The Official Newsletter of the Filipino Cursillo Community ... · and short program of songs,...


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In This Issue

Various Personal Experiences on

Grand Ultreya

A Very Detailed Report on Grand Ultreya

Pictures on Grand Ultreya hosted by the Filipino Cursillos In Christianity of the

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Points to Ponder & Verses to Live By

Be a Friend . . . to Find a Friend . . .

From the Editor’s Desk


An Article from Past Editor

Pictures on FCC Picnic

Save the Dates

Information on Cursillo # 94

Grand Ultreya 2016….from the Eyes of an Attendee By: Sis Elisa Urbano

The love poured by the Grand Ultreya team was immediately evident in the bus seat assignments. We prayed the Rosary before breakfast. Snacks were continuously served. We entertained ourselves with jokes. I made a mistake volunteering a few. After the laughter subsided, I got a second name.. Sister Dionisia! Everybody played bingo. Prizes were raffled off. Winners and losers enjoyed both games. We visited Father Jose Arong’s grave in San Fernando Valley cemetery with flowers and candles. Under the searing heat of the sun, we all prayed and sang songs. I missed Fr. Joe. After hotel check-in, we proceeded to St. Bernardine Hall for fellowship dinner. The LA Cursillistas welcomed us with abrazos

The Official Newsletter of the Filipino Cursillo Community Diocese of Oakland

Editor: Vic Ramos Volume 2 Seventh Issue Email: SPECIAL EDITION (FY 2015-2016) Webmaster: Inez Albores September 2016 Website:



and short program of songs, dances and jokes. Next morning, we had hotel “grab-n-go brown bag” breakfast and headed back to the hall. The modest hall was transformed into magical place of colorful balloons. It looked so elegant with attendees wearing colorful Filipino attires. It was a happy place of smiling Cursillistas! Sumptuous Filipino breakfast! Program started at 9AM with prayers and singing. The Holy Spirit is alive in everyone! Lay speakers from San Bernardino, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland echoed their experiences as Cursillistas. At 11:30AM, Holy Mass was celebrated in the church. Lunch was immediately served, followed by fiesta celebration. Our 57 member Oakland team rendition of “God’s the One that You Want” tune from Grease, led by “Sister Gid Travolta”, was a hit. Everybody got up and flapped their “wings” to join our “Chicken Dance”. Sadly we left early and missed the remaining performances. Homeward bound, we prayed the Rosary in thanksgiving. Snacks/hot dinner were served. Sleep laid everybody to rest. Our two day experiences could not be possible without the tireless dedication of our coordinators. God bless you Sisters! Thank you for a memorable experience.

Point to Ponder . . .

Being too comfortable, too often, makes us

weak in mind, body and spirit.

Verse to Live By:

“If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny

himself and take up his cross and follow me”.

Matthew 16:24

Grand Ultreya – More than Worth the Trip! By: Dcn. Steve Budnik

Along with 54 other members of the Filipino Cursillo Community of the Diocese I was blessed to attend the Filipino Language Service Team Region XI Grand Ultreya on August 20, 2016. The Dioceses of Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and San Diego were represented. Forty Seven of us traveled to the event in a bus arranged by Sis. Shiela Ulgado. I’m not sure what was the most fun – the Grand Ultreya or the adventure of traveling with my FCC brothers and sisters by chartered bus. The bus trip included Las Vegas quality comedians, the excitement of high stakes bingo, and of course group singing and non-stop eating. Hats off to all who did an outstanding job of preparing this FCC excursion. Sign me and Sis. Corrie up for your next trip. The Grand Ultreya had much to offer; not the least of which was the wonderful hospitality shown by the Filipino Cursilistas of the host Archdiocese of Los Angeles. They provided a warm welcome, a hot meal, and praise and worship music on Friday evening (the evening before the main event) to those traveling long distances. The main event on Saturday included (just like the bus ride down) Las Vegas quality comedy in the person of the emcee. There was first rate inspirational entertainment from the band who beautifully played and sang music with a lively charismatic heritage. Of course



