The Positive Green - Green Eye Is A Sign Of Green Light...


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The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Copyright © 2019 The Positive Green-Eyed Monster

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Published by Alvin.HJ

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The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Contents. Jealousy - The Green Eyed Monster. ...........................................................................................4

What Jealousy Is All About: Fear ..............................................................................................6

Who Gets Jealous ....................................................................................................................6

Common Components Of Jealousy ..........................................................................................6

Origins Of Jealousy ..................................................................................................................7

Types Of Jealousy ....................................................................................................................7

How Jealousy Arises In People .................................................................................................8

Measuring Jealousy .................................................................................................................9

Jealousy & Insecurity ...............................................................................................................9

Jealousy & Relationship Factors .............................................................................................10

Gender Differences In Jealousy ..............................................................................................11

Jealousy & Self-Esteem ..........................................................................................................11

Negative Effects Of Jealousy. .....................................................................................................12

How To Make Jealousy Work For You. .......................................................................................13

Ways To Make Jealousy Work For You ...................................................................................15

Turn Jealousy Into Inspiration & Motivation. .............................................................................18

How To Manage Jealousy. .........................................................................................................20

Step 1: Understanding Jealousy .............................................................................................20

Step 2: Deconstructing Jealousy & Insecurity .........................................................................20

Step 3: Constructing A Replacement ......................................................................................20

Step 4: Building New Habits ...................................................................................................21

Conclusion. ...............................................................................................................................22

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Jealousy - The Green Eyed Monster. Jealousy is an unusual emotion in that it is an emotion rooted in other emotions. Often, the root

of jealousy lies in insecurity and it can also be rooted in such things as fear of being replaced, fear

of loss, and so on. There is no doubt that jealousy is a source of great personal misery and an

emotion with far-reaching social consequences.

Despite its destructive side, jealousy also may have some positive effects for individuals and

relationships. For example, it alerts one to relationship threats and can motivate behaviors that

protect the relationship.

Jealousy is a complex emotion that encompasses feelings ranging from rage and humiliation to

fear of abandonment. Jealousy strikes both men and women and is most typically aroused when

a person perceives a threat, real or perceived, to a valued relationship from a third party. It is not

limited to romantic relationships but also can arise among siblings competing for parental

attention or in friendships.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Jealousy is a complex experience and has been defined in many ways. Jealousy is often described

as an emotion or blend of emotions. Freud’s definition from 1922 includes feelings of enmity and

grief. Other theorists have included aggression, anger, rage, hatred, envy, fear, revenge, anxiety,

apprehension, suspicion, panic, expectancy, mistrust, depression, distress, guilt, self-pity, and


Anger is often recognized as a central emotion in the experience of jealousy. In 1991, Bryson

included anger as a separate factor when writing about a reaction to jealousy, which includes

feeling insecure, helpless, fearful, inadequate, depressed, anxious, and exploited.

Another emotion that is prominent in the experience of jealousy is fear, stemming from fear of

abandonment and relational loss and uncertainty about the state of the relationship.

Finally, another emotion not often identified in jealousy is sadness. This might be because we are

not in a state of passive and sad acceptance when we are experiencing jealousy. Sadness is more

likely to follow jealousy rather than accompany it. There are so many different emotions felt in

the experience of jealousy that defining jealousy becomes confusing.

Being jealous of someone and being envious of someone are two different things. Jealousy is

resenting a third party for loss or threat to another’s affection, whereas envy is wanting what

someone else has. Although people sometimes use the two emotions interchangeably, people

do distinguish between them with regard to situations that caused the feelings and the emotions


Jealousy is generally agreed to be an emotion that serves to motivate behaviors that protect

one’s relationship from someone who can be a potential usurper. The most defining features of

jealousy are that it requires a social triangle and occurs when someone perceives that another

person poses a potential threat to an important interpersonal relationship.

Experimental research has shown that individuals are more likely to experience jealousy if they

are externally controlled unhappy, and anxious. A study using four jealousy scales found a

significant correlation between jealousy and neuroticism, as well as significant relationships

between jealousy and self-consciousness, anxiety, trust and positive emotions. In normal

populations jealousy has been found to be related to borderline personality disorder, and

pathological or morbid jealousy has been linked with personality disturbances.

