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Schofield had promised to purchase overshoes at once and in the meantime not to step in any puddles would she let the former depart upon his errand. He crossed the square with the strang­est, jauntiest step ever seen in Platt-ville. Solomon Tibbs had a warm ar­gument with Miss Selina as to his identity, Miss Selina maintaining that the figure under the big umbrella—only the legs and coat tails were visible to them—was that of a stranger, probably an Englishman.

In the Herald office the editor turn­ed, smiling, to the paper's remaining vassal. "Mr Schofield, I heard some talk in Rouen of an oil company that had been formed to prospect for kero­sene in Carlow county. Do you know anything about it?"

Ross, surfeited with honor, terror, and possessed by a sweet distress at find­ing himself tete-a-tete with the lady, looked at the wall and replied, "Oh, it's that Eph Watts' foolishness."

"Do you know if they have begun to dig for it yet?"

"Ma'am?" said Ross 0 "Have they begun the diggings yet?"

"No, ma'am, I think not. They've got a contrapshun fixed up about three mile south. I don't reckon they've be­gun yet, hardly. They're gittin' the machinery in place. I heard Eph say they'd begin to bore—dig, I mean, ma'am; I meant to say dig"— He stopped, ytterly confused and unhap­py, and she understood his manly pur­pose and knew him for a gentleman whom she liked.

"You mustn't be too mych surprised," she said, "but in spite of my ignorance about such things I mean to devote a

vgood deal of space to the oil company. I t may come to be of great importance to Carlow. We won't go into it in to­morrow's paper beyond an item or so, but do you think you could possibly find Mr. Watts and ask him for some information as to their progress and if it would be too much trouble for him to call here tomorrow afternoon or the day after? I want him to give me an interview if he will. Tell him, please, he will very greatly oblige us."

"Oh, he'll come all right," answered her companion quickly. "I'll take Tibbs* buggy and go down there right off. Eph won't lose no time gittin' here." And with this encouraging assurance he was flying forth when he, like the others, was detained by her solicitous care. She was a born mother. He pror tested that m the buggy he would b* perfectly sheltered. Besides, there wasn't another umbrella about the place. He liked to get wet anyway; had always loved ram. The end of it was that he went away in a sort of tremor wearing her rain cloak over his shoulders, which garment, as it cov­ered its owner completely when she wore it, hung almost to his knees. He darted around a corner, and there, breathing deeply, tenderly removed it, then boi rowing paper and cord at a neighboring store wrapped it neatly and stole back to the printing office, on the ground floor of the Herald building, and left the package in the hands of

4 Bud Tipworthy, charging him to care for it as for his own life and not to open it, but if the lady so much as set one foot out of doors before his return to hand it to her with the message, "He borrowed another off J. Hankins "

Left alone, the lady went to the desk and stood for a time looking gravely at Harkless' chair. She touched it gently, as she had touched it once before that morning, and then she spoke to it as if he were sitting there and as she would not have spoken had he been sitting there.

"You didn't want gratitude, did #you?" she whispered, with sad lips.

Soon she smiled at the blue ribbon, patted the chair gayly on the back and, seizing upon pencil and pad, dashed into her work with rare energy. She bent low over the desk, her pencil mov­ing rapidly. She seemed loath to pause

*for breath. She had covered many sheets when Fisbee returned, and as he came in softly in order not to dis­turb her she was so deeply engrossed that she did not hear him, nor did she look up when Parker entered, but pur­sued the formulation of her fast flying ideas with the same single purpose and abandon. So the two men sat and waited while their chieftainess wrote absorbedly At last she glanced up and made a little startled exclamation at seeing them there and then gave

With the humblest, proudest grace in the world.

them cheery greeting. Each placed several seribbled sheets before her, and she, having first assured herself that Fisbee had bought his overshoes, and having expressed a fear that Mr. Par­ker had found her umbrella too small, as he looked damp (and indeed he was damp), cried praises on their notes and offered the reporters great applause.

