The Sentinel=record (Hot Springs, Ark.). 1913-01-12 [p 8]. · subject to the action of the demo-,...


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Our customers keep the hooks, hut they spend no time tmd have no trouble in doing so. Every customer has the same record of his account as we have and in the same handwriting.

1 his we accomplish by the use of

The One Writing Method of handling credit accounts. With each purchase, we furnish n sale slip which shows the goods pur. chased, the price charged for each item and the last previous balance all

rooted up. I here can be no error in handling your accounts as

You Always Know What You Owe furnish a holder for the sale slips. We prefer that you file every slip

»n this holder- a glance at the last one will tel! you what you owe. These slips become an expense account, without effort on your part. Will you let us explain our McCaskey System to you?

G- W. VAUGHAN, Everything Good to Eeat for Man or Beast. Tele-

phone 490, 724 Malvern Ave.



The Sentinel-Record is authorized 10 announce W. W. Waters as a can <!idate for mayor of Hot Springs, for a second term, his candidacy Icing subject to the action of the demc- cratlc primary on February 19.


The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce Tom Gladson as a can- didate for police judge of the city of Hot Springs, subject to the action nf the democratic city primary election.

The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce Vernal S. I.edgenvood, as a candidate for police judge of the city of Hot Springs, subject to the action of the democratic primary.

The Sentinel-Reiord is authorized to announce Jack Archer, as a eancii- clat«* for police judge for the city of Hot Springs, subject to the action of the democratic primary.

The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce B. E. DeVall as a can- didate for police judge for the city of Hot Springs, subject to the action of the democratic primary.


The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce W. H. Watson as a candi- date for the office of city treasurer, subject to the action of the demo-, cratic primary. _

The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce Charles Disheroon, as a candidate for treasurer of the city ol Hot Springs, subject to the action of the city primary.

The Sentinel-Record is authorized i announce J. V. Crockett as a candidate for City Treasurer, subject to the ac- tion of the democratic city primary election.

The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce Gil H. Wootten as a can didale for city treasurer, subject the action of tbe democratic city primary.

The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce Jas. S. Reamey. as a viijuiiiate ror the office of City Tress urer subject to the action of the Democratic primary.


Th<> Sentinel-Record is authorize' to announce Wayne H. Moore as r enndidat. for alderman from the se< ond ward, his candidacy being suL

cot to the votes of the people In the Ity general election.

The Scntinel-Kecoro is authorized o announce C. J. Horner, as a can-

idate for alderman from the first ward, subject to the action of the lemocratic primary.

The Sentinel-Record is authorized oannounce A1 Williams as a candi-

date for alderman from the second ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary.

The Sentinel Record is authorized to announce D. L. Weaver as a candi- date for alderman from the sixth ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary.

The Sentinel Record is authorized (o announce J. E. Lester as a candi- daie for alderman from the sixth ward, subject to the action of the democratic .primary.

The Sentinei-Rocord is authorized to announce Sam Williamson, as a

candidate for alderman from the sec

ond ward, his candidacy subject to the action of the democratic primary

The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce George P. Shepherd as a candidate for alderman from the Fourth Ward subject to the action oi the democratic primary election.

The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce Dave Burgaurer as a

candidate for alderman from the fifth ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary.

The Sentinel-Record is authorized to announce Tom J. Pettit as a can-

didate for alderman from the Third ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary election.

A nevl special every day. We buy only the best therefore can serve

nothing else. We invite you to visit the “'Rcxal! Luncheonette" at. our

store. Morris Drug Co., 802 Central avenue. 1-10-tf.

FOUND. A place where you can get. your

■iodak pictures enlarged to any size. 'Ve absolutely guarantee all work,

j 'aekson Pharmacy, 344 Central Ave. I ’hone 47. 1-7-tt


SeMEDVforM™ AT DRUGGISTG.GR TRIAL DOX BY MAIL 50c rnoM planter 93 henry3t Brooklyn.ny.

D E'.VARE OF 1 ftfl I ~~ AT IO M B »-

Is Your Money Idle? Idle money is like seed that is not planted; it will not yield a harvest

Deposit your funds with us.

Your money will then work steadily; take no holidays, and be absolutely safe.

