The phase diagrams for quantum chromodynamics




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    The phase diagram of quantum hromodynamis

    Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz

    University of Wuppertal, Germany

    Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary

  • Contents

    1 Introdution 2

    1.1 The phase diagram of QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    2 QCD thermodynamis on the lattie 5

    2.1 The ation in lattie QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    2.2 Correlators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    2.3 Continuum limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    2.4 Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    3 Results at zero hemial potential 13

    3.1 Choie of the ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    3.2 T=0 simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    3.2.1 Determination of the LCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    3.3 The order of the QCD transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    3.4 The transition temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    3.5 Equation of state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    3.6 Note added in proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    4 Finite hemial potential 30

    4.1 Chemial potential on the lattie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    4.2 The sign problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    4.3 Multi-parameter reweighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    4.3.1 Multi-parameter reweighting with Taylor-expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

    4.3.2 Simulations at imaginary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

    4.3.3 Dierenes and similarities of the three tehniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

    4.3.4 Determining the phase diagram by Lee-Yang zeroes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

    4.4 Results for the phase diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    4.4.1 Phase line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    4.4.2 The ritial point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    4.5 Equation of state at > 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    5 Conlusions, outlook 41


  • 1Introdution

    Quantum hromodynamis (QCD) is the theory of strong interations. The elementary partiles of QCD ontrary to the

    other partiles desribed by the Standard Model (SM) of partile physis an not be observed diretly. The Lagrangian

    of QCD is given by quarks and gluons. Instead of free quarks and gluons we observe bound state hadrons.

    One of the most important features of QCD is asymptoti freedom. At small energies the oupling is strong, the

    value of the oupling onstant is large. For large energies the oupling onstant dereases and approahes zero. Sine

    the oupling onstant is large at small energies, we an not use one of the most powerful methods of partile physis, the

    perturbative approah. For large enough energies the oupling gets smaller, thus asymptoti freedom opens the possibility

    to use perturbative tehniques. In this regime sattering proesses an be treated perturbatively. The results are in good

    agreement with the experiments.

    At small energies (below about 1 GeV) the bound states and their interations an be desribed only by non-

    perturbative methods. The most systemati non-perturbative tehnique today is lattie eld theory. The eld variables

    of the Lagrangian are dened on a disrete spae-time lattie. The ontinuum results are obtained by taking smaller and

    smaller lattie spaings (a) and extrapolating the results to vanishing a. Though lattie eld theory has been an ative

    eld for 30 years, the rst ontinuum extrapolated full results appeared only reently.

    Another onsequene of asymptoti freedom that the oupling dereases for high temperatures (they are also hara-

    terized by large energies). A

    ording to the expetations at very high temperatures (Stefan-Boltzmann limit) the typial

    degrees of freedom are no longer bound state hadrons but freely moving quarks and gluons. Sine there are obvious qual-

    itative dierenes between these two forms of matter, we expet a phase transition between them at a given temperature

    Tc. The value of Tc an be estimated to be the typial QCD sale ( 200 MeV).At large baryoni densities the Fermi surfae is at large energy, thus we observe a similar phenomenon, the typial

    energies are large, the oupling is small. Also in this ase we expet a phase transition between the phases haraterized

    by small and large energies. In QCD the thermodynami observables are related to the grand anonial partition funtion.

    Therefore, the baryoni density an be tuned by tuning the baryoni hemial potential (). If we inrease the hemial

    potential the orresponding Tc values derease. Thus, one obtains a non-trivial phase diagram on the T plane.

    Understanding the T>0 and >0 behaviour of QCD is not only a theoretial question. In the early Universe (about

    105 after the Big Bang) the T>0 QCD transition resulted in hadrons, whih we observe today, and even more, whih

    we are made of. The nature of the transition (rst order phase transition, seond order phase transition or an analyti

    rossover) and its harateristi sale (Tc) tell a lot about the history of the early Universe and imply important osmo-

    logial onsequenes. Sine in the early Universe the number of baryons and antibaryons were almost equal we an use

    =0 to a very good approximation.

    One of the most important goal of heavy ion experiments is to understand and experimentally determine the phase

    diagram of QCD. The determination of the temperatures and/or hemial potentials in a heavy ion ollision is far from

    being trivial. The larger the energy the loser the trajetory (the -T pairs, whih haraterise the time development of

    the system) to the =0 axis. Earlier heavy ion experiments (e.g. that of the CERN SPS a

    elerator) mapped relatively

    large regions (approximately 150-200 MeV), whereas present experiments of the RHIC a

    elerator runs around 40 MeV.

    The heavy ion program of the LHC a

    elerator at CERN will study QCD thermodynamis essentially along the = 0 axis.

    The most important physis goal of the CBM experiment of the FAIR a

    elerator at GSI in Darmstadt is to understand

    the QCD phase diagram at large baryoni hemial potentials.

    Knowledge on the large density region of the phase diagram an guide us to understand the physis of neutron stars

    (e.g. the existene of quark matter in the ore of the neutron stars).



    F C





    first order region

    B m





    crossover region

    physical point?

    Figure 1.1: The onjetured phase diagram of QCD on the hypothetial msmud plane (strange quark mass versus light up and

    down quark mass, from now on we use degenerate light quark masses). The middle region orresponds to analyti rossover. In

    the purple (lower left and upper right) regions one expets a rst order phase transition. On the boundaries between the rst order

    phase transition regions and the rossover region and along the AE line the transition is of seond order.

    In this summary we will study the QCD transition at non-vanishing temperatures and/or densities. We will use

    lattie gauge theory to give non-perturbative preditions. As a rst step, we determine the nature of the transition (rst

    order, seond order or analyti rossover) and the harateristi sale of the transition (we all it transition temperature)

    at vanishing baryoni densities. A

    ording to the detailed analyses there is no singular phase transition in the system,

    instead one is faed with an analyti rossover like transition between the phases dominated by quarks/gluons and that

    with hadrons (from now on we all these two dierent forms of matter phases). As a onsequene, there is no unique

    transition temperature. Dierent quantities give dierent Tc values (whih are then dened as the most singular point of

    their temperature dependene). We will determine the equation of state as a funtion of the temperature and baryoni

    hemial potential.

    As a seond step we leave the = 0 axis and study phenomena at non-vanishing baryoni densities. As we will see

    this is quite diult, any method is spoiled by the sign problem, whih we will disuss in detail. In the last 25 years

    several results were obtained for = 0 (though they were not extrapolated to the ontinuum limit). Until quite reently

    there were no methods, whih were able to give any information on the non-vanishing hemial potential part of the phase

    diagram. In 2001 a method was suggested, with whih the rst informations were obtained and several questions ould be

    answered. Using this and other methods we determine the phase diagram for small values of the hemial potential, we

    loate the ritial point of QCD and similarly to the = 0 ase we alulate the equation of state (note, that these results

    are not yet in the ontinuum limit, they are obtained at relatively large lattie spaings; for the ontinuum extrapolated

    results larger omputational resoures are neessary than available today).

    1.1 The phase diagram of QCD

    Before we disuss the results let us summarize the qualitative piture of the QCD phase diagram. Figure 1.1 shows the

    onjetured phase diagram of QCD as a hypothetial funtion of the mud light quark mass and ms strange quark mass.

    In nature these quark masses are xed and they orrespond to a single point on this phase diagram. The gure shows

    our expetations for the nature of the transition. QCD is a gauge theory, whih has two limiting ases with additional

    symmetries. One of these limiting ases orrespond to the innitely heavy quark masses (point D of the diagram).

    This is the pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory, whih has not only the SU(3) gauge symmetry but an additional Z(3) enter

    symmetry, too. At high temperatures this Z(3) symmetry is spontaneously broken. The order parameter whih belongs

    to the symmetry is the Polyakov loop. The physial phenomenon, whih is related to the spontaneous symmetry breaking

    is the deonning phase transition. At high temperatures the onning feature of the stati potential disappears. The

    rst lattie studies were arried out in the pure SU(2) gauge theory [1,2. The transition turned out to be a seond order

    phase transition. Later on the inrease of the omputational resoures allowed to study the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. It

    was realized that in this ase we are faed with a rst order phase transition, whih happens around 270 MeV in physial


    n =2f


    Equark gluon plasma




    hadronic phase

    n =2+1P


    Figure 1.2: The most popular senario for the T phase diagram of QCD. For the massless Nf = 2 ase (red urve) we nd a P

    triritial point between the seond order (dashed line) and rst order (solid lime) regions. For physial quark masses (two light

    quarks and another somewhat heavier strange quark: Nf = 2 + 1, represented by the blue urves) the rossover (dotted region)

    and rst order phase transition (solid line) regions are separated by a ritial point E.

    units [37.

    The other important limiting ase orresponds to vanishing quark masses (points A and B). In this ase the Lagrangian

    has an additional global symmetry, namely hiral symmetry. Left and right handed quarks are transformed independently.