"It is all so splendid!" she cried. "How could you do It so quickly? And in the rain too! I t / i s just what we need. I've done most of the things J

mentioned, I. think, and made a draft of some plans for hereafter. Doesn't It seem to you that it would be a good notion to have a woman's page—'For Feminine Readers' or 'Of Interest to Women'—once a week?"

"A woman's page!" exclaimed Fis­bee. "I could never have thought of that. Could you, Mr. Parker?"

Before that day was over system had been introduced, and the Herald was running on it, and all that warm rainy afternoon the editor and Fisbee work­ed in the editorial rooms. Parker and Bud and Mr. Schofield (after his return with the items and a courteous mes­sage from Ephraim Watts) bent over the forms downstairs, and Uncle Xeno-phon was cleaning the storeroom and scrubbing the floor. An extraordinary number of errands took the various members of the printing force up to Bee the editor in chief, literally to see the editor in chief. It was hard to be­lieve that the presence had not flown, hard to keep believing without the re­peated testimony of sight that the din­gy room upstairs was actually the set­ting for their jewel, and a jewel they swore she was. The printers came down chuckling and gurgling after each interview. It was partly the thought that she belonged to the Her­ald, their paper. Once Ross, chuckling, looked up and caught the foreman gig­gling to himself.

"What in the name of common sense you laughin' at, Cale?" he asked.

"What are you laughing at?" re­joined the other.

"I dunno!" The day wore on, wet and dreary out­

side, but all within the Herald's bosom was snug and busy and murmurous With the healthy thrum of life and prosperity renewed. Toward G o'clock, system accomplished, the new guiding spirit wa* deliberating on a policy, as Harkless would conceive a policy were he there, when Minnie Briscoe ran joy­ously up the stairs, plunged into the room waterproofed and radiant and caught her friend in her eager arms and put an end to policy for that day.

But policy and labor did not end at twilight every day. There were even­ings, as in the time of Harkless, when lamps shone from the upper windows of the Herald building; for the little editor worked hard, and sometimes she worked late; she always worked early. She made some mistakes at first and one or two blunders which she took much more seriously than any one else did. But she found a remedy for all such results of her inexperience, and she developed experience. She set at her task with the energy of her youth-fulness and no limit to her ambition, and she felt that Harkless had pre­pared the way for a wide expansion of the paper's interests, wider then he knew. She brought a fresh point of view to operate in a situation where he had fallen perhaps too much in the rut, and she watched every chance with a keen eye and looked ahead of her with clear foresight. What she waited and yearned for and dreaded was the time when a copy of the new Herald should be placed in the trembling hands of the man who lay in the Rouen hospital. Then she felt if he, unaware of her identity as he was and as he was to be kept, should place everything in her hands unreservedly, that would be a tribute to her work. And how hard she would labor to deserve itl

After a time she began to see that as his representative and editor of the Herald she had become a factor in dis­trict politics. It took her breath, but with a gasp of delight, for there was something she wanted to do.

Rodney McCune had lifted his head, and the friends of his stricken enemy felt that they and the cause that Hark­less had labored for were lost with­out the leader, for the old ring that the Herald had beaten rallied around Mc­Cune. "The boys were in line again." Every one knew that Halloway, a dull but honest man, the most available ma­terial that Harkless had been able to find, was already beaten. If John Harkless had been "on the ground to work for him," it was said, Halloway could have received the nomination again, but as matters stood he was beaten and beaten badly, and Rodney McCune would sit in congress, for nom­ination meant election.