Your jealousies and insecurities are things you can understand and more importantly, no matter

what you feel, you can choose how you behave. You are responsible for your own actions their

consequences and no matter how strongly you may feel threatened, you still have a choice.

Choices that take a stand against your insecurities weaken them and choices which give in to the

insecurities strengthen them.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


What Jealousy Is All About: Fear

▪ Fear of change.

▪ Fear of scarcity.

▪ Fear of abandonment.

▪ Fear of the unknown.

▪ Fear of losing control and power.

▪ Fear of loss.

Who Gets Jealous

It is safe to assume you will be jealous at some point when the circumstances arise that push

your particular jealousy button. Almost everyone gets jealous except perhaps:

▪ Those that have been brought up in a different societal conditioning than us.

▪ Those pathologically not in touch with their feelings.

▪ Those who haven't gotten into the set of circumstances that set it off in themselves.

Common Components Of Jealousy

▪ Anger

▪ Fear

▪ Hurt

▪ Betrayal

▪ Anxiety

▪ Agitation

▪ Depression

▪ Paranoia

▪ Loneliness

▪ Envy

▪ Coveting

▪ Powerlessness

▪ Inadequacy

▪ Exclusion

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Origins Of Jealousy

▪ Societally programmed core beliefs. Love is scarce and if my partner really loved me, they

wouldn't want anyone else.

▪ Unresolved insecurities in self. Vulnerability and unloveability.

▪ Unresolved insecurities in relationship. Trust problems and the lack of willingness to

invest enough time in relationship to keep it strong and healthy.

▪ Evolution & brain chemistry.

Types Of Jealousy

▪ Exclusion. Triggered when one feels left out and deprived of attention. The jealous person

says things like “how come you have all the enjoyment”.

▪ Fear. The jealous person imagines rejection, scarcity, and loneliness. This is the most basic

type of jealousy. A jealous person says things like “what if my partner finds someone else

better than me”.

▪ Possessive. A relationship that is characterized by commitment without trust results in

this type of jealousy. The jealous person says thinks like “you are only mine and no one

can have you”.

▪ Competition. The jealous person starts comparing themselves to another and becomes

convinced that they are inadequate and says things like “I’m not the right person for you”.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


How Jealousy Arises In People

▪ The Past. Past experiences in relationships may make dealing with jealousy almost as

tough as having 2 full-time jobs and may cause trust issue. Think of a cheating partner, or

having cheated on your partner yourself.

▪ Friends. Witnessing someone who cheated or hearing of someone who cheated may

make people more suspicious as well, which can result in jealousy.

▪ Family. Your view on trust can be majorly impacted if you have a cheating parent. If either

of your parent cheats, then who is there left to trust?

▪ Suspicion. If your partner always visits friends without inviting you or hides the smart

phone in your presence. Or when he/she is still in touch with an ex-lover or very

affectionate towards someone else.

▪ Rivalry. People can also get jealous if they feel that someone else is competing as well. If

your friend is very affectionate towards your partner this may result in jealousy.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Measuring Jealousy

Jealousy is difficult to measure for several reasons. Self-report is problematic because people

have different definitions of jealousy and often repress or deny feelings of jealousy. Experimental

research is hindered by ethical difficulties and the private nature of jealousy.

Jealousy & Insecurity

You must believe in your ability to change if you want to get rid of jealousy. Discard any self-talk

that tells you that you're too stubborn, too stuck in your ways or too wedded to your beliefs to

change them. Intense jealousy telegraphs intense insecurity. If you are constantly worried about

something that has happened in the past or will happen in the future, you aren’t really living.

Feelings of low self-esteem are based in beliefs we have in a mental image of who we are.

In a way you can compare jealousy and insecurity to chronic and acute pain. Chronic pain stays

for a long time, like insecurity. Acute pain disappears once it heals and is the result of an isolated

event, like jealousy. Once the cause for jealousy has been vanquished, the feelings subside

relatively quickly. However, insecurity lives on within you and is a constant nagging pain. An

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


insecure man will experience jealousy on a frequent basis. He will see threats everywhere and

the smallest things will trigger a bout of jealousy.

It's hard for an insecure man to see that the external environment is not the problem. The

problem lies within and so does the solution.

Jealousy & Relationship Factors

Satisfaction & Relationship Quality

Higher the degree of suspicion and jealous perseveration over possible betrayal in either the

participant or the partner, the less satisfied either partner will be in the relationship and the

lower the overall quality of the relationship. Jealousy can have protecting and preserving effects

on relationships.