    Point A orresponds to a two avour theory (Nf = 2), whereas the three avour theory (Nf = 3) is represented by point

    B. The hiral symmetry an be desribed by U(Nf )L U(Nf )R. At vanishing temperature the hiral symmetry isspontaneously broken, the orresponding Goldstone bosons are the pseudosalar mesons (in the Nf = 2 ase we have

    three pions). Sine in nature the quark masses are small but non-vanishing the hiral symmetry is only an approximative

    symmetry of the theory. Thus, the masses of the pions are small but non-zero (though they are muh smaller than the

    masses of other hadrons). At high temperatures the hiral symmetry is restored. There is a phase transition between the

    low temperature hirally broken and the high temperature hirally symmetri phases. The orresponding order parameter

    is the hiral ondensate. For this limiting ase we do not have reliable lattie results (lattie simulations are prohibitively

    expensive for small quark masses, thus to reah the zero mass limit is extremely diult). There are model studies,

    whih start from the underlying symmetries of the theory. These studies predit a seond order phase transition for the

    Nf = 2 ase, whih belongs to the O(4) universality lass. For the Nf = 3 theory these studies predit a rst order phase

    transition [8. For intermediate quark masses we expet an analyti rossover (see Figure 1.1). One of the most important

    questions is to loate the physial point on this phase diagram, thus to determine the nature of the T>0 QCD transition

    for physial quark masses.

    The most popular senario for the T phase diagram of QCD an be seen on Figure 1.2. At T=0 and at large

    hemial potentials model alulations predit a rst order phase transition [9. In two avour massless QCD there is a

    triritial point between the seond order phase transition region (whih starts at the seond order point at = 0) and

    the rst order phase transition region at large hemial potentials. As we will see QCD with physial quark messes is

    in the rossover region, thus in this ase we expet a ritial (end)point E between the rossover and rst order phase

    transition regions.

    A partiularly interesting piture is emerging at large hemial potentials. Due to asymptoti freedom at large densities

    we obtain a system with almost non-interative fermions. Sine quarks attrat eah other, it is easy to form Cooper-pairs,

    whih results in a olour superonduting phase. The disussion of this interesting phenomenon is beyond the sope of

    the present summary.

    The struture of the present work an be summarized as follows. In hapter 2 we summarize the neessary tehniques

    of lattie gauge theory. Chapter 3 disusses the = 0 results. The nature of the transition is determined, its harateristi

    sale is alulated (Tc) and the equation of state is given. We disuss the 6= 0 ase in hapter 4. The soure of the signproblem is presented and the multi-parameter reweighting is introdued. We determine the phase diagram, the ritial

    point and the equation of state. Chapter 5 summarizes the results and provides a detailed outlook. Based on the available

    tehniques and omputer resoures we estimate the time sales needed to reah the various milestones of lattie QCD


  • 2QCD thermodynamis on the lattie

    We summarize the most important ingredients of lattie QCD. Instead of providing a omplete introdution we fous on

    those elements of the theory and tehniques, whih are essential to lattie thermodynamis. A detailed introdution to

    other elds of lattie QCD an be found in Ref. [10.

    Thermodynami observables are derived from the grand anonial partition funtion. The Eulidean partition funtion

    an be given by the following funtional integral:

    Z =

    DUDDeSE(U,,), (2.1)

    here U represent the gauge elds (gluons), whereas and are the fermioni elds (quarks). QCD is an SU(3) gauge

    theory with fermions in the fundamental representation. Thus, at various spae-time points the four omponents of the

    U gauge eld an be given by SU(3) matries for all four diretions. The fermions are represented by non-ommuting

    Grassmann variables.

    The Boltzmann fator is given by the Eulidean ation, whih is a funtional of the gauge and fermioni elds.

    Equation (2.1) ontains additional parameters (though they are not shown in the formula expliitely). These parameters

    are the gauge oupling (it is related to the ontinuum gauge oupling as = 6/g2), the quark masses (mi) and the

    hemial potentials (i). For simpliity equation (2.1) desribes only one avour. More than one avour an be desribed

    by introduing several i elds. In nature there are six quark avours. The three heaviest avours (c, b, t) are muh

    heavier than the typial energy sales in our problem. They do not appear as initial or nal states and they an not be

    produed at the typial energy sales. Their eets an be inluded by a simple redenition of the other bare parameters

    (for some quantities they should be inluded expliitly as dynamial degrees of freedom, however, we will not disuss suh

    proesses). The three other quarks are the u, d and s quarks. The masses of the u, d quarks are muh smaller than the

    typial hadroni sale, therefore one an treat them as degenerate degrees of freedom (exat SU(2) symmetry is assumed).

    This approximation is satisfatory, sine the mass dierene between the u and d quarks an explain only 50% of themass dierene between dierent pions. For the remaining 50% the eletromagneti interation is responsible (the upand down quarks have dierent eletri harges). Inluding the mass dierenes would mean that one should inlude an

    equally important feature of nature, namely the eletromagneti interations, too. This is usually far beyond the preision

    lattie alulations an reah today. Assuming mu = md is a very good approximation, the obtained results are quite

    preise, unertainty related to this hoie is learly subdominant. For the degenerate up and down quark mass we use

    the shorthand notation mud. The s quark is somewhat heavier, its mass is around the sale of the parameter of QCD.

    In typial lattie appliations one uses the mu = md < ms setup, whih is usually alled as Nf = 2 + 1 avour QCD.

    In order to give the integration measure (DUDD) one has to regularize the theory. Instead of using the ontinuumformulation we introdue a hyperubi spae-time lattie . The elds are dened on the sites (fermions) and on the

    links (gauge elds) of this lattie. It is easy to show that this hoie automatially respets gauge invariane. For a given

    site x four (x;) links an be dened (here denotes the diretion of the link, = 1 . . . 4). Using this hoie theintegration measure is given by

    DUDD =




    dx (2.2)

    With this regularization one an imagine the funtional integral as a sum of the Boltzmann fators exp(E/kT ) over allpossible



    ongurations (here we use the k = 1 onvention). Thus, our system orresponds to a four-dimensional

    lassial statistial system. The energy funtional is simply replaed by the Eulidean ation. An important dierene is



    that in statistial physis the temperature is inluded in the Boltzmann fator, whereas in our ase it is related to the

    temporal extent of the lattie (it is the inverse of it). It is easy to show that using periodi boundary onditions for the

    bosoni elds and antiperiodi boundary onditions for the fermioni elds our equation (2.1) reprodues the statistial

    physis partition funtion.

    2.1 The ation in lattie QCD

    The lattie regularization means that one should disretize the Eulidean ation SE . This step is not unambiguous. There

    are several lattie ations, whih all lead to the same ontinuum ation. The dierene between them is important, sine

    these dierenes tell us how fast they approah the ontinuum result as we derease the lattie spaing. Calulating a

    given A observable on the lattie of a lattie spaing a, the result diers from the ontinuum one

    Aa = A+O(a). (2.3)

    The power depends on the way we disretized the ation. The larger the power the better the ation (for large we

    an obtain a result, whih is quite lose to the ontinuum one, already at large lattie spaing).

    The most straightforward disretization is obtained by simply taking dierenes at neighbouring sites to approximate

    derivatives. Ations, whih have better saling behaviour (larger or smaller prefator) are alled improved ations.

    In the following paragraphs we summarize the most important ations.

    The ation SE usually an be written as a sum SE = Sg + Sf , where Sg is the gauge ation (it depends only on the

    gauge elds) and Sf is the fermioni ation (it depends both on the gauge and fermioni elds).

    The simplest gauge ation is the Wilson gauge ation whih is the sum of the

    UP (x;) = Ux;Ux+a;Ux+a;U

    x; (2.4)

    plaquettes. Here denotes the unit vetor in the diretion. The Wilson ation reads:

    Sg,Wilson = (1




    modes so that they are at the uto sale (1/a). As we approah the ontinuum limit these 15 partiles deouple.

    Generally, one an use a Wilson term with an arbitrary oeient r. The usual hoie is r = 1. In this ase the ation


    Sf,Wilson =x

    [ +


    (xUx;(1 + )x+a + xU

    xa;(1 )xa

    )]. (2.8)

    Here the elds are resaled appropriately. The disadvantage of Wilson fermions is the loss of hiral symmetry for vanishing

    quark masses. This symmetry is restored only in the ontinuum limit. The quark mass reeives an additive renormalization

    and the asymptoti saling (.f. equation (2.3)) is linear in a.

    Kogut and Susskind introdued another formalism, namely the staggered fermions. The spinor omponents of the

    fermioni eld are distributed among the orners of a 24 hyperube. This leads to a diagonal expression in the spinor

    index. By using only 1 out these 4 diagonal omponents one an redue the number of degrees of freedom by a fator of

    4. This ation desribes 16/4=4 fermions of the same mass. The ation an be written as

    Sf,staggered =x






    (xUx;x+a xU xa;xa

    )], (2.9)

    where x; = (1)x1++x1 . Contrary to the naive or Wilson fermion formulations the eld has only one spin

    omponent. For simpliity we use the Greek letter also for staggered fermions. The most important advantage of

    the staggered formalism is, that the ation has a U(1)L U(1)R symmetry (whih is a remnant of the original hiralsymmetry). Due to this symmetry there is no additive mass renormalization. The asymptoti saling is better than for

    Wilson fermions, it is proportional to a2. An additional advantage is of omputational nature. Sine we do not have

    Dira indies the omputations are faster. The most important disadvantage of the staggered fermions is the fourfold

    degeneray of the fermions. Later we disuss the tehnique, whih allows one to use less than four fermions.

