The Peace Project 2011 - The Whole 9 · The Peace Project which we kicked off just last year with...


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Peace Rises


In July of 2010, inspired by the vision of filmmaker Jeremy

Gilley and photographer Pep Bonet, Lisa Schultz, founder

of, asked the question “If one man can get

World Peace Day on the calendar, what can an entire creative

community do?”

In answer, The Peace Project was launched. Utilizing the

power of creativity, community and technology, people

around the world joined hands and took action for peace.

Just one year later, on September 21, 2011, World Peace Day,

thousands of people across the West African country of Sierra

Leone, and creative people around the world joined hands in

one of the most unique collaborations ever – Operation Rise.

10,000 pairs of crutches were distributed to amputees, war

victims, polio survivors and children, a country was changed and

we learned that the right question along with passion, creativity,

determination and community, can change the world.

Through creativity and community,

we can change the world.

The Peace Project 2011 - Peace Rises


on ground for creative people

Can one questionchange the world?

Dedicated to everyone working for Peace around the world.

Together we rise!

Through creativity and community, we can

change the world.


In July of 2010, inspired by the story of filmmaker Jeremy Gilley, who

lobbied Heads of State around the world to get World Peace Day on

the calendar, and the images of photojournalist, Pep Bonet who

visited the tiny country of Sierra Leone and captured in his amazing

photographs the plight of thousands of the country’s amputees,

I asked the questions:

“If one man can get World Peace Day on the calendar, what can an

entire creative community do? And where better to start than Sierra

Leone – a country consistently ranked among the poorest in the world

that, in the recent past, suffered what has been called one of the

cruelest wars in Africa’s history.”

The creative community I’m speaking about is, home

to about 25,000 artists, photographers, writers, cinematographers and

other creatives that I launched about 4 years ago. It was the support of this

international community that was instrumental in giving momentum to

The Peace Project which we kicked off just last year with an international

art contest that became a traveling exhibit. We then created Peace Walls

in Sierra Leone and Los Angeles – all to raise money to go directly to help

the people of Sierra Leone.

Since then, I’ve traveled to

Sierra Leone numerous

times and we’ve made

unbelievable progress. I’m

now convinced that creativity

and community can change

lives. I saw the people we’re

touching and I heard this:

Lisa Schultz, Founder, The Peace Project and

From the amputee soccer team, a group of men

who lost their arms and legs, who lost their

homes, sometimes their families and often that

indefinable something that makes a man a man,

but then reclaimed their dignity through soccer,

I heard them ask me to tell you that they’re

“ambassadors for peace.”

Photo by Pep Bonet

Lisa Schultz. Photo by Steve Lawrence

Photo by Pep Bonet

In life, there are no accidents, only missed opportunities.

4 5

From Adigali Bangura, a double hand-amputee, (he has three children

whose education The Peace Project is sponsoring) who, whenever he can

scrape the money together, makes soap to sell so that he doesn’t have to

beg, I heard that The Peace Project gave him hope for the first time that

his life would be different.

And speaking of different, I saw a note that one of our sponsored

children Alie Kabia wrote to his sponsor, Cecilia Casey. In it he said

that because of her, he “sees the world differently.”

And Obai Sesay, an amputee soccer player, grabbed me by my shoulders

during one of my trips recently. With tears in his eyes after I told him

that The Peace Project would pay to send him to Adult Education, he

told me “You’ve changed my life.” To which I replied, “No…you’ve

changed your life because you decided that, rather than lay down and

die, you would stand up, reach out, forgive, and

move forward.”

Obai and his amputee teammates affected Pep Bonet

so deeply that he took a whole series of photos and

– amazingly – I got to see those photos. Accident?

Luck? I prefer to think of it as an opportunity, and

quite possibly, even a miracle.

This miracle (and a hell of a lot of hard work) led

to others and now, just one year after we started,

I’m proud to share that we’ve just implemented one

of the largest and most collaborative social efforts

ever to take place in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is home to over 20% of the world’s amputees as well as thousands of polio victims – both a sobering

reminder of the recent 10-year civil war. A critical component to sustainable peace is the ability to provide for

oneself -- personal mobility is one of the first steps.

While in Sierra Leone in 2010, The Peace Project team saw firsthand the incredible challenges that many mobility-

impaired people face – due in part to crutches that are in extreme disrepair or in many heart-breaking cases, non-

existent. From this observation, the belief arose that a massive mobility campaign that involved distributing 10,000

pairs of crutches would cause a huge psychological and energetic shift in Sierra Leone, provide further distance

from the civil war, and give people something to cheer about. As importantly, we believed that an effort like this

would engage and inspire people worldwide to rise up and join hands to create a better world.


Adigali Bangura and three of his children: Marie, Zainab, Mashel

Alie Kabia

September 21, 2011

Photo by Pep Bonet

Walking to distribution site. Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

6 7

But this change takes a lot of work. That’s why we assembled

an exceptional coalition of partners to help:

Invacare, Medline and AFYA Foundation, U.S.A., and

Trulife, U.K. provided the crutches.

UNICEF shepherded the crutches through Customs

and transported them to eight distribution sites located

throughout Sierra Leone.

An unprecedented grass-roots team of over 500 people

including medical professionals, amputees, polio survivors

and national and local advocacy groups organized the

individual events under The Peace Project’s supervision

and “fitted” the people of Sierra Leone with the crutches

that helped them to rise up.

This effort was ambitious. Even UNICEF, one of the world’s

biggest NGOs, politely suggested we roll the distribution

out over several months instead of implementing it on

one day.

We laughed. We did it on one day because - even though

the work we’re currently doing is about transforming

Sierra Leone (and there’s simply no telling what kind of

transformation will happen because of Operation Rise)

– it’s also about transforming you. It’s about showing

you that incredible change is possible. It’s about causing

you to believe, really believe, that you can be part of that

change. It’s about showing the world that incredible

change is possible and paving the way for even more change.

And just as importantly, this coalition included you. Since

we launched The Peace Project in July of 2010 via the Call-

for-Artists, thousands of people around the world have

stepped forward donating money, time and art – all to

create a more peaceful world.

On World Peace Day, September 21st 2011, we moved one

step closer to this more peaceful world with the successful

implementation of Operation Rise. Despite incredible odds

that included heavy rain at a number of our eight distribution

sites, late delivery of some of the crutches, and the fact

that this effort was completely staffed with volunteers,

when the day was over, our partners emerged as heroes

and the lives of thousands of people across the country

had been changed and they were finally able to stand tall,

look the world in the eye and know that tomorrow would

be a better day.