Jealousy may have some positive effects on relationship maintenance. Individuals who are high

in jealousy are more likely to be married, engaged, or living with the same partner for a long

period of time, whereas people who are low on jealousy are less likely to be still involved with

their partner.

Jealousy may safeguard a relationship from potential relationship threats which tell us that that

jealousy may have positive effects on relationship duration.

Relationship Uncertainty

Self, partner, and relationship uncertainty are all significantly correlated with suspicion and

anxiety over possible threat. It appears that the more uncertain someone is about their feelings

toward their partner, their partner’s feelings toward them, or the future of their relationship, the

more likely they are to be suspicious of possible threats.

One factor that may influence relationship uncertainty is the existence of actual rivals. The more

intense the jealousy threats, the less secure the relationship feels which tell us that feelings of

jealousy are closely tied with feelings of uncertainty. The less one feels sure in a relationship, the

more one appraises relationship threats in the world, which leads to more jealousy. The more

jealous one feels, the more uncertain one becomes in the relationship, which in turn may feed

the cycle of jealousy.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Gender Differences In Jealousy

Some studies find women to be more jealous than men, whereas other studies find the reverse.

Thus, there seem to be no overall consistent differences in the intensity of jealousy in the two


Jealousy & Self-Esteem

It is reasonable to assume that a jealous individual has low self-worth if they believe their partner

would leave them for a rival. Self-esteem is intrinsically embedded in the relationship and the

experience of jealousy. Despite the theoretical link between jealousy and self-esteem, research

has yielded inconsistent results. Jealousy has been conceptualized as an ego relevant emotion.

Some definitions of jealousy cite threat to self-esteem as a cause, however threat to self-esteem

and low self-esteem are distinct from each other.

Jealousy causes loss of relationship rewards and loss of self-esteem. Individuals with high self-

esteem threat are more likely to feel fearful, ashamed, and powerless.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Negative Effects Of Jealousy. Jealousy which is also known as a mental cancer is basically a type of emotion that instills in you

negative thoughts and makes you feel all the negative feelings possible. Some negative effects

that jealousy can have on you are mentioned below.

Jealousy is often associated with sexual relationships, but it can also manifest itself in

relationships between friends, siblings and many other affiliations. The causes of jealousy vary

from situation to situation, but are all associated with one feeling that something of value that

they possess could be lost to another.

Jealousy is the killer of relationships and can create problems that weren't even there in the first

place. Jealousy can have a very destructive influence on a relationship when appears in non-

threatening circumstances.

One of the most harmful effects of jealousy is that it can lead a couple to limit each other’s

independence. Because of this, people can lose the strength and individuality that once attracted

the very partners who are now limiting them in these ways. The result is not only that the person

who feels limited will also feel less attraction their partner, but that the person acting jealous

may actually dislike the ways in which their partner has changed.

Jealousy telegraphs insecurity and insecurity kills attraction. No attraction means no relationship.

Without a steady supply of fun, the relationship will wither and die. Jealousy takes the fun away

from relationships results in a bitter dissolution taking anywhere from a couple of days to a year.

If you’re not having fun in your relationship, it will end.

Jealousy results in mutual resentment, even if you’re not entirely conscious of it. It is likely that

these negative feelings toward you will resurface at some point later in your relationship, even if

you manage to overcome your jealousy. It is in your best interests to get your jealousy handled

to minimize your partner’s resentment as much as you can.

Jealousy almost always rears its ugly head in loving and serious relationships. Trust is necessary

for a committed relationship to work but jealousy in a relationship can dissolve that trust. Our

brain plays tricks on us, leading a dissolution of trust on our part. Regaining one’s trust once it is

lost is difficult and often impossible. Trust is essential in a committed relationship.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


How To Make Jealousy Work For You. Jealousy always has a message for you. It shows you what you wish was true for you and it

highlights where you’re not living up to your potential. At first that can be painful to recognize,

but if you let yourself in there, it will bring you more clarity around what you do really want and

will show you what you’re truly capable of.

Jealousy makes the world feel smaller, as if there’s not enough of it for you. It creates a sense of

urgency, not because you’re passionate and have something to say, but because it feels like

someone will be there before you.

