The Morter Report March 2016



The March 2016 edition of The Morter Report, the official newsletter of Morter HealthAlliance.

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M rterReport

MARCH 2016


pring is arriving this month, bringing with it bright new beginnings – seeds to plant for a bountiful harvest later on. And, as “luck” would have it, you have access to an amazing group of people who are ready to help you plant the seeds and nourish them for success in every area of your life. This is a group of people who will honor and support you in getting out of your comfort zone – who will be for you in being all you can be. And, in return, the seeds you sow in others’ lives will flourish and bloom as well! Are you getting the most from your Morter HealthSystem affiliation? Are you an active part of this amazing family? In celebration, we are planting seeds of greatness by making reactivating your Morter HealthSystem Membership the most affordable it’s ever been. Call us today at 800.874.1478 to be a part of this family of B.E.S.T. Practitioners who, together, are bringing health, happiness and success to themselves and to the world.

Copyright 2016 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

FEED Me Seymour!I admit it, gardening is tough. I remember when I told Dr. Morter (Dad), “When I have my own place, I’ll never have animals to feed, gardens to work nor grass to mow!” I often joked I’d have Astroturf for a lawn, and certainly never have a garden. And now, well I just laugh. With 6 types of mowers on call at any given time, and three tillers from 7’ wide to mini tillers, I have embraced my situation and found my bliss.

So, probably the biggest challenge with a garden is the weeds, and here’s why. They never give up! I remember a movie I saw back in my younger years, Little Shop of Horrors. Remember, “Feed me Seymour!”? Well, like the plant in the movie, weeds never quit . . . never! And the only way to keep ahead of them is to give them what they can’t stand. Yes, it turns out that too much of a good thing can be bad . . . at least for weeds. The best way to manage weeds is to overdo it with compost. Now compost is good for the soil and good for all plants including weeds, but if you really lay it on thick, it will choke out the weeds. And, as I was working the soil yesterday on my knees, I smiled with gratitude remembering the lessons I learned from Dad. He could lay lessons on . . . thick.

Lessons like: keep on learning and growing and never give up on anything but change direction when necessary, were his words of wisdom. Build your foundation based on truth and knowledge, and good things will prevail. Grow yourself to be the best at whatever you choose to be or do.

The question is, which will grow the fastest in your life? Typically, the weeds win hands down because we unconsciously feed them every day. Maybe just a little, but feed them none the less. And, weeds will take over if given the chance, and they come out of nowhere! Seriously, I plant a tomato in the freshly tilled soil and BOOM weeds show up!

This is easy. What grows is what you feed. It’s the same with day-to-day circumstances in my life . . . What am I feeding? Where are my thoughts? What is it I truly desire? Well, I hope to get ripe tomatoes as soon as possible. And, the only way to get those tomatoes to grow to maturity is to stop the weeds and compost! I choose to focus my thoughts on the positive, on goodness and thankfulness – the compost. I see ripe tomatoes and I don’t see weeds. And, when I compost my life with so much positive and loving thinking, the weeds of negativity can’t grow!


Dr. Ted Morter



Growth!Have you ever wondered HOW things grow? Have you ever just stopped, cut out all the chatter from your external world, and focused on the beautiful, awesome, magnificence of the unbridled power of creation, which allows and provides for growth?

This is the time of year for the beginning stages of growth here in Northwest Arkansas. Actually, it is the time of year to observe the visible, rewarding stages of growth. The daffodils are just starting to bloom! They bring signs of beauty and hope. They signal to me the first signs of spring. They were one of Dr. Morter’s favorite flowers. As a matter of fact, Dr. Ted and I were given thousands of them from Dad’s home over the years, and they are currently beginning to bloom – again.

It is amazing to watch how a relatively small bulb can begin to push forward to the heavens. Understand, of course, they do this feat every year. By pruning them after they bloom, the energy of the plant returns to the bulb so they can reproduce by making additional bulbs! By watering them and fertilizing them, they receive the nutrients necessary for survival and growth. This process happens below the level of the ground - unseen by your eyes. They take this nourishment and push through the soil, sometimes for six to eight inches before breaking ground and renewing their cycle by reaching sunlight. Everything has to be just right for maximizing their potential, including the soil temperature. When you set them up to win by providing these essential elements they respond with greatness.

Are you doing the same things in your life? Are you providing your body with the essentials that it requires to bloom? Are you reaching your potential? Are you taking active steps to shine in your own space? Are you giving your body the nutrients it needs? Are you paying attention and taking active steps toward improving your choices in the Six Essentials? Are you making a difference? Are you sharing your valuable lessons of hope and personal responsibility?

