THE SEATTLE t. hut...


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o* THE onrnui or*


Brrnsw WAH XEVER HOW. -ATI*Urtory. Ml. >lut Ha» Ant

It ha* rvnaialjr k« pmr*- withfee th* growth and ytrmymrft of rteattbf.

tT>»- proaprrta tot the In!# wm iittoMghtrr.

W nfmnt wtn twa.ynln, (Ilk aaai tf mt

$146,000,000Amnon wliirh nt| ha (mart Um


HOME, of New York,

North BritishAND


German Americaii.? /

or IffiW TONS.

Anon* the <il<Wt and U«t 19 lb, «<wM

GW»KtiK U BUVKK,?4TWW-*******»*

' "rt"o «o*k. Seattle, Wa*.aOaMtoe < xrynttom. iud alt*

wrtitu taw."

IHAAC M. HAI.U. »TT«tK.\KV ASD AT' " U», Mlrilntbt i .iiwTft. ITwtof IDA«u»u*;t.. . mwt Salary r»t>tir Komh S

m»*i?. mil «mtI H«aMV>. W. T C»M!|«||W !?»?,-

I. .1. UC HTKXBKKfi(tat* «f th Bar. I

('OCWJJ/&. AT U«-lri»lM I tm-? ?. ' nion lC*-t. wtftl-


\TT"'lt>rV AT IJiW?KEXVET Kl><*rmM Ult'otaaiita Mtirl,.

\u25a0 <*«»tlV

MAJMLB nuawn*. ntii\u25a0< mmt**.. w «\u25a0»*»

MrHnilr, Curt Ac Prp«t«n.

\TTUItSET« ASI> xtTXHEIJ-tIU" AT. taw uftiii at Unaarr, M'mat Vtr

rt-m mutt rteatih- HeatTWiS.*. Tnkf Iran,]«

i*.w n«u« junyt t artKrKRWUX Ac «"I«M KfCI-|'.

AITi»B"«rT»ATI.A»-4«m< r THIRD£<?* T*»Wrlnn iMikflut rraaa* \u25a0:!

V4al»< r » iji»im>r». t


\Tf*>fcXKY AT LA*. r R roxxi»*Unrr aitd Ktry NMIf Ma* lan-la

U <»*h' mwi «M I* iI|A -» kni O. Mrs*Ur. * T

I~ 11. WHKKI.KK,

\TToßxr* *T TH ;I aiiwl Kah \u25a0 i«i.<K an!Ml ihrt'Dltnl "'*!»\u25a0« aa4 *'«Ar»rt!3* K«nta 2,l oWn. IU.«-fc

P. I'. C AHK<)|.I»

\TT<<RSEV AK It f?* XxKUoK ATlaw 17 and la, P»nr|u RulUl

Int. fnatf atreet.

C\ K. CAHK, M. I>.

VKM>MISAL wmnux ami ovnr«h<«

TAi OMt. W T

?I. A. M. I».


- pnu-tirr l-nt. «nrn*«n raftedHlatt-» Army. HOT Parlilr aimw?, T«ioi»>W T . t*r ''«»k will l«* at tl?tcl HrrniMffirkWeatth-. eaem Thtiraday ami Prtdav

iniT*k. m 7 oiikw.ORVTIHT. IX A*W« IAITIIWITH l>R

J f <triLW*\I*, *nlHra>r« Mhirk, Fmit*atrret S]ir>m* oU'l, jpt* a.lrnialatered, !f

W. P. BOYD k CO. TABIFF DEBATE. W. i.BRYANT ltE>He Slipped From a K?

Boat into the*«*! Ml IT «.t< ?H>*r

HfVu\mMi»W \ wry /***

Brfan Ikr f*t»l Wl-*rl^lr*

of Hi. Llfr lor «>\u25a0, »

froniaf«l FrurlM-u

Sis Fusiiaro, Vi\ l'*Bryant. el-mayor of thi-

Utkr-1 *ilh wrUio on(«U,T ferry Uvt tW« * "f

Ml into thif l«av an IIIi< **. r*-x>Tw.l A*'au 'vr' 1

to the iiwtiw.___


i'oa»».lerat>le .Uviiht j-:

tu whether Bn«nt'<**

cklent or .«ii. !,le. an ! f ~rtfM"

orv »wm> to he f »'

rej*e.l lie Wt here ,the >l,lmer Knt-itul r, 1, V V'", !iki, nwniiiM, an.l *>/ *1 **.verv nerTou. jni e\f ,?,vutvha-e,l hi. t, ket.

- :n. itiiuate friwul*s*y tw ,ly mruUv. anl (mr/" ''V *

(>nrv-r-l that he w»» * a "*?"in*of the lirain N^v . BV ,T~ibin- -« him fall .\ n. ,uk.>*unk twice hy -a ho/*'"*'1 <*>'\u25a0> «

|«ts-inf strainer. IV1" ' "J*,tin. t. hut the me<

,!w s' ,i! j 'nothing for Um, i££z ,r"-' 1that hp wa. -tillair* *! ?'» 1the »harf. a tew ?"«<*' ?e :Ihhlv »< utter* y r,'" lo v, '"l «?"!'< -mofvuf. ......

Coroner >tant if" .

autot-v w«uM 1. r \u25a0termini whether"* ha < l » .tit. ,

rmtoM « » «"r ;The theories i"'lr i"11 »'' \u25a0

were pr**|Htun«? ft \ MR>n jl" *»

Hrvant « Uratft" '"t

coroner ma. A**1' *">' «** " ,mayor*, trim? 1 ,! "* ,i"*

State li,ve.u.?"M?"u>7*J"n,»'" t,-

T - ;tin.,- 11. .a?" 1 \lr Bryant « i>n

vat- affair., P »' *««»"? *«"»*

«n.h a. to if V 'I'M-rat,-.

hut h:» healf '**!* <*",r f^r Mx

month. ?r J"-*" l"; *?*"'«**"»»\u25a0?from

«?' W,an ". v:Sumr ..v V" 1 he !! 1 diT® ' 'ha,l *.* w h> flatly»»1 »*«

j,, tto fauJf V""*« 1V ,h ,""*h

l>rol«l>l,' t/ * 1"'" Movant *, nt

to tilt- (I. on '* l .

vv i ,i? |!,..»* <»!t the fait *»f th«* a 'ffw niiinflnter '

ajui 1,1 -H|»p«hlMilrr. When !?\u25a0 ma.!<- h>-«,.j«ara»» ttJ'e ";t"."* '? V"'\.,rr.i'v '"f 'my, a fi » mtnuU'- lw- ,lore 'i

?"* *»" nvrv.m.. |Ili li it trrinhl.'il vkUrntiv. an.l he 1wrJ> Iwvr «Hrt)t;'tlty in -.riog ,i-lrarlv* a 'l a^M* Vl''"M,t t " ilt

mrntd |«;rturi«t 11.- »a1k...l,| ow jJ»»»*nl the Knttttal. f"iH* ha»l (si-an I* the before a !»»u«!

heard and it w»* m « m thatorrrlnKirtl. Theti*ie

flow/ >tn»njrlv an»i enrrie<i him ruj>-

Kljvp'thwanl until he wi\* pi< ke«l

UJI4 tMMt.

m c»* ins i.irr..

larjce portion <4 ib*DetttorraU fwrtvbarked bv forettn inftaence.Mr. IhbUr, «< Smtb I'amliai.

