The Or-acle...The Or-acle A A Quarterly Publication of Temple B’nai Or Summer 2019/Volume 64/Issue...


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The Or-acle A A Quarterly Publication of Temple B’nai Or

Summer 2019/Volume 64/Issue 3

Come Meet Our Rabbi, Michael Satz

Join us for his first Shabbat Service Friday, July 5, 7:00 PM

Join us for Pre-Negs on

Friday, July 12 and July 26 Friday, August 3 and August 10

at 6:15 PM services start at 7:00 PM

I can hardly believe that I am finally here in Morristown to be your rabbi. I have anticipated this for many months. I

am ready to start meeting the good people of this sacred community to understand what makes this place special. I want

to meet everybody and to hear your stories—your Temple B’nai Or stories, your Jewish stories. Why did you choose to

make this your Jewish community? What is your vision of TBO’s future? How do you fit in to this future? How can I

help you and the community realize this future?

Telling our stories is essential to Jewish life. We have been doing this since the beginning, for it is really a literature,

Torah, that makes us a people, and we all fit into this story. So, let me tell you my story:

I want to tell one specific story about why I chose to be a rabbi. I included this story in my cover letter when I applied

to be your rabbi:

I decided that I needed to be a rabbi in a small family home in rural Ukraine. I was there with two other American

Jewish university students, three Ukrainian Jewish university students, and an extended family of Ukrainian Jews who

had recently made the decision to express their Jewishness, for their Jewish lives had been taken away by Communism

and Nazism in their part of the world. My fellow students and I were traveling around to small town in Ukraine leading

Pesach sedarim for similar Jews—in community centers (sometimes they were old Party headquarters) and homes. It

was a program that I had the pleasure of being involved in through Hillel while I was studying at Hebrew University in


This seder was like all of the other ones we had been leading. At the beginning we always asked the people there if

anybody had ever been to a seder. Everyone in the family said no except the elderly grandfather. We asked if he

remembered anything. He said that it was so long ago and that he did not remember it. We proceeded with the seder.

When we reached the section of the Four Questions, the elderly man stood up and exclaimed, “Mah nishtanah halaylah

hazeh!” He then sat down and started to cry. We then all started to cry. (Continued on page 3)

Created by Hallie Beyer and our Religious School children.


From the President…

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. — Lao Tzu

My journey at Temple B’nai Or began with a second date where I was asked if it would be okay if we went to Shabbat Services at his temple because they were honoring his parents’ 35th wedding anniversary. I agreed.

Now Bill and I have just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary and after doing a broad array of jobs at temple, I will have the privilege and the honor to serve as the next President of the Board of Trustees. My heart is full of gratitude, respect, and admiration for the job Michele Murray has done and the state of the synagogue she leaves to my leadership term.

As co-chair of the Rabbi Search Committee, which selected our new incoming Rabbi, I feel a sense of responsibility and commitment to our congregation and to Rabbi Satz. My term will be about making sure his transition as our new settled Rabbi will be as smooth and as successful as possible. Plans are underway for you to have a chance to meet him in many different circumstances, from small home gatherings, to summer Pre-Negs, to large-scale welcome events. Please welcome Rabbi Satz with open arms, heart, and mind. I know his wisdom, humility, and friendliness will be a great fit for our congregation.

Additionally, my vision is for our congregation to become more deeply connected to each other and to the Community. Watch for many opportunities to participate; to share your personal stories, and to deepen your Jewish journey. By sharing pieces of ourselves with the congregation, we can each build bridges to others who share our history, or passions, or faith, or practice, or even just our hobbies. The more we build the web of connections, the stronger the fabric of our congregation will be.

Together Rabbi Satz and I will be a new leadership team for Temple B’nai Or. In sacred partnership with the rest of our clergy, staff, and congregants, we will continue our Jewish journey together. Journeying together we will strive to move Temple B’nai Or forward to a bright future.

With humble gratitude,

Stacey Schlosser, President

From the Cantor…

The Time is Now

Ever year at the Women’s Seder we open our spiritual journey from slavery to freedom by acknowledging the present moment. Other than the well-known blessing Shehechiyanu, which acknowledges the uniqueness of this moment, we also sing a tune written by Debbie Friedman that brings us together as one community, one voice.

