THE OMAHA DAILY - University of Nebraska–Lincoln · 2019-02-07 · THE OMAHA DAILY ti SIXTEENTH...


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Over Forty Lives Lost Bj a Collision ofSteamers in Lisbon Harbor.


Talk of n New Cabinet In Ijiidlnml-1'crllanicnl Prorogued Until Fclj-


Movements WhichLook Like War.

Terrllilr-Lo.xnov , Dec. SI. Whllu the Ktcnch-

Aleamer A'llla de Victoria was Ivlng atanchor in tlio Togus. she was inn Into andmink by the lliitlsh lion clad Sultana. So un-


was the accident that most of thecrew and passengers of the steamer had nottime lo cvcnpu and went down with thu-

Ftcamcr. . Nearly two bundled ami fiftypassengeis were on boaid when the steamerxv as struck.-


, Dec. 2k The .Sultan's captain- admits that the collision was tine to thu Sul-


* In calcine her moorings Alter the Snl-lan'fl

-collision with the Vllie do Victoria she

collided with and damaged the steamer Hlch-mond.


. Tlio Vlllo du Vlctoila's cievv andfit passengers numbered sixty-tluee , of whom

forty xveie tliovvned. An English lady who

' ' xvas saved losl a bag containing 000 sovereigns. which she had suspended atound her neck



previous to the collsluti. Tlio Mlnctanr alsodragged her anchoi and tan into and dam-aged


thu Monaich.

Talk or n N xv Cabinet.Los nov , Dee. 24. It I expected that par-


will be piorogned until the 3d ot] '*ebruar) m otdcrto allow the formation of-

unovv mlnlstr ) . Matthuws , home secretary ,xv hose resignation was thought probable , sayshe Is In pei feet haimony with the cabinet. Nomember ol the government vvilhln or witliontthe cabinet avows adherence to Churchill.The conservatives arc taking Manymembers of the conservative ! clubs areoiiposed to a coalition ministry under Loid-Jlartlngton , and want a purely lory cabinet-.'Iho

.St. James , reflecting upon tlio

spirit , doubts thu wisdom ot making anyappeal to Lord 1 lartitiKton and urges the con-heivallvcs

-to close up their lanks , throw over-


all domestic legislation for a while andCO straight on with their lorelgn policy. "Uwill bo lilting." says tlio , "for Kng-land lo act with vigor and promptitude in tliusuppression of cilmein lieland and leave theicsults to Ioi tune. "

The supporters of Lord liandolph Church-Ill

-deelaru that when ho Is able to tell the

true leason Ioi his resignation the disclosurewill cause a sensation throughout the conn-tiy


and icsiilt in his tiiumphant vindication.-Tnny

.say It will bo shown that ho didn't op-


, on thi ) giountl foi necessary defense ofthe empire, bul lhal hu icliised to .sanction-an increase of thuesUinales unless It was ac-fompanlcd

-bv a rcfoimed administration of

' e war and admiralty departments , Loid-xjolph dbcoveicd xvhilu In ofllcu. say his

'' *. ' . thu uovernmunt had nocontiol-

ovei the cxpenditmo of hnnilicds ol thou-sands l pounds xvlncli aio yearly voted fortheuar ollieu lor material that has nevetbeen inovldud and that simllnr abuses existin t'loadmlialty.-


' .

Hnrtlnuton X111 Do.LONDON , Dec. S4. In concequonce of Lord

Salisburj's request , Lortl Haitington will

f remain In Rome until Sunday to await let-ters fiom Lord Salisbury. Lord ilartingtonhas nol received an invitation yet to unfertilecabinet. It Is improbable lhal an Invitationxvonld boonl by luleirraph , as he has nccipher thai would enable him to translatethcgovernmentdlspatch. He will not romt-to a decision until he lias receivetl L ni8 illsbuiy's letters. Lord Haitlimton Ihlnksthat virtually there has been no change Inthe situation slnio last autumn. The opinionglows that Loid Hartlnglon will not entuithe cabinet. It lias been virtually decided tc-

fnrtliei prorogue parliament until thu secondweek In Febinary. Lord Randolph Churchilliilone insisted upon an early meeting. Aunbind council has been summoned foi ncxxveek , Loid Handolph e'hnichill is inltateiand astounded at tlie unanimity of the do-nnneialion


ol his coursi ) b) the consmal-ives. .

Mlsernlile Weakness. .

Loviio.v , Dec. J4. The Daily News , refernng to Lord Sallsbiny's overtures to LoriHoilington , says : "By this act of mlseiabh

! weakness and miscalled patriotism , LouSallsbmy acknowledges that the conserva-tlvus aie absolutely dependent upon the wll-iind pleastiie's ol Cliinchlll. it is not strangi-tliat m.uiy conservatives aio oveiand indiu'nant at the feebleness of theli-leadeis , which must surely danmue the lepn-tatlon of moilern conserv atlv ism. "

War Symptom" .LOVDO.V , Dec.24. . 11 Is stated that tin

Russian it-selves have been called out ,

Maiked movements ol liuops liavubeen no-Heed In Uessaiabla ,

Don't I5ellV <' in AVitr.-


nis Dec. 44. Thu Tumps and Llburtt-tleny Ihateither Kianee orCeimany has an )Intention ot going to war.-



. w. OIULDS- ( ; ixnitusiTv.l-ln


Donnlcs a Drlnlcliitr l 'nnntnln In-

SliakfHpearo'H JMrthnlauo.-Cijilrfiit


[ IfNS hu Jiitnr t (Ionian lltnnrtt. ]

SntAirtiii-ON-Avo.N) ) , Dee. 23. | NowYorkilerahl Cable-Special to thoUr.i-: |

The namu ot thu great American phllanlhro-plst


, ( ! cor o W. Chllds , will hcncefoith btassociated hero with tlio namu of Shakespeare. At thu meeting of ihu town counciloa TiiOMla ) the mayoi. Sir Arthui llod o

son , while stating that Mi. Chllds haidonated to Shakespeare's blitliplaco a mag-

nllicent tiiinklng tonntaln In honoi of tinqucon'H jiibileo , lefoitlng to a Icttei vvhiclbeheld in his hand , added : 'Tho donor situply asks the corporation to furnish vvateram-at nlzht lights ," Mi. Chiles would submitto the corporation several designs for theli-ehulco and he suggested that Iho fountalishould bu dedicated either on the next birth-day of the poet or on Juno 20-

theannlveisary of the queen'n accession ttthe tlnolm fifty > eais before. Aldciman Illfd-nmltl renewed eln-eis for America anil Mr-Childs , Bccomlcd the mayor's motion of ac-

ccptanco and thanks. In the com BO of somtvery eulogistic reinatks concetnlng thedonor , the alderman said the Intter's gener-ositles were widely known to the clvlllet-woild , Kspeclally Knclishmen remcmberci-Mr, Cliilds' gift of an Ameilcan window tcWestminster abbey in memoiy ot the poet-1Heilwit amr Co'vper , which had an addl-tlonul Inteicat from the fact that the latiDean Stanley fin nlshed the Inscription U-

It.. Aftei a conference the council asreed tedevote jubilee day to the ceremonies of K

the gift.-




For Uno lit Honor of the

IKti li'( Jamrt Oonlon Ittnntlt. ]LOMHI.V , Dec, 23. fVew York Herald

Cable Special to the UIK. ] As everiiod )

on land la cmnlatini: uver ) body elsu in buintloyal to the queen's jubilee , the contagion ha :

now spiead to the water , Last ov enl ng thi) { oulTliamcs Yacht eluu , at its cosy elulhouse , Albermarl stieet. Piccadilly , wilh LoriAlfinl J'aget , vice commodore , In the ch.U-ilosolvcd that thu Jnbllctf ) ear of thoqnee'n , a'-


patroness of the club , ought to hocelcbraici-by. n gnsit ocean > aclit race for a of tin

nine of 1,000 uulenas , open to the world.culled at the club bouse this niurning , bn

