

This book will inspire and motivate you to live your dream and discover your true potential and greatness.Commit to focusing on your goals because you were born to succeed

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The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success





The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


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ISBN: 978-0-62045180-9

Copyright © Elijah Miti 2009

Publisher: Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises Mobile: +27785666535 or +27761285439


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Presented To:




On the occasion of










Author’s Autography.............................................................

Dr. Elijah Miti

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



Dedication 8

Introduction 10

Chapter One 14

Definition of a Dream 14

Chapter Two 18

God Speaks to Us Through dreams 18

Chapter Three 26

Dreams Can Bring Persecution 26

Chapter Four 34

Intangible Dreams Become Tangible 34

Chapter Five 40

Lesson From City Of Babylon 40

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Chapter Six 60

Live Your Dream 60

Chapter Seven 64

Motivation 64

Contact Information 72

Books Published 74

About The Author 84

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



I dedicate this book to the almighty God

the creator of the heavens and the Earth who has given me the Grace of salvation, my late Father Mr Elijah Eskale Miti Senior, my mother Mrs Mary Moses Miti, all Ministers of the Gospel, Motivational Speakers around the globe who have inspired me as a speaker to live positively and not to give up my dream. To my dear wife Penelope, my two daughters Thando and Maude, my brother Alick Miti and my sister Mrs Maria Miti Mukhala who has been a pillar of encouragement and an inspiration in the faith, to all my nieces and nephews who bring so much joy in my heart as they grow to be positive world changers.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



Dreams become reality when we step in

life with faith, courage, positive thinking, tenacity, zeal, enthusiasm and visualise a positive outcome. Our expectations set the sail for our dreams to either come to pass or not. Dreams only come true when the dreamer takes action. So many people today have dreams, you might have a dream to pursue your studies, buy your dream car, buy your dream home, marry your dream handsome prince or beautiful Coca Cola bottled shaped lady and perhaps dream of travelling around the world. The million dollar question is what is your dream? As human beings we only dream when we fall into a deep sleep or close our eyes and visualise what we expect our future to be. Dream big there is power in visualisation; the Bible encourages us to dream big because we serve a big God who will only act on your faith that works within you.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


The first ever recorded account of man going into a deep sleep is found in the book of Genesis 2:21. “So the Lord God caused man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, he took one of man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh”. I’m pretty certain that at that time Adam had a wonderful dream and visualised Eve as his companion and wife. Then we see great Bible heroes like Noah whom God placed a dream to build the Ark. We see that when a dream starts to manifest in the natural and people are able to see the results of the dream, the dreamer often faces challenges, adversity, people laughing and telling you,” your dream will never work”. But that is not the time to abort your dream, keep believing in God that your dream will come true for his promises are yes and amen. Abraham also had a God given dream to be the father of many nations, at one point God told him to count the stars in the sky for that would become the number of his children. Abraham is described as a friend of God, a man who showed true faith in God even at a time he was asked to sacrifice his own son Isaac. What is the secret dream to your neighbour’s success?

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Here is a story narrated by Pastor Joel Osteen, “At the age of five Taylor Hollard had a dream of becoming Miss America, she was one of the contestants in California for Miss California Pageant and she came out as one of the first runner up, the following year she contested again and still came out as the first runner up. She decided to change cities and went to Kansas where in 1997 she won the title as Miss Kansas and later that year realised her dream and became Miss America”. Your expectations and dreams set the limits of your life. When she was interviewed by reporters she told them something very interesting , she said,” when she lost the title as Miss California she collected different videos of past competitions such as Miss teen, Miss Universe, Miss World and studied the steps and visualised herself getting the titles”. That is how you can realise your dream too, by being persistent, never giving up but holding on to what you believe in.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success




A dream is a substance of a great life’s

achievement .When God has planted a dream in you always know in your heart that no one else can accomplish it for you. You are the designer, builder, painter and finisher of your dream.

“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give

you, your heart’s desires.”