<"4-ed the RepubJirm* for their pcopo-- *tN*n. that tv oaly tinff dntw-

*hvi~h shout* I k mluool were tho-eoo »rt>Se- wh»h nwU t» prniucnt inthe ~outh and for de that <»rrr

, tlint -hou}.| he e vert therk* utf the < ar\<tiua« uhi the -ur« ofUraUm.

' Mr. Hansen nf Wi-w.-w,f the IhU. and the committee then .1 r. re

and the htau-e tmA a rfrt« UntJ.' errninir.

iTI!W> .

At the erenine nrwtiua the M*f*»v«*d th!t v -ereti (*ns»ou bills andadjourned.

bosd* rt kchawku.

\u25a0»«?»« "t l*» af the Kreeat Clrralar.

W taatxcTns. May 11." The totalan.o jnt tt l»»b purchased utuler thecircular at April 17th. including to-day's p:m'hw, i< tIMWjM*. Theirco-t to the p.reToawnt. iachkHnjC nrr-

. mium*. wa» W.aSJiir When the\u25a0w rrUrr i«u*<! hi< offer tohavhoßtls.the trea-ury surplus, a- «t*t«sl in theofficial statement. was **»~.nai>l!ife then jt ha- li <-t lated betweenfI ami Atnml-in(E tit the -Interne nt i-.«iws| yesterdayit was ur -lijhtlv in et-\u25a0**« at what it wa-i when the' burin*of bonds began, ??flowing that the e\-

cesaof the receipt- otrer the expendi-tures ilutm* Uie stated wasrreater be JCijni than the amo snttiprndMl uptoyntndtr in the pur-chase of bonds. It is ur».ler»t.«*l thatthis apparent fail-ire to reduce thesurplus hail con-ideraole to do withthe action of Acting Secretary Thomp-son today in ai-cepiing overi>( bond* at rates higher than have|*etiuti-lv lwen paid IWavwas psM for 4 |*-r itot fatwih, and

\u2666l.<*< for 4Vj. Heretofore fl.'JH', andfl"7»« respectively were the burliestprice* paid. Secretary Fain-hud i«ttis|>o«cd to bay hewvify. h .t he inti-mated at the depart turn! that it i» tutllikely thai he would >ro almve today'srate unless specially no|*-lie I theretoin the interest of the government.


I nless the Krle ¥le)d« a Kate Warwill he Waged.

New York. May li. An evening[?a|*-r print- u \u25a0dory creating the Santa 1re Itatiway t'ompany with a -< heme 1to mirrhn-e or le:i-e the Xei Y«»rW. 'I.alie F.rie A We-tcrn Knilway and ?thu- tain a ttraiui tran-<x>ntinental iline uniler it» own mun.tcement. If jthe Erie|*ople will not -elitheir' 1the Santa Ke Company have dei kieil, Ipaper'* authority *av». to le:i-e it. and '111 event of their reining to -eil or 'lea-e. the Santa Fe will inimeiliateiv (open a rate war an.l e ta!>H-h a ifare between Kantsa* t*l!v and t'alifor- 1tiia i»>int« t > coniiwte with the otherroaiN and them t ? combine iagain-l the Krie in favor of the Santa 1I*e Company'* wi>he>.


Bowros, May 11.?The secretary of !the Santa Ke railroad say< the story ,that that company i« trying to (fet c >n-trol of the Krie is absolutely untrue. |


*»« Inrsr) thit hut *Y*ntrf:tirf »hrhaad arr s n briw w»x.< thrni Qkofjnwoi Vrat.k Jar w*. Mr-V|uantrvtl mot fr \*t Uie chief,mml ih»w a re-»dent «W « mud lV»rrrOhio. it> r-vcut and amwerrd forH*t «**». The men ««ikr of tWir

s*H ifti? vithtmt thev, ithl a- wmc |*rtr,«Urt\

piut w»« uarivrielna~r«Cor *o?t»e r*woe wotdki hrrak invitiia rsmterititit, evwi>e fomrtnl »* tntf of th»* rai#ler« TheWtf was * over in all it* hlmiyfan. hfntiHi %-rnelty nod ftiulT haIIW, Ttt* men revrled witheach other in their awful >Uvric*. Th:» fc rhe fir*t mmwßthat hw hk«n tfav since tiuantreU"*death in the MvfeT** ho-p;:.u iri Louivvillr. July i\. K\ With the exceptionof two in'Te ta* ami on in t\t)ort<MK iD .the murieor* Hve to Mi^niri.


win* AK*in awl D.»r» IN?-tr*»tt im) Wa«hl«cl>>n.

May II TWe Vth-letn--Brooklyn ram* »«p«»-tpo»ed onaccount of rain.

Cat* May H -Tbfft wa* nopime here todav on ammint «*f rainriyi-tsr* \Tt. May 11- 'i,

St. louh»»(ifvn\Ni> May 11. <Vvelaml 1

llaltimonrMay 11 -Lmu*vilW 11.

KaitAn ( it>*

1i- ?*ToN-rtT?**rß...

Pnrrsai k«». M.iv II The h««cue < hih 'wa« imaMe to Jt4nirh witli 'today, ami were 4iiitout H<w«j

their two run* on tn - loiiThit-. a>kiefrom which they eouhl n«4 hit (ialvin.

S*ore IMi«tairg. o. fV^ftavW liHIViT'»MNP!%\ \roi t*.

lKi»iv*%ron* May II iValv'- > |vport mat poor hut tbeir lurd n«»rkrottkl not over halaoiY the miserableerror* of the home team* whh h iravethe visitor* the frame. Stxirc; In-dianapoli*. S; Wa-*hiitjrtoit tv j

i»ms» »tr-rhtl\ t*Rtrm i.

I>nt«>iT. M,iy 11. r<mwa\ V pitch-ing wa« nautili* to the tjtutker* tfalay.up to t!w eighth inninp. whrn the*

to hop on to it fur *everalhit-, ami the*e. utth ha*** on

hall*. (raw them their four Ttin*. Buf-tinpton'fc delivery huh vcrv **etr on [(!h* IDetroit*,hut they managed to *core ilive earned run*,am! they ir**t another Ion error*. Score iVtrott- «%. l*hila- \deUhta I.


MiMauri Itrpubllraa j

Sr. L n i». May 11. The thirst di*« :trict Kepuhtiom convention ha* e!c« t- «ed a* delegates to the national eon- \ventioii Kred Km* uml llorare K. *William*.

Notr«l "*lalll«»nI,*xi*«.t>*. Kentucky. May II The ,

noted stallion l«eonat»i*. I»> liomrtcllow and Semp»*f Felix, n.i* n«»hl t<> 't'hiv \ \V«hhl. *»f ltiuinyme*le, f«»r

Tb«* WalkiM Match.Niw Yok«; . May II tiuerrero.W he

can ke*t»hi* (neurit gait until to mor-row nitrht. will nin the *i\ <luva* rme .ami teat the record, lie wvertsl l<*»mile* ye*tenlav. ami nl iiiidnljcht hew.v< onlv four mile* l»ehin<i Utile«(kml. Noremnc lluirln** the ntirht. At ?> a. m. the *core <*t'M»«l UltleWtnal ,'IT2 mile*, tinerreroVrJ, llertv IN. tioliien ll'v Noremac41t». Hugha** f«i. IHihm t' mifwna ,

At .'l oYNn k the *txife (UttleWHHHl mile- «? jerrero \*\

llertv l'*i, tioMen 4'l\ Noren«a« i;?7, ?

