The Saville Center Newsletter.pdfThe staff at The Saville Center now coordinates team investiga- ......


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In the past, when children suffered abuse, information-sharing was often difficult between the agencies investigating the allegations. However, with the imple-mentation of the “Multi-disciplinary Team,” there has been much improve-ment in this area. The staff at The Saville Center now coordinates team investiga-tions of child abuse. The Child Abuse Response, Evaluation and Support Team (CARES Team) includes professionals from Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services, the District Attorney’s office and Mental and Medical Health Services. Each week, the CARES Team meets to discuss, share information and make deci-sions regarding child abuse cases in Payne County. These professionals see the greater good in working together on investigations and all agree that

this unified approach has a positive influ-ence on their work environments. The Saville Center also provides access to valuable training for these professionals, as well as the team members from Logan County, who are under the same district attorney’s jurisdiction. The Saville Cen-ter works with Oklahoma and national organizations to bring top notch trainers on-site to Stillwater, as well as providing assistance to off-site conferences and seminars. Through these trainings, the CARES Team continuously grows by learning new skills and staying up to date on the ever-changing world of child abuse investigation and prosecution.










PO Box 393, Stillwater, OK 74076 • 405.377.5670 • fax 405.377.1880 • Vol. III 2005

The Saville Center To reduce the trauma of abused children

CARES Team members from left: Jeanne Campbell, RN, Dr. Carla Wilsey, Lisa Mallory, Debi Knecht, Jennifer Kersey, Karen Cristiano, Amanda Jensen, Dr. Kelly Griffith, Mike Jenkins. Seated: Greg Miller, Michael Kulling, Mike Metcalf. Not pictured: Kelley Knapp, Dr. Malinda Webb, Elaine Ackerson, RN, Whitney Presley, Jimmy Arias, Lynda Stevens, Teresa Tully, Brandi White, Warren Clinic Pediatric staff.

Cases staffed by the CARES Team July 2004—June 2005:

Total children in cases staffed: 191

Total Forensic Interviews done: 59

Child Gender: Male: 39%, Female: 61%

Child Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian: 80%, Native American: 8%, African American: 3%, Other: 9%

Child Age: Under age 6: 60%, ages 7-12: 25%, ages 13-18: 15%







2005-2006 PRESIDENT:














The hard-working board and staff wrapped up Child Abuse Awareness Month with our most successful fundraiser ever! Under the leader-ship of energetic co-chairs Jennifer Stuart and Marva Roach (pictured left) our annual “Champagne and Diamonds” event in April, at Kar-sten Creek Clubhouse, raised enough (the most in over 5 years)

to accomplish our goal of paying off the balance of our mortgage. The success of The Saville Center in fulfilling its mission greatly depends on its ability to raise money to fund it, and we are fortunate to have generous supporters and donors in our community who care about children, espe-cially those who have suffered abuse and neglect. Close to two hundred tickets were sold, plus a multitude of generous sponsors contributed to the event. This year’s Cham-pagne and Diamonds’ honorary chairs were OSU head football coach Mike Gundy and his wife Kristen. The “cocktail party” event was fun and festive with delicious hors’doeuvres, live entertainment and dancing. A live auction was held

As I near the end of my 5th year with The Saville Center, my responsibilities continue to grow. In addition to working with our CARES Team and the children and families that come to the Center, one of my responsibilities is to help edu-cate the community about The Saville Center and child abuse. One way I have achieved this goal is in doing public presentations to vari-ous groups in Payne County. This year I have had the opportunity to give presentations to church groups, civic organizations and classes from OSU. My commitment to the Child Advocacy Centers of Oklahoma State Chapter (CACO) as a Board Member, Advisory Board member and Legislative Committee member continues. With Saville Board President Toni Stone and CACO Board President Barbara Gish, I participated in the “Day at the

Capital,” aimed at educating Okla-homa lawmakers about child advo-cacy centers. Additionally, I was able to participate in a similar event at our nation’s capital in Washing-ton, DC during the National Chil-dren’s Alliance Leadership Confer-ence. Another responsibility has been the coordination of various training opportunities. Throughout the year, we have been so fortunate in our ability to offer outstanding trainings to team members, staff and board members. Oversight of facility-related projects and general house maintenance is another priority. Several necessary projects have been completed over the last year. All of this is made possible in part through federal, state and local grants re-quiring specific application processes and management. Additional fund-ing is obtained through the generous

donors in our community. Assisting the board with fundraisers like Cham-pagne & Diamonds, the Christ-mas Card campaign, and even the newsletter is a detailed but reward-ing part of my position . Of course all of these responsibilities are made easier with the help of my new assis-tant, hired September 1, 2004. As I begin my 6th year at The Saville Center, I continue to be amazed by our progress in the community. I am thankful to be part of such an in-credible organization.


