The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville ... · Pease come and join us on this Lenten...


Citation preview 1 Cross+Link February 2018

CROSS+LINK Linking Parish Churches around Bridgnorth

SS Peter + Paul St Mary Magdalene

CROSS+LINK Linking Parish Churches around Bridgnorth

Astley Abbotts Oldbury Quatford Bridgnorth

St Calixtus St Nicholas St Mary Magdalene


Acton Round Bridgnorth Aston Eyre Monkhopton Upton Cressett

St James’ Hall St Mary the Virgin Aston Eyre


St Gregory the Great St Michael’s

St Leonards Hall


The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville Parishes Team Ministry FEBRUARY 2018 50p

St Peter’s 2 Cross+Link February 2018

Letter from the Dean of Hereford

The sad litany continues – as we move into 2018, we’re recalling the last year

of the Great War and its influence in our country.

At Hereford Cathedral, there will be special observances:

Poppies: Weeping Window – the cascade of thousands of ceramic poppies by

Paul Cummins, artist and Tom Piper, designer, originally at HM Tower of Lon-

don in 2014. This dramatic installation will be a major feature of cathedral life

14 March – 29 April and we hope that many from the diocese will want to come

and see it – and engage with it. Those who have seen the installation in other

places speak of its power to move and challenge – and we hope you will find it

so – a reminder of the many lives given in sacrifice for truth and justice and


Later, in April, we will have the unveiling of a plaque commemorating 8 little

girls who died in a fire at the Garrick Theatre, Hereford, in April 1916 – they

had been performing to raise funds for the troops at the Front and, as the cur-

tain fell, fire broke out, with devastating results. A reminder that the war effort

took its toll not only on those on active service, but also on innocents on the

Home Front.

In September, the cathedral will unveil a new plaque honouring soldier Allan

Leonard Lewis, the only Herefordshire-born recipient of the Victoria Cross.

Lewis was killed in September 1918, aged 23. The Victoria Cross was present-

ed to his parents by H.M King George V at Buckingham Palace in April

1919. A reminder that, for all its horror, the War inspired huge acts of courage

and valour.

By the end of the year, will we be exhausted by all these observances? Will

the constant reminders of the horrors of the Great War numb us to its terrible

reality? My hope and prayer is that it will not – quite the opposite – these last

four years of remembrance will have alerted us to stories, facts, tragedy, hero-

ism, sorrow – which will help in making us a more understanding society – de-

termined all the more to work for all that is good and true. 3 Cross+Link February 2018

One of the results of the Great War was a new willingness and indeed thirst, to

pray for the souls of the departed. Till then, the Church of England had been

rather muted in any suggestion that its members might actually pray for those

who had died. The Great War, with its huge number of deaths, changed all

that. People needed to pray for their departed loved ones – they needed to be

able to make some response and to feel that lives, so cruelly cut short, were

continuing in God’s presence. Today, we pray, quite naturally, for our depart-

ed loved ones – and how right that is. Heaven and Earth are so often very

close and the gap that separates us, very thin.

Perhaps, from these four years of observance will come a new desire to pray

and especially to realise afresh that, in our prayer, for the living and the de-

parted, we are brought to the very thresholds of Heaven.

Michael Tavinor

Clergy Thoughts - Clive Munday

Welcome to the first Cross+Link of the new year. Christmas fades into a dis-

tant memory, while Easter eggs have already appeared in the shops. But has

Christmas really faded away? We put most of our Christmas decorations away

by Twelfth Night, but at the time of writing our Nativity scene still graces the

top of our piano. Easter is celebrated for forty days, because Luke tells us in

Acts 1:3 that Jesus’ Resurrection appearances took place over a period of for-

ty days before His Ascension, but Christmas, the celebration of the Incarnation

of God in Jesus Christ, and Epiphany, the celebration of the manifestation of

God Incarnate to the world, together make up forty days of celebration, ending

on 2nd February, forty days after Christmas Day. The Old Testament Law

(Leviticus chapter 12) required a woman to present an offering for ritual purifi-

cation forty days after the birth of a son, which is why the feast of the Purifica-

tion of the Virgin Mary, or the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, occurs on

February 2nd, commemorating the visit recorded in Luke 2:22-39, which in-

cludes the testimony of Simeon (familiar as the Nunc Dimittis in Evensong)

and Anna. Simeon’s description of Christ as “a light to lighten the Gentiles”

and “the glory of thy people Israel” marks this out as the final part of the Epiph-

any celebration. Joseph and Mary went to the Temple in obedience to the Law

as set out in Leviticus; as St. Paul says: “When the set time had fully come, 4 Cross+Link February 2018

God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem

those under the law, that we might receive adoption to son-

ship” (Galatians 4:4-5). Simeon’s words to Mary hint at the cost of

that redemption: “A sword will pierce your own soul too” (Luke 2:35),

because by His death on the cross Jesus “redeemed us from the

curse of the law by becoming a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13).

