The Olive Press


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Dear Friends of Olivet,

The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee service is one of

the ministries of our church body, the ELCA, which has

been working for generations (more than 70 years) to advo-

cate for those displaced by war, tyranny, oppression, pov-

erty, and persecution. Here is a recent statement from them

regarding the latest global refugee and immigration crisis:

The conflict in Syria has caused one of the largest

refugee exoduses in recent history and has forced

more than 4 million people, more than half of whom

are children, to flee their homes in search of safety.

In addition, widespread human rights violations per-

petrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

(ISIL or ISIS) have left more than 10 million people

in need of humanitarian assistance and protection

within Syria and in surrounding countries. Our faith

compels us to care for those in need, including our

brothers and sisters fleeing persecution in Syria.

The wonderful thing about our ministry through the ELCA

is that we quietly and carefully work over decades and gen-

erations to do our ministry, build relationships, and provide

support. When a crisis such as those in Syria and North Af-

rica arise, we do not respond in a knee jerk, reactive way,

which can cause more harm than good. We rely on our ex-

perience, on our confidence of governments and non-

governmental agencies, and on the generosity of people of

faith and good-will throughout the world to provide conti-

nuity of care. Leaders listen to us because they know of our

quiet, persistent work which is faith-based to be sure, but

which is not flashy or grandstanding, just faithful.

(Continued on page 2)

October/November 2015

Pr. Nate

Page 1–2

Council Notes

Page 4

Advent by Candlelight Event

Page 5

Music Notes

Page 7 & 10

Faith Formation

Page 8-9

Calendars-see insert—or

Trunk or Treat/

Christmas Shoeboxes

Page 10

Daily Bread-Thanksgiving

Page 12

College Student Support/

Giving Tree programs

Page 13

We Remember in Prayer

Page 14


Page 15

Our Mission

Gathering and

Equipping People to

Serve God by

Making Christ Known.

The Olive Press The Monthly Newsletter of

Olivet Lutheran Church

Sylvania, OH


Page 2 The Olive Press

Pastoral Acts-September


Olivia Barber Leona DeBrincat

Jack Hartwig Emaline Hobbs

Mason Lane Matyi


Lauren Hehl & Jeremiah Kollar

Jacob Wilson & Jennifer Martinez

In partnership with Lutheran congregations and Lu-

theran social ministry organizations, Lutheran Immi-

gration and Refugee Service has welcomed more than

379,000 refugees to the United States since 1939.

This ongoing partnership and work is driven by God’s

love for all people and a vision for congregations to

be welcoming and generous centers for mission and


There are many such organizations within the family of the

ELCA which quietly take on some of the world’s greatest

challenges: Lutheran World Relief, The Lutheran Domestic

Disaster Relief Fund, Lutheran Social Services, and others.

Thanks be to God for these partners in ministry. You may

learn more through the ELCA website at

Blessings to you and all those you love.

Pastor Nate

(Continued from page 1)

2015 Congregational Council

President Mark Frye V. President Ron Clark Secretary Laura Scherer Treasurer Barry Shaner Financial Secretary Mike Vince Members Mike Cook Linda Ewing Linda Gubbe Fred Heintz Deb Shock Rinda Holshoe Shari Pierce Rick Stader John Mangas Youth Members Elizabeth Shaner Maya Tuff Interim Lead Pastor

Nathan J. Tuff

Director of Faith Formation Donna Mens Director of Operations Shannon Walker

Olivet’s sister congregation, Salem Lutheran

Church in city center Toledo, has been burglar-

ized several times in the last few weeks. They

have incurred significant losses even as they

welcome a new pastor to the ministry.

On Sunday, October 25 at

both services we will hold

a special Noisy Offering

in support of the Salem

community. Please save

your coins and help make

it an especially noisy Sunday at Olivet!

New Members

Vicki Haas Dave Jex

Beth Needles Pat Simpson

Marvin Stephenson Pam Stover

The Olive Press Page 3


Confirmation Eleven young people have been

preparing to affirm their faith in

God, the Father, Son and Holy

Spirit. On Reformation Sunday,

October 25, we will celebrate

the Affirmation of Baptism at

the 9:00 service, at which time the students

will share a confirmation verse and its mean-

ing for their life.

