The Mooring Mast 1928-1929



The Student newpaper for Pacific lutheran College

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. NEW YEAR IS School Year


IS ORGANIZED i Tingelstad Announces I

ew Plan; 65 Are En­,lIed First Night

elp us grow!" I :;h is the plea of Pacific Lutheran ge. The college is expanding daily I room must be made for such de­ments as may arise. For this rea­he cooperation of all is asked, and ,xpected that such aid will be glad-

I en.

e plan for development includes zonstruction of a new chemistry I (,tory, expan ion of the library, and devclopment of a wider field ot I lized friends. ,

re has been a demand for a four' " course in the college department: ., wiU "("Ime lflrler t e!eral Art e. Such an addition necessitates i ional resources. This s another 1_:;:;::;:::;::;::::::.;-on for the present plea for "help" 19 from Pacific Lutheran College . Its friends throughout this North- ! '. Elvestrom is one of the important I

___ :::m:1�.��!i:'7'1� HERE AT P.L.C.

Opening Exercises Pro v

Good; 106 Are Enrolled On First Day

The opening exercises of Pacific Lutheran College were held September 12.

One hundred and six students had enrolled on this first day, which makes an mcrease of ten per cent over last year's enrollment for the first day.

The opening exercises were held in the chapel building at ten o·clock. After the organ prelude, played by Professor Edwards, Rev. T. O. Svare led in prayer, and the assembly poined in Singing "The Heavens Declare Thy Glory."

The new president, Dr. O. A. Tingel­stad spoke on John 14: 1-15-"Let not " your neart lJe 1.tOllOleti. Ul" rle ... vt:.LL .II> l our goal and Jesus is our way, and there are His great works to do for US; and all this time He hears our prayers, and

! His commandments provide a way of loving service for His individual dis­ciples as well as for Christian insti­tutions like our Pacific Lutheran 001-, In establishing a greater Pacific at --------------.--------------------------------------

land. He is to be the field man- CHOIR IS PICKED Lutherans Have I SUlluuer School Has lege. So in our works and dOing', we have this one great comfort, "Let not nan who will be responsible for or- BY PROF. EDTf/ ARDS B" C t" I

Proved Intere"'tin g . 19 onven IOn " your heart be troubled," for Jesus IS ling the development campaign in The P. L. C. chOir for 1928-29 met in I For six weeks this summer, the school

t· t l' h P 'd t T' Its first ensemble rehearsal Wednesday, "vas actively engaged by a goodly group. at all times. leld and arrangmg for a series of I ever present to help and befriend us

mee mgs a w 11C resl en m- the 26th. Professor J. Edwards direct- I Chataqua Is Well-Attended By

ad can present the cause. B G' I d Ad It The summer-school session of the The new teachers were introduced by • • . . I ing. After many tryouts the following oys, Ir s an """ u & (C t· d P ge Two) development aSSOCiatIOn IS bemg ' Normal course of P. L. C. was well ut- on mue on a

. d b hi ' . h' b ! have been selected: mze , mem ers p m whlc IS 0 - That the Chataqua held the last week t d d th h th k ff d ,d by Signing the following state- First sopran�Anna Michelson, EI- en e even oug e wor 0 ere WEDDING OF L. CARLSON GRAD t: "This is to certify that the above vera Hokenstad, Dorothy Lehmann, of August was successful can be shown was of a difficulty not conducive to At a very beautiful home wedding ed is enrolled as a contributing sup- Phyllis Grande, Emma Kaaland, Helen from the fact that there were about eag'er study in the midst of hot days. Tuesday evening, September 25, one of �r of Pacific Lutheran College, Holmes, Elma Trulson, Helen Westby. 50 tents placed on the campus. Miss Stixrud, Mrs. Kreidler. Mr. our graduates, Mr. Lyman Carlson, :land, Washington, with the under- Second sopran<r--Clara Myhre. Dor- In addition to the older members of Hauge, and Mr. Stuen were the teach- was married to Miss Ellen Heggblom, ding that a contribution of at least othy Ebersole, Lillian Anderson, Edna th R H 'ks S ttl I ers, while the course comprised Educa- of Gig Harbor. Rev. O. J. Ordal from dollar be made to Pacific Lutheran I Dagsland, Inga Goplerud, Ingeborg tIOnal Measurements, Prmclples of Edu- Bellingham, Washington, for many years

e g-roup, ev. enn en of ea e I ' . . !ge by the above-named at least Balstad, Eliot Michelsen, Irene Dahl.

had charge of an encampment of 35 cation, Library Instruction, Technic of a close friend of the family , performed a year and that the above-named First bass-Norman Hoff, Frank- boys, and Miss Ulleland had 25 girls Teaching, State Manual, and Normal the ceremony. The bride's sister was

(Continued on Page Two) lin Lacy, Warner Quale, Sigurd Bjelde. under her care. I Art. I maid of honor, while Mr. Ole Floe acted Second bass-Alf Myhre, Carl Ellef- Bible meetings were held early each j Those who attended the quarter's as best man. Among the invited guests

JNER HONORS NEW FACULTY son, Alton Ellingson, Reynold Jacob- morning and proved a real insplra- I work this summer were: Hannah And- were Prof. and Mrs. O. J. Stuen, from formal dinner party was given at son. Uon for the day. derson, Opal Black, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. the College. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Carl-

home of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. I Mrs. Edwards, first alto, and Mrs. The younger members of the congre- Calavan, Ruth Erickson, Verna Gano, son left Immediately after the wedding I t W d d . I h X ' d It '11 b h I h Ethel Johnson. Mrs. King, Mr. W. for a short honeymoon in British ge as e nes ay evenmg n on- aVJer, secon a 0, WI e c o r c ap- gation were kept busy by Bible work

f the new members of the faculty.' erones. Kersten, Irene Moore, Blanche Rail, I Columbia, after which they will be at dinner was given by the members At election of officers Wednesday, contests, conducted by some members Martha Sizer, Bertha Rod, Merle vet- I home at 1407 No. Prospect street, Ta-I and by contests of various sorts. These

Id f It M X ' th 2 G It · tel's and Mae Wahlmacher. coma. . ne 0 acu y. r. aVler gave e 6th erhard Lane was e ec ed presl- of the college student body, Included :ommg address to the new members I dent, Franklin Lacy, treasurer, Elna track meets, swimming contests and

B P L C' e group, an responses were rna e Trulson, secretary, Car An erson, ser- games of higher organization in which h d d I I d Fascinating Tradition is y . . . is Best IIlr. Elvestrom, Dr. Tinglestad, Miss geant-at-arms. Mr. Elvertron, business the parents sometimes Joined. Explainer---Mooring Mast Reported lre and Mr. Hong. Mr. Hauge acted, manager of choir, gave a talk at this Dr. Bruise of the Lutheran Theolog-.

Tradition, always interesting any west end of the campus we can only naster of ceremonies. I meeting in which he stressed the im- ical Seminary spoke at the summer where at any time, takes on a new say that surprises await you, for noth-ames and contests occupied the eve-j portance of regular attendance and school for ministers. meaning when spoken of in connection ing in black and white could truthful-;; hours. also choir plans for the year. Among the speakers at this Chataqua Iy tell the traditions of that mysterious

with a campus, for in this sense tra- spot. o were Rev. O. L. Hovick, a member of

NEW TEACHERS ADDED TO P. L. C. STAFF the board of trustees of the Pacific dition consists of customs so long prac- There are, however, less mysterious

Rcific is glad to welcome a group of this school where he once was president. Lutheran College, Rev. Pfluger of se- I ticed that they have become a part customs of our school. One event which { teachers to her halls. The addl- Miss Myhre is the school stenogra- attle, Rev. Rustad and Rev. Lono, both of a thing. And what kind of a campus has already taken place is the annual

1 of these teachers to the old staff pher. Her home is In Seattle,.

where I of Tacoma. I is that without tradition? P. L. C. has trip to the Fair. Most of us found that she was graduated from the UniversitY j students will unconsciously follow old

I there are other places besides school

kes possible another step forward in of Washington last June. MRS. KREIDLER HONORED 'traditions-many of them-and new where one can get a different slant at I work that is being planned for the The call also penetrated to Luther In honor of her birthday Mrs. Kreld- customs without realizing that they life or look at things from a different ure. \ College, Decorah, Iowa, and brought ler was presented with a beautiful tooled already entered into the traditional life angle. Anyway, the Carnival section rhe call was sent--and responses back Dr. Tlngelstad and Mr. Elvestrom. leather over-night bag, last Friday of the school. is one place where you can get up in ne from far and near. Those who I' Mr. Elvestrom is field man for the night. The presentation was at the For instance, how many of us have the world. As for the other traditional re nearest are Mr. Hong, the new development work at Pacific. While home of Mr. and Mrs. Xavier, with the not already strolled to the old Kicking events we shall not try to tell about !h school prinCipal, and Miss Myhre. at Luther he was a teacher, but he re- dinner tables set for 36 of the honor Post, implanted a flrln toe print thereon them, for they, too, must be experienced. PIr. Hong came from Lincoln High I fused to tell the reporter what it was guests, friends and associates in the and wished that--no, don't tell, or it We merely remind you of Campus Day, \001 In Tacoma, where he has been that he struggled with. I school. Dr. Tingelstad presented a bas- won't come true. This custom began so Sneak Day, and Reunion as some of the



Published every two weeks during the school year by the students of Pacific Lutheran College, Parkland, Washington.

Subscription, one dollar per year.

wish to demand of him. He gives us

comfort and aid whenever we ask for it. Why not use that privilege more often?


Sylvia Larson '28, is now at her home Th' ht t b d i ·th On Saturday evening, September 15, IS oug 0 e a goo rec pe WI in Parkland. She will leave in January Mr

which to begin the new semester- the first social affair of the school Colle to enter training In a Seattle hospital. Never let it rest. It is good advice to year took place in the form of the an· ing 1 each and every one of us. It is always This Cornelia Goplerud who attended P. nual faculty-student reception. hard very easy to let things rest when they are just good. Try to make everything L. C. 1926-27 visited school several days event, given for the purpose of getting effor you do, your best. last week. the students and teachers acqua nted, Alt

E te d d In addition to this, comes the thought was held in the reception hall from from n re as secon class matter, October 2, 1925, at the Post Office at Parkland, Burton Kreidler, '25 is attending the Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. "All things shall be done decently and College of Puget Sound. eight to eleven p, m.

in order." Keep our schoolrooms in or­Confl

Verna Gano Lyal Kreidler

Irene Dahl


Agnes Olsen Eleanor Lofthus

Elna Trulson Erling Jacobsen Dorothy Ebersole


Eliot Michelson CIRCULATION

Miriam Heimdahl Agnes Klippen ADVERTISING

Margaret Jacobson




Gerhard Lane

N. J. Hong

WELCOME, DR. TINGELSTAD! "1\ corporation can he no more efficient than the managerial

officer at its head." Our corporation is Pacific Lutheran College, and t1le proof of' our school's integrity is Dr. O. A. Tingelstad, our executive.

In referring to Dr. Tingelstad's acceptance of the presidency of Pacific Lutheran College, allow us to say that never in the his­tory of our institution have we experienced such an advancement as t.hat which his presence makes possible for us to announce. �Ie IS a cholar and ed,ucator of pre-eminent ability, but more, he IlS a gentleman of sterlmg character.

Dr. Tingebtad. we welcome you to Pacific Lutheran Colleae and hope to manifest the appreciation you delServe.



.omctimes one hears a student remark that advertisements

are of no value to anyone, but this theory is false. Advertising is only one type of news and is valuahle10 the

publ!cation carrying it, the business and above all, the person readmg the announcement for he profits most. As an example, u ten dollar sweater may he offered for eight dollars. a saving of twenty per c�nt . Such a saving as this counts, and in a years' tllue will make a considerable showing.

Commence now and see how interesting the advertisements really are. Then get the habit, for Invader advertisements bring a three-fold result-for the bu)'er, the seller, and the publicatio�.

-Auburn Invader

PROGRAM-OPENING EXERCISES Organ Prelude, by 'Vely Joseph O. Edwards Invocution- Rev. T. O. Svare Hymn-"The I-Jeavens Declare Thy Glory" Meditation on John 14: 1-15 O. A. Tingelstad The Lords' Prayer


Vocal Quartet: "Come Unto .Me," by Coenan-Mrs. Hauge, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Ramstad, Mrs. Xavier

Address- N . .T. Honn Soprano Solo-"My Redeemer and My Lord," by Buck


Mrs. Philip E. Hauge nnouncements- O. A . Tingelstad and Philip E. Hauge

Doxology-"Praise God, from '\Thorn All Blessing Flow"

L��I�r!er�!7aI�.S�� C:2:t::��sR��: I "'"''''C'bapej'''Tali(''''''' teacllers was the marriage of Louise


Henrikson '28 to Prof. Ellingson of "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and Luther College. The wedding took place carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem June 27 at the Phinney Ridge Church him stricken, smitten of God, and af­in Seattle, the ceremony being per- flicted. formed by the bride's father, Rev. Geo. But he was wounded for our trans­Henrikson. Mrs. George Henrikson Jr. gressions, he was brused for our in­was Matron of honor and Elna Trul- iquites: the chastisement of our peace son and Esther Towe were brides was upon him; and with his stripes we maids. After the ceremony a reception are healed." was held at the parsonage attended by Insert our own name in place of the following guests: Rev. and Mrs. L. "our" and then read. Christ bore our C. Foss, Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Haavik, troubles, our iniquities, our transgres­Mr. and Mrs. Ph. E. Hauge, Mr. and sions. If we would stop to think about Mrs. O. J. Stuen, Mr. and Mrs. Kreid- that side of our life. other pettier mat­leI', Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. ters would vanish. Go to the Heavenly George Henrikson Jr., Miss Esther Father for help in your schoolwork, go Towe, Elna Trulson, Jenny Lingaas,l to Him when you are homesick. Surely and Mrs. Gunderson. he will help you.

Students and teachers join in wish- People have come to think that God ing happiness and success to the couple, is somebody whose acquaintance can who are residing at Decorah, Iowah, be sought on the Sabbath day only. where Prof. Ellingson is teaching at Our Father is ready for us at any time, Luther College. in any place, and for any thing that we - --- - -------------�--------------

-:- Church Announcements -:-Sept. 29-Saturday sehool, 10 a. m. Sept. 30-Divine Service, 11 a. m.; Sunday School, 10 a. m. Oct. 1-Meeting of the Church Council at the home of Mr. Philip

E. Hauge. Oct. 8-Devotional hour at 7 :80 p. rn. in the Church parlors. Oct. 4---Choir rehearsal at 7 :45 p. m. Mrs. Hauge director.

- .. 11 .... ().

After the usual "handshaking" Mr, looki] der. Keep our chapel in order. Keep an el Solveig Rynning is teaching at the Hauge introduced the new president, our library in order. Keep everything Eatonville Public School. in order because order is one of the

I Dr. Tingelstad, who gave a few words Speaj

Coac to be first essentials for good work and suc­

cess in school.

�iL., Of Change...;

-- of welcome and wishes for success in Gladys Knutzen '28 is attending the . .

t lit B · C 11 ' s t the the commg school year, The fOI-Me ropo an uSlness 0 ege In ea - In

tie. lowing program was given by the facul son, ty: year'!

Clara Rod, a student here in 1924- Song by mixed quartet composed of positi

25 is attending Lincoln High School in Mrs. Hauge, Mrs. Edwards, Rev. Svare eral

Mr. Allison: "There will never be a Tacoma. and Mr. Edwards, accompanied by Mis ably

woman president of the United States." Student: "Why?"

Myhre. fit w Gerhard Solli is attending Bethany Piano solo. Mr. Edwards. his 01,

Mr. Alllson: "The president has to be College, Mankato, Minn. "A Little Nonsense", Mr. Xavier. backs Musical reading, Mr. Freed. good.

over thlrty-five.-Lincoln News. Agnes Weirson '27 was married Au- Following the program, President an' Thl

gust 11 to Mr. T. H. Eggen. Mrs. Tingelstad led ,the Grand Marci Thosl Guide: This, sir, is the leaning tower

of Pisa. . Refreshments were served by the ladii well I

Palma Heimdahl is teaching at Skagit of the faculty. man, Tourist: Let me see. That doesn't

sound like the name of the contractor who built my garage, but it looks like his work.-Lincoln News.

City, Washington. (Continued from }'a�t! 000 ):(�

1 'W (Continued from Page One) shal retain this membership anI b ,i/'i>..

President Tingelstad-N. J. Hong, Vic- kept on the mailing list of the P!.cifi � Lutheran College Bulletin one year ;ror 'W Kike: What is an echo? tor A. Elvestrom, and Miss Clara .iM.. the date of such contribution," � Stan: The only thing that can keep Myhre. The other teachers are-J.

"The income from this association women from having the last word. Xavier, O. J. Stuen, A. W. Ramstad, . 'Y'>l' states President Tingelstad, "will be d� ,i/'i>.. -Lincoln News. Lora B. Kreidler, W. J. Freed, Joseph vided between permanent improvement � O. Edwards, Lydia E. Stixrud, H. J. 'Y'>l' such as the new chemistry laboratol") .iM..

Wire to Father: "Where is the money Hoff, an unusually able and devoted � and the regular operating expenses un

I wrote for last week 1" faculty group. til such time as the Endowment Fun 'Y'>l' Answer: "In my inside pocket."-Lln-

coIn News.

Leap Years come, Leap years go; It changes much, But this I know-It may change many a man's ways; It don't change this-Man always pays.-Lincoln News.

Where the Wolf Pa.nts

"Look, Izzy! Your shirt is out!" "Out vare?" "Out vare the vest begins."-Llncoln News.




(Note: There was no further argument) -Lincoln News.

. .Honeymoon Salad-"Lettuce Alone." ..

Never be in despair, somewhere on earth the sun is always shining.

Yes, and somewhere below the ocean there is a bottom, but that doesn't help a guy when he falls over board.-Au-burn Invader.

T-·It _.II_M'_""_II"-�-IHI-"-'" ---i l I I Clothing i I i I FurnishingS-Hats Shoes I i Outdoor Clothing I i ! 1 DICKSON BROS. CO. ! I I i 1120-22 Pacific Avenue ! f . . I

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Bone Dry SHOES

Complete line sport boot and dress shoes

1201 Pacific Ave,

All look forward to another suc- ;/'Ii.. has been paid in full." 'Y'>l' cessful and inspirational school year at The development campaign was open 0 Pacific Lutheran College. ed in Parkland, Sunday evening, SeJ: ,i/'i>..

tember 23, with 65 enrolled the fir1 � She crawled up into my arms, day. It is a good beginning, bl�t t � Cuddled into my lap . campaign is not over yet, and the enJ):(

I patted her soft brown haIr,

I will be even better, if all expectlltiora}{ Boy! But I loved that cat.-Auburn prove correct. "W Invader. .iM..

Lives of football stars remind us I r-'�-;;��pQ ';�-"-'1� That they play and play their best j Piac" ood F,,,,t: whll Ex " 111 I}:( And; departing, leave behind them I Service � Cleat marks in the enemies' chest. i Dinners a Specialty

-Auburn Invader. i On Mountain Hiway. ['):( ----------- +--,-.. -�-"---,-,,,,--,.-,.-.,--t �

+._�II_MII_."_III1_"'i_'._""_"_I'._"" __ .+ 1 The Home of 2 Pants Suits ! I I I JETLAND&PALAGRUTI i


P. L. C.

Will be given 15% discount on all photos made at Studio. In addi· tion will give one extra large photo and frame to the' first ten I sittings after this issues, '


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be iic m




'y, [1-�d


p-:st h'



provide the Gladiators with a schedule that should result in some real football


"Oh, Truly!"

WORK IN GYM "Change that dirty middy! Roll your

Mr. A. W. Ramstad, Pacific Lutheran second team, are shOwing up very well contests. Such a clamor as arose on the air stockings up!" College football mentor, has been work- in practice. Coltum has plenty of

At the present time five games have when Elna Trulson sailed onto the We wonder, will such criticisms be l'ng a squad of about thl'rty-fl've men speed and should develop into a capable b d f d th

. een arrange or, an ere IS a prom- h i f R

. t t· D t P L C th t f th 1 t· d b wingman. Gopelrud is another promis- or zon 0 egis ra IOn ay a . . . e ou come 0 e regu a IOns rna e y

hard during the past three weeks in an ising possibility of at least two more. The noise surely must have deafened Miss Stixrud. girls' ,·physical educa-ing wingman. effort to find a winning bi ation A second game is scheduled with the C. her, because a boiler factory would be tion teacher, last Thursday. com n · . Tackles seem to be causing Coach P. S. reserves, but no date has been ar-

Alth h h I 1 tt hard put to it to equal the volume put The gl' Is thl's f ente oug e las seven e er-men Ramstad a great deal of concern. ranged at the present time. Arrange-r year ace an r-

f 1 t . t forth by the future students of P. L. C. taining program of games, folk dances rom as year s earn, Junior Colleg€ Wiese, a letterman, is showing up well. ments are also being made with the That is, of course, if such a comparison and exercises. Last year was an en­is fair to the poor boilers! tertaining one, even if the classes were

All around was the hum of voices, held from 3:30 to 4:30. This year

Conference Champions, and some likely Cronquist, Jacobson, and Lisherness Moran School. looking new prospects, he is yet making have been showing up well at tackle The list so far includes: Centralia an effort to find the best combination. positions. All are big but lack experi- Junior College-October 5; St. Leo's-Speaking of the outlook for the season ence. October 12; Puget Sound Reserves-

greeting old friends and meeting new promises to be even better and expecta-

Coach Ramstad says, "I'm not inclined Fred Scheel. a husky guard from last October 19; Stadium Hi-November 9; ones. Pacific was certainly in a state tions are high.

to be too optimistic." year's team, aud Floe should make an Lincoln High, November 23. This should .of chaos. Everything was strange and The girls are required to wear the

In the backfield, Knutzen, Ander- efficient pair of guards. Berentsen and I provide the fans with some real football, new-even to the old "studes." Rooms regulation outfit consisting of white

'son. and Carlson, all vets from last Hauge should also fit in well at guard I, and the Gladiators have some strenu- had been changed-painted-new curt- middies, black bloomers, black stock-

year's team, seem to have an edge on positions. ous contests faCing them. ains in the lunch room; new teachers iugs and tennis shoes.

positions. Carlson, a clever field gen- Bill Nyman and "Jake" Jacobson, I greeted the classes when they met.

eral and consistent punter, will prob- both veterans, seem to have an edge Irvin Lane '23 and Miss Pricilla Boyd But over and above all the racket, FOOTBALL Team Elects Captain.

ably work at quarter. Knutzen should on the center division. of Idaho were married last August at and between trips to the kicking post. At a meeting last week "Red" Carl­fit well at fullback, and Anderson at Although the loss of such men as Stanwood by Rev. Geo. Lane. They are time was found to make the new-com- son, prominent P. L. C. athlete, was his old position, half. Other prospective fIoban, Fowler, Sannerud and Christen- residing at Parma, Idaho, where Mr. ers feel at home. The old elevator gag elected to Captain the fighting Glad-backs who are giving the veterans a sen from last year's squad will be keen- Lane is superintendent of schools. was "pulled" time without number. It iators through the coming season. good run are Sanderson, Palo, and Hoff. ly felt, prospects for the coming season was funny though, that the new group Football fans and students will re-

The end positions, with Kreidler. are far from being gloomy. The Glad- P. W. Lee, a former student of P. L. of "freshies" were not as green (unin- member "Red" as one of the outstand-

Thostenson, and Coltum, should be iators will open the gridiron season A. visited school when he brought with formed if such a word suits our English ing backs of last year's team. Carlson well taken care of. Kreidler, a letter- with Centralia Junior College on him his brother, Fred Lee, who register- critics better) as had been expected. is a brilliant open-field runner and a man, and Thostenson from last year's October fifth. ed here. They took the jests and attempts at witty quarterback. He should prove an


School Spirit FirsD



'Bigger and 'Better Paper

For a

Patronize Your �d-• verttsers


comedy in good humor, and have made acceptable and successful leader. themselves better liked because of their excellent conduct. Erna Heimdahl has completed train-

We found it necessary to direct some Ing at the Swedish Hospital in Se­of the older members of the student attle and is a nurse there now. body around the halls and into the dif-ferent classrooms where registration Thoralf Pederson, a P. L. C. student was the order of the day. Everything in 1926 has opened a store on 807 Pa­was different-it still is-but the new cific Avenue and will be glad to meet year promises to be the "best ever." all of his old classmates and P. L. C.


ROY HIGH; 12-0

In a practice contest on Friday, Sep­tember 21, the Gladiators defeated Roy High with a score of 12 to O. The con­test was an exhibition of miserable foot­ball.

Coach Ramstad used virtually every man on the squad in an effort to get a lineup on his material. Another game with Roy hll.8 bee schedulde lor the second team later in the -eason.

Myron Kr dl � and Peter 80gDefeat wfi1 re-enter t.h University of Waah-

}{ lngton this








. ___ _

}{ Annele Dahl '26 and Norman Langlo, .):( student here in 1925-26 were married

):( this summer and are living at Santa

):( Barbara, California.

):( ):( This ad plus 25c good for marcel ):( ):( ):( ):(

and complimentary bair trim at


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"'!PI!' j Masquerade & Theatrical Costumes • � t Tuxedo and Dress Suits for Rent

"'!PI!' i Neal E. Thorsen ){ i 924�{, Broadway Main 3111

i Hair Goods, Hair Dyes, Toupees, ):( • Wigs, �Iasks ! ):( +--�-I IA-.W-".-M.-MII-IfM_IIII_hN_.�_HH_�+

):( ):( ):( ):( ):( ):( ):( ):( ):( ):( ):( ):( ):( ):(



Confectionery & Barber Shop

Fountain Lunches, Sodas, Sundaes

It Pays to Look Well. Patronize Union Shops

G. P. KNUDTSON, Prop. Corner Car Line

students at this location.

+_u._.y_� _._-'._�'_�-4iJI--.ob • • -t' I ! , ARTS' BARBER SHOP f I Brookdak

JI ! +- � ____ lIrt_1tI1 UII_.--II+


m in and see them. Th b st ta Jared clothf6 tha skilled

tallon. can make

$50. to $65

GEO.LONEY Main 8000 112 So. lOth St.

Steel Shelving For every atorage need i .. facto� .tore or office-from atatioDery fit heavy caatinga or motor tirea­Art Metal Shelving aave. �pace. money and time. Let u. HDd you an intereeling booklet on Art M ... i

Steel Shelvina.

Johnson-Cox Co. 'Main 49 726 Pacific A.a

ArlM.lal Steel Office Equip __ t


A student at age 16 or more should take a life policy for

the benefit of the pady 01' parties who fillallce his or her edu­

cation. A Ten Year Term policy at above given age costs

$9.60 per $1000.00 annually, and can be converted to any

higher form within eight years from date of issue.

�AGE 4. i

POEM ['U bet YOU started TO READ this

and THOUGHT it was a POEM But YOU got FOOLED, now DIDN'T

YOU? So WHY did YOU keep on READING


PEOPLE ho are KIND OF CURIOUS, or MAYBE you're LIKE me who



Where, oh where, have the teachers


Mast Subscriptions Wanted Immediately

"Hear, ye ! Hear, ye ! Ye Mooring

Mast wants your dollar! Come and

And what oh, what have they done ? hear ! Come and buy ! "

Here is the where and the what, and Such is the cry one hears around

maybe the why of the vacations spent Pacific Lutheran College today. Now by the teachers of Pacific Lutheran is the time to subscribe for the school College during the past few months :

Mr. Stuen spent the summer attempt- paper. All students get the paper each

ing to teach the rudiments of Library week, but it is up to each one of them oesn't KNOW WHERE to STOP Hello, everybody . 1 Pretty soft, you Th . e campus philosopher says that a

U��A��U'VE gone TOO FAR AL- sitting there readIng this delightful woman stops telling her age when her Instruction in summer school at Park- to get someone outside to take the


. OU, I'll TEACH you Something. Do you KNOW THAT PLENTY


)ON'T pull the TRIGGER? FOR

( mostly light-not enlightening) scien- age begins telling on her. land. paper. For that reason the girls and A manuscript of children's stories was

tiflc literature, with not a thing on the boys are at "finger nail and toe

Don't you get a bang out of watching prepared by Dr. Hoff, and is now with a

your mind except a rooter's cap-may- ' the football practice ? (The players do publisher in New York. The Mooring nail" grips for each subscription.

be. I've found out that inspiration too. ) One frosh thinks the scrub team Mast takes this opportunity to wish him It is a case of "First come, first

needs the help of perspiration to reach I washes up th varsity after they have all success in this work. served," and each person is trying to

the desired destination so we were in- cleaned up the scrubs. Mr. Ramstad and Mr. Xavier spent be the first.

spired to race to the Kicking Post. Be- a lazy three months studying for de- The contest is just started. Although Inspiration NEEDS the HELP of sides the perspiration we got inspiration grees at the University of Washington.

Mr. Edwards passed his vacation in there is no definite date set for the end

Hennings, Minn. During the first week of the contest, it is expected that the

in July, he attended the National Edu- finish will be in about three weeks

cational Association meetings. Mr. and from now. Get busy !

:>ERSPIRATION to REACH the DE- from observation and Ooooh-there MA YBE WHEN HE LEFT SIRED ought to be a law against that !

DESTINATION. And NO MAN is to 3e PITIED except the ONE whose Didja go to the fair? We observed

FUTURE afterwards that sometimes a girl's idol LIES BEHIND. NOW haven't YOU is shattered, but more often he's just

�LREADY learned THAT THERE is a plain broke. Still, it's no disgrace to " LITTLE bit of BAD in the BEST be poor, but oh ! how inconvenient.

If US? and a LITTLE BIT of GOOD in the WORST of us?"

So "IT HARDLY becomes any of US to Say ANYTHING ABOUT the REST

I of us?" tHAT is WHY I am so BRAVE


and ME, and SOMETIMES I rHINK THEE is a LITTLE queer." And I I KNOW that COMMON SENSE � GOOD to HAVE, but never LET

It master YOU for THEN I t �GHT depriVe YOU of the FOOLISH

THINGS it's FUN TO DO. Besides iF I FAIL, it Is ALL RIGHT, for

"PITY the MAN who has NE'ER '{NOWN defeat ; he has NEVER


rRIED with ALL his MIGHT. But THIS UNPOLISHED rugged VERSE ellose a.� fitted for DISCOURSE And NEAREST PROSE . Now I have

11 WII ) ;U that bOMEY NG cal Be LEARNED from EVERYTHING


rhat rm not a poet. SO I QUIT, Satisfied that my aim has been ac-

complished. <contributed! r-'-'-"-'-"-"-"-'-'-'-"-"j'

I butter-nut I i b d t i rea I i some people never eat any other j :.'_" _�'1_'_41�1_1)_f'_(I_'I�' __ C.:. ,, __ lI:"_,'_, _� -""-.l1li _0_' [ r

"-".-.+ Better Printing

l Keystone Printing Co., Inc.

i i I i Main 3757

i 702 Pacific Ave i

TACOlUA i it-:l '-'-'-"'- -_-R.-M"-;;"_�'·_"�_"�_M+

t'-.:'-�"-" -�M_IIII_''''-.II-''-!:u-nl'_'.11_.+

I •

I ! I i I CaHfornia Florists •

I Cut Flowers, Potted Plants I r 919 Pacific Ave. Tacoma = , I ".-II __ _ U ___ IlII_1I!J .--, _r+

Brookdale Grocery Co.

Ask Us-We Have It

Groceries. Flour, Hay, Grain, Feed, Shoes, Rubber Footwear, Drugs,

Hardware, Plumbing Supplies Paints, Roofing.

PHONES Mad. 107J4 Mad. 193R3

Parkland, Wash.


Same Day Service

All orders left by 10 a. m. ready same day at 5 p. m.

Enlarging, Lantern Slide Making

Rizzi : "Gee, they are a yellow bunch." Bud W. : "Who ?" Rizzi : "That bunch of bananas."

-Source unknown.


Some people have a keen sense of hu­mor. The more you humor them the better they like it.-College Chips. i

Prof. : "How many sides has a CirCle ? " ! Stude : "Two." Prof. : "What ! " Stude : "Sure, the inside and outside.

-College Chips.

"Worried? What's the matter ?" "Work, nothing but work." "How long have you been at this

grind? " "I begin tomorrow."-Waldorf Lobby­



He (enjuying open tit'e)-Wllllt Ume do you love best ?

She ( hei pful l y ) - Why dun't you ex· peri ment Ill'd fin rl nu t ?

Sign on back of a slicker : "The trail of the lonesome spine."

Sign on back of an old Ford : "So tired."

Dougal : "Mother, do savages wear

clothes ?"

Rls Mother : " N o."

I D. : "Then ton in the Blotter.

why did papa pm a but­missionary plate ? "-The

l I e-Do 1 know Hick ? 1 should S:I� so. He's a very close relative of mine.

She-l s h o u l d say so. He's even cl user than you a I'e.

Listen to this : A new way of explain­ing evolution ; Man descended from an ape : an ape descended from a tree; therefore man descended from a tree.­College Chips.

Wangberg : What you all call it when a girl gets marrIed three times-big­otry?

Someone else : Lawsey, boy, you sut­tinly am an ignoramus. Why when a girl gets married two times, dat am big­otry ; but when she gets married de third time, dat am trigonometry.-Wal­dorf Lobbyist.


Our father slipped upon the ice Because he couldn't stand ; He saw the glorious Stars and Stripes We saw our father land.


Three fishermen of Nome drifted out to sea on an iceberg, but managed to keep cool until rescued.


Motber-Etllel, I saw you Sittillg on your dentist's knee. [s that the way he extracts a tooth ?

Daugh ter-No, mother ; but that's the way be extracts a promise.

Millwork and Cabinet Shop Supplies

WASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. Spalding Athletic Goods

924 Pacific Ave. Main 768 Tacoma, Wash.

:" " ... " l I l If . . I I I I I I II I I I I I I U I I I I I . " II I I I I I I I . , I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 I . 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I . , •• , . I ' . ltf I U . I I . U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U I I I I I H ll l l l l l t l I I I.!

; 304 gt BI (f �

Mrs. Edwards drove home in a new Willys-Knight car.

After summer school was finished, Miss Stixrud spent some time with her sister in Vancouver, B. C.

Mr. Hauge had a hard time deciding which was the more important-the fact that he taught summe� school, or

'i"-"-'-"-"--"--'---'-'� j Thoralf L. Pedersen , I Cigars and Candies


� 807 Pacific Ave.

I Just 3 doors south of Bus Station I _:.,_,, __ ,,_,,-,'_0_,_,_'_1'-" '- 1 _:_

the fact that his parents and sister ·.I:·)�I' ___ (I_'I __ I_I_')_'I_')_"-"'I_'.� visited him.


Mrs. Kreidler had the pleasure of j j seeing the Duffy Players in Seattle, i Jeweler '

where she spent week- ends with her i Fine Watch Repairing ! sister. She also taught summer school. i 257 South 1 1 th Street !

It seems that the teachers have had = , .:.I_�I_�()_'I_I"'-'I_I '_{I_(_( I_'I_(.:.

a pretty busy summer, and must now >-___ � __ �� ______ �.

be g'lad to get back to the hum-drum rou tine of teaching. ( ? )

Stewar t : "Describe the mechanism of a steam shove!."

Sumner : Don't kid me. You can't carry steam on a shovel. "-The Blotter. 'r-'-"-"-"-'-'-"-"-"-'-'-"� i CALL MAD. 381.J5 I I For Your Hauling, Baggage, ; I Moving, Etc. j

RBAL� ILK Hosiery �ills


Student Representative

I J l h..lU .ld J. L. Bl'attun i ;:.I_/�II_'-'I_I_I)_II_I_{I_II_I'-' .: • .---------------- 1 'j'·,-'-"-'-"-'-"-"-"-'--"-'t I DAHL GROCERY CO. I I General l\'lerchandise -

I Phon�.::�; :::::'

::kl,nd I e ,

.:.'_" _\_'l_(I_I_C_'�(l_\I'-"_" _t.:.

Its Our Business To Serve

and Serve Efficiently

Thats why we are here, for your convenience and we want you to feel free to use our facilities in every and any manner. We devel­lop and print your kodak films.

Parkland Mercantile Co.

We invite comparison of Quality, Service and Price. Examination without charge


Phone Broadway 1421

You are invited to consult us about your banking problems.


The Puget Sound National Bank T'acoma, Wash. -. - Established 1890


During the school year of 1928-29, may we,

continue to receive the loyal support of our many



/ VOL. 5

New DI Polic1 .

At J Committl

Have ( ments ; Needed

Following H. Anderson ted the bookl ment policy t board and b) cording' to S1

The first policy concel endowment f that at pre used to retir place in the endowment ! operating ex this income cent of the I lege, accord plan worked pay back int the endowme tire most of �ev�n;, endow ment j pledges in tl· have done in


The first I

izing the Pal velopment 1

money for 0

the placE' of the endowm has been sUi second reaso improvement and dollars i the library, I

are being til

better chen basement oj two improve and will gre: of the cours

C� According'

an investmel five membel board of trl senting the banker at S son, treasun dent of th Co. of Tacon

( Conti


Three ne' High School lege since tl The new stu Seattle, Roy Jens Rikshei


Can P. L. The game 12 though the we wanted.

Can P. L. Mooling M2 iar we have names like


New Development Policy Is Started At Pacific CoUege

Committee .. Elected To Have Charge of /IQVe8t- \ menu; New Material Is Needed

Follow1ni the vla1t ot Mr. Rudolph I H. Anderson of M1nneapou., who audi­ted the boots at the COllege . .. develop­ment polley hal been formulated by the­board and by President nngelatad, ac- I cording to augeaUons of the aud.1tor.

The flrlt Important Item or th1a poUey concema the income from the I endowment fund. It baa been decided that at present th1s money wtl.l be uaed to reUre lndebtednea and t:o re­place in the fund the expen&ee of thtl endowment appeal, M well aa to meet operat1ng expen.&e!l. By !Wng h&l! of this lncome and the Bpec11'led Iii per cent of the endowment gift4. the COl­lege. according to an amorUzaUon plan worked out by Mr. Anderson, will pay back lnto the endo'lmlent fund all the endowment appeal expeIl6e!l and re-


::. .:::�=!:�: an�:/���'�-N='st:' :r��!-��!�. '1·�""'_'!<!�··I:-:::: endowment fund collUDue to pay their mer �eI' Of Or. nn.elat&d.'1.. pledgee in the next. four yean ILl! they =-�--:---,-:-----------1f-----�-------1 have dO:;'::=�'

N� Complete Choir

The first of two reasoria for orpn- Li8t Now Given; !dng the Pacltlc Lutheran CoUege De- Error Co�te,J veiopment A.aoc.lat1on Is to provide money for open.t1ni; t'XpeD8eS to tate Thru an error Jut week, the the plaCe ot the Inte!'eIJt Income tram of part or the char memben :: :7u::a;:

1l� =

p��� � omitted. The oompleie uat rollowl:

second reuon Is to provide money to!" I SOpranos: Dorothy Lehman, Improvement&. At pruent, one thous- Hok.ellltad, Anna Iol1ckeWn, and dollan Is betna: spent In expandlnir Orande. Emma K&&Iand, Helen the llbrary. &nd three tbouu.nd dollarl Elna Trulaon and Helen Wflltby. U"e belna: � to build. a larpr and Second SOpranoa: Clara Myhre. better cbem15try laborat«y In the buement of the lI)'IllllU1um. These othy Ebenole. LUllan Andenon.

t"!"O lmprovements rw .. long felt need Inga Go¢erud,

Daughters of The Reformation Hold

Laboratory Is Being Installed in Basement of Gynr

in the Un1ted States. D1rect.l1 uDder"

I i i

PAG!: '

THE 1100.1",(; MAS T POEM Tbeft I. � 1D &be autumn. :n-t ia DaU1'e III rD1 tMood. _ Touc:b or manDI!r. h.1nt or mood: e ADd m:y bNrt '- l1b " rb.rme, Pub!»bed e'I"er7 t.o -..:. 4urtnc the IebooI ,.e&f by the I1.Udmtl ol PacltIc Wit:. the ,eUow aod tbe purple

Lutben.D 00Uere. PVt1&ncl. Wub1J:II1.OD. ADd the cnm.on teepl.n&

ap1Nt It. after the pme? nn� :n� 0Uf�� ': th� �� ;::=========, dam of God.

Mr. 8ehUtO'W_HHow would you speI.1 "Y&ll1meraec1oUl?� We Appreelat.e Your


Clem Senrt-"Very poorly. m.�-Lln­coin News.

Rosso's Garage Madison 107-R-t ---......... .. -Chuck: "I tb1nlI: ru \aU .. P. O. -. . 1rt: '"Wb3t" Chuck: 1. want to be • IIO&P �­IaL "-'l'be B1-L&fe.

Ta.L US YOU Aa& no • • : L. c. Il PaJa HANSON'S - ....... -.

1be Store " 1I�12 fill' · . For:: Md , . . . . . ,: . . : . : �iC Ave. 80CIftY � CLO'I'BBII " .




. Complete Une .port bool lUld dreoo .hoeo

SWEATERS Everything thate New and

Up to Date at DAVIS' 1M2 Padflc Avt!nue



ww be liven U� c11IcoUnt on au photos made at Studio. In addl­Uon -.:Ill -''ttl one � larJe photo and frame to the ttrst ten attttnp after tJU.. luUeI.

F. J. LEE Call!. Bldc.


lhal are dillerenl

Made Fre.h Daily

960 Pacific Ave. Rust Bldg.

THE PARKLA.ND · UGHT _d·.WATER COMPANY A MUTUAL COIIP ANY . .,........ .. 1111. Fan ..... Waler. LlPl· .... Po .... to ......... . .,.)y.

RATES ' , LIOBT� to 1 eeat.: .. J[W. Boar . POWIIR AI'm KU.T-l to " __ per Itlt'. Boar; . .• �n;��.::.IWaIo��_wUl PIX' tlII1ber blfcn.lkla aIIPI7 &0 .. a. a.LIJtICI8OIf. lIp'.


ATHLETIC MANAGK1t Junior CoUege of Outlook for Girlo' I Gladiators Meet 'Bonfire Grealeot Cen.tnilia�'ang s BuketbaU Team Sl Leo's Friday Pep Rally Stqed

For 1923-29 Good r At Paclfk Colle� A' <be ...- m_ " ... .... WIth p__ 'tes _ ou"� t- ... � ... ' buteUlall Dummy Get.. Plenty of U. By -- deDI. Bod,J. 8epWmbv .. Walter � '-"'" ......- ... ... Fellows Tryin, to Onrcome Haft tbeJ 10& pep? You WU "em. ID PreDcb ... eIecWd a\bleUc: ID&MI'II' r.

Flnt Game 01 Footb&Il sdtedale -.m 01 1". __ pt"CIft\I..Iin to Thelr Weak TackUn, �tton tor the OeDtnIIa .... \hi oomm. ,.u.' . .

Played Off Heft Lut Friday; ..,. Ule )out. .c.�t bocb Ill\, ThUl'8l!Q' .....w:c: dal'"P:rmtt:b1 ... LI � �.�� � ... " �_"". Gladiaton Are Defea� WlUl OWl)' new up&ran" eomblDed AltboUCb IJ\W .marun, tnxn the de- OCtober 2, �ted 10 ODI oil \be .. -...... .... ...-By Store of 18-0 ... Uh t.bree leuer wtnDen of 1aA t.1. the Olac11akJR � � to mc.\ enUluaiu� "pep ram.H .,... :-!�� �::: :: Pac1tlc Lutberan 00Uece 01ad1aton, :veu. team � be ODe of tbe meet tbe � 8l Leo , eo8ftD on tbe IMpd a1. Pacltlc Lutblnll. D:IUet'L Tbe IIII8IUer 01 former P. L. O. � baU tu\ :J"IW" c:bamp&ona of the W.t.erD beH In lbc h1a\Or}' of (lrll' buketlJall latter', n� PrtdQ' .neroooo.. rally ... [alured by .. 1&rI'e tIoatlre. '&DCt buebaIJ. '-mil ab6u1d 40 mIlCh � w� Junlor � f"OOU*U at P. L. c. While It .... . � blow to 1<*1. ,ella &DCt � by Ya.rkJuI reprNm- i 'WU'dI mat1Df bJm .. � mara-

LNpe, opeDfd \bel!' ....." P'rtday t.rp H_ ... TP:'tar 0.& expa1eooe prond 'l'tJU&bIe In 0Wl1 taUftIL .... 'P"re:Ilcb7'. won. wW JIlt &D ___ -__ october 5, When tbe1 fADIled wtUl OeD: �� tor the dlffeNllt pam- : �� �wnJ:to -= : �� == ':.: 0; �� lnm � �� tr.lla Junior OoUep at PvllaDd.

Jum.� center: M&lpret Bolmberf, mended before bUt � pme. The 18IIden, Prot: __ RaUl' ".. caIJed the hcWc Lutben.D 00Uep., .torte.?.

eo.cb Beet·, OIJDtnJla J\m1cI" Col- � Dq:a1and., IDeaoor Lo.t\hua, IIDd \&ckllne: in Iut 1!'eel;', pane .... poor, upcm.. He re.pooded with • n:I"J' deftr • � dOWDed \be wQcht1nl Olad- Pb,yWa Grande. &Dd .. a rMUlt the dumDl1 baa had blUe talk ooooerninI the team IIDd taton" in the nr.t COD1'� Wl ot 8lde oeDter 1IIJCtIoD: Wane o.nwn. to ataDd much l1li- puniahment thia COIDlDf ,.me. 00&eh RamItad the ___ .t Puti&Dd.. The Luther ooe oC Iut � letter wInDIn. MarI- =-tinter that the defect I:d.a)' be Ia.Id a few � � for dunno. Lut DJcht D11 uwe prt � :y -;:t =: �= aret�= 0': M1cbl- U- Del .... Lut Y.r =- and

"��ter � ���IE�"�·-�:""::=;;-:;;;:;;;;;;�::;;·;:-� eleft'n.. Beck " a fOl'1Qe!" Unlftnlt,. 01 � Martha CUM, BeaDCa JCJr"ItIIlIIOD, Lut -.00. our � defe..ted the manapr, were � p-eeted Waah1nlrtoD. football 1Itar. IIDd ),(arpret Jaoot.en. wbo la a let.- LJona on the Parkland neld wtth a wild OOIlIlomoraUOIl at D01M

� 8 __ LMa tel" lUI of the lut two JMn.. .:ore of H to O. and _ hope that the u.u&l war cry "8peech." 0ftItraU&, wttb a PGWe!fUl plunclnl �: Paul1ne Lanoo. wbo procea wtll be repeated thia year. Pttu no«.. in fWPOnMI to a b&cttteld and a atubborn line.. led tbe played the poCUon Jut ,.ear, DoroUly eo.cb � espect.a to be able to request, spote briefly. 1"\"ed Dr. H. L. Monzingo --SuIte 1114 Pupt Bound Banl BldI.

TAOOMA. WASHINGTON attack thruout the .-me. Only in the Kbenole and Emma ItaalaDd. .. the full ,,th of the � aptn I &bowed the .'�' .ame of the Jut Quarter cHd. the Pvk1and1te1 e:Il- � Is K_ � Friday. lCbooi apIJ1t b)' _yin( a few wonII h.Iblt any spect.aeular football. A � Nearty all tb" rtrll � out haft Althouah Sandenon hal been nun- I� a I"'OUI1nC yell fot Garry Lan"I;�=========� of end runa by Cvllob. and 8aDdenon. had Rftral yean' experIeDce wtth � an 1njw-ec1 ankle. It " thoua:bt that me yell t1ne:. coupled wtth an et� pualDf at-- variouI t.eam. .a compeUUon wtll be he WUI be in ahape by Prlday. But all th1np haft an end. Old man tact.. t.urned tbe Ude. but the Luther- keen. nua man. fIX" a much � bu' beoen Ihowtnt: up _11 in J. PlUY1.0UII put an abrupt .top to the ana" rally Itarted too late. � ..

u=uuon mt.t"" II all :.,.'::h:oein � --;:;.: �e. D01ay in�:' by lIl!Odine: b.1I Jl"ftt- LIEN & SELVIG Cvt8orD.. Putiand .. flaahy quarter, AI yet.. a captaln &Dd bualDlaI man- s-d on- G_ and � at balf. made larp q-er haft Dot been IIIIec:ted by thf Bat\U"'da1 atternoon the !IeCODd pin.I on end !"11m. A kxlc pa-. from rtrla but th1a wtll be attended. to dJreet- w11l �t Ita nnt tute of real earLtoo to 8andenoo Detted &BOUler ty when-they meet. the Llnooln I&lve pln. but the whlllle stopped the Wla BtIxrUd... the coacb. baa b1ab Iatel In the Llnooln Bowl The !lenat1onal rally and eoded a bard- hOJ*! fIX" a b£a'er and better butet-- ap� to be evenly mat.chel1, and touaht same· b&I..l -.on. and wtll do her abare 1D p.m.e should be weU conteeted.

Lut year Oentn.l:la and the Olad1a- tOlt.erinl load aportI!manahIp throu&:b- _ __ _ ton haWed to a O� Ue at Parkland.. lD out the year. the return p.m.e 0entra.D.a took • s-o --: __ :::.====-__ _

Cubon �� ::;-<:been rn.n Student Opinion the tana by booUna' a beaut1tuJ tick, ...... ., JiG .....

DEW DROP INN Place 01 Good rood "Uh Itseeneal ....... O1n.oen a 8ped&lty On Yountal.n H1way

Impo�n of Nor .... � Cod Liver 011

cor. Ta.con:1a Annue '" 11th 8t..

oua NEW FALL WOOLENS AD IDU which tra.eled. sixty yan1a..i Palo, pluclty lIy A. S... pho.o�pb; CoIDe Ion and .ee tbem.. '!'be bst �U::, =�= = �= p.8�


t =e


t !:

e.: ��..=,�::: =�ve:"""""'::=�I�;;;;;;�=�;;;;;;� 111 ta1lonclta1l�� � at1lled

.......... s..M 0-...,.. much bette.- than the other 'tudenta. the gymnuIum; teacber'. desk in The lIIQuad ou� the or they have no interftrt. in their lICh()()L bruy. dicUonaries; president', 10flien aevenJ. pound.s to the man. 0Nt. Perhaps lIOme of them haft too many dence ; Ubrary bulldlna; rtrl',

plunging fullback, and Ely, the speedy Intereata at home. teory: new fP'IIlIl&&l.wn. IUld campua Quarter. were the chief ground p.i.nerlJ Sortie of the boys sUll thatrt on amoil:- vey by • landscape arch.Itect.

for QentnLl..1&. The ParkiaDd. line worll:ed Ine all the front stepe and In front of hard to h.oId the cround pined, but the the bulldlna after they have been aUed ··Yummy. do you aay "It 11 me' or wtnoerlJ wen too beavy by the facu1ty to quit.. nua ahoWll poor 111 1"1" What can ' be said of one can be eooperaUOIl .. Always remember the rhyme ' ·It

!III..Id ol all They gave all they had. There 11 too much no1ae in the hall I". said the spider teo the fly." � thoudl that wu DOt autftdent to durlna" perloda. A few of the stud- 0·1 ---.but couldn°t you aay ·It

bring the victory. It wu a great pme. entll il:eep on I""Wlll1ng bacil: and torth me: aa.ld the spider to the n�.:·-·"" I . LbIr-..,. w1th a lot of � no18e. Diablo. I'boJteMen LKR Bl.ackenah1p IIabIU Tell ----:��iiii�:_-- I l Jaoobeon l,..TR B. Ely Some at the 00)'1 in the dorm1tory P'loe t.oR aem.ey make thelr beds every day and sweep KnuUIeD Roaencrant8 their rooms every week.. Either they Cronquist ROL Perri6h 1Vt!re used to It trom home, or they are Wiese RaIny 1earnJna" bOWll!il:eep1ne tNt. U every Kreidler REL Berty room in the dozm..\tory wu lliI:e 312. the Carlson Q 8parU girlll wouldn't have to worry any more. A.nder1Ioo RHL Keppr There II 110 time teo ret bometDc:il: at S&ndenon LBR - Ely p. L. C. &II there Ie somethlnr to do Palo Oest. every mtnute.

BubsUtuUona: Knutaell fIX" Palo, Ny- The l1bTary lhaWd not be used &II a man for Knutan.. study ball in the even1np except for 0ft1c1alI;: referee, Po8t: ump1re, Todd.: reference won. U .tucle:nt. -.nt to l;::=�������:::, I heM. I1neaDan. How1ck. nudy toretlW' and talk OIlt loud. tbey abOIlld 10 lDto aDOtber rQCGI where = :' t::::n.t.n. tbey won't interfere with � Can't .tuI17 in tbe wInteI". Qotta play butetbd. Can't .wd7 in tbe 1P!'iDc, ..- - ­� " .1n tbe lQlllllMll', Qatt& �WIIJdad tdIb1fat.

PAIlU.AND GAltAGB . - -GM. ... ... .--... �.o . .........

8telD...,. aDd. otber piaooa. Duo Art Reprodudbl PIaDaI. VIdroIaa tIDd VkItoI" RIa:IrdI., BaDd IlDd. � � I5bIIIet KUlle IlDd. "" Boab. RAdIo Beta and � Sherman)'by�Co. ___ � ] 1.:. . 'bola&. WII&!W:Ictoo

Attention!! Typllll' Student.

Special V &lues in Rebuilt 0

Typewrite .. for Home Practice

UNDBRWOODll NO. 5 as low 81 '· 137.50

REMINGTON NO. 10 81 low .. $25:00 AD _ �

S,..w .... ·c. _ M. R. MarCIa . C;;. _ PMItIe Aft.


Confectionery & Barber Shop

.. _ta.b:l � � 8""'" It ra,. .. LMII: WeB. I' u .... _ O. P. IUroD'I'8ON, ....... 0GrbeI" Car UDe


$50. 10 $65

GEO. LONEY 112 80. 10th 8t.

...M.� r. ... Ghl'i8tma8


SeleGtion EARLY whit. OIIr Iloej u _pIm .

JohllJOn-Goz Go . 7,6 'l'Mifi< vi ... JtWM.. 49

PROTECl' YO� B�� · : .

A student at'age i6 or more should. take a life policy for .

the benefit of the party.or parties who �inance his or her �� cation. A Ten Year Term policy at above given • coats fO.60 per $1000.00 anDually. and· e.n ·be converted to any

higher form within e�t yean from date of _lit. . -'"


IlIaD aDd biI 'miMrl _ _ re !lOOn Oil Wal. Chr'YtlaIwon W attendlDf No ma""" boW mIlCh 01' boW Hemet IIMO\ the .... ....s 'r1eW-ln . � at that! W�t 001�. looU JUU are endoWed. .. Uoh. J'OU • rewm1Dc 8uDda;J nicb' b7 Lt U. trouble? Huw can be be helped? I better «*11Dc "beo J'OU DUe.. "Oome. au )"lI talUltuf" and IOIYet Lhr

and Harry 8&nrIerUd. are T'e&eher: lmat:1DI ..-IpmenU � for the MOOI"lhI' ..... , and for ; •• �;::::;; 1 __ l1i Bend. 0\"eI0Il. morrow .tart .nUl IIthten1s:ll aDd Roo, l5t.n4enoa � 1m the djeabl8d the many curtOWI OMI at 1CbooI. Why _ I to thUDder.-W� LotIbJiaL for . few d&Ja .n.r Uw :-� :a��! == ::

. at: ':t ;:� � " wq&o I'tJULa cbly be UIed in apMklnt:.1)f the ocuw �bM � HenDan.Boldt :;-;'orman Hoff YU- =� �� ��f:: == It. amaU bo7 Il1dlnl CIa • cellar their hamel at Ie)'pOI"t 0ftI' the eDOUIb �W'e to ....... \he' 4lIco1or-lCoDt1nued P'r(m PICe One) map bJ the -� bla trauM'S, -· 1 � ......... The, reWmed 8tmd&J aUon that hu IU'OUnd the

A. BU8Chman. JV"'IIIldent of the Deep I&--fut. Mr. Boldt', parent&, Mr. Ind MrL orb 01 the t.NChe!' of PI,cholOC)'? Per-.... _u I �� .�"oo Co. 10 8eetUe and �te A .-.c1nI ear, cetUnl • wwld" ha� " .... too much peyeho1oo and orden win be reoelved tor _�'.�. I = nn.t.tad tn 1800; P'oc'bel record at - mil. per hour

not. eDCJUCh "0Dmm0II. __ " that pre5dent r:4. the Puaet Bound It. penon. 'I'OI�tarll1 � At • recent ltudmt-bodJ' meetinl caUMd Mr. Haup to bump low !.he at 8berm&n Clay &; 00 ··_··1 .,.., .... Bank �t1Di dI.rect (Dl- food. 11 on a..--;-fut. lADe ... cboi!Ien )"Ill-I..s.r. clOOI" Jamb Ito ..... . _II-worn aUbH -••• _., .... wtUl. the lnftiMmlot neIcl. ThU WbUe eonftntn" one of • Howard Wella a.iataat peJJ-Ie.der. � are .t1U wooder1nl.

committee held It. orpniattoo meet- people menUon a name. _",d,.tel"t···· InC (lib � 10 and adopted the Ulence apreadl over th� play " �.. bet"" polley of in-ve.t.1na, at �t, in elua Lhen a wh.laper-''eh. myl that ,",I W1ee seruor: " Doe:. don't ahow your ,-\, bonds and nnt I'ftl Mtate mort. rut. lIDon.nce. 'Aabeatol· I.Ii the t..Un word peel .ooeIIible for appra1a&! by three Now, I'm uk1na"�Just what dOlI! for weloome. memben of the On 8ep. PAST mean?-North West Vlkint:. .

TboraU L· · Peder.en ......... """"'"

IO'J" Pacina An. JUllt S doon IOUth of Bus Station tembtr 2'1 action 1Ii'N te.l;en autborta-- -- " Dld you tno .. tha�

lt� � rt IAnt an In-tnc the d1vem1t1ed inve&tment of '10.- " O� tane uylum In Ara a I�=========� �. An otne1&l report on the ltatua of : Or\.vee C.-Can you ltand on your "Why?"

the endowment fund will be ,made 8OOn. I h�r " Becauae there art Nomad people Brookdale Grocery Co. S.pport AMIMI I H�Uey O.-No. It'� too hlah -MI. there."·-Waldorf Lobbytst

det.erm.lning facton! In our ll� win In acoordanoe with the development : vernon Buil Dotr be d\ac:UlI!IPd in .. popular and Intert:!!t- polley. the P. L. C. Development 1oA- ; Inc: way !IOClaUon ill now beina" orranJ.z;1ed. All I

February � apea.k1na on the 'Under Ten Flap "

In th� owners and frtendl of �le I Lutheran College wtll . .. far as poe- I sible. be ap�ehf'd with the request that they voluntarily aupport the Col­

oonU1butoT UI leadt?& ne .... papen and leae wlth a contrtbutlon of at leut �nes. includltli The Travel Map.- dollar It least once a year. lui 11ne. !be Current and The .... the oolltrlbutlon hal been London Spectator and recorded til the otnoe. the

Boy la Speaker tI1buUlr b 'liven a serW number. Much enthU51um has been aroused l.s placed upon the malllns .l13t of over the new. that Richard HallIbur-ton. bullettn IIaued quarterly tiua 8ehool ye&r the

will be ruade to enllat 10.000 butlnc IlUpport..en t.hrouch lIlost papula.r and ta.ectnatlna". booIr.. 01) in the P. L. C. I>evelopment M.arch 6th .. N_ Already Those lnten!st.ed in Japaneee clr&m- This eampa1cn ...., launcbed in aUc art wUl welcome the appe&r&DOe Ity eoo,rep.Uon at PaltiaDd, March 12th of The onp. ...... Japaneae ber 23. wlth neuly a ODe Playen. They w1l1 produce '"The Fox cent !"'eSJ)OO8e • .00 at thiS .. • mysteTy play of the East &l'e nearly 200 na.mes on the

and IIODp and dances of thl!' Cherry ilhtp roll

New office boy: "I-ve added thOle rla-J..t ... BUt urea up �n Urnes. a1r IBank Cashier. UI Mr. Rader! " Dld Employer: ,pooo:t boy!

foot It up?·' Boy : And here's thl!' tl!'n aIlllwen sir ! (blanklYI . " No sir , I e&me i n -Souret' UnknO"Wll

ChI!'VTOlet."'-Tbe Pleuant View Loaa May U Wan

there any dumbella In the room:''a lOt a pum-nent wave. asked. --If there are. let MiChty swell, Ah think; paUBe. Nobody lltood up. P'I-

" No:' replled the boy. " But I hate to _ you ataDd alone."'