We Pay 3 Per Celt, Interest on Savings Accounts. 4 Per Cent, on Time Deposits.

Arkansas Crust go. 623 CENTRAL AVE.




Probability of Taking a Lon^ Time

to Get Jurors Who Will Convict on Circumstantial Evl.


George Johnson, charged with first degree murde for the alleged killing of Carrol Shopman, will lie arraigned in circuit court before Judgb Gotham Monday morning at 10 o’clock for his life.

The probability is that most of the time occupied by the court with tihls case will be in securing a jurV: for it will lie necessary to find men will- ing to return a verdict where the punishment is death, on evidence purely circumstantial.

The prosecution believes that the circumstantial evidence is had in this case is sufficient for a conviction. Johnston had been given a prelimi- nary hearing and bound over to the grand jury, wihich returned a true bill ngainst him of murder in the first degree.

Deputy Sheriff Downs was busy most of last week serving subpoenas in the ease. There are more than fifty witnesses in the case, and most of these are from the country. Some could not he found, but the most im- portant of the witnesses will be pres- ent in court Monday morning.

Judge Thurston P. Farmer is coun- sel for Johnston, and his roster of witnesses included the whole of the coroner’s jury, which investigating the death of an unknown man found in the woods, returned a verdict that the unknown man had met his death from the hands of some persons un-

known to the jury. Johnston and Shopman had been

rooming together in a little cabin on

the Hickman farm, south of the city, when Shopman was supposed to have left and gone to Tennessee. There had been some small business rela- tions between the men. About a week alter Shopman disappeared Johnston found a body in the woods, too badly decomposed for identification. He reported the case to Coroner Ran- dolph, and an inquest was held, and the body was buried as an unknown, but circumstances caused the jury to believe the boiy had been slain rather than have died a natural death in the woods

!>ater circumstances arose pointing to the guilt of Johnston, and City De- tective Laughiin went on the case, rounded out the circumstances, and a warrant for Johnston's arrest follow- ed.

Jdhnston was held without bond, hut after a review of the case by Circuit Judge Cotham, he was order- ed released under a bond of $5,000, which he never was able to make, and was torced to remain in jail.



Stagg as usual stood the endurance test.

The Cincinnati papers are complain- ing that the Reds do not bat heavy enough.

Sixteen players have been killed on the gridion this year against four teen last year.

It's getting so a man has to win a

pennant or pet a new job. Especially in the big leagues.

Pitcher Carl fashion of the Wash- ington Senators says he is learning a new throw to first.

Jimmy O’Rourke and Charles Hemp hill of Columbus have been sold to Bill Erie! of St. Paul.

Ty Cobb has batted better than .30C in all the seven years that he has spent in fast company.

The New York Giants copped 319 bases last season, against 248 for Cin- cinnati, the next highest.

Jimmy Burke has been mentioned as a possibility to manage the Grand Rapids team next season.

Walter Johnson and Henry, says Clark Griffith, are the greatest battery that ever went into a ball game.

Yale thought she could knock the "Brick” out of Brlckley, but Harvard took the "Pump" out of Pumpelly.

Captain Larry Doyle of the Giants has been engaged to coach the Seton Hall baseball team of New Jersey.

National league fans In Boston are

looking to George Stallings to give them their first good ball club since 1901. ,

McGraw would like to know who put the “grass” in Snodgrass, and who is responsible for the "merk” in Merkle.

lleinie Zimmerman, according to the figures, leads the National league with the war club, closely followed by an

Indian. Outfielder Connoly, who was caught

in the draft by the Washington Sena- tors from Montreal, batted for .316 last season.

Bat Nelson's manager contends the llegewiscb man is ip the prime of life, “nr” Fheion and “Doc” Osier to the contrary.

Nobody has any sympathy for Mil- ler Huggins since he accepted a job as Cardinal manager. They say it was his own fault.

Jack Ryder says the Athletics and the Red Sox will be contenders inghe eafel, and the White Sox and the IT gers in the west i ..


Bedroom Furniture

A Great Pros-

perous Season is Now About to Open

Does This Fact Effect YOU ARE YOl' THEN PREPARED?—for It Is now the best time

in the year to complete that house, whether for business or as your home, as money is freer and easier to get.