Parents and baptismal sponsors will share in

the laying on of hands and prayers for them.

A reception in their honor will follow the

service. This is an important time for these

young people – a time for all of us to support

them with our prayers and presence at wor-


Please pray for these young people—that

they may be a shining light for God wher-

ever they go.

We thank God for their dedicated leaders:

Melissa Metzger, Kelly Schroder, Mike

Shock and Matt Schroder

William Biggs, IV

Chase Brahaney

Andrew Crooks

Claire Irwin

Mariah Lashley

Cole Marciniak

Kayla Metzger

Jacob Nelson

Olivia Niedermier

Molly Schroder

Nathan Schultz

On All Saints Sunday, our Oli-

vet faith community will remem-

ber its members and friends who

walked by faith among us and en-

tered the fullness of the reign of

God since last All Saints Day. We

will light a candle and toll a bell for each mem-

ber who has died and each non-member for

whom Olivet pastors conducted funeral or me-

morial services. Then we will light one more

candle to represent the extended family mem-

bers and friends of our members who have died (as of September 28).

The following will be commemorated by name:

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

Psalm 116:15

Looking ahead to:

Olivet will offer three services:

4:00, 7:00 and 9:30 p.m.


Bring a bag of non-

perishable food to be

blessed during worship.

Celebrate the many blessings bestowed on us

by sharing food with our neighbors in need.

These donations will help stock Olivet’s Food

Pantry which is open from 9:00-2:00 Monday,

Wednesday and Friday all year ‘round. Olivet

serves 250 families PER MONTH.

Please bring canned veggies and fruit, pasta,

pasta sauce, cereal, pancake mix, syrup, soup,

vegetables, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, or any


God has blessed us so that we may be a

blessing to others.

Leota "Billie" Gors

Helen Parks

Hazel Tremblay

Shirley Bernoltz

Patsy Carter

William Miller

Betty Lou Hodge

Edward Savolaine

Violet Pautz

Delores Turski

James Kinner

Betty Huber

At the September meeting, the Olivet Church

Council approved hiring Associate in Minis-

try Laura Scherer, a member of Olivet, to

serve the community of Olivet part time in an

interim capacity.

We are grateful for her willingness to minis-

ter in this way until we either receive the as-

signment of an interim pastor, or bring our

pastoral staff to its full compliment.

May God bless Laura’s ministry among us.


Page 4 The Olive Press

In October, we will have two guests with us for Sunday worship. On October 11, we will welcome Heidi Gillen-

water, who works in ministry with Redeemer Lu-theran Church. She is involved not only at Re-deemer, but in many efforts synod-wide as well. On October 18, we will enjoy the presence of Amy Hartman, national director of Cherish All Children. She will be spending a week in NW Ohio, working with congre-gations and pastors. Amy will also meet with our Olivet Cher-ish All Children team.

Come and bring your friends to New Life!

10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. in the CLC

Wednesday, October 14 Bob Moyers, “Mr. Happy,” will talk on

“Being Happy is a Choice.” Fred Sand-mann and friend will bring happy music!

Wednesday, November 11 Sheila Johnson will demonstrate ways to relieve stress through relaxation and breathing tech-niques. The children from OCNS will entertain us with their singing.

We will enjoy a delicious lunch at noon. Please call the office for lunch reservations

by the Monday before the meeting. Suggested donation: $5.00

Salem Lutheran Church, Toledo, has been robbed

four times since Labor Day. Michael Hanck has

been the pastor at Salem Lutheran Church for

three days. Being new on the job is never easy,

but even more so when there are four break-ins in

just a matter of days.

“It's just startling. Startling to see somebody rob-

bing a church so frequently, so boldly, but I'll

continue praying for them,” said Pastor Hanck.

“Today is the first day I've come in and we

haven't been robbed over night and I'm grate-

ful for that. It's been challenging in that way.”

The urgent need is replenishment of health and

hygiene supplies: shampoo, tooth paste, body

soap and cream, razors and shaving cream, toilet

paper, dish soap, laundry soap.

Someone is at the church 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,

Monday through Thursday. If you deliver these

supplies, please call first: 419-243-2345. Dona-

tions are received at the first house north of the

church building. Thank you, in advance, for com-

ing to Salem's aid in this time of loss for their


Please send any address or phone

changes to the office for inclusion

in our new directory by Oct. 7.