Cost me fo-t,een_venty*flve. OOrd save de KINK I�Exeh&n&"e IF===� DAHL GROCERY CO.

Phone wid. 3818R5 Parkland

Q.alKy aDd. 8enIce An easy way to ret the butter out Qf �=========:: your ears after enjoy1nfj: rom on the r cob. b to eat watermelon for deasert.

P'reabmen are areen. sen1o� are ,",y;

JUllt areen IP""UB Ita Our Bu.ineu To Serve and Serve Effieiently

Ol"OOl!rtH. P'lour. HillY. Oratn, Feed. 8hOl!lll. Rubber P'oot..-ear. Dnlp.

HardW&f'l!. PJurnbtnc 8uppJlea Pa1llf,ll. RoorlOi:. PHONES

Mad. 10'1J4 Mad. li3R3 Parkland. Waah

Blouom Land On October S. Pres. TI.ncelst&d P'leld Y.a.nacer E1vestrom left for (continued I"ro:n Paee one) fomJ.a to lay the matter hi&"n. Each table ill equipped 1VIth the Luther League

follo.1na': e1&"ht locken on &helves tn I Turn'" In'" ... ,.

Dumb Boph (betni oomtortably _t­ed In a tbeatl!'r. loot1n&" up toward the screen ) : "QoIh. I think I-ve ..een th1a

Thatl why we are here, for your convenienoe and we want you to feel free to UM our tac1lltlea In every and IJl.Y manner. We dem­lop and print JOur kodak ,fllma.

r- 8QtDp by r..,Ie y_ a­"WelL .tudema, I am � to lee :your IIIlWnI f&CN ap1n and I bope )'OU CIIl,joyed a D1ce vacation. I tDoW" you are eacer to Jet t.ek to work. "n)-. IDOITOW'. kaoo will bo--.--

Same Day Servite All orders left b)1 10 L m. ready same day at 6 p. m.

Ealarclag, Lantern Slide Maltl.,

AU Work Guaranteed �juo70I�U'��C «t.; Inc

Millwork and Cabinet Shop SappUea

WASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. SpoUlin;g Athletic GootL. _ '"�

Parkland Mereanttle Co. BINYON OPTICAL CO. m _ .... Phone � .... y lUI

You aw' invited to con8u1t U8 about your bankinl! probleD18.


The Paget Sound National Bank '1"_. W ... h. b14hlishl<l 11i9<>

............ - ­KARl: A. ANDQlSON

8110T JDTAL woMB . TD .. o ..... va. IWOJ'IlIfo. lIOT . .ua maNAen IfUKLLD ru&HACU .

l'U'lTI:._Mu'fI�;;�;';:�=�;��==�:::::::=�I�"='=13=IJr=' ID:LBN=�.=. A�VE.==::;.====.=T="="""'�· � .. �w=ABH.=�

BRUD Phone Main 449.'l � Pacific L�=an College




Unique Record of Placing Graduates

Continued in · Course for BeginnerS Began

Here October 22 Taylor, 8 Former

Teacher of P. L. c., 'Will Have Charge of .be lJe. ginners' Counes

r:� ,-.... . � .

PAOli: � THE 110081"0 I ���e,.. �. ::...:::.. �=-- I

--;::oo<'�":''''''''=''''''''':::-:;:.f�:';-;:-;;P. 1. c· '1 ItUcleDtal '!'be DeW Lebmann lor Cream Parlor opent t.ocla,. ··Let�! ' I1lD over there. �Ulet we ten. PUbllIbed eftf"7 two ..a d� \be .cbool Jar bJ. \be ,tudmta of Padlle sh&ll _1"

Lu:�==::� 0cL ��e:; =:�u!ortr1��� "f'<'JN»��..-l?'�L\� Entered u I«:IODd ea. lUtter, October 1._11ZS, at \be PoIt Oftloe at Pt.nlaDd, at lUDCbeon. 'l"W.c.ben. boya and rtrll , . �. A � - ADd· ...... � be.� ol lDla. WubiDPDD. updeI" the AJ:t 01. Karcb i, 1m. ---all Ii" t.outa for Chria.. Oet. la, lD8.! 80mII tIM cIa* to 10 a.r' and t .... -- :'I Dear lila aDd "'"11 . � ot.ben �" ... a f.lla . . mlTOaLU. ST ....... IRENE O.un.. v ..... Oano

......... 8_

Ida Hlndel"lle _ ....... Inp Ooplerud. ErUne J&e:ObIen 8,hu L&non MarYin Ho1Vl.cli: JobIl Ooplerud DorothJo Ebe�le oerhard Molden


O. J trI"UEN

ElIot """,loon ctaCtJlATlON """" KII""", ADV\l&TtSING """'" fane TYPING �1yn Solum




:'\'"('xl Wl'dnl'sdo,", October 31, will be Hollow�>'l'n, or All lows En.', as it wus first cHlll'd. This day, which I� perhaps '.1-lUre widel" cell'hrated in our land than Ilny other dllY. not a natIOnal holiday, docs nol lIlake us think uf doing R{)()(I ,thmg� but .rather til(' contrary. \\'(' are prone 10 couple HalJowe en wltI.l evli, �Ild uftell riRhtly so, for things ure be j.Ierf�)rmed on thiS (lCC�SlOn hy persOIlS who would ne'·er Hunk of domp: them other, Illnes. \\'h\" not, fur a l'hunge, try 10 do a� much �uod as we 1:.0.11 Oil Haliuwe'cn! By maintaining u kindly altilud(' �o�'ard e�cry �m' ('\,('ry one we shall still 1.1(' in kf.'t'ping w�th the �Plr1t of thl� fesll\'e o('casiOIl. "'hv not, lil('refoN'. makt, It I) poml to r�fralll from Illl'llicious mi�hief alld insteud help somrone along With pleasanl words, and kind d('Cds? Afte" �I, .. 'Tis the so�p:s you sin", an!! th(' smile you wear, that's Illakmp: th{' !\un s�me ('verywher.e. .\lId the truth of Ihis saying holds �ood. a·t aU III1Iell., ('ven durtnM Hallowe'en.-I. D.

ASK! Ask Ih(' lust'rs whv Ihe\' lost: Ask the willllers- ho,,; they WOIl. Ask th{' hight's! if the�" \'t� crossed All their- vaileys in the sun ! Ask your :Suul what Is your goal, And race for the task you haven't done.

Students of Pacific-Lutheran college ! The aim in the present subscription ('ontest is 10 ha"e the :\Iorring Mast retleh more I)(!()P{�i


�h:"t:gi.�!��r;·Of this year our school entered a The creation of an endowment-fund, the increase of .. he .. nd Ihe many new projects under way are all evidences of a

0cL .O-No letter. for �Kllppen P. L: O. 11 t.bI! 'ht'. ·i-Jamu. and I to .. =·ha!1,=OD,:n:eb1ke��!'ure ute IL tauwc-·1OU don� � :::;f����� hom

e; -- I the meanlnf of cat'

. p&jamu. M.I.ybe rm rd., -trgr dumb_lOme. OCt.. ll-Anotber Pep Meetlni: aDd bon you lb1nk. It "- a eoue,. cat ..-bat wtU1I And wUb. � rm De'ftr f1dcU.l.nI. toniIb.( Who', rot pep? P. L. C. paJam.u aild Ioob 11ke a Pa.ria dob. but I lb..lnk .� Prat . ..w tta. uu. bet-

. --

. It .un. It r.ll)' meant O. K.... riDe and u::r \.baD &be pc-.. I wrote tor him. He 13-We are aWl trembllnt (rom dand1. tuta·n.ta IQOrtI and t.t :ret.. III t1nd (If pu1kuIar uaut .... tb1np. udtemellt O\'V" the pme with the A aophomon k!Iamed that to me. He but I dcxi't bardJ)' ttqnk he t:OUId wrtte Bellarm1ne boya. 11 not u dumb u be IooU. He loob a poet. lib LbiI bIIDIelI. • JUlt Uke that pU:ture ot h. .t&nd1nf on roar·poetic dalCli_, Oet.. IS-The ..:ocond team wtna rune one foot OIl top of the orpn In \be 0beT0ba. Llnooln lntermed1atell. Keep . ..,.10.-. i � . up boys! We're JOU. to the Well. u I .as &aytna. I ,ure like P. L. Itup:De (at a I$IdeDt-bOi11 .lecuonl :

meeun, and elec:t oflfee�.

Oet.clber 18-M&l1e 0&rd.I1n lmprova. 'and the Il\lne leaves dormttor)'. Wan, \p"ave II}'mptoms. auch all h1a:h tem­

perature and aeeelerat.ed yulae. lpar_ . Ueu1&rly amona: the ooya) have dIa­.p-

l1-Oltla of the Pep Club have refUl&r meeUnp and deelde to m&ke candy to sell at the footb&ll pml!.

Oetober l8:--BJl1ff I SruttT Is that fudJe I s.me1l1 JI'ort,-nine noaes found thelt ...... y to the F'UdJ"e K.1t.ehen ILDd betr­red -tor .. umple. Porty-nlne Ilosel tound thelt way out &gain.

19-hlOIt exciun, pme of thl! seuon! Remember that !&at quar­ter? Whee! our bo}'lII showed :;peed whell the, 1IV&rlIled up. and ho..-I

- _.e *t th1ni I like III \.Ole )"ell Wbo'dya "fO(e for Dann' You folD don't tnow 00,. Da-.1d: ub, I didn't WMt to � � how fierce 1 e.n yell. Ju. Ual 10 I YO&ed ooee for each OM. .... ya, "�Uee .mam per-

ftct." It "' :lOt fo.- nolh1Da" that I No. Mr. t..noo 1In't &bIe1l!-m.J.nded; used to keep the family .. ..-ate aDd ne!ther 11 then a KlnWla of truth to made the hlred men quit In earl, chlld- the rumor that upon retUl1l1n&" from hood. It you c:ould have heard me at lunch OD� day he lOoted at the card the pme the Oladiator·. played with I 00 his otrlee and, .eeilll that. It would Bellarm..tne. you would of been well re- I not be open un.W OIle o·clock. sat down wal"ded. A man ,r...ndlna: In front of to walt t� bJ.m.eU. me aaJd.

··St. lb;fos hal no!.hlnt: on you. That Davkrt¥,nD that the ..-ord "irutter·· lut roar you ral"e would ehaae any UOil in P'reneb 'thpuld be feminine. because back to the Junales." It oomes from a cowIn!

r wrote .. poem about eoUeae far. ,�_��' I ======�==== lish tod .. y. WI han ..-rote pro.e � but now tht prof. lVUlta me ..-ene. whlch II not c1UfleuJt tor whlch II poeUe Uke me. Tnere 11 wt'nIeI to thla poem.. I.

Dew Drop Inn ILepIu Neall •• All ....... S� b&e-. teo SlMea&a

P. L. c. 11 .. �ty flnl! plate FOUll YEAIlS AGO AT P. L C. For .Ulem that hal came to learn. The hloortna Mut made U. f1nt bow They Join In the yella and the football

before thl! read1nc pubUe. cba3e

The demerit syat.em WIl.3 very much In l!v1denee at thll Ume

thl!, aIn·t ,0(. 110 money to burn. 1 .

of the ,tudea lure an!'br1a:ht, � sort ot dUJllb: of them are Jut bout rtaht

they're taken all In .. . um. . 3. SOmI! are u purly u movie atars.


......... 8eIecUH; .. Ctf.., M.ate 7OW" eholoe ncn:.' Whlle our at.ock III complete . Prtoea rn. 5c ..

aWllke. active, progressive life. . . . Old and new �tudenls ! Lei us keep up the spin! of devohon Thl! Mooring Mast Offered a prue for und un8elfish service shown our school by its fo�mer students and the nUJnber gf SubsertptlOIll ",raduates. ThOS(' of us who graduale next sprm� hav� here tI.le sent In from lLDy Luther League.. �It very lasl opporlunity lo·raise the "Mast" of our ship while w{' shH

are ��� Rei more subscriptions for Ihe "�Ioo�ing Mast" �han it ('ver has had ! Let us set ourseh'es a goal and strive to «'ach 11.- BW' ·· .. '. "" .... 'o� .. ou"'·. _�· �

Lew: "1 know It: I opened It."_ -==---'-=-="':-==-=·--=-- 1 1 State Colleae TImes.

TabeU', Tam..Ie Place Main 3233-923 Pacific Ave.

P. J. F. t========i TWO KINDS OF CRITICISM EMILY There are two kinds of criticism. destructh'e and constructive. DAVIES

An\" individual with a whit of intelligence can .break down. �'�at =-:. ... JETLAND & PALAGRUTI D12 Pat. Ave Tac:oma, Waab..

Chill and TamaJeo lhal are


oth'ers ha'·e built up, but. it takes super intelhgence 10 cr�tJclzt 616 Pldemy Bid,. l·onstructh·ely . Destrudive criticism should be entirely f�relgn to Ka1n S552 �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;� Il college student. His aim should be to help to boost. and Improve ..... --------�4 t--------,�4 rather U!an to destroy, disable, lind pull down.

Tacoma'., Tamale· Parlor De �uxe

CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS South Puget Sound Circuit meets in Trinity Church Oct. 2"'-1, 24,25. Opening St>rmon preached by Rev. ��. Lono of Tacoma. Topic introduced by Rev_ O. L. Haavlk of Seattlt;v Communion conducled by Rev. Thea. Hokenstad, Oct. 27-10 A. M. Saturday school and confirmation cJa85�'

11 A. M. Children's Chqrus. Oct. 28-10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible ClaSs.

11 A. M. Divine Service. Oct 31-2 P. M. Ladies Aid.

7:30 P. M. Midweek Devotional Hour, Nov, M. Satur.lay School and Confirmation Class. M. Childi-en's Chorus.

HANSON'S . ........

The Store FljI' !oIeo and , Boys

11()'12 Pac;ifie-A, . . ' .

The sludents dO say they have nol been to Tacoma if

they have nol eaten at Carlyle's

Carlyle', Cafeteria fll'l Padftc

Bone Drv , .

SHOE Complete 1In,J' �potl hoot fl1ld m- ohoeo


Everything thata· New and Up to Date a.t

DAVIS' to Pac1flc Aftnue

r'ecIIt" a Iarp eel picture free.

AmerieaD Plumbing & Sleam S"pply Co. . ., WIto...... .._ . -� -

PI • .,blac, Bleam .... MID s.,.u. Pho� Main 1707 t9()8..10 PaCific Ave�� .,

s�'i'ERs-sWEATERs-sWEATERs Crew Nee .... · V.N ...... · SU ....... ·

'S.95-Smari. N_. 0"""",; a.;..�4.g5.j , . . . . J:undquiSt .. :ciiij� ::: ' ...


RUlI Building . . . U iii .

SPOR'T Gladiators A, vengm' . g Centralia , ..::-:.. ... -- .. .:":::' M'�jd�es�-I�Ti�::::��::;;,�::�;: � � m � � � De� t Ii Tyin" 2 Fast G . '" .- bow many 'L ... do� '" bold BID ........ � ,.,.. � ... �

ea ",y g amesl Frequent F�mb'" on Part 01 :::.': '::"�':"""';'=,,,: ........ cu'_ ........ '; in ... Ih�' ; - - --- - ' Lin�oln Give Gladia1eN an amount of � p1Ded.. 1"bo LuUl- Pl"Oft'd to be rr-telt IP'OUDd piner

':Jarkland 'Cubs' and Lio�' C. P4 S. Reser.vea and Glad. Edp on tlIe Flul Score en.NI netted'- twice .. mueb � of UIe daJ. Red'. 1ont &Dd --.UOna,I Litter �Ieel in a 0,.0 Game iaton Featured. in Tie 0 lD one of the mo.' lnterelUn, con- ::\=,�e =q=.r c: � _toed. blf ·yan:lap tor the

a I Bellarmine CoUege SpeetaUllar Plays Thrili teeta eft!' wttnelled on !.be LuthUan were .. thin one ,yard of IIOCIrinI dia--- Crowd cr1d1rocJ the PadI1c Lutheran ReIerves tanoe. In the fourth quaAm' t.belr Tbe moral and ",hun, .plrtt that The Ol�tors playtna tbelr aecond. __ dOWDed the LIncoln Hi Intenned)ates, threAt of IIOCIrinI came in the laat � I'OeI wilob • rllhtinl t.eaal ...., ��:o=�

e r� ::: ���� Pla11nl the ttneat brand of ball they Saturday October 13 OIl the local f1eld. mlnute of play ThroU;rb two bklcked m&.tnI Prtda:r The .... bo1I lacked w � I ... t Prlclay have Uh1btted 80 fa!' thI.I ...on Uk! 1I�-'1 == in ... te flnaJ canto the pme ... � =:::a: . .:..un:::::;.

� Oladlators Dut-we1&'bed the Ta- Ol&d1ato� .tqed . brt1U&rJt comeb&c.t 1be ramI! ... a thriller t1"Om the be- __ LbI! bo)oa. coma be,.. in the Une but they .... ere I.n the aecond halt 01 last Fr1i!ay', rtnn1nr unUl Ule t1n&I ... bLsUe P'umblu Capt. CUllan, educated toe ... not ';;;::::::::::::::::::==:::� about even I.n lhe b&ek!leld The town PIne and held the 'tl'ODC C P -8 were frequent and one play found the up to ir. utU&I form. AI h1a boota t boY' ... ere cona1derably ",hter than 5Q� to a � Ue ball lD P&c1fle, posaesaiOD and the nut MaID .10 Iut }e&J" Owtna' to the llIhtnea 0( The flrat ball ... deddP.dly I.n favor play lD Unooln L The yauna: 01&dla· their opponeDbI Ule Parkla.ndltes of the �ra. Tlme and t1me ap1n tonWld the edre t.hrouchoUt the pme quarter bo� ma.rehed t.hrou&h Ule Une tlme and they broke throuIh Ule Lutheran � however and played a more eonabtent &pin for larte plDa, the lDvaden fOJ' aubstant1a.l plnL The 01&dlaton pme than did the v1aitora.

��: I !����������! opt'ninr hoi.,. bla enouch lor a beD car however, .eemed UD&ble to tlnd tbem.- Try FOI' PaID .. FUJ to 10 through. The Lutherans mac1e sel ... .,. and. ellcept tOJ' a CouPle of end The 01ad1aton played the ball close their usual form. !be bo,.. tll.1ce tile )'Ud..ace, and their number of I'UIU .. bleb netled CON1d.en.ble yard_ and thereby obta1ned adYaDt.ap of ieveral chanoee of Il'tuna: the flMlt downs wtUI rreater. Although the f4I'l'. did not p1D much 1Jf'OUDd.. Carl- mOISt 01 the breab. Cottom st.arred at ArnIe talilna short aeven..l umes. Ol,dlators marched d.o ... n the field for I son. Lutheran quarterbaet:. did lOme erut, scorlni all three touchdowna. of _" Arnie and Lyell dcin't have a lonr p.lru, they seemed to lact the beauUlul kklnna: and!d to �_ wbleb two reaulled from forward passoee of rn1.sa1na: thelr men. but PTtd.a


necessary punch to p� thf' plrslt1n fine the reae�' play to rnld.-fle¥. and one one the recovery of a fumbled shoW"ed they are human. aCnl5l! their opponenu' goaJ line. One ot bLs lOcb from beh.lnd bLs own lOct. Jaeobeen'S tries for point faUec1 __

Steld.el, the plungtna: halfbact for the 8'01'1 line splr&lled lhrough the air tOT Late � the third quarter the RtJlapllt- "Ben" Palo �Uy proved tumaelf

�1:;1I��0�k71�dt:':��n� �: .: I ; ���u� �:t:l�

a:� I:: ;: :'::'::�U:!: ::f�:::=

tp:t��� ��t�n:I:� =�n .!:d:=r


Importen of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil

the onlY one maldnr any yardage I half. the Reserves openlld UP with a be.ll on the five-yard line. 'IJu'ee con- broke through ume and agatn to Ihrough l�::�:: l1�e-Good i =�O\�I-:

d ��t�l,:��y� =ve AI1���:: �t ::ae ::�;: :t =�:� i�°cl:'en� � per FTH DdlyttJ

Carlson, for the Lutherans. played I line. The Oladlaton held the re- and t:h� try tor point WI.!! suceeaatu.l ft�Ih�' �d






. ����r I �F::::::��9 Tacoma, WUh. hl.S w;uaJ game, evading the BeLlarmlDe , serves In their tlrst two attempl$, but I Br1.lIlant plays uihlblted by 'Knutzlen

Palo. s.howl!d up well, be1na the blr the ball acroea Just AI the whaUe tom. Jaeobeen, and Llahemeu in thl! OUB NEW .. ALL WOOLENS spark In the Pacific's defens1ve_ B. I sounded. ehdln&: the tint halt, Une caUSoed the opponenl$ lOll! of ARE nBE

tactlers t!.me and apJn tor large K'&ins'I' on thr third play the v1aitora pU4hrd i1 lllld Nyman in the backfield. and by Col-

Jacobsen, the lant:y taclde. caused con- I The 5e<:Ond haH opened W1th ?acUte =b�: =t�-r:�;;::'::u


slde.rable trouble for the opponenu. plating much better b&lI. The forward Corne in and. 8('(' them. The beet Jacobsoen hU the right bulJd. tor a r defence annihilated. many pia,.. be- I :h1�

tth�"":t�:u: ::::e

t�h� l lt:����=:::111/ 1"'U




tackle and It comtll8 along at , fut I fo� they rot started and thell' offen- I Bellannlne on the p�vtous atte: clip Jack Llaherneu, a new 1IUUl, ... .., llive pLaytna: w .... very much better.! II. return pme Is alated later in the '50.10 .65 (ftven a chance to abo ... b1a abWty. 8'0- �o. the Lutheran fleeUooted UtUe I seMOn. Th1II Ult wtU � I� t th Ina: in u IJUard I.n the second hall_ Jact back, rave the CClwd I�t thr1.lIl Ll.neoln bo ... l - p a l'

wu one of the ouu!.&nd1na: Une men, of the came when he �l'Qepted a .

TIM u...... _)'IRA' a Krapp), came. �t1na: 'every pa&S and. ra.oed II1J:ty yards throUlh a The sta.rUna' Un,up: ThOlStelllOn, broken field for .. touebdo1rD.. The Hoff, haltll; Nyman. quarter; Quale, The 01ad1atoTl chose to lOck., the play, however, WM callecl baCk by the full. Coltum llDd Ooplerud ends' Uons �turn1nl the ball to their 35- �feree. Thill 1It1JTed up the Ol&d- Hauge and. LJabef\l_, tackI�; Plot� yard line. On a serlf!f:, of Une bucb laton t1lhUng splrlt and. a moment anti Kllppen ruarc1II. "Ju.e� Jaoob3en In \I,hlch they falled to any yan1- I later Coltum. star end rec:elved a p�tty center. " , '

aae, th�y lo&t the ball on downs. It WlL!I I PaIlS from PaJo anet nn forty yard..Il 8ubst1tut1ona: KnuUeo tor Quale PaCifIC II ball. On the tlrat play Carl- for' a touchdown. The OI&d1aton' , Berentaen fOT Flott, Er1ck11on for OOP� son made llix )'anU around tne end.. On , PUlI1nr attact netted some neat Yard-


lerud, Fadn_ tor Berenteen.




edTh� :::,ru::



t�:e '::

o:e� t' =========�

Llon'� recelvrd the ball but fumbled tllratened. Art'. Barber Shop



:ered. a,pln. The two teams The entire Lutheran I1neup, led by bat , ut Parkland had the edge on Capta1n Carillon, played their poatt1ona terr1tory pJned. 1t .. &.11 in the lut of in 81'9t style. J"or the R.Menea, KeJ­thlll quarter that the Olad1at.oMl showed Ion. their b18' fullback. ... the mOISt their proWe&!I when they held the 1.10011 eons1lltent ITOUDd-;a1Der, alt.houah he �==���ii���==� un the one-yard 11ne. - ... .., alded 10 a caPf,ble m.anner by In the �nd and third quarter Park- Smith at and Kovach at halt. Land eontinued galn1ng grouncl but La:!cr a t rame at pard for

::; :nn;bl��r C::rl =�en;' l the vta':ton. �

longest run ot the clay, when he st1rted The Uneup; the Uon's end. for 2::l yards. Paclfk

In the f1na.l period both teaIlU wer"'" Kreidler batUlng for yardqe with the Illay about WI_ even. In the last part or the quaTter I.J.ahemeaa the UOM started a rush that brought KnuUoen

c, p, s. ____


PARKLAND Confectionery & Barber Shop

them within scorlni distance, threat- Floe LOR Q, p, INUDTSON, Prop.

GEO. LONEY 112 80, 10th �

....Mak! Your Ghristmas



John80n-� Go. 726 'P"';Ji< ..Avo. ..M_irt.. �9

enlng to t::roIS the PacJflc's chalk Une, Jaeobeen LTR Nyhart comer Car L1ne but Parldand held, Il'tting the b&lI OD COltum LER ¥artln �:'!:'!�:'!:'!:'!�:'!:'!:'!������������ their 0m1 �yard l1ne Just .... the Carlson 0 Bm

1th :::::;�����;:=:;-"'hiatle ended the pme. Bandenon RJtt, Broeb&tt r ' .,:.: Un.u, t� ':; IOU" ;:;.,...,. �� ':' == A�nfi, .• h�' ". >

MBeeA RESG£ AUltANG£ Jacobsen LT ... . . ... Gaudette But.titur.e.: C, p, B,-nbbeta tor IloIIQJi ' Open All Night Behee! . . . .. LO .... oroppenb&cter Jobn8on. lb'lebo tOT Pett1boae, B10de Knutan . . ...... C._.... . _ _ ._ . ... TUcc1 fOl' Kellol. Wade tor KAct, Kaoe lor .... ..... � .. RO .. _. Petl1cb Wade, p, 1.. C,-� for COl.. wet. "'�'" ...... .. BT ...... _ .... _._ ... Brown tum. CX'cIDqI.d.A for l...LIbeI'-. Boup KriecI.Ier .. ..k&. ... _._ ._. _ .... _.HaJ.l for WlMe. CoItum fOl' 'I'boIterI8aa. =..;;. ._�:� �: :::= =.:..� Ki>U* _ tar � .. -..... _ .. _ �'.'.':.'�.� .. =-.�S:: To ms.. a � .. IlION But.t1tuUOM: Bell&rmJJ»-8haw for 'Iban It would be to � • mt.. Gaudetto. Pipe fOl' Petrk:k. PaltiaDd-- PftrrIdId Uw Ule IdII JOIl m1aI 'I'1::ateDaa1 fOl' 00ltum. � for ' .. --.u would IWNr m1a broaqw.t. -'11M WUIorf ldIbJt&

SPECIAL BUSSES FOR PAR11ES Any Time, Any Plaee . can .• , LyoaI II&lD. MIl

. ' . . . TX'COMA BU�MPANY


Typillg Student.

'Special Values)n Rebuilt

Typewrite.,. , for Home Practice

vNDERWOODS NO. 5 as low u·

S37.50 REMINGTON NO. 10 as low as $25.00

AU _ .. lie ......... S-W IIoIieo to _.Ia M. R. Mardn' /I; Co. ' .. PadIIc Aft:

. TRY OUR ANNEX 13th &: Commerce'

A Fair PropOiiiwn A Teo"Year policy al age.lS coet. 1ees than three cenb a day, Why nol use this. method of protecting those who finance

your education

.I .r./ '" , L�.�OOD· . 1254' McKnight J)uiJiling. M1n .... pou.. Minn.


Campus Locals , � ��JlNS '1). 0" 'it 1\[ews DISCUI!8BJ) IN IIlDTINGII CIa!p!l T��_ ... It. � of the dorm nucleDta, � .-r - Tbe DaUCbten of the RefOl'mA� Oaacb A.. W. � bM e... u- "ADd I ., .. ,.., .... &Del lI. IMJl and Itrl& b1ted 10 tbe 1Iloor'UII' MaM ID - ef'tar\ 10 warfl up • llLu. men wW M" • � rneetmc Ob CIetober t.DclI.aa the IDMIiDII 01 U. � .. atwD J'OII: ... -..... ,. �. rtDd; � � :r. ODeaDd Md..: =t.� :.tb:::. -= ;:;: 10. at 4 :JQ, 1.1l \be Olrll' ftece9Uoo AaodaUOa 01 � wbicb ...,u � aDd It an ... GpIIMId -� feet ...... mucb In rt1deDce :VW nest UCD cab*' a IIbar1 mteI1DC .... � Boom.. Mn. W. A. ChrUt.m.en. the eYer, w� ....... t.- -'" 10'1-...... � u...,'MDth ...... �:.....__ / atte chapel CIb 1'\aNdaJ. Odotier Ie. d1jtl1ct p�t of \he Women" M1J. !.hey met in \he WlDUlnJp aoe.. k) ISla- 'UJd .. \.bat tbI4Itb. aDd to hUn

�_ .J<qeMOll 'Pm! Mw, ..eft- . ' conuy P1Kla'aUon. ..w � the � fooU:laU rula .WbIII &be ---- � ,1mOCbU1 !' ... .. �.-end III B:remertcm at \he home 01 £1- '['be ed1tar-ln-chlef, Irene Dahl. pre- mem.ben. be.U ......a .,....... Uw7 WW cS-.. w. an �. '_tal. UWS �t-

Y1n. H0tmaca4. Ud4!Cl RouI1DC talb .... ",'fWl b,. .. y- butetball rul-. aDd. I1U1rr\M wltb but-- � belftp &DC1 haft wri&ln prf'IUef'N. On Wecme.la1 1DOf'DiDI. Odober n. eral memben or .wr &ad othen. � and t.el:Ul1a.� Tbe aecNU .. com- n 11 • �''', prt'lUlp to aM hlI RP. 8oYI.k. for UllrteeD -,.ean • rna- Tb1a meeunc .... tum1nC polnt In The Woonnc MaA 1NheI to exPreN oJ' the 'I'tocOma � Q( t.eKber q�: idm1larI.J it .. our UoDary In Ch1na and now putor lD atUtuc!e cllIplaJId by lCIIDe of the IW- lympaUlJ' of the facult1 I.Dd .tudenta eo.eheI \I lib. BanIoa, of 'I'IIcoma prt'f'Uele \0 CCIIM 10 our 8ariour with SOuth Tacoma. apote .t the chapel VI- dent&. Now neryooe 11 IOlnI to ret out I for � Jacot.en 10 her reoent planrouncsa. cbalrmaD. &DC1 Mr . ... - all our wuta, pbJIIloal, ..... w. and

� and trJ to do hia t.t to .upport \he bereaftmTt in the 1011 of her mother. ktna, of Sta41um HlIb Bcbool, ..ere-- ipb1.� HAat, &lid It. IlW1 be liven Peter P'lo« wenl to Seattle on l'uN. MtICIZ1DJ" Nul b, reWAa AI m&n,)' ,ub-- , tarr. 1OU: ..... &lid ,.. Iball �; knock. clay, retumlDf to .ehooI Wedneeda, acr1pUoo. .. pw:dbl.e. AI ·1 N ----- aDd 1t. 1ha1.I be opeDId lID.)'OU.N Tb1I oNmoon. Umnl otes An1 _ .....",. to .... . """"" " . .. "'" "''''_ It .. alii> - d,,, to P'n!d Lee. ··M1te� Jaeot.en and Ro1 .,ActJLTY nW8 .-..nea BmTeIoo. �. II the brUU1nc cam� af'IWDflIW 1or either .ut:b f� the t.h1Dp 0( lbi epUtt.

&n.en spent lbe �k� at their Saturday eftnlna OCt.obet" IS. Mlia W� BUllneaa Oollece. ot Ta- HOO"fer or 8mUh IboWd YlaIt u. 001· 1;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; �: a:,=:

e� Bern&M1 �wtck ::: =tCw:: =:ft o:m� CQI\L __ �.

rtrla· da)' room dw:1nC tbe �

W"t1"e amona the new ,tudentl enrolled and d�uon on lDdueatton&l Ed Iftl"W01l. "2(1, II at Be� en· th1a _k. Joe 11 enrolled In the Junior 8eat Wort.. ppd fn electrtcal oonatrueUon work. WaJ.ter: "�. 801" JOU ordered cot· eou. dep&rtment. wbU. Bem&n:l is __ tee wttbout a.m. we haven't &D.Y Or Hoff apmt the _t� at his 8t1XTUd had and Kra. Roblaon the Unlvenl1tJ' ot Wub1njJton. do Jutt .. we1I?"-The Blotter.

home lo Bothell. &.II rues"- Tbeee frtendl _hb abe met -- iim; .. m;m;miiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii .... ImPtOyemente wen! be� made In In Hawall An now ,taUoned at P'of1. Pen1 OOplerud. a fonner IItudent at Ute pl'l!ll1deilt·, oftlce dunna tw absenCj! Lewta. the 00l1ece. 11 emP. loyed lo Baum&1l',

�HCrlpUon Optical CO. lo CalUoru1&. These lmprovementl In. __ Store lo 8!1ftrtOD. She 11 also Itudytnr • Ma1n '712 to'!' �t Bl<il;. dude<! remode11nr and paperlna: ot the Mr N. J. Honr atunded " Bact-to- plano and rtTtna plano le.ona � '=!n .... u.a.�

We Appreciate Your Patr.nace

RossO's Garage Madison 107-R·t

Tborall 1. Pedenen

807 Pad1lc AYe. Juat , door. aouth of But 8taUon

mrolled In \be b1VI .chao! depart.meoL Monday enmlnl Qct.obu 1$. MiA) M)'I"OIl Itfe1dler. ""!lIS, Ls now attend1nc cream t.od&t. WoUld collee without m11k

room. Schoo! NtPt:' at the Ll..ncoln .K1.h -- A. J. JorpNOn P Tacoma Roy H.a.naen was forced to remaJ.n at School Wednesday e�ntna:. OCtober n. ! Elmer Knut.n. who w .. a student I�=========d. his home for • few daYll becaU!le of In- __ here lui �. III now attendini: the -- tH Hi iHi...,...........

Jut1N recdved dunn&" football pracUoe. Mr and Mn. Andrew Newton from BurUn,ton H1Ch School Brookdale Grocery Co. Or. T1naINt&d returned Tuesday O&kvtlle. Wuh .. were recent lUetiC. at I -- PARKLAND GARAGE �venlI\f from hb speakilli" tour In CaI- the home of Mr. and hlnI. O. J. st.uen· 1 Amt O�. '28 . ..... on the C P B llomla on behaU of the Deve:lopmeflt Mn. Newton III 0. l1'&duate of the P.L.A'

I honor roll lut lleIr!.eater

AaOe1aUon f« the COlleee. Dr. n�e- -- \ --J. O. �ter.on

Orocet1ea, P'Iour. Ib.y, Oral.n. Feed. ShON, Rubber l"OoUrear. Drup. ,tad reported a ftry �nthU41NUc re- Mr. O. J. Stuen "\11"&1 present at an I John 6tuen. "28. 1a in Brewater. Wash·


all wbom he came lnto ton-;::.,:

=y�oe::: ��� ;: �=.' wheft he 11 emplo� plctina •• =========� ReYet'end UJd am.. Qeorp Lane Ubn.rJ. I -- r

Hardthre, Plutnb1nC Suppllea _u. _!l� I VWted Lbelr ..w., GeThan1 and -- Lenora Lund. '28. 15 wurkinl" In Ta-

0e0rTe. OCtober 8 and 10. Wednesday. Oetober 11. Dr. H. K. coma. She plana to enter a tn.i.nI.nI MiUea Helen Palmer and Karen Benson. 0eI.D of the Chem.1atT)' Depart- dUll tn one of the seattle hospltala lo Bedl l1aited PtcISe llarfty (Ill SuDday. ment at the Un1ftnity of W�n. January. I..illlan Andenon. Lelah Ona. Cora ¥lI:Ited OW" .cboot. He "\11"&1 eapedally --VUlt&. Elna Trul8on. � Bo1atad. lnt.eftl8ted In the new eheln1atr1 labora- Hubert Hoff. of Bell1neham. .• former Apes Ollon.. Eleanor LotU\ua.. and £1- "tcrJ. student of both P. L. A. and COlutnbla 't'1ra Hotenata4 all spen' tbe weeIr;-eru1 __ COUe,e. brother of Ra..YJDOnd Hotf, at t.belr homea. Yr. RaDultad att.mded a lunebeQQ -n.1t.ed the coil. Iut'.

Mar-pret Jac:ot.on lett. far ,,"toen by the �een' ClUb ., tbe . --Thunday nen1n&. bec::au.e of the 1IIer- Cbatnber of CoaI.meroe. Wednelday Mlcbael Hannua. '1'7. 11 nnt mat.!! on

l?I:AUILI\ HOliery Mm.

GARRY LANE Student RepnaenlaUve

PHONES MAd. 10'7J4 Mad. 1I1SRJ I Par�. Wa.ah. .

toua Ulnea ot her mot.ber, Doon, ()etober 1'7. Dr, H. It. BenICXI the 8. 8. Pnlddent Taft. plJ1nl: be-We an all «IITJ" to part with BDoolde from the U. ot W . .... tne prtndPaJ twen 8&n Ptandsco and Ortent&!. 1-,:========:;:::'

He1md&bl, who·bad to acbool be- iJ) ports. r C&u. of 1llDNa. We hope to !lee hn f����������tii������ji��� blW:t In Pebruaq. A8'f!DCY The oener.l P'treptOOflni 00 . I Mane 0a.rdUn hal been c:ontl.ned. to l"Ul� AL1BI'!!El.J. EquIpment

her� �


n:f :e: J. F. ViselJ Company t.h1rd noor apJ.n. We bope that :she hal Phon;������ Ave.

::thO:: r�a"::��luat" &nd wtll stay • BOOISELLEa8-8TAnON"EaB

Dr. R. A. Hedberg .,... ....

Ebot M1c:beaon and Oan'y Lane both teem to th1nk that variety 11 the 5pk.e of We.

PbtxIe MUD 14&1

Dr. ArcWe G. Hick. --.,.

Rust Blda". 10th P10ar lUll. at Pac:I!lc Aft. _ W......-

� � aunER-MUT BREAD • � •• t •• LoP1 ao-. • (Ap(lloai •• to Ka. : ..... u Hou •• ,

_ .... .... KeyltoDe PriDU .... Co .. lac. .... 175'7 ,. Padfte Aft TACO ....

CaUfoniia F1on.18 c. ....... ............. 8lf 'PM:t!k Aft. 'I'IIcama

8WD...., aDd GIber· � Duo An ReiII'OdDdDI" . P'I&ram., VIctroIM ad' . Vlct.Iw R«IOnta. B&Dd IIDd orcbMra . �ta. Ku.Ic &DCl1hIk Br:IOIDI. BadIo .... � �

N ... Fall Coate $35.00

and up

"'-5 PldeUty Dldi.

DAHL GROCERY CO. ......., ............ Phone Mad. 3818R5 Parklaru:!., .... Sernee

N ... Fall Saito '35.00

ud up

Millwork and Cabinet SlIo",- Sappllet

WASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. S.paidiR/I Alhletic Good. 124 Pac:lIic A�.

304 RU>t Bldg. �.iilfi:::..� Phone � .. n 4493.JGv�


..... , .. P.J""; Tacoma

-A place 1.0 eat .amid pleasant lurrouDdittga� . y.le Ilene ' wafnes wtlh delidOUI .yruPt salada 01 aiIl IilncU and loun-�tain; opeciallies. Homelike cookiD8 and _ aim ... , , ...urea an .pprec"t� pOpularity. We iovite family ' . "' and exert apecjaJ efr ..... in .. lerin,.lo pen;.,. and !he. ; .. i-: t:_. :: .. . . . studeo\ �. . . :� � . ' ,

Ita Our Bu.lnea To Serve

and Serve Effldently

Tba� wb1 we are bere. for )'OW" c:onven!enoe and we want you to leel tree to UM our fK111Ue1 In every and an, man.tler. We deftl­lop and prtn, yoW" toc1at fllml.

Parkland Mercantile Co .

We lnriM � .r QuIlt.,.. 8entee aDII Prioe. Eu.m1natum without eharte

BINYON OPTICAL (,0. ,., BroM.wa, PboDe Bro&d_, lUI

You aw invited to COll8ult us about your banking

Com�Tcial-Saf1i"6 __ Trwt The Puget Sound National Bank 'Ta ...... , Wash. "'" btablish'" lli90

"*"""'" "t"' .... KARL A" ANDERSON


Pacific Lutheran College .... JUNIOIfOOLLEGE NORMAL mCH sCHOOL

Short Coone for IJeslnnen In Enplob Started ()ctober 22

:�. " W";"'.!or· bulkti ..



THE ·IIOOR., .N� MAST \ . Daily Diary I � UIIb ..." I1Iday. e 060bw D-'J"be II!IItp1 eour- I.D. 1iDI-

October � 1kId7 atcaldld ""' � oi \be ctn:u1, "eeUDI PubJlabed e"'7 t"'Lu�


d���=-'tudf'nti of Paclil� :. =�=:e = Rn. 0I:t0lIer :M-TN. ptl \he wont of It ;:::�7.:�������:ooo����pu��::�. ____________ �� �I.-. __ 1�tI�'�: Entencl u IRCOOd c.aa. mauer. <>ctobet 2, 1_ at Ute Palt Offtoe at Parkl&Dd. a_._. _ AVU '--. �- ...... �.,...

__________ w_.....,.... __ -"-...:...-=:....: ... ::..: ... ::..ot:....:....,.,=:....:'.�I:m:. __________ 0:= -:.:� � �, poUtk& fItHI uted me ODe day II 1" 8IQIt.b: .. IIcIoftr .,... ao&DI to be VI"ft· KDlTOaIAL STAFF .. lRXN"K DAHL. Editor' Ida H1nderUe Vema Oano lnf'ebCq: BoUtad Marp.ret Holmbera- lDp OopI.erucl ErilnC Jaoot.ea B71m Lanon """'" Howl'"

- -John OOplerud Oerhard Wolden 8ena Johnson ChrtIt1ne JohNoo


O. J. IiITUl:N

ELIot M1ehe� ClIlCuunON AOW;z&TISING

Eftlyn Solum YAcut TY ADV18E&8


Ti lE :\\:\II:\ChE SCHOLASTIC TROPHY (TI' '\ " . . I I . .

I I I t il' i)("lo(lllIun/o! of III{' qllllrlt'r eX!lllIinutiulls i-n u ft'w .luys, IIltl n

.:Y uf us. pcrhups 1111· - .ore ('ollll1l\'Il('ill/o! 10 !llkt' �Io('k of

"ur�'h'I'lI l1l Ihe hlo(hl uf how much studyi ll� Wt' huyt, dont' durin� th(' pu�t nint' w('t'ks Though tht'rt, muy II{' II h'w with thllt St:, ('ur(' und snt isfit'd f{'din/o!, most or us, '

au doubt, wish Wt' hud burnt>(1 II1nr�' of the midnig-ht oil. 111lt1. liS llSllUI, �ICrt' will iw thoSt, who wllI

.try tn put til{' work of nn l'nt i n.' qllllrlt-r ill�lJ u fl'"

nights of ft'Ycrlsh crtlmllllllg. RC'solutions for Iwtt{'r sttl(h"in� will unduubtt'IIl\" 1)1,' 11111111' un'

1'1I1)('('iul,ly appropriate at this hilll' silln' tht' UllllOlJl\Cl'IlWtlt of tht, :\lahllckC' �'hoillsti(' Troph�' Cup . To hu\"!' 1111(" S Iltllm' ('n�rtl\"{'(1 upon such a cup is surdy to 1)(' ('unsidel'l'd \I Si llMulilr hmmr, lind tho;>" I hn;t· students who al"ctlmplis!1 this may. ht, juslly proud of their a{'hle."('nH'.nts, nle�' will l'I'ljuy Ihe S:lll lsfllt'l ion (If huyiliK Sil(,(,t't'd('d III domA what Ih('\' S('t nut t.o do, bul th(' n'st of liS will hu\"(' th{' sutisfudillll Itf hU\"IIl/o! Iri('d, III 1(,IIsi. Of t'uu"s�.', lIut !III whll I�y can win, fur tht'n ("unlt'sls wuuld nut he inl('r<'Sting. but w(' nllMht n.'mt'ml)("r tilt' saying. "Pit\" Ill(' mun who htHI 11(" " 1' known defeat; he has Ilt'\"t'r striwn for lUlylhi llg worth whi lt, nllr t!'it'd with all hi� ",iAhl." Tn put our hest inlt) uur ScI:hlHJI wurk and to stud�' with all uur might ill l't'rtainly worth while. for SUdl on effort \\'11I.8.I\\'ays be r{'wanlNI, �)Ut a Illult'rilll I'('wurd n'�ultinl-l from compehhon ulways makes !tullAs nHJI'l' inlt·rt'stin/ol.- 1. A. D.


Quardl Hlt that llne and. bit It bard I Dear ilia IIlDd Pa: �t. TOI.I woW4 bIt. .. been prou.::! TIle. 8tadlum. Int.ermediatea aDd. P . . Well, \ben Ia' oaJ:f \bree .... }eft If ,.ou: ooWd 0I:be&rd D:w t.nIwer1nc t.o c. ):.. BecoDd TMm elubed �. before 'Ibull:II1Y1n1. t.DCfl lUJ)l)l»8 JOU her: " We ro' tie 1ICOftI, but tt .... a CUl't walt to .. IDe. �. It Ia . "JIocnow. 01 � A1n:t Undburw I'OOd pme lor III that. tlMt DOt to tell tbe � at'OUDd rotDI to 'IOU '01' blalt" Tb1a .... un· ()ct.ober 3f.....Ore.t uc1tel:Dl!!Ilt! Haft !.he 00WlU, that )'OU are Ut1nC happ,. doubtecl17 tbI bait a1Ywet the had )'OU beard that "HuncrY� dldn'1. eat , uaW I come bome.. acma to beard, yOu bIt." to UN common oent3 h1a pucld1nc for c1InneJ'? PtJ.e alarm. .... .hoo1. (Uti a lot of maDeJ. e.pedalJ::J11.D. poUUca. Ju.t \be ...m. ... In Pump'kln folta! �Hunarr" empblt.t1call,y cIeD1N Iince the Pumptln 8bell baa come to 8beJl. the eY1l report. aDd It.YI be ate It ParkIaDd. aDd wbat IDOIM'J I lOt tan Tbere II midi men to .,. on thl.e � wouldn't neo take me to BpaoaWllJ, � but &bin im't no more room

oh.obu »-B1ue Yoodayl H&nI. work 1be 1I'1Ome Jtrll wbleb DeftI' "tDoft left GIl tIM �, . and more ot It. what a btU for a Ucbt hmcb add.I up Doo't tOl'l'll tbe cuual reminden tn October SO--A bUll1 rtde on P. 1.. C. to, bel.D.e: theJ' cot a 8opbcmore 01' f'I!!IIUdII to 1DCIDe)', eam� II the V'UJ' latelt form of lOIDeth1nI to f� It out for \bem.. . , . . amuaement. The ap1rtted bmw. p'f'e But t am DOt that. I beUe'f'e in

yOW' IcwlJlI c1aUl�BA a fine appeanwoe of d&ah and bee,u, blfher educaUon In Artt.hmeUc .. ftll . tJ' but d.1d not seem to be brolten In u In PQ'dlOloIy, and �J' for DlJ' .own P.�� .... not. to Ilrtn w1th thf' very _ll. Thoae who had the honor lunches.. oJO to I�' :�

yrt�� wi

:r th�

e7u,;;t :::e'. An,.....,.. you had better .end me Oeorp Lane, our pollUclan. haa V",'

We ho.d a wonderfUl Ume." :::: :ene:I:=� ::: r:.:'7t.: dieted that If AI Bmlth II elected pre81·

OCtober 31-Oooo ! Hallo"'e'en ! The &.tell. or cr.mpU3ed In vacaUon. You dent, every banlr. In the country will goblln:! ILTt out! 11 spite of uu. we can send quite a bit of money. be clc.ed four months from the day he �I:;�eth��:��ea::u.s�:�v:�� I am 11'1104 I am broke In to COll� taokee orne«! (ThU II not luCh • .-.dlcr.l

more weird a.nd fr1l1'htful than they by th.ts Ume. It lure doe. upset a per- ltatement u It aeema when .. e remem,

however. lor none appeared. !!Ott when you nnt II'(!t here. You can·t ber tbat Independence D&J' cornell JUllt November I-Mr. Dde gaves lIlUlltn.t.e<I Imatrine how It feell. Ma. unless you about -that Ume.1

:t�":�:=!Oo��·p� �;ve�



w�� �:re


n ;:I;::==========;: be�n we conclude that the", are SChool Of COUJ"X It', a d.1rterent worse thing!! than taking rune weep' tetlin(. but what I mean 1a, a fellow XM,4S C,4RDS

t.esta. One vut dHference we note. hu about u mud! to do with the run- ! Laryst 8eIedJo .. ta CIt.J' :� �: =t3�: b:7�'ot '::c.m� :: :.�= :::ou 1LlId ,1 d.1d In the I Make J'OUI" cholce DOW while "'e want to. You can .end the mone,. the same I our It.ock II complete

November l-Who is that taU (ellow day ... you II'(!:t th1J letter U you want with the mUllta.che? Oh 1 ltnow; too. but who is that UtUe 8p&n1&h lady? The lrirl that rooms t.erOISlII the hall Doesn't Red make • ketn,loolr:1nlf from me tlU a very \plorant Idea of girl? Yes, and doesn't Bud look m�

.Uke a negro than l.JtUe Black 8&mbo �11? These qUNUOIl.!l and many more wen d.1.scussed at the HalIOft'en part,. -t(l th�i���i:;i;' �:t;r��;:l��:

si���!��t��I�:� ����)

r�'�'� l'�:�:��b�\�;i� 1 -;;;;;'1);:;::;-. ::0:::-, -::'1{�.:-;;7'Il.!;:::ew:::::�-;;.:-I _�:.....:-��-�.��-�---.::"'!... expression must be souMht thru agencies cOlllrllr\' to siiellc{' . 8rt -- 'IIIoCOKA, _

This somC'times beconH"s Ill't'CSSlln' and highl\" dt'sirablt.. 1-:sl>('("-ngtng neWII of the Women'! Mia · t-----------------....

T abell'. Tamale Place , Main 3233-� Pacific Ave,

"Chill and Tamalet that are

different :��I�'i�� �h�� }r�I:I ����i(�n�lH.asuIT

· is brought' lIJl fur a group dis, :=�s=::lI=. ='w�� � :�: ne Home of �t. Salt.

Anyoo(' \"isiting our student body llIet.'linKs, wlu.'11 some nt'w ben ot the D&uahten of the Re(orma,

I'rojt.'f:t was brought up, would invariably gd the imprcssion Ihal Uon hen. tut TueJday. OCtober 30.

P. J., C. �Iud{'nts are uni('111 ut'iie\'{'rs in the eloquc llt·C' of silence. She B&1�

t the (p'Oup at PacltI.c Lu_ 912 Pac. Ave

Tacoma'. Tamale' Almost IIny question is likely to unJUSt' contru\'cr!iy. Wh\.

theran � wall the only orpnta- Tacoma, WISh. Parlor De L then tilt' sil('Jl('e ? Is indiffl,rt'lIc(' the ('ouse? If su, suhstitutt. fu'r

lion to Bend I(reetmp to the COnftD.- !:::===============::! ( ... �e


indifft'relll'(' spontan('ol ls response,-P. J. F. U�:! :,., � .. J� !.be fn;;;;;;;���;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� SUNSET prop-am con.s1sted of; tbe PedenUcc Bollf. IWlI b,. the t!Dt1re poup: • p1-

"I saw the sun drop oul of iighl solo bJ' Con. vtJta; &Dd\'AUtwnn," And so I always look to see, a vocal 11010 by EI:'f'1rI aoten.tad .c-And fin the sky with colors bright, oomp&n1ed by con. VIR&. The sunset glow for me." loe-eream ban pl"O'f'ed to be • de-

Such is a verse ( overheard a gro'up of primary children sing' I.1e:bUul form 01 refreshment&. ��8i�

.ntly. To th!m..iI \\'� merely a pretty song--to me it \\'a�

It is not hard to see the dark side of the daily life; in fact it is often too easy, The sunset of life-when one has reached the end of the long trail-will it be beautiful and glowing, or will it be covered by dark and lowering clouds?

, I often wonder whether the life I am leading will be the best 10 the future whether I am allowing any opportunities to slip by that might add a bit of color to the sunset of my life.· . Lhope not. I like to believe that the sunset of life-a Christian life-will be

r just as glorio)WJ 88 that produced by the glorious sun in our western Rkiea.-V. G. .

·Slieken and S .... eat SlI..rte-Mea.aweU Balla ud Shea WIIooD AWdle Goodt

The students ..10 say they

have not been to Tacoma if they have not eaten at


Carly"'" Ca/,teria 917 Padfle

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LEHMANS PUMPKIN SHELL 8110 E 8 ........ taIa Laadt" ·S .. day _ _ · ' Rot LD""ti Dally S5c: . ........... S- CUIII

1be St"", . � . For .... en aD'd'


Compl_ line .po� boot and cIr'e8e .h ....

1J01 PM:UIc Aft,


Everything thats New and Up to Date at

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Photoo See Lee \

DAVIS' F. J. LEE M2 Padne Avenue OalII, B�, ' PboDe IIIaln :rJ88 American PlumblnJ! & Steam Supply Co. Wh,,"""," . ,

Plumbing. Steam .... MiD Sa"Ue. Phone Main 1707 1�10 Pacilic Avenue

"" .......... " .... -.... -".---� rou.oW TID GOLDEN &om TO, ..-rna D.U.rB


BROOKDALE GROCERY cO . . ASK U8-WB 1U.VJ: 1'1" • . .OROOERIJ:B. PLOUR, BAY. o�. PDD. � RVIIIID.,I'OOT- . WUR.. DRU08, :HABDWAR&. � � ,' . ... PADn'B, BpOI'DfO · �!*,:\ . l, ,��.� ' .


SPORT PAGE Second Defeat of

Season SutJered By College Team

Puget Sound ·Raerve. Win With 29 to 6 Score; BoU. Tame Make Several Fumblet DUrin. the Game


REVENGE DEFEAT BY 19 TO 0 VIc:IToRY The LlDooln mati In� CJb.. Gladialo� Seconds and St8.dium ta1DecI � (or their � a.- Intermediates Have Slow

feat by 'W1nn1De: the .eoood 00EIte.t 00. Game; Played. Oct. 25

=-.o�� �'Prld&y .� �'t1DI ort to • I10w It&rt IIDd Due to aD ert'Of 10 arran.stnI pm. lnf t.ootb&ll t.brouabOut The Pac1f1e LuUleTan 00Uep Olad- boI.b the Vantty and the ReIenw were pule. the Oladlator ReIerTe8 bad

laton autfered their .econd defeat of fOf'<led to pla.J OIl the att.emooo. CODteDt UlemIel'fel wtth • 0-0 the seuon _hen tbey k:.t to the Col- ec.cb RaDatad toot. f:"ery man that ap1Dat the 8tMUum EDah Bchool lege 01 Puet't Sound � tut Pri- he tboucbt �ht be ava11ab1e (01' duty tenneclLateIJ. TbunC&,., Oct. 25, aD day. NO'\', 2, to 1M KOn! of -........e. The to- the,. came and )eft the Re- home nekl. prrie ,... played 00. the C. P. 8. t1eJ4 � with • t.dly m1ud Uneup, In Both teaIM battled on eqn

The � pl"ClTed t.bemaJ.'feI • iplte of th1a fact.. the boyI put yP lit. thro�bout the rame. much nronrer team than the ODe that rood ,.me aDd wtth the uceptloa of • � showtDc • aUcht edce be.tUf'd the Ola4laton two weeb &10. couple of 1001 pu-. wh.1eb rMI11tec1 ta the other. The play was oontlDed TM Lutheran. were not plaJ1nr up to �owns, they held the lJnccalDJt.- Iy to mld-neld.. When either team th1a eeuoo IIDd !'ft't")' their belt. and the breaD 8eemed to be ! .-ell 1n chee.L In danpr, puntln( was resorted to. with aboulcf tum out tor the coo�t. Chri8bna. PreoenlB


IIp.lhllt them. 8eve:rai time. • lObI' puBl' 'noe Lian:p!I St.4lum ba'f'lnl the marpn In


the kJ.ek- local \eam ncoeda and �

that prombed to become • .un toucb. P. L. C. Unc::oID inl duel. several Unlet: dUJ"lnf do .. -n splrtJe'd � the a1r to the Ooplerud LER It� pme the Oladtators' sec::ondar)' "'sIUn, anna ot aocne Lutheran

player, Plou LTR wooeu tense weakened, and Nyman,

onl)' to aI.1p out ot h.LII hand.a. Beren� LOR Raymond. dlminuUn[! quarter1:Jaet, wu Rllht sner the wh1aUe started the )

Fadness C klck hWT1edly. ,ett1n( oft short rJ'� t .. ·o team.s on their way the Reserves I Hanlon ROL Althoua-h the Oladtators pJ.ned !"1!"C1I'lved the ball IWCI n:�umed It leV' Klippe

n = Oow yan1age on their paaes. the, conll yards. �m tht>n on U).e Maroon :�n 0;0= �ted on the number ot yards ����h�:rw=

v:e I��a::p� =� Sanderson

Q �:7 ���: b:: ��t Thcolr steady mareh pve them th� I Quale LHR Van Beavera than did their opponenta. fIrst downs brintPni them down to ��==�ons-: L. Toth Sandenollll Gatn. Gro_d

Pukland s 1.5-yard llne It looked Uke EI.1J.ngJIon rI sure touchdown but the I .-;;;;:-;;;-;�;;;;:;-g;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;:-;.;;;. I "'I�d-pln" Plll1td themselves �ther to stop the nen.. "IV'" s great nampede on their own ll·y.rn. llne !.n& the Luthet1UlS line tor II ""&$ no .... Pu:1tIc's ball. On the tint ' Smllh, h.LII team mate. play Parkland fa1.led t.o (&l.n. Carlson I ""'"' wo. Ihen dedded .to pWH. klc.k1n1 the oval Scheel the rtant (U&td tor to C P S.-s .:I.yard. llne. was the performer

C P B. aaatn started a drtve down j Une. Ttme and ume IIC&1n. the tleld. brt� the b&J.l to her we- I through., hI..s favorite my's 22-yard Une. On the next two I tac.k..le. brlnelnl the b&Il earner pla)'s the Reserves Called to make any I to eart.h. SCbeel pla� wnob �:theOq:':= =�

o:::� = �P����fT�::ol�'n�-'::;;;I'u""",

pIa)" when he sent the pipk1.n t.hroudl loomed up bla aa a detmt.lve

��:rt� �=�:: :� �e� �e

t�eld�;: =:.c�n,:":.:::�: 1 �::;';

to penetrate their opponent·s line tor of Knutzen. once aet., bfI .urel, DuIJ .. I '�-m. t1l.'0 touehdoWlUl, mat1na' the !ICOl'e 15-() '1!m down. 8,( the end ot the tlrat h&lt. The C. P. Two � wert! out 01 the S. eleven tud the m&rJ1n throllihout Ole PIce and. Rudy the flnt hall 1n pracUC&lly every de- be1ni I&Id up wtth i.Qjurtea. partment of the pme they can be nuned. up for

Lathera. pme rem&1Da a qUfllUon. U The second haU saw a d.1ttennt team same l1neup will mAt.

on the field. The Lutherana then came �t BtadJum NOY"eI:Dber t, bti:k a Iood deal atronrer !.ban In theI..r 'WO teamI mi1 OIl \.be first appt.4n.noe. They showed more rround..t· aggT"tSSivenea, more tldlt. t.ak1nr \.be ball down the !leld. tor what appeared to be a touchdown; but C. P. a beld.. 01&d.1ator pme 1a aa foUows: and Parkland .... unable to crolIII the P. L. C. O. P. 8.