This celebration, then, commonly called Candlemas because of the custom of blessing candles (perhaps alluding to “the light to lighten the Gentiles”), which our churches will be celebrating on February 4th as the nearest Sunday, is the point at which we start to move our focus from the celebration of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ towards His death upon the cross for our redemption. I found this powerfully illustrated a few years ago when Nagisa and I went to Evensong at Candlemas at Rochester Cathedral. After Evensong the congrega-tion were invited to gather around the Crib for some prayers, at the end of which we were invited to turn around, and when we did so, there was the Cross standing before us. After the celebration of Christ’s taking upon Himself our nature, we were brought face to face with the reason why God became man – to be obedient to death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:8). The Cross is the ulti-mate expression of the Incarnation – God Incarnate takes upon Him-self human death, our death, for our sins so that we can share in His risen life. Let us use the opportunity afforded by Candlemas, fol-lowed by Lent, to prepare ourselves for the commemoration of His Passion and the celebration of His Resurrection.

HELP needed! Our new brass rota for 2018 for St Mary Magdalene Bridgnorth is due to be 'published'and there is a

HOLE in it.

How can you help? Mend it by volunteering to fill it with

yourself and it will mean that our faithful band of cleaners

don't have to do an extra turn. It is once every 6 weeks and

you don't have to clean every bit of brass in the church - if

you could just polish the altar rail and dust the rest that

would be a start! - please contact me - Helen Howell on

763066 or tell Ann Clarke in church on a Sunday morning - 5 Cross+Link February 2018

News from St Mary’s - Catherine Wilson

Well here we are 2018 I can hardly believe that Christmas is over.

Like churches the world over Christmas at St. Mary’s is always a

busy time and it is the time of year when we receive our most

visitors.I know I am biased but I always think that we at St. Mary’s

excel ourselves over the Advent, Christmas and Epiphany seasons.

It starts with the Chamber Choirs Advent /Christmas Concert.

Always really the start of Christmas for many and this year was no

exception .The concert of beautiful Christmas music and inspirational

readings all takes place under our magnificent tree. Thereafter

follows the Christingle service, the very special 9 lessons and carols

service , the crib service and midnight mass (when else do we go to

church in the middle of the night )

After Christmas comes Epiphany and we at st Marys were treated

to a lovely atmospheric Epiphany evening service.

We have to thank everybody who helped to make the Christmas

season so special from the choir, the organist ,the deputy organist,

the servers the readers, those who decorated the church, those who

put out the crib and anyone else who contributed.

We at St. Marys are living through very exciting times.Our Missioner

Kate King has stared work with us and was commissioned by our

Bishop at Epiphany .

At the same service where Kate was commissioned the Bishop was

able to dedicate the cross from on top of the dome which has been

re-gilded. We look forward to seeing the cross shining as a special

blessed beacon over the town we serve once it has been

repositioned on top of the dome.

It was such a special service for us in the life of st.Marys it really

feels like the new commission of our missionary work here in


We welcome Kate and look forward to working with her. 6 Cross+Link February 2018

The Stations of the Cross

In St. Mary’s Church, Bridgnorth, we are fortunate to have a set of ‘Stations of the Cross’. These fifteen crosses adorning the walls of our church offer us an invitation to con-template and enter into the mystery of Jesus’s gift of himself to us. Each one depicts a stage of Jesus’s jour-ney from his trial to his crucifixion and as we walk ‘the way of the cross’, pausing at each one to pray and meditate, we join him in his

suffering, drawing nearer to him and possibly coming closer to under-standing the depth of his love for us.

During Lent this year we will be praying ‘The Stations of the Cross’ each Saturday at 6.00 pm, starting on February 17th. Pease come and join us on this Lenten journey. This is an invitation to you to enter humbly and prayerfully into the events of these final hours with our dear Lord Jesus.

Astley Abbotts A very Happy New Year to everyone, A thankyou for all your sup-port over the festive season, we had successful carols at Astley Ab-botts House, a full house for our crib service and a happy bunch of church goers on Christmas Day. Even the snow didn't dampen our enthusiasm, and the church only missed one service on Dec 14th.

Our special thanks go to Reg and Elaine for keeping our churchyard so beautiful all year, we receive many comments about it, to Juanita who works tirelessly on our behalf, to Ste-phen and his choir, to Rosemary, Graham, Judy and Peter for taking our family services,and to everyone who helps with cleaning and flower arranging.

Our bonus winner for the 100 club was Mandy Mason, and second prize went to Robert Watt.

Lent is early this year starting on Wednesday February 14th, St Valentine's Day, that makes it a double celebration, St Valentine's was killed and martyred on 14th February 269AD for marrying Christian couples during the reign of Claudius, which gives him his romantic connatation even though he died!

