The Religion of the Shinto's



The Religion of the Shinto's. The Gods (or deities) of Shito beliefs The History of Shinto Beliefs . Quick Facts On Shinto Beliefs (Will be elaborated on in next few slides ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Religion of the Shinto's

The Gods (or deities) of Shito beliefs

The History of Shinto Beliefs

Formed 500 BCE

Origin Japan

Followers 3,000,000

Deity Polytheistic

Historical Texts The Kojiki, The Nihongi

Headquarters None

Quick Facts On Shinto Beliefs (Will be elaborated on in next few slides )

The History of Shinto Beliefs Shintoism is referred to as the

earliest religion introduced to the Japanese

It is believed to have been started around 500 B.C. or possibly earlier

It is not a religion that was “started” such as Mormonism but was developed over time and is willing to certain changes and beliefs

The History of Shinto Beliefs Shintoism does not have a spiritual

text such as Christianity that has the Bible, or the Islam which have the Quran because there really is no science or spiritual happening behind it. Shintoism was developed and has changed slightly over time but was generally “created” to give the Japanese culture more of a spiritual aspect.

The word Shinto means “way of the Kami”

The Shinto’s believe in the existence of the Kami, or gods, in which inhabit nature and the lands of the Japanese

The History of Shinto Beliefs

The Shinto religion holds two historic books very near and dear to their people and religion, these books are the two oldest records of the Japanese culture that have ever survived. The first one in line being the Kojiki – (記 ) and the other being the Nihon shoki – (紀 ) The Kojiki is the oldest record book to the Shintos. Where Kojiki ends, the Nihon shioki begins.

The Kojiki held sacred by the Shinto’s

Creation in the eyes of the Shinto According to the ancient myth of the Shinto, in

the beginning, the Heaven and Earth were one . After time the light clouds started to rise creating the Heaven and the heavy clouds lowered and created murky waters.

Among the action of the clouds separating a giant green plant sprouted from the ground and became the god, Kuni-toko-tachi no Mikoto.

Soon after the world shook and there were seven more gods created, both males and females their names were: 1.Kuni no sa-tsuchi no Mikoto2. Toyo-kumu-nu no Mikoto3.Uhiji-ni no Mikoto, Suhiji-ni no Mikoto4. Oho-to nochi5.Oho-to mahe no Mikoto6. Izanagi no Mikoto 7. Izanami no Mikoto http://

Izanami-no-Mikoto and Izanagi-no-Mikoto, by Kobayashi Eitaku, late 19th century

Creation in the eyes of the Shinto These gods are not subject to give punishment to those that do not follow like other religions.

The first god then created a male and female who were told to take the responsibility of creating the portion that was left of the world. There names were :1.Izanagi – meaning "the male who invites“2.Izanami – meaning "the female who


After creating the world they found a jewel wading in the waters of which the bridge to heaven covers. They lifted the jewel out and water began to drip off of the jewel, as it would off of any other object, but this jewel was special and as the drops fell they started to create an island in which the gods formed into the shape of current day Japan.

Creation in the eyes of the Shinto Soon “the female who invites” died giving birth and “the male who invites” went into the afterworld to save her but she wouldn’t come back. When he got home the tears that he was cause turned into even more gods and those gods created land masses creating the new world (today's world)

Represents the “worshiping” of the Kojiki and its records

Practices of the Shinto One must stay consistent with their prayers and offerings

Purification is a must! One must wash with water because dust or dirt is an imperfection

They have a day of worship once a week

They visit the shrine on the 1st or 15th or possibly both of each month for a time of worship shrine is like our idea of a church, it is where their gods, Kamis, live

When entering the shrine one must wash their hands and mouth out and then if possible they give an offering

Sociological StandpointShintoism does not “shelter” people, they are free to roam and communicate with others and don’t have to worry about religious conflict

People view Shintoism as more of a belief then an actual religion because according to the Japanese, it is still “evolving” but to others it is constantly changing which causes doubts on whether it’s a true or false religion

Americans tend to stereotype Shintos as fake because their religion is a constant changing belief

Where is Shintoism Practiced? Shintoism is

practiced all across Japan

Work Cited Shinto Beliefs. 2010.

Religion Library: Shinto. 2008.

Shinto Creation Stories. 2001.

W.G. Aston. Shinto Creation Myths. 1992

The Practices of Shinto. 2009.
