The Reasons for Insomnia and the Ways to Fight It ......Changing Your Way of Life If the cause of...


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The Reasons for Insomnia and the Ways to Fight It

Insomnia is a relatively common sleep disorder, which is indicated by insufficient duration or unsatisfactory quality of sleep over an extended period. Insomnia can carry an episodic nature, and also takes the form of a chronic disorder. Symptoms of insomnia include difficulties with falling asleep, poor quality of sleep, and anxiety about sleep disorder and its consequences. Also, insomnia is diagnosed when a person has a sleep disorder at least three times a week, which accompanies a malaise, a decrease in social functions and working capacity.

Individual factors play a significant role in the diagnosis of insomnia because each person has a different duration of sleep. The degree of disorder is determined by the quality of sleep, subjective state of health in the morning, and the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. For example, a person can sleep eight hours, which is considered the average duration of sleep, but in case of fatigue and drowsiness during the day, the diagnosis can be insomnia. Every person experiences episodic manifestations of insomnia during their life due to stressful situations and other external factors that an individual may manage oneself. If insomnia is prolonged in time, then the person should consult a doctor for the diagnosis of insomnia.

Causes of Insomnia

Causes of insomnia are quite diverse and include several groups of factors, both psychological and physiological:

● Psychological reasons● Various diseases● Side effect of taking some medicines● Unhealthy way of life● External factors that can interfere with sleep

Psychological CausesPsychological causes make up the largest group of factors that can cause chronic insomnia. The most common diseases from this group are depression and anxiety. Depression is a mental disorder characterized by decreased mood, anhedonia, constant fatigue, and weakness. Depression and insomnia are interrelated, because with the development of depression, sleep disorders appear, and as a result, the psychological state is further aggravated. Anxiety is an emotional experience caused as a consequence of an irrational sensation of impending danger. Anxiety has both emotional and physiological symptoms and can cause sleep disorders. Insomnia can also be caused by chronic stress, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Psychological Reasons

Other psychological reasons for the development of chronic insomnia include:

● A constant sense of fear of life's difficulties, changes, and something new;

● Negative emotional experiences and inability to cope with them;● Negative thinking and constant return in situations that happened in

the past;● A large number of stressful situations and conflicts in a person's life.

DiseasesDiseases that can cause insomnia include asthma, allergies, Parkinson's disease, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, and cancer. Asthma is an inflammatory disease that affects the respiratory tract. Insomnia prevents patients from controlling asthma attacks, which can lead to the development of other diseases. Muscles of patients with Parkinson's disease are prone to spasms during sleep, which can contribute to the development of insomnia. Also, this disease can promote daytime sleepiness, which can subsequently cause nighttime insomnia. In this case, sleep disorders tend to aggravate the symptoms of the disease, which disrupts the treatment process. Hyperthyroidism is a clinical syndrome caused by an increased production of hormones of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism can appear and develop against the background of emotional instability as a result of mental trauma, as well as psychological stress and, therefore, provoke sleep disorders. Various studies show that most cancer patients experience sleep problems during treatment, and some may continue to have it for several months after the end of treatment.

MedicinesInsomnia can be a side effect of taking certain medicines. These medications include cold and flu medications that contain alcohol, pain medications, caffeine, diuretics, corticosteroids, thyroid hormones, and drugs for high blood pressure.

LifestyleAn unhealthy lifestyle can also cause insomnia. These factors include bad habits, such as excessive drinking, smoking, drug addiction, and consuming a large amount of caffeine, which is contained in coffee and energy drinks. Irregular sleep, for example, when a person works on night shifts can also cause chronic insomnia. Another factor is chronic fatigue, which is characterized by a constant desire to sleep during the day, wakefulness at night, heavy awakening, weakness, and fatigue from minor loads. Often people whose work is associated with mental stress suffer from insomnia. Because of the constant work of the brain, it can be difficult to relax even at night, and this can develop into a chronic sleep disorder. Bad habits that can affect the quality of sleep include the consumption of large amounts of fatty foods or medications immediately before bed.