This is exactly how I feel about our B’nai Or community at this very special moment. The Time is Now! We have been on a lengthy journey, one fraught with challenges, but here we are — wiser and more experienced. We have asked meaningful and difficult questions about who we really are and what is important to us? How do we want to innovate in this time period? Which wisdom should appear in the forefront of our consciousness?

Within the walls of our building there is a buzz of excitement as we welcome our new clergy leader, Rabbi Satz, who was carefully chosen for us. He will come to understand who we are as a community and what our vision is for the Jewish people. With wisdom and sensitivity, he will teach us and bring us into the future.

The Time is Now that we, the congregation, have a great responsibility to support our leadership and take part in its success! We must come together and take steps to make this time, our Jewish time. We know finding time only happens if you actively carve it into your daily, weekly, or monthly schedule and finding time to be Jewish is also as important as finding time to work out. So, my friends, The Time is Now to build and strengthen your Jewish muscle. Temple B’nai Or offers endless diverse opportunities to engage Jewishly in a personally meaningful way. I would encourage you to feel empowered to find out: “What will be Jewishly meaningful to me?” and do it! We must show up and be present, as each and every one of us is an integral player in the future of our community and the Jewish people.

.A new light shines upon Zion and we shall bask in its glow אור חדש על ציון תאיר ונזכה כולנו מהרה לאורו

Cantor Galit Dadoun Cohen


(From the Rabbi...continued from page 1)

It was at that moment that I decided that I had to become a

rabbi. I had been thinking about it for several years, but

until that point it had been more of an academic goal. At

that seder in Ukraine I realized that being a rabbi is not only

about the intellect, it is about emotions and memories. This

gentleman did have Jewish memories. He just needed a

catalyst to help him express them. In the Soviet Union,

Judaism was taken from the Jews. In America, we will not

lose our Judaism because of government oppression, but

our Judaism can easily be forgotten and lost. I believe that it

is the rabbi’s mission to help foster Jewish memories. These

memories are all part of our ancient and ongoing story of


This does not mean that I believe that there is one definition

of Judaism that needs to be passed on in its entirety, but

rather, Judaism is a dynamic, evolving, and pluralistic

tradition. Through texts, music, prayer, celebrations, Israel,

and relationships (among other things), people experience

Judaism in many different ways. The rabbi helps facilitate

these experiences for Jews in community with other Jews.

Through experiences we create memories, and it is these

shared experiences and memories that create communities

in covenant with God.

As a rabbi I have dedicated myself to being a madrich—a

guide—giving individuals and families the tools to create

Jewish experiences and memories of meaning. If Judaism

does not add meaning to people’s stressful and hectic lives,

then, I fear, it will be forgotten. I want congregants to find

the transcendent beauty of prayer, the intellectual

stimulation of study, and the overwhelming joy (and

sometimes sorrow) of life-cycle events that I have come to

experience and that give meaning to my life.

I am blessed to be able to be witness to others finding their

Jewish paths. Standing with a bat mitzvah on the bima,

helping a teen write a speech to lobby Congress on an issue

dear to them, studying with a young adult rediscovering

their community, participating on a beit din as a Jew by

choice enters our people, and sitting at the bedside of a

dying loved one while a family says goodbye have all

moved me like the seder in Ukraine that set me on the path

to being a rabbi. I try to pray everyday that I can humbly

offer wisdom and guidance to people as they write their

own part of the story of the Jewish people.

My office door or phone line is open to hear your stories. I

love coffee and would love to have a cup with you. Let’s

continue TBO’s story together.