there was Mass where we encountered Christ in Word and Sacrament. There was time for group sharing and fellowship. For me it was great to reconnect to members of other Diocese who I have come to know through my years of living Cursillo in Region XI. After a great lunch we witnessed outstanding entertainment by several of the attending Dioceses. Those of us attending from the Diocese of Oakland performed a beautiful song borrowed from the musical Grease using lyrics which were modified by Sis. Gid. I’m sure we were in the top three of all the acts. Of course we only saw 4 of the acts as we had leave before the close of the event in order to make it back to the bay area by the late evening. One of the highlights of the trip was the visit we made to the gravesite of Fr. Jose Arong who was a spiritual advisor on many Cursillo Weekends of the Diocese of Oakland, Archdiocese of San Francisco, and several other Dioceses. Fr. Joe as we affectionately called him was a great mentor to me. How fitting it was to pray and listen to the song Hindi Kita Malilimutan at his gravesite as part of our Grand Ultreya experience.

Point to Ponder . . .

Jesus wants to have a deep, dynamic, personal

relationship with you.

Verse to Live By:

“I am the Good Shepherd”. John 10:11

Region XI – Grand Ultreya By: Sis Evangeline Parrilla

A part of the inner desire to keep the Cursillo spirit alive is to attend the Grand Ultreya. The Grand Ultreya is held yearly at different venues. Waking up early, and getting ready for the trip was so exciting. The feelings of joy and love are clearly manifested in every Cursillista. This joy makes God’s creation wonderful, and His grace is living in every person’s heart and soul. We saw the tall mountains, hills, and rivers down below. I saw birds in the sky. Then suddenly, I realized I forgot to bring my white shirt, needed for our group presentation. My seatmate learns about the missing shirt which now and then distracts my attention on the bus entertainment. I won a prize during the Trivia Question portion, when I earned five points. Great! However, that white shirt kept on coming back to haunt me. My purpose in going to L.A. for the Grand Ultreya had lost its meaning. Close to our destination, Laian said, “I have an extra white shirt…” I said, “Maybe I will have time to buy one when we reach L.A.” The Group Presentation was awesome! We sang, “God is the One You Want,” to the tune of “Grease’s” – “You’re The One That I Want.” The audience’s heads moved side-to-side to the beat, and of course, with smiling faces. Our second presentation was “Chicken Dance.” Everybody participated, as we formed a big circle around the whole room.



We had a good time. Deep in my heart, I am thankful for God’s loving embrace to all Cursillista. Saturday morning, another marvelous thing happened. Entering the church and looking for a seat, a man approached me and asked if I would bring the gift for the “Presentation of Gifts.” Well, well. I said, “Yes,” with a grin. The Grand Ultreya ended with a glorious proclamation of God’s kingdom. We were prepared to go back to our respected places. God’s love never ceases to draw us to Him. The light of the Holy Spirit, and God’s infinite Mercy filled my heart.

Point to Ponder . . .

Sin makes you unhappy.

Verse to Live By:

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and

sustain in me a willing spirit”. Psalm 51:12

LA Grand Ultreya – A Bus Ride to Remember! By: Bro. Mario Camorongan

It was a nice Friday morning of August 19th when this bus ride all started. There were two pick up sites. Our trip started with the recitation of the Holy Rosary led by Sisters Dorie Nues and Lisa Urbano; followed by a sumptuous breakfast served by the kitchen crew headed by Sis Josie; then we have

"Las Vegas" Bingo callers: Sisters Cora Tuason and Lolit Kintanar! The most notable winners were the Sabinianos (Bro. Sid and Sis. Letty). Are you getting excited yet? Then we have inside jokes from Mommy Dionisia…words like "maestro ka" and Manny Pacman's kid named Diomanji…combined name from Dionisia, Manny, and Jinky. You have to be in this bus to really connect with Mommy Dionisia aka Sister Lisa Urbano. Then we have the famous song led by Sisters Shiela Ulgado and Lolit Kintanar…guess what the title is? May pulis sa ilalim ng tulay. It was a hit! Then came the Cursillo trivia time! What an excitement it was! Several prizes were given away. The finalists were Deacon Rey Encarnacion and Sister Vangie Parrilla, who has a daughter who is a nun! Sister Vangie won the contest. Before we got to our hotel destination, we made a special trip to visit the gravesite of Fr. Jose Arong who was FCC's spiritual adviser on many Cursillo Weekends of the Oakland Diocese, Archdiocese of San Francisco and several other Dioceses. At the Region XI Grand Ultreya on August 20, 2016, attendees from the Dioceses of Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and San Diego gathered at St. Bernardine of Sienna Catholic Church in Woodland Hills, Ca. The event was hosted by FCIC LA. We had the floating group reunion, followed by Lay witness talks, and the affirmations. I had the opportunity to affirm one of the lay witness speakers from the FCC San Francisco. There were plenty of entertainments after the mass. Our very own Sister Gid "Travolta" drove Friday night with her supporting casts to be with us in this fabulous performance. Actually, there were a lot more casts in this performance



called "God's the One that You Want" than the original musical Grease! These are just some of the highlights of the Grand Ultreya. I am sure there will be other brothers and sisters who will be sharing their stories and experiences as well. I invite you all to join us on our next bus ride to San Bernardino next year in order to see and experience for yourselves as well! De Colores!

Point to Ponder . . .

You cannot get closer to God if you accept the

lies of the world.

Verse to Live By:

“The righteous hate what is false”.

Proverbs 13:5

My Personal Experience at the Grand Ultreya By: Bro. Anito Acaba

On August 20, 2016, my wife Sis Norma

and I attended the Region XI Grand Ultreya

hosted by the Filipino Cursillo in Christianity

– Archdiocese of Los Angeles (FCIC-LA) at

St. Bernardine of Siena Church, Woodland

Hills, CA.

The Fellowship Welcome: The warm

welcome from the host washed away our

weariness from the 8-hour bus ride. They

were glad to have us, 50 of us. We had our

dramatic entrance dressed up in blue t-shirt.

The smurfs from the Diocese of Oakland

has arrived! The room became alive with

music and clean jokes.

Sad to say we had to leave earlier than we

should have. Our driver has to retire in

time, as required by law. Besides, we have

to practice our song for our presentation the

following day. We practiced without Sis Gid

“Travolta” to lead us but, we have Sis

Melanie Palamos, who was just as good as

Sis Gid, to help out.

At the Ultreya: We met more fellow

Cursillistas from FCC Oakland who were

not with in the bus. Not sure how they get

there, but they were there to join us. This

time, we were treated with sumptuous

breakfast of champorrado with tuyo,

longanisa, eggs and many more. We were

happy campers. Deacon Del Davis formally

opened up the Ultreya with an opening

prayer. Bro Rico Bagsic, Lay Director of

FCIC–LA graciously welcomed everyone to

the Grand Ultreya with a simple message,

to have a Kerygmatic Ultreya. This means

that we came to the Grand Ultreya to make

an apostolic proclamation of salvation

through Jesus Christ. We also came to

joyfully proclaim the best news to others

that God in Christ loves us through the best

means – Friendship. We listened to the

witnessing of two speakers, Jesus, their first

love and love of Jesus for us. One speaker

reminded us that it’s not enough to fall in

love with Jesus but rather stay in love with

Him. Bro Mario Camorongan affirmed Sis

Abbie Ruth Reguindin’s witness talk.

Doctrinal Summation was rendered by Rev.

Fr. Jonas Redulla. He gave us a new

meaning of JUMP, which means “Jesus

Understands My Problem”. Rev. Fr.

Reynaldo Matunog celebrated the Eucharist

with us.



Talent Performances Numbers: We forego lunch to make time to practice our song. This time Sis Gid “Travolta” was in-charged to smooth out our “kinks” and we had a blast in our performance. Afterwards, Sis Gid asked the whole audience to do the Chicken Dance. Then we bid farewell to our brothers and sister Cursillistas, to be on our bus ride back home. Everyone in the bus were ready to get some sleep, but Sis Josie still has the energy left, managed to serve us hot dinner on the way. Thanks to Sis Josie and her helps.

Point to Ponder . . .

Right now you have an incredible opportunity to

get to know Jesus better.

Verse to Live By:

“I came into the world to testify to the truth.

Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my

voice”. John 18:38

A Very Detailed Report on the Grand Ultreya By: Sis Letty Sabiniano

Trip to Los Angeles: On August 19, 2016, there were 43 brothers and sisters Cursillistas from the Diocese of Oakland who rode the Nor Cal Charter Bus that started from 2 pick-up points from Walnut Creek and West Dublin. There were 10 Cursillista brothers and sisters who rode in their private cars on the same day. Our bus trip was organized by our talented Sister Sheila and Sis Josie H, Sis Pat, Sis Jhennie, and Sis Becky were in-charged of our breakfast, snacks and lunch and dinner

coming back on Sunday. The Bingo, ruffle games and Trivia questions and jokes were full of fun. This was also coordinated by Sis Sheila and Sis Cora Tuazon, plus the jokes were contributed by our other sisters. Before heading out to Los Angeles, we prayed our Rosary for our safe trip this was led by Sis Dori N and Sis Elisa. It was also agreed by the group to stop by and visit Fr. Joe Arong’s grave since we are already in Southern California. We arrived at San Fernando Cemetery at 3:00 pm, prayed and serenaded Fr. Joe Arong with his favorite song, Di Kita Malilimutan and De Colores. We sure miss him dearly. Arrived at our Airtel Plaza Hotel around 4:30 pm and checked in our hotel before heading out to St. Bernardine Sienna Catholic Church at 5:00 pm for fellowship with our host team FCIC (Filipino Cursillo in Christianity) Diocese of Los Angeles. We were greeted warmly by our Cursillo brothers and sisters and gave us a very delicious dinner and even entertained us with songs and liturgical dance. Bro. Rico Bagsic, the Lay Director greeted us and delivered a welcome address to all of us. The other dioceses in addition to Oakland who arrived for fellowship were from Sacramento and San Francisco. We left the place at 8:00 pm for a good night rest and be ready for tomorrow’s event. Saturday – August 20, 2016 We left the Airtel Hotel at 7:45 am to be at St. Bernardine Church Hall by 8:00 am. All of us Oakland brothers and sisters wore our Filipiniana and everyone looked so beautiful and handsome. When we got there, were greeted by our other brothers and sisters from the different Dioceses of San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Diego. The Diocese of San Jose was not present, because they have their 3-day Weekend that week. We had a very sumptuous breakfast and lunch.



Welcome message was given by Bro Rico Bagsic that morning, and opening prayer was given by Deacon Del Davis. We also had our Floating Group Reunion and the emceed ensured that we don’t get to seat with our team mates. This way, we were able to share with others from the different dioceses. We had a very productive sharing unfortunately three from our table were not able to share because of the time constraint. The 1st Lay speaker was Sis Kris Catapang, San Bernardino… She shared that after 7 years after she lived her Cursillo she now back for her 1st Love who is Jesus. The Echo was given by Sis Oddie Sabas from Los Angeles who also echoes Sis Kris sentiments; The 2nd. Lay speaker was Sis Abbie Ruth Reguindin, San Francisco. She is the only young adult who lived the Cursillo in the Diocese of San Francisco. I am also privileged to say that we are team mates as Lector for the St. Andrew Catholic Church and other ministries sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Francisco. The 2nd Echo was given by Bro. Mario Camorongan. It is indeed the Holy Spirit who decides whoever gives the echo to the Lay Witness speaker there is always a similarities of life experience. Doctrinal Summation was given by Fr. Jonas Redulla. He said the praise “do not be afraid” is mentioned in the Bible 365 times that translates in our daily life 365 days. We are the precious creation of God – “Life is Beautiful”. He also warns us two (2) dangers in the vineyard to achieve holiness, to wit: First - too much activity. We do not know how to be still. We lost a diamond because we are too busy picking up the stones. We need to listen to God, walk to God, and pray to God.

Second - too much approval. The longest struggle is from mind to the heart. Our prayer must reflect in our action. God’s gifts are choice and chance. Lastly, he gave us an acronym J U M P to remember: J - JESUS U - UNDERSTANDS M - MY P - PROBLEM After that we celebrated the Holy Eucharist celebrated by Rev. Fr. Matunog. He also gave a wonderful homily. He mentioned that it so fitting that we have wonderful Gospel readings which we Cursillistas must follow …. “The greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; who whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” He also emphasize that this year is the Year of Mercy and we need to practice our corporal and spiritual acts of mercy. In summary, we had a wonderful Holy Spirit filled Grand Ultreya and renewed our acquaintances with our brothers and sisters from the different dioceses of Region XI and a lot of fun and laughter specially during the fiesta and presentation of jokes, songs and skits prepared by the different groups. I heard we the Diocese of Oakland won the first prize for the group’s lively presentation for our song which we could use in inviting others to come to know Jesus thru the Cursillo. Our group presentation of “GOD’S the one that you WANT” (to the tune of GREASE -- “You’re the One that I Want”) was arranged and directed by our very own Sis Gid Eugenio and Sis Gigi Enriquez as our conductor. The next Region XI Grand Ultreya will be in San Bernardino, this time it will be a Multi-Cultural Grand Ultreya. This means to be participated by the English, Filipino, Koreans, Spanish and Vietnamese



