The names of animals from A-Z a is for anteater Anteaters eats ants


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ANIMALSThe names of animals from A-Z

a is for anteater

Anteaters eats ants.

B is for badger

Badgers live in holes.

C is for cat

Cats are cute and cuddly.

d is for dog

Dogs are very cuddly and fury.

e is for elephant

Elephants have long trunks.

f is for fish

Fish have to stay in water.

g is for giraffe

Giraffes have long necks.

h is for horse

Horses are something they rode on in the old days.

i is for iguana

Iguanas have long tails.

j is for jaguar

Jaguar hunt for there food.

k is for kangaroo

Kangaroos fight.

l is for lion

Lions have mains.

m is for mouse

Mice like cheese.

n is for narwhal

Narwhals have a sword.

o is for octopus

Octopus have eight tentacles.

p is for penguin

penguins live in the cold.

q is for quail

quail have a feather sticking out of it’s for- head.

r is for raccoon

Some raccoons live in trees.

s is for seal

Most seals live in the cold.

t is for turtle

A turtle’s home is their shell.

u is for unicorn

Unicorns have horns on top of there head.

v is for vulture

vultures are connivers.

w is for wild cats

wild cats eat all kinds of meat.

x is for x ray fish

You can see through x ray fish.

y is for yak

Yaks are super fury.

z is for zebra

Zebras have a lot of strips.