Hughe* 417, i'ampana IUI

RepmratatiTv Scott Finnthe MU.


»»Tfral OtWf MtaWn dytak rramm* Cam. mm* (lolnaaa *Ul>. .fTr*a». OamHala HailafIkrTlatDRESS FABRICS.

ALL THIHl*n*T» A*D TEXTI KK*.VtaiwiO, Ma* 11.?Aftrr tbr

nwreiai ba«inr* bad l«n SbiM.Ihr huaf wmt into A ronimittcve althe whole uc the tariff hi'l. and Mr.

took th* fljor. ll* hemn bi-vp**>-h with a ,l*f*ti*of th* off«.hu.\l *cctM»jr and th* eorm-tn**»u( iticu«da<MH. U* a«k*il wh*th*r

< tmngrnlili- Mllk», <H»ngmhlr MolrrllU«'k and (Vorrd Milk*.

STYLISH COMBINATION COSTUMES thi-» pwt r:Hintnr, MXtv mUlion*strong. with inventive geniu* keener,with labor more -kil)ci than any other

on the pk»be, »hois hi decline ton>nipete for the raprrmatT in themart" of mankind am] continue for-ever to trade among our-«rlve« under

} tkt insane that me are grow-ingrich bjr the proce*s The enemv*m'td: ''Y« let U* build a Chinese wallaround this young ami vigorou* peo-

: pie, eager enterprise already\ t'hxfi*under the 6?luti«fr, endtif we cannot make it wbollv imper-vious let u« make it a« nearlywe can." They were our lW»urbon>

' and of the densest kind. Their faces: were turned tuckward not forward.Thev were looking through the di«mai»haile-* of the dead |«<t, and notthrough the glowing dav of the livingpresent. Tbe bill was framed in theinterest of the people. It wasintended. in the first instance, to *tay

\u25a0 the mountain of surplus in the treas-ury. threatening overwhelming andpo#fWr immediate di«a«ter. even nowvividly imi-emiinff, am! **econd. to re-lieve a-* far a* prudence would |«ern»i!at thi* time, the overburdenedtrie- of the «- »untry front electivetaxation, the proceeds of which «lo n<»t|w«w into tbe treasury but go dire tlyto tbe support of ti»e grasping monop-olies. which for the mo»t partcomtaned in utterly indeieu*ib!e andatrt*tou<. and oporesMve trusts. Ablii had lieen introduced by a memberof tbe bou we iltandalh ami referred tothe comulitter, provided a larger re-du« tion of international taxe* anddealt very curiously indeed with tbe

tlufie ; but taking the ironand steel schedule as a fair index ofthe genius i«ro|a»ed in the bill, amione with which the member introduc-ing it was to l»e the mostfamiliar, and. puling judgment ontbe whole from thi-, it safe to saythat it wa* not in line with tbe reve-nue reform, not in the interest of theconsumer, nor middle man. nor tbemanufacturer; but, in fact, increasedtbe burden* on every avocation,every industry, tbe iron workeras well as tbe farmer. Takingit item by item it gave the astoundingresuk that for every dollar of reduc-tion on the duties in the iron scheduletwenty-six dollars were added to tbeburdens of tbe public, already tooonerous to lie borne.

I'AHAHOIXud Mt'MlMHIIKU.AHinbrautilulrulorincIWtgii ;«.,KI workniHiwhip iinrirullrtl.

LACESIn rlqolisu- rU "!m a:i4 rirract p-ofu»l<». fmta tin- flnanrlDK to th*

aarr>* «? cdsin«. Aim AJJ<jr*f Um So drUcatv cokaluft. fw


( liufvl the »o« df<»mblc

CORSETS AND HOSIERY.B OP E C I A L:A \mritiy la c<*tnm«* iu w»*h lufrnr*?aorel

£QP*Ortl*>r? by mail will weive oarvful au4 pmrnj-t attratloQ.

621 and 623 Front street, Seattle, W. T.

C% HOriSHf HrHKIi. M. 1).

(1 KNERAI, I'E ArTITHiXEE? DM .VMMI of the xilud, nervow* an i wo

w«»n ? ifiwlmltT oftW-V» :» and *l.v*km Work. Fnmt utrwrt TtkrTfltuhittlf'tW riw

UK. If. I>. U)N(iAKK.H,

(irai>catf. or T»ir rxnruMTY orV IV»iti»)U«?il«, nmkra a «lt> "1

of Ihi' eye. wir *:»< l throat Trwt»private, rhr*»nl« tid iikln diva*"* It"mnVf» lunmr* «>i4 il<m without|>«ir» i»f qm> of Ibf knife

o©ce, ntrurt Third rikl Chfrry ?tm-tnil'ww, V w rn t»lp in

T T. Viyott. M. t» !t uM. IMWHO*, H 11.

DIIM. M 1 NOli Ac 1)A WH4 >.N*

1 11I YM 11 IAN ?? AND M'RtiEON*

iffiM*IN or**A nor«r nun k

Trlfphnnw: Oflic, Su *5; I»r Minor'*ryldcfice. .\u,

111*. (iWi. A. KKlrll,

(|<TIIMT. X.\JtYS<X»a ? »» , |KT."

bavin* rrtwrwrti fr m t»U trl|» t*» thrRj*t «nd Kun»|«'. mil l»* |»1« »*? d t«> meethi* for«»«-r | a!?«»im and *»tttt-r« de*irif»« binaervieea. «t hi* f«fUM*r«»IH« In th»* Vr*!«l<rary HU 11, HftHiv, W. T. Re*lde»e«, hrf

iwFourth wtxl M<rton. dw


I>H YSlt'l AN AS I* H!*H«.|CON (>rri« K.t'niou Itlock, front »tnrt. fioor.

up«tair*. Komn l«lfflrp houn?lo a. m. U» 12 m; t tot |>.

in ; 7 tot m

R. L MM 111f, « l» U KVn» WIU AKI». W. l»

DHH.HMII 11 .v w 11.1. \i; i >

I>HYWiIAN* \NI» HfKiiKoXM?OTFI« KIVnMn'ii Itloetr, Pnwt *trv*-t iKRcr

hour# -t to i |» m and ?to * f». m

I>l*. A. <i. WIU.IAMM.

I>IIYHH, IAK I9M» KTfeIKON FORMERly Miwtmflty « bml». M-

OAce K-««in«. No Front «lwt, >*\u25a0

attic. W T

Mr. i? m«t Mm* M?«J ? < ?*' !«'.

nKALF.RH AMI TKAi lIER*?i Itßtstian hclence. Nrntil Ilea Mine Hmuni

atrvrt, between N-iu-t h and l'«brr»itjr, *eatfle. WH»hhiirtoiiTi,rrtt4»r>


JfAKK.It. t <

SKAKillKK* OF mCl'Oßim RoomsIV, Jt>, Xt, third tl««or. t'ulon block


Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware.