Wash1ncton Bul1d11l1 II th and PaclIlo


Importt'f"8 of Norwegian

Cod Liver Oil

COr. Ta.coma Ayenue & 11th Bt.

'I'&.comA. Waah. Free OeUnry ....Ma� Your



SeleGtion EARL Y whih our Sloe/, u (otIIphl,

roa.l line. Tb1a.. their tIrIt bi( eh&noe LE J"'_.l ''''"'''� �:�'; :: �t ,::� or scortnc, they m1ased.. aa they were B . .Jacob8on LT "'- --.,;"00.::

John80n-Goz Go. 7'6 '1'acifo vi ...

...Maifl..j 49 unable to rally .tbe required � BcheeI LO to brtnc the oftJ over their chalkl1ne • .E . .Jacob8oz:a C

It ""&.8 in thb qu.ar1er lhal both ta.mIi I cronqulat RO opened at.taeb. w1th the lIb- We16e RT roon IWCI Oray. hanna: the edre on Kre1dler RI: completed pusea, but with Parkland Carlaon Q p1nJnJ fP' �, Even at tbat Anderaon LP they were not. able to 8ClOle more than Knutsen RP one touchdown. lD the third quarter Palo Parkland made (Jl'Mt p10a wben they BubsUtuUona, marched and pulled tbetr ...,. down for We1ae. the field, P1IJ.o,. the Olac11ator'l fUll· -----back p& the ball over the line for hrdlnand. Chrlstensen, Who .t!.end-the only toucbdown. C. P. 8. boWeftr'l ed here In It:H. 11 a student at followed It.I1t by a4d1nI aIIO&ber 14 Uni'm'Slty of 0rt!c0n-IIl&J"U to t.bdr total before \be .tnl&"- -.==========::;; 1 ,Ie mcled...

.... ...... V. W" HANSON'S SOme tlDa tbnJwtnc .... cloDe bJ ,........ Palo lD tbe -=cod bait. MaD)' t1meI be Watch Repalriac . gPeelalty wu ruabed to throw, DCIt .tuiw &D )6'7 80. 11th at. . accurate aim, wb1cb ca.u.ed in· ����_���·_��·)����I � TWo � ...... Inc. u..e '... WId bf KnutaltJl. Wbo JVda till' '&be IoapiIt rain at \be dQ'. 'Ibe �. bf OOItom., IUde .,...tbIe • pin or )'&rdL C. p� a. bad � � bu& tbe pm. .... ... �, Cbe .a.ul� for &be

SPECIAL BUSSES FOR PARTIES .AII)' � • . AII)' PIDee Call Mr.' � . ...,1bJA JOl


Art', Barber Shop Brookdale

Bu New Con. Alto 8u:ophoMII

. Ia CUldcii121.50 AIk .. �our coa� ...... .r 8auUlftb.. Bt. Pl..- Kabl _ '

MBeeA. RBSGfAURANcr Open All Night

TRY OUR ANNEX 13th &: Commerec

FOUNT.uN LUJlfCJm8. SODAS. BUNDUB n .. ,. Co LeeII WeD. � U .... 8 .....

ParklaDd CoofectioDery & Barber Shop o. p, iroMDTBoN, Prop..--()omer. car LlDe

A Fair Propositon., A Ten Year policy at age 18 cost.iieu than three cents a day. Why Dot use this method or protecting thoae who finance

your education '

. ...


I ! MR. ��g:,:::r�t�ASSESI::=£:�f.!1 "i,.jk-'- CHnca � LorthUi' pal'mLl 'I1a1ted bere .lnI�=h,.:r::�= �::. ··And .beQ tbou � t.bou Malt -N<n·'Ha�ke:!'!. P. M.

ANNOUNCBiiiii'l'!. The <;.hurch Council nieets with. Gerhard

State 8chooI. Inapector . ..... Rounds.. DOl be .. the b.Jpoc:rilo(l8 .,..: for tbe7 Nov. 7. 7:30 P. M. Mid'-week. Devotional Hour. Con VlIta ... the 1rft&-end � H� made • ,urvey fOf the purpow of lo� to pra,. ttaod.1nI; in the � Nov. 8. '7:45 P. M. Choir Rehearsal ()f Ltl.&h Oraaa at her home in Yelm., det.ennln1nr the offld&l ,tatUi of this .uld In the oomen 01 the st.r� Nov. to. 10:00 1\ M sat�rday School and ConflrmDhon UQ�� WL'\hI.nfton. braDch.. Aner � JlOt.e or the var- th�,. m.,. be .e-en at men VerUy I ...,. 1 t 00 A_ M Chlldren's ChOIr Reheanul

__ loua ImpfOftmeDLI /aDd mOl1U'lcaUOIlI! l'\O\ I I to 00 A M Graded Sunday School A croup of dormitory lJ\ulleDt.I at- that baYe been 1IIadf. be lett. .�\

I UDto )'OO. the,. baft their n:-.rd. Il-rof Ph E lIauge. Supt Bible dasa for Adulls

Oct.ober 71 at the home of ..... Tbel- toe doDe. .... MODI '" the � of .uu. lnto U\J' c.l0I0I!t, .IKt 1I'ben thou � r.t.CULn NEWS Da � of �- l.Jd1a ma P't-nDe,. department. shut th,. cSoI;a" pnt.y to thy heber. Dr .IKt tin. no,lee1ad .IKt I.belr RaIrYtaCl • .,.Ule tended a Hallowe en p&r\7 Batunta:r. Jy \'eI'Y w.iJ _tlEtted with the work be- I

�But thou .beD \.bou � enter 1 1 00 A M Enghsh Serv1(�S " Evelyn Solum it apln attend1nc he- ::: .. �: -;:e�: � :=. D1eee. HeleD 'nnIleitad, were ru-ta of e.�, oetober 2'J ..... Itrehller c.IaaetI after a weell:'I at.ence due to Mooryad Swen thee � IolJ'hnI a, her bome In a-we &Dd bel' uter. lira. PQwler 01' Taoom&. Wn-. . I �. • the week-eod, 0Ct.0beI' 1'rP" motored to Beattie wbeN they IPh1t -- All nabt. all )'OU tmcht �un and "But .beD ye pray. u.e DOt n.I.n roe- -- "'" .." Peen Harrey spent the w-eeII:-eDd a, None Ih&rb. It., up to you to n,urt' peUuora. u th� beath� do: for the,. Yr. V. IDn.trom returned n-1a;y. __ ElIentbW'l .. the I(U4!IIt at ao..a Pal- lhb ant out. th1nt that they abaIJ be � f(ll" oel. 10, free a � trip to 0tJI· U:r RaIUtad pre&ehed the Refonna-mer. ,..

__ their much �' . fomta where he � a th:.ree-week uon ' Sermon In the Tr1n1l1 church. -- The IOpha bepn to ret reckl� In I "Be not ye therefore like UDto them: apeU:lnf .ebedule tor the predclent in stiDdiy nenlnC. ()(:t.ober ..

Eleanor Lcfthus w .. the CUe.t of their acuow In the dayroom, iIo the tor your P'ather !moweth what ye bave JanUU')'. The � wU1 be In __ honor at a blrtbda,. pan,. "�n b,. Ai- haUihty freahles have bad to eh&IItl!Ie need of befOft ye aaII: hlm. Intel'elt of the De?elopmeot O&mpatcn The Youna t..c1Ie.' Oulld met at the _ nUl OIaoD. Nedra Dub1f1t, and HeleD them. "Alter .uu. manIW" therefore Pr&Jt which wiU be earned. into many can· � 01 Mr. aDIJ II(ra. �. Tues-

'I'fnce"tad 'I'Ue!Ida,. �. 0Ct00er __ yeo Our P'atber which art In Heaven. fornla eoncreP� day even1nc. ()d.ot:IItr 10. 30. ou��:���e � ::!.'7='f�� ��wed�: :. 'Iby wUl be )In. B. Ta,.lor baa been wekomed r::==========;

Mr. Victor E1vestrorn returned Tue.- let. were on the war-path done In earth. u It � In beal'fll. t.ek to our III.1dat .here &he bY cha.I"Ie day e.-eninc from an eztended trip ID "Olve UI uu. day our dally �: of the Short coune Cl&aIee and Owtecl

We Appreciate Your Patronqe

CaUfonua on �ha11 ot the "Develop. one of the revered lI'Iemben 01 the "And fOrFve Uli our debta . .. we for- 8tateli HlItory lI'Ietlt AAoc1aUoD." day room. Rena 8trandbel'l. baa beeD I1ve our debton. Rosso'.s Garage

a ncUm to a chlldl4b d1.M:Ne-mumpe.. "And lead u. DOt lnto t.emptaUon. Wn. 'nnItestad and bin fW:Da;tad Madison I07-R-1 Dr and MR. Ro!t motored to Stan- Such a th1nc: mJ.abt be ezpeeted of a but deliver UI from evU: Pot'\I.b1De '" weTe th� ParklaDd del� to the �;::==:::======I wood Sunday. OCtobeT 28. Dr. Hoff d�- flnt year Itudent.-----but of a IOpbomore! the lt1ncdom. and po_r. � the WomeD', l41aa1onar}' of the South Pu· livered a talk to the Luther �e of Naughty Rena. &lory. forever, Amen. ret Sound C1n:u1t held In R.n. Ed- Telephone Wal.n 11118 the church at Stanwood. __ "For U ye tOrFve men �Ir b'ft- wardI' church In Tacoma on Wednell-

Carl And�1'!IOIl vWt.f!d the federal from aehaol for four ..-eeu. �turned forgive you. -- Tobaccos, Ciprs and -- I Mae Keith . ... ho had been abeent pa.Mee. your heavenly P'ather wtll alia day. October 31

prisOn on McN�tJ laland Sunday the lut Thunday. Not·. 1. A glad "R&h! "Po:- U ye fOTSive not men thelr 8unda,., October •. Mr. and Mra. Candle&, Maguinea. Pape-rs 18th of ()ct.ober rah'" gn-eted h�urn. �� � your father for- ��::I -:.=��� =_ Post Card&, Ginger Ale and

K::'ve�o�e :tU:ee�en:�

� In I na�� laa�t��env� ::. U:� ;;:;. �ut

o:n C:':ope-;: :�� ..,. --------

-- Jamt.3 8ehwerdfleld_ Good luck... Ma-! !liven If we are UDw1llln( to fOlTl'fe"our P�rtptton Opti�al Co. Mn. M. A. CbrU;tenaon. prealdent of I bel. and loti! of It. I nelv.hbor? The flfth peUt1cID--J'And Phooe M:aIn 712 40'1 Blcta

W. )4, F" "'U a aehaol vWtor on MOIl- __ I fOrF'fe UI our debt.l. u we forgtve our �� day and Tuesday_ ! Do you !mow ... hat It means no,,!,? debton,"-lt the only one wb1ch It DOt A. � Tacoma -- ! Mooryad Swen " not Oree .. Dor u; It l a almple,peUUoo. and only God'l eb11- I ;�::' ���������

On Tuesda,.. OCtober 30. Mrs. M. A. I Saw.b1t.-lt u; merely the o.yroom <lren can pray IL An unfQr1jYeD a1D It Chr1IItensen. d1atrtct president of Newa. really the .auree 01' all our troubles, It WonteD's la41M.IOIl&l1' P'ed�raUoD. IipaU i ---- &ep&ratel us from God. aDd etemit)'. PARKLAND GARAGE al the Chapel

I FOUR YE..ut8 AOO AT F. L C. and U - caD net pray uu. fUth pe-AU.

At chapel exere13ee, November 10.1 UUon we can not hope lor et.ernal We. ,� 'MINNESOTA GOVERNOR' Burton Kre1dler waa awarded the .tatel We &re )o1nt belR wtth OhrUt far eY- ., ... on. aDd A-ne. , COMPLIMENTS 'FRENCHY' rue tor h1a eaaay enUtled "Dope Ad. erlut1n( ute, but we Ihall DOt be' len J. C. Pet.enon

-- :'CUOD " aubm1tted In the e:aaay contest l ID peace by the tempter. I �=========�: I I At one of the regular nudent body held b� th� Women'. ChNUan Tern- Jesus ChrUt loved Ill., Jet US lOve our I

, meet1n�, the pre.1denl. ErUnt: Jacob- peranee UniOD. nelahbora and fOTSive. !lOll. announced that he bad With him -- ' Ita Oar Basinea To Se,ve a pacltq'e which he bad reoenUy re- The music lnIitructon of Pac1flc Lu-I Phon� Ma1n 14&4 celved ln the mall. Aahe unwrapped It, theran College. M1as lillian Lund. - PI-

I· Dr. Archie- G. Hick8 and Sen .. Effic::ienti1 �::;o�;aau: :=':� =t


::. �:��r:r:le:


Rust B?;:.�� Ploor ThaLl _b,. .e are here. for your Y1�w a c1p.r wrapped In rlbbeD. and complimentary coneen in th� 1fYtW1&5- 11th at Pac11lc Ave, oonVenleDce and we want you to read the note that accompanled It. rt lum Tacoma. WaahI� feel free to use our t&dULles In

. ever)' and any m&IlDeT. We devel·

Noveltlea Tboralf L. Pede ... en

807 PacUIc A.enue Tacoma, Waah.

::::r o�=eaoO:d

�n:;:.�Ula7.: �;. �o:;::� Dr. R. A. Hedberg Parkland Mercantile Co.

:�I��rom �� O� ��; 1 ..... ;;;:n;;:";;:Th;:=.::o<;;:n:;;.;;:"';;:"""':;:::;;roo:::::;II:;;D.;;:CO�

IO lop and prtnt your lI:odLk fltm..


Walter P'1"ench upon hll belna: elected Phone Ma1n l8'10 1108 1-2 Paclflc -AV� DeatDt boy!; athleUc-� TACOMA W A8HINOTON 804-5 P'idelJty Blcta, P'renchy Ii counteoantoe beamed with BOO ItSELLItIlS--8TAnoHUS ____


no Broadway Phone BfC*dway loU!

Joy and prtcl� aa he .... preaented With I "�;;;:;;:;;:;;==:;;:;;:;;� I ___ _

the gilt. and the litudent.- added to the ! �_.�.... P------a+F?Fii happlneM of the occuIon by a hearty Brookdale Ccuh DAHL GROCERY CO.

I You a� invited to consult U8 about

hand-c.lap. Market Oeaeral Merc.baDd" youI' banking probleDl8. .... .... AU .n .... . "'''' "'" ,.,,,,,,,,.n' Ph"'" Mad. 38"'" Pvtland TheC0Pumg""'et.rcSoiolun--8dOVNiaRtio8.'-nTaI".\t k BU.TTREE�MDUT I�==M:,�:,_:�:�:::_�,�=Q=�=" =-=-:;;��� mm • � . I� � � - . G:'" I. i •• L..II er.-II (ApoIOIl'I ... 10 lola ..... l1 Hou .. ) Millwork and Cabinet Shop Supplies

lieUa' Priatla( Keyatone Printinc Co .. IDe. Maba nsr 7e1 hdIk Ave


suln.., � otber pI&Doa, buO �Art � PIaDoI. V1ctraIu aDd, ���== lIOOb. :R.IwUo 8da aDd � Sh��Y&�, ...... ar0.dWa7 . IIi.ID. _ . n-. wlllllUllctrD .


1124 PacIlIc Ave. U&1n 7111

304 Rool Bldg.

Phone "Main 4400

�, , t ' P. R. ",",

Tacoma .. ----'7";-.... --.----------

0he Parkland oCight &: 'Water Co. A Mutual Company


Furnishes Water. Light and Power tQ Members Only RATES ' Water. minimum 60c Pr. Mo:.incl�ng 100 cu. n. water

\Vater fatniahed to P�ic Lutheran .College as low .1 60c �1 cublt: f .. t " . ', . .' . ' ror:r:--����-'-:-" - " , -.-



Pacific Lutheran CoUege ..... JUNIOR COLLEGE


Short (:oune for gelinnen In EJIIIIoh SIa.1ed October. �.


Write '0; riUueiu. ,

Doctor Tingelstad [ To Be Installed I

Cememony Will T�ke Plare I I>ftember •• , Prealdent I Augaard To Speak I

Pacific ,I:.u!be'r&ll COlle,e extenda the lnvUaUOfI to all Itt {"emil to be pniI. ent at the .cbooI on IIlIII.&ll.UOll I:My, December 14. AI thla Urne. Ooctol' Ttna-elatad wtil be formally lnatalled M

the president of Pa.el.tlc Lutheran cOl­l�. Doctor Aaagaani. p�dent of the N L. C. A, condl.lctlna the serv10es I h.� ��f

��ep'7tonla �ea:;:� �;

coUejlO. and .11 ItA tnendB � u� to attend. Repre8entatlves from many In­stltutlons. both church school and .tate. 1

the 8eCOOO meetinc at two o'clocll: In the

The ca:nmlttee In � II busy. at prNeDt. In ""orll:lna; out the detaUa of .". p",""",

P. L. C. O...,b",,11'11 Organized ; Will

As.lot the Choir

I Representatives Chosen.f or Union

The mua1c de'partment UDder the cUr- Irene Dahl. Inrebol'l Boldad. . Erling Jaeob_n, Will Go to teUon of Mr. Edw&rdl baa .. moP elI- Spok�ne '-or Luther Meet

tenslve and' prornm In new for thta year of 1m IUld '28. Both the Pt.e1flC Luther.n ColJ* hal choMn choir and the oreheatn. have orpntad the foDO'IrlDf delept.el to the

, 4Jther­

and �ter eUort. Ia belna made for I an Btudent.l' Union Connlntlon 1:0 be

lhf' prOduction of (mer and more tn-I

held at 8pobne Coli. lOIIIeUlne in Iplrtn, music. I JAnuary: lrHle Dahl. InrebOr'I Bol­

on WecinNday. November levenLh, I ltad. and ErUne: J�. The alter·

the Itudenta havlna Irnt.rumenta met I nates are GerharJ Lane. John �.

and oryanlZled the lIChool orchHtra. '[ and Eliot Mlcheoon. With theR dele·

The orchelltra m�mebenhlp 'I as fOJ· pteft will iO a repreeentaUve of the

lows: I� violins. Dqmar HaaenUl. 1 faculty

Eliot Mlchelaon. £l"llna Jac:0b60n; 2nd I Student �presentaUves of all Luth­

vtollns. Ina-a Ooplerud. Ha.-old John- t eran coUepI and unlvenlUes of Waah­

/lOll; Violin cello. Oorotlu !!:benole: ! 1nf�. and Idaho .W attend baritone. Fra.nlrlin Lacy : trumpeta. this conventton and dl.tcUM the topI.c. Raymond Hoff. oeo� Lane : cl.ar1net. : " Christ the BoluUD? of All our Prob-Clerhard Lane: Accordion. Lelah OrM8; ! �a:.." � 8c7;�;


II r:=:.

tuba. Clarence Momon; dI""WDa.:,.Robert i O�n. eJ:ecuU't"e aecr"!'ta:/'y of the Momon: ptantat. Cora Vllta. I Lut.her&n Student 8ervIoe �13on

The orchestra II pracUc!nt: !leveral 01 �. and Re't", W. H. HelJeman, I numbers which are kI be played at Lhe v1ce-precdent of 8pot&D8 00lIeI*.

P. L. C. Honor Roll 'I1nielltad InstallaUon berctM on I A comp1fl,e prQp"am of the ODbftD·

December 140. The Choir wtll &lao Uon will be prtnt.ed .. &DOD U detlllU.e 's




Compiled [pareDt8, TeiiCliel'8 ' I Mahneke .Presents =� 0:,: :::'n�

on arranpmenta bani been made.

The number of rtudenta qo the bonor • D ' I Sch I hi P P ' �.

att_"':t.""" ___ �t the

Of �t �� G'\re�e ProFl'm 0 ars p ;UD I8�"', even1n8:, December 18, at the ' romote eaee ............ .." .. , _........ ... .. ....... """ EYaneellcal Lutheran Ch�. Is Dr. HOfr'8 Plea eteht an on the d1I� honor I P"r1day e'I"minC:, November UI, WU CUp III Aceepted Bv ErUng Ja- 18, the choir wtll, pre-

On Annistiee Day roll&. To It1. on UWI one must have I Dads' Nla:bt at the recular meet.1l!.l of cobaon On Behalf'of School; ..u of h1a rrades Ilbove IKI. To ret on the .Pvth.nd Parent-Tea.chenr Aao- Pretented In Chapel On . Monday, NOftmber 12, Doctor the honor roll �, one mu.t have mUon. .blch ... held In the publ1c

�� plans to!' th1I year'. choir are Hott wu the � at' the chapel G-

&n averaae of !IO In ..u his ltudlea. sehool auditorium Atter the meet1n&" At chapel aerc1lel Monday, inoomplete. but Mr. Elve:atrom, erct.M commemoraUnl' AnIdIUCII Day.

The dJa� honor roll 11 made I had been called kI order by the prest- : ber 18, a silver Iovine eup .... choir bua1neu rna.napr, report.a ''The rea.:m .. call J'OW' au.Uon

��:r:n;� :::0 Inp dent.. Mn. carl oatlund, the audience I kI the Paetfte LutheRn ': :!�U: . . plans tor chOlJ' : ::n��:'haa:a� .!c:';;:a =: Ida Hinderl1e, Edp.t' l£non and r;::

I5LlU!.ed the f1q' and aana America. I


o� the Mahneke

do a better piece of WOI'k tbab .. , ruU delle Winney. The re.t of !be hcmor P'ollow1n&' a report ot the P.-T. A. pa.ny � parenti; ha't"e done. We Ixrid tbat � roll 0CJ0.IifiI of Bu6en1& Croep'. Stan· Convention held In Parltland. by loin. I The PUfl)OIIe of th1a trophy 11 kI II the 1ut AnDIRkle Dar to be • ley Dahl Nedra DuI:Nck. PIner l"lott, I Andrak, the meeUni' ... turned over : oourqe Idwlutlc effort by the Betrothal Rf:':lmrted I c:on!ed and UM' \be DOIIIiDc ...-u-� � � H�::: to Mr. Norton. chalrm&n of pro- i ;::0: I=:C =� to At a l&rp pther1Dc of friend • • hetl\trm = -:u.:.::. 0::-: au. I"nI.n.k.I1.I: l£cy

. PaullDe I..r'&OD, Ireoe! ifUO oommittee. The p".ram WU " i about a mo� deftn1te 'knowledce they enterta1ned Saturday aJ'temoon, undentllDd1nl we muat. dedIcIUI our-

��e;w8ch�,= =! to=un1ty � led by Prolt8lOr ! oolledate Ideall. =.m: :d

a:.n.� �� �: � .. e:a� � � Ol&clYa 8-.en1aDd.. OertnJde Aydow and I J. O. Edward&. I OJ' 'I1nielltad accepted the eup and nounoed the betroth&! of the:1r dau,b· 1 home and abroad. WII! muM. _ • Elmer Tweeter. I PIa&" 5Llute, Scout lAw, and Itunta l upreued hJa cratl.tude for the en· ter, Mra. Valbora Baller, to Re't". L. 111rOfkl of � and tr1endmlp, ., tba. •

by the Boy Scout.&, under the d1rec- 1 couracement i1ven by the Rumu.en of BUI'� WUh. nrteT ap1n aball a II'Nd7 r.. c:aK

AGE·OLD PUZZLING_ I Uon of Rev. P'. Ttbblt.a.. i Company and the lDt.en.t abcnrn. He AmODi" thOle pre:eent. wb1ct. numbered 1 upon blllD&llJty. a ea1am1tJ' UbI Ulat

THEMES DISCUSSED Recttauon, carl O&Uund. I Wo eJ:preued h1I desire tMt the ecbool nearly tifty. wen: IJe'\'eral a\emben or I fo1ated upob the World 111 1JI .. �_ A i"fOup of SOD,i"I by the boya of the faculty. "We no DOt beUna 111 war," laid UIII

. Ap-old puaUna tbeme:t .w be d1I. anenth and e4hth p-adel. may be worthy at all urnes of the The announcement I.e of � In- speaker. ''but tha, � CUI be ca.ecl bJ /illIert. atwanl W\qILm at Humoroua rNodiJII, Prof-.- dlIt1nCUon &1ven It. t.erest to frienda of P. 1.. O� atnee both IIetUed � � naUoDi M U. Oentnl LutbIn.D Cburch Nonm- Solo and lmUatkm of an Erllila: J� accepted the eup in MrI. Dalley and Mr. Rumu..m are: bet-een men... It I.e the bape 01 ID:J bel' 18. SOme or the toPcI to be dis-- Mr. W. C. 0ream'Y. Of


the .tudent body. He al80 �mmen of the M:hooJ


fam1lJ' Mr. \sener&Uon tba, In.

the future. AIDeriCa =',�BaN:::� � ": pia"",:,: .:J�, �w:: ':'t

a IC��� :;-m:

and�':ue,rrom �tL.� :"I� the� ��'

t.b1DI:," and MOO llb IDUTJ' llIDII!," -._ COiJep 8tqIef BII!n!i1t.oa. mowed their IIiDcer'e craUtude 1&at year. nle � .w tab place � people. the future du.u, m.,. p.m. ill biI t.alb. t.ella at tbe U .. tbat &a.DdenICIn. E1na 'l'nWIon. towanI the KabDc:ke Com· at tbe f1rIt of the ye&I". ea'jGJ the ble:.lDP � �." lDf..t d't"1llaUoo and � the Un. Bemca JOI'JII!ID*ID, and bY a rta1Dc tote of tbapD. .........



- -

toc1Q that _ can onl1' ftI�te

=-Prnk1enU&1 eleeUOft. "''>,*5''.; ��"""??·�L'!� Ente'red u -eeond � mau.. 0I::C0ber i. 1'" a& Ute Pl:»t Ofnoe at Panlaod. 1E:IDIr.'. bInbda.". . . ,--- . -- . W� iuder Cbe An of MAI'eh J, 11'71. I5MleDt IkId;y p6etw'e " LKTna I Now It )'OU aaa't ..a -- out of

------....;--... -JTO--.lA-L-.-T-..... --..... ------ I :��� � OYer e)ecUQn Oat ... aod � No. 21, 1'" ::::!::�::.:: ':w,�r: ��� Edit« Ida H1nderue :'.� � �t\,:: u!' =� � � :::'u:-: a = =� out oert&1n tb1np, Narpret Holmbers � Oop= here in about • w.k Thia 18 _bat I .... th )'OU tlU --.I You wm I I'M beeQ aD otnoe dol .,. \Ul1a I mean El"l1nI .J� 8ylna !.AnIon I hard oftr the radio! Wb)' cora l maybe need two turn,. tNI )'ear oa \hat I SIIll peopk wb&& fIG-'do Wbe\her

NarTtn Ha.1clr. John Ooplerud Aren't JOU' pown up yet1 aeoount of 't belnc' Iueh • Ionf t1me thBy oMJ me 01' DOt do. DOt matter Dorothy � OHhard Wolden NO't' t-Qulte • bU. 01 t.aleDt Ia dIIcoY- I1nce I ba" .- one but a& __ t ba't'fl tbe ..a.fact:km oc

Sena Johll8OTl Chrtatlne Johnson IIU81!'11ES8 D.lPAIlTMKNT

Aa:nn Klippen

O. J. S"nJEN

£Ilot �lIon ClactJLATlON


TYPING EToelyn SOlum


end '" dTlI nrst buketbaU pnc:t1ot. . You wed .hat branch of I'Uaber I dictaUnI- AIDOaC the th1np . .J,...,!ound Atea pi Paul1ne1 Good plaJ, 1tmma1 educat100 t un t&k1JlI' at the Pumpldn i out are tbit followtDa f"ta: r� Pile 'em up. DorothJ'I Shell. Well It Ia • Ittnd of bani thSnt', c:r1t.Sc1 C&DDOt palat p6ctu�; Blble

NOt'. �There be .-r �t Red'. 10 uplaln. It 18 moM.Iy outD:kl refeT- 1 crltlal orr. DO .ua.ctWt41: \!wi � tot tAe bIJIl He', In the 1.a1 A eDele Uke the 'couoeauoa. and � who compoIII the � for JOUDI touehdownl A toucbdmml We tot IeUc Renew. the prof. !DUe \II do. � .. eaDDOl even fry .... : the It! Olft . :vell tor Red I I .uppoee I had better make th1& � C&D .m • deMte· by teIU'tnI'

Nin'. tl-Mal'p.let Jacot.on ieaftll for real pl&1n, 10 that Pa won', eet It all down a PnndPla aDd .ft8ed not otter �nn:r. Colorado atteT a tew boun m.l.zed up. I another met.bod; a normal ItUdent can stal at P L. C YOlU nave to pmboI around the u. 1 tnatruet a om � and not do • a1D1lt!

No.. 1S-What cUd you p1. In your b .... l'). I.NIftd IoolUnI" for Itnyed ref· � a unS�tJ t.-chet can ct-.e N J HONO psyeholoo test? I tDow 111 nuna erence boob and such There Ia practl. aam1natkJa aDd DOC aww bow w ------- --------------- on my repor\ evd. !so't thia traa1C? wly the aame duterenoe tw __ ver. I � UWI papen, and IC).- on ad In·

THANKSGrvrNG I ,'iOV l+-Prot_kIMl walters wwe ellte'Pt that a turkey 1I not 10 '� I rtnltum et no f!NSum. take It .. you. Soon tilt' f{'stin,] duys will IK' Iwrt, lind thllt hll!l umw U\{'r broulht to Uaht at dinner t.on.Irht. .., a Ubf"U)' boot. Some UbTary boob Ute It-I should won-rl

Ih r('(' hUIH..Ir('cl tim(·s uln'ally; the du)' thai I!I truly till Anwru,:ull The hJtherto unknown artIab � hU the perrucloua habit of belnl re· Wb,. abould l oot. do lll tbMl th1np? huliday Pete Plott and Ole P'Ioe. !lerved every time J uk for them. I I need not m.a.t:e myeelt clear. for ,..

I lur ����.�!�(' s��;t;

�;,�:ul��·:::t ('\\j�;:�f


acl�I���.(�I I��II�\;::II;�:�1 :�'� SCHOOL SONOS ( ;

el1 to

thame:::e :!e au:a==� I ::,ay

be ao

;;:::::Stood�: :U:r -::: 111(' pJ('a�ures of the bri�ht SUIlllIler da)'fI. , .\.bu. ....... So...- feellna 1. eet. when lOme e1U81" boob I to be mlaunderatood 1I to I)e ,reat.

Shouldn'l we be glad that our forefather!! M'I al'lid(' this fiuy your students hatl thee, ... has rot a_y rrom IDe) ctve. me a aW-1

Henet!. I am certain that all the read-10 rt'lurn Ihank!t for the many ble�sin�s of the pa�t ? Count �'nur queen of aU the land; rul huneer. You caD undoubUe.y _ el"ll will t.h1ftk me a rreat..-!lNert won:! ::�����f;�;un��'���/·���!��.��t !��

e��h��!� ��\.��I��II;�;.:::I�t��i:;�; W

b7c:r =��� cam�. And

=�� 1I onU8e;=' �

udJ�': :e:h; �t$:� ;.,


ta: �� =: J )1t�-:' - C. J May thy We be ner ct(f1oua. And al- I tranater to tlIe Pwnpk1n 8bell for al to ntJ . You. ba"rina read thiI wor1l ot

���- - �- - -:va WI � eDd... ltaht lunch, .. you would DOt want I me. a IP"'ISt � mIlA baft alr.d;y lNDIVlDUAL LEADERSHIP R£lON OE'R ALL VICTORIOUS. our your to � her .rtudiell i formed a moral. namelJ-, (Ifdltor's

Did yuu t'\'('r !l('"tc' a �ingh' thill� dU;lt· witlwul I('(ldl'r�hip ·.' And Alma Yater PT1end. and. be a d1a(rac:e to UWI fam1l....:, I note : do not In8ert mon.1. The atrOn,: wllt'll a thing ha� 1M'"t.·1I !tlurted, dH('� il ('\'('1' (·tmtinue ·without �up-- -....-. s-a ,IL would be a load kte:a it you WIll me ; worda ..,ould overba1anoe tbe ". or �:���('�.�·!!tC�!�;·�'i��:.iW�:�:�\\��� i� lUI. 1:;\"('11 thf' most trivial af· We ;:.t���udenta. We U8Il UWI =.: ':ou�r!=�:-a::1 =. =:. and .end the copy-reader.

For instance, in chapel. Wf' have heen requested 10 �il as rur Our team pla,.. on. not buJinl' a tleRt to.'c:ome· bc.De on. I __

tnward the front as pOMible. thus aiding the speakers. Se\'f'ral We are DeVer downheartecl, we rtnlah We � to P"J" a quarter lor that ,) Ted: What·, that cre-pe on your door limes a few stUdent's have done this with the result tha1 many what's started, Ilallo'ftfll party. 10 JOU had for. Stan? Is your room mate dead? 1lI0re followed, but when there is no one to lead, the entire group Our team plaJ"ll on. .tend a twent,.-nve cent. extra. Some . !lit� in the real' pews, , \Vh)" nnt lei cneh of u� make it a point Iu Wh1Ie t.ouchdOWIlll an! PllinI aDd nu. sl.idcHn Will aup,t _ up ., the Stanley: No. That , .lu.t h1I towel. .

l"Ol1I��o';;!�J; ���r��uee� i�d:��I��f1e!J�����r!Zellls tu he want. :::. anthe�,and rAHJda loR � �:.te

'w1!:ut��? 1fbere lug is re�lIrdin� �tudellt·l}()dy met'lin�s. :'II"ot enough opiniun� arc We'U rive .. eood cheer. best In many Roptna" to .tee you at T'hanbI1Yln&", \ uil·,'d durinEl the discus.sion�, lind durillEl the yell practices which a year. whUe .In ease r can IfI!!t a Uc:ket.

TaMil'. TanuJe Place

follow; if !lomCOlle would It'ad in "liUking up" arler fdls, thl' ydl Our team playa on. Your IovtDf c1aUl' ;\Il, :'Zt� 923 Pacific Ave. I('aders wuuld not havc to m('ntioll it evcry t·ime, Cberob&. I

\\·c l'ould go on t'1l11m('"rutin� many such cast's wtwre leuder- Oh, Deat ha-ha. sweet ha-ha. haDdaome CONOW ...... TJON

I Chili and Tamales that are �hip i� needed. bul that might turn what is meant to be friendly and fair. I {'"riticislll into !W:oJdin�. \" e merely "Wish to call our own attention Rere are our 1add1ea. .., all do declare. I eall myaelf the 6rnce �, I do not different lind the attention of others to these things, in the hope or prompt- Oh-b..Iab--lowl1nc ladd1eIJ .. well. mow what office dop. do, but anyway. , inN more individual leadership. To repeat that oft said phnlse. Here'. to our (linemen) than what I 1UD..'JI'uJ1.lM!rmore, that Ia,' Ta�oma'. Tamale '�;;����!�:�E�EMENT. Thm�=..:-"""'""���·, .. :b:_' ..... '·-�""'Ia.aa.�'!'""� ... -• . ..,,_. �-_:�_�-_i' _parlor De



, y




ur Tuesday, :-':ovember 20, 8:00 p. m.�The Young Ladil.'S (Ouild ..... o::u --- -- � auu � \I!:IJiII � meets with Mrs, Ph, E. Hauge,

Wetlne�)", November 21, 7:30 p. m.-Mid-week DevotionsJ flour Thunday, November 2a 7:45 p. m.- Choir Rehearsal. SlIlurday, November 2-1, 10:00 11, m.-Saturday School and Con· I "F=========�I Ph See firmation Class; t 1 :00 a. m, Children's Chorus Rehearsal; alae: It may be eom1nc, but I can't ( 1 ot08

�:'t�: m. Young f:sd}es Guild BeUlaI', Program and refresh- n. - ., I: �� I Lee


November 2'>, 10:00 a. m.-Graded S�day School. Prof. JETLAND a: PALAGRUTI I Tdn&:�L:�r�:r ����:t1!l:�: ���s.�::t:U: =:;� :::h:;��:n�� ::.::��e;, r-:-=-�:: ..... --.,=,.�.: .. , ..... ,,�: ... :.�:--="I HATS CAPS



New LocaUe. 9-&2 Pacifie A \·e.


8teln_y and other pAaDoI';. Duo Art Rei»OducI.nJ PlaDoa. -V\ctroIu aDd V1dor Beoorda. '&aDd aDd Orcbema nwtrumeDta. 8beK ltI1Mkt aDd IhIk: Boob. a.dIo I!MI aDd � . Sherman�&Co. ..... ........., 1IaIIl _ -- �

Carlyle', I American PJambiDg./l: Steam Supply Co" i L,.;' Pl.aoblac, � MID s...... I Carlyle'l Ca/etniG

'1'7 Padftc

Complete 1lae 'oport , boot .ad m- o�_

.Phone Main t7f11 19f)8..10 Pacific AveDue

LAU P� BUTl'EIl .IIIADK BY � .� �_oo .. TAOOIlA


sp-oaT PAGE I . yen . R �O G ' 1 &1 R�UlRtD !IT THe ACT oill CON. OIl a.&urda.J. � M. t.M Waterloo Is Met I Centralia EIe ,.TIIE FILEY "RED" IS ' ' M����,o�';[�="� 1 -. ....... - --

By P I. c.. TIg,rs In 44-0 Vidory ·IIELD FO " '" " 0 .... or AUOU'" ... ... L y .- • ........,. .. """tJ

Win 33 to 6 �ore OVer Luth�81 ".:::: fllC\_"" ""'.;..� �:�;�f��j:.�:��:��;:::!::� e--��"=: __ OW' . . P1eree. _ � � "''''' hII:Ic1 WOl''t .w be llOld;-Se=�aJ Car�� P!:;.rebJ' By nil Defeat PKiflc Leeee cnple·cbnat � '-' beim ro:--�b�· ."::'te· a::'t!.:i!,b'�fO':..:.rt UMI � ..-L .

of Game; bltft1t1'nce Jalliier CoDeae Collfereace caUlb' '" t.c. ItftD bIa art. 01 dod&- r..���.I�.�P::�}-! ... �·n;l . • =�,,:b� • ea.-It,. 0' •• " ,,.. .. that or . bona-

Pro ... e. a.M TttIe �traJ" �1 =�DC��::: � �;;':�:d:�I�£��rt.:: ::����l:�� ���:·I:er�I�::. ::�t. :�r;-:�II:;-,"�

Tbe at.djum ;;;-. � tutI:nd lnIToo��= = ;.:: =: �'aDI1 � at bIa roe. �:�;����O�I!�::I�;nnderE!�:�-:!:,�: :�;r��I�'::I'''o:r l:'dr:;o.:�t�n t�:·:'�� orraru.tkIn. b&tUed the n.ht1Dc Lutb- kx' CoUep eInen. to cruah tba o�- It h&ppeDI that Red. alDce he Ia a ����on'�r 8��.� �(�h!,,:�.:I�II�Ij:�:� ::'K"!; :.�::. :; ::��r ..ellrIU .. Ihan �"'f1I'P"I1da,- alCoerDocm.. � t. &t. l �tcn M-O._�.�U"al1&. P'rtdQ. Moot'. tootllaU playm.. belIneI In total' to ;!.P�I;�i. r;:.�:-"'tI�"I-:e�I'::.t" o:lt"J.::�! O: �. ftt111!:4, .... .,"lt7 -,.hl ... r . ..... rkland. to • D to . count. Tbe pme I Tbe IU'Oft � to �bed e.r11 . .. on a oerta1n nSch\ aI\eT 'al �_ . .... d

n."lIlatlon .. prIne ... On � .. "rn 10 aad. , .. booc:rlbeo:ll befor. m. Icbeet the .::ortnc" I'UII� aDd .-.1- the UCbta bad � out. be went to Ih� .�T •• '. 8lde ot Itll' rqrm lO·.-It· 'hi" J'lh 4a7 ot Oetolbo�. 112.

:::� �.et: mUlSdf fleSd � :: :: =-�udl� -rbe t.De BnJChen- nxm aDd bumb- ��� ���:�}= .?�::.::����:;�:It:! ( M 7 eo",,,,I_loa .�r! �Tlm, "The 1"1pn led the abarUJ' ai- The IIIoIne at.aned w1th the l;.utba"- I, uked for • place to Ileep Be1na L ... �!��·"

h"��::':: ::::Ia:�. P,;��"

In the Kick-ott t&tinc the offeDlll.w t IUM t:kt1Df alt to Ceatnli&. ()Q tbt of a � nature tbeJ told him to �;:�I::nl\�.te Pan:-:��.i .. b�-:!

h 10 M:!:�.

�I��= � ��a :: �bKt�1 �': :n a::aa:. :.. Ceo'=:: :: :=.= .,: =:,: ��I'''IE�:���I=::.· o.8j'ln��.,,�:::.::: mak� two t1n.t down.. brlnP1c" the baJ..l 1 forced to kick OUI of danpr . . On accrpt1nI the1r tw.pJt.aUt,. I .. lro;::;",\�"'. O;';� .. ���� I �a:-.:i:r .. � WATCHES ,wer the Olad1aton' fOal line. Bef� � of punta C&rltoo · Idc:k About !.bat Ume RRed" dedded to 101 m .. _, b� _, .. h,d .nd .1-, Imm"dla'eI7 DIAMONDS tb� quartet eDded... tbe Tlpn had I blocked aDd Centralla �� an -= to wtDdow and iooIr. at the moon ��::;:�t::r��_��::':�::;:I:�nd;"=:.�: rJ <J ' en:t5.!led aP.m. iPnna tbeIn a 13 to 0 Oladlaton;· tweDty-,..-d l1ne. A .mea and .tan. I never cUd flDd out th� 1 ;'�n �,:',. �'.;�:.t ,,';1",.1 �:';";:'':.�I��n:l�h� ...,.6fi2j;/ � a' the end ot the ftnt quarteT. , ot line pl..ap; put 0TaI � tor the reuon. bUt �Red" caD teU you wb, .. �:.':::;_ .::,�.�

d� .. ";;; ........ �,r l�h:��:�T

I:;a� . � JeCOnd quarter fOUDd the Padflcl uuUal eount.eT. The �ay.eea aeo.-e<l �,. It" .,... for � noa.enae. but ' firm . • · .. u . .. 'her .. nlneorpon,ed WNJ:\.lll(ton 8u11dlna:

(� a .� eleven. Tbey �tUed ..,.m on a loac ptLU and a line pla,. U\ he bepn to rn'Pe In the dart... \ ��n���:.� I'�f n: .. �� "1�:I!�otd::�. '::m�:�� 11th aDd .Pae1tle ,h� IV1nnen to • • t&Dd .Ull It .,... onl, ITI"Ie rut of the flnt b&lf .,... nenly " Red" <et. out a .enea of !?!OO?I-1°! mual " .. .. I" .. n.)_non.,. ir����������t In thit put of the rune the 00,. lRre I fOUCh\.. The wtu.tJe. � the end' blomkt,-blank·bWlk.. and other 9- m.�rt .. !�:; . .. �".t� ",�:�-��e..�,�d':."::'.t".rr·� 'bl� to hold tbdr own. The town !a.m" of the f� balf . .copped the 01a41a- clamat10na of -.ncer and atUpn.e. U ��'���:I "'=mho<)��:n�r I :,o:d.�e�O;�":::; I ""Tth • • trtna" of 1""e:IIeT"\'"ea • .,.. equJpped I tor"'. march to the roal l1ne &tter they real.1:Rd. he ... eaUCht.. "r "Ih ... ..... u.ltl� ... 10... (It ,h" ... arll to srnd in recrutta t.hrouCbout re- had made Ltu-ee 5uc:ce-1� ftnt dO'lfN.. And ob. how diap"acefull,. he had n"�··T-;:�'·'��: )--;-,;�u�r""'Ph. ".lIt �nder ot the 1(&IDe. keeptnc a fre&h The -=end half proved evto !non been cauaht. for • I1tue Innocm.\ ::;e";h"��:�: �h:d "::;'��I�! t�:I�::':�·�t LIEN & SELVIG N.lJl on the fldd a.l..I the time, while . 1 ratal than the f1�t. w1th In�rcepted I t,..p bad laken him unawarell .ny. "",,'aln "nt "nl,. 'hI Jl.1 "f .Ioek · I �!m= :;: �p=� =��

N:=b� : :.:: nearl, nipped ott hit blc toe.

.:r;c:.::�'�h��;:. b:;;P:��:�:';,�:I�I���: Importers of Norwecian

Inc onl,. when � oeca.Gon demanded.. laton tbrea.ten to 1OOI"e. �t for i nu 0000 OLD DAYS ��"'Inbo:� "}'ht:: 1 I Cod Liver on

�:=:��0:.n U;m::=t =� �j �� e::. r;: ���. � . Nonn&l pia �� of the CYm

1 na:�:£ .�':, ... Ttl�"" .Ietor}' I sn-l�. 8;11. Keppn-. !ol1tUnted.t.. and eL.- for a part of \be per10d : It wu In tWa quarter t.hat the Pa. ! Sparita. • Cetltralla·,. tour horsemen. IJlI1 per1o:f and teach tome I clfle squad soon<! their onl,. touch- , playtnr behi.m a une of . buet:1ea ave. or pzne. Th1a Is to JIve the

�::� �e:: on ��_,:;; � ::;, � u::.==.CX:;:;, = :-:: u':n � !1n�. the j)Ia.M "u Intercepted by carl- l �IYeI at a wooder1ul comblnat1on. l Whkb they znay teadl UI their son. � fleet-fClOted q� who El,.. Keppu. aDd !ol1tUealedt NC.b pupUa. ThoR 11r1a that ba� raced � the field tbrotIch the n- KOred t1ll"O touchdowns. wbile Sparta I bad pmn and who are

�{:.�����:::: ��,.': =.� tbe .hm_ l:: ==-1 are not requtm UI

mad� poM1ble tb1a IODf run. ·It .,.. a lor COIlefe Conference football hlP- ----baiuUful pjeoe of 1fOI1r. to wa.tcb. be- prftIlaCJ' to OentralJa and mara them NOaJU.L GDlLS TLt.CB Inl the out.n&DcUnc" pia, ot. Uie .-me. .. one of the stronpat teama of I� To drln.Ir: a quArt 1n one nr1& Both � u.ed aD aerial Il- ela.M In the _tte. Last 7e&r c:oa.c.b I nothIn& \lIlCOUlDlOIl In the oklm thouch the _theT .,.. not of the beat �:. hd!1.c Luth� Ortdden I of 174.$. JudctnI from the I1se of beer tor th1t at,le of play ; hoWever. both

lW"tnt thru the conference lIChedule l lDua In Mr. Xamr"'1 collect1on of In-

.sremed to malte JlU"daIe from t.h1a undefeated.. I te:reaUna' Norwepan reUa that be re-form 0'1' pla,.. It .,.. the oaly wa, In The I1oe\Ip: from Itt. and Mn. E. SteDarUd

1I"I"l1ch Parkland could malte su'-t&nt1a.J.! Ce.VaUa P. L C. the, lett for the eaat a abort plna. Palo. who 4id the t.hrow1n&. OOebrtnc REL &co. It Ia • wootS.en mua which made _, �; mo.t Tbornburr RTL two h&ndleII caned In the shape Iood for laqe p1oa. "!be, had the Nunelle ROL � on Stadium In tbJI depar\l:l:l.ent., RoIencranta C but !.be T1pn were able to penetrate App.lep� LOR "'ac1flQ:' I1De tor create amount <:>eat L TIl . &rdap from. �. 1D tile th!rd. K1l1en LI:R and fourlb qU&I1eI" 8ta41um put 0W'a' Ely Q th1ft more t.ouebdowna.. ..., M1t�t RID.. thdr try for potnt&. PaItland fOUCht Keppel" LHR bra�b' In tbe JaR balf but .,. lID· i SpukII P able to pierce lbe stadtum l1De. Om� fO!"

• E'¥ery man touP-l bard.. � to!" � Wade to!" at tackk, featured In IOIDe PftttJ playa. (or OOebrlnl. Blrly tor MIllen. Cw""n I .. ",," Haup made an �� fhOW1DI tor �t.a. whlle lID the l1ne. TbiI .,.. b1a nrst P. 1.. C.-Bauce fOl" B. �acobaoD.. .� In the YanttJ UDe, aDd if man tor :�� � = ::: ::�� i"==========t l� .- -. Keu,.. ..... tbe tq threat (or 81ad1um. "!be UDeup tor tbe pme .,... .. fal-

.... B. J� L.T. Scbeel L.o. £. Jac:oMoa C.

ALMOND ROCA ,-..-ItICA., " .. m C�I[CT1O""'"

�" . - -,: . 8JIWWN •. HALEY .-. '

MBeeA RBS"fAURANGJ; Open All Nilll>'

TRY OUR ANNEX 13th c.t Commerce

1'QV1'C'I'.AIX.� 113IIDAD b � " """ •• """v""�





Have '" only Battle

Dr. ArdUe G. Hick. -. Run BIdI. 1O&h PIoor

11th at PIIc:tfte A�. Taccaaa. WublnckJn'

Dr. R. A. Hedbet-g -.... ��ty-akla.


J. C. Petenon


$3.50 V..U.V&8 $1.&5 per patr-4 I ... "-75

MASON'S HI! Pac. An:.

It.. Our Hulana To Serve , and Serve Efflelently

Tbata wh1 we are ben\. for JOUl oon"fUl1enoe ADd we 1II'U\ JOU to feel tree to tIM our tlKWtlM in Her)' iUKl l.l1, manner. -We deftl­kip aDd print J'OUI' IlodU ru-.

TobauoA, Clgan a,nd Candi� Maaulnes. Papera Post Card&, Ginger Ale and


Thorall L. Pede....,n 807 Paclnc: Avenue Tacoma, WUh. CLOTHING

FarnllhlnJ(a Hat.-Shoea

Outdoor Clothing

DicksoD Br .... Co. 1120-21 Padftc" Avenue


From Yoar 0wIII N ... t1 .... _ III�======��=!!��=�Pbooo��_;:�,; ... =I� .. �'=::; make diati�tive niAs Gih's . 'I'oIepbooe


Lut1.��An College , ." . ' .' JUNIOR. t 'OOlJiEGE NORMAL '. mOH SCllOOL .

., 'I

f, 'I --:".

Great Progress In Development

Plan Is Brought

sions Durlnf the lut month. jIle&t pro­eras in the Pt.cWc Lutheran

ment campa1p:J. hal been ma1nJy throuah the e:rort.s tor I!:lventroD::I .rid DoctoT Th_ two mer:! have tn.ftlec1 s1vely in W� 0re8'00-l1ortl1a (or the benefit of tha t.1011.. Addreaee have beer:! unJ.formly QmJ)athedc fP"OUPI at placetJ. IncI� .COIlvet1thxy at dena, cautorn1a; 81lTerton. and Tacoma, 8eaWe, and WaabiDr\On. Campa1sna lor &hlp to the a..::JC1aUoo bave

A helPiDl" hand in the form of Iec�


. ec1. The PI"OIl"&ID La u foUow: 0racD Prelude, Cora VlatL • tacult,., wbo are to bue tbetr � 0 Welctme Apln. �n; the ,tuclentl' reconI u to [.air play, Crown of Oraee, Brahml-P. L.

can Be Seen in Jm. proved Sebool C.ondJ. dons ; Developm�nt Is Su<cetl8ful

Deo.,,>bu I .","" 1POrtam&nahJ.p, and to eoo.IclV Choir. Rn". L. W. Doe, D. 0., PrefIIdeIt" of 8l. tbtee qualltUe. aDd cbar� 'I'banka Be to 00c1, Olal COUep. "p<illy- I K""'"� that have to do with the 1010. Qllrbanl lADe.. Prof. Pl'Iderick Eo lIoltoa. 8chooI of \JPe of worlr. on lobe aUllet&c Old Prencb xm.u 0V0l. Geftflrt.- Bdueatkll1, U. of W. but &180 the ,tudentl' 8Cbo1utic Smith; Holy <.010 by 8taDle,. BI!:DIdIctIoD. .... T. O. Bftnt. h1a respect lor autborlty, h1a Bei-mtloD). Oruber--Male Oc:tette. a-iaaaI--lD the We of lobe acbool and Rom.anee (frQ:n 2M CODcerto) WIU- 80Idlen March. � Or-to tradlU<JM and to pur- lawak1; R.oDd1no, Beetboven-Kre1aIeT- cbe:Itl'a.

PacUJc Lu� CoUep. o.amar Hqeneaa, vUoliDiat. ......... r..r-z .. .. Who are to receive thIa lnterm1lJ1on. .

PNlude are aIao to be cboMD. by ChrlatmaJ eona. Adolphe Adam--80- Rymn-.... ,. hUb LooIu tJp to Thee." , who aball con8der any Iirl pnno Bolo, Anna Mlkke1Jon. (CODUDued Ob Pap Pour) and

ZW �e

u�: :: a:, :��:-..:=: Ar� 1ft18JC mu� AT CIIAPa. ��:: I ::::,,:'-: of .cbo1anhIp and thur Ollen. Several JpeC1aJ. mu.kal numIIriIn ban . ; . 8cbolarah.lp La 1.nt.e:rpft1".ed �u. Dei, K.al1Dn1Jtoff; BeaulHUI been liven at cbl.pei aerci.M b)' ftr-

mean eartlMt, �nt. and hcJr:1Mt Ba"riour, ChJ1atiameD-P. L. C. Choir. loua ,tucientl durtq" tbe 1ut t.& Bolo--Mn. -J. O. Bd'WlU'ds. weeb. The fonowtDc- 11& .. taten part.: turn b: beIna 11"" every Wednesc1ay D. 0. a. NB1f8 TIll: INSTALlATION M1rtam HeJmdahl. .. ftp ... nen10I at 1 o'clock b,.- Doctor Hoff, The December meeUn8 of December 14 b: 1Mt&1laUon oa,..... to Ie.,.., IICbooI recenUJ do account

Anna Y1nel8oa, PrUltlIn t.q, J:I� ,.en. HoIr.eDItad. t..Uban Andehob, ' Oer­bani LaDe, CorA Vlata, o.caw- a.� nea. and the PacUlc LutberIaD 00Uep 110 that the JtudeDti who are Dauchten ot the RefOrtnaUon day lD the bb:tor}' of Paclflc her belIt.b, Ia 1"eOd'l1Dl InUmeDt CMU. .

to beecme Amer1can d.t.iam8 may �t held on 'I'UeIda,., December 4, at ""! Luth'� Colleft. At thIa tUDe Doctor the 8wed1ah Hc:.ptteJ. lD 8eaWe. their 'clt1aenahJp paper&. 80th 1Ibon- lD the Olrla' ReoepUOD Room. wUl be tormally lnatalled u ::--:--=�;:-::-;;:::::::;;==::;;�;;;;--;;;:-;;:;;;-c---�-"""" ... ....- ......... ... ..,.. Mn. ..... "'" "'",... tho .,..up. of "'" """"'.... P. L. C. IS REPRESENTED AT HIGH ' =:-..: :-..:.= .... In :. :r



th. ""p Club ':':''''�'''''':': SCH.OOL PRESS CONFERENCE BY GIRLS F=================""===; [:: :m��:::.�,:te: � Annual IDIb 8eheo.I Pr'MI to the belt of our &b1l1t,. in mak1nf tenmce beld OIl . UD1ftl'1ttJ

TI. T ....... ..J f .�I'J' .f

Pacific Lutberan College "'1-' tI., 100.0, of J- i"""""'" ., tI., In�L.tKm

of · "-

O.oa .. AJtilrri�g�I.I.J .. P� .f doe c.� _ _

-- - .-..... . o.U.. 'P;i.I;. Do-L.. .f� - --c- - - -

, WubinIWD 0&A\p\a, NOftDlber � IU�.�'"

DlTOatAl. ITAn' ... lREHl: DAHL, BdJ\or Ida BindeI'Ue v�rna Gano lDfebor'I BoIICad M&rpret RolInbel'1 blp 00pIKud. Er!.1nt" Jr.cobRn

Sen. Johruon CbrUUDe Johnson



Oeorrt' Lane

f;ftlyn SOlum FA.CULTY ADvuaa.8


7. A.l-.,. oooUnue the conversaUoo � wbject& in wblch yOW' I'"OCUI mate

11 oot lnt.en.ted.. a. Do DOt fall to borrow your room

mate'. clean bo8e. new &hoes. or la _ _ II. Refi UIUftId \bat U the &bon &4-Ytot " falthfu1lJ foUowed. you w1Il nefti" baYe Ul1 d1fDcuIb' In .ecurtDI aDd. � a room mate.


81eI.n", aDd other pianOe. Duo Art Reprocluclq Pi&noa, V1ctroIu aDd. Vietor Recorda. BaDd aJtcl �tra �ta. Sbeet"llla1c aod MUlde Boob. RadIo 8eU aDd �

�, .

Oethard Molden: DId they han a Board or EdutaUOII. when � went to """"" Kr. H.uce: I ahou1d MY 101 It ... • pint &h1ncle tbat 111.1 rathes" kept in the .-ood-ahed.

Blac.t. and blue an the 00Uep 0010" of the. Un1ftf'lit)' of Hard KnoctL

WbeD • feller Deeda _ mend: At . tooUl&ll pme with _ .ore �t.

� Campw � .. y. that )"Ou have to be at.remelJ cleft!" In eiasll to be aumb and ret _waf wtth IL

Tabell'. Tamale . ----. PIDce Main 3233-923 Pa{!ific Ave.

different Tacoma'. Tamale

Parlor De Luxe

For Your

Photoe See Lee

. F. J. LEE caut. mcs. . ....... ..... -

LAKE PARK BIlTI'ER IolADS BY Uu: PAlUt �y �. T.u;o...



I�r • '0.-


"1 'l


.-1: . . sp-oaT PAS. )-.- P�.� 00I.0Lm .. p� WAPIIIO'!O! " . . PAOIt}-

Final Game of I I HOOP PROSPECTS II " , I TIJJIUy L8.UDliIBW '"' 'IGo r � 'T'

Year � Drop� LOOK PRO/llISING :-: ' Whoops! :-: BALL&, ru.eR Y�'" ... � � .... , am To Lmcoln High I WI'" tho ......... .......... ,....", ,

Tho -.- ,- '" - Lineup. Is Cho8en

__ , t� away for anotber yev, � -:.:-:: till the.::: ::. �,� .v:"L. � :::: I �t 1M deIlDt .. ilD&-1IP fOl' U. tlnt �t.J"� Victory .. Ga.I� by A. ·W. Ram.t..d f1nds 8Ilria6e to material UId PaU1lDe. w'd I1te t.or:;:'eI!I trJ. AaIt1 � �.� aDd OIIillltam bill bMIto .... � u.. umouDCIe·

Abe. in 42-0 Score at Park. I for • Pl'OftliainI bubtb&U tam ..till . __ . 00It0a ... 1M � ...t ... -' Oil ..... IJUuud. pri8' CIOICb. The land; Aerfal Game U8ed by wbkb to- redeem .the cIeIe.tI 01 UN! .....