Lork Alfred hail already left town for theChristmas holldaxs , not to do whleb wouldbo unfashionable. Hut I was courteously re-



b } ' Captain Scovell , the secretary.1 Ic said. "This imposition was only madelast night , but was carried unanimously by afull meeting for the holiday season. The de-


and full particulars have yet to be dis-


at tlio next meeting , shoilly after NewYeirs. Then all 'he arrangements , nt to thedate , the cause and1 the conditions , will bo ar-



. Hut from the club feeling last nightthe event l sine to be of Importance andmagnitude. "

"U'lll Aniciican yachts have an entrj'.1'-1"Ccttainly so. If accepting the conditions

that max. be made , and the nioie the merrier."

1'lrc lu'ooi


, , Dec. 21 The largest andmost disastrous file sltno 1S47 , occulted thismorning , when the extensive geueial ictallstores of John Lewis it Co. weie entiiely de-



. The stoics contained n immenseChristmas stock , all of which was consumed ,with a mcnagerlo connected with the estab-lishment. . The total loss Is placed at 52000000.When the firemen had seemed such conttol-ol the tl. lines as to be able to conilno them tothe binning premises It was noticed that alargo polai In the menaieilo wus htillalive and compalatlvely unhurt , though sin-tounded


by llame' . A dcleimlned elfort wasat oneo made to resmc tlio line btnte. Apowerful stream of water was kept In fullplnv on the cage nnd n numbci of daring menmiulo thclt VMiy under thu curt enl to thecate.This they vvi elicited ftom Its fastenings andgrappling It with chains and bars managed ,

the boar desperately llylnc at them all thewhile, to dug Hand Its occupant ftom thelire just betornthc walls of the binning build-ings fell in with a ctash ,

Grain Trntlc It ex lew.LONDON , Dec. iH. The Mark l.ano Ex.

press , which was Issued to-day Instead olMonday , the regular day of publication , In-

Itsweouly review of thu British grain trade ,says wheat ttado was limited but ptices wereHteady. Foiolun wheat wan tpilet. The In ,

cicaso of American supplies tends to de-pies thu market , but the dlstutbcd conditionof affairs in tlio eastern part ot Kuropccounteracts tlds influence and stiengthentin ) maiket. Theie Is a food prospect ol-

Inci cased business with the new j ear. At to-

day's market the tone of wheat was firm-.Klonr


was Cd dearer. Corn , bailey , beautand peas weio stead-



oT it-

PA.KIS , Dee. 34. There Is a noticeablemovement to form battallions of schools. Anumber ol majors of auondUbcmcnts havebegun enlisting youths of fiom sixteen totwenty xcars of age , foi ming companiesequivalent to the regular mHitia. They arcarmed with chassepots. One coips aliendjl-iasTiOOmuinucis. . They take thelt lilies homowith them hibtead of depositini : them In thearseual after drilling-



Mcmoum-VII.VA: , Dec. 31. German members ol

the Bohemian local government boaid haveresigned In consequence of the it-cent actiontif tlie Bohemian diet on a motion to divldi-Hnliciniu into two paits CVech and ( Scrmat-

iaccuuliiii ; to the language of thu Inhabl-tants. . _

Affair * in Ireland.-Dunr.iY


, Dec. 24. Ovei n dozen leacnimeetings were held In Ireland today.-O'Hilen


has besun an action tor 5,00 (

against this Dublin Express , tor libel In hav-Ing accused him ot being a swindler and an-"Invincible. ." __ _

Wants n New Deal.LONDON , Dec. 'J-i. Lord Colin Campbell' !

solicitors Imxo applied for a now trial of hi'-

countersult for dlvorco against his wife 01-

thu ground that the verdict of the juiy wacagainst tlio weight of evidence ,

The Story of a Torn I.c.if.i-X'uw

.YOIIK , Dec. 24. [ Special Telegian-

to thu BEI : . ! Thu heirs of ItogerMeintt , o-

1'mt Chester, Wcstchester county , are prejinrit'i : evidence in suppott ol the claim iliathe entire village belojgs to them. Tinamount Involved is between $15,000,000 ant§20000000. They declaio that the v illaco aidwhich originally belonged to Captain Koge-Merritt , an oftlcer In the continiihtal army

leased by him to various persons antthat the leat containing the iccoul has hemtorn out ot tlio book In which thu leaseweieontered in thcicglstiai's ollieu at Whlti-1'lalns. . They expect to llnd the missing leaIn Alabama. In possession tif thu tnmily othe late John Menltt , who U suspected ohaving toin it out t f tlio book to giatlly per-son nl tjilto other nicmbcis ol tinfamily. _

The ni-nkciiien'B Strike Still On-.Lonsvn.M.


. , Ky. . Dec. 21. Thostrlku obtakemcn on the I.oulsv illo it Xnshv Illu ramains In statue quo. Tialns made up for thsouth Wednesday still stand in the > nnl-w Uh a few imide up hinco then , i'ho roatissued an ultimatum to tlio strikcis last nighicqulrin ? them to lepoit for dut > by 1 o'cloe-ltoday or consider themselves dischargedMills thestilkeis ignoied. Thu olllcials arendeavoring to hire new men , but thus fahave not been ablu tt > btatt trains. No trouhlhas occitt red. ( Jeneral Manager Hariigai-sajs hu will certainly not discharge hitDcnn-tcnifent Dow lisas demanded by thu mennor will hu relnstato the fovv dlseharget-biakeinen. . The fivvitcli and yardmen Hjnip-athluund to-nk'ht tllsciissed thu advisablllf-of uolnt'out , but witliont icbiilt. lioth blueate him.



ADKLi'tiix , Dec. 'II. The Tocsinoican of the worklngmen of this city , In It-

ll stiu to-moirow vvlll say editorially : "Krouthe number of heciet circulate published b ;

the head of the noble older , It Is to be infeircithat tin * distinguished Kcnttoman Is tn inc tt-

maku It appc.uat least that hu Is eainlng In-pilnei'lj Mlaty ol a > Manypooi Knight ol Labor , It not on the veruuostarvation , Is cerlnluly not eatnlng enougl-to keep body and soul together dining thi-Chiisttims season , whllu the her.ds ot th-oulei are ruvellng In all tlm luxniies thol-prlneoly salaries nllord. The oiliciuls cei-talnl ) havu belteied their condition. 1'jle 0-

1A Iti Klriku Avnrtctl-.I'liTnriio


, 1a. , Dec. 'M. Thogieat stilk-of 12XJO( coke woikets of the Connellsvlllregion , which vva to have Deun Inauguratei-tomorrow , lias been aveited and work wll-

be continued throughout thu winter vvlthou-Interruption. . A conference of operators amworkmen was held heitt today , and afterlength } ! esion a compromUo was elfectcd-Uy It tlio wages of the workmen will h-isllirhtly advanced , anil when the pilcos o-

coku Is increased their wayes will bo ad-

vaneed pioportlonately. The workmei-nromlsu to abide the uirreement and wll-heiuattor discourage petty stiikes snoli ahave annojed operators for seM-ial month *

