The New Weeks Public Weeks Public Library … Public Weeks Public Library BulletinLibrary Bulletin...


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Weeks Public Weeks Public Weeks Public Weeks Public Library BulletinLibrary BulletinLibrary BulletinLibrary Bulletin

Programs for Programs for Programs for Programs for AdultsAdultsAdultsAdults

To assist in planning & set up, please contact us if you plan to attend any of these programs.

Meet the Poet Meet the Poet Meet the Poet Meet the Poet Coffee KlatchesCoffee KlatchesCoffee KlatchesCoffee Klatches

Wednesday, Nov. 2, 7pmWednesday, Nov. 2, 7pmWednesday, Nov. 2, 7pmWednesday, Nov. 2, 7pm Dianalee will read her poetry and share her journey from grief to the eventual slow crawl back towards life after the brutal murder of her grandson and her pregnant daughter-in-law. Light refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 7pmTuesday, Nov. 8, 7pmTuesday, Nov. 8, 7pmTuesday, Nov. 8, 7pm Join us for an evening of poetry, as poet Karen Nelson reads her poems and discusses the creative process for each. Copies of her books will be available for purchase. Light refreshments will be served.

Knit and PurlKnit and PurlKnit and PurlKnit and Purl Wednesday, Nov. 9, 7pmWednesday, Nov. 9, 7pmWednesday, Nov. 9, 7pmWednesday, Nov. 9, 7pm This is the 2nd session of beginner knitting. We are knitting a scarf for winter. To join us bring two short number 10 or 10.5 knitting needles, two skeins of fun fur or eyelash yarn in the color of your choice and for the heavier scarf option bring one skein of 7 oz. worsted medium yarn in a complementary color to the fun fur. Experienced knitters are welcome to join in on the fun and get assistance on their individual projects. The class is open to teens and adults.

Continued on last page…Continued on last page…Continued on last page…Continued on last page…

Calling AllCalling AllCalling AllCalling All Homeschoolers!Homeschoolers!Homeschoolers!Homeschoolers!

Are you a homeschooling family? Are you interested in home-schooling? Do you want to meet other homeschooling families? Join us on Monday, Nov. 21, at 7pm for an introduction night and a discussion of future activities for homeschoolers at the Weeks Library. Your input is vital for choosing the days, times, and types of programs we will provide.

Be A Part Be A Part Be A Part Be A Part of the New of the New of the New of the New

Weeks Library!Weeks Library!Weeks Library!Weeks Library! Thursday, November 17, 7pmThursday, November 17, 7pmThursday, November 17, 7pmThursday, November 17, 7pm

Join us for a meeting of the building committee for the new library. Find out what’s happening, volunteer to help out, or even join up. Don’t let this exciting project happen without you!

CPR ClassCPR ClassCPR ClassCPR Class For Adults and TeensFor Adults and TeensFor Adults and TeensFor Adults and Teens Saturday, Nov. 5, 10amSaturday, Nov. 5, 10amSaturday, Nov. 5, 10amSaturday, Nov. 5, 10am----2pm2pm2pm2pm at the Greenland Fire Stationat the Greenland Fire Stationat the Greenland Fire Stationat the Greenland Fire Station

Open to ages 14 and up, this one-day class will teach the lifesaving techniques of adult, child, and infant CPR. Registration is required as space is limited. Call or email the library to reserve your spot. Presented by the Greenland Volunteer Fire Department EMS.

November 2005November 2005November 2005November 2005 Vol. 17, No. 11Vol. 17, No. 11Vol. 17, No. 11Vol. 17, No. 11

(603) 436(603) 436(603) 436(603) 436----8548854885488548

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Find us on the web at:Find us on the web at:Find us on the web at:Find us on the web at:

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Hours:Hours:Hours:Hours: Mon.Mon.Mon.Mon.----Thurs. 10Thurs. 10Thurs. 10Thurs. 10----8888

Friday 10Friday 10Friday 10Friday 10----6666 Saturday 10Saturday 10Saturday 10Saturday 10----2222

Story Hours:Story Hours:Story Hours:Story Hours: Wednesdays & Fridays, 11amWednesdays & Fridays, 11amWednesdays & Fridays, 11amWednesdays & Fridays, 11am

Tuesdays at 3pmTuesdays at 3pmTuesdays at 3pmTuesdays at 3pm See Schedule on p.2 for daysSee Schedule on p.2 for daysSee Schedule on p.2 for daysSee Schedule on p.2 for days

* * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * *

Cribbage: Mondays, 5Cribbage: Mondays, 5Cribbage: Mondays, 5Cribbage: Mondays, 5----8pm8pm8pm8pm

* * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * *

Chess: Thursdays, 5Chess: Thursdays, 5Chess: Thursdays, 5Chess: Thursdays, 5----6:30pm6:30pm6:30pm6:30pm

* * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * *

Book DiscussionBook DiscussionBook DiscussionBook Discussion Weds., Nov. 16 , 7pmWeds., Nov. 16 , 7pmWeds., Nov. 16 , 7pmWeds., Nov. 16 , 7pm Before You Know Kindness by

Chris Bohjalian. Copies of the

book are available at the

Circulation Desk.

* * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * *

Friday Flicks, 2pmFriday Flicks, 2pmFriday Flicks, 2pmFriday Flicks, 2pm

Nov. 18: Charlie & the Nov. 18: Charlie & the Nov. 18: Charlie & the Nov. 18: Charlie & the ChChChChocolate Factory (PG)ocolate Factory (PG)ocolate Factory (PG)ocolate Factory (PG)

Nov. 25: Madagascar (PG)Nov. 25: Madagascar (PG)Nov. 25: Madagascar (PG)Nov. 25: Madagascar (PG)

Dec. 2: Polar Express (G)Dec. 2: Polar Express (G)Dec. 2: Polar Express (G)Dec. 2: Polar Express (G)

The NewThe NewThe NewThe New

November 2005November 2005November 2005November 2005 At the Weeks Public LibraryAt the Weeks Public LibraryAt the Weeks Public LibraryAt the Weeks Public Library

MondayMondayMondayMonday TuesdayTuesdayTuesdayTuesday WednesdayWednesdayWednesdayWednesday ThursdayThursdayThursdayThursday FridayFridayFridayFriday SaturdaySaturdaySaturdaySaturday


2 11am 11am 11am 11am

Story TimeStory TimeStory TimeStory Time

7pm7pm7pm7pm Meet the Poet Meet the Poet Meet the Poet Meet the Poet Coffee KlatchCoffee KlatchCoffee KlatchCoffee Klatch

3 No Chess NightNo Chess NightNo Chess NightNo Chess Night


11111am 1am 1am 1am Story TimeStory TimeStory TimeStory Time

5 10am10am10am10am----2pm2pm2pm2pm CPR CPR CPR CPR CourseCourseCourseCourse @ Fire @ Fire @ Fire @ Fire StationStationStationStation Reg. Req.Reg. Req.Reg. Req.Reg. Req.


5555----8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm Play CribbagePlay CribbagePlay CribbagePlay Cribbage

8 3pm3pm3pm3pm

Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Story HourStory HourStory HourStory Hour


Meet the Poet Meet the Poet Meet the Poet Meet the Poet Coffee KlatchCoffee KlatchCoffee KlatchCoffee Klatch

9 Library OpensLibrary OpensLibrary OpensLibrary Opens

At 2pm to allow for At 2pm to allow for At 2pm to allow for At 2pm to allow for Staff TrainingStaff TrainingStaff TrainingStaff Training


Knit and PurlKnit and PurlKnit and PurlKnit and Purl

10 No Chess NightNo Chess NightNo Chess NightNo Chess Night


Library CLibrary CLibrary CLibrary Closed losed losed losed in Honor of in Honor of in Honor of in Honor of

Veterans DayVeterans DayVeterans DayVeterans Day


14 4:30pm4:30pm4:30pm4:30pm Trustees of the Trustees of the Trustees of the Trustees of the Library MeetLibrary MeetLibrary MeetLibrary Meet

5555----8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm Play CribbagePlay CribbagePlay CribbagePlay Cribbage


3pm3pm3pm3pm Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Story HourStory HourStory HourStory Hour


Cotoca, Cotoca, Cotoca, Cotoca, Bolivia: So Bolivia: So Bolivia: So Bolivia: So Poor Yet So Poor Yet So Poor Yet So Poor Yet So



11am 11am 11am 11am Story TimeStory TimeStory TimeStory Time

7:00pm7:00pm7:00pm7:00pm Book Discussion:Book Discussion:Book Discussion:Book Discussion:

Before You Know

Kindness by Chris


17 5:005:005:005:00----6:30 Play 6:30 Play 6:30 Play 6:30 Play


7pm7pm7pm7pm Library Building Library Building Library Building Library Building Committee Committee Committee Committee –––– Join Us!Join Us!Join Us!Join Us!

