The Philosophy of Exotischism Listening To Your Heart 1 All of our lives we have heard that everyone...


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The Philosophy of Exotischism Listening To Your Heart 1

All of our lives we have heard that everyone is connected and that we are all part of a universal consciousness - kind of like pieces in a

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puzzle.  The Philosophy of Exotischism embraces the idea that shortly after a child is born, they start picking up subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings from other people.  This information travels between

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our soul and the souls of other people in a manner similar to the way that radio, television, and cell phone signals are sent.  Because our thoughts and feelings are constantly being exchanged with those of other people, it

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can sometimes become very difficult for us to gain control over our own thoughts and feelings.

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The Difference Between Right and WrongMost of us feel that we have a pretty good idea as to what is right and what is wrong, and we are usually not afraid to express our opinions about what we consider to

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be right and what we consider to be wrong. How can we be so sure that we are right about an issue when the guy who lives down the block from us is so sure that we are wrong about the same issue?

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The guy who lives down the block began a socialization process of automatically exchanging his subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings with other people early in life. We also began the same

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socialization process early in life. How can our opinions be so different?

Even though we were each developing spiritual links with other people as we were growing up, we were not

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developing our spiritual links with the same people. The people we developed our spiritual links with became an important part of our thought processes. They became like a conscience telling us what was right and

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what was wrong. Whenever we would express our opinions about an issue, we would feel that we were being "watched" and that we were being supported by these people who we were spiritually linked to.

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We would hear a "small voice" inside of us telling us that we were right. The guy who lived down the block also felt that he was being "watched" and that he was being supported by the people who he had

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developed his spiritual links with. Like us, he would hear a "small voice" inside of him telling him that he was right.

Are we going to conclude that we were right because our opinion was based

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largely on the guidance we received from people who we had spiritual links with and that the guy who lived down the block was also right because his opinion was based largely on the guidance that he received

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from people who he had spiritual links with? No. Not necessarily. If the people who we were linked to spiritually were better and smarter than the people who he was linked to spiritually, we might have been right.

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If not, we might have been wrong.

The Collective Subconscious of the GroupMost people are constantly exchanging their subconscious spiritual

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thoughts and feelings with people who are similar to themselves (the people who act as their conscience).  Every person is a part of the people who they are connected to spiritually.  Try to picture in your mind  

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a main computer with incredible speed and incredible storage capacity that is connected to a number of smaller computers.  When the individual computers send data to the main computer,

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it is analyzed and compared to the data that has been received from the other computers.  Each computer is immediately sent a report that summarizes the data that has been received from all of the computers.  In the

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same way each person who is spiritually connected to other people is a small part of those people's thoughts and feelings (each person is part of a collective subconscious).  The people who they are spiritually

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connected to "pick up" their thoughts and feelings and they "pick up" the thoughts and feelings of the people who they are spiritually connected to.

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Group Member #3

Collective Subconscious of the Group

Group Member #2Group Member #1

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Sometimes the spiritual connections that form between two people can become so strong that a person might start to accept things about the other person that they did not originally accept.  This

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happens because each person is deep into the soul of the other person and is having a very strong influence on the other person's thoughts and feelings.  People who form strong spiritual links with

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another person can sense (or perceive) the other person's thoughts and feelings in a very strong way.  When one of them has a thought or feeling, the other person will sense that thought or feeling and will

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respond to it automatically (and neither person will be consciously aware of the dynamic exchange of spiritual information that is taking place).  But even though these people may feel that they are very close to

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each other, there is still a filtering process in place (the main computer).  They will not be able to know exactly what the other person is thinking (although they may have a pretty good idea

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sometimes as to what the other person is thinking).

The Myth of the Passive-Aggressive PersonalityIn the period following World War II there were many advances made in the field of

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psychology.  One of the discoveries made at this time was that there were a lot of people who seemed to be somewhat passive on the surface but who projected out to the world a type of subconscious (or below the

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surface) unstated aggression towards other people.  Being as these people were not totally autonomous (or not totally together), they would try to gain feelings of power and control by doing things like showing up late for

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work, not finishing jobs that they started, and making excuses for themselves. 

The above discoveries about the passive-aggressive personality were being made at about the same time in

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history that people were beginning to realize that mankind had been living in a dream world.  People had been flying high believing in myths that had no basis in fact and were having to face the harsh reality that they

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were not going to be able to continue to live the same way that they had in the past.  The information that surfaced about the passive-aggressive personality was disturbing because it pointed out just how dysfunctional

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society had become.  There was no denying that there were a lot of people who were not really strong enough to function in society but no one really wanted to admit that society was to blame for the problem. 

