THE 'PUGET SOUND MAIL. - Washington Secretary of State · n'. ~ ~• 0.....". ~ tho...


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NO. 38.

~!:",,: ::~i:y°n~ ~:fI:e,~~~:~i tb~tt;1'0l llOnou. to lhe . , . tem "nd lofeo"t llo wh ulo ah.rlkJ lGr, an d .... bloom hAlh..en h r" l hcJlt olT the reed •• ,! 0' aatll"

~~It;~~~~ r",/~n;~ ~blro"~:a h~on.:~l /lO t elAl hl.toruu~ , unlu a Ih.l I", ahl •to In rotlll Lhn de..1 Ah.1I with "'e, .ndin fllAU It wit h blood 1'0,1 I.dri', 1I IL.!I,uKlu J( lor a{hnlrall on .btl IApplau.eth o " u l' ptlrL o r ILu or_ U.. Ilower, ladnu t 1t.H .ut"".:.ou"....,..-:-",...__

" "lronumle.1 rlle•• UI••••

1'0 the Intereeted oblMl t .,. r uf Ule .Wt,

.~II~r::;yll-:lI!tl:i;~ 1:~1~~I:~o ::;n:,,~:~~~tllt l~~~~fou:ro~~h~ll lli:nloU~~'~f"'i~Iholr vatlou. "'''80'''. 11 w. ' un ror a(UOWt.!ut to 81..,otl at tbo ""letn ... ,.00Jn ""I er »un", t, " a are at Ob.- e... ed " Itl./, the O1 ,",uI Ooonoo or tll.eceuu. W Jth lu " OO Ulp" , of a f .... d ...Kroul ItO I Jr,,~nhot.l bl rore Oa lb . lh,...111 0l1li r lkJl.ut mtllQhttr~ 01 our pl.aetar,.KrUllI' - Vonu., J upiter aull ",Ian;W III1I~ " Hu hl h lRh..r IIJ' In th e .odiao thah lYiOll l tlo N"JJtu llo . lahtl. ,aull, udlowor Ilo wn , JUllt ...bon UI" W.....rD bort.

:~~~~hilillwl:~ in~nl1:~ ~~~I~~:=.aa1J~~111:1~~~~ uf rlJ llt~:'l1r~:~te°:i1~:'lh.~Z""lOll tI ( t lttl h,·. ve.'n " ,

1I#'::6wIII~ ~ ' ~~r;i~~u::::~ro~~~;ett~~~l~:::UnrlnA' tilt.! win t.o r IlHJn th. u r I.., YMr .J lll'ltnr AlIll Hol u rn ...nrn otl r ....alo."'nt". bllt lYl"ro 111M" tI¥f1r h01lA1 . t mo In 11111 OYOnhIK. In J anu.t, la",

:t:'w~:~ ~I~i~ V:~~.a~~wL\~. :~~a~.::WIU, JIlIIII'OIl1 IDKInt.o .,10.... The ae Ib,..111"1101" thon l . rolt(l n~1 " .tta liM lIDe.wit" .11IJlltor in th a c.n~r. Tb . mo t.lou01 \' unul! 111 110 mu ch moro npld th a Dlb"I01 ott bor o ( ti ll' (Jl ller", Ih a t _b. II(JOD(J\,Mt..ko" th " rn lIDIi I'UM " allo.,e." 1111oaI·'" h ru,'f y 2.",&1 1. Lho t br.." 1,lan. .. willrorlll a Jltor'oot t'flu lla torol tr i.oRle. wit ,*,11 111"1 ar n r, II..grol·1I In IOO Hlh . A'tAlrt~~~'lI~It,~ ,I.~:::I~::~ ,~:S: I~~~ln :lllteM~Jblil t It JlrHIlt' n tPI tlln lo rm tlr " r ' Rhl.a llKI.d

~' ·: I I: ~~~ I~u~::,'~i oo:'Q U I IY J n K th o 11O.llIon

A;f~~I," ~~~t·illi ll 111~JlIf LIIII::~~~h:t h:41~~ill~:t'~I:,I~~JII:::iot~I.'1 t wo Ill lnoll",1 atarl of

VltIllI l lit cCJIIltl4ntlr. Krowlo~ Plorn

H~~t~I'~ ~:lr:~11~~::; :1~I:OI ~r1::trOltlt~,~~I :::~.:~~

"I nw ~' r",lIn g, 1\0 1\ Otll ",uoLhor 1Q0nihIInli I'Mlle11 tho.,' "III hu n tll...pp."",*,

:::I ~~I I]I~:;~~ :~r~ll:o~::r~::: hl::'JC Jir~I~ID~~i: :~~ .~ t~:~~ .~ I~til l~~I'a~~I ~~e·li~:..-:~i~itHJlU blnGliou l 1Imk .n up 10 ma ko r oom(or ot ll"rl. (or o,u ll"l. u ri" t, I, th e 1U00tItllh lhJlu l' l",rm or lh u " rAIUl IHllonoe o rIIl1hunomy.

~[arl' u ry rt> lWh,·1thi" Rr".tfll t IUt t4 nclt1'"lIt o l tLl1 ItUti o n 1"ollnl .r, ~kl , .nd ,...CO IIII'" (','o Dln K "tor . On ' h.t .I..y La ..tIl,,1 7 ::,,) I' . M. , 1111 hOllr a lul " ba U . ftert ho aUII. Ho th ai wMlo ohlM'rTinK l LI.hl",utltul t rhu lA'Jo 01 ,"onuI, J ltlJ1l1!'" nd

~o"~-~::I li~:Ji~~r~~,n C'a.:~I{·:~1KJo,~..:?-:H' 1 !r~P::ltlf :~ lJ 1,::1 ~t~J:~f~1 lleua, Lh.yo u nK 1U000 1II001tllltly plac•• her .I.nd.,(",uwO IlI a monK' th o Krollil . O a WaNb:M . 1111 IhU"t'. 'tor1 u...r VeDa., llAd...nll nor th I' f .-OlteKrl'OI n orl h " til GOOtiUt hat 1,I. net . Thifl will lJfI .. buu tUti l

: :~~I;~Q:,'::'~\~.~ ;I~~k\~rg~·o;~~~:tl~~~laal~Ih o laUl lIl1t1 0' UiuolllDaU L1Ift 1,laa. ILulll'IIt/" Ih o la_ot lJorllllr or UII m~D llI y aro &etling , "t 0 :11\P. ...

IIret ;IArh" Keur Ikrut.

Hp".klnK o ( lat.B n ry p" opJ• • &Q ton. and~I~j l~~~: ~~ 1~~~~~~~ 't: lt~':~lb~ l~be~~c:.~lI a t lft In l..ol1llon a rfl" ", II. lu bac k . U.""yll Ihn OAli rornl. ato rr wlln!J"uR'",1vor1111ua h . Inoo hi . eDt. abroad .T lllUOIs ah ou t" mu eh or Ibe Amerioan

:~Jf~ ;:~~~I II~ ~11C;:~t~b~t11.~fn~ ':; W:r~:lI a rl.- rreq llnDl1I I'll thn onok ala b . of[,eJUllon••lId lell " bl. A,.nrl~.Q aotlualn""

~c::i H:.~td !~~ :i~~~Db~1:,t..~t3~'I.~~~Rl6ICu all'll L tt)olDutrow to wltb lbeIJrtn~lI, ,. k UI) W,"

" I(. I. 1liiY. b1y (b'ot m.nt, ,,110I. &IIa ld Now York Jouna.UAt. Utb" blot t -'pro"" ou Doo<l coo kne1 In t he wbal. of JlIII, "l.nl1. I d ou 't bell,." heumeallber.'ha&Ih ero I. any ' 11Ob 111.uo at an .. 860

~i:'~~I,~~o~~!.' ~:ao:'~:aa~?~~~=~.honL tI, lou, lhat he lllnetl on an ."'rac-

iii: ft~~~h~: l~cl:r:: I~h~~· ,~~~;ll:L~Q~~I)UO .· ... b. ca tl tHlll , h.... l,."o .ubeoribedto _loA" " mAKAzJu rur him OYIr lb .What bo wautod, b"aald , WMIo ha "nLbo rua U" groa.t. writers to lb. world

:{:~ ~he~h;la:ldbiL.ln~tl·l~~~'::~~nn~!,:~:.eD·Ljbird'::"~~':.'4~~Q:~:llatto " l alt, aad I'm quite .ure "eWOOMD'l ko ow ,oll ."-rLi:)luluD LQl,e.a.