In order !?» enaMe me to make a final *ettlcment «*»f the e*tate of I» P "?inlth.I will i'ioa>* iKit the entire M«irk of watchva. jirwclrjr.etc ,at coat. !*al«*«f«i*:ti\f.and to t*r.n at oner Will glvr the beat Imnram* ever offered, MO call early andfrt flnl ebolre. I alio uflrr f*»r «ak all nal t*fat«r owurd by thr firm.

A. A. NMITII,L. T Hmlth A S«»d. 70K Frotit «tr»i-t

The inMiiraiire branch of nns agency U\u25a0MOMrtHI fxrMvely by «t»r tnemlwr of4Mir firm, who iflv«> that «lott* hi* *\rU\wmtial Mtt«*ntlon. Wt have vwutiy add«4 to our list the

IZfcTSTTZR-AJSTOIE]LI II K ItTY, I* ALL ITS ttKtMMK* I'ruiuUc of a Sriualiou Whrn KlUhop

Taylor** Keport i» Mail**.

NEW YORK, May 11 Itiahop How-man presided at the Methodist Kpis*copal conference today. 1 »r. KlliertIt. llette. of California," criticized themem Iters who read the new 4|Ni]er.<during prayer an I Hislum llowmandid the same. There i* to lie a sensa-tion when Bi*h«>p Taylor's renort ofhis work in Africa i< made, lie aavshis lal*ors has l*>en successful whilehis op|>onctit4 claim that thev havel»ecn a failure. One of the Afrit an

i missionaries name) Itavenport, ar trived yesterday, and he will testifythat the work has l>ecn far from *uc«ce**ful.

Kishop Taylor wiil present his rdport tomorrow. An etfort will femade to refer it to a special coniiu!tee, but the majority will vot ? to s iit to the committee on missionaries,

The foreign conference presentesjpaner asking for t fie establish merit" va Norweigati and Swedish annual M

, ference on the Pacific coast which f9 treferred t«» the proper committee. tSeveral reports and resolutions Ire ? .presented and referred to the pf*>r T

: committee*, anions them one .j effect that the Methodist < 'frs l»North nhou'd ap|s»int a commtfr ofthirteen to meet a similar conJttee .of thefhurch South for the pur*** '*f ,arranging a basis of "union Ad-journed. |

ro*T»rn< K wildi**-

! Home of the Provlalona Maill'y 'l*r 1Authorities at \V»hlnp>'

W**Hi»<inis. May 11.? jfc house;| committee on post jiiicnitoiUordered 'i a favorable rcjKirt on hairniati '| Blount"') bill to provide a iperaj law i

j for the erection of |*i-tirtico«iilding-.It provide' for the Appointtfnt in the

: postotfii e department ol a! architectanil superintendent of conduction ata «alary of |«-r yenptho "hall !with an assistant superfine archi- '

' te< t of the treasury ile|i/lment pre. ( >arr for the I">pltice luil ii- >

ing-. The p.»-t master genr»lis»ithor- .j iied in hi- discretion t<i rfnntriH tpo-t-

J ottice buiMing" at any f< <- at whichDie |fro*.« lxxtal re.'rl[it *"r two year* '

: or* ihall haveeach year. So buiUinjnMinl under

| the a t ihall mof than f'JS.OJU. (. The s.ini of IV'.non.flttJ »1I tie appropri-ated to be available iliinj!the year tocarry out the ptirpdr* of the l>ill

The numl>erof tow nwlnch would l»entitled tu po*tom< «>«likiin)r» underthe provi«i<*n) af tit hill i* ]?! vrd at,I.VKi, and it i< that S.'VfOVi»« would !«? rvqilinl to oupply themall with huildin<v


1 Their Annual s*e«l««i »!>»»? ?? Kleh-m»4.< litrlnla.

KICMHOJIP, My 11. The annual?>e«»ion of the woiinern Baptist church!»-jrarr here tod* with "tr« dele?ate-pre ent J'rof l*wi-» I*. Kly. of Miv-nun. prr«kte>l fc r»?i ient M*-ll having

I die.l -inre the a-t convention. There|«irt of the h«#ie nii->-ion Uiard lie

wriWt it' w<A a» never liefore *>

{>ro-|wrtn.e. 'IW need« of the Niard,low ever, are arirer than ever Thework in t'uh mu-t l-e largely in-

t rea*etl. and .h it aiuon>rthe forei/nand colored ppulation i»f the xmth.juit he^un

The rcportof the lwiarti ofnnation" £*-? into ilctaib and >ie-

wrih*-' the rork a- being in a gratify-irut -tatc efproKTVat.

liuslkr* G<* l*» l*rl«AN.

rill. May II Ki Warden Varnell an«i et-« ? »ntv l'omtm»"i'»ri«'r«

Van Ivlt. Ileyden andOchs, th* <%» ok county *iwHalter-."-tartel t»r ioliet »t oVkwk thi«m*»rnintft4» l*ejrin their trrmi ef two

>ears' inpris*»nrnent.I'kat* «f Hi#* llnrtlnflon Strike.( HK'too, May 11. Two thousand

raiintai men attended the meeiinirU-t nifht *-aibs| Y*y the H-ir)mftot>strikei- t«» roBM ifr statement* to theeffwf that the rrew* of the rariou«road* tran«fr rrinsf Barlinjrtm carswere att* Weil by nor*-unionist*. AromMfttee was appmnted to *it onthe |raeril manairers of the van?» *

ru%*& and re»rw-"l proteetion. li thisprotei*tiK»n i* n**l irrante*!. th* men -aylh#y will not handle Bnr)iH||tofl hu-»ne*r The «x»mmittee will try la hare

the revolver* of h me# f «nljs-atftl!! Th-irst ir'O-* n.tay h -w*r law

the case *4ihaignl w:ih knet>

i «»n S-aiwlay. tien day- work in thei>l f'** tsre. The

the law n

alar# *4Jsor»^-l?Tb i?giflksna«


Kiix», Marino, I-.iti* and Accident. Infteiid of reducing the ination,thi* till actually propt»-*\u2666?<t to im Teaseit. The majority of the committee onway* ami means hud sought first torelieve the industriesby on the free list a-* far a*powiWe oorh articles as were c**en-tially necessary to them to enable themto rtiiujH'te riot only in their homemarkets hut in the* market* of theworld. Necond a revision and read*justment of the various schedulesunder the existing tarilf would leaveamide duties on all merchandise thatcould po«*ihly I* int|iorted fromabroad in competition with homeproduct* ami protect the home manu-factarer* and the labor employed bythem. Protection, *o called. wouldnot add a penny to the wajre worker'spay or give one day's additional laborin the year, hut it would roll hint of anundue proportion of hi* earning* t4»

Imrchase the necessaries of life andeep him a trembling dependant.

