THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER · » ooieu Kit, be wf.l itax of col iesa titan oO uuti o» the...


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Palatine HillHSIIMC LOTS!

Uts 40,50 and 60x130 Feelom.T

[Kid to $l5OPer Lot.

I The best locked, moot de«irable and

aj| rr .. ,abnrton property an the

Evket Uml*T "«* "tl,sted wUhin

S fcr«e«mi \u25a0 half milvt »f the



Eg »

[ SnUle, Lake Shore & Eastern R. R.

within ten mlnuteV easy walk

A ROSS STATION on that road,

four minutes' walk to


One Mile to


this beaotlfiil locality i* particularlyraited (or the location of

I IHIOMEISIAt it is within ca«y reach of Seattle

center by rail or carriageroad and with the

[ Inns ManufactoriesAlready situated there, anil the va-riom emeu that hn»o secured sites to

locate there within the next fewaanthi, there will be

(WINGS FOR HUNDREDSOfmachinlu*, carpenter*, ninsonx.and

In fuct all kind!) of skilled andunskilled lalxirers

Ross Fostofficel< «o<m to be established ai is al«o

a general

Merchandise Store

DEPARTMENTS. ROMAN ON WHEELS ! icd fDccrh fk-th to k aie a rail atc ft*pa? » for iliter* fay I». He

to the fniJ«4 Stttw. Before be\an even gel oet cf the ? toe obi

tow at tbe pace w here be laatfs bem itt uy duty, or tbai tax c aller IUm tartfl. and probata sty i» tear, owlug tottse worah'ti raba in the *bvdule o&» ooieu Kit, be wf.l itax of col iesatitan oO uuti o» the doiter. Of conrvr tnrs.nub taca mere-banl* frattf, eoatiaacf anois la ti»e go<M2» when tfcej are *»<dTulaecoSisaiacr. »- L«v ttc time one «f joa tm»-Uk<9 c;oib. jou find joa bar* to pay fur sSt frcm >if lulJO.

WASHINGTON NEWS | In' I werej*ixth ew t n'H, be would ?rp)y that It «»

\u25a0 Nfrw* ha J tet-eil mn irt ia

t |!,tl ia T* e presidential chairvatt! USL the c«Bt»aaa from lUinoi*

annual bad attempted to defend lienI HarrtWß > iw»fvl The gent fcman «out 4! bare to defend hi* own. !n the forty? anlb when a relation v*« t«-! the bean* to eoforsv the eirht hour!aw, the srvatkaan from Illinois hid <»*\u25bas*»*ed it. a*d up. a hi- motion it bad bre-a ;tabled. and «*ra men u Re*-d. MeKialeyand Morton bmi v<4cd Jo table It

"Lee*Pr taqninrd a member.**Y»a."relied Is ? una;. "Levi p."McCmry of Keaturfcv rWd the debate

with a d-t fr-eieof tbeeoaimtttee oa foreifaaffaira, from thethe dirit on. with amendment j*ro*ulini mat (be repeal:ac e aua ? ahall go intoeffect only cj»na t«e raticfcalioa at the}<naißf trea'y. A^v>urued


A Vata on the Fitthorif* Treaty tobo Taken To-day.

W Must ion, Atur. A?lo the open execniite sewioa of the vnate Moreau reanmed hi* addr»>» in bfor of ratificationof the fcfcene* treat v. At the and of twohour* be ykdded tbe t!<»or to Hoar, who»poke la opptMkitioa to tbetrvatv. Crartaai»o a*aia»t ra?i6catu>a.iiorgmm thea proeeeded ei we the di»-rwdon. till t. o'ck.*rk and willhave ball an bour to-morr»w in order tor-onehide hia arenncrnt. Adjvknm^nl.


The Bark Cassandra AdamsWrecked


The V«N»1 a Total LAOS, bat th«*Crew Have*!? They Reaeh the Main-

land in She Ship** B*»a|n V%hatMight Hate Keen Averted by aLighth«>a«r.

TATOOSH IJOASTV Ang. JOT?Tbe bark jCasaadra Adao» wa« wrecked Thursday ,eveutn* on Destruction i«la id. darioc a!hwy tog sud high west wind rapt. jKuacke isake* tbe f Matctaent**Tbe ecsael weut tnhore on the tcth about J«:»p. ra.. after ha* in* three days of »ieu*' 1foe and been within Ave or «i* jinifo of in* rape o?i rt»e 13th, at whUb !lima tbe fog set in. I landed in tbe bo*-* {thai uigbt under the lee of the ivlaud 1Next day w.- vest off to ber ag* O, butfound that sue bat g»ue on her beau en ioff tbe abone. Tbe sea was too rough togo a- ar her. but we saw considerable Iwreekave (loatiug about u»

Thnrinan Starts on a Cam-paign Tonr.


The Dtm rnt Premises to

Spr«-»d Hin*rlf-An Eothu«U*tifWrlr >m« fn Toledo, and a Free

Trade Argument.

COWJMKC4, Ao? Si.? Tbe Colmrabtu.Dociian Vilkryi ToWo railway DlD-?fernery have tendered Judge Tbunnan aspe< is! train firbit trip from Coiuaabus toToledo «o4 Port Huron.

TOLIDO, 0., AO|. 23-?About f o'clockthis afternoon a special train bearingJudge Tcunaan and party left CV.nmUaxon the way to Port Huron via tfcis city,

fieffide* the 4i old flora an." Ihv party cou-aiated of CoagresaaM* Outhwaite ot Co-lumbtt*, AHen W. Thurman and son, LeeT. P. Ly nn of Colambw, itad several news-paper correspondents. Jadg* Thurmaxi\u25ba?ld be bad not been feeling well, butwalked erect and firm.

[The Chinese Bill Passed bythe House.


The Senate Clearing the Pathway to

the Tomb fur the Fisheries Treaty

?To Regulate Trusts by Reducing


W*A<HijrcTOK. Aug. 2©.?ln the bout*,Anderson of lowa introduced a bill to de-fin? trusts.sad to provide for tbe punish-ment of persons connected with theta:also a resolution declaring that the report

of tbc Pacific comruiaaiou discloses nun-

my irkittU, tM* U ao troe thatthere » *carc*iy a Uuaf JOB VNR, in* of wmia L* not lav:re**ed toy tewtariff tax. Tfcece are rota ai<tariou9

to who arc aurorauugtigh prutecUTC duUet or tariff ar*met* aucacioo* enoiigJi to wiy thai a higa|.n.!c-t;*c ta.iU i» for iae beaefit o«iue ia:>-n!i| e-a*a. Way, in the uia? o:

ail tfcat ia cosstnon sense and reaiK»u, Low\u2666an t i" laboring uaaa fre a:<ie«; bv a la*tJtkat -&Xirs ov everything? Nj, ray j-rieu,;*.oi ail unaibux* by waKu inea are 3rnpUvto be aefeired, IHU kumCus Of theing scan being benefited by a higto j»rvu-cfire tariffu Uin *rta:c»l I v v t r h.artt of.

-Ab, but Ml> *wnie one. ;r>:e« ?:.«

(sanutactorrrs su ti.* to j»a\ h.»i;to ;L-- ia> ru§ men. au-l ? v i -

a a benefit to tfcem. My Iruuus. tfiU >v»;ver kuo <v a maaaraeturer tfcax paiu nig ut-

Dress Goods, Notions,

Silks, Hosiery,

Velvets, Corsets,

Shawls, Cloaks,

"White Ooocls,



W. P. BOYD & CO.,021 and 023 Front street,


datott* "aw breaking on the part of theUnion Pacific and Central Pacific, and pro-viding for the printing of 10,009 extracopies of that re port.

B_. m ro*venor of Ohio, a resolution call-ing on lb.* po*tmaster-general for im'or na

Yftjpe* to ki* Lamia of an ittc nil-el tae tariff"" if you aid }on have »c'

witn ? "ic.iniug ILare i&ever k-cu. Bat 1inu« c<n.

Another <i>veption of tbise high protec-tion orstorsU !.»say the consumer do*s tootlay the tax. 1 bav«- shown y-u he d:d jayit m the price he fives for his articles. outi w act to ask an> man who te ..s me o: wuotells you that tu« tvuiumtr «Km» t jay thetax. if he doa't pay it wfco does? Iftbv high tat iff reduces price*. pleaseteil why it i* that ail nutaiaetuivti arein favor of a high tariff? Why do theywork so bar*! to iufrittatr the laritf, if to iucrease it would reduce the poet 1 ol goods?Thar if iwtkr om oi the absurdities oftbc*e in» is who art* around to persuade thepeople ot the country that a nigh istor ;he benefit of the p«vple.

?*The»e people came betore you and drawa growing picture of the wealth and pros-perity of our country. That U a i verywell indeed. sithough it would be alitiaefairer if they would give the other side ofpicture and i.u<« how the agricultural

property Las so wonderfully decreased*iuce thev hud this high tariff m operation.But let that paw. 1 want you toask any one of the wen who talk to youabout the country being made rich by ah:gh protective tariff, by what kind ofhocus p« eus it is; by what kind of opera-tion unknown to acieuee, unknown toreason, unknown to experience, thata country cau ba made rich bytb;s government taxing its peoplefar beyoud any necessity tbat the goveru-ment has f<*r taxation? How can tha: In*?How cau it be that ><*u eau be made richby I'hcJc >ata thrusilug his bauds in yourpocke s and taking from you far more tbauis necessity fi»r the sup|»ort of the govern-ment.

tioD «« to whether ft I* trn? that an enormoos edition of a certain publicationcalled tue "Twtf Mtferm Jrfwtate,'' hadUn-n distributed in violation of the po*talla*, being tent out from Columbus. Ohio,

I;o all or nearly all the j>o*tofiices of theetate: whether any officer of the postofficedepartment has been guiltyof Mich acta orha# known of the same and not taken feu*)*

Ito prevent them ; whether Initiation isuecessan to enforce the postal law a. andwhat stef» have been taken by the pos:-office department to punish such offensesand prevent their recurrence.

By Owen of Indiana, a resolution call-ing on the secretary of state for informaturn concerning the liquor traffic bet we*uthis country and the Congo and the South!'a« ific inlands. .

The Chinese bill was then taken up.Thompson of Californiaadvacated the b»iliu a j-peeeh iu which be pictured the eviJswnich afflicted the Pacific ci»a*' by reasouof the immigration of Chinese, criticisedthe Republican party for the lnkewarmmanner In which it dealt with the Chi-nese question, and gave great credit to thepreside ut and Secretary of State hazardfor their sacrtwfal efforts in securing atreaty whivh would prevent the immigra-tion of Mongols to the United State*.

Vanxieverof California also depicted theevils which resulted from Chinese Immigration. and the necessity which existedfor prohibition, and defended tien. 11am-sou from the charge of entertaining pro-Chinese sentiment*. Gen. Harrison way

mote opposed to the immigration of Chinese than the ftntlcman from Indiana j(livnum)or any member of the party to ,which the genii* man belonged.

Hermann of Oregon referred, as an c\ideuce of the intense Interest which thepeople felt on the question of Chinese immigration, U> the fact that this was thefirst time probably in the history of thegovernment that a law was to be pasted to \u25a0carrv out the provisions of atr aty beforethe treaty Itself was consummated.

Inngiey of Maine deuied that the Republican party favored the importation ofcheap labor." A reference by him to thetarin issue called forth a retort from Mc-jMiilan of Tennessee.

After quite a discussion between them;on the tariff and the Chinese, Camion, ofIllinois', secured the floor. He referred tothe f«av»a«e InIft 4 of a bill to encouraceimmigration. and its repeal by a subse-juei r.jsre s. which repeal hill t'«v« ?!

? i bouse unanimously arc roeeivea onlyH dissenting votes, all of which we e cast

bv Democrat* In the senate. Among thus**senators voting in favor of its repeal hadbecu Gen. Harrison, and vet men, aftersteeping their tongue in call, had got upan J denounced <'tn. Harrison and cr«ti Icized hi* record ou the subject of liunigration.

ililiof Illinois maintained that the sen jate hsd acted properly in amending thetr. aty n» it had done, for without the;amendments it could have been largely

jevaded. Nothing should be neglected by

jthe senate in dealing with this (turning

, and eva ive race of men. The senate hadacted weilaud promptly in dealing withthe question, aud he only regretted thatthe house had not kept abrva t of that

; body in promptness. In spesking of theUll he criticised the adnluistiatiou f.»rnot having catered into negotiat mis withi.reat Britain relative to the Immlgra'ion .

of Chinese from British America. The;Chinese laborers who came into the United ,States yearly came not directly from china, jhut em l arked from the English port ofHoug Koue, landed at Vancouver, andpercolatod across the northern border lutothe United Halts.

He Would have been glad if the vigilantexecutive whos ? attention had bceu calledthree vear. a:o to the doing

| to inetning to stop this cxasp* rating and irI rirattog influx of a i unwelcome j

cbcip labor bad thought of a convention;or* or arrangement with the power'controlling every p"a«c from which th ?

I Ciiluese embarked aud the whole borderthrough which they struggled into the

j United states.He did not profess to kaw what .:r:u

euees governed the diplomatic relations 01t:ic government, but he thought it wa« »

fo.rert.el*m of executive to say it ha inever thought of tbat which was s<> s2lfevident U» t «? p.ainest man wiio w« W IUpon the Pacific slope and fell bin s 5fwronged bv the presence of paean labor at

his-id.'. In conclusion, he earnest!* sdvacated the passage of the pending race*ure.


Brer Leu ridge Watts to Curb Com-binatlona by \u25a0reducing |>u*ic«.At Elw;>od the train stopped for a rao

incut. but the first crowd was encounteredat Powell, add in response to uutnerou*call* Judge Thurman spoke briefly. Thetrain pulled out a* the crowd gave threecheers for the candidate. A s!gu on a highpole next the car was "Free Mn»lin."andabove the word* was a tame coon. A veryenthusiastic crowd was at the depot atDelaware. and the air was red witu banuauas. The crowd cheered at the appear-ance of Thurman. Hon E. P. Pappictonand committee boarded the train andbrought the judge to the pla'form, where,a- ftcou at the cheering subsided, be spokeas follow*:

W ASMtKorOX. Aug. 20. RepresentativeBrvckenridge of Arkansas introduced tnetariff btrslu the house to-day. It is statedi u the tities that they are intended to cor-rect certain abuv s arising under the pres-ent tariff bib, aad be drflua these abu>esmore closely as growiug out of the s> ?!coof trusts. He not expect a generaltariff bill wil*be passed during tbi* ses-»son of congress, and iutrodnces the*e billsin the hope that congress uiav pur a checkupon trusts by passing these specific Milsreducing duties ou art.clcs on which they


To Krep I p the Surplus.Washington, Ang. 'JO.?A jointstatement

!of the bouse aud senate appropriationiommiitixs August 1,. *hows: lirand ?<«talofover la>t year, )t>4.0.4,730 M; tot«« , stimated revenue, ivci. H4'.V4i3,7 d oj.Sin«*e the the fortih<-atiou billhas been reduced two and a half millionsarid it is probable that three million* morewill l«e lakeu from the snm bill. »hi*would make the probable surplus the nextfiscal year something over #17,.'.0->.OOO.


Heath l.ovrs n Shining Mark- In-dustrial Fair Postponed.

Pobtl*ni>. Aug. 20.?l>ominieo ik»h>, anItalian bootblack, committed suicide thismorning by cutting a bronchial artery on |the left arm with a dull prunmc-knife ,He had been acting queerlv of late, aud ]often threatened to take his life, but noheed wa- paid to him. The coroner's in-qu st returaed a verulct in accordancewith the at«ove facts.

At a meeting of the Industrial Fair .%<»*>?ciation this evening it was decide*! to holdno fair this vear, a* the buildiug could notbe completed in time.

J. F. Mct onuel, it. W. fiamback, Mi.*sMorgan. Mis< S.lvvrton, Miss Hrook*. l». AMcCavery. aud ii. F. Mei>onald. of Seattle,are iu the c»ty.

Funeral «»f i'liarles C'roeker.Sin Fka MCIsco, Aug. 20.?The remains

«< roekcr were remo 1. Ed from his |)ate r sulcnce this ar't< moon and taken to !the First Congregational church, w here jfuneral services were held. The church i

d, tic tv nui no attempt h(

decoration, aud the services were very jsimide. The funeral orailon Wa* deliveredby Kev. J. A. Beuton, of <iak!aud, whoua*followed by Or. Dvviudcll. At the eonclu- <sion of services in the church the funeral 'cortege proceeded to Uue Mountain «mu-etvrv, where ttie body wan placed iu avault temporarily.

Very Properly Killed.

"We had sat cd nothing except a very fewpruvlsiou*. We started in the b«vats audlanded at a'lam (entity, at wh.cbplace I left the crew and came on toTatooah island in a otn,*."

I\>aT To*Ms*so. Aug JO.-t apt. Knackesucceeded t'apt <<alter in the tvitiMinilofjthe Adar*a in san Francisco on the lasttrip. The vessel was out feu davs fromSan Francisco, and l»ou.ol to Tacoma toload lumber She hat uew boilers aKtardf<>r the tun Tacoma. The bark wasbuilt by llirtm Don< a«!ci for W. J.Adams a Co. at Seatteck 12 vrar*ago. aad coat After several years'engagement In the Inruber coastwt*e trade,«? he wa<» bought by John Kosenfell here.She distinguished herself by making fouror five vo> ages between Han Francisco audNew York in less than 100 davs. The Tacoma Mill Com;am last December pur?.-based her for teljMP. and since engagedher iu the California aud Puget Soundlumber trade. She was a splendidlyequipped. Maworthy vr*seL Her dimen-sions w ere as follows i d feet lonic. *0feetbeam. *2 feet depth of bold aud liftd tons.She \*as fnllv iu»ured in San FrancUcocompauies.

"ifMr. had the making ofthe next vice-president of the UnitedElates, I have no doubt that I would be themars. [Laughter and applause, j But then*are a grvat many others who have a word

|to say on tha: subject. I cau t*-ll yon this,my frimds, that it you want this old fel-low to !>e >our next vice-president of thef'ni:ed Mates you rau«t go to work [App'ause and criea of "We ll do it.'J as !oa>e so little time I can do no better thanto confine myself to a single idea. Wehave heard a gnat deal about the tariff.That is the ureat aubjevt upon whichspeeches are now being made. I haveh» nrd iu a lou« pra< ticalcxptrieuce a great

many attempt* to humbug people but ofall attempts that I have ®een heard thenretension that a high protective tarifTiufor the benefit of (he laboring mm is thegr< stest humbug. [ IpplauM .

"What iithe tariff? It is a tax, a taxlevied by the general government uponcommodities that the laboring men as wellas others use. It is a tax tbat takes holdon everything, from the crown of yourhi ad t<> the soles of your feet; thai taxisyour coat, your vest, your breeches, yourshoes; tr»at taxes each and every implenieut you use iu your mechanical and agri-cultural operations?and now to tell metbat t<< take a latK>riug tnau and tax himfrom the top of bis bead to the soles of hisfeet, and to tax him on everything he usesin hi* trade, and to tax him heavily, is tobenefit hitn. seems to me nothing but ab-surdity. [App!au*e j

Here the spec, h was interrupted by thetrain, and he jumped on a* tiie train pulledout amidst cheers.

"Hut has it done so? Why. my friends,let me tell oue simple fact. According U>the very last accounts I have seen of thestate of the treasury of the I'nited States,there are now lockedup in that treasury of surplus reve-nue. a» it is iailed?that i», of moneythat the government bus tskeu from thepockets of the people beyond theamount that the government needed for itsexpenditures?fllS.OO'l.OuO laying perfectlyidle, doing no human being a Particle ofgood, when if it were in the pockets of theneowie, where it belongs, it could be usedby them in their business and for othernecessities, which would ir.ake thousandsand tens of thousands comfortable who arenow iu destitution and want. [Applause.]

The judge then introduced Congr> ssu.auOuthw aite and retired auiid great applau«eMr outhwaite and Benton l». Young spokeon the topics of the ca:u]»aigu until a latehour.


i i DOMHTtf.Ed w ant Aromoe, manager of the <.'a*lnu

. theater, New York. I*dead.I John t\ Loras, »r*««ident of the Keystone

' National bank of i'hihidt Iphia, >? d» «dThe l'nite«l states »hlp t*aleua has irft

New York for Haytl toUn>k after American: interest*.

Clear!ug-booac return* UmmexeKaacra,week ending Atlguat IH, an increaeeof 7.x per evnt over the ivrreipgui-ing pernnl la*t year.

Elmer Alford. aged ?\ of Ullve Heights,i Um Aafreleat i'Uot., Cat., waa drownc-d at

I Long Noch. Minday. white bathiuir, t>eingi earnodimt by an undertow.

Twoearihquakes'iioeks were felt at YumaArt*.,Buuda> morning, one IK in ,* unite ne-

| j vere, latttuz nerera! JK-eoud* and be;ng acj companied by low. rumbliug a.mod*,! Twenty-foar st Looi< M tuordealera have] formed a eombiuatiou to build a gUantic

? diatillery in aiiion to the uhtvkytrust, waich ha- tl*ed prices uureastmahivhigh.

liritish ship IV«;a»u« ha« arrived at SanFraneiaeo from Hbe encoonteri'dheavy galie, Itrtoutly «Uinai;iuie the ve«ael; two mmiiii-iiwere lot, one named John

, ! Eriekaon.Itrig. lien. Absalom HaiM, iMperior geo-

era! of the army, haa been p aeed on theretired liat.autl i\*l Ko<er iouea appointedto succeed him, with the rank of brigadiergeneral

i Robert T. Lincoln and Iguatiua Donnellyj arrived at New York from i.twrpim

i day. Mr. Uueolu ia very confident of liei ( publican success, and will at once cute*

, ; the campaignThe losa by the Stoekton fire Kundav

i morning whs ab.>ut 1100,000; liiaurance',; t«0.00a The Dbippea Afrtettluifal Warfci

? ? iiad &}combined har»e*t«-ra and a itumbr.? jof a rain eiearners burned.i While SuTinaii lie vei was endeavoring

to arrest Ms nephew. Hbermao l»rlm, niI Oakland City. Ind., for diaorderiy < adu \u25a0

, a tight occurred In whi< h Grim was ialallyi shot and Hcetei wounded.

; Congressman Mattsna has refused to ac. {cent a ? er servii from tbe | areemaeei

1 P»lnt'U< office < itiployes, claiming that bej has hut done ids duty, and that acceptancewouid set a very had preen dent.

last week's weather was favorable forgrow in* wheat aud torn crops in the

t i N»>rthwv»t. Ka us beneOtcnl crop* in Ar| kausiia. IVnueMktc, MUsissti pi, A'al a ua| i»nd i 'ar.dtu»t. which had been sutler

I'ing from drouth.

Of the 315 jassengf r* of the steamerAbyssiniaexauilucd i-a'urdayat hau Kianciac », 7.' wer ? refused iandin A numtmiheld Ho>d ceriiticatea and baek number

? certificate* i**u d at Port Townscud, and) were tne inoet bare tacetl frati Is.i l^isi Fridav the cabin of« rippJe named

Feileton, livingnrar Kvnns, t al., wasfound burned down aud the t>m!y <>f itsowner a«'tne '\u25a0&?> yards a*av, p*r tally « atenby tnounlain lions, wha had dragged awaytne corpsu from ti«e ruins to feed ou it.

r >xatu*.

The pope is suffering to n rheumatism.<»eiirge Weber, the German historian, is

dead, a*ed iwyears.Mahmond Pasha, cx-Tnrkisb minister to

Prance, isa6tu*cd of emb i* tt;fi ~(xw

Three Germaa geacrala in the Turkishservii e have r» »{gned,owing to 808 reeeiptof salaries,

i The Cnloeiie ??;* savs that PrinceBismari'k will hta oflßee <d Prusaiau

j mini-ter of eomrnenv a id industry.Sifoor Cr.spi. Italian prime minuter,

h«* arrived al Frankf ft on his way tovisit Bismarck an 1 K:nperor William

Har'andtV Woiff. shipbuilder* at Belfast,j baveck s d tm ir jard«, ow ing to n partialstrike of employes. Five thousand bauds

J a e affeeted.Tue wte ward of thp ship Tkivenbv Haii,«cn

J tene» d to be hanged for murdering thejcaptain during the v\«a«e from San Frani elaco t«» Liverpool, ba* been respited.

The world's etinfvreli eof the Y If.C. Aj atkiuckhoint, which el.»*ed Hnndae, waaj imiat sneeesafnl, aud will greatly advamt

StJbe ca i*e. especsaliy on th»* continent

At the Hra-t >rd, F.u*land, chesa tournai meiit. Guushtu w««o the pr * % with

iz'.y games, MclCciia ?? I.'. Maa.ei 11.' lebett 11,1» a ktMiro 1». Weise 10. ra-ite-n-

--liaus < J ? . Mortimer :,a . 1 barreled

' >, (iwea >, Hall »?,. il Mlal 4.


The Distance Between New Vorkahim I < tiieag>« litereaa*e«f.

i pkrvaavi*.'* Anc 'A?Weak playlnr by

irbbagos loat them tlie *arne t«>day?»re: Pit «Mirg 12, Chicago k. Patterns

(jalein aud MHier. PaMwsn and l»allypNiL4t>KtrMiA.Aug. 3d.?Lucky bit'lng

It.y won tf <m the rau»e t»»day.

-Wore lloatoß 2. Philadelphia 1. ilattcr-i - S»wer« ana Tate, hufßington and

j Clemeali.WAHHif>«fos, Ang. 29.?T0 day'a rsme

; wa« a t stth* of fiU hers, which waa Anallydecided the sup»r.»»r su-port given

I Kefir beore \*aahl:;gt«jn 0. New York\'z. Batteries: O'liay and I*aJey, Keefejand Ewißf.

; |!iMAX«n»Uf. An? *».?No gamr: rain.\u25a0 \ ' ? ? .'****';raiu

KftHsas i itt. Au* 2b.-~Jto rame; rainist l>H*t«, Aug. Ji.?Tt. Ijouia 1, Brook

All the -mall stations along the way wereinterested iu the journey, and men, womenand children waved greeting as the trainsped by. At Marion, workingmen in theirshirl«icevcs. farmers on horseback, busi-ness men, clerk-, women, boys and girls, tothe nuinl>er of over a thousand, crowdedabout the train to give an enthusiasticgreeting to the "old Roman." This is thehome of Benton (». Young. Democraticraudidate f>»r secretary of state, and thaterntlemsn boanied the train aud presentedJudge Thurman to the crowd. The Judgeexpressed regret thst he ha i n >t time tospeak a* he wished. He *jHikc a feu wordsin cointm ndation of Mr. oung aud startedtossy something about the prospects thisfall, when the train moved aviay, amid thecheers of the crowd.


Cold. Damp Itain Interferes withHis Fi-hing Trip

INDIANAI'OLI*. Aug. 'JO.?GEN. Harrisonpassed A quiet SOOOIT, preparatory to Hl*trip to Middle island to-day. his flftr-tifth anniversary. TLe propped trip >UB.

; however, postponed. A cold, drisaliugtain fell throughout the clay. and «s tin-tr.p omtetuplaTed a fort\ mile sail on

! I.ake Erie, the weather deterred hlin fromi begiauing his* journey to-day.

TOLEDO, 0., AU*. 2D.?Gen. Harrison willlca\e lmiiaaapolis to-morrow morning,

I arriving here at 4:30 p. rn. Arran»r« meut*have been made for a public reception andspeech in the eveuiug, with a torchlight

proc ssion. On Wednesday morning tknand Mrs Harrison, wiih ex-liov. Foster

i aud daughter and Mr William Camming,! or this city, wh«»*e j<»lnt irueststhey will be,will leave tor Middle hass island on Col.

| Reynold'* Meant jaeht.


The Huns aud Vandals of Penn-sylvania.

The Immigration of llebre w ? -WhatSomebody Told a Rep rter,

of Morton's Dairymaids.

NK . YORK, AO3. *Jo.?Ll:nenU MasterWorkman I'owderly t< stifled before the im-luigrai iou committee to day on the *ubj< ctof imported contract labor. He said tae

*)gem uus ino*t repreheusib'c. Detcfi!>-iuf the condition of worker* in lVnmyl-vania mine*, he »ai 1 it waa miserable. Inthe coal regious the native miners had beendriven out by Hungarian* and other cheapforeign work ragmen, who live in a filthyv a e, ou the cheapest kind of food. Ainer

, ieau miners canuot compete wiih them.Their sleeping quarters are disgusting,luelr immorality startling.

The universal opinion of Americanworkmen, said I'owderly, is that the men

who work a'ongth I'enusylv an ia rail road,Hungarians and Italians who are de-iguated onlv by bra>s check* hung on theirpantaloon*, are not desirable Americancitizens. The Germans towk pride in learn-ing the Engl sh language. He thought noperam ahourd be aim.'.ted ht C-itis o*h«puntil be is able to read and uuder>taalthe tier la ration of Independence aud tneconstitution » f the United States. Ofeou<se foreign coa»nla abroad should in-quire into au i report on the character ofevery man wno leaves a foreign countryfor tne l ulled slat* s

HED BLIrr t Cal. Aug io.?Wm. Grigleywas riddled wish tmllet" at James S t'opcland's ranch iast night, mar the Vinaranch, by Jaims Copeland, Jr . and Mr.Hooper, whom he tried to kill, ile firsrStole a wstch and pistol from i'opeland**house Sunday morning, and left aud thenreturned and iu the evening fired twoshot* at vouug t'opciaud and Hopper,missing his aim. Sir*. Copeland au<i sonand Hopper took refuge ill the upper storyof the house, from which th« v opened fireon OrigJev, kiilinz him instantly. Thecoroner's juryexonerated them.

At Upper sandusky, in response to callsfrom a larye Mini tnlhusiastic crowd.JtHlttc Ihurtmtu appear* d and >aid, in part"Uudw the time litnitati »u as to ihe stop-I atv ol the train at any one piaee v youmil not expect me to makea*pce< h cutbe

"great qu* stionn li at now the peopie of the United State* and the people ofOhio. If I had time uotbing could giveme njr. ater t»Uasure than to say ooinethinxto you upon this much di*cusi*e4 questionof the tariff. 1 would like to expose thehumbugs tt at are nought to le made u.>eof, the greatest that 1 have metwith in IT. y lottf experience i.ipublic affairs. When protectioniststoil the laboring man that a tarifftax, fur a tar if i» nothing but a tax which

j taves him on the price he pa\\u25a0 for even| thins he u» af, from the crown of h.s head! t«# the vole of his foot, is a good thing fur! him. I answer it i« au absurdity. [ Ap-

p'a .> j What man ever got rich by hav-ing hi* hard earnings taken out of hisI**ket by taxation* i*.> say ti at a countryCOU d It m u le rieli bv h a\ilv taxing if*people Is an absurdity that uubo»iv but h ;hproteethmi v.f» uouid care to assvit. (Ke-

f ueved applaud, j\t thi* point*upper was announced.

? j*«,my frU ni- alI Ido now is to thankyou hearsih f.»r th ? honor you havedone me i>i giving m ? so great a welcome,and t > thank )du and to #av to you, oneat.d all, that 1 am truly of yourkiudui fr- I will bid jou k*khJ bye." [t*reatapplause.]

At the cmclutim of Jwffe Thurntan'sbri* f apeech the party adjourned to the

, parlor of the hotel, where an excellent(supper wasserve*?.

NATURAL OA*.Fully I \OOO |h op'? itugd in the light of

j the i.a*u*al ga»well and cheered the? fra u tame t» a Mop at rarer After tnankj lug the people for their weleome and rei g retting his iuabiiity to make au extended| fp-ec i on public a.lairs, t e judge «-ou-

citiiJvd bv aav ing: "itl» a loug lime sincethe people of A merit a bad such a fair ami\u25a0*;uar- is»ue before them ns now (\pi«iaua- j Vou ha-e in the tr* a«ury of thet uiuti state* more than <iJO,i)JU,OOO utterlyidlr. f.»r not one dollar of which has thegovernment any use, but Whk h <? kepf out«.f tiie pot kHiaf people, who nrght use ?tin their bu*;ne*s and to their great advan

j taife and prosperity. Now the l»emt* rsrlc; i nr.\ *ay that oflght not to be,aud 1 say so.I (Aj»| lause.Jj At th* »-altimore «t Ohio crossing, jost1 before r, a ' in* K» "J - ria. th Toh-do rejerpthMM omtniti*e boarded the train and

? live the Judge a hearty welcome. At theI ft ;\u25a0) nr; | I h ;IPOMS e.e"o in

uniform and a«n»wd welcomed the train» in the Tiirht of natural aa* and torehlisht*. ]| Judge Thurtaaß catne to the rear of the.

ti»r «n«i st>oke beaity| < bet rs forhim. He expns-e-1 regret at the o# hi# flay aud >aitl uh«n he trotf.-i.m under the d<kmtuiou of the railroadw n hr wenld make speeches a.«d iprradhiresell

The Thartnaa elub of Ktsinc >un de-; manded another brit f *top. a- did al>o thei ctiiaens of UewborvlHe, w here two chtl} dren br»iuet? to the train a handsome| bodqtxrt for the judge.

Tilt KM A N l\ TULKIM).

