 5

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    Oct. 1988 33 52 10 4Nov. 1991 34 49 12 3Apr. 1994 27 54 15 4Apr. 1996 31 52 12 4Apr. 1999 27 58 11 3

    Apr. 2001 32 56 8 3

    NOTE: Sample is employed people.SOURCE: Roper GfK-NOP.

    QUESTION: Knowing what you know now, if you had to decide all over again whether to take the job you now have, what wouldyou decide...Would you decide without hesitation to take the same job, would you have second thoughts, or would you decidedefinitely not to take the same job?

    Would take the same job Would have second thoughts Would not take the same job1977 U. Mich. 64% 28% 9%1997 Harris 69 26 6

    SOURCE: Surveys by the Survey Research Center, University of Michigan for the Department of Labor and Harris Interactive forthe Families and Work Institute.

    QUESTION: In the past year, have you seriously considered changing your job?

    Yes NoJuly 1981 34% 65%Mar. 1994 32 66Apr. 1994 35 64Apr. 2000 30 68May 2001 34 66

    NOTE:Sample is employed people.SOURCE:Roper GfK-NOP.

    QUESTION: Do you think of the work you do as a job, or do you think of it as a career?

    Job CareerJan. 1985 Roper GfK-NOP 47% 52%Mar. 1985 Roper GfK-NOP/VA Slims 51 49Dec. 1986 Black/USA Today 30 70Feb. 1987 Black/USA Today 35 63Apr. 1987 Black/USA Today 39 61Jun. 1987 Roper GfK-NOP 43 541988 Roper GfK-NOP 42 57Jun. 1989 NYT 51 47Oct. 1989 Yankelovich 47 52

    Nov. 1993 Roper GfK-NOP/Worth 50 48Mar. 1994 Roper GfK-NOP 45 53Apr. 1994 Roper GfK-NOP 45 53Aug. 1994 Roper GfK-NOP 45 53Jul. 1995 US News 35 62

    Aug. 1996 Am. Viewpoint 48 51Aug. 1996 Roper GfK-NOP 44 53Jul. 1997 PSRA/Wisconsin 41 58Sep. 1997 CBS News 38 62Sep. 1997 Roper GfK-NOP 45 53May 1998 Yankelovich 44 54Jun. 1998 Roper GfK-NOP 45 54Jul. 1998 Hart/Shell 41 55

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    Dec. 1999 Roper GfK-NOP 50 48Apr. 2000 Roper GfK-NOP 43 56Aug. 2000 Roper GfK-NOP 46 53May 2001 Roper GfK-NOP 42 56Jan. 2006 ABC/Good Housekeeping 39 60

    NOTE: Question wording varied slightly. Samples are employed people.SOURCE: Surveys by Roper GfK-NOP, Roper GfK-NOP/Virginia Slims, Gordon Black/USA Today, theNew York Times,Yankelovich Partners, Roper GfK-NOP/Worth, US News and World Report, American Viewpoint/Lake Research/BuffaloQualitative Research, Princeton Survey Research Associates/Wisconsin Public Television, CBS News and Peter Hart Researchfor the Shell Oil Company.

    QUESTION: How satisfied are you with the kind of work you do?

    Completely Mostly Mostly Completelysatisfied satisfied unsatisfied unsatisfied

    Jul. 1989 41% 52% 6% 1%Jun.Jul. 2006 43 49 6 1Jun.Jul. 2008 39 23 6 4

    NOTE: Samples for 2006 poll is employed adults.SOURCE:July 1989 survey by Gallup, JuneJuly 2006 and 2008 survey by PSRA/Pew Research Center.QUESTION: Here are two different ways of looking at your job. Some people get a sense of identity from their job. For other

    people, their job is just what they do for a living. Which of these best describes the way you usually feel about your job?

    Sense of identity Just what you do1989 Gallup 57% 40%1992 PSRA/US News 51 411993 Gallup 58 411998 Gallup 57 401999 Gallup 51 472001 Gallup 54 442003 Gallup 56 432006 PSRA/Pew 51 452010 PSRA/Pew 49 49

    NOTE: Asked of adults employed full or part-time. In a Harris poll conducted in 1996, 51 percent of employed Americans saidtheir job gives [them] a sense of purpose in life, 26 percent said their job was nothing more than a source of income, and 22

    percent said it was an obligation I must fulfill. In Japan, the responses were 29, 57, and 8 percent, respectively.SOURCE: Surveys by the Gallup Organization and Princeton Survey Research Associates for U.S. News & World Report.

    QUESTION: How satisfied are you with your jobvery satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?

    Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfiedDec. 1995# 43% 42% 11% 4%Dec. 1996# 45 40 9 6Jul. 1999# 47 41 8 4Mar. 2005 47 41 9 4

    NOTE: Sample is employed adults.

    SOURCE: # Survey by TheNew York Times. March 2005 survey by CBS News/New York Times.

    QUESTION: Overall, how satisfied are you with your job? Are you . . .?

    Completely Mostly Mostly Completelysatisfied satisfied unsatisfied unsatisfied

    Jul. 1997 24% 62% 10% 3%Jun.Jul. 2006 28 61 8 2

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    Jan. 2008 31 56 10 3Jul. 2009 30 60 7 2May. 2010 32 54 7 4Jul. 2012 30 56 10 3

    Nov.Dec. 2012 31 58 7 3

    NOTE: Samples are employed adults.SOURCE:PSRA/Pew Research Center.

    QUESTION: If you won $10 million in the lottery, would you continue to work, or would you stop working?

    Yes, continue No, stop workingAug. 1997 59% 40%Aug. 2004 55 44Aug. 2005 61 39Aug. 2013 68 31

    NOTE: In August 2005, 59 percent of those who said they would continue working said they would stay in their current job.SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION:Next, wed like to know whether or not you feel good about various things in this country and in your life. Do youfeel good about your job if you have one, or not?

    Feel good Do not feel good/Not applicable1997 60% 40%1998 67 331999 65 352000 63 372001 64 362002 62 382003 64 362004 60 40

    NOTE: Question wording varied.SOURCE: Harris Interactive.

    QUESTION:Now Id like to find out how satisfied you are with different aspects of your job. Please tell me whether you are verysatisfied, somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with it. How satisfiedare you with your job overall?

    Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfiedAug. 1998 55% 34% 2% 5% 3%Feb. 1999 54 34 3 6 2Aug. 1999 59 32 2 5 2Jan. 2000 51 33 5 8 4May 2000 49 36 3 7 5Aug. 2000 58 30 3 6 3Apr. 2001 49 38 5 6 2Oct. 2001 57 30 5 6 2May 2008 53 38 3 3 2

    Nov. 2009 49 39 4 4 3

    NOTE:Asked of employed people.SOURCE: Center for Survey Research and Analysis and the John J. Heldrich Center at Rutgers.

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    QUESTION: Which of the following best tells how well you like your job...I hate it, I dislike it, I dont like it, I am indifferent to it,I like it, I am enthusiastic about it, or I love it?

    Aug. 1999 Apr. 2001Love my job 28% 25%

    Enthusiastic about it 26 27Like it 33 33Indifferent 6 9Dont like it 3 2Dislike it 2 3Hate it 2 1

    SOURCE: Center for Survey Research and Analysis and the John J. Heldrich Center at Rutgers.

    QUESTION: All in all, which of the following best describes how you feel about your job...?

    Aug. 2001 Aug. 2005Love it 32% 32%Like it 59 59Dislike it 6 7

    Hate it 2 2

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your job? Would you say you are ...

    Very Somewhat Somewhat Verysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    Aug. 2004 48% 43% 6% 3%Mar. 2011 28 42 14 13

    NOTE:Asked of those employed full or part time.SOURCE:AP/Ipsos.

    QUESTION: How about when it comes to your job, if you work, how satisfied do you feel at the present timevery satisfied,

    somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?

    Very Somewhat Somewhat Verysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    Aug. 2004 36% 26% 7% 4%

    NOTE:Survey conducted by female interviewers only.SOURCE: ABC News.

    QUESTION: What best describes how you feel about your job?

    Something you only An important part of who you redo to earn money as a person

    Aug. 2004 39% 61%

    SOURCE: AP/Ipsos.

    Question: How important is your job to your overall satisfaction with life? Would you say . . . ?

    Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all importantAug. 2004 47% 44% 6% 3%

    SOURCE: AP/Ipsos.

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    QUESTION: Im going to read you some statements related to your job. For each of these statements, please tell me if you stronglyagree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each job allows me to achieve my full

    potential.Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Stronglyagree agree disagree disagree

    Aug. 2004 36% 39% 17% 8%

    SOURCE: AP/Ipsos.

    QUESTION: Id like to ask you about some aspects of your life. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following aspects of yourlife? Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your job or the work you do?

    Satisfied DissatisfiedJan. 2005 69% 10%

    SOURCE:National Conference for Community and Justice, PSRI.

    QUESTION: I am going to read you a series of statements about your job. For each series, please tell me which statement comescloser to your own view, A or B. Statement A: I am not happy with my present job and Id like to have a different one.Statement B: I like my present job and Im not interested in changing it.

    I like my present job/ Not happy with job/Not interested in changing Like a different one

    Feb. 2005 72% 27%

    SOURCE: Zogby International/Public Service Research Foundation.

    QUESTION: Now Im going to read you a list of items, and Id like you to rate your feelings for each one. Would you say you arefed up with and tired of ... or dont you feel that way?

    Sep. 2005Fed up with Dont feel that way Dont know

    High gas prices 85% 12% 2%Partisan bickering in D.C. 77 12 11The Iraq War 58 34 7

    Hurricanes 37 47 16Your Job 11 61 28

    Feb. 2010Fed up with Dont feel that way Dont know

    Partisan bickering in D.C. 82% 15% 3%Growing federal deficit 81 16 3Health Care Reform Debate 67 30 3Snowstorms 36 56 8

    Your Job 9 72 19

    NOTE:Asked of registered voters.SOURCE: Fox News/Opinion Dynamics.

    QUESTION: Please tell me whether you are satisfied or dissatisfied, on the whole, with the following aspects of your life. Your

    jobthe kind of work you do. Would you say you are very satisfied/dissatisfied or somewhat satisfied/dissatisfied?

    Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfiedOct. 2005 54% 30% 7% 5%

    Note: Asked of those employed.Source: PSRA/Pew Research Center.

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    QUESTION: How satisfied are you with your jobthe kind of work you do? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhatdissatisfied or very dissatisfied withyour jobthe kind of work you do?

    Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfiedJun. 2006 43% 49% 6% 1%

    Jun. 2008 39 23 6 4

    Note: In 2006, the question read How satisfied are you with the kind of work you do?Source: PSRA/Pew Research Center.

    QUESTION: Do you think you would be happier if you made more money?

    Yes NoJul. 2006 73% 26%

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION: How much more money per year would it take to make you happy?

    Jul. 2006

    None/ $ 5,000 - $5,001- $10,001- $20,000- $50,001- More thanNot happier or less 10,000 20,000 50,000 100,000 $100,000

    26% 11% 17% 17% 14% 5% 3%

    Mean (including none/not happier): $32,629Mean (excluding none/not happier): $45,934Median (including none/not happier): $10,000Median (excluding none/not happier): $17,000

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION:Compared to one year ago, would you say you are more satisfied in your job situation, about as satisfied, or lesssatisfied now than you were a year ago?

    More satisfied now About as satisfied Less satisfied nowMay 2008 30% 44% 25%

    NOTE: Survey asked of employed adults. The national employed adult sample includes those employed full and part-time, andthose unemployed looking for work.SOURCE: The Center for Survey Research and Analysis and the John J. Heldrich Center at Rutgers.

    QUESTION:Do you believe the place where you work cares about you as a person, or are you just someone who works there?

    Cares about me Just work there

    May 2008 61% 31%

    SOURCE:John J. Heldrich Center at Rutgers University.

    QUESTION:Compared to one year ago, would you say you are more satisfied with your job situation, about as satisfied, or less

    satisfied now than you were a year ago?

    More satisfied About as satisfied Less satisfiedMay 2008 30% 44% 25%Mar. 2009 23 41 33May 2009 23 41 34Jul.Aug. 2010 19 53 26

    SOURCE:John J. Heldrich Center at Rutgers University.

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    QUESTION:In all honesty, do you think you, personally, are underpaid for the work you do, paid about the right amount, or areyou overpaid for the work you do?

    Underpaid Paid about right OverpaidAug. 2008 51 46 3

    Aug. 2010 43 53 4

    NOTE:Asked of adults who are employed full or part time.SOURCE:The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION:In the last few years have you or has anyone living in your household been laid off or lost their job?

    Yes NoDec. 2008 18% 82%Feb. 2009 18 82April 2009* 23 77Sep. 2009* 27 73

    Nov. 2009 30 70Dec. 2010 34 65Jul. 2011** 29 71

    May 2012 35 65

    NOTE: *April 2009 and earlier question wording read in the last few months. **July 2011 wording and earlier read in the lastfew months.SOURCE: ABC/Washington Post.

    QUESTION:Which one of the following jobs would you most like to have?

    Aug. 2010

    Professional Athlete 29%Actor/Actress 32President of the United States 13Rock Star 13

    SOURCE: Marist Poll.

    QUESTION:Would you say that your job is ideal for you, or not?

    Yes, ideal NoJan. 2010 70% 29%Jan. 2011 70% 30%

    NOTE:Asked of those employed.SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION: Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your job or the work you do?

    Satisfied DissatisfiedJan. 2010 84% 16%

    Mar. 2010* 89 11Apr. 2010 89 11May 2010 87 13Aug. 2010 84 15Jan. 2011 * 88 12

    NOTE:Survey asked of those employed.SOURCE:Gallup/USA Today, *Gallup.

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    QUESTION: How satisfied are you with your current job: very satisfied, satisfied, not very satisfied, not satisfied at all?

    Not very Not satisfiedVery satisfied Satisfied satisfied at all

    Feb. 2010 45% 43% 8% 4%

    NOTE:Sample is of employed adults.SOURCE: Marist Poll.

    QUESTION: How satisfied are you with your current job or careervery satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, orvery dissatisfied?

    Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfiedOct.2010 53% 32% 9% 5%Mar. 2011 45 37 10 7Dec. 2011 36 49 10 5

    Note: Asked of those employed full or part time.Source: PSRA/Pew Research Center.

    JOB ANXIETY TODAY:While job satisfaction numbers have remained mostly stable, jobanxiety concerns jumped in some areas in 2009 following the recession. In Gallups August

    2009 poll, for example, 31 percent of employed respondents said they were worried that they

    would be laid off in the near future, double what it was in 2008. The 2009 response representedthe highest level of anxiety since the trend began in 1997. But in 2012, 28 percent worried that

    they would be laid off in the near future.

    Twenty-six percent worried in 2012 that their hours at work would be cut back: 27

    percent worried about that prospect in 2009. Twenty-eight percent in 2012, down from 32percent in 2009, worried that their wages would be reduced.

    There is also worry (40 percent in Gallups 2012 poll) about benefits being reduced,

    although more people were worried about this prospect in 2009 (46 percent). Outsourcingdoesnt appear to be a big worry in Gallups trend question. Only 11 percent in Gallups August

    2012 poll worried that their company would move jobs overseas.

    QUESTION: Next, please indicate whether you are worried about each of the following happening to you, personally, in the nearfuture. How about . . . ?

    That you will be laid off

    Worried Not worriedAug. 1997 20% 80%Aug. 2003 19 81Aug. 2004 20 79Aug. 2005 15 84

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    Aug. 2006 17 82Aug. 2007 14 85Aug. 2008 15 85Aug. 2009 31 68Aug. 2010 26 73

    Aug. 2011 30 70Aug. 2012 28 71

    That your hours at work will be cut back

    Worried Not worriedAug. 1997 15% 85%Aug. 2003 15 84Aug. 2004 14 86Aug. 2005 13 87Aug. 2006 16 83Aug. 2007 12 87Aug. 2008 14 85Aug. 2009 27 72Aug. 2010 25 73

    Aug. 2011 30 69Aug. 2012 26 73

    That your wages will be reduced

    Worried Not worriedAug. 1997 17% 83%Aug. 2003 17 82Aug. 2004 17 83Aug. 2005 14 86Aug. 2006 19 80Aug. 2007 14 86Aug. 2008 16 83Aug. 2009 32 67Aug. 2010 26 74

    Aug. 2011 33 66Aug. 2012 28 71

    That your benefits will be reduced

    Worried Not worriedAug. 1997 34% 66%Aug. 2003 31 67Aug. 2004 28 69Aug. 2005 28 69Aug. 2006 30 67Aug. 2007 29 68Aug. 2008 27 70Aug. 2009 46 52Aug. 2010 39 58

    Aug. 2011 44 54Aug. 2012 40 58

    That your company will move jobs to countries overseas

    Worried Not worriedAug. 2003 9% 89%Aug. 2004 11 89

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    Aug. 2005 12 88Aug. 2006 11 86Aug. 2007 10 88Aug. 2008 8 91Aug. 2009 10 88

    Aug. 2010 9 91Aug. 2011 13 86Aug. 2012 11 87

    NOTE: Sample is employed adults, full or part-time.SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION:Thinking about the next 12 months, how likely is it that you will lose your job or be laid offvery likely, fairly likely,not too likely or not at all likely?

    Very Fairly Not too Not at alllikely likely likely likely

    Jan. 1975 Gallup 3% 10% 28% 55%Apr. 1975 Gallup 5 8 22 63

    Nov. 1979 Gallup 3 8 18 66May 1980 Gallup 6 8 24 60

    Sep. 1980 Gallup 6 9 24 60Jun. 1982 Gallup 7 7 28 54

    Nov. 1982 Gallup 9 9 28 49Apr. 1983 Gallup 8 8 26 55Feb. 1989 Gallup 4 8 35 53Jul. 1990 Gallup 6 6 24 62Mar. 1991 Gallup 5 7 22 65Jul. 1991 Gallup 6 10 25 59Oct. 1991 Gallup 6 10 25 59Dec. 1993 Gallup 5 7 27 60Apr. 1996 Gallup 5 9 34 52Jun. 1997 Gallup 4 6 26 63Dec. 1998 Gallup 6 7 27 60Apr.2001 Gallup 5 7 36 52Sep. 2001 Gallup 7 6 25 62

    Apr. 2006 Gallup 3 7 32 57Apr. 2007 Gallup 4 8 31 57Dec. 2008 ABC/Wash Post 10 11 30 48Feb. 2009* PSRA/Pew 5 16 31 46Mar. 2010* PSRA/Pew 9 15 25 49Mar.Aug. 2010 NORC 8 9 31 52Apr. 2010 Gallup 8 13 40 38Jun. 2011* PSRA/Pew 5 16 29 48Apr. 2012 Gallup 5 10 42 42Apr. 2013 Gallup 6 12 35 45

    NOTE:Samples are employed adults. *For this survey, the category Somewhat likely replaced fairly likely.

    QUESTION: Do you know someone, personally, who has been laid off or fired recently, or not?

    Yes NoOct. 1990 Gallup 50% 49%Oct. 1991 Gallup 50 46Dec. 1993 Gallup 52 47Mar. 1994 Gallup 60 40Apr. 1996 Gallup 58 42Aug. 2001 Gallup 43 57Oct. 2001 Gallup 50 50

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    Nov. 2001 Gallup 54 46Feb. 2002 Gallup 51 49Apr. 2003 Gallup 60 40

    QUESTION: Please tell me whether you are worried or not worried about each of the following happening in the next 12 months

    that you or your spouse will lose a job? Worried Not worriedOct. 1990^ Gallup/Newsweek 20% 79%Oct.Nov. 1991 Gallup 31 65Dec. 1991 Gallup 25 68Jan. 1992 (early) Gallup 36 62Jan. 1992 (late) Gallup/CNN/USA Today 33 64Oct. 1992* Gallup/CNN/USA Today 29 67Jan. 2001 Gallup 19 65Jul. 2001 Gallup 22 77Oct. 2001 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 29 70Jul. 2002 (mid) Gallup/CNN/USA Today 27 70Jul.2002 (late) Gallup/CNN/USA Today 22 73Oct. 2002 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 27 70Dec. 2002 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 24 73

    Jan. 2004 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 21 78Jan. /Feb. 2008 Gallup/USA Today 23 74Jan. 2011 Gallup 30 68Jan. 2012 Gallup 34 63

    NOTE: *Asked of registered voters. ^ Very and somewhat categories combined.

    QUESTION:Which of the following statements apply to you...A member of your family has been laid off or fired recently?

    Applies Doesnt applyOct. 1990 * Gallup/Newsweek 17% 83%Oct. 1991 Gallup 23 77Dec. 1993 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 21 80Mar. 1994 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 25 74Apr. 1996 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 22 77

    NOTE: *Asked of those who know someone who has been laid off or fired.

    QUESTION:Which of the following statements apply to you...You know people outside of your family who have been laid off orfired recently?

    Applies Doesnt applyOct. 1990 * Gallup/Newsweek 50% 49%Oct. 1991 Gallup 50 46Dec. 1993 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 52 47Mar. 1994 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 60 40Apr. 1996 Gallup/CNN/USA Today 58 42

    NOTE: *Asked of those who know someone who has been laid off or fired.

    QUESTION: Thinking now about job opportunities where you live, would you say there are plenty of jobs available in yourcommunity or are jobs difficult to find?

    Plenty of jobs Jobs are difficultavailable to find

    Jan. 1992 US News 12% 79%May 1992 US News 16 77Aug. 1992 US News 15 76Jun. 2001 PSRA/Pew Research Center 42 44

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    Jun. 2002 PSRA/Pew Research Center 31 59Oct. 2003 PSRA/Pew Research Center 24 66Jan. 2004 PSRA/Pew Research Center 27 60Feb. 2004 PSRA/Pew Research Center 31 59Apr. 2004 PSRA/Pew Research Center 30 57

    Aug. 2004 PSRA/Pew Research Center 34 55Sep. 2004 PSRA/Pew Research Center 31 52Jan. 2005 PSRA/Pew Research Center 32 58May 2005 PSRA/Pew Research Center 30 60Oct. 2005 PSRA/Pew Research Center 36 56Jan. 2006 PSRA/Pew Research Center 33 56Mar. 2006 PSRA/Pew Research Center 37 56Dec. 2006 PSRA/Pew Research Center 40 49Feb. 2007 PSRA/Pew Research Center 39 48Jun. 2007 PSRA/Pew Research Center 39 49Sep. 2007 PSRA/Pew Research Center 36 50

    Nov. 2007 PSRA/Pew Research Center 41 48Jan. 2008 PSRA/Pew Research Center 34 53Apr. 2008 PSRA/Pew Research Center 30 61Jul. 2008 PSRA/Pew Research Center 31 58

    Oct. 2008 PSRA/Pew Research Center 25 64Dec. 2008 PSRA/Pew Research Center 19 73Feb. 2009 PSRA/Pew Research Center 11 80Sep.Oct. 2009 PSRA/Pew Research Center 14 79Dec. 2009 ABC/Washington Post 12 84Mar. 2010 PSRA/Pew Research Center 10 85Dec. 2010 PSRA/Pew Research Center 14 79Jun. 2011 PSRA/Pew Research Center 14 79Jul. 2011 ABC/Washington Post 14 82Jan. 2012 PSRA/Pew Research Center 16 78Apr. 2012 ABC/Washington Post 24 70Oct. 2012 * ABC/Washington Post 25 68Apr. 2013 ABC/Washington Post 24 67

    NOTE:*Asked of registered voters.

    QUESTION: How would you rate the financial condition of the company or organization that employs you? Would you say it is inexcellent financial shape, good shape, only fair shape or in poor shape?

    Excellent Good Fair PoorJan. 1992 U.S. News 22% 39% 24% 12%May 1992 U.S. News 25 40 22 11Aug. 1992 U.S. News 23 40 26 9Oct. 1992 U.S. News 27 38 23 10Jun. 2001 PSRA/Pew 31 39 20 7Feb. 2008 PSRA/Pew 30 39 21 6Oct. 2008 PSRA/Pew 22 44 25 5Dec. 2008 PSRA/Pew 20 43 27 8Feb. 2009 PSRA/Pew 15 43 29 10Oct. 2009 PSRA/Pew 18 42 27 10

    Dec. 2010 PSRA/Pew 23 41 27 7Jun. 2011 PSRA/Pew 23 40 25 11

    QUESTION: When you think about your current financial situation, what, if anything, worries you the most?

    Mar. 1995 Mar. 2005 Apr. 2009 Dec. 2009Dont Have Enough Money* 19% 21% 17% 9%Losing Job/Job Stability* 17 11 22 20

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    Health Care Costs 7 11 14 10Retirement/Social Security 6 8 9 6Economy Getting Worse** 6 6 - 3Affordable Housing** - - 7 7

    NOTE: Only top responses shown. *April 2009 survey wording was Afford bills and Job concerns. **December 2009 surveywording was Cant Pay Bills and Worsening Economy and Housing Costs.SOURCE: CBS/New York Times.

    QUESTION: Let me read you several elements relating to the current economy. For each one, please tell me whether it is an area inwhich you feel very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied . . . your current job security?

    -------------------------------------------------Current job security---------------------------------------------------Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

    Jan. 1996 30% 31% 10% 10%Mar. 1996 36 37 14 12Jun. 1996 38 37 12 12Sep. 1996 37 39 10 13Dec. 1996 36 38 13 12Mar. 1997 37 40 12 11

    Jun. 1997 38 36 12 13Sep. 1997 41 37 10 11Dec. 1997 40 38 11 10Dec. 1998 45 33 10 11Apr. 2000* 46 35 9 9Jan. 2009 35 35 14 15Apr. 2009 32 36 13 17Sep. 2009 36 30 16 17Dec. 2009 33 34 14 18Aug. 2010 33 32 15 19Jan. 2011* 35 32 13 18

    NOTE: Asked of employed people. Question wording in 2010 and 2011 was When it comes to your current job security, are youvery satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. *Asked of registered voters.SOURCE: NBC/Wall Street Journal.

    QUESTION: Thinking about the job situation in America today, would you say that it is now a good time or a bad time to find aquality job?

    Good time Bad timeAug. 1998 UConn/Rutgers 69%% 25%Feb. 1999 UConn/Rutgers 70 24Jan. 2000 UConn/Rutgers 76 19Aug. 2000 UConn/Rutgers 78 16Aug. 2001 Gallup 39 56Oct. 2001 Gallup 25 71

    Nov. 2001 Gallup 22 75Dec. 2001 Gallup 25 73Jan. 2002 Gallup 24 73Feb. 2002 Gallup 25 72

    Mar. 2002 Gallup 26 72Apr. 2002 Gallup 29 68May 2002 Gallup 29 67Jun. 2002 Gallup 32 64Jul. 2002 Gallup 26 69Aug. 2002 Gallup 27 68Sep. 2002 Gallup 22 74Oct. 2002 Gallup 23 70

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    Nov. 2002 Gallup 27 69Dec. 2002 Gallup 19 78Jan. 2003 Gallup 20 78Feb. 2003 Gallup 19 79Mar. 2003 Gallup 16 81

    Apr. 2003 Gallup 23 75May2003 Gallup 22 75Jun. 2003 Gallup 22 76Jul. 2003 Gallup 20 78Aug. 2003 Gallup 17 81Sep. 2003 Gallup 19 79Oct. 2003 Gallup 24 74

    Nov. 2003 Gallup 24 73Dec. 2003 Gallup 29 68Jan. 2004 Gallup 31 68Feb. 2004 Gallup 28 70Mar. 2004 Gallup 28 69Apr. 2004 Gallup 30 66May 2004 Gallup 30 67Jun. 2004 Gallup 32 65

    Jul. 2004 Gallup 36 61Aug. 2004 Gallup 33 63Sep. 2004 Gallup 34 61Oct.2004 Gallup 29 67

    Nov. 2004 Gallup 37 60Dec. 2004 Gallup 36 59Jan. 2005 Gallup 33 62Feb. 2005 Gallup 38 59Feb. 2005 Gallup 38 57Mar. 2005 Gallup 39 57Mar. 2005 Gallup 34 61Apr. 2005 Gallup 37 59Apr.2005 Gallup 38 58May 2005 Gallup 38 59May 2005 Gallup 39 58

    Jun. 2005 Gallup 35 62Jun. 2005 Gallup 40 56Jul. 2005 Gallup 39 58Jul. 2005 Gallup 35 61Aug. 2005 Gallup 39 58Aug. 2005 Gallup 36 58Sep. 2005 Gallup 38 59Sep. 2005 Gallup 38 56Oct. 2005 Gallup 35 62Oct. 2005 Gallup 37 58

    Nov. 2005 Gallup 37 59Nov. 2005 Gallup 42 56Dec. 2005 Gallup 36 60Dec. 2005 Gallup 40 56Jan. 2006 Gallup 41 55

    Feb. 2006 Gallup 40 56Mar. 2006 Gallup 41 55Apr. 2006 Gallup 41 53May 2006 Gallup 42 52Jun. 2006 Gallup 41 53Jul. 2006 Gallup 42 51Aug. 2006 Gallup 42 53Sep. 2006 Gallup 41 54

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    Oct. 2006 Gallup 40 54Nov. 2006 Gallup 41 53Dec. 2006 Gallup 44 50Jan 2007 Gallup 48 47Feb. 2007 Gallup 45 50

    Mar. 2007 Gallup 45 49Apr. 2007 Gallup 46 49May 2007 Gallup 47 50Jun. 2007 Gallup 43 53Jul. 2007 Gallup 43 50Aug. 2007 Gallup 42 51Sep. 2007 Gallup 39 55Oct. 2007 Gallup 39 56

    Nov. 2007 Gallup 38 55Dec. 2007 Gallup 35 57Jan. 2008 Gallup 33 60Feb. 2008 Gallup 26 71Mar. 2008 Gallup 26 69Apr. 2008 Gallup 20 75May 2008 Gallup 23 73

    Jun. 2008 Gallup 21 74Jul. 2008 Gallup 19 76Aug. 2008 Gallup 20 75Sep. 2008 Gallup 20 76Oct. 2008 Gallup 14 82

    Nov. 2008 Gallup 12 86Dec. 2008 Gallup 10 88Jan. 2009 Gallup 13 86Feb. 2009 Gallup 9 90Mar. 2009 Gallup 9 90Apr. 2009 Gallup 10 89May 2009 Gallup 9 89Jun. 2009 Gallup 11 86Jul. 2009 Gallup 11 87Aug. 2009 Gallup 9 90

    Aug.Sep. 2009 Gallup 10 87Oct. 2009 Gallup 10 88

    Nov. 2009 Gallup 8 89Dec. 2009 Gallup 9 89Jan. 2010 Gallup 9 90Feb. 2010 Gallup 11 88Mar. 2010 Gallup 10 88Apr. 2010 Gallup 11 88May 2010 Gallup 12 86Jun. 2010 Gallup 13 85Jul. 2010 Gallup 12 85Aug. 2010 Gallup 10 88Sep. 2010 Gallup 10 88Oct. 2010 Gallup 9 88

    Nov. 2010 Gallup 11 86

    Dec. 2010 Gallup 13 84Jan. 2011 Gallup 13 84Feb. 2011 Gallup 12 86Mar. 2011 Gallup 13 83Apr. 2011 Gallup 17 81May. 2011 Gallup 15 82Jun. 2011 Gallup 11 86Jul. 2011 Gallup 10 88

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    Aug. 2011 Gallup 13 86Sep. 2011 Gallup 9 89Oct. 2011 Gallup 10 88

    Nov. 2011 Gallup 8 90Dec. 2011 Gallup 12 87

    Jan. 2012 Gallup 15 81Feb. 2012 Gallup 13 85Mar. 2012 Gallup 19 78Apr. 2012 Gallup 21 77May 2012 Gallup 19 80Jun. 2012 Gallup 20 78Jul. 2012 Gallup 17 81Aug. 2012 Gallup 17 81Sep. 2012 Gallup 20 76Oct. 2012 Gallup 22 73

    Nov. 2012 Gallup 24 73Dec. 2012 Gallup 19 76Jan. 2013 Gallup 25 70Feb. 2013 Gallup 23 73Mar. 2013 Gallup 22 74

    Apr. 2013 Gallup 26 71

    NOTE: Asked of national adults.

    QUESTION:If you were to lose your job, how likely is it that you would find a job just as good as the one you have nowverylikely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely?

    Very Somewhat Not too Not at alllikely likely likely likely

    Feb. 2001 Gallup 35% 29% 24% 11%Apr. 2001 Gallup 37 33 23 7Apr. 2006 Gallup 29 31 23 16Apr. 2007 Gallup 34 30 21 15Apr. 2010 Gallup 16 26 30 27

    Very Somewhat Not very Not likelylikely likely likely at all

    Dec. 2008 ABC/Wash Post 22% 31% 23% 23%

    NOTE:Asked of those who work full time or part time. ABC/Wash Postwording was If you were to lose your job, how likely isit that you would find another job just as good as the one you have nowvery likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not atall likely?

    QUESTION: All things considered, which of the following aspects of your job will you be most concerned about in the comingmonths?

    Keeping your job Your salary Your work hours None of the aboveAug. 2001* 17% 35% 36% 12%Aug. 2004 21 37 31 11

    NOTE: *Question asked if you were concerned about maintaining your employment instead of your job. No new results since

    2004.SOURCE: AP/Ipsos.

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    QUESTION: Now looking ahead at the next six months. How likely is it that you, someone in your family or someone else youknow personally will lose their job in the next six months as a result of economic conditions? Extremely likely, very likely,somewhat likely, not very likely, not at all likely?

    Extremely Very Somewhat Not very Not at all

    likely likely likely likely likelyJan. 2002 IPSOS-Reid 7% 12% 30% 32% 1%Feb. 2002 IPSOS-Reid 7 13 31 32 1Mar. 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 7 12 29 33 18Apr. 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 7 11 28 34 18May 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 6 11 28 35 19Jun. 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 7 13 30 31 18Jul. 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 8 11 32 31 17Aug. 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 8 11 31 31 18Sep. 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 8 12 29 29 20Oct. 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 9 13 31 30 16

    Nov. 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 9 13 30 30 15Dec. 2002 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 8 14 30 31 14Jan. 2003 IPSOS-Reid 8 14 30 30 16Feb. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 9 13 30 28 17

    Mar. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 9 13 28 29 17Apr. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 8 13 29 31 17May 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 8 13 30 32 15Jun. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 7 12 32 31 17Jul. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 7 15 32 29 15Aug. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 8 13 32 30 16Sep. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 8 13 32 28 17Oct. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 7 12 31 30 18

    Nov. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 7 12 30 30 19Dec. 2003 IPSOS-Reid/Cook 7 11 32 32 17Jan. 2004 AP/Ipsos 7 12 29 33 17Feb. 2004 AP/Ipsos 8 12 28 31 20Mar. 2004 AP/Ipsos 6 13 30 31 19May 2004 AP/Ipsos 8 13 31 29 18Jun. 2004 AP/Ipsos 8 10 29 31 21

    Jul. 2004 AP/Ipsos 6 11 28 34 20Aug. 2004 AP/Ipsos 6 12 30 33 18Sep. 2004 AP/Ipsos 7 9 28 33 23Oct. 2004 AP/Ipsos 6 10 30 37 16

    Nov. 2004 AP/Ipsos 8 11 27 31 22Jan. 2005 AP/Ipsos 6 12 31 32 18Feb. 2005 AP/Ipsos 6 13 29 32 19Mar. 2005 AP/Ipsos 9 10 26 34 20Apr. 2005 AP/Ipsos 7 12 26 31 22May 2005 AP/Ipsos 6 13 26 33 21Jun. 2005 RBC/Ipsos 7 12 29 30 21Jul. 2005 RBC/Ipsos 6 12 31 31 18Aug. 2005 RBC/Ipsos 8 11 29 34 17Sep. 2005 RBC/Ipsos 7 12 29 32 18Oct. 2005 RBC/Ipsos 7 10 29 31 21

    Nov. 2005 RBC/Ipsos 7 11 24 35 22Dec. 2005 RBC/Ipsos 8 13 26 31 21Jan. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 8 11 32 32 15Feb. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 8 11 27 33 20Mar. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 7 12 26 33 21Apr. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 6 11 29 33 20May 2006 RBC/Ipsos 9 13 27 30 20Jun. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 6 10 26 34 23

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    Jul. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 7 8 29 33 22Aug. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 4 10 31 33 20Sep. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 6 12 27 31 23

    Nov. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 7 10 27 33 21Dec. 2006 RBC/Ipsos 6 10 27 36 20

    Jan. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 5 11 25 34 24Feb. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 5 8 28 34 23Mar. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 8 11 25 31 23May 2007 RBC/Ipsos 8 10 24 35 21Jun. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 4 10 29 32 23Jul. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 6 12 30 30 20Aug. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 5 12 25 33 23Sep. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 6 11 32 29 20Oct. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 5 12 26 33 21

    Nov. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 8 11 29 29 21Dec. 2007 RBC/Ipsos 5 10 32 33 18Jan. 2008 RBC/Ipsos 6 12 32 29 18Feb. 2008 RBC/Ipsos 8 16 30 26 19Mar. 2008 RBC/Ipsos 7 14 33 28 15Apr. 2008 RBC/Ipsos 6 14 32 28 17

    May 2008 RBC/Ipsos 7 17 33 23 17Jun. 2008 RBC/Ipsos 8 18 29 28 14Jul. 2008 RBC/Ipsos 9 15 31 28 14Sep.2008 RBC/Ipsos 8 15 30 27 19Oct. 2008 RBC/Ipsos 11 18 35 21 14

    Nov. 2008 RBC/Ipsos 9 18 34 24 12Dec. 2008 RBC/Ipsos 11 21 35 19 10Jan. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 11 22 33 21 10Feb. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 15 27 33 18 5Mar. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 14 25 37 15 7Apr. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 13 24 36 16 9May 2009 RBC/Ipsos 11 21 36 19 10Jun. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 15 21 35 18 9Jul. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 11 20 40 17 9Jul.-Aug. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 12 22 36 18 9

    Sep. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 12 24 35 19 7Oct. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 11 18 36 25 9

    Nov. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 9 20 41 21 8Dec. 2009 RBC/Ipsos 13 16 38 22 9Jan. 2010 RBC/Ipsos 9 16 37 26 11Feb. 2010 RBC/Ipsos 9 16 44 21 8Mar. 2010 RBC/Ipsos 8 18 37 26 10

    QUESTION: How concerned are you that in the next 12 months you or someone else in your household might be out of work andlooking for a jobvery concerned, somewhat concerned, or not concerned at all?

    Not concernedVery concerned Somewhat concerned at all

    Oct. 2002 CBS News/NYT 31% 20% 48%Apr. 2004 CBS News/NYT 33 25 41

    Jun. 2004 CBS News/NYT 28 27 45Sep. 2004 CBS News/NYT 30 26 44Oct. 2004 CBS News/NYT 22 24 53Jun. 2005 CBS News/NYT 20 18 61Dec. 2005 CBS News/NYT 21 25 53Jan. 2006 CBS News/NYT 22 27 51Feb. 2008 CBS News/NYT 29 27 43Mar.Apr. 2008 CBS News/NYT 28 26 45

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    Aug. 2008 CBS News/NYT 24 25 50Sep. 2008 CBS News/NYT 21 23 56Oct. 2008 CBS News/NYT 23 28 49Late Oct. 2008 CBS News/NYT 35 26 38Dec. 2008 CBS News 33 26 39

    Jan. 2009 CBS News/NYT 30 32 38Feb. 2009 CBS News 44 28 27Late Feb. 2009 CBS News/NYT 38 26 35Mar. 2009 CBS News 30 30 39Apr. 2009 CBS News/NYT 44 26 30Apr. 2226, 2009 CBS News/NYT 32 26 42June 1216, 2009 CBS News/NYT 36 28 35Jul. 2009 CBS News/NYT 40 29 30Jul. 2009 CBS News/NYT 36 26 38Sep. 2009 CBS News/NYT 30 28 42Dec. 2009 CBS News 29 34 33Feb. 2010 CBS News/NYT 31 26 41Mar. 2010 CBS 35 24 41Apr. 2010 (early) CBS News/NYT 36 26 37Apr. 2010 (late) CBS/NYT 34 30 35

    May 2010 CBS 28 26 45Jun. 2010 CBS/NYT 32 25 41Jul. 2010 CBS 31 29 39Aug. 2010 CBS 40 30 29Oct. 2010 (early) CBS 35 29 36Oct. 2010 (late) CBS/NYT 36 26 38Jan. 2011 (early) CBS/NYT 37 25 37Jan. 2011 (mid) CBS/NYT 41 25 34Feb. 2011 CBS/NYT 33 26 40Mar. 2011 CBS/NYT 31 27 41Jun. 2011 (early) CBS 30 25 44Jun. 2011 (late) CBS/NYT 31 29 39Sep. 2011 (early) CBS/NYT 38 25 37Sep. 2011(late) CBS/NYT 36 30 34Oct. 2011 CBS/NYT 75 18 6

    Dec. 2011 CBS 32 27 40Jan. 2012 (early) CBS 34 28 38Jan. 2012 (mid) CBS/NYT 36 28 35Feb. 2012 CBS/NYT 38 27 35Jul. 2012 CBS/NYT 39 27 33Aug. 2012 CBS 33 29 37Sep. 2012 CBS/NYT 36 25 37Dec. 2012 CBS 30 26 43Feb. 2013 CBS 34 24 41Mar. 2013 CBS 32 31 36Jun. 2013 CBS/NYT 32 29 38

    QUESTION: Do you, personally, know anyone who has been laid off or lost their job within the last six months, or not?

    Yes No

    Apr. 2003 63% 37%Apr. 2004 60 40Apr. 2005 55 45Apr. 2006 53 46Apr. 2007 50 50Apr. 2008 54 46Apr. 2012 68 31

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

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    QUESTION: As far as you know, in the past six months, has your employer laid off any employees, or not?

    Yes, has No, has notAug. 2003 34% 64%Aug. 2004 26 72

    Aug. 2005 27 71Aug. 2007 22 73Aug. 2008 30 67

    NOTE:Samples are employed adults.SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION: How likely is it that you or someone in your household will lose a job or be laid off in the next 12 months? Would

    you sayvery likely, fairly likely, fairly unlikely, or very unlikely?

    Very likely Fairly likely Fairly unlikely Very unlikelyFeb. 2003 9% 11% 25% 53%Jun. 2003 10 12 21 53Jul. 2003 9 12 22 55Oct. 2003 9 11 22 55

    Dec. 2003 7 10 24 57Jan. 2004 8 8 24 58Feb. 2004 9 11 20 56May 2004 7 12 21 56Jun. 2004 12 10 20 57Jul. 2004 10 10 20 58Aug. 2004 9 10 21 56Sep. 2004 8 9 20 60

    SOURCE: TIPP/Investors Business Daily/Christian Science Monitor Poll.

    QUESTION: I am going to read to you a series of statements about your job. For each series, please tell me which statement comescloser to your own viewsA or B. Statement A: I want to keep my present job, even though I believe I could earn better pay and

    benefits in another job. Statement B: I would like to have a different job, but I dont think I would be able to earn the pay andbenefits I get in my present job.

    Like different job more Keep present job moreFeb. 2004 53% 31%

    SOURCE: Zogby International/Public Service Research Foundation.

    QUESTION: Thinking back over the last five years, which, if any, of the following have happened to you personally?

    Aug. 2005Yes No

    You were given a promotion 42% 58%You left a job to work for a different company 41 59You changed careers or made a significant change

    in the type of work you do for a living 32 68Your benefits were reduced 30 69

    Your wages were reduced 19 81You were laid off from a job 15 85You were fired from a job 7 93

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

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    QUESTION: How secure do you feel in your current job?

    Very secure Fairly secure Not very secure Not at all secureJul. 2007 Zogby International 48% 21% 4% 6%Aug. 2007 Zogby International 47 18 3 4

    Sep. 2007 Zogby International 44 20 3 3Oct. 2007 Zogby International 45 20 5 2Nov. 2007 Zogby International 45 20 4 5Dec. 2007 Zogby International 48 17 3 1Jan. 2008 Zogby International 43 21 7 6Feb. 2008 Zogby International 50 23 5 6Mar. 2008 Zogby International 41 20 7 8Apr. 2008 Zogby International 48 17 4 5May 2008 Zogby International 42 24 3 6Jun. 2008 Zogby International 43 21 5 4Jul. 2008 Zogby International 43 22 5 4Aug. 2008 Zogby International 42 19 6 6Sep. 2008 Zogby International 44 20 5 3Oct. 2008 Zogby International 42 24 6 7

    Nov. 2008 Zogby International 37 26 3 4

    Dec. 2008 Zogby International 37 23 6 8

    NOTE: Asked of the employed.

    QUESTION: If you were to lose your job, how likely is it that you would find another job just as good as the one you have now-very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely?

    Very Fairly Not very Not at allsecure secure secure secure No job

    Aug. 2007 44% 20% 3% 3% 30%

    NOTE: Asked of the employed.SOURCE: Zogby International.

    QUESTION: In the past couple of years would you say you have felt more secure and confident that you can continue in your job

    as long as you want, or less secure and confident, or has there been no change?

    More Less No changeMar. 2008 CBS/NYT 21% 35% 43%Jan. 2009 CBS/NYT 15 36 48Feb. 2009 CBS/NYT 24 33 42Dec. 2009 CBS/NYT 20 39 40Jul. 2010* CBS 14 37 47

    NOTE:Asked of those currently employed full or part time. *Question wording was In the last 12 months would you say youhave felt more secure and confident that you can continue in your job as long as you want, or less secure and confident, or hasthere been no change?

    QUESTION: Please tell me whether you are very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not confident at all abouteach of the following? The chances that your current employer will not have to lay you off in the next six months.

    Very Somewhat Not too Not confidentconfident confident confident at all

    Mar. 2008 69% 16% 10% 5%Mar. 2009 57 29 9 3May 2009 60 23 8 7


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    QUESTION: Over the next year, do you think the job market in your area will get better, get worse, or stay about the same?

    Better Worse The sameDec. 2008 CBS 17% 41% 41%

    Dec. 2009 CBS/NYT 39 18 41Jul. 2010 CBS 28 14 56Feb. 2011 CBS 28 12 56Dec. 2012 CBS 35 15 46Mar. 2013 CBS 31 16 48Jun. 2013 CBS/NYT 33 13 51

    NOTE: *Asked of a half sample.

    QUESTION:Thinking of the last 6 months, that is since _____ of this year, have you or someone in your family lost a job as aresult of economic conditions, or not?

    Yes (self lost job) Yes (someone in family) NoFeb. 2009 AP-GfK 10% 25% 65%Apr. 2009 AP-GfK 8 25 62

    MayJun. 2009 AP-GfK 7 21 70July 2009 AP-GfK 8 21 65Sep. 2009 AP-GfK 5 26 65Oct. 2009 AP-GfK 8 20 70

    Nov. 2009 AP-GfK 9 21 66Dec. 2009 AP-GfK 9 22 66Jan. 2010 AP-GfK 7 28 63Mar. 2010 AP-GfK 8 23 67Apr. 2010 AP-GfK 6 23 69May 2010 AP-GfK/Univision 8 21 69June 2010 AP-GfK 7 29 61Aug. 2010 AP-GfK 6 25 67Sep. 2010 AP-GfK 6 25 68Oct. 2010 AP-GfK 7 16 76

    Nov. 2010 AP-GfK 6 18 72

    Jan. 2011 AP-GfK 8 27 62Mar. 2011 AP-GfK 6 22 70May 2011 AP-GfK 7 23 67Jun. 2011 AP-GfK 6 18 74Jul. 2011 AP-GfK 6 18 74Aug. 2011 AP-GfK 5 25 69Oct. 2011 AP-GfK 8 18 72Dec. 2011 AP-GfK 5 19 75Feb. 2012 AP-GfK 4 20 75

    QUESTION:Thinking of the last 6 months, that is since _______ of this year, has someone you know personally, other than afamily member, lost a job as a result of economic conditions or not?

    Yes NoFeb. 2009 AP-GfK 65% 35%

    Apr. 2009 AP-GfK 67 33MayJun. 2009 AP-GfK 60 39July 2009 AP-GfK 64 34Sep. 2009 AP-GfK 66 32Oct. 2009 AP-GfK 65 34

    Nov. 2009 AP-GfK 66 34Dec. 2009 AP-GfK 69 30Jan. 2010 AP-GfK 71 29

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    Mar. 2010 AP-GfK 64 35Apr. 2010 AP-GfK 64 36May 2010 AP-GfK 63 36Jun. 2010 AP-GfK 70 29Aug. 2010 AP-GfK 65 35

    Sep. 2010 Ap-GfK 65 35Oct. 2010 Ap-GfK 54 46Nov. 2010 Ap-GfK 55 44Jan. 2011 Ap-GfK 65 35Mar. 2011 Ap-GfK 60 40May 2011 Ap-GfK 62 38Jun. 2011 Ap-GfK 57 43Jul. 2011 Ap-GfK 57 43Aug. 2011 Ap-Gfk 60 40Oct. 2011 Ap-Gfk 59 41Dec. 2011 Ap-Gfk 58 42Feb. 2012 Ap-Gfk 54 46

    QUESTION: If you or someone living in your household were to lose a job, how likely is it that you would find another job that isjust as goodvery likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely?

    Very Somewhat Not too Not at alllikely likely likely likely

    Feb. 2009 Kaiser 13% 30% 31% 23%

    NOTE:Asked of those with someone in the household employed.QUESTION: How likely do you think it is that the following thing will happen to you in the next 12 months?...Very likely,somewhat likely, not too likely, not at all likelyA family member will lose a job?

    Very likely Somewhat likely Not too unlikely Not at all likelyOct. 2009 13% 27% 27% 31%

    SOURCE: AP/Stanford University/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/GfK.