Although the work with Operation Rise is on-going (we’ll

be working through early 2012 to ensure everyone in need

countrywide receives a free pair of crutches), we’re already

looking towards the future and asking “What’s next?”

Young Sierra Leonean helping to unload. Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

Unloading truck. Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

8 98

What’s Next?

Our perspective is both similar and different as it was

last year when we ambitiously set out to impact the

lives of at least 5,000 people in Sierra Leone in our

first year. Although none of us had ever been to Africa,

we had no in-country staff, and no track record as a

non-profit (which equated to no significant source of

funding), we were able to exceed this goal through the

work we’re doing with our Child Sponsorship Program

and through Operation Rise.

Via Operation Rise, we’ll not only change the lives

of the 10,000+ people who received crutches and

crutch repair parts, but we’ll also change the lives of

their family members and their communities. Pretty

impressive especially when you consider that Rotary

International, currently the world’s largest community

service organization, took five years before implementing

their first project – building one public toilet on

Michigan Avenue in Chicago, Illinois.

As I look back over the last year, I sometimes feel like

I’ve been in a rocket ship watching my old life and belief

systems pass before my eyes. One of the biggest shifts I’ve

experienced is transitioning from thinking that “God” was

somehow responsible for all of the pain and suffering to

realizing that mankind is responsible for most of it, and

that we’re all responsible for healing it.

I’ve also stopped being convinced that the fastest way to

a better world is to provide aid and education directly

to children and started to believe that the quickest, most

sustainable change will happen when opportunities are

created for adults so that they can educate and take care

of their own children.

With that in mind, The Peace Project will continue working

with the children whose education we’re currently

sponsoring, but will not take on any additional children.

Instead, we’ll focus on the following areas as we move into 2012:

Rise Up

We’ll continue to get crutches out to the thousands of

men, women and children who were unable, because of

inclement weather and lack of funds for transportation

(even $1 USD is difficult for many amputees to raise), to

visit a distribution site on World Peace Day to receive a

pair of free crutches.

In order for the benefits of Operation Rise to be long-term,

a crutch maintenance plan must be put in place. With that in

mind, we’re working to ensure that each of our distribution

sites has the ability to do repairs and manufacture their

own crutch tips as tips typically wear out within weeks

which causes not just traction problems, but can cause

joint and structural damage to the users.

If you’d like to donate, please visit

Every $25 donated equates to getting a pair of crutches

into someone’s hands.

Or if you can recommend a source to produce the dies for

the crutch tips, please email me at

Build Community

We’ve become even more convinced that community-

building is critical to world change. We also realize that

peace is not possible unless people have hope for a

better future and their basic needs are met. The design,

development and operation of The Peace Center is

another critical step in the work we’re doing in Sierra

Leone. It will also act as the foundation for our on-going

work there.

Peace Center Rendering by Up Architecture

Our partners from Community Association for Psychosocial Services

World Peace Day celebration in Grafton. Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

10 11

The Peace Center is tentatively planned to be adjacent to the

former Aberdeen Amputee Refugee Camp – an area where we’ve

already done much good work. From The Peace Center, The

Peace Project in conjunction with our trusted in-country partner,

Community Association for Psychosocial Services, will operate

training programs, arts and cultural initiatives, and administer a

micro-loan program. Ultimately we seek to create a development

model that can be scaled for duplication in other communities.

Get People Working

In conjunction with The Peace Center, we’ll create ways to

get people working. Beginning with an initiative we’re calling

“The Peace Team”, we’ll identify areas of opportunity – those

where there is a lack of skilled workers, where the skills needed

are relatively easy to acquire and the cost of entry is low, and

where we can leverage our human resources and contacts to

Lisa Schultz, Founder The Peace Project and


help obtain work for those we

train. We’ll then provide basic skill

training, education on core values

and work ethics. From there,

we’ll put our Peace Teams to work

sporting a distinct advantage that

includes a way of doing business

that is different than the norm. The

Peace Team will be easily identified

in their specially branded Peace

Project t-shirts that immediately

let everyone know these are

specially trained workers who are

also focused on helping to sustain

the peace in Sierra Leone.

For more information and to help change lives through this initiative,


Let It Rain!

Access to clean drinking water is one of

the greatest fundamental challenges in

Sierra Leone -- the critical lack (especially

in rural areas) dramatically increases risks

of waterborne illnesses, causes other

health issues, negatively impacts children’s

school attendance (since some kids must

skip school to help retrieve water for

their families and many girls can’t attend

school once their menstruation starts

since many schools have no toilet facilities

and no access to water).

Moving forward into 2012 and beyond, The Peace Project’s

goal is to lead an initiative that will end the clean water

problem in Sierra Leone within three years. This challenge

is big, however, we believe that it’s solvable when tackled

with a well thought-out plan, combined with commitment,

collaboration, passion, determination and faith. As I’ve

become fond of saying, however, although changing the

world takes faith, it also takes money.

This project will cost at least $25 million – a figure which

sounds daunting until you compare it to what actor Leonardo

diCaprio makes for one movie (up to $50 million) or the annual

salary of an athlete like basketball star Kobe Bryant who

makes $25 million in one year (before endorsements!).

In order to be successful, it’s critical to develop momentum

as well as an effective plan, so at the beginning of 2012,

we’ll be rolling up our sleeves and getting to work.

Please visit www.thepeaceproject/water for information

and updates.

In closing I’d like to just share one more thing – all of this

is just the beginning of what The Peace Project will do. I

believe we’re standing at the edge of something greater

than even I dared to imagine when we started.

If you’re ready to change the world, I invite you to join us.

Through creativity and community, we can change the world.

U.S. Ambassador to Sierra Leone Michael Owen and Lisa Schultz. Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

Drinking from well.

Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

12 13

In 2010, The Peace Project’s first Call-for-Artists was instrumental in creating excitement and momentum for The Peace Project. This year, over 400 artists again stepped up for peace, submitting artwork that communicates their vision of peace, as well as their hopes and dreams for a more peaceful world.

Best of Show Rise Up! Award

Peace Maker Award

The Peace Project’s Second Annual Call-for-Artists

In addition to the submission fees paid, artists also generously granted The Peace Project rights to use their artwork to raise money to fund The Peace Project’s initiatives including Operation Rise.