A Second Strike ,

I'au.ADi i.i'iiu , Dec. i4 The englnenrs-lltemen , train hands and coil heavers em-

plocd by the Iteadiiu lallroad company athe wharves at Poit Klehmond , winhave been di > salUied the recent rules othe company , and who returned to wotk .vo-


. ! ay , again stiuck tills moining ami tiain-vtete leported as badlv blocked Uetvveen tintails ot the Sflinjlkill and Poit iilchmond-NineH'hootifrMiui Ivln inthe docks vvai-thu to receive their tMiiro of coil , -and fionthe piesent Indications they vvlll not b- d foi some ( Imu.-



ShU > OwnerHO TOS , Dee.N. The vvlll sa ;

to-monow th'it 1'Iiny made an as-

slgnmont this afternoou to Thomas II. liltssell , of tlm law Him of U. 11. & T, H. Hussell-Lhibdlllfs aboutiiJO.OOO , w Itti nominal 5f iVo) , ). Nickeison is nn extensive ehi |

ownci , and has been doing business nearl''hall a century. The assignment Is n eenera"-surjnUe. . Hi !) manager states that the lalluni-c.suiUHl fiom a gradual depreciation of I'lop'

,<'ity In which ho li interested ;


The Head of the Nation Will Eat TurV.ej

With His Mothcr5nLaw.




Ortlrr In Itcunrtl to "l ornlelons"-IndfnnlniiA Allnxvntl to lie I'lccou-


Jlorc About n.atmcyCapital Mews-



Will Dine at Oak Vloxv.-


vnTox , Dec. 24. [ Special Telcgran-to the HrE.1 At noon to-day the departmonls were all closed and vvlll not be opcncilagain till Monday next. Within a few mln-ntes after the doors were locked the street-began to fill tin , and such a mass ot hitman-lly has not been seen In the national capitalfor many years. Although the weathet xvn

most disagreeable , foggy , rainy , ami the sidewalk' covcictl with mud , Washington Is nowenjoying the holidays as only her people canNearly all the remaining statesmen left it-

tlie city turned out and added to the throng ,

A wagon started from thovvhltuliousotowartthe Tenleytown load for Mis. Polsoni'1house with a loid of presents and gooithings for Mrs Cleveland , nnd edibles fo :

the president's family feast to take placu aOak View to-morrow afternoon. Only fouipersons ate expected to be present at the din-ner the president and Mis. Cleveland , Mis-May Hudson , their guest , and Mis. Kolsom-It Is the llrst time the president has taken t

regular meal with his mother-in-law nnd :

good time is oxpeclcd by him , He nnd Mis-Cloxoland will attend seivlccsat theclintcl-In the morning and then bodilven dlreetljout to the country place. Although coldrainy wcathet Is forecasted bythoslgnabureau everything points to an ex-

ceedingly pleasant day In this cityTlio merchants leport the mosextensive picparatlons they have evei know-ifora holiday , more expensive presents , mortedibles , moid wine and more buojanceMost of tlie cabinet offiecis will bu In the citySecictary Whitney vvlll remain at homo amassist Mis. Whitney In entertaining a bousifull of ehlldien fiom her church as she dhthis alteinoon. Postmaster General Vila ;

will dine a visitor in two. as will Sccrelaiiand Mrs. Manning. Secretary Kndicott wlleat his Christmas turkey ut his New Kng'land home and Sccibtaiy Lamar vvlll dilikewise at his old home in O.xfoid , MissSecretaiy Uayard has gone to his home a-

AVIllmington , Del. A dispatch thlsalternooifrom Norlolk , Va. , announces the ariivathere of Senator Kdmunds on his way It-

Carrltuck Sound , wheio ho will shoot ducksfor a few da) s. The senator Is very fond osuch sport and is said to bo a good shot. Tincaplttil was deserted all day, ovtn the cm-ploesabont the document rooms leaving foi-

a frolic. Halt a dozen membet.s but no Buna-tors were seen around the building duringthe day. There w urn no visltois hovveveiOnly the congressional Ilbiary vvas open.-


I'KICON-llOI.i : ! ) .Snppiisels expressed hero no action i

taken by the piesldenl and heads of departn-KMits In legard to violations of the eecut-ivo"WRiningoidcr" lelalinglo "pernicious'activity on tlio part ot Indiiuiians holdint-ieileiul positions heie. It will he remem-beied


that for months after Cleveland toolcoiitiol ropnbllcaus weie icmoved fiom tierarlments simply Oecanso Ihey were mem-bers tn their statu clubs in this city. I'or f

while tlm losters ot these clubs were In gieademand , as they disclosed memberships antakToided amplu proot ot "offensive partisanship" to warrant removal , but the Indiam-domociats havu omanUcd a clnbcompoei-ot men who occupy positions in tlie depart-ments , and although they have passed reso-lutions denouncing civil service icloim , ntnotice Is taken of it. Assistant Land Commlssloner StoeksHtfer was In the thalr lasnkhtand utterances aie reported Dy mem-bcrs on the floor who are tederal officerwhich not only come within atialgnment othe niesident's' wainini ; but the letter ot tincivil service , and jet no notice is takenIt seems to make a gi cat differenceox Is gored.-



. Dabney , the pension olhce examine !

who has been charged with having servetl a-

acmidat Anilersonvlllo prison , Is out It-

anothei card denying that no was a guardand declaring that hu never boasted ot havlnibeen a guard. Tlm whole question is novone ot veracity between certain gentlemenTheru are otlicials at the peUblon ollieu winstate nnqualiliedly that they heard Dabnodeclare that he vvas a irnaul at Andersonvillpbut these olllcials are lepublicans ami ailmonlsh those whom they have made tlieistatement to that tlm soin ce of Informatioimust not be disclosed , as It would cost thuntheir positions to "tell tales out of school. '

So foi the sake of piotecting the loya-ofllclals who beam Dabnuy makills bnnst it may not b-

piovcn on him , but it is not piobable. Youeoirespomlcnt 1s Infoimed that persons enlsldo ol the pension otllco and who are no-atraid of being known In be.uing testimon-iigainst Dabney will maku oath to his havlniboasted as stated. Justice , It seems , inn *

move as slow In the mattei as it usuallydoes , but it Is coming' Kx-Icpresentativ1!

John Lllis , of Louisiana , Is here and sailto-day that he hod known Dabney since boyhood ; that Dabney was at Maeon , Ca. , whet(ieuural Stoneman made his raid ; old menwomen and chlldicn turned out to delemthe place , and Dabney was among them am-boio arms ; further than that hu knows notliingot Dabney'o hiirvices. Ho doesn't thin !