DatjDR'the hot.rlo8' of. C1b.uce ....,Will iam BarnN III \he lIIel.bOune 01"

~~~::uc;ol1~~':~ :h:':~~:;'~~"~ti n modal 1.0 Ve_U.. Bro.III, OD .1I1to1lw.. I. ocribod I. ,"",.r ,,"10110 oI7J.­..P ,....nte4 to D'leeU,. J . Bro•• , f,..~~tn.. for o'Yereurtiota. Oetober_1

" Y••• -:h'Mltl Lbe old oolored ...,

:'hl: r: h. ' ~\e1 c:rleD.: fil..!f~

~~b:~'aD£:ic/q:-~~~l~O:O:"''::' '=:~::.4,~~aall .::~~ ;.~i4., MIl ....M .law I .......

MAIL.:....... - --

A wrlwr in U" rpttr 'M1I",..r IhUll lalcn..

:I~m~~ill :i~lIi::i':kwj~hw;:;~:,: LI~~/ I:itikill you th . t. if t rloy ar" not I tr ll" "1I1ypruUy. tlII'1 c. n " m.ltn up " woll ; tl latth o,)' can . hnt! rOI'l ~"'" " I pl u llo ru ; Ih"ttb e1 11yun kn ow how to HiRiu la to n I..tot

:~::I I~a~t;~~I I ~h~fie,.hil~~ollr~O:)~rl~ tV~~ancl .. tor Ibelr "oh., )'0 11 . lIo uld hlIArtb om t :'of••owhll • • ILo "taMo lit nflutrorgotten In the ir la llL motion. II t ht,,)'l it Ilt tho plano, It I. with a "tin... 01 I ho

:~Itl::~ha~o~r. ;~ro':o~\I~~;:J~oJ':I'::t·:~lUOYOmBnt. 'l'h oy oln l' h u lr..o tL(llr ro·ml"lut witb flngor. to uobi og tOKflth lfr o u

~l~hh:r~il~~ I~~c: ~~l~hl n:nw:;~:r:t=:ii.~a:J. ~i~~er';Y~rl.l :·[~~"I~~~:k:;(' 17i~~and In. a ,l lttl o III""I- - with _Il lhn I,r"t·Ly Un" or « race . In .bort. Lh..1 ODn ItOUIID lb . moti on. ot Ih o lon tly 1..11• • wh o

~l:lu=~~~. Itral:::y"c; ~~.o·rP,l I~(I~{t h em lor"ard . if lhfl naU ve 1m·flU'" "'0,. nol. IIhong' .noul b to gt.e

, ~-.,.~~:;~ ~~7:~I ,a : IIaL':e b:lr:.,,,:o~iIb.m j If th e thinK ~1tI no t . on thewbo le , ell'enN08 In pr hAWI th ....t~o.1t ,or It no priva ta llea lne-I. oame to. tlmu..... aDtl den lop the tai te, lb.,..ubllde loto tb ft cbale. I"ClaCler of a tlo._.uo 8hakHV-t e alu b or tb. t.eaelll rof an . loqa Uoaa r,. c l.... a t . 1.. tbo1~1:':~~~·~h'ii:t:nar~.;,dDth~:u,:,.t~~)r;foll, . .. lb.. oM kinA' .ir1 .. a u ld betb. a.M WbOD lb. .alhu.t".m at Ih"

::~:u;-D;~":'''':' ~-:tl~-:;a. , ~::le:::r ';:bUo wU~ , ~*AI"Ja.,1Je t~:a.hen IuI4 • IY:!. draa:aallo , turD .V...u, DO iIar_. w. -r j but OOOlMI4oo ·

1i,lIInl( n ·l l r t r .'r. t ct'lRU(J IUlhlora lll1 hi 1....ltI ,'II .

'f lul ld ea pronn. In Amotl oA lh Rl th eEngilib .,,, .. Ylr hi OU" Ill,lI on, alill 140n ..IOb I, aD ex oUlplar1 OU,. I heve 11 0

~1~;I::f~~~'l ~?,,~·:::,~~:~fa~~,:~~ll:: ~~I:::,o:I~t ho uth or IIll10 01 th o AtllI.lIt lo. 1 mA1

:h~Otiol~i~;:tiJ:loI:~~~; l~t~:r n~~ I~~i,lt~ ~o l:I ~;~lrotll~f~Li:i&~[~ l~; MlJl~,~j u~.d~~~~:,·U~ill' ilgan" j to th o polteu ou tlr t "(Jllllun . uf

O"'liy ~;~f.'t'I~IIII~i~e~~r.,w~~~h IJto~I:I~I;:"~i

~~jl;r~~~~II~~~~~~,~~II:~hlll~~:~IYo~O :: ::moat ('o lob ratutl mun 01 li lt! (Jollnl ty .Two te r rlh l.. viol'll tlntler over tll illroallp 1'1111 po lfute wtth Ihulr IIl1uln t heuufortuuute "ll11Jucltl Clr her MBJuaty :Ih elr naw .,11 ar n lu t.cllllttlrRUCO . 1111

~r~:r::~~'N ~~~~I'~Il'i~ YII~:,i u7~'~Il:Ii ~I~wflre " uet ion or ItllUtl·It' ·l' IHJr,,1 P. rod1 ·In K h i" 'W o rll " . I IIIlly uOIrlll Ih llv ·" ro ..nlltl on or drl1u l,n r,h . E Vllryh ()\',. °tl rl llk" ,It I.. not on ly the m" n or t hn luwur I'IM".wh o , IIlte In Ai lltlt lo... dl"K rl\Cn 11i.·IlI·

k~:":v~';;Ui~~~JI' I:L~IU:I~ :lilll; :dru lI.~l. U"lllh tRUoU", " I1U('ttllJ n0111 1'1II lIII,10 Ili a rOlluh.lll" ,l ·wut kluu II,hu rur ; (rulU

:~I:t tl~~,I I ~·~:I; r:C ~I I ~I~~l i ,,~ ':~~~~~ .a~JI~~~II~~Inuket wUlQl\n. Th o tlh' tJ.\1lO II " Hluu tl1 ,h lcloou". un l,·t)tanl OliO . 0 lll'u rt ulll tlf 'lto llriuk ar u Ulv'JII cv" ry wlJortl. TI,, ·orn ...o r lUI tl ll'Y uru cnlloll lll' r" . IHI1' llu IIUUl t/lI.a bonnl1 ; you OOlint. I h ~ 1II h, · U,OIlIl.iUul ll;

~~~Dr:li :~;~il t.~)b ll:~'l{.~ l! ' ~:~;~~~f ~tl:i~~·~~o r rour to(ol'othf)r. IIkM. trMwll(lrriCIi in th otlcJltl. . 1,'or 1\11 Ihat . t1&(')' Ill' y w('II. l, ntl

~b;!e d:;~\n~~Il::·~it, ,. ~ (w1Ic~I~, (;1~:'; ,~~" : .:~A nu mlt er 0' IliUn 1~1lI 1 wo runn. hil t 0'"IlttCIBlir " omllU, .i UhlK tlmu u ,ul tJIo lk lu M'

I~::~~ '~~·I~....~~I~rrr~ :: ::~; I:i~~I~ ;I 'I~~I~~: ::~~~~~ontl t1;.~ · ;Y~~11:1~0 f~'I~lI~lt'l~r~:I~II~;~~i:;I~~ :wanumwit h 1l,,111elt hi Iltulr nf lllll, h,uoh ..i DA' thoir of1" l' r hIKIttn U'lI lp IIOWII whl.ltyatIho flU mo t un o lUI tllllyhol ll t ho Itr"Rllt.H" loonll a ro uot th o nu lv Illul" '" wllornfI)tl rl lll DlJl" 1m oh tAltll'I( ; t ill')' ,u n roo11l11 ~11 III l-'vory Im. uhlnhln cUrllur. ' l' hl' r"h not n rllll rOll l1 IIt"III.IIl , lIo t 1\ Ihunh " .not R mUlilo ha ll . not n Ilh'IUlll 'Ollt, t hllolillnot llro viclml with llJi CtlIlM"lcUUIIMhuroroo lll.-r ),oo,lul.l Cuuo"llullllc nt o f Cltl ·l''' Ko T imo. . 0.--- - , -- -

op~ ~)l':i~eK~I~~'t :~'I,I~I~:I\I;;ht~~:~~I:,11 t ll~:to wn . n tlKI'r ,," U II klll OtI ltl h roB,1 tll,y·lI~hl . T ho "rutft hAll 11£'1," 11IUlJ(lnM'I hout Dllllnh, th o "t r"KHlin" villl," tl UIIth o uthcr "i1 l l~ 01th o rlvor Irum UIlUKuOIl•

!:.rn:~'=:~~~ll~" ri~~r l~~,r:L'I:J~I~lo::~ Q rl~,~nK~

:~~r:~ : ~ l "t,~111 1~~I~~Il~,~I~I II ~~~i~1~~" ~ tl ~lll~num bl'r o l lH'u llla h o c,uno 'ltlroll".llU I:'nll.conl'Uo. l hlm lllolf IHlnu"l h I' huu~ . 'I"boU i"t r ld Hnllorl nt. 'fl,lnnt o ( Poll~ o h"" r,101 tho nrri vKI. "nil. IIon ul·.1 wit h " ' \' In ·

:~~:~~rr rfOl::,~~I,~~~:: ::" 1 :t1 lnl ~ II:ii'~oc~I~: :~1:\IIIII~:tll~~:~~P('~:~~ii,~~ lIl i,: :,I::.~~~~h~,~.II" ~;t htl hOIl. OI o n tb o rl u r lum k, tl lOy all o (

ro~lil~'cl~le;l:=I~":~h~Il~I,I~i~i: t:::~t ll~~I"lIl:ILo ecnn t p roVlcUoli or all open It. mbo.)floor ...ork bo twcwm th ew . n,1 h im. AIttillet IHlt ...CUD t illt I lum l&l..r. , h ownvof .~1t0Jl P,"1 h im boloro Il lly harm co u ld h.,tlon n. anll a ('ou l' lfl hlOt u IIh 'l t" Dlad l)I hh lRII t ' lrO. T ht/n Hili II ltr lll lion . (!1I.1II0

~ok:~;~fil~':n~7;~",'th 'n:~~~t'f~t:;;o:~:~~It ",a. at rllll cl)(lk . HlItMfJol1 II "'"l)(llQl'I'. an,1 .. Uu rm. n _a ll "hot th ruUHh ti ll'.hoult1 er. nnd ,lIeJ K (.,w b UlI l'1I a rtur ·warl), T ltn tlKdr WAM jll lllt u nder lI i h o

rt tlt from Ii (l to t iP.' _



"T. Tr. '. II:U R A. " U T O nATF...

11t11~~~~~ J';1~2r:,\llr:f::Y':~ VJrt~I,fb~)~llr\~~:. hat bl m•.,1r 011 UIO ::"Ih.

1\1~~r~~~II '~~Ll~~~g~'II~I.·,ll~~n~~e l~~,I;\~i~=~~~;cit y Feb , ~·Hh ur UrIah'" c1h"~I1.u 01 tbok klnoYI.

ft I••tat ..d 111>011 e acell ent I\tlth or U)'tllAI Hll\te "how a tor ws u , H . UoLllIAOIl orNew York , " '111 he IhllUlUJ (Ut oo tlectoe Qrt htt p<Jrt o( Nltw Yurlc. RIIlI thl\l Chl" r.' ndKu lo'ol~ u r lUJCl,' llll'l "h., Muoru lllry.hll) o tth o 1" utllltY.

1 .a~::in ll~°r.II~~~~'~lll" ~~::Ii 1I 1~1~ll~vli~~ : ~ ~I"II~~Ma nlto n lo r j ud llo or Il ul ,H1IH t' lIItl cou rt,and tluu.JIU. ... Joy, or Detroit , ll ll tl vJ:·Uuv AlI_,ln HI. lr, or .' lw k..on, r r re­Munl. o r Ih u ..tutu lIu lv oully.

IIIJI~~u"Ja~ll':,1~u~rtH~'II\I ''l}~'::l'~' ~ I;~:J t.:;tJ.u whttor. Mr •• n.lJtoCC4'CurtuIOIU•• (or thu

i::~'111~r..I~~It.t ITi~~oll:I~I I C~~~~·fltC~:'~:"}~"~~~;0 11 Ihu OlJll r(O""lo n or 0118 Il unr y Wbtlu.

~:,~t~:~~lj,('~'~ I~:imll~.,t 1~~ ~i~~)~~~I~(;l el:~~~'u~l;t:,~~;~ ci~;II'tI~!l a,.'l~~~\l l r;~~I~Itt'I ~~I I~e~~. fte r 1,,1 " ,. ..dl"fUI : .

In t hu Wh ltl ak er ('onU mArtii'I at ~ t!w

1;loX~~a~t~x l~~,'r~~ I~ hr:r~~~IJ \V~~lttl~" k~:"hen he "" "" LQll l1d, KtlVl.!. 11lIIJllr ex hl·l,Ulon ur th (O 111. 111 lOr III 'dli LlI hI' wn..1)' 11I1t. h .vl n" n CIIllttt j" ckl-·r. h,.. IIItt ·IUJ.and t hn ...hol" Qu t hl In Ih l'l l-·/tl nt m um .II " th,lll hlUlllt' lr lLIt Ilu c1Mllnoll W h h t" k ....Wlilt tl t.,I , lln,l cr ..:t I~, 1 q u lle R ""n Ul lonun,l t'r the cOIi..allu ll u ( Il l., jIlJ iC" lit.! ~·o c-. teKenllral .