Rabbi Michael Satz


From the Religious School…

After Moses gives the people of Israel a pep talk at the precipice of the land of Israel, he turns to Joshua, the person who will succeed him as leader, and gives him a personal pep talk. He tells him, Chazak ve’ematz, be strong and courageous. As Rabbi Satz becomes our spiritual leader, we want to wish him strength, courage of conviction, and the knowledge that all of us at Temple B’nai Or are supportive of him and will be working together to strengthen our Temple, our community, and Jewish life. The role of a Rabbi has many facets – teacher, Jewish scholar, community leader, spiritual guide, politician, fundraiser, salesperson, therapist, interfaith ambassador, and much more. For us in the Religious School, we look forward to having Rabbi Satz lead services weekly on Sunday mornings with our children, teach our older students on Monday evenings, and guide our teachers in the paths that best instill knowledge, commitment, and continuity for the Jewish people we all serve. Rabbi will be with our 10th — 12th graders when we go to the Religious Action Center’s L’Taken Conference in Washington DC with hundreds of high school students from across the nation to learn to advocate on social action issues. We’ll be enriched with his involvement in holiday programs and Shabbat services led by our students. Confirmation and Orim graduation will have a fresh look this year.

In our Shema prayer, we read that God renews the work of creation daily. This year, with Rabbi Satz, we will start every day anew and have opportunities to address our challenges and build on our strengths going forward. Connectedness is a feeling that everyone strives for at some point in their life, if not their whole lives. It is our hope that our school and our entire Temple family will be increasing and deepening our connections to one another and the Jewish people through the direction and climate set by our new Rabbi. We truly wish Rabbi Satz and his family Shana Tovah and a hardy welcome to Temple B’nai Or.

David Iskovitz, Director of Education

Religious School Registration

Registration is now being taken online. Please secure your child’s spot today. Click here to register.

Don’t delay; tuition increases on Wednesday, July 31!

Questions? Call Barbara Sherman (973) 539-4539


Summer Bridge Tuesdays through August, 1:00 PM, Linda Grandis Blatt Art Gallery. RSVP to Carol Barkin,

Summer Art Show On display through August in the Linda Grandis Blatt Art Gallery. Artist Dennis Joseph Yanoski has displayed his wonderful works for us to enjoy and purchase.

Kehilah Memberships are


Please click here to renew today!

Click here to fill out volunteer form.

From the Pre-School…

Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ....get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.” How often are you amazed?

It’s impossible to walk through our classrooms and not feel awestruck. Witnessing the interactions between our staff and our students, between the students and one another, as well as the materials around them, is especially meaningful. Our pre-school staff provides extraordinary experiences on a daily basis. It’s why our school continues to thrive, and how we know that this is truly sacred work. The fact that our school is an integral part of the Temple B’nai Or community reinforces the solidity of the foundations we build. There is nothing more amazing than watching families experience something for the first time, and nothing more gratifying than being to be able to provide the opportunity for ritual, prayer, community, and learning.

As our temple moves from strength to strength, it is with tremendous gratitude that we begin our journey with our new Rabbi and new board President. I couldn’t think of anything more awesome than the commitment and inspiration Rabbi Satz and Stacey Schlosser bring with their leadership. As we greet each day with open hearts and open minds, may we find the incredible everywhere we are. May we cherish our friends and family, and as Heschel said, “never treat life casually.”

L’shalom (with peace),

Jennie Rubin, Director of Early Childhood Education



The TBO Sisterhood is looking forward to another rewarding year ahead. Hallie Beyer and Abby Wellington will continue their roles as co-presidents, Lindsey Dubman will be the Communications VP, and Ellen Varisco will be our Treasurer. Alise Ford will continue her exceptional job running the TBO Gift Shop. Many thanks to Maggie Goldberg and Jamie Frick for their hard work over the past 2 years!

We'd like to extend a warm welcome to Rabbi Satz and his family. We will be hosting an informal coffee "meet and greet" this fall and hope to get to know them better. A special congratulations to our beloved Stacey Schlosser on your new role as TBO Board President!

The TBO Sisterhood is working hard to redecorate the lobby off the main office- a paint job, new furniture and overall aesthetic! If you would like to help out, contact us! Be sure to check it out in the fall once it's completed!

Please mark your calendar for our annual Paid Up Dinner, Sunday October 27th. We will have a very special performance by the award winning entertainer Rena Strober- you can read more about her at Her one woman show, Spaghetti & Matzo balls is filled with humor and music, you won't want to miss it!

As always, we will have our fantastic Women's Seder in the spring- Sunday March 29th!

