The NSA: Human Torture, Morgellons Infections, Forced


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The NSA: Human Torture, Morgellons Infections, ForcedSuicides and Corpseless Murders

NSA MK Ultra Victim Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock

The NSA Organized Harassment Program, aka The Program was and is engineered to make its victims appear to be Paranoid Schizophrenic, muttering about "Shadow Government". If you are a targeted writer, as many as 12 people a day put the cup of their hand over their mouth here in America, the universal

symbolism which means, “shut up, stop writing, you have no ‘free speech’ here in Nazi America. The NSA Neighborhood Watch Program will get you and punish you for thought crime!

U.S. Government Mind Control crimes articles from

1. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma based Monarch Project and the CIA's MK Ultra mind control programs (69)

2. Ultra mind control experiments being conducted through CIA sponsored programs (65)

3. Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control - The Evolution of Project MKULTRA

Beginning in 2010, the Alternative Media and then the Mainstream Media began publishing articles about President Barrack Obama’s kill list (disposition matrix). But were these articles accurate and truthful? Is it not much more likely that post 9/11, George W. Bush and Barrack H. Obama both had a domestic kill list (their enemies disposition matrix)?

It does not make sense that Bush would not have his own Disposition Matrix (bothForeign and Domestic) and that Obama would not have a Domestic Disposition Matrix (DDM) in our post-9/11 Orwellian culture.

Have the Bush and Obama administration’s Police States been conducting MK Ultra (on steroids) experiments on U.S. Citizens ? Aurora, Colorado shooter James Holmes is linked to MK Ultra. In fact, James Holmes is linked to a known MK Ultra expert.

The Virginia Tech gunman, Seung Hui Cho, was also probably an MK Ultra victim. Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis claimed to be an MK Ultra victim, also. Adam Lanza may be connected to MK Ultra. Myron Mays, in his own words,

explains his being a victim of MK Ultra. Myron Mays, aka “The FSU Shooter”, is the one of the most obvious, most documented cases of an MK Ultra victim-turned-murderer.

Still another MK Ultra clone is Jared Loughner of Tucson, Arizona shooter infamy. It is more than possible that all or most of the Obama-era mass shooters are MK Ultra cannon fodder. Jared Loughner is one more example of the recent advent of force-feeding drugs to jail and prison inmates, particularly MK Ultra-mass shooters.

The Bush/Obama kill-lists, aka disposition matrixes, aka MK Ultra-lists have evenfound a few celebrity victims, like Joni Mitchell and Kanye West.

Joni Mitchell has Morgellons Disease, a sure-fire sign of being a Targeted Individual targeted by the Israeli Mossad. Based on her politics, it is not surprisingthat Ms. Mitchell was infected with an Israeli, man-made disease.

Is the National Security Agency, circa 2017, “executing” George W. Bush/BarrackObama (AUMF Enemy Combatant) death warrants? Does Donald Trump have a domestic kill list? Does the NSA keep its own, independent foreign and domestic kill list? The answer is probably all of the above…

The NSA has three main ways to stifle dissent, free speech, writers, musicians, journalists and political actives: 1) Morgellons Infection, 2) Hard Kill, and 3) Soft Kill.

The NSA obfuscates, confuses and misinforms by publishing numerous “grain of truth” articles about The Program (keywords: Gangstalking, Cause Stalking, Cellphone Stalking or Vendetta Stalking). The NSA uses the controversy surrounding “DEW, Directed Energy Weapons” to sow division amongst the masses.

The NSA “Softkill” programs, aka The Program also has a plethora of online truth and disinformation (keywords: Organized Harassment Targeted Individuals). Many or most articles are either NSA-authored disinformation or inadvertently misleading.

A coupe has taken place; America (and all of NATO, e.g. the entire planet) is under the control of the National Security Agency.

Over the past 20-30 years, there have been countless hard kill and soft kill casualties.

The NSA-published Propaganda has itself listed as “god” and the NSA’s enemies (imagined enemies) listed as “hopeless and helpless”.