    QUESTION: How likely do you think it is that you or someone in your household will _______ in the next twelve months

    extremely likely, very likely, just somewhat likely, or not that likely?

    JustExtremely Very somewhat Not That

    Have their overtime hours orbonus reduced

    Dec. 2009 14% 15% 17% 35%Have to take a lower-paying job

    Dec. 2009 12 10 19 47Have their wages cut

    Dec. 2009 10 10 20 46Lose their job

    Sep. 1991* 8 10 21 58Dec. 2001 8 7 20 64Jan. 2002 6 7 18 67

    Oct. 2002** 6 6 17 69May 2003 8 8 17 65Dec. 2009 8 7 18 54

    SOURCE: NBC/Wall Street Journal.

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    QUESTION: How would you rate the job market in your area these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad?

    Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very badJul. 2010 CBS 2% 25% 39% 32 %Feb. 2011 CBS 3 30 35 28

    Dec. 2012 CBS 5 39 32 20Mar. 2013 CBS 5 37 34 20Jun. 2013 CBS/NYT 5 41 29 22

    NOTE: *Asked of a half sample.

    QUESTION: Do you feel your job is secure, that if you do good work you will be able to keep it as long as you want, or dont youfeel this way? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?

    Strongly have Somewhat have Somewhat dont Strongly dont havejob security job security have job security job security

    Jan. 2011 62% 14% 8% 14%

    NOTE:Asked of those employed full time or part time.SOURCE: Washington Post/Kaiser/Harvard Race and Recession Survey.

    QUESTION: Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about the job market in your area these days?

    Optimistic PessimisticJun. 2011 CBS 50% 45%

    QUESTION: How secure do you feel that you can continue in your job as long as you want very secure, somewhat secure, notvery secure, or not at all secure?

    Not NotVery Somewhat very at all

    Oct. 2011 CBS/NYT 49% 39% 8% 4%Apr. 2012 CBS/NYT 53 33 8 6May 2012 CBS/NYT 53 33 7 8

    NOTE:Asked of employed Americans. National adult re-interviewed. The respondents were first interviewed for a CBSNews/NYTpoll conducted in April of 2012.

    QUESTION:In the past couple of years, as a result of economic conditions, have your salary or wages been reduced, or not?

    Yes NoOct. 2011^ CBS/NYT 27% 73%Apr. 2012^ CBS/NYT 34 66

    May 2012* CBS/NYT 29% 71%

    NOTE: Sample of national adults working. ^Including an oversample of those unemployed who are looking for work. *Nationaladult re-interviewed. The respondents were first interviewed for a CBS News/New York Times poll conducted in April 2012.

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    SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF WORK: What people want in their jobs hasnt changedmuch over time. Work that is important and gives a feeling of accomplishment tops the list. In1973, the Roper Organization began asking people about specific aspects of their jobs. Gallup

    and the Wall Street Journalfollowed in 1989 and 1996, respectively. The responses are shownbelow.

    People are most satisfied with their coworkers, but they are generally satisfied with many

    other aspects of their jobs. In 2013, for example, 51 percent told Gallup interviewers they were

    completely satisfied with their job security, and another 31 percent pronounced themselvessomewhat satisfied. Gallup reported in 2013 that 38 percent are completely satisfied (and 27

    percent somewhat satisfied) with their chances for promotion.

    Satisfaction with earnings is generally lower. Perhaps because they were happy to have

    a job, more workers in Gallups 2010 question were completely satisfied with the amount ofmoney they earned than in 2009. Thirty-one percent were satisfied in 2010 compared to 26

    percent in 2009. In 2013, 29 percent were completely satisfied with the amount of money they

    earned.Like the rat race many years ago, the time crunch and stress have captured the

    popular imagination. Surveys show that for most workers, media portrayals of job stress may be

    overstated. In Gallups 2013 data, 28 percent are completely satisfied with the amount of stress

    in their jobs, and another 39 percent are somewhat satisfied. In 1991, the first year this questionwas asked, 17 percent said they were completely satisfied and 44 percent somewhat satisfied

    with the amount of on the job stress. Not surprisingly, parents of young children have concerns

    in this area. The Pew Researchs latest reportModern Parenthood from March 2013 includessome of these questions.

    In 1988, in a Roper GfK-NOP question not included here, 21 percent said they had taken

    work home in the past month. In 1998, that proportion was 22 percent. In 2001, 24 percent told

    Roper interviewers they had done work-related activity during leisure time in the past month.

    In a 2001 ABC News question, 26 percent indicated that having to work too hard was aproblem that they personally had, while 72 percent said it was not.In Gallups 2013 asking, 67

    percent were satisfied with the amount of on-the-job-stress in your job.Stress, like other variables in this analysis, often tends to reflect ones place in the life

    cycle. Two-earner couples or single parents with young children are more likely to experience

    stress than are two-earner couples with adult children for example.

    QUESTION: Would you please look at this card and tell me which one thing on this list you would most prefer in a job? (b) Whichcomes next? (c) Which is third most important? (d) Which is fourth most important ... high income, no danger of being fired,

    working hours are short/lots of free time, chances for advancement, work important and gives a feeling of accomplishment?

    Feeling of Chances No danger for Short hours/accomplishment high income advancement of being fired Lots of free time

    1973 52% 19% 18% 7% 5%1974 51 19 18 8 51976 50 20 18 8 41977 47 21 20 8 4

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    1980 52 20 19 6 31982 43 26 17 10 31984 51 19 19 8 31985 48 19 22 7 31987 50 22 18 6 4

    1988 49 21 20 7 31989 53 21 17 5 31990 52 21 18 6 31991 50 24 16 6 41993 51 20 17 9 41994 49 23 18 8 22006 40 24 20 11 5

    SOURCE: National Opinion Research Center.


    QUESTION:Now Ill read a list of job characteristics. For each, please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with yourcurrent job in this regard. First, are you completely satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or completely

    dissatisfied with...? (Gallup)QUESTION: Regardless of how satisfied you are overall with the kind of work you do, you may feel differently about variousaspects of it. Here is a list of some of the things. Would you read down that list, and for each one, would you tell me whether youare completely satisfied with it, fairly well satisfied, not too satisfied, or not at all satisfied with it? (Roper GfK-NOP)QUESTION: Let me read you several elements relating to the current economy. For each one, please tell me whether it is an area inwhich you feel very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied. (NBC/ WSJ)QUESTION: Im going to read you a list of characteristics of your job. For each one, please tell me if you are very satisfied,somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with that aspect of your job. (AP/Ipsos-Reid)

    Gallup------------------------------------------Job Security--------------------------------------

    Completely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1989 45% 42% 8% 3%1991 35 44 12 7

    1993 46 33 9 111998 52 35 6 61999 48 33 11 72001 54 30 8 72002 55 30 7 72003 48 35 7 82004 54 28 11 62005 52 31 9 72006 55 29 10 52007 56 31 6 62008 55 31 8 52009 50 30 10 82010 51 33 7 72011 49 33 10 82012 49 34 10 5

    2013 51 31 11 6

    Your job securityknowing you have a job as long as you want itCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1991 32% 43% 13% 8%1994 33 43 15 71996 34 40 14 10

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    1999 37 39 14 82001 38 44 12 5

    SOURCE: Roper GfK-NOP.

    Your current job security Very Somewhat Somewhat Verysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    Mar. 1996 36% 37% 14% 12%June 1996 38 37 12 12Sep. 1996 37 39 10 13Dec. 1996 36 38 13 12Mar. 1997 37 40 12 11June 1997 38 36 12 13Sep. 1997 41 37 10 11Dec. 1997 40 38 11 10Dec. 1998 45 33 10 11May 2000 46 35 9 9Jan. 2001 49 33 8 9Jan. 2009 35 35 14 15

    Apr. 2009 32 36 13 17Jul. 2009 30 30 15 24Sep. 2009 36 30 16 17Dec. 2009 33 34 14 18Aug. 2010 33 32 15 19Sep. 2010 35 29 15 20Jan. 2011 35 32 13 18

    SOURCE: NBC and The Wall Street Journal.


    Your chances for promotionCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1989 29% 38% 19% 6%1991 20 40 18 111998 30 37 16 131999 32 32 15 122001 32 30 12 132002 35 30 14 112003 35 27 15 132004 40 30 11 92005 28 32 18 82006 37 25 15 112007 39 29 11 102008 35 33 12 72009 40 26 13 92010 40 28 10 112011 39 26 12 14

    2012 33 31 12 112013 38 27 13 13

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

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    The chances it offers to move upCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1973 29% 35% 16% 16%1976 28 28 19 18

    1979 25 29 21 201980 27 32 21 171983 26 32 21 181988 24 36 20 131991 22 40 21 121994 20 38 25 121996 21 37 24 141999 23 34 26 132001 23 40 23 9

    SOURCE: Roper GfK-NOP.

    Your opportunities for career advancementCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    Mar. 1996 22% 39% 20% 16%June 1996 23 37 20 18Sep. 1996 21 39 21 17Dec. 1996 19 46 18 16Mar. 1997 22 37 23 16June 1997 23 41 17 17Sep. 1997 23 38 18 18Dec. 1997 23 40 20 15Dec. 1998 32 40 14 12May 2000 32 37 15 14

    SOURCE: NBC and The Wall Street Journal.

    Your opportunities for advancementVery Somewhat Neither satisfied Somewhat Very

    satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfiedAug. 2004 36% 39% -- 13% 11%Mar. 2011* 16 22 22 16 14

    NOTE: *Source is AP/ Asked of those employed full or part-time.

    QUESTION: I am going to read to you a series of statements about your job. For each series, please tell me which statement comescloser to your own viewsA or B. Statement A: I believe that there is opportunity for advancement in my present job. StatementB: I am in a dead-end job. There is no opportunity to move up.

    Opportunity for Dead-end jobadvancement no opportunity to move-up

    Feb. 2004 64% 31%

    SOURCE: Zogby International/Public Service Research Foundation.