    In priniple, there are several other fermion formulations. Note, however, that the Nielsen-Ninomiya no-go theorem

    exludes any ontinuum-like fermion formulations [11, 12. A

    ording to this theorem one an not have a loal fermion

    formulation with a proper ontinuum limit for one avour, whih respets hiral symmetry. Reently, it was possible

    to onstrut a fermion formulation, whih fullls the above onditions and respets a modied (lattie-like) hiral sym-

    metry [13, 14. These fermions are alled hiral lattie fermions. They represent a mathematially elegant formulation

    with many important features, whih make lattie alulations unambiguous and straightforward. Unfortunately, they

    are extremely CPU demanding, they require approximately two orders of magnitude more omputer time than the more

    traditional Wilson or staggered fermions. The rst steps in order to develop reliable algorithms have been made and

    exploratory studies have been arried out on relatively small latties [1520. We expet that in the near future important

    results will be obtained by using hiral lattie fermions.

    Both eq. (2.8) and (2.9) are bilinear in the fermioni elds (it is true for other ations, too):

    Sf =x,y

    xMxy(U)y, (2.10)

    here the spei form of the matrix M an be derived from eq. (2.8) and (2.9). Sine the fermioni elds are represented

    by Grassmann variables it is diult to treat them numerially. We do not know any tehnique, whih an be used as

    eetively as the bosoni importane sampling methods. Fortunately, the fermioni integrals an be evaluated exatly.

    Using the known Grassmann integration rules one obtains:DDeSf = detM(U), (2.11)

    Thus the partition funtion (2.1) an be written as follows:

    Z =

    DU detM(U)eSg(U) =

    DUe{Sg(U)ln detM}. (2.12)

    This simple step resulted in an eetive theory, whih ontains only bosoni elds. The ation reads: Seff. = Sg ln detM .Unfortunately this ation is non-loal. Due to the fermioni determinant elds at arbitrary distanes interat with eah

    other (the original ation SE = Sg + Sf is loal in the eld variables). This non-loality is the most important soure of

    diulties. It is muh more demanding to study full QCD (with dynamial fermions) than pure SU(3) gauge theory.


    For the 2+1 avour theory we need dierent fermioni elds. Eah fermioni integration results in a fermioni

    determinant. These determinants depend expliitely on the quark masses:

    Z(m1,m2, . . .mNf ) =

    DU detM(m1;U) detM(m2;U) . . .detM(mNf ;U)eSg(U). (2.13)

    For Wilson fermions the above formula an be used diretly for 2+1 avours. For staggered fermions another trik is

    needed. Sine one eld desribes four fermions in the staggered formalism one uses the fourth root trik. The reason

    for that is quite simple. For more than one eld one uses powers of the determinant. Analogously for one avour one

    uses the fourth root of the determinant. We expet that the partition funtion

    Z(Nf ) =

    DU [detM(U)]Nf/4 eSg(U) (2.14)

    desribes Nf avours in the staggered theory. Note, however, that the loality of suh a model is not obvious. As we saw

    the partition funtion 2.12) was the result of a loal theory, whih is not neessarily the ase for (2.14). This question is

    still debated in the literature (see e.g. [21). Though the theoretial piture is not lear, all numerial results show that

    the fourth root trik most probably leads to a proper desription of one avour of QCD.

    In the rest of this work we will deal with staggered theory, only. Sine staggered fermions are omputationally less

    demanding than other fermion formulations, the vast majority of the results in the literature are obtained by using

    staggered fermions. Another reason why the staggered fermions are so popular for thermodynami studies is related to

    the fat that staggered fermions are invariant under (redued) hiral symmetry, whih might play an important role for

    questions suh as hiral symmetry restoration (at the nite temperature QCD transition).

    In numerial simulations we use nite size latties of N3sNt. The three spatial sizes are usually the same (Ns), they

    give the spaial volume of the system, whereas the temporal extension in Eulidean spae-time is diretly related to the


    V = (Nsa)3, T =


    Nta. (2.15)

    Latties with Nt Ns are alled zero temperature latties, and latties with Nt Ns are alled non-zero temperaturelatties. In thermodynami studies a small temperature region around the transition temperature is the main fous of the

    analyses (an exeption is the determination of the equation of state, whih an be studied at muh higher temperatures,

    too). A

    ording to T = 1/(Nta) one an x the temperature by using smaller and smaller lattie spaings and larger and

    larger Nt temporal extensions. Thus, the resolution of an analysis is usually haraterized by the temporal extension.

    In the literature one nds typially Nt values of 4, 6, 8 and 10, whih orrespond to lattie spaings (at and around

    Tc) of approximately a =0.3, 0.2, 0.15 and 0.12 fm, respetively. We give here only approximative values and it is

    impossible to give preise values for the lattie spaings, partiularly for these relatively oarse latties. The reason for

    this no-go observation an be summarized as follows. QCD predits only dimensionless ombinations of observables.

    These ombinations are only approximated on the latties, they have a saling orretions, whih vanish as we approah

    the ontinuum limit. Sine dierent ombinations have dierent saling orretions, the lattie spaing an not be given


    The lattie spaing denes a uto 1/a. One of the most important soure of diulties is related to the fatthat we want to ensure that all masses we study are smaller than the uto, whereas all Compton wave-lengths (whih

    are proportional to the inverse masses) are muh smaller than the size of the lattie (otherwise one has large nite volume

    eets). Sine in QCD we have masses, whih are quite dierent (the mass ratio of the nuleon and pion is about seven)

    we are faed with a multi-sale problem. This results in a quite severe lower bound on Nt. In earlier works the only way

    to deal with suh a multi-sale problem was to ignore that in nature we have suh a phenomenon. People used a muh

    smaller nuleon to pion mass ratio than the physial one, thus they used quite heavy quark masses, whih resulted in

    heavy pion masses. Sine the transition is related to the hiral features of the theory (we speak about hiral transition)

    this approximation is learly non-physial. Another reason to use larger than physial pion masses is of algorithmi


    2.2 Correlators

    The expetation value of an observable O an be given as a funtional integral over the U and i, i elds:

    O = 1Z

    DUDDO [U, , ] eSE(U,,). (2.16)


    Quantum eld theories an be dened by operators. Formally, dening the theory by O operators or dening it by the

    above funtional integral are idential. The results in the two formalisms are the same O = O.At zero temperature typial hoies of operators are n-point funtions of the elds. Partiularly important n-point

    funtions are the two-point funtions (propagators). E.g. for pions the interpolating operator O an be given as O =u5d. The u,d indies denote up and down quarks. The (Eulidean) time evolution of the O operator is given by the

    Hamiltonian H by the usual way: O(t) = etHO(0)etH . Thus, inserting a omplete set of energy eigenstates |n, thetwo-point funtion an be written as

    0| O(t) O(0) |0 =n

    0| O |n2 e(EnE0)t. (2.17)For large t values the above funtion is dominated by the term with the smallest En (assuming that its prefator is

    non-vanishing). Thus, for a given hanel the exponential deay of the two-point funtion of the operator O (with the

    proper quantum numbers) provides us with the smallest energy (mass). The orrelation length is proportional to the

    inverse of the mass. In lattie units = 1/(ma), where denotes this dimensionless orrelation length (in lattie units).

    Using the appropriate operators one an determine the masses of hadrons on the lattie.

    2.3 Continuum limit

    The nal goal of lattie QCD is to give physial answers in the ontinuum limit. Results at various lattie spaings `a'

    are onsidered as intermediate steps. Sine the regularization (lattie) is inherently related to the non-vanishing lattie

    spaing it is not possible to arry out alulations already in the ontinuum limit in our lattie framework. The ontinuum

    physis appears as a limiting result. Obviously, the a 0 limit should be arried out a

    ording to eq. (2.3). During thisproedure the physial observables, more preisely their dimensionless ombinations should onverge to nite values. On

    the way to the ontinuum limit one should tune the parameters of the Lagrangian as a funtion of the lattie spaing.

    The renormalization group equations tell us how the parameters of the Lagrangian depend on the lattie spaing. For

    small gauge oupling (thus, for large uto or lose to the ontinuum limit) the perturbative form of the renormalization

    group equations an be used. For somewhat larger gauge ouplings one should use non-perturbative relationships.