Many people are dropping land

lines, so please make sure Olivet

has all your current contact infor-

mation, including email addresses.

Call 419-882-2077. Thank you!

Page 5 The Olive Press


3rd annual

Advent by Candlelight Thursday, December 3

7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

You are cordially invited to join other women

for an evening of music, meditation and fellowship

in preparation for Christmas.

Sign-up sheets will be posted in November so that we can plan


This is a worship experience you won’t want to miss!

Invite your friends to attend this most meaningful

service with you. Enjoy fellowship time in the CLC

afterwards in a beautifully decorated setting.

On the eve of All Saints’ Day, October 31,

1517, a young Roman Catholic priest named

Martin Luther posted on the door of Castle

Church in Wittenberg, Germany, a list of 95

theses, or statements, and requested a meeting

of the church leaders to discuss and debate the

substance of these 95 theses concerning church

practices. Luther desired that the church would

reform its practices to be more in keeping with

the Word of God as contained in the Bible.

What started as an academic debate – mostly

over the selling of indulgences and the grace

of God – touched off a chain reaction that re-

sulted in the events that we now call the Prot-

estant Reformation. Luther had no idea what

changes this simple act would bring upon the

church—today, there are 104 million people

worldwide who consider themselves Luther-

ans, according to the Lutheran World Founda-


So, why do we wear RED clothing on Refor-

mation Sunday? We invite everyone to wear

the liturgical color RED, on October 25, be-

cause RED represents the Holy Spirit.

Luther believed that the Reformation was a

direct result of the Holy Spirit moving him and

others to action. This day is a celebration of

the Holy Spirit that continues to move us to-

ward the grace and mercy of God even today.


The Olive Press Page 6


November 25

6:45 p.m.


The Northwestern Ohio Synod invites and en-courages you to attend the Bishop's Fall Con-ference Meeting which will be coming up in September, October and November. Our Gos-pel Response theme, "Expect to be Surprised" states, "Because our God is the God of sur-prises, who brings life out of death and hope out of despair in Jesus' resurrection, we will anticipate with joy the new things that God is doing among us and through us as signs of and participants in the in-breaking reign of God in Christ Jesus. (Isaiah 43:18-19; Mat-thew 28:1-10; Revelation 21:5). We invite you to meditate and reflect on this theme, as well as on your own call to leadership, in prepara-tion for this meeting.” For our worship and conversation we are us-ing a model called "Dinner Church." We invite

all rostered leaders along with their congrega-tional leaders and council members to join us for this meal, patterned after those shared by Christians in the first few centuries! In addition, we are requesting that each congregation in-tentionally bring two teens (ages 13-18) and two young adults (ages 19-29). The input of our young people is essential as we engage in a prayerful consideration of leadership. Because our conversation will include matters related to the leadership needs of the synod, particularly in anticipation of the election of a bishop at our May 19-21 Synod Assembly, we encourage those who may be selected as the congregation's Voting Members to be in attendance in addition to other congregational leadership. The Toledo area conference will be held Thursday, October 8 from 1:00-8:00 p.m. at Zoar Lutheran, Perrysburg. Please contact Ron Clark if you are interested in attending.

2015 Fall Conference: Expect to be Surprised: Our Call to Leadership

OCTOBER 8, 2015

Jubilee and


Handbell Choirs

We are excited about having

Shawn Gannon back in Jubi-

lee. He’s a wonderful addi-

tion to our group.

We have beautiful music for

our congregation and are look-

ing forward to a great year.

Mark your calendars to our

concerts for the year. Invite

your friends and family.

Sunday, December 6, 2015 –

7:00 p.m. – Rejoice & Jubilee

at Olivet – in the sanctuary

(dinner prior to the concert)

Friday, December 11, 2015

– 7:00 p.m. – Rejoice in the

Great Gallery at the Toledo

Museum of Art

Sunday, May 1, 2016 – 7:00

p.m. – Rejoice & Jubilee with

the Olivet choir – Olivet Sanc-


We are all excited about an-

other year with awesome mu-

sic to enhance our worship


God bless you all for your tre-

mendous support for our 31st

year of ringing!

