The Redhill Academy Newsletter October 2019


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The Redhill Academy Newsletter October 2019

Message from the Head of School

At the start of the new academic year, I would like to take a moment to look backwards and

congratulate the Year 11 and Year 13 Redhill students who achieved excellent grades in the

summer GCSE and A Level exams. 70% of the Year 11 cohort achieved a grade 4 or above in

both English and maths and their progress in other subjects was also extremely impressive.

Almost 90 of the grades awarded were 9s and 150 grade 8s were achieved which is indicative

of the academic talent at the school. For current Year 11s the mentoring programme is in full

swing and students should make the most of the support available as they prepare for the mock

exams in November. With this in mind, there was an evening for parents on October 10th which

looked at how parents can best support their children with revision and exam preparation.

Mr N Matthews - Head of School

Looking forward, the school continues to be a popular choice for parents. Over 700 were

present at the Open Evening in September where both, staff and current students, showcased

what we have to offer here. As for our newly arrived Year 7 students, they have made an

excellent start to their time in secondary school. Having quickly found their feet, they are

showing great enthusiasm in lessons and for the after-school programme of activities. It was

good to meet so many parents at the recent ‘Welcome to Year 7’ evening and we are looking

forward to working closely with you all in the future. I also hope the Year 7 students will sign

up for the residential visit to Hagg Farm where they will engage in a variety of outdoor

activities, foster a real team spirit and have a lot of fun in the process. You never know, it

might even be warm and sunny!

Our Year 13 students also performed well; 48%

of the grades awarded were between A*-B. Most

of the students are now continuing their

education at top universities including two who

have just started at Oxford reading English and

history respectively. We wish all of them well for

their first term and look forward to catching up

with them at the Presentation Evening in March

2020. Both the GCSE and A Level results are

testament to the commitment and hard work of

the students who stayed focused throughout and

the constant support of Academy staff and

parents. We should all take a moment to

celebrate what has been achieved.

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

We are proud of all of our students. 89% applied to university and all got a place; of those

that didn’t apply, most are now starting higher apprenticeships. Some outstanding results

include the following students who all got A* or A for every subject;

Alex Ainsley Carruthers, Joel Bond, Sarah Large, Hannah Mollet, Emily Baggaley, Kate

Bramley, Imogen Smith, Nalin Kacker and Jack Straw.

Ms S Sharp

Trust Director of Post 16

Top results lead to successful futures as Redhill students aim high

Emily arriving at Oxford

to start her studies.

Sarah on Results Day at

The Redhill Academy.

I never sleep well the night before A level results day, there is always so much riding on it.

It can be a day of real highs and lows as students find out what two years of hard work

have brought. They are often relying on particular grades so they can continue on to their

chosen university courses and ultimately dream jobs. However, I could have slept very well

this year as the students outshone themselves with even better results than last year;

almost half of all grades were A*/A / B. All over the Sixth Form Centre that August morning

were happy faces and tears of joy. I am so impressed with how hard the students worked

and applied themselves to their revision in the last few weeks. Everywhere you went in

May there were students studying in groups - all that hard work paid off.

We have worked really hard in the last few years to ensure that our students have the

same opportunities to succeed as students at private schools. The partnership we formed

with the University of Cambridge has really helped this happen. We had more students

than ever successfully apply for the most competitive courses and universities including

Vet Med, Oxford, Cambridge and Durham. I was so thrilled to hand out results to Emily

Baggaley and Sarah Large, both gained the top grades required and will be starting at the

University of Oxford in October. Emily to read English at University College and Sarah to

read History at Magdalen; our second History student to go there in two years.

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Oxbridge information evening

Wednesday 6th November, 6.30- 8.00pm

Main Hall

Any interested parents or students welcome

Year 10 upwards

Come and find out more about applying to these

prestigious universities, with staff represented

from both Oxford and Cambridge.

Please email-

to book a free place.

The Redhill Academy Newsletter


The Redhill Academy Trust provides all students in Years 7-13 with a

programme of careers activities. This programme can be found on the

schools’ website in the student area under Careers.

