The organization of car-sharing in the Greater Lyon area for company employees


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The organization of car-sharing in the

Greater Lyon area for company employees.

Time and Mobility is the priority for the Urban Time Office of Greater Lyon mobility for employees and companies

• Since 2005, companies have called upon our services to help them to organize and to improve inter company transport plans for their employees

Plateau NORD : 12 companies & collectivités / 3400 employees

Parc technologique St Priest : 13 companies /

3000 employees

Presqu’ile : 177 companies and shops / 2400 employees

Techlid : 40 companies / 2 780 employees

Vallée de la chimie : 28 companies / 7700 employees

7e Gerland :75 shops ans small companies / 150 employeesLyon – Confluence

Lyon Sud Est : 36 companies / 2000 employees

ZI Meyzieu Jonage : 36 companies / 3000 employees

Regular car-sharing is not for every day of the week!

• But if everyone practices car-sharring at least once per

week, there are 20% less cars on the road and no trafic


• If you go on a journey of 20 km and if you car-sharing

three times per week you save more than 1000 euros per


• offering a dedicated website,

• a call center

• a strong communication strategy

• a management unit within companies - an essential element of the scheme’s success.

Greater Lyon introduced a car-sharing scheme for employees and companies in 2009

• the car-sharing scheme is based on a strong communication strategy that is essential for its success: employee awareness-raising leaflets, instruction booklets for scheme managers within companies, self-adhesive stickers for cars, posters, stands and competitions organised in communal locations.