An esteemed panel of judges from both the fine and commercial art worlds selected 150 entries to be shown individually as part of a traveling exhibit. These first ten pieces were selected to receive cash and/or art supplies courtesy of Utrecht. All pieces submitted are included in this year’s Peace Mosaic that travels with the exhibit, plus each submitting artist is represented in this book.

The Peace Project’s Annual Call-for-Artists creates a direct connection and way for artists around the world to use their art to not only inspire people, but to help change the world.

1094 - Gail Weissman1217 - Poli Marichal

1194 - Michelle Ferrera

14 15

Inspiration Awards Inspiration Awards

1091 - Judith Heim

1215 - Janis Marashlian 1169 - Scott Sampaio

1195 - Janis Fisher

16 17

Inspiration Awards Inspiration Awards

1220 - Shannon McGough

1206 - Danilo Ursini

1101 - Lisa Rasmussen

18 19



1137 1560 1555

20 21

When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others. - Peace Pilgrim




22 23

Peace is not merely

a distant goal that we seek but a means

by which we arrive

at that goal. - Martin Luther King, Jr.



24 25

11141539 1191


26 27

If there is no enemy within, the enemy without can do you no harm.

- African Proverb


1462 1509 1524


1475 1507 1126

28 29

Peace cannot be achieved through violence,

it can only be attained through understanding.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

1439 1198



15401529157830 31

Peace is not something you wish for; It’s something you make,

Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.

- Robert Fulghum




32 33

1345 1165 1135



34 35

There is no way to peace, peace is the way. - A. J. Muste


1130 1346 1554

1146 1334

1233 1122


36 37

Peace Rising

inside my eyethere is a place of infinite peace

through the mist rising in the lightof the new moon

we can danceto the same ancient and future desires

we are the earth and we are stars one heartbeat, one breath, one song

we are peace rising

- Laara WilliamSen


1363 1306

38 39

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that

we belong to each other.- Mother Teresa

1193 1511



143540 41

1510 1152



42 43

Peace is not passive, it is active. Peace is not appeasement, it is strength. Peace does not ‘happen,’ it requires work. - Hubert Humphrey





44 45

1133 1559



1430 1181 1145


46 47

Everybody Born FreeEverybody born free is the principal message of Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The vision for this piece was inspired by my discovery of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights translated into Krio - which is the most widely spoken language in Sierra Leone. My interpretation of Article 1 is my avowal of faith in sustainable peace in Sierra Leone.

Atikul Wan Article 1

Ɛvribɔdi bɔn fri All human beings are born free

nɔn wan nɔ pas in kɔmpinand equal in dignity and rights.

Wi ɔl ebul fɔ tinkThey are endowed with reason

wetin rayt and conscience

ɛn rɔŋ pantap dat wi fɔ sabiand should act towards one another

aw fɔ liv lɛk wan big a spirit of brotherhood.

Padi dem, kontri, una ahl wey dey na Rom,Mek una ohl kak una yeys.Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!

Go gɛt fridɔm, jɔstis ɛn pis in Salone. Go get freedom, justice and peace in Sierra Leone. - Michele D’Acosta



48 49

Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.

It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

- Unknown




50 51

Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition

for benevolence, confidence, justice.- Baruch Spinoza

1276 1308 1277

1213 1285 1450

1124 1611

1331 1497

52 53

Universal Language

Mutating sound waves travelabroad reaching many.

Countless reactions,Brings forth great satisfaction.

The desire to welcome a new comer,Becomes unbearable to souls,Intermingling with one goal,

That is peace.Music soothes the soul,

For a moment,All is under control

- Kurtis L. Miller





54 55





56 57

Peace is a daily, a weekly,

a monthly process, gradually changing

opinions,slowly eroding

old barriers, quietly building new structures.

- John F. Kennedy

1593 1561


58 59

1544 1199



60 61

1240 1394


1361 1380 1327


62 63

Peace of mind is attained not by ignoring problems, but by solving them. - Raymond Hull





64 65

Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace.

- Amelia Earhart

1332 1297 1208


1180 1237 1235


66 67




68 69

If we are to live together in peace, we must come to know each other better. - Lyndon Baines Johnson

1476 15431149 13101243

1125 12361292 1341



70 71

One cannot find peace in work or in pleasure,

in the world or in a convent, but only in one’s soul.- W. Somerset Maugham

1319 1298


72 73





74 75

1176 1613


1456 1600 1419

1294 154215361426

76 77





78 79


1264 1315 1342

1393 13021267

80 81

It isn’t enough to talk about peace, one must believe it. And it isn’t enough

to believe in it, one must work for it.

- Eleanor Roosevelt

1459 1343


1493 1437

82 83

1154 12111228 1336 1301

1099 1321 1320


11711247 1433

84 85

1370 1612 1436


86 87

Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves. - William Hazlett

1412 1411


1328 1601 1205



88 89


1269 1503


90 91



1303 1330


92 93

You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.

- Malcolm X

1494 1150 1250 1415 1281 1463

1472 1617 12831585 1492 1594

94 95



1399 1528


96 97







1488 1371 9998



1547 1517

100 101

1265 1131


1474 1431 1416


102 103


1386 1143 1086


104 105

We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.- William Ewart Gladstone



1230 1325

106 107





160913111210108 109





110 111

1385 1523

1516 14441347 1202

1590 1568 13381313


112 113





114 115


1245 1505


116 117

In just one year, The Peace Project’s tiny team (including the tireless and patient Heidi Huber) has been joined by thousands of people around the world who have stepped forward in countless ways to help.

The Whole 9’s worldwide community of creatives has led the charge, and has been joined by individuals and organizations including The Diamond Manufacturers and Importers Association, merchants, restaurants and others who have provided items for our silent auctions, to musicians who have donated usage of their songs, to countless others who have been available at a moment’s notice to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Whether you’re included on the following pages or not, we hope you’ll accept not just our sincere thanks, but the thanks of the people of Sierra Leone whose lives you’ve helped to change. Our hope is that, in some small way, they have also changed yours.

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

The beautiful people of Sierra Leone who joined hands and hearts to bring life to Operation Rise and our other initiatives – most notably Edward Bockarie and Joseph Kange from Community Association for Psychosocial Services.

One thousand-plus artists who have submitted work to The Peace Project’s two Call-for-Artists.

Mahimbo Mdoe of UNICEF who said yes at a critical time and paved the way for Operation Rise to happen, as well as the rest of the team at UNICEF that shepherded our crutches through Customs and transported them to distribution sites countrywide.

Dave Zuern and the team at Invacare who have worked miracles and been first in line to do “whatever it takes” each time they’ve been asked (and on some when they weren’t).