Clive and Nagisa are inviting us to a meal and presentation on Reconciliation between British and Japanese people. At St Leonard’s Hall on Sunday February 3rd Tickets £10 from Simon, Sarah, Clive and Marjorie

Idonea and Shelah 7 Cross+Link February 2018

St. Nicholas - Oldbury & Eardington

A busy December in Oldbury. A successful Table Top Sale was held in the Village Hall on 2nd, varied tables from Christmas Decorations, Bags, Jewellery, T-Shirts, Bric-a-brac, Books and DVD’s, Guess the name of the Teddy Bear – winning name (Elliot) was randomly picked by Mr. David Durham and tea and cakes were provided by Helen Bagnall. First Prize in the Christmas Raffle of a Luxury Food Hamper was won by Mr & Mrs John Galsworthy; 2nd Prize Eurasia Restaurant Voucher (generously donated by them) won by Trish Davidson; other winners were Caroline, Dave Tonks, Nicky White, Margaret Shortly and John Hart. Many thanks to all who kindly donated prizes and to everyone who bought a ticket. Unfortunately the Christingle Service for Castlefield School children had to be cancelled due to bad weather (snow)! The Carol Service held on 18 December was greatly enjoyed by a full church; the congregation singing with great gusto and afterwards, if possible they were even more enthusiastic to eat drink and be merry – plenty of mulled wine, mince pies and conversation. The popular crib service was well attended and a touch of magic was added by the guest appearance of Mary’s donkey standing in the porch – actually it was a pony masquerading as the ass – but a lovely addition. During December the 100 Club draw was held 1st Prize of £75 won by Mrs. A. Walter and 2nd Prize of £25 won by Mr. B. Bagnall. If any-one is interested in joining the 100 Club please contact Mr. Mayhew-Smith on 01746 769567. After all the wonderful Christmas services it was Goodbye to 2017 and Welcome to 2018.

Joan Thomas 8 Cross+Link February 2018

Quatford News—Rachel Edwards We return to a quieter time after the busy Christmas festivities. Our

Carol Service, lead by Marjorie, was very well attended this year, not

only an increase in numbers but new faces too which is always encour-

aging. A few less at our Midnight Service but well attended any way.

Despite having several large boughs down out of the Scots pines the

church yard is in reasonably good order and the first of the snow drops

are beginning to appear, too early to hope for many signs of spring but

always a pleasant sight. Our first PCC meeting of this year is in mid

February when we shall discuss our fund raising events for this year,

Ali England has offered to host a card evening, on offer are cards for

all occasions, wrapping paper, stationary and even, dare I say Christ-

mas cards, so if like me you did not stock up for next year this maybe

your chance to acquire some bargains!. No doubt our ever popular skit-

tles evening will also been on the list. Quatford are to host the lent ser-

vice on Wednesday 14th March all are welcome to join us. I close with

the sad news of the death of John Taylor, he and Phyl have been regu-

lar members of our congregation for several years now, we will miss

John, especially for his cheerful and sociable personality. We extend

our deepest sympathy to Phyl and all the family . 9 Cross+Link February 2018 10 Cross+Link February 2018

Quiet Garden 2018

16 East Castle Street, Bridgnorth

All welcome, No charge,

Refreshments and Creative

prayer workshops

Second Wednesday of each

month: 10-3pm

March 14th

April 11th

May 9th

June 13th

July 11th


September 12th

October 10th

November 14th 11 Cross+Link February 2018 12 Cross+Link February 2018 13 Cross+Link February 2018 14 Cross+Link February 2018

Donating to our Churches We are very grateful for any donations we receive for our churches. These enable us to keep our beautiful buildings in good repair and to fund activities for the benefit of the whole community. The Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) of the Bridgnorth Team of churches welcome all gifts and legacies left in wills. These gifts will be used +for the work of the church concerned. Please contact the treasurer of the specific church for more details: St Mary Magdalene Bridgnorth - Martin Blackburn 766529 St Nicholas Oldbury - Ken Biggs - 01384 243372 St Peter and St Paul Tasley - Irene Rogers 765926 St Calixtus Astley Abbotts - Mary Tipton 763171 St Mary Magdalene Quatford - Phyl Taylor 762318 St Leonard’s Hall Church - Martin Blackburn 766529 St James’ Hall Church - Martin Blackburn 766529 Thank you.

As this is our first time in the magazine

we thought we would encourage

you to come and see us.

This entitles you to an introductory *10%

off any of our products at Roobarb.

Including our new Italian designed

women’s clothing range, handbags,

scarves, hats and homeware.

Come and discover what we have on

Waterloo Terrace, Bridgnorth.