The worldwide number of NSA “gangstalkers” is unknown, but a rough estimate of all the “Surveillance Role Players” in all of the NATO countries exceeds 18 million. These are not salaried NSA The Program employees; rather these are unpaid interns, aka coward, sociopath cyber-bullies who appear to have no heartand no mercy.

Congress gives the NSA a massive (amount classified) annual budget. But the NSA also turns an enormous annual profit with online bitcoin banks, online gambling, pay-per-view pornographic websites, NSA Credit Card fraud, etc. This illegal, dark operation money is used to bribe Judges, Police, Sheriffs, Mayors, Politicians, etc., to either help with the corpseless murder, human torture and Morgellons infections and forced suicides or to at least turn a blind eye to it. NSA-human-torture is an equal opportunity employer, “hiring” firemen, realtors, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, brake mechanics, et al. Supermarket employees are particularly vicious at torturing those who would dare to buy food in the NSA’s Waffen SS America.

Targeted Individuals of Organized Harassment do not benefit from contacting Congress, the Department of Justice, nor the FBI; all agencies are complicit in The Program.

A disproportionately large percentage of NSA gangstalkers are Jews. Ironically, those who “will never forget” are extremely adept at torture, Morgellons infections(it is rumored that Morgellons was bio-engineered by Israel) and corpseless murder. The Israeli Mossad are compiling lists of American Christians, lists of NATO-country Christians slated for death by the NSA’s The Program (genocide).

The Mainstream Media are co-conspirators to The Program. Their job is to keep the silence.

It might look like the deck is staked totally in the NSA’s favor, according to the laws of man; no Nuremberg-style trials, no public lynchings and no life imprisonment for the murders and psychotronic warfare forced suicides. But there is the law of God.

If you are a Targeted Individual, whenever you can, say the single, simple word “Repent!” to your torturers. They cannot repent; the NSA will not allow them to. Likewise, the entire NSA, indeed, the entire U.S. Government, cannot repent. If you are a T.I., forgive your oppressors (unlike the NSA, which is incapable of forgiving its millions of imaginary “enemies”). For the sake of survival, for the sake of your own immortal soul, forgive the NSA’s cruel, sadistic, sociopathic architects, engineers and cannon-fodder sycophants.

Perhaps it is blasphemous, to presume the mind of God; but on the other hand, if you were God, would you forgive The Program? Countless corpseless murders, decades of human torture, a plethora of Morgellons infections? Each of the criminals, one-by-one, will answer to God. It does not matter to at all what anyonebelieves, it only matters what God believes.

The NSA The Program is the Master’s Whip of the Global Elite, used to keep theunwashed masses in line. It has efficiently and effectively stifled out all dissent, allfree speech in America and in the NATO countries. What is has left in stead of Freedom and Democracy is Satanism.

Donald Trump summed up the situation succinctly, “This is the largest witch-hunt in World history…”

From Dr. Piotr Bein, “The only son of my Polish friend in Germany has killed himself with a long knife thru the heart. First time I hear about this suicide mode. Suspect remote-psycho control, as the family has been persecuted and has receivedthreats of the children's death. I documented it on my blog and intend to write the German police about it”. This is classic NSA Surveillance Role Player forced psychotronic suicide.

The Chinese and Russian Intelligence Services are watching the NSA sink a dagger into America’s (NATO’s) underbelly, Japanese Seppuku-style.

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Tags: National Security Agency Satanism Satanic Satan NSA: Human Torture, MorgellonsInfections, Forced Suicides and Corpseless Murders Seung Hui Cho Aaron Alexis Adam Lanza

Myron Mays Jared Loughner MK Ultra Morgellons Disease NSA National Security AgencyOrganized Harassment Targeted Individuals Bush Obama Trump Presidential Domestic Kill List

mk ultra kill program morgellons targeted individual america bush obama trump nsa listdisposition matrix aumf enemy combatant articles

The NSA: Human Torture, Morgellons Infections, ForcedSuicides and Corpseless Murders