Sherry Rand and Salvatore Sinare, who have once again worked miracles to get this book done in record time.

Michele D’Acosta, Sergi Agusti, Mohamed Njai, and Jeremy Fokkens, plus all the other fine folks who were on the ground in Sierra Leone in the days leading up to Operation Rise.

Ronny Friedman, Ronnie VanDerLinden, Ben Kinzler and the other members of the DMIA who stepped forward to support The Peace Project and Operation Rise.

To those we’ve met…and to everyone we haven’t, thank you… ...thank you...thank you...thank you...



118 119

Cecilia Casey

Jon Coffelt

Steve Connell

Hernando Conwi

Olivier Darceaux

Alyssa Enriquez

Mark Espinoza

Eric Grush

Jason Hampleman

Brian Leighton

Corey Mason (DJ worldOnelove)

Kenneth & Harle Montgomery Foundation

Daiken Nelson


Ryan Rice

Shawn K. Riley

Romulo Rivera (DJ Astro)

Phil Santos

Caroline and Robert Schultz


Gwendolyn Sessions

Erica Springer

Joe Stocco

Eliza Wyatt

Nite Spa

Pacific Theatres


Renee Day

Robyn Coburn


Rush Street, Culver City

Salon ME

Sasha Bell

Street, Los Angeles


The Massage Garage, Culver City

The Wellness Spa, Culver City

Trader Joe’s, Culver City

VeeV Acai Spirit

Zale Richard Rubins

Rosendo, Charles Hopkins and Chrystal Walker who are always the first to say “yes” plus hundreds of others who’ve contributed and lent a helping hand, including (but certainly not limited to):

Marc Balet

DJ Blas

David Brady

Mark Brunner

Andy Carmichael

American Easel, makers of fine painting panels, who provided the wood panels for The Peace Project’s Traveling Exhibit.

Sherman Gallery, Marina del Rey, an amazing partner to The Whole 9 community, who has once again provided all the framing for the photography portion of The Peace Project’s traveling exhibit.

Utrecht Art Supplies who provided the gift certificates for The Peace Project’s 2nd Annual Call-for-Artists.

The musicians who donated usage of their songs to raise funds: Dan Reed, Johnny Clegg, Morley, Chris Jasper.

The Peace Project jurors: Gail Gaynin, Cameron Shaw, Wayne Dunkley, Eli Baer, Kentaké Chinyelu-Hope.

Deborah Ritonga and Dapotan Siregar.

VIVA LA ART for their support and a very tasty fundraiser.

Saatchi & Saatchi LA

Everyone that donated items for the silent auctions. At time of press, this included:

Aimee Shocket

Border Grill, Santa Monica



Foody Field Trips

Fraiche Restaurant

Helena Hotzl

Marina Sailing

The sponsors of our Peace Children: Melanie Skehar, Marcel Mindlin and Liz Beckman, Johnna and Travis Dobbs, Marian Alder, Sandra Cooper, Larke Paul, Johne Dobbs, Heidi Mages, Diane Conanughton, Kimleigh Smith, Jim Kalin, Joann Cella, Kelly Hadden, Michael Zack and Odilon Vasconcelos and Victoria Collins.

Everyone who helped spread the word including Laurence Cohen, Lynn Morris, Lu Parker from KTLA, Rene Lynch from the Los Angeles Times, and Michael Datcher, Kimberly King and DJ Nnamdi from KPFK.

Journalist Lynn Morris interviewing volunteers at Aberdeen site. Photo by Jeremy Fokkens

Heidi Huber in Gallery 9

120 121

When I became involved with The

Peace Project, I began thinking about

what it meant to me. I needed to put

my commitment to this noble cause in

line with all the other noble causes I

have been involved in. This particular

noble cause, The Peace Project, has

many initiatives in Sierra Leone – one

of them being to provide everyone in

need throughout the country of Sierra

Leone with crutches, beginning with distribution on September 21st

2011, World Peace Day.

The civil war left thousands disabled because marauding forces

frightened people into submission by lopping off their limbs. These

amputees need a hand, literally, and they seem forgotten now by news

media who are busy reporting the latest disasters. As Lisa points out,

if one man alone could get Peace Day on the Global Calendar, what

can a community of people achieve? We set out to achieve and are still

in the process of fund raising. Some of my friends have contributed,

but there are some to whom these tragedies are simply overwhelming.

They take me aside and tell me how many tragedies have occurred lately.

There was the 2005 Tsunami, followed by Louisiana’s Katrina, and

after that Haiti, and this year Japan’s Nuclear Disaster. The flooding of

the Mississippi continues, not to mention our sympathy for the entire

It’s impossible to communicate the difference these crutches have made

in the lives of not just the people receiving them, but also in the lives

of their families and their communities, but perhaps through the words

of some of our partners in Sierra Leone you’ll begin to understand:

Edward Bockarie, leader of Community Association for Psychosocial

Service (aka CAPS, our main logistical parner), reported in from Bo,

one of our eight distribution sites: “It was beautiful and peaceful.”

Musa Mansaray of Bo concurred: “Operation Rise was wonderful and


Joseph Kange from CAPS reported in from Kenema:

“We have just completed distribution. It was incredible and fantastic.

It was the same according to reports from other provincial areas.”

Eku Scottland in Kenema agreed: “I want to assure you that your efforts

and commitment to make that day a success did not go in vain, but

made a positive impact in the lives of recipients, their families and

stake holders in their various communities in Sierra Leone.

As for us, the Physically Challenged Persons in Kenema, this has been

the first World Peace Day that we have commemorated or celebrated.

Collectively we thank you very much for giving us voice and space by

choosing that day for the distribution of crutches, canes, etc. We will

always remember the 21th of September and The Peace Project.”

Eliza WyattBenefactorBrighton, United Kingdom

Thank you from the people of Sierra Leone.

Giving is believing Rise up!

Middle East. I saw the CNN footage as they recounted

the list of tragedies, but what was more disturbing was

the sound of despair that I heard in people’s voices.

‘Perhaps the Apocalypsists are right’, someone said.

Shocked that there is even a name for people who

believe the end is near, I realized the disabling done

by news media coverage. Some of my friends have lost

more than limbs -- they have lost hope, their voices,

their peace of mind.

We have all inherited the planet and the good things in

life that are free -- the sun, water, the sea and seeds,

and we do not like to be reminded that some of us have

managed to grab a greater share of these things. The role

of the benefactor is a privilege, giving is a privilege and

we should not need to be thanked for it. It is enough to

feed the seed of equality (and thereby justice and morality),

see it grow and flower.

Giving is believing.

Abu Amara reported in from Kono: “The World

Peace Day is ended. Assignment accomplished

despite a rainy and challenging day. Thanks for

all your efforts. Sierra Leoneans appreciate you.

A lot of amazing videos and photos captured on

this World Peace Day symbolizing PEACE and

HOPE amidst the challenges. They will make you

laugh and LAUGH and LAUGH!!”


Operation Rise Distribution Sites

122 123


1085 36 Will Work for Peace Lisa Schultz Culver City, CA USA

1086 105 From One Small Seed John Douglas Sydney, AUSTRALIA

1088 20 NYC Collage 11 Brian Leighton New York, NY USA

1091 16 Peaceful Village By The Sea Judith Heim Seattle, WA USA

1094 15 Black Elk Speaks Gail Weissman Corte Madera, CA USA

1096 84 Multicolored Meditation Charlene Maguire North Hollywood, CA USA

1098 21 Sweet as Nectar, Sweet as Silence Alexander Peuchot Costa Mesa, CA USA

1099 84 Free as Butterfly! Rebecca Both Los Angeles, CA USA

1100 24 God Waits John Clayton Culver City, CA USA

1101 19 Hands of Creation Lisa Rasmussen MFA CA, USA

1102 49 Everybody born free Michele D’Acosta London, UK

1105 65 Trapped in Open Water Robert Hyatt Wayne, PA USA

1111 110 Offering Ray Hennessy Ventura, CA USA

1113 32 You Can Have Peace Carly Swenson Cambridge, UK

1114 26 Too Much Pressure Casey Hayward Stamford, CT USA

1115 25 in the light Shayne Chester Sydney, AUSTRALIA

1118 109 Red and Yellow, Black and White Griffin Mauser Austin, TX USA

1120 24 Weapons of Peace Jason Haase Seatte, WA USA

1122 37 Gypsy Smile Romina Olson Austin, TX USA

1123 79 Conception Robyn Alatorre Redondo Beach, CA USA

1124 53 IAMTHATIAM Orly Snir Byron Bay, AUSTRALIA

1125 70 Why Cecil Williams Fort Gratiot, MI USA

1126 29 Gaia’s Guise Joseph Pravda FL, USA

1130 36 Thoughts of Peace Matt Wulff Portland, OR USA

1131 102 Rolling on the River Molly Susman Syracuse, NY USA

1132 35 Meditation on a Flower Skot Jonz San Francisco, CA USA

1133 46 Peace Norman Stoneking Austin, TX USA

1135 35 Peace Trisha Clarkin Charlottetown, PE CANADA

1137 21 Surviving Lisa Saper Vallejo, CA USA

1140 22 Human Nature Cali Gilbert Sausalito, CA USA

1141 93 Break Time Marcos Calamato Sunnyvale, CA USA

1143 105 Peace In Nature David Acuna Los Angeles, CA USA

1144 88 Peace In Flight 1 Chrystal Walker Castaic, CA USA

1145 47 Peace Through Revolution Jessica Sabogal Daly City, CA USA

1146 37 Children are the Future Eva Lewarne Toronto, ON CANADA

1149 70 Turn on the Lights Barbara Rabkin Boquete, PANAMA

1150 94 ensayo de fe Natalia Dominguez San Salvador, EL SALVADOR

1152 43 Give Peas A Chance Al Walz North Hollywood, CA USA

1154 84 Born Free or Happily Ever After Barbara Schneider Dusseldorf, GERMANY

1155 70 Peaceful Protester Matt Harang Los Angeles, CA USA

1165 35 Rose Bud Sheila Fein Agoura, CA USA

1169 17 No Mas Reflexion Scott Sampaio San Diego, CA USA

1170 97 Healing Tree Jill Slaymaker New York, NY USA

1171 84 Look Africa in the eyes! Elena Malec Irvine, CA USA

1173 33 Replacement1 Kaiser Kamal Jamaica, NY USA

1175 47 Balancing Act Minna Nix San Rafael, CA USA

1176 76 Nirvana Lily Nava Irvine, CA USA

1178 47 15 years later Pierre-Paul Pariseau Montreal, QC CANADA

1179 64 Peace Rises: Santih Heather Palleiko Santa Monica, CA USA

1180 67 Growing Peace Angie Brooks Indianapolis, IN USA

1181 47 Wheels of Change John Antoine Labadie NC, USA

1182 79 Destruction and Hope Shyam Kishore Mumbai, INDIA

1184 65 Hearts Float Up Laurie Freitag Los Angeles, CA USA

1185 111 Take Hold Dan Wills Westchester, NY USA

1186 78 Coexist Shawn K. Riley Culver City, CA USA

1187 40 Mend Lavonia Morris Florence, AL USA

1191 27 With It Brings New Light Anna Feneis Chicago, IL USA

1193 40 Taps is Played for the World Rob Jacobs Encino, CA USA

1194 15 Fragile Hope Michelle Ferrera Temecula, CA USA

1195 17 Winter Quiet Janis Fisher Highlands, NC USA

1197 27 Peace in Dave’s World Margie Labadie Red Springs, NC USA

1198 30 Angel of Light Athalyn Rose Boston, MA USA

1199 61,122 Peace For You David Brady Los Angeles, CA USA

1201 67 Peace Wreath Jeff Berman Studio City, CA USA

1202 113 Peace On Earth Bernadett Ortega New York, NY USA

1204 35 Peace Rose (Peace Rising) Victoria Moss Long Beach, CA USA

1205 89 We Are All Connected Ya La’ford TX, USA

1206 18 Gentleness Danilo Ursini Domodossola, ITALY

1208 67 Peace Mike B Chicago, IL USA

1210 108 Why Happy, Why Sad- Painting Series Melissa Regas San Diego, CA USA

1211 85 The Fig Singing Tree of the Child Laurie Marshall Novato, CA USA

1212 43 Shakti Kathleen Kaller Santa Monica, CA USA

1213 53 Airplane Novel: A Letter from the South Tower… Paul A. Toth Sarasota, FL USA

