The Power Of Christ


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The Power of Christ on the Cross

Week 6 of the Holy Great LentMarch 20, 2010 – Baramhat 11, 1726


Memory Verse

“Assuredly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43)

Palm Sunday• The Lord enters Jerusalem • The people threw the palm leaves

and their cloths on the ground before Jesus crying and saying:– “ HOSANNA! BLESSED IS HE WHO


Monday• Our Lord Jesus Christ went into the

temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it.

• Jesus:– “ Is it not written, ‘My house shall

be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’” (Mark 11:17)

Tuesday • Our Lord Jesus Christ was in the

temple and taught them:– The Wicked Vinedressers– A Widow’s two coins

The End of the World• He told them about the signs at the end of the

world, the Coming of the Son of Man:

– “ But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming the clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send His angels, and gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of the earth to the farthest part of heaven.” (Mark 13:24-27)

Wednesday • The Jews plot to kill Jesus.• Judas Iscariot went to the chief

priests to betray Jesus and they promised to give him money.

• The woman broke a flask of alabaster oil and poured it on Jesus’ Head.

Covenant Thursday• The Jewish Passover = The Last

Supper• And He sent Peter and John saying,

“God and prepare the Passover for us, that we may eat.” (Luke 22:8)

– “Take, eat; this is My body” (Mark 14:22)– “This is My blood of the new covenant,

which is shed for many.” (Mark 14:24)

Gethsemane• Jesus went to pray with

his disciples feeling sorrowful and deeply distressed knowing that he is about to be betrayed by Judas to the Jews to crucify Him.

– “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Mark 14:38)

Betrayed • Judas came with the soldiers and chief

priests and gave them a signal saying:

“whoever I kiss, He is the One; seize him and lead Him away safety” (Mark 14: 44) .

• Then all the disciples forsook Him and ran away.

The Trial • They led Jesus to the high priest and

they sought to accuse him to death but could find nothing against him.

• They asked him: “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?”

• Jesus:– “ I am, And you will see the Son of Man

sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” (Mark 14: 62)

Condemned to Death• They condemned Him to death• Some began to:– Spit on Him – Blindfold Him– Beat Him–Mock Him– Struck Him with the palms of their


Good Friday• The chief priests and scribes bound

Jesus and sent Him to Pilate – the Roman governor.

• Pilate asked Jesus to defend himself but He answered nothing as it is written:“He was led as a Lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth.” (Isaiah 53:7)

The Lord Delivered • The Jews asked to Crucify Jesus and

release the murderer Barabbas instead.

• Jesus was delivered, scourged to be crucified.

• The soldiers mocked Jesus saying: “Hail, King of the Jews!”– Clothed Him with purple– Twisted a crown of thorns on His head

TO GOLGOTHA• Jesus was led to the place

GOLGOTHA carrying His Cross.

KING OF THE JEWS• They crucified Him on the Cross on

the 3rd hour. • Above the cross was written;– THE KING OF THE JEWS

• The chief priests mocked Him and said: “save Yourself, and come down from the cross!”

The 2 Thieves • Two thieves who where crucified that

same day with Christ (on His left and right).

• The thief on the RIGHT believed that this is Christ and repented and said: I have sinned! – “ REMEMBER ME LORD WHEN YOU


Jesus: “ Amen I tell you, on this day you shall be with in paradise.”

The Sun Disappeared• When Our Lord Jesus Christ was on

the cross, the sun disappeared and it was dark for 3 hours (from the 6th hour to the 9th hour).

Vinegar • When Jesus was thirsty on the cross

a man took a sponge filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed and gave it to Him to drink.

• Jesus cried with a loud voice and died.

The Curtain Tore• The curtain of the temple was torn in

two, from top to bottom.• The earth shook• The rocks split• The centurion and who were with him

saw these things and were afraid :– “Truly this was the Son of God”

Conclusion• Although Jesus Christ was going through

suffering He was very powerful during His trial.

• When He was on the Cross he had the power to promise the thief that he will be with Him in Paradise.

• The Heaven became dark and strong wind was blowing when He was on the cross = His power on nature.

• The Cross is Power for Us

Thok te ti-gom Thok te ti-gom,

nem pi-o-oo nem pi-esmo, nem pi-

amahee sha eneh amen, Emmano-eel pen-nouti pen-oroo

Thok te ti-gom, nem pi-o-oo nem pi-

esmo, nem pi-amahee sha eneh

amen, pa-Shois Esos Piekh-restos

Thine is the power, the glory, the

blessing, and the majesty, forever

Amen. Emmanuel our God and our


Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, and

the majesty, forever Amen. O my Lord

Jesus Christ.

والمجد القوة لكإلى والعزة والبركة

. عمانوئيل آمين اآلبدوملكنا .إلهنا

والمجد القوة لكإلى والعزة والبركة

ياربى آمين اآلبدالمسيح يسوع

Ta-gom, nem pa-esmo pi epshois af-shobi nee, af-

sotereia ef-owab.

Thok te ti-gom, nem pi-o-oo nem pi-esmo, nem pi-amahee sha

The Lord is my strength, my praise, and has become my

holy salvation

Thine is the power, the glory, the

blessing, and the majesty, forever

Amen. eneh amen.

هو وتسبحتى قوتىلى صار وقد الرب

مقدسا خالصا

والمجد القوة لكإلى والعزة والبركة

آمين .اآلبد

Starting from the Eve of Friday (6 PM) :

Pasoteer en-aghathos, My good Savior الصالح :مخلصى

Starting from Tuesday (5 PM):