Dabnoy guilty of any in Inmind , und bears wltne. s to bis being i

boaityi. . Hills was a confcdetnte oflicei-A rosriA iiAiii.-


Itcagan's batli is likely I

provo the most expensive luxury ol thu klm-uver Indulged In by a membei ol congiess-It vvlll bo n long time before ho hears Ihu lasof It. and 11 Is teaied b) Ins tilends that th-

icsiiltwill bo exceedingly disastrous to litsenatorial ambition , Iteagan was lookeiupon as the most fonnldnblo opponent thaSenator Maxey had to succeed himselt In th-

.senate , but Texas , nn ovoiybody knows , I

one of the most rampant tieu tiailo states itthe union , and IteiuMii vvas looked upon us ;

man who could hntlepended on to vote foany measure designed to bring about tinabolition of custom houses. On Saturdayjust when ho on.'ht to have been yoilng , hiwas taking his bath , and , as a consequencethe Concessional Record shows him as hav-Ing dodged on tlio most Impoitant qnestlotfor Ids constituents that has beeibefore congiess this session. Senator MaxejIs naturally very inneli amused a-

Itoab'an's predicament , and theio is no rea-son why hu should not be , as thu best judiaasset t that that bath Is worth at least twentylive votes to the sitting senatoi when he shalcome up for lo-clectlon in January. Iteacat-Is most unmcrclfull ) chaffed about theatlalr-nnd Is grow inii very tired ot the banter of hi-

colleagues. . Ho catches It from all sidesyesterday the most Inslirnllleant little iiagi-in the house cot In a fling at Iteacen in i

very nngentlemanfv inannei. The littlirascal h about elchteen Incher high. Hiwalked Into the olllco of tliu cleik , with ;

very serious air , and In a dlgnllied tone iemarked to : "I do not think tintariff bill w ill come up to-day , so ) on can glvmo ray bath ticket. " Thien volumes o-

Itcagan's repott on Inter-statocomnu'ice to |

lowed thu little lascal out of the dooi as Inhastily maite his escape.-


ritCNOIl HCOI.IATION CLAIM * .The = o interested in the payment ot tin

Trench spoliation claims which are novbeing urmt bofoie tlio court of claims , hav.given up tiny IIOIKJ ut action by congiess ihlsession looking to their jiajment. Aboutwo ) eaw ago connreSb passeA a bill lefeirim ; these cases to tliu coiut for the puiposi-of passlnc uiion thu liability of the PnltttStates In the premise *. thu usual slow-ness of all otllces of Justice the eourt has no-

et> been able to render a division which wil-fully answer the question asked bv congressand as a consequence it will l.o several veai-al least before all the ca >cs aie tinally deteimined , or peihaps veiy much lomrer thaithat bi-lote any ono of them can bo paidThus far uo atempt( has been made to secuti

an appropriation for their payment , and It-

Is hardly likely that anything in this line willbe attempted nt this session..-


. ( ,

IJeprcscnlatlvu Wilklns , of Ohio , on Mon-day


last Introduced n bill which Is designedto settle the much vexed question as to thestability of national banks ittei the bondswhich aio deposited to secure cliciilatlonshall have been paid off. As the law now isthe depaitmeiitholds thai no national bankcharter can be Issued to a bank which do s-not take advantage of the law which allowsnational banks to Issue notes , anil no bankcan he established until It has depositedSW.OOO In I'nlledStates bonds with the tteas-ntei

-to serum circulation up to nine-tenths of

that amount , which is the minimum limit.-Mr.


. Wllkins' bill proposes to reduce ibislimit to 5> 1000. if tills bill becomes a law Itwill allow the continuance of the nationalbmklnir system oven attoi the bonds of theUnited Stales shall have been wiped out.The Idea has been sucirested , and a billto that end 1ms been Introduced In congress ,

that , Inasmuch as these hanks aie known asnational , the United States should In a-

mcasuie sum nn leu depositots asialnst lo s ,

and for this pinposo it Is mope ed that theamount of monuy collected nstaxon elicit-latlon

-should bo un-d as a sinking fund for

the purpose of paving depnsitois In nationalbanks which have fulled U Is liaullv llkelv.however, that ellhei ot these measures willbecome a law In the piesent congress. Thererue too many men who have strong ant-pUhlcsagainst

! -

national banks In general toallow any such hope of llnul settlement olthis vexed question at the piesent time.-


vaijiiMit ton ii itKt.v.Congressman .lero Mniphy , of Iowa ,

elumpion of the l.cnnepln canalscheme , is the last on the list to-

be named In connection with the Turkishmission. Mmphy is an applicant for theplacu and kepi Ihe path aiound the whitehouse warm In calllm : upon the president.-Murnhx


vvas defeated Ioi leiiomlnatlunchiefly on account ot stiict udhrienco to thecivil sen ice policy of the pi evident. Mur-phy


, like Congiossinan Cox , ot Norlh Caio-llna

-, who wasdefealotl upon the same Issue ,

thinks that U Is llio dutv of the president to-

tto something for them. Murphy claims thatthe place should be given to Iowa , us thatstatu has had but littln palionage ontsidootthe places within the slate. Nuivvjthstntidlnc-numeiousapplicfltlons Irom various sectionsof thoconntrv , theic Is Inudly a doiiot thatthe piesldenl has decided upon ( icncial-Vlele , of Now York.-



Euceno L.Violland , who has had a pax inns-teiship

-in tlie army for about t hi ity ) ears ,

Is in the city fiom his piesent station at St-.J'anI

., hav Ing been called hero by reason ol

sickness in his family , which Is toMilinc at110 Second stieet , Northeast , He vvlll leavehere next Monilay night for his station.

Army loaves gtanted : Maloi William H-


, surgeon , St. Paul , one month ;Major ( ieoige W. Candee , paymaster. FortLeavonwoim , until Jnnuaiy 3 ; Majoi CharlesL. Hiumann , surgeon , ] ''oit Ontario , New-York , until Dtcember ! X ) ; Majoi Kngeuc U-


, Komtli eavahv , KortHovxit , Ail-7ona


two months , Irom December 'J2 : FiistLieutenant Charles H. ( Jatwood , Sixth cav-alry


, Fort Stanton , New Mexico , two months ,w lib permission to apply Ioi two months ex-tension


; Lieutenant F. ( ! . Dodsson , SixtheamiUv , Fort Wlngate , New Musiio , twomonths , with permission to applj foi twomontlis o.xtension-


. Mi'NTtox-.Waltei


1. Lambot Omaha , is al the L'bbit.


IYN , Dec. U4. It is stated attUe

navy department that the recent order of thesccietaiy of the navy illiectlin ; the com-mandants ot imvyyanlstosubsiltnto marinesin place of watchmen and ship-koeperiwhere Itcan bedo je to advantage , will re-

sult in asavlngtokhecovernmimt of betweenS'H.OOO and SGO.OOU JMT annum , and 'govein-ment


pror orty and vessels at the vailon-yauls and stations will bo equally w oil pro ;teclcd. If the piesent condition of themaiino coipa would allow the substitution olmarines lor all thu v, atchmen and shlp-keepeis


emplovcd , an additional savins ol-

ovei S..r ,000 would havu been effected.-NO


In his annual it-port Smgeon (JeneialHamilton , of the marine hospital scivice ,

makes the following sfalumenl in recaid tothe nimiantint ) service. Xo epidemic dis-eases


have been imnoited into the UnitedStates during thu past jeau Choleia hasbeen Ihiealeiicd from Km ope. This disease.which lasl xcar extended liom Maiseillesand Toulon lo SIcllvand vailous towns onthe vvust shore ot Hal ) , has extended lo theeastein shoie , to Kiume and Tileste , at thebeau of tlio Adriatic , and several towns in-Austua , and has appeared on the Danube at-

ItudaPesth nt the time of sendlim thisrcpoit to the printer. In each ol the districtsnamed the disease ha.s exhibited Us tmnl-virulence. . At Trieste , tlnring the month ofAugust , thcie weie '!00 cases and ins deaths.-As

.usual the disease haunts thu houses ol-

thosu too poor or too negligent to p ly recaid-to cleanliness of person and siiiroiindlnt's.-A