    As we have seen, the orrelation length of a hadroni interpolating operator is proportional to the inverse mass

    of the hadron = 1/(ma). In order to reah the ontinuum limit the lattie spaing in physial unit should approah

    zero: a 0. Sine the hadron mass is a nite value in the same physial units, the orrelation length should diverge.Thus the ontinuum limit of lattie QCD is analogous to the ritial point of a statistial physis system (whih is also

    haraterized by a diverging orrelation length). The Kadano-Wilson renormalization group of statistial physis an

    be used for lattie QCD, too. The renormalization group transformation tells us how to hange the parameters of the

    lattie ation (Lagrangian) in order to obtain the same large distane behaviour (the small distane behaviour is not

    important for us, it merely reets our disretization proess). This was the original idea of Wilson: one has to arry out

    a few renormalization group transformation with inreasing `a' and desribe QCD by an ation whih is good enough

    at these large lattie spaings. After these steps the ation an be used for a numerial solution. Unfortunately, the

    renormalization group transformation proedure results in an ation, whih is far too ompliated to be used


    . Usually,

    when one hanges the lattie spaing (e.g. all the way to the ontinuum limit) the form of the ation remains the same,

    only its parameters are hanged. The way the parameters hange is alled renormalization group ow or line of onstant

    physis (LCP). It an be obtained by hoosing a few dimensionless ombinations of observables and demanding that

    their values remain the same predened value as we hange the lattie spaing. Using dierent sets of observables

    result in dierent LCPs; however, these dierent LCPs merge when we approah the ontinuum limit. The LCPs are

    usually determined by non-perturbative tehniques. The simplest proedure is to measure the neessary dimensionless

    ombinations at various parameters of the ation (bare parameters) and interpolate to those bare parameters, at whih the

    dimensionless ombinations take their predened value. A few iterative steps are usually enough to reah the neessary




    Note, that ations with very good saling properties an be onstruted by using the renormalization group transformations and reduing

    the number of terms in the ation [22,23


    2.4 Algorithms

    The determination of expetation values of various observables is the most important goal of lattie gauge theory. To

    that end one has to evaluate multi-dimensional integrals. Sine the dimension an be as high as 109, whih is the state

    of the art these days, it is a non-trivial numerial work. The systemati mapping of suh a multi-dimensional funtion

    is learly impratial. The only known method to handle the problem is based on Monte-Carlo tehniques. We hose

    some ongurations randomly and alulate the observables on these elds. The seemingly simplest method is to generate

    ongurations with a uniform distribution (uniform in the integration measure). This hoie is quite ineient, sine

    the Boltzmann fator exponentially suppresses most of these terms. Only a few ongurations would give a sizable

    ontribution, and using a uniform distribution the probability of nding these ongurations is extremely small. The

    most eient tehnique, whih is available today, is based on importane sampling. The ongurations are not uniformly

    generated, instead one uses a distribution p eSE for the generation. Thus, those ongurations, whih ontributewith a large Boltzmann weight are hosen more probably (eSE is large) than those, whih ontribute with a small

    Boltzmann fator (eSE is small). For the ase of QCD the Eulidean ation SE ontains the bosoni and the fermioni

    elds, whih are represented by Grassmann variables. There is no known importane sampling based proedure for

    Grassmann variables. As we disussed already one has to evaluate the fermioni integral expliitely. This integration

    leads to (2.12). Thus, a proedure based on importane sampling uses the distribution p(U) detM(U)eSg(U) forgenerating the ongurations. Let us assume that we have an innitely large ensemble of ongurations, given by the

    above distribution. The expetation value of an observable O an be alulated as

    O = limN




    O(Ui). (2.18)

    In pratie our ensemble is always nite, thus the N limit an not be ahieved, N remains nite. The lak of thisinnite limit results in statistial unertainties. One standard tehnique to determine the statistial errors is the jakknife

    method [10.

    A ruial ingredient of any method based on importane sampling is the positivity of detM(U) (it should be a positive

    real number) for all possible U gauge ongurations. Otherwise the expression detM(U)eSg(U) an not be interpreted

    as a probability. In order to illustrate the importane of this ondition we shortly summarize the simplest importane

    sampling based Monte-Carlo method, the Metropolis algorithm. All known tehniques represent a Markov hain, in whih

    the individual ongurations of the ensemble are obtained from the previous ongurations. The Metropolis algorithm

    onsists of two steps. In the rst step we hange the onguration U randomly and obtain a new onguration U .

    Obviously, this onguration has a dierent Boltzmann fator. In the seond step we take a

    ount for this dierene and


    ept this new U onguration, as a member of our ensemble, with the probability

    P (U U) = min[1, eSg

    detM(U )


    ], (2.19)

    where Sg = Sg(U) Sg(U). If the onguration U was not a

    epted (the probability of this ase is 1 P (U U)),

    we keep the original onguration U . It an be easily seen that 0 P (U U) 1 is fullled only if detM is positiveand real.

    Interestingly, this non-trivial ondition is fullled, it is a onsequene of the 5 hermitiity of the M fermion matrix

    (or in other words Dira operator)

    M = 5M5. (2.20)

    This equality an be easily heked both in the ontinuum formulation (2.8) or for the lattie formulations (2.9).

    If v is an eigenvetor of M with eigenvalue then v = M v = 5M5v. This gives 5v = M5v. Thus, is an

    eigenvalue of M . It an be similarly shown that an eigenvalue of M is also an eigenvalue of M . Thus, M and M have

    the same eigenvalues. As a result, these eigenvalues are either real or appear in onjugate pairs. As a onsequene detM

    is always real. In the ontinuum theory and for staggered fermions the massless Dira operator has only purely imaginary

    eigenvalues, thus the real eigenvalues of the massive Dira operator are always positive (they are equal to the quark

    mass). In these ases the ondition detM 0 is fullled and the equality appears only for vanishing quark masses. ForWilson fermions negative eigenvalues might appear. Note; however, that these eigenvalues disappear as we approah the

    ontinuum limit. For Wilson fermions the most straightforward method is to use two degenerate quarks, thus (detM)2

    an be used. Alternatively one an take one avour with |detM |. Sine in the ontinuum limit detM is a positive realnumber, taking the absolute value does not inuene the ontinuum limit.


    It is important to note already at this stage that for non-vanishing baryoni hemial potentials the 5 hermitiity of

    the Dira operator is not fullled, thus the determinant is not neessarily a real positive number. The partition funtion

    itself will be always real, thus one an use the real part of the integrand. Note, however, that the real part of the

    determinant an be positive or negative. In the sum large anellations appear between the terms with dierent signs.

    This is the sign problem, whih makes studies at non-vanishing hemial potential extremely diult. As a onsequene

    importane sampling suh as the Metropolis algorithm does not work.

    The Metropolis algorithm generates the ongurations a

    ording to the proper distribution. Unfortunately, it is a

    quite ineient algorithm. There are two reasons for that. First of all, one has to alulate the determinant of the Dira

    operator in eah step, whih is quite CPU demanding, it sales with the third power of N3sNt. Seondly, the subsequently

    generated ongurations in the Markov hain are not independent of eah other (for rejeted ongurations they are even

    idential). As it turns out the autoorrelation is huge.

    There are several algorithms on the market, whih are muh more eient. The most widely used method is the

    so-alled Hybrid Monte-Carlo (HMC) algorithm [2426. We shortly summarize the basi ideas to this tehnique. The

    determinant of any positive denite, hermitian H an be written as a funtional integral over bosoni elds

    detH =

    DDeH1 DDe . (2.21)(On a nite lattie the integral is a large but nite dimensional integral.)

    Sine the fermion matrixM is usually not hermitian we usually useH =M M . This hoie desribes two fermions/avours

    in the ontinuum or in the Wilson formalism (or 8 fermions in the staggered formalism, for staggered fermions one uses

    the word taste instead of avour). In order to desribe Nf fermion avors (tastes) H = (MM)Nf/2 is used (in the

    staggered ase H = (M M)Nf/8 is the proper hoie). Note, that these steps result in several problems, whih we will

    disuss later.

    The partition funtion for two degenerate quarks reeds

    Z = C


    1, (2.22)

    where the denominator of (2.21), whih gives only an irrelevant prefator to Z, is denoted by 1/C. Let us assign to

    eah lattie link a traeless anti-hermitian matrix x, for whih 2/2 =

    x; |x|2 /2. Multiplying Z by the onstant

    1/C = Dexp (2/2) we obtain

    Z = CC


    1. (2.23)

    For xed , one an dene a funtion

    H(U,) = 2/2 + Sg(U) + (M(U)M(U)

    )1, (2.24)

    whih depends on the Ux and x matries (here x parameterizes the links). We an onsider H as the Hamiltonian

    of a lassial many-partile system with general oordinates of Ux and general momenta of x. It is possible to solve

    the anonial equations of motions in a tious time t. Along suh trajetories the Hamiltonian H is onstant. Thus, forthe U and P elds we an introdue a Metropolis step (thus a new U and P ) for whih the integrand of (2.23) does not

    hange and the a

    eptane probability is 1. The update of the , elds is done by a global heatbath. The alulation

    of the trajetories are done numerially, thus the Hamiltonian is not onserved exatly. It an be shown that for the

    leapfrog integration (whih is the most ommon hoie in the literature) the hange in the Hamiltonian is proportional

    to the integration step-size squared: H 2. In order to have an exat algorithm one has to arry out at the end ofeah trajetory an additional Metropolis a

    ept/rejet step. This onludes the neessary steps of a Hybrid Monte-Carlo

    algorithm, whih we summarize here.

    1. For a xed gauge eld U we generate , and ongurations. The generation is done via a global heatbath


    ording to the integrand.

    2. The anonial equation of motions are integrated numerially from t = 0 to T using a step-size of . The usual

    hoie is T = 1.


    3. The onguration U at the end of the trajetory is a

    epted with probability of

    P (U U) = min [1, eH] . (2.25), and are not needed any more, for the next trajetory they will be regenerated as disussed in our rst


    It an be proven, that repeating this proedure gives the proper distribution for the gauge ongurations. The most

    demanding alulation numerially is the integration of the seond step and the alulation of the term

    (M M

    )1 in

    the third step. An idential question is to solve the linear equation of

    =(M M

    ). (2.26)

    The standard proedure is the onjugate gradient method. Sine the matrix is sparse this method gives the solution, of

    the neessary preision, in c L3sLt steps. The oeient c is proportional to the ondition number of the M matrix. Thesmallest eigenvalue of the matrix M is the quark mass (for the Wilson formalism, even smaller eigenvalues an appear).