. �Jt! edHtIr bu uw NJI'POIII. pIQ � _ 'tIMl. MW'IJ ........ 1-- .".... ol: fGnranIa. PaWIbe

Both Teantfl � aet of i"IIelnC" atMeUe eaiend&r Uoa &bat 1OUI' a� Mmell et:' noon .m' .' 1iIt ...... � IAncIIII _ ...... 1C&aiaDd;' � -- l or ....... bern are � IIIrItdIJ bIltUe-- � tbe .......... tIM! .,. � I .... � aDd IIarUIII. ClbIe: Jump-The CUTtatn of the Oladlatonl' Ina 1 JIIft what the OIacUaton wtU do W. worD' oWtnr \0 u,;.Ir daM prGIdmtt, � ............ Oftr the � InI oecer, IDerMft LoftuI; aDd 1'\Rl-� -.on trail dropped Prida, 1llt.er_ 1 YftI' Ia \oo earl1 to ..,.. but. from -..n !.D_ to tartou. "no.UIIf r\tII" of JGlD' team- �.� - nm. ..... , Karie OUdUn.�Ja Jet tIM! noon. 'N�ber 23, on \be � Jot.!""" .... tho, future outloolt 18 �- ma&&. ' AI� M .. nat bMD � bo.'

�m the LInooln Hfah 8ehooI Rall- lie, to ., the a<;t, The 10. at I!Ib: _ __ • • ·.n COIm81 I w. wtU be .. donf' "'17 � ...... � lltt.en Km I IetUrmen from Jut r-r'1 t.m mal be • Tb&� .,.. reallJ eluae.J � in a 1001:* atCIUId� ....... 'aDd DOUce ' The ..- that .... CoO '- plaJ'llld.o(f . P ed a dec18lYl! netor}' mer . fe�t /b\Jt the return of fI� Id� IWlpJ ...,. but the buk$ \be lit.. .hkh ot UIICi' bo7I IU'e ..nnr dirt}' I Ulk J'rida, OIcbt hu- t.en cau.d ott th� Lu� by Winnthl U to 0, i and another let� or two yean make aren't sianrel or aloppJ el\bf!r' 1 "cordII." What do they remIncl10tl of? II by the. PUe .... •

PacU'le, flchUnr IJ)irtt ... fOOd 1at'O cn-erb&IancN the � CoO a � The7 1l!'e I"tfIoI elUldCl too. Do you � &be bop Mea .. you t.coordlDC to Mr. � ananee. P'riday tlMptte tilt: larte .oore. P'UJ1ber_ Ownt. .wIth at brllht an outlOOk at • __ I.hIDIt &bt7 .... eokw-bUnd, or do JOU I ttMUtf .... no,r ..... rudiI far a hill more, tbe7 _re pla)'ibf apJrut. a ' thla thf! COach' hu ICIIMthinI In .Meh WI! oped !.he lirle to make a better slmpl, Ui1nk � oTenleep in \he tehedule tor tM pll' and bo1I' __ havy odd ahortly after the pme atart. : to buIld a 'tnlnf trOI'kinI combtnaUon. aho1J1na' than Lhe)' did 'lut yesr-and I morn1np. not catmr time to ftDd a I d� the _. 11te ICbOC* 'Whb l'd. RJaht. alter the .hiatle had blown : The lnter-elus pmea 1ut year Wf!re thanl be JOinI tome. ! eJeua pail' of trot.en to war .hUe l .bom DIIIfOUI,UOt'M are I:GiQr pIaoe Lincoln � • ma.reh for the OIad_ l a (!'@at ltep. lnamnuch .. It p� the __ 1 they han their � �? ap,. .... .. fOUOWa: laton· IJO&l ftn:el .hleh they tI'OII8ed In_ l eoach a better ebanol! to find the pt'!)m- ' We 00 not llke to see our MIA

,: Will be boJB, JO!..I mo.. aM they ha� 80,.' team: Cheney. oeau.u. lit.

_ �Ide of foU:r 'mlDutet. Th1t ... lOOn lalIll" matertal. In thia _y he hat a I BU:Uud. Ill. We need her all the Urne their � trait.. AnceD. LinfIeld, Pac1fk:. C. P. '8.'\ Re-duplicated by a.nother touchd01l'll. mall- ehlUl� to look oYl!r lIOme of the oe. _� _ I �rm .., � It .. up &0 the llrll tenoet. lIount.·Vemon, IJeUlDP:am Nor· Int" the ItOre 12 to O. A teOn! llke thia' j' players. u eyery one hal a chance to �e (ut footwork Is neeelllary. but j to tee t�t !.be boys IooIt respeet&ble mal. Ellenaburc Normal, and .� In � early part of the rame. may tend' Ilho" hts ability In the d1ffe�nt elaM It � nothing compared ' to the head- and �� tbeIT COI"dI .-...hed at leut OOllep. to weaken a team lJIent.lly, but. des. PRIes. work U3f"d. once a month. U tbe glJ'1I point the , Olrll' team: Mt. Verncm; centralia. pitt! thIa I(n?at handicap, the borD.1 'Ibe COllect! "1"roIIh" of lut year I _yo the boy, wtIl surely follow. I sUvert.on RiIb. unrfekt. PIoclnc, ()rt...

boys fOUl"ht pllanUy un the end of I copped u. pennant, but whether they :fhe team 15 OIlI"anlZll'd now--games ' l' lnf. Kirkland. sumner, "'e, UId Roy. tht pme, ' ean �t Btra1n thia yeu remalnll a l start !IOOD---Iet·. support our t.ealnll In BIT8 0' CllANGIl liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij In the IIf!eOnd qua.rter the Abet l quesuon. althouc:h at preeent tbty look buketball as we did In football' . 8tran.cer: "Bay. �ltUe lirl. can vouiJ blocked one of Parkland', punUl on t.a If they are a Winnln, On, � h.Ich ttll me the time."

YON,. their own 4O-y&rd linl!. A tertes of IIne : !I(:hooi lf!l:liOl'3. however, Il!'e a t.eam not GirhLMhtll Gym Cla.ues

Olrl : "Y&', It. ten to." "

plunrea netted their third score. 'Ito be I�Ored �� !.he leut. ThIt year', Then have been no prill' IYU\ eJat,es 1 ::r=: .::::;:. -= w���ua1nesa b Ghristmss

The Raiillpllttel'll. With fTesh mater. COliere P'roah have .some promJa1nc for the I.a.It '.0 Umes. The Tueeday boy." EY )"OU ia lat came back in the 'IIf!()Ond half at ! matertal and mould be able to make a before Thanil:t&lvtnr va.caUon the gym f�-;;;;;-;�:;;��;;;;;;;=t Garb

stron( a.s ever, The fint ItOre of the I' ,trOIll" bid for � pennant. TIlt! retl of waa too "tIlthy" too be In. Lan nl(ht .�nd hail came when Buek. thl! Lin- the hla:h IIthool elatte8 may not be U the eiaMeB could not be held because �elertt'on eoln quarter-back, Intercepted a

j:)MS I Btronc but If arranrement.l are made the varnish ... not dry YlM 8t1J:rud c;J U

and raced for a touchdown The Abet to let the' t.firee lower elaues untte they waa Ul yeaterday and unable to take Neal E. Tho .... 11 EARLY ",h'" .,. sl«' scored again on another dr1� a 10111: 1 4houId make . 'trona" tam With four I e.ha.fp of the c1aaa aI50 ! �4 � Bro.d_y Ua1n �'i'il U � .. , ,.,.,.

pass hun Mua to �1!rIOn Before r l.ealIlll In the runnlna: for the IItbooI -:;:;::::�;':::7.;::=====;- IIIdr G..a. Batr 0,.-. 1'-.-., r the final whittle had blown they el'Ollll. II pennant the conteeta mould proYI! In- r Phone Main 1 464 I !..---�"�""��-�:::"'==J I"II!11l:111i!1l1!lIIl1ilil�1 l'd the Oiad1ators aoal Une for two ter'&Ung aff&ln .t any rate It WUl I

Both team3 used an a.er1alipme With huketbIJI !lf!UOfl Ruat B��:J. Floor Chri8tDUl8 Prnenl8

more touchdo'Ntl3 I make a good pn!!llinlnary to the com1nl Dr. Archil' G. Hick� j Parkland n'8Ortlnr to It more than the I 11th at PacIfic Ave "\nnqIJ. Altbouth Ulf!1 �ed more PRO"K880.� SOMETIMES T� Waab1.natGn WATCHES' �, It lnUI not .. e1fecUve U Un- I __ DIAMONDS ��:: !.:\ ::h!::'f:!: : 1 By lieD Paio I rS �" air route. 'l'bne bf!1nr toued BCI'OIIII I In a rear &eat ot the elB.!lll room tat ,

Dr. R. A. Hedberg 0

the chalII: line. The oUler two _� l a fN!(:k1,e.taced boy deeply abtorbf!d In , thrown for tmall � Where the re- Am:�ean waa�pr:t��I::��y .... 5 :.;;:; Bid,. w� �

Joltnaon-Go:t Go. 7,6 'PMifi< ut... ' ....M·�49.

celver dodeed h1t ..,. t.hrouah Ule e

In l1fe teemed to be lIODle ne.1;::::�!:�::==::� eU�: =: ��� � 7u� .•.. r---"- of mOM or other plant l1fe I ���:;;;:;:;;;;��:;;;:;:���:;;;:;:;;:...::: � unable to stop the charIini 10111 Ule boy', lnattenUon dre"; I.J' of the Llnooln'. bKka. several profeuor's attenUon. With a huty DAHL GROCERY CO.

the Olad1aton were abJf! to brine' glance at the page the boy read- I Oeaeral lIn-eIaaDdBe

oval wlthJD d1stanee :!' 't


:��.the lJlBiU1ne from

Phone Mad. 381aR.5 could not muater the strenctb to


TRY Ol'R ANNEX 13th &. Commerce their opponenta' roaI 11nf!. The nut morninr, much to the boy', �y sad Serriee The llneups ftre : surprtae, hI! retwned the mf.iUlne, say. �=======;==i:1 !==::::=::::::=::::::=::::::==::::=� PuklaDd (t, 1nI, "I mow J9U 'mutt be BIUtOUl to CoItom HnIth that rood ,tory by James 011ver

W""" P1� J_ 8<hoel Ra..., """"" ""loon Rnu"," .......... Palo


Importers of Norwegian

Cod Liver 011 COr. Tacoma Avenue oil: 11th at.

rotJ!('l'.uJPf LtnfCD8. SODAS. 8mlDAD II r..,.. &e I.-.: " ... .......... t11dee II .... Parkland ConfeetioDery & Btu-ber Shop o. P. l!ttJMDJ'BON. Prop.---Comer c.r UDe

PARKLAND UGHT & WATER CO, A mulwll c;ompany-OrgRniz.ed 1914

hnlitlan Water;·LJPt aad P.wer te Me_lien 0aIy Water miDlm ... 60e .. _OIltlili .,...illC 100 ew. It. w-ater

Walerf ... _ .. p. L. C.

For further information apply to E. B. EI.LINGSON. �l\Igr.



y . .

, . Fro", Dr. Hoff's -!!on In

Tbe fOllntDt IeUer ... reoeI,'Y'Id .., Prw6deIl, "...... rna ...,. 1Ian. -aD of DocW Boif. Bbbe UId tdI broth­Il', IhIabel. no .. u;. �. atbea.r rrca W� aft .twDdlDI Kutw 00Uep ., 0lI1ard. ...... Jrf.J dear Preadeat 'l1IIpIeCM: n .. � af\er ODe baa benl .... tram boGIe &lid old aCqualntaDla. UtM one r.n..,VW ..,. «Ie came. to "'" t.bem.. IhbbeI &lid � ofteb .U br OW' UtUe f1repIAoe &lid taUt � our pleM­an' .ute. to Padfk: Lutberaa. Al. � Oft � W'DItinI bani 'abd � wart.h while COUJ'IIIiI., woe are aIrMdJ taltIDc".!:Iout \be ',,- wbeD we WW be oaait.nt- t.ct to the Wat aDd ,

I'flteW our acqualnt&DC* at P. 1.. C. (OXI.tlDued. tna .... ODe) �: _ ... ""- _ ............ ,-Itnrland teemed "'l' .tnnp to u wort:. W� It4pUM IDOded1 In � I.cbir at nm. nw � the ..,. people ttre. and �. loft 01 tbt beauU. TaW; Juruw talll. "eI} the ... Clan drift on tM Cui. the IIood.. aDd the \rut, and belp- =' Am!..-atnIet, are all differeDL We are com· fUI.tJMI toward oUwn. lreDI '= ...s ==.:M��!-:w-m:� '!be foUowm, Audebe. wtte � HlIb School bop-Peder feel eotlrelJ at home �. for the J"&I'I I,. lIn-f, and 1_ rei- dolph � and Bclwtn . We haft enjOyed the lCftIery to be BOB�Y BURNS I (OanUn,*, hun � One)

:':ft-;::-ha': � :: of FORESEES P. L. Co : ��,:t1=-�y. A. 1.. RUitad =trJ��na1�: :: :: CAMERA RESU',T,� I ::�YPI�, �:

ende� � \at the � In ltftal&D4 is would eome power the IIrUe rte WI Mr. NLI.I RheIn = == oI� ��� To !lee oU!'IIelw. .. Ithen '" u.' �:--ReY, J. A._ �, D. D. W. A'



Yoar okt �. ODe UWe church ... "t1ait- Robert Burna lurel, lumtned up thl!' "0 � 01 We," ChrUtlanMn f'"IUJcibI the ICbedule Whk:tI W1J] P _ f!d ... bu1.It .. earl)' .. 1200 A.. 0" and photop'aphlc IltuaUon whm be _t "Sweet Ancel Vo6oeI.." J. O. Edwudl publ1ahed �ter. The tmtaUTe D __ .... _' G !be <>\4 .... bo ..... _ � _",,, • • O� � . ...... orr <he ..... IUU, Solo by Arth� 0_ ..... UIe -- ...... _ 8 arage bawn that the m.ertpUons were worn bit 01 Immortal l'er"W Oreet1np- , 1Dc!Wn "otmaL IIpotaDe ".diAon l07-R-l completel)' .... ,. U certa1n P. L. C. Itudent. could Pol' PacifIc DlItrl.ct.---Pro.. J. A. " __ MarUn'I �, 8eaWe Paelnc �:: I �=========�'--..t the country _nft I he.ft have summoned to their mlnds PO!' O1t, 01 Tacoma-Ma)'Ot Tennent 1ete, Omtnltta JllnJor.OoUep. aDd Tobaceot.. Ctpn and IMlen rem1nd me oC &cott·, "Ivanhoe" UtUe quof.aUOll .0 hill 01 WUdOQl. Pm- &o.rd of Tru.t.eel-Rev. O. A.. COIl. of· 8ouDc1. Caadlea. Magazines. Paper. Ume.. One wouldn't be the leut btl the bad man W'ltb the camen Rurik, PrMldent of B<w.rd . • � to lee an armOUl't'd knJaht or runny rllOl!ll to ret the naua:hty Pot" !.he hcu.l,t1-Mr. PhIlip E. Haup Preeaiptkt. ()pUeaI Co. TboraU L Pedel"8en hooded frtar come W&lk1nI down the ren to ero1le and IooIr; pretty. o.n aNI Repmar Pbcme MaiD 1"12 t01 Run BldI. 10'1' Padnc Aftnue road. or • band of np.bondII aDd hIfh- our picture would beV tnapectton Pw �...... Mt.rtM HJmer- 0.... ..... .... ........ Taoama. Wub. ..., men duh out fT"om behind 801M .n. ltad: PnlUdent of Alumni t-..oc:la- 0nJIde; ...--.... ..... � �

hoi:,� :ere� Pleue note the coy exP"'J8lloru. Por�t.-Mr. ErliDl Jacobeon,l�A.�J�· J!!_�����!!'-'!!!!!!!!;I J1l.t u 1\ wu I n the � of "l5Mrwood enUc1Df amlleII., Ibo1rlni .era of

__ � of St.udeDt Body 11 rw." aDd " RobtD Hood." It M!t!tM IIi1I and told nlltnp, UM' Pol' the Honorable DeIep�Rev. t.bat tbiII antiquitJ aDd lurri't"&l of tra- I � Mad&, lbe ItUbbtq Carl PwI. PraSdeDt of 8potaDa diu.. bM an important 'Wap denottnr that .� 01 0GUep CIa lite Brit1ab. people. t cannot eucu,. modest,.. &lwa,p made � ,,,:=� 11.,"�:"<k"·' -.:rtbe It. bile you not1ce It eYetJ- by that lnfema.\ macb1De, the � .. IQ. ... deeply abeott)ed In our __ ..,.,_-=_.,--� ___ I"",:,!-o-I"'·· Kittel Lmo, 'J'aeo.

0Wb � .un OW' lII.cen.t wW &I...,. a&end to )'OIl all at p_ 1.. C. I hope _____ '-_____ -----------th1a year wW' be the mOlt auoceuful Dr. O. O. 11npllad. Padf1c h.t.I el'tT bad. aDd b.W wU'e mcKorec1 to 1.a:Ir1ew, U».& It W1J] be -b beI1Dn1DI of eYeD he pre&cibed the �'f1DC �teT ttrtdi. Iorward, In pei-connlnc In Hey. Nmoa·. elumlL TbtI the Important m1mou ot ChrtR1an ed- Ina' daJ' they �t to ucat1oll. It � • tuII; WOI"t.b1 oC the tin- they "t'1I1ted IDAD1 h1IIrlck. Mt effort. and moat. eunart pn,.er&- stad and ..... VIetor BJ\Wtra:a \be carrjlDf out of ctuUt'l creat com- a three-day Luther l-.ue mtaloo. held In 8U�; tbeJ �ted Give our Idndest l"'e(aTISa to )(n. nn- Dll'ftlopment Qllas-fp,.

Prkla, eftIl1DI, November 31, Dr. O. A. nn,e1A&d and ..... Zlnstrom encounpd the OeYelopment CUnpa.lp:a .t a Luther tarue I:IMIeUJII In RM. 8DeTe'. church In- KeD\. 8W:Ida1, NOYeIDber 15, Dr. � pr"'Nmted Cbe DneIopment cam.palcn to mem-


5 for 10.,

n20 Pacific Avenue

� and to \be.faculS, members we 'I'haQk.latV1Dl da" 10'. and lin. iII:DcN'. AIm our IlDoereK "WtabM to A.. RamRad and fur&llr .... to wbole ltudeDJ, � tor i. �_ peN 01 Mn. Burkel. In 8eattJe. fu.I and profitable ,eu.� aDd Cor da1 they apent the day with

ben of RM. Lunde'. church In Pa;_�; I �=========::;� II • � atbletic �� Not.hInc 1WzUt&d', mother, Mn. KYlDdlor. WOWd be tDOriI pleuant COl' '* OW! to Botbell. till' able to �, you all • YlItL Prof. N. J. ROQI �t b.W

VetJ Iloce:re!,. youn, In re.d1iII � . """" HOI .... I OU."'"

BE G"'� FRIDAY 915 Pacific Avenue

, Ita Oar S ...... T. 8ern aad Sene Efficiently

'I'ba&a wb1 we are bert, tor fOUl' OODftIlIeDce and we 'nDl IOU to feel tree to '*' ClUJ' fM01U. ID fIftI'J Nld 1IIl1 1bM1t1er. "\We dneJ­lop &D4 print pour todIt rum...


Fa ... lohl_ H __ Oatdoor CIGI.lnc

Die ..... n Bros. Co.

VIOLIN CONCERT TO 11F�����==��.I�=�������=;.1I On P'rida7 eftDIDI, Dec:ftDbeI' 7, at W1UVON 0 ..... " .. .. " "'0 ... ... ......... �. __ . ENLARGtlMENTS Pm.<laad Meraallk Co. B." " . . r • .............,. = a:1:� �.:n::: !�������E���II Phat y.., oWa'NiIIdI" II�=========��::::;: .. �_:::?t::��IIr:::� ... :;': .. �,�,,�. =� _, tbIa lIlu.IdaD .,. .. wu u dIIUhl:tiv� :: . ft!T 't"&l-.ble coe is an �UIUal CIFtS�/ TeIepbaDi

KARL A. ANDEB80N ...aBft MftAL .... T.l& . O&& ..... .-.ooraxo .. ........ naACU .11 �. IIKLI:MII �ft. . TAcoMA.:.'W.YB..

Morning Services R"""nI .1 LUlher iAccepts Position ! Debale Outlook I 'Go and Teach,' Attract Friends :

College ," SplendId As New President; I For '29 S ••• �� , Good Feature of Of This College I '" o.<.�o:n.::�::�:��

. Speech Exrellent l "'�N" ou

u,.::e:" �"::.I Aftemoon Program Rev. A�d Performll Indu(,. lAlt.M-r COIle(ff' all .. . tooent In the fall Development Program I, SttHl-

I-m Qu.lw ",unn)," and tha ),I'!U blda ! Ma)'Ot Tennent, or Tuom.

lioPl Serncell; Cholt Ilnd Or- of 11iMl2. and In !.he &prtni 01 11Kl5 .... ed ; "Plon�r Spirit" Add, to fair to �me af'l oubtandlnl onfl In I BrinK' Greetlnga. Prewnta dleMrs ITeeenl Num ben IIT'I.duated .. ith � d� of Bachelor Eloquence or SJ)Hch GUr schoor. defMt.e' hl.ltory The �rd I Sliver l.etter·Opener

At the lJUItall .. uoo f!lI:trcl$es held In I �=: ::�:u':u�::; '= �� It ls �nnJtt.ed. If not requ1Ted. that 1 eetab� by lut y�., ..quad 13 one I M v Tennent. mayOf 01 Tacoma. the oolIece auditorium P'!1day. Deeem- c.pted • call u a minister 01 tht ' 110 pel"llOn whl? Ia charpd with the ree- I that, Ir. spitof' of some of the defeM.a, ! brought anoeUnp from the clty " W, :. ;!m:;y =�d:;: ��: I :?::� :f� ;!:�:


. :o�=\: I pomlblllty atLRCh!!l(I t() the presidency I �o�n::n ac=:I:d

f�:��::U:! heart tau al_,. '-0 with th1II IIC:hooI .. ........ mt ot Pa.c1f1c Luthe� CoI- In IIIOlI ceJl� him to thl!' chAir of of lin I'dueatlonal \I'UIUluUon to �LRte I t!Jl�t t.o estatlllJlh an I!'ven morl!' Im- and wtt.l lt .tancU for.- said lbe mayor

Ieee P",�'t:hoiocy and Education HI" ac- the l'ducationaJ faith Lhat U In him and pos.Lnr � I "n IJI a pleuure to weto:Jme OoclCW Ii large number attend� thrM' I!'nr- �p� thl" call and devoted the autumn i gl"1!' r'eUOl'UI therefor It IJI df'strable , The SQuad t'hc-en to represent the I nnlrClJltad Into OW' oommwuty, for ..

cl8eli. Includ1nc del�tee. cou. pf't'l!,\- 01 1909 t.c 8tud)' at thi!' Unlver.<1ly of I that �uch pe"'On be flven opportunlty I 8Chool thla ye .... COlUUtII of t ... o letter- I kno. he -..tIl be an borIor to cit, dentlil from EMl and mIddle West. and Chl�o !n pN!paraLlon for hlA nf"'" and ItimUIWl, such U are preM'nted on men from Iut year'l coUep tetlm. lhl"Cl!' and to the Khool. Wi!' rM11ae theTe II many otMr honor 1Uftt6. beitde& the

duUI!'S He ronUDue<l hf nudl .... at the I thls OOC&&lon. to apply and '"t IUch fortner hJlhachool det:.ten. and one a retlpoNllblllt, t.kIna: CbNUan UneI faculty and students of the coil. and ;::�:It�:� ��7:��u�:��� �! I �a�� 1;


a:f e:�c:� .... ho, althourh IneIlPl!rlen�. appeano : to ma� a community "hat It lhould be

:�e f:� ��� :: ::: M .. ter of A.rt!l d� and the degl"Cl!' l he may take earnest appeal for eUee- 1 P�':�te coach. Mr HaUrl!'. maln- I and can tift a future fOl' UUa lnaUtuUon.

of the 1IChool. of Doctor 01 PhiloeJphy I Ll� support or tht INUtuUon he 111 1 talN a most opUlnlllth:: vle,,-polnt. and I lilayO!' Tennent then preIIKl'«l IJioG&Clr While the coUece oreheatn. played 1 de� ;he�lI: at=d� b:�I��U:- ! P�P:":��ker wtlI find It 00[1- ; :�:. b!::n�

may Ind

e.d eJI- 1 :;:.�� p=:n: u:v: �\er"=:: tht prooea!onLI . tn4I"Ch. the honor Iv! a member of the faculty he dls-. \ 'lenient t.c make !JOmt recItal of eon- , ! Continued on

- � 4, hop!! that no mail opened by, It wUl I'\leal.ll m.&rched lnto the .ucl1tor1um, played rreat ,abtllty In m.ny directiON vlctiOTU and to ouUlne a Proa:rtm of 1 ____ • ! brll1l' any h�breaktna: DeWi but only

After the hymn, "Holy. hoi:,. hOi),:' and .. a reault w;u hlrhl), valued tor development for Padflc:: LutherUl 001- • ! )oy and pleouurt.N the ReT O. J. Onlal. former president the IICm� that M rende�_ He cheer- leee ..nth the It.lIal.stanef of 61:K aent.l!'Dc::I!S Co(f�, DoughnU18 I After two num .. by PIIdtk: 01 p L. C. and DOW pMtDr of Our tully r.<::a!pti!'d every tMk that ..... of- or ph� which he has at !lOme Uml!' I For Campu" Work . Lutheran CoUete ebolr. abor\ � Sutor'. Lutheran Church In BeIi1ll8:' COnUnued on � 31 I or othtr found thourht-provoldni. __ of anoetlnC were made by tbI foUowtJlil ham, led the auc11l!noe In .!Crlpture Thell! IJI fint of aU the UmeYOm To ail ap� the dorm1tory del.,.. .. Rn. J. A. K. " ... � read1n& and jJtQ'CT. D d H ' ' Herbart1an phrue. "AppeTCepUve boy:. trOrlled 10 hard to �t the c:ampua 1DI the PIIdftc dIdI1d; Rn. O. 1..

A fCftDai adn. -.. liven aystu enl8 ave m .... - 'lben the .tawmmt. ''Tbe retId1 for�Uon 0.., 'that maD, HaaYlk for U. IIIOard �of �; �' , ( � tbe .Rn.. �"" &. N-' PI'l'III*nt o! GIlta UL' Eve.ytbln' 1 _1III .. a.. doDa "" .......... '1 tbtIIi·�.--....... · ..... -.- . .......... _��� . tbe PIdI'k: DeItz1c\ 01 'be N� Tbm \he bold c1a1m Of Jew. the CIUVt: But .ftJ'7OD' re&lb' cUd 'IrOl't laDe 1Iartba-1I,JII'..&Id tar IiIIII AIIiidI; MIl Lutbenul Cburdl of America. Who Ooodie&. IJlfta. a beauUful tn!e. IOnes. I "t am the 'rrutb." Hut the tmmortal and hard. and 1ftTI! duly rnrarded DUne J ....... f. tbI ....... ...,. potIIted. cut \he ..rue of Chr1.aUan ed· � and flTCl!h .U'ftmen, fun and merry . phrue of pubUc::-1IChoo1 cia,., "B1reet by coffee. doqtmuu, and '1'10 attR- Capitol tJnI..a&y, Q)lu.IIuI, CJtaW- . uc::adaa and � bk dncere deatre fOOd-..w haft a part In a Chrt3tmu ' land of Ubert,.� Then the poetic .lI!- noon clUMI.. The bo)'l and pll were Re'I. Walter BeDm&n. nee �t 01 to 1ft Padttc:: OoUece eunttnue and ! puty Lhat La rot� to be riven by 1 fra1D: NWeIt� the coune of emp1re orpnJ.ed Into rroupa and .upertn- ! .,une CoUeIe: Lu.ttwir �. De­Pf'C*PI!!' �u, under tht Ie&dCTllhip '(hl!' collCl't dayroorn fir!'&' FrIday noon. I Ita _y.� I"lna.lly, that mOlt apt tended by eaptaina. One at the man, oonb, Icnn-Rn. B. A. MaIb, 8iatUt: ot 11<1 new pftIIideDt. �h mer:nbl!'r 1V1U brtnc aometNnc to deecrlpUOQ of OUT edu.eaUooal .entun and ,reat improftmente ... the �t- tJalnndty of W�. Pnda'-br�uct1�.��:.�= ::::���heC:::l:: :�e�u:t: [��:e r:.�=U�: -Pt



U:bo �tbe

b� = ::,� :::.:..w-:.:=.:

stalled or. 'nnceLrIad Into hla ne" of- preaenta. I Paycholoa:tcal Kleooe h .. �¥Cloped -.JUne paUenUy for the p&lnt to ..,. H. p, HalYoraon.�; 8t. Olaf 001-noe .. pn:Cdent 01 00llCfI!- Ht All uu. Io'eCk the dayroom has been • many valuable conc::epta . . but perbapi off. All the ·I_v., paper 'Wt'ap'peft. Jere, Northfield. �Dr. ·L. W. Urlf!ny potnted out tbe � of decorated ..nth ChrtIItma.I trtIIurunp none -.rill be fOUDd of p-eater pracUca1 and other tc::raPl were rUed up by eD- Doe. HorthtW.d; W� ... 001· the poatUon Dr. 1'tnp1Itad ... to nil and a tree. Tlle proverb1a.l Chr1litmu Yalue than 'one fonatWIted d-.dM -.0 erpt.Ic madI!rot... Ii. hone and lep. �. Bowud Orepry, and lbe re.pon.aIbWttea deYOIvtna upon cheeT ..w not be la.cllh\& In the day- by thl!' Qerman p�r a.ncI e>du- ... bM't'lly ao.ded with rubblah and Tt.ocma; 0CDC0rdIa 00IlIp. Moorhead. him. room thu year If all endenc::ea IlI"I! cor- calor Herb&rt and u.u&Uy cSenomlnatec1 br1iht puplb who hopped on for _I J,[i�PreIIdeDt J. N. Brown.

(Continued on p� 4 1 (COntinued em Pap 41 little }O , tide. (OOnUnued. 011 ..... t)

nt. .... ... ak-} _ .. ., ......... ..

....... ... :.. lh. Jf. ....... , . .. � . ),' ., - ........... � O, #- � "' L. >!-: ........,.. -..... -

�, -- ", i'! ��'\ r.�����J" )i

PAoa �

THE MOORING MAST e The Mooring M .. t

Wlsb"" You

! Daily Oiarv I'DeoembeI' '!'--ODe. two. UlrM, rOtD', n ... o\c ca.' a _ allft. � 10--0mcIal u... ,.. lUll" i cbewlDI aDDOUDCIld lD c:b&pel ......

PI!IaDt YaiD. .10

Dr. H. L. MO .... �(J �OT /JUl;����1UdI

PUblWW!d � two ..... Iei dw1rta the IIChooI. year by \he ItOOenb! Of PKtflc Lutber.n 00Uece. Pvt1anc1. WNhi.ncf.oD..


Merry Chrislma" And

�:II�= � �-:. • .::= :-:: :e�!ed':� �o��:-= :: N_l Eo TIi� ..., oeMI. .. .".. or-.....

Entered .. a.econd claall Ih&tIft. oei.ober 2. I.., .t the PoIt Ofhoe at PvtlaPd. A Happy New Y .ar buneh, »p. Ramata4. '"" ... December II--Dcx'OthJ' DIe"'" aDd "Hi -....-, .. . .... Sill

W� IIDder U. Act 01 Marcb S. 1m.


� H«mMq � u. '=::::::::::�:::::::; tbrWa Ii donnitor)" ute. n'l .. l'at r-ute, prla. CIOIIIe ap1n. Y rR.ENlI: DAHL. Editor """'" """'oJ< """""" - [)e&r lIU r.nd Pa Dee. 18. l ... I :::"""':-:-----:oI:::tbo----:,;-::-... =w-.�_=---=w;:; .... :;

w. A� oar

8ena Johnaon Another week. qether with the I did not. haft to 1&1 ...act. hla boob ... Rosso's 'Garage mooe,' 10\1 8Ult. r- came ana went. they hue a1_Y8 been that WSJ', He CIr.n 10\1 r.11R that 18 0Di1 • II the fellow what told the prof. tbat Madiaon 107-R-t few daytl left WI Chr1.tmut I CIUl'l: a handtcap lI a cap which II handy to �========::� hardly beUeYe It, .. Judf1nI trom tbe crab �hen you Licht oul for .chool 1n ... BUSINESS DKPA.RTMENT gum 'WJchebon ClaCuunON A«neB Klippen

A.h � �.Tl5ING &IJIOWlI ot 1II'Ork the prott r- planned the mornlna· There la many boya whicb 1m' ,... to eomplete before that ume. 1.3 I.trunltna: without a h&ndicap. at uiere Dllllt be at \t'&I5t h&lJ' a Y8r that rate . .. their calli la alwaya hid­left Inll .hen they wanta them , bpenMa n.. been pretty h_ry late-

California Florio .. ca "..,....., ..... ...... .18 PIIdflc An. 'I'acoa'I.a TYnNG Enlyn Solum

FACt.Tl..TY ,u)\'"ISEIl8

Nr Ha� n.. rave th" announce- Iy .. roo knOll' how renel'OllI.ODe menl that _ mould try oul for de- IIhould be at thlI ume of the year ��========� bate and not be baetYan1l about pWlh- You had better II08nd lOme mare mlXl- ,­Ina: oUl"1llf!lvea fo .... ards. In theel' de- e)'. 110 that I can buy !.hat rUCrIJ Chrat­bates they ",ttle 511Ch que.t1onll .. maa preeent tor PI. !.hat t u. .. down

o J STUEN N J HONO A LASTING GIFT j what to do wtth th" crtm1n&l1 Uld the I town yesterday I 8.ede. and the n� etc. PertlCXl- Your �nero,... dau,:htel , It ii'l nol ttl(' wf'i/olhl (If )1'\\"1'l or 1'11111'. I a.Ily, I dOln th1.nk luch vltrJ qUNUODII 1 Cberoba. �;Stll\�/�;:t��� :;� :���("fl";:H�I�irt is ridl. 1::0:::: � :f


mC:�� re:=:ut� Ir===========; 1 1


i��, (I�\::

lt;\����s:.�::��� ;���\\"1Ii'1 gold ! ��� !�t

:::;:a d�dn�� :OhO:' : I Ca��:�Mo:t.�II��� P��n

Or whuS(' WO:'l tht' !olin of Il'yrrt� . . ! hearuJ. and somebody aIIked who fiJI.- : ThoraH L. Pedersen ..... Imun� \ 1111<',· ( .<lok I t'd the plano. Nobody LIke. to � ell- I Il1O'1 Pa.c1nc AYenu�

T abeU', Tantal� Place

Main 3�923·P.rific ,he,

ChUt and TamalH that are dlrrerent

Tacoma's Tamale Parlor De Luxe �ow8d8yS. it .... :-<·Ills. WI' . includ" (:hrisll1l�s and Jo(ifts In 1 1lt' ! Ul�e�b�l�t·eNI�e:; 01 mWlt&cht'll ' Tacoma. Waah

�m(' thouflht. and njo{hth so III 011\' S('IlS" . fur {.hni'lt. wh,)!'It, blrlh- I p �:;�W��rtM��--' I�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m lia,' wt' ('elebrate, W8S t;od's jo{ift In Ihl' world 11.11' /ol. [l'lllt'sl gift i broke out amol\i the boyl lot coLleae. tt1blt l\...tdtl'n ('vet' bf::ato� upon mankind. . . . " IoJId I wiah you could SI!'f! them. which Is �'fI UVJ�� L \\le hesr a lot 81)()ul tht' slunl III whIch a MIn IS !'It'nl . and. I hard to do In mOlit cue&. � 11:'1 far as Iflatt'rial /olifts un' ('OIl("('rn('d. l:K'opk St"('min�l" do try to But even WOt'lJ.e than the mWltacMt!

practice the saying, "It is more bles�d 10 gi"'e Ihan to n.:c(.i\'(' . .. · L� the m1ce which lnfe.ta the dorml-

, .\\'hy �ot try to ('xtell(� throughout, th.e year tht' spirit. ,1f l ::'otH:n w��.y� �ve�e=:U: ... __ _ _ _

Lhnstmas III Ihe ch('('rful jo{l" lIl� llf st'rY1C(' .' Insit'ud of ai'lklll/o!. dy d __ _ _

"'Vbal do I get out of this?" If'I us Il!'k, "\\'hal can I giw 10 11\\' il'Y mOU8l! Jump out at you? I on't

fellow men?" Su('.h servi('e. �t is Irue. often Sft'ms 1IIlappret."illit'<i. bl&lJle Emma for screamtna Ute abe ThOll Rome _f I Pang Sldu

but we src not told whost> �ift was �old or wh()� ..... as the �ift of did. IoJId maklna; � think she lI'U In myrrh." We know the wiS(' nwn brou�hl "ifts In J('sus.. hul what I tranIIOm. JETLAND & PALAGRUTI

For Your


Pbotos See


F. J. LBB each gave we cannot tell. So it is with !'K'rvice. \V(" sec the good Well. l�t&l1atlon o.y w .. a p-eat done without knowing who does it. day at p. L. C. r.nd wu en}oye<l by 812 Pac. AYe c.nt. Dlda:. To the giVl'r of sr-n'ia-, how('\"('r, c()m� that ff"eling of IX'nnn- the faculty &Del all the other hum&nl '===-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-� 1 11��;;;!II!!�������!'l -r..coma. Wuh.

81 88ti8fartion and the kno ..... lcdR{' that he is hclpinR to sprt'ati Iht' hue. I ...... ilad that we could lay .:.. I � spirit of Chriat and (:hrislmas far oul:'lid(' Ih(' holidoy !'It'ason. :\nd I.5ide our Ixlob for a l1a, and be up-- J �4.Mt).,... • .1 who will say such an f'n




_"_·"_Tlhwhil(,? - "FIRST r:L()WIfIJ .Itt()1)

TO DOCTOR T1NGELSTAD. Dr, TIngel.tad. you haw' aln'ady been prai�d. and nol un­de8t"rvooly. for whal you htl"\"(' a('complisht"d in a mal('rial way durinR �'our four months of o('!i"ity arnonR liS; hut Ilwf"{' is 811-

Christmas Cards & Gil ..

HAMILTON STUDIO 91;) Pacific AW'nu(' ��rl�h

t,:!� ��)tll�;;7e�i ��


s i��J\I��r��7o(:I�


i��:;:�, ���� r==========;;:

n'rity Alld it i8 becauSE' of this slf'riinR attribule' of �'()U� Ihal Wi' are able 10 speak about you as frunkly and fT'ft"I�' a:'l w(, do.

We therefore WiAh to express our appt't'Cialiol1 to you. Dr Tingelstad. for Ihe untiring ('fforts you ha\'(' iliad" in i)("half of th(' school and ror ... our frank and sim.'f'rf' attitude loward us at all timt's. Do('tor TinRebitad. wt' of Pacific Luth('ran CoHeRe salute you 88 our PN'8ident. and 1)led� you our undivided support !

1 Preecription Optical Co, Phone IolaJ.n 71:3 40'7 RWlt BIdC. G""- .... aIMI IlepaUoed 0eaUst. Pre.ertpUoru F1Deod


.... -f1a&. <* ... "-'-J. C. PeterwDD

Btel.nway and other �, Duo Art ReprodUdDl" � vtctl'olal &Del

V1ctor � Band and Orcbeatra Instrument.. Sheet iollWc and. Muaic Boob. Radlo SeUi and AooeaIoriea

Shermantlay & Co. ...., � ...m _

- -LEHMANS PUMPKIN SHELL Fo •• tat. Lada S .. day DI_ 50< Bet Ludo IloII;p SIc

The Store

For Men and Boys

- - ""'"

E�LARGEMENTS From Your Own Negatil'es

make di�tjnctjv(' XMAS GIFfS ORDICR ¥.OtrRS NOW



DAVIS' N •• Locatio. 942 PKi� Ave.

&me D _ _ . . _ . n' ·8HOES





Nothinl can give more pleasure for your

Xm ... Gilt than a nice Blooming Plant

or a box of Cut Flowers

We uve a very fine selection. Poiruteltas Cyclamen Begom...

ComhinJotion Plan .. : Etc.

Schoenfeld's DeUvery Anywbere

AIao Flowe" DeUvered Anywbere by Wire.

��o��d :a7:�,;�l Pacific at Fifleenth ..... "·"1

Americlm Plumbinll a: Steam Supply Co. ! W.olooalo I Plambl ... -... ud Mill Sappl... I PholJe Main 1707 UM)8-10 Pacific Avenue i


..- "'::.!:: =.r-_�....::-. "'­IIAIDOK ....,. •• 4*;,� KADJ80lf �




Phobe Maln .", lOt 1-2 Padne "Aft TAOOMA, W A8HI:NO'I'OM' . 8OO .. IIILLa.a-aTATlO .... S



1111 Pac1ne Ave, Phone Ma1n 300 I I

Dmr f'ennanent Wavtna I ' DAvns P'lnpr Wavtlll' HAIR MlJt':elllni SHorn �Ials I 818 P'ldelh1 B1cli I Main 356:l

� i Keystone Prtntlftl' Co .. Inc. Main :n51 , 702 Pad,.., A ....


Phone Main 1464

Dr. Archie G. Hick"


Importers -of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil

COr. -r..ooma A..-enue &; 11th St.






HANSON'S lIi'7 80. 11th

� � ...Merry Christmas

lind tA Hllppy N.ew Year

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' "


Fornillhin ..


Ouldoor Clothinll

Dick!4on Bro!'}. (:0.


$3.95--S_,. N",i". Oriwinal. CoIor-S4.95




PAQS 4 oa. nNOEUTAI)'S SPa:CB ft&led by'� aDd by H1a prophN and 1 01 the toUnders and builden 01 OUT I IIO&lmfO SUYlca AnDJfOON IU"ICU

I(:QaUDUfid t� � �I a� \U1Itel with f11"11lDN1 lDiIo " I ArneI1can naUon. 4000UDued fnxD ..... 11 lOoraU:III..s (ram .... 1 1 . appercept1�' maa.- An1 � Intimate &bid preclouI a eommunkln Conlrol . • uperrlakJn. standanla,. na- ' Dtreoe\l1 at'1« \bII � om- ...... bMd; .,..... 00lII0P. 8poUne. IIW'nt&l �.«'CUnc to Her· lhat the wbl;Ne ranee of human esper!- Uon-W1de coOper..Uon � must be. mor1l' a doubte number ... rendend WublDCkD-P'reISdent Cui ro.. � tn:::

t �

f'of:,-s' � mce orten 00 p&r&ileI. 1be ,� but with u little u �b)e ot hamper: ' by the d'Iott Oil P L. C_ -Apul DeI� A __ Oouet- . � 811m.

A faaillar WuelBUon It alforded by ��=:::: �t.�P�l.her� �'!::I�::":;-:nd1��:x.n�nt�; ud "BeauWuI 9al'klr." with lain. J. :':; =-� :�Re�!r0= the word '-y' lD ' tfle u.U&1 claMroorD be the e.tIurch of h1t 'athen. I»ut !)eo- and f�om I O. EdYlU'da u .,kIUL Sl Paul. Mlftn.. Rrt. Edward Buten· ��;:-:: 1:"�/'7n -=�o: � = toWldunqa:u�1O ':p� �u: To LhU reepect tor IodlndU&1 con- I In h1I loaU(Ulfol � Ot-. nn.eJ- ICboeft 01 Tacoma; PK1f1e LuUWl'an

'-y rum. In thf' bam.yard the coIOT of an...-r of Jeaua to PHatf' .• quesUon ncUOIll.. tru. faJth In Chrtll. and thlll ! ltad outlined the de..sopmrtat work he � 8ImlIIarY. e.tUe. Wl'I.

rr-tefuJ enjo)'ment 01 AmencaD liberty I tnta� to c:aJT1 em, potnunc out the �",t !....:! .. _�_� .. ' •. "'wm" a I'tonfo: on thf' hunt or In thf'- ehue and to the educatlOD&! � lmplled , __ r _ __ � tM BOund ot .::bt hounc1a; amODl' In JNua' nat.emmt to hb <Uec1ple.: "U = :::=

f:� � u� �


thethe lU\�= IW m»- O. NM)ey, DIpU\, SUpt.. ot PUblk: In-

e&.rpentf'n Il �n Il1nd ot window. ye eonUnue lD m.J' word. then In' ,e the well-known wi� worda. �We.t- 1ItrUe'UoD. :;


the I��=::: = :::� -::Ie. =e:� �: ;:1 =w� w-ard the COUrlle ot empire takes It. I re:.::":d:= =W.: OFFICERS- ARB ELI ECTEO

of t� moment. that I&. upon 1M p&rt you free:: It. eh&npleu Cl\rIa:t'l un ;��:W�.:C:0;':� :::: preeklent 01 St. Ow OOllep. and bJ' FOR MI88JON' SOCIETY of the mental equJprnenl _hlch 1lI ae- ch.anClna: truth riYM to a changtna P'OW up WIth the oountr,.." Th1I u-I Pn."f . • , E . Bolton of lobe OnlftJ'8lty � __ uvely funcUonln, In m-.k1nc- lhIII 'tn- W1)I'ld n�ny of me&n1nC and w t.he- In., th the dJ W� rf1)f'eIenUnc- educaUon In W� December $Ut ter'Pl"ttaUOIl_ Whole senlAmt;rs an sub· dh1dua.l trw hlChett freedom :� �.:::; IIIOIDe ��Iae;; � The :'� the chureh and educauon la the staW

UIIl P. L. O. ' 8ode\y met f� leet to th1ll !l&IDf' law ot appercepUon. The third Artlde In � educauonal h1IItor}' ot Harvr

::-001. w .. repea� I ,,"peeU�I,. tbIl purpoee of 0fI"PI\b1nI tor the _-It became evident In a Bible dUll the cl'f'ed 01' faJth of the speaker ill the In VaJe. and of YaJe In eoorN of The morn1nI � clOlled with lhe

_ olher mornllll. tor eumple. that the meaning con�yed to him by the I smaller Vale. th!'OUlhout the Ohio I benedlCUon IJlVUl bJ' Rel', T. O. anre, inC yeu. Arthur 01loD. who ... elect contf'mptJble eltcuae offered by the h18h phr&se. "Sweet land


of Ubert,.� all \lied Valle, and the Middle Welt. 81m1l&rlr pastor of the Tr1nJt, Lut.beran Church ed presklent I.ut ,.,. pres&ded. At thla prtf'llt Calaphall for cowuelllll the put- lD ItA Immortal setUnc- In the Amen� there It a mOlt .trt� parallellam be- I

of ParltJand.. The audience remained tln:t 1DN'Unt: Emma It.uJand ... elect-­UJl4I to death of J_UI "It II ex- naUonal anthem Consider. If )'OlI wW. t_n the early career and .trunles 1 ·t.uld1I\1' whUe DI'. 'nnpllltad and tbIl M1 MCretary and Rober1 ItnUtRn. pedlent �or us. that one mIlD should In the Ulht of ChTtsl'l protnllle. "The of Harvard. tor eumple. and of Luther ! honor guest. marched out.

. 1u...ureT. lnpborI BoIIftad and [pp die tOt the people. and that the .. hole tr-uth &hall nlUf' you free." thf' apPf'r- Collert'. pioneer jIoChoo] of N� ' hanrlony with the colk'fet and � 00p1erud ...". � Ie U. pro.­��: d

:��" n:::� r:;� m::t :�: cepUVI1 mUll of the Chl'Utlan u he tmmlrr-nta_ Vou m.,y hal'l1 read of � of our Ch�h. 3. Econom.&eal and ( gram ecuun1ttee. 1be M1aI6on. 8ocIet, cu8f"d rOt lhe moment upon the �ntral

lJT&tf'fully and rPverf'ntJy POnd"n the the stranlt' I.Ild hard-eamed gifts and . audited but not retreDCh- l lli open to IIll .nudent.. Ita meetlDp Blbllca] doctrtne of the atonement of

, d�p me.nlng of our beloved anthem. :: =:


, =:�ua]� =!"'O�th:

tt�::: I :;


t I::: ::: el'W)' other �:]�rd Chr1Jit fOt thr SIn of thl' My count'1'. ·tll of th�. Harvard. early Vale. tilrly PTLn«tan. 1 ftnanda] support 4. Orpnt_Uon of

Sweet land of liberty. \ and the like; In Orecon the other day a l trtendt and supporten Into a PKUle PJLOGaAM roa AII11l"f1)80N Amon" the pBCUca] COTIIequen� ot Of Lhee I slill \ IJl'ndmother. daulhtf'r of I Nonregi&n . Lutheran CoUeg'I1 De�lopmf'nt AMO- A Pf'OIT&Dl In memor)' 0: Roald

:.:�e.rOI a��:,"h�a;;�;:tv�em�:U�� ��: :f

h� �;��;np-ld�� ' ���::'ta�U�� : :;:�


m;:1tI=nf:;; ! ::n a�e:t �1��;:.�

tw1':'�� �� .... ::. �=,,::. ": ;::!

may be well to bellt In mind the 10)' Prom �v'ry mountain SIde Lulhl1r CoLlese. &.5 ,he remembered. i thouaand mf'mben u the flnt goa] lupper. aporwored bJ' the Men', Club. on occu.\OM .uch u UW: the �t fN't!dom ring' them from childhood fannen mort- , hut hundred' Uxt,-�o memben had I �dll.Y eveninl. December 14. [)octoI' sPf'1l.iler nf!'ed1; to �nlrt the past pled thf'lr home.teads to make thf'ir I enrolled up to lut n1lht. and 1Iot1'omteen ; 1"1npLatad wu t.hl! speaker of the el'f'-mf'ntal experl�nce ot the hE'al?n. the M)' naUvt' .,untry throe tint Iltt to thJ.s college. then UIIIlDWd ' hundred dolla,.. an! aJretldy In iIJIht. nina p�nt mf'ntal setUnc. and h1s own . Land ot !.he noble tree. the burden of a .aecond mo� to I -:1lf' preeellt educaUonal pl'OCJ'&ffi of I, Yr N. J. Rona .potf' at the Amu.� mental �ulpment. thf' au<llwn ... 111 Thy name I lov" I carT)' the ente1

'p� throuah to It. I Plt.clfle Lutl'lenll COlleg'l1 1 !IOll Day procn.m held In Normanna nf!ed to entf'r Into the Lhoulht·�nd of I love thy rocu .. nd rUb. . nrlt degref' of comp]eUon Does t.hUt '

. tour � of accred1ted hilh-Khool ll hall. Prtda, eftIl1nI'. December 14-

tht speaker, to .. pp�hend hIa point of I Thy woods I.Ild templed nUll audIence believe that the world hu M) , work. two YeaJ'1l of jUnlor-ooUege work. I :


e =t': ��:

o�:� I My hf'&J't With ",pttm! changed that history ,haIL not Yf't reo I a two-year .tr.",-aecredJted collqlau , c..Alumni "N...tuJS

W'lth thf' exPf'nence that moet m�un- : Ukl1 that abo� peal It&elt In some mtuure In carry- I norm.a] coune. a twOw)'e'U count' In I

dent&ndlnp In' d to th faJ] f �:ou:�e�t4 =t:�:=l:m�� � �:m]:el�-=�:e:·

e �� I v=:n..':tU: :;: .: � � minds w meet and

u"to ..; upo� � i �';: =�=]���= "Weatw-ard tM course of emptre ta.kes · course. aDd Ipedal opportunlU", in ' a paUent for aearl, a )'HI' de!lnJUon 01 tf'rms.. RecocnIUon of the I Sweet treedom·. 1OtIC' Ita way.� and with It the vtalons and I ml.l&ie and art. '!be qu.tloo ot n- , --s1fnI.flcance of th1a p'ychal�caJ doc- I wt mortal toncue. awoe ; lhf' selt-lI&Cr1ttc1n1 effort. uf the true · pandlnc Into a tOUT-J'MF college II be- , �wrence Haup . ... 11 aD f'lDployee �rtne of apPf'rcepUon mall", for (lpen- I Let all that brn.the partake; plonee,... I given caft1uJ ItudJ: but It may be lat the Wu.h1ngtoD Hardware Company mindedness. toler· Let roc.U their a1Jeoc:e break.- When the present speU.eT found In I deflnttf'l, stated that 10 to expand 1lI --anoe. a �CS8 to hear and a desire I The sound pl'OIODi. hIa Mart a convtcUon that It was his 1 out of the que.Uon betOrl!! the 0evf'1op- Mnr.. 8, Clark., nee ..... Alyce Lee, to un4erst&nd. without qusUon1I.c: the duty to "WDe h1t preaent rtaponatbtll· i ment AMoc1auon hu re&ehed It. nnt '23. La rwidlDf at BeI.11.n&haln. rtabt and duty to poMeU and defend "Our fathera' Dod. to Thft. Uea at Padllc Lutheran OoUep. Dr. j lJlOtll &DC1 an iDteWtenU, Infonaed COIl- I --Ind.h1dual OODvkUone. Author Or Ubert)'. L. W. Doe. Pre:tldent of St. ow Co1lep. 'l'UtueDq hu been gi� the opptJrtun- l Arled.l. Allen, 7'7. 11 teac.h1na Khooi

.u the nr.t &rUde ot aD educaUon&! To Thee lH' 11n8: h1madf Of pioneer ltock. lmmed1atel, Ity to ,peak It!! m1Dd.. Me&I3whlle a at Con_,. DeU' "aunt VenKn taJth or creed the .peaItf!r would &C- may our land be brtaht wrote to the spe&ker an meouraclnI l merdtul God bali moadf! It �ble tEl -- . oord.I.n&ly IUbm1t a statement 01l0l wtth trHdcm', holy 11ght: ]etter In which he made thD remart.- I torward � rn.n ttme to tune Bertha Lero. '23. It at ht.entIurI. ::d

e In

b�e��t �r:


::te R::::: Pro�!:� �.� �::�:. :

e ;���'�

e�,,; t!a0�\:�� : :hlC:=�;o,,:, ':..r=! ": =--=:11:0. �I� qUOll: "The world'. work 11 done by Amertca .... to a d� ullp&rel- This phrMC!. "plolleerina on the Iud IItraUOIl and rewarded the IIDIM!!ltlah, --

===-�y:,;:;:s:� :: : �set=.(:n:l'�� :�:;.=�� � ��I =:�-:t.un= �:7. � lD s:.: ::-" ,.. " -bog plye.haloo Hbe<:ause ot the conncUOns Let It oe�r be fOlTOtten that mlWons mean1na: 111 � iD the lull tlroceu of un- I and hM faithful -.oc:Iata. 1'bC! Den --)'00 hoi:! and because ot the underly1n( of them came to thiI ,weet land of fol< In this oonneeUon let trlbollt.e' I It.eP 1lI a _pull .llI"'ft)' ttnanced by Llll1azl Lee a nucif'Dt here In line

=:�= ttl:! :�;��:U"::= ��rt!cta� �;-"!1rO:wn �n:n: ;::enac:d '::=. towb��

tc:: ��� A 1n'�:tedlJOOto lNpect the I �� at ber home lD Ch1nooa.

and J am a parU&an of a IOmewhat 8uch people add SU'f!nrt.h and br1na' delved. aDd Itrualed and bu11ded and I new equJpmftlt.. tbe oew Cbealbtr71 --d11teffnt t)'l)l1 because ot my �cular blelllllnp to a nation. Ne�r was a na� dreamed dTeuns amldlt mtna'ied v1C- llabon.t.or)' aM c1aaroom the new Leonard 'I'bompeoa. a ltudC!llt heft convteUon.s aocumpUon.s.. and expul. uoo 10 ItroD( and 10 bleuod of Almiah- tone. and defeat!! Portet not the vts- fac:111Ue. In the eut end at tba build- laat ,..,. III _tCeDd1DI n.labt .:hoot at eDeN and yet _ can bol.h meet Oil a ty God u has been our own United IODI and thC!,oourq-e and the tolbome Ina (the II1JI1IlMIWDI the C!XpfI.DdC!d the CoUece 01 P\ap1. 8ound.. plaUorm ot fact. and new f'&Ch other .. States of Amer1ca. The spea.IleT mo- tJ1ab; and bUffeUnp ot the splnt of I UtJr.ry. !.be Df!'W' automaUe fire n;tIn- --part1un Vie .. wtLh tolerance aDd with bf!c:auae hf' ba.5 _no because be hU, yonder p.1oneer put.Or. BJug Hantad, I gu1shera. They aJ'f' mnted to f'DCOW'- MeLa ADdenoD, ' a ltudent !left I.n renulnf' Interest:·, The recent POUUcaJ albeit WlWOrth1ly, real.1IIed .. ch1ldhood the buJJdef. and his U80d.ata. B1Ib\J � the newl,-orpnlad and lna-:rt. III at Pet.enbuq, � caznP&1cn II a Itrtk1n& WWltraUon of amblUOIl of vIaIt1ng personally evert years old nen Yonda, t.bote eye&, thf' InsplrtDg ehob' robed In ebon, and MUI1e1 Yetten.. a fCll'llle'l' 1tUde:m. 11 thf' PO_r of part1.s&n coll11cdon1: It I.s state lD our Union. Enal1ah PIlgrtma wh1c.h have harbored 10 ttWlJ' 1'1a10D1l, IIoid. P'rIends and ,upport,en &l1 to- at bel' borDe_lD,8anfOJ'. W� eqU&IJy an example of the need and and Purtt&nll and e�n cavaUen. that the people abouId not perlah. Gin I 't1ted to fam1llaJPe tbelnaf!lfte with our --

dC!s1rabWty of greater respect for the RUCUenot lrut Ca.tholle Prencb.. Cal- dUe! honCC' to th08C! pioneer rounden -U-conalden!d flnaDdaI poliq, lD &C- 8ICDe � ... 11 emploJed u connct.l� of opponent. and an mne.t ruwUc aDd Lutben.ll 8'\Iredes and bu1Jden of that O(beor b&l1 of uu. cordaDce wltb wh1dl eDCIcnnMDt lD- a teacher at au.oa. W�

. attelllpt w undentancl the real reuoru and Oermans. Scotch Prubytertana tcbool.. the baIf once knowIl .. ColWD- come wW � OUT lDdetItedDeA and I for .uch oonneuon... 8, thb ut1c1e and Irtab catholics, plow and ewoeat bLa CoUep, creat amOll( tbem the yet lobe De'l"llopment AaIOdaUcm �uce 01' . DaMn STOaT ot taJth the preeent speaker on the one Lutber-ans trom 8cand1navtan \aoda, Itunb' pioneer. putor Rumua BoI'- el1m1nate ckfIdtll aDd pronde for I (Oc:mtln..s tram Pace 11 hand comm1t1l h1l:n.8C!1t to a polley of and more recenUy South and EMt .tAd, Ute Hantad bullder or .cbooll bealthy arowth and J)I'OCI'fIa PIIdt1c o� Walte ChtIAen.Mo', reepect tOf coo.vtctJoas and of tolerance Europeans amOll&' mUUOl1I of wbam tb8 upon acbool alooI the �t trail LuthfTu) CIJIIeIe baa a Ioocl echxa- wlu.cs.n .aDd humor wtll be ms.ed u tor op� vie .... : OIl the other h.ancI fear ot Ood � yet aUft: nneJ' ,.et .croll our a:re.t Nortb-.r.. He 11 a UOD&l plult. a loJ'aI and effldent t.cul- ...u .. AI1iDI 1JannInac1'. lDalIlUllc. be plNdl for ,ueb aympatheUc UDdt!!'- waa ot.bef �Uon Ulu. peopled aDd bullt mc.t ftlued of tbC! preeent I ty. a taltbtul aDd 1ntell1pD.t � all t.b&t Uw IIWdimce beUeft DaIW but Il1m. :r� �tJ=..,Ubellbab:: � tbC!u:::mr::==:-� 00:; =.ot �of=lobe Lu:I= � u:;'rr::. -::�I==:U ��':, ':: OCIrlU:Ila.nd. IIll UW "'" �Uon. lD tbe well-coa- Rncle OUt Ina. the creat bot1. wl)O did and a Ood-pftD �Q' t� ..up- u. ...... aDd protttalM �

Every educaUona! enterpr:lle 1IJOJ'thy tiderecl optn1oa of the apeUer, .... WlIUDtlDc11 live that ChNt1an edu- plC!meDt e1'feeuYely otber Westen!. edu- em tbe ql8tklD. "a.olYeCl, \hat a .ub­of the name • .a let It be aauaHI4, would Itberty] Otten torrouen. bec&ue DOt c&UOo mlIbt 11ft, Prof ..... N. J. BCDI', eaUOnal efton. lD a tfU11 Pf'Ofe.kGal ltitut. for a trtal bJ' turY abouId be

avoid 1&lIehood and _It to build upon reoenU, 0II0UIh fOUlbt for, ... tbe truth. who II cl1max1DI lt uteum. of IIoCI'U1dal apirtt or ooopen.Uod': and ttl!. ipedaJ adop&ed." the truth. To the �tent q1Jeltloo. that reJ.1cIoI.» h'eeclom,. Uberty of COIl- .... b7' JoAniDI � ·the faculb vi mbIIoa. lD \be new of \be ..-em ._'l'bI _ .. t.m. 1a � or KrlSDc �"'::1-7e.u1 � =� =.lI�f� -=: ::=::'\b�:::'-= ��::.u:== == �ou.�O:pa: antYU: -I un tbe truth.- nm. prop- t.CaDt biIb for tbe llldl .. "'dual brut at bY form. P"Gil. wbD woWc1 aDd buUden. WlW, .. ...,.. the � ... 01 tmer.t. tbowD t.IDOOI tbe ... oaUon 01 J__ 11 aec:oad t.Dd tmmartal atIUl, J'OU han &be r-.I .,..,. DOW IIMB1 Ill' .. bill 1M lD the Nul. '"\be � or tbe oeowee be _ eM IWIDbu 01 \be lr'QIDISl', If(IiaIid tUDd&meot&l IIol11c:I8 1D the ed&aC&� Ud abIc1&Dc fOUDdaUoo 01 ADIrtcaD � ".. 0(IrDMCI'I.\ed mID UId _ La. � .... l1aI.\ed to hto 1DelDbln-rm.. faith or CJ-..I 01 h1I dlIdpJa n mt.1 dIImOcr'acy. It II therefore 110 .cckIeId tbdr ..... 0hNUaA __ "UId Let UII bit .. tattb. lD the fUture of our � MId ImQI: MIObdIaa. , I&fel)' be tateb for INDted tMt &be t.bal AIDers.n dYlJlatiGa 11 in ... W'OII*l. an ADd were our true � W_I Let _ buUd'DOW 1D the 1IIIktt: Aft.- \be.mIddle 01 ftbruu')-. plaDI mem.ben of tbIa � � or aeDIe It CbriIU&D dt1l1al;loo. t.Dd .1Ia7 u.r �t be aunt 01 our C'bl1IUaD faCbln t.Dd � are bBDr -.ell to boMI at Ieut ODe d\.t perbape, wboIb' w:ttbou\ ...,uoo. DlilUIer • It All t.eddeDt UI&t � OUt vi W. fourfOkS tu\b ID � u..,& tukln � 1M1, God wW- � It .-.IL ::: =:-�� :.:.. � -::. �\= :::: lD���: � ::.. u::: =:. '*;:� � 'n. �-_--I&-.-_'" � daaU7 mo... boWrNr, cbat� .. � "UIp. � aan.u.a ADd \0 � ..., 01 Ultt plaDlen All � ... px,- &0 God. til \be � ol om � ... � '&be �.� ::::aft..!ce::::�: .... =:'""....!or��I*UlIar�� ===.�� =-� �c:,.�. � ��::=-=--:.:� jnackaJ. � em .... =01 .4IpIdc& ... . .....s- wRb It ,.....,.� SJIO-l fcIn\w \be. ..... &be W." the 'l'ndb, . . . j,;. au '" aD7 1apc111;ul ...... .:-� .. CIIrtIIaIIQ ·1CILIooI tIlta PMIfIo·� PMI.: tD. 'o\bw ....... _ � Wt.d . .... the Wei ID m. --. AIam" JIlt: n. bid U* car far ,.,. � .... edacaIbI .......... lila" . .. � ... , ...... .. ,., ba .. 0bIInIIl ..... .... .... ... ..... nnw bid . .... ' 1 ...... ....... -ibow - "'� _� �--_� bt. ........ .... .... : III ...... � . ___ IWIt69 �. Mania ....... . ....... ..... iD .at: T_ �"""' ''' ''' ''''' ... . � -' &be ...... .. &� .. 1Il :� ""'Il�" " '" _ .. .,.......... OaIIrIiiLI i ...,.., db ", p . .. � � bk ,.,... oil 'feil' ,...� � tIM . . .. .-� . CbW �'t.D4 .. 1& ... ..... ,... ......... ......... 01 sa. .., .. V'DtMIiISJ � .... aIIO iii .. 1ICIUItI7 'ND!Cb at v __ 1IIiIDd. ...... . �r . . _ . . -" . -- ' , " . .; .. ' - -�. ' . .