Psalm 37:4

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Dreams and vision work hand in hand. A vision is what you expect to happen in the future. What is your Dream? Walt Disney had a vision to start Disneyland a place where fictional places and people would tangibly come to life. Walt Disney’s vision became a reality and had his first Disneyland in California USA. Martin Luther King had a dream that lead to the change of the course of history of present day America, for the first time in the history of America a black man took over power as President of the United States that is a dream come true. Nelson Mandela had a dream to see the end of Apartheid in South Africa. Today you can walk and smile freely in the streets of South Africa as scripture has been fulfilled there is neither Greek, male or female, black or white for we are all one in Christ Jesus.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success







The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



Dreams are one of the major ways in which

God speaks to us. God speaks to us through the following ways : 1. God speaks to us through his word in the Bible. 2. God speaks to us through his prophets. 3. God speaks to us through the counsellor the

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Holy Spirit. 4. God speaks to us in dreams. The answer to the secret to your neighbour’s success lies in one of the four ways in which God speaks to us. When God created man he gave him an assignment in Genesis 2:15 “The lord took man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it”. You will realize here that what you own you do not possess. The assignment for man on earth are the three G’s: -Guide -Guard -Govern However, God gives us dreams for the following purpose: - To Direct -To Correct -To Protect There is a saying that “GOD GIVEN DREAMS IN A GOD FAVOURED MAN MAKE A GOD BLESSED WORLD”.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


DREAMS DIRECT In most biblical accounts, God sent angels to appear in dreams to direct and give instructions. In Matthew 1:18-23, When Joseph found out that Mary the mother of Jesus was pregnant before marriage, because he was a righteous man he wanted to divorce her quietly. We are told that an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, instructing him to take Mary as his wife because the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament Joseph the son of Jacob had a dream from God, a dream that was a direction of his life. Genesis 37:5-11 “Joseph had a dream, and when he told his brothers, they hated him all the more. He said to them,” listen to this dream I had: we were binding sheaves of grain out of the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it”. In verse 9 “Then he had another dream and he told his brothers. Listen, he said,” I had another dream and this time the sun and the moon and the eleven stars were bowing down to me.” When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said,” what is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come to bow down to the ground before you? His brothers were jealous of him but his father

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


kept the matter in mind. In Genesis 37:19 “Here comes the dreamer! They said to each other.” come now let’s kill him and throw him into one of those cisterns and say that ferocious animal devoured him. Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams.” Verse 25-28 “ As they sat down to eat their meal they looked up and saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead, Their camels were loaded with spices, balm and myrrh, and they were on their way to take them down to Egypt. Judah said to his brothers,” what will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up him blood? Come lets sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him; after all he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.” His brothers agreed. So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt. However, Joseph’s dream became a reality despite the challenges he faced with his brothers to a point where they even sold him as a slave. In Egypt Joseph utilised his God given favour and talent of interpreting dreams . At one time he was in charge of Potiphars household, because he was well-built and a handsome man, Potiphars wife came to Joseph

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


many times and wanted him to sleep with her. But he refused, one day as he went for duty she caught him by his cloak and said “come to bed with me.” But he left his cloak in her hands and ran out of the house. When she saw that he had left his cloak she cooked up a story that Joseph came in the house and wanted to sleep with her. Joseph was sent to prison and while in custody he interpreted dreams of the cupbearer and the baker of King Pharaoh. He told the cupbearer that his job would be restored and asked them to remember him when his freedom was granted. Joseph was able to even interpret Pharaohs dream and that saw him rise up the ladder and become in charge of the whole land Egypt. It was at this time that there was a famine in the land and Jacob his Father sent his brothers to come and buy grain from Egypt. As Governor of the land he was in charge of selling grain to people and when his brothers came to buy grain, they bowed down before him (fulfilling what he had earlier told them in his dream). When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers he asked for his Father Jacob to come to Egypt, that news even reached Pharaoh who became in favour of Joseph’s father coming to Egypt.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