Sim e the recent history of this countryshowed that the tendency of |>rotc<-tedindustries was towards combinationsin the form of trust- under which pro-duction w is arbitrarily suspended ?raia-inu p i<*e"« to the consumer and throw,

inc the workman out of hi* Jolt. Amonopoly more terrible, more danjrer-ou* to the lilierties of the country,more oppressive to the laborer couldnot l»e imagined.

i llryant wh« U»n» in New llitmtv-and was years of aire, lie

iJs a widow and two daughters, and another n New

jjipshire. lie came to i'allfornia inu- earlv day* ami"en#raf?e«l in tnin-|. Since then he has |>ecn promi-»it in im-ines* and i*»litical cin Ic-,

? 1 has n* tnay«»r of this »ityo terms. Itetween the years IKTtIand

Hi' wealth i* edimated at a !*?-

ireen a quarter ainl a half millionjollars.


rhat I* the A<lvlee faiven l»y MasterWorkman l*«>w«terlj.

I'HIIMFI emMay 11 ticiieralWaster Workman I*ow«lerly. in a let;er to the Jonmal *»f I'nited l,a!*»r, n*-

to the petition of the Knight-*»f Laltor for a p*>vernment telegraph,R'hich was |>re-ented t»» *«»metime api», ami to the fact that no ac-tion has tieen taken on them, say thatit is now aliout time to a*k of the

to lte#in b» make inquiry' asto why their repres#»ntative« are inaitive, -o that it may lassune known lie-fore the next election who i< to blamefor the delay. "Write to your «ena-t'>r * and representatives an«l -lir themup on the telegraph bill, fall atten-tion to the fart that I,Ot*MMIcitizenshave atlijqpft their \u25baijrnature-* to i*'ti-tions askm .

r of them not to drinkbramly and not to quarrel, but to act,upon the telegraph bill."


Colonel Mnight uf W l«r<in«ln la Itl#-litlyt'roaa-eaamllied.

WtaiiiMiTos. May II- The exami-nation of t'oioiiel" Knittht, K<"'ieralmanager of the Sii|erior Lumliert'oin-pnny, of Wi-«on>in, liefore the «enatecoiiiiuittee on Indian trader-hip. re-trardinpthe Apent tJrraory matter aiulthe cutting of lojt* from Indian rr«cr-v.ilioii" w.i« reunited to lay. The mo-tinter»'-tm|t feature »a« one which willnot appear in the record Murine thecotir«e of the lonir rro.s-e*aminationby Senntor Chan tier the wltnei* *a>a-ke I to pive the history of the coin

panv and the name< of the larpe«tstiK-kholder- He proceilel with thehi-lory mi l named -everal gentlemen

a« among the leading -t.w kholder"hut he declined to "tatc the amount ofitnck thev owned on the ground thathe had no right toeiplaln their privatebu*ltie*" affair* He made eiception"to t"ol. Win. V Vila", who he «aidowne I *'4o !«hare< of a face value of

and hini«elf. Hi* inve-tmentw a« Jiß.iM'. or 'J#' *hare«.

Senator Chandler in*i*te I upon hav-ing further information and SenatorKaulkner "tate.l that all the -tockhold-er" were Hetmhli ;in« eti ept Mr. \ ila*and himwelf and that none of themhad any connection in any way withthe matter under inve*tieation.

Senator Kaulkner then renpeaterf hi"objection. Con«i ler iWe di« u»"i«ni ofthe matter en#ued and the witne».finally "aid he could not remeiuMr theamoiint" of inve.tment" of the other"hareholder* and he would riot furnWhthem from the company'* record* un-!e*> »rnl to by law , except a* to

Mr. Vila" and hius*e|f. He denieiithat the . om|»ny had < ut any tiutlirrfrom reservation land" and if they had?aweil any for other pwrtie* it had

lieen done unwittingly


Hacr *l«ae Hulkhead « arrieH \wßf.? n<l Harh Other I»am«a«- Doar.|; f.. a l«t i,;.. 111. My 11. Th*

hiirh water »hi>h ha« heeti runningoVef tlic «t"ne n alt of the MuUmwater latwer for day«. lkt» aftennwoi'artie.i away a large *. turn of thehuge -I me bulkhead whe hr in-tM"

the aonth ? harinel l«etwe-n the R'« k

idatxl ar->nal and the main "hore

Kive h n.dred feet of thin wall hav<di*ap|«eareit, and 111* l<el» ve.l thai the

re-t ha« l«-en ba-llv di."integrat<-.l a-

t.. need rele.iil.iing The wall m*t tliein.vemment Tl>e tfele o{

water < to the citv of It.* *

I"Ui>d ' arrted ml to and-atreatn<?? from tlie upper «a»

mill" atv.l the freight wareb<.i«e" of

the St l aid IVket line All trainare on theft. Paul road !»\u25a0tween b'fr and savantra In f"a e

cpietx e of the flood*, and at I'eoria??n a.. t. mt i ' the long railway etn

hanknrnt. fhi. h threaten- t;> break

ami n ..t tir. I-WUIHI- II IMIroll

familke* are Im/aitig IWt of their


|;eo»! .B ef That Faaansa KaM a

? ieadUh KaMer».S»r. I>.r!" May 11. \u2666'it Seen o

yua-utreU', <4d Utn i «f giaenttaa ha.a at Ma* sprint?. 14. mj/vn

IMiay When the ro4l wai f*ile-l t

With a I aid up

TAYLOR & BURNS, Agents,Do an Exclusive Insurance Business, representing 25

companies, the best in the world. Promptpayment of losses.

lie*for to un >' «»r our ?>l«1 cuMtomrrM.

Offlrc In Hutl«*r'a Kuililinf, Jarnr* ?trrrt, Srattlo.

Capital of SI,OOOOOO.Arrltal of the .%Ibatro«*.

S\% KR\X« !*\u2666< «», May II The AlbaM»« t l»y 11it- I nited Mat*'* 0-1;

commissioner iii the prosecution of it<work in tin* interest of tin* I niteilMate*, ami U<*t fall ordered to t!»«\u25a0\u25a0 I'aeillc om«t, arrived in p>»rt thi« nutrn

ing. 172 day* from Washingtonl-'lite |(r«iilrnrr Humeri.

P.\a.%mc*(*al., Hay 11.- Theiim<t of i. K Howard, one of the tin\u2666?-t IIO.IM**in Pa»u«iena. *a* r<»\e«lby lire la*t ni#ht. The lo.«a i*and the insurance IHMW.

l*uret»a«e«l.W \*uisoTo*. May II The wee re

tary of the treasury has H« . riMittih to the amount of

The rate* paid were 4" registered ami

coupons, |l.2*k«t 1.27. repttteml 4SrF 10, <«* I.IW, The ottering*amounted t«i$7,22(1,2511.

Nnliral Convention Adjourned.t"l!ici!i3t*Tl, May 11 At the filial

M-'-ION to-day of toe A merle .HI Medi*al A? «*iation. sixteen represent a

tive«, imitulinf H. 11. Plummer, otsui Frtnci-fo, were appointed to attend the British M«di <i iatiotlnext year at Kdinhoro. S«*otland. Th«

j Wieetinir adjourned t.» meet at New|H»rt. 11. 1., on June ft, !*<».

Jtatlroad He»«»rrt,

W%*lllNwro*. MaV 11 The hoti«l; committee on I'm itic railroad# todayresolved that the con {deration of the. i e of the Central Paritir railroadshall take place on next Friday. Theyhave decided to take the bill alreadypre|*ared and re porter I it to secure therepayment of the to the

KOrernment of the I'nion Pacific rail-r > «*t eotti|v»ny « of the t »iII t«i

meet the case of the Central Pwiftc,ioruri«>rating such chanjpe* as thecommittee may see fit to make.