18 11am 11am 11am 11am

Story TimeStory TimeStory TimeStory Time

2pm2pm2pm2pm Friday Flick:Friday Flick:Friday Flick:Friday Flick:

Charlie & the Chocolate Charlie & the Chocolate Charlie & the Chocolate Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (PG)Factory (PG)Factory (PG)Factory (PG)



1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm –––– 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm Blood DriveBlood DriveBlood DriveBlood Drive

5555----8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm

Play CribbagePlay CribbagePlay CribbagePlay Cribbage


Homeschooling Homeschooling Homeschooling Homeschooling NightNightNightNight



ThanksgiviThanksgiviThanksgiviThanksgiving Eveng Eveng Eveng Eve Library ClosesLibrary ClosesLibrary ClosesLibrary Closes

at 2pmat 2pmat 2pmat 2pm

24 Library ClosedLibrary ClosedLibrary ClosedLibrary Closed




Friday Flick:Friday Flick:Friday Flick:Friday Flick: Madagascar (PG)Madagascar (PG)Madagascar (PG)Madagascar (PG)



5555----8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm Play CribbagePlay CribbagePlay CribbagePlay Cribbage


3pm3pm3pm3pm Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Story HourStory HourStory HourStory Hour


Using Your Using Your Using Your Using Your Digital Digital Digital Digital CameraCameraCameraCamera


11am 11am 11am 11am Story TimeStory TimeStory TimeStory Time

7pm7pm7pm7pm Unlock the Wisdom Unlock the Wisdom Unlock the Wisdom Unlock the Wisdom of Your Dreamsof Your Dreamsof Your Dreamsof Your Dreams WWWWith Dr. Judith ith Dr. Judith ith Dr. Judith ith Dr. Judith


Turkey Crafts all week in the kid’s room.Turkey Crafts all week in the kid’s room.Turkey Crafts all week in the kid’s room.Turkey Crafts all week in the kid’s room.

Coming in October and BeyondComing in October and BeyondComing in October and BeyondComing in October and Beyond Reserve these early! Circle the title you want and return to Reserve these early! Circle the title you want and return to Reserve these early! Circle the title you want and return to Reserve these early! Circle the title you want and return to the library.the library.the library.the library.


Sandra Brown, Long Time Coming December December December December Catherine Cookson, Cultured Handmaiden Jude Deveraux, First Impressions Stephen Frey, The Protege December December December December Gail Godwin, Queen of the Underworld JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary Sue Grafton, S is for Silence December December December December Andrew Greeley, Bishop in the Old Neighborhood Philippa Gregory, Constant Princess December December December December Pete Hamill, Gift Laurell K. Hamilton, Bloody Bones Greg Iles, Turning Angel December December December December P.D. James, The Lighthouse: An Adam Dalgliesh Mystery Iris Johansen, On the Run December December December December Jan Karon, Light From Heaven Dean Koontz, Forever Odd December December December December Tim LaHaye, The Regime: Before They Were Left Behind Jane Langton, Steeplechase: A Homer Kelly Mystery Debbie Macomber, There’s Something About Christmas Judith McNaught, Every Breath You Take December December December December James Patterson, Mary, Mary Anne Perry, The Christmas Guest Marge Piercy, Sex Wars: A Novel of the Turbulent Post-

Civil War Period December December December December Anne Rice, Christ the Lord Amy Tan, Saving Fish from Drowning Nancy Thayer, Hot Flash Holidays Scott Turow, Ordinary Heroes Margaret Weis, Master of Dragons F. Paul Wilson, Infernal: A Repairman Jack Novel

Books For Teens:Books For Teens:Books For Teens:Books For Teens: Neil Gaiman, Anansi Boys Matt Groening, The Ralph Wiggum Book (Simpsons Library of Wisdom)

Tamora Pierce, The Will of the Empress Scott Westerfield, Pretties Josh Whedon, Astonishing X-Men, Vol. 2 Cecily von Ziegsar, The It Girl #1 Books on Compact Disk:Books on Compact Disk:Books on Compact Disk:Books on Compact Disk:

Dave Barry, Dave Barry’s Money Secrets Jill Browne, The Sweet Potato Queens’ Wedding Planner/Divorce Guide Jimmy Carter, Our Endangered Values David Halberstam, The Education of a Coach Greg Iles, Turning Angel P.D. James, The Lighthouse Iris Johansen, On the Run Jan Karon, Light From Heaven Dean Koontz, Forever Odd Tim LaHaye, The Regime Frank McCourt, Teacher Man: A Memoir James Patterson, Mary, Mary Martha Stewart, The Martha Rules Amy Tan, Saving Fish from Drowning Scott Turow, Ordinary Heroes Margaret Weis, Master of Dragons