If you would like to help your child with research into career roles,

university courses and apprenticeships, please see the links bellow:

University information – Higher Education course search: UCAS - National Careers Website – information about Career areas and Job roles: The National Apprenticeship Service: Amazing Apprenticeship: Prospects Redhill Academy Trust Careers Leader is Miss C Blyth:

Across three days and two nights of intermittent yet torrential rain, fourteen Year 10 Redhill

Academy students stomped their way through the Derbyshire countryside; embarking on their

first expedition towards their Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

The weather was horrendous for the vast majority of

the expedition but the teams ploughed on; through

fields, woodland, moorland; ascending and descending

steep dales and high peaks. Each group consisted of

seven students, all equally responsible for the planning,

navigation and timing of their journeys - as well as the

motivation of each other to keep on going!

Despite wet socks, punctured (now, un-inflatable)

sleeping mats and leaking waterproofs they continued for seven hours each day, hiking from

Monsall Head on day one head to Baslow on day three.

The groups camped under clear sky and bright stars

for the first night and, shattered from their arduous

journey, they were in bed by 9pm.

Starting at 7am each morning, individuals’ levels of

resilience and endurance were thoroughly tested to

the limit and they fought tiredness and poor weather

conditions throughout their adventure. Sleeping at a

campsite in Birchover for the second night, they

battled waterlogged fields, tents and unrelenting

rain. And were tucked up in bed by 9pm.

Along the way groups met with excitable cows, colourful peacocks, alpacas, dogs, feral cats,

friendly sheep and several DofE groups from other schools and academies. Students cooked

for one another, supported each other when the terrain was tough and successfully completed

their practice expedition on schedule and in one piece! We could not be more proud.

Each student was an absolute credit to The Redhill Academy and to the DofE Award itself;

finishing in high spirits after a challenging 3-day weekend with no moans, groans or signs of

giving up.

Well done to all. Bring on the Qualifier - on 11th to 13th October - you’ve got this!

The Team: Izzy Akroyd, Lawrence Ashplant, Sam Berthels, Anysha Chinyemba, Charley

Clarke-Smee, Beth Fisher, Nashiem Isman, Evie Johnston, Akeem Laing, Tim Lindars, Edan

McGuire-Lewin, Theo Pearce, Katie Sheldon, Jake Stott

Mrs C Smith

DofE Manager

Silver DofE Practice Expedition 27 - 29th September 2019

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

On Tuesday 9th July, students from two Trust academies joined forces and participated in

the second Redhill Trust Band Day. Forty musicians from The Redhill Academy and the South Notts Academy, who hosted the event, spent the morning rehearsing three symphonic band pieces: Bohemian Rhapsody, Music from ‘Chicago’ and Andrew Lloyd Webber in Concert, which were then performed to an audience of visiting Year 6 students. Our students also participated in an informal jam session with the SNA Swing Band. The event was a real success; like-minded piano, brass, woodwind, string and percussion players gave their all and produced some excellent sounds. Many thanks to those who participated and helped to organise the day, especially Mrs Thomas and Mrs Spencer from Redhill and Mrs Wood from South Notts. Mr K Latham Redhill Academy Trust Music Coordinator

Redhill Trust Band Day

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

ABRSM exam results

The following students all took an examination on their chosen instrument during the summer term. The results were released over the summer holidays and were very pleasing. Well done to all the students below:

Summer Concert

The Summer Concert took place on Thursday 18th July 2019. As always, the standard

was exceptionally high as performances from the Swing Band, Concert Band, Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Junior Band, Advanced Performance Ensemble, Keyboard Group, Brass Group and Samba Group impressed the large audience with their talent. We also had some solo performances from our Year 13 leavers who we wish every success to in the future.

Future events in the Music department

Vocal Ensemble performance as part of the Christmas opening

Thursday 7th November 2019 – 6.30pm to 9.00pm at Brookfield’s Garden Centre

Musical production ‘Sister Act’

Wednesday 11th December 2019 – 7.00pm, Main Hall

Thursday 12th December 2019 – 7.00pm, Main Hall

Friday 13th December 2019 – 7.00pm, Main Hall

Annual Carol Concert

Wednesday 18th

December 2019 – 7.00pm, St Paul’s Church, Daybrook

Mrs Y Thomas

Head of Music Department

Music department news – Autumn term 2019

Jasmine Greener Grade v Clarinet PASS

Katie Hadley-Killips Grade iii Clarinet MERIT

Akeem Laing Grade iv Flute PASS

Natasha Need Grade ii Flute MERIT

Elliot Taylor Grade v Clarinet PASS

Peter Newton Grade v Theory PASS

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Never before have I seen such an excitable, determined group of performers filling the hall

for auditions for this year's school musical. This Christmas, Deloris Van Cartier comes to