'r he Irl '" or Col. Cllllh ror th o lDur ,lttr orCo l. I-han nOI.l III ... dUltl lit III l!roNrl' llI In

f~~II~rt~ l~h~~I ~~I~i:o:~II:~i J I ..~j'~l ~!;)()::tl"xdulIl\·. ly or "h lhlllj Ih t! Ilohtluodll,l·::'~t~~:~~~,c:l:,nr:;t',(~~1 1~';II~ 11;:r.:i:~::::::~~t u,Il., aM herew(urt' ('llh lil.lhHI. l"u vtoml"\....orl' t ha t e n-II " " " u tllc' ll b)' Itl ll I lJni Ullt tHo rur .. &l1I~ l,r lud 'lllll1tnok ",-,, \tW II, tobe ('" rb ln to kil l 8hR lIOU. MI1II CUlt" rt .1,1I l"t1 th at hu would 110 It Mllr ~ 1\11 tlluru...all . world .

It. ~.nt:l 1-'0 tllll,at ell or the 23d Illy":T he Oht o r IIIlt ,-""ok U IIlJootl ull Illfr llyoc('urnH.I In " "lIombllfljl boo th In 1\ h '"c1ul le ,1 .pot fivo m ile. rrom Uw ..t Rit e M ill ib" twnll 1·'or t \V lrIRRIC nud UI\I'cm'..~~li~~r:, r ~'~lt:lr,, ~.l ttl·'rI~~III~;~~ri'o~~~Otl~:al~~~\lI nt he ..0111 110 wh lllk)' , LUI Ir t:IQ l1I ~ nwitnw d to KamlJ ll! th ey couhl l Jl:t (Ilrn h' hntJwit h wh I41cy. "'onr mDn th,," "Mt t.!IIWUw ith Ib lt J' tIJpr le lor ulld an l' r pill ylll\(ItOIIU' tl m uR row ' '' 'Hiln. ruultl llK III th uIittat li fIr 411o ( Ih . ClHd plJ, y e r" . ~ IIt:h bulll r.:IIhot.evt ralI IIlIlOll. No nrHt ll~ .

l'rftldent n" rfteh l " ('lit l ito IIIUIW" o rthu wQl1Illeno( hili n. ltlnet to til t! Ilc n a toon tho filth an ll t hoy llI"N O " II 1.'f lll l1 rm~d

p:~~::;~tn~P&:::U:IS ·h .;· I;:i; tRI~' t~l~e ro~I~~~:t~

UI:ln~l~r~l~FrIf,:II'~~~I?:.':~~l'r ~htt~~I t'~\. :l:111m Wlnllom, n r Milinelot" . Ifficre '"ty o rIh o tr. ll8ury. \V. y no Mc\' coaa h , Or p e llll ·Mylvlln lo. u ll o t ney M~n"rnl. Th om • • I••J . mell, o r N ew York , pollt m u ttor ae m-,.I

~ll~~ II~~~:io~l r\:uL::L t!. ltj,~;;i,,;rc~~rrl li!1101. , ecre la r)' of "·. r. WIIII.1lI il . H Ullt ,o r ' .uull l. lla. , ene tMy or tll u n ll\·Y.

A Ullff.ln dl.f, 10 IIllt :i ew YorkTlm~ rt' lat~. th ttd llll-uvlIry Or a . 0111 and

~Il~;:~ p'I~~r~I~~~~~~I, t~J~I~~~I~nwrlt.I"R~~:pe llr" _~1I Aul htonli('I1 I1·... TtH~ ""111 11!" o rIIevetal f1tOmlllt lllt lUt'1i or IIml lllat iou a tt ,alvell Incu\ln toc l lon '" Ith It . '1'11fO 11:! t1 ~oW~ d IIL'fl\·cu l·d I.....t ,\ lI~U II I . l' IN'UJt u r,'"to~~1~{:J:l~~~ I .to ~1'II~i~l~1u;:::ii~nr~e~!.,;~COUlult n('8ll l."l Octo ltprll n d er Ihtl _ul'!Jr·In ie n do lll'e o l Ollll,rlo" K (touVt'. , r." merly

~l~ n~~.~r' ;~:i ~J ,,"m~ :~c~~:~II~~,~,,~;; '·~.. Jion on" Illilu. Tho Itll t'llt """"y (rnUl lIlo10 wo"t d l' lJtll . XCIVllllldl l ho w l .fJJO'~ tof\l:W

~~c~:I~~~b;~l' I~~'()Tl l~~::ror~~.b~ :I~11 ~~~~~;1Il1l1led . J oh u AUlIlutlUI or th e 11,m or foO,O. Jh tlllllll, Kan,,\ C" , L'hu, A. HU I)JI. K

~'I~en~II~~I ~ II~II:: : ~II~ri :~j .ti~ rl~;l ",[J :i~II~I~conn t!cled wllh Ihl ll ma tl ~ r I. Ihat Kohlanll aUver ht!arln" (1llllrte"ho ll1ll nh lku It." ,' ptea t .ne" wherfllh" IIQ &)ltHCl"al co nd illo nur tb e ooun tr}' woulll . CO llf l1 tu cOlll tlldl ctIh n 110000 1lJ11I1)' o r II. usl .tO IlI."' .

It. Danville, 11"., rll'I,,,loh o r Mar ch OIl!