.map showina the pro0'iessol ihu disease in-

Kurope is subjoined.-A


TM.L.CHOM : srn iircnicn.Justice James , of the siipiumo cointofthc-

Disttict of Columbia , sitllm ; in equity , de-cided tlie suit ot ( icorgn W. Cotlnan , ot" Chi-cago , against Fitd II. llrovvn , inventor andownei of a psitented telephone. Cotliran hadagtvcd within thirty days a com-pany with a capital stouk Of 80,000,000 to jui-tllrown's telephone In nsu. He also agieed-to giv D llrovvn S" .000 and one-third ol thecapital stock and to fiunlsh 810,000 vvoiking-capital. . After the thirty d. .) s had elapsedwithout the performance ot the contiact , nndits extension icfused , Cotliran broughtsuit to pievcnt Drown liom alienating thetitle to his patent and to compel him toallow the plaintdl to cairy font the contiact ,

notwithstanding tlio expiration of the con-tract period. Jiihtlce James decided ihu casiIn favor of the defendant , stating tltat Ibcplaintiff 'seaso was without merit.-


Nlt.VC'l tiilplPA'li; ! | ] : ' .The tieasuiy depaitmenl becran the Issuing

ol Si silver Lcrllhratcs on the Ith ol lastOctober , nnd has issued to date the amount of-

SlLliMWO. . Thu fe'J sliver eeetlheatcs wereHist issued on the filh of December , and thetotal issue so far amounts to Sl.OlO.tM ) , Thesupply is not equal to the demand , and thucertificates aio not jet dlstiibutcd trom Fiib-treasuriep. . They aioillstiilmted ( torn thetriMsmy depaitmeiit to localities In all ii.ut.-o ( thoi'ountiy in sums not exceed Ing 85,000 ,

but this can bo done enl ) , of comse , us tintertiiicatcs are ready , In other vvoids , tlir-tieasiuy dc'iiartinent Is placing § 1 and 8-


In general eliculatlon us nipidlv-as possible. When the doin.uul is tohome extent appeased , the. o ceitlllwitesvlllhe distributed to the diffeiont sobtreasuiles-foi isbiio as required.

The Bayvloxv Jtloters.-MitvvAi'Kii


; : , Dee. SI. The trial of tlic-

Iia > vicvv rioters, has been adlomucd untilMonday morning. Mayor Wallbur wns onthe bland and te tUK'd ns lo thu ] iroclama( ion Issued May 4 and r . Ju-Jgo Sloanwhen be adjourned court , told the attorney *

for the deteiiSH ho would only allow thorn sixvvltno acs to prove that there vvas no riot a-lla! > vlevv. He aa letl , incidentally , that hedeemed the tirlne y the mlliHa peiletlly jus-tillable. .

Car W'oi'ks tiurneil.-llAitcmni


IK ) , Pa. , Dec. ' 'I. The ear worksof Schall & King , at Mlddlcton , were almoslwholly burned Mils moinlng , causing a lossof S1M ), )OJ. Despite the work of the firemensix substantial brick bnildlnu's vvcio do-slrojed. . The foundry and otllco and a fewsheds weie ; it Is likely thai the work :will at once bu ( ebullt , An insurance nlabout was eairled , part of which wason the cayed building-



Nf.vv Vtinic , Dee. 14. iSpccial Telegiam tcthe 15iK.l: Tbo Woild'n Mai.on ( tin. ) specialsay > : Lamar airlved here on an eaily trainlids moiniuz and after hrtinkfastlng he callednn bis reiiotted flunieu , Mis. Holt. While nt-da > can bo nametl tor Ihu nuptials , yet II

seems iterfnitely settled that Lamar w ill bt-

aeeompanlexl toVashlimton by his bride be-loie


the hoitdavs are ended.

ANotooiYiirhlnt ;.

l'.vij: -, ,Dee. SI. Tlio Frcxnch presg lias-

b en warned aguinst publishing iinlltrtiynews which would be 01 n o abrpad.


A Moic Qniot nnd Steady Fooling Prevailsin financial Oirclos.


Very Small Actlvlts In Wlirnt , nnii-o'nl > n Pntr Amount orTrnnsuc-


Mneti Dinio In-

tlm Hot * I'roiluct.-



Week In Commerce.-CttiCAtui


, Dec. 'M [ Special Teleaiam tothe lici : . | A moio quirt and stendvfeeling ptevalled In tlnnnelal eliclues duringthe week lust closed. I'ho loan market wasfirm and a little moio strlncent than hasbeen nollced toi some weeks past , and bor-


vvero unable to obtain all the favorsdesired. The demand for'money wns quiteactive trom all sonicos , but only well knownand tegular customus who mo able to pre-

sent undoubted collaterals succeeded In ob-


all the mone.v they ieiiilred.| Therewas moio paper olteretl on the street thanusual. .Speculators were moderate boiiow-eis


, though not vei ) uigentln thcii demands.Shippers of grain weio virtually out of themarket , being able to take eate of their con-


iinlto icadily. I'ackets , too , soughtveiy little assistance from banks , as theyaie disposing of fall quantities of their man-nlnctnre.s

-and not Increasing their stocks

vei ) rapidly. Wholesale merchants are mod-ctato


boriowers , though not for any largoamounts. Parties at tntcilor uolnts have 10-


Increased amonnls of money , billour banking Institutions are not Inclined toenlarge theli lines of outside paper at pies-cut , notwithstanding they de-die In a gen-eral


w ay lo favot that class ol trade. Kates-of Inteicst have ruled Htm and talher higher ,

langlng al ® pet cent , and it Is understoodthat bankers have notified owncis of "call-loans" thit 7 pei cent vvlll bu the Inside ratent the opening ot thojcar. On the stieet bper cent Is about the inside figure. Knstem-oxchaiiKo was in moderate supply and thu-dumnud was more active, chiefly on behalf ofmerchants who desire to liquidate thehindebtedness with eastein merchants beforethe close ol the yeiu. The market wasstronger eaily and sales weie made nt pal at-

2"i ccuts pieinlnni pei Sl,000 between bankt.-Latei


the market weakened anil prices de-


again , with sales at 70t ? 75 centsdiscount per SLOOO , closing easy at70 cents. Foielgn exchange also show ad-

moie slrongth nnd sales w-oro madent Improved piiccs. ranging at S4.77Q4 "b1 ,, ,

closing nt S477i4.78 for shippers' sixtyelaS tloenmentaiy bills. The piospects olfree anlvnls ol gold from L'ngland andFiance has bad a tendency to decrease offer ¬

ings. Speculation In lailrond stocks , oil andcotton has attiaclcd less attention and thefeeling has been weak dinlne the giuatei-poitlon ot the week, with pi ices favoinblu tobuyers , In wain and provision circles trad-ing


also has slackened considerable ,

largely In the way of tianslcirlngcontracts ahead at citnent diffeiences ,

and pi Ices have slightly tleellneil.European mnikets were stionger early in theweek , but showed a quiet and easy feelingtownid the close. Trailing In all tradingmarkets , both domestic and lotcign , has beenlighter , ns Is usual with ihe appioach of theholidays. The receipts ol gialn nt leadingwestern markets baxubeun modoiattdy tiee ,

and UIQexport movement from Atlantic sea-board


polls quiet. Llbeial shipments of mo-xlolons


weiu moderately latge and widelydistributed , and slocks at the close of thumonth will piobably show a smnllci Incieasethan usual. Tacking In the west Is piogro s-


favorably, keeping pace with tin1 letmiis-of last ycai. but not reducing tlie shoitnge to-anv extent.-


. No new nor any imptnfaiit fea-tmos


weie developed in tins maiket diningtne past week. A fair business has beentiansaeted and that Is about all , thu markullacking the activity which was developedsome two weeks ago. One reason for this ,possibly , Is the ruoie quiet lone ot Kuiopeaii-maikcls , vvbieii have assumed their holidavcharacter , and not much lilo nor ani-mation


is e-xjiected abioad untilaftei tlio holldaHomo mm letshave assumed the stnie conditionto a eeitain extent , and Ibis Is ol usual oeen-iicnceitt

-tins season ot the ) ear, opeiattus tlo-


a light bnsines- , , with the majority dis-posed


to even uptheii ye.u's business , Alterthe holidays a rovlval in speculation islookeil-foi , as thu money deilved as Inteiest anddividends will seek new channels and a laitproportion may lind Investment in wheat andother grain ami inovislons. Spells of weak-ness


h.ive been developed dining the week ,but these iravu placu to Himiiess , and , tikenaltogether , the feellntc lias been quiet imtstrong , and after declining pines ic-covercd

-, advancing " 'fe , nnd the closing

Thursday was about ' 4t' hlghei than last I'll-dav.