When you have a dream, there is a price to pay, it might not be the same encounter like Joseph had ,but know that whatever challenges, obstacles, rebukes and discouragements you may get from close family and friends it is just a stepping stone to your dream. DREAMS CORRECT Dreams help us correct a situation and one of your neighbours attribute to their secret success maybe that their dreams correct them way in advance before making any decisions. There was an account by one of the Bible heroes Abraham the father of many nations ,who is respected today by many religions. When Abram lied to Abimelech that Sarah was his sister, after Abimelech took Sarah and wanted her for himself. In Genesis 20:3, “God came to Abimelech in a dream one night and said to him, You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken: is a married woman”. We see here that God sometimes speaks to us in dreams to correct situations and not let us do wrong. DREAMS PROTECT Dreams express the creative power of God, Pharaoh had a dream that Joseph interpreted to protect the land and prepare for future famine.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Genesis 41:1-7 “When two full years had passed Pharaoh had a dream: he was standing by the Nile, when out of the river there came out seven cows, sleek and fat, and they grazed among the reeds. After them, seven other cows, ugly and gaunt, came up out of the Nile and stood beside those on the riverbank. And the cows that were ugly and gaunt ate up the seven sleek, fat cows. Then Pharaoh woke up. He fell asleep again and had a second dream: Seven heads of grain, healthy and good, were growing on a single stalk. After them seven other heads of grain sprouted-thin and scorched by the east wind. The thin heads of grain swallowed up the seven healthy, full heads. Then Pharaoh woke up; it had been a dream.” The chief cupbearer remembered Joseph who had interpreted their dream together with the baker. When Joseph was brought in to Pharaoh from prison, God gave Joseph the meaning of the dream; he said to Pharaoh the two dreams are one and the same. Genesis 41:26-30 “ the seven good cows are the seven years ,and the seven gold heads of grain are the seven years; The seven lean of ugly cows that came afterward are the seven years, and so are the

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


seven worthless heads of grain scorched but the east wind: they are seven years of famine. It is just as I said to Pharaoh: God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do. Seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt, but seven years of famine will follow them” From the above account we can see that God sometimes warns us and protects us by revealing what is to happen in the future through dreams. My prayer is may we all have God given dreams so that we can save this world from the enemy’s deceit .

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



The secret dream to your neighbour’s success

may cause many to persecute them because of their God given dreams. How many times have you shared your dreams and people don’t accept it but persecute you for it?

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Genesis 37:5-11 Joseph had a dream, and when he told his brothers, they hated him all the more and were even jealous of him. What is your neighbour’s secret to success? We are here to unveil the secret! Let me tell you a story about a Lion : There lived a great Lion named Lusungu (which means mercy) in the coastal grasslands of central Africa. Lusungu was a great hunter, a very strong Lion, he had

earned leadership in his territory and all the other male lions submitted to his Kingship,

Lusungu the Lion had a dream to be king for a long time, when his brothers Suzyo and Chambwe

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


heard about his dream they were so angry and jealous. They decided to leave the pride and went their own way. Many years past and Lusungu lived his dream as ruler and king.

One day the two brothers decided to come back and take over leadership but they looked so pale and weak.

At the glimpse of his brothers come back. Lusungu was so frightened and his feet started having fellowship (shaking) with fear. He knew in his heart that his time was up, instead of facing his fears he decided to abort his dream of being ruler for a long time. He decided to run away and on his way he thought to himself “ if it was one of my brothers that came back , maybe I could have just

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


fought this battle, but two of them let me just take off”. What do we learn here? Well running away every time we are faced with a challenge or a problem, it is not always a right way of handling issues. So many times we run away from our jobs or assignments because of our difficult family members, boss or superior just like Lusungu the Lion. I have good news for you ,we serve a big God who can move your boss to another branch so that you can be promoted and run the company. Live your dream, hang in there and learn the secret to your neighbours success. You are an attitude away from your Dream today.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Lusungu the Lion went on his way thinking, he

began to remember how great he had been and that

he was the king of the land after all. As he paced on

he saw some cheetahs in the nearby bush after they

had just had a kill .The Cheetahs took off when

they noticed Lusungu the lion approaching in the

nearby bush.

The end result was that Lusungu feasted on the

cheetahs kill , he gathered enough strength and had

an afternoon sleep. When he woke up, one on his

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


brothers had just set off to hunt. Lusungu the Lion

watched at a distance and realised that his brother

was in fact very pale and weak. He charged at his

brother and attacked him with all his might. He

had to fight for his dream to live on.

The battle was not a difficult one for Lusungu the

Lion because he realised that giving up his dream

meant giving up his life . The end was victory and

his brother was left badly beaten and injured as you

can see on the below.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


What do you do when you are down and out?