The Redhill Academy in Sister Act, and the auditions for the show were absolutely

bursting. The event involved singing, dancing and acting with the door thrown open to

aspiring performers of all ages. The audition process brought students together to show off

their talents and showcase their abilities. As all hopefuls at the auditions were guaranteed

a place in the cast, expect to see an amazing cast of cops, gangsters and of course nuns

as they take to the stage this December.

By Sam Barker (Eddie) – Year 13

Sister Act is on its way

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

On Thursday 26

th September, the Year 13 Drama group ventured out to The

Nottingham Playhouse to see An Enemy of The People starring Alex Kingston

(seen in Doctor Who). We were engrossed by the complex political debates

presented. Questions of status, power, money and overall the truth, arose forcing

us to consider the issues of current government. We all enjoyed the water feature,

a sudden storm on stage during Kingston's climactic speech. We now have lots to

write about in our essays.

We are keeping busy in Drama as the A Level exam for the Year 13 devised

performances took place on Wednesday 2nd

October. Two pieces were performed,

based on Kneehigh's Nights at the Circus. We had circus acts, electric shocks,

African dancing and pairs of wings covering the stage. Well done to the Year 13

Drama group, the evening presented an impressive range of performances.

By Orla Deacon – Year 13

Year 13 students embrace dramatic opportunities…


Good start for Redhill U16 Basketball Team

This year the Year 11 Basketball Team have entered the Nottingham School Basketball

Association Under 16 Cup which features 12 schools from around the Nottingham area.

The season opened here at The Redhill Academy with a competition against The Carlton

Academy. Despite a close first half, Redhill managed to pull away for a comfortable

victory - beating Carlton 45-27. The top four teams in the competition will be invited to the

David Ross Sports Village at Nottingham University to play for the Cup in December later

this year.

Mr M Tibbs Teacher of PE

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

News about the Redhill Site Redhill lights the way to go Green!

The Redhill Academy has been working hard on its impact on the environment over the

last 10 years. We have solar panels making electricity and bio-mass boilers to heat the

school. This summer we looked at the lighting.

Over a thousand LED lights have been installed replacing 85% of all the lights in the

academy. We now have a brighter place to learn, saving energy and making a difference

to the environment. Our in-house electrician Mr Tricarico-Humber has project managed

the process. “Technology has moved on a huge amount in the last 10 years. LED lights

in school make so much sense. They last longer, give off a nice light to work with and the

cost per year is much lower than for traditional lights. It has been a mammoth task, with

many hours of work but I’m proud of the results.”

Summer Improvements

After a busy summer, students have been welcomed back by changes across the site.

The site team and a group of contractors have been busy refurbishing the English and

Modern Foreign Languages classrooms to the same standard that Humanities have

enjoyed. The classrooms have new carpets, curtains, desks and chairs and have all been

repainted. The rooms are much brighter and a more pleasant place to work and learn.

The girls’ and boys’ toilets by the New Dinning Hall have been completely re-designed,

with double the capacity and provision for students with disabilities.

The work to replace all single glazed windows in classrooms continued with over 50

double glazing units replaced this summer getting the academy ready for the winter


Changes on how you visit The Redhill Academy during school working hours

If you are visiting the Academy during the school day you need to go to the pedestrian

entrance near the Leisure Centre. If you press the intercom button, you will speak to one

of our receptionists. The gate will open for you and it is only a short walk to Main

Reception where we can help. If you are driving, we ask you now to park in the Leisure

Center Car Park and then make your way on foot to the gate.

Parking during pick up time

Can we ask that all parents, picking up their children at the end of school, respect traffic

and parking rules, including double yellow and zig zag lines. It is important that

emergency vehicles can gain access and that we respect the needs of local residents.