Invitation Dedined iJ-lorlll 80vs Honored : G1R��\ ��T�::\�CA��?�kNT 111'oplI�ar �rll"I1"'" , IGirls to Leave For

B L th Ch . ' AI y;,I.'lid. Par" Girl III 8" 1111111111 1 M t' " S k y u eran . olr R�' Girl:-;" Pt'" (Iub ; Oll t:he way home from !.hI' Sum- I ()!'("t'mlu-r Wt.(hlin� ee Ing In po an� -- I IlrT' Friday night. January 4, th(' I __ , , Plans Now Being Madt> for \\'{'!Ot Th(' dormllorr bo�·s wert' honoN'd at I CRr which had s('\"eral of the basketball I On the evening of Deeem�r 29. Miss Ramstud to Be Representative

Coast ('oncert Tour in June II ChrtstmRl


S paTty b�' thl'


IIITI.';' PeJl I! girls In It bumped Into another CRr Palma Marie, Hetm


dRhl. dllugh�r of I For Vr. TJ�Kt'lst-a<J ; 'Program By Dr. TinJZt'lstarl flub on Ih .. ('vemn" of [)(>(:emlx'r 2{l. • • Re,' find Mrs 0 E Hrlmdahl. of Plr I In<"ludes Se,'erill Specilils / ___ , Illf' last ntKhl spt'nt 81 P L C btoforl' 11f!'\lIlg no h�hl. pRrkl'd on thl' Pfl\�- . , ' __

An it'\vi{lition to thl' Natlonal Luth- rf'turnlnl; llOmf' for Iho> holldflY5 ml'nL i lIIas marrll'd 10 Carl John.wn, f'rldR), momlng. Jlln1Ja�)' \ 12 Mr ('r Leagul' Con"l'ntlon 11.1 DIIlulh. Minn Sames had prl'v\om;ly Ofton dmllln AI th ... IrlRI 10 bto h('ld Wl"llnesday I The ,,·t"lldlng look \.I!ace within II Ran\.Mad, Ingeborg BolstRtt. Ilnd Ir�np Junl' 1-5 hn..� IX'l'n rN:'ei\"(,(\ by th!' for thl' t'xmflngt' 01 Ch

,rlstmn.., glf

t.t Ihe \llrls tn


th(' IIcCldent


"'1Il \)(' ca\lt'd I lon'ly llloodiand set ling fonnt'd of flr � Dahl .... 'Ill l�a\'(' for Spoka.�t' to attend Panflc Lutheran College choIr from Th('�(ore . .... ·h('n Ih(' gU(,SL� arril':\' In RS IIIltne,,"�es .Th!' girl� are Elt'anor'l boughli. tralling .'Inl's. and branches 01 thl' Pacific COI\.'it Luthpran Stud('IIL,

�\' N M �'l\'I:<;Il,kf'r, S('Crt'tary of ('ach carried a mY.'tl'rlOu.' pa{"�lIg(' Lofthu .... Marl(' GlirdUn. Eva Knuttl'lI. i holly Th(' brld("s lathl'r, as.ststt'd b�' Union Convention w be h!'ld JilllUar\ .., ounK Pffiple � Luth('r League of wrapp"":! In gay 'colod fI'ld lflld in (,fln'- , I f«'\' Rasmussen. of Burlington. read 1 ]2 and 13 0.1 Spokanl' ColI('ge Mr Amf'nCfI Thf' ch01r ha.. dl"C!lll� this

I fullY undf'r thl' Christ mRS trl't' Tht, nnd PaulllU' LRr�n Miss suxrud lind I thp cl'n'mon\' Ramstad .... '111 go III plact' uf D<x:tor l,wltatlon mjschle\'ou� tl'.-Inklf' In many R donor'$ Mrs, Lehmann ''''''re also In thl' car · Tlngelstad. who Is at present !(l CalL-

to 1:�I��t' ':It:��Ci'�� :urm�� �:;" S:.:�: ::;�nhl:�;:ct po���eL�jo!�!'r;tnt: �. �iS��� ' Thl' 8ulo WR.� badly damaged. bu

l llO b\'�;h\71� slt::!ln�

f .... :��� �:a"";:�I��.�' :::� :;��p,,;;�:n�:OC�:;I��.tc:���(> o:n�:�'

coa�l-wl\h R trip to Californla In butNi , �cnous IIljur\('s wcrt' su .• lalnl"d by tho.s\, ding jIoRrty entered Th(' ushers werl' borg Boblad and irf'nl' DRhl 11'111 rl'l'-Jun� This "'111 g)\'f' thl' [)('Op)1' of tht' Games of \'arIOUS k1lld� ".t'r(, pIR)'l'd !Il thl' CRr

:;;1 S�;��:��:�d



Ai- resent th; students

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i� ::�n�tl��:���t.a::: Jt)hn�nn� I-Ioltl Tnl) i Prl"C1"d1"d by the dRinty flower glrl�. Ch�d�': PPr::�:t�:�l


O�::;:;::;';n ":�

ward tht' dt'\'l'lopment of Pacific Luth- ('nt{'rt"ll Into ttl(' lUll NllIniu'r of NanH'� i little Patrtcla I\'erson. camt' the�brldes s('\'eral special wplcs. Blbll' ciR.'<M's, lind (>ran Collt'gt' Thl' crowning eVl'nt was thO" opt'nlng

Loo",n, ','" '-h' P L, C d,'-'o'" I :�::� ��::al�ll:=r ��h=nbr���

d 1\ welal hour Saturday �\'(>nlllg Tak�

Th(' ChOIT ... ,ll bf' asststed In Its oj th(> pr�(>nL� A larKf'. oddly �hapeQ .. v ', L '�L ' 1 Ing part in the proKram ... ·111 1M' student concerts by the 'male quartet which Is pac)(ag(' was IVl'n Agnl's K!!.men of namf'� ont' sees many Inter('sting Another sister. MIM Erna


Helmdahl. reprl'stntath'es of our faIth no ..... IIt­no .... ' belllg selC'Ct{'(I Many Imitatlo.ns AmId R lrf\Jup :f eo. er �pt'ClalOrs. she thinRs A,' lit the Unh'erslty of Wash- ..... a.< maid of honor The brl!!;: .... II..� glv_ tcndlnlf UniveTStlUes of Idallo and ha\'(' b«'n rC'C(']ved by the choir and qUlckl) un ..... raplX'<l It: dlsclCl.';lng an el('. llIj1;"ton .... f' find Johnson to bto tht' mOSI en In marrtage by her father Washlngwn ilnd Washington Stllte an ('l(tenS)\'e program L� IM'lIlg plannt"ll ganl IO�' p,ano MII.�lc of the S"'�lest popular nam�·. lying in number .... ith I

I Following the ceremony, a re<:eptlon College Pr-esldenl Tl.llgle�tad and Mr Eh'es-' 10lll' "'as llrooucl'd Irom 'I, by till' JarobSOIl The ollly difference I� Ihal "'as given, ... ith over two hundred trom. f/!'ld , Sf'Cr!'tarY. art' no ..... In the proud OWnf'r to th�' gTl'al satlsfac\!Oll we find four of eilch hert' .... ·herelL� there ' guests In ilttendanc(' The parlors l'I'ere BLACK ANI) \VHITE SIG:\S routh maklllg arrang('m('nU fOT con· of ('\'f'rrone Rn' MXI\,-elght Johnson.� at th(' Ulllvl'r- decora� In }"ello ..... with bouquets of ON PARKL.AND STREETS C('n�. flllQ plalllllllg thfo lttnerar�'

Cunnlllg Teddy Be wcre prcSt'nted �n�' y('lIo .... chry5l\nthemum.� tt.nd !.all cath-, .. ,I> , " '"-� ed.ral candles on Ihe refreshment table I S'''d.,,'' " '''mJ''

n, ._ ..... p.-'and .,'''. to M!lf1e G=-I"dI�lUl;I.", Mike. and True to l'xp«:lat on. II arge num"",r I y _ . y ...... r....... '-"', n(, " " loplnt�nl ", ork Truly. A furry rabbit .... ·hlch could hop. , of names ('nd In "'son" or '"sen"' Ide- The bride attended. P L. C I!, 19:H- 1 the Chrtstm8.!l holldaYB are poor 00-

B('in� Pr('�t.nlf.d "'n..� IIwarded Anna Aamodt LarKe pt'ndlng Oil what kind of a Scandlnav- 2:; llnd "as II popular student �own to I servers If they haven t notlcf'd the nelll N, 0_' ,"n (",al,'I" r",'." barbtor-pole candy stick.. weTI' n"<:('\\'ed 11m you are' , th('n' beelnll' thirty-eight all her schOOl-mates as " Polly{' She -street signs, These slgn.�. bold In

.. altogether We !lnd thr('(' " stads"'-TIn- was the first edltor-In-chief 'of the l black and white. have been plac('{i on Dtreo:tly afll'r thp Christmas holidays

b\�:: ::1

t�:e �:�� ,,'erf' dl.<trlbull"ll ���:d;a:=;':n�;:d.


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ll'rc�:.:�: Kaaland 'j senior play

I to the Pacific Hlgh .... ay Consequenth In the IRne of thl' Fret'd "'1' meel a many old 10ng-forgotU'n .�lr('('1 namt'S




. :�:� n;����:rCc:u:�(> It::��:�; al

"':�: Tal'lor and also somt'QnO(' who ts fr('- ANNOUNCE ENGAGE l'tI EI'iT ' such as Thunnan. art' being used aKa'n

",II remain III Callfomia during th� appt'arance of thf' lunch which " .... � thf' qu�ntly Stuen bto4e our humor Is 1 AT I)RETTY LUNCH EON I Though th(' Parkland Communlt) mo.nth of January (l'IUrning home end of II. Merry Xmas-- party Moldl n i During Ihe h�lIday season a Pllrtv ! Club started thl' Idea. it remalnNI , for about January 25 WI' find Gr@SS on tile Campus arol;nd I was given by MISS Thora Olson to ill;- I thl' P. L. C. art clILSS under the dlrl'c-

Churches In all the large California GIRLS HAVE " l'LETIDE PART)" till' Vtsta. while near the Lanes ts an nounce the engagement Of Miss Inga ! lion Of Mrs. Kreidler. to do thl' actual CltJel> and those in many of thl' oul- The Vull'tldt' party ht'ld In Ih\' Da� I Erb, 8 Rose, and also Holml's I Ellingson. to Herman Schnugger of Til- • painting and lettering, Local re5ldl'nL� lying dL�trlcL� will be can\'assOO. The Room thl' day bfoforl' \'acatl0n went 0'1 In the tool-box Is II Boldt and fI Rod. i coma. Miss Ellingson attended p, L. C. shOU.ld no .... find no difficulty In dlreCr-Visit w thl' 17 churches scattered .... ·ell ",Ih II. bang . It I1IL,n'l beelt-"�Idl'd whether the ; In ]923-2".

' Ing strangers In Parkland


u�� ;:u��rt; :��� SO:���Il�I:�:I.b:O�:��'l'er::�;fll.��� gilr:: :�I:e w:�l'����le�:�chot.��=

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. ;�ORTY -EIGHT NAMES l'ran [)('I'elopment Association klddles IIgal� Mo", good!es were ' never wellr Laq' dresses. I L, C, students. ' ' ADORN BULLETIN' BOARD Latest word from D<x:t.ot TIngelstad brought than could be eaten . so th� ' Tongue-t ... isting momkers are scarce' j

LunCheon "'ILS .�erved al tH.bles !lre� -- • Is lhal although pre\'c.lence of the '"flu" cook got some ChrlstmlLS 100 i bUI ..... e submIt Dublglt. EI"Jenth. Rlk- tHy de<:ol1l.ted In Chrtstmas �rs


� Forty-eight nam�-v.·ere posted on thl: In California some .... ·hat hinders the Vernll Gano acted as toastmlstre.'<S I sheim. , Kornelllussen. Aam

ool, and I Small Christmas tr('('s formed the cen- : bulletlll board yesterday of those Wh�. work. n('vertheless they haVe! twt'n .... ·ell and sel'eral of the glrts ga\'(' short ! Xavier terple<:es "'hlle candle pl�e cards w!'rr 'I had Olle or more grade of "0" or " E"

received "'hert'ver they l'Ia,V; gonl' so' speeches and told stories. All join('(\ 'n If .... e dldn·t fell.,r Itbtol suits I)('rhaps l at each plate. \ This 15 the last w


amlng to be posted far I singing uld Christmas carols. "'e'd tell you more After the luncheon. the announce- I beforl' the final grades come out. There . .fRN-T OYEN. '27. WRITES LETTE� OF I

TilE NEW LEAF :.:n��.



lwO!.a���; :�

e t�:� ����pa:��; ::�.

to make




e came to my desk with quivering /lP" 1 were found small rt'd paper hearts Some .seem 10 forget that whether _ __ ! The lesson .... ·as done. linking the names of the engagl"d one can play on a team depends on his

The follo\l:lng is an extl1l.ct of a leIter P L C Is Situated. .. I Have you a new leaf for me. dear couple, I marlul

re<:elved by the editor from ATnt O}'en. : te:::h��:a:��y rt!te'���'e

W::'-' I I ha!:a5c���� this one !"' � I "HOW nRY I AM" RELIJI(tS A.(;.4IN ITS

'21, who recently left for California. ; Immedla.telY 1 began looking for those 1 took his leaf, all so.Iled and blotted ANCIENT POPULA.RiTY WITH "}VLE.Bl'KS" '1 might as well Info.nn you nght no .... ' I large red cedlU"S which 1 have read ' And gave him a new onl'. all unspotted.

that the conten\.'; of this letter art' not about. But my geography must hllve I Then Into his tired heart 1 smlll"d 'AIl old Norse custom WIL'5 reVived In a treat. and then went on to the next

premedlt&ted _ and consequently may I �n a very old copy because when 1 , "'00 better no.w. my Child'" ParkJand when over a score of young plRCt'. In ease their presence alone turn out to' be anythllllf from a bed- arrived In Los Angeles twenty-four I people met d.urtng the hoJld� season dldn·t prove effective. "How Dry I Am"' time story to • t.l'a.veler·s guide. What hoW'S later. no. large cedars had 00- I went � the throne. with trembling and ,,'ent "Jule-bulr.1ng." 'I'h15 old or'that portion of t!'le "'Bum Song"' Im-you are pTim&r1ly Interested in. I pre- scur-ed. my vtslon--aru.t.;" would you be- heart custom. at one UrnI' a common event ploTing a handout WM sung. This pro-sume. Is that I. after having Bpent six lleve It. l am stili lOO�ng fo.r them. I The year wu done. In Parkiand and: other pl�. proved to cedure Wlually brought forth the de-days In sunny C&llforn1a.. sWI remember Of course. thi3 Btate Is l�e and I don·t "'Have you . New. Year for me. dear be very much Of a novelty, but Its oc- &Ired resulU. that Wa.sh1ngtoD Is also a �tate In the doubt that those mons� trees wUl ! Master? ' currence waa met with enthWlWm. To,.,ard the end of the evening when union and Dot a part of Alaska. be found ,some,.,here wflhln Its border. : I have Bpolled thi3 one!" To those who have -forgotten. or who everyone had "had enough:.' the part,-At ten-thirty Thunday mornlng, t.he I wts walking the s�ts of Lo!; I He took my year, IIJI wiled and blotted have never known what "Jule-buktng"

, spent the �ma1nder of the evening at 5t.a(e on which I traveled lett Seattle �es Saturday afternoon forty-nine And illve me • new one. all IlnIlpott.ed, Is, a little explaining may be In order D&hl'�.

for Portla.nd and points south through hOW'S after leaving Seattle. The. trtp Then, Into my tired heart he smlled.: The Idea items w be, "Dress u r::ra.z;IJY All In all It WM II. suc:eeuful �vlslon � and C&llforn1a. It WU fotO WIllI very interesUna: and In..!Itrur::tlve "'00 better now, my Chlld.'" u poutble. act as c:ru:1Iy M po58lb�:-" of lhe old r::uawm. and Parltland resi-wheD we left Seattle and. the", wu Dot but e:r.cel'd.1n&'ly tiresome. -Author Unknown Consequently, &mona: the yoUlll people denU are warned to prepare for the a notloi!:able cbanie unW after we had The last four day� I have spent see- I ,.,ho met at the bome of In'De and "'Jule-buu" next Chr1stm&ll aeuon. paaaed Chehalls wbeD all of a sudeten Ina the sight5 of Lor!! Angeles. It 131 CALEN'DAR Stanley Dahl 011 the Dlcht of the Jule- Members of the "JuJe·buk" party tbe aWl brote tbrouPl and d15pl.&yed a rnJ..\y a wander city. "Beauty and. e:r.- bukln&'" party. December 71, would were : Bertha. InIP. and Anna Olaon. vaat apaDIIe of green forest with Mt. J)IUlIloo" aeema to be the watchword of January ll-Olria 'Baaket.ball game lCII.f'Ce1y have-been � membera Paullne and Sylvia�. Ida Hinder· 'l'accma in tbe �. And ... I Ita bu1lders. and tbe· dty 15 IP"OwinI: with Mount Vernon at Parkland. of the dJ.rn1Iled (?) P. L. C. student Ue. Gladys SwenJand.. Evelrn. Cella. betield th1I p1ctw'e I Ulourht of, Park"-�Y. The eUm.aUr:: c:ond1Uow are Janllll.ry 12-Ph1nDey R1dfe Lutheran body. There were gypsies. 8pan1arda. 'Clarence and Bob MOMOn. Burton. Wy-land aod a famwar quotatioo came to 1deaJ-t1Deat k1Dd of �. Today I Church team, Beattie. playa P. L. C. old ladies, m1ac:hievo\l8 little boys, foola ron:and Lyell KreIdler. Edna Brotnov. my miDd. "Wltb1D th1I ues Park •. had too folloW tbe ah&d.y I5tde of the High SChool Tn..m. at Parlr:la.nd.. in general. and numerous what-nota. Oerbard l.&De, Peter Plott, Jeaa Soine. � -:�sll:V:I� �u:: a� my beat nogardB to all." . J


, ���:: :': �be�':ct the�� ��= ==���re:='=� I







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Publl5h� every tWO';:.U dUrtn,:. th. · e �

. year Jjy the stude

.nu of �mc

Hope you ha \"e • iood Urne d.Urlna: ther..n COU •. Parkland. WlUhln(ton. ChrtatmM I =En-: .. -....... :-u-""""'-...... ,_...;·,;;".:"',;;.,;; .. ;:;:.,;;��.,;;...,�: ... -:'"' ... .,. .... ,;,� ... i"':"' • . -: ....... · .... =O::fII ... �-.-:t-:,..,=klono-::'d. J��� �:��;� �:�.

Wl$Un,toD. UDder.the Act of March 3, 1m. lab. Dr. HoU'a&yI he coulci.teU UI . �t tnt.o an ovvbul,llnl branch. killln, a --___________ :-________ January 4--Olrll; have ttl luCk at pme cleat �t the (Il,UWDI of Uquor lD fat �. whkllo wu perchlna up

EDITOIUAL 8TAtT lnaebOrr Bolnad :� .!rum


c�t� New Enaland. Hold on. tolU, don't there_ Tbe � lell to \he lfOund IRENE DAHL. Editor

Vema Gano M&rpret Holmberr £rUne .Ja.eot.en o:::,

n ::::: Inp Ooplerucl jter UlDtII are cot'I'lln$. . ='or

H�e:UEna� �IKI� h1a. 1aDd1DI upOn . rabbit with such toru

Bena JOhnson 8ylm Lanon JanUAtY 1-Have )'Ou noUeed the pret- that he twec1 It. , .

Gerhard Molden Ida H1nderlle John 90Pierud

J?n: �=�e&rS ResoluUolU 'are Jan. II, UI2e. Now, wben u.-Iun went oi'r. It klcked ChrisUne Johnson

heard of but few effect8 are noted Dear Ma and Pa: Lett _10 bard that be fell ::::�' ""'''- BUSINESS D •• UTMItNT , I should of .tarted packlna' my .u1t. 'kDock1nI a 'hole in lee to .. _" n,

�t M1chelaon Better make lIOme euier onea.. cUe two days before I went. Uke you a blI t1ah. wtUcb happened . • ... m· ClaCULATION told me to, Ma, I fottOt that tet of mini by at that DlQIDen�.

FOUR. YEAIl8 AGO AT p, L C. TIddely Wtnka you · me for Cbrb:t- eo, witH (DfI abo\, be kllle<i fin Ames Klippen ADVi.l&TISING ( YyatertOUI ablence..from cluaes � mu, like you I&1d I would.

. quall. a poue •. a rabbtt and a bll 'l� caU8ed by lce·akaUr)I in the orehard, It 'probably wouldn't han· done me wttb a BtUe more' pracUce, Lett oUlht An enterprialna Moortna Mast reporter much rood, howaoever, u nobody at the to make a prettJ rood hunter. SUnetted that cluses be held on the StaUOll ...... very .oclable and the· states I hau made a New Year', resoluUon pond. was full:to the top, �hat I wUl � Yer'J charitable In re­

Gerhard Lane

O. J. STt1EN




t was squashed In U,hlly between, p.rds to drive. ancl loans t.h1I )'ar, and The P. L. C. faculty rave a. reception what Dr. nnrelstad would Cau. pi...,· I hope you folb )laVe followed the In honor of the St. Olaf Choir, �- Inll1y plum� lad.tes. Let me tell you. t.unes and make reN)]uUons almUar to

ber 31. folks, that new style of plumpness't rulDe. Charity beJ1ns at home, says t, Tht, Mooring :\Iast wisill's to its rl,UtIl'rs, IId\"t'rlisc�s. und

tril'l}ds It ver:y happy, jlrOSp('ruus IIl'W yl'ur. Althuugh the \duml The tn�r·scholastic hlllh school de­'yf'ur marks tht' steps ill HH' proW"l'ss of this 9>up('r IIIUn', than the ba� tearru wen: selected as tolloW!! : II(,W �·('ltr, we feel tlml w(' han' just l'uJl)pll,lt'd U SUtTI,ssflll�I)('riud Martha HJermstad, Alvar Beck, Edwin

.. ·hllt It's cracked up to be When I rat I and ",hat better ..,.;, could you start the out of that bus 1 wu a. mere shJU10w New Year, than by tend.lni some Inoney oLmy former self. to your 4aUChter, a Itrun:llng atudent

.In ill(' ,Ycur UI2R. TIl(' :\Ioorin� Mast hus dUIlI' its IH.'st 10 lin' up Beck. Luetta Bvlnth, Arthur Knutzen, 10 ils llalllC and bc tl lTedit 10 Iht' schoul. Although WI' havI� sui is- and Arnt Oyen. The quesUon wu: fit'd uurselves partly, Wt' UN' 1101 whully satisfied und will strin' ··Resolved, that the Philllpines should dllrinJol 19�� 10 Jolin' our advertist'rs, N'Util'I'S, 111,1 fril'lIds helter be gn.nted their Immedillte Indepen·

A slick sophomore tried to make mat- at collese . �rs worse by saylnll, "I see you're back from t�e front, Cheroba."

··Oh, no, I'm not u thin u all that. .. 1 answered. WHAT IF' Your devoted daUlhter.


sl'n-iel'. 1'111'11 ugain, A lIappy :\I'W )"I'ur 10 YOll :\11. ..denct. He needn't try to put anythJni over L1I,l1an A, should come to cliMes wlth.-...--P on me. Besides It was side ways that l out her curls?

ONLY ONE LIFE TO LIVE ·'I.('l's ix>Rin on'r nguill:· tlow. oftell WI' liSt' or tWllr Ihat

phrase! In en'ryday uffairs WI' "flt·n ·'shlrt Ihings (lvI'r·· lind l'UII usually ·foq�('1 fornwr mishlke\ . .

Hut wilh Tillie it is difft'n'lll; WI' t'llltllul n'uIli Tillll'. Thuugh WI' may dll things (Jw'r. Ilt'Vl'rillt'll:'sS whut \\·1' ha\'I' dOIH' remains; we ('Illmot live a life uj.{uin. Lonking IHH·k lIluy hl'lp us I\void mis­takes in Ihe fulure, but luuwnlillg owr fuilllrl's is llst'less, for lilnt, /o(<X's forward. 1101 hack.

uur ��:NI1�� ��:.t�' ���rl'�YI��:\�

';' \�:,I' ��:s�� :�·e II rflll\�I


a ;:��: ahead one day in which cnll m'ver IX' IiYt"tI again, OIW tilly whoSt., Itet,cls ('annul bt· dllllt' over, on(' day on whil'h Ihe wortls ,WI' 1I11t'r l'ulinol hl' r('t'lIl1l'd, Hill' <IllY which m"�' hl' tlur Ins!.

"Yuulh Sl.'urns 11111.1 wash's tilll(' whell i l could bt, llIud" lIsl'ful. Old age saves ii, priz(,s it. wisht·s for ilion' of il wht'll il is tou lutl','· 1 It is trllt· that thl' older Wt' hl'CUIlH'. tilt' lIIort' Wt· n'u·lir.t' whut u sl'riollS thinR life is; yel 10 �\ollih lifl' sl'I'm� l'lltlll'ss, alld youlh l ilo(ures somcthing like this, ·'\Yhu l if I d" mukl' mislukl's today? \VlIltI if I don·t do my hesl '.' \\·hal if I do wlislI' lilllt"" , Then' is plt'nly of it. TOlUorrow I will /old husy,'·

TIl(' only Iruuhll' is thul for son It' p,'rSOllS tOillorruw lIl'n'r l·UllIes. I I docs SN'III qUl'l'r Ihal Ihl' things \\·l' do ill lift, IlIlist re-

CHURCH NEWS was squeezed anyway. Ted E. should chanJe hI.s cords?

10 :00 A. : .. ���!�:;n;::�'and Bible l:'::"�:' ��p�

U�} ��:y

sa::I:� Dorothy L. and Elna T. pt anrry with

class. tl'ons to the �ntrary. Belna leap Yeal' each other? 10:00 A. M.-Norse Services iii over, you might think some tirls ,Prof. Hona' should foreet to remtnd h.1J 11:00 A. M,-Engllsh Servlces. would elM up a b!,!.. Howaoever. 11 P'reshtnan CompoelUon · class that

7 :00 P. M.-Luther League. Dr, C. there·s any difference. It's only for the they weren·t hlllh 5Chool _studenlll

Quevl1 iii the speaker :I�:� �;:� �k e::::\l: ��e� :: J=ym�?wun,t wtlllhil to help the

8 :00 P. :.::����an

�n'�11 meet.<; ;nterta1nlhll hlm at thell\.l).omes dur- ...::e:,f��:: to be prim?

with P. O. Benrud. In�:aC:h��n.


pnlCUclnll �e 'Same as oeOree L. didn't tum poUUc1an? 8�: t�� M�I!:e�:nX::�:�

uU:y m:: UlUal. They are rain&" to II\na" without Dorothy E. should fO!'f'!t to sm1Je?

Krledler and Mrs. Ludvlll Larson. mualf this year, but IIOme has st&rt.ed 8111 N. should make an �ppeannoe

WedlieKay. Jan .... ry '9. too early to alni tha, ",ay. with a Ue on? 2:00 P. M.-Ladles Aid meet! In The grealellt triumph which has been Oarry L. ahould foreet. h.1J ·'lIne." �::�: ::::: .. Mrs. B. B1nl&nd lind :=;�:�ng�

hls.:.un: �:k ��i· ��� "I'UI the sonil you IinII and the smiles

Mrs. T. O. BVIln: entertain pen went down to Spanaway Lake, e&r- you 1IIRr that's maklni' the sun thine

1�!�:.::���.nnual meeting of the :���r =


e :!:��: I ·;:�=""=h=.�=.====:::==:; Thunday, January 10. No hawk& were In slllht but on a IOIJ In

1 ��u�

, ��

t= Reheat:S&1. �� view ",ere five quales sltUnll In a

Satllr'Uy, January 1%, 10:00 A. M . ......aa.turdlly School

We Appreciate Your Patronage

Rosso's Garage ::}�! �')� \;!Ir�: IIW:;� ���:I '1'1 ��;��I1�\,�:t �;� �\�t�·(' \�.:: �;�:I ill::� 1;; I �t�:;s��.�· �1\1Il1\1� � �

half done! Coa;u'lrmaUon Class

He took ca�ful aim and shot stn.lght ttlroullh every one 01 the quale!!. The bullet struck the Ice and bounced. up Madison 107-R-1 �======; pr�:�;



tlll���,l�;�'(�. ;�'��:):��:·';:I ����' I::·ililo 1::�:;l�,l�;S�:��;s;I�;.I.

1 I�:�I\': ,llii":=.lO A::' =M:;:.-J�



'=C:::h;:;oI:;' =:"'�


't I I hesl is nmw lOti Joltl(MI'· surely 1101 lou goml In do during II life �::::d"';::''''= f�-:::­whit'h is too shorl unywuy. II lifl' Ihul t'UllIwl he dOll{' IIguin.

• A MOUNT AIN TRIP OR NOT? Neal E. Thorsen

Hair Goocb, Ibtr Dyes. TOIipHS, WIp, ......

Tobacco .. Cigan and Cand.ies. Magazines. Papers

Thoralf L. Pedenen 807 Pacl!lc Avenue Tacoma. Wash . . 9'U� Bro.d .. y � . .. :: ftbin 3111 A f('w yt'ars ugo wus bt'gun �n en'nl which becallIe u P I.. C

I rtttiition - t1l(' anlllll1l :\iollnlain Trip. Fur \·urious r('usulls Ihis �Mfinttft"PIl was omitted las! ycnr; 10 say il wus missed would lx' puttill� thin�s Phone MaIn 2810 �. WJ��L._ IllUdl�·. And, after all, what ·could 1)(' mort' fitting offsel of tht' tnt. dreadNI semesler eXllms than a brief holiday in the playground Dr. H. L. Monzingo .of tilt' ":'\Inuntain thai was God." Aftcr nights of cramming (for DENTI.S�


SOlnl') Ilnd..days of 1lt·r'\'OUS tension a few hours in u land of snow Bulte 1114 Puget Bound Bank Bldg ... -.,- .. __ _ provid� wekonl(' chance for compll·te dlUllgC .and relaxutiull. I ;==T�A�CO�MA�. W�AB�HINl�:O:TO=N=

:;: Ir-;;:-;;:-::;���::·�-:;:�11! Sentiml'rli among the st udenls S('ellls 10 fuvor Ihe mountain Irip. but there remai!ls til(' making of arranRellll'nts. If the stu. Tbe HOaM: of Z Pant. San. dents reallv desire to go to the Mountain this vcanl i!l not 100 earlv '" bc�ill pions at once. . - .


JETLAND.\ PALAGRU'j!J 1112 Pac. Ave Tacoma, Wuh.

California Floris .. c.& Flower., POUed Plaat. 11111 Pae1ftc Ave. Ta.8oma

TabeU', Tamale Place

Main 3233-923 Pacific Ave,

Chili and Tamales that are

different�'8 Tamale Parlor De Luxe

The ncw year marks a milestone in Ihe race of humanity to l'ertaill goaJs. Each one of us strivcs toward something differcnt. al leasl in a different way,

Developing and


In at l�' ''''5 America; Plumbing & SteamSupply Co • . Wboleale

Phullblng. Slam ..,d MID Sapplieo Phonc Main 1707 1908-10 Pacific Avenue

The beginning 'of the ncw year is the tilllC�hen almos·t e"\o-ery· ol1e makes resolutions. Some are foolish an Illade foolishly, while olhcrs are serious and are made seriously, Some try to live lip to their resolutions and succeed, but as a gcn al rule resolu-tions are hrokeo sooo after they a,re made. This all depends I ;����::����=� '::;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;��;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;� /"'.. upon the individual's will· pOwec. _ iii' When a person looks back upon his past course, he can usual- rou..ow TII& . GOLDKN aGAD TO KTI'D Iy see his weak spots �d ... so forms his resolutions to strengthen them, 'Whether those resolutions are kept enfu:ely or not, they I;1sually help the ones wtio have strong enough will power to try to live ·up to them, and.; sopner or �ter, put difficulties will De overcome. -

SUdte<t,aa. S"" __ weD BaJIo .. d llb ... . W�WeIIe eo..IO .




DAVis' Ne ... Loeatloft 942 Pacific Ave .




Impressive �. ctory I Sumner Defeats " I ' ' Wh=� , ...; .. ' I Tide CIoan/Je. For " ! MOUNT VERNON



For Gladi tor In ' Girls' Team 69-21 :-: oops. :-: F;n, Teom Girl., I DOUBLE·HEADER FRIDAY

Season's ' �·rst TiIt ( AJI � d �- Pta I f ";';��;�e;-";:e;n!�;:=-�:: 8howinr aome �velMnt o�r lut bo�·�e��e� ��: v


, , -- ._ . I Oth��U;eam ;hoWIi U � ;::c:k 0 the lack Of, pracUce and tr&1I1lnc �ea Friday', 'Pl-.JinI. the rUb' buket.b&u here P'r:Iday niCht. January 11. at 7:30. ZS (0 17 Store OverJPu�l Sound Of P U Hi It of tl� (11'1 1 buketb&ll team. but .c- team vtctond OftI' the Plte hlah school A return IUM .� Mount Vernon 11111 Rnenq On Saturday Night; · ... L

':t�C:er�� GI�18 ers cori1tnr to M1u 8UJ:rud we ahall have c1rlll wt� • MlO!"f! of n 1.0 n. be arranced for Iate� Good Offen. of P. L. C. __ lelsure and late hO\llll no Ionrn, for surr ()ppOI.IUon and deteDlt .... In 'I1Ua II one. of the conference pmH.

Counts Very Much : Experlence and too fast pl.yin, were � to have a lUff ,'pr&Cuce -evet'J evidence on boUt 1kHII. All throu,h Lut ,... the,(irla·-t,eam beat th!rri. and

Leadlni by ... c�:: 5-ht hail Utne 1 responalble for lbe litis' decb1� de� the �::��:,:u:.��oeeth:��� �; ::;e w:.�8ome -:rm-=\:: :U:r-b d:;:

. r; =�:;� th

oee the PI.clftc Luthen.n five openecf' u� I reat by the Sumner h1,h �h<)()1 team, . __ ent. were expertenced when. In the lut ,. . with an Invtnclble offenllive butet ,at. l l"rItlay. JIUl. 4, at Sumner, The tlnaI Ate we ItIlnr to beat Mount -Vernon? q�r., the nre '\earn's soor-e climbed. . WO.L� 800K I� 0000 tack In the second half wh1ch enabled score Wq 8O-2L � Yeal Do! t(I! t'lrO potn!08 Oftr· the Pukland'a. but A· ....... n from the QuarTle to defHt the Colleee of �t I The Winnen played excellent "'ket- Emma K&&l&nd'i. lhooUns _y� the u.: Semce wu It Pukland dunn, the SOund Reilen'e. :18·17 Saturday evtnlns i ball and the forwards were able to case We have one oonaolaUon trmt1 the da

.y .by putUns In two bukets. I �t week. • He wu introductn, the

In the Pu6et Sound IlYtnnulum. The baaketa from any 1Ul,1,. AIU\ou,b In. �_umner rame. We kept them from set- I The Il.nt!up: . o.-Id encyclopedia lienee; !OI' game ... the tint conlenmce pmtt ! experienced and with but «ry little 1nlf a '70 INventy) acori. f'at-tdaftC inl tSf) rUe

teache.n.and the �ool child. 8eVera) :�:·'I�n�I:�r;�th':e';'�t con�st for . pracUce the P. L. C. rtrla neyer qUit . --' P. LlrtOn tl'7) P' 11$1 L Smart ��y

t'::eli�e:td��':��r e;::

ht: . I tI,hUn, althou,h the odda were aplJUlt We ,Would surely love to play bUket· E. �and t UI) r 11'7) H. Cue apedal � oUe� for persona buytn,

. The ,am, was bltterl)' contested the [.them. . balUlke that snappy freshman fonvard 1 E. Lofth� JC D. Ruuell l �Ii:a throu,h �he normal school de.

f,I��lf. Pu�t SOund sank a shot The Ilrl.!! that went to 8


umner were l at 8umner. Some �f the lirls Ilready M. Oardlln SC E. !"ox I �ent. ' a j.ld , q.w.verted a free throw early In the Martha Cline. Eva Knutaen. Marie have hopes and uplratlons. E. Knutaen 0 P Kuromato _________ � __ {rrst quarter. Nyman, on a beautiful OardUr.. Eleanor Loftus, PaUllne t.r' l -- M. Cline 0 0

P\!I'1'Y I 'dnbble In" shot. scored the on!,y Pa· 'I son. Emma Kaaland. Dorothy Ebersole. ' Bein, beaten by an overwhelmlnl 8ubsUtutes for ParllJand: E. Croaby. 8te1n_y and other pianoa, Duo Art

tlflc counter. The next quarter wu a Eugenia Crosby. Margaret H�rnbef'll" score wasn't enoulh excitement for the M. Holmberc. D. Ebersole 141. and O. Reproducllll P1anoI. Vletrolu and continuation of cl� checkhTg and lit· 1 and MI5S 8tlxrud the girl.!! coacl\. buJi:etba.l1 playen 110 one of the 8ydow P':Ife M Correll A Beamon II Vietor R.eeon1a. 'Band and orches!.ra ti", shooting I autolS smashed Into another to secure a.nd J Whitworth InItrumegta. 8heet "'uaJc and "'uaJe

The second halt opt'n«l with the I ' B k b II some ot the 1000t by the deleat Boob. Radio Bel.!! and AcceMOrta

Gladlatof3 appeanng to have tdt their .. eague as el a -- �_ _ ....... _. _. _ .. stride on the stran,e floor. Their of- : Tournament Plan!!! Anyhow. len all hope we· may lose Brookdale C h fenstvC' playln, '4'&3 too much for th� I Are Made hy Coach l our ,1Une. with the same IlJnd of smUe a. Puget Bound defense and they ----t. 'l as we win them with. I .. Market \I.ere unable to foUo�' Ihe pace scot b}" 1 Plans are now beln,' mad", for a Luth. _ . AU meats state and ,overnment

Shermantl:,lY & CO. �.30 Broadway Main tH

Tacoma. Washlncton "' the LUth�

rans. The entire team played I' er League buketball tournament to bel

TRAINING RULES GIVEN M':=� 1 Impresshe tt..ll for an early season pLayed at �lfIc Lutheran Colle,e Fe}:!. -- • ••• -........ -=-= == I game. w1th Sanderson and Howlck hav'[

22 and 23. Coach Ramstad announce. Olrl!! Mut Forqo Sweew And Eat.. . �=========� jng an ed� In the point column_ Pur- that !nvltatloJUI are being sent to the , SI�p, Exerebe Oood ' 0 I \·�s. �t Sound guard. ended the con· church It'ama In Wuh1n�n and Ore· I There were many �xclamatlona of DAHL GROCERY CO.

Ii ::���� a Ihrllling shot as th� whistle J iOn. and that the tournament will be a I approval on the part of the basketball GenenJ Men:baMbe I � I play-off to- determlne both the dus A gl.rls when Miss SUxrud announced that Phone Mad. 181sR!' PaTltland UneuP3: II.�� clllllS B champIons. As a maln I hereatur there would be n!"IUIar traln-

Sandef30n ( I I I F Brady _event on both nl,hts the Pac.llie Luth· In, rules. The r011owlf18" rules 'N111 be QuJrty -.n4, Senl«

Coltum 1$) Bowler eran varsity qUintet 'N111 met't the duly executed by the girta: �---------Carlson (21 Booth strong Spokane Collese five. I I. In bed by 10:30 .t five nl,hl.!! ",._-:-_'--______ � ::�: ::: I � .

=� Basketball enthuslatlts will be prO- I a week.

SUbetitutes: P. L. C.-GardUn IP) :!e:en:�th


:�� ::n

:a�t;:; I �: =1:::S'N1�blUl':::":O;:n�


Krledler. C. P. 8.--.LePenake ( S I . Pur. met'tlI either the Mount vemo;f1 Juruor 4. Three meala dally. \15 12 1 . Leath@Mllood 121. Colleil! or ODe ot th� Tacoma dty �. Ve,etable. dally. (ITet'n)

BeUer PrtnUA, Keystone Printing ·Co .. Inc. ..... .", 71t 1"aeltkl .. he



�tlng betwet'n meals. (except _--____ "--_-'--' 11

7. Very little candy or other ;Wftta. � �

LIEN & SELVIG The gum che'41ng human And the eud chewing CQ';l1 Ate somewhat al1te

8. r::a �:�/han one cup of coltet' or iUTrER-Mu'T' 1 9_ At least four ,lasses of water d& BREAD I BINYON OPTICAL CO. i :: �! a:�2t ':WI:rn: :�: ':.:: ' ( A:O�':: r.· ... �.�:..) ' I � :::::'/1421. Importers of Norwegian

Cod Lh'er Oil

y",t different, somehow The difference? Oh. yes.

I If possible) I '��=��������==:::::===::==� 12. Don't worry. 1 1 I "Any. litl who dl.aobeys these rules will not be allowed on the team ';'heth. er abe Ia needed or not," wu a further

I M'I!!'lt now It·s the thoughtful look On the taC(! of the cow. Cor_ Tacoma Avenue & 1 1th St

Tacoma. Wash. I -Prances 81mon Record. announcement made by the girla' COII;h.

Free DeU.ery I The sky Is cheerful when It la, th� KnEJDLER BOYS ENTERT .... IN blul!.!!t, but It ls not so 'N1th m&Il

Telephone � 5900 KARL A. ANDERSON




. Call Mr. Lyons .


PACIFIC LUTHERAN CO� Co-E�n-lhry,and &ardiRIJ School




SecoM s'.�r:� J-'ary 28, J929 ' . , ' , ' . "'ri;;/:;'I�f��ri . ," '-if .

ALMOND ROCA ..... MERIC ... ,) R


MBeeA RB8"fAURAN"f Open All Night

TRY OUR ANNEX 13th & Commerce

FOUNTAIN LUNCD8. SOD .... S. SUl'tO.U:S It Pa". to Look WeD. Patroabe U .... &bepI Parkl�d Conf""tionery & Barber Shop

, P atr()fliz(L;

�ooring '�ast Jdvertisers

· 1



Mnn d S , Many Are th� I, <Alumni N...ews Maybe Our "Prof." "Vrya wen I - ReooluliOno For . ....,. _'''0 .... .... ..." ,_ Are Ab&enl.Mincled :-: Facully N,ews fLU'P'I' NBW TUil - 1 New Year of i29 to the Kappa Delta SorotIt,. · ... t the

-----=---'----ChrUtmu and New YfS,f �med to _0 _ • w� state CoIl._ � )'OU neT' bMr � OM about the Dw'tJlI . chrtawu. Doctor and Mn have a t.d �tre<:t qn the (iris., I When, in the eourse of human eventl. '

absent-minded p:ot .... , Or pemap. 0: A. T\npIatad 'vlI\WId with·f'�

Jud(lnf from IF lut wtoelL • fair New Year rolla to OW' door. It be- ' Muriel Vet� . • 'lOOml � In you. do DOt bdIn'e i:u-otMMln haft fin 8U� o 0 come. necaaary to make pmpe:r and 1&-)5, Is at her home In BanItOl'. laPM'S ln memOf1-ai. leut.we kDo.. the MiMi CI&n w.yble apent the Ctirtst·

Did tMy ha fun at thl!'lr part}'�J (!tUnc rMOl�t1ona' and declare the WUhincton- '"prof ... uwm.eI .... wW DOt admit lL mu �tkIn at. her home In 8eattll' Yea 001 J'8,S()ru which have lII!-pelled us to mate The I_tell It. h . at '" 1'!ew Yec.r'I. Part)' ttven by Mn -- 1 e&ch and every 'resolution. Hence. we AUred 8&m.uelson. "2 •• 1a employed as U( ioc:alIJ' enJoyed KrtecUer . .... bel4 in the rita' r�l'I)'

No one came b&ck marrtC'd. d!\'OI'Qtd" of the Loyal Le(1on of P .. L. C. reeoh'e aclence teacher and .. �eUe coach at th� npenle of .. "reoccupied pedaI'OIUl'1 lion room. Tbe faculty members lind

enpced. or d�: so maybe the nb I that . the hlih school in Bern!.. Oreaoll. was fwnJ,ahtd by none other than one frtendi wen·the IUlIlI. can't be klcked � ! ,I.. ' The Moorlnl Ji,!"ast Party become Ted Stensland�rmer student,

t.s of, our own leaden In leartl1nl. I aq. and ·Mn. 0: J. Stuen had as

It'll tate a lona l1me for the ba.5.ket. 11 a reallty In the early parto of lIil:ti. and athleUe coach at the hllh school In We '-;II mo1J that Oil Thund.aya: 1Ife (JUelta tor a He1J Yean dinner, Mr. Knd ball ctTb to Iftl over that " measly" lit. Reuons-lt win promote the sene!J.l Weatport, Oreaon. do not pUler In. the chApel for the us· M.n, � B. Ha�, and Mr. and Mr5

tie ··2t:· I start the ball rollin&" for social events. . . ual seaton. Lout Thuraclay one. of our Ludnr l.6non.

Befon It wu twenty more 5hoPPins l ::-;rn:��:y -;t�ln;; ::::u: � t.s =��:. :el��:�:n I�o=��' faculty ltarted. l.oyaUl to1J&rd the lit· .:

t=�;::'i.!::� ���r days before xmas. Now It t.s twenty ! contt'llt. __ Ue butldlfll to the north WIth ll� all and Kra. O. A. ' and. Mr. and.

more ItUdy days before fln1sh txamS. 1 2. All Freshmen sho; more av,'e and Mr. Norman Lanslow, .1ccompanl� �::::: :kth�::e=:b�� -= )(n. O. J. Stuen u IUt'lIt4 at a dInner

No more ttn:� In the da!Aoorn. respect tor thdr luperlor e1uamen


' the I by h1I WUe. formerly Anelle Dahl. · I party. __ SOphomores. t.s In Ne1J York on buslneY. .day by the total abeenee of l?lom1nrl An entert&lll1iumt. in honor of the

Ta! Tal You'U hear from tht.s column __ devoUonal aen1ces. . 1Jeddfnt: anniveraartt'll of Mr. and Mrs apin ntllOt seme.;�r. . '. Reason: Rnpect to elden 1.1 i be· Marian Aalbu; a Iludent here Lut . It ever a penon "'or:e a "1Iheej)1ah- .J: O. X&tder,. and. Mr. and M�. W. J .. tOmlnr cload. for the )'Qunl· ynr. I.!i livin, with her parenta In St. artn. · our estet'mt'd te&cher eert& P'rMd . .... enjo� by faculty m",m· Not mt,hty dtotds make up the .sun of 3. Sophomores .adhere more �trlctl) atUe. Where .she t.s attendln, high dl.!ipl&yed. a " muttony" upect, as be I ben and trlenda at the home (If the

happlnes.s belo.,: to gum chewing reru1aUons. I school. ImmeclJately ret.r"aeed hlI It.epe t.ow:anl �rier"" a.fUr'day ",venllll', Dt:eember But little acta of klndnes.s which anyone Rea.sons: It Will prevent the n�ty __ the-Itudent·meeUni room. evadlq: fair 211

may .show. of WOrkinl overUme and of attting JI Tornld NeLson. a fonn",r student. I.!i P. 1.. C: oo-Ms. ra\bend In the daJt"ocnrj' �r. and Mn.. .R&mItad and famlh' ,==========:::; I bad tJOampl", for the-Freshmen. "ttenrtlns the University of Wuhlnl- and who had .wit.nes&eij the lone pU· I�nt Chrlattnaa 'eve In Bothell .. 1th 4. All mlnon be In bed when .lIght.."' ton. artmaae to t.he chapel and were wa.I� Mn. KYlndlQl. M.n. Ramatad'l mother

Friendship & Bir.thday Mottos Hamilton Studios

w1nk. tJOCt'.pt for 5pedal .�tons w1th " merry ha·ha!"·. Three 1U",-Je5. Chrlstmu day th�y were In Beattlt' Reason: Nature's grea�t beau�y ald MIM Emmeline Quam. '21. wu mar· wha wu It? 1PI1th M.n. Burkes, Ramstad's sil;·

is sleep. ned to Bernar K1rkebo. a former stu· :i: BIJser and better ber-rdll be rtl.1st'd dent, Saturday. Deeember 29. I am con�nt, I do not care. by younl men of the coll�. ji��iiiiii� Re&SOns: Too numerous. but Insl"n1- Miss Amund..son. a teacher at P. 1.. C

� � tlcant. to menUon. ' In 1927 I.!i attendlng Mfttropolil:'"ll Bus· r: � JIiii� ;Y1'rt¥,tttlj; Ines.s Collele In 6eatUe. _ ------ 6. f'aculty tnembers remain Just a..'I 1 0

W.,. as It will, the world for me When lusa and fret waa an my fare

ft ,ot no around that I could see 80 when away my ca.r1n1 went

1 Mi. and Mn. Xuler and family sll""nl Chrl.!itmas with Mr. and MrI. Qeori(e j Fisher of Tacoma. Chrlatmu day the)" 1 vWted. Mr. an� Mrs. John Tenwlet In Aberdeen. , I counted cost and WL'I content.

-BYJ"O:n Cr. Skattebol and fapl..lly VI.!iIt.e9.� Complllll(,lIts of they are. •

Parkland Shoe Shop Reason : �t well enoulh alone. Weary Crib Find. � the Xavler's jU3t before Chrtalnlll.s 6 =<')1 • Chemical Study

�;:; i SU:, ::Jirif"'¥ � 1!r:AgenCY The oeneral F1reproonn' Coj "uick Way Out I: I PARKLAND GARAGE 11' i Plllns ALLSTEEL Equlpment __ I J. F. Visell Company The wt'&r"Y reporter hAd a column to Dr. R. A. Hedberg IknUd .blo Repair • I Phone M..a1n 2870 tI09 1·2 Pt.c1Uc·Ave fUi His mlnd ..... M a Jumble of words

The Student." do say I , TACOMA WASHINGTON The dlcUolllLr)" Ab' Theres a clue I

they have neve! been D 8OOKS£LLER�T"nONEas �� ssas;e :� :��J:� friend Webster

804.� �delJty Bldi. r, .... ou. aNI,A�ries ���I! 'o Co �� ! in Tacoma unless they

have eaten at

Car{Yle'. Cafeteria

Turnlnl the paces with a "'eary hand Phonl' Main 14M FLOWERS FOR EVERY -foe the day's work hAd been hard-and OfCASION 1011l--6OlUe words supested themsel. Dr. Archie G. Hicks HAYDEN·WATSON, ves;_apprehension. thorouah. herd. cry- Rust B?::�� Floor FLORISTS lni(. swell. accouplement, ;abyrtnth. 11th at Pt.c:1flc Ave.

Wa..'I there ever such a mess! It ha.s to

I qj.� Watch" and Diamonds





A�,� •. ��




n�'OO� l


on. bale,


chlorlde! �;;;;Tacom;;;;':' �w:u:_;:�;;= . I��=;�����:� .1 1

EMILY Permanent Wavtna



:�n�:�. to be done. 50 Clini( the ...... p�·e8Cription' Opucal Co.




DAVIES Finser Wav1ns What a chance for a Iftnlus--but how Phone Maln 71� 40'7 Rust Bldi· 11th St. at Padfie Ave .


I �':.PE Mar::a� h-.;:r �h::��::�

OIVed: &:� =�:!,::� Nut 'door to Brotherhook Bank

II 618 =��ldg. " Wlth the greatest apprehension I

I ;;;:

A:O ':

0 :,



::::Tacoma:::: 1 0:;:::::"""':::':' :








::� I�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�I atated my6tlf at the trusty typewriter. - ... -_.

I Intended to do a very thorou,h Job m


1 th1l Um'" and .. in everluting creclJl Brighten up the home wiih I I I l1li... Mnt 49 � !I�,I Watch :e:���!.':pecialty =n�0:;�":�:�!':'��n:':h� :: « few flowen 0' a nkc FC�':� '


i:::�:"::d"::U�'t!:':;':'d��:\:::i tft:�e�eIO=

l oO���e

aJ�:::;: :; ���::�:)�}:::'n::\:::'� T&ccwna. Wash.

J 0 h S 0 C 0 [I thousht&. \ WU that a c.hIId cry1.n11 thin" portrajt .. c-merdal • leI, o_pn •• -, . X I guess It was only the F1annlpn'l & PbM.a.cnpba"

,� youngest In the nat below. Inere. I Seamoru Flower I The Northwest rot mys.eU ml..l:ed a.pJ.n.-now· the boA Shop' ��nee: 1112" Pt.c1f1e·Ave: and

- e Conn CO. w1JI can me. Oe.e. this'lI be a lwell ltory If I knOW. my onions.) 9th & Broadway 1111\;, eomme�. 8t. I

II HuNew Conn Alto "The accouplement of the ,acta ' i:::::::::::�::::::::::::

Saxophone. heard and learned In ·th.Lll hour of I in Cue for $121.50 mlsery, I am In a labyrtnth ot unknown th1np and 1mqes. Neutra.llzatJon-

Ask us about our conven1ent tel"Dlll bale I I dve- up]" PARKLAND LIGHT & WATER CO. 20"1 SOuth 8th St. And he sW&l.lowed 50me nllrOli:en· A niutual company-Organized 19].1 Phone Ma.ln Se82 chiorlde-poor reporter. 726 ptJ<j'" ifwnllt . . TtMoma I a�;;;;;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;��:::!::::::� I Fbrnl.he. Water. Light and Power to Member. Onl), KEEP ME WORTHY water .miaimum·61

.peI' Ip.onth Inelading

.too cu. Ct, watel

== == However humble my path may be. Or lowly the tra1la I have trod. . W furnished to P. �. C.


There', a chU!1 that buts III faith In ... ; I-�or furlher information apply to E. B. oELLINGSTON.


Mgr. Sunday Dinaer SOC Rot Lanch DaJly 35c

Tbere', a dot that th1nD I am God. Lord, keep me. 1I" ji:::::�::::::::::::::�::� """"""" ;==::===::=::==:::=�::====::=:1 1m"d. keep me 'dean and humble and

\ Let i. be caae In the a1p.t of the ctor. The Store ..... � .....,. """!' In .... !"" '" fIfI

Or CbI wide cleIr � of the eb1I4: For ::y: �nd , . . .

o· pa!��t�ve, Tbe _� 01 a wt� p1ef. When a dot ..w moum lor III fallen God 0 •

L;;;:;:;:::;=SOC;;=IE':;I.':;BIlAND===C;LOTB:;:;B8;::;' :;:;:;:;; ·ADd ... cbUcl for·li. loA be1iet. I P&TaONUZ" JIOOUl(O 1U.8T

..,} ,&DYD'DIDIJ . ' . , ' ., . " .