-. The weakness and decline ) in piiees-

eaily in thu weuk vvas attiibntcdto the in thu visible supply-1,170,000biishels-i-and thu quiet and easiei tone of-Kuropean market advices. JU'cetpls , too ,weio fieoearlv In the week and thu oxpuitmovement did no ! keep upas well as diningthe piccc'dln :: week , but subsequently becameMionger, and tlieio vvas a steady and sliaiprally in prices , which was alti United to gooil-speciilntlvo bujlni : based upon icpoited-libeial export purclmRcs , chiully lor . .lan-uarv

-delivery , U was inmnied that

stocks abioad would bu mateilallyless on tliu tlrst year than they wuio ono) uarauro. Thu icceipts In thu noithwest alsoshowed soinu tailing elf , and repoits to ivshot spring wheat wasover contilbnted to the bullish fccllnir. Theestablished premiums 01 eariymg charzes be-


vailons Intures have not been full )maintained. Koi instance , tliu piemlum lor-Ma ) overJannai ) was at one time l M'iatC-ami latei 7} c , but closed with 7'<e pieinluin-bid. . The stock In store lieiti at the close of-Decembei '.0 was rj.dSO.OOO bushels , against14,401,030 bushels oiiu jwir 111:0-


corn only n moderato speculativu busi-ness


has been tiansaclcd dm hit : the weekand most of the local tiadlng has beenweaker for No. i, both cash and fntines de-clining


Me , reeovcietl anil closed about !

lower than last week. Thu itcelpts havecontiniitd fairly and shipments onlymodel ate. The shipping demand has beencutoff somewhat the past week on accountot the advance in railroad freights Oulv-modelit u inquiry existed tor fieu on boardcars for lower trradea and prices torthcsudeclined fully l > e , bid closed steadier atthis decline. The demand has been confinedto local inteiioi eastein points , in somesections of the west corn is reportctl quiteMMICO and good pi Ices are Ix'tntr paid foifeeding purposes , and this naturally lessensthouiilvals heie. 1'rlces are inlini : someH'io' hlghei ior May dellvmy than at thistime lust juar. 1'orelgn markets aiu rulinghrm.PiovlsJons The market for hog productsattracted some speculatlvo attention duringthu past week , but the volume ol businesstransacted vvas not very large. The closenessot the money market tended to widen thu-carryimrchaiKfs slightly , ami tliu weaknessmanifested in the leading grain markets hada depiessing effect in a general way. On thuother bund , the modelato receipts of liousand Iho huh prices inllng thetefor , necom-pnnletl


with unusually heivy shipments of-.thu. iiroduct. had In a measmo ehecketl anymaterial ( eduction in prices , more paiticn-larly


In consnmjitlvu articles. Tl.u increasein tne supply of the hog product has beenveiy gradual. Packing at Chicago for thumonth of Decemboi vvlll ptobably show a u'-diictlon

-of 170,000 hogs torn pared with the

closinir monlh ofUbTi. It Is anticipated thatthe stocks on hand nt the close tif Decemberw ill show about 10000. } barrels of mess poik.-J8,000

.: to 40,003 tleices of lard nnd 80,010,0 jopounds of short ilbjsides , vvhlcn Is eonsldera-my


le-s In the airgrogate than repotted one) car ago. Thu question of the final result ofpacking In thu weal is nttiactlug more atten-tion


Hum iiitull at tills season ot thu yeiu-.ComplalnUof

.a liuhlcr supply of hpg * HID

nmdu at Interior piilnts and tt scare Ity of eoul-u401110 of tlie lending hog-iaisint ; districts h

also reported. The uneven quality of hogsleeelvrd nt some of the laigei racking cen-ters


veiiihl ti'inl to contuin thelatter statement , Specula** whilenot tradlnc extensively. ITO watch-ing


all piomlnont feature * of tunmarket very closely anil , as the final out-come


of tlio season Is developed , tlioro Is llt-


dotilit but trading I tlio speculativebrpuch of theptovlslon trade wilt bo laigely-Increased. . 1'ilco-i during the week havei tiled with consider rtile Iriegnlarlly , and onthe whole inngp have av erased lower , thoughtlnclmtlons weio con lined within n naiiovv-unco. . Consldeiablo business was tiansiietcd-In llio wav of translating trades ahead nl-

enrient dtlVeiences per month --1-J , trfl.V onmess pork , lOi'on laid atiil T'4WlOc' on shortlib side" . TiadlngeeiUered huxel ) In IV-binaivand


Ma ) in niPM poik and laiu. Ihc-htter deliver) attracted the must -mention.-'Iho


Impiession ptuvatls that while thematkct Is not "evened tip , " tint lines on-

eltht'i the ' long" 01 "short" side ol tliomarket ate not iudle.ilng cau-

tion on the part ol opciatots , The shipplug demand was eomnarallvelv lltlit , ns-

linjers vvi io unwilling to meet an) advanceInprUes , and hlghei ftuluhts to scabotmlpoints also li.ut n deptessing etleel Con-Sideiablc


ol the piodnet was fotwaided on-

oldlroliiltt conlnels. Tint ici'oipts of theProduct liotu thu intei lot were ipnle biteoand maliilv to piovldc tor outstanding owl-mil Ions , l.lttlo ehnnw wa noted In UneliMi-Hiid iiotnMle maikots. Tiadlng was lightas on the appio.xoh ol the holiday M..V-

son. .


llollitny Dnllnr-HS IMcxnlls aiui oliinto

Xt.woitu , Dee. 21. ( M'Cihil' relevant tothe Hr.r. ] it wnsa holhl.iy mail.el loda )and tin1 volume ol business waslnsiirnilloant.There was u move of Mienglh o.ulv In theday which can led St. Paul , JCIM-V ,

and Laku Shore up a fraction , but later theutwas nu almost entlie absence ot a demandfoi stock and all of tun advance was lostLouisville * Xa ivillu was held steadyaiouudiKHiy snppoitlngoidcrs , hut there wasno disposition on the part ot either bulls or-

be.tts to move the market. Tim hank stateinentwas more than usiiall ) f.utn.vble , show-ing: nn Ineieaso in thu icseive ot yV4CO.Carelnl obseneis thought that the maiketwould llkel ) be devoid ot te.ituro until alteithe holldavs. The hull theorv was thtit therecent decline had shaken all weak holdei.sand that theic wa* now no stuck pressing lor-sale. . At noon this m ukct was uulet at aboutUie opening pilces. Jeisev Cential and NowKnghind weiua shade sttongcr just bufoieHID close. 1'lie mnikt't , liowevet , was with-out featmc ami v civJW' liaile.s were madenttei 1 p. in. A break of.lj; pei cent In cot-


iced oil certiheates ntti.icted some atten-tion , nut tailed to In ins out eltlicr long stockorbujliiR oidcisof conseqwnio , Tlio totalsales were nboiit iHiJ.Wh ) sliaies the highestda > 's ttnillni : ioi months.

