The Odyssey



Books 1-4 Summaries by Erin Salona. The Odyssey. Book ONE Athena Advises Telemachus. Homer’s invocation to the Muses (9 daughters of Zeus worshipped for Inspiration to art and music) The reader learns: Poseidon has stranded Odysseus with Calypso, the nymph - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Books 1-4 Summariesby Erin Salona

Book ONEAthena Advises Telemachus

Homer’s invocation to the Muses (9 daughters of Zeus worshipped for

Inspiration to art and music) The reader learns:

Poseidon has stranded Odysseus with Calypso, the nymph

Poseidon is upset with Odysseus for poking the Cyclops’ eye out

Athena begs Zeus to let Odysseus return to Ithaca

Hermes is sent to free Odysseus from Calypso

Book ONE Athena comes to give advice to Telemachus

& is disguised as Mentor, a male family friend.

Suitors have overrun Odysseus’ home & want to marry his mother, Queen Penelope.

Mentor/Athena tells Telemachus to find a boat & to sail to different places asking about his father

She tells Telemachus that he should warn off the suitors or kill them upon his return.

Book ONE

From Mentor, Telemachus decides that he should go to Pylos and Sparta to talk with both King Nestor and King Menelaus.

If Telemachus learns that his father is alive, he should go home and put up with the suitors, knowing his father will be home soon.

Book ONE

If Telemachus learns that his father is dead, he should prepare a proper burial for him.

Also, he will have to ask Odysseus’ father Laertes choose a suitor for her to marry (due to arranged marriages)

Telemachus is also informed by Mentor that he will have to kill the suitors who will not leave their home.

Book TWOTelemachus Confronts the Suitors

Telemachus calls all of the Greek men together to discuss his problem with the suitors.

During the assembly, Zeus sends two eagles– omens of death– to fly over the suitors.

Halitherses, a prophet, interprets these eagles to mean Odysseus is coming home and will kill the disrespectful suitors.

Book TWO Antinous, the most

arrogant suitor, blames Penelope for the problems because she seduces every suitor but will commit to none of them, says Antinous.

Penelope has been tricking the suitors.

Book TWO Penelope has been

weaving a burial shroud for Laertes during the day but unraveling it at night.

She will not marry a suitor until the shroud is done.

A maid tells a suitor of Penelope’s trick.

Book TWO Eurycleia, slave and Telemachus’s old nurse/

care-giver, helps him prepare for the trip. Telemachus begs the nurse not to tell his

mother that he has left until some time has passed

Mentor/ Athena finds a crew for Telemachus and they all sail away together.

Book THREEThe Visit to Nestor Telemachus & ship arrive at Pylos, the land

of King Nestor. They arrive during a festival in honor of

Poseidon (who is Odysseus’s enemy) Nestor doesn’t know who Telemachus is and

invites him to feast with them Nestor then asks Telemachus who he is Telemachus asks Nestor if he has seen



Nestor praises Telemachus Nestor says that he & Odysseus were

friends Nestor says that Athena likely helped

Odysseus Telemachus doubts Athena’s power Athena, disguised as Mentor, assures

Telemachus that a god can save a mortal

Book FOURThe Visit to Menelaus and Helen

Nestor sends Telemachus and Athena, still disguised as Mentor, to Sparta.

In Sparta, King Menelaus & wife Helen, are back together and happy.

Telemachus doesn’t tell them his identity. Menelaus reminisces about Odysseus & tells

war stories; Telemachus cries Menelaus says no soldier worked harder

than Odysseus & that he doesn’t know if he is alive or dead.

Book FOUR Telemachus cries for his father Menelaus figures out Telemachus’s identity Helen says aloud that Telemachus must be

the son of Odysseus They tell Telemachus that they heard that

Odysseus is alive & living with the nymph Calypso

The suitors have planned to kill Telemachus when he returns home