Carol Miller, Director

419-882-6254 home

419-882-0080 work

419-283-1895 cell

Email: carolamil-


The Olive Press Page 7

Do You Ever Wonder:

“How Can I Serve the Lord?”

You can join with others in lifting your

voice to praise our King in choir! You

don’t have to be a soloist to offer your gift

to God.

Steve Hodge, Olivet’s Adult Choir director

for 23+ years welcomes you to join the


Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 7:30 in the

choir room. Come and surprise everybody!

Exciting news about Olivet Choir! Hint: wheels are involved! See page 10.

Olivet offers a


worship ser-

vice each week

at 11:00 and

welcomes all!

There are many ways you

can get involved with this

ministry! Do you…

- like to sing?

- play an instrument?

- enjoy meeting people?

- have an interest or know-

how in technology

(sound, powerpoint, etc.)

- like to help out?

We can use you!!

If you are interested in being

part of this ministry, please

don't hesitate to contact Ann

Augustin, D’Vine praise

band director, at 419-350-

3846 or OboeAnn73@

The Olive Press Page 8


November 15

We will meet at 10:10 a.m. in the Library for instruction on the Lutheran sacrament of baptism (mandatory prior to

Baptism). Only one parent needs to attend. Please call the office—419-882-2077 to let us know you will be there, or to schedule a baptism.

We Love Our Children at

Olivet Lutheran Church!

Families worshipping together is

such a wonderful sight to see. We

want to do everything possible to

make everyone’s worship experi-

ence the best it can be.

Because SPARK and Club 345 is open

to all children ages 3 through 5th grade, and

the nursery is available for children through age 2,

we will be removing the quiet play area in the

back of the CLC.

Quiet play bags are being revamped and will be

provided in the CLC as well as in the sanctuary,

along with coloring and activity pages that pertain

to the story of the day. For families who prefer to

have their children remain with them in worship, this

will still provide something for the children to do

(and hopefully learn a little something from), but

also allow them to remain with their families instead

of being back in the corner of the room.

Please see Donna Mens with any feedback you

may have about this change.

SPARK (ages 3-2nd grade) and Club 345 (children

in grades 3, 4, & 5) meet during both worship ser-

vices. Children begin worship with their parents,

then are dismissed to class. They return in time to

receive Communion with their families.

Come to Sunday School and

First Communion


For Children and


Saturday, October 10, 9–11 a.m. in the Atrium

Children who are ready for instruction to receive

their First Holy Communion (no age limit) are invited

to come, along with their parents, to this workshop

led by Pastor Nate Tuff.

A special blessing will be offered for the children at

both the 9:00 and 11:00 worship services the next

day, Sunday, Oct. 11 as they come up to receive

their First Communion with their families.

Please call Donna Mens at 419-882-2077 if your

family plans to participate.

You are encouraged

to join one of these

groups to strengthen

your faith—and


Women's Bible Study—Tuesdays at

9:30 a.m. in the Teen Room

We welcome all women to join us for an hour

of reading and studying the book of Psalms.

Call Carol Leupp with any questions: 419-


Men’s Bible Study—Wednesdays at

6:30 a.m. in the CLC

Donuts and coffee provided. Topic: Generos-

ity: What does Jesus say about money???

Great conversation can be expected. Contact

Fred Heintz at 419-367-1255 with any ques-


Parables at Panera—Tuesdays at

6:30 a.m. at Panera on Talmadge Rd.

Reading scripture, making life applications

and praying together. Come join us!

“Essentials” Discussion—10:10 a.m.

in the Adult Ed. Room

Discussion on “Essentials of New Testament

Christianity - Father, Son and the Kingdom of

God” led by Bob Mens


The Olive Press Page 9

Advent Festival November 22 ~ 9:00-12:00

in the Atrium

Children of all ages – celebrate the start

of the Advent season!

Arts, crafts, seasonal devotionals and

ideas for “gift-giving that makes a differ-

ence” will be on display!

If you’d like to help by planning – or man-

ning – a table that morning, please con-

tact Donna Mens.

This annual event is a great way to

start the Christmas season!

Hey Senior High Students!

Let’s Re-Connect!