But one afternoon the Harkless forces, demoralized, broken, hopeless, woke up to find that they had a leader. There was a political conference at Judge Briscoe's. The politicians de­scended sadly at the gate from the omnibus that had met the afternoon train—Boswell and Keating, two gen­tlemen of Amo, and Bence and Shan­non, two others of Gaines county, to confer with Warren Smith, Tom Mar­tin, Briscoe and Harkless' representa­tives, Fisbee and the editor of the Herald. They entered the house gloom­ily, and the conference began in de­jected monosyllables. But presently Minnie Briscoe, sitting on the porch pretending to sew, heard Helen's voice, clear, soft and trembling a little with excitement. She talked for only two or three minutes, but what she said seemed to stir up great commotion among the others. All the voices burst forth at once in exclamations, almost shouts. Then Minnie saw her father, seated near the window, rise and strike the table a great blow with his clinch­ed fist. "Will I make the nominating speech?" he cried. "I'd walk from here to Rouen and back again to do it!"

"We'll swim out!" exclaimed Mr. Keating of Amo. "The wonderful thing is that nobody thought of this before. There are just two difficulties —Halloway and our man himself. He wouldn't let his name be used against Kedge. Therefore we've got to work it quietly and keep it from him."

"It's not too difficult," said the speak­er's colleague, Mr. Boswell. "All we've got to do is to spring it as a surprise on the convention. Some of the old crowd themselves will be swept along with us when we make our nomination, and

you want to stuff" your ears with cot­ton. You see, all we need to do is to pass the word quietly among the Hal­loway people and the shaky McCune people. Rod may get wind of it. but you can't fix men in this district against us when they know what we mean to do now. On the first ballot we'll give Halloway every vote he'd have got if he'd run against McCune alone. It will help him to understand how things were afterward. On the second ballot-why, we nominate. Of course it can't be helped that Halloway has to be kept in the dark, too, but he's got to be."

"There's one danger," said Warren Smith. "Kedge Halloway is honest, but I believe he's selfish enough to disturb his best friend's deathbed for his own ends. It's not unlikely that he will get nervous toward the last and be tele­graphing Harkless to have himself car­ried on a cot to the convention to save him. That wouldn't do at all, of course. And Miss Sherwood thinks maybe there'd be less danger if we set the convention a little ahead of the day appointed. It's dangerous, because it shortens our time, but we can fix it for three dsrys before the day we'd settled on. and that will bring it to Sept. 7."


Catarrh Permanently Cured. Nasal catarrh, catarrh of head or

catarrhal deafness. No cure, no pay. All druggists are authorized by the manufacturers of Bunsen's Catarrh Cure to refund the money where it fails to cure and case of catarrh no matter of how long standing. One application gives ease and rest. Bun-sen's Catarrh Cure is not a new dis­covery and is the only catarrh remedy sold on a positive guarantee—no cure, no pay. Price 50 cents. For sale by C. A. Jack.





Somerset, P a , April 20.—Two wo­men and four children were burned to death in a fire which destroyed the home of a miner named Meyers at Garrett, during a clash between union and nonunion miners. The dead are Mrs. Roanna Meyers, Lucinda Meyers, 30 years old; Annie Meyers, 8 years; Richard Meyers, 5 years, and two young children of Lucinda Meyers.

Trouble has Deen brewing at Gar­rett since the inauguration of the min­ers' stiike five months ago A number of the striking miners at Garrett own homes there, but recently the Garrett Coal company erected a number of houses and the bringing of new men to occupy these houses and take the places of the workers in the mines has worked the latter up to a high state of excitement and resentment. The strikers have been parading the streets openly armed and they have prevent­ed the moving of the household goods of incoming miners from the railway station to the new company houses.

The fire may or may net be connect­ed with the strike The house was a one and one-half story log building and the women and children were sleeping in the upper story

The strikers lay the origin of the fire to a number of Italians, whho are working for the Garrett Coal company, but what motive they could have for such a crime is not known.


Democrats Elect Their Ticket In Louisiana.