    The largest eigenvalue is a quark mass independent onstant. Thus, the time needed for the omputation is inversely

    proportional to the quark mass. This is the reason for the inrease of the CPU osts for small quark masses, whih makes

    alulations in lattie QCD with physial quark masses quite hallenging.

    As we disussed, for one avour or taste frational powers of the expression

    (M M

    )should be taken. In this ase the

    standard onjugate gradient method an not be applied:

    (M M

    )Nf/2 (for the staggered formalism the power Nf/8should be used). It an be shown that in the seond step of the algorithm only integer powers of the fermion matrix is

    needed, and the inversions an be arried out. In the third step, however, the frational power an not be avoided. Until

    reently no eient method was known to treat frational powers, the most widely used method, the R algorithm [27

    simply omitted the third step. For small enough 2 the hange in the Hamiltonian was small, too: H 2. The methodwas not exat. In order to produe unambiguous results one had to arry out a 0 extrapolation, whih was usuallyomitted.

    Reently, a new method appeared in the literature, whih solved this problem. In this rational Hybrid Monte-

    Carlo (RHMC) algorithm the frational powers are approximated by rational funtions. Using 10-15 orders one an [28

    approximate the frational powers upto mahine preision. Using this tehnique all three steps of the Hybrid Monte-Carlo

    method an be done for arbitrary Nf exatly. Interestingly enough, the exat rational Hybrid Monte-Carlo algorithm

    turned out to be faster than the non-exat R algorithm.

  • 3Results at zero hemial potential

    We start the review of reent results with the = 0 ase. Results on the order of the transition, the absolute temperature

    of the transition and the equation of state will be disussed.

    All thermodynamis studies are based on two main steps. The observables relevant for loating and desribing the

    transition are determined on high temperature (Ns Nt) latties. Thus, T > 0 simulations is one of the neessaryingredients.

    In order to set the parameters of the ation and to give temperatures in physial values (in MeV), some observables

    (as many of them as many parameters the ation has) have to be ompared to their experimental values. The parameters

    of the ation have to be tuned so that these seleted observables agree with their experimental values. Sine suiently

    high preision experimental values, suh as hadron masses, are urrently only available at zero temperature, this step

    an only be ompleted via T = 0 simulations. Sine the parameters of the ation, whih are then used for the T > 0

    simulations, are set in this step, it is useful to start with the T = 0 simulations and then proeed with the T > 0 ones.

    3.1 Choie of the ation

    In hapter 2 we have seen that the hoie of the lattie ation has a signiant impat on the ontinuum extrapolation.

    On the one hand, an improved ation an make it possible to do a reliable extrapolation from larger lattie spaings

    than with an unimproved ation. On the other hand the omputational needs of improved ations are often muh higher

    than in the unimproved ase. In the following we review the ations used by dierent ollaborations in large sale lattie

    thermodynamis alulations.

    In the gauge setor typially the (2.6) Symanzik improved ation is used either with tree level oeients or with

    tadpole improvement. This improves the saling of the ation signiantly ompared to the unimproved Wilson ation at

    an a

    eptable ost.

    In the fermioni setor upto now all large sale thermodynamis studies were arried out with staggered fermions. The

    main reasons why most ollaborations take this hoie is the omputational eieny and the remnant hiral symmetry of

    staggered fermions. The MILC ollaboration uses ASQTAD fermions, the RBC-Bielefeld ollaboration uses p4 improved

    fermions and the Wuppertal-Budapest group stout improved fermions. The two former are desribed in detail in Ref. [29

    while the latter was originally introdued in [30 and the used parameters an be found in Ref. [31.

    Free staggered fermions desribe four degenerate quark avors. In the interating ase, however, due to taste symmetry

    violation the quark masses and the orresponding pseudosalar masses will only beome degenerate in the ontinuum

    limit. This feature is also present in the 2+1 avor theory obtained via the rooting trik. At the lattie spaings typially

    used for thermodynamis studies, the seond lightest pseudosalar mass an easily be three-four times heavier than the

    lightest one. Sine the order of the transition depends on the number of quark avors, it is desirable to use an ation

    where taste symmetry violation is signiantly redued. Figure 3.1 shows the taste symmetry violation for the three

    ations disussed above. We an see that stout smearing is the most eetive in reduing taste symmetry violation.



    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4






    Figure 3.1: Taste symmetry violation of three dierent lattie ations: ASQTAD improved ation used by the MILC ollabora-

    tion [32, p4 ation used by the RBC-Bielefeld ollaboration [33 and the stout improved ation used by the Wuppertal-Budapest

    group [34. The taste symmetry violation is haraterized by the dierene of the squares of the two lightest pions. All quantities

    are normalized by the r0 Sommer sale. The vertial line indiates the physial pion mass.

    3.2 T=0 simulations

    3.2.1 Determination of the LCP

    In lattie alulations of QCD thermodynamis we usually determine some observables at several dierent temperatures.

    Sine the temperature is inversely proportional to the temporal extent of the lattie: T = 1/(Nta), there are two ways

    to hange the temperature. One an either hange Nt or the lattie spaing. Sine Nt is an integer, the rst possibility

    gives reah only for a disrete set of temperatures. Therefore the temperature is usually tuned by hanging the lattie

    spaing at xed Nt. This means that, as disussed in hapter 2, while hanging the lattie spaing we have to properly

    tune the parameters of the ation to stay on the Line of Constant Physis (LCP).

    Sine the ation has three parameters ( and the quark masses), we have to hoose three physial quantities. Usually

    one of these quantities is used to set the physial sale while two independent dimensionless ratios of the three quantities

    denes the LCP. We have to hoose suh quantities whose experimental values are well known. Sine a

    ording to hiral

    perturbation theory the pseudosalar meson masses (mPS) are diretly onneted to quark masses (m2PS mq), they are

    good andidates to set the quark mass parameters. In ase of 2+1 avors this means the masses of pions (mpi) and kaons

    (mK). For the third quantity there are several possibilities. It is useful to hoose an observable whih has a weak quark

    mass dependene.

    Up to very reently the most ommon way to set the physial sale was via the stati quark-antiquark potential.

    Both the MILC and RBC-Bielefeld ollaborations are still using this tehnique. On the lattie the stati potential an

    be determined with the help of Wilson-loops. A Wx;(R, T ) Wilson-loop of size R T is an observable similar to theplaquette where we take the produt of the links along a retangle of size R T . The rst, spatial diretion of theretangle is haraterized by = 1 . . . 3, whereas the seond diretion is always the Eulidean time. One an dene the

    Wilson-loop average as:

    W (R, T ) = ReTr


    Wx;(R, T ) (3.1)

    It an be shown that the free energy (at zero temperature the potential energy) of a system with an innitely heavy

    quark-antiquark pair separated by a distane R is given by

    V (R) = limT


    TlnW (R, T ). (3.2)

    There are two useful quantities whih an be easily obtained from V (R) and they are usually used for sale setting. The


    Figure 3.2: Line of onstant physis dened via mpi, mK and fK .

    rst one is the string tension whih is dened as = limR dV (R)/dR. While is a useful quantity in the pure

    gauge theory where the potential is linear for large R, in QCD it does not exist in a strit sense. At large distanes

    pair reation will lead to string breaking and the potential will saturate. Nevertheless, is still sometimes used to set

    the sale in full QCD.

    The seond quantity obtained from V (R) is the Sommer parameter, r0, whih is dened impliitly by [35:

    R2dV (R)



    = 1.65. (3.3)

    Both quantities have the great disadvantage that they an not be measured diretly by experiments. Their values

    an only be estimated from e.g. heavy meson spetrosopy. The value of the string tension is

    440 MeV, while

    for r0 the most a

    urate values are based on lattie alulations (where the sale was set with some other quantity

    of ourse) [36, 37: r0 =0.469(7) fm, other values are 0.444(3) (based on the pion deay onstant [38, 0.467(33) from

    QCDSF [39 and 0.492(6)(7) from PACS-CS [40. Note, that there are several sigma dierenes between these results.

    This fat emphasizes the general observation, that the determination of r0 is diult, and that the systemati errors are


    It may be desirable to use a quantity whih is well known experimentally. The nuleon mass may seem as an obvious

    hoie, however, on the lattie spaings typial in thermodynamis studies, an a

    urate lattie determination of the

    nuleon mass is diult. Another hoie, whih is often used in the literature, is the meson mass. Unfortunately as it

    is a resonane, its preise mass determination would require a detailed analysis of its interation with the deay produts.

    The quantity used by the Wuppertal-Budapest group is the leptoni deay onstant of the kaon: fK = 159.8 MeV,

    whose experimental value is known to about one perent a

    uray and it an be preisely determined on the lattie



    Let us now illustrate the determination of the LCP and the sale setting with the mpi,mK , fK hoie.