By making these changes and choices you, too, can bloom and shine. Google “seeds of greatness” and read some inspirational examples from others. Learn how to not only survive, but also thrive in your renewed growth! You are worth it! So are the lives of others! Grow!


eat to liveJoin us for an intense training on fueling your body for maximum performance! This includes slowing down the breakdown of muscle, skin elasticity, proper oxygen function, which comes along with aging. You will learn the specifics of nutritional science and begin to heal your body with delicious food. Learn to make practical day-to-day choices in the grocery store, at the farmers market, in restaurants and at social functions, which lead to health, instead of taxing your immune system and leading to disease.

June 23-24 in Rogers, Arkansas

Alka•Slim® 45-Day Challenge Participants come to this class at a special rate! Call 800.874.1478 for details!

If you were the last B.E.S.T. practitioner alive, would B.E.S.T. survive and thrive?

Wow, I know that’s a lot to consider. But, it is an important question to consider and think about seriously. If you are reading this, then you are a part of the B.E.S.T. family, and family supports each other. If you were the last of your family to survive, I would imagine that you would do something in hopes of your family legacy continuing. As part of the Morter HealthAlliance family, we are responsible for the ongoing use of B.E.S.T. principles and sharing knowledge of B.E.S.T. with others.

It doesn’t stop there. Additionally, we need to live B.E.S.T. principles. The most effective way to represent B.E.S.T. is to be a product of B.E.S.T. Do you get regular B.E.S.T. treatments? Do you take B.E.S.T. Process supplements? Do you elevate the Six Essentials in your life? Are you regularly doing the Morter March? I know it isn’t easy. But, you can only lead others to health if you’re on the same path.

Have you ever been to a new place and someone asks you where the bathrooms are located, and you have to say that you don’t know? Or, you could fake it to try to be helpful, you use language like, “I think they’re over here,” or “I saw someone go down those stairs.” That is not the language of someone who is planting seeds of greatness, aligned with the mission of improving the health of mankind worldwide and authentically advancing B.E.S.T. We can choose a life of certainty, focus, gratitude, and abundant love.

After all, we have been trained to use a technique, which has principles that work 100% of the time. B.E.S.T. works to heal in priority, the way the body is designed to heal. B.E.S.T. works to remove interference patterns that prevent the body from healing as it was designed to heal. B.E.S.T. removes “stuck” patterns so that we can realize our true potential to heal and achieve as GOD intends us to heal and achieve. B.E.S.T. instantly releases physical tension so the body can restore normal biomechanics and balance. B.E.S.T. removes segmentation patterns to restore the normal flow of energy to all areas of the body. These are just some of the concepts we know we are accomplishing with the power of B.E.S.T.

So again I ask, if you were the last B.E.S.T. practitioner alive, would B.E.S.T. survive and thrive? We have such a great healing technique. If, like me, your answer is “Yes,” take action today, align your life and then plant, plant and plant again, more seeds of greatness.

Dr. Bruce Phillips

Are you

Planting Seedsof Greatness?

Planting Seeds



Conventional science and medicine view the body as pure matter, sheer physicality. The conventional viewpoint holds that the body is incapable of healing itself, and that healing is something external to the body, supplied as medication or surgery. The wholistic view of healing integrates Life Energy (bio-energy) into the equation. Bio-Energetics includes Consciousness, Spirit and Soul. Wholism knows that the body’s original design and purpose is to heal itself. The body responds to signals from the nervous system without thought or judgment. It always responds perfectly and will express the original blueprint or interference from unresolved issues from the past stored in memory, interfering with the body’s ability to self-repair and respond to the moment.

Mind is an energetic phenomenon, like the body, and uses the nervous system to sustain itself. Our conscious mind consists of thoughts, chatter, stories, reason and intellect. It supports the ego, the false self, and it is the gatekeeper to our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not judge, reason or evaluate. It simply runs the body without our conscious knowing or will. It responds to feelings, pictures (stuck bits of memory, emotion and/or trauma). Out of this buried and forgotten material, the subconscious creates interference (frozen energy blocks) in the nervous system and limbic brain.

The unawakened ego (with its limiting thought forms and belief systems based on past trauma), creates judgments, which lead to an experience of separation. A feeling of separation from others and from All That Is, leads to an unrelenting fear. Chronic fear, a constant state of flight or fight, leads to adrenal exhaustion. The outcome is illness -- myriad forms of illness.

The body is run on automatic by the subconscious mind, which responds to thoughts (positive and negative) and feelings (such as fear or gratitude). It will store negative and traumatic memories (thought/feeling clusters) as crystallized interference or blocks in the nervous system and limbic brain. This process is called Subconscious Emotional Memory Override (SEMO). Once this interference has been set up, healing is severely limited despite your diligent efforts to improve your condition.

Fortunately, the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique is the perfect tool for locating and removing these energetic interferences, gently and easily. Once these energy blocks have been found and released, the subcon-scious can become a clear conduit of Spirit, and no longer interferes with the body’s ability to heal itself. Once we are clear, we can respond authentically to the moment without creating any new interference. The result is a vibrant, fulfilled life.