New Orleans, April 20.—In the gen­eral election the Democrats Tuesday swept the state, electing their tickets headed by Former Justice N. C. Blanchard, for governor, and practical­ly a solid representation in both houses of the legislature. The regu­lar Republicans put no ticket in the field and practically no negro votes were cast. The legislature will prob­ably elect Senator M. J. Foster to the United States senate.

At Gonzales. Sam Moore was killed by Sheriff Smith, and this was the only election fight.


Eight Persons Killed and Dozens of Others Injured.

Mexico City, April 20.—The north­bound fast passenger tram, No. 1, on the Mexican Central, which left this city at night, jumped the track about four kilometers north of Zacatecas Tuesday, resulting in the death of eight persons and the injuring of thir­ty-five or forty others.

Roeski's Case Given to Jury. Chicago, April 20.—The trial of

Emil Roeski, associate of the car barn bandits, NeidermeJer, Van Dine and Marx, for the murder of Otto Kauder, last July, came to an end Jast night and was given to the jury. At 11 o'clock p. m. the jury had not reached an agreement and Judge Kersten adjourned court until today.

Blizzard in New York. New York, April 20.—In many parts

of New York state, Connecticut and Massachusetts there was a heavy fall of snow last night. In Central New York, the storm reached the propor­tions of a blizzard.

Robbed the Qrave. A startling incident, is narrated by

John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol­lows: " I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain contin­ually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 60 cents, guaranteed at C. A. Jack's drug store

Fountain Pen 14-Kt. Solid Gold


Pioneer Press Subscribers. Jewelers Sell It for $1.50.

^ T A i s 1S a rich quality hard rubber, highly polished Tountain Pen; screw section and fitted with an Improved Feeding Device, allowing the ink to flow eas l / without blotting The gold-nibbed pen is 14-Kt. fine, iridium pointed The complete Fountain P e n is Fully Guaranteed by the manufac­turers and will be exchanged by them if not entirely satislactory. Each hox contains a single pen and a guar­antee ir the pen is not absolutely perfect send it back to the factory and get one that is It wil l not cos t you a cent

The Pioneer Press— St Paul, Minn —

Gentlemen Send to me, absolutely free and postpaid, a guaranteed solid gold-nibbed Fountain Pen Enclosed herewith nnd $150 in advance for subscription to the Daily and Sunday or Weekly Pioneer Press.





STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) County of Mille Lacs. J s s#

In the mater of the petition of W. B. Carter and others, for a public ditch in the county of Mille Lacs. State of Minnesota.

Notice is hereby given that a peti­tion has been filed in the office ot the county auditor of said county, pray­ing for the construction of a public ditch beginning at a point sixty (60) rods west and twenty-five (25) rods south of the center of section twenty-five (25), in township thirty-six (36) north of range twenty-seven (27) west, in Mille Lacs county, Minnesota, and running thence through the following described lands, to-wit: SWM of SE»4, Section 24 Town 36 Range 37 SEM of SEJ4 Section 24, Town 36, Range 27 NWM of NE>£ Section 25, Town 36, Range 27 SWM of SEM. Section 25, Town 36, Range 27 Lot 2, Section 25. Town 36, Range 27 Lot 3, Section 25, Town 36, Range 27 and terminating at the west branch of Rum river (so called), at a point near the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (se3*£ of se^) of section twenty-four (24), township thirty-six (36), range twenty-seven (27), and that the names of the owners of the lands that will be af­fected by the construction of said ditch are as follows, to-wit: Henry Sorge, Clinton Slater, Belle Henry, Walter B. Carter, John P. Selander, Amanda M. Cater, L. S. Libby, Lizzie Storkle, Fred E. McFarland, John McCool, O. W. Bracken, Maragret Neumann, Mary E. Northway, Mary Jane Ayers, Nelson Paul, Louis Robideau, Geo. W. McFarland, Jos. Jesmer estate, Oliver Sawyer, Theressa S. Gile, Joseph Jesmer, Jr. , Charles S. Grow, Wm. M. Orton, C. W. McFarland, Frank Hutcheson. Charles E. Slater. Ed. A. Anderson, Nellie A. Erstad, G. H. Lamb, Nels Heylander, Frank C. Foltz, and Town of Greenbush, and that the engineer appointed by the board of county commissioners ot said county to make a survey of the route of said ditch has completed his work and made due report thereon and filed the same in the office of said county auditor; and that the viewers ap­pointed by said board of county com­missioners to view the same have com­pleted their work and filed their report thereon in the office of said county auditor.