IOWA Gil A VIS JlUllRKHS.Carlisle Ivtcltotl Over tlic Desurrntion-

oP a Cemetery.1)1) s MniM' * , la. , Dee. iM. ( Special Tele-

gram to the UKICiulisle] , eleven mile1 :

south ot this It } , Is in a tover ot excitementovei tlio delectation of Hie cemeteiy In therobbing of the uiavool Mies Hull , the slstot-

ol Ii. Hull , a pioniinent physician of thatplace. It nucniied Wednesday night andwas not discovcied until Thuisday morning ,

when Captain n.indleinan , who'llves thu-eometuiy , discovered tlie tucks of wnconwheels loading Into U. Ho suspected thatfromethlug was wrens : and commiinlcateil hisMi'ipirlojis to llio Following thetracks they weio led up to the cmvc ot MissHull , who vfasbmied aday or two ago. An-CMinilnation piovod thitt It had been tampeied with , and getting sp.ulcs they dugdownward to Jliftcaskvl , which was foundempty save tor the Mnoiut. Thonowsspreidlike vvlldllru and the VV.IKOII tiacks-weio trailed in tlio dlicetion otDes Molne" . Accuidtimly SlieiitfPainter was communicated with andinstniatM to tcaith. high and levy Ioi tlio le-m.iins.


. The disruption given was that o ! a-

gnl sixteen jcsus old. good looking , wnll-toi mod , w ith slid ) t Iiihi; hair and ll lit hangs." esleiday Deimtr bherllT Jap C'omptoli wentthromli all lh ( IKsPclin lolnts in the cityand vicinity. He loiind thtim i.vlliei lackiiiK-In "matcilal , " lux Ing only three dead bodlea-on hand tho-e ol two elderly women and .-

sman. . One ot the women had been dead forsome lime , wnlle thcolliei two weie teecntcases , rhetiiendsot the di ad gill am wild ,ami thu medico vho is found in possessionnt hei iiimains , 01 the man who -toio them-.willsiitlur.

.. The guilty putius have roveied-

nntlicii tiaeks well , for all tiunksand hidingpl.ii'c-i In tlio colleges huvo been Mib-jeetcd


to n tlioiough scaieh-



Child .Murder.-Drs


MOIVI.S , la. , Dee. 31. Theio Is areatexcitement in , 1'uvvcshltk-coiiniy , ovei the dfscoveij of a Innlal innr-dereommllted


by two coloiod people A. .


and Cliloe Itohtnson ahont tourmiles f torn that plaie. Tlie victim was a lit-


hey, six i ears old. ciandson ol llroxvn ,

wlio had been staying with 'them. Wednes-day


night thu hey tiled and the old man 10-

polled In town that ho died liom some un-known


eiin-u , but tne suspicions ot nclgh-Iiiivvero) urousid anil thev Investigated andtound that he had been to death.-A


coioneis' Jury was Mimiiioned andit has taken a laixo amount of tes-timony hhovvlng that the child h.idbeen Heated with inhuman ruicltv by beth-el theuiiilly vvimdics. Thetestiiuonvthat on the night hu dletl the woman had himsuspended iiy the heels and beat him with a-

roue lor Ihiit.v minutes , and biibieiiientlythu|man Iliovvn suspended him In a llk manner ,and vvoi i1 out hall a ! ! hvvitchoi In


him. and then washed Ids VMiiinds withsalt and vvalei. Thu child's oliunsosoictiivml In each Instunee. The man midwoihau weio aiiesledand lodued In jail at-.Montenun. . Public Indignation runhli'h ,and talk ol i > nehlng is tu-ely lie. ml ,

Itnllroad Coniin IsiilonV Finding.-MI.IMS.

.) : : . Dec. ' 'I fSp.'ciil Telegiam-

to the ISr.i'.l Tlio railioul eomuilsilon lias-dceldcil tlio complnlnt ease fiom New Maikul-a .ilnst the St. , Keokn !< AKoithest -

em railroad tor ovot eliaixeot tielghl latcs.The complainants maun a shipment ot hou-chold goods tiom balem to New Matkel iindet-nn asroed rate lor tielght ol 87 eonts peibundled pounds. When the goods weie do'-liveied an extra ehaigo was made , 'i'lincompany admitted a pint ( if It was duo to-

erioi and llio oilier Half thov clalmeii foitransfers to th Hnmeston and .Shcnandoalij-n.tds. . The coiiiinlssloti recommends thatthe whole amount of the over tlurgo bo in-turned to the hhlppors and stating that UKcompanies hliould sti lolly adheio to Hitugicemcnth madu by thuli agents.

Another Ilailtlnok Wit lies.Siofx


Cirv , la. , Dec. "1 A newsiupei-eoi respondent lus found another witness olthe minder ot Haddock. This mau'.s nanuhas never been mentioned yet In connectionwith the alfalr. He will he used as a witnelson thu trial , but at thin time leat trhave his nnmo iiiihllslied lest lit ) vvlll mielwith violence at ihe hands of thu aecnsoilmen , such u the leitrn ol tenoi In this city ,

Theio atu nndoiihtudly a men in SiouxCll.v the miiidei who h.ivn beenaliald to nay a word. Some of theni hawi beetdriven to leave town. Thtniovv witness ie-tn es at present to biy how ho vvlll Identif )thu elergynmn'h assassins , hut tlio infeirniifrom his Mory is that U bo the wealthv-bicvver , AiensduilU-

A Itallroad Plan's Promotion ,

Klohl'K.Jn , , Doc. i-M. ( Spet.lal Telegtan-to the ttKKt I K. ( ' . ( loodrich , hiiperintendcut of the Dubnque & Dakota lailtvay , willheaihiuartors at Wavetly. was to-day ap-pointed general manager of the Keoknk A

Western , vke Jl. K. Clark , ( ( feigned ,

I5li( llnul ,

Ctitovno , Dee. 21. A to tlio InterOcean from Catena , Ilk , gays : Just batondaybreak tn this city this morning buigliutentered tho. juvveliy aUire of Jnllin Krneer.-on

.Main si eet , ana iobt cd the halo of dVJ-

In monp ) and ii,500: .vorth of jewels. l"i-tojhltj oveifinK ° el e toeltl.ur thjcvt'a 0-1inoucity


A Holdrcge Editor Oriticisss n County Of-



nnd is Arrested.




Crete Mntii limits lllnisoir ninl nn-

Overtoil SI nil Use * a KevoherTire at Xvtirnikn-

Cllj. .

An I''tUtor's Tronlile .

Hoi nni'.oi. Neb , Dee 21 tSpecial Tele-gcxin


to llio IUF.j Last week the lloldrego-1'epubllean contained a long m tide eiitlcis-lug I1 ( ' . Punk , a count ) oillcer. I'o tlay-runkswote out a wariant eh itglng M. L.-


hoiuas , pioptletor of Ihe U publlcan , vvlll-tctlmlnal libel , I'lie ttouble arose inIginally11 oni the totint ) punting , the list being.sent to atiothei paper, when the Uepubllcnnand Nugnet hid a joint contract rite townIs excited , both paitles being prominentmen. Thomas appealed of his own volitionbefore the eoiintv jiuUe. without giving thu-ollleet a chanei ) to attest him , ami waivedpicllni.natv. examination and vv.u boundover to the district coiut. .1 II Kl nest , v leepiesldonl of the Commeieial Stiite b.inlr ,sluMted Ins S.VOOO bond. It IH tepoiled that1'unl ; will also sue. fur (10,000 damages

Him Ovei ton I * I'rosnerlni ; .