language group. This was decided by the Regional Coordinators of Region XI. Everyone arrived safely home at around 10:00 pm on Saturday evening. We did not feel tired because everyone enjoyed the trip and the event. Looking forward to the next Multi Cultural Grand Ultreya. Don’t miss it!

Point to Ponder . . . Open your heart, mind, and soul to the possibilities.

Verse to Live By: “For God all things are possible”. Matthew 19:26

Preparing for the trip to Los Angeles, CA. The Rehearsal at CCTL-Oakland

Look at the intensity – body language.



The bus trip . . .

A short visit to Rev. Fr. Jose Arong’s gravesite . . . how we all miss him so much.

On the road again . . .



The welcome program and dinner for the out-of-towners . . .



The Grand Ultreya Proper



Point to Ponder . . .

Jesus wants you to carry on his work.

Verse to Live By:

“Seek first the kingdom of God and his

righteousness”. Matthew 6:33



St. Bernardine of Sienna Church, Woodland Hills, CA

FCC-Oakland delegates getting ready for their performance.



See the cheat-sheet screen behind . . .

In the tune of Grease’s You’re the One that I Want retitled “God’s the One that I Want”, lyrics by Sis Gid “Travolta”

Lining up for the “chicken dance”.



The “chicken dance” with the audience.

. . . still the “chicken dance” . . .



What fun the performers and the audience had with the “chicken dance”.

More performances from various Dioceses of the Filipino Cursillo Community . . .

The Emcee . . .





The Banner of the Host of the 2016 Grand Ultreya – Filipino Cursillos In Christianity of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA



The Filipino Cursillo Community of the Diocese of Oakland delegates.



Point to Ponder . . .

God yearns to spend time with you each day in


Verse to Live By:

“In the morning, while it was still very dark, He

got up and went out to a deserted place, and

there he prayed”. Mark 1:35

Calling All Grandparents . . .

Here is a chance for grandparents to share their stories on how they instill the Catholic faith and Christian values to the 3rd generation – their grandchild/ren. If you are interested, kindly submit your

article of 100-150 words, a picture of your

grandchild/ren and your bust photo. Lastly,

grant us permission to edit where


Deadline for article submission are as follows: September 23rd, 2016 (Friday); December 21st, 2016 (Wednesday); March 24th, 2017 (Friday) and June 23rd, 2017 (Friday).



Point to Ponder . . . Avert your eyes from anything that can pollute your soul.

Verse to Live By: “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light”. Matthew 6:22

Be a Friend … to Find a Friend... By: Bro. Elmer Serrano

Our Cursillo Movement is a testament of human interaction to our fellowmen in a “Christ-Like” manner. Our joining to the movement gives us the tools and techniques on this unique type of evangelization. This is not new, this has been going on since 1940 when it all started in Mallorca, Spain. We all completed the 3-day weekend in strengthening our faith and building the foundation of our apostolic belief. Some of us find our new commitment both taxing and complex. Taxing, in a way that it creates new schedules in our already busy life routine. Complex, in a way that this is something new if we have not been involved in any apostolic activity. The Cursillo Movement is NOT a prayer group, this is a communal gathering of like-minded brothers and sisters in pursuit of

bringing others to a knowledge of Christ. But, how do we start our mission: it is not easy and at the same time it is not hard as well. We have to begin with ourselves. After attending the 3-day weekend we may have asked ourselves, what have I learned? What have influenced me to move forward in sharing knowledge of Christ to others. How do I begin? Luke 9:23….”If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily” and follow me.” This is what our Christ demands of us. It is a difficult proposition considering our weakness, our fragile faith, our materialistic view of the world. Our weakness is not physical but rather spiritual and connects to our faith. We may say, we have a strong faith and yet we allow ourselves to be tempted, to be coerced, to be fancied with the devil’s false promises. How many times have we denied our Lord and succumbed to our world’s materialistic view. We might dream, if only I can have that new car then my life will certainly turn around to new heights. In my own closing statement at my 3-day weekend closing, I asked for continued prayers to those who have sent their palancas during my study. People that don’t even know me prayed for the success of my weekend. My success is not limited to the 3-day weekend but rather when I go out and start sharing the knowledge I’ve learned. I further said, if those people around me would have noticed the change, then and only then I would call myself a Cursillista. The question then becomes, how can I share the knowledge I’ve learned; how I can open myself to be a friend to someone; how I can start looking for a friend. Certainly, looking for new friends may look easy. However, finding true friends is difficult to accomplish. You need to start