Let’s get together for lunch, discussion and

fun! We’ll meet with Pastor Nate on the

following Sundays in the Teen Room after

the Vine service until 1:30 p.m.:

Invite your friends – and if you know any

2015 high school grads in the area, bring

them along too!

Join us! It’s going to be electric!!

October 11

October 25

November 8

November 29

December 6

December 20

Fall Camp Out at

Lutheran Memorial


in Fulton, Ohio

Who: High School Youth (9-12th grade)

and their leaders

What: Fall Campout

When: Oct. 30, 5 p.m. – Nov. 1, Noon

Where: Lutheran Memorial Camp

Why: To gather all high school youth in the

Northwest Ohio Synod and their leaders

for a weekend of spiritual renewal,

fellowship, fun, service, and nature!

Cost: $50 per person

Registration Deadline: October 16, 2015.

See Donna Mens to add your name to the list!

Junior and Senior High Students!

We’re going to the Corn Maze at

Wheeler Farms in Whitehouse, Ohio

Saturday, October 17

Meet at church at

3:00 p.m.

Bring $8 for the corn

maze, extra $$ for

pizza, and your


Please RSVP to Donna Mens so there

will be enough drivers!

Purchase your Christmas gifts at the Advent

Festival on Nov. 22 from 9:00-12. Beautifully

handmade items from around the world are

available. When you purchase these items, you

are making a huge difference in the lives of

those who made them.

The Olive Press Page 10


We are happy to again partici-

pate in Operation Christmas

Child. The people of Olivet

have always been so generous

in filling shoeboxes with small

gifts and treats for children

around the world. You are invited to fill a shoe-

box with Christmas goodies to be collected by

November 8.

Please look for fliers containing instructions on

how to fill a box at each of the church entrances.

$7.00 per box is requested for the shipping fee.

Thank you so much for taking part in this pro-

gram that brings joy to the givers as well as the

children who receive the boxes.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

3:00-4:30 p.m.

in Olivet’s Parking Lot Open to the public, so bring all the little

ghosts, goblins and princesses you know!

We’ll be needing volunteers for the day as

well as candy donations. Sign up sheets are

available on Sundays—or call Jill Hepner.


Saturday, October 17 8:00-2:00 p.m.

Sylvania United Church of Christ 7240 Erie St., Sylvania


Friday, October 23 10:00-3:00 p.m.

Lunch $8.00 served 11:30-1:00 p.m. Sylvania United Church of Christ

7240 Erie St., Sylvania


a 3-Week Seminar to help you talk with people experiencing difficulties.

Tuesdays: Oct. 13, 20, 27 5:00-7:00—light supper provided

Glenwood Lutheran Church 2545 Monroe Street, Toledo-Call 419-255-0886

Olivet Choir Takes to the Road!

Exciting news! Olivet Choir will be sharing their Christmas cantata, Let There be Christmas, by Jo-seph M. Martin, with the church at Lake Ann, Michi-gan, where Pr. Chrysanne Timm is pastor. The choir will take a 52-seat Greyhound bus, leaving Olivet Saturday, December 12, and returning the evening of December 13. The choir and those trav-eling with them will be hosted by Lake Ann church members, or may choose to stay at a local motel. This is a Thrivent-sponsored trip, but we need to raise additional funds. Olivet members and friends who would like to donate towards this trip may make checks to Olivet with the note: choir bus trip. If you would like to go with the choir, there may be extra room on the bus. Please notify Laura Scherer by November 8.

Lake Ann or Bust!

Six young adults arrived in

Toledo a few weeks ago to live,

study, pray, worship, provide

service to the needy and many

other exciting things. Septem-

ber's focus was Freedom and they took a wil-

derness retreat and did a media fast. They

range from 18-22 years of age and are from

five states. Olivet's own Elizabeth Clark is one

of the ALT participants. They are living at the

Commodore Perry apartments in downtown

Toledo until late May 2016. St. Paul's Lu-

theran Church called Pastor Melissa Micham

to be the ALT Toledo site director.

Here are ways you can get involved and help

out these next nine months. If you are able to

help, contact Susan Santoro, ALT Toledo

Leadership Team Hospitality Working Group,

at 419-344-7071 or

Pray for the young adults and leaders.

Food Fellowship Host Substitutes—

Provide meals for the young adults at St

Paul’s, Commodore Perry or other location

once a month. Pair up with a ministry team

or invite friends to help. Make this a fun

opportunity with more folks involved.

Gently used bicycles and bike helmets

Gently used vacuum cleaner

Drivers are needed to go to various loca-

tions around the city.

Financial contributions. Support our

ministry by making out a check to “ALT

Year – Toledo.” Please send it to: ALT

Year, 428 N. Erie Street, Toledo, OH


Check us out on Social Media! Like us on Face

book and read about the latest updates! https://

We’re on Twitter too!


The Olive Press Page 11


Scrapbooking Fundraiser

Saturday, October 24 8:00-6:00 in Olivet’s CLC

Please pick up a registration form

in the office if you or any of your

friends are interested. Only $25!

Includes breakfast, lunch and lots of fun.

Donations of food or cash are requested for this

event. Please see the Opportunity Form or you

may place your donations in an envelope marked

“Scrapbooking.” THANKS!

We frequently run low on

canned vegetables and fruit.

When you shop, could you look

for a bargain and bring these

items into the Food Pantry? That

would help a great deal :)

Santa’s Glass


with Ann Hymel

Friday, Nov. 20

6:30-9:30 p.m.

Join us at Olivet and get creative for the holidays. Projects are fun for beginners and there are new sur-prises for those who have done glass before. You will have your choice of projects—create as many as you like in three hours.

Prices include all the glass, firing and finishing. Choices include:

Two (2) Christmas ornaments—$20.

5”x5” Christmas plate—$20.

Four (4) coasters—$35.

7”x15” Christmas server—$45.

Any combination of rings, necklaces and ear-rings—2 for $25. (a pair of earrings count as one piece

Holiday night light—$18.

Sign up ASAP on the bulletin board outside Donna Mens’ office. 35 spots available.

The Olive Press Page 12


Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry Team will meet in the Atrium on Monday, Oct. 12 and Monday, Nov. 9 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Please bring a pair

of sharp scissors to cut fringe on hats. We wel-come all to help in this project.

We will meet in the Atrium on Monday, No-vember 9 from 7- 8 p.m. We welcome every-one who would like to knit or crochet prayer shawls so we can continue to minister to those who would be comforted by a prayer shawl. Shawls are available through the church office and are available after services on the second Sunday of the month.

Caps and Mittens for Children

In November, members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry group will be making a trip to Rosary Cathedral School to deliver the 240 handmade hats plus mittens or gloves sets to the children before the holidays.




OCNS staff and students are pleased to be

back at Olivet for another year of preschool!

We are excited to welcome Kristin Rozek to our

staff teaching in the preschool 1 Green Room.

The children are becoming more comfortable

at school and are adjusting to school routines

and rules as they learn and play!

We have many fun and exciting events planned

for the fall:

- Oct. 1 and 2-We held our 3rd annual Move-

A-Thon Fundraiser

- Sunday, Oct. 11-Families will enjoy an eve-

ning of fun at our Fall Family Social.

- Oct. 18- We will march in the Sylvania Fall


Please contact Jennifer Crooks, Director, if you

have any questions about OCNS: 419-882-4616,

Here are some interesting

statistics for the past year:

DB served 5800

meals, averaging 116

per week.

DB had 4650 guests,

averaging 93 each


DB had an average of 23 volunteers each

week, totaling 2500 hours of volunteering.

Thanks to all of the volunteers who give their

time and talents to Daily Bread!

Daily Bread's 6th Anniversary was September 9,

and was celebrated on the 16th with many special


Chef Holly and volunteers served a delicious

meal of roasted pork loin and many delicious

side dishes to 155 guests.

We served anniversary cake and ice cream af-

ter the meal, all funded by Thrivent Financial

for Lutherans.

Gallon bags with personal care products were

given to each guest with the remaining bags

going to Salem Lutheran Church. Olivet mem-

bers donated travel size toiletries and tooth-

paste, and area dentist, Dr. Ted Beitelschees,

provided tooth brushes engraved “Daily Bread

6th Anniversary.”

Sylvania Town Crier, Mike Lieber, presented a

proclamation in honor of the anniversary.