Above: Mike Gundy served as

our official “auctioneer” for the

evening. Right: Christine Waits, the winner of the dia-mond ring, poses with her husband,


Champagne & Diamonds 2005… … A Huge Success!

Photos provided by Dale Willis

and guests bid on four gener-ously donated “big ticket” items. Items included a Vineyard Tour get-away, an OSU football game luxury suite, a washer/dryer set and a gour-met meal. After the auction, Mike Gundy plucked out the name of our lucky winner—the new owner of a gor-geous diamond ring donated by Jackson Diamond Jewelers. Many thanks to Marva and Jennifer, the Center board and staff for their tireless efforts making this fundraiser a great success.

President’s Report: This year has been a pro-

ductive one for the Saville Center, and the Board

has worked hard to accomplish its goals. The Fi-

nance & Investment Committee, chaired by Jay

Johnson, kept a close eye on our finances and rec-

ommended throughout the year that surplus

funds be put toward our mortgage, eventually

leading to our ability to pay it off completely.

Under Susan Griffith’s leadership, the Public In-

formation Committee worked on our annual news-

letter, several articles in the Stillwater News Press

and Stillwater Living Magazine, and local radio

and TV spots, all aimed at making the commu-

nity aware of The Saville Center’s purpose and

mission. Bobby Anthony jumped right in as

Chair of the Nominating Committee recruiting

new members to the board. Then, new Chair Joyce

Robbins successfully met with the Committee in

June to make recommendations for new members

and the slate of officers for 2005-2006. The Per-

sonnel Committee, chaired by Marie Saatkamp,

was very busy this year, filling the Administra-

tive Assistant position, conducting annual re-

views and regretfully accepting the resignation of

our Forensic Interviewer, followed by a recommen-

dation to fill this position with contract employ-

ees. The Maintenance Committee, under Chair

Tom McConaghy, has overseen numerous beauti-

fication and renovation projects this year. Fi-

nally, under the enthusiastic leadership of Fund-

raising Chairs Marva Roach and Jennifer Stuart,

Champagne and Diamonds was a huge success!

In addition to the work of these Committees and

the Saville Board as a whole, we are blessed by a

dedicated and caring staff who do the important

work our efforts only support –

helping abused children find their

way to better lives. I would like to

thank each of our Board members

for their commitment to these chil-

dren. It has been my pleasure to

serve with you in this cause. Toni Stone served as Saville Board President July 2004—June 2005.


Thank you to all of our generous auction-item

donors: Brad & Paula Jackson

Jackson Diamond Jewelers Jon & Nancy Patton

Wayne & Terri Neelley Hometown Brand Center Jim & Denise Bolding

International Tours Sherri Viner

Farniente Wine Company Bill & Cat Thompson OSU Football Dept.

Darrell & Barbara Overholt

A special thanks to: Thomas Ford

Mike & Kristen Gundy Brown's Bottle Shop

Savvy Communications Chris' University Spirit

Eskimo Joe's - DuPree's House of Flowers

The Wooden Nickel Wal-Mart - O'Higgins

Staples - Hobby Lobby Tumbleweed

Innovative Communications Pelletique Medi-Spa Paradise Cleaners

Mike McLafferty Tony Wright

Left: Board Member Dr. Bobby Anthony

greets donors and mingles with the crowd.

Below: Board Member John Bartley organizes the

“putting green” where many guests gathered.

Champagne & Diamonds 2005… … A Huge Success!

Members of the Junior Service League generously donated their time and effort this year volunteering for The Saville Center. Committee members included Committee Chair Shelly Kelly, Cherry Cockrell, Danielle Kerns, Gerri Petty, Jennifer Hoecker, Missie Hess, Rachel Shreffler, Jeannie Layes, Stacy Leming, Susanne Badiyan and Wanda Hughes. These women were responsible for sea-sonal decorating of the Center, including the gorgeous holiday decorations and Christmas trees. They also volunteered to provide lunches for the weekly CARES Team meetings. The Team has been treated to de-licious homemade dishes and catered

lunches from local restaurants. Also, JSL Provi-sional members volunteered to collect years of newspaper clippings, photographs and memorabilia and compile official scrapbooks for The Saville Center. The Board of Directors, Staff and CARES Team members would like to sincerely thank the Junior Service League for their kindness and devotion to our cause!



Employees from National Standard volunteered on United Way’s an-nual Day of Caring in September. These volunteers erected a fence, cleared brush, put in a stepping stone sidewalk and helped with various landscaping duties. The Saville Center was so fortunate to have a hard-working, en-thusiastic group who accomplished so much in one

short day! We look forward to participating again this fall!


JSL Member Jennifer Hoecker decorates for the holidays.

What would we do... ...without our VOLUNTEERS?

“No man stands so straight as when he stoops to help a child.”

Above:Teresa Tully (far left) and Toni Stone (far right) accept scrapbooks from JSL Provisional members Tracy Boyer, Amy Tidland, and Karla Stubbs.



Pi Beta Phi actives and alumnae held several fundraisers this spring to bene-fit The Saville Cen-ter, the sorority’s local philanthropy. The OSU Pi Phi’s scheduled their first annual golf tourna-ment April 16, the same time as Mom’s weekend. The tournament was held at the Golf Club at Cimarron Trails in Perkins. They also had

two jewelry parties to raise money, one at the Center and one at the Pi Phi house. Pi Beta Phi alumnae held a garage sale to benefit the Center and are currently planning improvements for the interior décor of the waiting area. The Pi Phi’s also volunteer at the Center every month during the Fall and Spring semesters cleaning inside and doing yard work. Several young women of Pi Beta Phi volunteered their time and talents to the annual “Champagne and Diamonds” fundraiser. Brandi Roderick modeled the prized 2-carat dia-

mond ring for the evening. The Pi Phi’s dedication and generosity have been appreciated by The Saville Center and we look forward to the future!


What would we do... ...without our VOLUNTEERS?

Pi Phi volunteers, Katie Kerrigan and Meggie Gilliland scrubbing the bathrooms!

Brandi Roderick, Britton Thomason (Philanthropy Chair), Ashley Renn, and Allison Reed at Champagne & Diamonds

The Pi Phi’s provided snacks, and drinks to the players during the golf tournament.

There have been so many improvements made to the Center this year. Many thanks to the volun-teers, contractors, board members and staff who have helped maintain and improve The Saville

Center’s warm, comforting environment.

United Way of Stillwater provided funding for new downstairs windows and a major chimney replacement. Beautiful landscaping by Prairie’s Edge. Much of the labor and some of the material were donated and what an excellent job! Exterior painting (including our new red door) done by His & Hers Painting. President Toni Stone generously donated her time and sweat to paint the fire escape and hand rails.

The Saville

Center is proud to welcome our newly

elected board

members for 2005-

2006. Pictured

back row: Terri Neelley, Brent Turpin, Trena Sutton. Middle

row: Cheryl Barth, Diane Coffey. Front row: Linda Klinger, Jennifer Atkinson.



April Adair Walter & Dianne Adams Bill & Patti Ahrberg JW & Cynthia Alexander Merry Alexander Sandra & Bruce Andrew Sue Andrews Bobby & Paula Anthony Bob & Betty Barnes Marvin & Cheryl Barth Lowell & Marilyn Barto Ellison & Karen Beasley Vance & Margaret Bedford Ron & Cara Beer Mrs. Everett Berry Lee Bird Gerald & Jeanette Bradshaw Jay & Brooke Caffey Jim & Margie Cantrell Will & Shauna Clark Judy Clay Cyndee Clouse Walter & Diane Coffey Kevin & Beverly Collin Donald Cooper Gary & Deanne Corser Donald & Polly Crawley Joseph & Laura DeForest Roger & Laura Demaree Melvin Derrell Matt & Erin Devlin Pat & Kathy Dorr Charles Drake Jonathon & Leann Drummond Bill & Barbara Dunn Mark & Renee Ebert Bill & Janelle Eichor Hal & Pam Ellis Pat Evans Larry Fedora Jack & Pat Ferchau Richard & Malinda Fischer Charles & Mary Foreman John & Lynn Franzmann Maurice Gershon Thayer Gershon Barbara Gish L. Allen & Jennifer Glenn Jimmy & Mary Gonzales Rick & Rodette Green Chad & Stephanie Greenlee Gina Griffith Jack & Janet Griffith Jim & Susan Griffith