with yourself by opening up to those around you. Being a friend does not mean you have to give up something or pay for it. It is simply sharing your gifts and/or resources to those that you find that would need something that you are willing to share with. Sometimes a simple “how are you?” could trigger communication in learning more about the other person. Our Transfiguration Group is taking baby steps towards recognition with the Transfiguration Parish and hopefully be successful in the greater community of Castro Valley. This is not a small task and being a friend will certainly be a good start. We can also carry on the catch phrase…. “be a friend… to find a friend”… and use this as our motto, our guiding principle. Evangelization starts from within (ourselves) and goes outward to those around us. This is a simple way in sharing Christ’s Love especially those that needs it the most. The Cursillo is a communal gathering and a Cursillista is part of that community of sharing Christ. As a new group, this is the challenge we will be facing. This is the challenge we need to build and stay focused. As a member of this Transfiguration Group, how willing are we in rolling our sleeves and start getting “dirty”. Remember you cannot find a friend unless you start to be friend. De Colores!

Point to Ponder . . . God wants to raise you up. Verse to Live By: “As God’s chosen ones, holy, and beloved, clothe yourself with compassion, humility, meekness and patience”. Colossians 3:12

From The Editor’s Desk By: Bro. Victor Ramos

Thanks to all article contributors. Thanks to the Brothers & Sisters who shared pictures of the events. Will have more on the next issue . . .

Point to Ponder . . .

Generosity is incredibly attractive.

Verse to Live By:

“Some give freely, yet grow all the richer; others

withhold what is due, and only suffer want. A

generous person will be enriched, and one who

gives water will get water”. Proverbs 11:24-25


(1) Mariposa Newsletter can also be

viewed on the website. Access and click on


(2) Bookmarking the FCC website is

easy. a) In Google Chrome, after

entering the web address (#1

above), hover over the Star to the

right of the address line. b) Press the



left mouse button to open the

Bookmark window. c) Confirm under

Name: is the FCC web address. d)

Under Folder: select Bookmarks

bar. e) Click <Done>. f) To test, find

the FCC bookmark under the

address line. g) Or click on the right-

pointing arrow located under the

Star and click on the FCC bookmark.

h) Clicking on the bookmark is

easier than typing the web address.


Please pray for continuous healing and all those suffering from challenges to the body, mind and spirit. We pray to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. Sis Lucy Custodio Sis Perla Delemos Bro Philip Delemos Bro Frank Escuro Sis Norma Escuro Sis Ine de Guzman Sis Myrla Raymundo Bro Ray Raymundo

Point to Ponder . . . Suffering transforms us in unimaginable ways.

Verse to Live By: “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope”. Romans 5:3-4

The Perseverance Effect By: Tim Pedrosa – former Mariposa Editor

∞ Do not give up, be patient and persevere. We can learn a beautiful lesson from the nature around us. Some plants have proven that we can all find a way to thrive, no matter what the circumstances are. While weeds and grasses may not appear to be physically strong as we usually see them, their true strength is exposed in some unusual conditions. From forcing their way through harsh desert climates and flourishing in the most unexpected places, some plants show us that it is always possible to find strength even when it seems like everything is against us. Let us keep going no matter what we do, no matter how many times we screw up and think to ourselves that there is no point to carry on or no matter how many people tell us that we cannot do it, keep going. Don’t quit. Don’t quit because in due time, we will be much closer to our goal than we are now. Yesterday we said tomorrow. Make today count! Life is like an arrow which can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging us back with difficulties, it means it is going to launch us into something great. So just

A river cuts though a rock not because of its power but its persistence.



focus and keep aiming. We deserve more if we only persevere.