    The amount of money you earnCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1989 16% 56% 19% 8%

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    1991 13 53 23 101998 21 48 19 111999 23 47 16 142001 24 46 18 122002 27 43 18 12

    2003 28 46 17 82004 28 46 16 102005 25 46 19 102006 31 44 15 92007 29 46 15 102008 28 45 17 102009 26 45 14 142010 31 43 15 112011 29 41 16 142012 30 41 19 92013 29 40 16 14

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    The income it provides

    Completely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1973 21% 53% 17% 9%1976 26 48 18 71979 20 48 21 101980 23 48 21 81983 22 47 22 81988 17 56 21 41991 22 54 18 51994 18 53 23 61996 19 51 21 81999 19 54 19 72001 23 56 17 4

    SOURCE: Roper GfK-NOP.The benefits it provides (health and medical insurance, life insurance, pension plan, etc.)

    Completely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1973 32% 34% 11% 18%1976 33 31 14 181979 33 32 12 201980 32 35 14 151983 32 30 17 191988 28 37 15 161991 28 38 17 141994 27 35 18 171996 25 35 19 181999 26 38 17 162001 29 37 19 13

    SOURCE: Roper GfK-NOP.

    The health insurance benefits your employer offersCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1989 32% 39% 14% 9%1999 33 30 14 142001 36 27 11 152002 36 28 12 14

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    2003 34 34 11 112004 39 26 9 142005 27 33 11 162006 31 27 13 132007 36 28 10 13

    2008 40 28 8 112009 43 24 8 152010 39 26 9 152011 35 23 12 182012 35 22 13 182013 35 25 11 19

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    The health insurance benefits offered by your employerVery Somewhat Somewhat Very

    satisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfiedAug. 2004 34% 30% 11% 17%

    SOURCE: AP/Ipsos

    The retirement plan your employer offersCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1999 31% 30% 10% 19%2001 31 34 8 162002 29 33 10 162003 35 31 9 142004 36 28 10 132005 27 31 9 182006 31 31 12 112007 32 30 9 142008 34 26 11 142009 35 26 9 192010 33 30 11 14

    2011 34 26 8 202012 33 26 11 162013 33 28

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    The retirement benefits offered by your employerVery Somewhat Neither Satisfied Somewhat Very

    satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfiedAug. 2004 34% 29% -- 12% 18%Aug. 2011* 17 22 21 12 11

    NOTE: *Source is AP/

    QUESTION: Does your employer offer any health insurance benefits with your job, or not?

    Yes NoJun.Jul. 2006 68% 16%

    NOTE: Sample is employed adults. Sixteen percent said they were self employed.SOURCE: PSRA/Pew Research Center.

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    QUESTION: Do you feel you are paid fairly for the work you do, or not?

    Yes NoAug. 2004 71% 29%

    SOURCE: AP/Ipsos.

    QUESTION:Do you think you are paid more than you are worth, less than you are worth, or about what you are worth?

    More than worth A lot less than worth A little less than worthMay 2008 4% 23% 34%

    NOTE: Survey asked of working adults.Source: Center for Survey Research and Analysis and the John J. Heldrich Center at Rutgers.

    QUESTION:In general, would you say that your company or place of work is understaffed, with too few employees for the amountof work that needs to be done, has about the right number of employees, or is overstaffed, with too many employees for theamount of work that needs to be done?

    Understaffed Right number of employees Overstaffed

    Aug. 2010 Gallup 38% 52% 8%

    NOTE: Asked of adults who are employed full or part time.


    Your relations with co-workers

    Completely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied1999 67% 27% 2% 1%2001 64 28 3 22002 66 28 2 22003 68 29 1 12004 74 22 -- 12005 69 25 3 *2006 67 26 2 12007 74 20 1 12008 69 27 1 *2009 69 24 2 12010 70 24 2 12011 68 24 2 22012 69 25 2 3

    2013 70 24 2 1

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    The kind of people you work withCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1973 50% 40% 6% 3%

    In May 2001, when Roper GfK-NOP asked All things considered, would you say the employee benefits offered by theorganization you work for are better than they were 5 years ago, or worse, or about the same now as they were 5 yearsago. 27 percent said they were better, 9 percent worse and 52 percent the same. In 1991, the responses were 22, 15 and 48

    percent respectively.

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    1976 52 38 6 21979 50 42 5 21980 45 46 7 11983 48 43 6 21988 41 49 6 2

    1991 41 49 5 21994 37 49 10 21996 37 50 9 31999 40 46 9 42001 39 50 8 2

    SOURCE: Roper GfK-NOP.

    Your relationships with your co-workersVery Somewhat Neither Satisfied Somewhat Very

    satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfiedAug. 2004 69% 25% -- 3% 1%Mar. 2011* 37 34 15 7 2

    NOTE: *Source is AP/


    The amount of work that is required of you

    Completely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1993 47% 35% 13% 5%1998 45 40 11 41999 46 35 12 62001 47 35 13 52002 51 36 9 42003 50 31 13 62004 53 33 10 42005 49 36 11 4

    2006 52 36 8 42007 54 34 7 42008 50 37 10 32009 54 30 8 72010 55 30 9 62011 53 30 10 72012 49 32 13 62013 51 34 9 4

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION:Please tell me whether you are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, somewhatdissatisfied, or very dissatisfied withthe total numberof hours that you work each week.

    Very Somewhat Neither satisfied Somewhat Very

    satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfiedMay 2008 46% 37% 4% 8% 5%

    Nov. 2009 37 35 4 16 7

    NOTE: Survey asked of those employed.Source: John J. Heldrich Center at Rutgers/Abt SRBI.

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    The amount of vacation time you receiveCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1991 35% 43% 12% 7%1993 50 22 13 13

    1998 47 34 9 91999 50 30 9 92001 52 25 9 92002 50 25 11 112003 53 26 9 82004 52 27 9 82005 47 28 11 112006 54 27 7 82007 55 24 7 92008 51 27 10 82009 56 20 9 102010 60 19 9 82011 54 21 10 102012 54 20 10 102013 54 22 9 10

    SOURCE:The Gallup Organization.

    The vacation time you receiveVery Somewhat Somewhat Very

    satisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfiedAug. 2004 58% 24% 9% 8%


    The number of hours you workCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1973 46% 39% 10% 4%1976 45 38 11 5

    1979 39 41 13 71980 41 43 12 41983 41 42 12 41988 33 49 13 41991 31 49 14 51994 30 48 17 41996 32 46 17 61999 28 48 18 62001 32 47 17 3

    SOURCE: Roper GfK-NOP.

    The flexibility of your hoursCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1989 46% 40% 10% 3%1991 39 44 10 61999 56 31 8 52001 57 28 9 52002 63 27 8 22003 61 25 9 42004 62 24 7 52006 60 28 8 3

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    2007 68 22 5 42008 61 26 7 52009 65 21 7 52010 64 22 8 52011 63 24 7 5

    2012 60 26 10 52013 64 23 7 5

    NOTE: In the August 2003 Gallup survey, 65 percent of women said they were completely satisfied with the flexibility of theirhours. The figure for men was 58 percent.SOURCE:The Gallup Organization.

    The amount of on-the-job stress in your jobCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1991 17% 44% 24% 11%1993 24 36 25 141998 22 42 23 111999 21 44 22 122001 22 40 23 13

    2002 20 46 18 132003 26 36 23 112004 27 7 24 102005 27 36 25 102006 22 43 22 92007 32 43 14 92008 27 42 21 72009 28 41 21 92010 26 42 19 132011 28 38 21 132012 29 37 20 132013 28 39 20 11

    SOURCE:The Gallup Organization.

    The amount of on-the-job stressVery Somewhat Neither satisfied Somewhat Very

    satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfiedAug. 2004 22% 43% -- 24% 10%Mar. 2011* 15 27 24 17 13

    SOURCE:AP/Ipsos.*Source is AP/

    QUESTION: Thinking about criticisms that are sometimes made about life in America, is having to work too hard a problem youpersonally feel you have, or not?

    Yes NoOct. 1965 Harris 13% 87%Mar. 2001 ABC 26 72

    NOTE: The question wording for the Harris question was, Now I want to hand you another card with some criticisms which havebeen made about life in America. For each, please tell me of it is a problem you personally feel you have or not...Have to worktoo hard? When the ABC survey was broken down by gender, 24 percent of men and 27 percent of women said they wereworking too hard.SOURCE:Harris Interactive and ABC News.

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    QUESTION: Some people say working long hours is worth it because it produces prosperity and a higher standard of living. Otherssay it's not worth it because it creates stress and lack of time. On balance would you say working long hours is or is not worth it?

    Worth it Not worth itMar. 2001 46% 50%

    Oct. 2002 33 58

    NOTE: When broken down by gender in 2001, 54 percent of men and 39 percent of women said it was worth it. In 2002, 41percent of men and 26 percent of women said it was worth it.SOURCE:ABC News.

    QUESTION: If you were granted one wish that would change your job, which one of the following would you choose?

    Jul. 2004

    All Men Women ParentsI would have a job where I

    would make more money 46% 42% 49% 46%I would have a more impressive

    or high-profile job 6 8 4 5

    I would have a job that gave memore time to spend with familyand friends 36 37 35 38

    SOURCE: Center for a New American Dream.


    Your boss or immediate supervisor

    Completely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1989 40% 45% 9% 4%1991 37 45 10 61998 47 38 7 51999 47 35 7 42001 51 29 8 62002 56 28 7 52003 54 28 9 52004 60 24 6 42005 50 30 10 52006 55 29 6 42007 60 24 5 42008 53 26 8 52009 56 25 6 42010 58 27 5 42011 58 23 5 72012 54 28 7 4

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    In January 2003, Ipsos-Reid/Cook Political Report asked an open-ended question in which people could volunteer anyresponse they wished: What are some of the biggest problems and challenges you and your family face today? Timemanagement answers including finding enough time in the day and work too much totaled 1 percent. When Ipsos-Reid/Cook Political Report asked that question in January, April, and October 2002, the total for time management was

    also 1 percent; in July 2002 it was 2 percent.

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    Your boss or immediate supervisorVery Somewhat Neither satisfied nor Somewhat Very

    satisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfiedAug. 2004 54% 31% -- 7% 3%

    Mar. 2011* 33 28 15 8 8

    SOURCE:AP/Ipsos.*Source is AP/

    The personal satisfaction you get from the kind of work you doCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1973 43% 44% 8% 5%1976 46 37 9 51979 42 43 10 51980 41 44 11 31983 41 45 10 31988 37 48 12 21991 36 46 12 41994 35 47 14 3

    1996 36 47 13 41999 36 49 12 2

    SOURCE: Roper GfK-NOP.