Mark & Mary Ann Grimsley Mike & Kristen Gundy James & Ann Halligan Frank & Jan Hargrove Charles & Carol Headrick Dave & Jo Hessel Dewey & Jeannie Hesser Lynda Hillier Eva Hines Chad & Jennifer Hoeker Ed & Margaret Hollman Kent & Barbara Houck Bill & Pat Houston John & Shawn Howell Mike & Wanda Hughes Judy Hull Bill & Connie Inglish Steven & Rebecca Irby David Jackson Juergen & Lorrie Janzen Pat Jaynes Jay & Sarah Johnson Jeanette Johnson Tom & Norma Jones Jeff & Susan Kerns Robert & Betty Kerns Kendall & Meredith King Michael & Kristen Kulling Gordon Leiter Virginia Lewis Leone List Larry & Julie Littlefield Gene & Nell Longworth Neil & Phyllis Luebke Charles & Carolynn MacAllister Dianne Machart Kerstin & Tom Mackey Bill & Ellie Mallory Tom & Jennifer McConaghy Bob & Peggy McCormick Bob McCracken & Karen Gallagher Marjorie McMillian David McSwain Ricky & Jan McSwain William & Elizabeth McTernan Doug & Kendall Meacham Hank Moore J.T. Moore Michael Morgan Jim & Mary Morwood Greg & Debbie Mosier J. Mueller Phillip & Teresa Nokes

Ron & Gay Norgaard Chris & Julie Norris W. Norris Darrell & Barbara Overholt Jon & Nancy Patton J. Paul & Patsy Pepin Larry & Pauledde Plank Jackie Plaxico Eddie & Jan Polk Dick & Carol Ann Powell Walter Price Judy Rhoads Kathy Reeder Scott & Marva Roach Joyce Robbins Robert & Gayle Robinson Mark & Brenda Rolls Marvin & Mary Rupp Phil & Bonnie Russell James & Marie Saatkamp Harold & Mary Lou Sare Keith Saville Melton Saville Nancy Saville Debbie Schroeder Roy & Sharon Scott Rusty Shaw Jack & Marguerite Shelton Robert Sherer Shelly Sherer Garrick Shreck Tim Smalley Corby & Colbi Smithton Bob & Rhonda Spencer Tom & Carol Stewart Bill & Toni Stone Carol Stone Jim Struthers & Gladeen Allred Sean & Trena Sutton Russell & Julie Teubner Bill & Cat Thompson Larry & Betty Tower Steve & Teresa Tully Matt & Christine Waits Clement & Mariam Ward Mark & Gail Welch Chuck & Sarah Westerheide Keith & Dolores Willett Mary Williams Shauna Yost … Alexander Construction B & L Heating & Air

B & C Business Products Badiyan Development, Inc. Carrier Ditching & Excavating Charlie's Discount Drug Cheetah Copy Church Women United Cimmarron Correctional Facility Citizen State Bank Community Escrow & Title Drummond Optical Faith Hospice Services First Christian Church First Presbyterian Church Men’s Breakfast Group Fisher Provence Realtors Grimsley's Jackson Diamond Jewelers Janzen Olds-Cadillac-Toyota Junior Service League Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Lambert Construction MerCruiser OSU Night of Champions Pam Ellis Homes Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Razook's Drug St. Andrews Thrift Shop Stillwater Country Club Stillwater Designs Stillwater Equipment Co. Stillwater Family Care Clinic Stillwater Breakfast Kiwanis Stillwater Medical Center Stillwater National Bank Stillwater Police Department Stillwater Surgery Center Stillwater Women's Clinic Teammates for Kids The Bank NA The Paint Place The Renaissance School Thomas Berry & Company Thompson Foundation Tiger Drug Wilson Chevrolet

We make a living by what we get, but we

make a life by what we give.