Thanksgiving dinner will

be served on November

18. Please mark your calen-

dars now. We will need

donations of food and

small loaves of pumpkin

bread (size that will fit in

quart bags) to give to our

guests as a Thanksgiving

gift. If you want to make some loaves now and

freeze them, that would be great. We will need ex-

tra volunteers, too. Keep your eye on the Olive

Branch and opportunity forms.

Daily Bread

College Student Support Ministry

ATTENTION: College Student Parents!

Be on the lookout for a mailing coming

your way. The College Ministry Team is

looking for your student’s address.

PLEASE bring it to the church office no

later than October 9. You wouldn't want

your student to miss out on their box of Sunshine!!

Contact Judi Clark for more information: or 419-309-3814


The College Student Ministry Team

is in need of delicious baked goods

to send in a box of SUNSHINE to

our Olivet college students. If you

are not a baker but would like to help, a donation of

candy or other treats would be nice. (NO gum,

PLEASE!) All items need to be at the church office no

later than November 8.

How much to bake, you may ask? I would answer... 3

dozen please... then I would

Let's send a nice box of SUNSHINE

to our Olivet college students!

With Love,

Judi Clark

The Olive Press Page 13

Serve We will have the trees up by

November 29. Please take a

look at the different paper

ornaments — personalized

gift, store gift certificate, and

grocery store gift card — and

take one or two of these with

you when you go Christmas

shopping. The gifts are due December 13.

Non-perishable food items are also needed for

our Christmas baskets.

Collecting food could be a

fun way for your organiza-

tion or office to help.

Please call the church of-

fice if you have large

quantities of food to bring


If your group or office wants to adopt a fam-

ily, please let us know before Nov. 25. You

may contact the office or Deb Shock to help


If you enjoy coffee on Sun-

day mornings, please volun-

teer to help make it. If enough

people step up, the job will be

lighter for all. Please call

Chrisann Shaner and say you

can help. It’s easy! 419-882-2077.


The Impact of Marijuana Legalization in Ohio Issue 3: Proposed constitutional amendment granting exclusive

rights to cultivate, market, and sell recreational and medical mari-juana to a few select corporations and to allow all Ohio adults over

21 to grow and use marijuana.

Monday, October 12 ~ 7:00-8:15 p.m. Olivet’s Christian Life Center

Speaker: Tony Coder, Drug Free Action Alliance What are the health impacts on young people?

What will our community look like if this law is passed?

What will businesses need to think about?

Sponsored by S.C.A.T. Free and open to the public.

Prayers of the Church

Good and Gracious God, we give

you thanks for those who will be

Affirming their Baptismal Cove-

nants. Bless them as they continue

on in their journey of faith. Help us

as a congregation to support them

in this journey as they seek to be

the people you have called them to

be and serve in the places you have

called them to serve. In the name of

Jesus, Amen.

God, we give you thanks for Martin

Luther. May we today seek to be a

church that is ever reforming. May

we not be afraid of change and

what it brings. You hold all things

in your hands. Give us the courage

to change things that need to be

changed. Continue to shape us into

your people. Amen

For all the Saints who from their

labors rest, we give you thanks for

their witness in our lives, O Lord.

You, Lord, were their fortress and

their might. You, O Lord, their cap-

tain in the well fought fight. Thank

you for their lives of faith and the

indelible marks they have left on

our lives. We sing praise to Father,

Son and Holy Spirit. Alleluia!


Lord of the harvest, for the bounty

of field, stream, forest and meadow,

we give you thanks. We give you

thanks for your watch over us and

your provision for us. Help us to be

ever mindful of those who do not

have food and water. Help us to

share from our bounty. You are the

God of all. Help us to be careful

stewards of the earth you spoke into

being. As we celebrate with food

and family, may we make room for

you. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

The Olive Press Page 14

For those who are/were hospitalized/anticipating surgery/procedures: Millie Page, Joann

Wobser, Carol Borton.

For those grieving: Bev and Gary Blakeman at the death of Bev’s mom, Ruth Kurtz; Brittany &

Heather at the death of their child.