    The recognition you receive at work for your work accomplishmentsCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1991 24% 52% 17% 5%1999 38 35 14 112001 39 36 13 102002 46 33 13 72003 41 38 12 82004 48 35 9 72005 41 34 14 10

    2006 47 33 10 82007 47 34 10 72008 45 35 12 52009 50 30 12 62010 49 30 10 92011 47 31 13 62012 46 34 10 72013 48 30 13 8

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    The importance to society of the work you doCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1973 42% 41% 8% 5%

    1976 40 38 11 61979 37 42 11 61980 38 45 12 31983 39 42 13 51988 33 42 16 41991 32 44 15 51994 31 44 18 41996 33 46 14 4

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    1999 35 44 15 42001 34 47 17 3

    SOURCE:Roper GfK-NOP.

    The opportunities you have to influence decisions made at workCompletely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1991 27% 39% 20% 11%1994 26 41 21 91996 27 39 20 111999 29 38 20 122001 26 43 20 7

    SOURCE:Roper GfK-NOP.

    The physical safety conditions of your workplace

    Completely Somewhat Somewhat Completelysatisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

    1999 63% 28% 5% 3%

    2001 65 25 6 32002 69 23 5 22003 69 23 5 22004 73 19 5 22005 68 22 8 22006 67 23 6 32007 73 19 6 22008 73 21 3 22009 76 19 3 22010 78 15 3 22011 72 19 6 32012 73 19 5 32013 70 21 5 2

    NOTE: Samples are employed people.

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

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    WORK-LIFE ISSUES: In a 1977 Department of Labor survey, 72 percent said it was notat all hard or not too hard to take time off during their work day to take care of personal orfamily matters. In a 2000 Penn, Schoen, & Berland survey, 80 percent (47 very and 33

    percent somewhat)said their employers were accommodating to their needs to balance work

    and family life. Other surveys show that most working people feel confident about balancingwork and family life. In an April 2005 ABC News/Washington Post survey, 88 percent ofworking fathers and 89 percent of working mothers were satisfied with their ability in this

    regard. The Pew Research Centers March 2013 Modern Parenthood study has additional polldata on this subject.

    QUESTION: Which way do you tend to look at the relationship between work and leisure time: that work is the most importantthingand the purpose of leisure time is to recharge peoples batteries so they can do a better job or that leisure time is the mostimportant thingthe purpose of work is to make it possible to have the leisure time to enjoy life and pursue ones interests?

    Work is most important Leisure time is most importantSep.Oct. 1975 48% 36%Sep.Oct. 1980 48 36Sep. 1985 46 33Jan.Feb. 1992 38 40Aug. 1997 39 57Jul. 2006 37 53

    NOTE: The 19751992 askings had the choice of both or neither. The Aug. 1997 wording is slightly different. The questionworded as Which way do you tend to look at the relationship between work and leisure is the important thing or thatleisure is the important thing?SOURCE: 19751992 surveys by Roper GfK-NOP. Aug. 1997 survey by KRC/US News & World Report. July 2006 survey by theWashington Post.

    QUESTION:Do you feel you have enough time for yourself, or not?

    Yes, enough No, nottime enough time

    Jun. 1989 62% 38%Mar. 2005 58 41

    SOURCE: CBS News/New York Times.

    QUESTION:Do you feel you spend too much time, not enough time, or about the right amount of time with your family?

    Too much Not enough Right amountJun. 1989# 5% 47% 46%Sep. 1991# 6 36 56Mar. 2005* 3 40 56

    SOURCE: # Surveys by Mellman and Lazarus for Mass Mutual. * Survey by CBS News/New York Times.

    QUESTION:Generally speaking, do you have enough time to do what you want to do these days, or not?

    Yes, enough No, nottime enough time

    Sep. 1990 49% 51%Mar. 1995 48 52

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    Dec. 2001 50 49Dec. 2002 52 48Dec. 2003 52 48Dec. 2004 56 44Dec. 2005 50 49

    Dec. 2006 54 46Dec. 2007 53 47Dec. 2008 59 41

    SOURCE: The Gallup Organization.

    QUESTION: In general, how often do you experience stress in your daily lifenever, rarely, sometimes, or frequently?

    Never Rarely Sometimes FrequentlyJan. 1994 Health Magazine/Gallup 4% 17% 39% 40%Dec. 2001 Gallup 2 18 38 42Dec. 2002 Gallup 4 18 37 41Dec. 2003 Gallup 2 20 45 33Dec. 2004 Gallup 4 17 41 37Dec. 2005 Gallup 4 16 43 37

    Dec. 2006 Gallup 3 20 39 38Dec. 2007 Gallup 3 20 36 40Jun.Jul. 2008 Pew 5 21 36 36Dec. 2008 Gallup 3 20 40 37Sep. 2009 Time/The Rockefeller Foundation 5 19 36 39Oct. 2011 Kaiser/Washington Post 3 16 35 45Jul. 2012 Pew 4 18 35 42Jun. 2013 University of Connecticut 2 15 41 42

    QUESTION: How hard is it for you to take time off during your work day to take care of personal or family matters?

    Not at all hard Not too hard Somewhat hard Very hard1997 U Mich 38% 34% 12% 14%2002 NORC 47 27 15 112006 NORC 42 31 15 12

    2010 NORC 38 34 18 10

    SOURCE:Survey Research Center University of Michigan for the U.S. Department of Labor and the National Opinion ResearchCenter.

    QUESTION:Considering everything, what would be the ideal situation for you working full-time, part-time, or not at all outsidethe home?

    Full-time work Part-time work Not working1997 32% 48% 20%2007 21 60 192012 37 50 11

    NOTE: Sample is working mothers.SOURCE:PSRA/Pew Research Center.

    QUESTION: Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: My supervisor accommodates me whenI have family and personal business to take care of.

    Agree Disagree1997 94% 6%

    SOURCE: Harris Interactive for the Families and Work Institute.

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    QUESTION:Now, Id like to find out how satisfied you are with different aspects of your job. Please tell me whether you are verysatisfied, somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with itThe ability to

    balance work and family.

    Very Somewhat Neither satisfied Somewhat Very

    satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfiedAug. 1998 53% 34% 3% 6% 3%Jul.Aug. 1999 51 32 5 8 4

    Nov. 2009 40 40 4 11 5

    NOTE:Asked of those employed.SOURCE:John J. Heldrich Center at Rutgers/Abt SRBI.

    QUESTION: How accommodating is your employer to the need to balance work and family?

    Very Somewhat Not very Not at allaccommodating accommodating accommodating accommodating

    2000 47% 33% 8% 8%

    SOURCE:Penn, Schoen, Berland & Associates forBlueprint.

    QUESTION: Im going to read you some statements related to your job. For each ofthese statements, please tell me if you stronglyagree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement...I do a good job of balancing my job andmy family.

    Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagreeAug. 2004 61% 33% 4% 1%

    SOURCE: AP/Ipsos.

    QUESTION: How satisfied are you with your ability to balance work and family life - very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not toosatisfied, or not at all satisfied?

    Apr. 2005Very Somewhat Not too Not at all

    satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfiedWorking Adults 53% 37% 8% 2%Working Moms 53 36 9 2Working Dads 41 47 10 2

    SOURCE:ABC News/Washington Post.

    QUESTION: How satisfied are you with the amount of free time you have in an average week - very satisfied, somewhat satisfied,not too satisfied, or not at all satisfied?

    Apr. 2005Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not too satisfied Not at all satisfied

    Working Adults 43% 34% 16% 7%Working Moms 20 46 24 10Working Dads 28 35 26 10

    SOURCE:ABC News/Washington Post.

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    QUESTION:What would you say is the biggest challenge in raising children today?

    Feb. 2007

    Societal influences 38%

    Discipline/Morals 31Time, Work balance 10

    NOTE:Responses are combined.SOURCE:PSRA/Pew Research Center.

    QUESTION: If you work outside the home, in the last year, have you taken time off from work in order to help provide for aparent, or not?

    Yes NoMayJun. 2007 26% 66%

    (If yes) Was your employer helpful or not helpful in giving you time off to provide this care?

    Yes No81% 13%

    (If no) Do you think your employer would be helpful or not helpful if you needed time off to help care for yourparent?

    Yes No73% 15%

    SOURCE: ABC News/USA Today.

    WORK CHARACTERISTICS:In survey questions asked since 1996, around 15percent say they hold more than one job. Telecommuting has risen in popularity since US News

    and Gallup first asked about it twelve years ago, when 9 percent of workers said they havetelecommuted. In August 2008, Gallup found that three in ten Americans had telecommuted.

    In 2007, 55 percent of Americans reported that they worked for the private sector. Elevenpercent said they worked for non-profits while 16 percent worked for government or were self-


    QUESTION: How many different jobs do you currently hold?

    One Two or moreJul. 1996* Newsweek 85% 15%Jul. 1997* PSRA 87 12

    Aug. 1999 Gallup 85 15Aug. 2002 Gallup 86 14Aug. 2003 Gallup 85 15Aug. 2005 Gallup 83 17Jun.Jul. 2006* PSRA/Pew 87 13

    NOTE: Asked of those employed full time or part time. *Question worded as How many jobs do you have now?

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    QUESTION: How many different jobs do you hold for pay or profit?

    One job Two jobs Three or more jobsAug. 2004 AP/Ipsos 86% 10% 4%

    NOTE: Asked of those employed full time or part time.

    QUESTION: Have you ever switched careersthat is, switched from one type of work to another type of work?

    Yes NoDec. 1986 USA Today 54% 47%Apr. 1987 USA Today 52 48Jul. 1997 PSRA/Pew Research Center 63 37Jun.Jul. 2006 PSRA/Pew Research Center 61 38Jan. 2010 PSRA/Pew Research Center 61 39

    NOTE: Samples are employed adults. Twenty-two percent said they switched 1 time; 39 percent said 2 times or more of thosewho