Telephone 01746 761061

*Terms and Conditions Apply. Please bring this magazine with you. 15 Cross+Link February 2018

Contact Linda on

07792 305 100

She Gardens offers the complete package; from all

aspects of garden maintenance, clearing an overgrown weed

infested area to a complete re-design. With RHS

qualifications, Gardeners’ World Live Gold and Silver Awards

and over 10 years’ experience, you can be assured that your

garden will flourish in Linda and Kerry’s hands.

So how do we want this to look?

• To be more of an after school club with new times of 4:30pm to 5:30pm.

• The club will be for Year 4 to Year 6 young people (8 to 11’s). Year 7 and up will be sign posted to The Bridge and are also welcome to become young volunteers for St. James’ Youth Group.

• A faith based youth club that involves some activities based around Christian input.

• To work with St. Mary’s Church offering times for them to join in with us and for us to join in with them.

• To provide areas for young people to chill out, or hang out and chat with peers, provide a tuck shop as well as area for games and arts & crafts.

• To gain more volunteers to provide support and pastoral care for young people and their families.


As some of you may know St. James' Youth Group is being revamped for this coming February 2018. We had a really successful year, however we have found that our link to St. Mary’s Church, who support our youth group, has become almost non existent. With this in mind we have decided to reshape St. James’ for the new year. 16 Cross+Link February 2018

Can you believe that the Women’s World Day of Prayer is being

hosted once again in St Mary’s Church! As you aware it moves

around the five churches in this town involving each denomination.

For 2018 the Christian Women of Suriname have prepared the

service. The Theme for the service is ‘All God’s Creation is Very

Good’. Do you disagree with this and believe that human beings are

spoiling our planet? with so much pollution that’s affecting many

people’s health. What can we do to address this serious problem that

evidence and science are proving exists? If you want to hear more,

why not think about coming to support this service on Friday 2nd

March at 7.30pm in our Parish Church. The Revd Marjorie Brooks-

Associate Vicar will give a short address. It is important to strive to

safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of

the earth’ But, whatever our denomination, it is our responsibility as

Christians to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives including

showing our love for God by caring for all the gifts he has given us.

Taken from Together in Prayer

Women’s World Day of Prayer Bridgnorth Branch 2018

This year’s theme has been prepared

by the Christian Women of Suriname

Come and join us for our Bible Reflection

given by Ms Lucy Southcombe

Monday 12th February at 7.30pm

At Number Seven

(next to the Baptist Church)

West Castle Street


Reflection: All God’s creation is Very Good!

Bible Study—Genesis 1

Read Psalm 8 17 Cross+Link February 2018 18 Cross+Link February 2018

St Mary’s with St Leonard’s 200 Club

Winning tickets in the January draw are as follows:

Ticket No

Winners Prize

115 Bernard Speke £20

113 Jennifer Durham £10

72 Sylvia Robbins £10

74 Martin Blackburn £10

71 Mary Wilson £10

156 Christopher Gill £10

119 Laura King £10

86 Mavis and George Cartwright £5

142 Sarah Cawdell £5

St Mary’s with St Leonard’s 200 Club

Winning tickets in the December draw are as follows:

Ticket No

Winners Prize

34 Martin Blackburn £50

203 Christopher Gill £50

1 Margaret Thornton £20

164 Christopher Gill £10

73 Anwen Arthur £10

82 Bernard Speke £10

186 Charmon Westwood £10 149 Catherine Turnock £10

16 Kay Prior £5

51 Sue Rumble Evans £5 19 Cross+Link February 2018

Lent 2018 This year for our Lent Course we will be looking at the theme of Reconciliation. Of course the greatest reconciliation that we experience is through the work of Christ on the cross. He came make us one with God, though his love and self giving. I like to think of the arms stretched out as those which embrace us all in love, and encourage us to welcome one another. Our world seems dislocated in so many ways. We are going to be celebrating Reconciliation with Creation, Ourselves, Our Neighbours, Our enemies, and with God. The evenings will start at half seven. There will be a short service, with a talk and opportunity for discussion with refreshments. You are welcome to all or any of the evenings. Lent begins on February 14th with a Communion Service with Ashing at Oldbury. on Feb 21st we are delighted to be welcomed at Aston Eyre parish church. Tasley invites us to join them on February 28th. On March 7th we will be at Morville, who celebrate their 900th anniversary this year. For those who like steps (there is a lift) why not explore Quatford Church on March 14th, and our final worship and discussion group for this Lent will be at Astley Abbots on March 21st. During Holy Week there will be services of Compline in St Mary's Bridgnorth at 7.30 pm On the Saturdays of Lent the Stations of the Cross will be followed at 6.00pm in St Mary's Bridgnorth.