Mr J Warren

Operations Manager

The Redhill Academy Newsletter


Year 11

For a good performance in the first assessment of the year:

Beyonce Boateng, Oliver Burchell, Benjamin Burns, Kyle Evans, Jimi Hague, Isobel

Haycock, Paris Limb, Elena Mann, Gabriele Mathieu-Pano, Alex Pearson, Lyris Smith,

Zachary Smith, Eloise Towsey


Year 7

For confident input to class discussion: Frank Adjei-Boateng and Jaden Duke

Year 8

For thoughtful re-drafting of her Wilfred Owen work : Hollie Travis

For consistently excellent attitude to learning: Emir Ulman

Year 11

For working so conscientiously in preparation for the English language mocks:

Britney Moodie and Joshua Parr

For positive attitude and work ethos: Emma Dillon

For excellent contributions and work ethic: Charlie Ball and Kaci Riley

Science - Key Stage 3

Year 7

For a fantastic start to lessons with a positive attitude: Miguel Lontoc

For an outstanding attitude: Dina Glad, Kara Hardy and Nicolas Marotta Year 8 For a fantastic start to Year 8, always has his hand up in lessons, answering questions and working really hard: Ryan Linford For a brilliant start to Year 8, always working as hard as she can in lessons, answering questions and showing a genuine interest in her work: Lottie Ridley For outstanding effort in homework: Angelica Alexander Year 11

For putting full effort into every Science lesson: Betsy Sheil and Chloe Fallows


The Redhill Academy Newsletter

Science - Key Stage 4

Year 9

For always putting in their full effort and having a fantastic attitude towards Science:

Phoebe- Anne Archer-Doyle, Ronnie Kokkinos and Abbie Weston

Year 10

For working really hard in lessons, focused and attentive, always makes sure she finishes

the work and presents it neatly in her book: Cassie Snodgrass

For working hard in class, always focused and attentive, work is always well presented:

Connel Rafter

Computer Science

Year 9

For a good start made in computer science:

Phoebe-Anne Archer-Doyle, Alex Armstrong, Ollie Cole, Max Taylor

Year 10

For continued high quality programming work in Python:

Jeffrey Aifesehi Edoghogho, Sam Berthels, Charles Cogden, Edward Gallagher, Alex

Linford, Theo Pearce

Year 11

For continued excellence in python programming overall and for the NEA work being


James Bullen, Jacob Fisher, Robbie Johnson, Ben Simpson-Hallas

For demonstrating excellent Computer Science knowledge in preparation for their future

GCSE exams:

Habibah Asghar, Oliver Burchell, Chloe Ellis, Bryn Price


Year 9

For a good start made in digital graphics:

Oli Cobham, Gus Davies, Ashlei Domleo, Daniella Nester, Kian Scrimshaw

Year 10

For continued excellent work in all aspects of the digital graphics unit:

Tom Ellis, Aisha Gordon, Naomi Maclaren, Charlie Smith, Owen Williams


The Redhill Academy Newsletter


Health and Social Care

Year 10 For excellent work on Health and Social Care services: Amaya Day-Mundle and Bethany Gadd

Year 11 For amazing attitude towards completing coursework by attending after school catch up sessions: Ellie Phillips For achieving Distinction in both units of coursework: Libby Alenson-Smith Business

Year 11

For a flying start to Year 11 GCSE business:

Shaquia Beckford, Tyrell Bryan, Marshall Charles, Emma Dillon, Ellie Haughton, Samuel

Kellam, Hollie Savage, Armin Teymouri

Physics - Sixth Form

Year 12

For excellent attitude and being highly organised: Felix Daines

Psychology - Sixth Form

Year 13

For working exceptionally well in and outside class, taking a calm and collected approach

to her revision and producing some fantastic results so far: Scarlett Pride

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

School Calendar

Autumn Term

Monday 2 September to

Friday 20 December

Half Term Week

Monday 21 October to

Friday 1 November

Spring Term

Monday 6 January to

Friday 3 April

Half Term Week

Monday 17 February to

Friday 21 February

Summer Term

Monday 20 April to

Friday 24 July *

Half Term Week

Monday 25 May to

Friday 29 May

Please be aware that some event or trip information in this calendar may be

subject to change.

Additional trip information that is not listed in this calendar will be sent home to

parents throughout the year.

*Please note the change to the May bank holiday from Monday 4th May to

Friday 8th

May to commemorate the anniversary of VE day.