    For any set of the dimensionless bare parameters ( , amud and ams) we an determine ampi, amK and afK on the

    lattie. For a xed we an set amud and ams suh that the ratios (ampi)/(afK) and (amK)/(afK) agree with the

    physial mpi/fK and mK/fK ratios. This way we have an amud() and an ams() funtion. We all these funtions

    LCP. The lattie spaing is given by the third quantity: a = (afK)/(159.8MeV). Figure 3.2 shows the LCP obtained this

    way using stout improved staggered fermions.

    We have to note here, that the LCP is not unique, it depends on the three quantities used for its denition. However,

    all LCP's should merge together towards the ontinuum limit.

    One the LCP is xed and the sale is set with the help of the three seleted quantities, the expetation values of all

    other observables are preditions of QCD. If QCD is the orret theory of the strong interation, these preditions should

    be in agreement with the orresponding experimental values (if there are any) in ontinuum limit. Figure 3.3 shows the


    Note, that very reently the experimental value of fK has slightly dereased [41


    Figure 3.3: Mass of the K meson, the pion deay onstant and the r0 Sommer parameter (from top to bottom). All three

    quantities are normalized by fK or its inverse. We present the results obtained at ve lattie spaings, the ontinuum extrapolated

    values are also shown. The ontinuum extrapolations were arried out using the two or three nest lattie spaings (dashed lines).

    The red bands indiate the experimental values with their unertainties in the rst two ases. For r0fK the MILC lattie result is


    mK mass of the Kmeson, the fpi pion deay onstant and the r0 Sommer parameter (all normalized by fK or its

    inverse). The results again were obtained with stout improved staggered fermions along the LCP shown on Figure 3.2.

    The ontinuum extrapolation has been arried out using the two or three nest lattie spaings. The dierene of these

    extrapolations a

    ount for the systemati unertainty of the results. In ase of mK and fpi we ompared the results to

    the experimental values, while r0 was ompared to the results of the MILC ollaboration [36.

    3.3 The order of the QCD transition

    The nature of the QCD transition aets our understanding of the universe's evolution (see e.g. Ref. [42). In a strong

    rst order phase transition senario the quark-gluon plasma super-ools before bubbles of hadron gas are formed. These

    bubbles grow, ollide and merge during whih gravitational waves ould be produed [43. Baryon enrihed nuggets

    ould remain between the bubbles ontributing to dark matter. Sine the hadroni phase is the initial ondition for

    nuleosynthesis, the above piture with inhomogeneities ould have a strong eet on it [44. As the rst order phase

    transition weakens, these eets beome less pronouned. Reent alulations provide strong evidene that the QCD

    transition is an analyti transition (what we all here a rossover), thus the above senarios -and many others- are ruled


    There are some QCD results and model alulations to determine the order of the transition at =0 and 6=0 fordierent fermioni ontents (.f. [38,4548). Unfortunately, none of these approahes an give an unambiguous answer

    for the order of the transition for physial values of the quark masses. The only known systemati tehnique whih ould

    give a nal answer is lattie QCD.

    When we analyze the nature and/or the absolute sale of the T > 0 QCD transition for the physially relevant ase

    two ingredients are quite important.

    First of all, one should use physial quark masses. As Figure 1.1 shows the nature of the transition depends on the

    quark mass, thus for small or large quark masses it is a rst order phase transition, whereas for intermediate quark masses

    it is an analyti rossover. Though in the hirally broken phase hiral perturbation theory provides a ontrolled tehnique


    Figure 3.4: The volume dependene of the suseptibility peaks for pure SU(3) gauge theory (Polyakov-loop suseptibility,

    left panel) and for full QCD (hiral suseptibility on Nt=4 and 6 latties, middle and right panels, respetively).

    to gain information for the quark mass dependene, it an not be applied for the T > 0 QCD transition (whih deals

    with the restoration of the hiral symmetry). In priniple, the behavior of dierent quantities in the ritial region (in

    the viinity of the seond order phase transition line) might give some guidane. However, a priori it is not known how

    large this region is. Thus, the only onsistent way to eliminate unertainties related to non-physial quark masses is to

    use physial quark masses (whih is, of ourse, quite CPU demanding).

    Seondly, the nature of the T > 0 QCD transition is known to suer from disretization errors [4951. Let us mention

    one example. The three avor theory with a large, a 0.3 fm lattie spaing and standard ation predits a ritialpseudosalar mass of about 300 MeV. This point separates the rst order and rossover regions of Figure 1.1. If we took

    another disretization, with another disretization error, e.g. the p4 ation and the same lattie spaing, the ritial

    pseudosalar mass turns out to be around 70 MeV (similar eet is observed if one used stout smearing improvement

    and/or ner latties). Sine the physial pseudosalar mass (135 MeV) is just between these two values, the disretization

    errors in the rst ase would lead to a rst order transition, whereas in the seond ase to a rossover. The only way to

    resolve this inonlusive situation is to arry out a areful ontinuum limit analysis.

    Sine the nature of the transition inuenes the absolute sale (Tc) of the transition its value, mass dependene,

    uniqueness et. the above omments are valid for the determination of Tc, too.

    In order to determine the nature of the transition one should apply nite size saling tehniques for the hiral sus-

    eptibility [34. = (T/V ) (2 logZ/m2ud). This quantity shows a pronouned peak as a funtion of the temperature.For a rst order phase transition, suh as in the pure gauge theory, the peak of the analogous Polyakov suseptibility

    gets more and more singular as we inrease the volume (V). The width sales with 1/V the height sales with volume

    (see left panel of Figure 3.4). A seond order transition shows a similar singular behavior with ritial indies. For an

    analyti transition (rossover) the peak width and height saturates to a onstant value. That is what we observe in full

    QCD on Nt=4 and 6 latties (middle and right panels of Figure 3.4). We see an order of magnitude dierene between

    the volumes, but a volume independent saling. It is a lear indiation for a rossover. These results were obtained with

    physial quark masses for two sets of lattie spaings. Note, however, that for a nal onlusion the important question

    remains: do we get the same volume independent saling in the ontinuum; or we have the unluky ase what we had for

    3 avor QCD (namely the disretization errors hanged the nature of the transition for the physial pseudosalar mass


    One an arry out a nite size saling analysis with the ontinuum extrapolated height of the renormalized sus-

    eptibility. The renormalization of the hiral suseptibility an be done by taking the seond derivative of the free

    energy density (f) with respet to the renormalized mass (mr). The logarithm of the partition funtion ontains quarti

    divergenes. These an be removed by subtrating the free energy at T = 0: f/T 4 =N4t [logZ(Ns, Nt)/(NtN3s ) logZ(Ns0, Nt0)/(Nt0N

    3s0)]. This quantity has a orret ontinuum limit. The subtration term is obtained at T=0,

    for whih simulations are arried out on latties with Ns0, Nt0 spatial and temporal extensions (otherwise at the same

    parameters of the ation). The bare light quark mass (mud) is related to mr by the mass renormalization onstant

    mr=Zmmud. Note that Zm falls out of the ombination m2r2/m2r=m2ud2/m2ud. Thus, m2ud [(Ns, Nt) (Ns0, Nt0)]also has a ontinuum limit (for its maximum values for dierent Nt, and in the ontinuum limit we use the shorthand

    notation m2).

    In order to arry out the nite volume saling in the ontinuum limit three dierent physial volumes were taken. For

    these volumes the dimensionless ombination T 4/m2 was alulated at 4 dierent lattie spaings: 0.3 fm was always

    o, otherwise the ontinuum extrapolations ould be arried out. Figure 3.5 shows these extrapolations. The volume

    dependene of the ontinuum extrapolated inverse suseptibilites is shown on Figure 3.6.


    Figure 3.5: Normalized suseptibilities T 4/(m2) for the light quarks for aspet ratios r=3 (left panel) r=4 (middle

    panel) and r=5 (right panel) as funtions of the lattie spaing. Continuum extrapolations are arried out for all three

    physial volumes and the results are given by the leftmost blue diamonds.

    Figure 3.6: Continuum extrapolated suseptibilities T 4/(m2) as a funtion of 1/(T 3c V ). For true phase transitions

    the innite volume extrapolation should be onsistent with zero, whereas for an analyti rossover the innite volume

    extrapolation gives a non-vanishing value. The ontinuum-extrapolated suseptibilities show no phase-transition-like

    volume dependene, though the volume hanges by a fator of ve. The V extrapolated value is 22(2) whih is 11away from zero. For illustration, we t the expeted asymptoti behaviour for rst-order and O(4) (seond order) phase

    transitions shown by dotted and dashed lines, whih results in hane probabilities of 1019 (7 1013), respetively.

    The result is onsistent with an approximately onstant behaviour, despite the fat that there was a fator of 5

    dierene in the volume. The hane probabilities, that statistial utuations hanged the dominant behaviour of the

    volume dependene are negligible. As a onlusion we an say that the staggered QCD transition at = 0 is a rossover.

    3.4 The transition temperature

    An analyti rossover, like the QCD transition has no unique Tc. A partiularly nie example for that is the water-vapor

    transition (.f. Figure 3.7). Up to about 650 K the transition is a rst order one, whih ends at a seond order ritial

    point. For a rst or seond order phase transition the dierent observables (suh as density or heat apaity) have their

    singularity (a jump or an innitely high peak) at the same pressure. However, at even higher temperatures the transition

    is an analyti rossover, for whih the most singular points are dierent. The blue urve shows the peak of the heat

    apaity and the red one the inetion point of the density. Clearly, these transition temperatures are dierent, whih is

    a harateristi feature of an analyti transition (rossover).