Other Reasons

External factors can also influence the onset and development of a sleep disorder. These include an unfavorable situation at nighttime, such as an uncomfortable bed, pillow, or pajamas, loud noise, bright light, an unpleasant smell, or too high or low temperature in the room.

Ways to Fight Insomnia

There are many ways to fight insomnia. They can be divided into several groups:

● Change of lifestyle● Relaxation techniques● Medical treatment● Reference to a doctor

Changing Your Way of LifeIf the cause of insomnia is an unhealthy lifestyle, then treatment should consist of changing this way of life. A person should not drink alcohol before going to bed, as it influences the phase of deep sleep and the person is inclined to wake up when the effect of alcohol is over. Also, it is necessary to limit the use of products that contain caffeine, as it is held in the body for 12 hours and can interfere with falling asleep at night. A person should not overeat immediately before bed; in case of severe hunger it is better to limit oneself to a light snack, such as vegetables or fruits. Physical exercises can also improve the quality of sleep, as they relieve tension and promote better sleep. The best time for physical activities is the morning time. The bedroom should be quiet and dark, and the optimal temperature for sleep is from 15.5 to 18.3 degrees Celsius.

Relaxation TechniquesRelaxation techniques can help relieve tension and improve sleep quality. These include deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, visualization, and yoga. Before going to bed, a person should relax, for example, by reading a book, or listening to calm music. Abdominal breathing techniques can also be an excellent way to relax. It is necessary to close your eyes, take a deep and slow breath, and each next breath should be deeper than the previous one. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Muscle relaxation means to stretch the muscles for ten seconds, and then relax. Repeat this exercise with all muscle groups.

Taking MedicinesDrug treatment may include taking various medications, including sleeping pills. Sufficiently effective are such drugs as melatonin and valerian. Melatonin is a natural hormone which the body produces at night. It can be effective for short-term use to adjust the "internal clock." Valerian has a mild soothing effect, which makes the process of falling asleep easier. Other common medications for insomnia include Lunesta, Ambien, Rozerem, Sonata, Benzodiazepines, and Antidepressants. These medicines are taken solely by the doctor's prescription.

If the usual means in the fight against insomnia do not give a positive result, a person should seek professional help from a doctor or psychotherapist. It should be done in such cases:

1. Insomnia does not respond to the self-help strategy;2. Insomnia negatively affects significant aspects of life, such as work or family;3. Sleep disorders are accompanied by severe symptoms, such as chest pain or shortness

of breath;4. The person suffers from insomnia almost every night, and the disease progresses.

Before applying to a psychologist, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination. A doctor can diagnose an organic disease or a neurosis. In the second case, if insomnia is caused by a factor of the psyche, a person should consult a psychologist or a psychotherapist.


In chronic insomnia, complex treatment is usually used, which includes taking appropriate medications and psychotherapy.

In the treatment of insomnia, these types of psychotherapy are used:● Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy● Erickson's therapy● Art therapy● Body-oriented therapy● Training in relaxation techniques, auto-training, self-hypnosis● Decision-oriented therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy includes:● Cognition of sleep, which means understanding the cycle of sleep and how behavior and

external factors affect it;● Cognitive control and psychotherapy, which will help monitor and eliminate negative

thoughts and anxiety about sleep;● Optimization of the rest schedule, which consists of the correct distribution of time for

work and sleep;● Passive sleep, which involves avoiding any effort to fall asleep;● Maintaining a diary of sleep that gives the psychologist general information about it and

makes the therapy more effective.

HypnosisHypnosis is used in the treatment of many diseases, most of which are mental disorders. Hypnosis helps restore the natural habits that existed inside a person at a certain moment. In the case of insomnia, hypnosis can also be an effective treatment. A hypnotherapist may need several sessions to restore a natural pattern of sleep, but hypnosis in the case of insomnia is one of the safest ways to naturally return to full sleep.


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