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

School Calendar

HALF TERM HOLIDAY Wednesday 30 Oct Year 13 Oxbridge Tests

NOVEMBER Week 2 Monday 4 Nov Year 11 Assertive Mentoring 2 Week (until 8.11.19) Tuesday 5 Nov 6.00pm Year 7 Hagg Farm Information Evening Wednesday 6 Nov HE+ Launch 1.00pm – 3.30pm Year 7/8 only: KS3 Trust Winter Games at Park Vale Academy 3.15pm Inter-House KS4 Football (3G) 7.00pm Oxbridge Information Evening Thursday 7 Nov Year 12 and Year 13 Senior Maths Challenge Trip: Year 12 Drama trip to John Port Spencer Academy ‘Doctor Faustus’ (all day) 2.30pm – 4.00pm Trust Student Support Group (Carlton) 3.15pm Inter-House KS3 Football (3G) 6.30pm – 9.00pm Choir performance at Brookfields Garden Centre 7.00pm HE+ Year 13 Interview Evening Friday 8 Nov Inter-House Art Challenge deadline Week 1 Monday 11 Nov Year 11 MFL Mock Speaking 1 (until 15.11.19) Trip: Year 7 Green House to Hagg Farm (until 12.11.19) Tuesday 12 Nov Trip: Year 7 Smith House to Hagg Farm (until 13.11.19) Wednesday 13 Nov 4.00pm Year 13 Parents’ Evening 4.30pm Year 11 Dance Performance Sharing Trip: Year 7 Knight House to Hagg Farm (until 14.11.19) Thursday 14 Nov Year 11 Dance Performance Exam (duet/trio and set


7.00pm Year 10 Parents’ Meeting – “Supporting your child

with their GCSEs”

Friday 15 Nov Week 2 Monday 18 Nov Year 11 Mock exams 1 (until 29.11.19) Year 12 Progress Reports issued and Review Day Trip: Year 7 Lawrence House to Hagg Farm (until 19.11.19) Tuesday 19 Nov Trip: Year 7 Africanus House to Hagg Farm (until 20.11.19) Wednesday 20 Nov Year 10 Progress Report 1 issued Thursday 21 Nov 3.15pm Inter-House Maths Friday 22 Nov

The Redhill Academy Newsletter

School Calendar

Week 1 Monday 25 Nov Year 11 Mock exams 1 continue (until 29.11.19) Year 13 Oxbridge Mock Interview Week Trip: Year 13 Psychology ‘Behind Bars’ Tuesday 26 Nov Wednesday 27 Nov 3.30pm – 6pm Performing Arts Aptitude Workshops Thursday 28 Nov 7.00pm Duke of Edinburgh Awards Evening (Bronze and Silver award) Friday 29 Nov

DECEMBER Week 2 Monday 2 Dec Year 10 Review Week Year 13 - Medicine Mock Interviews UCAS Deadline (internal) Tuesday 3 Dec 3.15pm Inter-House Redhill Bake-Off Wednesday 4 Dec School closes early at 2.05pm Year 10 Reviews after school Thursday 5 Dec Trip: Year 12 and 13 Warner Brother Studios, Watford Friday 6 Dec School Musical Technical Rehearsal (all day) Week 1 Monday 9 Dec Year 8 Assessment Week (until 13.12.19) Year 7 ARTi Reading Tests throughout the week School Musical Dress Rehearsal (all day) Tuesday 10 Dec Wednesday 11 Dec Year 7 Progress Report 1 issued Matinee & Evening: School Musical performance: ‘Sister Act’ Thursday 12 Dec Trip: Year 13 to Social and Political Science conference Community Carol singing 7.00pm School Musical performance: ‘Sister Act’ Friday 13 Dec 7.00pm School Musical performance: ‘Sister Act’ Year 11 Mock Results Day Week 2 Monday 16 Dec Tuesday 17 Dec Christmas Reading event, LRC Wednesday 18 Dec School Christmas Dinner Year 11 Progress Report 2 issued 7.00pm Carol concert, St Paul’s Church, Daybrook Thursday 19 Dec Community Carol Singing Friday 20 Dec 12.30pm Inter-House Redhill’s Got Talent


School re-opens on Monday 6th

January 2020