“Be careful with whom you share your

dream with, many times people speak

against your dream”

Elijah Miti

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


“One of the greatest achievements in my life

has not been the ability to attain my goals or

the academic qualifications , my greatest

success has been my being able stand up

when I fall again and again ,when I fail a

hundred times I rise a thousand times in

other dream avenues”

Elijah Miti

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success





The secret dream to your neighbour’s success

has to do with knowing how to turn intangible dreams into tangible dreams. Begin with a Dream, fortunately even if you know nothing about business, you can begin with a dream, a castle in

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


the air, and then build a foundation under it. Most of the times we do not understand dreams because dreams seem intangible. Your neighbour has mastered this secret that intangible dreams are more important that tangible ones. Imagine, before you build a house you start with the invisible (faith, thought, plan and design) in your power packed mind. Then you put down or write down a plan and call the quantity surveyors to count the cost, builders, electricians, painters then build the house using visible materials with what started as a dream in your mind. Look at the chair you are sitting on right now and the house or office you are in as you read this book, or the book you are now reading , someone had a dream and thought of inventing paper and ink that is your neighbour’s dream secret to success. Read Hebrews 11. Do you have a dream today? We all have natural human dreams but yearn for God given dreams; God given dreams make the unseen become more important than the seen. You can only understand God given dreams through revelation by the Holy Spirit. When you have a dream ,God will give you the desires of your heart

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


and the resources to make your dream come true. We are told that someone invented a cell phone and at one time the mobile phones were almost the size of a brief case. Today someone’s dream has brought into reality cell phones that are the size of our two thumbs put together. INTANGIBLE DREAMS BECOME TANGIBLE

Many of us are in a small glass Bowl like those little gold fish, but it will only take your neighbour to say enough is enough there is a bigger jar out there with more waters to swim in. The story of Noah’s dream to build the Ark is another example of your neighbour’s secret to success making the intangible dream become

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


tangible. When God planted a dream in Noah’s heart to build the Ark he gave him the resources and the measurements in Genesis 6:15. “This is how you are to build it: The Ark is to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Make the roof for it and finish it within 18 inches of the top. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks. In verse 18-22 we see that God even gave him instructions on the people and animals that should be part of his dream, what does this tell us? Well Noah did everything that God instructed him to do and his dream became a reality when the floods came at six hundred years old.

“ for I know the plans I have for you,

declares the lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a


Jeremiah 29:11

It's important to dream, but you must have your goals in place in order to achieve those dreams. What do you want to achieve?

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


How will you get there? Let’s take a tour and learn some tips on making our intangible dreams became tangible the secret our neighbour knows but has not told you and me about. Genesis 7:1-4 1 The LORD then said to Noah, "Go into the Ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. 4 Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made." I came across the following teachings on Noah’s dream and how he attained his goals: -Don’t miss the boat. -Don’t forget we are all in the same boat.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


-Plan ahead. -Stay fit. -Don’t listen to critics just get on with life. -Build your future on higher ground. -Two heads are better than one. -Start small. -When you are stressed float. -Believe in your dream.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success




The secret to your neighbour’s success is that

they understand some important lessons from the City of Babylon. The law of average is a law that has been there from the ancient times of the City of Babylon. The law of average states that if you do something often enough a ratio will appear. It was amazing when I took a study of this city and I learnt the following lessons which I would like to share with you today:

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


-This was an important ancient city. -It had the Law of justice. -It teaches the lesson on controlling thy expenses. -Looking closer at the cost of borrowing. -Making thy gold multiply. -Guard thy treasures from loss. -Making thy dwelling a profitable investment. -Insure a future income . -How much to save for the future. -Insure an ability to earn. 1. THE CITY OF BABYLON Babylon was a city-state of ancient Mesopotamia, sometimes considered an empire, the remains of which can be found in present-day Al Hillah, Babil Province, Iraq, about 85 kilometers (55 mi) south of Baghdad. All that remains of the original ancient famed city of Babylon today is a mound, or tell, of broken mud-brick buildings and debris in the fertile Mesopotamian plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in Iraq.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Although it has been reconstructed, historical resources inform us that Babylon was at first a small town, that had sprung up by the beginning of the third millennium BCE (the dawn of the dynasties). The town flourished and attained prominence and political repute with the rise of the First Babylonian Dynasty. It was the "holy city" of Babylonia by approximately 2300 BCE, and the seat of the Neo-Babylonian Empire from 612 BCE. The Hanging Gardens Babylon were one of the Wonders of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. (Have a look at some historical pictures below).