WASHINGTON ' 1IAJlDW ARE 0 CO. o S� AIIokIk. �. , . at ft.dhc ....... .-----T-.,.. MaID _

� WMh.



:"I •.

S -o..&'\<, !

L'llTBERAN BRdrm:RitOOD 1254 i1cxDI ... ��) .' MiDD.



l :� I I l

I 1 / � I j I I 1

I . ,

t 1 PA,OI: 2: PACIFIC L11l!!",! OOlLma. .PAAItL&ND, WA8IIIJrfOTOIf . TBE .ooa'�9: "A,.:r � DailY�� I §.;:;E!��:� ', ' e ". \ r � ..IaD\Ial"J ,100A tJraWnc IPIlI arwO · 1'bAI ... .... 1MP ror __ rtM -\ - the butril:IeU ram-. � CIab, .D. CIllo or' ....... · ... .. - ;W - dw"hun -o R.. 8oeIeU . .and otber . .... .. .... .. � ... and . #- . . � neDti of two � dap. , t_ fOr .-- ...... � " .... Pu� t:ftl7 twO durtuc tbr � ,..r'b7' the Itudent.s or PaCI�lc Jariu...,. II-Dtleptes lean: fOl" &po- AIrtft.'1 u.l .. ..... we ... 't for.

couere. Partla�. Wu.hi.ftltOn. , ' . kane. jab.., ... -. ...... bM- . Naa7 ..... about tlJne 8ubK:rtpttOO, ODe dollar � year. . ' Ja: �� .. t 1n)I'1i: after an u- DN.r ... "and Pa: . ' CD t.bII InbL ...,. ._ in .. while ,Enteftld u secood elUI 1da&Wr. <k\Ober 2. -1125, at the P.olt OWce at Pukl&ncl. JllllutJ· II _ 0rf0I0n1&na d18co� What cSo')'OU think of a.ob&, .... VW1 cbUWI It .. hOIW or 10.

______ w_-....:.� . . �---... ;.,. � .. ;..'-"'.....;, ....... -_...;'.-l-m-.----- I · dl.ll1Dc WUltrated ledur, at chapel. eh? 1 au� rou are all Ured ,*,' _ I :\hIt JIIIf'I! f� ": �t

� We," been IUIP8CUnI uw,t lbeft are \btl, "me II\u1Dc haDdI · Wlt.b � \lIM. CIDOI &ad bIt,�. We . 1. 1

DITO&IAL 'TAl' � " n1gen in our WOIXI pUe for ...,. which cwa,ratWa_ J'OIl OlIo "'filii' • ha,e ctdOqO�-1REIQ: DAHL, Editor Man1n Howie1i: � Bolstad Ume Now, at lut we haft proof daUllhm whJch .... btl' pIcWN oa tbt MNeft1' .aIDd. l .ud r-.l Qukll t Vema Oano IJrorothy EWnole tnp 00p&m,ad. J.J\W'1 If......ChOtr member. take PIC_ \ back .,... of t.he � � doa't wu, tbld... r" rNd too � Rolmbert 8ena JobNon 8rh1a � ture lQ full �Ua "00 try to look To &eU tIM wuth, 1 di& DD& � to much about tbt at ume ChkaIo

Erline :::: Nolden I� Hlndfflle ChrbUneJ�lmxI J.:��trII Pl'tl*t � .. :od:eUyptc�unltoId"� ;:...:;:. i': !�� ���tw:t

BUIJlNU8 DUQUIBN'T III Ot.oa � buUdinI of 'd..tlMtllC pr that I W'U -'fIDe. ON!' \hL. ... � .a&H: wu fut. � Mkbtllon. � I...,., " 1\ .-tII be pm.UeT when It COWII ' e�. Th1a .rc- to prori. honortet ISpokaDe .. .. fIDe toWri but )'OU haft "Ct&cuunON b&ck," Ia ilia derIDe, -.nd he c:&lInl,. \hIi{ )'Ou can't Utp . aood ..aII. 1towa. to _-.cb � ....,. W. bad bani, PtnY Harvel' cooUn". bill wwL Aa Poe .,.., U. a.d pubUc will b�t ... off U. � wbiID � DM'h JUI\lUY · t ....... WhoopeeI We won boUt In· the fOl"'St to nrid J'OU if "., CUl .tanld to ."''' to .. .ad ,..u. --ru&, .- �I - make , • . rood IDOUIe-tnp • . � I _ iuI." w� Ia. P'reDeb. I .... tor

TYPING E'ftl1D.8olum

FACULn AJ)VlSD8 JUlUUJ" I�We U/,.qree with Irene, '"' the, WUJ 1f � m)oe are .. Udck "Wint • ride,'" ' .

that the boia &lftl't ., Now .. _ .. they ant In the dorm. 801M' 01 ebIIII I looked at U- coWlJ CbetftI • _,. . tbOUIht the, were. The Noorina la too thick to be 'Quabt OIl • 0I'dIDarJ uw. lD 1M ........... out t.Mre1

N� party proY'ed lhIa to UI btyond t"p. · . aDd' Mkl. "IIft.. &nkoer .. DOt as· O. J. 8'l't.f&lr( N, J, HONO .',doubt. We�1. .. the Ledpr hu proclaimed loW bIIIr liN to rio I'Idlac with 1Itrint-JanU&f}' 21-00" th1&;· &nOW n:f�. to the world, )'OW' dauc:btcr left f. 'era, M n-, Joobd � I MlPPOW CHRlST.IAN FELLOWSHIP . lni' Dpecl&ll, ..-hen you �t It dcnm [Spokane on F'r1d!,. ewn1nr, J . to .. ,uwJrrtth Anyonl' aUl'nding th(' rt"Cent !\orthwe�t Lutheran St�ll'llt�' your bIet, . 11. We wmt OD . re&1 .weB tntn. ",Ub i . fOOCl . 'Up, ...,,;.iDon:, Conference held in Spokane would haw h"'('11 imll1l''tiint(' . im· JanU&Z'f 22-HUJTayl TM hal had h1&; MaroN uw:l � aod u. .llU. Tbe coo..a. .... . baI NCOeII. It I'rt'wrl b" the 8pirit of friendlille!l.."1 and fl'lIow!ihill �CI prt'c h mill- "00f"dI" deanecl. We dkln't n:cotnllill Both W'U black uw:l IOI't oC' dUfa:-L .. comlnl to 8MtU. un& )wr, .. 1\k.h 1\111 al aU gatherings. · ! tum In h'- .u.nce .tUrt. I IUppoM the)' had. been .rfee1ed bJ wW b! • tood p&.oe fot J'OU to OCI:M' 1 .. ��l��e:�I-:g �


f:��; I�

l! t�:�i��e,l��ldl;;:�l:����

lr��Ud� tAJumn; 'N.,ews the

Aa �� Ule OrMt UIed to .. " to ac':e �� JI oomint to Iy altllude on Ihe part of e\"cl')ouc \\01lld h(' hHrti lu flll,d 1111)- iuchard J�n, '23, I. emPloyed .• t "'n'aV'e1 la an tducaUoa In ItlleU," I p, L,

· C. ln the lMU'/ fUtunl, 1lnd you '�'ht;re. The obS('r\'er \\:ould ha.,',c Ihou�lt he W

�.!l lllt('II(hnM· Ihl' the Pan.American 0 .. 8�U�n wonder If he wu t.rytnc to 10 to IIeep bad beUer IiIIDd me\ ..... caplC&! ..

... flfhC��h':t




m.r;.�� t�:c�' �,�o�:I.My��u�!�eilCople. �ta Barbua. . -.. -.,. -: �=' �:!e� I!. 11 •• !: � that I can be �� wbm" tbe)'

Ihey wcre all students., and most of thcm wcre of "northern M:r. uw:l Nn. Tec1 t.undeen, both .w1u1 PQOf' plabe to IIeep In, �. Your famoul daUlft,t.tT, .,.--; b1oo4.': ��I Ihese same c,onditi,?ns h8\'e 1M"C1l found true ?f other .tUdenw In lnt-InG, IU'e llvln&' In I .tatted to WOITJ I"IIht .wa,. wbeD 0ber'0IIa. �athenngs whe� an enlll�cly different atmOSI)hcre I,re\"atled: Chinook. WUh1ncton, where Nr, Lun- I $a.W !.he J)OI1eT crank up thoee bertbI P 8 I IUppoM JOII DOtIoed \bat alJ The secrel. II !'Ie('ms, IS that they 'wcrt' all uf Ihe Munl' fOllh - 'deen Ia tmployed In the In- �Iet. c1rop llke the,. W'U bcK � . t to U..aamIc IU1p in '011 disciples of the same Master. Jesus Christ. And alllong no dUltrJ'. If' IboQJd drop up u:;,;;:: � editor lh&t W'U other �I� does !uch a sl?irit·manifesl iI§elf �l abundantly, for __ the whUe we W'U in � mere �, and � did DOt III Chn"hanlly begms that Idea of )t,'e �d §en'lce �o fd!o\\: n,len. ChrUUra KnutRn, '77. Ia teachlnl them, A.I\1tIod,. with half Ul Qt � Int.e-Dd � lDIb1uaw &II7tbi'nc whac-shourrw�' thr::�k'u:

h:nde!!?r��fh8�1��iJ���!\�i� ���


ljl:.:�: school .t Allan, .Wuh1�. :-f:-:.J�re cc:�� :u!: = eftf, .

Christ. � Abe AndtniOh, • • �t hen: rn 1m, cerned., Xa'fler (to • II'OUP 01 .� COIIIdDI . 1&; employed .t • PI muon • abort I thouIht .up UCU8el fot quite • Job' do cMn \0 walk FROM THE SIDELINES dlatance outaide of 8et.ttle. frh1le before deeic1lDf to c11mb lD that from um):awr: : In .

. During their daily training on the floor our bdsk('lball t�all1s __ , berth. How.oeftl', I cUd DOt tell InI'De, doWn \be . your pm nre learni�g lesaons in s(Kl:rlsmanship. but there is, one "olu8ble Ar1inl 8annerud, '21. 11 .tle-ndiDI the wh1cb la the atrl what -nnt witb 1M, �� But QUlbta .. our bath� lesson--a'hlch ,my one may learn merEly b)' walehm" t�e game Uni't-eralt,. of Wuhlnrton. lhe real � u.meIJ that I couId �' J'OU • ,� " from the sidelines. A member or the team may. pcrhllp�. make __ lee areat dani't'R in IIeepiDf in & UW:ta me t.L . II misplay. Do his fellow playct'S blame him for it? �u, they Edwin Iveraon, '28, 11 tUtna . count Wte tMt. Bbe 11 . nice Jlrl. aDd I did Bill N ' rv

-- -. �Iap him on the back, encourage him. and alJ.."ure him tltat it doellt·, In electrtClll enatneerInI' .t the Uni- not want to trilbten beC . . . . e Deft!' .eeD • n'l malter, However. often from th(' rnolt'r"S on thl' Kiddilu�M ('orne ventty of WuhIn&ton- � W'U one t.b1nf ' t.bat pualecl pic=.!., J ' half-suppr(>S..� groans and "',, (lr dis.appoitltmt'llt, me, and tN.t W'U . the sreen bammoct .. Ever t:,wd pour photo tU,.

No�'. our team is julltt as eagcr '10 win al; Wl' IIrt' c8gl'r lo !tC(' Herbert TIetjen, • student here In on the willI. � th1nr t.bat :� _�::'=========:;­them wan, and they feel defeat e,'t'D mol'(' keenly than Wt' do It22.Im3, hal been admitted to the me ..... tM, It W'U M) �. I eoWcl r Therefore we should surel�' be as sporl!\l1lanlike as Ihe)" \\'hl'n poIJoe force .t 8&n Pnncl.seo, CaIJ- Roe .t once tbat aIJ of me wouldn't a player makes a good play let us giw him t'r'(>dit for it, bUl wlll'lI fom1a. 10 In, but I thouIht It mfabt be . pod he errs let us not "boo" him no matter on what leam lit' i� playing place to }um� from, in cue the berth He i!O trying 10 do his be�t. and he f('Cls hadll enough b('CaWk" of Ralph Knutsen, �, 11 In 8N.tUe, dropped up, How.oeftl', Irme, which. his error, ' 'll'her-e ile 11 employed aa • S\U'Te)'Ot. la the IIrl I ment10Decl befOft, threw

We Appreciate Yoar Patro .... Rosso's Garage

Madison 107,8-1 Sometimes il is diffkult to remember courtl"!i)' in tilt' (·xdle· . her ahoeI: into 1.bIt, bammock .. 80CID ment of a close conlesl. hut how much mol"(' diffi('ull it i� for �or-ette ·Da,.. '25, Is t.each1nc .t L-_________ ..... Ihoee who are in Ihe '\'er)' thick of the fight. We musl 1101 forMel Aberdeen, W�. uur good mannen. Thoughtfulness of others is the real ba�i� of �ood mlmnenl and sport�manship,-The Pleasant \'il'w,

: .... -. . "

, ;. '

.. ·DAVIS'· "., . ,H .. � � 942 _ .Av •. .


Toba.ccoe. Cipn azad Cudl"" Maculns. �pitn ThoraU L Pedenen Calilornla F1orlola


. ,

LIEN & SEL VIC Importen of Norw�an eM Liver on

Cw. Tacoma Aftnue &: 11th at.

SPECIAL BUSSES FOR P,.ulTiES Any Time, . Any P1aCe ' Call Wr. t.rona: IoIa1D. MIl



mCB Sq,I()f)t

. ,- "':"-' ',' P,� .

,1ItItDft)' � otba' � DDo An RtptodQlDlDc PlaIa. VktraIM aDd VIdor -.... ."... ... � ........... - _ ... -..... JIaiIIo .. UId �

'. ,

=:t-u;::-�=-.:: Parliland Cohf� & Barber. Shop · ·o . • : �. � ou'-u.. · ' -, .

. . ..,.

. ... ... ' ,� . - ,,,

' . d I . I j


. , ./


Frienclohip & Birthday Mottos aamllton Studios

have 'eaten at

Carlyle', Cafeteria


VALENTINE CARDS WE RAft TIm LAaO&ST AND PIN'&8T 811LECrlON IN T1R ern TOe Price Is Ihl' I.nwc�t


F';"'==�======:lt !:s ��r:=:t e�� \0 FL:OWE�:::�NEVERY man,. frtendi in Parkland.

J o h n'. o� n -, C o x . . . COJD�n,.\

726 PMifo AI'ntlit . . TIInIJJW

Remember Her SI. Valentines-Diiy

With Brown & Haley . Chocolates


The Store For Men and

80YII 1U)-12

Pacific Ave.

:�.� � .� �,��- ­' WASHlNGi'O�' IIAiU"VAiu: co.- '

• < :SI.r�� .. ���� • ·.",· ;)··l.j·' .... l1 · ·,j· -j ' .... :: h:t:" .. ;.... .or-. w.IL ';.':


The reported .. moet Inter­trip and ·an enjOyable ata,. in

_111"'_-' -Kueh ered1t 11 due tbe tach-

.... Teadoeri .... t -.a.-. .... gruo


... OM An Y ... ... .." -How old .... ,.r .IaiQWred 4W "N. 01 'bt. boa"'lIIIUe lOll. .. a' diatul\ quN_ M an.:

... ��: I :=�",:,.:,.... . ... r-oY1Dt hlI I. wtIJIaC � "reneeuw. ·liIIId � .."., aY&1l·

"mow 1ll1 � "' to -1DOftl ... 4, • __ t.c:JIIlk:al ... .,. � ... ,. I tup�

P.-ripUOD OpU",1 Co. Ph'CoDe Jola1p 112 WI au.t B1ela. 0 .... .... ... ......... OedIII � i'IUe'II A.. J

. .JcwpMOD 'hcrxna Brighten up the home with ,4 few flowers or a nice blooming plant. Flo ... ,ers for eyerybody and evcry-

. thing

Seamo ... FloUler . SIIDp 9th &; Broad.ay

that JOU rder to my . 1 , .... -- .... wbkb 11 I. 'lba1 ta that t .ktom th1nk


Funeral Directors

E"ckl,,···Khl. FuneraJ 1'r.c:om! Aft, .1. 80. P'lnt ". m

School SUPl'lieo ...

Equlpmen\ f� � Col�e or Student

M. R. Martin &.Co. nil PaeWe A"enae

WatelllH and Diamond. Watca. Repairing

Main 460 11th 8t. at Padn� Ave.

Next c100r to Brotherbook Bank Taoom&. Wubf.nI1.On



Ten Y ears� EX��nCe , u.. Sh"wn the WIsdom' AND .

Demoutnted the AdVaJlIafIeo OF

I. IIHlrlcled Field

_,_2.. Se .• �,., ""' ____


:� � ". ' >.n: . �i!!..�D ' . 1254 IleKaltbI BuiJdiD& MID_polio Mian.,

J '

Development Plan SARDINES., FLAT TIRES, Second Semester LET NOT THY STEP . !Keith and Jacobson

Wins Many More BOLONEY, ANO BEER Now in Full Swing LEAO,OFFTHE PATH I Receive Leads For New Supporters bu::���n:rPfle:k:aln'��:'t :���

n� Gladiators Put 'NOHS AKain to _�':

tnd�n� 1::.: :=:� .7- , Big All-School Play

President Tingelstad. Mr. 'Elns- :::c���n;:,:e; ��t�t ::: ����I��� GrtndF��:;A�:��8nKe II res the campus? ! Booth Tarkington'.' "C;:larenee" -trom Return From South ; for WIne 011 Iht/"<l.ld ride to �nl�lI. ! __ Arter chapel, exercise! art OVI'r. we 18 ChoMn tor. This Year'" Choir Trip Appro\'ed h�' In a nat-Urt bUs., ; : Tht IIt."COnd semester for thlli .5Chool lL5uaUy � tht carefr� p, L.. C . • tu- I Presentation ; To Be Given

Con�-:gation� Burton Krel�ltr and Stanlt)' �rt'nt_ ! �a� bt'pn lIo1th noptraUon of Itu' l ::: t;t:��II��I:


lJd running Somt, TI�n Marth-Durlnt th� �rtod of Januuy 4 to 24. ::

y :7. ��h�' �I

n�rtaln�n, on th� dentll on Monday momlnl. In the d- Hollo' .sadly the scene hu chanled! Mae Keith and Ronald Jacobaon re-

Mr Elvestrom. rteld manager and . ) nt nt �uc $CInp IL$. �moon t"'enly-mlnute perlodll 1I>-e� Each �rson (011011>'11 preclsely IlJId CoIU- celved 1Nd& In " Cla�nce " a fouT-act President Ttngelstad \1l1ltf'd Call'tomla �:�:t��h�::'�!.·��7:h "::er��� h�ld tc! ,et the students. att�tomed to l tlolaly. the fOOts�� of the one pr�· comedy by Booth Tarkl�,ton. chOllen In the In�refil of the Pacific Lutheran 1 5lud�nts .. 1$h for beer on Ice. the ne ..... sl;:hf'dul� and to Ih"e the teach- Inr hi",. Not one lI�p!i oul of line or j &:II the U�rary-Drl.matlc play to be Collev o\"\'�lopment plan presented at I The 5tudenLS .. .-ho dldn·t ,0 to th� ers a rhance to IlMlgn leMOnll for the

�::�!:��l5m:� :��y �:'

ed hU

d: Ir1v .. n Ihl5 year. \

all of them except t.,.-o EUffka Santa tame don't kno.· II yet. bul th .. y n�arly nl'xl day, On Tuesday at 8 , 1!i the .

Tryouts for th� cast .'ert' completed Ro\.a. San f'ranclsco. Sant. a:.rbara. Iml their prlu." }'elleT'll and both tms- I claM"'ork st.rted In eamest, 1

I GI����=�h�=: ::d:;:';f;.!:: 1 yesterday .nd �ork wlll � commenced

I kelball teams. due to • tl'ndency of lhl' Although s.I'\·l'ral of lut s.l'mt1lter's . Lont BeRch. Hem�t. Olendale, ZelUlh'

l b i d I dl h ( I h dl.sco In h i ' k flT'llt .rrlvals arC! laughtn, at their un-,at once. 110 th.t the pl.y may be liven

Los Angeles . .I1'uad�n •. San 011'11:0, ?wot- "��Cl:. I�

nll&i: t:nrt�:c)

�\::; ':n)'�:�I; I ::"�:;:Its nl':�'

��tuden� hU:'e \�:s:�: fortun.te follo .... rs. who are .tlll plod- Sometlm� durtnl the month or March t�rson. Sacramento. oakland. and Or- : �Xf"Cut� . • 'ould h.'·� !I�,I'en all a fret' I Among ihese student.s ..... 1' . find one. a dl

����. to "the prison!" 80mI' onl' an- I MIM Lydia SUxrud 1& the dram.tI("

land, C.llfornla : also Ol,.ndal,., and I rtd� to Klnttdom COm.. ' ! tr.nlifl'r from unlve,nllty of Wuhlnt- nounces. "M.rch! Rllht. 11'f1. rllIl'lt, : coach. EUg1'I\e, Oregon Till' bus drt"er had a big heart and

lIon . • nd three .·ho have transferred left," I The play Is a comedy such a.� only

A!; a M'!!iult of this "'ork the membf,r- at thl' tl'QUl'fit 1)1 th� studl'nLS k.lnnly from thl' ColIl'1l:e of Puget Sound. By th� time the Niles from the I Booth Tarltlo.wn can "''rtte. Cla�nce ship of the O\"velopment A:;..oclatlon and \'ery considerately left the light i Many new "C6lJn;n hav; bN'n added wlndO"'S have bfo.come lOUd h . .... ' haw!! I a retired World War IIOldJl'T, In h� has IncTl'LSI'd from 48!i to 706 membf,nI off . ... ·hlch. of ("ourst'. left th�m all alone , to thl' schedule Il� this colleg�. gll'ln, Sno., ... art' �lted .t the onlookers ' search for .... ork coml!'S to the officI' 01 Th� total cuh contrtbutol'd 50 far I.s .nd sn.rtd , ? in the dark We kilo .. ' 1 the studl'nLs a �ter chance to gel the which causes them to duck and d\!.aP� I Mr. Wh�ler. who 15 encount.etlnl dom. '1.424.00. In addItion several sUbstan- .·ho appl't"Clated the lack 01 lIIumlna- i subjects thl'),-dislr-e mOiSt. EIght COUrst'll pt"a·r. l

estlc dltllculUea. He decides to hire Ual donations bN'n promtsed_ tlon. How about It. Bill? h"'e � addl'd to lh� rt'Iular courses Yes, you've lUes.sed the reuor: (or Clar'l'nce at a m.Jfl or aU work at his In nearly all of the COngregations WrlJ. any"'a)' an enJoyabl1" rid,. ""1jI.'\ of fltst semestl'r. namely, Oral Ex· thts stt.nle behavior Or the atudl'ntt of I home, due to the fact that Clar'l'nce can commH\.e'('!; hav� undertaken to carry hao b)' all, I prl'"sloll. Methods and Tec,hnlque, BI�- P. L. C, The pRth from Chapt"l to the drive mull'S without s",·e.rlnl. It de;-

;:e..:�� I:,��:e r'I':':�=!:', " And liO. I at� th� OOloney.··

. ;:1::an:��!·;�y�\�:;


1 th':�:�:: :

:I.n bulldlnl " .. as wide enouah for only ;=er

tha.!,!l�e =rs.t:�

and 1'fipt"ClaUy great Interest "'as mani- ElIROPF.AN TRIP 1"\ ' Branch�s. and Economic ProbII'IIUI. . I to Cl'l'I'nee wh.o .. ith 1\15 vinnlng "' .. ys

�e:::-n!�. th�:= .�h�:/:�


TOPH:' OF DOeTOR , th:h:�:�ISd:::

"�� t�n;:


lm::r� TWEI.VE STlJDENTS I :�= In clearlnl up .1I th� family

places _med .nxlous to ha\'e the chOir QUF.CLI'S AIlDRESS This may be attrtbuted to sever.1 rea- BEGIN PRACTICE I The ea.t is u folio ..... '



O:� �:�I t.�;� ��� In a talk "'h�m �nnlng to : ::�t. ��e;·



t;��:� TEACHING IN CITY ��';:i;r

Le�:r� �h:

III'a�d ;org: r:;: I�:�e

f\�:rI:': ;:r

d ������ �u���� o�r'I';:��::, 0::' �:�for;:r:

etoa;;t :�0��:��!�:1::: Ag.ln tl\e "sr-eenles"' SO m.�hlng �y

W�e:��er Ann�u:�

k� �

congngatlolU If this IMP ean be made." dreSSl'd a large audience at the meet- The boys· lL"l'rt' especially gOQid-natund out to encounter for the flnt time the Violet Pinney Mae Keith said Doctor Tinglestad Mr Eh't'5trom Inll of the TTlnlt). Luther League, Sun- "'hl'n the)" lIot an opportunity to .. 'uh smiling (aces of the �n, twenty, or C�ncl' Re)'oold Jacobaon l!i .·orklng out a sehedule and m.klnll da�'. January 27_ Doctor Quevll told the I1J'ls' fa�s. Of course the i\rls thirty children on whom they are to' Dell. Alfield Tuuka cal'l'lul Investigation regardln.: thl' COSI briefly of his recent trip to Europe. protestf'd. but that made It more In�r- try thl'lr pt"dagogtcal tIlIents. SOme of Dinwiddie Carl ColLOm ��� t:a:

u:f t�se: t�:lClpl::

t��� � :��:���11f EI1�:;

n�e ��s�:


th:: ::�r:�I�


t::::�e��,a::: them art ve�rans at this Job: having i Mr_ Hubert Stem Stanley BerenWJn submitted. and 1t',,1J] be decided Il"htth_ beforl' the .'ar

The neIL" student.'! Ihis semester are taulht already for the sum of t"'ent)" , VERNA GANO LEAVES TO er OT not the trtp .. ill bt taken Concerning Ir'I'land. the flnt coun- tlO,O bo)" , Einar 5andbruten and Con- weeb. one whole seml!'Ster.' I JOIN TEACHERS' RANKS In the course of the 5f"C<Ind lif'm""'l.I'r IT)' 1'I5Jted. h� said. "'When Ireland is r.d Klrchhof. and nine girls, Kunna There ar'l' twelve practice �hen j t� .ttempt Will be made to reach &3 P"Ilcelul, the� .111 be no mort' Ir'I'- Hoff. H�len Downs, Grace C.nt. Olenda from ?woclflc Luthl'ran Coll� thl5 year Vema, one of tl\e memberl of many con�atlons as posIIible north land " I Water5. Op.1 Harvey. Th�la Anderson. The schools and those who teach at I the Moortnl Mut Staff, ha...tng COEII-of Parkland, as ·thl' representatives �c. Thl' next country. En,land. present� I Helen Qualset, Leona Forsberg. Mar- pleted her course .t m.\d YeaT Will be ceeded III ,1s1t1nl about tnrff-Iour'!hs I t"d Il �d plctur'l' compared with Eng� I Jorl� MeOo\"ern. them are u follo ... s: ' \\1th Us no longer. � O�o wu of thl!' congregations south, dunng the , land bl'fore thl' war. Economically. i A number 01 s�udents have aLw dls- Parkland: Eliot MickeLson, Miriam I managing editor In Im�38. and durtna p&lit �mester It Is confldl'nU), hop- England Is In the worst condition of I continul'd their studies hl're for this Helmdahl, Helen Westby, Mnl. Opal ! the lut femester was the mak�. :::�� :O��>I::� :': :I

e�,;�, perhaps I a"I>I��

e.n, '

'''IO'�"''bbO.f .... ,.'or�l

&l �� •• In�n,- t :n:":�:hl' �= ;��=rV:��ll�:r::: Hal'Vey. M.e Woimacher, .nd Walteq editor. She now leaves to jotn tl\e

'" ... ...... � L French: Femhill : Ethel Johnson, E1- of teachera who have gone out u If&d� A certain bachelor promlSt<i th.t. as , turin for hl'r to recoVI'r:' 5aId the Silorr, Vema Ole f'\OI', LeU Kllp· uates from the Normal departmen' of

..oon iii!; the soal ot 10.000 membenl shall 'speaker. """'n. SIlUro BJelde. Alfred H.u,1' na -Trulson, .nd Marte G.Tdlln; Span- i th1a school. Memben of the .talf Jotn havt' been reached. ht5 wtfe .sh.1I be I Out .. ·.rdly. Germ.ny seemed least ' As most ot the new studl'n!.'! are Ir1rLs. a .... y: PhyllJs O",nde and M.rvln i In' lViAhlni their former co-worker aue-number 10,001, Such confidence 1I>i1l1 affecll'd by the "' .. r. Her people are a I and most or the students who a� leav- Howlck : Jeffel"5On:, Irene Moore. CfSI In her future undertaldnp. sUr'l'l)' bring success to this I"nterprIM- . 'Continued on PasO' Four) : Ina arl' boys, the i\rls have . slight rna cc::==--::=--::=--:c-:::--=--:c=:-::---:c===-----�-i Jorlty ol'er the bo)"s this semester . SWISH. SWASH, SOAP, SUDS, SCRUB � BIBLE CLASS HELD FOR DELEGATES I .' • EQUALS ONE GOOD CLEANED FUJOR


�., JI'S6e ffiuq:er conducted B1ble . him �use you had leamed to ltnow j Re(1llar Mf:d.lnr �e D, 0, R. GIrD ":� :.�s I'v:!e�a,��t!. Pa�

r:t :!/!:: �:t :u: �u:!�or"::�

C� for the delepte& .t the North- , him and found hia fr1enc1shtp good, ; Is Held had Its good effect on the w:oonn, terlal thtnp' MWell:" conUnued tl\e ... eat Lutheran Conference held in 8po- : Leamin, to' know God, b, therefor'l" l Tuesday afternoon the gir'" IilMl'm� Matt, In . ph)'&lcal w.y, at leut. wt r.nol\Yffioua one, "ff 1 WIl!Jt to'be editor .... kane CoUep OIl Sunda)'. January 13. a 'int euenUal lri leamlll( to love bled In the Olrls' RecepUon Room ror week that room whlch durin( these put -&OIDe da" 1 auppoee 111 have to begin The portion of the B1b11' studJed WIll> • It may teem dUOCult to dQ so. the rf1'U1ar D. O. R. meeUfII· weeks hU been the teene of many t.r1al5 at the bottom," Lukd 10, ftnI'I1 25 to SII, whtch con- . n "'e have never aeen or heard I ' Miriam Helmdahl. president the and temptaUOllI encount,.ered· by� 80 the IndUltJ1ou& lad be8an with the t&inI the story of er qUI'S � ! HJm. The PI'OPle of the Old Tntament orp,nilatLon, ... ·u .. 'elcorned back . r pr1aIll( editors and �, received noor, wbieh in Ul1I cue is the same � : .::a7: w:,ha The =! = H�� God and dJed stiU 101l(� �� month

s' .blen� �use of • �ce���� ::��::nto-�t�� M:: :�:n� aDdre:r!';. :"''"':�e:-�� th1Dr about the answer wblch the Iaw� Th�n. God aent H1t 8on, whom we The Pl'OIram conaiIted of a vocal solo flee bo)" bimaelt recommended Iond �ult.l7 yer b1m8elt ,lvI'S 11 th1a: the command'i can ltnow, tor he 11 Uke unto US' I by Arthur o�: a papt"r by EUot Iltand1ll( firm. on tu. own mnit.l of I, Olean, lwept. floor. = �t 1::...: ��bleac: ::r:rJ =: :,t

:;t ::r!:�;; :c=;I:

U�e:! '�� Mq��'� :�:.� t����� and dean !: �: =.:rtedtJoor�.

fuUW, We ean oommand a penon to Of' doet Dot understand, The 80n loved "St0z"7 of )(n. 11100'1" b, EYa Knut- on a Cfft&1n da,y a· eert.aJh aDOIl)'� To&&l: CleiaDeIt. offici In achool-&JI rerraln tram ate&llDc or 1dWnc, but to I us eftn unto the _ end.. . I aen, .nd a voeaJ solo by Elna Trulson. Il\OUI contributor of teaturet appeved. UwpiraUoo to an, ltart, bbn to Ion I.l)Other 11 an I When we re&11Je" what He has done In the office to "� OffM thi editor'. Who b It? Ail. that'a the &pIce of entlrel)' ditfeft:Dt matter, ffi us aDd boW much we � Indebted I . C ALEN DAR . weU·lI:nown plea tor more teat.lIrel. Ul1I 1COr'J, the � part, 8uch a , U a perfect atranaa'

. were broucb

. t to B1in. then Ion IPriDP up nat.u.rsU;'!' February ?_ElleoabU


... VI' p, L. C. at �You aee:' he bepn, �I .bad' one idea P�Uon p1Icbt proore dbutrou to bere, ADd J'OU. wwe tokI, 'To �t! not. because we wwe tokl to 10ft God. Parkland, laat aem.tllter, IlJId I'll � 1ft IUI� t.bI modeatJ ot DInJ GIno. boy, but penoa: You m1cbt f1Dd It quite tmP·1 but becaUl1t we ha� learned to Jmow Pftm&arJ' Jt::-BOfI pla,. 'I'aeOma All· ot.her .... time before p-aduaLlOll, but �·.quote � IUIII � IUbit&Dce 0( .u: ... Iibk. After JOII bad 1euned \0 kDow 111m. , \ . ..,. at �_ -well, (ehancinc tbe 1Ub)tet) tor beJa.. IouI � � hiI deed&, Ulat peNCI:l. boweftI'. ,.vu �t loftl 'l'berefClft, maU UIe 01' every oppor. PftIn».r)' I J-OIrlI pJe,,' 8umner r,.t. ftIl'l sake, (IUbRitut.e) wbea CiIirJw ."8I,aeh Kbool spirt" Tbat bo)' troi.. him very �. But wb&t woWd tuDltJ to IIIPMJI: to God.. -00 DOt DepIct . Pu1dand. ' -

lut sweep tb1a noor1" Poor editor � 11 0, It.-KIa.. (wbieb � &bat baM to � witb the oommaod1 to bear mm ...-k to,.,u, &ad J'OU will I Pebnw7 1""':T..caiu .... p, L. C, at what oouJd It (editorl UIiaaD7 1¥'9 it) &be ..... O. It. wtn IIIIper'Wa ...... : Not.blDC, wbalaOeftr., You WOWd � 1earD to mow B1ID ADd loft 10m, ' . 'I'aoQma. .. ,.7 WeU cUd It. know that the � l1a.)

/ . ,


J �j I •




�HE MO,!�I��G M�ST, Daily Diary, . . e JIILHUU'\: 24--0h. that t('rrlbh' Onlnl

nliH Inl! Do you think ),0\1 11 I>L .... ' ·

W(' may lIet ov�r Ih15, but "",1'"11 11(,'"

bf' the �me all'ah\ Publ� r\'ery n:o __ lu dunnl 'the' 3Chool �_� by the �'\ldl'!H� of ?aciOe r Jllnu':r�" :l�, Whllt • I"f!I1t'ft E:cltrn, ,, ·

ovtr! It I've" aUC't'1JI o.ur 1.'O�k" 1 Lutheran Coll�, Parklaoo. WL�hlngl.Qn SU�IlUor) , one ��ll.! per }'tar.

Entnt'(! L� M'COnct cllll!oli malter. OCtober 2. 19Z:;. at the Prittil QHict" at Parkland. • book.!!. Carl Coltom t!pprd Ih.· "'\1'

r�l\II . ... ·hole nickel at dlnnt'r ton.hllli WL�_lnit(ln. under th" A<:t or March 3, I�

Edllor'IIl,Chll'\ Ir1'lle O�hl ��I��w�lIor


Mak('up ECHOI • John WII"!It' S)lOrt Editor Erllnll Jilcobown Soy·� Sport" Man'hl Ho ... ·lck Gtrn. Sport... _ Domtny Ebersole Ol1:amU\Uon� . • . _ . . . . _ ()cIrothy Ll'hm8nll

Elna Trul'<On. &1111 John�n. ChrlsUn� Johnson Humor and F('Rlurl' _ Illgt'borg Boll'itad. Gto'rh�rd Molden Alumm � / _ Syh'la Llu"llon: Rudolph Sandrl'1lOn Chaprl Tl!llk" Ing': OOpi('rud t;xchall(f'f'll JQhIl Johnson Campus Local!'i Atilt'>' Klipprll f'1:lrult) NrLl.·s Harold Jolm.o;on



January :z8' WI' kne ... ' thl!'N' "''a' .� Can You Imagine . .

1 The dUliculu('S 'II''''. undoubticoMly. tht p.henomenal ,moun\ of snoYo'. but \10 ,'

Eliol with 1\ different laugll? moet I�portan! thlllg In collnK'UoQ dldn·t �lIt\� ."t·d _ an £�khno Ull Marlt cut:tlllg htr Mit? 'Ask RI'd about .. lth thtm " 0':'[ camuUll until wt ,actually ",," It.. As Oanl�1 Bootu' uS«! to gy. ·A 1It:1" him. Oon·' gf't eKclted follul. n ·�·R� Hungry nOI �tlllg? If'arnln,· til I!. dinltf'roull thtnl:' but If only "'·f'nchy arB� In all J;llb It;on Emma mLulnl !" basktt? .'\0. thtrt' IS man�' bn\·t ptOplt htrt' at _nL'lmel)' hll' E5.klmo outfll.· � .... Ithout th(' .. trt'mblL.n!('· on h�s thl' rolLl'll' HO ..... !<Oe\"t.r. "'ot havt found t Jllnullry 'lIiI. What makf'ft more nOL."

u���.r �.:��out Iti. .. ('Ibo ........ . �lr;.lct� ffi 011 olLf thlll IJoont' .... ·u "lIht a tkml It �- I :)�or.m:�� ... ,!


a f�'�:r S;�::��II:�

tht' tabl('? IIlI! a 'dallKrrmls thing. � many Ilr'Ol'lI lion see Cora and mill. Red C �Ilhoul Marie. ha.� turned pal,f' al _Ing sq ·Ut.tlt I January 30: MI.u Stl_rud hlll'i try-out, E,·tt�·n not dolns t�'plng for :lOme' )·OUIII Il'amlng alld fhmkl'd lilt' l'itudrnt.� on ' for ColL",r Play.

mall'" Ihr llpot. : January 31 : Mon tryOUtll: • -� 1 "'rnl to LUlhrr Uallir SWlday I �tinJfl-ry I : Sl�l car scrvlct' 11.1111111 Th(' gl .. l� ",·ho ","rnt to Spokanl' .'18y I nllfhl Ilnd hrard Dr. Quevll trll Ilbout drmor.\Lzeci. Thr 'day studenls ... ·111

:.:�t ;:I�.tC��)�:) �i::rll'r all right. bu

t ':I

I:;::rrno:t ��i: �.�;t � :;!t/:vt;,

:u:.s���:he hllbll of �rrh'Inll Sl'w'r:,\

Oerhard Llu,f' '''0'''' "''''. Y�. "" oh." pict"� .. ,,,,,,ed 0"" ' , ,,, Au,,"". <he Oe�.n .,.""" " i Feb""', , 01,1. hm 0 0 R m" " " I -� thrn:.. Thrrt �!n·t any morc b['U.8·bands February 4 . Y(l'" �Irell)' too?

Ewlyn SOlum \ :�� r����I��t �'�I:� :�::. �t!n


·: ��

ll�'e; o��

d O���)'I��


kl'�II���Y:�: i j

nll . ".UTI.Tt' "DVISERS Ihl'�' art' 811 Llngel.s 1II.(11rll In Turkl')' sll tn their hllfh "1Ii- .·""·ORITE SOSGs o J STUEN ) N.·· J. HONG • -� . do"'s and "·a\·r� at �lr�llgr grnllemen'

l Bill N ,-Forglvl!' MI!'.

------- \\'ELCOME TO lOll · [ yo!h;\.e�as��;)�to �::�:: :::� �.��� :�I!'�h:U�




t�:a� �:� . �:e� �;:�:·s Il Orl'L1t. great girl,

TIH' Ill:'.

'. S(·�toul t" l"lll,


WhiCh slllrlt-d lust �1�lI1dl�Y. W;lS ,\wd;I'd I of differ<'lIce It makel'i whether you 'ftrc thinif!'. aln't lady-lIk('. alld I �t .thp l AtIll(' T .. \""<:'Oh. Ho .... i. Hale to �;rt ltp

I • .' lilt' n'glslrullun of llIallY III"\\" studl'llls. \\ I' Wish 10 wI'kullW one of thl' mRln Illllar� or ,pHll'i of Ih(' T ... rk .. y 18dles could Irarn a lot from us. In the MOrlllrut: .....--. Ihl·1Il 10 0111" Sl:honl anll WIll do all Wl' l"lIl . lu lI Iakl' it plt-aslI lI ! fur srhOOl?·· . Thl'rf' Is 0111' thinK thLlt ml\"ny pllr· Ot'Orgr C.-I Call·l Gh'l' You Anythlnl( Iht'IIL dl'sllI'" tlll'il' holll(·skklll'SS. ,,',. hupl' tht·y win fl'I'1 ai , -� ('lib could from thl' If'Cture. ho .... · • Bill Lovl". Bab)' ' ltol�lt· in nUl'�! l'l�jny tlU'lIlst ·h·,·s as lIl ul'h as .w'� l'll .io t.\· l Mr All l\lyhrl' had an I'ncounter; i!Ot'\·rr. which I� vrry tmporUlnt , BeancR J,_Would You- Care? ,,·t·lllg Ih" 111 at Ilns Illstllutl,'II. . • with Mr. RflmMRd thl' other night. Dr QUel·lI .. lInnounClXl-- emPhflllcally I Evf'lyn S_Altf'r My LaugM!'r Cam"

\\·hilt, Wt' ar,' ghHI In St'l' IIt'W studt·llls. WI' alsll shall miss I EXI)IRnations ,.:111 Ix> In order. and Mr IhLlI parrillA .should not bl' .sparlnil: Ttar� . . '''111\' til" 0111' ft· I/o\\" ,stlltlt'.III�) whn. through tliffit-lIl t it's til' i,111':tSLlI'I'S Myhrt' make� 1Ill' .�Iatt'ment. thai ht with theIr chlldrl'n In rl'gar�� to good ' Blld M.-AIl}·thlng You Say. lilt'.\' an'. l'IIt'IIUllh'l"lIIg, rlll.d it 11t·ITSS:tI"�· lu It'lI\·I·. "·1' \\Ish �lwl1l will plend u'nworary Insanity rood to. I'at. �ueh a.� crum j(n� butter· loerr} L-The \)al Thll

. I Lovf'(\ Siolt'

";lInTSS HI tilt' fulun' ;,11(\ hk" ttl h;l\'t' II11'1II knnw thal lh,·.\· WII\ :11' 1 -� rIc . a>; 11-Ll.OUld SIlVI' mone) In the thl' Oal That J Loved \\;ty, lit' wI'k,,"l!' anllill/-!,u:o; IIguilt. Mr Hong n'ad an anllounceml'll\ )Olli! rlln In doclor bllll'i and slckneSA' , Ben P.-h She My Olrl Friend?

-} . tumdl'd 10 hIm III onr of tht' Enll\ll'ih The �tlmpkln Shl'll hlL5 vl'r), good I Mlkf' ·J.-J ... 1i1 a UIIII" Drink. A PRORI.E)1 '� (,O.Enl"CATIO:'\ . ('laMes: ··Notice-lmp . • 1 don·t knoLl.· , '�'t·_ert'''1ll nnd twalth.\' lhlng� ilkI' thllt Lillian A-I Wanna Be Love<1 By You

Co-t·dul'atilUJ. has 1""1'11 ill pral'li,'1' IUllg I· tl l lll/-!h 1'01" ils n'sulls who thl' hl\l).� nr ... Ihough' , Tht' o. 0, to. t'at. but It dCM!.sn·t help Ull much if j Eleanor L.-.Thl' Ultle BlACk MIiMachr 10 hun' So,·i,·nlifk valtlt'. Tllo' tl lU'st iun which nl t\\ :lrist·s is R. w:�1 mf'('\ loday aftl'r 11\(' Glr}�: tht' parent. .. don·1 send tht'lr cblldl'('n t Carl A.-Afler )"vt' Callrd You s .... · t<et· 'I ht'lllt'r IIl1'So,' rt'sulls hnn· lH.'t·n l H"llt'fi .. · inJ ur dl 'l ri lllt' lllaJ 1.0 It.n l'lI -




l'tbal1 game wIth Mrs. Rarru;tad. Rny mon(')'. I heAtl .


HOW Ciln r C


all You f'rL('nd ? l IIgi . � This I� nt'w! U\'!i Ihe first tlmt' "'.1' e\·t'r A ouncl" at ICt' crealll I� better tha,n Elvt'ta H.-My �t.

Cum·1t "lIutt· nl1' .. ·klll· has macit, a stall-nlt'lll which shuws a knt' .... that .... r had R person In our ' a qUArt or mffilclne. !'flYs I. and you d MIltv H-The Sheik. ��;:::��.��



t:;�:. :��:

·I I:IIJ,'f�

')�I,�·i;a'I'i t;:l�:�. a�r�i�I:\ ... �:'I�111,1�:�:'.\I,I,11 :�.�t� ;����\ t;�: �1��

I� ·�a����

r wonderful �::J:: � .'::�:I! ::�-.o:�n:�· l:

nrl��� I 7.: �.�::�Y�os::��:r�o Me




it;�; •. �i:·I�I\IH�::�\·· whidl holds thai IlH 'll Tht" k�;:t�ht!; b)' Ij'rea� men reltched and


.Your rore�III��!. a:'Khtl'r. : AJ









n ("'H'dut'lItiulI h:l:. it.. ;tth"lInhlgl's �1 I111 disad\"lllllagt's .\s - ., ..

'''l llt'lIlH' has uppr"p.r.iatt·Jy :'lIid. "II"" :o;wdl for tltt' gil'ls and h,'11 Wert' nOI aUalnl'd by suddl'll lUltht· i P,.

S. Th(' Cltrd .... hlch 1 ll).'<t befort' I Elllli. T.-W


h.t'n Johnny Comes Mar


'h' r,.r l11t' hll\·s." But thf'Y . .... hllc Ih('lr companions .slept. I Chr!sLl1lal'i. I found this morning .... hrn Inlj:'Home .

Tht' lin·nt/-!t· J.:irl IIHtllln's "'0 ",. tllI"t·l. � t'ar, I'adi, .r Ihan a Wt'rt' loll mil' u\' .... lud In thl' nlghl ;1 S\\-ept m�' room, 11 "'Ill'i bl'hlnd thr Alfll'ld T .-If i Should Lo6e You 1 , , 1.'. (:t1I1S('t'ILJt'nt l,\' �11l' girl is a \\'"lll<1n wht'lJ .. IH· I"!·ad,,·, l"ollq.�{·. -� radlalor. J -trom MondllY On.

whitt· I III' boy is :0;1 til ill thl' "!-!I"U\\ i tl� paills" ,;1;\/.1t· IIf adol .. ,s- . f't.'b. 6. 1929., . -� Anna A.-Whe� 1n thr World Is Ih('rf' TI t II f l · f I I · t · k I De-ar Ma and PfI· Count that day 1000t SOmf'Onr For Me?

�·::;�t:\;f ll1�ltl' \\"y:j l(

t:'�;::. 'i.:�I�t:�:'.;I;::�: .. i�'�I

'II:')!�::�1 ::��\f;I.!II�II;�;'·I::I�:;t:II:: II I.� 110\\: somt' time slncl' )·ou ha\·f' WhOM' 10\11' descending sun '

,:, n,I I,·gt· rOIllIlIWt·s. .1 :tI-t'dunlt illtl fib th�' girl· fllr I�fl' l�lttl 1·:t IlS�·S ::::\"�;�e:\�\: �a��I;Xpl'ru;I".s hlL5 no

t , Vi�:S\\�:;t�y


n:olle I About rtr£ only pre-war standu.rd thLlI

: :;.:'. 1 >1,.'" It l \\·;Jstl· lht· 111Ilt ' hi' should I ... IISIII/-! tn l'q tllP hllll .. l'lf fl lr n.l' �n wo�dering. 1s il lL5 cold At l I ��n�::du':n-:. bt'

rn abW! LO get baek I.'

I I I l'tlltdllSillll 'n° :t1h·iSo,' four \"t'ars I If l'IH'lltH'aliot ll f"r \\"u- home a.� it ha.� been here these Ia.\{ Toba('('os. Cigars and

I IU ' I 1 ; alld fur 1ll1·1 I. fUllr .'"I'urs ;1I1;UI1� 1111'11 . This n'IH"l'sl'l Ils ':to ::�·:� 1'::�:"1;:����:. �:�.��� �:�t�;� Candies. l\1IlKazines...4 Papers I I",tHlt"I' tliffinllt prnllh'lII i ll matlU-lllal i,'s whidl WI' II';!""· II I t ilt' ,,1ndow Opl'n according to advice from Thoralf Lo P •• dt>Nf>n Ttabell'& Tamilip !"t·adl'!" 10 suln'. I. . K. the hYKll'ne class. and the radiators 801 PIlcUlc A\'l!'nu(' Placl! CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ;:!::����':��lj:l�;

l�;;::�:�o:r:r ��:: ,-__ �Ta_oo_m�.�. w


_h ___ J I I :\fnill ;S2:\:l· 92.1 Pm'j!iie :\\"1'.

\\"t.thwsday. FI·hrllary Ii· :!:INt p. Ill. TIlt' l .adil's .\id Illt'ds ill �::;IJ ... :I!:('

CO::H':hO��d:;I�� a

h�r�:���n� t--�'\---------. I I Chili and Tamales that are

Ihl' dWI'l'h parlors 1'llit·rlllill\·tI Ily "rs. F. Cn'ws alld �l rs . .I . s)"IOSI' tho. th8t everythlng !s done with I Th�HOmt of t Panb S"lt� different Sufl.llt'l'. 1 :110 p. ol .°Collfirnw tj"l! Class. 7::m �l id-w�Tk 1 >1'- a purpose. Probably this Is III order to \utioIUil lullII·. � !trl liS u.'Ied to "'Orklnlf undrr dlfflcul- JETl.AND& PAI.AGRUTI I Tucol1)a�s Tumalt. I hurstiu ..... FI·hruury -; i: 1.-, p. I I I . Choir Ikllt·ul' .. ul. �I rs. I 'h. I·: . ties. .

�!l l U!!���\ 1�I�i:I�'::�:

1'7r I I I I N I .! II I Satul 1\,1\ St huol ,lIltl { ollflr- OfS:�:k:;!e:�r

d��C:tI:ShlrC�m�:Sf:� ! 912 ·Pllc. Me Tacoma. WIL5h., ! Parlor De Lux�

millIOn ( Ius, I I 00 .1 I II "UHur ( hOlr Hl'Ilt ursul ult) Inflicted on us Il Ie" days ago II.n ..... : ...... . " ...... , , .. ,,,, ,, .... ' '' ' '" •• , . '" , •• , ..................... , ................ . . ... \1"11I11t\. Flhruul"\ I t Th .. ;\It'lI S ( lull gl\('s a 1 .. lIlluln Prugram -�-�-- � -- ' . •

I I I 1111.' l hunh parlors Dr () \ TlIIgi'Mad \1 III gt\ t tI It ( I un Ma8q:a('T'a((e &: The.trtral C08twnefl American l'lumbmg& Steam Supply Co. 011 tilt ( .n·at Emullt:lpuluf - Tuxedo and � Suit. for Rrnt Wholesale

:-'Ullt!il\ . Fchruan 17- Our \IlIlUW \! tsMun I>U\ Fl stl\ ul Sl n u \, Neal E. Thorsen I Plumbln�. Steam and MULSupplie8 �:��·�;���u:;:�!it!��t.���::�I��I�.;:�:�I�·:l Budgel I Jt' () .\ flllgl'l G�I�"�!..e:-- TOUptU I'hum :\Ialll 1707 looA-lO PaCifiC t\\CIIUt.

:\1·,,1 Sunday, FI·hnmry It) · 10:00 u. Ill . ( .rlldl'd SundllY Sdillol .. ":.:!;=.: .... =�:'=. ==:M.>:I:n:':II�' I \1,('''''', ... ,'', .. ':'',.,'', .... ,', .. ,,'''' " " ... " " "" " " .. ,'! .... ,', ..... ,""." .. ", .......... , .... , .... , ............ ,f and Hihlt· C1us.... 10:(10 u. Ill. :"\urst' Servin·s. 1 1 :11(1 ll. III. _

�:�:i:il��'r��'�����;�� I;�(:��l�� li��· t��ltlll;�����I��:i l l dlllrdl pnrlors. Phone Main 2610 FOLLOW THE GOLDEN ROAD TO II�R �ALTH

;�I Dr. H. L. Monzingo LAKE PARK BUITER Sli('kers and Sweat Shirt&-Meanw 1 Balls and ShoeK DENT.lST I Wilson Athletic G 8 Suite 1114 �t SOund Bank Bldg. �====M
















� .. �








TACO"". WASHINIOTON II" BROADWAY -.1 1 BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. I hATS CAPS I O""""�. rI=. "'Y. O'!'In . ..... -. R..- -..... Dn<a> • .I HardWt.l"!'. ptumbmc 8upPlJea. PaiJ:lta, Roottnt: .


call"" Lyono MaIn "3> DAVIS' j THE NORTHWEST CO'NN CO. '

. TACOlfA BUS· COMPANY Ne .. Location H .. New .Conn AI", Sa.ophon .. ln eo. for 1121.50 !l42 Padfk ,ht', I . AU ta Ilbout OW' con�ient ta'ma ����==��==�����������-=��I[t-------------------- � ... >n __ 80�CTH ___ � ___ 8T_ .... ____ � . ...

· _____ · ___ PHHO�N_ .... M_._IN_���.

/ " 0 .�_!.U¥_ ' ;;':C;; . --=----

'-hI , �\.l

I i� !, i i I i i

Furnishin�s Hats--.�hot's

Outdoor ('IothinK

IHCK�O!\ BKO�. CO. 1 120-22 Pacific A,'ellue

LlE'\& �EJ,'I(; Importt'rs of �orwegian'

Cd'd .:h'er Oil

Cor, Tacoma A\"enue &.: 11th St Tacoma. Wash F� Delivery


PAOf' ::


i Carson r Z ' , Nrmall '3 r , Ho" .. !ck r 4 r I � t Studl'-'-What makes you think k

1'1) ['tAl' EU'K"'SHlR(; ir-��;:::;:;--�: I that our " Nell' Rl'al Silk Salesman" h Tomorrow "\"('Iling at 8. o'clock the ! I eystone print


illl{ CO •• Ine. I

cra��.? G ,Iadlatol'll will match theIr baSkelball l 1 :\-lain 3757 ,tt,! Pllrlfh- Av� j � 2nd Stude-" Whl' he spent forlv.f!I·e t.actle� wtth the strong Normal tI\"(, I .

TACOMA I I minutes trylng to' st'li me some ',;ocks from Ellimsblllg Ellell.�buq(:; basket· 01----and not once did he say they w('re the �:�t�:;:� �:��/·�:I�


ns�:l� l

..... ------

...... ' best on the markl't:'

(l'ams as the l!Jnh'erslty of Idaho lind , �vlte comparison of

w����:��:nt�:a:;�II:I:I�:rgeIY in fa\". BUTTER-NUT ����'at�J�

v:th��� c���

or oC t�:



SChOOk the GFladiators .


BREAD . l BIN YON OPTIr..�L co. can·t u<: too un er-rRtt'd an:; \\111 1 1 Mill e be th . halked I r, .... d to t •• La •. Cr •• 1t 920 Broadway / �Ral�t I;�;:ns�urg �as��:�� on thl' I�� r_'_'�I'�_" '_'.�!�.�- '.;.O._"_'�'-"--:'="=_H:'"='=')=:... '.::::::p:h.o:n::' B::road:.:a,=r42:1::=� cal floor. The Lutherans ha\"e proved . thelllSE'l\"es n strong aggregaUon on 5e\"-

1 I eTal occasions throughout the seMon, I and a real ba.�ketball game should be , In store Cor Thursday night

A date A da-nee Out late

MBeeA RESGJ'AURANGJ' Open All :\,iglil THY Ol'·1{ "\N�EX I;Hh & COlllllll'!'l'('

,=:::�;,�.� · ,= 1 _____ f��;'IruO�l ;:=:=========:::::::;�===:;: i �W�Q O))1!!91�


Parkland Confectionery & Barber Shop G. P. KUNDTSON, Prop,-Comer Car Line





'\ Write lor In/ormation

Stein"y and other pl&nt». Duo Art ReJmlcIucinc 1'taDoI. VIctrolu and v� 8&Dd aDd ·�tra lMtrument.l. &beet .. uatc and Mua1c Boots, � Beta and Acceuortes

'She�mantJay & CO. 128-30 Bn;-d __ , JtIak!. W5

�. w�

Telephone Main 5900 KARL A. ANDERSON



r--- --. --,

PARKLAND LIGHT & WATER CO. i\ lIlutual. l"OmpUIlY' Orl-rlllliZl'd 1)1 1

Fu.rniahes Water. Light and Power to Members Onl:o' Water minimum 60c per month including 100' cu.-ft. water

Water fuinlalleci to P. L.' C.

, 10'0 ... · f�rthe� inrorm,atjUlL}�Vpl�' lu �,' B. EI.I.INGSON. Mgr.

,.. -

':';;'=' ,

PrOlTama Will I:W Gh'�n FUTURE DATE WiLl. BE 1-----:=-------;--::--::---- 1 I I · SI!;:!' FOR MOUNTAIN TRIP ! han:l·!Io'Orklnc ",� that cannot be'ktpt! 11 th .... _y, -1"hlI: work!: _rna like ..

:\Ir. HIN\I" ...; Onl (:la"" "." -- '\ lnat"d. they aft all wocit1IIiI �. ship that .... rotna throu&h an unknown �"\aUon ' The lona !.ant'd of mountain triP. c;lear the' national debt. and seem to ocu"n---lolnl we don', �. "here-Son, Bud \'f',.�nnu .-rf' co be th.i('h had bfoen set for Februan" 8 and Sunday. F'tbruary b. suttffdln .. .,,11, .... Am,,,,,,": _ t

,'h"'h ''',' .�_,'''''l, ha,��n,' .�_ ,� �

H,.':",��I_ the outltt for Ul't ambltlol.lll elocutlon- ' 9. has �n postponed until ,.;mIt 11,1- II of Tr1�lty Lutheran .... ... .... w"- .. "" .n: ... "'" "" ....

IlIta of Nt HOrl('Sf,ORI (1135. Mat tui"'t date. Thl" ttar that thflre ,.'Ould t'd aU mtmbl"rs of the .. �"' r«t'h'f'd "try courteowJ}'." saki qualntf!'d and I'l..::I .. little toltr.� and Keith. Dorothy £bp . It. and tnl"!'bol'1l nO{ bit �nouah c� of tn\'lronment !I'ho .�rf' M'\-enty r"·" of tht docto.r Otnnany haa .. lewe fOf r�lX'Ct for each other. there; would bf' Bolstad ha\'e �n P I In charte of the 'to .alT1llt the UC\ln1on' promptf'd this O\'er Th,,", " .. ,,"' about thirty Nor"'ay and B"'ede�--<»untrIH ..... hh:h no fllbUna. In f:urope they .art' try-.. rn.n(\"m"nl,.�. actj�n. Thert' ls a salin, lhat th" kind IUHU

__ I and 1M her sttu .... lnJ chlld",n Inl to make a United Europe!. �ttertU'd

r;�n:�\'�n:=rroa':, �h:����te��:� ��,,"���� e:�l�

ln���I��: rt

l�:a�,"�o�� R,,\·. A. 0 war.