~r:{ tJrh:i,~li~~I~~I ~dtl nl'lr: l:JII~ I~~"::I I~~Jl~~

~~: ~:~ ~lf~~,I~II ~~hU::~b~flll~~IJ~:rl~t ~~l~Th o l.'O nellllulI or rOI\II. "' A11 IIl1ell th" t IU'.IIbt llncu rrum tli l. ~I ac.., • mil l' a nd M bllir

~~~~:~~ ~~llllllt.JI~~••~ r~'~j~:~. uAt~IL"~;~Ihe "ullin. bdloilltnlil to lbl l ooro u;4b W'IUIdrllll'HI Lh rv ulih dUr, 'Uow by .t.: ho'~,buL to? n .f'I" r . ()In..: nto ..rvl rel It W ,UlIre nde red u. e l...,. by broakillil I'ome or Ill!machln.ry. A," lltane...IU le li llra pbe d(ur rrom d UT.r . .. t 10 ""1111 lu th e Vid uity,buth.... rore It cOllld be rurnhlhed th , wh ol e...ln ll'ohh. m_ln b uil d ln .llWIU d..'roy ....U.a purllou o~ th e lattor h.V i0r.IN"en blo wn

~~ ,~:~ ~~al:~rRoo~foc-:"III". t~or~~~ttb e fir. W.I th oulCht I:. 00 under Cl'ln tro r.btU.pln brak. ollL and 'hi. "nernoont ..ched the w... l win". The be-pita I w• •.uppU.d with walttr rrom " larv' rewr·Yolr , but It wu Im~lbl, to .,t" »'nt force on to be or " ...11. S.arly n...bttnd ... d p.t l. "u .... re III 'he In.lhutlon,

i~~~n~~I:.w:,rri;::1:~eh~:I~~:ld~:;In 'h. ","roftb, ma iD bullt.!lnl. A .. tlieUme tb. IIr.... dl .conred the lum.'Nwe,.. In Ih . ~ha l...1 at fln nlnl..r.lre, ahd till_ cl n:DmManee ..Ilttad In

::I:::.~r.:r,ulltl=~'t:e:.n~~11 r:~~~tr tbuted 10 oLb.r _ate In."&IItlll'" -until

:~'h:~OY~'b'~I~:'t;=i:;:=e~,eHOtIr .... for eteYU ,_n, And coM "h.Nt••""a' NOO,GOO.

C. It. lI.,Urofl;8


nWILL... All. IlllIlTUlI.. _.,W.T.

VOl•. 8.

L ......ITH ".ON,


JOliN Dfo:NNElT. Proprielo,..

Tb. und.rtllDed ;a;n for eal. a "1'1oholc. 0011.0000 or

ro IC. llrrnCQo.

AppiH. Pel'''' Plam., Ob,,,I,,, lad Be.I·.Earl, )"ld.lfcI: I'.-cb. U la .1...)'. rip.

a:~~~~d~\~tf~t::f:t~~;baeD:~~::proUSt.M~ collectlou of bard, ~reDalpl nOt·

t:.H1::dr1lJ~.'r·ror~~~;.:l°~':~Ibrubb.rr, .10 .

Wb.toolD, WbatCOIl.lCo.. W. T.

WI11 .tt~ ad the I.rm.oflb. DI'hld Cour1for Wb .tcom count,.


A1 "!' OR N .:r A 'I':I,AW, '

........ W.T.

OlM~ on Ih toeorner of Front . n..] Ca itlin ...hla . tr u LI, u p , lair ••

n~~~ t~'r~U~~~ . 11 th o ('Ol1rt. 01 \Vu h ..

AUorney• • nd Coun•• lol'I a t Law.

JII. lo(ol'h ul lll. }: . I', J'er" . J . 10' , ~h:NlluICLt

MoN,ught, ferry Gnd McNaught.

A~R:U:YH A~ O ('OU ~8 Ii: LORH .AT· I. A W.




W. H. "11171.


.. .. .. . 1'.. . .. .

H . a . lfTatry • • I . C. H. I .. ... . 10lu f. . .... ,. .

bTH VYE. IUIH8 ... 1,IAIlY.

A T 'rIl O N~:Y 8 A'I" I, A W,

W ill pnetlNl 10 . 11 tho Couru of W, .h·Inwto n Territory .

..........~,,~~:~t:;~T~...... II••••.

O. M. U U Ll L • A. W. F.lfIJU.

U.iLLEB .. Z'IlLE.Altorn. ,. I nd Couu elorl at Law ,

),Sr.r...t, I"" NoLary P llbll c and 011111m l..lon flt of Il..-d . ror Urtll'on andC.llrornla .

...... , • ••• T .

Otrlc-.- t.'118Ialrt In ~ul,.'1 Opera Uuu ~.





The Puget Sound 1\Iall.PUBLlIIU.D J:V J:RYN4TI1B04T_....,.._.

LA. OONNlIDR. w. T .

10"1'••'1'10. R&'I'D.

~r,·.Io·::iJ~..~:'~.~.~~'.:·.=:.::::::. :::.7:::.:'::.,:.:'~ :...... " .i''l Ilqu::. (II lin.) a,., oD U ~

~n:."r.lf~t~\f::.UI~:i~i.r.•ii.•.•.;tI••r.. 76

r.a W .T.

M'ooeI 1oln-.) r••1 utal. bou,ht an d10M, t. rm. to 1....,coll,ctloDi mad.,CIO D. 'y1nclnr. el c:.

, "


&2 .

& co.,



Dr.Uf.111J 1M

Al' .U:OII'l' F.H,

(l-' I Jnl~o h lnod ,> W. ·r.

no \\' MA N

C A L L A~D I IXA:tII :n:Tn.


Nf:W AV\'ErtTlijE MENTS.



I nut In cun. IM ' rcc . lp l ill rect



CCllJ:l •• A..DRPTlDN.tN..c..••

IIII)ll'Ol"cll FI'lIl1collln Han gcThe Z.' ln f-ll I ud ~fn .t '(' Olnr lr le IlAnae

.....1..1 on Ibe 1'(Ic,U:c (.;oiUl.

Ordt'n .olldted ; S; i;;ACllon au. u nlet,l .


S•• t lle, " ' . T .

" hul ~ lI l1l" " lid R elnll O l"ulf' u l


lI u,~ a Inr Ho nnd ch oico a lll\O rt b1('n t of

O E Xl:h AL ~lEnCII.\ :-; llI S I·:

B . MoDONOUGH, Prop r ietor .

C OI1K II\n tl )' on ha nd , ,,'Iddt "..illbe Hull ) lo cUlftmn Qr" lit. l ho I O \"" lt~pdc(.'8.

~~ Lot " l,f 6ft.\· I)OIl IHM",.,1 I1IJ'wiu ll ddiyor ..11 at t he 1'"l:ll u lul oCro!'ll ing h~ fJ uf c h ll l'gf'.

P U 1\[ l-' S .II 'on 1'1)10, lh'lI ss Goells, &c.

ft lJ ~)V"lJ ~:~~~I,'r If::'u(~:S 1 ,~·nt t~~; lIo r t.l . Inti le

10 I'.,r <:.. n' . orr 'or ( ' U fII" .

RAlI CES, CO BKIHD &.IH UTINO STOVE ,T l n .. .. nluuu·11 If. :tIu rblcd n 'nre

S3:'" J\t::on t ll fo r tile) ctleb rn tfldSU 1'E IlIOIl STOVES, tb e b• • ~ tb. ti i told on Ibe l 'ocHl., COl\llt .

:3="AJI plotea wnrrnDted 1I0t tocr ack b>' fir.... F ire ba ck s wAn antedto 100It tiY e )'etlta,

'1'1II~ L U~DIl ST Oll B.

.\ LI, KINnS.ot'I·HOnUCE.

I I(",t Irllm ti rtl' 1 ~ lln .h In Pllll lBnll an ll:l .\ :'oi t-n.\ NC J::.-.CO fur ( 'dllI , lUlll " HI",:11A C ll l:ll p " ' Ih f' Chn Vli. t

1' .. " II ,lU llt 'a rr:.m • 11I'la nce I ,, 1II1:1Y.. pt'c1*1 tum. Ih. 1 will r.y Ham furl·" ml nll ·

I n n 1 " fu 'l Jlnl" n f aU good. u. u.llyk r ill 114 n J-:lu l eI•• Cfln u l r y th llU ,

T u nil \\bu I If' '' t'' mo n.)· IfJlIllf'nd I " o oMlil Y:- l' ll' • •(' . h ' l: Ulla ('all . nlll' Ignu. lit....,fhnl yUII wl !1 II,.... u ll l l1td "' 1111 )'eu,IIllrgalu!I.



Con 'l lllllll J( In l,,, rl o r ~ I. p'c fttllt lo'lIl CYDry fJlIUlh tl f nil ~dnl l . t ~le n ' llltn(1 '10)'"

ilf':I~ !~l lInl I ,~ ~ l ll ·u(::n ~!:, I:~UeJ: ' l i~~II'~. It~bbl::C" IlIl I brill 011 8, ~1t • • ,\ IIU lIoutll. tHl lJelill'lIl SlIl' lll'f11 of 11 11 Ir. hu l ll 110 1111 l ll fOl;S"t1unllu r 11 11 klrlll_; lJa rtlwnre nnd Cull!.!r)· .h Ull IIII\! NIIII , ; 01·1 IlVllre llnclCrock LrnUruJ,ff Itn, l 1'''1''111 .\Iefllclnes.

Doa', dnPQlr unlll ' flU blYe lri ed Ibl_

=~b~:1 i:~I~,.AP:::rb .ptrq=~~~Mn l hy maU OQ reeel pl of.r'.-., .S.I

Bend ror le.U nlOal.11 a.d 01' boeIlIITb,... 1I11110ni • Yea,. " "'1"',

TilE "OICLY" LVlIQ P. ~•Willi.... Dloca ,DtI""•• II Ie••

II i : 'I ·AII.

MERCHANDISE,' lJ h0 III l' , W. 'I'.

~L\ll " LAXII . !lO uS E,LA OON N E n , W . T .

. N'OT%OBL0... o.M.t...... 0 ..............

...............................u ..

........., t ••.s- _l....:1; ...... .:--..=o:=:~ ....". ~ .a............ IU.

J'o r Cultl loa uu n\!d lUI

.\ J , .\:o." IH:USON. A. ~I. , PIU':.tllJK"T.HgNl"l'I,.;, 11'. T .

160 Acro·farm. six mil es fr om'Vlllltcom a nd about. o n o lUiJo fro ruti m mo u lh of t ho No ok8RCk IUvor ,will be laId vcr>, oheap to r cM h .'fhis fnrm compnflo8 no orc ha rtl o fBomo 30 0 fru it Ir~"8, with nurRer.)·8'Rrcle n , ol so 70 ncre ll OlRrsh meado wDnel fivo oece lt o f g nrde n. T he pub­lic rond l rom 'Vbolconl to F orndAl oRud Bem ia hm oo rUDIl by tb o fa rm ;nla o R nUovig nb lo slough to t.hopr om is e•.• App l)' to Mr . A. W . E ngle, 01 LaCoooor, o r ou tho preuli"ea to

F, 1''' LA XE.

A Valuable Farm for S ale.

'YIIO'.I:H,l • •' : nnci

(' o llel-;O Coueeo, Sdontlfto COUfJtO,S ormnl Course, lind Couu ue ruiul

Cou rse.

C.\ J.I. l: .\HI.r & ~ .:c um: II.\IW .\ISS


L env.,. St!attl u ou J"rid B.)·. to r L aCon nor, Rntl wn)' p or18, rtttur uina- 0 0S nturtiRYI . .

Len\"0 Sen tt le :\t ontlay. for LaCo on et·, Bebomo RIIC) WRy porls , anJretu rn . •


c u u n ' ISt; T il l: 11. H. M .lILH

t lceen rrn rl'UUrI 'lnd BI)l'c1nl T u ch er • .UOllrdl lll( 11" 11 IJ Uti u, c Kruu la l. III c llarllPu r .llr IJ U . WII,.!.

,'\ 0 1", 111 11 will Lo ~ ltlll l' , 1 In k('('p ln 1:111'Iht' Wl:1I l' ~I I, li ll ~l , cl h ' IUl l il l l ' lII (I f I IU"hu u I.' n, f lll l~ u f Ih t' Il tl ll!i t',1 nlhl bc:, t lit' lltIJul l'l1J III I II ... Tcr r lt l,ry.

.'; 0 I .Ur....II••0 1....};wr)'lh lu .r nelit mllli Clf'llIl " boUl l lio

t~.:.~,' ~~;: 'tftl.l~~·~~I..::, ll;~~i'~· II~1 i1 ~ I:~ ~~~~lJl :1';lI1:1rket cll n 1IlrurJ . IUIl I I" 1'0 Ih nt l b ~fnod I. cuo kf-II null St'rn·J "''i.·u IHI lu n uc t!Jt r houtlu In Ih u Terr llury. .\ lArger" 'IIII II I{ room r'lr tLa ICCUhlDluLilltiOU u fguul'.

JO HX ~IcOLIX:" Propr iet or .

Tho l'lIlvctlll)' ye ar Cflll, h l. of Ih re e 1,.,11Ib~ fl l ll nlu lI ll lI lli l' n r"l W,·d llu lla)·t1 tl f


" '0 nre ('UlUltun tl ,)' RlhllnR to

lill i' ret'~' ExllJ nsh 'c Sluci.t: O :i~urr l ~o (H" .\ FU I.f, I.Dn: 01"CI.OT IlI XII " ..<1 VII Y UOOIJS,

BOOTH 1lll,1 SII() ~:S.

n " I'tl wnn ' , Crodo".r,)· , Ul uii8\\fuO, l\: C ,

II UI'.· lII , C,'nn u u .., lI unl X u llll. n 'h' U n t H.

A I.lti raC lUI') <.'Onl l)I«:le .\ aorl ll lt' flt IIf


n l ' IIQ''' und illC'clici n c" .

S"~: Wo lir e D\lylng In t h eDe at Ma. r lrot IJ, a n d OIJ w e a ro

~r~i~~:b~;~I~~lllul~~::~·b~~::Good. a t t he L ow • • t Prloo• .

EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS'J 'O )' v It e ll '" S I ; It !'i.

,h we hayo on hand 1\ Orut \" lIr ll"l,)' u tn fll"I "-:"lnd" C l u l h l nlof. O "nh J:

, • •,-. 11(",..· . ·uI,.. III.. lu", ( .04uh.l fnd t!I '''-.·UI·, 1:1 .. , lIurd­

,,·u .'.~ . 111'1'" I;. :U I :Jk... I'lll. ... 1:1(' .

U n.ul &. IInl·..., l'o'''tJr fiio " ' .. r .",

i\ 1t o f w1d('h nil e! llI om' othe r articl oRtoo II l11u erou ~ ' .0 Inout illn (l'elUIInlihIof o ur l 1II1i11'r11l0 Htul·k . hilt 1ll 0 " tQH g uo ,l U... tl lll't' ) . u it n LII.' t u r t laoCUlilIt r.\· '1"1'lHlu , will ho sold III n8ncri lic l.'.

P lL1';·IJ Ht\· r-; n . (' UlIJp lelO f tlr t 100.

._ 1



8 . BAXTER '" CO~Be.ttle, W. T.

SI: ATT LE , \\' . T . .


A. 'I'. II I G nr .




NOOIl.SA.CK. W . T .

At San Franoiaco Price• .

.\ l' 1 v II X E Y·A 1' ·L A 'I' ,

W ill 11r 'It' IIC'... IId url: tl lC 111, l r le t Cuurnt , nlli I CIUII CUU lI t\" ,

H M I nlw l\,)·.t 0 11 II nnl1

'r u l : 1"tlu a :N1i' ~...ocn 01 '

l>ealef1liu and E1 portet8 o f

WODl.. HIDU ANO " FURS."or wb lcb we r.,lbe h lRh t lt Cu b Pr lee,

PJeuo Mnd fur Pr ice LI .I • •

All cl wblcb wo offer lo tb. Irod. I..,,,,,,==,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Role Ag en t ll tor lhe




No tico Salo Real Estate . TERRITORIAL UNIVERSITY. •\.


SE .\TTI.E, W. T .

Su ih rondo to o r().... r f ro m th o maRLsorviceable 1111'1 &h'Ii",h goood" .!11 of gooUI, with direct ion a lorRelf . w ens ure rne n t , lIent to nft,. ad ·drcu on applicoti un.

lifts nlio 0 11 bnnd An ea hm8i veau ortlUGul of l"('(ul ,Y m f\do cl ot h ingRntl G ent. Furnishing' O OOlht.

All It' !tlod" I'n l~ l ' r lceR

S T A P L E and FA NO Y

STATIO ttER" ANO SCHOOL BOOKSKl:I'.· ox l'l'tH :'" SO l ':\: I).

W. II. l' UJI I' 11 ~t E r ,BOOKllELLER &. STATIOIlER,

W U.I.IAlC [)": ,\ N, pl ulutlfT,...DA"ID LEwu , d efen d . n t.

I1y vlr ill n o f t\n Ull' cutl o'l Ju u ed oul IIfIh o [)I lItrl c t Cu u r t o f WllllhilI MluQ Tl :rr lluryhu hJln, Itrm ' a t. L&l l"onll~r In Ilntl f ll rWbatcom cuu nly. I.. Ih e llul t ut W lIliumIl&!Il.n "lI:lIllIlt Dnhl I,ltw l". d ulv I Uti ledIho On l d.y u f l lnr ch. IHHI . I I.Avo h....led

~nD:~II~hte~?~I;~ ~~~l! l~nl:b~~I ~:::llal~

~~~'a~~~::I~; l~flr*i::I~~~,n~~U~:~a~forl[...hI, Alitl pllrllcullUly bo u ndl! l.l and tie.Icrlbtod .. fu llu w•• ln. wlt : Tho lu ulhwCl1qUlUler or lhe aoulbwe.t llu ar l t r o f . toe­I'on aoYentC'cn ; Ihu lOu tbe..t qu .rter o f' ha JI)ul he..I qUArter uf ~t'l io n

.I,hlf'tO; Iho nor lhull qolarlf'r oftil" northr ... ' qlllut"r fl f nello n o tn elll 0,and t hlt a o rtl l" • •1 Illlarl toP o r tho Dulb .wul 'Iuarler of ~crton Iwenl , ••nloluwa l hl p Ilt lrl)'-flu nurlh IIf Inolo Ihn..,...t In W ba ll 'l" lUl ('n u n IT .'on·... ld .NOli,..; I. hert!bYA:lven Ihnt on 8ATllRDA'Ibll lf'cond dny 01 Al'llII,. 1891. At oallu ' cln , :k In Ihe a h .ro1Illo. . t Ihe 1'001tt­hou .a In Ih e town u f IJl Cq llnfOr . Wbal,en ln cu nnly a fure ..ld. I \10'1 11 lo ll all lberla;;h t. 111111 a nd Inle,..t of lb ••"Id 0 . ,,111Lewll la And In Ihe .ho..t' dUl'rlbfld bIndan d preml~. 10 Ih " b leb• •• bidder 01bid den 'u, e al h ,

D....., H.~IA~i.1sMkJ.OuGnLIN.Sb.r lfl'o l "'1I .tctlln couat,. W. T •

W. R, AlIouw,. AUDy. 'a, pialalll',


(.nUN n , ,",x·n I.y.wlI, pi 1111Ur.\.•.

J UllN .\ T I U N S II OTT , dcfc IIIIRllt ,IJr \'lraut' o r lin on h:r of ul,' lUll ed Ilut