    There is another even more often experiened example for broad transitions, namely the melting of butter. As

    we know the melting of ie shows a singular behavior. The transition is of rst order, there is only one value of the


    Figure 3.7: The water-vapor phase diagram.

    Figure 3.8: Melting urves of dierent natural fats.










    0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40

    mps r0

    Tc r0

    N=4 (squares, triangles)6 (circles)


    Figure 3.9: Tc r0 determined by the RBC-Bielefeld ollaboration [33. Squares and triangles orrespond to two slightlydierent strange quark masses on Nt = 4, while irles show Nt = 6 results. The red and blue lines show the hiral

    extrapolations at these lattie spaings and the blak line is the ontinuum estimate. The vertial line indiates the

    physial point.

    temperature at whih the whole transition takes plae at 0

    oC (for 1 atm. pressure). Melting of butter


    shows analyti

    behaviour. The transition is a broad one, it is a rossover (.f. Figure 3.8 for the melting urves of dierent natural fats).

    Sine we have an analyti rossover also in QCD, we expet very similar temperature dependene for the quantities

    relevant in QCD (e.g. hiral ondensate, strange quark number suseptibility or Polyakov loop).

    There are three lattie results on Tc in the literature based on large sale alulations. The MILC ollaboration

    studied the unrenormalized hiral suseptibility [52. The possibility of dierent quantities leading to dierent Tc's was

    not disussed. They used Nt=4,6 and 8 latties, but the light quark masses were signiantly higher than their physial

    values. The lightest ones were set to 0.1ms. A ombined hiral and ontinuum extrapolation was used to reah thephysial point. Furthermore, they used the non-exat R algorithm. Their result is Tc = 169(12)(4) MeV, where the rst

    error omes from the nite T runs, whereas the seond one from the sale setting.

    The RBC-Bielefeld ollaboration has published results obtained from Nt = 4 and 6 latties [33. They have ongoing

    investigations with Nt = 8. They use almost physial quark masses on Nt = 4 and somewhat higher on Nt = 6. They

    study the unrenormalized hiral suseptibility and the Polyakov-loop suseptibility. They laim that both quantities

    give the same Tc. Figure 3.9 shows their hiral extrapolation for their two lattie resolutions. Their result is Tc =

    192(7)(4) MeV, where the rst error is the statistial one and the seond is the systemati estimate oming from the

    dierent extrapolations.

    The Wuppertal-Budapest group investigated three dierent quantities: the renormalized hiral suseptibility, the

    renormalized Polyakov-loop and the quark number suseptibility. The transition temperature obtained from the hiral

    suseptibility was found to be signiantly smaller than the ones given by the other two quantities.

    The upper panel of Figure 3.10 shows the temperature dependene of the renormalized hiral suseptibility for dierent

    temporal extensions (Nt=6, 8 and 10). The Nt = 4 results are not yet in the saling region, thus they are not plotted.

    For small enough lattie spaings, thus lose to the ontinuum limit, these urves should oinide. The two smallest

    lattie spaings (Nt = 8 and 10) are already onsistent with eah other, suggesting that they are also onsistent with

    the ontinuum limit extrapolation (indiated by the orange band). The urves exhibit pronouned peaks. We dene the

    transition temperatures by the position of these peaks. The left panel of Figure 3.11 shows the transition temperatures

    in physial units for dierent lattie spaings obtained from the hiral suseptibility. As it an be seen Nt=6, 8 and 10

    are already in the saling region, thus a safe ontinuum extrapolation an be arried out. The T=0 simulations resulted

    in a 2% error on the overall sale. The nal result for the transition temperature based on the hiral suseptibility reads:

    Tc() = 151(3)(3) MeV, (3.4)


    Natural fats are mixed triglyerides of fatty aids from C4 to C24, (saturated or unsaturated of even arbon numbers).


    140 160 180 200







    1 175(2)(4)


    140 160 180 200








    Figure 3.10: Temperature dependene of the renormalized hiral suseptibility (m2/T 4), the strange quark number

    suseptibility (s/T2) and the renormalized Polyakov-loop (PR) in the transition region. The dierent symbols show the

    results for Nt = 6, 8 and 10 lattie spaings (empty boxes for Nt = 6, lled and open irles for Nt = 8 and 10). The

    vertial bands indiate the orresponding transition temperatures and their unertainties oming from the T6=0 analyses.This error is given by the number in the rst parenthesis, whereas the error of the overall sale determination is indiated

    by the number in the seond parenthesis. The orange bands show the ontinuum limit estimates for the three renormalized

    quantities as a funtion of the temperature with their unertainties.


    0 0.05 0.1





    151(3)(3) MeV

    0 0.05 0.1

    175(2)(4) MeV

    0 0.05 0.1





    176(3)(4) MeV

    Figure 3.11: Continuum limit of the transition temperatures obtained from the renormalized hiral suseptibility

    (m2/T 4), strange quark number suseptibility (s/T2) and renormalized Polyakov-loop (PR).

    where the rst error omes from the T6=0, the seond from the T=0 analyses.For heavy-ion experiments the quark number suseptibilities are quite useful, sine they ould be related to event-by-

    event utuations. The seond transition temperature is obtained from the strange quark number suseptibility, whih is

    dened via [52

    sT 2



    2 logZ



    , (3.5)

    where s is the strange quark hemial potential (in lattie units). Quark number suseptibilities have the onvenient

    property, that they automatially have a proper ontinuum limit, there is no need for renormalization.

    The middle panel of Figure 3.10 shows the temperature dependene of the strange quark number suseptibility for

    dierent temporal extensions (Nt=6, 8 and 10). As it an be seen, the two smallest lattie spaings (Nt = 8 and 10) are

    already onsistent with eah other, suggesting that they are also onsistent with the ontinuum limit extrapolation. This

    feature indiates, that they are loser to the ontinuum result than our statistial unertainty.

    The transition temperature an be dened as the peak in the temperature derivative of the strange quark number

    suseptibility, that is the inetion point of the suseptibility urve. The middle panel of Figure 3.11 shows the transition

    temperatures in physial units for dierent lattie spaings obtained from the strange quark number suseptibility. As it

    an be seen Nt=6, 8 and 10 are already in the a2saling region, thus a safe ontinuum extrapolation an be arried out.

    The ontinuum extrapolated value for the transition temperature based on the strange quark number suseptibility is

    signiantly higher than the one from the hiral suseptibility. The dierene is 24(4) MeV. For the transition temperature

    in the ontinuum limit one gets:

    Tc(s) = 175(2)(4) MeV, (3.6)

    where the rst (seond) error is from the T6=0 (T=0) temperature analysis. Similarly to the hiral suseptibility analysis,the urvature at the peak an be used to dene a width for the transition.

    Tc(s) = 42(4)(1) MeV. (3.7)

    In pure gauge theory the order parameter of the deonnement transition is the Polyakov-loop:

    P =1



    tr[U4(x, 0)U4(x, 1) . . . U4(x, Nt 1)]. (3.8)

    P aquires a non-vanishing expetation value in the deonned phase, signaling the spontaneous breakdown of the Z(3)

    symmetry. When fermions are present in the system, the physial interpretation of the Polyakov-loop expetation value

    is more ompliated. However, its absolute value an be related to the quark-antiquark free energy at innite separation:

    |P |2 = exp(Fqq(r )/T ). (3.9)

    Fqq is the dierene of the free energies of the quark-gluon plasma with and without the quark-antiquark pair.

    The absolute value of the Polyakov-loop vanishes in the ontinuum limit. It needs renormalization. This an be

    done by renormalizing the free energy of the quark-antiquark pair [53. Note, that QCD at T6=0 has only the ultravioletdivergenies whih are already present at T=0. In order to remove these divergenies at a given lattie spaing a simple

    renormalization ondition an be used [54:

    VR(r0) = 0 (3.10)


    10 MeV 20 MeV 30 MeV 40 MeV

    renormalization scale setting [10%] overall error

    0 MeV.


    Figure 3.12: Possible ontributions to the 40 MeV dierene between the results of Refs. [55 and [33.

    with r0 = 0.46 fm, where the potential is measured at T=0 fromWilson-loops. The above ondition xes the additive term

    in the potential at a given lattie spaing. This additive term an be used at the same lattie spaings for the potential

    obtained from Polyakov loops, or equivalently it an be built into the denition of the renormalized Polyakov-loop.

    |PR| = |P | exp(V (r0)/(2T )), (3.11)

    where V (r0) is the unrenormalized potential obtained from Wilson-loops.

    The lower panel of Figure 3.10 shows the temperature dependene of the renormalized Polyakov-loops for dierent

    temporal extensions (Nt=6, 8 and 10). The two smallest lattie spaings (Nt = 8 and 10) are approximately in 1-sigma

    agreement (our ontinuum limit estimate is indiated by the orange band).

    Similarly to the strange quark suseptibility ase the transition temperature is dened as the peak in the temperature

    derivative of the Polyakov-loop, that is the inetion point of the Polyakov-loop urve. The right panel of Figure 3.11

    shows the transition temperatures in physial units for dierent lattie spaings obtained from the Polyakov-loop. As it

    an be seen Nt=6, 8 and 10 are already in the saling region, thus a safe ontinuum extrapolation an be arried out.