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


2. LAW OF JUSTICE The City had the law of justice that encouraged,

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


when one got a SALARY or income to Pay himself or herself first by : 10% paying a tithe 1/3 ( one third ) use on expenses 1/3 ( one third ) invest 1/3 ( one third ) Enjoy 3. CONTROL THY EXPENSES The secret dream to your neighbour’s success has to do with this law as well. Create a spending plan or budget- Many people today just spend when they have some income without drawing up a workable budget. When did you ever write up a Budget? It’s never too late you can start this month, this is an area that even countries fail to do. A company or country might receive donor aid and because there is no workable budget it would just spend the money on useless projects. Without a budget one is just like a Lottery winner ,have Money today and tomorrow one is broke. A budget is simply a list of expected income and expected expenses. Separate your physiological needs from desires-This was another lesson that the City of Babylon taught. We can relate it to Maslow

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


– Hierarchy of Needs.

Maslow –


of Needs

Maslow’s – Hierarchy of Needs The first needs are the basic needs; biological needs such as food, shelter, etc. that we need in order to stay alive. Once these needs have been fulfilled, we need to meet our safety needs. Notice that safety does not have to do with danger; safety needs are actual feelings of comfort, knowing that we are in control of our actions and so on. The next level consists of psychological needs. First is the belonging need, or having a role in any group. The second psychological need is esteem. Esteem, in addition to belonging, requires that your role in the in-group is a positive one, and that people like and respect you.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Sometimes referred to as the highest level, self-actualization is when you have satisfied all of these other requirements and bring them all together to figure out who you are, knowing that you have strong beliefs, values, morals, and confidence. Finally, there is the peak experience. When you have a peak experience, everything is in place and all of your focus is on one enjoyable activity. A good example of this is an artist who gets caught up in painting something .If you can measure it, you can manage it . 4. COST OF BORROWING Look closely at the cost of borrow from lending institutions. A high percentage of people today are broke or in financial problems because of over borrowing and the cost of borrowing. Sometimes one can’t even answer a call which does not show caller ID just to avoid debt collectors. (THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD IS CALLED COMPOUND INTEREST)

GOOD DEBT Vs BAD DEBT By now you are probably getting the secret dream to your neighbour’s success. Your neighbour knows the difference between bad debt and good

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


debt. IF YOU WANT TO BE FINANCIALLY INTELLIGENT TODAY KNOW: 1. Good debt makes you rich. 2. Bad debt makes you poor. There is nothing wrong with borrowing, what is important is knowing if you are going into a good or bad debt. Many times when we are in need we tend to put a blind eye on bad debt just to solve the existing pressing need. The cost of borrowing has lead to a lot of companies closing down and individuals having high levels of stress related illness. There is nothing more stressing than dealing with creditors when there is no money or income to pay off debts. Let’s take this example: Suppose A got a loan to buy a house to stay in and the repayment is taking up 80% of his or her income, leaving 20% to pay other monthly obligations .If before taking up the loan almost 70 % of his or her income is settled bills. Do you think this is a good or bad debt? If B got a similar loan to buy a house ,he or she puts

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


it on rent and starts getting some revenue out of the house. Let’s say from the revenue he or she is able to service the loan repayment and remains with some excess funds. Do you think this is a bad or good debt? In most cases our borrowing is similar to example A and that has brought a lot of pain in families, companies even nations. Not very long ago Countries that owed huge sums of money from International Donor Aid Institutions had to write declarations that they are among the poorest countries in the world to get debt cancellation. The World needs healing in the area of debt and as you read this my prayer is that God sets you free from this stumbling block called DEBT. Your neighbour’s secret dream to success is obviously option B.

“Profits are better than Wages” Jim Rohin

A good debt is a debt that brings in money in your pocket, while a bad debt is one that takes out money from your pocket.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


It will not be wise for me to just leave this serious issue of DEBT hanging .This is affecting millions of families across the globe ,therefore here are some solutions that can assist someone out there. You might ask ,how can I come out of this rat race of bad debts? You are about to give birth to your dream of financial freedom, today stop focusing on your debt and bills coming through the post and start visualising cheques coming through in your favour. Your labour pains of getting out of DEBT are on the way, once you give birth you will forget the pain that you have been going through because the promise of financial freedom has arrived. You are at the moment like a mother in the labour ward ,the baby is coming and the doctors are saying “ Push, Push, Push,” while you cry in pain but alas once the baby has been born and you will hear the first cries, Joy shall fill your heart and you will forget the pain. Bad Debt Management Solution Once you notice that you are having a lot of bad debt, debts that keeps pressing and robbing you of peace, happiness in your marriage or relationship or even affect your day to day performance. In

