The Radio-IR Correlation: Coupling of Thermal and Non-Thermal Processes Amy Kimball General Exam...


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The Radio-IR Correlation:

Coupling of Thermal and Non-Thermal


The Radio-IR Correlation:

Coupling of Thermal and Non-Thermal


Amy KimballGeneral Exam

February 28, 2007












• Radio and Infrared emission processes

• Discovery of the IR-radio correlation

• The connection between thermal and non-thermal emission in galaxies

• Dispersion in the IR-radio correlation

• Conclusion

Typical spectrum (M82)Typical spectrum (M82)

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Black-body (dust)


(SNe, AGN)

ThermalBremsstrahlung(HII regions)

(Radio regime) (Far-infrared regime)Condon 1992

Radio emissionRadio emission

• Accelerating charged particles emit radiation– In astrophysics: e-

– Electric field: Bremsstrahlung

– Magnetic field: synchrotron

Radiation from Accelerating, Charged


Radiation from Accelerating, Charged


change in electric field due to motion of particle; integrate power radiated in all directions

Larmor’s Radiation Formula:

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Thermal Bremsstrahlung:

accelerating e- in E-field

Thermal Bremsstrahlung:

accelerating e- in E-field

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are needed to see this picture.Single electron:

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Electron velocity distribution:

Thermal Bremsstrahlung:


Thermal Bremsstrahlung:


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Log (frequency)

Log (intensity)

Thermal cutoffIe(-h/


Bremsstrahlung self-absorption

I 2

Thermal radio: HII regions

Thermal radio: HII regions

• O and B stars ionize their surrounding hydrogen

Synchrotron spectrum:

accelerating e- in B-field

Synchrotron spectrum:

accelerating e- in B-field

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Frequency (/c)

Relative intensity

Spectrum from a single


Synchrotron emission: Ensemble of electrons

Synchrotron emission: Ensemble of electrons

• Spectrum depends on energy distribution of the ensemble

• Cosmic ray electrons (non-thermal)Accelerated in shocks• Supernovae• AGN jets

Cosmic ray energy spectrum

Cosmic ray energy spectrum

• Empirically known to have a power-law energy distribution

Where x ~ 2.2-3

• Fermi acceleration at shock front:– Most particles scattered few times– Few particles scattered many times– Predicts x~2

Synchrotron spectrum: power-law e- ensemble


Synchrotron spectrum: power-law e- ensemble


Summary: Radio emission in galaxies

Summary: Radio emission in galaxies

• Thermal Bremsstrahlung– Free electrons interacting with nuclei

– HII regions around O and B stars

• (Non-thermal) Synchrotron– Free electrons interacting with magnetic field

– Accelerated by supernovae or AGN jets

Blackbody (Thermal) Radiation

Blackbody (Thermal) Radiation

Thermal equilibrium:

Stars heat dust in galaxies

Stars heat dust in galaxies

Dust particularly opaque to UV;Transparent to IR

FIR: Dust ReprocessingFIR: Dust


Summary: Infrared emission in galaxiesSummary: Infrared

emission in galaxies

• Thermal emission from dust heated by:– Massive O and B stars– Red giants– “cirrus” radiation (all stars)– AGN (dominates!)

• (can also see infrared synchrotron in some AGN)

Infrared DataInfrared Data

• Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS)

• First major infrared space telescope

• Covered 96% of sky• 20,000 galaxies

– Late-type (spirals)– ULIRGs– AGNs


LFIR (infrared)LFIR (infrared)

• LFIR: Estimate of 40-120m emission

Wavelength (m)

Filter response


12 m 24 m 60 m

100 m

• Radio emission at a single frequency: usually 1.4 GHz (20cm)– Westerbork or NVSS

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Condon 1992

S (radio)

S (radio)

Subtract thermal radio to obtain pure non-thermal radio

First strong detection:

Disk galaxies; no AGN

First strong detection:

Disk galaxies; no AGN

– Virgo cluster spirals

– “field” spirals– “starburst nuclei” (HII region-like spectra)

Helou, Soifer, & Rowan-Robinson 1985

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Far-infrared: Log LFIR (W/m2)

Radio: Log S6.3GHz (mJy)

Spirals, Irregulars, Blue compact dwarfsSpirals, Irregulars, Blue compact dwarfs

Wunderlich, Klein, & Wielebinski 1987







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34 35 36 37 38

Radio: Log S6.3cm [W/Hz]

Infrared: Log LFIR [W]

IRAS + NVSS (more radio matches)

IRAS + NVSS (more radio matches)

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All IRAS galaxies with NVSS match (many more radio matches!)

Yun, Reddy, & Condon 2001

Q: ratio LFIR/SQ: ratio LFIR/S

Yun, Reddy, & Condon 2001

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Log Q

Log L60m (L)

AGN do not share relation

AGN do not share relation

Sopp & Alexander 1991

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Radio galaxies


Log (LFIR/L)

Log (Lradio/L


What is the connection?What is the connection?

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Black-body (dust)


(SNe, AGN)

ThermalBremsstrahlung(HII regions)

Condon 1992

(Radio regime) (Far-infrared regime)

Answer is….Answer is….