The key is to bring awareness to our habitual beliefs and thought forms. The blessing of awareness is that once we awaken in spirit, we become a vehicle of consciousness and Spirit, no longer creating from stored negative subconscious thoughts and feelings as ego.

At the deepest level, we all share the same goal or life purpose: to become fully present and aware in each moment. This is the deeper level of B.E.S.T. treatment in Dr. Morter’s vision: to realign soul with spirit by removing the interference caused by unresolved traumas and dramas from the past stored in memory in our bodies.

The Bio-Energetics of ConsciousnessDr. Don Williams


I was on my way to class last July listening to Winton Marsalis playing Arban’s “Fantaisie Brillante” for trumpet when it hit me: If I’m hearing this amazing piece of music broadcast by a local radio station, and the truth according to Dr. Morter is what we think about and speak about we bring about, then what music am I transmitting to the universe? More importantly, is my “music” beautiful and filled with love, peace, joy, and happiness? It better be, since that is what I intend to create in my life. And how does this apply to all of us? What music are you broadcasting on a daily basis, and does it match your life’s intentions?

In our office, one of the biggest challenges facing our practice members is what and how to think between walking out our door and coming through it again the next visit. We coach our practice members that we cannot control what they do between office visits, but that period of time is critical in determining his or her depth of healing. We can inspire great “music” in others as B.E.S.T. practi-tioners, and I consider it a joyful obligation to do just that.

Get out there and play your perfect tune to the world!

Corey Allshouse

In order for your action steps to be effective, you must make some changes – not just go about your business as you have in the past. This means getting out of your comfort zone, even though you may not like the way that feels. It has often been said that people don’t change their habits until the pain of changing is less than that of remaining the same. In this case, the pain may only be that you have not made progress toward your goals. In order to progress in life, you need to embrace becoming a bit uncomfortable while you make changes to better yourself.

Changes you make in your beliefs, and the action steps you take to achieve your goals, must make you happy. That is why I say to embrace being a bit uncom-fortable as you move toward your goals. Feel good about stretching out of your comfort zone. Because, if you remain unhappy about your changes, the negative feelings you experience will attract more negativity to you. The law of attraction works equally well in attracting positive or negative feelings and experiences in your life. You choose what you attract. - Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr.

What Music Do YOU Play?


There I was, fixing my bowl of organic pumpkin, flax seed granola yesterday morning, when I noticed a little quote on the flap of the box. The quote was this:

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.”

And, it was attributed to Robert Louis Stevenson. Wow! I’ve never read this quote before. How powerful is that?!

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.” So many things interesting about this. First, what package design person placed this quote on their design for a box of organic granola? I’d like to meet that person, wouldn’t you?

Second, you know Robert Louis Stevenson, right? He wrote the classics, Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. How cool is it, that we still can enjoy his thoughts at breakfast over 120 years after his death? And, how interesting that this novelist of the Victorian era is still so relevant now? Dr. Morter would say that “Truth is Truth!” right here, I’m sure!

So, even though I knew who Robert Louis Stevenson was and have read some of his writing, I took advantage of the on-line wonders of Wikipedia and took a little gander at his life. He didn’t have a long life, only living to be 44. Here’s another quote of his you’ll find interesting . . .

“I have so many things to make life sweet for me,” he wrote, “it seems a pity I cannot have that other one thing—health. But though you will be angry to hear it, I believe, for myself at least, what is, is best. I believed it all through my worst days, and I am not ashamed to profess it now.”

In spite of his ill health, he produced the bulk of his best-known work during the time he wrote those words – Treasure Island, his first widely popular book; Kidnapped; Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the story which established his wider reputation

It’s all interesting when you dig a little deeper, right? And, he is still planting seeds I think . . . on a box of organic granola some 120 years beyond his! What seeds are you planting for the future?

Janna Nicole Morter




February20-21 Spiritual B.E.S.T. – Los Angeles, CA20 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Calgary, Canada26-28 Personal Care – Rogers, AR27 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario

March6 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Manhattan Beach, CA19 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Saanichton BC, Canada18-19 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia19-20 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia20 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

April 1-3 Elite Master – Rogers, AR10 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Hermosa Beach, CA15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France17-18 Personal Care – Paris, France23 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Calgary, Canada23 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario29-1 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

May20-21 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR21-22 Live Out Loud! – Rogers, AR

June3-4 Animal B.E.S.T. I – Rogers, AR5 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR10-12 Personal Care – Rogers, AR23-25 Eat to Live & Live Rich – Rogers, AR

July8-9 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL

August12-14 Personal Care – Rogers, AR19-21 Personal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR

September8-9 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR10-11 Homecoming – Rogers, AR 30-1 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France

October2 Live B.E.S.T. – Paris, France14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY21-23 Personal Care – Rogers, AR28-29 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November5-6 Spiritual B.E.S.T. II – Chicago, IL




All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique
