The Ninth Age Empire of Sonnstahl 0 11 1


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  • 7/24/2019 The Ninth Age Empire of Sonnstahl 0 11 1


    Fantasy Battles


    Empire of SonnstahlArmy Rules

    Version 0.11.1 Beta

    Special Rules


    Magical Items

    Quick Reference


    Change Log







    Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age is a community-made miniatures wargame.

    All relevant rules, as well as feedback and suggestions, can be found/given here:

    Rules changes between versions are colour coded in green. See change log at end of document.
  • 7/24/2019 The Ninth Age Empire of Sonnstahl 0 11 1


    Special Rules

    BlessingsCharacters with this rule have Hatredand grantsthis bonusto anyunit they join. Thecharacter maycast three different

    type of Bound Spells (Power Level 3) with the keyword Augment. These Bound Spellsautomatically targetthe caster's

    unit and last one turn.

    Volunds Blessing Target unit may Reroll failed rolls to wound in close combat.

    Sunnas Blessing Target unit gains Flaming Attacks. Any enemy unit in base contact with the target

    takes D6 Strength 4 Flaming Attacks hits.

    Ullors Blessing Target unit gain a Ward Save (5+) against Close Combat attacks.


    A character with this special rule may join units of Flagellants and gains Unbreakable while it remains in the unit.

    Parent Units And Support UnitsCertain units in this Army Book are designated as either Parent Units or Support Units. Support Units are considered

    Insignificant to Parent Units and may perform Supporting Actions.

    Supporting ActionsWhenever a Parent Unit isthe target ofa charge, orsuccessfullydeclare a charge, a Support Unitwithin6 ofthe Parent

    Unit may perform one of the following actions:

    1. The Support Unit may Stand and Shoot asif itwere the targetof the charge, applyingall usual restrictionsfora

    Stand and Shoot reaction.

    2. The Support Unit may declare a Charge upon an enemy unit which has successfully Charged a Parent Unit,

    applying all usual restrictions for Charging. This counter-charge is completed during your opponent's turn,

    after all charge movements have been finalized, but before the Compulsory Movement Sub-phase.

    3. TheSupport Unit maydeclare a chargeagainst thesame unit that theParentUnit hasdeclareda chargeagainst.

    At the end of the

    round of


    when calculating theCombat Resolution, both units may

    combine theirrank

    bonus (following all normal restrictions), up to maximum of +6.


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    OrdersLord-level Characters with this special rule may give a single Order to a friendly Parent or Support Unit within a 6,

    whilst Hero-level Characters may only give a single Order to a Parent orSupport Unitit has joined. Ordersare given at

    the start of each friendly player turn. Each order has the following effect:

    On The Double! The target unit gains +2 Movement but cannot declare a charge this turn.

    Steady Men! The target unit may roll an additional D6 when taking Leadership Tests and discard the

    highest roll. A unit that receives this Order and passes a Rally test may act in the same turn

    but counts as having moved, which means the unit receivesa shooting penalty,cannot March

    and cannot declare charges.

    Ready! Aim! Fire! The target unit gains +1 to hit with shooting attacks

    Brace For Impact! The target unit gains Fight In Extra Rank but cannot declare charges

    The effect of Orders applies immediately to the target unit and lasts one turn. A unit cannot receive the same order

    more than once during the same turn.

    ArmouryRepeater Gun

    Shooting Weapon. Range 24, Strength 4, Armour Piercing (1), Multiple shots (3), Unwieldy.

    Long Rifle

    Shooting Weapon. Range 48, Strength 5, Armour Piercing (1), Move or Fire, Multiple Wounds (D3), adds +1 to hit when



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    Magical Items

    Magical Weapons

    The Sonnstahl (85 pts)

    Type: Hand weapon. Attacks made with this weapon

    wounds automatically and have Armour Piercing (6).

    Hammer of Witches(35 pts)

    Type:Handweapon. Attacks made with this weapons has

    Lighting reflexes and +1 Strength.

    Star Mace (30 pts)

    Type: Great weapon. The bearer gains Crush Attack.

    Magical Armour

    Blessed Armour of Frederick the Great(35 pts)

    models on foot onlyType: Plate Armour. The wearer has a 1+ armour save.

    The Black Helm (15 pts)

    Type: None (6+ armour save). The wearer causes Fear.

    Armour of Volund (25 pts)

    Type: Plate armour. Attacks against the wearer with

    Lethal Strike loses this special rule.


    The Winter Cloak (50 pts)

    The bearer gains Distracting, Fireborn and Ward Save


    Enchanted Items

    Locket of Sunna (30 pts)

    The bearer automatically swapsthe characteristic values

    of Strength, Toughness, Initiative and Attack on his

    profile with those of his opponent when fighting in a

    challenge. Use the unmodified value. The exchanged

    values are never swapping with the mount ofthe enemy


    Magical Standards

    Banner of the Stallion (25 pts)

    The bearers unit ignores the movement penalty for

    Barding and may reroll results of 1 when charging,

    fleeing, pursuing or performing an overrun move.

    Banner of Unity (25pts) - Infantry only

    The bearer's unit cannot be disrupted from being

    flanked. Notice it can be disrupted by the rear.


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    Army List


    Marshal 90 ptssingle model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Plate Armour

    Special rules:


    Options: pts

    May take Magical Items Up to 100

    May take a Shield 3

    May take a weapon (once choice only)

    Additional Hand Weapon 3

    Great Weapon 4

    Halberd 4Lance 6

    May take a Pistol 6

    May ride a mount (one choice only):

    Horse 20

    Pegasus 60

    Great Griffon 130

    Dragon (Imperial Prince only) 250

    May upgrade to one of the following (One of a Kind each):

    Seasoned General (10 pts) Great Tactician(30 pts) Imperial Prince (100 pts)

    A Seasoned General gains +1

    Weapon Skill. If a Seasoned General

    is included in the army, one unit of

    Heavy Infantry may be upgraded to

    Veterans. Additionally, one unit of

    Light Infantry may be upgraded to


    A Great Tactician may give two

    orders per turn instead of one and

    these two orders may each target a

    different unit. If a Great Tactician is

    the General of the armythen hemay

    give Orders to anyParentor Support

    unitwithin therangeof hisInspiring

    Presence. A Marshal who is

    upgraded to Great Tactician may be

    the General of the army even if they

    are not the character with the

    highest Leadership value.

    An Imperial Prince gains +1

    Leadership and is equipped withthe

    Sonnstahl. An Imperial Prince may

    not purchase any other Magical



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    Knight Commander 135 ptssingle model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Commander 4 6 3 4 4 3 6 4 9

    Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3 Cavalry 25x50mm base


    Plate Armour


    Horse with Barding and Mounts Protection (6+)

    Options: pts

    May take Magical Items up to 100

    May take a Shield 3

    May take a weapon (one choice only)

    Halberd 10

    Great Weapon 10

    Lance 15

    May replace Horse and its Barding with

    Young Griffon 35

    Legendary Warrior: A Knight Commander is Immune to Psychology and confers thiseffectto any unithe joins.If a

    Knight Commander is included in the army, one unit of Electoral Cavalry may be upgraded to Imperial Cavalry.

    Archwizard 175 ptssingle model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Level 3 Wizard Master. Generates spells from one

    of the Battle Magic Paths.

    Options: pts

    May take Magical Items up to 100

    May become Wizard Level 4 35

    May take a mount (one choice only):

    Horse 20

    Pegasus 40

    Arcane Engine 130

    Great Griffon (Path of Wilderness only) 130


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    Prelate 85 ptssingle model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 9 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Heavy Armour

    Special Rules:

    Blessings, Channel, Divine Attacks, Zealot

    Options: pts

    May take Magical Items up to 100

    May take a Shield 3

    May take a weapon (one choice only)

    Additional Hand Weapon 3

    Flail 3

    Great Weapon 6

    May ride a mount (one choice only)

    Horse 20

    Altar of Battle 150

    Supreme Pontiff: A Prelate may add +1 to the casting attempts of any Bound Spell from the Blessing special rule

    which did not result in two or more 6. If a Prelate is includedin the army, units ofFlagellants may upgrade their unit

    champion to Lay Preacher.