Our society wires us for envy. The the whole point of selling is to make something so irresistible

that you can’t imagine living without it. How many times have you sold yourself short when it

comes to your achievements and qualities? If you find yourself saying things like “I wish I was

more like…” or “I wish I had done…”, then know that these phrases are envy incognito.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


When you’re envious or jealous of someone it’s because you want what they have. It’s not a

happy feeling, becoming resentful and stewing in our own discontent because of others’ good

fortune — even if that good fortune is simply touching one’s toes.

Your jealousy is a gift and is trying to tell you something. Your jealousy is trying to get something

across to you and that is that it is time for decisive growth, and action. It could or it could not be

time for you to decide to move on from an unhealthy relationship, but either way your jealousy

is representing an opportunity for you to grow and learn. It is time for you to confront and

overcome the personal demons that are keeping you insecure and unhappy.

Your jealousy can force you to grow. It can make you fed up with the constant unease, worry,

and obsessive thoughts, and this can force you to better understand your condition, and work

hard at overcoming it. You think you are getting to the bottom of jealousy when you work at it,

when in fact you are getting to the bottom of yourself. It can help you uncover your deepest,

darkest, most uncomfortable truths, and transform you in the process.

Jealousy represents an enormous opportunity for you to grow. It can help you emerge as a

stronger person by overcoming and confronting the negative forces that have resulted in your

current state of mind. Overcoming jealousy will affect other areas of your life well beyond your


▪ You will be more productive and creative at work.

▪ Your confidence with others will grow.

▪ You will have new faith in your ability to change and overcome any obstacle that stands

between you and what you want.

▪ Your self-image will flourish.

Overcoming jealousy is like changing any emotional reaction or behavior. It begins with

awareness. Awareness will allow you to see that stories you projected in your mind are not true.

You no longer react to the scenarios that your mind imagines when you have this clarity.

It's so easy to fall into the comparison trap when scrolling through your social media feed and

seeing everyone's reel of their highly edited reality. When scrolling past the feeds, it's hard for

our minds to process each individual post without just lumping them all together and making us

say that “people are doing better than me”.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Jealousy can not only debilitate your relationships with others, it can also wreak serious havoc

on your health. Here are some of the effects jealousy can have on different parts of the body:

▪ Heart. The sympathetic nervous system buckles under the stress of jealousy, quickening

the heart and spiking blood pressure.

▪ Stomach. Jealousy activates a fear reaction in the amygdala which boosts production of

adrenaline and noradrenaline which in turn lead to nausea and a lack of appetite.

▪ Brain. The social pain of jealousy is experienced in much the same way as physical pain.

Jealousy can activate the neural nodes of anger, fear, and disgust.

Ways To Make Jealousy Work For You

▪ Don’t ignore jealousy. We tend to be most jealous when someone else embodies a

quality that we think we lack. Use your jealousy to transform, rather than crawl deeper

into discontent and get to the bottom of it.

▪ Send love to others. This is a powerful way to channel the positive of jealousy, rather

than the negative. Congratulate them for their accomplishments and celebrate with


▪ Take action. Determine what you really want. If you really want to embody a quality you

admire in others, make a commitment to embody that quality every day. The quality may

not be as important to you as you thought if you find the idea cumbersome.

▪ Improve who you are. Being jealous of a person for whatever reason should motivate you

to step up your game and discover your own qualities and attributes.

▪ Stop comparing yourself to others. Some jealousy is driven by low self-esteem. Some of

the most loved people in history have been well down the list when it comes to looks or


▪ Use jealousy as a tool to motivate. Envy and admiration are responses to what we desire

and value the most in our lives. Acknowledge the feeling you're having and once you

recognize what exactly you are reacting to, separate the negative energy from that

emotion and turn it into motivation.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


▪ Let go of entitlement. No one is entitled to anything they didn’t work for. Behind every

jealous person is someone fundamentally angry at themselves for falling short of their

own personal best.

▪ Meditate. By focusing on your Spirit, you’ll be less drawn to look outside for external,

short-lived validation.

▪ Look to jealousy for collaboration and friendship. Appreciate that your industry is getting

attention thanks to someone's effort and then use that growth and your new action plan

to take your business to the next level. If you're jealous of someone, it means you admire

what they do and aspire to accomplish similar things in your business.