And that, therefore, the board of county commissioners of Mille Lacs county, State of Minnesota, will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, the 18th day of May, A. D. 1904, at the county auditor's office, in the village of Princeton, in said county at 11 o'clock a ; m., of said day, for hearing and consideration of said petition and of said surveyor's and viewers' re­ports thereon; and that all persons interested in the construction of said ditch are invited to appear and be heard by and before said board of county commissioners at said time for or against the construction of said ditch.

E. E. WHITNEY, County Auditor of Mille Lacs County,

Minnesota. (Auditor's Seal.)

Tax Judgment Sale! Pursuant to a real estate tax judg­

ment of the district court, in the county of Mille Lacs. State of Minnesota, en­tered the 18th day of March, A. D. 1904, in proceedings for enforcing pay­ment of taxes and penalties upon real estate in the county of Mille Lacs, State of Minnesota, remaining delin­quent on the first Monday of January. 1904, and of the statutes in such case made and provided, I shall, on the second Monday, being the

9th day of May, A. t). 1904, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at my office in the court house, in the vil­lage of Princeton, county of MUle Lacs, Minnesota, sell the lands which are charged with taxes, penalties and costs in said judgment, and on which taxes shall not have been previously paid.

E. E. WHITNEY, Auditor Mille Lacs County, Minn.

(Seal.) Dated at Princeton this 8th day of

April, A. D. 1904.

| W W » W W W H ^ V W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W

$ Big Discount Sale of Dry Goods, Shoes, Overshoes f Rubbers.

This big sale is for cash. Sale will last 20 days. Come in and look over goods.


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1 Q * I t Is brim fu l l o f spe-1 ^ * clal features.

Il lustrated s h o r t stories by prominent authors. Success Series (life stories of eminent men). Articles by Charles Batted Loomls (the great American humorist). Four Pages o f Comics. Four Pages of Magazine. Eight Pages of Colors every Sunday.

Write for particulars in regard t o our offer o f


2 J I t wi l l pr int the New • " York Herald war

news. T h e G l o b e has made an arrangement with the Herald which places Its army o f special and staff correspondents at the service of i ts readers. I f you would have the f i rs t and most relia­ble war news, you must read T h e G l o b e .

O f f I f you are a Demo-**** crat, T h e G l o b e

wi l l keep you posted In polit ics; i f a Republican, i t wi l l keep you informed of the doings of the other side. T h e G l o b e is the only Demo­cratic daily in the state.

First publication April 21.1904

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Mille Lacs —ss In Probate Court.

Special Term, April 18th, 1904 In the matter of the estate of Charles F

George, deceased On reading and filing the petition of Alonzo

R George, the administrator of the estate of Charles F. George, deceased, representing, among other things, that he has fully admin­istered said estate, and praying that a time and place be fixed for examining and allowing his account of his administration and for the as­signment of the residue of said estate to the parties entitled thereto oy law

It is ordered, that said account be examined by this court, on Thursday, the 13th day of May A D , 1904 at 10 o'clock A M , at the probate office in Princeton in said county

And it is further ordered, that notice thereof be given to all persons interested by publish­ing this order once in each week for three suc­cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing, m the Princeton UNION a weekly newspaper printed and published at Princeton in said county

Dated at Princeton the 18th day of April, A D 1904 By the court

B M VANALSTEIN, fProbate Seal ] Judge of Probate

r irst Publication March 17,1904

Mortgage Foreclosure Sale.

Default having been made in ihe payment of the sum of two hundred and thirty-seven and 67-100 (S237 67) dollars, which is claimed to be due at the date of this notice upon a certain mortgage duly executed and delivered by John B. Dahlquist and Lma Dahlquist his wife, mortgagors to John Humphry, mortgagee, bearing date the 14th day of May, A D 1903 and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds in and for the county of Mille Lacs and State of Minnesota, on the 28th, day of May A D 1903, at one o'clock p. M in book "N" of mortgages on page 395. That no action or proceedings at law or otherwise having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof

Now therefor, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and pursuant to the statutes in such case made and provided the said mortgage will be foreclosed and the premises described in and covered by said mortgage, viz The south­west quarter of the southeast quarter and the east one-fourth of the southeast quarter of the south west quarter of section thirty-one, town­ship forty-two, range twenty-fivei containing fifty acres.

Wijl be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to pay the debt and interest, and twentv-flve dollars attorney's fees stipu­lated in and by said mortgage in case of fore­closure and disbursements allowed by law, which sale will be made by the sheriff of Mille Lacs county, at the front door of the court house, in the village of Princeton, in said county and state, on the 30th day of April, A D. 1904 at one o'clock p m of that day

Dated March 10th, 1904 JOHN HUMPHRY,

J C P O P E Mortgagee His Attorney,

Mora, Minn

First publication April 14,1904

Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale. Default has been made in the conditions of a

mortgage executed by Fred Goulding, mort­gagor, to Jean M. Newbert, mortgagee dated January 21st, A. D., 1901, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Mille oacs County, Minnesota, January 21st, A D , 1901. at two o'clock P M. in book K" of mortgages on page 385.

And no action or proceeding has been in­stituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof; the amount claimed to be due on the said mortgage at the date hereof is two hundred forty-four and 60-100 (1244.60) dollars.

Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of the power of sale therein contained and pursuant to the statute in such case provided, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by sale of the land and premises therein described viz; An undivided one-half part of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter ( sw* of sen) of section eleven (It); the northeast quarter of the north­east quarter (neJi of nek) of section twenty-nine (89), township thirty-eight (38), range twentv-seven (27), and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (seK of swj<) of sec­tion (11). township thirty-seven (87). range twenty-six (28), Mille Lacs County, Minnesota, by the sheriff of said county, at the front door of the court house In the village of Princeton in said Mille Lacs County, Minnesota, on the 4th day of June A. D , 1904. at ten o'clock A. M to pay the amount then due on the said mort­gage, together with the costs of such foreclos­ure, including the sum ot twenty-nve and no-100 ( t a ^ ' d o j l a r e attorney's fee stipulated in said mortgage. >

Dated April 8th, A. D., 1904. J E A N M. NBWBERT.

now J E A N M. O'KELLIHER. E. L. MCMILLAN. Mortgagee.

Attorney for Mortgagee. Princeton, Minn.

For sale—One eight-room house and lot; also one cottage with large lot. Inquire of M. L. Wheeler.

Hotice. Persons holding county warrants numbered


27J0 2773 2523 2524 2525 2526 2677 2699 2888 2853 2886 2843 2849 2942 2880 2799 2800 5801 2802 2858 2887 2889 2856 2801 2841 2795 2802 2828 2837 2840 2J4* 2845 2847 2852 2939 2943 2796 2706 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2836 2846 2832 2854 2751 2892 2885 2834 2862 2936 2884 2835 2848 2679 2863 2857 %&l S££ %££ ^ 9 <!958 S*7* 2855 »65 2962 2963 2833 2720 2859 2752 2937 2890 2701 2803 2969 2839 2838 2875 2M6 2829 2972 2798 2873 2831 2982 2986 2987 2989 2090 2980 2981 2983 2985 2984