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    Captain 60 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 Infantry 20x20mm baseArmour:

    Heavy Armour

    Special Rules:


    Options: pts

    May be the Battle Standard Bearer 25

    May take Magical Items up to 50

    May take any of the following

    Shield 2

    Plate Armour 10

    May take a Weapon

    Additional Hand Weapon 3

    Great Weapon 4

    Halberd 4

    Lance 6

    Pistol 6

    May take a mount (one choice only):

    Horse 15

    Pegasus 55

    Artificer 50 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 7 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Heavy Armour

    Special Rules:


    Options: pts

    May take Magical Items up to 25

    May take a weapon (one choice only)

    Pistol 4

    Handgun 6

    Brace of pistols 8

    Repeater Gun 10

    Long Rifle 15

    May ride a Horse 10

    May become a Master Artificer 25

    Master Artificer: The Engineer may give the order

    Ready! Aim! Fire! to a Parent Unit or Support Unit

    it has joined.


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    Wizard 65ptssingle model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Level 1 Wizard Apprentice. Generates spells fromone of the Battle Magic Paths.

    Options: pts

    May take Magical Items Up to 50May become a Level 2 Wizard 25

    May ride a Horse 10

    Preacher 65 ptssingle model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Heavy Armour

    Special Rules:

    Blessings, Channel, Divine Attacks, Zealot

    Options: pts

    May take Magical Items Up to 50

    May take a Shield 2

    May take a weapon (one choice only)

    Additional Hand Weapon 3

    Flail 3

    Great Weapon 6

    May ride a Horse 15

    Inquisitor 55 ptssingle model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Heavy Armour

    Special Rules:

    Immune to Psychology, Not a Leader, Lethal Strike,

    Multiple Wounds (D3), Magic Resistance (2)

    Options: pts

    May take Magical Items up to 50

    May take a Shield 2

    May take Plate Armour 15

    May take a weapon

    Brace of Pistols 5

    Great Weapon 6

    Crossbow 5

    May ride Horse 15

    - May gain Free Reform 15Nobody Expects: The Inquisitor may choose one of the following specialization at the start of the game:

    Witch Hunter

    A Witch Hunter causes enemy spells

    targeting the character or his unit to

    receive a -1 penalty to their Casting

    rolls. Spells with the Aura keyword

    are not affected.

    Daemon Hunter

    A Daemon Hunter has Divine


    Vampire Hunter

    A Vampire Hunter gains Flaming

    Attacks and Magical Attacks.


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    Light Infantry 80 pts10models, may add up 10models 7 pts / model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Infantry 20x20mm baseWeapons:


    Special Rules:

    Support Unit

    Options: pts

    May replace Crossbow with Handgun free

    May upgrade one model to each of the following:

    Champion 10

    - may replace Handgun with:

    Long Rifle 10

    Repeater Gun 10

    Musician 10

    Standard Bearer 10

    If the army has a Seasoned General:

    One unit of Heavy Infantry of Light Infantry

    may be upgraded to Veterans: 2 / model

    Veterans:models get +1 Ballistic Skill and gain Light


    Heavy Infantry 50 pts10models, may add up 50models 5 pts / model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Light Armour and Shield

    Special Rules:

    Support Unit (Only units of 20 or less models)

    Parent Unit (Only units of 21 or more models)

    Options: pts

    May take a weapon (one choice only)

    Spear free

    Halberd 1 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following:

    Champion 10

    Musician 10

    Standard Bearer 10

    - May become the Veteran Standard Bearer*

    *A Veteran Standard Bearer is One of a Kind and may take aMagical Standard worth up to 25 pts.

    If the army has a Seasoned General:

    One unit of Heavy Infantry of Light Infantry

    may be upgraded to Veterans: 1 / model

    Veterans: models get +1 Weapon Skill and +1 Initiative


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    State Militia 40 pts 5models, may add up 50models 4 pts / model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Additional Hand Weapon

    Special Rules:

    Support Unit (Only units of 20 or less models),

    Skirmishers (when 15 or less models).

