The Power of 3


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The Power of 3: Interview Preparation Questions

Preparation is a key factor to a successful interview. From the information that has been provided to

you about the job and the organisation you have applied to, match the position’s key requirements to

the most relevant aspects of your own experience and knowledge. Then, using this data, answer each

of the questions below; this will help to ensure you are fully prepared for the interview discussion.

In sentences, answer each of the following:

- 3 features of your work experience that define you as a professional

- 3 points about you as a person that define you as an individual

- 3 most significant achievements in your current position

- 3 things you really need to know about the job you have applied for

- 3 personal qualities a friend might use to describe you

- 3 personal development needs you feel you have

- 3 life/career goals you have ahead of you

- 3 things you are looking forward to in your next career move

- 3 things you would not miss in your present position

- 3 words to describe your own management style

- 3 things you feel passionate about in your current job

- 3 hardest lessons you have learnt in your career

- 3 milestone events in your life

- 3 most transferable skills you possess

- 3 things that define the culture of an organisation

- 3 things you look for in your manager

- 3 things most likely to demotivate you at work

- 3 most relevant aspects of your experience to the job applied for

- 3 events where you demonstrated effective leadership skills

- 3 reasons the interviewer should hire you for the job

- 3 difficult situations you handled particularly well at work

- 3 things you would have liked to have done better

- 3 significant outcomes from projects you have undertaken

- 3 questions you most want to ask about the job/organisation

Like the ‘5 Whys’ approach to problem solving, the requirement to provide 3 answers to each

statement is designed to stretch your lateral and creative thinking. Ideally you should practice your

answers out loud, which will also help to construct a succinct response to a “Tell me about yourself”


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