The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) …...TFTE gt? 4TTT7E POST-TNTETJJ(TE\OFT? f^^rTTo^i...


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TFTE gt? 4TTT7E POST-TNTETJJ(TE\OFT? f^^rTTo^irrrrrPTf "?""" ,^***'rf."f*^rrffififr-t #: X 1 LJJ KyJ_Ji.l 1_ J lAI Jk JL V/KJ X J?L i J?l Jl ilii\ I Mil\ ; I AIl« « g

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| Where Quality and Economy Join Hands |a, I'ti, There you will find a true value that is worthy your attention. These words tell the secret of our endeavors. Not to furnish you quality

JkaSpl at a high price; not to furnish you low figures by sacrificing real worth; but to so link together virtue and reasonableness as to strike the Ǥr

|| happy combination which is called perfection. This is why we give you invariably the most for your money.

Sctr. J""®. _?£\u25a0» **j»_ J***m_WW_ «A» «£»_ «\u25a0> *»i A «Ai sA. eA» j--) ?<">» «A<} ,**?<,


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11 3-Day Sale of Air-Tight Heaters f l lDrapery Department Specials for This Week. $ &jK 4dJ>Y r« rfs -\u25a0* Pairs Sew Mottiiiuhuium. 3 1-2 yards lonic. tiO ini'br* wide at *1.7.1

A MOMnAV TI IF V k ' ? IS Pair. Klr««ut lri.h Foint Late, lull «Ue <$P AX ' IV-/1 L/illI 1 V/ Pair* Eleftnnt Iriah Point Litre, full ninv . ...

{lita«pw « « Ifalr» of oar best ?\SO lri*h Point ( urialnn nt |it»r pair... VCjy jjt

9r v>> ...AINU WcUINc^UAY. \u25a0?% i <<>» »*»«?-«?. ....i.. »«<\u25a0. ** .« m jpp<& A <?> fOR MONDAY 4 AV We offer for three days only the Dai*) Airtight Heater at the following special prices. The Daisy hns f= _ , .. . ..


.. , , . Wff......

.SO Pairs lottluxliam I urtnins. :t yardi liibk, 4% Inches n idr, nl prr nnip (t:,r . \ VAs : inside hot hiast. down drafts; nickeled rcKulatina daiuper and pipe check: heavy steel iinliiKSi cast iron /aJ, <" j>

........ -i dif-;'/ s We reserve tbe rtaht to limit quantity sold any one purchaser. 1 ;T J^FV'T c«»llart top heavily braced; >l«luk off cover and urn. , ~.

«.... .


WmHave also received the pust week i» larae line Mew Silk turtnlnn In all the new shades, elegant Mlk VV

jfc 'r o: jk inch sixe. Monday, Tuestlay and Wednesday ji and Wool Curtains at about the same price of Tapestry »oods. Heavy satin < wrialns and Table t overs. '%*

Jf't-'\u25a0£!£. Inch sise, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday >Jy|» { j Hope Portieres, \ nllnnces. Cords, Loops, etc.

$ ?» ; \u25a0 * »»

JJt Jb ih m «JL A; il*. Ib «*» jA». jgb, if «4» »*§sa i i »*§*? !!s's ' e"?« »*£*s »"s*« »?§?. "ft* f(», -.

???,, \u25a0s. \u25a0'??.\u25a0 fly* ?? -2 j-S" : i J' ii-" ?? V i ""H' " jflCWfw 4- "».? »v ; v v> % v ?>»,/ w - -?

- .? ? ?#* «v» *? Hp ««? »» ««? «4» V V v v X-*' %-s -...r V V 4V

S Office Desks. iiiunn vt%ia p..., I Chiffonieres. Folding Beds. $Wo Carry a Complete Lino of Office Desks and Furniture. WW | It'll I |l||| il11V 1 «noad of thuoniere. jut re. ! (an yon a i'«i<ii»K iiedt The W

jLVI B |\f jj B reived. Ihis lot consists of latest chance to buy them cheap Is here. jtft.

.ML designs In mnhotfany, oak and We cun show >ou a complete line.

| 818 iilffliljl1M |l|| ||||. QJal "*K^? - J latikmt M Patterns '"" \u25a0/ S

Shown by any establishment in the Northwest. If prices, £ m t 4^?fl7 qualities and variety of patterns are any inducement, we i 9l4a9Ua A.

V? cannot fail to sell you carpets, no matter whether your So,,ri °"k c-hi«a»«w. r draws. Mantel i«idm« with French> Holld Oak Roll top desk. 4 fe«-t lona. a u<»»d. well made desU In every M This special price will he made for Plate Mirror, antique Mulsh, spe-

ABk iinrtlenlar. rcanlnr prl»*e Sill: special for tbls \*«-el* at ....... .?17.50 piirCiiaSC DC ltll jiJC Or Sltiail. Wednesday only, clai nt fl t.!Mi, j£SSkW - Li

M\u25a0 A| | Tl\rrC Just received a complete assortment of 20 U i.

nllALL IKttu ditlcrcnt d,«tsn. in H..11 Tress. tlo[

j lAyj f.j) Blast

I msa (Q 7R Hi on :'' pJHb | | ifV/l I i/1 VI «l W I ST \ onl doors: rust Irtto hiiitum and top J®t

quartered l»nU llsll Tree. Nnttqne iln:iricr *oncil llak Hall Ir re an- tlnarlernl link llnll Tree notion* * J tomaMe" e«** >r

% "U "

A finished, d feet. :t tnehes blah. «l "«««*»? « «"*«? \u2666« 'aches h»«h. "nlsb. K l-S feet blah. »7 Inches ' ? -..1' *jk*J.... ' J A

JPk tnebes I rr.rh llrirl I'lste '-'H tu.b.s »itdr. Kr.-n.h Mevrl Mir- « 'de, Krench Betel I'lnte Mirror. .j X" ' **"" AR

ST mirror. IO*H» loebes. «t #T ."Vt». ror. iaeltes. Nt HI TS Ht.** s «*«" -« «"\u25ba\u2666» VT

j| === Ariail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled. No Extra Charge for Packing or Cartage.

jjk ?-\u25a0?

- = : i?i : : T77

I JX&L&yw, Y tJ/Lusyvw-,

:|Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Crockery and Household Goods, #