▪ Be authentic. By becoming more aware of your authentic thoughts, feelings and attitudes

you’ll free yourself to let your own light shine.

▪ Develop an abundance mentality. An abundance mentality tells you that there are always

new chances and opportunities. It allows you to feel more of an inner emotional freedom

and it makes you more relaxed and positive.

▪ Stop confusing make-believe with reality. Jealousy, like many psychological problems is

driven by the destructive use of the imagination. Use your imagination to benefit you and

not to mess around with your mind.

▪ Start living your dream. Each one of us is put on this earth to fulfill a special purpose.

Begin by taking a step in the right direction, and you’ll soon find yourself too busy pursuing

your unique talents and interests to keep score of anyone else’s.

▪ Practice self-care. Self-care includes anything that nurtures your mind, body and spirit.

Do what truly nourishes you and you’ll find yourself feeling too happy to hate on someone


▪ Keep a gratitude journal. Write down at least ten things in your life you’re grateful for

daily. Practicing gratitude makes it easier to focus on what you have, instead of what you


▪ Surrender to jealousy. Stop fighting your jealousy and accept it. When you surrender to

the emotion and let it in then you stop feeding it.

▪ Investigate the reality of what you're jealous of and the reality of your own. Viewing

someone's situation as a whole helps you develop an appreciation for the work they do

and what they've accomplished. Don’t brush everything you've achieved under the rug

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


when you feel jealous of someone else. Make a list of all the things you've achieved to

help put your jealousy into perspective.

▪ Be aware of what gets triggered. Think about the specific events that cause you to feel

stirred up. We can consider what sensations, images, feelings and thoughts jealousy

brings up.

▪ Calm down and stay vulnerable. No matter how jealous we feel, we can find ways to

come back to ourselves and soften. Remember that no matter how strong we feel, our

feelings tend to pass in waves, first building and then subsiding.

▪ Don’t act out. Acting out can lead you to take actions that can hurt us in the long run. It

may lead us to self-sabotage or punish someone we respect.

▪ Stay competitive. Don’t aim at being the best but aim for a personal goal of being at your

best. Rather than letting the green monster turn us into monsters, we can allow ourselves

to feel inspired, to connect with who we want to be and take actions that bring us closer

to that.

▪ Seek our own sense of security. Focus on feeling strong and secure in yourself. Practice

self-compassion and learn to stand up to our own inner critic. You are capable of handling

any emotions that arise.

▪ Talk about it. When something like jealousy is taking over, it’s important to find the right

person to talk to and a healthy way to express what we feel. This can help us make sense

of our feelings and get a handle on them, while acting in healthier, adaptive ways.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Turn Jealousy Into Inspiration & Motivation. A spark of jealousy could be a sign you're on the right path, and an indication of who can lead

you there. Feeling jealous can provide valuable information about yourself and it might even give

you a clear sense of what you want in life.

Jealousy is a funny emotion because no matter how fiercely you try to deny its presence, it

somehow creep up into your body and takes over, which unfortunately, can be detrimental to

your success.

Instead of letting jealousy overrun you, try turning this notoriously negative beast of an emotion

into positive fuel. Instead of sitting in your self-created dungeon wallowing in negativity and

spite, confront it. To turn jealousy into inspiration & motivation:

▪ Make goals. Instead of allowing other people’s success to drag you down, it’s smarter to

use it as inspiration and take every possible action you can in order to bring you closer to

you goals.

▪ Stay on track. Don’t discouraged when it comes to making changes. Just focus and think

about the end result.

▪ Return to the present and rejoice in the success of others. Don’t let your mind wander

off. Let go of the envious feelings and focus on what you are working on in the moment.

▪ Steal the technique. Turn jealousy into motivational fuel, inspiring you to study and train

more precisely, more intensely.

▪ Make your jealousy smarter. Not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.

Jealousy has nothing to do with what others have. It’s about how you assume having that

would make you feel.

▪ Let jealousy make you honest. When jealousy gets toxic it’s usually because you want

something you don’t believe you can have. Get to the root of that belief and find what’s

standing in your way?

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


▪ Allow jealousy to hone your wants. Figure out what you want and let it be personal to

you. Don’t get attached to a specific vision someone else created, instead open yourself

to new possibilities.