The Rhodes System A little over fifty year* ago, Rhodes conceived the Idea of seli-|

lng furniture on payments—today, hi* extensive chain of stores' throughout the south aiul southeast hear evidence of a successful| business policy, one that keeps up with the times—modern in all of it* methods. SELLING that ts displaying and explaining, not urging; DELIVERY that means prompt and careful attention in handling, and obliging In the arranging of goods in your home; and last, hut not least, an INDIVIDCAL SYSTEM UK PAYMENTS, that Is most: CONVENIENT, Li LERA L and at once DIGNIFIED (to buy on leans,1 does not signify a collector, make your payments by check through midt, or cull direct at our office.)

The LOWEST OBTAINABLE PRICES on all lines of housefur-

nishlngs in a variety of style* and finishes, and all grades, <.Jered { gjlreet TO Yoi', is tIn natural r suit of Rhodes' tremendous purchase discounts, equalled by none other.

We want you to visit and allow us to show and explain how we

can save you money anS at the same lime sell on OCR DIGNIFIED DIVIDED PAYMENT PLAN-

U 95 Ihis $12.50 Rocker U 95 Y * * Genuine Golden Quartered and Hand ^1/ A •

* Polished Oak. *

A very


and at



Rocker, Having a 3 ply Back and

Seat, and

Heavy Roll


Six of these

Monday, only





ik A Gas Heater Means Comfort “Or a Bucks for C»»|

and Wood.”


Saved ran by its three methods ..f heat* Ihk. radiation, circulation, anil r> ilectios. TERMS $1 op CASH AND $1.00 A WEEK -—*-


THE KNOXALL Clves th- quickest heat for nil purpose* ;

—durable, at the same time ornamental— urn! iast. tiut important, the moat econom- ical gas consumer on the market. let our salesman demonstrate one to yit— Prices from $5.25 up; TERMS $1.00 CASH AND $1.00 A WEEK

“BUCK” The Quality Line j


For Coal, Wood or Gas


Suits complete—Odd Dressers, ChilTon- icis, t'hifforol) n. DrcssiiiK Tables, Wash- stands, and Brass and Iron Beds, show ri in all styles and finishes ANY 81TT OK A< IGBlSti ATION Oh' ioi> PIKCEH NOT tOXOKKDIN'(l tsu.iiu in amount, sold on term, of $1.00 CASH and $1.00 A WEEK.

Bi rK-ft WHITK RNAMKJ. MNINO take* best-la*,s best-clean* best looks heat-saves fuel best -and is beat, be, show you a Htvlo «nd slz,‘ adapter to your needs each one ia absolutely- (ll’tiitwren to you, and the terms or. any nr.- $,.00 CASH and $1.00 a week" You should almost anm the ost of the terms ea<" ^ elf in rh difference of your fuel bill. in the

Dining Room Furniture In suits complete—Also, extension ta"

bli H, buffets and sideboards, china ciosetl, serving tables, anil a most complete Ha® of dining chairs. Terms on any suit or

aggregate of pieces, not exceeding $*#•** nre $1.00 CASH and $1.00 A WEEK,

Our Modern Bus* ^ £ET We are the orlg- Iness Methods on :


ISJ’Hj ^ Inators of the

the S1 00 a Week £> Jn y\ W &J jjtt $1.00 a Week

Idea pleases thou- QftP *7 oLO / Phnn^ Furniture sand, wiii please Central «■ f -..

» ta OI# It iB TJ aal 3t.i B? SET'S — If 1 a BsTl 111 "*g tit 1» ^ B « STB »r..#**tjrlssr; nJo Purchasing

Mr. Walker Winston of Forrest City. Ark., joined his wife at the Arl- ington yesterday and If his business affairs permit, will remain through- out the coming week.


We deliver promptly anythint? anj >• ** Public Drmr Co phonp R4S t' While you are tails ini? to an indivf’

nal a Sentinel-Record want ad. talks to the whole community.

etr;V'e:V?U,',,lay at °1"' “Incheon. I

B,..ln Jftha genuilu‘ »<*^on Baked I

Try a Cl"«8lfl«*il 1U1.—It pays. j

J: :

Chicken and club sandwiches **

chicken salad all hhe time. We inT^ your patronage. “The Rexail Lu“c^;| conottc.’’ Morris Drug Co., 802 Cf* |

1 :