. . ::I

tern:t�:::n�� 8�ea�r:'

h�: �ve"n ��

l·ern..1 exp�lon on" ,may "uh "'U ttle Ihat month. Maybe thert' "'ont bt- any I M'fmt<l to hlll·e. sullert<l mOlt . peace.' and harmOny." �ugr"ltlon of 1o'r Hon�. Th1l< Is to g!.1·e dHIrt' for a climb to the "top" I))' that W,lthd:��.

n ��; n;:��1���1� I r.;:::���;=


1 :';�:-�!:n aC���' II�e. ... Nr ami Mrs. J. Xal'ler from �6 mUllon to alx mll- Phone "'�n 14&4 - l "nee. The time and Ih" plaC't' for It ARCHITECT WILl. COME . av a dinner I� h�nor'. of Dr. Archie G .. Hu-k",

hb no� yel been decldf'd upon, T� SURVEY CA'tpUS :::n���I::') ;

\�h':�.a"" Rial B�t�� P'loor I �,,,�


l�nlJll:eUo=�I"':,";��Ol: Presldenl T1n;:;:-d .

re«nU)' "'_ I -lui H'"nry Xnler, Mr., A. X�vler, I1lh at Pacific AI'e

lntend5 to take It up In hil; other Eng- ceh'f'd I letter from Nr. Cb$rlf'll AII_ Mr.. \'albo ... Bailey In", the ,uests. ctl.rt'd for nee<h AWitnan children. It : � __ Taaxn __ ,_, W_U_hl_n.;.,,,_'n_

i1sh clusn abo flll1sch the archllfl:l "ho planned the l -- Is IntH"estln, to note that In rntltude ___ _

_ � C K PreUli O)mnasium II Luttkr CoI- Mr. 0 J Stuen e:ntutalnNt a to BIloC'den the coat of Oustav AdoJt]

j' W<@jI!\ I" .... � ltie Ottorah to_ Mr Alttllllso:h l ol frlend� at her home lonll-cherlshed trophy of the Austrtansl


�'--t � had prom� to sune the P L. C Lnln, Amona IhOllt' p�nt II,'", $tnt back to Stockholm A ... ,"pUr Compltl1t(,lIls of calJ)pus !lOmetime th1a )spnna Ind totC1.,.. Chrtst�n.wn of Everett a Despite Jullenn, and hardship AUS-


I . ... OUt aM A�rin

P kl d Sh SI dru up plans for th� de\elopment of Alumni of P L. A alld Miss Ina sUII leatls Europe in IIterrotun J, .c. Pet6..-.on ar an oe lOp f'A

' P L. C throuah the next � )�If5 Thls lLa�n a form", teacher at P and mNtlcine and CItl&e'Di Of l !

• � CIL� of IDOl) hU promised to flnane. p::;:: a:a��ear��mo':nI�1 �!� :;�a It:r:




ar:� \ ������������� 1.5

the enterp� Ilohlch the P L. A -- many olher co'mtn" come to study In i=::==:;===;:� TilE FIRST SNOWFALL

lien In �l M L. Netvl,1 chureh In art rather than f�r money There g _ The sno,,' had begun In th� gloaming Seatll�. In the afternoon he spoke In a SE'na1ble socllllsm In Auskla. II&Idl


� SHul ... nl,. rio say And all lhe nI,ht "

. the Norwegta� laIllu�e 10 the, Nor- .8J)H.ker, "Here luxury g taxed for . Had beoen heapln, field and hl�tll""y "'""lflan Youn, Peoples Society of that the benefit of the need)':' "'lI!l�rul Bir('C'lorl'l

th�y hUH' .1It-n'r bt'.en With a. 51lery:" dti'p and ,white. �':::;�ed�n:t ��:


g;: lI!.tt�� e:::::::" �::i:l

re��� 1:;1

in Tu('oilla unit·",,, lIu'�' E\'r:ry pine and fir and hemlOCk Hoff rl'poru an excellent splrll In Mu�lIlll. who. the doctor sald, Is thel lUl'kky-h illg Fllllt'qtJ ehun'h

hav(' f'alt"n al

f.'arly/l>·" t:n/f>Ipriu


IS THE Cln' 1'111' i 'rin' Is tht· l .uWt'!'t-" " I\{'l'� Ire I

J o h n s o n - C o " ('nrnpa�:" .

e ·

Wor" ermine too dear for 101\ earl. ���:I:/ Church for paCific, man In Europe today He hM I And lhe poorest twl, on the tlm-trl'l! no\ onl� a new country but a 1 :u'omo Ave al So Fln<t

\Va� Nfg'Nl Ineh-d�p \\1,Ih pearl,' I Dr_ 0_ A TI.

ng"llStad and Victor �ple to IIle there He g pr&c-�ame� RUl',q,ol Lowell '�5trom returned from a sUce.'"ssful

and �)'temaUc and thou,h his I II Iloilo he 1s so fair that elashln'

l �::::::::=::=::::

)IISSIOS SOCIET\' )ft;t;TS . }n California. FrIday, Jamlar�' 2!1 partlf'll ar" lloi1Ung to leI Mu�lInl set- :mIN:! AID ..

Thl' rtj{ular meeting of th" P. L, 'C. Saturda�', January 26. Mf5. 8. tl"

B�h�r S��:��tler of 'ntraductlon ' MIS$I�n SOClel)' ..... u held Wl'dnesday !fnd MI55 L_ Stlxrud "�nt to their e,'enlna:, January 23. As thl� .. ,,. Ill; the Docl.Or and Mrs. QuevJ! galne<l an aud- Srhool SUpVIi(""

Prlda)-. Januar)' 18. Miss Stlxrud



Collf'gf' or Studenl

-,\" R. Martin & (:n. Ihl" aecldent ""hleh occurT'!'d after 1n �l,lum acres of soldiers' gral'u, 1126 Pacific Avenu� Sumnn Rame. marked \\ith crOIl,-.t!!, presented a ud . . -- picture_ "It .... ill take Europe eenturles l Sldn�y Johnson. II pupil of 1911. to- 10 recover from the Wo�ld War, In 1"----________ ... gl'ther ... ·lIh his Iloifl' and two sons . ..... hlch the flower of EUropean manhood

j , i ��

I,�:, �;�;



IS ;�a;e

c��:��� ::t�u:�;e ue�::���\ Ul be- I It� Our BU8ine�8 To Sene , "'I HA�SON'S' Striking too., "

,('re ' the gral'es of I ', and �er\"(' E((icientl�' , J Jt'"·"I,,r Mooryad SWell known wldlC'MI In every Country. AI t

\\"al('h R�f:ril�:1 �tSPt.(. ialt�, eaeh gra\'e Is the Inscrlptlon-"Thls l l That's why II,e 'arl' her!". lor your I

,Fidelity Bldg,' I �a�'"n�A'"d'd�.'


��u"'.-,, 'nl,I'�

_, ,--"" .,

""- youn, man gal'e everylhlng for IIb1"rty· rl l cOlll"!"numcC' and ..... e II'RIlI you to I ':=========� .-' ..

� � for hts cou�try" for humanity. Rnd for I fe.>! frft" to U.'W our r"c�lltle� til t r I adorn thr UPhOI�le�y �n. the day his Ood." 11 .\oetms each nation 'beliel'ed I. l'1'!"r)' and .an)" mll.nner We -devt'l_ I

FLOWERS FOR EVER\' Thrt'(' .,rls are f!1l'l.Slnx. Ihough __ Vl'r_ In th

�h�.!h�anY countries." said I lop 1II1d Ilnnt �'our kodak films i

OCCASIOS nil. Glln�. 8t>rtha- Rod. ManhR Sizer doctor. "has ea� m)' Idea.� to ' Par:kland Mer(,8ntile Co. I

Remember Hf'r SI. Valt"ntine� D8"

\\'ilh '

8r�wn & Halev �

Chocolales '

• • change:' W� find that man)" accwa- I I t Ju!



h:,r:�:�; �IOns of nations a��n���. a� 1 i- __ _ ____ __ ___ ..

Dt'i an)" of rOil Dorm "tud"nL� get a )lilt! In the all school play? Wt' cOPIJed • (oupl" ourseh'e!..

The day room girls are thmking ser­Iously of challenging th" dormles to Rood old-fashlont<l sno",' bill (tght out by the kickIng pa;t. Let us pond"r II IIt­tit' longer

"FA' OO .... n. Go Boom"

Brif,(hlt'll ull tilt' Iwnw with

a ft,W rJUWt'''� ur I/; "il'" hlunl1liltf,( plnn!. Flnw\'rs rflr t' \·t'ryhod��nd (·\"t·ry-


JFrank J. Le(>' C:;:alltornla Bldg,


Friendship &

Birthday Mollo" Hamilton Studios

n,e Sture Fur Men and


fo'ountain Lunch VaJf'fttlDft .. NDnUl.,.


t (l.t2 Pacific A\'e,

MIUwork ';'d Cabibet a..p, Su .... ,. W AS�GTON IiARDW ARE CO.

SpoUi""� Good. t:M Padfk: ,Aft,

California Florisls C1rt ""-n, PM&ed ...... 'I' Padtk: An. Taioma

Dr. R. A. B�rg -.,.6 PideIlty. BIde,


Ten Years� Experience Has Shown Ihe' WiHdom ,lSI)

Oemon14lraled the Advantages OF

1. Ht"striC'tt'd Fi('ld :J. Sf-Icct M('llIb('r�hiJi

S !

LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD . 125.f,McKDi�:���inne.� Ninn,


.� (\.; , - -- c;-----.... ='-

----_'"!'-_�� ..

! f · r

�' 'j

Dahl Is. Chosen as , f'!'EACHING THREE "R'." . Spokane College TOMLiNSON LECTURES I Reunion of Former OBSERVED BY STUDENTS · . AT LUTHERAN CHURCH ' , . ' P. L. C: Dl'legat.e I .. ok '0 <h, """': 0'. ;"'''hool. ,. Will Send Teams, ",.' o.,"""�"'"" _boB ' Students to .Take To U mon MeetIng, ho� daY; _,Oin. A �� and "1M Buk tb II d Deb t M t �' w." '""'" .... admlnUon and �. PlacE' on March 9

-- . In I�t' methods and uoehnlqut' claM Di:Pla� P��We88 :tep�c:rfic: O I���.b=��:\� �=�7t:: .,.\. . _ . , -- .

Axu.stana Academy at Canton, I hA"!' reneWM tht'Jr ac:quaJntance �1th Luttteran College in Near Ch h . �b 5. Special r.lftherings of Classes SoutJt....Dakota to Be Place of thl' little fint-iT_de desks boob I Future

eran � on . ruary From Beginning of Institu-Q'ol;tterence of Lutheran charts. and other eqUIPmtnt' of said ' __ TIN! speaker brou,ht out atrlk1n,ly tion Will Be Feature.' Hig

�(udent8' Union : gradt'. i To. follow the, mrthlcal axiom of :��L:;�:e a:�h "'����;c:.�d =��I� Pro�r8m Is Planned,

In a \'er�' l'lo.:� race Irene Dahl came Obsen'alion of elementary .5Ch! ! Ol"Ol'ie Wash.lngton, perhaps the m05� and pleaded for better understandlns Reunloll-the annual homtcomlng of In ' Unt wn.h lhrpc more votes ' than ��::; :��!:��::���:�t��:.

CU�I�J �:l::rla�k:get.ea: t:�d

S:�:: �1:�

H�� ��:t����w�a:� aU former �tuden� of Pacific Luther-

John Goplerud She ",111 represent Pa'- !he schools vl$lted jlre Parkland-'and team would be: '"We wlllh you no hard why President-elect Hoo\'er vtslled the an Academy. Columbia Lutheran Col­('If Ie Lmheran College at the Lutheran Spana\\lB.y. The students make "ery Irf- luck. but " .. e hope that when you leave ' SOuth American countries ,Immediately lege. and Pacific Lutheran College­Students' Union conference which "'ill ' teresling reports of ,the things the), 'us, you will carry no victories agalmt aft�r hili election. will be held March 9. at the Tacoma bf' held March I. 2. and 3 at Augus- ::: noticed In the cla.sses they ob- , us

:' I . I Those that alttended the l�ture were Hotel. 6 '30 p . . m. lalla Academy. Canton. South Dakota I This marks the second year of Inter- I Mr N"J Hong Elmer Tveter and Har- The executhe board of the Alumni , 1 coUeglate athletics and foreMlc rela_ old Johnson _ AU the Lutheran colletes In the Unted St d P I - 11 d A"5OClatiQ,.n met Saturday hbruary IIr Sta�& · ... Ill be represented at the meet- ea Y rogress . �:�It: ���::n

S60�I:;: S�t.e�S�h:1s Y ' H R II and elee� • committee to make de-

Ing of this �nlon, I\'hlch helps to 5UP-' Rewards Campaign I utSheld b} the ssmf' denomlnatlon.1 ear s onor 0 tailed plalls for the reuniOn The com-

l)Ort fo�lgn mlMlonarles of th� church. , I bodr· Altho quite Intense r:el.tloru .re Lists 26 Members I mlttet" members are : Conr.d Oaard. ThOM' l\'hOM' n.mes ...... � prf'Sented Tacoma Work Postponed Be- I to be expected to quite a lara:t' ex�nt __ I Norris Langlow. Ruth FadneM. Irene

liS students SUitable for a delegate I\'erel

.cause of Bad Weather: betl\·een .. tv,o. schools of such naturt.S Dahl Larson and Winney Lead I Dahl. Mr. O. �. Stuen .nd Mr. Ph. E. Rudolph Sanderson. Miriam Heimdahl. - Alumni. PromiR Aid : .nd $<I situated as

. are

,Po .1.. C. and Respedi\'e Departm@nt8: Hauge, The I.culty ha.s also elected a

Irene Dah}, John Wiese. and John �eipment .... or� 1:5 progressing '�"'�'"I1�� ��:;�_I::I:;::e\��.��:,:e:: Mahncke Cup Wails .

�m���::�· M�: v�r;:=���:r�;o

O::eu:�1lI be the fourth d�legate se;; ��::I:�. t:�t�:!

h ::e ��:����:; I I$'�:; year the basketball and debate fl�t

ne :����



n �: ! "".I�h�����tt:!���:::t�:I���e thla

by this school. Martha HJermstad rep- f'][�nsIve campa1plnl, Or. Tlngelstad I team:; from �he ... ·estern side of the M.hncke acholanhlp trophy has pas&ed ;year's reUlllon the blggtllt .nd best re�nted P L, C. In 1�26 llt Moohf'lld. �� ��k!�es;= �o

arv�u�: ::::

na: ! �l����al:n:;:d�h:�, dO

t7a: �o: :�

h p�:����yO�h:


h� I;�:. h�I:�. �

e����t:: �::�':�:�; Minnesota: Anhur Knutzen In 192'1 1 The .. ark In Tacom. hu been post- Itllat this pracUce of Interchanrina: vislta of Tacoma In the fall 1\111 be en(Taved [ .... 111 Include all ItudenlA of the three

at St. Olaf's College, Northlleld. Mln- po"ed, because the Ina" hM made'ef- ; betv .. een S. C. and P. L. C. may .nd with the nam� of the studentll In each schools, " n"" plin haa been Idopted neSOla; Arlene SanneT)Jd In 1928 at fectlve work IrnpollSlble, Many com- , ..... Ill continue In time to become a tradl- department who have made �e best ..... hlch. It Is hoped. wl!1 lncrea.s.e the In­Decorah. Iowa. mlttees have been allpolnted In dlrter- ! lion of the type that lends zest and scholarship record for the fuiT school I tereS!. There .... 111 be held 1pe'Clal gath.

In connection with this ,J=onferf'nCe ��t ehu

��hes � begin work as �n a.s � '.Contlnued on Page Faun • year, Those having the highest 'grajes ering� ot every fifth clus. c�unUng back

a Journalism m�Ung, I\'ill be held .t �,wea er c ellTll. .. I at the end Of the first semester of this I trol}l the 1929 graduatlns clau. Con-whloh Irene, u editor of the Moo�ng Dr. Tlngelstad spoke In Our Savlor's : CHOIR SINGS AT HOSPITAL year are Irtne Dahl In the collt'se de __ lseQuenuy thl� year'lf spe-clal reunion MllAt. ""'Ill � present. . ���::��


u;�: I�� :,:

utt:15 ::�::� I \'eterans Hear Studenu at Their Flnt �



h;I:�� �:.I�:


I,7n .��I��O�: ,::t

• • .� . gallon a committee \lIas appointed to . Concert In the normal department. I ial g.therlnss of the claa&el of tlIOO and GREATEST CELEBITIES begin work u soon as the' ..... eather I The Pacific Lutheran Conege choir A decre'a.s.e or one 15 shown In the 190.2 ,,111 take pl.ce In honor of Doctor BIRTHDAYS HONORED makes It J)O$.'Ilble. � lIllder the dlrectlon of Mr_ Edwards. but thert Is .n lncrease In the dlstln- lnngeistad. Since the&e plana wtll lake

__ Sund.y. Febru.ry 10. former stu- ' gave Its flrst,concert on Sund.y, Feb- gubhed honor roll. To make the honor l in sevell specl.1 clasaes thb year. It Is The blrthd.ys of tl\'o at the nallon'S dents of P.clflc Lutheran College In ruary 17. at th(' Am�rtean Lake Ve�r- rOll one must have an a\'erage of 90. hoped th.t the members of thOIt' classes

greatest celebrities occur this month. that community met at Silverton. Mr. ans Hospital. The following pro- To make the distinguished honor roll. !. A Pt'ppy program II beln, planned namely WUhlngton s and Unculn &. Elvestrom .... as pre.senl and rtports thaI gram ",as gi�en one must have every �e 90 or over. I by the cummlttee. It hu promt..ed the The question occurs to man}, as to "'h)' se\'eral new students wtll be coming " A Crol\'n of Grace" Brahms The memben of the distinguished : be&t. and bl�st .eunion Pacific Luth-these men are remembered so much here next year. A commlt� .... '&1 elee, " " gnu& Del'· • Kallnnikoff honor roll are Irene Dahl. lnga Oople- eran College hu ever had. longer than �ther presidents. Is It be, ted to begin development plans In that '"Df'f'p Rh'er'" Burltl8h rud. John Ooplerud. Verna Gano. Le- I cause they were presJdents durlIli the I

community .t once. Tbe cummltt� ' "0. Bread ot Ute'" Christlans.en lah Orass, Ida Hlnderlle, Edgar Larson. 1 ST . V AU:NTINE D'A Y t .... ·o greatest ..... rs In Amerkan history? consists of John Ooplerud. Martin Hat- I Jens Rlltshelm. Bernard sand,,1ck': Partly. perhaps: but .bove all tl\'O other teberg. Esther To"'·f'. and Peagy ooPle- l "SWf'f'1 Angel Voices'" EdWBrdl Oertrude Sydo ...... and LBdelle Winney, I FITLY KEPT BY GAI...A reasons stand

.out boldly as ""e re\·le ..... rud. . I' Other membera or the honor roll .re: PARTY OF DAY GIRtS'

their h1storles ' their moral character/ A definite p� has been arrang- " Make Me. 0 Lord Ood·· Brahms Ullla!) Ander&on. Eugenl\ Crosby, Pe-and their .... ·llllngnCllS to saerUlce them-

I ed . b}' Dr. Tl�1s,tad up to March 10. " GladsOme Radiance'" Orekhanlnoff ter Flolt. Elvera Hokerutlfj. Margaret , If one had been in the vicinity of

selves for the Amerlcan people. 'Continued on Paie Faun : " Come Thou sal'lour'" Christiansen Holmbera:. Chrlatina Johnson. Mae the Day StudenlA' room on &eeond floor Although thi' first of thes.e rea.s(lru

, . '"Beautiful Saviour" Christiansen Keith. Berdine Knul&on . . Eva Knut&on. at noon Thursday, February 14. he may embodles the second. each Ia qul� dla- FA DOWN, GO BOOM I , Gerhard Molden, Bertha Ro5e. Fred i have heard many :\ntellirent 1 1 ) state-tinct. It wu that "Father. I did It." l IS \\"ONDERFUL SPORT D�rlng the short Intermission Dag- Scheel. Evelyn SOlum. Rena Strand- I menta sueh lIS thls. "Whan aU the that made WashingtOn �.t. and It . r

ar HIlKeness played t ... ·o violin SOI06: berr, and Arnold Th08telllOn. I noise and excl�ment about? Oh yea L was the f.ct th.t Lincoln walked slx j FOR FELLOW SKATERS , '"KuJn1ak" Wlenlawllkt

Imarine It'. thOIt' day Itudentl' up 'to mlles to pay a widow the three cents .. ,

-- " I j '"Sollgs My Mother Taught Me'" Dvorak CUPID AND 'PEP JOIN ! something .galn." However, ... hen the he had IhortchaIlied her. wh.lch gave I He). fella! "WhY ��on rena stand up I The hospital furnished traflllporta- 0 TINE'S D �ous one had taken Just . IItUe peek this man popularity and reaponslblll- for a chana;e? . , tlon for the chOir membera, who left N V ALEN A Y into the fudle ·kltchen" .. hlch seemed ties which were entrusted to him. It '"HI. there! Com: on over here! Aln.t l the college shortly after t�;o o'clock AT DINNER PARTY to be the center ot attracUOn as far .... 'u these same quaUUea together wlth ! thls keen? I hope I . and returned about four-thirty. _ __ . u the day .tudentl 1JUe concerned. he trust In God Which made them 5uccesa-

1 And many and.., varied are the like I With the College cUnlnl hall a.s hls betield a scene which .. ould bave. taken

ful prf':l1denlli. Their lives anow 'lhat expre:saloru to be heard .t the local i CALENDAR plaYfl'OlJnd. Dan Cupid played havoc any one'a breatb away In Ifurprtae-. popularity .nd stl'e� III' not 1n I takes these lut two wceb, I -- with bearta on St. VaJenUile', bay. long table, set for tourteen and clevel! richea or nobility but in penonallty and 1 WoDdertul sport.-th1a aUtlnl-:-, F'IiIb,. F� u. . A dainty valent1ne baaUt at the ceD- decon.ted Ip red and white, to lit !.nUt In one', self and 000. Throua:b ! SUdlng. gliding ove�he a:UtUrlllI, I Debate between -Bellln&ham Normal te


r of each table, llerved as, a hub from oocaaion. But the moat beauutul table these m.rked tralta of leaderablp, per- I' slippery Ice- I and P. 1.. C. Girls' Team at I :30. bert. whiCh the .treamen radla"t:ed. Heart. decoraUoDS, in the onlooker's eatlma-tonallty. and sell aacrttli::e dlll1nc the on, on toward an endl goal. tum- BasItetbalI oetWftn Spokane CoI- lollypops were placed on py naptlDa at Uon. _re fruit salad, lemon pie, devt!'a 'IIiI&TS wblch DVed America. these men IIlI and ducldng and fully t?) Ieee and P. L. C. at Parkland. eac:h·plate. 'The ruebrinc Uaht of the food et.k.e. and, Oh, thole oll'iet. 80 that helped pin. and. protect wbat Amer1- rishtlna dne'. sell. And then-bancl f ! . Sa'--,., I'eIionuy II tall caDelles. < .. hleb turn1shed the sole wu what It wu au about! The da1 ... a\&Dda IOT-llbert,. and Justice tor Cfaah.! ! Basketball wame between Spokane Ool- WumlnaUon of the dJnln( hall, added atudenta were celebraUhi Valentine'. 'aU. Sure. and "fa' down" they do, Indeed Ieee aDd P. 1.. C, at Parkland. to the spltlt of fesUvity and romance. Day In • we and anI' way, The ab-. "-I the path I.t tar from. beln( .tl'ewn With Debate bet .... een Spokane Oollece and A deliciOUS dinner had been prepued aener then � on bb wa,. satUtied �:!��To�� C: I �ul: :�';; :I:�, �0:.nt


t::� P. � 'cn::·,:::� ;. C.


n t��� ��; !:n ��::=: t:;:: M1A1on 8oc:!ety WU .bekl Wedn�Y �tortunate humaJl �rellCtl .... ho haft Debate between c:! P.' 8. and P. L. C. I� cnam" u the deuert. tully wiahIni he Were • day ,tudent,·

:UPeb�e. = U:= I:==n�:Z=� �� ���� �� Parkland-�Ip m:��:� th��.e� � e� �':! �=�tea�/�e �Ie:

ran . �. followed by a piano 1010 jare more lOUd than the k:e" l!Io.t at Hlah 8chooI VB. 'P, 1.. C. . beard that the Olrla' Pep Club .... b",� were: lnDe DIlIJ, Ne� OW-b)t E('ftra Hokenitad. ""'lben Be\'. 0, p,-t;;anawen are ':I"d to have been In rrw." � 1 ftIIPOI18I�le tor th1a enjoyable treat � IeIon. A.ona IIIckUJeoD. .,tria lMIoD. ...... . pft • talk. The dace or \be I aftirmat1ve: . . Du&I debate0--8t. Jlart1n's C<:1ll� va. IUlPated that the bo)'l I1ve ntteeD ,.Amia � DoroCb:J f.ebmuul. bIp replar meetlncI at· tb1I; O!"I&D1atloD eo. that la "b, there.are 80 IDUlJ' P. L. C. ' raJat to aM ... their appreclaUcm. The Oilaa, D>IIp ........ hIIllDe 1M-. ..... c:baDpd to TQea4ai egen1n, to· " clop" atalk1Dc aIxIut P. L. .0. su..." ..,. l. rutHn raha! were riven with aett 'and Ida BldIIII'Ut. 'nIMIa � 0.. I&.ead 01. WecIneada, eTmln( of t'YeIT �

.Im txaltecl. iDartnecs �,Par� DraDiat1c Club preaenta two lfuioual, a.ocepted by. the ruls u re- trude .,..,. 0_ ,......... .... 0Cber .... . ' OIl their inceWcent lac.. I ODe ,act pia,. at P. L. C. lJmIl&Ilum. WUd for \.be1r Jataon. JCarprM � /

� ' I , I

./ .


THE MOORING MAST! Daily Diary e Weo!In("!dA,. Frbr-.rJ .. A oo"\I'non-",­

mark 10110.-11'1* the first adventure In �J;v.Uon . ..., "Oee·1 Th(J8e kld� I . kO('>"" • lot more about that than t

Publlllh� rvery t .. ·o weeb d ng the &Choo� year by the studenu .of Pacific Lu.the .... n ollete. Parkland. wuhi!'gton. : Ttl'::',. "t� 1. Ellel\libur', Kame

Better luek next time. boys. Frid.,.. FHnatT If. Wanted: It. QULck remed}' lor blushlri,_ Any lnfonnl­tlon -.111 be appreciated by Johnnl",.

Feb 20 1929 I Wanted A 1�25 model roN by • wo- MDnda, . .. � U. Then! seerrul to Edltor·m-Chlef Irene Dahl Dear Ma I?d Pa 1 1'I)ar\ with red p&1nt _ btl much aeon,. amOl18 thOM .m.�un. A.ssoclalt' f:(Iltor MlrgJ.O�� ���� Th1t to1<f wuther hL'l Its .dvantaa:� I Loat It. .atch by • boy with . erull- whO .tned thel�uek at $�.unl ur-�,o,:i�u�L:1I0r John Wiese for anyone who has ,kates and can use I ed �� A smokln, lland by • man with �� �. u. � are tho!'" Sport Editor 'Erling Jacobson them the .... y I can. There Is many I lion I udenU:? They 5leerri slr.n.el� , BoY'Ii Sport!< Maryln Ho"'lck studenta whl�h w18.h they could skAte_! an e y f nlllh, I new It - Y s! ' ItS .Peale and Olr-.....g���I���� ����)'Le�r:I� lib me but can-t on account of not .. Fred L.' .'In .� Pumpkin Shelll: ��I\1.r.

a r .

Eln9 Trul.'lOn. Sf!na Johnson_ Chrlstlnf' Johnson h.IYlnl the natural talent. Sleigh rld- ! "What're you ltarlng at.�· j Wedn",.," Febnary 1.3-- Lelah Ora!\ll Humor and .F"ell.tun' - • - - ._�/Ingf:borg Bolstad. Gerhard MO�den Ing I� their 1J)Klalty_ SOme eyen went·, AggIe' "Otl nothl � . Hn case you. dldl'l"t knOW It. she's ���;;L Talk�� - - . - - S}'lyll1 Lar�n RUdOlrnhga������ sldgh rldlll'g during f�

x�m W�k. but 1 1 P'red 1.. : "�ell. 05:::" It: I don·t SCotchi received ne .... �hat there was �:�:�g?ocaIS _ _ ��;. ��� �

p::; �:Velll::::: :lId��gan at::�· to be stared at· I a ten1:�=!�en�::�·esh�II::S-. �culty Nu� , Ida lilnderlle. Harold Johnson ester.

I Anle: " Dld yo�e a bt,Lh?" 'j �I= 23 0.1 the:�cupt.DU: �re klned. Mlckel;�SINESS DEP"-RTMEN�arl Anderson The only �ng which III k�plng me LeU' No is then one mlSlllng only a few .-plng injury. from creaUng a sensation is that I haye I I Tb."'-Y. Feltra.ry 14. The �hool CIRCVLA TION not got a white sweater But theY cost Wi& Old you hear about the Scotch- I seemed strangely empty to,nllie but ngneS Klippen Peggy Harvey SlO and I can t think of It I can wear man ",ho went to have hll profile plc- I because o.t all of the ylsltlng �one.

Grorhard Lane ADVERTISING my whlt.e middy Instead. Il.!I I don t _ ture t..ken? . nobody had a chance to become.very Of'(lT@;e Lant think the weather wtll ever be more I Wit: Well. he only had one side of I 10000000me. , _ 1'YPING �mp and raw than It wu yesterday. I hi:, suit pressed. Frida,.. Febraar,. U. O1d you notice that EH1}'Il SOlum I ope I do not get pne�onla or any- I __ many of the memben of the girls' F ACVL TY t\�VISERS . rio .. thing. but allyho.w we 11 be mone.y j SOme people uy that the only dl! - basketball team have purch.1Ued. new o J STUEN , N J HO ":head. as hospital expensell here don t ! ference between a lawyer and .a chureh hats? We believe tliat the explana.tlon r am!lunt to any thlng_ ' bell Is that the bell peall! frpm the Is the natural lIwelllng of he.adl fol-. . ."'EI.t:OME BAt:K, AI:llMNI . . , Valentine lOay has now sately came ; steeple .. nd the laWyer ��aill from the I lowing the R"lorloUll vlctmy o� Sum-I I . I .. C .. IS sll.11 lilt' Wlod �)Id plm't' II IIst'd 10 1M' . " 1 1t'1I �.IH.11 and. went. According to the rule t1) .. t people. , ! nero gllill-! WI��'n'. 'our gUlig w lil· ill' IIm'k �llIrdl !I. WI�I �'HI JOIll ""all the world loves a lover" you mlg�H __ I :\Ionday, February 16. Georte Lane and 1111'111'" I htnk ,If lilt' ,Lays you sp(,I�1 h" .rt, wll.h t11t'1II . ' our. rotllll- eXJ)Kt a "'t:lthllaratlng atmosphere in l Prof. Ramstad: ··How· many eliar- I Re nold J�n have learned that nlllh-, .... �·uur pll.l. pt'.-hups ymJr .�llrll1glinH: . I: ,.,:a l Ih�' ft:�luw \\:h:1

I thlll eolltJe after this. There was .one : ettes do you smoke in a day, Bill?" ea:dY bars and anlm.1 c .... ckers IIIHrrlt'd lilt, girl y,ltl IIst',1 III SII IIII- IIII' k" klng I,usl \\ 1111. ' ('so leUow.whlch· made a mistake when he l Bill: ·'Oh. a given number:' , don't fit In with Mr. Xavter's ldea 01 Iht,y will all I!" ht'n'. If you urI' old lIod growlI lip you t"1I�1 l"OIlU' sent a yalentlne to a P. L. C. sopho- __ � how to study Roman hiStory h!l�'k .ulld hi' rt'lllilitl,'�I, It.' �'our t·Ill."lIrrusSIlIt'nl. of tilt' fool ish all.t� more. wlthou�, enough stamp!'! on It. ... ... ·om .. n In Tampa. f'la., plI.ld $100 I cllJ lthsh pranks you IIlSl1g!lit'd wlllk II stluknl III'rl'. If YOll hu." Uncle Sam aln'� much on lovers I I for her husband's tuneral expenses and � � NE TO C(JUE . IlOt �'d rt'IIl"i1l'ti .1111' llW' uf sophistil'ul.iull.:.. yuu. t":111 III ugh Iwurlliy guesa. u he made her pay the rull then discovered that he 908.11 still a!lve. i SP(,n. .11 I'f__ "

wllt'll a kllow dasslIHlJto l'I,(·tllIs sud I IIlt·ul,'nts. . amount before �he could see who It was ··You never can depend olt'"'some l Spoil: IIml I��t




1 ,�:::

I ���:

I)I�\jtll:!��;":f ��t:)':I

I;ltf�;i�; fro�'e eyenlng I was walking down the I men:' she $ald_ , C:I:::yqU�:�l ::Iu:

a:u�,:: at Pac:�:

alullini IIBW. Ilul l',"('ry YI'lir tiwrt:art' llt<-nwlllhl'rs udel{,fl lu yuur hall . .... hen I heard loud voices . In .. , Men'8 Dormitory Student I Lutheran COllege, during their stay f: alUllllli nssll(·ialilili. IH'W sludenls u-rst·llOol. lind 'I,'W fal"uity IIH'rn- room nexl to me_ Being n�turally of C un '1 W'II He C r d l a two game series which I� to be play l,t'rs t'lllllill� ill . In Imioll IllPn' is slrt'nglh l'nllW but'k and leI's a dll.rlng dillposltlon I decldCd to look 0 CI _'_ on lOue In the local gym. all work lli/il'tiwr for I� biggt'l"Ulld Iwllt'r Pal'if!c l .utll('rnn .f:'QII('gt" Into the m .. tter. What do you BUPPQ5r 1 At a Men's Dormitory Union meetJ Much enthUlllasm 15 being shown In .

- Mol1rlll� ;\iast. 192:,. It '10'';'.1 No. It wun·t no tight. but I I g held Monday evening unusual In_ I the contests u the Gladl .. tors have not . oniy a couple debaters praUelng for the ;rf'st .... a., shOwn In d1llc�lons u to r fo�tten the defeat handed them In ·t.ETS SUPPORT! debalft which Is to come off this 'whether or not the Student co�cui Spokane Iut year. Although no defln-\\'" are nllw in Iht' midsl uf 111(' dt'huh' st';lSIlIl al utlr Cnllt'gt,. month. The}' �as arguing over the I should be continued A!�r heaU<! <U.s. Itt -dO� \.t .. vallable on the B�kane Fllr Iht, pm. I 1111111111 inh'nsi,'{, work has hl" '11 dOll(" hy I ht· It'alll s Insanity q·JesUon. which Is a crazy SUb-

I' clJ.S3lollll between �r_ Ram.1tad John I hoopsteJ"l. they are .... ted all a strong IlI1d('r Ihi' l"II;1l"hing nf Mr. I I n ll�I'. Slulknts. 11"1 tiS supporl I I l/r Ject anyhow. I got out again as (ast Wiese. and Peter F'Iot. It was decided to aggregation In their and are out



�il udi\"ili"s of Ih,' sehoul. lit'lmll' is IWl"hu]ls th,� 11111' whidl ::klln:O���:� ���'tus��;t �:

e:� � ! co;��ul:I���'lng were eleeted to .. ct on l,:�


f:err;. ]1�\lY:�lb;:IU���:; is lakl'1I il'nsl sl'riousl\". Y('I, Wt' f ind Ihnl dt"llllh' is nlso Iht, 011(' authOrity. I the councli: $Ome time, but �e results of their last

Ihul {'IlUst'S 1Il0si work and worry 1111 Ihe purl nf lilt· {·Olltt'SIUlils. The ..:holr has been glylng tree oon- Peter Flot. p�!'Ildent: Rynold Jacob- I lWO conteat!'l may prove to be a ehanie I k'lmlcrs uSlIall,' ("t'c.::i,·(' I('ss SUPI)(lrl, It'sS hnllor if Ih(>y wi n a certs In the chapel this week. ThLs son. ylce president: Fred j..ff. seeretary; for the better. It the Oladlators play ;:;;�u:�;i








" thall tht' parlidlHlIIls in gives the lie to the guy that said ··You John Goplerud. Lre�urer. and AMhur ·up to fO�. the contests ShOU�d be IIv�-. - Should this hi' Ih(' l·USI.', sl tHl('nls '" :-';0. it ... hould Ilut TIll' ::�]d

ge�l a:�:g���rn���;g� ::; OL>;on. sergeant at arms. I)' =�1:e �.�tad announces that dt'lllllt'rs nt'I'cI \"IlIIr support as \\"1'11 as do hu ... kt'llmll lind fOllt lmll anything like that. howsot"ver. as pee- WORK ON FIRST ACT ' 1 I prellmlnarl,: are being arranied for plu

Y'i;�'rill g Ih�' Il('Xt fl.'\\" w('eks yliU '''' ill htl\"!' 1111 lIj1purlllllity 10 PI;;;U �:!'n:n!eto� atr;;:hO;�dents for OF PLAY HAS,BEGUN bo _=th=�


=.==:===::==; hl'ur st'w'ral dt'lmil's. AI II'lid 1111'111. litH I shtlW your 1 11'l llI it'I"S �'111J charity III somethi�r awful. I ,iave a. i The has beguu work on the first I r Tobaccos, Cigars and an' ill lt'rt'sl('d in them. whole dollar for the starvl�g Luther&n lact 01 the play -Clarence:' by Booth I Candies. Magazines. Papen StU(it.-nls. l"IlIlII' nul alld sUPI)orl yuur schnnl. students In Europe without no over- Tarkington. which wUl be given by Thoralf ·L. Pede ... en coats or white sweaters or anything_

I members of the Literary-Dramatic 80-o • When I t�lnII: of these drives. my senU- clety. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS :��� :lr:i:.h�'TS::: �h�� �y

a:�:'; l co�r;;�ee�e�t��� ��es:e ::��� [ ,====


m:: •. ::w::

""'-====1 If"CIC'$. But ag-&in �hen I picture them l er L"l was ,tated in the l�edltiOn I I SUndu,. F{'h("ullr� 2 1, I Q Oll u III l ,rnci('11 Sunllu, � hllol ulld trying to k�p lliann skating or some- of the Mooring Mast George Lane thbll' ( lass. 10 Of) U III :"orS{' S('n'ues, He' A \\ HlIlllslad thing I $loy -An}'thing I have Is yours ' 1 wtU take the part. 01 Bobby

807 Pacific Avenue

Ilrt'uch{'s Iht, st.'rmon, 1 1 00 ." III English �r\ll(,s, Rt" I u I know how they I�I The �ntaUve date lor the present&.-� Andersoll. ,lin't Ion of EI(,llu'nl.ln ( hnslum Edut'ul mll, If I don t 'ft"TIte again for some llme Uon of the play has been set lor March ;\Iuin 32.13--. OZI Pacifi,' A\"e. preull1l's you will know that I haye pneumonia. UI I Tabel/' I T amal�


I'II(>sdu\, Ft'hruun I I . X ()() II III Thl" (lung LII<iI(,S ' (. Iuld Illl't'ls Your lovtng daughter I Chili and TamaJea that are \\1111 :'\Irs J SlIiul('r, clilerlmlll'd I" �Irs ( arl Kit telson 111lt! Cheroba Mrs. J. Salater. -- I The Home of t PanLt guts I different the Churt·h Purlors cnterlaill('d by Mrs. t\. I .. EIHn,,:s<"il und Lost: A pen by a man full of Itfffn JETLAND & PALAGRUTI Tacoma'� Tam�le

\\"I'till('sclu),. Februur\" 20, 2:00 p. Ill.: The l.udies' Aid miof,l-s ill Lost. Fouul, sad W_kd I '1 ;\Irs. S. Sinland; ·t :()() p, Ill. Confirlllotion Class; 7::ln I)· In. in.k.. I Par]or D"e Luxe ;\lid-\"('(-'k De\"olional Hour. Found: An a.J.arm eleek In a P&CUae 912 Pac. Ave Taeqma. Wash. Thursdu,·. February 21 : 7:·15 p. Ill . Choir �l('8rs81. by a man Ued. with blue atr1na. �======-.L�==�:


.. ,::========:::::� Fridu\", j.'ebruar\" 22. 7::«:1 p. Ill,: Ladies' Aid . Social ill Churdl [ �===::O:7�::::;:::;::;'::==t ,.. I)orlorll. - ' 1 ' Masqttef'lWle • TheaVk:aI COItam� \ Sul urdaY, Fdlruury 2:�, It):OO 8, Ill.: Saturday Sch@1 und Cnnfir- Tallied. &.lid. DftIa Sal&' ,'" a-t maiion Class; t 1 :00 u, m� Junior Choir Rehearsol.� Neal E. Thorsen

Slickers and Sweat Shirts-Mean well Balls and Sh04 Wilaon Athletic Goods ,


SPECIAL BUSSES FOR PARTIES . Any Time, Any Place Call �. -Lyons ;./ .Ma1n "31


HaIr GooNs. Bail- Dya. To.pees. ...... ...... ft4� ar-dwa,. .. , .. , .... Ma.lD. JIll

Phone MaIn 2810

Dr. H. L Monzingo DENTIST

Suite IlH Pucet 80uDd BAnk Bldg. TACO.u. WABHINIOTON

AJiteriean Plumbing & Sleam Supply Co. , ,Wbolesale

Plumbing, Steam and Mill Supplies Phone Main H07 _ 1908-;10 Pacific Aven� . i

, ........ _,_--i.

roUow TII& GOLDEN' ao,ut TO lIJ&TI':&& D.u.TB



-, '

. : ('\.; . -..J


·S'PORT P A G E . Credible Game Is! 1 GLAmATORS LOSE . iSitmner Girls Lose I



Played by Team ; �� Z;���s�'�,?:';F.RS Game by 20 to 17 AT,�:#:i��:f;



Ellen .. bllf, HoJdl' Lea,a Thrllo,1It "Gam,,: Store b 11· 11

AII-St81;'8., Ta<'"oma', Unddeated I '" . -- I Basketball Girls Appease First " �f.rkjnll th�m�l\'�' 110.'1 I/o .'IUI.>erl0r

Club. Fight Hard to Keep t . The �l.dl.tors conlinUM their �Iump I Defeat b . Vidof\" O"e Sa e . PTtd.y, �brU&ry 15, the �l.dl"tors basketball team III cl-"ry dtparlmelll of i3 t H S 0 " .. hleh hu ronow� them Ihruout the .

T � G" H r m I p.clr.� their, outlltl. boe.rdtd the " rat-

0 __ ('ore lut flv!!''S b�dropplni 110 tiMe one earn; �e ere \... : tier," .. nd journ�yt<l <;lyef the moun- Ihe game. t,ht .'IlroJ\� F.llenMlllrR five In Ont of Ihe moet thrilling pme!! to Ihe LIncoln n,ve Tuesday. February 8muhlnl r II recOn;h of thb !ll!'uon I �lnI for their return con1e$1 1!lth the' ran true to their rej)u,latlOI\ by defeat_

Tacoma bcUketbali fans hav.

t seen this ' 12, on. tht Uncoln court, Tht Luther- .nd no dou�th05(' of all other s9!Ons' j Ellenabu .... "Teachtn:' Although de- Ina the OladIBIO

. ra 33-11 Thurl!day even­

�'iOn the Lutheran rh'e held the ' aN!' playing was tar below Par., and as th;e p, L. C, II1rla-' basketball team de- {Noted. the Ol.adlaton colUOle them- lng, January '7 The .. tr�rs" eully I MI'Oft!l AII·star �pUon, to a 53_ .. ; P�-pme dope had ·the Luthe�ns feated the strong Sumnl"r team 20.1'7. IlI"lve. wtth the fact that the 5CQ�book dlsllngul.'Ihl"d therrurlves u the belt � Thursdav e"enlng l'ebra It boOil'd for easy ,1ctory. tht game WJ,.'i last Friday. flebruary !S, Indlea'te$ a better showing than thty , -

"'-n the Llncol� high g):m, -r:try AII� � !Omewhat of a surprbe. Hoa'flver. due p, L. C, took their flnt deltat from made In the �Irst encounl('r. The final thaI :.ns 'ha"e snn III action on the stars. coached by Bob Hager. fOfU'ler 1 credit mWit be ,riven the "Axe mtn" l Sumner thts ytar by a. !IoCOt'e of n-:n. 1 score was 25, COach �nderburg's local court for !Ome time. Their de, �n State College star: has gone l�.-thelr ,·Ictor)·. u thty marked thtm- The students. teachers. and players boYI wtre at home In their oa'11 IYrn fen51'" WII.., f1awlt'SIi and led by Suttphln, Ihru the seuon undetNoted and Is rate-d seh'ps an !!X�ptlonal high-school qUln" i _re therefOre surprised at the d�feat [ and had IIttit difficulty In finding the ElIen.�burg·s !!Corlnk .ce: their otten· as one of the Ilrona-esl Indl"pendt'tlt Il"t ThI" !IoCOre .'a.'I 23 to Ie of Sumns"!' niday e�nlng on the R L. basket 51ve .ork ",as IOml"what different from club6 In "e.tern Wuhingt.on The I Thl" Oladlators ltarted Iht acortt\i I C floor

Por the Nonnal five MQ£JjSon had " an}thlnll the OIadlators had hitherto Oladlaton playina wu a cred.ll to any but bolh leams battled for the lead The P. L. C girlll played as nl"�er an un\lSual nltht lamerlng 16 point! mel �::et:l� �����7.::ell with '-'coma �:O�!,:�

t l��e

��:t :r� ��::7hl"�� :0�r:;d1l��;e r��: set I�o ::: :e�:: I ::gn::r:

o; �I"

I� :����';!r �: ����: ' �Il::e t�::g�:��l ��:�:: :, ��::t;�; Led b) �"e and Wlllion former f &n5 led b} five points but thl" Rail· and rather roullh game In which evt't) I era.ns seore within �uon In the first 10 Collte! otjPl.j.liet SOund lumlnartes the spUners �taged a rally In the .flnal l player sho"-ecI up .... -ell The Oilldia UIl�Up minutes of the I5t'COlld half the �rmal All-stars olleNtV(' abilities nre not to I quarur .hlch the Oladlators could not I tors kept thl"tr score ahead of Sumner I P l.. C 115) 1501 Elle_burr I five " .... held scorell"lIS but they found be denied but the Oladlators returned i subdue and manB(ed to flash Into the during lne first thret' quartt'rs but at I sanderaon ! 12 1 1el Rodllers thl"rrurl�1"lI again to calfe 14 more p(llnt..� the fll�ors b) keepIng Victory within I lead In lime to 'lliln �e beginnlnll of thl" tourth qUaftt'f l Coltom F '2'SuttPhln : br.fore the contl"�t endl!d �

their gra..�p thruout the game. At the For LIncoln SOrbo!! and Mazza play- ' S\tmner �j)t one point ahead. The Car,lIIon C , 16' Morrtson Suttllhln. wIth 14 markers. waa hlllh tnd of thl" quarter the Oladlatol'3 led l � an I"xceptlonal ,aml". SOrbot'o wlt� l home team ral1led' hOWe"l"r. and sunk a , Nyman I21 . 0 (7l aagnoll i scorer of tht' conte.'t and easily tht' 10-8 and half Ume found thl" Sco� 28- I ll . .::apped scoring honort whUI" Mazza f/!w more baskets. ' which settled thl"m PaIO!"1 0 I IO,Jensen I clllSll of the floor Coltom Mood out for 25 In fll\'or of the all �tars. Timely .contributt'd' his share toward the cause .... :Inners, There "'ere no out.�tandlng l Substitutions: P. L, C.-Oa�dlln '2'. the Lutherlln.� wltn II pOlnl.l! and a nice SUbstitutions b)' Hager gaVI" the All- I by playing a stellar delenslve game and I pla)'ers on either team. (I..� each side , Howick lSI. Ellellllburil-Pumhe;;. Tho. I floor lIame to hIs credit star� an advantage. as a fresh group scoring six points. Carlson. a tormer I displayed � learn work. I mM. Hedlund. Isaacson 14 ' . Rey '2' The line-ill) . ' "'as kept on the floor thruout the l Uncoln star. WLS big Pl"rformq for the The line-up Is B.ll rollow�: I '" P. L C. 1 1 I 1 1131 EII�lb"r ..

lIame. I Lutherans. 'A'hJle Sanderson a":so play· S1unner � p, L C. f'If'E BEATS (; IRL� , 4 , Rodger.ll Sanderson. Lutherans' aCl" f,,",·ard. I"d hl.s usual �ood Ifaml", Pun1ls1121 f' (1I , [.arM'll ' __ . , S , � F ' 1 4 1 Sutlphln POSSt'SSt'd 1IOml" of hl.s old time fofU'l �nt'up a I 5 ' F 'SI Ebersolt l In a close game' yesterday afternoon ' Carlson ' I ' C MorTIsen

IIge.ln and hIt ttl,t' hoop for t"'enty-t'A'I) P. L. C. l incoln lUI LJ::;' . C Lofthus the Flte high schOOl gIr ls beat the" P. Howlck 0 , 6 , Oagnon counters. Crow;-e led hU team ,,1th IS. sanderson ,S. ' I l ' Sorbo!! Clcrge oard.IIIl I L. C. girls bMkelbali team. Only on� Nyman ,2 , '5) Jeruen The I"nUre Lutheran \lnl"-up pla)'t'd an Coltom , 3 1 F .3'Oordon Tarbox 0 Knut.lOn .... ·I"re the Luthtran klrlll ahead of the Sub.�tltullon� P L, C Palo. t'XC'I"ptional game �:�::.:�!� � Olbson Olefer . 0 Cline [' Flfl" team. that III the third quarter . . bc:"'=-c.,, _' � __ ...:::n:..'.;.T_ho_m_u......;, .:

:, .= __

Tht' IIne·up. ',�II�= Sublltllutes: Sumner. Jansen lind Tht' !!Core .·LS 3S to 32. ..... . .

Sa:'d���:�: f' AII���::� ' Nyman 0 aalnes. P. L. C .. Kaaland 1 8 ' and Qual- Tht first gllme Illayed betwtrn the Brooklla/,. CUIf"

Coltum,e, •. p t l6)ere"'e HI SeKOOL QUINTET . set. ;�� �:';" po���t'dah:':�� Ihe P L c. Market .

Carllion '8' C '21 MacDougall DEFEATS CITY TEAM GIRLS VICTORIOUS IN GAME A third gaml" I� being conlcmplal� All meaL� state and ilovernm�nl "'1 PalOt 21 0 ,S'Enoch FrIday evening. hbruary 8. Coach -- I The IllIe�p Inlll};.'Cted Nyrnanl3! I Hager sanderson'S HI School quintet outpoint. Uncoln P'artI Teun Dereated by SC'Oft P L. C. !:ttl 135, Fit .. I Madison I56R2

S:=:�I���:: �4)� oC ;=�c:d �!l: 1 :.:1" ::}I�EI:h��pS�r:t ��� a�t�:; �20 ! ��:n�I��' fF LH S�: �=========:;:-I Y.n,Un,. , Th. ,am. wu ploy .. u .n .",no< I,, ' Th. P. L C. "",' ,,,,,,,ball "am j·E. Lol,".. C D R .... , I -


--� -- I the game of the P&.rkland Men's Club. played the Unooln Park team tOf a I M. Oaretllne C E. f'<b; , Oardlln and ThOo'ltt'nson for the second tfme. hbruary 6. TI\e Lincoln I M. Cline 0 A Be ' 0' d' II K· . Ma'nmn',::', ' ( I 0 I roung a aton .... ·ere most c ecUve. Park girl:! ... on the flrst kame which H: Quall!et 0 ...

: � THING web.��er. flashy fOrv.'l.rC\,for tht Cubs I W LS played earlier In. the season by 2 The subsUlul('s ..... ere : P. ·L. C.-O played an outstanding game. tying "'Ith points. and the P. L C. "Oladlators." , 181 : P. Orande t'urnishings

Outdoor Clothin�

l 0arrllln ot the Lutherans for M:orlnll after a hard fought gaml". won the ' _ , honors. with 10 markers. seeond game by a score of 18·20, It -----t : I Uneup WLS an all around fast game and gave Belwr Frlntlnl' I .

P. L. C. 12:2\ ItO I CulJll everyone a chance to yell Keystone I�rinling Co .• Inc. I i' 1 �=:::��I F "O'!��::� I �d=n hr1l P. ��n Main l'fS1 1� ..... "U1t' An I

DICKSON BROS, CO. I Evjenthl21 C t31Nt'M Waddell P K.a..aland TACOMA

\ 120-22 PaCific A"enur Thostenson .41 0 .2lSkok Anderson C Lofthus : +----------4 I sanderson!2l r t l Ntwman I Craig C Oar.dlln I � � �===���===�� Sub5tltutlons' P. L. C.-Myhre '21. Oalka . 0' Knutson ..... ..... ,- -----::=::------ All.=n , ' Clln. BUTTER-MUT i , Qaal'". S�lo. and Frio •.

LIEN & SELVIG Subs: ParkJand. QuaL5et. Ebersole. BREAD ! BI�7;�tl�;;;���to_ I HICH-SCHOOL FIJ'E ' (;_01 t. Iii. L •• C Cr... ,'I 920 Broad�

Importers or Norwegi:m

Cod Lh'er Oil _ "

IJ ......... ;�:�.� I DROP TO LINCOLN , / ,\1.,,1"11'1 ... 10 Muw.,11 Rou .. ) I Phone Broad'A'ay 1421

In a preliminary U! the Unwln-P. 1.. C. vanity game the Pacific Lutheran high-school five dropped a 30-17 COD-Cor, Tacoml A"enue &. I Hh St test to the Uncoln Reserves. Uncoln', ·Tacoma. WII3h. big advantage lay In their size. thUll THY O{"H A:-/:<iEX

Ffft Delivery rendertn; lh� young Gladiators unable

�����������,I .. "'." .. "" ..... :������:.�r ...... ; 1 to put up much of a defenae. ':======::;:============:; ;' '' Lyal Ba):ldenon, ably 1.&'J1lIted by I W I BtI"t R1dg .f· H . . . �=y�loo�d,am-r:��:';�e:::te� FOVNTAIN�LVNCHES. SO'�S, SUNDAES

to his credit, Hall. diminutive Lmcoln forward. starred for Lincoln. entering the JLDIt In the laat half to seore 10

It Pa� to � Well Patro .• tse Vnkla Sbopa

. Parkland Confectionery & Barber Shop o. P. KUNDT80N. Prop.-COrner Car [Jne i .. :.�������t�"M""_"'_''''''';M'''''M''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''''''''''''''M''''''''''''�''����' _po_,n_,,_.

_-:-______ � ;==::::::::::==!:::===::::==::::=� at PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE



\ Steln_, and other planoa. Duo Art. Re.producIna- P1anos. 'Vlctrolu and Viet« ft.eoonU. Band and <m:heaira Instrument., &beet artlm 'and Mua1c Boots. RadIo Set. and Acoeuorle. Sherman)'lay & CO.


Telt'phone Main 5GOO KARb A. ANDERSON



PARKLAND LIGHT & WATER CO. A lUutuul COlli puny- Orlo!:uilii('(1 t!ll l

Furnishes Wat�r. Light and Power to. Membera Only ,' Water minimum 6(k per

' month inc:1uding 100 t'u. It. wate� . Water lurnithed to P", L, C,

For further infQrmation 81)ply to It:. B. �LL"NGSON. Mgr,

, , ./

• I.

I I I I i

( I

PAua 4 _ ______ P4CIrtC L� OOLJ .. liXlE. pARKl.Am>, WASlIDIOTON

�r. o...� E!l"enlahl . .... ho atte:ndf'd p. � I P 1 ---:::---:--:----1.. A In }90S a thf ... -est� st.t� tae-... SIt'IU y rogrt'Ss F. I LETTER REPORTS A P. L, C. �IIY W held at ltit' Trlll-

tory represtntaUvt' fot ttJ.r �I.non Reward!' Campai�n 110-.: acu 1) "N...e1f'S :-: . C4.LlFOJ{NIA COLD Ity Lutheran Church Iii 811",rlOIl. Orf

�hnut.ctul'1n« Compe.nv. 01- LOI> An- 'C(lnfilluf'd from Pap Onel Thr procnm constituted lalu b)' .J C ' nles. I\e lUlted P. L. C .�ru.r�· 16 • • :htn man)' n(Ow membfn 'Ii'111

ha� I w::ra. w. J, Frft

d Ls In the �h.&.I. . The followtrll' ls part 0.\ .. letkt re- Oople�. Mn:. E.-:nn�lstAd. and Vic­

and lelt for CIJ.HOTnI •. f?bruary 17. ,,'. �t� add:;:' ��he De:';�m:l Asso: I ::: :e.:: :.� h: =:�� eelftd from Ami ·O�n. '21. ""ho 1$ tor Fohntrom. A \'ocal 1010 ""IU Ih'tn

=:'�df'd bf

,Mf H

. L Dahl. '08. of :�I :�tend .n lm=nt Y?:n8 :'� l durt� tbe _ �

:;:kln, on a tann in El,Nont.e, C&ltf(!r' by �", H. FolIa .nd a \'OnII ·dUf't .b)"

p I . . ml!'f'tlnlt In Astort .. ... 'hert he upn:ts to ND. O. J. Slutn entertlLlntd the Bub· �y Oopltrud .nd £Blf'r "f'o1I'f' . �'o tomler P L. C a!hltt� ";'f'� btfr\n an htenatve df'�lopment cam. urt:.n Btudy Club .t h"" h<ule, TuH' EI Mont.t . . ClLllfomt., .

OIlce m� _n In .ctton on thi!; flOOT palgn hbru.ry "2,t "10111 be P. L. C, day, February 12, M"n. Val� Balley Febru.ry 12. 1m Nr. John OOplerud has rtMlntd IL\

Tuesday the 5th. The):.. ",tTt u11vellnll day .� the Rev: Mr. NH\1a', church tn p� a boot re"t1e .. on .. t..dy WYnd. er· � Cheer up! You .n oot .11 .lone I president of the Slh'f'rton P'ood Pro .....


C:?u;;. ���:�f'td:�� who

In. ::t:. st:;t��n tlt':t ·co=!:n�1:! �

e���=.� ·::U:;�n�:·::';:� I �ut

�h: :: �::;

e;ite::'te�' e�:� I ducts � .. _ .

to:,=_. ___ � __ . _ . __ _ .... "�:>e�O;! t�a��t�f'�� ���:�:.d;

l� i:�nce Hauge.· oon ot Mr. and Mrs: �:.�

n� ��ryk;�t ���: :::-:; 1 fPhort;M�;i;---·----':--l

I DAHL GROCERY co. ' ference at the Orerqn State College. Ph. HaUit. ,,'�o hat �n sick for the tht nl&ht and torenoon, Since the 011 11 �Dr, Al"('hi'.' G. Hif'k!'l.

I Gtl1eMlI Mt�h.nd��t t :ar;� �::;y L�:��,�:':�h��! IU��.";�:a::" �t�.:, �n 111 �

f��� �u::: t! �I�

v::�:� ;:wst B�:I��� Floor

Phone Mad. 3818R5 'ParklRnd : this


meeUng the P. L. C. octet wl\l NnC. , for a .. h1l� but Is better no...


Is nlltd wtth dense. black smoke .


0. n� 1 I.lth at heUle A'ff.

t Q1II.IUy .nd Spn'l« t . The de\'elopmtnt � .. ork .. ill be upllLln- Mrs. J. U, Xavier """tllt to A�rdeen In a .. lUle the aun .. til mine through Taeom •. W�I�!.� ___ ..::...

'� _. __ .