For those in assisted living, extended care, or rehabilitation settings: Mary Kruse at Arbors of Sylvania; Char-

lotte Shaffer and Ginny Valo at Sunset Village; Lucille Gee, Harry & Doris Fry at Oak Leaf Village; Sharon Robi-

son at Comfort Care/Lake Park; Patty Cross at West Park Place; Ruth Arnold, Neil Helman, Mary McMacken, Lea

Rawson and Evelyn Wisnofske at Kingston Residence - Sylvania.

For those who have requested prayers because of illness or recovery from injury or surgery: Joe & Pat

Rober, Denise Hentges, David Jamison, Patty and Art Cross, Jack Ware, Bill Willis, Cullen O’Conner, Evelyn

Fasnaugh, Gladys Mens, Donna Reynolds, John Fallis, Diane Enders, Pr. Jim & Karen Wicker, Phyllis Ruff,

Randy Feeback, Rita Kerstiens, Tanya Rowe, Adah Hanneman, Pat Murnen, Katie Goodman, Andy Quiroga,

Leroy "Buzz" Mercer, Colleen Ball, Shari Pierce, Chris Jacobs, Martin Gore, Mindy (Kahl) Bahloff, Debbie Der-

rick, Michelle Amlin, Amy Hench, Robert Blazoff, Tom Althoff, Pr. Glen Stadler, Kathy Bolger, Terri Saenz,

Harry Schaaf, Jeff Householder, Jim Muir, Amy Brock, Amy Sarantou, Dick Timm, Kathie Nielson, Mary Beth

Headman, Carolyn Fath, Valory Newton, Penny Witt, Joyce Fink, Sharon Davis, Judi Paul, Kelsey Ball, Lorece

Brown, Bill Holtfreter, Dora Booher, Bob & Dorothy Fuller, Rollie Pierce, Jenn Wenzke, Donald Barnhizer, Dick

Scherer, Rick Lovett, Jane Klenk, Rick Disher, Martha Cox, Doris Shull, Charlotte Shaffer, Ron and Mary Lou

Gabel, Jim Bayes.

For those in the military: Allan Washing, Michael Ferguson, Christian Eggers, Lyle Weaver, Jarrod Konz, Rob

Kaiser, Chris Hess, Ben Snider, Scot Noss, Kurt Budde, Matt & Michael Nissen, Steve Niederriter, David

Kristynik, Kris Taberner, Sarah Reynolds, Wesley Bockert, Blair Didion, Mat Barger, Steven Elias, Steve

Roshong, Kevin Kahl, Steve Mischo, Skip Edwards, Ryan Morales.

For our bishop: Bishop Marcus Lohrmann & ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton.

For Olivet members in the candidacy process: Todd Milner, on his two-year internship at Zoar Lutheran

Church, Perrysburg; Elizabeth Clark, Nicholas Schmidlin and others discerning a call to be pastors

For Olivet’s local mission partners and international missionaries: Abundant Life Together – the Living/

Learning Community for young adults and Redeemer Lutheran Church; Revs. Christa Von Zychlin and Wayne

Nieminen, serving in Hong Kong.

Please let us know if there are names on this list that may be removed.


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Sylvania, Oh

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Olivet Lutheran Church

5840 Monroe Street Sylvania, OH 43560 Return service requested

October 11 Bring your gifts of non-perishable

food items to Worship for

Olivet’s Food Pantry.

October 25


Olivet’s Parking Lot

November 25

6:45 p.m. - Sanctuary

(no Daily Bread)

Church Office

419-882-2077 (FAX: 419-824-0213) hours: 8:00-4:30




Nathan J. Tuff, Interim Lead Pastor

Laura Scherer, Assistant in Ministry

Donna Mens, Director of Faith Formation

Director of Operations

Shannon Walker,

Sunday Worship Services

9:00 a.m.—Traditional

Rich liturgy and beautiful choral offerings bring God's gifts of Word and Sacrament to all who appreci-ate a traditional worship service.

11:00 a.m.—The Vine

Our contemporary worship ser-vice—connecting you with God and God’s people, engaging your eyes, ears, mind and heart—CLC

9:00 and 11:00 a.m.—

Children’s Ministry

SPARK! (ages 3-2nd grade) and Club 345 (kids in grades 3,4 & 5)

Sunday Nursery (year-round)

8:45—noon Infants—2 yrs.

Wednesday Worship

6:45 p.m.—Word and Holy

Communion—Weber Chapel