    Options: pts

    All models may replace Additional Hand Weapon

    with Bow 2 / model

    with Pistol 2 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following:

    Champion 10

    Musician 10

    Standard Bearer 10

    Electoral Cavalry 90 pts5models, may add up 10models 18 pts / model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Rider 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

    Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3 Cavalry 25x50mm base


    Great Weapon


    Mounts Protection (6+), Plate Armour and Barding

    Options: pts

    May replace Great Weapon with Lance 1 / model

    May take Shields 1 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following:

    Champion 10

    Musician 10

    Standard Bearer 10

    - May become the Veteran Standard Bearer

    If army have a Knight Commander:

    One unit may be upgraded to Imperial Cavalry 4 / model

    Imperial Cavalry: Riders gain +1 Weapon Skill and +1

    Strength on their characteristic profile.

    If upgraded, may replace Great Weapon with

    Cavalry Hammers(count as Halberds) 1 / model


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    Imperial Guard 90 pts10models, may add up 30models 9 pts / model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8 Infantry 20x20mm base


    Hand Weapon and Shield


    Plate Armour

    Special Rules

    Bodyguard, Parent Unit

    Options: pts

    May replace Shield with

    Great Weapon 1 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following:

    Champion 10

    Musician 10

    Standard Bearer 10

    - may take a Magical Standard up to 50

    Imperial Rangers 50 pts5 models, may add up 5models 10 pts / mode

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 Infantry 20x20mm base



    Special Rules:

    Multiple Shots (2), Scout, Skirmishers

    Options: pts

    May upgrade one model to a Champion 10

    Knightly Orders 145 pts5models, may add up 7models 26 pts / model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Rider 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 8

    Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3 Cavalry 25x50mm base




    Mounts Protection (6+), Plate Armour, shield

    and Barding

    Special rules:

    Bodyguard (Knight Commander, General)

    Options: pts

    May replace Lance and Shield with

    Cavalry Hammers (count as Halberd) free

    May upgrade one model to each of the following:

    Champion 10

    Musician 10

    Standard Bearer 10

    - may take a Magical Standard up to 50


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    Reiters 75 pts5models, may add up 10models 15 pts / model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Rider 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

    Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3 Cavalry 25x50mm base




    Mounts Protection (6+), Light Armour

    Special rules:

    Fast Cavalry

    Options: pts

    May take Heavy Armour 2 / model

    May replace Pistol with

    Light Lance and shield 1 / model

    Brace of Pistols 2 / model

    Repeater Gun 3 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following:

    Champion 10

    - may take:

    Repeater Gun 10

    Musician 10

    Fire on Impact!

    In the first Round of Combat after Charging, a model with this rule may perform additional attacks; 1 attack if

    equipped with a Pistol or 2 attacks if equipped with a Brace of Pistols. These attacks are resolved at Initiative (10),

    Strength 4 and benefit from Armour Piercing (1).

    Flagellants 100pts 10models, may add up 30models 9 pts / model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 6 Infantry 20x20mm base



    Special Rules:


    Fanatical: Models with this rule benefit from

    Frenzy and may never lose it.

    Options: pts

    May upgrade one model to a Champion 10


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    Arcane Engine 130ptssingle model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Arcane Engine - - - 5 5 5 - - -

    Crew (2) 4 3 3 3 - - 3 1 7

    Horse (2) 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 3 Chariot 50x100mm base


    Heavy Armour

    Special Rules:

    Channel, Large Target

    An Arcane Altar musttake one of the following upgrades:

    Arcane Shield (free)

    An Arcane Engine with Arcane Shield grants Hard

    Targettoevery friendlyunitwithin 6. The Enginemaycast Shield of Protection from the Path of Light as a

    bound spell (power level 3).

    Foreseeing (free)

    An Arcane Engine with Foreseeing grants Lighting

    Reflexes to every friendly unit within 6, excludingmounts. The Engine may cast Thunderbolt from the

    Path of Heavens as a bound spell (power level 4).

    Light Artillerysingle model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Machine - - - - 7 3 - - -

    Crew (3) 4 3 3 3 3 - 3 1 7 Warmachine 60mm round base

    Must take one of the following:

    Rocket Battery (130 pts)

    This is a Catapult (3) Artillery Weaponwith

    Range 36. This war machine never subtract the BS of

    the crew for the shooting outsidelineof sight.Instead of

    hitting models under the template as normal, any unit

    under the template suffers D6 hits with Strength 5 and

    Armour Piercing (1), Multiple Wounds(D3) andFlaming

    Attacks special rules.