Last Autumn a group of dedicated volunteers attended 4 training events to become Early Intervention Co-ordinators alongside myself at St. Leonard's primary school and St. Mary's primary school. All 4 volunteers have now started and are thoroughly enjoying their roles. They are all focusing on children with behaviour and emotional challenges, using Talkabout for Children (as do I) and games such as snakes and ladders to create that calm, comfortable environment. So far they alone are supporting 7 young people across the two schools and i have had nothing but praise from the head teachers! John Prockter and I are discussing running another 4 training events as we have already had 2 adults interested in volunteering too, which is a fantastic response for something we planned from scratch and cannot wait to see what the future holds. 20 Cross+Link February 2018

St James’ Hall Church For Hire

Lodge Lane, The Grove. Available to hire.

Following extensive renovation provides a

comfortable, welcome ven-ue, at a very reasonable


Bookings: Liz Fisher

01746 764059 or

email: or

Bridgnorth Handy People

Property maintenance and pest control

UPVC fascia, soffit and guttering Roof and chimney repairs

Gutter cleaning and repairs Re-felting sheds

Interior and exterior painting/decorating Tiling and re-sealing bathrooms

Hanging pictures, mirrors and so much more... No job too small

We also do pest control Rats, Mice, Wasps, Fleas and all the nasties

Competitive rates. Friendly and reliable.

Contact Jackie:

01746 218487 or 07891 168961

Praise & Prayer An informal time to gather,

to worship, to pray, to be

4th Sunday of the month

28th Jan 25th Feb

25th Mar

6.30pm for 7.00pm start

with refreshments

at St James’ Hall Church

Lodge Lane,

Bridgnorth, WV15 5DD 21 Cross+Link February 2018

Keep Shropshire Warm

Are you having difficulty keeping warm or struggling to pay your fuel bills? Are you an owner occupier or private tenant on a low income and with limited savings?

Then ‘Keep Shropshire Warm’ may be able to help you with grants towards heating and improving your home’s insulation.

Keep Shropshire Warm’ is a free and impartial energy advice service run by the Shrewsbury based charity, Marches Energy Agency. It provides practical help with grants and energy choices.

Residents over 60 years of age can also have a free Home Energy Check, in conjunction with Age UK. As well as giving advice, they are able to make simple adaptations such as adding draught-proofing to help keep out the cold and fitting energy efficient bulbs.

You can contact Keep Shropshire Warm directly on the free phone line 0800 112 3743 or email Many people call on behalf of a family member or neighbour they’re concerned about. 22 Cross+Link February 2018

St Peter and St Paul - 100 Winners

141 Christmas Bonus

1st 75 Brian Marshall

2nd 16 Irene Rogers

3rd 17 Peter Winwood

Tasley News

We send our congratulations to Margaret Veal, a long-time supporter

at Tasley, who has been awarded the M.B.E. in the New Year’s

honours list for her services to the local community.

Like so many others, the early December snow disrupted our Sunday

service and Christmas lunch both being cancelled. The lunch was

rearranged for the 21st January.

The Christmas party organised by Tasley Social Committee, was as

always greatly enjoyed. We are grateful to the committee who

donated the proceeds of £440 to the church.

We must now start making arrangements for our own fund raising

and we would welcome any suggestions or offers to organise an

event.It is 25 years since we started the 100 club and during that time

have raised nearly £20000 for the church. Thank you to every one for

your support. We will be starting again in March and membership

fees are now due. There are places vacant should any one wish to


Forthcoming Events

Tasley Social Committee

17th Feb – Flicks in the Sticks with a Fish & Chip Supper in the

village hall at 7pm. The film will be “My Feral Heart” and the charity

will be the Bridgnorth Stroke Club,

Bob & Kathleen 23 Cross+Link February 2018

Reach over 500 local households, and support your parish churches. Advertise your local services here at very economical rates. Contact Mrs James 01952 461421 or email:



Opening hours Mondays

10.30am – 12.30pm

Number Seven,

West Castle Street, Bridgnorth

01746 768129

Castle Kitchen will be open on alternate

Friday’s offering free lunch, support and

companionship to those in need. The

kitchen will offer fresh homemade soup

and a roll at no charge and we hope to

provide a service to all who have need

of a hot meal or someone to talk to in a

friendly environment.

