The Morning Rush



A description of an Indian school girl and her busy morning rush

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Struggling to make my messy hair oiled and tamed, talcum powder making polka dots in

the pinafore, running around to find where the matching socks is and bending over to see

if the my dusty shoes were hiding under the bed. For all the 14 years of my school life, i

have never got ready on time. The last minute hurry burry always excited me. Even

today, the thought of getting ready for school excites me. May be that part of life is what I

miss the most today.

Only because she was born elder to me and finished school first, I envied my sister. I

wanted to grow up fast and finish schooling. Maths teachers and numbers were among

my nightmares and same was the case of Chemical equations which were always

unwilling to settle in my memory. But school was never boring. P.T periods and library

hours bought joy to school life. Bunking class hours and practicing for culturals, made us

feel like rebels breaking rules. (even when we went only with permission.) Playing

basketball while it rained, eating ‘Poppins’ during class hours, passing chits, helping

friends answer questions, suppressing laughs when friend tells a lame joke,copying

assignments and home works, asking teachers doubt only to change the topic and

adrenaline filled nights before class trips. Those were carefree days of life and I am happy

I enjoyed it to the fullest. Thanking my friends and missing our days.

Today the one group I envy the most is kindergarten students. They have 14 long years to

enjoy and here I am watching them crying and struggling to miss the school bus. We

never had the intellect to understand the importance of the phase of life we went through.

There was no logical thinking then, just cute innocent smiles. We were willing to help

anyone and never expected anything other than an extra birthday toffee. Life was simple.

Why did we grow up and complicate it?

All that is left today with me is the faded pages of my autograph books, filled with

memories of my happiest days. It’s said that God listens to little children’s prayers first.

Today I realize that, as a child I should have never prayed of growing up.:( If ever god

appears before me to grant a wish, I am quite sure of what to ask for. Be childish, be silly.

Laugh over stupid jokes and let your eyes sparkle the innocence you once had as a school

kid. Right now if at least one good memory of your school life popped up in your mind,

don’t hesitate. Ring up your school time buddies or visit your school. I am sure those

noisy corridors and cozy classrooms would have lots of stories to tell…