Tenneaaee UrmnrraU.Noiivinr, Twin., May 11 The

Iletvmcratic convention rea**emh|ed

at 10 o'clock. anil resumed balloting

On the tenth lwfbrt Tavlor received«»7l vote*; no election. The coneention then adjournal until 3 oVlo» kp. m

llooknmkrr Kilfjr I*Knbh^il.l,nn«.T«i*. Ky.. May 11 Win. Ri-

ley. of Chicago, a bookmaker. dej«»s-ited hi- ca*h boi in the Plurals hotel*afe l»-t night. the l*»x containingabout When Kiley called forthe l*>x this morning when it wa-tfotie It i< ?tifipoitii to be the work ofa *neak thief.

I #»nte»teit Klrrllxii ('\u25a0?f.

WMMfU'iTWP, May 11 The senateromiuittee on privilege* ami fle tioli*,

in considering the Turpie ca*e, bslay.came to the onanimoti* « '»n« lu-toiithat the determination «*f the Indianabou*e of representative* under theparticular circumstance* of tbi« ea ß*

a" t » the title of it* meml*r« to theif?eat*, i* con* lu iveevi len« e tothe ?en-

ate that the |*T*on< *h«* V«»t»-«l in the. eleetr.n f'»r a «enator »u«t lie pre

»im>ed to I*entit!e*l to vote, and «on«e<iuentl} Mr. Turpie ma; lie entitle!

to nil »eat.H«.r»irihln» to

i*ommittee on veniilatH'ii Uelay inin«tnu u*d Chairman Uimiw to reix»rt

, itl the IM.IIVa Mil !!.'#»,-

?ilfi t r » l«e («i<l a* a Ucinty n» M* AIMJ on-ett. «»f « h; agro. »hen he «h (ihave tj

\u25a0i ventH'n of an air "hip. |

«*r%ere Cyclone. 2. II \ ' -m

i»*eiHl«i!t« forte »we|*t <iver

In !? Tti»- r*'- -»' f iand no |«art»« ular« are iditainable.

The ?.l»»erHe,%*llfr» *talie«.

Kn\>- !<" «», May II OK final' *take« for Uie «»lover M- AuiifTe ciefve

, ni- -1 take |4.i> e at th» <

?s *»fl the 1\ -I }«, !-«? t *?"- f- Up

to-dav. the nttf iul lieinr f7\u25a0** a »i*te.f whk-b, in addition to t»»e aimmrd

h*re pr>lel, ttttke« in aI. Tin-i* in addition t«» tl*e tr»»pby olfcwl h>the t lub.

Tke Hrlb«mrM EtMW«to»*May II Tl*e thief

I «r| ' li 'r »? tl«sM- n.e i-tU-fnafwmal e »h.i<MH|arwt fbe of < m

'V! ' i:l ff-n, - ' Yr r ?-» forMelbourne on Mar H«t latterwHI r#mtm»ie t*» receive aji \u25a0; itu»u-

'* *,.f fr»>i« tW-*hihit Hi*addre** *ili l«e N«».

,f 13, PENNSYLVANIA awiaf, WMM|. t . .r t:! Mo J=th. "»?. ' feltef that

date " I n?te»l Pi *to* cimval;t ral y Asitflfit*'

f*artic» rentilrlmr InwuraniT wil find It toItkelr arfMiiitntr* to call at thi* liwuranr agency In Seattle

TURNER, ENGLE & LEWIS, ALIiKIiT11ANSKN,Urrldrnlal Hlork. Mill Mrrrt,


Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry,7 i

Hole afrnta for the celebrated

STEINWAY PIANOS,Complete *N*fr«ri«««f title furnt*bM to

*tt> Und* In th.> <it> of Prattle or kin*roniity.


\K<*HIIKCTH \M> HtTKRt.VTirSI>rut*. In Ye*U*rL*»ry Hk«i,



\K<'||fTK« TS -BtTl.KK'i* HflLWSii,Jmnm #t «kvMrrtt*lHot««l


("lIVILANIi MIMNt#KN'iINKKIL- < m*# ofWrr 3* *»* i

i'nii'W W«»t T>hf fl»v*l»r


\K* HITW T Kim»M *. KT. IMi* BLOCK.Fronl »nd MarM»n

For Sale.

Two lots, corner Eighth

Aim! other of Piano* am! (>rxaitM.

M'RPCX.H or Tim rARMi E"YESLER BLOCK. FROHT STREET. t'pon no da*s of people dofi the

present fiscal l>ear PO heavilyat upon the farming da**. One «>f the*tn»n* arguments of the protection-

ist* to the fanner wa> the home mar-ket that protfi'tiun wi* alleged to in-jure for hit hi< produce wa<t it- fal-la< y and a fraud, and the intelligentfarmer* wouhl in»t longer I*l»y it ||lle called attention to natural**?», and said that the manufacturer*who are «> fortunately situated re-quired nothing more to enable themto take the -tart of this majesticworfd to l«ear the palm alone. Hutfree materi d, open markets tnmndthe jr!ohe. no unnecessary restrictionhere nor there, t heap food and cheapclothing.


Attention and integrity assure you satisfaction.BROWN BLOCK. FRONT STREET.

WM. 11. HUGHESPrint ing Company,

SEATTLE, W. T.All kind* of iMMftk sn«l Job work | <OH MKIA ftTRKKT.



And all th«" IftHt articM Wf tnrttr th«» ptiHUr And the trad* in feuermlt»» r»ll an«l namlne our »t<* k and prtiv*.

1 l;i < ommrr«'l»l ?tre***!* Wrnttlr, W. T*.

Til*TKXtt) WOOL <jt'e»<Ttii!i

Another vexed question i* wool.Thi* hill put CM»I on the free list, notonly in the interest of the wool manu-facturer-, hut in that of the sheephusbandry it-elf, to enable the manu-facturers of this country to competein the home market ana to export asurplus abroad, he must )*? ante topurchase his *,R»| as favorably, notonly a* to pri« e hut as to the .selectionof quality and kinds, as does his f«»reijm com|ietitor I nnnediately w»>ulfree our manufacturer 1* would l«ejrin todraw u|*>n the market* of the worldf«»r raw materia! to meet the Ameri-can demigod*. The result would l*e anadvance in wool in foreign market*and an Advance abroad would advancethe pri* e here? tariff or no tariff.

and Pike streets, north-

west corner, all cleared. FREE OF COST!Finest lots on Pike street.

t> cnxru .n >n

FREO E. SANDER. ESHELMAN, LLEWELLYN i GO.!n conclusion he «ai«l *We are

here, *ir, we the majority of the viv<ami mean* committee. and «*f thi*hou*e in defense of Auprium imiu>-trv We alone «»fTer Jt j-rotectkm.We Mtk «|one the iri<le|«'mlf m e amiainrramitxemerit of dorae*ti<' bylii*-rattnjt it from unnatural restraint*ami allow me it the un<h«turt«M t*r-s*?»i »n ami complete enjoyment of it*own*earning'. The otifter ?We offer-*it what? A nu.nopoJupnl market in

which to buy the ne»-e*«*ari«-* of life onthe one haiiii, ami on the other a la-bor market ".ihjrrt to the etpfiToftrusta. WIB the laboring manthat irenerosi* temler ami vote withthe monopoly jwrty under the? «*rrt«*n of the emytoyer? If they dothe hitleou-ferson *«? a natural result of restrictionami the *u!«tdy why. will ru«hh-wn ami the »»f»mn»rt«t ofthe frt?|irM j«a«?» into the hami* of

. > - . \u25a0 j. j» r». r:it* an*i i;*e them to |J-iiwlfrthr pe->|4e for th*ir own earvhment


Mr. So«t! -*|**ke for more than twoIvtujr" ami be was loiitUy «|i|4atiiN a**he aHf u«le«i

4 or. Mill kihl Cowmrrrlil *l«.