1214 111 Grand Sunset Debra Robertson Austin, TX USA

1215 16 Enlightened Fresco Janis Marashlian Newport Beach, CA USA

1217 14 Keeping Peace Alive Poli Marichal Los Angeles, CA USA

1220 18 365 Days of Peace Shannon McGough Brattleboro, VT USA

1222 115 The Heart Tim Sabatino Los Angeles, CA USA

1223 106 Tree Party Sona Mirzaei Los Angeles, CA USA

1224 50 Peace Offering Francisco Little Cape Town, S. AFRICA

1226 56 To Breathe Betsy Uhler Los Angeles, CA USA

1228 84 Peace and Namaste Bonnie-Sue Schwartz Culver City, CA USA

1230 107 Deportation from Warsaw to Treblinka, ...1942 Josh Bernstein Selma, TX USA

1231 105 Uncle Sam’s Final Call Kurtis Miller Brooklyn, NY USA

1233 37 Peace Marcel Mindlin Los Angeles, CA USA

1234 111 Peace Rises Christine Blu Ashton Laguna Niguel, CA USA

1235 67 Our Children ~ Our Future Judy Waddick Chicago, IL USA

1236 71 Clock World Bijan Masoumpanah Palm Springs, CA USA

1237 67 Choose Peace Taylor Schwartz Portland, OR USA

1238 98 Hugging the Soul of the World Piercarla Garusi Verona, ITALY

1240 62 United Faith Nicholas A. Baio Scottsdale, AZ USA

1241 71 The Eyes of Peace Star Shields Laguna Beach, CA USA

1243 70 Open Heart II Michele Caruso Garden Grove, CA USA

1245 117 Felicity Kate Saurman Philadelphia, PA USA

1247 84 Wing Christine Owner San Francisco, CA USA

1250 94 Our Lady Queen of Peace Charles Perera Redondo Beach, CA USA

1252 113 Truth #13 Karen Light Chicago, IL USA

1255 75 Peace girl Sandra Zebi Los Angeles, CA USA

1256 21 The Best is Yet to Come Jeni Bate Salton City, CA USA

1257 118 Dear Stranger Bridget Barkan New York, NY USA

1258 74 Angel Heart Jenna Fein Oak Park, CA USA

1260 57 Contemplation Kelly Ramsey Livonia, MI USA

1262 57 Fishing for Life Kelly Ramsey Livonia, MI USA

1264 81 Pie and Coffee Dawn Whitaker Twentynine Palms, CA USA

1265 102 Peaceful Slumber Adriana Garcia Santa Monica, CA USA

1267 81 Iluminated Prayers Leti Stiles Irvine, CA USA

1268 37 Four Peace Steven Nacario HI, USA

1269 91 Cell Block D Sukhasana-CA St. Penitentiary Yoga Robert Stuurman Santa Monica, CA USA

1271 75 Dance of Truth and Love Bethany Jordan Indianapolis, IN USA

1272 91 Happiness Rene Sheret Pasadena, CA USA

1276 52 Solitude Heather Goldman West Hills, CA USA

1277 52 just breathe Hilary Crahan Los Angeles, CA USA

1281 95 Palette of Peace Courtney Campbell Houston, TX USA

1283 95 Touching Willene Johnson Gainesville, FL USA

1285 53 Pathway to Peace Skot Jonz San Francisco, CA USA

1288 99 Vital Network I Nancy Mueller Villa Park, IL USA

1289 67 Peace Times Four Alexandra Kube Valley Village, CA USA

1292 70 Xenogenic Skins 2 Phillip Timper Prescott, AZ USA

1294 77 Bansky’s Street Art Sally Campbell Antioch, CA USA

1297 67 Peace Rises Ms. Renda Littlefield Gonic, NH USA

1298 72 Peace Rises Through Laughter Myrna Leonard Riverside, CA USA

1299 101 Gaundi For Peace Laura Campanelli Gainesville, FL USA



All artists have generously granted rights to use their work to raise funds for The Peace Project. All pieces shown, plus this book and other peace-related items, can be found at or by calling 310-836-4600.

Read more about each artist’s vision of peace by visiting and entering the image number after the “=”

All artists have generously granted rights to use their work to raise funds for The Peace Project. All pieces shown, plus this book and other peace-related items, can be found at or by calling 310-836-4600.

Read more about each artist’s vision of peace by visiting and entering the image number after the “=” 124 125

1300 27 Trust Love Begonia Herbert Los Angeles, CA USA

1301 85 Children of Romania Laura Iosifescu London, UK

1302 81 praying for peace Barsha Malla Atlanta, GA USA

1303 93 Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness Ricky Sencion Los Angeles, CA USA