    Mortar (60 pts)

    This is a Catapult (5) Artillery Weaponwith

    Range 12-48", Strength 2, Armour Piercing (1).


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    Knights of the Sun Griffon 150 pts3models, may add up 4models 52 pts / model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Rider 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 8

    Young Griffon 7 4 - 5 4 3 4 3 7 Monstrous Cavalry 50x75mm base




    Mounts Protection (6+), Plate Armour

    Special rules:

    Armour Piercing (1) (mount only), Fear

    Options: pts

    May replace Halberd with Lance and Shield 5 /model

    May upgrade one Model to each of the following:

    Champion 10

    Musician 10

    Standard Bearer 10

    - may take a Magical Standard up to 50

    Heavy Artillery single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Machine - - - - 7 3 - - -

    Crew (3) 4 3 3 3 3 - 3 1 7 Warmachine 60mm round base

    Must take one of the following:

    Volley Gun (125 pts)

    This is a Volley Gun Artillery Weaponwith

    Range 24", Strength 5, Armour Piercing (1), Multiple

    Shots (3D6*2)

    Cannon (100 pts)

    This weapon can be fired in two ways:

    - As a Cannon (D6) Artillery Weaponwith

    Range 72, Strength 10, Armour Piercing (2), Multiple

    Wounds (Ordnance)

    - As a Volley Gun Artillery Weaponwith

    Range 12", Strength 4, Armour Piercing (3), MultipleShots (2D6).


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    Steam Tank 300 pts (one of a kind) single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Steampanzer * - - 6 6 10 - - -

    Crew (1) - 3 3 3 - - 3 1 7 Chariot 50x100mm baseWeapons:

    Repeater Gun

    Steam Powered Cannon:

    This is a Cannon (D6) Artillery Weaponwith

    Range: see below, Strength 7, Armour Piercing (2), Multiple Wounds (D3)


    Innate Defence (1+)

    Special Rules:

    Random Movement (*), Large Target, Unbreakable, Breath Weapon (Strength 3, Armour Piercing (1)), Terror

    Steel Behemoth:A Steel Tank always count as stationary for shooting purposes. A Steel Tankcan neverPursue or


    Steam Engine:The Steel Tanks current number of wounds dictates the value of its Movement, its number of

    Grinding Attacks and the range of its Steam Powered Cannon. A Steam tank may choose not to move.

    Current number of wounds Movement Grinding Attack Cannon Range

    8-10 wounds 1D6, 2D6 or 3D6 3D3 42

    4-7 wounds 1D6 or 2D6 2D3 30

    1-3 wounds 1D6 1D3 18


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    MOUNTSThis section show the profile entries of mount options for characters. Models of the same name but which are not

    character mounts must follow the rules given under their respective entries.


    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3 War Beast 25x50mm base


    Mounts Protection (6+)Options: pts

    May take Barding 15


    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    7 4 - 4 4 3 4 2 6 Monstrous Beast 40x40mm base


    Mounts Protection (6+)

    Special Rules:

    Fly (8)

    Young Griffon

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    7 4 - 5 4 3 4 3 7 Monstrous Beast 50x75mm base


    Mounts Protection (6+)

    Special Rules

    Armour Piercing (1), Fear

    Great Griffon

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    7 5 - 6 5 4 5 4 7 Monstrous Beast 50x100mm base

    Special Rules

    Fear, Fly (8), Large Target


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    Altar of Battle (one of a kind)M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Altar of Battle - - - 5 5 5 - - -

    Horses (2) 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - Chariot 50x100mm baseSpecial Rules

    Large Target, Ward Save (4+), Stubborn

    Holy Relic: The Altar of Battle grants Hatred to all friendly units within 6, excluding mounts, and allows affected

    models to cast Blessings on units within 6away. A High Cleric that rides an Altar of Battle may cast Banishment from

    the Path of Light as a bound spell (power level 4).