Dave Barry, Dave Barry’s Money Secrets, Like: Why is There a Giant Eyeball on the Dollar? JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary Joan Biskupic, Sandra Day O’Connor December December December December Jill Browne, The Sweet Potato Queens’ Wedding Planner/Divorce Guide Jimmy Carter, Our Endangered Values: America’s Crisis Kenneth Davis, Don’t Know Much About Mythology Jane Goodall, Harvest of Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating Andrew Greeley, The Making of the Pope 2005 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. David Halberstam, The Education of a Coach Jerry Lewis & James Kaplan, Dean and Me: A Love Story Frank McCourt, Teacher Man: A Memoir December December December December Phil McGraw, Dr. Phil on Relationships December December December December Peggy Noonan, John Paul the Great Sharon Rocha, For Laci December December December December Sidney Sheldon, The Other Side of Me M. Stewart, The Martha Rules: 10 Essentials for Achieving Success as You Start, Grow, or Manage a Business David Vise, The Google Story: Inside the Hottest Business, Media, & Technology Success of Our Time

Name: _______________________________________Name: _______________________________________Name: _______________________________________Name: _______________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________Phone: ______________________________________Phone: ______________________________________Phone: ______________________________________


Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (Johnny Depp) Christmas With the Cranks (Tim Allen) The Devil’s Regects (Rob Zombie)

Disney Princess: Christmas of Enchantment The Dukes of Hazzard (Jessica Simpson) Dec.Dec.Dec.Dec. The Fantastic Four (Jessica Alba) DecemberDecemberDecemberDecember

Madagascar (Ben Stiller) March of the Penguins (MorganFreedman) Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie)

The Perfect Man (Hillary Duff) The Polar Express (Tom Hanks) The Skeleton Key (Kate Hudson) Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Stealth (Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx) Veggie Tales: Lord of the Beans War of the Worlds (Tom Cruise)

Wedding Crashers (Owen Wilson) JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary

Book DiscussionBook DiscussionBook DiscussionBook Discussion Wednesday, Nov. 16, 7pmWednesday, Nov. 16, 7pmWednesday, Nov. 16, 7pmWednesday, Nov. 16, 7pm

Before You Know KindnessBefore You Know KindnessBefore You Know KindnessBefore You Know Kindness by Chris Chris Chris Chris Bohjalian.

Copies available at theCopies available at theCopies available at theCopies available at the Circulation Desk.Circulation Desk.Circulation Desk.Circulation Desk.

Weeks Public LibraryWeeks Public LibraryWeeks Public LibraryWeeks Public Library PO Box 430PO Box 430PO Box 430PO Box 430 36 Post Road36 Post Road36 Post Road36 Post Road Greenland, NH 03840Greenland, NH 03840Greenland, NH 03840Greenland, NH 03840

More Programs for Adults More Programs for Adults More Programs for Adults More Programs for Adults in November:in November:in November:in November:

Cotoca, Bolivia: So Poor Yet So RichCotoca, Bolivia: So Poor Yet So RichCotoca, Bolivia: So Poor Yet So RichCotoca, Bolivia: So Poor Yet So Rich Tuesday, November 15, 7pmTuesday, November 15, 7pmTuesday, November 15, 7pmTuesday, November 15, 7pm Travel with Bonnie-Jean Brown to Cotoca, Bolivia and learn about the people, the town, and the new school desks for the children.

Blood DriveBlood DriveBlood DriveBlood Drive Monday, November 21, 1Monday, November 21, 1Monday, November 21, 1Monday, November 21, 1----6pm6pm6pm6pm The American Red Cross mobile unit will be in the Library parking lot with registration, restrooms and refreshments available in the Greenland Community Church Parish House. Please call the Library for more information.

Using Your Digital CameraUsing Your Digital CameraUsing Your Digital CameraUsing Your Digital Camera Tuesday, November 29, 7pmTuesday, November 29, 7pmTuesday, November 29, 7pmTuesday, November 29, 7pm This general overview and practical guide will help you get the most out of your digital camera. Presented by the staff of Eagle Photo.

Unlock the Power of Your DreamsUnlock the Power of Your DreamsUnlock the Power of Your DreamsUnlock the Power of Your Dreams Wih Dr. Judith ScharffWih Dr. Judith ScharffWih Dr. Judith ScharffWih Dr. Judith Scharff Wednesday, November 30, 7pmWednesday, November 30, 7pmWednesday, November 30, 7pmWednesday, November 30, 7pm This program is rescheduled from its original date in October.