1304 87 Love is Blind Teri Levine Atlanta, GA USA

1305 93 Great Minds Dream Alike Roy Anthony Shable Downey, CA USA

1306 39 Peace Rising Laara WilliamSen South Surrey, BC CANADA

1307 99 Electric Love Mica Teal Lake Forest, CA USA

1308 52 Peace of mind Verdelle Lavalle South Pasadena, CA USA

1310 71 Reunion Jane Mayer Shoreline, WA USA

1311 109 Fleur In Peace We Trust Alex Butler Los Angeles, CA USA

1313 112 Peace & Freedom All Over The World Joni Armel Agoura Hills, CA USA

1315 81 Turning Back the Dogs of War Stephen Frank Gary Vista, CA USA

1318 89 Transformative Peace Christine Durietz Ka‘a‘awa, HI USA

1319 72,119 Love Shines Through Rebecca Rose Pittsburgh, PA USA

1320 85 Rainforest Cathy Davis Sherman Oaks, CA USA

1321 85 Peace is a gift Styliani Kotta Athens, GREECE/L.A., CA USA

1325 107 Native Mary Crane Redondo Beach, CA USA

1327 63 Spirit Peace Inside Olga Borynets Savannah, GA USA

1328 89 Burning, Melting, Pooling, Solidifying Tulika Ladsariya Chicago, IL USA

1330 93 Its as simple as black and white Victoria Rizzolo Roseland, NJ USA

1331 52 Place of Peace Avesha Michael Los Angeles, CA USA

1332 67 Spinning Peace Ring Tyler Golden Venice, CA USA

1334 37 The Angel Within Phil Santos Los Angeles, CA USA

1335 33 Allegria Claudia Monroy Los Angeles, CA USA

1336 85 Woman Dreaming of World Peace Shastiana Shastiana Modesto, CA USA

1338 113 meditation Ronit Arnon Berkeley, CA USA

1339 24 Zen Ellen Seefeldt San Clemente, CA USA

1341 71 Peace Phoenix Rising Shawn K. Riley Culver City, CA USA

1342 81 Peaceful Hand Joann Cella Flemington, NJ USA

1343 82 All of US Rising as Magnets 4 Peace Caron Rand Riverside, CA USA

1345 35 Peace and Harmony Joann Cella Flemington, NJ USA

1419 77 I Am the Dove Susie Mckay Krieser Los Angeles, CA USA

1421 29 Kiss of Innocence Glenda Chaconas Lutz, FL USA

1422 31 PEACE Cy Rathbun Wildomar, CA USA

1426 76 The Kiss 2 Reese Lynch VA, USA

1428 103 Untitled Ashley Kujan West Palm Beach, FL USA

1430 47 Peace Begins Within Maria Mars Barrie, ON CANADA

1431 103 Mr. Dalai Lama Elizabeth Dahl Los Angeles, CA USA

1433 85 Majesty Diane Bulgatz Culver City, CA USA

1435 41 ...can’t hug your children with nuclear arms? Grool Demon Canton, OH USA

1436 87 Peaceful Ganesh Anup Bhandari Kilgore, TX USA

1437 82 Circle of Peace #1 Edward Setien Miami, FL USA

1438 97 Celebrating Freedom Kathryn Donatelli Los Angeles, CA USA

1439 30 Pacem Appellant Amanda Henke Atlanta, GA USA

1444 113 A Peaceful World for our Children! Elisabeta Hermann Denver, CO USA

1446 31 The Long March Claire Tiwald Taos, NM USA

1447 44 Peace Lotus Lynn Bacigalupo San Luis Obispo, CA USA

1449 46 Faith Tom’ya Bowden Los Angeles, CA USA

1450 53 Look to the West Susan Stone San Diego, CA USA

1452 40 A New Day Douglas Stanton West Hollywood, CA USA

1456 77 The Hope for Peace Jim Dicke New Bremen,OH USA

1457 13,124 Shadow of Peace Robert Gonzalez Los Angeles, CA USA

1458 104 Puppies for Peace Jon Qalam New York, NY USA

1459 82 Escalate Peace Not War Gwyn Newcombe Whittier, CA USA

1460 54 Don’t Touch my Country Neca Dantas Los Angeles, CA USA

1461 45 Space I Jon Coffelt New York, NY USA

1462 29 Hermana, Hermanita (squared) Reshada Pullen Silver Spring, MD USA

1463 95 In Good Hands Angie Brooks Indianapolis, IN USA

1465 34 Solstice Patricia Alexandria Shadow Hills, CA USA

1468 29 I Embody Xandre Tovar Rosemead, CA USA

1470 98 Red Peace Moustafa AlHatter Cairo, EGYPT

1471 44 Rise Above It Samantha Emerson Denver, CO USA

1472 95 Courtyard of The Angel Susan Rios Glendale, CA USA

1346 36 Invoke Peace Cheryl White Coatesville, PA USA

1347 112 Peace2011 Jonathan Brooks Miami, FL USA

1353 65 Drawing in Peace Jennifer Higgins Kennett Square, PA USA

1357 69 Seeds From The Sacred Garden Judith Heim Seattle, WA USA

1358 115 Treasure of Wishes Melissa May Curtis Burbank, CA USA

1361 63 Confused Group Johan Wahlstrom Malaga, SPAIN

1362 44 Gentle Giants Suzan Mandla Ottawa, ON CANADA

1363 38 Winnipeg River Cove 2 Chuck Svoboda Denver, CO USA

1365 38 Trying to Communicate Bethany Jordan Indianapolis, IN USA

1370 86 Doves Crying Bibi Davidson Los Angeles, CA USA

1371 99 Nocturno German Guerra Santiago, CHILE

1380 63 Ode To Africa Natosha Edmonds Redwood City, CA USA

1385 112 A Woman in Prayer Joseph Deman Encinitas, CA USA

1386 105 Seminal peace Dusan Rakic Novi Sad, SERBIA

1387 54 12-08-80/all he was saying… Patrick Graden Avon Lake, OH USA

1388 79 Peace in the grip of human nature Barbara Mastej Venice, CA USA

1391 109 Peace and Unity Cammie Okouchi Wahiawa, HI USA

1393 81 Phoenix Rising Lasha Siegel Rico, CO USA

1394 64 The Messenger Azadeh Sarvi Lake Forest, CA USA

1397 98 Heart Swirls Yvonne Landivar Los Angeles, CA USA

1398 54 Peace Within Sophia Nahli Chicago, IL USA

1399 97 At Peace Laura Robertson Irvine, CA USA

1405 63 Chi Beaker Jamie Reed Tokyo, JAPAN

1406 117 Dr. John Peggy Fontenot Santa Monica, CA USA

1407 117 Iraq Veterans Against The War Peggy Fontenot Santa Monica, CA USA

1410 89 Go Together Further Than Beyond Ruthie Newman Salt Lake City, UT USA

1411 88 Knives are for cake Audrey Ouellette Auburn, ME USA

1412 88 Bluebird Shanna Allyn Minneapolis, MN USA

1415 95 Childhood Peace Lauren New York, NY USA

1416 103 Find peace in me Patricia Nelson Bronx, NY USA

1417 23 Leaving the Nest Christine Guillot Ryan Columbus, OH USA

1418 44 Yep Chuck U. Farley Dogtown, CA USA

1474 103 Eye Of The Moon J.R. Hildebrand Brighton, CO USA

1475 29 Forest Spring Charla Puryear Burbank, CA USA

1476 70 Eduardo Antoine Saba Santa Ana, CA USA

1479 22 Grace’s Avatar Eniko Szucs New York, NY USA

1484 99 Pursuit of Peace II Judi Smolin North Tustin, CA USA

1485 71 Muslim in America Kate Sikorski Seal Beach, CA USA

1488 99 Softcore Truth Brian Reeves Portland, ME USA