FOR SALE. TIM Iml hut* Monn Brokers of «h*raciflc C**it,

rp|{v VAN |m>KKN HKM, OX »lIiTKI | *

«,-rv* tu f *' *l!t

,n kill**, w*rvb«»u*r. !«miv rtr ,j» fh»e «*?

tier Yht» til# t«r*t f*rro« iw th<*IVrrlfatr? ?*>»<***+titok*rlmmd alhtlii

i itt« *l*» f«* tmrtirnUr* ?M**>,ir H<l4fw LiK*' M \ \N l*»KF>

Whitv Kivrf r.»t« iv.

Klmt* «*. TerOr FHtn r

?1« for »Mrowßwn'Ui »'-»

KLOI'H.Full Roller Process



Tr> aai I*«.<?*!»'\u25bc*! A.' .*w«"<rr*;

:/ kKItKR «>r tWU AU! vs. E <KATI I ! > « »!«»> V

!MM KT-U-. ~

» i 1 ? ?\u25a0Mr . ?»»

11*11. K.-JIIW ? B!.T» All arail- nvvjrrtrdk. n'l'Uit


< VVl>'V l*»-Kt»ri >Fv ?»- ITn .* *

rn>< *T»«»r»?c«. »rtwi

?It :u; \JM rv \u25a0* ? s

; |( < v \u25a0 i. ' J "J*' *f*c» ',.. «?«<?> ** «?»:?> 'V \u25a0' -

\u25a0 i'r feajt la !t «# I'**'ll ?* '

I t. UKtlK<">< »*lC^

»<(?»' icrli IWTIT»TIOI fc, til *T«iTO»A»»MATTL*,»»HIM u til t»?ill M Uf f <tn,

POST BUILDING, MILL ST., SEATTLE,i Biitßrtnii Mnrißovrairrifi

«) % I I KM ? r *? (TTtK »»Q ? «< rn- »4 .»

...A r«A« ur i\-4IT tt> roc. Ao4 U |M IMU vtah M «>

B1 M< ia Ifc*

Future Great City of the Pacific CoastTH« ONLY BKATTLC IN AMKRICA,

VcasMli j5« l-Hte H '1 « e xitni-

BOSS 1 SECOND AUDITION FOR $175 OR S2OO,IW-f *rr the uate be? an ttu« morn*

mz Mr MiJ«. <*fTcio, from th»-» om-

nmtee am rule- reported a re oiotiropro*r im* tliai the «wr of daily mrt

.'.2*4 tbe boo-e afciß hereafter be 11oViorfc. ami xh ' after the f?erier-U 4e-;Mte <*n the Canff *«tU -hall haret.v te bou«e -ha I sS, in each »laj HpI*, di The re* tutiun »n doj«trl. V

OT«f K rilttUK* j

Mr tlear. owa, iu tli*« belt, at: ? h he *ai*iwouM ?-e-tr--VV er> ,i»i Ui*»? ai«i l&at in Uu« «r<U*

te-t betwee : free traikr - nti prtitM.milthe H«pobii.~aa i>art> fe d on it-* wfckpvfce inter* : of the manafactarrr* and

borer*, wkiie o . the otfeer was a

Tfcl. It !b» EUIKU « «!?* *fc«a «J

0» . t - «!«'» « fcWto-# V \u25a0»<?»\u25a0< .S«» .%» V« ?<?»» «

w f.» ? b«r'«n fc .v. .u> »It 'i- r-» ' W.liW\u25a0\u25a0.lll im- !i«*' '»?- ' <\u25a0?* Bt« »'» <4 t>J«th-l» ?«U ?. Kf«»M .*.! » i v»kl«f.. n*.

.trrxu ? l**l' *? 1 "?* ***' I*4 * ?? " ?« »

v , . *. ?»#.«,? I >.r t »:««.»?''. I «l.t.tbj,«» k « »i U, J-»r u I »t V»i »i ». fcs t:.#> \u25a0 \ «*fc at l. < r«IA



FOREHtNLortt CtrnrvM


( of ihr Knt«*ran

Tlw »inr.T of I'.nill u ».rw \u25a0 \u25a0.4rrkH4N>f 4M|kM thmfN-ltnr* ?»» iw rapal Kr-wripl-

lv<-Mv \ H.-.T !1 - lA*r*t 1 imar vol,in r»<j-ly r> 1*«\u25a0«?!! i xplsin. sitr |«hhv"< hi« hlr-a .?«' * bM>ftir Iritk?<Wf m>wrniin-n#a> (.<)!<>* -<

K>r»t ."«|iraiMr,T «(tkt<'n«n .mdimprrial jvirhaoirnt «» thr t4«nutl»iv^irl,

i ivf l!»r <. 9m j«tn»-nt ol Jii.l . iarv bv ih»


Thml <>i U> ,l n\nkm1,1 h an fxtwit a. ?»» jHrvrri*

Ki»nrt!< ISrivm»lU#ihr of I r.

Mfth Thr lit tif )>ivrr.Wsl lit«Tli!r(iirat.

TutiMMr.Oarn.imin -s>« mu.l hitHh- .r|.(r,«th.r\ ..f Vjr Irp-latiw

sflii riri'uUtc '. ||v. .Vt nNvory fill y th«- .lilt ntt*r. ><( -ti. h a« hrni* but, rirt»t i-r wrx-ne, 1h- tov*.Ihr M-hrHtr i» iMpHyjMr n«>w[<<U.Uu>nr having all. h Anv>.??f rr..M»n tl.i*. wUVamit .>n »m h %tw«i> ("arnarvun !!«?» limtl,*ilh Ihr rroift ciilmiv i'i.'.i in Mimlar

\u25a0 Ictail an.l civrx hi- <>|<talqa thatIli.'Uirh thr i4an i« a liirti. tJt one it i.not inti.x.iltir. 11.- arr«"lHv hi- »«»n an.l hi- l.itrarr in n.> «ay rv-|.m-il4*' for Urn*.

MORALM NOT rOUTICN..trvhbi.tlop W»l<h «mtH>tlw« t>»w*

INr Kulllrd l'o|ttilact'

l>im>.M»\ It Vrxtlla-h.ip W'tlxhin a it'll*t t'» thf Kavin tnJournalin irfnrnrr t.) the |vi| j| r<?« ron-.lfinn- tlir |>l.lnof ? jni|M>Jim and )wi>"'ttine nuii -.iv-. thnt tin- rv-. ri|*t *H* i|U<*-tion <>( nntrali ami not of|«i|it><-. If an«t nxitnivrTva-ws ari* r»mi't*ming its imuitaii, th»>Ir i-h l>i-ho)< of Ihri»lain !t rhr Iri-h |ir<'nlr may lir a-~-urtil that nnttier Ut«* (liitioiwtl'ytivrrnloont !>«>r thf n Irajrur- -hJI Im-in thr h-a-t injuii..u-ly affirrtjO Th*an hUi-hoj. Mion)(t>' .irmr« ttir truthof thr -tat;'mmt« alwoit hi. omit »rtion- in rr<pn I to thr rr-» ri|>t. Hi>-.iv. that t!ir iv|H.rt of hi. . .>utiTrA v*

at KuMr »Hh thr J**]*- wort- ail inven-tion-.