~Winston Churchill

Thank you to all of our generous donors who make our work possible. Listed below are donors for July 2004—July 2005. We sincerely apologize for any omissions or errors.

A special thanks to those who have shared their time, talents and resources

July 2004-July 2005:

1st United Methodist Lap Quilters Acme Brick Albertson’s

The Bank NA Bobby Anthony

Church Builders Sunday School Jane Earnest Sara Earnest Eskimo Joe’s

Fraternal Order of Police Frontier Siding & Windows

Mike Jenkins Junior Service League Lisa & Doug Mallory

Brenda Marlow Tom McConaghy

Bob & Peggy McCormick Girl Scouts of America

Greg Miller The office of Stephen Miller, DDS

National Standard OK Quality Printing

OSU Educational TV Services OSU Football Dept. & Staff

OSU Student Services Payne County Health Department

Patsy Pepin Payne County 4-H Pi Beta Phi Sorority

Bill Potts Prairie’s Edge Landscaping

Neil & Robin Purdie Norman & Louise Richmond Richard & Lavonne Romshe

Rachel Shreffler Missy Sorentino

Stillwater Police Department Stillwater Area United Way

Toni Stone Ron Walker Construction

Wal-Mart Jason White

Tom & Brynn Williams

2004-2005 Board members gather at the home of Toni Stone for a holiday luncheon. Pictured back row: John Bartley, Betty Kerns, Jay Johnson, Patsy Pepin, Bobby Anthony, Sarah Westerheide, Susan Griffith. Front row: Toni Stone, Marva Roach, Jennifer Stuart, Steve Brown.

STAFFING NEWS: The Saville Center has been blessed by a dedicated and caring staff. On September 1, 2004, Brandi White began work as Administrative Assis-tant. Brandi is a native Texan but instantly fell in love with the Stillwater community. She and her husband Jason, a psychologist, moved to Stillwater with their small children, Harrison, age 4, and Audrey, age 2. Brandi’s own kids remind her every day how precious children are and what important, rewarding work child advocacy is. Under the leadership of Executive Director Teresa Tully, she and Forensic Interviewer Lisa Mallory worked with the multidisciplinary team, as well as children and families at the Center. Unfortunately, Lisa resigned in February, 2005, to move with her family to Louisiana. Her service and dedica-tion to the children of our community was an invaluable asset to the Center and she is greatly missed.

Administrative Assistant, Brandi White

I want to help!




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INDIVIDUAL DONOR Amount: _$______________

CORPORATE DONOR Amount: _$______________

In memory of: ____________________________________________ In honor of: ______________________________________________ (If you wish for The Saville Center to send a card honoring your donation, please attach the recipient’s name & address.)

Payment Options

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Please return to: The Saville Center

PO Box 393 Stillwater, OK 74076

The Saville Center is a private nonprofit 501 (c)(3).

All gifts are tax deductible.

I’m interested in sending Saville Center cards to friends and associates during the holidays. Please contact me. I’m interested in setting up a bank draft for monthly or quarterly deductions. Please contact me.



The Saville Center’s monthly board meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at noon at the Payne

County Health Department.

Time and location subject to change.

The Saville Center

PO Box 393

Stillwater, OK 74076

A Proud United Way Agency

Secure National Children’s Alliance re-evaluation accreditation through application process and site visit.

Create ad hoc committee to develop construction plan and funding opportunities for new conference room.

Re-evaluate current by-laws, policies and publications to determine if changes are needed.

Explore personnel needs for the Center’s continued growth & enhancement.

Continue to apply for and receive grants from various sources such as United Way, National Children’s Alliance and Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Account.

Continue to explore avenues for permanent funding of the Center.

“How wonderful it is that nobody

need wait a single moment before

starting to improve the

world.” ~Anne Frank

Wish List: If you would like to make a contribution, The Saville Center has a need for gift cards from

the following locations: Wal-Mart, Staples, Albertson’s, Lowe’s, Hobby Lobby Gift cards from these stores allow us to purchase miscellaneous items as needed. Thank you.



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