The Places We go A Geography Lesson by : Bonolo Thekiso


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The Places We go

A Geography Lesson by : Bonolo Thekiso

Think of a place you go to every day…..

How do you

get there?

Tell the friend next to you about the place you were thinking about Is it the same as yours?

What were the places you talked about?

How do you get there?

What places can we drive to?

Write your places on your postit and stick them on the board

What places can we walk to?

Write your places on your postit and stick them on the board

What places do you only visit sometimes?

Tell the friend next to you about the place you were thinking about Is it the same as


How do you get there?

What were the places you talked about?

Why do you visit these places less often?

Why do you visit these places less often?

Who do we know

overseas right


This is the Sydney Opera house

Who has been to another state? How often do you go inter-state?

This is the Pyramid of Khafre and Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt

This is the Empire State Building in New York.

This is the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy

These are the statues of the first 3 Kings in the capital city of Botswana

This is the capital city of Botswana, Gaborone


1. With a partner, draw all the places you can walk to from your houses

2. Draw some places you can drive to from your houses and describe them

3. Draw some places you can drive AND walk to from your houses and describe them

4. Write about the places you visit often, why and how you get there

5. Draw and describe a place you only visit sometimes and why you visit them

6. Write about why you only visit these places sometimes.

The World Map of Every Disney Character ever!