    Dragon (One of a Kind)M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    6 5 - 6 6 6 3 5 9 Monster 50x100mm base


    Innate Defence (3+)

    Special Rules:

    Breath Weapon (Strength 4 Flaming Attacks), Fly (7)


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    Quick Reference SheetL - Lords, H - Heroes, C - Core, S - Special, R - Rare, M - Mounts only


    L Marshall 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 9

    Knight Commander 4 6 3 4 4 3 6 4 9

    Archwizard 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8

    Prelate 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 9

    H Captain 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

    Artificier 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 7

    Wizard 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7

    Preacher 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8

    Inquisitor 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8


    C Light Infantry 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

    Heavy Infantry 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

    State Militia 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

    S Imperial Guard 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

    Imperial Ranger 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

    Flagellant 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6


    M Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3


    M Pegasus 7 4 - 4 4 3 4 2 6

    Young Griffon 7 4 - 5 4 3 4 3 7

    Great Griffon 6 5 - 6 5 4 5 4 5


    M Dragon 6 5 - 6 6 6 3 5 9


    C Electoral Cavalry 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

    - Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3

    S Knightly Order 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

    - Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3

    Reiter 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

    - Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3


    R Knight of the Sun 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 8

    - Young Griffon 7 4 - 5 4 3 4 3 7


    S Arcane Engine - - - 5 5 5 - - -

    - Crew (2) 4 3 3 3 - - 3 1 7

    - Horse (2) 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3

    R Steam Tank * - - 6 6 10 - - -

    - Crew (1) 4 3 3 3 - - 3 1 7

    M Altar of Battle - - - 5 5 5 - - -

    - Horse (2) 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 3


    R Light Artillery - - - - 7 3 - - -

    - Crew (3) 4 3 3 3 3 - 3 1 7

    S Heavy Artillery - - - - 7 3 - - -

    - Crew (3) 4 3 3 3 3 - 3 1 7

    ARTILLERY WEAPON Range S Multiple Shots Multiple Wounds Armour Piercing

    Light Artillery Rocket Battery Catapult (3) 36 3(5) (D3)

    (Flaming Attack) (1)

    Mortar Catapult (5) 12-48 2(6) - (D3) 1

    Heavy Artillery Volley Gun Volley Gun 24 5 3D6*2 - 1

    Cannon (1) Cannon (D6) 72 10 (Ordnance) 2

    Cannon (2) Volley Gun 12 4 2D6 3

    Steampanzer Steam Cannon Cannon (D6) * 7 - D3 2


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    released version 0.9.0 beta


    Steam tank crew strength

    Imperial Beast Riders troop type

    warmachine base sizes

    Field Marshal

    engineer points


    Fire on Impact!

    Templar Knights, points


    Great Tactician points cost typo

    v0.9.3imperial guard strength (typo)

    formalized writing style


    Light Infantry Veterans lose +1 I and gain Light Armour

    Fire on Impact! rule clarified.

    Captain given light Armour by default

    Captain base cost reduced.

    Templar Knights given Bodyguard General

    Heavy Infantry Parent/Support unit changed

    Milita lose Support Unit by default. Gain it when 20 or fewer models.Generals ability to take Heavy Armour removed.

    Core unit and magic banners


    Frosts Blessing (typo)

    Mortar/Rocket Battery merged and moved to Special

    Cannon/Volley Gun merged

    Fire on Impact! rule clarified.

    Rocket Battery cost.

    Mortar cost.

    Marshal upgrades reworded for clarified.

    Knights of the Sun Griffon max unit size.

    State Militia being Skirmishers by default if 15 or less.

    Inquisitor rules updated to new BRB (Lethal Strike).

    Volleygun cost

    Armour of Volund (new rules)

    Arcane Engine (cost)

    Captain base cost, comes with heavy armour, plate armour cost changed

    Master Artificer rule updated (miscommunication)


  • 7/24/2019 The Ninth Age Empire of Sonnstahl 0 11 1





    Zealot special rule

    Banner of Unity (new rules)

    Master Tactician (clarified)

    Arcane Engine

    Great Griffon as mount of Archwizard with Lore of Wilderness

    Imperial Guard

    Great Griffon cost

    streamlining mundane weapon cost


    parent unit rules

    imperial guard

    long rifle s5

    inquisitor weapon options

    reiter champion

    Armour of Volund clarification

    Renamed Magic Items, Weapons, Armour and Standards to Magical

    Renamed Blurry to Hard TargetRenamed Holy Attacks to Divine Attacks


    Supporting action 3, clarification