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One of the techniques that was developed to deal with this problem was to try to deny that the problem existed.  For example, when it became obvious that one of these people had a behavior problem in their high school

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classroom by showing up late or being late turning in their assignments, the teacher might start to suddenly make life difficult for one of the quiet, shy students in the class who was always on time and who

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did not talk in class.  This would divert attention away from the fact that the passive-aggressive student had a problem and would also give some feelings of motivation to that student

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(who would realize that the teacher must really like him if he would do something like that for him).  It would also protect the teacher from criticism that he did not use discipline when the passive-aggressive student was

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disruptive.  The teacher did use discipline, but he disciplined the wrong person (he disciplined a student who was more vulnerable than the passive-aggressive student).  After the "discipline" the behavior of

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the disruptive student would improve at least temporarily.  While it would certainly be unfair for the student who took the blame (and who had to unfairly receive the discipline that should have gone to the

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other student), it would help to protect society.  If the teacher disciplined the disruptive student, that person would then feel forced to show defiance towards the teacher and their behavior would become

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worse as a result of the discipline.  A situation like that would be embarrassing for society.

Over the years society has continued to "bail out" passive-aggressive people

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whenever they have started to stumble in ways similar to the above classroom example.  One of the techniques for doing this has been to take spiritual energy from the people who are truly vulnerable spiritually and

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psychologically and give it to the passive-aggressive people.  But we may be getting close to the point where the people who are truly vulnerable spiritually and psychologically will no longer have any spiritual

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energy left to give.  We need to remember that if you go back to the same well too many times, it may eventually become dry.

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Life in the Spiritual PitMany years ago, before the major advances in science that we have all benefited from, it was widely felt that people from other cultures were somehow evil. But as we became more enlightened

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and as we began to understand our spiritual natures, we began to realize that all cultures are basically the same as our own from a spiritual point of view. Everyone on earth begins the process of exchanging their

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subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings with other people shortly after they are born.  Some of the spiritual information they "pick up" from other people early in life may contain cultural and religious myths

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that have no basis in fact but those cultural and religious myths seem magical to them and they will allow those myths to go deep into their souls because the myths will come into them in a magical way (through the automatic

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exchange of subconscious spiritual information with other people). Today it seems that people throughout the world have come to a belief that people who have antisocial characteristics are the only

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people who are evil because they project out a nervous type of spiritual energy to the world and because they are not "solid" members of any particular spiritual or cultural group.

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At some deep subconscious level a lot of people feel that when one of the antisocial people eventually blows up psychologically and commits a tragic crime, that all of the other antisocial people in the world have

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somehow been involved in the crime. They feel that the other antisocial people have been encouraging the criminal by way of the subconscious spiritual messages that they feel these people exchange back

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and forth between themselves in some sort of evil spiritual underworld (or spiritual pit). And it may be true that something like this does take place. But whether or not it is true that all antisocial people are

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constantly communicating with each other by way of subconscious spiritual messages in their spiritual underworld, a lot of people do seem to believe that this is true. When an antisocial person commits a crime,

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and another antisocial person who has never even met them notices that they are getting a lot of dirty looks from other people, the innocent antisocial person who had nothing to do with the crime should not

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become defensive thinking that they are unfairly being blamed for something that they did not do and that they do not approve of. They might actually have subconscious spiritual links with the person who

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committed the crime that they are not aware of. If they realize that possibility, then they will understand why people sometimes seem to blame them for something that they did not do and that they do not approve of. 

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We need to realize that it may be possible that early in life some of the people who we define as antisocial may have been unfairly deprived of their spiritual energy (when their spiritual energy was

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unfairly taken away from them) and may have as a result been thrown into an evil spiritual underworld. It is not a perfect world and sometimes things happen that should not happen. If it is true that they did not want

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to become antisocial but were forced down that path when their spiritual energy was taken away from them (and if they tried to stop what was happening but were not able to), then it can be argued that even though they

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may have developed subconscious spiritual links with the evil spiritual underworld, they should not be blamed as much as they presently are.  They are not really evil by nature.  They were simply forced by their

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community into a spiritual position that they did not want to be placed into.

Sometimes people who are antisocial get defensive when people suggest that they should change because

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they feel that the people who are trying to get them to change are the same types of people who put them into the difficult spiritual position that they are presently in (they are the same types of people who deprived them of their

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spiritual energy originally). They need to, with insight into the situation, stop blaming themselves for having been thrown into the spiritual pit that they are in, but they also need to realize that they might have, since

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being thrown into that pit, subconsciously formed spiritual links with people who would not like them if they ever actually met and who they would not like if they actually met. When they realize this they will

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probably want to wash off some of the spiritual dirt that they have picked up while they were in the spiritual pit. We need to remember that not all “antisocial” people like being in the spiritual position that they are presently in.

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When analyzing people in this position, we need to look at the specifics of each particular situation. Did they carelessly fall into the evil spiritual pit that they are in, or did they jump into the spiritual pit on purpose,

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or were they thrown into the spiritual pit against their will?