The new tradition of small "Kibbitz" sessions has not been forgotten! If you would like to host a small get together/event/class/party for Sisterhood, please contact us at



WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 – A SUMMER BLOW-OUT Renaissance is heading west to the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse to enjoy lunch and a performance of “I Do, I Do,” starring Andrea McArdle, the original “Annie” star. Rides and car-pooling will be organized as needed. Call Stuart Rayvid (973-515-3518) or Carol Marin (973-366-9316). The Playhouse asks that we arrive at 11 am to insure adequate time for dining. Cost is $65/pp.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 12:30 PM – LUNCHEON A super special, festive, PAID-UP MEMBERSHIP event is being planned to mark the actual 30th anniversary of Renaissance! Details will be forthcoming, but this much is true - Anyone who is anybody will be there!

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 12:30 PM – LUNCHEON Ashley Koning, Director of the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling at Rutgers University, will be our speaker. As she has for each of the past several Octobers, Ashley will help us to understand the current political climate, whatever that may be come October. Price for Renaissance members is $15, guests $20.

For ALL reservations, contact Mitzi Szerlip at 215 Forest Glen, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444


“If you’re lucky, you too can become a member of Renaissance!”

Questions, please call Stuart Rayvid (973-515-3518) or Carol Marin (973-366-9316)


Save the Dates!

Morristown Gourmet Dinner Fall Crawl - Sunday, October 13, 5:00 PM. Cost is $54 per person

Annual Chanukah Party - Saturday, December 21 at TBO.

Details to follow

Questions? Contact Carol Barkin at


Schmooze Newz




B. Mark and Rona Cohen 55th Wedding Anniversary

Robert and Gail Hirsch

55th Wedding Anniversary

Kenneth and Jane Jewel 55th Wedding Anniversary

Stuart and Barbara Rayvid 55th Wedding Anniversary

David and Amy Feldman

35th Wedding Anniversary

Craig and Lisa Safran 30th Wedding Anniversary

Richard and Colleen Szuch 30th Wedding Anniversary

Harris and Rhonda Levinson 25th Wedding Anniversary

Brian and Joan Bedrin Murray

25th Wedding Anniversary

Leslie Apsel Basking Ridge

Welcome Back,

Gloria and Herb Sorkin Berkeley Heights

Noah Gellert son of

Beth and Josh Gellert

Sam Deutsch son of

Jonathan Deutsch

Brandon Proctor son of

Susan Schulman and Owen Proctor

Yahrzeits July 5, 2019

Sol Braunstein

Rose A. Cheskin

Minerva Cohen

Elaine B. Fleischaker

Ben Friedman

Edward Hochberg

Neil A. Kleinberg

Bernard Marin

Timothy McCollum

Ruth Mufson

Rae Pall

Ada Phillips

Sidney Rotz

Blanche M. Schwarz

Isaac Singer

Judy Steinberg

Hedwig Stern

Grace Strauss

Richard van Frank

Shirley Wasserman

July 12, 2019

Hyman Botkin

Abner Cohen

Leah Cylinder

Erwin Delson

Sheila Joan Fine

Jacob Fisch

Esther Meister Fleeger

Aaron Forman

James Gingold

Joseph Glick

Louis Goodman

Doris Stern Henryson

Alexander Kogan

Herman P. Lieberman

Brian Murray

Ralph Parris

Belle Polow

Susan Reich

Beulah Rouse

Sidney M. Schwarz

Rose Siderer

Saul Skobel

Scott Spiegel

Claire Thomsen

Michael Peter Weinberg

Lillian S. Werner

Meyer Wexler

Hannah Witmondt

Jewell Zucker

July 19, 2019 Suzanne Antoine

Jerome Bernstein

Nathan Burger

July 19, 2019 (con’t)

Lillian Ossre Cohen

Dr.J. George Diamond

Dottie Dicker

Marilyn Domalewski

Irving Erenstein

Mollie Feingold

Adolph Fischer

Jack Fleischaker

Myron Goldberg

Harriet Grandis

Judith Hanowitz

Eva Hess

Sheryl Iskovitz

Maurice Leon Macht

B. Louis Nierenberg

Harvey Phillips

Irving Rubin

Pearl Silverstein

Irving Weiss

July 26, 2019

Gregory P. Argand

Lee Bergner

Abraham Broadwin

Ruth Filenbaum

Rita Gold

Shari Goldman

Miriam Gordon

Nathan S. Haberman

Shirley Hilowitz

Harry Kerzman

Diane Goldberg


Doris Levin

Sarah Litwin

Gloria Loewenthal

Irving Milstein

Kathryn Podolsky

Mary Rabinowitz

Samuel L. Riskin

Chanah bat Lazar


Yitzchak ben Menashe


Minnie Shifris

Rose Siroty

Alfred Spurr

Suzanne Sten-Taubman

Dr. Irving Tepperberg

Sarah Wachtel

Albert M. Weiss

Nathan Weissman

Daniel Weitz

Joseph White

Bernard Wolper

Gertrude Wolper

Yosef Yissachar

Sonia Tepperman


August 2, 2019

Stephen Beizer

Margot Berger

Tillie Bernstein

Dorothy Bozulich

Alice Brighton

Betty Callea

Isedor Cohen

Elchanan Echikson

Samuel Friedman

Benjamin Furstman

Lee Gewirtz

Eva D. Goldman

Betty Goldner

Sam Hooberman

Mollie Iskovitz

Levi Itzchak Bresslerman

David Kirsten

Jack Korman

Ruth Mayer

Elizabeth Meizinger

Ruth Mitre

Arthur Pall

Franklin Pall

Betty Pardo

Brenda Pliskin

Anita Saltzman

Harry Peter Stern

Lela Weissglass

August 9, 2019

Aaron Adler

George Anzel

Nathan Borenstein

Jack Nathaniel


Anna Einaugler

Sydonya Friedman

Sadye Friedman

Roslyn Ginsberg

Betty Goldberg

Norman Grober

Frada Gutentag

Edna Jacobson

Jerome Jacobson

Emanuel Kahn

Richard Kalin

Jack Korman

Charlotte Levin

Hans W. Neuberg

Ruth Schulte

Mollie Silverstein

Victoria Stein

Sylvia Sturm

William Titon

Ruth C. Waters

Sam Weinberger

Dora Weissbach

Anne Kritzman


August 16, 2019

Robert Abberman

Susan Axler

Tillie Berkowitz

Morris Davich

Samuel A. Feuerzeig

Fritz Fridezko

Trudy Glaser

Shari Goldman

Dr. Louis Gordon

Marilyn Kaufman

Martin Kramer

Fern Libow

Bernice Litman

Anthony Meehan

Audrey Polikoff

Irving Rusoff

Dorothy Schlossman

Stanley Schlossman

Herbert Schultz

Phyllis Silvestain

Jack Stern

Richard Ian Stessel

Louis Wachtel

Irving Wiener

Janet Yarnis

August 23, 2019

Judy Abberman

Lillian Barnstone

Barbara Beck

Esther Berger

Harvey Bert Reisman

Rose Brown

Roslyn Irene Cheskin

Nancy Fiverson

Edith Flatow

Gerard Flatow

Rose Flatt

Jacob Fleishfarb

Irving Gendell

Harriet Hammer

Blanche Kinberg

Richard Klapman

Kenneth Kohen

Diane Kohn

Seymour Kramer

Rose Largman

Helen Munitz

Edward H. Newmark

David E. Olsher

Dr. Marcus Ossre

Gustave Maynard


Vivian Press

Esse Schlosser

Viola Silver

Max Stein

William Stein



August 23, 2019 (con’t)

Leonard Szerlip

Samuel Weinberg

Ida Weiss

Bernard Wexler

August 30, 2019

Jack L. Alter

Kathy Anolick

Gerald Aresty

Josephine Aresty

Martin Becker

Garth Blier

Yetta Cohen

Sylvania Alves Da Costa

Edward Epstein

Jerome Feldman

Abraham Fisch

Abraham Fleigelman

Joseph Grendorfer

Sylvia Landau Fannie Lippman

Isaac Pardo

Stuart Pochapin

Felix Rosen

Rosetta Rossoff

Bernard Rosten

Archie Schacher

Sylvia Schnee

Maurice Shifris

Vivian Shrem

Ronald Simon

Rose Steinberg

Byrdie Steiner

William Taffet

Roslyn Van Wiemolkly

Julia Ward

Phoebe Wasserman

Audrey Zubkoff

September 6, 2019

Dorothy Chopin

Evelyn Cohen

Jascha Fischermann

Sophie Glassner

Carole Goldman

Edward Goldman

Ruth E. Goldman

Beatrice Hoffman

Joseph A. Laba

Sadie A. Lass

Benjamin Leff

Marian Moffet

Michael Neier

Stan Pomerantz

Rosalie Kaplan Provda

Doris Rosenberg

September 6, 2019 (con’t)

Evelyn Goldberg Rotz

Thomas E. Sample

Philip Schnee

Gerda Schultz

Maureen Ella Schwartz

Mildred Siegel

Miriam Silverstein

Sidney Weissbach

Celia Youngelson

September 13, 2019

Joseph Aresty

Pearl Braunstein

Harry Cheskin

Toby Dachs

Isadore Dolins

Louis Dorf

Rose Epstein

Frances Fridezko

Julius Friedman

Florence Goldstein

Arthur Gottsegen

Jason K. Jacobs

Alice Leviss

Robert Loeb

Laura Mackoff

Samuel Miller

Betty Morrissey

Anna Orgel

Estelle Palace

Betty Portnoy

Eugene Schacher

Max Schaffer

Edward Siegel

Samuel Siegel

Muriel Spiegel

Gussie Waldman

Sol Weinberg

Oscar S. Weiss

Melissa Wexler

Lillian Zwerling

September 20, 2019

Arthur Borinsky

Tillie Case

Milton Cobert

Bernard Feuerzeig

Alexander Filenbaum

Henry Friedland

Helen Getzoff

Beatrice Goldfarb

Ethyl Goodman

Eugene Gordon

Sol Gordon

Hannah Horowitz

Dora Kerzman

Esther Leff

Joseph S. Leventhal

September 20, 2019 (con’t)

Hannah Lowe

Ruth Olefson

Ethel Parris

Sarah Pollack

Ellen Reiber

David Rudd

Samuel Sanitz

Evelyn E. Shaffer

Morton Sichel

Irving Siroty

Lynn Stein

David Szerlip

Anna Ungerleider

Gertrude White

September 27, 2019

Louise Arens

Harry N. Ballot

Ileane Dickman

Benjamin Farkas

Bessie Filenbaum

Esther B. Fisch

Helen Fisch

Morris Horowitz

Rosalyn Kaplan

Louis Karner

Wendy Keil

Richard Landau

Sondra Mayer

Gustave Nierenberg

Selma Oliver

Allen Ravin

Seigfried Schloss

Hans Schran

Mary Schwartz

Philip Singer

Joseph Steinberg

Thelma Zane


When cherished ties are

broken, our burden of

sadness is made lighter by the

sympathy and comfort of friends.

The Congregation

extends its sympathy to

the families of:

Renee Sains,

beloved mother of

Scott Sains

Roz Muller,

beloved mother of

Barbara Muller-Ackerman


Betty Kenner,

beloved grandmother of

Ilana Radcliffe (Robert)

Harry H. Resh, Jr.,

beloved father of

Dr. Michele Yampolsky

(Dr. Paul)

Monique Allen,

beloved cousin of

Paul Gottsegen


Martin (Marty) Dale Epstein,

beloved father of

Jess (Johanna) Epstein,

Jonathan Epstein,

Molly Lyristis

beloved grandfather of

Jodie, Jonah, Juliann, Jasper,

Renee and Leah

Arnold (Arnie) Sterman,

beloved father of

Amy Acker and

Jonathan Sterman

Joy Buchfirer,

beloved mother of

Juli Platt

Lynne Bernstein,

beloved mother of

Amy Bernstein Merl

beloved grandmother of

Sophie and Jake Merl

Dr. Larry Yampolsky

beloved brother of

Dr. Paul Yampolsky

(Dr. Michele)


Acts of Loving Kindness



In honor of:

Rabbi Satz

*Judy Winberg



In honor of:

Kate Goldberg’s Bat Mitzvah

*Maggie and Mark Goldberg

Millie Kramer’s Birthday

*Amy Simontacchi

Madison Roach’s Bat Mitzvah

*Jennifer and Douglas Roach

In memory of:

Lynne Bernstein

Audrey and Ira Forman

Ned Feldman

Barbara and Donald Piermont

Betty Kenner

*Barry Kenner


In memory of:

Marc Hamilton Schlosser

Deenie Schlosser

Mother of Joan Sturm

Mitzi Szerlip


*Stephanie Petaway-Hickson

In honor of:

Keith Barbarosh

*David Pall

Zach Fields’ Bar Mitzvah

Caryl and Peter Poser

Rabbi David Katz

Susan and Gary Aidekman

Gail Lalk

Julianne and Robert Sherman

David Murray’s college graduation

*Stacey and Bill Schlosser

Michele Murray’s Presidency

Lois Leventhal

* Rabbi David Katz

Birth of Josie Ruth Piermont

*Marilyn and Jack Piermont

Bill Schlosser’s 60th Birthday

*Michele and Greg Murray


Stacey Schlosser’s election as

President of TBO

*Rabbi David Katz

Jack and Marilyn Piermont

In memory of:

Lynne Bernstein

* Suzy Press

Ned Feldman

*Marilyn and Jack Piermont

Richard I. Hansen

*Leonore and Richard Hansen

Dr. Fred Lewis’ mother

*Marilyn and Jack Piermont

Renee Sains

Carol and Matt Marin

Donna Parris



In memory of:

Lisa Goldberg

*Morria and David Pedowitz

Ron Spiegler

Stephanie Zucker


In memory of:

Richard I. Hansen

*Leonore and Richard Hansen


In honor of:

Zachary Fields’ Bar Mitzvah

Ricki Bernstein

Elliott Petr’s Bar Mitzvah

Ricki Bernstein

In memory of:

Renee Sains

Ricki Bernstein


In memory of:

Esther Ancowitz

Harriet and Lee Broadwin

Martin Barkin

Carol and Dan Barkin

Donald Beck

*Hamwee Family

Mary K. Berliner

*Joan and Herb Goldberg

Jerome Bernstein

Ricki Bernstein

Tillie Bernstein

Ricki Bernstein


Douglas Bleiman

Rosalyn and Jerome Schnee

Pearl Blumberg

*Alice and Michael Samach

Herbert Braunstein

Poppy and Richard Segal

Sol Braunstein

Poppy and Richard Segal

Rose Breitstein

Susan Levinson and Robert


Susan Broadwin

Harriet and Lee Broadwin

Jack Byk

*Cecily and Jordan Byk

Dr. Morris Chernack

Nancy and Bill Chernack

Max Cohen

Charlotte and Nelson Cohen

Judith Corwin

*Laurie, Joseph, Julia, and Emma


Joel Martin Deitch

*Lori and Michael Gervis

Anna Dumbroff

Judy, Larry, Paul, and Andrew


Milton Efros

Sandy and Barry Efros

Eugenie Ehrlich

Bruce Goldman

Betty Erichson

Carol and Roger Kane

Jacob Feinblum

Phyllis and David Feinblum

Celia E. Feldman

Amy, David, Adam and Matt


Lillie Fried

Dana and Jordan Fried

Ethel Cohen Ginsberg

Charlotte and Nelson Cohen

Lisa K. Goldberg

*Joan and Herb Goldberg

Todd, Michael, and Ryan


Joseph A. Goldman

Bruce Goldman and Melissa

Goldman Thomas

Belle Goldstein

*Raymond Goldstein

Max Goldstein

*Raymond Goldstein


Helen Golum

Charlotte and Nelson Cohen

Raymond Gorman

Linda and Larry Goren

Lillian Goss

Debbi and Joel Farkas

Robert Hoffman

Anne and Mel Miller

Rose Hoffman

Anne and Mel Miller

Joel Holstein

Debbi and Joel Farkas

Beatrice Holzer

Phyllis and Dave Feinblum

Rudy Jaffe

*Goldie Jaffe

Florence Katz

Sandy and Philip Werner

Samuel Katz

Sandy and Philip Werner

Rose Kessler

Judy, Larry, Paul, and Andrew


Louis Kohn

*Joanne and Sid Kohn

Pauline Kohn

*Joanne and Sid Kohn

Fred Leff

Harriet and Lee Broadwin

Edith Leventhal

Lois and Simon Leventhal

Lydie Levy

*Eli Levy

Morris Levy

*Joyce Levy

Frieda Lipten

Dana and Jordan Fried

Sam Lipten

Dana and Jordan Fried

Murray Luckton

Ricki Bernstein

Sadye Luckton

Ricki Bernstein

Sig Mayer

Laura and Bob Mayer

Joseph Milman

Yvette Cohen

Owen Muller

Barbara Muller- Ackerman and

Mike Ackerman

Sari Muller

Sandy and Barry Efros

William Nosofsky

*Laurie, Joseph, Julia, and

Emma Nosofsky


Florence Orgel

Phyllis and David Feinblum

William Orgel

Phyllis and David Feinblum

Barbara B. Ostrowitz

Stacey Rudbart

Lynn Barbarosh Pearl

*The Oliver Family

Rose Pearl

The Oliver Family

Samuel Petok

Carol and Dan Barkin

M.D. Phelps

Leslie and Mark Phelps

Renie Phelps

Leslie and Mark Phelps

Irving Pober

*Claudia and Nicholas DiGesu

Bernard Price

Carol and Matt Marin

Alice Riskin

*Maxine and Harry Riskin

Paul Rosenberg

Nadine Milberg

Ruth Rosenberg

Nancy and Bill Chernack

Gary Rosenkrans

Laura and Bob Mayer

Mira Rosenkrans

Laura and Bob Mayer

Elaine Rosner

Norma and Daniel Schwartz

George J. Ross

*Lynn and Larry Ross

Mabel Rossman

Susan and Gary Aidekman and


Erwin Rudbart

Stacey Rudbart

Jack Safran

Lisa, Craig and Renee Safran

Shia Saltzman

Kathy and Richard Saltzman

Rae Samach

*Alice and Michael Samach

Morton Samuels

*Gail Lobel

Marc Hamilton Schlosser

Stacey and Bill Schlosser

Gaston Schockmel

*Laurent Schockmel and Susan


Ruth Sichel

Brenda and Leonard Sichel


Esther Snow

Phyllis and David Feinblum

Edward Spiegel

The Herbert Family

Henrietta Spiegel

Laurie and Steve Spiegel

Eliot Steinberg

* Sue, Andy, Sammie, and

Zach Steinberg

Charles Weinberg

*Shari and Steve Leviss

Arthur Weinroth

Gail and Jeff Weinroth

Jean Weinstein

Brenda and Leonard Sichel

Frank Welt

*Rachel, William, and Aaron


Pauline Wolfson

*Pamela and Richard Johnson

Evan Zaborsky

Donna Feuerzeig

Rosalind Zaborsky

Donna Feuerzeig

Arthur Zisfein

Wendy and Peter Fried

*Donation of $50 or more

Updated 6/26/19


This Bulletin is published quarterly by Temple B’nai Or, 60 Overlook Road, Morristown, NJ 07960

Phone: 973 539 4539 - Email: - Website:

Office Closure

The Temple office will be closed

Thursday, July 4, and Friday, July 5

in observance of the Fourth of July Holiday.

We will reopen on Monday, July 8.


Erev Rosh Hashanah, Sunday, September 29

Rosh Hashanah, Monday, September 30

Beth Israel Cemetery Memorial Service, Sunday, October 6

Kol Nidre, Tuesday, October 8

Yom Kippur, Wednesday, October 9

Erev Sukkot, Sunday, October 13

Sukkot, Monday, October 14

Shemini Atzeret, Sunday, October 20

Simchat Torah, Monday, October 21