Thr ( 11holif WreMt llrrahi .av*

that the fnivrrnmmt »ili Imuul niVlrmlo* a* fatholir imirrr-ity

Thr I'rlnrr*. W nldlnf.Hkkuv May II Thr marriiifr of

I'nn.-r lli tiry ninl l*rim r? Irrtir, ofllrw, *ill |>rolial>ly takr !<!»\u25a0 -' on thf21th in-l

?luhn tlraat.M\N ii»>TfK May 11. John Hrv-

«ix»l, the *<*ll known p ili!i-h*r. Y».1.0.1

Thr Mulrmr.! k lt..rtr.«.I.OMNI*, May II lii thr llt>U4* of

t 'tmnion* thi-* afternoon. Smith, gov'eminent leader. «aid that the -lute

fluent that the jntremmenl had *ie-% itled t*» found jtml endow an lri*lit'atholic t »H»"pe wa« l»aM-le**.

Frlar'* ttnlMin|,o\imv May II friar'.* lka)-nm "

ha* l»een m rati hi I Kdh th©iVrhy ami £raml pri*»of PnrK

I oiidnrtiirs < i>mlrmn (he "(]"Hfrlhv.T«»h->>t », May II At la*t night**

m -mu *»i thr Railway «on itn lor*'ponvriition, thr Nuhjfii of th* rnjrf-uv r- >tnkr mii tin* «hi m: ... Hurling*Kt»n .V Outm-v railroad wh* fully dl*-u**rd in it« hearing on tbf intrreH*

i»f ioudu«tor», l'hi» report iif theifran. I ufti« «r« romlcnmiu# thr *trike;tml f\prfi»inv thr approval of thrpour*#* adoptnlhy thr matuher* (if thrurder wn eiidnr*e«» l»v a voir «»f tH| (af.» tireat intere*t wa* taken. owingto thr pr» »>. of ft rl\ ( ontiui turifrom th» g road A *tr»uj{ effortwa* made. prim ipdlv l»\ mm fromNow York. Prim-vlvMriii ami NrwJrr*ey. to prrvmt thr adoption of thrlati «\u25a0 dealing with thr atrfke.

Hrrklwg Itrronrlltatlon.Viwjja,May l! Kmpfror fraud*

Joseph an«l fount Kitluokv yesterdayvi*ited (Jueen Natalie of Scrvia, whoi* in Virtitfttt rotmt Kalnoky after*ward* ha<l a hiiij* interview with thrSend »n mmi-t*r, thr reported MhU*ft\j( whi' h wa* to a re«"m ilia-Uoli 'fii Nata.ii* ami Kin*Milan without pul»h« M anila!, ij»trrnNiltalk in it* on returning to Wi|?ra«lr. hut Kiinr Milan Mronjcly op|K>ir* till*i«ir*.

(?one to Dunkirk.

l*4Rta» May 11. I)«nrril |W» ilan/rr,I'ount IHllon amt |h»putir* l.agurrrwtiml Mayrr have gone to Dunkirk.

Nlwvrry AbolUltrd.I»*nojf, Mav 11. e* from Rio

Janeiro state tliat thr Itrariliari < liatw-U r «.! dip it!*-* h i j'? a hill fi»rlh»* inilin*'liatr .ii"-!: hi'o-nt »f -lavrry #

Trial «f John lilllot.

IM mn, May 11 Thr trial of JohnPillon. charged with imiting tenant*hot to pny rrnt. wa« rwu ludrd todav.Ihlion w«i ronvk'tHi and *enten» .il to*i* month* imprisonment withouthard labor,

Thr Kwpfmr of Uracil la W»N».Mil May II Thr emperor of ha* had a relnp*e. He "how*Kymptom* of nenralfru* errehral «on-ge-tmn IkMtiir* t'haviot of l*afl*»ami flkuranni of Padua, have lasen*11IUmo!i it to attend hi. maje«ty,

KpMplun I*ark Starr*.I, >xnow, May 11. -Thr Kempioti

park -prm/ meeting k|rnn today.Thr rarr for thr Krm|iton |»ark grandprirr of iIW for thrrr year old* wrrrwon l»y Cfowherry, Nrti|«»ii* puxmk),i 'hillington third Thrrr wrrr nine-t.irl.r-

Thr Km|M>n>r's Condition.Krai.ia. May 11 Thr bulletin thiw

morning aava that thr emperor'® eon-<titW»n liurinjr thr U*t dayn hwaturn rrl.»tiwr?r Hia frwrr haw

?ionally l»rokrn ha« fa-rn refrr*bili|,and hi« haa inip iafd.

Tkrrat from Bowlww#wr.

P%ai*. Mav 11 *irmrwl tkmlat»«rrrrpmliatr-* tf»r rl»-« tofal p!a« ard lirru-lain I in hi* in throf 1 rrr a-kintr th«« "» tl»r pro| »lr. llr pay* hr i» not a ? afi«ialjt», awlhi- thrv*trn* t" thr |irrnjoa

u-in|t hi* namr. Frniaat Kli-mrnl I'romlornt.

Tl»r Timr*

by Ttun*r*l t«» hi t- Tr."prt«oftrd in rcmiin tmn with Ua Mrl«»t* kIW betn rrlra t»J.

4tiit««!*' or tk« lrl*kIn wu« r May II The fri-b

i ÜbtnM iHi-rrwiirrf thlU **

?.o-etinjr of thr ln>h * witmltfW Ikmw

on wlrr t»i# |a>«t»J-il re- (-rip* It wa* re *-f*ed t 'sst e

p iiwibfaw «*f thr rr-* Hj»t whi*"t« n-'Ufl %

)»? Jf mkl frtnu a |4»No UkNWfre at or uAfU**L yobn be

??.... " NIMP


Casket Wvrfct H#iw*4Owiavi. Mirhijf*a, May

uulit. 'I fjrV ww*

rbe IswraDrt li^ht-


Five Acre TractsSOMERVILLE.

Tract D, 5 acres,

" 43, 5 "

?' 29, 5 "

" 30, 5

tosiness corner on Commer-cial street.plrrr «»f prnpertji Is 111#


Two Choice Lots in Belftewn.'

HEFNER & DINHOK,SKi r«mmerrial si.. SeaUlr.l. T.


term inn* "f I).** i Railoffer* flrvt el***tit<turrm«-ui«

FOR INVESTORS.will wrll to tfci* |>Wv. *uirail



Sn'r v >v< i>rvKK. \ r.


?Vpu-lt." llnMraUl Holfl.

Agent for the purch£«e,**!? and lensing of Rjal




bwhU FlourP WTlit h>>T TUY rr.