▪ Let jealousy fuel your work ethic. If you are not happy with your current circumstances,

get out there and be proactive. Commit to a goal you have in mind and keep going no

matter what.

▪ Be the bigger person. Congratulate your foe even if it hurts doing so. This simple gesture

can help salvage your reputation and maturity.

▪ Take time to think about what this feeling means. Ask yourself if your jealousy derived

from a trivial competitive need or a genuine insecurity. Make an actionable to-do list for

your personal goals.

▪ Consider the facts. You need to realize that you can’t do everything. Focus on your goals

at hand and don’t get distracted by other people achieving theirs.

▪ Learn from them. Regard the person you are jealous of as a reality check and a motivator

instead of an enemy.

▪ Don’t make assumptions. Jealousy is often based on false assumptions, because you are

probably thinking the worst. Don’t always assume that you are right.

▪ Have more faith in people. Use jealousy to create more faith in people.

▪ Don’t judge people based on past experiences. Try to understand why you feel jealous

and you will be able to put a stop to those feelings.

▪ Stop comparing yourself to other people. Everyone has their own skills and faults. You

are not inferior to anyone else, just different, so you have nothing at all to be jealous


▪ Start working on yourself. Simply working on yourself is a great place to start. Being

active will make you feel a part of it all, instead of like an envious outsider.

▪ Ask where they've slipped up. Ask them about any road blocks they've experienced so

that you can learn from their experience.

▪ Stop competing. Competition gets you nowhere. It’s a fine line from being inspired by

someone to being jealous and competitive so be vary.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


How To Manage Jealousy.

Step 1: Understanding Jealousy

Effective resolution of jealousy relies on tracking down the root of the jealousy, and identifying

the emotional responses the jealousy is rooted in.

Toolkit For Understanding Jealousy

Identify the things that trigger a feeling of jealousy or insecurity. Identify the fears or doubts that

the behavior which triggers the feelings of jealousy or insecurity may cause.

Step 2: Deconstructing Jealousy & Insecurity

When you’ve looked at jealousy through a lens of critical evaluation, often you’ll find a great deal

of insight into the things that underlie those feelings.

Toolkit For Deconstructing Jealousy & Insecurity

Make a list of hidden assumptions, i.e. ideas that underlie your fears.

Step 3: Constructing A Replacement

The next step in conquering that jealousy is to construct new ideas that you can reach for

whenever you begin to feel the jealous response.

Toolkit For Constructing A Replacement

Return to the list of the assumptions and ideas your fears are grounded in. For that list of

assumptions and ideas, make another list of things that demonstrate why the fears and

insecurities are unfounded.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Step 4: Building New Habits

Practice being secure. The more you behave like a person who is secure and self-confident, the

more you become a person who is secure and self-confident.

Toolkit For Building New Habits

Start by examining the mental habits you have already developed and then look at the behaviors

those habits result in.

The Positive Green-Eyed Monster Discover Why Green-Eyed Is A Sign Of Green Light And How To Make Jealousy Work For You


Conclusion. Jealousy is an inevitable emotion that pretty much every one of us will experience even though

no one enjoys jealousy. The problem with jealousy isn’t that it comes up from time to time, but

what it does to us when we don’t get a hold on it.

Jealousy is a fundamentally social emotion with complicated underpinnings that can produce

both functional and dysfunctional behaviors. At its most intense, it can have dire social and

personal consequences.

It can be frightening to experience what happens when we allow our jealousy to overpower us

or allow it not only to shape how we feel about the world around us including ourselves.

Understanding where our jealous feelings actually come from and learning how to deal with

jealousy in healthy ways is the key to so many areas of our lives from our careers and personal

goals to our interpersonal relationships.

Your jealousies and insecurities are things you can understand; and more importantly, you can

choose how you behave, no matter what you feel. You alone are responsible for your own actions

and for the consequences of those actions; no matter how strongly you may feel threatened or

insecure. Choices which give in to the insecurities strengthen them; choices that take a stand

against your insecurities weaken them.

The key is to start investigating how you’re co-creating those circumstances and stop blaming

circumstances. We get jealous when someone else gets a promotion or an opportunity that we

feel should have been given to us but did we really want it? Could their good fortune actually

have bene a blessing in disguise for us?

If none of these suggestions work, just remember that someone out there would be more than

happy to be all those things you wish you weren’t and have less than what you have right now.