COUNTY POOR. 2827 3611 3602 3681 3697 3702 3848 3333 3334 3607 3a94 3849 3850 3876 3877 3934 3611 3873 3912 3703-3608 J609 3874 3875 3698 3699 3995 4027 4033 4026 4024 4041 4042 4079 4024 4025 4015

Will please present same for payment at county, treasurer's office, Princeton, Minn Interest will cease on the above numbered war­rants thirty days from and after the date hereof

Dated Princeton, Minn April 7.1904 K H B U B R E I X ,

County Treasurer Mille Lacs Co

First Publication April 7,1904 QTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF *f Mille Lacs —ss In Probate Court Special Term, April 3rd. 1904

In the matter of the estate of Julius O Foss, deceased

Letters of administration on the estate of Julius O Foss deceased late of the county of Mille Lacs and Si ate of Minnesota, being granted to Anna Foss It appearing on proper proof by affidavit of the administratrix made and filed herein as provided by law, that there are no debts against the estate of said de­ceased

It is ordered, that three months be and the same is hereby allowed from and after the date of this order, in which all persons having claims or demands against the said deceased are re­quired to file the same in the probate court of said county, for examination and allowance, or be forever barred

It is further ordered, that the 5th day of July 1904. at 10 o'clock A. M . at a special term of said probate court, to be held at the probate office in the court house in the village of Princeton in said county, be and the same hereby is appointed as the time and place when and where the said probate court will examine and adjust said claims and demands

And it is further ordered, that notice of such hearing be given to aU creditors and persons interested in said estate by forthwith publish­ing this order once in each week for three suc­cessive weeks in the Princeton Union a weekly newspaper printed and published at Princeton, in said county

Dated at Princeton, this 2nd day of Annl A D 1904 By the Court, '

r _ . B M. V A N A L S T E I N . [Probate Seal ] j udge of Probate.

CHAS K E I T H , Attorney for Administratrix

First publication April 14,1904. riortgage Foreclosure Sale.

Whereas, default has been made in the con­ditions of a certain mortgage, bearing date the 10th day of December. A D. 1902. executed and delivered by George Huber and Tresia Huber his wife, mortgagors, unto Carrie T. Mitchell, mortgagee, which mortgage was on the 12th day of December, A. D. 1902. at the hour of pine o clock A M , of said day, duly recorded in the office pf the register of deeds within and for Mille Lacs county, Minnesota, in book N of mortgages on page 359 thereof, and

Whereas, said default consists in the failure to pay certain of the interest due upon said mortgage and the note which the same secures and by reason of such default the owner and holder thereof has exercised the option speci­fied in said mortgage, and has declared the principal sum secured thereby now due and payable; and

Whereas, there is now due and claimed to be due at the date of this notice, upon the said mortgage, the sum of two hundred nineteen dollars (S219.00) and no proceedings at law, or otherwise, have been instituted to recover said amount, or any part thereof.

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said m o r t n s e contained, and therewith recorded, and pursu­ant to the statute in such case made and pro­vided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale pf the land therein described, which is situate in the county of Mille Lacs, and State of Minnesota, and described as follows, to-wit -

The southeast quarter of the northeast auar-ter and the north half of the southeast ouarter of section numbered nineteen (1»), in township numbered forty-three (48). of range numbered twenty-seven (27), containing one hundred and twenty acres, more or less, which sale will be made by the sheriff of l fule Lacs w u n * a l t 5 e * ! ! o n t d o o r ° ' the court house, in the village °*™nwxS%t* * » » county, on Satoro^yTthe

SJ! wSSSS^lSS^f9'Bt p u b U c "action, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay the sum then due on said mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, nnd twenty-five dollars a £ torney's fees therein stipulated to be paid in c a s e 2'w lorectosure, and the disbursements auowed by law. A

D ^ t ^ ' » ' St, Cloud, Minnesota, April n t h ,


Attorneys for Mortgagee.

^ 1 i:

