The School Council for the 2017-18 session - Jermels … · The...


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The School Council for the 2017-18 session

The School Council for the 2017-18 session was sworn it at a solemn ceremony held on 27.4.17.

The Investiture ceremony began with a prayer for the new prefects and was followed by the taking of the oath. The

Principal then handed over the School Flag to the Head Boy and Head Girl, Partho Sarkar and Yvonne Zoya Sadiq.

This was followed by the handing over of the flags to the House Captain and Vice Captains.

The Principal then gave a talk to the new prefects about the leadership and asked all of them to lead by example.

He congratulated all the members of the council and hoped that the term ahead would be a productive one.

The ceremony was closed by all the students singing the school hymn.

We congratulate all the new prefects and look forward to them leading their houses with a positive attitude and