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


today’s world debt is the highly advertised commodity across the globe, be on guard. You need a quick dosage of a good debt repayment plan or debt counselling that will help you be on a direct flight to financial freedom. Purpose in your heart that you will pay all the people and institutions that you owe and live peacefully owing no man nothing. I have drawn up a debt repayment plan and am working on paying all my debts by at least the end of 2011. Focus on Prosperity! The First thing you need to do is forgive yourself for having put yourself in such a situation may be due to wrong decisions that you made at one point or whatever the case that caused you to be in debt. Then find some strength, swallow your pride and discuss the problem with your partner if you are married or speak to a trusted friend about your situation, that on its own will bring some healing to yourself. That is the first step to your victory! Once you have done the above then try some repayment plans at the end of this chapter that has helped me to have some closure in this area of DEBT. Have faith and trust God that he will help you to be debt free and financially free. Just by sharing this subject with you, it brings so much joy

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


and assurance to my heart that many shall testify that this plan works. Jesus said that we are to be a light to the world (Matt. 5:14) and as salt that gives flavour to life (verse 13). Unfortunately, in the management of money, the world is often salting us more that we are salting it. Many Christians find themselves mired in debt, just like any one living in this world. Ignorance, greed, selfishness, unfortunate tragedy, abandoned by a spendthrift marriage partner are just some of the causes of debt. Let’s look at the positive side to this, there is a solution to every problem. The Bible says, "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender" (Prov. 22:7). Some Bible translations say "slave" here instead of "servant "Probably no one needs to be told that debt is bad. The plan is simple, it has a basic premise and three steps that I came across that have really helped me and am sure they will help you as well. The basic premise is a commitment to God to be faithful in returning His holy tithe to access His wisdom and blessing .(Read Prov. 3; Deut. 28; Mal. 3; Matt. 6, 25).

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Step 1 Declare a moratorium on additional debt: -No more credit spending! -If you don't borrow money, you can't get into debt. -If you don't borrow any more money, you can't get further into debt. Step 2 Make a covenant (a promise or agreement) with God that from this point on, as He blesses, you will pay off your debts as quickly as possible. Set a target date for being debt-free. When God blesses you financially, use the money to reduce debt-not to purchase more things. Step 3 Do the Practical . -Make a list of all your debts from the largest to the smallest in descending order. For most families, the home mortgage is at the top of the list and a credit card or personal debt is at the bottom.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


-Begin by making at least the minimum payment due on each of your debts on a monthly basis. -Next, double up or increase in any way you can your payments on the debt on the bottom of the list. You'll be happily surprised how quickly you can eliminate that smallest debt. -Then use the money that you were paying on the bottom debt to add to the basic payment on the next debt as you work your way up the list. -As you eliminate your smaller high-interest debts, you'll free up a surprising amount of money to place on the next higher debts. God clearly doesn't want us in debt. Once the covenant is made, many families find that God blesses them in unexpected ways and the debt is reduced faster than they had anticipated. Once you reach the home mortgage at the top of your debt list, you can begin to make additional payments on the principal of your loan, thereby saving considerable interest that you would have had to pay. You also, of course, reduce the length of the loan as well. By following these three simple steps, many

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


families have become debt-free. You can too! By putting God first, you'll receive His wisdom and blessing for managing what He has entrusted to you. 5. MULTIPLY THY GOLD

There is a saying that “when you give a rich man money he will invest it, when you give the middle class money they will pay their outstanding bills and when you give money to a poor man he will just spend it” PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK FOR YOU -Create a spending plan or workable budget. -Set financial goals. -Start a Saving/Investment plan.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