Friday 26th Jan 12noon - 2.00pm Friday 9th Feb 12noon - 2.00pm

Friday 23rd Feb 12noon - 2.00pm Friday 9th Mar 12noon - 2.00pm 24 Cross+Link February 2018

Our Third Service of Prayer and Healing—St Mary Magdalene—11th

February 2018 at 6pm

Address by the Rt Rev. Michael Tavinor, Dean of Hereford

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing

psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church and

let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

James 5:13-14

Most of our regular worshippers at our 10.30 services will already be familiar with

the form which this service takes, and especially those who have attended our two

previous dedicated services to this ministry out of which we have had excellent

feedback and testimonies. This is another opportunity to build upon a growing

exercise of lay and ordained coming together to share God’s gifting to us as

Christians. Having charge of the ministry of Healing in our diocese, Michael

Tavinor has gladly agreed to lead and inspire us on this occasion, and we

therefore encourage you to experience the love of God in this way and open

yourself or someone for whom you care to His Healing Love. 25 Cross+Link February 2018

The Day Centre at the Community Cen-tre behind Innage Grange, needs volun-teers - Monday, once a month - to help serve tea, coffee and lunches and gener-ally just listen, chat and do quizzes etc. Contact Jenny Smith, Area Coordinator for Age Concern: 01952 201803 mobile 07905147444.

Morning Prayer - 8.30am to 9.00am Mondays to Thursdays

The clergy and the occasional congregation member meet for Morning Prayer at St Mary’s for an 8.30am start each morning, Monday to Thursday inclusive. We use set prayers, Bible readings, a psalm and more informal prayer as we pray for God’s world, our local communities, our churches and those particularly in need. It lasts about 25 minutes. Do join us whenever you can.

THE SHOP IN ST MARY'S BRIDGNORTH Gifts with a music theme, we now have ...

Chopin Lizts

Chopin bags

Soviette napkins (Russian composers)

Manuscript wrapping paper

Music definitions on mugs ... and much


For your piety needs we also sell


Pin badges

Key rings ... and again much more.

Do visit our shop in St Mary’s,

Bridgnorth 26 Cross+Link February 2018

Bridgnorth Food Bank

The Lent Charity for the Benefice this year is Bridgnorth Food Bank. Many of you already support the Food bank wih gifts of food, and by offering your time. Thank you. We hope by offering our support through Lent we might be aware of our own good fortune, and ensure that the food Bank can continue to help those in our areas in need. Bridgnorth Food Bank is continuing to play a vital role in the provision of emergency food parcels and medium term support for residents of Bridgnorth and the surrounding areas. Unfortunately demand is higher than ever and up to 25 families and individuals are receiving assistance each week. This relates to over 3,000 items of non perishable food every month. With the co operation of some of the agencies who refer people in need, the food bank’s activities have developed to provide new ways of supporting people, enabling them to get back on their feet quicker. Regular donations of food and money are received from the people of Bridgnorth and the surrounding towns and villages. This, along with the support of local retailers, fund raising events and a small army of dedicated volunteers, keeps the wheels turning. However, in 2017 an average of £150 each week was spent on food during the summer period to meet demand. The increase in donations over the Harvest Festival and Christmas periods enables the Food Bank to keep supplies at a viable level for the remainder of the year. Financial support will enable Bridgnorth Food Bank to extend it’s activities, and thereby help people in need with the assistance required to tackle the root cause of their problems. 27 Cross+Link February 2018

Introducing Kate King…

and Intergenerational Mission.

Hi, I’m Kate your new Intergenerational Missioner (IM). I was grateful to be commissioned at St Mary’s by +Richard in a beautiful service on Epiphany Sunday (very fitting for a King!) The blessing of the cross also seems like an awesome symbol of our shared calling to go out and share the love of Christ through this renewed time of mission.

By way of introduction, I have lived in Shropshire most of my life. I grew up in Lydbury North and moved away to study Civil and Structural Engineering in Manchester. I started my working life in Birmingham inspecting motorway gantries and designing schools. I later became self-employed working with local councils and community groups to help them communicate and listen well. I returned to Shropshire to teach English in my parents’ language school and then qualified as a Maths Teacher. More recently I have had the privilege of working closely with some incredible young people in care. I have seen first-hand the phenomenal difference we can make in someone’s life when they just experience love. What better reality can we share than God’s love?

I am a ‘cradle Anglican’ but have explored and developed a great appreciation of different forms of church and styles of worship. I have been an active member of a growing church in Dorrington under our lovely Rector Laura - your previous Curate! My IM role is bound to evolve. Simply put, I’m here to help grow church! “Missioner” – reaching out into communities to meet people in all places, times and needs as well as supporting existing congregations to grow in discipleship and number. “Intergenerational” – growing congregations of ALL ages that reflect the communities that we serve. I’m joining a vision led by a growing number of volunteers and staff, recognising the importance of helping different generations engage together, for the benefit of all. Our lovely Diocese of Hereford has been really forward thinking. I am grateful to be part of a team of seven IMs, sharing our successes and our story across the Diocese (for 20% of our time). For the main part (80% of my time) I have the privilege and the joy of working with the Ministry Team and with all of you! I shall be working full time, although on a flexible basis in order to support groups and individuals 28 Cross+Link February 2018



3.12.17 Megan Louise Taylor

Carter Dale-Ray Thomas

30.12.17 Jack Charles Adams


29.12.18 Craig Jonathan Matthews/Zoe Lee Lock


3.11.17 Roy Donald Dorrington

6.11.17 Sheila Marie Kitchen

7.11.17 Gwendoline Annie Foxall

9.11.17 Vera Jean Jasper

14.11.17 Gwendoline Eva Mary Cornes

17.11.17 Edith Barbara Fisher

effectively. If you wish to get hold of me, please do email or call 07563 382 755. If you leave a message, I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. In the first few weeks I shall be finding out about Bridgnorth and the work of the church here. I will look with you for opportunities to build on and ways we can work together to reach more people and help them to explore faith. Please forgive me if you see me tapping away on my phone or laptop – I am taking as many prayerful and practical notes as I can to reflect upon and to explore and help action! I am looking forward so much to meeting with and listening to as many of you as possible, as soon as I can! Blessings, Kate X

1.12.17 Noel Pace

5.1.17 Bryan Alfred Morris

8.1.17 Pamela Mary Powell

12.1.17 Phyllis Dain

15.1.17 Robert John Taylor 29 Cross+Link February 2018

Revd Prebendary Simon Cawdell - Rector 16 East Castle Street, WV16 4AL 01746 761573 Revd Sarah Cawdell - Team Vicar 01746 761573 Revd Marjorie Brooks - Associate Vicar 01746 761942 Revd Clive Munday - Team Curate 41 Innage Lane, WV16 4HS 01746 766197 Reader in training Mrs Jane Peeler 76704 Miss Emma Lambert - Children, Families and Education

Co-ordinator 07531910180 - Mrs Kate King— Intergenerational Missioner 07563 382 755 Honorary Assistant Ministers Revd Hugh Patterson 765298 Revd John Webb 01384 295856 Revd John Ward 764758 Reader PTO Sheila Hodgkins 763854 Local Ministry Development Group Mrs Sandie Phillips 769271 Mrs Kay Prior 768259 Miss Sheila Royle 766577

Bridgnorth and Morville Parishes

Team Ministry

Team Office: St Leonard’s Hall Church, Racecourse Drive, Tasley, Bridgnorth WV16 4NR Tel: 01746 767174 Team Administrator: Mrs Avril Bridges

Open to personal callers: Mon - 11.00am - 12.30pm Tues - Thurs 8.30am - 11.30am Fri - 8.30am - 10.30am Email : Website :

Princess Royal Hospital 01952 641222 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Shropdoc 0333 222 6655 Bridgnorth Hospital 762641 Bridgnorth Medical Practice 767121 Police non-emergency calls 101 Gas emergency 0800 111999 Electricity emergency 0800 056 8090 Shropshire Council 0845 678 9000

Bridgnorth Library 763358 Traveline (Buses) 0870 6082608 Bridgnorth Endowed School 762103 Oldbury Wells School 765454 St John’s Primary School 762061 St Leonard’s Primary School 762781 St Mary’s Primary School 763455 Castlefields Primary School 764072 St Leonard’s Church Custodian 769720

Royal Shrewsbury Hospital 01743 261000 Shropshire Fire and Rescue 01743 260260 30 Cross+Link February 2018

St Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth Churchwardens Mr Andrew Coley…07521 656076 Mrs Jane Parr...768467 Secretary Miss Catherine Wilson...761786 Treasurer Mr Martin Blackburn...766529 Verger Mr Roger Taylor...767345 Organists Dr John Turnock...716282 Mr Oliver Clarke...07545756869

St Nicholas, Oldbury Churchwardens Mrs Dorothy Leiper...764514 Mrs Elaine Jones...766245 Secretary Mrs Diana Scutt...761679 Treasurer Mr Ken Biggs...01384 243372 Organist Mrs Carol Wall...764365

St Calixtus, Astley Abbotts Churchwardens Mrs Idonea Pickering...763065 Mrs Shelah Westley...762871 Secretary Mrs Juanita Gennard...768674 Treasurer Miss Mary Tipton...763171 Organist Mr Stephen Lomas...768648

St Gregory the Great, Morville Churchwardens Mr Barry Jenkinson...714009 Mr Tim Morris...789271 Treasurer Mrs Kathy Renshaw...789271

Aston Eyre Churchwardens Mrs Margaret Cosh...714248 Mr Ian Morris...714378 Treasurer Mrs Shelley Caine...714362 St Mary Magdalene, Quatford Churchwardens Mr Bob Curtis...766126 Miss Rachel Edwards...766146 Secretary Miss Rachel Edwards...766146 Treasurer Mrs Phyllis Taylor...762318 Organist Mrs Carol Wall...764365

St Peter and St Paul, Tasley Churchwardens Mrs Kathleen Tobitt...769903 Mr Robert Turner...764881 Secretary Ms Lesley Edwards...761847 Treasurer Mrs Irene Rogers...765926 Organist Mr Stephen Lomas...768648

St Mary the Virgin, Acton Round Churchwardens Mrs Bridget Chappuis...714035 Mr Thomas Kennedy...714360 Secretary Mrs Jayne Madeley...785571 Treasurer Mrs Susan Kennedy...714203

Upton Cressett Monkhopton Churchwardens Mr Terry Fellows...01902 564748 Mrs Tammy Williamson...785576 Treasurer Mr Tim Morris...789271

St James’ Hall Church Booking Secretary Mrs Liz Fisher...764059

St Leonards Hall Church Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660

Tasley Village Hall Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660

March issue copy date: Wed 14th Feb 2018 at 1pm

If you would like to contribute to the magazine, please send to Avril at the Office on or receive a copy of the magazine via email,

please send your name and email address to Kathy James - -

Advertising co-ordinator

Deadlines for Cross+Link articles for 2018

(Which means we go to PRINT on this date at 1pm!)

Mar - 14th Feb

Apr - 14th Mar

May - 18th Apr 31 Cross+Link February 2018


24 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

25 Thurs 9.30am—11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

28 Sun 18.00pm Christian Unity Service St John’s

31 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch


1 Thurs 9.30am—11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

3 Sat 19.00pm Reconciliation between English and Japanese meal St Leonard’s Hall Church

7 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

8 Thurs 9.30—11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

8 Thurs 10.00-12.00noon Coffee Pot Oldbury VH

8 Thurs 16.30—17.30pm Youth Club RELAUNCH St James’ HC


14 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

14 Wed 19.30pm Holy Communion with Ashing Oldbury

15 Thurs 9.30-11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

17 Sat 18.00pm Stations of the Cross St Mary’s Ch

17 Sat 19.30pm Sinfonia Concert St Mary’s Ch

21 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

21 Wed 19.30pm Lent Series Aston Eyre

23 Sat 18.00pm Stations of the Cross St Mary’s Ch

28 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch


LOOKING FORWARD TO MARCH (More details in next month’s edition)

1 Thurs 9.30—11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

1 Thurs 16.30—17.30pm Youth Club St James’ H.C.

2 Fri 19.30pm Women’s World Day of Prayer St Mary’s

3 Sat 10.30am Wedding Preparation Day Oldbury V.H.

7 Wed 10.30am Holy communion BCP St Mary’s

7 Wed 19.30pm Lent Series Morville

8 Thurs 9.30—11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

8 Thurs 10.00—12.00noon Coffee Pot Oldbury V.H.

8 Thurs 16.30-17.30pm Youth Club St James’ H.C.

10 Sat 18.00pm Stations of the Cross St Mary’s


14 Wed 10.00—15.00pm Quiet Garden 16 East Castle Street


14 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s

14 Wed 19.30pm Lent Series Quatford

15 Thurs 9.30—11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s

15 Thurs 16.30-17.30pm Youth Club St James H.C.

17 Sat 18.00pm Stations of the Cross St Mary’s

21 Wed 10.30pm Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s

21 Wed 19.30pm Lent Series Astley Abbotts

22 Thurs 9.30—11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s

24 Sat 18.00pm Stations of the Cross St Mary’s

26 Mon 14.00pm St Mary’s School Eucharist St Mary’s

26 Mon 19.30pm Compline St Mary’s

28 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s

28 Wed 19.30pm Compline St Mary’s


30 Sat GOOD FRIDAY 32 Cross+Link February 2018

HC = Holy Communion

MP = Morning Prayer

2nd before Lent

Sunday 4th

Sunday before


Sunday 11th

Lent 1

Sunday 18th

Lent 2

Sunday 25th

St Mary



8.00am HC

10.30am HC

6.00pm Evensong

8.00am HC1662

10.30am HC

6.00pm Evensong

8.00am HC

10.30am HC

6.00pm Evensong

8.00am HC1662

10.30am FS & Baptism

6.00pm Evensong

St Mary



9.00am HC 9.00am HC1662 9.00am HC 9.00am HC

St Calixtus



9.00am HC 9.30am FS 9.00am HC 9.00am MP

St Nicholas

Oldbury 10.30am HC 10.30am HC 10.30am HC 10.30am HC

St Peter and St



10.30am HC 10.30am FS 10.30am HC 10.30am MP

St James’ Hall

Church, The


6.30pm Prayer &


St Leonard’s

Hall Church,


10.30am FS 10.30am FC

St Gregory the

Gt Morville 11.00am HC

11.00am HC

(SSch) 11.00am FS 11.00am FS

Aston Eyre 10.00am MP 10.00am HC

St Mary the

Virgin Acton


10.00am HC

Monkhopton 10.00am MP

Anglican Church Services in Feb 2018