II f 1IIl ' UI"lrlct (.'HUri "t \\' 11 hlnKlnn Tt'r ,rll u ry Iltlldl na h 'lnn 1\1 r.u L"uno ..r . In Ille, u ll u f L )'I1 UlIl II Al lll l t'w " V" I".t Julin .IIII UII\ ~ IiUIl, du l)' AUu tl"l! Ihe 21J1h d ll)' o flo·c llr nnr.\'. Ibl11. I h ;.,, !! l l'\ ' Ii:d 1I1' <.l n " IIt he rl~ht. ti tle and IlIlcrt: ..t tlr Ihr. IIRl dJ uhn atlllin 8hoU I'J unll tu IIII\t e t'rt Ml ntr ll!.:1 u r pnree1 o r Inn ll IlI lIllh·. lyl llJ( llnd

~~~I:fcuVI~ri~h ~~.~~:::1 ~tcrt nal~·ll ll ~I~~:~li~~'llft ~l~~;1 ~~:k"~~vot r2~11~ : Ih~~~~l~ ~~~t:~h~~~'t (Vel~lIun tln.1Ih Ullh:d In luL numher (7 1 1n le C.

(:~~) 1~~r~ill~l:r" :~~~~nfl ~~~ (WI~~,: ~l l rl~:r~~~

~~c~:~~Zy'~ t C~ I' :::~~ 1&~ I,~;~TI~I~~~~h~~kIn tlllt aft t'rnu un , III Ih e ,:un rt ·!Iu Ulll' dUllrIn Ih e lo wn or I. f\ COlln...r In W!lllt cuOlcn u nty IIfn rlllllltl . I w ill ~ell alll lio rlw:hl ,l hl e nnlll nill rell u f Ib e tllthl J uhn ulhlu lKho tt 111 11111'10 Iho nhOYll d l.' !t ~rih lltl 1,lIllhRnd Ilrellll -.c.. IH IUlbllc l'IUctllln 10 the~~1::~1l bhhler or b hh lu , fo r l:1l16h, Bultl

DAT~U 111nll 1. 1881..J A~lJo:g O·WUO UJ.IN,

8h erltr 0' \\' II"lcum county. W, 1'.W. n. A NUItEW S, Altuy. fllr Illuln tUr

H" ,\I.I. " ac ~hl:r A 'lA 1N ?- T ho Iol­lowing' h ono u t tlJO IUClItt lu-illi nn tr nrnurnl lh K eve r w rlt teu by tho lute

, ~l~l~ il~t~il ~t ~1,e I:r~l~t h ~. I U~~~:::ll}I; ~ ~Th(,II'u is 11U nppill) lor rlll;' ,f fromth o U't'lmt Illw which IIOOIllB 11 M10II UItt. " 'e llotl rh,h nlHl (1\11 0 11\1 th eIlm'o' ('11 of t llv fUlUlit Rlul l ho lJuwol')1thnl lJloonl, "li b e l' nll'\1 f!llla ill It

llnv. 1Hl. \'(l '10 (r"i1tJr Lol\ 1 1l1l01t li roIIIl'au t ho mi;.rhtlCllt mon llrch tb llt l ~n rHhoo k th o eloH lh wilh h is foo t ltl«>l h .O llllcrn ll on , o( nlfHl will u,p pcur /lIHI11I1111 1ll' rn r nA the g ra tiN , nod t lltl lllt tl t h ul IIIIOI1S" th e u Olhl to..l l.ywill lliilnplu,:Qr All foot8 t e p~ o n th os h ore. ) Ittn lIelllom th ink o f lhoRU RI (lvo nt o f (Jt'ut lJ unt il th o It h ,41)O A

~ ~~~I,~ :t~:i:~ : ,.~~O i:boPI(~~:~I~'~f h:~~.~~0 110'4 \\'Lo"o' lo \'in g (uQilo wn" tlJoItu uli:.fh t. of IL j)ir <! xiHtelico . IJ ot1 ~ h

ill tho n llt o"l) lI i~ L 01 IifCl nn d t llCth ought o f ti ll' tomu ill th o kclelono f nll fcn"'t8, Wo d o 1I0 t wnuL t f) UOtl l ro u~h tho tln1"k " 1l1l«,)', nhhollllhth o thu k \ In '' lotl J{O m R>' IlIl\d to P ,m l 'tlhte j wo ( 0 11 01 WUllt to go U lJ Wl1 ill '

;: ..t l ~~I:I .~n'~':,I~I, ll'{nn th~thu~~'~~ ~i(:~itlrluoll o f .. I on " Ibtl hop e o f imlltor­t lllih·. 110 c loq uon t l,)' u tt e red h>' thod Cllth .dc\·otod O rouk, finl)8 d ()l'Jl l"e­"11011'0 ill (> \,OIY t houghtful min l1,\ 'h ull nllout. to )'iehl b itt li fo Q "Re­r iliL'o to fll to, b i!i II C Jemat lth u "llllk .. if th c~' tlhouhl nlt' t!t ng 41iu 1 tow'd ell h e reRponllA: 1' 1 h:l\' lI 1, ~ kc, 1(b:'\ t ll rt"alHul ' Iuelit ion u f t lltJ h ill "thn t luok c t"'I'u n - ut l llo.elf ·AI Ill r l'lUlitiothnt tIGwf,)r t'\ 'ur- of th o !'I ta r",nnlOllJ.lwh u'ul lioltl of tlzu re 11.1)' m ifhhl Fpirilllhll ,"~ \\nllu·d iUl-'lul"\'. All tll"uli u mlJ.BUl nil J gti lO "1'01; lhy Ihi llg fnC'l: If l:I ,1 tl m\ tll t!f o i i tiolll(ll lii u H III l u \'ut.hnt ll111utlelt t.lnoug h itll hUl tll" thntCQ lIllot wholly p od "l" "'0 &hnllIll U ~t ng~i ll, 'el~lth (l .' '' .

II y. ~ Il \'-\;;;;-Xnun'l~ 'l' olf'llo ,Ohiu" n\" lf: A fde n.llll·(I \' I~ il fJllllPO II111 0 to t r" Illl .. Ord \' L UDlJ P Ull ,"Hn d I o lltlli llolli m m eti in io ,'cliof fr u llln ruckin g cUll,l.fh . [ Im o w 111 0 I 1n.)b l,I IIl' ,1 Illt' , :"ieo n(h' cl l iscol1l lJllt .

T UR ITOIl.Uf . FJ~"NC£.ol .-Tll o sub­[cl ued . li,tftmUDl , luado np on theht., I' ho \ \"11 th o tlnnn cee o f " ·",lI in" .to n 'fur rr it ory to b. I" n IU.lu1th.,·cund rtlo u tJl , h, n MO j., I hfO ('1'0-. 111ti t 1I~ llt'ra l 11111<1,

1~~',"n'7;,~ :~~I: ~,t,lt':r~i :~ :':I~I"- .:::.::· :=:-.: : :~t . 4.;'i~ :.,U.. I," .... ·, 1 '0 11I" 1...·1·<1 "'111\1.) __ ~

'r" I,,1w ._ __ _ •• 11",0. ' iii0111. ' .'111111. "''' " '' li l t III rio "", ut Ih, l

,\~~~l: l~~~'t; f~·~' ~I~.;T.·~'~~ri·;:r: ::.- I~:~~2!

Tb e P bilnd.lpbl . New Nor tb ....t.for f!~.b rua rll I. authttrity fur t beIIt. temon t that motto o f tbe laDd o nlb. P . nd d 'Orallle d iTi. ;oll 01 theNo rthero P acifio r.Urorul h.. beeuIdv aneed from t2,60 to 15 aD l er e ,It ..y. tbat lbe o f tb e 10.pri.. 01 '~.60 per . c.... w•• lound blI spe rie a M to throw IlllI' e bl ook. ofaboi.. land inla the b.nd. 01 .peou. ·1010", 10 tb. delrim.ol 01 aclualIOtUon anel tb. bDll_ 01 tho road .

Conltr uot!on of t he R aU roadt o P uge t Sound A u ured.

'fU E OC('8 0n farulel'» Ilre mo ving tod fllh e BO ln u m e RU 8 to put 0 &top toth e d oelino in tb o prictJ of when t ,And B oODvontiu n i.ll to bo holl) ntS olelu loon to effecl R comulllR.ti OD to bon tltlt. flirmins iutorolltB, por.ticul nr l)' wb ent pr odu cors . 1'h o

~b~~o~beotfQ ~~oe r:.u °:b~lib~ofl~Oli~:i~gmin till bo llor pl'ic elJ rul a, a nd BOY1111 tho mo noy Ileed ed to corr y ou tthe p lao cim be obtai nod ,

A I'UILADILI'UU lla per vnJ'. : Itwill inter tlilt Rblp owner. ever y who reto kn ow th at, on tbo iORtnn c,", o f tbecapla in oj u. Inrgo r)iPIlor flhi p lond ­ing at Ne w York with mUroml ir onDntl locorDoth .. tor New 'I'nc owa,t be PaoiOo coas t Aenpor t o f theNo rtbern Paoi60 road . a tel egralDWMIOlit th ero to tho ra.ilrq,.d com-

f,lIn"" a g.,neml 8uperiuto nden ', ask·DR' : II ' Vha t d oi1t.b wote r TacolUt\

wbarf? II T bo rep f,ycame : .. TwenlJ'.tho fee t la" t i~)e ; lorty.five l eet Ilil{blIde . Vory 110ft bottO ID." That"blp"01 ordend to be lOAdeu to t we nt J'­three feut . H id . be oleAre(l lor1lor Ua nd , sb e wo ul dbaY8be e DIUlldedtweut,..o n_e_ ' e_' ..:,t . _

P ugd SauD. I boe renec n to beprou d of tLo 'r acom a I "ed g e r to r th e\ '(If,)" clu ..e r n d vo c ncy ot o u r inter.." 18

"n il tho exp osure o f YuIlRrJ '" do­ltiG' t1 to ob tur u con trol o f tho Xorth.ern 1'1ld J1c Hail rcnd in the inhlu'Hlot Pcrtl nnd , T ho II L odgoe" np' 1I11l nnl"" , n c>t 1"" ,,11 III 1'n'lu',lr r 0 11pc" to Lo th e 00 1)' JlIII ,,'r In th il .' 1 11 I. I ~I ,., ' , ~ . , , f :t:',l 1

T orr rto ry c npnb le o f h ul d il ,g th oImpe rio u HO reg o lliRl.I " levet . H e reit I' ape chn on o f th o uli u ilcil whi chth o L edger IIbi08 'nt t lJo Ynllnr llcrgnn:

There II n ot Oil Inlelll ven t m eu InOre'tI" '1 o r WIlJ-h hlKlnn T"fl ll or y \\ 110 be-lIeYo. IhaL the t' 1I ' ('lltiu dl vblu n wuu ll1 "ll'bui lt III tbe ev en to .' \ · lIIlHlJ' . rrh:nth u h,Illllling co ntro l o f Ille Nu rlh u ll P tlcillcIhi UrolUI. Til e crdffY l,dlto r o f th o Uu·.guul ,n Bllo ld IlInt lh al lllvi 'nn wouldtluulJ lle I bu built . W", d ell ll'ti it . nn ll. hn wel l ihut Ih e c rat ly ellito r u r Ih o Or e­Kuni lin WIU d t'ccl vlng Ill", 11t'I'pl«" nnd Ill..1111 ' .Inco heen H' rupu luu. ly . Uvnt 011IhoIIuhJcc l. ~ l "rk th e ","oub ho hn, lJeenIk:rl lllUlou l ly ,.lIl'nt on II,~ .n bJec' . 'rh efBllur e o r the ClillClldc tllyl. lo lI lI1C:ln lt li lt:N ntln ut d lJulltlllolt.'o f Wu h ln lClo n T cr r l­lilt)· tu Or(,~oll , l't1rt l r& lId Alld Ih e n . n ..\: S , Co . "l'ho l)rl'llunl an conh'. Cli by II', lIen c\' , Uul If t bt' rl':lI Oll1 " Inn why th eCn '~' f1d " dh'1I1un wOlllt 1 n u t III IlllC'h nneve nt he con ,t ru u eJ 8rt : nul JOlUd lube ndJudKeti ('o nch J, h 'c ; W t) 1111\'0 " fact 10. dd : \ ' lIIurd Ln. fo r n ,)'('llr Jllu t bt'llulIg ht" lIll plt'ltd w llh II." S orlh ern Pllc lllc co m.panr noL to build WI' I o f A lu wll r~h. forAwh ile. tlol Ic,, "t . Jl I. ntl l'IIl[lI ' prll\'lug" llln . ho ulh'r ed II. lu r llJ10 Ihr t'lll . "'c nlInl.) the I ln·.:I, milch· a bill 11011'tllind g otIhl' holl cm l"OI I" h1u w Ih elr l!flr n , f.lrh llll , ludll cc \1 ~( r , I-:Iulleult u f U" , llIn lubtl p 11Im buy "IO U.. luc k LUI no:I,IIIa: "I"proa' h ln" l\ Ol'IJu ril,)·. Alld Iht ll 11Itirt h eJInlo htnd'IUIlrll'u . at ::3 ~' I flh av, uUI· It.l n l,,·log 11,1\1 illl luwd !l ".-era llIu ch ,ca rl ll, .ndnna flull ce d 1111"nlllll." could be orran!;I'd 1lIl lt fllc lu r ll,)" It Ihc S. p , 1Il1l0llVC'1l1 ~11l wuuld agree n ol 10 bulhll llC e M .

c. ,le 11hl. lon. li lt blulr· d lllrlUl\\ 10 ntHI ho lin. t b r(' ",n lIlt cn rd , Inl o Ihelied" li e W il l ('lIllle ly It,ltl IIml It \t a.Iho bUtlnua o f t lie ~(}r l h ('rn 1·'Il·ltic 11111.r",al1 t;J gu u Yer li lt: C,"cll,lu '''" £ 0 In Ild e­Wil lflr u n P Ul; fO l SUUllt!, f111 11 nuw ""l' h""I'Ihe pfcnlu rl' ilf ('11111 11 " Ih t' III1Cllllo n nf t llfl"oH or o f lh a Urcgon lnn to I\n ItI \-'erl l..('.I lae lUfOui l·I' l'wlil'fu In Ild ll JUlie fUI' 200uI,ltoren , cArl' l'nlen uull brlcl !;!! Ilu lhleufu r work nn th o (.' 11 ~C IHl e IIntl I' I' IHI It 'o , c 'Ille dl,.h loll. , w ith nn o rJlt r llul,Jo llll'd fflrhim hI t:npy Ih u 'i ll ll tl f ll r ~ w u WI'l'k ll In l!at'Or(!~olll '\II . for whi ch liI11 r\'!l'c. If IIl' rfoTlll 'ell . he ,...11I b.. du ly IUlu l!ell \' lIbm lllllRnut Ilf'f1u lrt d l'fHllr 'JI fl f the SUnll l' r ll(' lIc l lie r l~lI ru nd . T il e l 'lI c" ,lll tl h·l lli unwill Le huili . q.n..t lIull ' )lecl l iI)· . Wlh h.I n': lUtI '1't'I'r!lu r,)' \': 11111 11 ~ mlur\: l p lI l £' , 1.

Tho followi n ~ ill t ho (.':d l fOl' h','ol li Olh.ll ll l ) lfdlfll'r rll :

\\ ,\:\ IU.I.-- ' l ll tJ Ibu uloiln tl"'hlt .. 1'llJ' lr. _

f'~;I I:r:~ .I~:~~~~~kll~~~ ~~I~ I('~I~~~I~ I~n~ln~{~\II~' __ _~~~~J~14 XOTIe ~: S .ll 'Ord llo dl vl 11.1111 o f t1w ," ult lJtr n Pnd tlc === =~~~I:I'ilnel:~ ( :~ ~ i~: ~ r~l\rl~oa tllll~:~~~~:p ~t(' I }~~. SHERIFi'G SALE OF REAL ESTAT£muu'S 'II'h eM r l' ~ l lt t1 u f }:lUIt:rn W,u h lll &; 'lUll. nlu l In wh ich there I.. , ..t much till .lIer-uplc\! ~.lYernmcn t MlIlI t il ll ro,nJ h lli l :nn\! l bu eUl pln)·tlI ~ll t hf!tf. otr",rell ","lIuMIItru rJ II e:uu ll lIJ1pu rl u n ll ), ror 1110,, ' urllUMlI ll1un, to exa Rllue Ih ll cu Unlr)· tlo t

Le~~;~ 'T~~;uW~-;f~ f'::f t'I:~~7~;.t. ~ lfi'~l~~

~~~~~tIl'~ ~:~ ~~Id:; ~~l':~ :~~ tr~I~' II';)C"~~;,~;~ s:~ t~l:'n c:III~~~r~~ llro lx:~ "~rltC~;~~=Iln t! Pur ll. nd . un I h e . lu l11t" rll, III f 20 InI li u c. bln a lld .1 0 In Ih l: IlICfIr a 'e . Fur

~::~~::r~uJ~t1~~t IP~nap~ !b:~111 1~ ' dr~I~;~~:.\ IU \' Urlh, ~". T •• " r 10 J , " . t; pr",;-u<'.Ocn ~ rftl RtI(l('(lnlelideut. NCl\Y l acfllJ1 n.W , T . (S. "' . CLroQlelc all d Or rao nll\ n

COP)' I ,...o"=",' .;;;k","=)=====


A 0 ....,. anU-u:roDopoly meotiog""" b.ld In Coop.r lo.Utute. Ne..York. ODthe ...niDi of tbe !lilt u l .tllao, UDder the I Ul p iollll of th oADU.Honoroll I ...gue . J udge J .8. Black , 0 PeDo . yh nDla . a tld relili dthe ....UDB at leogtb, Bnd d ecl u tldlbM. ualeM II LoRi,lalur08 abo uhl~ iD aDd aid aD o pp reAMd poo l, ll,&.b. _bal. DI&CIhiner,. 01 gove rDull ntwcold be lbro wn ioto tb. b.nd. 018IODOpC)Uata." A.. leu er WIUI r UCld'ro. BeDa&or WindOM , at preteDt8Mnloty 01 lb. Tre a.ury , wbldbpoIa&od out lb. danger 01 • •ins le-- -lrolUnll lb . aducotionolpcnrw 01 lb. p.... by tb••wn...bip

.. \lie "I,,;_~p==ba=="===b .. 0IIl_t.d lbat .~ le..t 7,&00..u- of _ railroad ",ill hi buill

Ia \llelJalt.d 8laIoadun... thia ye.r.=- wl&la tb . .... . . 1· 01 tbe oldwU1 nqui re O"r J ,600,000

tii!!i!e;.ilI nil. TIoo lIl&Galao~orlDlI 01....~ 01 nIlaboolel " ep lb.

.... bo."", a fIO<ld prl........Uol.,._.

. - - - - - -- - - -:= .=---:=.=

1I0 1CT00 1lll:n T DUlR bu wri tt en a

le tt er to It. !Uu ouri f rie ntl in wh ichh• • tat es filet. wb lcb . oriousl)· reOecton tho moti,el ond lnir Inmo o fO eo era l Robert E. L ee. H8 80y":U Lee to ld ml fBth er in the r oom iDwb lch I ", riLe th it n ote. whe n In) 'flther, at.Linoo)n ', r. qu e,t, off er etlhim the cOIDDlJ'Dll of our Rrm y. th nthe waa ut terl , oppo aecJ to Ittce uion- regar dod it. , o. ..onrob ,. -Rutl 811id

~.h. :::ldd~;:~{ 1 11l8Y:r~~~~:rco~1~~~rather than aee 'lLo U n io n l1i..olv ed ,aDd yeL took up Arma t or tho CRUMOb. blmaeU bod pronollnced m oS.1aol1 ru lnous because bilJfibU,OS nnllfriend. wero iovohod in i t .' l 'I'hat'\alament will m.b Vlrl1lnl. bO~'I ;and, doubU..., tbe re will be Icoril8of deDi.l., and uU.llnted d en ult oia .tiou of tb. el-Pollmutfl r General.

D &L E04TE DN:XTJI, WO OhlOff O Irotutho necortl o f F eb . ~Hth , lI1ad e.noble effort ID Cou gr e"!Jto obt a in LUI

appropriatioo lor tb e eo ult r ucli lJl'lo fa g oyoru lno nt tol"'l1rftl)h l in e IrvruP ort T ow n.eol1 to ('npo F JnLh:r)' ,end would Lo, u all c eeoll pc.l Lut tor R

'Yery bru ot member Ly tho UR m\.' ofDl ount wb c penhtenU)' Op Jlu.ctl thepropOSiU OD , At the close of II

p rolonged tl uhRto , In wh luh 1Ir .DreoL» ocquittot)lJ illlllOlr very c re d it­Rbly Inde ed, the measure WR H fie­c1ared ca.rr iod by n vutc u f Ii-!. to I) 1when tbb l>eflilltc llt JHoun t cn lle dtor te lleu, om) mnun g cd to d ofen tIt bl pne DlnJorHl , th e vo te filloll)'.tond lng 77 to 7M. Blount I. nmember fro m O eor g l"" nntl wo hopeho will l otoe1lmo tnko n noti Qn to'Yiait PugoL Sounu tuul be knockeda bouL to r R week or 110 in a "to rm int he ,.Jcinlly of Cnpo Jo·l a tt c ry , nndno Lug 10 l ight to r" Dd or nu istnll ce .T hen be would op proolnto t b o noctll!·ait, o f 8 sigoal atBUoo lo Lel og r o( lbtb o tll. t.r.n of his \·cu el . L et UII

le nder Blount an inv itation to \'isitPUS.~ Sou nd nnd tb.n bnve biOI.. I boog.higb el1 " b,· II Ik lp pe r b ound

OD wballD2 olreditioll to t he po)or. ea . Durius bi ll ab u mce o u r D el o­gale mBy bo ob!e to o btAin th is np ­propriatioD frOID Co o(:r tllf!t .

IT LOOUDOW11.11 if tbe R l l<~"ed co n·fli ct of i n te rel t be t ween the Nor lbornP ac ifio n"ilroad Compnoy oud Or ..•I'ou Ran" a,. aDd Na l ag Rtion COOl ·paD ! , b rOuRb t abo ut by t bo attem p tan d lailure 01 ....1II.rJ. to obt.alu COli'trol o f lbe former co ncern , will reodou nd to tb o od voncemont o f S ent ­Ue. ....ilI.rd bnving /oilcoJ to inllll'. nci tbe :iortbcril }lncitlc to rcfr nlufro m bui hl l D~ t ho Ca llcnd o d h i810u.0 .. to th ro w tho LUltiu cllf o f E~"t·

erD '''·Al bJngtoh into t ho Illp ofPortl and, 01 0.1 DOW im pro Vlt tb o o p ­po rt uoity to c omple te the Heult lu ..\:

wana wnn. Rnllr olld tu comp.tewitb tb o Nor tbern l'o eil1o nlHl t hUHgel even with t bftt c\l mp on,)' for ro·fUll ng to co mb ino with tbo O regoncompan,)' '0co nt rol th o cnfQ'i ug'trade o f t be XOI·th 'I'Ollt . ~o Jot lllop eopl e ot Sentt lu L I~O hOlll'L nudp ut tb eir hU I t. in ViIIllrd, for thom o re th e trou\.llo Lr ow li bot wccl1 til"Northern })Bcifto n ll li t bo Or,';: u [I

cOU1paui u tb o "OOUU will tho ::)L',\! ·tI. &; '1'01111 Wnlla n.llron,1 ho buill.or ooune Vill ar d woul d pr e!er tot1ublene tb o iatereflle of l 'o rtl nod totbat 01 S.attl. , bUl if he 8nd . Ihnth e CRODot c;bcoklUate llie X. P . n. n.with lbe Oregon compAny b tl willunderta ko tb. nexl he.~ ~blng bJbulldlnli on oppo. ltiu ll lin e lo !:I..~ .ti e. " b en corporotiont fa U out ord itafrree t be poople ge t. tboir bo neatdu n , 8o )et the gOOl) work of ho,,·

lIlill go o=n::.=====

L .L : =Xl

__ _ .. . ~ .s_

G O ~ DS,



_~_t::: h



- ..


G J\ C II E S,




- - :0:--






J E N N I N G S,



Clothing, Dootll 111111 ShoeN, JllIrdwlIl"C,

COl ...

!JUT Or' Jo' En

C I :IEA l? F'On OASH:



O E K EH.AT...



U ·1I 0 L I :H,U. E A:\D III:T AIl. III:U.I:1l U '





C0 3D IEl ICIAL wrlllmr. 2 l1e. r. bcle~' lh. :-'ew En UI. o" lIet.l.






No w on 110 ad aDd In ( :on.l ..ol R e c e ipt bJ' Ih,

\Yu Lere h,. g'iYe noti ce tLat h alO .nd :after th i. d.t,

HCRJizing tJ.e Imrn('ntl~ Ath nnfo" PlIetlrCrultlU'IlJik. to ltOth BUler '" Sftll.rt hruuN'h th e mediuln o f

SS:-We W il l E xtend N o M ore Oredit.

ASP 6U 1l0l:d


,\V r I Y?

- - 101--

Orockery, '1'obaooo , Ol...ware. Grocerte. ,. Prorillc.... Sa.he., Doe ra , Palat.,

Olb Tinwa r e ....d

I.A CO:i :i EII. W. T.


BEOAUSI: Our Ilteok 10lb. llo.I·Auomd 'Dd Ohtaptateo Ibellound.IJECAUIlE DuylnR fer C..b and 8eeurJall Or••t n ,rl/Olot.

Wo cau all'e,dto ,1I,ld , lb. Preftl .ith Our Cu.lom. ...AND Doo' t Rat. Ou~ Good • • t HiIlh Pri •• •

To M,ka Yeu P.y fe.1Iad Dobt41.--tUt--

..............0DI7('11 T.i1U •• ESC••• GE ...8 _ ....



o un ' I :\[ :U}: ~ !il};

DRY 00008, CLOTHINlJ, BOOTS &. SHOES, AT COST,."Ulut r.U P lile r., FO. "I: K I'JIIc.,It.

Hlm t·" !",, . Jtl thUr l"

\" f1n·. ('11."lmr r.. ~'IIU , •• • • 20 no ~ I " roI~f (! Il ' O UI("OIlII •• • • •• ~ 11 00 , n 00, I.,, '. " " . . Iii lin 1:.1 roO MIll . .. .... , . .. IU ' '0 7 GOMe n', .. " ... III hl) 11 (,(1f :.11:11 ' . 1It''''' 1 Coat", .. .. .. IV 00 '1 MJ~ l lln · . C..str ncrc P"nta .. . ~ UU I) ()oj ~hn'l ' , 10 00 0 GOMen ',, " .. • •• • j no ","III 1. I..U l' i11l1rt~ .. (,l uu d . ~()(J :1.$0~1 L'u ' , ' " . , ... .. .. (,0 ~ 0'\4 ) , . " ........ 2,'kJ 1310

And 1\11 ot lier Iuoollll lu prol)O rtio n,

GnO E H I ES .A n". 1"111 ,' C. Sll~"· fl Oll I he. ThemR' C. W ..l IOR!' . . •~ 00n ~ 11,•. C. II. Correu . . . . . . . . . I IJll 3:1 I~•. ~.Rn. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . I oo1 Bl,rrt'l UOllt F lou r ,. 6 no 1 fI, UOllt JOlulR " til. . • • • • • 001 enuk Ooru :'10111, 00 lL.. , , '" 1 tiO 21f"t Sl lver Ul ol'" Htal·oh . .. . 2G1 Of 10 IL, .. , , ·IU ( tit (I uod 1'ol .o(lco . . . . . . . . . 7G1 aack OuL ~t (J tl.I, ' 10 IbN. " .. , 0.") 1 IU'K ( Iohl uu H"rup .. . .... ... doJ enck lruck whunt Hour, iun . . , if) 11,ouU:I,HulllI.d Hpndo •• •. 1001 box hOll P , ~O hR1'II ~ . 75 I :ihu\'el , 1 00

OOO US will 110 Hohl nl tho nbc ve pli eo. ml(.T tor C,u h or G ood~r c rchn ll t n l> l o , P rud ucn, W ill JlllJ' higl u·. l lUfU' k8t IIr ico tor H id e_, Jo' ur"nu d (frlli " in O1clmng o fUl' (f OOt),l.

L . L . ANDREWS, La Conner. W . '1'.

-- .£.

I am Now OIJa r lDll" All Go od . a t O REA'llL Y Red uced Rat..

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Notice of Sa.le of Real Estat e for Delinquent TaxesW hatcom Coun ty, W . T ., for the Yea.r 1880.


:\'0 11('1) of Fi n n . t '.'oor.

NOT.C Il .t'aul.. who h.", fla'd .2,150 per acre

Inr Ilnd.llCl pr oaed)u hu, bt cn "Ublu a,aUrflul .raul Ilfe I'nlllh:d to • refund orOUIl ban Ih. amount . •

I 1m po" eollerllDI' tbe.e claim..r.rUl.'Iln f lall d . Bnohom!.I. ur Wba, cuD)C:ou a l l~ 11'111 do wt'li tll c.Illlun me,

J , A. UII.t.lLAXD.

•·OU BALE I.OII"EII AT L.~ CONNt: RIhan any" 'bcl'tl the on Ihe . 'Qclfte CQIIIl.