The i.ueat of tl*r U h«lr City ATariu speech.

Toi>:;v\ Att* 20 >liortlyafter 9 o'clockf : : . ? . ' t - l t»i< «Jo <:eput.

I K \*t\! o rtc iad been prepared for a grand

j reception v\ tine city, and the people get;: eratty «t.'t invited to make the o ruM a |; tnetuV>rai>le evenr. Crowo* <anae fr*,.:a the

1 1». itfhboriag towr.s ait v-.:a»f»-. A{ crasi >n v«a* at on. f fined and started up ,11ho »tte«-l Ttte ciui> j. an ht d flr»t' and !

( were followed by ea Tlage*. TUunnan w«sI d.iven aiwuf tiie strv-et.*, and the pe%>p!e \. who ntied the s.dewa.k* applauded aud, crowds of a tourer* k v? it-, a tat -.-a r »^e.

iT lo tht k t..c disj iio<u!f'&c«* g*ie»t of the city »«« eMMrted! to tue "Sep* fr*>m wht* *. p« ;nj. the pmees- \u25a0| sdtj.i »e r*:>ffcwed.

lUrImmense ? rwed ftUed all th** space*abo :t the kutMing. Th> sight of the *t.h i|

' ritKiua turred them togfeat tuthtt^a-m.ajd t! c» w;Mti.y * o-.ere I the ir

i juoaty l» IV»tter ititrodr.ced Jmige icur-? n.aa. utio rua-ie h s tenth spees'h «.f t-\u25a0 *.

| *i*\ ihe sa dat the auraet that twI-a ' . :<? t rtel, <-ot.*Ute?m« the :<v, iof

| a at the .-ut»et of aeunpa-g* tu|«a.*e for It » voice, lie weu.d ha«e to :s t 4aa Uedi«>, a, at |>ort it iron. ? i: wlo

j w liu- o Swnwg speeeh of ifce caaipa gu for ;trie.' i he, **a»d v hta I get tfeere ij «a. Us - »tav troja ins gr*a: old »tat».

I .1 wau; theie. :.i the BeciLcye in

?« a a t:« for ta. Ala« to thf m. j anu

i*. 3t*r t.> a.r, rt ittati t: tyttca aniotwe-'

%u v* a' h* had '\u2666*» -a* he won c

? \u25a0 i v.* ?«r,*S ?» a a.% ' ;e*i by the get** :a

iof whi M .?» to tsi he p.- - of every.i « tstv \u25a0 Av-iSjF !feB.S - d, a ?. a .so

Ipj.!of au tr-'iait -? cv#»ns?*id«>ea ? I \u25a0-

\u25a0i, ( We |ats it oat u> t t*«

j h *..*,*fcwesrrv a< ia i-e l> tat*aA; I?? ???-'\u2666" a., e . - «»'*?! a a

j tiwu. h»a% aa tiaports* pn.rehaa-.-4 sa


Much Damage Done Jo SouthernCrops.

New Orleaaa Suffer a From a \ lolent

Ciale- Frrt-nltlc f'reexea ami

Pelting Hail at Marquette.

f Nr. v 08L3A9-4, Aug. 23. ? An easterly! gale l,a« prevail- d idaee t» p. m. Saturday,

w>th fltfui gust \u25a0, of thv» velocity of 4* to 60

railea per hour. Or al damage ban beendoue in the c.ty an 1 along the river front.

! The fleet of the Piliabnrg and Southerncombination miftmi severely. Fiftyboa it are known to have been loot. Theywere rained a; 13090 each.

Great damage wa« done to the rice and?ottfar cane crop*. Telegraph wirea arepr* a rated iu erery direction. There ha*hceii no communication with the outaidcpoint* siueeßp. m Sunday.

The city wat in dark tie «? lan night Theelectric iiirht plan: «** shutdown on a

count of the crosain* of the e'ectric Hehtvrirea with the telephone and telegraphwire^.

The rear portion of the city i*innodateii.i Wat« r in the t ana » i* ao high a« to pr.-J vent drainage. Hundred* of bouaea are' d. partiv uum.»f d. water aoaked,

\u25a0\u25a0sr., ti ronahonttli e ty. Ti«eio>%c»; -_;«ic tboU'aadt ofj Euormotii damage wa* done thronshont;, the kUgar fieli Iroin Baton K»age t » the

?n f At Donaldson. » school hot;*, and jchurch and some residences were deatroyed, ht. Joseph's A» a lensy wasdemoiisked, and two of the brothers!

[aeriounly Huge trees wireanaj.

I j»rd tw sted from the ground atidi «eiit whirling i trough the air, |

J greatde*truction.

Ti:K«i.M><'i \u25a0< iMiNt

1 Streams Overflowed The <VitonCr< |» In llsncrr.

Mtsifiim, Tenn .Air- -

0 H *vy| r.i na have fallen all over thi* -t< t «»n[flaring the nvt three day-* and atitl ]j continue. All the «nia!l »treari»». e«- j

! penally to the s*»iitli ft re hank-full, !uoli t tnanv bwa.itie- 4 haveovertl »we ;in i valuable fariiitn* ;The telegraph si e l*t*ten Memphi ;unl New Orleans pro-trateii. atvi j

) only very tneager new 4 can be ob-; taineii.

A local storm of iiitustnl severity jj «wcpt over CoffeyvUl*, Miw., to-day.j doing ton eraUe ?am if km If the ;pr- nt j>ell continu * much li»nger j

| vers jteriou*datnnge will k' h iistained? l.v t \u2666- «i t T »»n c -.p. I: ]h *ht*w -i tbat t:ie rain* have Veen general andj dl-«a-lro is in nature,

\\ IM» \M»WA» fr"U l> Ml? HltiAN

Which will add much to the value, anda great advantage is that

THERE IS A SCIOOLIOUSEMcKenua of California, replvln* to the

sp* eeh of B«uuin last Saturda*, r.dics ? 1;t« manner of delivery, and reraatk'-d uponth»far! that the spe-t t h»4 been priutdai the goveriun -nt printing otflcf a ; i cop

i,s firett to the New York papers in orderthat in pni*,»n might b- hastened intochannel* ofcirculation, Thiiytar Indianacould (1 fv it» an reptilians po .-ou. «»r anypoi*m like «t, Tne pr ( KOl treaty hiitheU«t which the preheat ad mi nut ration

nmMsit on i..rjj#ut it wm V best t;c pre-.- '

ndrn migration could« fo!I«»: :'' (Morrow, ha i a«k»-d f r 1m

mediate couaideration of tin* «'hinc*e billh« *«w»n as it rime from the seriate. hut ob-jection i.a I l« e» nta le by the Demoeratl.nid the I 'll had be< n i. anfuv rt-d intohe < ommftteeou foreign afta;r«. He won id

not :av this maneuvering *a« indn'ged »a

iu order tha the Ueinocrata might haw a

chance to aitn. k Oen. Harrtsn* It «&.

«i*ii»ti<aut that no member <»f the commit-tee on foreign alVu r* had made the atia< k«

M «\ in* the tnciabciaof That committee badhcen too digui fled and fair to do > . Thegentleman from Indiana fcai da«Ued for-ward to the congenial ta>k olaerviec to hisparty

On the ground for the children

Literal Tens OOMPayment- shall l>e made [»?< follows:

n»!f down, ha < llie balance In threetaontln, and tho remainder in *ixmonth*, nt ('? per cent. These pay-Mati may he lu.vie previous to matu-rity i! the pun-li.t-er desires. We alsooffers percent. .livount (or completeaaah payment.

Builders cf Homes.

offer to all builder* of home* worthnot lea* than

$250 Each,

WiHjhi three month* after purchase,their Ivt-iat from

$75 to SIOO Each\u25a0??dins to location. Utmembcr

our lots,

*O, 50 and GOxllO feet

Are wiling at

SIOO to Sl5O Per to!,j, **king thi« the cheape»t prop-

erty on the Market


H. W. JIAKKIi,Q2O. F. FAY, A rt.

Room 13, Bf.lcr L. ../.in:,» ? Sea-ja.l a.nil J.vasa Street*

in n. j i> u> a «iueaiiou from Gen.Pustiirijr .aid, trw?tain this eountx> are amenace ?«* itie weltare o» the public cenerh iy. He * A.l pcrMjnai knowledge til c« altru*ts and kne*v au ihdiriaual eou-? rn couid n«» morv ?hij» i»-ai t" ihtsCity from IV;uis>ivan'atl;au it could rty.He thougi.t the iaw >houia crush out thisevil

Gregory ernsfein, Russian Jew and fanItary lnajn < ti»r» tokl tbe eoiamtttce of tneex.Hluaof the people of his place in lisHJ,bcattw of the religions prejudice of l*ru»aiai;* aud ocruiau*. Mme lehl to the

j res- nt, ol these j-eople sere drivenaaay.and on arrival In tntaeonntr) wereoblige>l tt» tiu:l wvrk at iow wage* lieknew of an offer made by a Hinghamtoa

cigar-making firm to furnt*u houses audeU'pio) m« nt to these imn» ! granl>.

Wiiliam Martiu, t.uamitn, t« *tifled tbatibeiutiux of imuiigraats lo the i*aat s.xyeara, had br«»ught tne <d t.usm.tnsuown from f& oto »1"j r day. lie ? i dewera ladng turoajcht to toile. u .try under contract t>y \u25a0 I'. Mtirton

Hate you knowledge of this io yourofficial caiartty V aaike«t Congrt-aamao t-iu-entik-r.

?*i read it in the *%for and Jwirsal," re-plied the witness,

"IX u't yon tbiuk this waa printed in thepaper fixpv>iit:<a! purposes?'

"i d» .i i knew"

"iti» merely idle gossip, printed by r*rtiaaa papers, so far a* JOB kuo»? ' said outiitrier.

?*W\il, no; I don't thiiik so. *a d them ut*s, iat lam nt coaviuced ot its


An ttr T rurtia, a reporter f<>r the >{t

t< r « r>. 11*» tc j t£e (vnuilNs acat fce.. » ? t . . . T4 :

3- r tie "a ; A Bsan cashed Mc»v« a.wI wvf, toHt ice hts sisters wervbought to this country under cue*tract b>Hr . . t ? . ora w* *a.ry aaj. Tueys,,:a a: <r rtti a nuiaUr of iette *

and ; .< a ai« from M >:tou, asd wet»i tow.rk a'. . > home ia && I Uarue-iof a man named a garden t

for Mortou. wee .to tvastqiisdir contract r«rei*e est tjnoam A few ago Forbes learaetimat he »a> reeti ing only ba f theaaumatj*:i other geat'- au--* to.due would Wvrfrg uo i-T.ger a: rai -*.

Mortoa u4d i n-. ; yVrbu»J wv*?k:ag under a e^ s- flask wfci.a had jnc>e<

: rap*rod, a..-: ma-t n»-t Kavt :« v.w.aUoi.

»I ri«a toutiss?,«r Iw wmai4 be pairwr .jrLe» *eJt ti>r e»a4i>*. la»wev

Milt, b *x.4 li* -fwTi a .ior. > rtu

was who *a« fooaer tf a- a»>j:a a»er *u»tton. iw left h * <rap«-5abfu te Sfti krseltd ta pc«4ti«^Jt

CJs-JtttJTßasaasia t#avatiic.r. »ss tara.a;r.fc *». . - '\u25a0 - ;-» *- - ? * '

I« . *"i ? recently p ? 4 iui oi ;a : s ata -? ?- vf hoar i<

1 isttftiigraai *a® hfibeb brf.. mu; ai »a -pwrse? HiSoeasi wriser of ike article lal be---.

\u25bav*' «as« tn»; ? »a. a '

The «***!*?-

te*ujci?u . a2O a' \u25a0 cat & *»? to-a.

ra . It a* t- a.a- d;a ? -rcevM }?*>\u25a0<+\u25a0

»* ?r,an i was taken naiu t>


He wa« a fellow ciliecn of lien. Harrison,

but that has not deterred him The dis-ti»s«ofihe Denr*fatie partv could not

await the amein te« of life. Thins?* must}*e r_ rtliii: awfully ruahed in Indiana,

(laughter! II nwt have Uvu direnecessity whb'h had iaipelit d the gent;*

mau from Indiana to h ? d -agreeable

o&c** T&e irBtiHMU hut b n tookinsnot e record*. The ocmocratie party wasadd to fondiioir eorpM s The o«iiv

Itf« it I ked aa* the lif- mat iof.-ted a

dead The only light it v.aae b.

Mnvtb*' light of derav *r»d putr a -en*

fbe |>euH»cratic party ahoutd t*c the ia-t iUi r»ea i r*«'or«*s yio partr ba--l claimed ,iir received the ebarftv «»faud as bad tk»* U- imcmtic iparty The geotleman fr«.»m Indiaaaoev-.ilo"t worry a r «ont ti»»- record of (»en liar 'risoa. and be might be assured the peopiwere c*»ncerued not In what Oen. Harrison ,

b«-ei>: not in what the l> j.ok ratic |party tad been, b it what it wa*a»'i woo Idbe, they could w>* bejwrgied from tba p

Concern by any arful TH»i*iea or artfuijpo Itir*or atful |<oiiticiaa«

lie then proceeded to erttleiee the I>em«> \erati< in the house iu theMath rongresa fi-r its lack of scion Upeo

?he t-h l iieeij question ao*i f*>r . s d.laiort:u U hiring ti*e pr<:*Tit sr**ioi t ie ad-iuini<tration wasawoopeo lo critieism forit, Ki.rif.ree pr. s. B»'ant had not tireu a M«n of a' th>n. There

uas not a sound except the souod of revH

ry arid ia-i»ic al the realdence of the C i

iseae m asster. .rtth:he Oeiaoerat.c *err*-

iar*- of state ia attendance. Thec?atic party woe d have to s a allow thewhole encir'o-.edia vf bad poi c» t.> 1 tef;rl\ e p*-nd;a-5 bfl! In rotieiUsSe.n. he J?vkwriatd the s stein, dec ar :,g jthai On Harrison aa«its fbitfta n. and!predict tisat would be tha aext presi-

dent of the country.

Bynam -ad the gentleman fr-.m Callf;»ri.ia M Senna had a-'m.-t -d t: at tien \u25a0

' ||a rv-ti a record bt4 in-ae. bat. jr*ot *-i rarwm, b«* <.wieertad,.

i'h *?«'. \u25a0'cse 1 t..- r ""

*t: \u25a0 %'.

, .. the CWssw ijarmea».> o»aa bad eaamia-d t.. ; r\- -crd b- ;

a.uid hav« fo-a.-i i alia \u25a0'.at a- v.i i'. ?:* a* J ! *? d .? a -g r: e i

, Mb"l an aim^l! « <i i-a.a> tise »rra:* wm < Mna. I » th I

r'j jrr.4 s» "i a r»*- -r* ?inen MMto I and 1 a ; died to t e tan

!«*. 1" »fc« «?««--» '« ... - «J?<«» V >f»b»i* r ?»

W.'b-H-;\u25a0 taa »!»»?»« ..4i r*. .-.-4 »M.a* --'4*4IM Bwm'ol E-.»:u *«« «'

rooffl taaM t-m But » pa-l» li« I""" IiU"O. .

. ?1 I. *u»n t.

' «f«r lii«* t-ret s i tM

i m .t » «t- » Mri« 1" «pt' fc t fif. o> |.ta Tk? If S""S is . j

| bail. .*«?>.! i- .J tr. Iks i-.»-

I ~. i U..UI .vl i! li« I'-Uft:' fr.rtt,! U».j ukUJ to know «lby K »*? I. »5

I.real I,n« at He«m

Mich.. An*. 39 TbU aftcr-o«hi a HfriSle «ti»rro p«*« t-J ovthe ritjr,Wkeadirrftff OfttlSM «VuU?r of In- «;*y

T itut' i-iily«f. aatl f»f M' «?!???!!\u2666"*the prevailed. TT<* »t rmfiw \u25a0. i ! j a circle, Tfcc r>Wi of ttanT

wcw tora «ff. kland iKtepfeufM wire* *cm prostrated, plale )sr *>* »i*(iovi ®erv »i»a»!etrtr*Wfr- torn »ipt ia4 tft* Hftrti Mc*l*|

ia-*c<l r *.

Ha'a m 4 baii W! la tofppatt, an»J7 bmutd t .rjiisiithe StmtoM b»"«iri ruij: ;

me iV awj'i* t»f worth o? Ifr

J Ch-Attdtf*.

HoHJt* ln«s*dat#»l,

X ins, Ajjc. !«.?A * cfiraat ?a>kit sa - ?r taf :i r*v* 4

ti*a v. } -itt f ,*r<rrn!nt wiv. * w»' "» cf i 9 g » ;

bar* drive*«W id* i » 2aatf2a J>i««( m»4 «rc*S id h*r«. a<i4 t - ? UaHk t«a Vr'r.'fj T-***. 'i'h-r-i |a t ??' tie *v> i

f sii TikO w'.rtza are &>#zx ir*rjf-

j MTfcerr.waauahlp Slrwk b/ a llnrrl~*»r

P-'tUt>ufftA. As? «?>- % .':*#*;\u25a0 aw *#

»Cf?ii< <(»f Mea «» j? ftfit?*&Kit*? .T ; ii« gra*4 jifla« w* of;« - < rew.


I>;*e4tfrr «.f < feMrter; tac<rirePa as*. Aar y.-I>r r«***3r U>4*y rea«s

TieW ? *,rj A* »'!? a *-f r-- ? '-a t *| f?*» o'. st-rws a{ 'h4T »>l tt \u25a0 lac.j Tc.teaate Kr«|ii ft a»«* EirtMMkt«

Ra»x, Aa*. 3®l?Ufart % tti.- if «rataißik i:« J 1 jsata:-*, ia t-.*

. icnvra, «a* *-»Jtta ty uak- Ink*; <U/-

Karat«>g» lUrra.Aujt .0 Pife fn'Jnnr*?Von

?on won. Uim ImmMCold. Wuo<!-tuff tMiil;iiioe* i ffl.

KJ»« f«»iyo.'»-n#i M Won, < : ari'tlerWfoed, U fin e »hud; time IKHi

H« fvWofHNarmtirftM wuo.i iwl, fla ry OWo* third U»» 1 K4

VS|,> t')-1 #OB,

? Ve«lWf «t. ?s<»ma'l tbiH.tltt*,» *i.M ?«? n fnrtootf d w »n. lUrlfe

? ffoad, ftr*l rrtow tJiifl; lv»7^,; Ki>e iu-l «OMUtil»Ui. over Jlre b-.MlrtI -T.m Un.T'-jr n; c.u| Lytrt third : ti»<--2'tl

n»r> WynmM c I '*»*» Kr***.WfO-i 2^-?Tb* Ditw

I tr«n r bber* cw*e i t?»«! iWw r v r t and

f In. wbin.withth a I*TO iiviinf nio int-jin*.i* be?>Tfl*fimbfr"!. \ di h j»-t rreetvtlfro y Me i in* 15 w Ae*Hlv * iv« th4

» :r' '.is? T**'t ' a*e «ntir*?Jjf at**b'c tn! -t k< th*t* in r> *> r-*?r r ;lm)dOn{)uti)eclion o; Wirs-'j

.-, oh* r itii « e i

j »iiil>c .*? >rt» i' I. it I*! to &>i~r t " it ifl ? fc»ti< - fitry. o*i« ihodHW-i »\u25a0

j'.fT r«* J by T- *>n Pid» r c rititiid1 tbt governor fuicjeb robber.i or alive.

fr«>t srlng f»r IT«r.bmvoy, ?*« i» in VI

ft- \u25a0* "i *" -o *Win

, rmr b«»4 I*A9B«t '??


uot i.%>r.KH «»* Tor.

j !»nn.l3»'« Klrttlan K-.ul, | a m,roniplrlc Triampk.

I PAE I-!*. Ab?. ?(ion. Rt :U if>r wsa1 tc> la* rhtmyr of dcpiiii « fr»»j ti>r<* dopart :>eul» ><-strrlav. |hr Maa .

<>»ivnie Infertaiu* an.t tho tic lak-! (rr«f w!)~-h he fo-tm-rij n-pmnt-at. tiia

j !twj aritjr in rti,- Somnr <!rf*marrit mmI A! .» tiroa. ihe < of tb« .I*.j P*'tmeni-of tha S ramc, Itnt «a» tvAitm»' t!«' Jvilios Uw wiiolc .lay. Tk,dl»l®rhaorv> r *iinn.-J until m ihMrtt,»haa Ihc mttilanr wm.wnj*:Vlat Iho pofat of >V> hay.iprt to fl»« *v

> milar *or**witua«*4*l a|

tb« r*pi;al of iho ikp«-;neitt offU?* Noni.


rABMLL'4 INVOCKME.AkHffM* Proof M I! and VrrW-

t>Vh..p \VjUh*« Kml-irifiurMt.OCHVI. Aa*. t litFr^- iMt'i

«!««?« p»iw*mo,u-o lo *« ? iihiMiwl»«r»!ih .twiariiitt that P»rtK !l ia *'>ia tsmake tl» rtrarv*; rt«e rf ti >pnx j of ttatafta-*a thftt h*r mi lilt-author of Timmk-ttara, hj a rna.ii of >?* ttx- uuataliphatic rtmrartrr

racJMmal ( a> a tlafoiur fan*wr.h af<!t<»»r-.|* n «f*a *h, witu a *.ittihu *

uartii kltffrthlnwm# Paraoll »a.Uou.

' Mora Wlrtlkr talk from lki> Oar-man Kkutiaror

Rrxun, A«s. JO -t wm: o»rtal rrportjOf Iw n*ovu of ihe emperor at Uw hea»l-?iuaiti-ra the Kti>t infantry

j !>alur\tay \u25a0.* j.nOJUtw«4 ftw asbiwnaiy..f thehatt> %>( Si Private, which N to? vvntnal triumph i f (i-tuou)* ««<, h«-aid, of ant« lor ti»« arm*.

! He vt*» ct.uun.AM ;h«t nhouM the reef-ment'a time come a*iiin, it would Rot hatwhllbl ft* a !KtfV4MU*'!i:g of that day IS>eara The recvUcd cnthtufc*

| Mtk cheer*.

A Trail Tt.r»« Kh Africa.I>, '.M it j* »nn> sntvij thai

Uvut. Miim.i, who t? t»«»w fa K*vttt oej rottto to /A.itiiMr, la a mentor of iheKmi»» Ht-y h th« rvltef

I omhnlHU u prove* a It| to tarm aud maiutaHi a ? *Mt>m«rrial hicb*

: way, with Maikui*from Uielakoa »iwtviant.i;«i««la I j.h Ida T»irkf) » < lalin.

i J*t. ao. Au- .v» t la M'rtte«lthat ttaU'n u»»l« lu ri'latioalotho* \u25a0i*urvt*l

tlo*- uut aflWt » altUu%l«»>u the juration Ku *ia atl t oul<>rtn U»Mw vie w» of l urk \u25a0*, ar«juvjuilkcvslby the *rii »rt\

Auntrlan HUtnn hih! 1 I.mkU.Vienna. Au»j. «l-A thu;» i,* u»rni ia

ll.r vk'tatty of K ut ui',.r< fr:. »i,n|v lo)uredM|MM>ple. Other w«>nuat»-merjcvil. Thrve at-ro WliU 1 1 at A»»peti ami 1. at other |»la«^f.

Italian Forril l*lr«*«.Atij. ax ?Forest haw ra?ed

over an ar« a of X*> !>©»tino. oil the Italia »fft>atk*r. \ tumihcri»f\iliajfe« wore -' urut.l,

Ihe Kate of Maiiatna.Hrau?«, Aug. <JO.~ M*l.rtu*»the

kiuc <1 Mima, uIU U- lotfcfmaojr.

iikathh ritmi vKuoir rKixa.

New Caaea l>laeovere«l C >ntiiiu»llf(? >vrntiii.ut Aril n.

J*. khouvital.V, Auj. *X?Five tiCH caM»of yellow fever were Suntlay, andone death. Win. A4ftma, at the SaaU Mill.AU the new raaea an- train-aMe to kuaw«facta of lufvcUon, ahow iuK that the «lt«»eaae U not epidemic. Two stmj.lriou*< a«eahave beeu reported since r» o'clock ytafitday evculujr.

TAIKPA,Fie., Aug. 'JO,?Houses and rtUeto«r» fiuivgalfil «« t ifpit k pi w»ll, the »uihorflic* hailll*till- p ciukci clraiMd nod

! ilMnfocted. Ttivre »u out ilralU yr«t»rday.

w\" 111niiton, au« VA-IV. mmLouUiana bnard <?! braitb, ha« Ik-ou in?trurud by Buryeoß Hamilton tofUt Urtand, hAnfuH, am! other t<>vru*atFlorida to airmail) llivlrrondltkm.

Wllltr « *!? I.\\% I.ESHNRSS.

Terrible Mnte of Allaire In luilUmDemocratic Mroiifcholds.

iMWAMAroLi-s Aiis? Attorney (ten*ral Mieheuer. who he* been investigatingthe Wlute tap outrage* In Hlu KMtbfliportion of the state,!* preparing A strongreport to the gotern-»r To I lM|»fter hesaid he tiu't found tnitirfa In some localitiesworse than »». anticipated Nc% marlyail the outrages had been made pubic.»imply bti *u»e of fear 011 the par; of allclas«e* «»f people that the> might be \ Uit-<d. Kven the pre** of that section waimuxxfrd t»y tha organisation, aud pitulish-

|ed its warm tig uotiees whenever Mt

I orderedIt i*thought vigorous mrimnn will 1*

recommended by the attorney general U>? the governor.

Ouarreled WilliHi* Mlstreee.! NOliLSi, Aria, Aug. sj.?Arthur Pee»i <juvlra, *;> d about li# years, committedsuicide this morning, shooting insult

| through the heart with a revolver. lfo eg*i ired Instantly. ll»wa«asou of cx-l*oe.i'e»'|iivira of Kiaora, Me* 00, au«l heir to a

. large fortune which he would receive ouI the attainment of his '.lsl birthday. Ha

h ft n.i cvpanatlon for eoamlUing theM.imt itU un'Kntwl Pesquci A had a?junrrel with a woman to whom he be« DMattached, bnt who threatened to ttiscardhim uulc-s h«» gave her money money. i, j?* Itlg Itertha" Aaxl'taa for Trial.

h%m ruvtiKti, Aut fll?Mr*.Stanley,? better known a« * HU Itertha, the Cotift*dene* Queen," who ha* been on exhib.liotain a «iu»e«m for s- vera* weeks, *urre»-

den'd b«n*elf it iht offlt p Wdsr #

and wa« placed In the eonwty tail, td»oi Mated that she desired to relive her

1»..n »« n» n. an I a * » thought her impr'sou-meat might 1 a t io the speedy trial of her

< ate

A *ebra*kn f.yretting.Uutttr. Il<«K,Neb ,

A'ly. *V?Hill* ('*»!?»,who shot Wm. Mout goto rf ant t; mrfwi

; (Jrant on the I7t*i. waa 'akeii fn» i\ Jhe j-itk| by nta«ik'-«l »? en thin morntn ; atnl ha ige*!|on the ratJn-ad bridge. Jioih of C iia'aI rlctimaai I ... M

l.awn TrnriU Tonrnament.Ifiwroar, Aait Sft-Tw annual toafMp

lit ? f ? '? i »*? a J "till A"K'tr;atkaiopen«>4 to day with a l.trsre t' 1' tnJam e.

Inerndlary Plrr at «|» kanr.HI-OKa»*B An* '£>.? Kt \ o'« l«ie|t

thia in'*rtiltigIne iv«.*l u *»i of i. C«tilevtate « 'ent, wa« burned br aa tneea-diary. It la that hurgiara art thatu»n*e afln*. The famiiy wt-r ail absent althe time Ue<|uw. T;*e Inauraner av-pirea >taterdar.


OilerinK la4arfl«enl» to Have tboAustralian I Imh Maintained*

Him Yu Ant. VO.--A telegram ro-I to dav from Watfilngton »fatea thai

the ma-'tieral ha» agree<l t« |»afto an Ameriean i ne for t au*t*orta*<on \u2666»#

r aila tt***inkisat ttOW j*aidNew aotlth Wu -a, t 0) p* r anttum, II tboAustralian aervb'e run te < .nitinue«l.


r>jtrn okccm, tu* i)f v\*n.

Net Vo*k. A«»f. 1#- ?K*tli Orwn did!TH*T«U», tM'lyrmrn.

(>m i l-T.» la Bscfeaitir. If.Y . Mar. h If, l*; 7 fitf w«* Klw*t«l lmlh« rwniflon wb« I'. awl «*?*!>binivi! 11 boru imtwmiM. bftng\u25a0tri/ fond of liMila|i flwainf a&d wnomri-rmrt K<-r nftnf he **? tl** p-opri*-torof tb*«i>i» i*i'Mmorkel »<*rhi*home. At the «-l J3 Ixr r©ti?e»?«4ifcvUka of the artificial prtn>*T*tUm offl,h, aa4 ?horlf after. during a< ? a<2a, Ktiti «u I;-# /*Wt®«,f Niiinon otamla* ihar m ??WK »*?

?!>«<rn ra*» !i;e male **l*n«oan 1 < »hefti*h re It, be <t-v./?e4 fcli eU-uUoeWmelitMli of pfOWftlsf W, iwth*firid ttf lith t-iiJ be ho-l falMNl tbo ptO-

'Jurt Ui i. j»«r r«*"t In l'< 4be ft>*COViwm*mrtho>lof ?rttftetally lmprefrn«U«f drf»H«Q r u4 tosM **??««? 4 hu«;»e«i at CtlwiOiin, >'?<* Twt «?

i*.7 he e *p»*rimpute-1 ot» harr»U^fof *La4 at M v n«f. oa lb* CMHMtta«*rifer, an<l hjr hit iMfywwHftd»U*w<l Ilk

tim# U4KTJ&). *oain J*A Tbe wortC tit »4cd to litxleofi, th#

i Pol >ma<\ tbe stow*!u«h<*»»*."* »f* »*f*porta t ri *er», v» rc be tacaww i®|.r«: abating Id of the mm romroouwi'.ii -H'fWl 1-r -;«?>? la '?»

iWM<4-.fc.'t -<l WW? th« l>ll1.1 : »«,!>, # VT«. *l'-I >""*»

..... :.l - ft.- ? \u25a0 »

f!*-1 ia f". irlf!J

'ok ( »../ .1 4, »ii ;? I. ?\u25a0 »"®JJU- '?'JI.JJfmap.! itkai:» of ?**. »'*'"'"JT

41 ; I,- I- J- i ML* With *i«-l »«\u25a0i, r- ii.-. w<. < tr.\u25a0?\u25a0\u25a0 *H ' *»!\u25a0»«? »">!».

hr i tens* lufi- <>i.rfifw.>6.'itKrftIT.-, »?; . c-h. »«l ""\u25a0*

. ? . it'h. \u25a0 ""3v f «« ... ???! »\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0», *""«'? ,'.2;

< _ 4 i tu ft. r^tr}

,"»u . .jUk, jtJAi-.t -\u25a0-? » £«£* ??*

to>.««(knH in.,.*#!**

etvkns «. MMi.f!Uur <. r« . v * &

»" lL'.JM lUiv.fft (Ipi-AiiMOl

J. P. IIOYT,PE*su>kwt. JAMES BOTHWELL, Sbceetaey


IlEl>lJC"i:i> IIATEH.


TRUSTEES:Jr- Mott Mnitsr'r I). Horton ACo .Banker, 1 1 Kvhth. Pngeltkraad Nat'nl P«nk

B. <i»m«r,»l.«»lHifb.'r hnw A« o ,M> hl« ; li. t, stiiiv*, Stnive, Halm* A Mt'Mlckcu,M. I». IUI.I.»Bt), Hrenid'utf »Ill«,H»rdw»rr AMorucy*.

I'mihut. A. B. »T*«A«T, DruKintII H. Ljiwiti,Tomer, En*l«. A litwl". I Im. T. T. Minor. Mayor.

Kx-Oov. K. K Kkbhv. twuud National Bank.



SILK PLUSIIES!\u25a0'< >lt


&c CO.o|M>ni Hlo< k. Front wtrc*«»t.

(iOI.DKN RULE BA/AAIS.Just received, two car loads of MASON FRUIT JARS

and one car load of JELLY GLASSES.CAI.I. VT



ESHELMAN, LLEWtLLYfJ! CO.Tho Raal Estate *?"<« Monei Brokers of the

Pacific Coast,

ciim.l ftc»ra»! nmTATios f uir-wi-mnu, «??»!??» ?« r-i. «».«.

?sll »' odk*.


ttnw-rwrai. ; rfv,'::FHCK < V CV ST 10 TiiC Aui i je« tern* t* *U»x .o~

». u«y ia tfc*

Future Great City of the Pacific CoastTHE ONLY SEATTLE IN AMERICA,

W ? cm *oa iou ts

KOSS' SECOND AUDITION FOR $175 fR S2OO1* lSw l&a ? f


_ ~u. f - 0- *- n«ti' 1r * Jwo ? *«'-« 'K~ *-*«\u25a0*

r .vss: ?r r .1.

k irr.r; ;\v

>r « v«Mi o<Uf I' .