• Form in dusty giant molecular clouds; nearly all their luminosity emerges in the far-infrared-- about two-thirds between 40 and 120m (M > 5M)

• Their supernova remnants accelerate free electrons which escape into the galaxy, and emit synchrotron (M > 8M)

• Not the complete answer…

LFIR SFR(star formation rate)

LFIR SFR(star formation rate)

From models:(assume starburst history, adopt IMF)

(Kennicutt 1998)

From observations: M81

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Gordon et al. 2004

UV H R Infrared Radio

Non-thermal Radio SFR

Non-thermal Radio SFR

• SNRs produce Lsynch too low by factor of 10

• Cosmic ray electrons escape from SNR and emit (~107 yrs) long after SNR is gone (~105 yrs)

• Simple model: use empirical Galactic Lsync fSN to infer Lsync SFR

Dispersion in QDispersion in Q

Yun, Reddy, & Condon 2001

Obric et al. 2006

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2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6

Log Q (60m/20cm)


Radio + IR

Radio + IR + optical

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Log L60m (L)

Log Q60

Galaxies have different star

formation histories

Galaxies have different star

formation histories

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Kennicutt 1998

Galaxies have different


Galaxies have different


Tremonti et al. 2004

53,000 star-forming galaxies

Galaxies have different dustGalaxies have different dust

Dumke, Krause, & Wielebinski 2004

Models fit to spectrum of NGC 4631

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Relative flux

Galaxies have different magnetic


Galaxies have different magnetic


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Hummel et al. 1988


• New bigger and better!

• Examine IR-radio correlation on small scales--

– Does the IR-radio ratio change depending on position inside a galaxy?

Ratio of L60m to L20cm decreases with radiusRatio of L60m to L20cm decreases with radius

• Implies IR disk emission has smaller scale length than radio disk emission

Marsh & Helou 1995

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Radial distance [kpc]

Even stronger relation to IR

surface brightness

Even stronger relation to IR

surface brightness

Ratio tied to star formation regions rather than radius?

Infrared: Log f70m [Jy]

Log Q70

Line of constant radio surface brightness

Murphy et al. 2006

Q maps spiral arms!Q maps spiral arms!

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Gordon et al. 2004


Log Q

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Implications of a small global Q


Implications of a small global Q

dispersion• UV photons and relativistic e- produced in same proportions in all star-forming regions

• Star formation controls magnetic field strength… or vice-versa

• Cosmic rays influence star formation

• Supernovae induce star formation

• Estimate SFR and LFIR (< 20%) from radio emission for a wide range of galaxies

• Constraint on galaxy properties?– Magnetic fields, dust, etc.

• (Can also seek out AGN)

Putting the correlation to use

Putting the correlation to use

What we learnedWhat we learned

• IR-Radio correlation is one of strongest in astronomy

• Holds for galaxies whose infrared and radio emission is dominated by star formation

• Is easily explained qualitatively but not quantitatively (yet)

• Can be used for good.


• Committee: Željko, Eric, Scott, Marina

• Comments: Chris, Daryl, Jillian, Mirela, Lucianne, Nick, Oliver, Peter, Stephanie

• Outfit: UWAWA

Yun, Reddy, & Condon 2001

Yun, Reddy, & Condon 2001

• Possible trends:– Higher dispersion at higher luminosity?

– Steeper at low luminosity?

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Condon, Anderson, & Helou 1991

Condon, Anderson, & Helou 1991

• Optically selected spiral and irregular galaxies

– Steepens, higher dispersion at lower LFIR

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Synchrotron: Single electron

Synchrotron: Single electron

Related correlations?

Related correlations?

• What other correlations should we see– CO-FIR (ref. Devereux&Young1991)

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Murgia et al. 2005

Radio-CO relation

And other galaxies?And other galaxies?

Wrobel & Heeschen 1991

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Wrobel & Heeschen 1988

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Radio core or jet/lobe dominated

Radio-loud galaxiesRadio-loud galaxies

• Radio emission comes from lobes/jets: decoupled from infrared emission

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Sanders & Mirabel 1996

The AGN relationThe AGN relation

• AGN have radio power coming from lobes and jets… unrelated to massive stars.

• AGN have IR emission from dusty torus… unrelated to massive stars.

• Same source directly powers radio and IR in AGN.

Individual parts of galaxies

Individual parts of galaxies

• Paladino et al.– Test of leaky box model? P. 856 fig. 10

• Murphy et al. 2006– Modeling CR diffusion w/ radio & IR maps

– Figs. 1 and 2

Bremsstrahlung:Single electron in


Bremsstrahlung:Single electron in


Synchrotron: Single electron

Synchrotron: Single electron

Synchrotron: Single electron

Synchrotron: Single electron

Synchrotron: Single electron

Synchrotron: Single electron

(Thermal radio/Thermal IR)

(Thermal radio/Thermal IR)O and B stars ionize surrounding gas and at the same time heat surrounding dust

Relation is realRelation is real

• Apparent magnitude vs. apparent magnitude: 20cm vs 60micron

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Mobric et al. 2006