1492 94 Hope Vikki Marshall North Fork, CA USA

1493 82 Inner Art Peace Kimberly Castor Goodrich, MI USA

1494 94 Neglected Space 7 Gary Carlson Toronto, ON CANADA

1495 69 Peace- i will wait until it comes. Andreea Berindei Anaheim, CA USA

1496 83 Mix 1 Johanna Uribes Redwood City, CA USA

1497 52 Marsh Sunset Bart Everett Los Angeles, CA USA

1500 105 Nature Peace Fran Popadak Dana Point, CA USA

1501 51 Birth of the Sun(flower) Anthony Berta San Diego, CA USA

1502 108 Yoga Body Print Peace Flags Suran Song Jackon Heights, NY USA

1503 91 Smiles, Peace and Flowers Andre Shakom Chacon Ibarra Denver, CO USA

1505 117 Alchemy of Peace Michele Benzamin-Miki Warner Springs, CA USA

1506 91 Know your rights Amanda Ramon Los Angeles, CA USA

1507 29 One love, many hearts Yvy Capponi Sitges, SPAIN

1508 59 Four Winds, One World Matej Anzin Los Angeles, CA USA

1509 29 Give Peace A Chance Russell Calabrese North Hollywood, CA USA

1510 42 Choices: Up and Over or Down and Out Sandra Cooper Los Angeles, CA USA

1511 40 My peace project Steve Vandervort Kona, HI USA

1513 76 Peace 2011 Stefano Imbert Jackson Heights, NY USA

1514 69 Internal Change Karen Kang Santa Monica, CA USA

1516 112 One Nation Divided Daniel Williams San Pedro, CA USA

1517 101 Affinity Lisa Caplan Chicago, IL USA

1519 101 Angel of Peace Robert Blackman Moreno Valley, CA USA

1520 67 World Peace Holly Koroveshi Laguna Hills, CA USA

1521 100 Song of the Sun Shanti Rose Watsonville, CA USA

1523 113 Peace in my hands Michelle Gatley-Dewing Cape Town, S. AFRICA

All artists have generously granted rights to use their work to raise funds for The Peace Project. All pieces shown, plus this book and other peace-related items, can be found at or by calling 310-836-4600.

Read more about each artist’s vision of peace by visiting and entering the image number after the “=”

All artists have generously granted rights to use their work to raise funds for The Peace Project. All pieces shown, plus this book and other peace-related items, can be found at or by calling 310-836-4600.

Read more about each artist’s vision of peace by visiting and entering the image number after the “=”


126 127

1524 29 War Hurts Elaine Unger Valencia, CA USA

1526 68,120 together Eva Fellner Vienna, AUSTRIA

1528 97 Out of the Ashes Kenn Raaf Laguna, CA USA

1529 31 Inner peace Jaime Palmera Los Angeles, CA USA

1531 107 Concentric Narrative #1 Nancy Goodman Lawrence Los Angeles, CA USA

1534 66 Beyond Boundaries Rachelle Farber Carlsbad, CA USA

1535 90 What is Peace? Chrystal Walker Castaic, CA USA

1536 76 Untitled Kristina Varaksina San Francisco, CA USA

1537 61 Acknowledge the past... Move foward. Diana Gaitha Long Beach, CA USA

1538 93 One Love Lyndsey Grosjean New York, NY USA

1539 27 They Walked in Line Jessica Wagner Chicago, IL USA

1540 31 Nirvana Debbie Jordan & Nicole Dikon Woodland Hills, CA USA

1542 77 Peace Propels Change Lynn Bacigalupo San Luis Obispo, CA USA

1543 71 Hope for Peace Aaron Samuel Jr Los Angeles, CA USA

1544 60 oh what a world James McDevitt -Stredney Columbus, OH USA

1547 101 Serenity Verdelle Lavalle South Pasadena, CA USA

1550 115 Peaceful Entry Patti Myers Phoenix, AZ USA

1551 93 Dreaming Peace Liz Beckman Los Angeles, CA USA

1552 51 Lotus Margery Epstein Los Angeles, CA USA

1554 36 resistance Jenna Winstead Manchester, TN USA

1555 21 when? Matthew Land San Diego, CA USA

1556 114 Navel Jamie Brennan Buena Park, CA USA

1559 46 Give peace a chance Stuart Hampton Plymouth, UK

1560 21 The Edge Of Clarity Jodie Fraser Ontario, ON CANADA

1561 58 Peaceful Feeling Robert Keshishian Ft. Lauderdale, FL USA

1563 116 Gypsy girl Aimee Boschet Los Angeles, CA USA

1564 29 Because I Can Flora Lark Baily Charlottesville, VA USA

1565 28 Dia de Los Muertos (Self portrait) Elizabeth Rojas San Leandro, CA USA

1566 92 Merging Polly Branch Roanoke, VA USA

1568 113 Peace Reef Erin Dinan New York, NY USA

1570 43 Lighting the Dark Tiffany Davis-Rustam Los Angeles, CA USA

1574 48 The Looking Glass David Rodriguez Long Beach, CA USA

1577 108 Peace Cheryl Williams Los Angeles, CA USA

1578 31 Clay Sound Resonator Nicolas Schulz New York, NY USA

1585 94 Brooklyn Kids Craig Deman Santa Monica, CA USA

1588 80 An icon of things to come Anca Bonner Chicago, IL USA

1589 61 To Begin Again Sara Alfaro Miami, FL USA

1590 112 Angel of Peace (So to Speak) Douglas Orr Long Beach, CA USA

1593 58 Union Robert Sanders Sacramento, CA USA

1594 94 Tower of Hope Bart Everett Los Angeles, CA USA

1597 73 Harmony Cheryl Welch Bloomfield, NJ USA

1598 63 May the Tree of Peace Grow Lyubov Momot Chicago, IL USA

1599 21 My Son Sloane Merrick Tulsa, OK USA

1600 77 A Mother’s Heart Of Peace Natalie Anne Huber-Tate Val Verde, CA USA

1601 89 Flower Yuriko Etue Los Angeles, CA USA

1603 75 Rain Kimberly Overton Bay Area, CA USA

1604 103 Rebirth Dorry Allen Aurora, CO USA

1607 35 Peaceful Moment Rosemary Murphy Philadelphia, PA USA

1608 96 Fountain of Peace Colleen Kahn Seattle, WA USA

1609 109 Love Is Peace Tameisha Harrington St. Louis, MO USA

1610 57 Staircase Chris Neumer Riverside, CA USA

1611 53 Sea of Peace Anni Brandt Aland, FINLAND

1612 87 world speak Jennifer Tiner Oak Park, IL USA

1613 76 Peace over the Rio Grand Adrian Farah El Paso, TX USA

1615 55 Deciphering The Code Sharon Geraci Portland, OR USA

1617 95 Head in the Clouds II Sarah Berkeley Chicago, IL USA

1619 87 Lion’s Visions Razvan Anghelache Bucharest, ROMANIA

All artists have generously granted rights to use their work to raise funds for The Peace Project. All pieces shown, plus this book and other peace-related items, can be found at or by calling 310-836-4600.

Read more about each artist’s vision of peace by visiting and entering the image number after the “=”


128 129