    The ontinuum extrapolated value for the transition temperature based on the renormalized Polyakov-loop is 25(4) MeV

    higher than the one from the hiral suseptibility. For the transition temperature in the ontinuum limit one gets:

    Tc(P ) = 176(3)(4) MeV, (3.12)

    where the rst (seond) error is from the T6=0 (T=0) temperature analysis. The width of the transition is

    Tc(P ) = 38(5)(1) MeV. (3.13)

    Note that the renormalized hiral suseptibility used above to dene Tc was normalized by T4. Due to the broadness

    of the peak a normalization by T 2 (whih is applied by the other ollaborations) would inrease Tc by about 10 MeV.

    This means that the Wuppertal-Budapest result on the hiral suseptibility is onsistent with the MILC result. There

    is however a signiant inonsisteny with the RBC-Bielefeld result. What are the dierenes between the two analyses

    and how do they ontribute to the 40 MeV disrepany? The most important ontributions to the disrepany are shown

    by Figure 3.12. The rst dierene is the dierent normalization of the hiral suseptibility mentioned before. This may


    ount for 10 MeV dierene. The overall errors an be responsible for another 10 MeV. The origin of the remaining20 MeV is somewhat more ompliated. One possible explanation an be summarized as follows. In Ref. [33 only Nt=4

    and 6 were used, whih orrespond to lattie spaings a=0.3 and 0.2 fm, or a1=700MeV and 1GeV. These latties are

    quite oarse and it seems to be obvious, that no unambiguous sale an be determined for these lattie spaings. The

    overall sale in Ref. [33 was set by r0 and no ross-hek was done by any other quantity independent of the stati

    potential (e.g. fk). This hoie might lead to an ambiguity for the transition temperature, whih is illustrated for the

    Wuppertal-Budapest data on Figure 3.13. Using only Nt=4 and 6 the ontinuum extrapolated transition temperatures

    are quite dierent if one took r0 or fK to determine the overall sale. This inonsisteny indiates, that these lattie

    spaing are not yet in the saling region (similar ambiguity is obtained by using the p4 ation of [33). Having Nt=4,6,8

    and 10 results this ambiguity disappears (as usual Nt=4 is o), these lattie spaings are already in the saling region

    (at least within the present a


    The ambiguity related to the inonsistent ontinuum limit is unphysial, and it is resolved as we approah the

    ontinuum limit (.f. Figure 3.13). The dierenes between the Tc values for dierent observables are physial, it is

    a onsequene of the rossover nature of the QCD transition.

    3.5 Equation of state

    In the previous setions we disussed the nature of the QCD transition and its harateristi sale. Now we extend the

    analysis to over a larger temperature range [31. In order to desribe the equilibrium properties of the quark-gluon


    0 0.05 0.1




    0 0.05 0.1




    Figure 3.13: Continuum extrapolations based on Nt=4 and 6 (left panel: inonsistent ontinuum limit) and using Nt=6,8

    and 10 (right panel: onsistent ontinuum limit).

    plasma and/or the hadroni phase one has to determine the equation of state. The equation state desribes the funtional

    relationship between various thermodynamial quantities. The most ommon way to start with is to alulate the pressure

    as a funtion of the temperature. Using this funtion the temperature dependene of other quantities an be determined

    (energy density, entropy density, speed of sound et.), too.

    Several reent papers disuss the equation of state. For the pure SU(3) theory several lattie ations were used [5658.

    In all of these ases the equation of state was given upto about 4Tc. There are few perent dierenes between the various

    results, however, these dierenes an be traed bak to the sale setting problem. Note, that dening a sale in physial

    units is in priniple impossible for the pure SU(3) theory, experimentally measurable quantities should be ompared

    with results obtained in full QCD. Thus, for the pure SU(3) ase only dimensionless ombinations (e.g. ratios) an be

    onsidered as preditions (dimensionless ombinations an be obtained also in full QCD). It is worth mentioning that

    until reently it was tehnially impossible to alulate the equation of state to muh higher temperatures (T Tc). Ina reent work this old problem was solved [59.

    There are several full QCD results for the equation of state, though none of them an be onsidered as full result.

    Unimproved dynamial results in the staggered formalism were published [60, 61. Another important result used O(a)improved Wilson fermions. As for the transition temperature, also for the equation of state improved staggered fermions

    provide the fastest way to approah the physial quark mass and ontinuum limits. The most important results are

    obtained by the p4fat3 ation (see e.g. [62, 63). Other improved staggered results an be found for the ASQTAD

    ation [64 and for the stout-smeared ation [31. It is illustrative to summarize the unertainties of [62 (many of them

    were ured in their and other's later publiations). This sort of summary niely shows how unertainties are eliminated

    through omputational and tehnial progress.

    (1) It is of partiular importane to use physial quark masses both at T=0 and T>0. Until now the only published

    work whih used physial quark masses are the one with stout-smeared improvement [31. In earlier works [62 pion

    masses of e.g. 600 MeV were used. Sine the physial pion mass is smaller than the transition temperature, it is obviously

    important to use pion ontributions with the proper Boltzmann weights.

    (2) In order to approah the ontinuum limit one has to use small enough lattie spaing. At least Nt=6 and 8 is

    needed (as we disussed earlier e.g. Nt=4 an not be used to set the sale reliably).

    (3) In the staggered formalism one has instead of three degenerate pseudo-Goldstone bosons (+, and 0) only

    one. The others are separated from this single one by a gap, whih an be as large as several hundred MeV. The size of

    the gap depends on the hoie of the ation and on the lattie spaing. As we have seen the stout-smeared improvement

    is the best hoie to redue this taste symmetry violation.

    (4) In several studies [62, 64 an inexat Monte-Carlo tehnique was used, the so-alled R-algorithm. Reently, an

    exat algorithm appeared on the market, whih allows to perform 2+1 avour staggered simulations (RHMC algorithm).

    The rst large sale analysis, whih used an exat algorithm for staggered thermodynamis was Ref. [31, whih was then

    followed by [63.

    (5) For a long time all staggered analyses used the non-LCP approah. In this approximation there is a serious


    mismath between the pion masses. E.g. if one ooled down the analyzed systems at 0.8Tc and at 3.2Tc to vanishing

    temperature, the pion mass would be twie as large for the seond system. This is learly un-physial. The rst work

    with the the proper line of onstant physis was Ref. [31 (using the heavy quark potential to set the relative sales),

    whih was then followed by [63,64.

    For large homogeneous systems the pressure is proportional to the free-energy density, whih is the logarithm of the

    partition funtion Z.

    p =T

    VlnZ. (3.14)

    On a spae-time lattie one determines the dimensionless pa4 ombination.

    pa4 =1

    NtN3slnZ. (3.15)

    Sine the free energy has divergent terms, when we approah the ontinuum limit, one has to renormalize. As it was done

    earlier, this renormalization an be ahieved by subtrating the T=0 term. To that end one has to arry out simulations

    on T = 0 latties. The partition funtion on T=0 latties will be denoted by Z0. The size of this T=0 lattie is N3s0 Nt0.

    The renormalized pressure is usually normalized by T 4 whih leads to a dimensionless ombination

    pRT 4

    = N4t


    NtN3slnZ 1


    ]. (3.16)

    In the rest of this review we omit the index R, sine we use only renormalized quantities. This renormalization presription

    automatially fullls the p(T = 0) = 0 ondition. It is worth mentioning that for a xed lattie spaing a the weight of the

    terms proportional to 1/a2 (thus the diverging term) is muh larger for the pressure than for the hiral suseptibility. It

    is partiularly true for large temperatures. Thus we have to determine the dierene between two almost equal numbers,

    whih needs high numerial a

    uray. This is one of the most important reason, why only Nt=4 and 6 published results

    available for the pressure, whereas for the transition temperature there are Nt=4,6,8 and 10 published results, too.

    Another reason for the dierent levels of results is related to the lattie spaings. For large temperatures even the Nt=4

    analyses need small lattie spaings and relatively large T=0 latties. E.g. on Nt = 4 latties at T = 2.5Tc one needs

    the same T = 0 latties as for the Tc determination on Nt = 10 latties. Quite reently, a new method appeared, whih

    eliminates this diulty and provides a renormalization by using T>0 lattie simulations [59.

    As usual for a xed Nt we tune the temperature by hanging the gauge oupling . In order to avoid any non-physial

    mismath we keep the system along the LCP. Thus, determining lnZ and lnZ0 along the proper LCP-dened (, amq) line

    gives us the pressure (for simpliity mq denotes both the light and the strange quark masses). We disussed the simulation

    algorithms based on importane sampling in Chapter 2.4. Unfortunately, these algorithms are not able to diretly provide

    Z or lnZ, only derivatives of the partition funtions an be determined. Therefore, the most straightforward tehnique

    is the integral method [65. The pressure is obtained as an integral of its derivatives along a line in the multi-dimensional

    (, amq) spae.


    T 4= N4t


    d(, amq)



    ( lnZ/





    ( lnZ0/


    )]. (3.17)

    Sine the integrand is the gradient of the pressure, the value of the integral is independent of the integration path.

    Nevertheless, it is useful to integrate along the line of onstant physis. In thi