Th o e.I, fo ralt'd CnO w N HACIIIN"E I_llut 11".' In tb. "orld, and J , A.. OIlJ1llnd01 1A Conn., ~h. luau to order It for you

;;~~Ot£M~'Jr~l~H~Ci1)u:NTl4, aU klcd. Il'ln band.

rarlles 10 ".01 of JtAOUJWE8 "m,SU • •10D' 1 "y .pp}yIDI ' 0-


Il3:" eo",," 8cJu. lake D at ~ar 10p'7mea l ef . ubaoriplloo 10th . :II"L.


rlfr. ».A.ll. •u, 'n CJl lf u :aCl.l:.

COl.. ,,~ . J . I'ot r.ocx, In_r e ctor 01Imtion Aall in , m -rived here on 10 t:\rondQY, ill (' 0 10 1'&1),)" with A::eentO'K otuw , nit er bll\'11I1l made n tourot th e tikflQ'lt. rhcr ne tal' " Hl\uk (orth o lJurpotfft at l l h o re­ce n t h a ubl e. bet ..... eon the I nd ia nanuJ '' \In 'uyol1l in tb nt qu ar ter. CuI.P ollock hUI Imd IIJVeruJ P~IU" rionce in lo tt lllll( Iu d leu trouble»nn d d isputee , and Jud RiuR I rom hilto.d\·ftnCtHI end co ucilln to ry hlco l, nududm tmblc <l X6outho obili h ', \''' 0 1111\' 0

110 beeltatlcn il l fiIls in g il illt h u i!'tth o " l ight unrn in tb o right pln eo. "In nu ol tonde d Interview with hi mwe were ltupreeeed with th e f"cl thuth o hna th orou uhl)' IJIIUltU Otl th e III­d inn prob lem . He gous h om 11\11'0

to the N'voh Uoy AgvhC.'y ,

'filE w;;t;;;-u;~o orderedt ho I"olo)'iu ij' of th o te i(!J(l"tl llh Hu n I,t,.t weeu here find tho Urit itth h UU IH IM )"lin e , Yohlch i"ltol e l"uLh ' fuir l\ :I ~UI"RIl Cetll ..t t bi. Iine i8 not t f) UOnbandunedfor nn)' cuhliu li: expe rimo uta RCrOlll'lth e Sttt!lt . of J:·UeR.

Mil. ) [.~, v:Tf; -nnd chil dJII\" O ftU Leon 'Illite \torio uffl,)' ill witLd illb t Loril\ d uring tb o past Wf'~k urmo re , but wo 'UD h:,ppJ' t o 10M' "1'0I\ t prclltllt luftl ci.ntlv rcco\'ortid toplnce them L.,'onc.l" u411U' or . Dr.C.ILou n Alld a tew kind fr ifJotl. lu&\' oLeen alil.hluoU8 iu their attcnt ioD totho lu ffttrer l .

M.ur.rED.-A t. Sellttl e , \V . T . ,March 10, 188 1. hy the Rev. 31r .Drur on, ~t r. Perry Poh on ('I f I...Co nDer nntl ) Ii ". I{otie n . Piut'kJe \'of ~nttlo . \,"u uuito n it h tbe UUI.II \ '

fril'o th of M r. POl"OI1 in " i flhinuhimsclf IlDd brido lUuch joy lu u l


perity_.--- ---Mr . J . A. OIl.L1L.\ !'(lI 110" len ' fl,l o f

th o sc hoo l dhttdc.:t th o uDoC!cupil.! dportion ot th o co ur t· ho ul;o Lui lJ ingtlnll ilt luu' iuK it lh od up tor S ll llt lll~'

~~Nl~~ r~'~t\~~Uy i~ L : p;::~~o"Ci;~ I~::: ici~er octed .

* rTU .: lilAlt. h.....nt~""l l n lo Brrunlle.

h ' e n lll wllh I h .. K.. n .·nUl C' I ~C'o (' l nt,,:" Cl.l t

" l, .re" , "'1!MOrl'", MI m Ay t)!Jlu ln b'lIh I,npu '.' '' , on. yeAr tor .3. 10, Th o ( ' lIl1o:"' l e L I : II ,H

" 0 IUI JClrlor In alollll)' o r (' nh·'(lrl .., (,ou t_I, l o:o u t

New Y!lrk Cll r .

L A C ON:U: II celc.·LrhtNJ S ~ l'a tr ic:k 'ttDrlJ' with l\ .. clnm: lmko."

PnOl"\T It~:;;:· ,," un r. 111 ,111 nIlpeeiul term or court ut L/\ l:u II t1 f.! I'

0 11 Illltl ~" hlffill" ttl heul' cOlll)llnlntIIU I, 111 8t R mnn Ull in I' d ~lcDo' .nll , ofth u South F or k of th o l')kn ~i , tlPOIItho ehnr go vt lthlRnit.v. ~l'h fj com.plnill t Wllij IUlul<l II,) ,Ju ¥ticn Dwell fl)"At the Irultnnr.o of ot he r pnrti f.l h nou 11hAlf ,Iozen or wore wltn AIo" u \\'1'1'0IIl1mmoned to llh 'o hJll t i l1l on ~'. Me-

~o~~I1~~ It)l~ot :i.I:~~ot,h~\I~~e i '~~~: l\ill) n~fq ui etly lIubm itt ing tu th o t) r llc ood ~iug.., I\lI IUDa tieN usunlly do, ho em .p tu,}" ed cllunl ol ( W. B ,' ArulrowfI) todefend him , Ollc.l nilio ,1e rnrUiJ efl njur y trin l, whuroupllil lhd to llo willJ('

:li ~e I:i~h~~dd n'tli l:ro£~':'lo£~,,~rl~~~:'VOl . Aflult rlJ u ~, Arch· S ieg lrlod nnelJobn Pa lme r. Mr . LOMle npl'0Qrellal cou lJael tor cOlup lllhlllnta. onllDo oto r Cul honn wa s 11ru on t li ft

pb Yl icia u. Sbt' riffO 'LolI:tbl in Rct c~ 1al omcor of tbo Court. ntHl lIr. J , A.GiIllltlnd , C le rk, tlnd nlto",otLer tho

r, ruoeed illga wero IU olab ornto nndmpre l8h e lUI n ·lI e 'tMi on uf t boDitt rll~t Cour t, an d wHlJollt dou btthe mOlt thor oughly cou t <.'ste lJ CI"I~of ..1J, s ed illllAnitl CVCl r ydt ncu t!d intbis Tttrrilor)'. Corta in .ht~lUeDtAin th e t. at imo ny ,va ult! no t ho pa r ·ti cularly ed U)'ing to tho lluL lio, 110

we omit a rev iew t horpo !. T lu., l.,'j .tlence of th e If proll ocutiou ,. tend euto . how tbRt McDougall n ,,,, ut leaat.omewhnt. poouliar and d iapo,ecl tobe offiolon" ill reA'urd to 'Ylolatioo lof UJe hand Ja ",8- in faat, clniln t'd 10

:bnt' b~o th:~YO~;(~ O'\::r~i: ~Ii~~~l~thrclI.t.H, Lut of thl a t here W AS uo ot .,itle nee . Hi, wl to clime noMyto bl. tlefoDse and teltifiod tI.a t t hftJ'h, ,1 lind 101l'lber du riDg lh. p•• lnine yean and b. d.lwny. fOUDd Lim akio( I, pefLoeably dllpoled bUlIbnntl.Tbey b. .. eD••blld •• IIlt lo !llrlabout t bree ye . ... of aRO, who clungto hor fa lhor u ry ..tTeoUonBteIJ· inthe couIt rOOnl, wbi ch must baveproduced a favoroble irnpre.aion 00

the jory . 'f b i IlDruinatiolJ ".1000­d Uelled in I lmo.r . triot oOD formU.,.1.0tb, rule. o f o"idoDce in Didriot'Co ur t oAlle.. The oDIe went tn toejU'1 ,boul8 o·.le.k P. )I•• 'Dd aftera brief conlultatioD tboy rendered Do

..rdl.lof ..quito!.1IlClDoua'ali hAd been bound o 'er

a fa. meDlb, 'go by Ju oU•• D"elloyto k.ep the pear.e lor ODe1".r, .DdJuol prOfiou, Ie Ibl.lrl.1 'or le..oltyl -------'-----~-'-­hi, lureti.. withdrew from bie bond,.,bl.h ,lrtu, bim in a dil .mm •-1.0 ObOOM lHrtwaea going to thvluoall. ..y1um or 10 j.i1 eo commitment. Alter ' hi, aa ·quital OD the cb.rge of iUII.nlt, be

. remalDld in tbe en.tads of -tbe 8bur·IIrfor, f•• d.y. wboo b. WOI do,lIyral.aaod.




!lord:-n 4 Andro., r reprl.lortl•

Occidental Hotel,( K t: I"T ON TU. E~ I\OrK,N PI." NI.



F. E. BEACH & CO.l. _ C "" ..._ .. I,

103 I'rout · Portlasa4 . Or,l lk AL ICUI.. I N



H. !'! 1.. ~O"D ln"

~~lli-:!:J~~-:';;:;!'::1~!:~~~.~:, ,_ . , _ ••, "' · 0 ' ........

c-•• • , _ _ , wtll II •••, la ..ftoIC r.r • • r .. ,.. t.. r. ... pl. ..........- .

.. . .. II"Q II _ M 0 •

••r... Co Ae b to an .1 (rn fU It>. lI ou •• •J" D&7 len

Cor. First and MorrisonStreets,

Fo r estFl ower

Oologne)C m .. . l\ llChf' I'"


..·...up••• •••.

"1~"P OCltor l . l .J'1"U p

" IjAW":M


k J;'Jt::-:. r~~~~lt r.'I"t"rJ: rl~.~~~: .~<I :~n~~II:vrl!.Jj~

~!~~~~Vn:;~~::~:~~xrk ~;II~~I~Jlt:r:nr~~~r:. r

J. B. KNAPP.(JOUllllh.l Hlo ll M m'chull1

AND PURCHASINO AGENT.A ll Gouth. O il Oonunl••lun.

WOOL, OHAl.V, o A t ll r PH OD UOTH .A.'VDI'R UI TN .A 8 1'J«JI AI.r r .

Al\:en t I", J'.troU', I'atent Poubt.trM.

267 fi rst st root., Portland, Oeege a .w . IIl..... '.r_... '.....".._ ....,., u•e==.~.:: .::=.:.~':.~ -

.. b tl onl, rl,m'n Ih. A' .'...."lI•• lyel , 10•••••·1 III Ihl. HI1U r ....... 4 i!3 Firat " ' r eet, c o r n e r Main .

I I .._~~:::I~I.~· J)~:!;i.;:'~r. "••.....1• • • • • •

(.'Qt. )( w rwo n .n.l l'lft'On <1 I'lln,.h . •'t"lla nd , O r ,W ho l. ..l. 1Ul.1 Ih laUA••"I',"