-Look at asset classes The top three are straight forward ,but I just want to share more details on Asset classes. When I was dealing with number 4 on the lessons from Babylon, I shared on good verses bad debt and most of the times we might think we have assets when in the actual fact we have liabilities. It is very important to know the asset classes, I will give some examples: I once read an article by Rich Dad’s bestselling Author Robert Kiyosaki were he was sharing on the classification of assets in reality. As we know by now that debt is one of the highly advertised commodity and many people are in debt because they thought they got a loan to buy an asset when in the actual fact they bought a liability. In accounting an asset is defined as a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity. A liability is defined as a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Robert Kiyosaki simplified the asset classes in lay man’s language so that you and me who has maybe never taken accounting as a subject can understand what an asset or liability is. He says,” an asset is something that brings money into your pocket while a liability is something that takes out money from your pocket”. It is for this reason that when you buy a house through a mortgage and you stay in that house at that stage, you can not classify it as an asset because you owe the bank and you don’t even have the title deed for that house .Further more every month you are bound to pay the monthly repayments ,electricity, water, rates and sometimes repairs which actually take out money from your pocket. You can only say your house is an asset when it is fully paid and when it is bringing in some revenue that is if you have let it out and you are not paying any mortgage repayments. In short money is coming into your pocket. This principle is the same even on cars that are bought via financial lending institutions. 6. GUARD THY TREASURERS

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


-Seek safety first. -Invest in yourself-Education. -Beware of surety ship. -Diversification is not always the answer. 7. MAKE THY DWELLING A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT - Be home owners not tenants-when you rent for a long time sometimes you forget that the house or flat you are in is not yours. -Never spend more that 1/3 of your income on mortgage expenses. -Increase your credit repayments on your debts so that you can be financially free. 8. INSURE YOUR FUTURE The Bible teaches us that a wise man leaves inheritance for his children and his children’s children. We are living in an age were we can say I will leave my family three cats, six dogs , a bank financed car/house ,many clothing and credit card debts. We need to plan for our future generation to come even prepare for your own death so that the family you leave behind doesn’t suffer to even raise

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


money for your coffin. These days banks are offering very reasonable funeral policies in South Africa from about ZAR30.OO (which is about USD4.00 to be precise) monthly premium ,which pays out between ZAR10, 000-ZAR15000. Today think about it and : -Get policies that will pay out in future when you retire. -Educational plans for your children. -Death covers. -Investment plan. Finally do you remember this song? By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down; ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion. When the wicked Carried us away in captivity Requiring from us a song – Now how shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success




Early this year 2009 I had a Dream to

establish a Non-Denomination Academy where people from all walks of life could come to get inspired, motivated, trained, mentored, counselled spiritually, personally, emotionally and Financially. In May 2009 I was accredited as a Motivational speaker by a network marketing company in Cape Town South Africa and September 2009 adopted as a member of The Professional Speakers Association in Southern Africa (PSASA)

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


I can only say “Oh see what the lord has done”

On 1st September 2009 my dream became a reality and Live Your Dream Academy was officially opened in Pretoria South Africa and Launched on 12th September 2009.

Ladies and gentlemen when you have a dream, there is a price to pay. The enemy will try to discourage you; the people you love will criticise and even want you to abort your dream. Joseph was rebuked even by his own father, when he told him that he would bow before him. DREAMS BECOME REALITY. A Dream is a substance of a great life’s

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Live Your Dream Academy Pretoria, South Africa.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



Don’t lose your dream. Your dream can

get shattered today, ask God for a new dream. You can die with your dream but your faith in God never dies.

“My people are destroyed for lack of


Hosea 4: 6

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Your dream may die but God’s promises will never die. Elijah had a dream, but Elisha picked it up with a double portion of God’s anointing. The more people are taught about Jesus the more they will realize their dreams. Receiving God kind of dreams has nothing to do with race, gender or age. You can not come to God with pride. You come to God with humility and ask for your dream. Don’t lose your life and identity. You may fail today, failing is not the worst thing in life quitting is. Don’t quit on your dream, God never quits on you. Start excising the power of your will. Reactivate love that centres your will. You will to will the will of God given dream.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


You have the creative power in your mind to dream.


“If you are willing and obedient you will eat the best of the land”

Isaiah 1v19

The End.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Hope you learnt

Something from My



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The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


For More Information contact the author:

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Contact InformationContact InformationContact InformationContact Information Pastor Elijah Chioyeni Miti

Mobile: +2778 131 9580 or +27761285439


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Books Published by Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises

and Launched by KLYN Consulting.


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


1. Qualities Of A Leader by Elijah Miti.

2. The Secret dream To Your Neighbours Success by

Elijah Miti.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


3. You Have 24 hours Or Else by Elijah Miti.

4.Enlarge Your Vision by Elijah Miti.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


5.The Absurdist Tales by Dan Akinlolu.

6. Color Your Life by Isaac Malenga .

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


7. Basic Guidelines To Environmental Reporting By

Mwenya Mukuka.

8.Birdland Where No Birds Sing by S X Q Simabale.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


9.The Resilience Of The Political Systems Of The Less

Complex Societies Of Zambia by S X Q Simabale

10. Escaping Environment From Human Habitat by

Wilmot Benkele.

11. Fighting HIV/AIDS With Abstinence Armour In Poetic

Pictures by Wilmot Benkele.

12.From a Frying Pan To The Fire by Toyi Mthembu

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


13.Nectar For Your Soul by Toyi Mthembu

14.Ignite Your Inner Soul By Toyi Mtembu

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


15.Relationship You Have With You Inner Self by

Toyi Mthembu

16. World Missions An African Perspective by

Dr.Sammy Musepa

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


17. EMCE Live Your Dream Magazine

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


19. Career Guidance In Automotive By Isaac Malenga

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


About the AuthorAbout the AuthorAbout the AuthorAbout the Author

Elijah Miti was born in 1974. He began preaching after

completing school in 1992 and did Banking, Financial Management, Property Management,

Pastoral in Pretoria, South Africa and

Theology from a USA Bible College in 2009. He

holds two Doctorate Degrees, one in Theology

and Another one in Finance and Business

Administration. He is an Accredited

Motivational Speaker, six times Network Marketing

Award winner, Eagles Award Winner for

Motivational Speaking and founder of Sothern

Internally Displaced Persons Answer (SIDPA).

He is now a fulltime Missionary Trainer,

Coach, Mentor, Book Publisher and travels

around the world. Preaching the Gospel and publishing books.

Mobile: +27761285439




Ministry Website:


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Publisher, Editor, Book Cover Design &


Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises Book Fun Club


Mobile: +27785666535 or


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



Elijah Miti is a founder and president of Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises (EMCE). Elijah Miti consultancy does work for both business and academic institutions and its scope extends from Africa, Europe, and Assia to North and South America. He has spoken and taught at leadership training and Book Writing programs In South Africa, Zambia and has mentees in his Mentorship program on Book Writing. Elijah Miti is an ordained Minister of Religion and currently he is full time Missionary, Author and Book publisher who has published over 230 Book for African Authors and written over 15 books.

He has served as keynote speaker and done proposals at government departments, Colleges , Universities , Schools and Religious events around the world including:

o Various Churches in South Africa and Zambia

o The Department of High Education in South


Elijah Miti is also a sought after key note speaker at many International conferences around the world. Examples of African schools and colleges that he has worked with include:

o Robert Hicks High School In South Africa

o Munali High School In Zambia

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


o Kabulonga Girls High in Zambia

o Lusaka High School in Zambia

o The Gert Sibanda College In South Africa

o University Of Zambia

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



Elijah Miti has appeared on many TV and Radio shows both internationally and regionally. Some of the show include:- � June 2008, SABC Africa International News As a Singer

and Song Writer. � December 2009, Muvi Tv in Zambia As a Book Author. � December 2009, Mobi TV as Book Publisher. � December 2009,ZNBC Nyanja Program as Book

Publisher. � December 2009, ZNBC Radio 2 Book Spectrum

Program with Donald Kawangu. � December 2009, UNZA Radion as Book Author.

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


� December 2009, Yatsani Radion As Book Author with Mwenya Mukuka.

� December 2009, Christian Voice Radio with Lombe Machilika.

� June 2010 ZNBC Radio 2 Zambia Today Program with Aaron Kamanga.

� June 2010 , ZNBC TV Kwacha Good Morning Zambia show with Franklin.

� July 2010, Mobi TV as A Singer and Author. � July 2010, Unza Radio Lusaka Star Program. � November 2010 , NEW York – Radio as Author and

Publisher. � December 2010, ZNBC Radio 2 Book Spectrum

Program with Donald Kawangu. � January 2011, ZNBC Radio 2 Zambia Today Program

with Aaron Kamanga. � January 2011, ZNBC TV Kwacha Good Morning Zambia

show with Franklin. � January 2011, ZNBC Radio 2 Book Spectrum Program

with Donald Kawangu



The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success





“No Matter How Far We Shall Reach”

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


Notes: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

“No Matter How Far We Shall Reach”

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



“No Matter How Far We Shall Reach” Notes:

The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success



The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success


The Secret Dream To Your Neighbours Success