The Spirit of Prophecy Part 2



The Spirit of Prophecy Part 2

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Mark 1V7 And this was his message: After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. Mark 1V7... Mark 157!!! The hidden number in design is 3. 4s on the outside, 5 in the centre. United Nations formed in 1945. The same year as the Trinity project. Plus 2 for second coming... 1947. 1947 was an extremely important year. 1+3=4+3=7+3=10. 3+3+3 = 9... add 9 to The 147 Plan and you get The year 1947.

1947 - Dead sea scrolls were discovered (The Bible)

1947 A war started in Israel. That war gave control of Israel back to the Jews and fulfilled the prophecies... Isaiah 66V8 Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons. 9 Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery? says the LORD. Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb? says your God. Ezekiel 20V34 I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered -- with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath. Isaiah 11V11 Then it will happen on that day that the Lord Will again recover the second time with His hand The remnant of His people, who will remain, From Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, And from the islands of the sea. 12 And He will lift up a standard for the nations And assemble the banished ones of Israel, And will gather the dispersed of Judah From the four corners of the earth. Hosea 3V4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, andwithoutteraphim: 5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days. Isaiah 43V5 Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, And gather you from the west. (Prophecies Complete)

1947 - The CIA was created.

07/07/1947 - The date of the Roswell UFO incident.

1947 - Independence day for Pakistan.

1947 - Independence day for India.

1947 - The World Bank became operational.

1947 - The cold war started.

1947 The 1st AK47 was produced.

1947 - The British House of Commons passed the Indian Independence Act, or Mountbatten Plan, which divided India into two dominions, India and Pakistan. It called for each dominion to be granted its independence by the 15th of August 1947. August 15th is 5 days After my Birthday in the year 1947. + 5 and the number 15... pure 555 symbolism... Dates are important!!! 70 years after 1945 brings you to 2015 and The United Nations 70th anniversary. In 2015 I fulfilled a prophecy by making the connection with the house of commons. The safety of the Trident nuclear weapons system on the Clyde is set to be debated in the House of Commons. Alex Salmond, the MP for Gordon, has secured time on Thursday afternoon to question the UK government over issues raised by a Royal naval submariner. Earlier this month, able seaman William McNeilly produced a damning 18-page report containing a series of allegations about the Trident submarines based at Faslane on the Clyde, describing it as a "disaster waiting to happen". The safety of the Trident nuclear weapons system on the Clyde is set to be debated in the House of Commons. Able seaman William McNeilly, 25, went on the run after alleging Trident was a disaster waiting to happen You see everything needs to be completed with absolute perfection and it was/is. Thursday is considered to be the 4th or 5th day of the week...1945. The discussion in the house of commons was about Her Majesty's Ship Victorious and The Trident programme. Psalm 45V4 In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds. PERFECTION!!! ALL GLORY BELONGS TO IAM!!! Psalm 45V4... 5 riding 4th Victoriously. What are the odds??? (Prophecies Complete)

This is my Kingdom!!! I am IAM's servant. I'm barely touching the surface... I could take you deeper into the Rabbit hole and describe the mathematical design in DNA, the Universe, plants... but I'm keeping it basic.. just look at the surface and the odd and +. Everything is connected and designed. I am The Messiah... I am IAM's servant.. I can see The Matrix. When I move, the stars move with me. Psalm 147 V 4 He determines the number of stars and calls them each by name 5 Great is our lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. V=5 in Roman Numerals

5 + 4 = 9. 1947 and the 147 plan are hidden in plain sight. People don't see it because they are too concerned with their own cave. Give them one small reason to doubt and laugh.. and they will doubt and laugh. You can be the greatest Formula 1 driver in history, but if you crash your car at a supermarket, people will call you a bad driver. That is how the human mind works. People have bad memories. You can be the greatest poker player in history, but if you make a few deliberate errors, people will assume you're playing bad. When they think you're playing bad, they become weaker and that is when you win. People still don't know who I am. If you didn't see it then, you were made ignorant. Seek and ye shall find. IAM is the beginning and the end. IAM is able to create everything from nothing. There is no God like IAM. IAM is your creator. IAM is God over all. Never doubt IAM. Never say the Devil is in control of Earth... You FOOLS! God is always in control!!!

If you think God can't take control of anyone and everything... Think Again!!!

Isaiah 51V6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, look at the earth beneath; the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never fail. Peter 3V10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Revelation 21V1 Then I saw a New heaven and a New earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Revelations 6V14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

The previous dimension was destroyed. Armageddon has already happened. Isaiah 65V17 See, I Will create New heavens and a New Earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. Don't destroy this Earth too. This is your second chance. This is The New World and we need Order. Revelation 3V3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief , and you will not know at what time I Will come to you. If you still doubt that I am the one who can come like a thief in the night, just check the police report for the incident that happened recently. We took control of civilians and police to create an event that proves how minds and memories can be controlled and altered. The people involved thought what we wanted them to think and did what we wanted them to do... exactly when we wanted them to do it. A lot of conspiracy theorists seem to think this world is controlled by men. That demonstration will prove that anyone can be taking control of. You don't have to be a member of a secret society or a rapper who makes hand signals lol I work alone... There's no way this level of design could be achieved by mere men. IAM can take control of every molecule.

To demonstrate design we had them remember a number.. then we changed that number with a new number and a new memory. Both numbers were exactly what we wanted.. in the exact order we needed. I didn't say anything to them or suggest anything. They approached me and their actions were from their own minds and memories. All I did was respond. They're most likely still convinced of what they thought they seen; even though what they thought they seen makes no logical sense. The event also showed our ability to obtain information that those people think is unobtainable. Information that even the top government agencies couldn't have obtained. God sees and knows everything. If you were an agent and you were told your mission is: on an exact date convince your friends to go to a specific club, meet two specific girls, go back to hers and gain entrance with her permission without her parents knowing, make sure her parents find out at a specific time and kick you out at that time, a time that gives you enough time to walk to where her brother works and at the exact time he starts work, have them all remember a specific number, wait there for the police and let them search you for the specific amount of money, get a free lift home from the police, alter all of their minds so the first number they thought of has changed to another specific number and what they thought they seen makes no logic sense so that the charges they try to press against you are dropped... you've got zero resources to obtain the information, you must work alone, you can't tell anyone what you're doing and you must only react to their actions.

Any agent would say that's impossible, but that's exactly what I did and there's an extraordinary amount of evidence and witnesses to prove it. Matthew19V26 Jesus looked at them and said,With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.I worked alone, but with God's help I achieved all of that. There's witnesses (police and civilians) CCTV, police statements, a recording of the police interview... I have a copy of the police tape recording from the interview and I have the letters they sent me to say there's not enough evidence for them to press charges against me.

Public Prosecution Service Dear Mr McNeilly I am writing to notify you that the prosecution service has decided, having considered the evidence currently available, not to prosecute you in relation to an incident on the 19th day of July 2015 for which papers were submitted to our offices by the police Anyone who has a tape recorder can listen to the interview. You'll see that their minds were altered to the point that the charges were dropped. Their final statements made no logical sense. If you are an investigator you can contact the police to verify that it happened.

We gave Satan 100 years to prove his Theory. He said that giving the chance mankind would forget their God and destroy themselves with greed.. He created a world of believers and non believers... where are the people that say I Know? Very few people actually say I know God exists. Very few people pay attention to actual facts. The world is full of goats; with their own fantasy beliefs. I bring facts to the table and people are still only interested in their own little cave... with their own beliefs and theories about the real world. Not all people are bad. More and more people are starting to wake up. However, Earth is still on the brink of destroying itself with greed. The two girls had an Emo / Satanic appearance. The amount of money her brother thought went missing on their first account of the event = 100. The place that I waited for the police and them was the place where her brother works, at the exact time he started work. Everything happened with precise timing. I knew every move they'd make. Where they'd go the night before, where they work, what time he started work, what time her parents would kick me out lol (A time which left enough time for me to walk to where the guy works and be there at the exact time he started work and at the exact time the police turned up) Every single move was executed with perfect timing. I am the servant... All Glory Belongs To IAM!!! I let them search me, and then I let the police search me. They couldn't find anything on me because the money never existed. We made them think that it existed. Then we created a different fantasy in their minds. They then thought that the amount was 35. 35 = 3 5s = 555. 5+5+5=15. The date I became The Trident Whistle-Blower. That was a demonstration to show that we can take control of anyone. Their second recall of events was completely different from their first statement. To cover my tracks, we made the second statement defy logic lol The human mind can't comprehend how I was able to do that. There are witnesses, a police report, you can check the CCTV footage, I've got a sealed tape recording of the police interview... Matthew 19V26 Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Romans 4V21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

We also wiped one of the police officers memories. In the recording you'll hear him flicking through his note book, checking the story. He was alone with me in the interview room. After the interview the other officer reminded him what happened lol 2 girls 2 police officers 2nd coming lol The Date of the incident on the Hebrew calender 3 AV (5)77(5). Fulfilling prophecies in the Chim lol No-one expected to find the Messiah in the Chim lol The Police need to stop boring me with their human laws... This is my Kingdom. Even if you put this body in Jail, God can still design your future. Check the CCTV footage for the 1st night you kept me in prison, after I released my Trident report. Look at the what the person in the cell behind me was doing. The cell that was behind me when you took my height etc. That person was possessed. Kicking the door all night and screaming in tongues. The noise stopped when it was time for me to leave that prison. Undoubtedly that psycho is always like that, but that was perfect timing for me to show you another demonstration. Part of me wants to go to jail so I can meditate all day but if that happens a lot of people will die. That is not part of the plan. Also, you can't kill me. This body is just a temple. They'll probably question their own freewill. You do have freewill. However, God knows what people are going to do before they do it.

How did I do that??? No man could achieve that without God... it doesn't matter if you're James Bond or Jason Bourne. Matthew 19V26 Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Every major move I make is prophecy fulfilling. That Prophecy is in The Bible Revelation 3V3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief , and you will not know at what time I Will come to you. Peter 3V10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Matthew 24V43, But understand this; If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. Her parents owned the house. Her parents wouldn't have allowed her to invite me in if they knew that I was coming... (PROPHECIES COMPLETED) ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD!!!

I gave mankind a chance to repent but they ignored me and my warnings. They doubted my ability to judge them. They ignored God's achievements. Don't doubt my ability to judge you. Don't doubt God's ability to judge you and destroy you. We have 15 of the worlds tallest cranes overlooking the Grand Mosque, he said. These cranes have been standing there for the last three years. If this crane collapsed, what is stopping the other cranes collapsing God forbid? 15 cranes 3 years... 5+5+5=15 Tri = 3... Trident and Design. Tri = 3... I released my Trident Report in the 15th year of the 3rd Millennium... 5/5/15. My 7th Letter release date was Hebrew Date: 15th Tishrei (5)77(6) Christian Date: 28/09/15 . My 7th Letter described The Destruction. Do you still doubt I am The Servant and God's ability to destroy you with design??? My Updated 7th Letter was released on 17 Tishrei (5)77(6) There's a number 1 in my Will/Trident tattoo and 2 circles in my necklace that represent birth... 1 God 0 circle = Birth 7 = Heaven = 107. Now let's make the numbers match 107 DailyMail It was an act of God': Engineer says the crane which collapsed in Mecca killing 107 had been 'installed in an extremely professional way--- He is right, the crane was installed professionally. Under mankind's laws of physics and probability that event wouldn't have happened. 107 reported Dead on the first reports. Work out the odds of that one! That was the initial count... the numbers continued to rise. What man can do what I have done??? Who can design and predict with that amount of accuracy??? Matthew 8V27 The men were amazed, and said, What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him? I am The Servant... I don't just sit on my ass predicting vaguely and hoping an event similarly matches my predictions... I tell you with an extraordinary amount of detail and it all happens Date Perfect with numbers that exactly match the predictions and fulfil thousands of year old prophecies. I achieved more in one second than Nostradamus did in his life... Yet most people ignore me and millions believe Nostradamus and his unclear riddles lol What is wrong with you people??? I didn't just sit on my ass looking at the stars vaguely predicting the future... I walk the path and I have fulfilled more prophecies than all of the prophets and Saints... The Stars move with me. Consider your human laws of probability, physics and the Butterfly Effect!!! The truth is on my side... Just look at the evidence. If you can count to 3... 1, 2, 3... Learn 4,5,6 / 4V6... Ephesians 4V6 One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Let's add some... 555 =15 for my 1st Trident Letter released on 5/5/15 5775. Also, remember the number 333 is the hidden number in design. 3+3+3=9... We need 15s and 9 for this lesson. DailyMail Update Posted on 15/09/15 Footage recorded inside Mecca's Grand Mosque shows the terrifying moment the building begins to shake seconds before a construction crane toppled on worshippers, killing more than 100 people and injuring 331. Amid reports its collapse at the Islam holy site was triggered by strong winds during a thunderstorm, Saudi authorities have vowed to investigate what caused the accident. New footage, the majority of which is too gruesome to show, has now emerged of the moment the construction crane fell and crashed through the mosque's ceiling. It comes as local Saudi media today claimed the death toll had risen to 111 and the number of injured 331. In the short video, dozens of people can be seen wandering through the building as its foundations are visibly shaking. An instant later, many are crushed as the huge crane lands on them. --- 111 Dead 331 injured 111331 The first 3 1s 111 (Death Toll) makes the Trident 111 / . There sure was a lot of pressure pushing down on that crane... that resulted in a lot of pressure pushing down on Mecca, then pressure pushing down on those people. Which resulted in the exact amount of Dead and injured in the first counts, to match the Design and teach you a lesson... Kill the Christians, Hindus or Jews... and we will kill you with Divine Design. 111 PSI is a Trident symbol / . PSI = Pounds Per Square Inch. At sea PSI is around 14.7 ... 147 Plan... the number in the email address I used to release my 1st report/The Trident report on 5/5/15 5775... 147. These are all proven mathematical FACTS... You see, you learn facts and gain knowledge from me... I don't tell you to have faith that what I say is true... you should know it's true and if you don't know it, research it and learn it. 111 Dead 331 Injured Add the first 3 ones together with The 2 crosses for 2nd coming 111 = 3 which then equals 333 1. The hidden number for design is 333 and The Number 1... 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus That's Timothy 2:5... remember I released my Trident report when I was 25. I'm telling you there is One God... The evidence is all there... Can you explain that with your laws of physics and probability??? Do you think IAM is limited to your human laws of physics and probability? Think again!!! We can change The Matrix. Show me another man who has done what I have done! Show me another God who has done what IAM has!!! IAM is the creator... There's no God like IAM. When you say The God of the Jews is different from the God of the Muslims... what are you talking about??? There's only One God. Do not divide God in your mind so that you can create your own view of God and reality... Look at the facts!!! Albert Einstein A man should look for what is and not for what he thinks should be. I bring facts and knowledge to the table... you people bring blind faith and ignorance. You want to believe that you picked the right religion on your first guess without looking at any proven FACTS. I don't like blind faith. Why would you ignore God's creation??? You see, when you chant Death to Israel sooner or later God will give you Death. Not because it's Israel but because they are your brethren. If you chant Death to Iraq or Iran when they ask for peace... you Will also face THE WRATH!!! We are trying to create a 1000 years of peace and the Muslims are breaking that peace with wars and rumours of wars. I know there's good Muslims and I want to help them, but the blind don't want to see the Light... they are blocking the light with their one book. You are capable of seeing... just come out of your cave and open your eyes... become enlightened!!! Ezekiel 18V32 For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live! I gave you numerous warnings... all you have to do is look... Luke 6V31 Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. 32 If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34 If you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive back the same amount. 35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. I gave you multiple warnings... I don't want to fight you but when you insult God I have to teach you a lesson... 1 Timothy 2V1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people 2 for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is One God, and One mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, Why would you ignore The Lord's teachings and follow the teachings of Muhammed??? Note: 1 Timothy 2V5. One God and One mediator between God and men. 1 2V 5 = 1 God 2V = 2x5 = 10 + the other 5 = 15 = 555 or you can say 2V = 55 then 2V 5 = 555. I am telling you to Love Thy Neighbour. evoL_T_ _ N = Love Thy Neighbour. 3 spaces = Trident - Design. We do the hanging around here. Look at the time George W Bush points directly at you in the I Pet Goat II Animation... 00:55mins. 5 pieces on the Hangman.... My 5th Letter was my 1st one to explain the animation. 55 = VV = W . 5x5 = 25 The age I was when I released my 1st Letter on 5/5/15 Hebrew year 5775. Most people couldn't even solve evoL_ T_ _ N. They assumed it was just evolution... evoL_ T_ _ N = Love Thy Neighbour!!! Loving Thy Neighbour is Evolution!!!

Count yourselves lucky that all 15 / 555 of those cranes didn't come down at once. That was just a warning. Now is the time for peace... make peace with the Christians, Jews, Hindus... All of Mankind. ALSO, DON'T IGNORE THE TEACHINGS IN THE BIBLE!!! ISIS are killing innocent people... Muslims and Christians. I expect the terrorist leaders to hand their authority to me. I am IAM's Servant. Surrender to me, repent and I can forgive you. Psalm 45V2 You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever. 3 Gird your sword on your side, you mighty one; clothe yourself with splendor and majesty. 4 In your Majesty ride forth Victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds. 5 Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the King's enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet. ISIS didn't listen to me... now they are being destroyed with Divine Design. I'm first visible in the animation at 2:44mins 2nd coming. 44 riding 4th In Majesty and Victory. The Rise of The Phoenix. Isaiah 46V10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. 11 From the East I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I Will bring about; what I have planned, that I Will do. I flew East and released my 6th and 7th Letters!!! (Prophecy Complete)

I'm telling you, Earth has seen enough evil... Avoid the Abyss!!! I'm holding out my hand and trying to teach mankind Good... Serve IAM with ME and we can create a better world together. I asked ISIS to depart to the other side of the Black sea and see the Light. I Looked at the Blood-Moon across the Black Sea when I was in Bulgaria. It was B E A U TIFUL!!! Serve IAM with me and Love Thy Neighbour. Matthew 8V18 Now when Jesus saw a crowd around Him, He gave orders to depart to the other side of the sea. Here's a direct quote from my 7th Letter that I released in Bulgaria UTC 2. depart to the other side of the sea and see the Light.

(PROPHECY COMPLETED) Saudi Arabia said on Saturday that stormy winds knocked over the crane which collapsed onto one of Islam's holiest shrines in Mecca Heavy rain and strong winds of unusually high speed led to the uprooting of trees, the fall of panels and the collapse of the crane, General Suleiman al-Amr, director general of the Civil Defence Authority, told Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV on Saturday. Matthew 8V20 Jesus said to him, The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. 21 Another of the disciples said to Him, Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father. 22 But Jesus said to him, Follow Me, and allow the dead to bury their own dead. 23 When He got into the boat, His disciples followed

Him. 24 And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep 25 And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, Save us, Lord; we are perishing! 26 He said to them, Why are you afraid, you men of little faith? Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm 27 The men were amazed, and said, What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him? --- Going into a boat covered in waves = The Submarine + controlling the weather with perfect timing (PROPHECY COMPLETED)

There's a picture of the Blood-Moon that was visible across the Black sea when I was in Bulgaria UTC 2. It is shinning like the Sun. That picture isn't the best... it was took on a phone.

Here's a clearer one from online.

This was all prophesied in the I Pet Goat II animation... an animation that started getting made wayyy back in 2006 and got released in 2012. There's Bin Laden in the animation... standing right next to the blood-moon and solar eclipse symbol (Prophecy Complete)

I was in the exact location I needed to be, to perfectly fulfil those prophecies and watch the Blood-Moon across the Black Sea. I released My 7th Letter on the 7th month on the Hebrew Calender, known as Tishrei. I released my 7th Letter 7 days into my holiday... in UTC 2, the same time-zone as Israel. 7th Letter Released Hebrew Date: 15 th Tishrei (5)77(6) Christian Date: 28/09/15. Bin Laden threatened the West and Israel so we taught him a lesson with Divine Design. The Animation shows Bin Laden in a cave. When I exit the cave I stop gasping for air at 05:55mins 5+5+5 =15 The date I released my 1st Letter = 5/5/15. The word on my Trident Key is ENERGIE = 3Es = 555 After that the cave collapses on Bin Laden...

You can see a cross on the cave... representing Bin Laden's attack on 9/11. There's two towers and they both collapse... 9/11. The cross is took out in the animation at 06:11... invert the 6 and you have 9:11... 9/11. The crane collapse happened on 9/11/15!!! No-one has explained the I Pet Goat II animation in the way I have... even the animator doesn't know what it all means... he received visions, then made it from his visions. I can interpret it all because I am the guy in the boat and the story is my life. Every second in the video is perfect.

Pay back for 9/11 was Mecca being destroyed with Divine Design... on the Anniversary of 9/11 in 2015... The year I fulfilled the Trident Prophecies. Remember, that animation started getting made in 2006 and was released in 2012. Tri = 3... 2012 + 3 years after the animation was released = 2015 = The year I released the Trident report on 5/5/15 5775. 2015 is the year I published a video with the I Pet Goat II animation in it, The year of the Mecca crane collapse... caused by one of the 15 cranes... 5+5+5=15. Guess who owned those 15 cranes at Mecca??? The Bin Laden family!!! That is what you call Divine Design!!! Mind blowing isn't it??? The stampede, the crane collapse, Russia bombing ISIS exactly when I predicted and designed Etc Etc Etc... Do you really think Islam can conquer the world??? Don't be silly lol Make peace or be destroyed and thrown into the Abyss. Just because you don't fear death... doesn't mean you shouldn't fear God or ME. Trust me... there's worse fates than death!!! Continue to stop us from creating the 1000 years of peace and you'll find out what those fates are. There's dimensions where people beg for Death.

Deuteronomy 32V36 For the LORD will vindicate His people, And will have compassion on His servants, When He sees that their strength is gone, And there is none remaining, bond or free. 37 And HE Will say, 'Where are their Gods, The rock in which they sought refuge?--- WHERE ARE THEIR GODs, THE ROCK IN WHICH THEY SOUGHT REFUGE? (Prophecy Complete) You see, I don't live by the sword and I don't need a sword to Destroy my enemies. I tell you the steps to take if you want to avoid Death. If you refuse to take those steps... prophecy is made and you are killed with an extraordinary amount of detail. James 4V12 There is only One Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy. But you--who are you to judge your neighbour? Bin Laden judged the American's... now they have been Destroyed with Divine Design and they have been judged (Prophecy Complete) Exodus 23V24 Do not bow down before their gods or worship them or follow their practices. You must demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces. Matthew 13V41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. Deuteronomy 7V5 This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire. 2 Chronicles 14V3 He removed the foreign altars and the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. Leviticus 26V30 I Will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I Will abhor you. Matthew 26V52 Put your sword back in its place, Jesus said to him, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. 53 Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? Deuteronomy 32V39 See now that I myself am he! There is no God besides me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand. 40 I lift my hand to heaven and solemnly swear: As surely as I live forever, 41 If I sharpen My flashing sword, And My hand takes hold on justice, I Will, render vengeance on My adversaries, And I Will, repay those who hate Me. 42 I Will, make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and thatwith the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy.(Prophecies Complete) I am The Servant of IAM... IAM is

The One true God of all creation!!! ALL GLORY BELONGS TO IAM!!!

Deuteronomy 32V36 For the LORD will vindicate His people, And will have compassion on His servants, When He sees that their strength is gone, And there is none remaining, bond or free. 37 And HE Will say, 'Where are their Gods, The rock in which they sought refuge?--- WHERE ARE THEIR GODs, THE ROCK IN WHICH THEY SOUGHT REFUGE???

(Prophecy Complete)

Isaiah 53V1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? You should have listened to my warnings. Instead of listening to the man who has fulfilled more prophecies than any other man in history and in ways no human can explain... they ignore me and listen to Muhammed. Do you have any functioning braincells? Are you capable of logical thinking? Do you understand that all the scientific evidence proves who I am and proves I am the one who fulfils the prophecies with God? Islam was essential to the design. However, that doesn't mean you should worship or follow the teachings of their prophet. Everything is essential to the design... that is called The Butterfly Effect. Job 40V8 Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? 9 Do you have an arm like God's, and can your voice thunder like his?

Quote from my 6th Letter on 23/09/15 The Spice Girls put their heads into boxes = the cube / the cave / peoples minds being trapped in their own little box. We have 15 of the worlds tallest cranes overlooking the Grand Mosque, he said. These cranes have been standing there for the last three years. If this crane collapsed, what is stopping the other cranes collapsing God forbid? Mecca crane collapse: Saudi king sanctions Binladin Group after deadly accident Binladin Group suspended over Makkah tragedy Today, King Salman said the Binladin Group should not have left the crane's arm up when it was not in useThe cranes have been there for years. They clearly didn't sit down and calculate the cost. My 7 paged 7th Letter was released on the 28th and my 14 paged Updated 7th Letter was released on the 30th. They both described the Mecca crane collapse in the same month it happened... 14=7+7... 14+7+7 = 28 Luke 14V28 For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, 30 saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish.' (Prophecies Complete)

Do you still think I am not THE SERVANT!!! Do you still think God can't control the wind??? If you do... you're extremely unenlightened. DailyMail Update Posted on 15/09/15 Footage recorded inside Mecca's Grand Mosque shows the terrifying moment the building begins to shake seconds before a construction crane toppled on worshippers, killing more than 100 people and injuring 331. Amid reports its collapse at the Islam holy site was triggered by strong winds during a thunderstorm, Saudi authorities have vowed to investigate what caused the accident. New footage, the majority of which is too gruesome to show, has now emerged of the moment the construction crane fell and crashed through the mosque's ceiling. It comes as local Saudi media today claimed the death toll had risen to 111 and the number of injured 331. In the short video, dozens of people can be seen wandering through the building as its foundations are visibly shaking. An instant later, many are crushed as the huge crane lands on them.

Dailymail In the short video, dozens of people can be seen wandering through the building as its foundations are visibly shaking. An instant later, many are crushed as the huge crane lands on them.

The crane crash happened on the anniversary of 9/11, UK date 11/9/15. It happened in 2015 and I posted the I Pet Goat II animation in my video, in 2015... My UNMASKED video was released on 27/08/15 and the Mecca Crane collapse happened on 11/9/15. My video clearly showed the building collapsing on Bin Laden... it was a clear warning. There's 15 days between my UNMASKED video and The Mecca crane collapse (including the days). 5+5+5=15... 5/5/15 The Date I became The Trident Whistle-blower!!! My video warned you you should have listened to my warning...

(Prophecy Complete)

Count from the 11th of September (Date of the crane collapse) till the 24th of September (Date of the Stampede... 11 (1) 12 (2) 13 (3) 14 (4) 15 (5) 16 (6) 17 (7) 18 (8) 19 (9) 20 (10) 21 (11) 22 (12) 23 (13) 24 (14) 14 days AKA 2 weeks between those 2 EVEnts... The Mecca Crane collapse and the Stampede. A week is 7 days. 14 = 7 +7... 147 Plan. My UNMASKED video and reports warned you. The warning was clear and extremely detailed. Tragically it meant he was in the path of the collapsing crane that claimed 111 lives. 11 Pakistanis, 11 Indians, two Brits among 111 dead 111 people were killed and 394 injured last Friday when a construction crane fell inside the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Crane that killed 111 pilgrims removed from Grand Mosque


The count starts at 11 (1) the amount reported dead = 111. Now ask yourselves again... can God control the weather??? 111 Dead in the body count that happened on 15/09/15. Earlier I said add the 111s and it becomes 3. Tri = 3. 111 together form a Trident Tip 111 . On the 23/09/15 I released my 6th Letter and there was a Thunderstorm. God showed the ability to control the weather. There wasn't just a Thunderstorm... God controlled the exact speed of the wind, the pressure, viability ETC ETC ETC. Add the 111s and it becomes 3. Put that into the hours in day... 1113. 11 first. Let's look at 11AM and 11PM. Tri =3 now take the last 3 1113... 11:30PM. I'm a one man army. I don't control the people that record the weather data and keep the weather history records. Search weather history online and you'll see is the Top site to find the weather history data. There's numerous witnesses and recorded scientific data from numerous sources to prove these numbers. Search Burgas Bulgaria 23/09/15 online yourselves and verify. The best times of the day for the numbers 111 3 is 11:00 AM 11:00PM and 11:30 PM. 11:00 PM is also known as 23:00 PM. Tri = 3 and The 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet is a Trident . Now look at the wind speeds, visibility and pressure at 11:00 AM 11:00PM and 11:30 PM.... in the exact location I released The 5/6th Letter on 23/09/15.

First Time needed to match the numbers 11:00 AM

11:00Am Temp: 23.0C Pressure: 1010hPa Pressure: around 0.147 PSI visibility: 10.0km Wind Speed: 11.1km/3.1m.s

I released my 6th report on the 23rd and this is data from the 23rd in the location I released it... The Temperature at 11:00 AM was 23.0C. PSI is a Trident symbol and the 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet is . The Pressure at 11:00 AM was 1010 hPa. PSI is also used to represent pressure. PSI = Pounds Per square inch. You can convert the two, in the same way you can convert centimetres to inches. HPa and PSI are both measurements of pressure. In the same way centimetres and inches both measure length. PSI is a Trident symbol and the 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet is . Convert 1010 hPa to PSI . Tri = 3. Look at the 1st 3 numbers. At 11:00AM The pressure was around 0.147 PSI . Add up all the letters in my 6th report that I released on the 23rd on that day and in that exact location... it gives you a document size of 147KB. 147 was the number I used in my email address to become The Trident Whistle-Blower .

The death toll at Mecca on 15/09/15 was reported to be 111. 111 together form a Trident Tip 111 . The whole numbers in pressure 1010 hPa and visibility 10.0km are 111. The Mecca crane collapse happened on the 11th in the same month. The wind speed at 11:00 AM was 11.1 Km/h. ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD!!!

11:00Am Temp: 23.0C Pressure: 1010hPa Pressure: around 0.147 PSI visibility: 10.0km Wind Speed: 11.1km/3.1m.s

Let's look at 11:00 PM. In the location and on the exact night I released my 5/6 Letter.

11:00PM Pressure: 1010hPa Pressure: around 0.147 PSI Wind Speed: 5.6km/1.5m/s

The wind speed at 11:00PM was 5.6km/h 1.5 m/s. On the same night and in the same location... I released my 6th Letter and dated it 5/6 report. I dated it 5/6 report and released it before 11:00PM on 23/09/15. 5.6km = 1.5m/s. The Title of my 5/6 report was 555 New Eden. 5+5+5=15. 5/5/15 = The Date I became The Trident Whistle-Blower. My 5/6 letter is 147KB in size. PSI is a Trident symbol and the pressure at 11:00PM was 1010; which is around 0.147PSI . All the numbers were PERFECT!!! ALL GLORY BLONGS TO GOD!!!

11:30 PM In the exact location and on the exact night I released my 5/6 Letter.

11:30PM Pressure: 1011hPa Pressure: 0.147 PSI (3dp) Tri = 3 Wind Speed: 11.1km/3.1m/s

At 11:30 PM the weather changed from a light Thunderstorm to an Explosive Thunderstorm. The Atmospheric pressure at 11:30PM was 1011hPa. A number that contains 3 111s . 1011 in binary is 11. The crane collapse happened on the 11th in the same month. The wind speed was 11.1Km/h and 3.1m/s. Remember the Death Toll at the Mecca crane collapse was 111. The crane collapse happened on 9/11/15. When didn't just make The Prophecy... God fulfilled The prophecy with an extraordinary amount of detail. 1011hPa in PSI is 0.147 PSI when rounded to 3 decimal places. My 6th Letter was released in that exact location and on that exact day. My 6th Letter was 55 pages long and titled 555 New Eden. 5/5/555 = 5/5/5+5+5 = 5/5/15 = The exact date I became known as The Trident Whistle-Blower. My 6th Letter that was titled 555 New Eden. Its size is 147KB, the number in the email I used to release my Trident report 147, the Pressure on the night I released my 6th Letter Pressure: 0.147 PSI (3dp) Tri = 3 . 23/09/15 was Yom Kippur... an official day. If you still can't see I am God's servant... YOU ARE BLIND and DUMB!!!


Tri = 3. Round to 3 decimal places... 0.147 PSI 147 Plan

The Weather recordings at Mecca at the time of the Crane collapse. The crane collapse happened on

9/11/15 AKA 11/9/15. The collapse happened at 17:23 local time

Look at The weather history recordings at Mecca... just after the crane collapse. The temperature fell to exactly 25.0 C. The visibility at 5:31PM was 2.5. That's 3 times in a row where the numbers 2 and 5 appeared and that's the 3 weather recordings at Mecca... straight after the crane collapse. I was 25 when I became The Trident Whistle-Blower on 5/5/15. 5+5+15 = 25. My 5/6 report was 55 pages and titled 555 New Eden. 5+5+5+5+5 = 25. The crane collapse happened at exactly 5:23PM. A time that contains the number 5 and the number 23. I released my Trident report on 5/5/15 5775 when I was 25. PSI is the 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet and is a Trident . 5PM is also known as 17:00PM... the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo are... 157. I was born at exactly 5PM Aka 17:00PM. Death appears in the animation at 5:17. I have The Key to Death and Hades. Matthew 16V27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. 28 Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. Everyone should remember all the signs and hype surrounding the year 2012. Numerous religions and signs pointed to 2012. 2+0+1+2 = 5 I turned 23 in 2012... 5:23PM... The exact time the Mecca crane collapse happened. The 0 is the dividing point between the whole numbers. 2 0 1+2 = 23. PSI is the 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet and is a Trident . 2012 is when I went to infiltrate the UK's false Trident nuclear weapons programme. The closest weather recording after the collapse is 5:31PM. PSI measures pressure. The pressure reading after the collapse at 5:31 was 1011hPa... which is 0.147 PSI when rounded to 3 decimal places. Tri = 3. You see, the prophecies are fulfilled with an extraordinary amount of detail. I can keep going into more detail. Tri = 3. The 3rd weather recording at Mecca, straight after the crane collapse, recorded the Wind speed at 5.6km/h / 1.5m/s. The crane collapse happened at a point between my 5th and 6th Letters. The 3rd wind speed recording 5.6Km/h. 5+5+5= 15 5/5/15 = The Date I became The Trident Whistle-Blower. 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.5... 1.5m/s


I am The Servant


Matthew 8V27 The men were amazed, and said, What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him? (Prophecy Complete) I am IAM's Servant. Do not let the title fool you. Being IAM's Servant means I am the most powerful man on Earth.


7 days after I arrived in Bulgaria UTC 2, I released my 7th Letter on 28/09/15... On the Date of the 4th Blood Super Moon in the extremely rare Tetrad. 4X7 = 28 Quote from my 7th Letter, which is 7 pages long If you are a member of ISIS surrender to ME. Everybody else attack ISIS.. 2 days later Russia attacked ISIS and I released my 14 paged Updated 7th Letter. 147 Plan. A 14 paged 7th Letter + 7 paged 7th Letter = 147 Plan. The number in the email address I used to release my first Letter AKA The Trident report... 147 My email contained JohnHunt147. I got my Will/Trident tattoo 7 years before I released my Trident report and I released it in the year that contains the 70th anniversary of the Trinity project, the 70th anniversary of the UN... THE 70th BIBLICAL JUBILEE! My Will/Trident tattoo is designed with 7 7s and one mirrored 7. You see, every move I made was perfectly calculated and prophecy fulfilling. God knows everything you're going to do before you do it. That is an example of how God controls everything... ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD!!! It doesn't matter which nation you are from. God controls everything. Russia is now destroying ISIS. What are the odds of that happening 2 days after I called for it, on the same day I released my 14 paged Updated 7th Letter, the length of my 2 letters equalling 147, JohnHunt147 being the email address I used to release my Trident report, 147 + 10 (completion) = 157, 157 being the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo, The Biblical verse that explains the Trinity containing 1John5:7 ETC ETC ETC... It's not a coincidence... I deliberately tattooed that on my arm with 7 7s and one mirrored 7, I deliberately put JohnHunt147 in my e-mail address, I deliberately went into UTC 2 and released my 7th Letter after 7 days in UTC 2 and my 14 paged updated 7th Letter 9 days after I arrived in the 9th month, a month the contained the 9th Tetrad Blood-Moon to land perfectly on Jewish feast days, The 4th and final Blood-Moon of the Tetrad was a Super Blood-Moon that was visible in my location from across the black sea and it happened on the exact day I released my 7th Letter... ETC ETC ETC None of that is coincidental because I deliberately planned it and carried out the plan... God planned it. If a darts player aims for the Bullseye, throws 777777777 darts and hits it every single time without missing... it is not a coincidence because he planned it and deliberately carried out the plan. If you think it is... get yourself some braincells and a dictionary. The plan is God's plan... ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD!!! Some people think it's a coincidence because they can't explain how we could control Russia. You can't explain how the Sun is the exact distance it needs to be from Earth... You can't understand it or explain it, but the Sun is still there. I am The Servant... God can take control of anything and anyone. Do your own research all you have to do is look at the release dates of my 7th Letters and the date Russia attacked ISIS. Reported on the 30/09/15 Russia carries out first air strikes in Syria. As you can clearly see, Russia started military intervention in Syria on the 30/09/15... The exact same day I released my 14 paged Updated 7th Letter = 147 Plan... And exactly 2 days after I released my 7 paged 7th Letter calling for an attack on ISIS... Cheers Putin mate.

The West and Russia must began to realise that we are all Brothers and Sisters, with the same Spirit and same desire for a better World. Together we can create a Better World for all Mankind.

Russian Flag

I Pet Goat II released in 2012. The Bird of Prey and The Russian Bear. That scene happens directly after the dead Muslim spinning in a circle scene. Russia attacked ISIS 2 days after I released my 7 paged 7th Letter and on the same day I released my 14 paged 7th Letter...147...(Prophecy Complete)

NATO doesn't need forces to stop Russia's expansion... all Nations need to merge into One. We need a One World Defence Force. That is the only way we can guarantee disarmament and Victory over the terrorists. We need a World where mankind serves the vision and goals of mankind and God, and not the visions and goals of corrupt Government officials. A world war is inevitable in a divided world. If Europe United before WWI and WWII... those wars wouldn't have happened. Mankind let their greed control them. Mankind's greed started WWI and WWII. Imagine how strong and advanced Europe, America and Russia would be if they united before WWI and WWII. Imagine if they spent their money, resources, intelligence, power... on creating a better world for mankind. Instead they spent and continue to spend most of their money, intelligence and resources on strengthening their military power so they can keep mankind divided. When will mankind learn... United We Stand... Divided We Fall! Don't feel too bad; in terms of the true reality, The Prophecies have been fulfilled with ABSOLUTE PEFECTION!!! This dimension is beyond PERFECT!!!


My 1st 7th Letter was released on the 15th of the 7th Hebrew month Tishrei and my Updated 7th Letter was released on the 17th of the 7th Hebrew month... The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo contain all those numbers... 157. My Updated 7th Letter was released 9 days after I arrived in UTC 2... in the 9th month of 2015. 3+3+3 = 9 --- 3X3 = 9 --- Tri = 3 and 3 is shaped like a Trident. 3 is the hidden number in design!!! 147 plan = 1+3=4+3=7+3=10... 147 Plan + 9 = The year 1947. The year I talked about in my One World report which was released on 7/7/15 5775... A Date that perfectly matches the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... 157. A tattoo that contains 7 7s and one Mirrored 7.

7th Letter Released Hebrew Date: 15th Tishrei (5)77(6) Christian Date: 28/09/15

Updated Hebrew Date: 17th Tishrei (5)77(6) Christian Date: 30/09/15 PUBLISHED:11:10, Thu, Nov 12, 2015 The unidentified visitor from space, which had all the hallmarks of a meteorite, exploded into a burst of triple flashing lights before complete disintegration. There's a Thank You in the heavens. Tri = three bright lights over Russia... 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD!!!

The Express published their report on 11:10. Nov 12. November is the 11th month. Time: 11:10

Date: 11/12/15 111 111

The war in Syria has pushed a lot of ISIS fighters into the West.. War with Isis: Islamic militants have army of 200,000, claims senior Kurdish leader Russia Today: Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants have an army of about 200,000 fighters. Donald Trump is worried Syrian Refugees are a 200,000 army of ISISmilitants The actor said that his "priority activity if he was the invisible man for the day" was to kill off the estimated 200,000 ISIS fighters.

THE BIBLE 2 Chronicles 28V8 Then the Israelites took 200,000 captives from their brotherswomen, sons, and daughters... They took the easy path to the West... Now they are weakened and surrounded!!! ISIS will not be Victorious (PROPHECY COMPLETED) I told you to surrender to me... now you have been destroyed... it's only a matter of time. You can surrender to me and repent.

In my One World report released on 7/7/15 5775 I said Of course there needs to be a period of border control, to let the others catch up. Europe made that error. My 3rd report was called The Art Of War. Thousands of people read my Art of War report. It was released on Hebrew Date: 29th Sivan (5)77(5) Christian Date: 16/6/15. I released my Art of War report wayyy back in June... Here's some quotes from my Art of War report There is currently a massive lack of vision within Europe; it has become controlled by countries who are seeking to profit from its values, without showing any concern in protecting Europe itself. ISIS are growing stronger everyday. "No long war ever profited any country: 100 victories in 100 battles is simply ridiculous. Anyone who excels in defeating his enemies triumphs before his enemy's threats become real It's time to create European funded defence. It's the only way we can make sure that all European nations contribute to Europe's defence. The Islamic State has billions of dollars in the bank, so they call on their wil?yah in Pakistan to purchase a nuclear device through weapons dealers with links to corrupt officials in the region. The weapon is then transported overland until it makes it to Libya, where the... Theyll be looking to do something big, something that would make any past operation look like a squirrel shoot, and the more groups that pledge allegiance the more possible it becomes to pull off something truly epic. ISIS, she said, presently has the capacity to build a large, radioactive disbursal device known as a dirty bomb. And if not a nuke, what about a few thousand tons of ammonium nitrate explosive?Thats easy enough to make. The Islamic State make no secret of the fact they have every intention of attacking Those are all direct quotes from my Art of War report that was released wayyy back in June... Hebrew Date: 29th Sivan (5)77(5) Christian Date: 16/6/15.

I warned about the ISIS invasion and attack 150 days before the Paris Attack. I said ISIS 12 times in my Art of War report. I said IS, Islamic State and ISIS over a dozen times in that report. Now everyone can see that they are a major threat. The attack happened on 13/11/15. There was 150 days for you to listen to my warning, but you failed to take action and ISIS carried out the Deadliest attack in Europe, in over a decade; the deadliest attack in France since WWII. Why don't people listen to my warnings when they are clearly 100% accurate? I warned about ISIS smuggling weapons of mass destruction about 6 months before the Dailymail released its report about the Experts giving their Expert advice. Dailymail post in December 2015 ISIS army of scientists set to wage chemical and biological war on West: Experts warn weapons of mass destruction 'have been carried undetected' into European Union

Now the Experts are coming out and saying the terrorists are planning a chemical and nuclear attack. Who are these Experts I warned people about that months before the Dailymail released their report about the Experts. I warned about that half a year before they released their report. People in this world lack vision. They only see what is in the now. You need to look into the future. If that attack happens, you will all be responsible. You can't just blame the terrorists. People's ignorance and inaction is the main reason these attacks happen. I didn't just warn people... I told them the steps to take to stop it from happening. People didn't listen to my advice because they didn't think I was a qualified Expert. If you listened to my advice, those lives would've been saved. Instead you depended on the experts to give you their expert opinion. Get your finger out of your ass and take the steps I told you to take. Your lack of interest in defence and ignorance has gotten and will continue to get people killed. My predictions are 100% accurate and you ignore me to listen to the people that call themselves experts. What makes them experts? Did they read a few books in Uni and pass a few tests? Aww Wow... big deal!!! Thousands of people read my Art of War report that was released in June... Half a year before the Dailymail wrote a report with its Experts. What makes them Experts did they predict it or did they tell you when it was too fucking late??? They released that report in December. Closing the borders now would be like a pregnant woman closing her legs. You've already been fucked and if you don't take action, you will continue to pay the price.

I warned about the ISIS invasion when everyone was talking about people fleeing Europe to go to Syria. People were talking about Muslims going to Syria to fight and I was talking about the people in Syria coming to Europe to fight. People didn't listen to my warnings. Some people told me to stop writing my reports. Those people are dead because you failed to take action and listen to my warnings. Those who read my reports and did nothing are like a guard in a guard tower allowing an invasion. You are responsible. I tried my best to warn people and alert the public. What did you do? People read my reports and don't alert others. Ezekiel 33V1 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, speak to the sons of your people and say to them, 'If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, 3 and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows on the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. 5 'He heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning; his blood will be on himself. But had he taken warning, he would have delivered his life. 6 'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand. I put my life on the line to blow the Trumpet and warn people. They didn't listen to my warning. A lot of people seen my warning and didn't blow their trumpet... they did not alert others to take action. The blood is on their hands. Some people shared my reports and alerted others. They are good watchmen and I am thankful for their help. The majority failed to alert other and showed the world that they are useless watchmen. They preferred to watch funny videos on Facebook, instead of taking action. If you see a fire in a school and don't raise the alarm, you are accountable. If you see my warnings and don't take action, you are accountable. These reports aren't designed for your entertainment... we are talking about real world events and real people being killed. If you read my reports, ask yourself did I blow the trumpet? Did I do my best to stop those events from happening? The answer to that for most of you is no. There are good people who tried their best and I thank them.

The difference between an amateur chess player and a Master is: the amateur looks at the pieces on the board and asks himself what is the next best move while the Master thinks about future moves. The Masters next move can seem foolish to the amateur but in the long run the Master will win. You need to think about future moves. People looked at the situation and seen that people were fleeing to Syria to fight so they thought... New powers to stop 'jihadi brides' flying to Syria British family including four children thought to be on their way to Syria are arrested in Turkey. They thought we need to stop them from going to Syria... I told people they are going to come here. If you just think about the now... you will lose. If you plan future moves... you will be Victorious. Sometimes your first moves have to seem like mistakes, but in the long run, they will lead you to Victory. On 16/6/15 I told Europe to strengthen its defences. If you made that move at that time, it would've seemed like a mistake to most people, but in the long run... it would've saved lives. Mankind will continue descend into complete chaos, if they don't plan and take steps to secure mankind's future.

My military strategy is far beyond any humans. I am IAM's Servant and IAM has decided the outcome of every single war in the history of man. I didn't just predict ISIS invading and carrying out a catastrophic attack. I told Europe to strengthen its borders 150 days before the Paris attack. I specifically mentioned ISIS numerous times. I was the 1st one to talk about religious ignorance and post pictures that contained Blue, White then red in vertical order. How do I know that I was the first when millions of people posted Blue, White then Red in vertical order pictures after the Paris terrorist attacks? I put mine in my report... a month before the attack. Could your experts do that?

I posted mine a month before the Paris attacks happened. I posted them in my reports. My 8th The Prophecy Part 1 Hebrew Date: 2nd Cheshvan (5)77(6) Christian Date: 15/10/15 and 10th The Prophecy Part III Hebrew Date: 12th Cheshvan (5)77(6) Christian Date: 25/10/15... Both contained vertical blue white and red images. Prophecy Part II didn't contain the images. Only Prophecy Part 1 and My Prophecy Complete Letter, which contained all 3 Letters... it was the release of my 3rd Prophecy Letter. It contained them all and therefore also contained the images... Prophecy Part 1 and the release of the 3rd. 13... The Paris terrorist attack happened on the 13th in the next month. My Art of War Letter warned you about an ISIS attack 150 days before the attack and my Prophecy Part 1 letter contained the vertical Blue, white and red images... released on 15/10/15. 10 x 15 =150. My Art of War Letter warned you 150 days before the Paris attack. My warnings were extremely detailed. Ultimately they were God's warnings. People didn't listen to the extremely detailed warnings and it happened with 100% accuracy on 13/11/15. (Prophecy Complete)

No man has predicted with that amount of accuracy and detail... in that short period of time. That's not even all the detail. Those weren't prophecies that were designed to vaguely come true in the next 1000 years. They were extremely detailed and came true on the exact date... with the exact detail. Even the amount of people killed in the Paris attack was Prophecy fulfilling. They are fulfilled on the exact day they are supposed to be... with the exact details. You can see that they were fulfilled in an extremely short time period, but people ignore me and look to Nostradamus lol What is wrong with you people??? FRENCH prophet Nostradamus predicted ISIS's bid to dominate parts of Europe in moves which will spark a Third World War, researchers are sensationally claiming. was he referring to ISIS? When you look at my prophecies, you don't have to ask was he referring to ISIS? I referred ISIS over a dozen times in a report that was released 150 days before the Paris Attack. I released my 6th letter the night before the stampede at Mecca... and said YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE WHAT A REAL TRIDENT CAN DO!!! The initial death toll was reported as 700. PSI is a Trident symbol . The Greek Letter PSI has the numerical value of 700. That prophecy was fulfilled the next morning. I have fulfilled more prophecies than any man and my prophecies are extremely detailed. Tell me, why do people ignore me and millions follow Nostradamus and his vague warnings? Nostradamus prophecies are vague and designed to be vaguely fulfilled in the distant future. Millions of people follow his word like he was a Prophet and barely anyone listens to my extremely accurate and extremely detailed predictions, that have been fulfilled with 100% accuracy. Nostradamus is dead. After I die, people will remember me as The Greatest Prophecy fulfiller in the history of mankind. Hopefully people will wake up and listen to my warnings before I die and before more people die.

My Prophecy Complete III Letter released on Hebrew Date: 12th Cheshvan (5)77(6) Christian Date: 25/10/15 is 128 A4 pages long. Paris massacre: At least 128 killed in gunfire and blasts, French officials say France has declared a national state of emergency and tightened borders after at least 128 people were killed in a night of gun and bomb attacks in Paris. President says France will defend itself after at least 128 people killed in series of gun and bomb attacks across Paris 128 Dead in Multiple Shootings and Explosions in Paris as Terror Strikes France Those are all direct quotes that are from their websites. Search the exact wording online and you'll get the news stories. My Prophecy Complete III Letter released on Hebrew Date: 12th Cheshvan (5)77(6) Christian Date: 25/10/15 the attack happened in the next month on 13/11/15. I warned about ISIS attacks, My Prophecy reports warned about ignorance, contained vertical Blue, white and red images a month before the attacks, the total number of pages in my prophecy report = the total number that was reported dead by multiple news sources after the 1st counts Etc Etc Etc That's not even going into all the details. My Prophecies were fulfilled with 100% accuracy and you ignore me to listen to Nostradamus??? The attacks happened on Friday the 13th. The death toll continued to rise... Paris attacks death toll rises to 130 There were seven coordinated terror attacks in Paris carried out by militants, killing at least 130 people. 130 people killed in an attack that happened on Friday the 13th... 13/11/15.

God's prediction are 100% accurate and extremely detailed. I am The Servant of God. That is why my prophecies are extremely detailed and 100% accurate. Still people ignore my advice. Now my letters only get dozens, sometimes 100s of views. All of the predictions are 100% accurate and prophecy fulfilling... and people ignore them. I sacrificed a good paying careerer as an Engineering Technician on a nuclear weapon system and I put my life on the line to warn people. Warning people puts my life in danger. What did people do with my warnings? Most people called me crazy and barely anyone took the time to examine what I was saying. Even after people seen my predictions were accurate they showed an extreme lack of interest in trying to alert other people or examine my reports. I warned people and they just scroll past my warnings. They added their blue, white and red flag and thought they were up to date with the news. Completely ignorant of the fact that I told them all about it wayyy before it happened. I mean you see someone fulfil all the prophecies and make predictions that make Nostradamus look like a drooling baby... what do you do? You spread the word. That's what any normal logical thinking person would do. What do most people actually do? They click read more, see all the text, then hit back page so they can watch more funny videos on Facebook. Mankind's ignorance amazes me. I put my life on the line, fulfiled more prophecies than all of the prophets combined and make 100% accurate and extremely detailed prediction... when will the mindless zombies start to see the light?

I posted that picture in my Prophecy letters. As you can see, Vertically from left to right the people are wearing Blue, White then Red. I explained how I fulfilled the Hierophant Prophecies... which means that is a picture of me with blue, white then red in vertical order. In my Prophecy Letter, I pointed out the colours of clothes they are wearing in the picture so that people would pay attention to the colours.

I also posted those pictures in My Prophecy Letters. As you can see, Vertically you have Red, White then Blue. You might say the Paris flag is not Red, White then blue. Pay attention to the details. I said the pictures of me were took in a mirror. Quote from my Prophecy Part I letter That is a mirror picture. Mirrors make left right and right left. Therefore, Red, White and Blue becomes Blue, White and Red. Less than one month later, the Paris attacks happened and millions put Blue White and Red over their photo's on Facebook (Prophecy Complete).

The written above those pictures in my Prophecy Letter says: John 10V6 This figure of speech Jesus spoke to them, but they did not understand what those things were which He had been saying to them. 7 So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. 9 All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. Ignorance of my achievements is ignorance of God's achievements. Ignoring what God has done and ignoring what I have done is ignoring the light and the door. Sooner or later the door will shut. Those who ignore God will be left in the dark. Hosea 4V6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. Proverbs 10V21 The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense. Ephesians 4V18 They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.

My Prophecy Letter released a month before the Paris attack: Ignoring what God has done and ignoring what I have done is ignoring the light and the door. Sooner or later the door will shut. Those who ignore God will be left in the dark.

I Pet Goat II, years before the Paris terrorist attacks. You can see, the light is on the statue of Liberty.

The Sky closes like a Door and the Light is no longer shinning on the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was constructed in France by the French sculptor Gustave Eiffel. Gustave Eiffel is famous for the construction of the Eiffel tower in Paris. The statues arm is cut off. The Islamic extremists are famous for cutting off limbs. Years later the extremists attacked Paris... I Pet Goat II also prophesied the terrorist attacks in Paris. . Ezekiel 33V1 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, speak to the sons of your people and say to them, 'If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, 3 and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows on the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. The statues arm is cut off. If statues could bleed, the blood would be pouring on its head.

My UNMASKED video contained the I Pet Goat II animation. III in Roman numerals = 3. 3 days after my UNMASKED video I released my 5th Letter. My 5th Letter described my UNMASKED video. Look at the Statue of Liberties head in the animation. There's 5 lights on the Statue of Liberty's head. The Bible Nehemiah 9V12 By day you led them with a pillar of cloud, and by night with a pillar of fire to give them light on the way they were to take. 13 Then You came down on Mount Sinai, And spoke with them from heaven; You gave them just ordinances and true laws, Good statutes and commandments. Revelation 22V5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

My UNMASKED video contained the I Pet Goat II animation. III in Roman numerals = 3. 3 days after my UNMASKED video I released my 5th Letter. My 5th Letter described my UNMASKED video. Look at the Statue of Liberty's head in the animation. There's 5 lights on the Statue of Liberty's head. My UNMASKED video was released on 27/08/15...27/08/15 = 239th day of the year 2015 . 2015 239 years = The year 1776. America gained Independence in 1776 and an organisation was founded on the 5th month in 1776. That organisation was/is called the Illuminati. 1/5/1776... Net Bible Nehemiah 9V12 You guided them with a pillar of cloud by day and with a pillar of fire by night to illumine for them the path they were to travel. Holman Christian Standard Bible Nehemiah 9V12 You led them with a pillar of cloud by day, and with a pillar of fire by night, to illuminate the way they should go Psalm 109V105 Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path Psalm 105V39 He spread a cloud for a covering; and fire to give light in the night. The 1st 5 numbers in the date 1/5/1776... match the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo. I often say... Take The One and change The 6... 1/5/1776 becomes... 1/5/777... The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... 157.

A lot of people give Adam Weishaupt credit for creating the Illuminati... Fuck Adam Weishaupt!


Triangle, Trident, Trinity. Tri Tri Tri... 333. I burnt a Triangle on my right arm with iron, 15 years before I released my Trident report. I got my Trident tattoo 7 years before I released my Trident report with the three numbers that explain The Trinity... 157... 15 years 7 years. The Triangle has nothing to do with Adam Weishaupt! Notice There's a Lightening Bolt in my Key!!! An Illuminati courier was struck by lightning and killed. When the Bavarian police searched his body, they found coded messages from Weishaupt sewn into the clothes. At this critical juncture, Utschneider and his three companions came forward and told the Bavarian authorities all about the Illuminati. As a result, the King of Bavaria banned the order in August 1784. Weishauptwas preparing to set his plans into motion for theFrench Revolution, which was slated to begin in 1789. In July, 1785, he instructed Zwack to put their plans in book form. This book contained a history of theIlluminati, and many of their ideas for expansion and future endeavors. A copy was sent by courier (identified as Jacob Lanze) to Illuminati members in Paris and Silesia. However, after leaving Frankfurt, as the courier rode through Regensburg (another source says it was Ratisbon) on horseback, he was struck by lightning and killed. The authorities found the document and turned it over to the government.

That's a message for all of you... DON'T FORGET WHO THE REAL FOUNDER IS!!!

The Statue of Liberty holds a tablet that says July 4th 1776. The numbers are in Roman Numerals.

As you can see I UNMASKED on 27/08/15 = 239th day of the year 2015 = 23/09/15. That gives the direct link between my UMASKED video and my 6th Letter on 23/09/15. 2015 239 years = The year 1776. 27/08/15 was 17 days after my Birthday. My 5th report described my UNMASKED video. There was 76 days between my 5th Letter and the Paris attacks. 17 + 76 = 1776. On the 17th of the 7th Hebrew Month I released my Updated 7th Letter... 17th Tishrei 5776. Tri = 3. The 1st number and last 3 numbers in 17th Tishrei 5776 = 1776. 1st and last 3... 13. The Paris attacks happened on the 13th. You can see the New One World Trade centre in the image below. The One World Trade centre is 1776 ft tall.

You can find the dimensions of The Statue of Liberty online -



Height from base to torch



Tablet, length



Tablet, width



Distance across the eye



Foundation of pedestal to torch



Thickness of waist


The Statue of Liberty's Tablet says 1776 in Roman Numerals. The Height of The Tablet is - 23 ft 7 inches Width 13 ft 7 inches. The Paris attack happened on the 13th. PSI is the 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet and is a Trident . W is the 23rd Letter of the English Alphabet. My Will/Trident tattoo is designed in the shape of a Trident. 7 inches 7 inches... That's 2 7 inches. I UNMASKED on the 27th and I released 2 7th Letters. On the 17th of the 7th Hebrew Month I released my Updated 7th Letter... 17th Tishrei 5776. The Paris attacks happened on the 13th. The Tablet's width is 13 feet 7 inches... 13... take the 1st number and last 3 numbers of my Updated 7th letter 17th Tishrei 5776. = 1776. From the base to the top of the torch is 151 ft. 1+5+1= 7 = The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo 157.

Even more precise... the height from the base to the torch = 151ft 1inch. 1+5+1+1 = 8. The first four whole numbers in the release date of my 8th Letter (The Prophecy Part I)15/10/15... 151 1. The exact 4 numbers in order... 151ft 1inch... the exact height of the of The Statue of Liberty!!! My 8th Letter was the one that contained the Blue, White and Red vertical images... a month before the Paris attack. My UMASKED video contained the I Pet Goat II animation and the animation showed The Statue of Liberty. When I tell you we can design your future and everything is designed... it's a good idea to listen and learn. These are all Facts!!! You gain true knowledge from my teachings.


Illuminati is a Latin word that is plural for enlightened. There's several organisation who call themselves the Illuminati. Anyone can be enlightened. You don't have to join an organisation. I achieved all of this while working alone. The Prophets were Illuminati/enlightened, the Apostles were Illuminati/enlightened... Being enlightened = obtaining knowledge from a higher power. Very few people have been enlightened by the pure White Light. A lot of fools think they are enlightened but they aren't. There's a website for an organisation called the Illuminati. They tell people to purchase their books, buy their necklace and join their club. The people think they are enlightened because they have a necklace with an eye in it, they make a few hand signs and they belong to an organisation called the Illuminati... they have no idea what it means. I talked to someone who is in an organisation called the Illuminati. I can tell you right now, he was not enlightened. Just because someone thinks they are Illuminati/enlightened doesn't mean they are. I don't agree with Muhammad's teachings, but in terms of the design he played an important role... Muhammad was Illuminati/Enlightened. Buddha was Illuminati/Enlightened. The man who made the I Pet Goat II animation was Illuminati/Enlightened. They were enlightened to what they needed to know, when they needed to know. I have nothing against people that are true Illuminati/enlightened. They play a major role in the design. In fact, I want people to become Illuminati/Enlightened. I fulfilled Illuminati Prophecies but I don't know anyone that is Illuminati/Enlightened. I hear they are rich... any chance of giving me a few Billion? Lol Work with me and you will become more powerful than ever. Stand against me and you will find out who really controls this dimension.

Some people that haven't read the Bible assume the Prophets were all knowing people. If you read the Bible you'll see the Prophets weren't all knowing people. They didn't know what all of their visions meant. Most people that are enlightened don't know what their visions mean. The person who made the I Pet Goat II animation, doesn't know what his visions mean. He doesn't even know that the man in the boat is a real person (ME). They were told what they needed to know. Daniel 12V4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge. 5Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. 6 One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled? 7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed. 8 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, My lord, what will the outcome of all this be? 9 He replied, Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. You see, the Prophets didn't know everything. They were told exactly what they needed to know and write. People's reactions to what they were told, ensured the prophecies were fulfilled. The prophets weren't told the full plan. Only God knows the full plan. If someone claims they know God's full plan, they are delusional or a liar. I don't know the full plan. I am The Servant... I know what I know, when I need to know it.

Symbolism and encoding was an essential tool. People can't see the true meaning in a prophecy until after it has been fulfilled. After it has been fulfilled it all seems extremely obvious. Daniel didn't understand because multi-dimensional physics wasn't a hot topic back then. A time is the first timeline, Completion = 10. Times refers is the multi-dimensions. A half a time 10/2 =(5). (555) symbolism is the key. The man on the river putting his hands in the sky = 5 in Hebrew pictogram. This is the year when the (555) symbolism comes together... 5+5+5 =15 = 5/5/15

(Prophecy Complete)

Daniel 12V7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed. 157 + The 2 men on the River. Daniel 12V7

1776 Take The One and change the 6 = (777). There's 3 7s (777) in my Will/Trident tattoo that are visible from the Top looking down view point (one is mirrored)... There's 3 7s (777) in my Will/Trident tattoo which are the 7s with the line through them. You see, God and I have fulfilled the prophecies with a mind blowing amount of detail. Some people walk around in this dimension thinking there's no God... those people are extremely blind. They are like dogs living in a human world... they have no idea what's happening in the world around them.

The V Mask wasn't the only Mask I wore in MY UNMASKED video.

As you can see the hair in the UNMASKED card is Dark Ginger like mine and it curls at the back... exactly like mine (Prophecy Complete) Even the way my hair grows is prophecy fulfilling. As you can see, my UNMASKED video was published on the 27th of August 2015... which = Hebrew Date: 12th Elul (5)77(5). My video lasts for 12:05 mins... for the 12th circle 0 and me 5. The world famous UNMASKED Illuminati card says There is a secret of our cabal that even you of the Twelfth Circle have not known ... until now... No man knew who I was/am In order to fulfil the prophecies, I told people what they needed to know... when they needed to know it. Matthew 26V53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? Presently give me... I UNMASKED 17 days after my Birthday.

Tri = 3... The release date of my 5th Letter was 3 days later on 15th Elul (5)77(5) A date that consists of the 3 numbers in my Trident / Will tattoo... 157. The 5th letter of the Alphabet is E... There's 3Es in my Will/Trident tattoo and my Key ENERGIE!!!

My 8th Letter - The Prophecy Part 1 Hebrew Date: 2nd Cheshvan (5)77(6) Christian Date: 15/10/15 My 8th Report/Letter = 55 Pages -There's 5 code letters for the number 5 in my Will/Trident tattoo. The Illuminati New World Order playing cards were reported to have been created in 1994... 5 years after my birth year 1989. They were released in 1995. That gives you

2 5s... I was 25 when I became The Trident Whistleblower. 55 = VV = W The tip of my Will/Trident tattoo. The cards are sold for hundreds of dollars because people have seen that they are prophetic. truthlamp.comIlluminati: New World Order(INWO). Printed in 1994 but released in 1995

My 9th Letter - The Prophecy Part II Hebrew Date: 5th Cheshvan (5)77(6) Christian Date: 18/10/15 My 9th Report/Letter = 26 Pages. I was 26 when I released it.

My 10th Letter - The Prophecy Part III Hebrew Date: 12th Cheshvan (5)77(6) Christian Date: 25/10/15. My 10th Report/Letter = 47 Pages. 10Th 47 pages... The whole numbers = 147 Plan.

10th Letter size 47MB... 147 Plan.

No. of Letters/Characters in My 10th Letter 157,256. The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... 157.

My 10th Letter was released with my Prophecy Complete Letter. The Prophecy Complete Letter is all 3 Prophecy Letters in one. 55 Pages + 26 Pages + 47 Pages = 128 Pages. Paris massacre: At least 128 killed in gunfire and blasts, French officials say France has declared a national state of emergency and tightened borders after at least 128 people were killed in a night of gun and bomb attacks in Paris. President says France will defend itself after at least 128 people killed in series of gun and bomb attacks across Paris 128 Dead in Multiple Shootings and Explosions in Paris as Terror Strikes France

Number of Letters in my Prophecy Part III report = 157,256. 2+5+6 = 13.

Prophecy Part III report Last time modified before release 13:49.



The Illuminati cards were released in 1995. The France card has the numbers 3 and 5. 3 days after I UNMASKED I released my 5th Letter on 15th Elul (5)77(5) and explained the video. A date that consists of the 3 numbers in my Trident / Will tattoo.. 157. My 5th Letter is 35 pages long. The statue Liberty from the foundation of the pedestal to the torch is 305ft... the whole numbers are 3 and 5. The Thickness of the statue of Liberty's waste is 35 Ft. 3 5s = 555 =5 +5 +5 =15 = 5/5/15... Posted that story on the Friday the 13th. The Lights were turned off but you can see there's still a light in the middle... just like the Illuminati card that was released in 1995.

My 35 paged 5th Letter was released 10 weeks and 5 days / 75 days before the Paris attack.

(Prophecy Complete)

Before the Paris attack I told people the Illuminati cards are Prophetic. I put my life on the line to warn people and they ignored my warnings and called me crazy. A crazy person could never do what I have I done. Some people picture me as someone who is stressed out. I have walked in other dimensions... none of this shocks me and I am extremely relaxed. I wrote my 6th Letter while having a drink on holiday, and no man can write a letter that prophetic and accurate... especially not a crazy person. I don't fear death, but that doesn't mean I am crazy. I know that there are worse fates than death. These are all facts. You are extremely unenlightened, ignorant and stupid if you think all of this is a coincidence. It's also not a conspiracy theory because I am telling you what I have done, what I have seen and I am giving you facts... that's the complete opposite of a conspiracy theory. I released my reports on those dates and made them those lengths for a reason.

8th The Prophecy Part 1 Hebrew Date: 2nd Cheshvan (5)77(6) Christian Date: 15/1