OMHOS , Xcb. , Dee 'J4 | 8ptvlal to theHi f. | A bilduois being built across thePlattc liver at this point eostlni; SI.0K; ). It-

Is tohi comilcted) rVlmiary 15. This willopen u huge and thrifty settlement to theOvertoil market. In anticipation of the in-


o of trade a bank Is soon to be onenedand other facilities tor business Incieased.The Carr hotel , well known as a model otneatness , comfoit and good living , Is beingmateriallyentamed. Work will commenceon the bank building in a tow days. A Dom ¬

ini; mill Is In contemplation by two differentparties , hula Ihiid pait ) might Mill step Inand takt ) thu cake. A huge amount of wheatIs ahead ) maikeled heio and with the nowbudge the amount vvlll tie nearly doubled thucoming season. Thereaiu gootl oppoitunltleshero now for profitable Investment In bus-iness


Anolhui dry goods sloiu is wanted ,

also a hainess shop and shoe shop. Oveiton-is a new , clean , tinIfty looking town , of en-lorpilslmiand


trtenillv people , und is themaiket town tor a laivu and prospciotistanning community-



' Nfbrnwkn < ' ! M-


: , Neb. , Dec 24. ( Special tele-gram


to the 111i.l This mnining betxveenthe hours of-I and 5 o'clock the brick xvoilcshop connected vvltti the institution Ioi theblind at Nebraska City , caught (lit) In some-way unknown at piesent , and bctoio assis-tance


could be piocnitd vvas entirely con-sumed


witli the entiiu contents , consisting ofstock and tools. Loss ( V-tlinali.'d at S.'i.OQO.

Ills thought that the In sinnice will nearlycover the loss.

Took fliH Own Id Tc-


, .Neb. . Dec. 21. [ Specialto tlie Hiur. ] Fred Hanks , living fourmiles noithwest of Ovoiton. committedsuicide by sliootiiiK himself in the head wllli-a levolvur. He was In middle lite , and leavena wife and live childion. His wife went withhim to Vlum Ctcek yesterday , mid on hisWay home stopped at her father's. On hergoing into tlm IIOIIM ) he wont Into thewanary , vvlicio his body was afterwardfound.

An ItiMiino 1'nticnt Dios.-LINCOI..N


, Xcb. , Dec. 2)) . [ Special Tele-mam

-to the ] ) KK. ] Henry Heinokenlktl-

to tlay at thu hospital for tltu Insane , the firstdeath occurring there since the biennial re-


to the Jcelslatmu was submitted-.llumcker

.was a ittsidunt of Lincoln and his

icm.uns wciubioiightto this clt ) foi binial.-



Can't ICit k Kdllorn-.OsriotA


: , N'eb. , Dec. 24. [Special to thellu : . I John A. Kiawley. wlio assanltetl I.1) . Chamberlain , edltoi of llio Headlight , on-

Monilay last , vvas jestt'rday attested , takenhcforu .Indge bheusluv and placed underbonds to keep the peace-



of u Crete Itnni ,

C'ci TK , N'eb. , Dee 21. [ .Spcolallothu Uir.J.-loo


. Ilibble be an eclebinting the holidayseason Monday motnlng and closed the jubi-lee


suddenly Widnesday night b> hanginghimselt In a woniKlnil , I'eftntt adjustingthe tope bo gave his wile a Chilstmas souve-nir


In the slmiiu ot n black eje. Ho leaves u-

wifoandhve clnlilieii whom he shamefullyabused.

TlicpfirnRknDec. 21. [ Special Telegiam to

the Hi. c.l Hon. 1. .Steiling Motion , whowas In thu city last evening , stiltl toaiep-oiler

-for a local paprt if Sunatoi Van

Wjek vvas ie-elceted it bo done by Insopionenl) , paradoxical as It might seem. Hoexplained this h > saving theio were ttnlliienough conccinlng Vim Wck that mightpi event IIIH election , hut vUiun misiuprcscnt-atlons

-and false nssei lions weie made , nyin-


for the man vvas eteatcd and M-unrcilhelp finm unexpected quaiters ( itivernorMorton said Minor Hind und Di. Millerhad declined they vvoio not candidates , uliilu-

Dnndv enmi ) to tlio ( tout with warmbaekliiL' , so that liom llio mesenl outlook , 11'

ranvck vvas not letuined , Judge Dnmlywas In the lead. ( ioxei not Motion was aslteil11 tlie thimoerats uonld hidil n caucus , andhe said bo would advise such a step. Thedcmociacy , hu thotinht , ought to put up a-

eandid.uu und stick to him to tlm death-.ioveinot

.( Minion vvas asked if hu would be ncandidate , and ho modestly replied thatsomool Ids aiilent ti lends had mttnlloncilhis namu In tins coniu etion , and this was allhe knuw about It.

Tilt : U'liimeyH C'lirlHtiiuis I'ariy.-W


vsiiivorov , Die. 21 Seventy 01 nighty-littlu hoys and gills , niostl ) childicn ol peoplu-Inolllelal life , vuioentul.tlned at a t'htist.-mas

.eve pail ) to-night lij Serrutai ) and Mi K.

Whitney , A huge pine ( 'lit [stums ! n.c , gailyth t oiuted , was set up in the ball loom , nntl-aionnd it tlio ehihlittn danced tor an hour ortwo , ( ! iiit bundles ot prcccntK , piled on thebenches urnnnd the dee , weio dlstiibnleil-iiinong the ehlldien Among Ihe older folkt-ipiesent vveru MLS , Kndictdt nnd Mi.s. Vilnn,and a large numbei ol MMiatorhiindillplomaiHwith thelilfs. . Mis. Clmi'land ami Mis.-1'olsom

., with littln MNs Ma ) Cadman , weiu-

expteted , but didn't come.

Tlm-I'llil.AHCi.i'liiA , Dec, 21. The oxccnllvo

committee of tlio leoiganUition tnibtees of-

tliu Heading lailroad eumpany has deter-mined


to Issue Us advertisement on Monilaynext call 1114 fora deposit of heeuiltlcs underthe plan within d lys. The only chanuo-in thu scheme tioin vvlmt has jilrc.idybeen publMied Is the piuviso that in Ihoevent ot the Withdiawiil ot th" ueneial mort-gatro

-bonds ultei ttiitii dcpoilt , thu expenses

shall not exceed Sa pei bund ,

A not her Cuiitleiiiiicil.-WASIIIMUON


, Dee. ti' . The naval boardof Inspection vvbieii Mirvccd the I'nlteil-btatcs

'steamei Tennus'.eo him it-ported to the

navy tlepaitmont lliut the vessel cannot betrepiircd within ( lie.sta > limit ol 0 pere."ntand will have to bu coiidemtiid 'llioTennessee will piobnuly bo n-td as a 10-


ship in the place of the .MlniU'&ut-



: iiiid lui-.i ;

For Nebuska ami lovvu , 'snow , stationai ) tcmpuratiii-

eI'llinU to wiyl WHS ninlid liJlidjioM ( lillneh j ( sH'ril v to John 1' . K11 und

A'nuU1 Udiiiiutil , butli ut Oiuubu.