I have learned that we should never

give up on a dream just because of the time it takes to accomplish it. Time passes anyway no matter what. The main reason why most of us give up easily is because, we tend to look at how far we still have to go, instead of how far we have gone. The moment we are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens. Don’t give up. Be strong enough to let go and be patient enough to wait for what you deserve. Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don’t give up.

Our hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of our lives. Keep the faith. It will all be worth it in the end.

Point to Ponder . . . Every person is as important and valuable as the person you consider most important and valuable. Verse to Live By: “Give justice to the weak and the orphans; maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy”.

Psalm 82:3-4

Mariposa Editorial Team


Victor Ramos

Graphics & Design:

Temi Garcia

Tech Consultant:

Lino Centeno


Anito Acaba

Dcn. Steve Budnik

Mario Camorongan

Vangie Parrilla

Tim Pedrosa

Letty Sabiniano

Elmer Serrano

Elisa Urbano



Secretariat Members

Lay Director: Mario Camorongan

Secretary: Kathrina Parungao

Treasurer: Celso Perez


SOL: Cora Tuason

Pre Cursillo: Reynaldo Dollete

Post Cursillo: Clarita Perez

(Neriza Nieto)

Newsletter Editor: Victor Ramos

3-Day Weekend: Josie Herrera

Spiritual Advisor: Dcn. Rey Encarnacion

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.



Picnic at Cull Canyon Park “Footbridge Area”

18627 Cull Canyon Road, Castro Valley July 23rd, 2016

Hosted by the Agape & Antioch Group Reunion Teams. The food was great, the photo booth was a hit, and the games were fun. Congratulations on a job well done!

Sis Neriza Nieto’s last physical event before relocating residence to Texas.

The Assistant Master BBQ Chef – top right



The Master BBQ Chef – top left

Yeah, the Master BBQ Chef full of smile – top left! Thank you.



So heartwarming – all that smiles!

The Assistant Master BBQ Chefs - top



The group singing – top The Host Team Reps – bottom left & right



Photo Booth . . . a hit!!!

Friendships . . .

Friendships . . .



Friendships . . .

And more friendships . . .

Family + Friendships + Picnic = FUN



Photo Booth Chosen Flock - top Verbum Dei - bottom

Our Mother of Perpetual Help - top Chosen Flock - bottom



Our Lady of Good Counsel - top Corpus Christi – bottom

Antioch - top Fremont - bottom

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary - top Chosen Flock - bottom

Holy Spirit - top Chosen Flock (another version) - bottom



With Sister Mary Peters, guest speaker

“Vamos a comer!” - top Chosen Flock (a different version) - bottom

Practicing the “Chicken Dance” - bottom



Even Sister Mary Peters danced

Pilgrims GRT, so sorry we missed taking your Photo Booth pix. Next time?!




3rd & 4th Quarters of 2016 Only

POST CURSILLO Sept 17 Joint Ultreya - 4th Day

Women’s #93 @ CCTL Oct 15 Joint Ultreya – 4TH Day

Men’s #94 @ CCTL Oct 21-23 Region XI Encounter

@ Fresno Nov 05 Memorial Mass @ OLGC Nov 19 Pre-Advent Retreat @ CCTL Dec 03 Christmas Party/Ultreya @ St. Raymond Parish Hall NOTE: Hours for Oakland Ultreya @ CCTL & the East Ultreya @ QAS are 6:00-9:00PM SCHOOL OF LEADERS (SOL) Sept 19 Post-Cursillo Technical Talk “How to Keep the Spirit of Cursillo Alive” Oct 17 “Roots of the Bible” Nov 21 “Christian Leadership”

Men’s Cursillo # 94 Thy Kingdom Come

October 6-9, 2016 @ Aptos, CA Rector: Bro. Alex Caragay

Understudy: Bro. Vic Pediglorio

April 23 Joint Orientation @ OLGC 10AM-4PM May 14 Joint Commissioning @ OLGC 10AM-4PM May 28 Formation # 3 June 25 Formation # 4 July 10 Formation # 5 July 30 Formation # 6 Aug 06 Formation # 7 Aug 27 Formation # 8 Sept 10 Formation # 9 Sept 17 Penance & Healing @ OLGC 10AM-4PM Note: Except where noted, venue for all formation dates is at Queen of All Saints Hall at 2391 Grant Street, Concord from 12:30 to 5PM.