. >. ed .t this meeting tb � wh.t future Thursd.y, Pebl1.lary It. to v14It her the amok-t. but It feeb as U It hu lost I

. . - . :----�T--- can be · father. Rev. Skatttbol . .. ho has bf+n 111 Itl htat.., We haye n01l' had four sue- R·-- '-·-·_ ·"

�1' ,., "c". '10� *0# ---- . I ·t tht hospital (or some ume. cesalve d.�. of uu. .p�nUy total , "AR��AND GARAGE -!; .� - TH.EY SAY THAT Sunday, February 10. Dr. and Mrs. fell .. of the ,un. and as I am .1Ii'orklTllI

. "... .. It · . t:XPI-:kT SHOE REP"I�ISG A(nts Olson haa a "ti lr1kJn ... �non_

IO' A. TIngelstad .. 'ere f'n�rt.lned at .out&lde all day lone. I ha\-e acq�I� . . ht.'t; on" IltId e:'�.flt ..

. ftt tht .. allty. dinner .t the home or Re, . • nd loin. com.plellJon rather dUrtcUlt to de&crtbe'L

� . ' .. --:x-' IIlI house elKnltlf 00 an ene� Mr, Victor ElVtstrom "-ent to Sih-e,. �om1 •. • nd tbe C.Ufornlaru ... ·llI lnform '. --------:--� Parklnnd Sho�' Shop COnrad KIrchoff has ltIttl1 been do- l80vlk In Taroma. Honvtr. th1a Is sunP7 fOuthem c.all; , J. C. �U""lOl\ •

�ij [.j� ,4. is . .J::;. "'_ � scale. . ton. 'I'Ullday. nbruary 12; from there you that the cold speU 1I'"On't Iut 10nlt· I .. ___ •· _____ _ Georp Lane has Just artstn from .the he went to A5Qrta. ,., he sttentd� nus Is . fJ"Nt lite �f you don·t ..,tat-� ____ ;;;o;; ____ Il .s.lCk bed a church meeURf on Sund.y. F'ebruilr), en. I havt • family or 170 heads. count- . \ • SkaUng 00 Span .... y Is unaale for 17.. Inc: con.and eah·es . • nd leaVlnlt, out ! BtICKLEY-KINe CO.

thOM' that "fl' down a� boom:' ' m)·uU. Thll' m05t InteresUng Job I I TIlf' Studf'nt!O do �a�'

Sl��d �:rH::I� ���a�,��7:: �����"�:�:! ��:�O:���I- ::,

v��;: 1:����:��� �

tehye !�

el::! "'1IIlt'rtll 'nirt'4'lor�

lhf"�' lun'" lU'Vf'f h(,(,11 hl� EJWllth claM aner this, �n pt.y. "'Autumn F1res," Thu�a)' students. )·ou know; they don't like to I ___ ..:.'_ e\·enlnl. February 14. ... 'ere Mn. Kreld- l!�ten to the advice or the old and ex- 'l/(·klt'�·-.I\il1� FtllI('rul ChurI:h in Tarol11a unl('ss tlu:y BIL�ketball coach 410 'p7a)-enJ : "Re_ l ler. Mrs. Ph. Hauge. Mrs. Esther Davis. perttnced te"aehef. Methods of Imtruc- .

ha,'c f'l.1l(,1I ,'" meml>er that buketball de\'elops' In- M�. 1·aylor. Mr. Xlhrter. MI� SUxrud. \lIon are somewhat almtlar to thost em- I 1�omll A'·f'. at So. Firat r.ur/y/f" � Cn!Pler;n

��I"·y�� .. ln'hert .nd do n.c"! .. I I :�:.�n&t�:

n;ro��:��.�� !:��;: ��'".s�U:�d

lt a�:�;��l


� Mull' Ounden;oR. Elnl Ttulson Ind mtnt, I ha\"!.' plenty ot UrnII' for medl-

dlvldu.llty. Inltlallvt, and ltadeDhlp. Mrs. H. L, J. Da�I .. AU Myhrf', U


lIIan ployed In the cllMroom. althoulth I r M. lin

I.:; ________ .!I John 0 ' DId you ner !lOt • trind- Dorothy Lehmann. taUon u I don·t begin to "'ork (fnUl ' 11"'''''' ................. _..,. .... _'''11 faU? fh'e In the mo� and often quit at ,

K O D A K S , st�:�b:�1NO. but did Y1'U em - "��::��:nrl Tt,tlm� :::����:��. :o:o�.�r:�t:e:� I

'COnllnued from Pagf' Onel but I 'K&nt )� people to have . ,,-on- I

M A S O N ' S l'HF. CRUSHERS and

Kodak Fini�hin; uf 1Il(' -We AJlpreciat.e Your


Rosso's Garage

I to coli. lite. derful Ume. AlXlept my best "Irlshes for thf' men .'ho IlI.lIl )?IU" joUrnf'}'ed • suCCftafulrllChool year and an tnter- I

who by the .... y .·ert est1nC reunion. ' I 1mptes3ed by the txCf'm�nt I .


ORk Penrl and Rlack . entert.lnment they reo ' MW Id. 0.., .. ho It .t present .t­

men .f'! ,UII ,,1th us, .nd tendl", North Western Buslnea COI­the 1"'0 coaches. Thlt flct. 1* tn Portland; has had • severe .t- I

. ntf'd not btlnr doubtli Of any tack of appendlclUe. which probably ............ __ ........... ""'_oaII , . tor there are more men ..... 11 rt'ault In an operation. I "" year" ':= ���ea�;a


, ,.----------:---.,. O�;;;;�;;;;;;;;:;;;::;;;;;;;;,:;;�I IOn. Rudolph Sandenon. and , I Its Our. BU8iness To Sene I I 'r Howlck art members of tht (XJLLECIA TE. I I Ilnd Sen'e Erficiently

,COmp4QY .

· e

HANSON'S J ..... 'eler Watch Repairing a Specialty

251 So, 11th St 'F'ldellt�· Bldg. '


""Zf> Pacific Ar""Nr . . Tacoma LEHMANS PUMPKIN SHELL

TIle Store For Men and Boys

Fountain Lunch Valnltlnts • :Sanities

110-12 . Pacific Ave.

MlDwork u� Cabinet Shop 8appU"

� 11' AS�TON HARDWARE · CO. S"""'" .411ak1k �. .,. Padtic Aft. . Ma1n ,. Tocoooa. W"",-

--'c-.--- ...!

Friendsbip & Birtbday Moltoo . Hamilton , Studios

California Florio .. c. n.-n,. ...... ...... 818 Padnc Aft. Taeama

Dr. R: A. Hedberg - . . 1M-5 PIdelit)' Bldr.

CRUSHERS I Th"·; why .. '" hm. ,,, '·0"

S 1 .2-5 J)'l\·i�· :\Jen'� ShOI)

942 Pacific Ave.

U ft'w flow(,r5 or Q nice

.. hloominA plnn!. Flowers for ('\"\{�-I)(HIY aud t'wry' Ihinlo(

Seamon. Flower Shop

8th 6£ Broad ... y

I com'enltnct and "'.1' ""'Rnt )·ou to I f�I ' fret' to lU(' our f.clllUes 111 , t\'ery .�d any manner We devel­, lop and print �'our kodAk films

, I'arkland Mercantile Co. �

L ______ -.:_l



Ten Years� Experience: Has Sho'wn the Wisdom


Demonstrated the Advantages 01;-1. Restricted Field 2. Selecl Memht'rship


12.54 McKnigh.1 Building. Minneapolis. Minn.


1,000 M�rk INEGRO WELFARE, GALA PARTY GIVEN . Best and Biggest . In 'MemberShip Of �!STORY PRESENTED AFTSp


GN'uE ly

E'S,FT'OORRS I Annuai R. eunion of . D I . t G . . BY SPEAKER HERE

__ " u.... . mnr to Be Held eve opmen roup • -- : . tUU . I ':'-� o� �oons. and orange- . "Ne(r'O and Hl3tory" .'u the __ . S(udt'nts and }-'aculty .Respond lbordl'red. dainty napkiN made .. aala . topic:: � by Mra. NelUt: J. AsbC'I. , ProKfam Offers N-o Dull Mom-

�o Unre of )I�. HauRe : Feb- aUair of the party gtven. for tht' 6Po- l r)'. �rUldent of the State F't<Ieralion Of ! enls; Oecurs at Td�o'ma H�teJ ,ruar�' Rullelln lias Good l kane \15Itors after �e basketball pme � COlored Women: "'ho �poke In Dr. . In V���f ttu';.'�:� 6:30 Informahon 1 \ll!;t Saturday, f'tbna.ry 23. . i Holf'ls claM in American Hlstor)' Ilnd In Flre .. ·ork.� \I,'tlT In e\1den� �'�terda)' . AcLing as tout.InUtn ror t\ ��n. Mr. X.ll1er's Contemporary CI\llll.B- The annuaJ Alumni Re'unlon to be'

mornlng tI,hen thl" P. 1.. C. students IU'Id Ing. John Wiese call!d on a fe1to· stu- tlon clua Thunda)', �bruary 28. held next �8aturday In the Vlkinc Room faculty mtr.lMrs r?®Qnd!d to the pltall denl.$ for ImPlomptu s�hes ,nd mu- Mr.. A.tbtrry IS ..... �rking for the .socIa] of the Tacoma Hottl pro� the bHt

:�;�r�:;:��7� '7h::-:I�


f� , llc:a1 numbt-rs. Mr. Hauge ..... �i�mtd ..... elfare of the n� r;ace and hu itven j progTam. Ill1d perhape!the bil(tflt turn-\"'tlopmtnt AssochHlon " go over the top" tht �ests of honor In a short talk, to le-ctwu\1o mOiSt of the $Chools In fi- out tha" P. L. C. haa ��r �n, "'1th 1.000. 01". TtrtgC'\.5tad attd Mr. F.I. ""hleh Mr, Ol.$on. C<l&Ch of the Spokane . Ill1d vtc1nlty for the PNt month. I Ftnal plans have �P_�..!!.�. Ill1d_� \'est:-om ha\'e II great deal durtnR le&m. responded b�en)'. Members of' .. The subetance .of these le-ctures l.$ the th .. commltttes exprtas the opinion th�t

#-their \1s.lts In C&I.\fornl.a and Ortg-on to both teams. buketball and debate. wtre ,l5&me lIS. In th05e itven hert. I thl.$ ytU promlMS an even grtater !"'t-::�ng about the altalning or the.num- ea1l!d on. .

_ I ' oro DABL She lpoke of the F'tat men In the , union than lUI year'" 1to'bleh wu ex-. . ' . , Arthur Ol$tn led the students In I colored ,ace and of their achIe\·emen\.l. �puo.aIlY lood. The commltttes be-

to Th


g�= , liingmg their " Alma Mater" song, Bill ·P. L. C. Represented of, Booker T. washinltOn and. hb school lIe\'e that thel� etfom to make thIs ... �. '�n M-Curt'(\ rom the Ftbruary bulle� . Nyman and Bob Knutzen SlIng a d.uet· 1 . An I M' • in the South. and of George W. carver, !"'tunion ·,upertor In Ityle and. quaUty

Un. no'll" in the hand.s of the Printet 'l�r. Ra�tad. dean of men. Mrs. KTeld- At .nua · eetlng the nerro chem1at, � hal nlra(:ted to all previOUS ones wiU meet.lucteM. "In order that a Christian school like lt�. dean of "'l'omen, and Mrs. Sydow -- O\"'tr l�'o hundred useful lublStanceli They. as well as �e stud.ents, are now PaclClc Lutheran College' may Pro.'Spt...!:.---alSo ga\'e Impromptu s�h�s. Delegate to Make Report of Con- from the peanut, ' I w&.lUng and hoping that t.h1a yeu wW and gro"". there art' four th1n� ne-c- t Alter a rolUlnr yell had �n given \'entio"ri After Her Return loin. Asbt tnced the line of I a150 ,,1tnes.s Ill1 attend&nce ,urpaM11l1' essal'}'-1ll1 Intelligent �lUtlt\H:ncy. � for the Spokane \1sItors Professor Latter p� ot W«k � fq' that of any previou.s yeu. In that constructh·e. fo",,'ard-]oot1ng Prognun. l Hauge 5Uggested as a game �Ing who -'- cent of the negroes trom the Blbllc&l evetit they �I'feel that their time and cooPerative eHoT' and the blessing 01 ' could sit do'W1l on �chalr the tlll!te5t Patltle Lutheran College.was reprt- character of Ham to th� a� ot n.e labors have �n well ipent.

�e consUtuency �f Pacific L�ther. 1 :�I!e :m: = d:� :��

I�:�I�:�� I'::� ��:e

w� s,: -i:�.::.e Ethiopian race, which ls In u:;: ;=th



an COllere Is In tht"'matn the member! ' loon on h!$ clWr! ' , 1 held Man:h I to 3 at Aaustana'Acadl!lDy [ the bqtnnlng of the banquet at 8:30 of the Norv.·eipn Lutheran Church ot 1 The party ended about 11 :30 after a I at Canton. South Dakota, by M1M mne • }f unW the end of the bus1neu m�UI!I. America and the Patine toUt. In an- I fe"" games had �n played In the rt- j Dahl. who !eft hert Tuesday everUnC, Five Debates or . I There ",111 not be one dull mome�t

::r to�;: t::e =�;

u:��. f:�\:: creation room. . ! Fe

�:�:. l.$ the fourth 'del�te Mnt Next Two W �eks =':e�x:n��;'lt ��I 0t!:1ni:

want the benefits deri\'ed from ' 'a i "Clarence to Be i by Pael!lc 1,.utheran College to thl.$ 1ll1- -- ' uaUAI in III much as It � give no one

. Christian school. Also, the members of II nual convention. The purpo5t' of the Teams Have Gained No Vidor· a chance to ret t1red, or wish that "'the the communit)' to wNch the school l.$ : Presented By Club Uruon. ""hlch .Includes all the Luth- ies Up to This Time; Gi�ls' speaker would quJt." IU'I t'COnomlc asset may be classified as ! eran colleges In the United StatH. Is t() Season Closed The prt)(rB.rn.1I ILS followl : consUtuents of Pacific LUlheran Col· : --

I raise mone�' for the support of foreign 1. Welcome Address by MIM Martha lege. I Boot�, Tar�intGn's Play Brims , mlMlonaries of the Lutheran churCh. The fON'nsle schedule for the next HJermstad, '28, prdldent ot the Alumni

The help from the true constlluen�, " Ith Wit and Humor; At I At thls con\entlon a meeUng of all t.,.;o "eeka includes fhe debates of A.5soclaUon. rna} be gI\en in the torm of stud.ents P L C, March 16 : the departments of JoumalWn "'as also "'hlch three art to be held here and. 2 SChool ActlviU_M H Forde gUu tlnanclal support good "'ords or 1 I held st .,.;hlch Irene editor of the t"'o in other schools One of these de- 3 Impresalona-Mrs E. 8ovik. pra)ers In !"'tturn for the help chen I Clartnce a come-dy In lour le\.l by I Mooring Mut .,.;a.s present bates ls with Weber Coll� of �en .. Humor In Our SChoola-Mr N 1M by 1\.1 supporten P 1.. C ls tralnlng the I �:)l�;1;:;��:�:e ��;t:: ';; , Upon he� rttum !,he latter part of Utah on March 7, the others comprl$e Harenesa students & the lines of ChTUltian L C on Saturoa March 16 In the col- 1 the "'ffk she \VII, make a report 10 the a d.ual debate ,,1th BriMftgha.m. on � What Can be Done--.John C Gop-leudership that the )oung men and I I Y I students about the convenUon March S 1ll1d. a dUN d.ebate the 10110111'- lerud "-omen craduaUng from this school ege gymnasium

I Ing "'eek-end .,,1th Bt MarUn 1 College I 8 FacuIUes-M1TOO Kreidler I can be Ill1 example of Christian lender- I Booth Tarkington l.$ "'ell"''Tl to

ART CLASSES TO ACT All these debates are bet"'ftn men 'l 7 P 1.. C yesterday-MiN Esther shI The school abo .nstUls 10 the I the American public as a ",Titer or de- [ teams the girls havtnc completed their TO'Ite / stu�ents the high Ideals In life and the Ughtful oomedJes and stories or Amert-

" A t.., \Vh AtTh " N season In the debate .,,1th C P S I 8 P L. C Today-M1s.s Inceborl BoI-necusity tor them to live U good. c1ti� I:�!norn�lIfe

ls ��:;:snc:neao� his =t l r er�f Play

ou arne TornOrTO'iIi evenln�Marc.h 7, the P ,tad D!DS of this eountr'f.: - I comedy

p b� fuU of wit and �mo: Ho� to 11\11' accorolng to art Is the L C team wiU meet eber CoUege de- I 9 Futurt ot P 1.. C -Prealdent 0 A

Th15 association ha.s as Its object I .... hleh hILS enjoyed a vel1' succeS:Sful theme ot the comedy play Art Where baters hert The followinl evening the Tlngelstad first to $ave the school by pa)1nc Its I ' ' " th t hlo Art Thou \lih1ch '" to be ri\'eIl by the P L. C negative team, compo&ed ot Vocal music wUI be tum1abed by Mrs

I run n tne ea ng eatf'rs 0 t [ J hn WI d. oe hard Lane ",111 ""'-- __ >.:. u_ debts 11 ha.s been of great satlslacUon I Nih school and normal art e\ 0 est an r ........... e � .... "r, loin Haup:, -..a Ed-

to the leaders to know that a ma}or1t� I country for severa yean March 23 meet the Norm.a1 aftlrmathe team at I wards, Mrs Xav1er:, aDd the P L. C' •

of thr pledges for the end.owment fund , In the first act are dl.sco\ered Nr II 1'h be BeUingham, whlle the Normal negative octette Plano lOla. wUI be riven by

hall been ch�rfully paid up The u- I :.��� ��� ��I�:n:a:O�:d

Nbe; each



�� r:f team wtll meet the P 1.. C aftirmaUve J 0 Edwarda and Was Sirne HJerm­sodatloo also 1to'&llLs to develop the col� l only a much � long-sufferlnt I a"rUsUc or InartisUc tate. The story �th�

reb it is not Oert..!n wblch t$m;t. J4lu Dt.cmar �reneu wUI ri�e ]ti't &Ii QuJc.It1y as pos.s1ble. of tOl1{W !nl father In his ope t.idiUy circle-and l.$ of the relormaUon of the Brown l wW Ul1 to St. ldart1 ' Coll eJfor v:I



. Ii> . a reuon&ble and S)'St.emaUc manner. Mrs Mart his SecretarY h lI 'all family from an 1nart1stle group to .. tra\'e ns eg . or TO thilI general p OIMUJl wlll be added This )"'t&f the expelUt'S tor the develop- that • aec::� Ihould be. ' W 0 group which really appreciates and eIl- the d.eba.te on J4ar<:h l�, It wUl pertiaps many teat.ures to m&U the everuna mmt at P. 1.. C. II more than 11.000. Into thls ... -'lled sanet" .... of bUII- jOy.$ ,oocl art, be � neptive. The queaUon for d18: enJoyable fo� evnyone. "!be achool at a cart of '5.500 hal tn-I .......... -� cU5&1on In each of these debatea ls: Re· The time " t:H 011 lhe· t"telliAa".of stalled a ne .... chemi5try laboratory and ness, are injectecl the vtvict peraonall: The 'play to be a del1cht- solved that . ,utJstltute tor tr1aI by Mareh e, The pIiI.ce " the BQOIn a Dt"w (YD1llII$ium lavatory, with ele-ctric :.:�: �I� =:;id� his ��I e�rta1nmen�:1 Who


I� Jury be �optecl. ... . of the T_ HoteL . .

heat In both new llbrary addJUom, . l e y are come n Of the debates held lip to this Ume , lConUDUt'c1 00 PaP Pour) slster Con, a1 .... )'I�1n bot :. and II: II played. . the P. L. C. debaten pined no FOWLER-PEASE WEDDING :: �!ocethe W::Ject o/�y� �=_ . Victories, The p, 1.. C. women's team DRA WS MANY FRIENDS FO�ER TEACHER AND Uan, )In. Wbeder, YOWl&', �un- CALENDAR .=:r�,=p�r:,.��i M1U WarY Either rO.!tt, dauchter , GRAnUATE ARE MARRIED dt'rI��..rin.aDdtht �uon' March 1-Wen'l debat.e team meeta the quesUon: Raolved, that the plea of Mr. and Mn. '!'. C. Powler, .....

T'be of loin. Valboq" B&1ln and confidence of the 'Wheeler chll- �eber Collere debate team. of temporary �ty be abol1ahed III a married Saturday evmtnr, February to Rev. 1.. Rumuum of Bur\J.nctal WU eire becaUle be haa beeD In the arm),. l4arch 8-Dr&matJc, club presents two detente tor, crime. �, I.Jl the Put: chureh. .Dlv1a1oD and I � at· !be bride', IlocQf In n. CONUlted b)' them' In � to one-act pla)'l at PInt Nonrectan � mena team lost Ita fl.nt debate ,treet of·Taooma, to Btevm O. PeAle, Putland � the iventnc of � I: � 1nUmate tam1Jy aftaln and 11 �t.huan <!hurch, 12th and I strftta, �poUne CoUete �ters � ICID of �. and KrI. !!.. BIfbop � . 2�� br1de and croom with tbdr at- 10 � e:� AI to h1a put, pres- �Duat debate between P:1.. C. =on

her:'co������� � � ·::m�v. �\r:;

t.eDdaDta, Mr. and Wrs.. AUI'UIl BUKb- �� = .:uw.a. and fourth acta Wm', tama and Bewn,twn Normal bflie't1na that procreu and QOt pre- wtt.neued by a I&rp D� of farzilly mum. enter'ed to �t'Ddelaaobn" wed- take pl&oe In ibe Wbeeler' heme 1n :En- Wen', team&: . oedenot � be the1r watchword. 1Ind ,� 1rlendl, auemlIled In' d1nC mareh. and the ceremony wu read Wwood N J' W . find Clar- March 9-A1wnn1 Rt'unloo Banquet at be&uti!ully 'deeorated church. by ReT. T. O. Sva{J.. . r �er::"'. �

uU!Uy Tacoma HcKd at S:30 'P. Dr. �JOY DfAUGt1&AL 'SnECB T'be bride and � w1lI make \ Tbe wedd1nr I\IeItI. nUll1beriDi" :: and tamU7 ad.uc.

.. ilia peculI&r Karch l&-P. 1.. C. �'. debate � lI4.aD1 .wdenta mJ07ed the 1ICCCIIDOd... heme in Tacoma after a abort

tb1rt)'. "Weft nearly all reiaUftI of the cbarm bu woo fcw b1m' tbe admIratlco meHa St. JIartIn, 00Uqe Ken, uoaa liven b)'·KrI. Krftdler,.trhm abe hoDe)'moCIl �p. bride and grocm. _ ' . ber Of the team there. Invited tbem to . lIat,ea to Plw1deat KrL Peale '*. a formeT p, 1.. C . • b.!-

Mr. Rumuaen 15 a graduate, and of pnct.ka1.Iy � , tDt'II1 IIucb 1� aD � pia)" Hoo\'u', � addnu ova. bel' dent of the ,..!u- '27... She ... . Kn.: �a.ea a former tMcbtT, of � . � .. ....... tit .aece 171!- ndIo 10 bel' �ta from 9:30 � member; of the Girla' eoUep Debate . tbk m.t1tutkln. · (CoaUnUfd OD Pact! Pour) ....... at •. • '.doMk Po .. ' . 11:30 &; m., lI.areh ... Ta.ttI. • C .

I .

j • ..z:., ...


. Daily Diary

Publl.$hed every "'"1) .'et'b durin, !he ,SChQOi year b)' . the ,\udenl.! of Pacific Lutheran Collq-e. Parkland, Wa.shlnito�\.

Tharsdal. FebrufY tl_Upon btln� uked'the qieanlni of C. O. D .. a \'er), Subsulpt;ton. one dollar per year.

Enter't'd as �n� claM malter. <:>ctober 2. l�. at the Post Office at Parkland. brilht sophoinore replied " Call On WuhingtOn. under tbf!. Act ot 'M&reh 3. 1879 .. ' . . Dad,"

' . . John: "Can you carr)! II. tunc?" geLS up early In the afternoon but he Is Friday. " Febr-ry tt-NobOd)' mlnd�.

=�;��-�:�r • .' - • J�

re3! �� Stan: " Yuh," . ne;ther very heillthy nor 'a1se. studylnc about CJ.eOl'it Washln(ton Ih Editor " ' • . '. �argaret HO��rt Jqhn: "Well. carry It out on the cam- sup� you ha\'C notlceCI by all the when he �80 kina as to havl." hls

���u����r . . . .' .-Eru

;'ohf.C: p�'a�d bury It." �:it:.�h�t r��� �:k:�� �:��� birthday Jua� when every one want!!

Boy's Sports ' Marvin HOIl.'lck Mr Hong tto pupil who IUS sitting me t�1I you those fello1lo' from Spokane a vacation Onoe�lnp spokane! Olr!"s Sport.� Dol"1jlthy Ebersole Idly durtnt' a written lessonl

• Why t any mOlloSbacks and when theYj S.tlU"day Feb .... ry %S-It appear.! that

OrganlzaUons • - Dorothy Lehm.ann 't writ! ? -gambol out On the floor the 1Ioa)' the): 1Ioe aff turnln&' t.he tables on Spokane

HUf1).Or and Fea�I:: T.ruI��n?na J

.oh�n. ����eB!:=.

nOer�rd MOlden

are:aPI�:I a1n::t no pen Whirls about �mlnds you of fallen Il.he"i basket ball Is ooneemed at

A!\UTlnl - • • • _ • Sylvia Larson. Rudolph Sanderson I leaH's In a sixty mile wind 4n October Bub-toplc-we lost the debate Chapel Tallu' . • In&'a.Qo�d Mr Hong- Wh�� s lour grammar? p L. C ain t so sloll. eotber and It Is Children all do love to play Il.lth bal· ����ge�al� ::� �IlP�� Pupil-' She'll .(One awt.)' on • rtltt .. n�thlng but a ,ba5ket·soc:lirJ tor our bo)l! looru and the huge orange onn that

Facult}' Nell.·s . . tda Hlnderlle. Harold Johf\50n -- ' with Red and Rudy maklllJ t"� highest I drcorated the, tables at the enlert).ln-

BUSINESS DEPARTMENT . Hoft: "When I was a boy. I remem- bids and pllln'g up the baskets, like lht"f ment given (or our visitors atford�

Eliot Mlck�lson Carl .Anderson, , ikred the dates of all the presidents," was 'some students SIM!ndlnll their much Illeasure for' everyone�

CIRCULATION ?" . � Wit: .'·W(!�I. when �'ou were ., bo.�·. f�lher.!· money. . ' Monday, FlI!bruary ,-'-The. rollege has

):J Agnes Kllp�n Peggy Har;vey the� \\e�nt SO m�nl to remember. Trlere Is a In




rmIUlon so tha tthel a new. pet! it'S a .lIttle bla:,k pUPPX

"OVERTISING -- , I refe� can go-out and smoke. and the- named Sambo. Th� proud possessor

Oerhard Lane GeQrlll' LIone \ Red: ···Can you dig me up a glTI for I players 15 so hot they is almost smoklnll Is Mr. Garry·,Lanl'. ' TYPING

tonight?" , . too. and Just then a gang of MeOrmlcu 'ru�y: Fl'bl"llar,. %i"-The Spok�nl' E�l)n Solum

H. P. wclls: "Yes, but why not take II busU out with some yells alld song hits t bo}'sJeft. and Il.'e slnce�ly hope that Ihe one'" l k I FACULTY ADVISERS J __ I to eep the cro_d from getting restleu they enjo�ed their visit as much as o J STUEN \ N J HONO ' Visitor Why do lOU call lour teddy I ::� ��:��;




e: w:

:n!:.y .'ebruary 27 _There seem

DO OUR PAnT tbe;:r:'�aC�'I'Y;!I�:rc? Sin Gladl I Th\' Spokane boys Il.un the debate I to be a great iflU1Y nell. stocklnlls I ht Imskdh.11I M'.!SOII IS UH'r. thuugh 1 \ \\ ur US I l .tllli th.11 g y but this does not hurt w. much as I amonll the IIlrls'\.. Thls sounds good

tilt' 1 1 111(' has �OIU' !<IU fusl \\ I t.1I1 I1U\\ luuk h." k u" I lilt' stUSCIIl my cross ld bear In Snnday school " ! ha\e alll.alos said that there ls some for ,he Real Silk salesmanJ. � Jusl tOl11 pit-lt'd \\l lh Irlltl,tI ( \ I'S ,mel 1-(1\(' IIIIH'�1 \\ h t'li hOllor R' W Id 11 -- people which does things and others "'I", February U-Helen Qualsel Cllt£. , . . • I but :'I:�s t::; ;?" �:�d :�l�. ��:e�l l \\hlcb argue llbout It. Paul. Revere was seems to ha\e survl\ed "er Initiation

1/1 rt'\"lt'WI� 11-( IIIl' S(·tt S,)!) kl liS pay ('hlsi' alll·lllllll1 Itl .llur- ·at them. . ) g worth more to U. S. than all the thou- ,·ery well. and her splrlt.� are stili Just st..-J,ws Ulld st'(' Ir, lIUI" support has nol hC{,1I 11 litt lt· ul fanll . . Tht' __ sand� Il.'hlch h� raved 'bout hlmfslnce. as high .( they ,..'e�terday! It bUSt'bun St.·usun IS nlx'l1Illg. \Vt' slmll SOOI) hun' ,oPI)()rlulllly. III Berdine \t.aklng shorthahd dlcta- The studenU whiCh Is takIng ... PTln- seem.� strange after the strenuoUS' Icsl uursch'Cs as 10 whdh�'r our SUPJlI.lI'\ t'all "t· IlllprU\'{"tl. Slu ... ·Hon, : .. 1 didn.t get that last word." clilies ot Education I.s busy .countlng t'r rou�lne that she wen,: througfiia5f ' �11�7"I\�j'���i

;::l;C(':�t .�r g:





II; �mll llH'ilSIU'V 011 our Frced: "That's strange . . Women al· �.���





I:� F;!�\larch I_Beglnnlng-af a chap.

, , , _ .)_ . : waya M\'e It. Jt�IO\"l' great-grandfathers which was wild In el, talk-"4dli!$. gentlemen. and

. I· HI E:\DJ...-' H I \ :\I.H' . Bea.nca: "If I had something \\.orth- their young da)"{ It ,seems that all members of the faculty."-Dr. Hoff

I.asl \�·(,l'k till· SJlllkjllW I.ul hcrull Collt'j..'\I' was rt'()rt'M'll t !'il al leu. I'd throw 1t at' you," these stude�u· llarent.s was bright folk., Is stili wondering \\'hat all thc glggl·

1'. L. C. by her lJoys' buskc1bllll and dcbl1lc ICIIIHS, Throul-(h Iht' The Other : '.Hm-m. It's funny yoU' and t,helr grandparent.� was brlghter,

.lng was a�ut. (l.l.lsl lwu )"l'llrs tI�t.'M· Iwu t"IIIJCJ.(t·� hll\·(· dcn'lop,'d u rl"i(,lld�y rin!lry, didn't jump at me." S�II!. and.

further back than that the)' Monday. March 4-lllaUg�rauon day. :\ltltotl�h lilt' ,hshl llt·t., St.·plII·ull llg til t'S!.' twu sdlnlJ!s /,!:I\'('S hlllt, __ . all 1Ioorld beaters.. Mrs. K�ldler must ha\e read the l"iUIIll'(' of rt'l(tJ('1I1 joinl adh·ilit,s, WI· ar(' �Iad tlH"Y t:'111 �I:I In· Johnny: '·How come you ha'.e such a Thls Is not hard to understand. as the booklet on '·How to Become Popular

M!'lhcr ul Icasl 1111(' a yt'Ul' ir 1101 oftCller. VOice?" old folk.� usually remembers and tells Over Nlllht" accordln, to the num·

�illl"(� tlJ('�c Urt, til(' unly Iwo l.util('rUII sl'hools lIll ' 1111' I·oasi. Teddy: "It·s a gUt, my ' boy. It"s a their children about fOlio' I\:onderful ' mer ot visitors that she had. The we �lIlccrcl>· .hopc thai Ihis f!icildly rh'ulry Illay t·onli nut' ami il� 111ft:· they used to play th9 saxophone,. or Contem)) class at. least were . \·ery

. l·�(,8St· as hill(' pnssl's anel r"Huwinl l'irt'UlllslllIll'l·S makt., il (lus, Johnny: "Then you·d bet�r wra It ,..·hat a hit the}' made In games of skill. i>lea.s.ed. to ha\'e Gene",,1 HOl\:land

SIb"', . up and send It back ,. " p I but they forget to tell them about hOI\: with us.

_.- I rotten they \\'a.� In arlthmetlc .. and holl.·

CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Dr. Hoff: ··As I gaze about me I see �::�. got c?llfirmed Oil ·�ttOunt ot old It kC:=8

1��:':'HE, HAMMER

;::;::;�� ����.\:�:n

s:�.�!/a::i� Rob Knutzen. which I.s a Sophomore It ·doesn't fiy ott the handle.

:\Ion da:y, �Itlrch I X:IHI Ii. 111. 'I'll\' Churl'h Cotull'il Ilwds wilh appured at College. was on a rampage Sunday It keeps pounding u.-ay. �Ir. H., 1\.. FadlU'ss. when he wu· going to Church �ause It tlnds· the point';" then drives It

Ttll'SlIII�·. � Iardl ,-I X;OO p. I I I , Tit!· Tl'illily t; lIi1d will 111\'1'\ willt John: I heu there'is a foot 'ot snow) a mouse which lives In th� room 1I'ltl1 home.

�Irs. A. \Y. !\:Ullslucl . olll4lde no,,", him and his roortlJ?lale had got Into the It looks at the other side, too: and

\'·c·dlll·sday, �Iardl G 2:(HI II. Ill. Tlte I.adil's .\id IlU'l'I s ill til(. Atlother John: Yeah; that's nothill&', dresser and ate a hole In hls necktie. thus ·orten clinches the matter.

ChUl"rh Parlurs, t'nil-rtllilwd hv �Irs . . \J1IlU Ilak alltl �liss since we broke our WIndow the draft Rob . .sald he had bought a trap but he It mtt.kes mistakes. but when It does,-

1\('III'tld, .

has pUl ,tW'O· teet under the blanket.e dldn t have any' to bait \to with It st&rte all over. I 1 :00 (l, Ill. {:OIlfirIiUll iuli (:Iuss. , every 'night , except tooth-paste and he guessed th� It la. the only knacker In the world i::JO p. Ill. �Iid,w('t'k lle\"uliullul l iollr.

. \ __ mouse did not thl� pas� lI'orth that does an,. iooct -

ThIlI"SelU\", �lun·h i, i :·li'i I'. Ill. Chuir Hchl'ursul. Th� Kampua Krank uys Dest time rl.sklng geUing caught In a trap for. It you are Inclined. to your head,

Salurtlu\'. �lan'h !1 !I::m u. 111 , ,... SlIturtluy Sdloill !lud CUllril'll1a' an addict of Ben Hur perfume ven�uru W�lI. the Alumni Bal\q�et Is soon and .ny ott the handle, consltIer the

lioli Class. • torth soll5ed with the unearthly stulf. coming and I hope you can come and hammer. ; !

11 :00 :t. Ill . ,-.JUll illl" 1 :11.)ir Ht'!war:-;'lIl. he !afore.s.atd crank) ",1U cheerfully renew old frlendshlp:s again and be re- BOOKAN �p) I SUlldu\', �Ian'h I I I 1 1 I:11I1 :t. Ill. , ( innl\'(1 Sunday SdlC>t.1 li nd Bihlto treat said addict to a chilly ahower minded of the days you U5ed to Il.·ear F======:=:===t c:iass. bath. · the path 10 tho\. ldcklng post and

1 0 :0(}-41. I'll. :\OI"St: St.'n·il'I'S. Pumpkin Shells eh:. You had bet�r

1 1 :00 u. Ill. Enl-(Iislt Sen'it,t,s. Prof. 'Awe : Dr1nk1ng is • bad habit. take along some evtra money, as there Keystone Printing Co .. Inc. i ; (}() p, Ill, I.ulher J ... ·U�Ul'. "\ Look at all the homes wh1slty hu might be many �Ple you would like --:;:;::;::;::;:;::;::;::;��;;:::;��;::;;::;::;::;;::;;::;::;::;;; wrecked. . to treat. and It is best to be prepared. :W.ln �.57 ,It! Pacific "..-e

r Old 8oalt: Look at aU the shipe water Your thoughttul daughter. TACOMA

I Slickers and Sweat Shi�Meanwell Balls and Shoes has wrecked. CHEROBA. Wilson Athletic Goo�s

. 11 KIMRALL SPORTING GOOD"' ''O March 6. 1929. Tbe H�me o.1 t



1101 BROAD'Q A Y ._ . .;J 1,,":'. , • Dear Ma and Pa: to. Th.anks for the $10, I Imagine you JETLAND & PALAGRUTI

• "::;:;;::;:::;;::;::;:::;:;;::;:::;:;;::;:::;:;;::;::� l a� glad to hear tf9m me and knoll.'

Tobaccos, Ciprs and Cant;lles. Magazines. Papers , . . Th"ralf L. Pede ... en

rif that I have not got no pneumonia ot 912 Pac. ,.ve Tacoma. Wash, 8O'l Paclflc Avenue

:����� !e;�t\�u

at!:��g����" �--: ____ .... ___ .-+ I, ____ """""' __ ·_W_"_h_. __ ....J

SPECIAL B.USSES FOR. PARTIES . . !fny Time, Any Place'\. .

Call Mr, LYO�TACOMA BUS COMPANY� Main .2'l1 HowlIOever. when Benrfy FrankJln made f"" · .. "" """ ' .. "" " """ " .... " " · .... " ' .. "" " · ...... ·"''' .. , " , .. ," ', .. ,', .... ," ;"', .... ", .. "." ... , ...... '" .... ,,,.,', .. , tha� wise cr:ack about "early to bed and ! . American Plumbing & Sleam Supply Co. :�th:: ::: ::::'M

eshea ah':':d ��

a:� � " Wholesale '

more definite. I, know a Soph which � . Plumbing, Steam and Mill Supplies . ' 10Uows th1a advice to the Jetter, H� ! Phonc Main 1707 1908--1 Q Pacific ·A,,'cnue ,'j

���::��=����==========��I 'f,:.�Tu;��:"";�;"""�: .. � .. ;


�=�;�nd l ·i ••• "


".' ..•••• '."

.'.::::.:.::� •• :=�=:':=::.:":=":�::�""""_'.' .. ..i

C::()LL�f3 IAT� . Neal E. Thorsen . £ l? U· j' Ii � 12 J .: :::.�� .::,

� 5�.()() L U /IIIII I) OU I J' T · L I L ." RUST BLDG. 11TH .t PACIFIC


Phone MaIn 2810 Dr. H.

D��nzingo Bulte 1114 Pu(et Bound Bank Blda:,



BROOKDA�E,GRO�RY CO:. Groceries, PlOW". Hay, Grain. Peed. 8boeI. Rubber Pootwear, Drup, I . Hardware. P1� Suppu., Pa1n",� MADlBON I04J4 PHONES _. • MADl80N mRS . ' PAR.ItI.Alro, WASH.


l r ,

� 1 I

, .

·SPO·RT P A G E· Basketball Boys . GIRL BASKETEliRS i ---::t::;�-·--i' "V''''' WSS'ANI) Fail" Prospects Are

Show Good Play WIN · FR(HI . FIRST ; Qut:te.!. . er!!!!!!!:._ GA!"' : SHOWS 1IV , . For Baseball Season

In·Spo· kane. Gam'es' LUTHERAN TE;\�I I Rudou San"�.

n �monl, 'nown un At OF G,HIE.� . -.--. �s "Rud�'" held dO\\'f\ •. tor ...... rd posl- . . Much Unknow.n and Known Tti'- ,

, " . The P. L. C. girls team \Io"on back their I Uon. Rudlj pos.sesse!i unus.ual ability at $O��r��'�

L�dr;����� ��e

k��:�: .. �: t -- enl on the ·Diamond l�i\'e t lean S'\,eep or SUU�8 Closes �put.aUon again on Tuesday- e\"l�nlng snagging baskets. and hls playlng.thru- ' . ' I Coach Chance (or Seledlon '\

aasketball Season Por ' l at th� community House In II basket out the 5t'uon'wlI.$ 8 blg.factor In I'llie e�er In the 10M and saln co1w.nn 'I\'lth

� . _. -_ . .

Boys: ClOSt' G!lrnes fball ga�e played .'Ith thl" Flnt Lut�- =ba�� :��e:��.,�.U�� a7:a�e�� �:�h"

l��;:� r:�:r:;:

n:I�����n��i cl= �1::




Th(' I;'aclflc Lutheran bukt!tball sea_ l ('ran <?hurd'l team. Tht! game \Ii'U ber of the mldg\"t five when a freshman at leut four mo� vtctorle� should ha.�e I seMOn for '28 and '2;, With' ba.sketbal1 �

.. n "''U brought to a close with I I rather 510\li' an(l. the ."Oladlators" kept In t.he PN!P department s\lf years ago. bHn added to the llst. It must be �Id now a thing of the VUt. �pOrt enthus­

we('p-of �he thl tee ria c ea

� the SCON! In the lead all through the' The (oIlO,""ng ",'Inter 'he �tepped rlghl that the season \Ii'as a fairly suctes"rulI lu

l.4 at college a� focu.,lng. their IIt-s r n ga�ljJo,se es ... ith1 game

, r ' In ",'!th the. \'ars.lty fh'e an'd has been a on('. COl1.'slderlng tht! caliber of rom- tenllon on the coming baseball season, . , t�l' st�ng Spok

.ane College quintet I ' . val'!llty member for I\\'e seasons. D�r- petition. Pacific dltheran ,Col1C'gt! can ; Pre-se"'lQn pros�t& are good. ·to say

F'E'bruary 22, 23 and 25. All of the The lut �e",' ml.nutes of lhc game tht! Ing lhe last three .sc.lons Sandt!r:son well be proud of Its ba.l!kelball team . . J the least : but to what extent fav,orable !lames ""ere close- 1 ... llh lot& of . thrlll�, I

Fll'!lt Lutherans climbed up to'a 5C?i'e If'd hl� tl'am In !ICOrln� honors and has T�e Lutherans openf'd the season bJ I results will �at.erlallllt! dt.n better be: .. In the first contest pla�-ed Frlda�,, 1

of 26-18 b�t P. L. C. got up their o],d perhaps scored more points than an), droppln,!f Il. practl� WI to th� Olympic Ciet.ermlned .... t.- the close Of. th.e sea,wn. . . . I flihun&' spirit and won the game :U- Individual .... ho has ever worn an ebony Laundry, " Glty LeaiUl' Ih't!,1>)' a coundCOOch Ramlltad hu,nO' announced lhe l"ebrual1 22, the Gladiator$' o\'erc.llme 26. The subs gol a' chance t? make and gold Jerse:y·. The 10M of 8lnderson' of 2'1-26. Then they turn� In �ucct's' l lnJtlal lumo,ut, but seventl of the bOys an early lead and'nosed out. the "Chter� their letters. "'11\ be a hard blo"" ro� next year's' five slve victories over tht! Collell:e of Pugt!t : have already begun to st.ralght.en out t.alns�. a 31-26' count. On the fol- The only casually reported .... as a and whoever fills his �h� .... 111. hllve I Sound Re�rves, Tearmtl'rs . .... Innio of i kinky arnu and KOOP up bAd throws. 10 .... 1 e\'enlng .they repeate<i, ",'Inning , black eye, Tl!CC!\'oo by Eleanor Lofthus. an en\'lab!e record to strh'e for. the

. City League title hi one pf the I The loss of Fowler. Hobll.n. Chrlst.en-

by a .n rrow margin of four pOints. The I The lineup l� as follows: f"l __ best gll-mes of the year, Centralia Jun- l sen, and thl'; two Fedt br'others 111111 be f�al <fnteM. played Monday afler-

I Fll'5t Lath",n� Pactfl.t ,}lI�ralL' I Carl CQllwn. better known as "Cork." lor College a

. nd 'Mt. Vernon Junior Col- i hard to re

.Place, but wlth,!.u�h veteran.,

/oon, "1U perhaps thl' hardest l1:tught I Lund �71 F ' 13 , KaalanJ:l ",'U Rudy's runnlng.milte and I!I an- legl'. At · thls stage thl' boys made a iu ThOllteruon. French: Howlck. Sand-

01 the �es, ",1lh the Spokane lads Nelson nl" F '9) Larsen other historical cOS In the Lutherans' slump which c�;mtl�ed through a pc- ersQn. and Jacobson ,from last yean> trying hardfor a \'tclory. Both teams 0, Joruuon C Loflhu� 'I Casaba machlnt!'. "Cork" be:i;an his rlod of .5e\'en stralg"t defellts. losing l .o;quad, and thl' return, of Coltom and I)layoo e\'enly Ihruoul the contest. HaU 1 0 JoJhruop C Holmberg pla}\ng together ,,1th Sanderson but among these to Centralia Junior Col Nyman lett.ermen 1'110 years 1l1l'0 .collch Ilme found the score tied at t�, Both M Elmer G Cr�b} dropped school for a ��ar so he stiLI lcgcl College or Pug!i.t Reserves which I Ranutad should be able to put a for-teams lost regulars by'he personal foul I Nordlund 0 Knutson has a basketball $('l\SOn to 100jl for. the� had previously defeated Their I mldable squad on the 1L�ld III addl route. Sanderson and Palo for the Olad- :rotal .26 ' Total ,3 1 . ward to Carl s fight and sportsman- pla�lng In the all star game wltere lhe liolr \Iol' have suell men as a JI!.CObsOI\ lator.; and Frederickson and Reiche. Subs P L C OrandI' Qualset Gard'

i ship made him ver) popular \\;!th the 1 Gladiators held the ... ell coached aU· ' lank} outfielder trom Arflngton PlIlo

�tel1ar performers for the .Spokane flvl', lin Ebersole.9'

I fans and he could .always be depended �tar selec�on of Tacoma an undefeated I a former Uncoln High fly ctiLo;er and

"'l're put OVl Shortly after half timl', II;IlI Indlcat!! on for a cons.l�tent game ca�rl sho ... ed n\e to a, 53-4+ count Indlca�ed their Red Carlson who whU(' a speclal\.5t In Th.1s, ho",'ever. did not handicap either The Unelll) be one of the mainstays of next �ear s puLJing out ot the slump although thl'� 1 football and basketball nevl'rthele.'!.s team, U; the score .... as cred St!\'eral \ five. '

<!ropped a. contest to the strong �llens- I 1)(L�Se.SIi!!S conSiderable baseball Ulll'nt. limes, and only thru timl'ly shots by I F'1�t Game __ burg five. by a SO·2,s COllnl thl' same , With thl'S(' men and others of unkno"'n Nyman and Ho",'lck ... ·ere lhe Gladla- P. L C, Ill) IU) Spoun .. Colic, .. I 'E\'ans "Red" Carlson though small .... l'('k-end . . The Spokane sl'rl.l's found talent. the.. veterans arl' .. <;S U TI'd or 1\ tors able to put the gaml' on. Icc a k'\\;' ��!�rson o��, : ' 12 ' ,:;edefl=: seldom had to il.POIOSI�

' for no tget>tLn� the lads �Ck to their ,l'arIY season i grl'Rt 'fight for \lla('e�. .

se-conds before thl' final \\;'hlstle. . ' I the till off Carlson recelve'd' his bas- stage, The} closed the )nr by thret' Coach Ramstad's big worry Iii In the Red Carlson was high-point man for ' Carlson ' I I ' C Zielsdorf

:ketbalL ed�catloll. at Uncoftt High In thrilling vlctorfes over thl' strong Spo· catching division. although ThOstenson the Gladiators In all the games_ This 1

1 :::1:1��I'31 G

G .61 Po�:��:� Tacoma. and during the past t'4'yJ Sl'a- kane. College th'e. pc�formed crf'dltably last se�n, and

playing afforded many sen.'qlUons dur- I SOIlS his performances for P L C. have StaUslics from thc score. board gives two Infielders. one at the Initial sack. Ing the contests. Sanderson and Howlck Sub;stltutlons-8. C.-Krogh, Morken:

been Influential In man�IC�Orll'S Pacltlc Luthl'ran 'a total or 416 polnt.s and also a third baseman, The outfield also played commendable ball thruout P. L. C" N�'man. I "Red" graduat!!� this )-:ear. but he leave� ag-alnst 155 for the opposltlon_ Sander- should be \Io'ell taken care of unlC!\.'!. J!. Palo am: Nyman al guard positions s«-ond aaml'

_ I behind him an athlctlc career which son, forward. If'd the �o�r� .... Ith a total Clhange 'tias to be made to bolster up"

�� th;;;oS��':�v:

h:�: :

elfll�: ������)� F o j ���::IC�� I will I�rg be remem'bered. ���40 f:I




:ln�e: :


I�d�ar�; :�: b�r:e�



brand of baIL thmout u the �ore book Coltom f ' /» Relke ' Marvin HO'lllck Marlo' has Illa}ed respl'Cthely IColtom Is rated among the best who -::::::;:::::::::::::; Carlson '13 C Zielsdorf I a gullrd tlOsltion fOr the past t""o �earl 1 have donned P L C uniform:'! How-

r Palo .61 G ,9> Ekegrell He enrolled In the normal department ) PaUence accompUah thy labor as- , Ick veteran from last season s.hould Nyman ( I ' 0 ,4. Poftencotb trom KarmollY High 'II here he had I eompUsh the work or alfecUon Bof1"(nll" l go well again thL_ year Jake Jacob· �1 ASO�'S Sublitltuttons-S C Krosh P L C been a regular 011 the hoop squad for and Silence an atron&, but paUenl en- son southpaw outfielder who look hl5 OardUn Ho",lck Thostenson I three �ears His playing has at all duran� 16 godlike -Lonatellow ;J" I turn In the box I .. ,t season i" troubled "-



Tan, BIIM', G�n and • OJ:blood

With the Stay-Rite CoLLar Attached AT .....

TlLlrd Gaml' I times been an as.set.t to tht-' squad ,and • 0 "'�th an old arm Injury and wUJ un

1 ��e����� ' F -2' Fr�!�Ic�'se� ' his loss will be keenly felt next year.


:?"tell how long' girlll �Ould !:�;:��:� :��

tt: ���



Coltom .5' F (5' Relke I Wilfred Nyman. "8111." held forth at "Same as ahort onCll, I guess.:'-The ! tlon at .second base, while French, Ny-Carlson ,9' C . 1 ) Zielsdor{ guard position a,lthough small. "Bill' Informant. • man. and Howlck' are other veteran

Ho",1ck . 7 , 0 ' 10) Poffen.coth i tlmes alld he was an accuratl' pa. ... o;er was playing an outstanding game � Thl' schedule ha.s not been complet-

Th05te�n, Nyman .2 > : S, C. Motken. varsity, and he will be back again nl'xt year, Palo should be In Une for a big CoJleie of Puget ' Sound, Bellarmlne,

PIllo ,3' G .51 Ekegren playetl a good defensive game at aU ' \ candldates for an Infield �ltLon.

S. ubstltutlons-P. L. C. OardlLn ,2) , ' ThIs ''''

.'IlS "8

. 11I's" second year on th� guard. With the. experience gained th ed as Yl't, but tentative


gam� Include :

Uglen, Krogh (4). season I season next year. Cent�alLa J, C" Mt. Vernon J, C" and "=���������..!I Berhard Palo, "Benny," another tor- John GardUn. "Johnny." wu, an un

__ lthl' Amerlc�n Lake H06pltaJ team,

me� Lincoln High athlete started the dl'rstudy for Coltum and �nderson i Mr. AOll8: M.arp.ret. how would you season as a reserve but hl.s eftorts soon during th� season. As a member of the I punctuate' that sentence?

LIEN & SELVIG I made him a regular perform�r. To� :�:I�� f�;r t:� ;=�d

h;ro:�:�� I I :s:re��ell" three �, I�""." ......... Il\ wards the fast of the season " Benny" Illnd a rt'gUlar berth next year - � ".. Im�orter's of Norwegian

Cod Lh'er Oil

Cor_ Tacoma Avenue &: 11th St, Tacoma, !free Deliver)'

:J04 Rust Bldg.




Stelnway aIld other pianos, Duo Art Reproducin8 Pianos, VlctT'9W and Victor Records, Band and Orchestra Instruments, Sheet Music and Music Boob, Radio sete and Acceaaorlea

Sherman)hy & CO. 928-30 Broadway

� .. 'IftII _ ......... ., �::tt'� BINYON· OPTIc.u! CO; nGBro&dwa,. Phooe B:roM. ... ,. 1421 , .




n��I�: , BUTTER-MilT

the pivot �Itlon In a capable manner BRE .... D whenever called upon to do so. 'Arnle • � . IS tall and rangy and �s all f;,.c..' t. I •• L .. I C ..... · '.ul" of . M� ,Ia,. . ' . I ' ( .,,"'0"'" .. " .... 11 •• ".) j. DA�/GROCi;:RY CO. ILl Bro.okdnle Cash

_ '; Geileral Mt!T('�4AK Market Phone Mad. 3818R5 Parkland I All meats state and government

Inspected Q.alMJ IUI4. Senlce

I Madbon 15eR2 RBSGfAURANGf

Open All Nighl

t:Jth & .Cummerl"c

FO,UNTAIN LUNCHES. SODAS, S�AE8 It Pars 10 LooII; Well. PatrG.abe UDieD Sbo�

P�rklaDd tODf";'lione� &: Barber Shop O. P. KCND'l'SON, Prop,-Co�r' Car L1ne




\ '

.\ . ' .

. . 'Cll:I.rc�cc' To Be ' ··


. p . ted ' B n i ON WASHINGTON IN CLASS . :_: Faculty 7I{ews :-: . DECIDED ON MARCH 81'''' port of Bobby will .. -",,,, '" . 'Conun�!n bntl'

II) :' � ..... I . . <3 -- ' Warner Qu.a.llt)'. .

. .

__ . _� onOt�e�1 :���� Ol'=h�""::'$'::: Mrs. O. S�n"'m. 01 ae.uJe, • . als�r . T-he qUftUon .. 'to .:twtMr. the cholr

than e.n chfo_ E\.'en Dtlla the little Imh hotUmlald j , top � I �. H iI' of Mrs. nn(tliltad. and hu son, �Tt will make the California ,rip in June BUe oU � you

�:1=m�-mUCh to the d1s(ust 01 ' ��:�r:!� :15t:��c��::: olh�rs :'h; ::�t'd Dr. and Mrs. nnam� las; wtU be flnally de.:1ded .t the Ik».rd of Pla�;orct;::r:\han· you can .so:- .

. t. the BuUer. and to tht relid "'"rellt to rome lit that time. . • . . Olrft:ton m('ftln,. P'rIday,. Man:h '. I Then dO It. ' . :f=�, :

,hO�'" been thrH.tcllt'd ... ·Ith W �rful ., .. orb or' W�h.J�glon: .i Ih:f�c:.:'��

it::x::;eeclna .t T!'e choir wtll broadcutjrom stallen I Hitch. JOW' ..,on \0 a .car

. Mr. 8um p�


wid y one ... ·b.O h.u Il]; .. a)'s· adml� Mr. and Mrs. Clifton H�� \U1t KVI 1223.7 N-1.3� KI TJcoma. Wed· K� your Kat, and tlWre )'aU �"'� , and violent' �nd�d:�

ed r:;I: ��n�: the " ther of Our Country .... hel.d the Mr. and Mli. A. W. Ramstad '!ver t=:. nrsday e�n1nc, March XI. from ,:30 to . ___ __

Mise Plnne ad . I lnte�st of the audlen.�. �t'neral Ho.·· "·",k-end'. ' 11:00. This c;oncert will be s�� Phone 'Main 14&4,

l to the ��� .. � eXcl�ment � "fun I I_rod lIIustl'flfed h'ts IrctuN' ... 'Uh the aid Mus Aida Torterson sl5kr of Mrs by" Tacoma C�ber of comr�e�. •

somelhlng" on c=::n: ':I1rs to get , Of51ld�. sho""lng ln main lhe.campalln L. Lal'$On, L1 conV1llncl� hun an at: Annou��nts of thl! . �ro&da15t Dr. ,Archie G. H.i .. lt." 'This 1$ a pia)' that b sure to Pluse 1 0r the Brtt�h and the ,American �mlts, tack of pn�umonla at �o\lntaln View wtll be IIt"nt to the Lu�ran.putal� on R�t 8�� Floor neryone. TheN' Is not a dull moment SIlnltarium . .... hrre she hasrn wOrk. the toIJIt. VICto: Elveatrom. bu.slnru 11th at PaclfI(' Aft. ' nOt a lI�e nor a (etitUN' that ... 111 ot: 1,000 Mark Reache41 Ing. ,... . " ::::�. � no;: �_ktna &fl'flnp�nu; • Tarorri ... Wuhl� ____ � fe�d, It Is full �f humor and fU,n that III Roll of Grolll' Dr 0 A TInaelstad len Saturday p8 I you .... 111 laUin. O\"er lor da)'5, ,Continued ftom Pace One) . f'!obruar} lJ for MJnnea.poUs Wnne·

I �member the ' dl'.tt"-Saturday, __ sota, to atknd a conleN'nce' of presl· Dramatic Club Gh�8 PlaYA

PARJn.AND GARAGE I March 18 at 8,-00 p. m. tillgul5htrs S900 and a ifand plano dents' of;ruea and Junior coUt1[eS. -- . S600 a. member of t)ot cllI& of lVOO has held hbruary 28-21 .BetON' comlna Money � :=JriaI�nt kI 00 (Of' .... &a aepair I', donated to the-�ool the cost or a l =:l�� �:nd a meeUIli held In The t ... 'O one.act playa Joint Q'tI'neu flu. 00. 'and ,A�.d",

EXPERT SHOE REPAfRlNG campus suney to be made In the • ' In SpaIn ' and Crysanthemunu &tv· J, C, Pt-�'"IO,Il • r

Parkland�'Sthh'oe SllOP SP��! rutu� devrlopment of Ule athool They Say That -( ��: �g:r�.:!��u�h�lU!,:; 0 ----t. can not be, accomplished unleM Many unhappy followers of Strtb- ' . ' ' . ___ ...... ____ ... church people support t.h15 are now .... orlr..1nl overtime to pay II')'tnnaatum. furnished rx�l1ent Sat· I !

I� __ ;;; __ ;;jt;: h;l;_11 ,;I��::q,���m;::�=om .1 ,:�::'::; ,o:i: "nUd,·:�£;:22::::!�:::d::: BUCKLEY.KING CO.

to sucres.!!. Th� gO&I can be Langlow hu been \'15It11l1 nlshed by the Pacific .Lutheran Colle� If e\'ery 10)'ai SUP�kr of P. L. C. , orchestra. Dagmar, Hagenellll, violinist. . Funeral Direrlor',",

The SlufienlS do say � S�1l8 accordllll to the and a·voeaI trfo, conaJ.iung o; �. Ph. h

�::, .. beh.!nd t� orpnlzatlon and do to\and back from the 'E, Hauge, Mrs, J. O. Edwards, and Mrs. l uckley. Kin" F.uncrlll Chure . I ey ha\.'t' never been PoIit. · J, U. Xavier, Af!-er the play! cake. pie 1'\ in Taeoma unle8@ they

have eaten at SAXOPHONE SOLO ,\ND

READINGS AT MEETING Kllp-pen � running a l>iautv and coffee ""e� served, . � -H. j, The proeram 'tI'a5 very ""ell atundfd.

The pt't1Cftd3 from the entertatnment

lacoma Ave, at 80, P1rst ". m

'YJth de\'Otional aervlces the �18r P P What!s this P P ���I !:n����


rx:CU: : 1 . _________ .. Carlyle','in. :;.�,�. M.l.s5�n Bocl:y O��ed Z:l

n Ha";, Yel Hark. Yel An' ,,'hat have &1\'e several. mort ente�nments Of ,.,.

_______ ""-. ... _

n ay eve ng, Fe roar)" • \Io� now? .. thl! k.1nd from time to time for the I I I.;; _______ ;;;;!! �:�::::t:�)'�:..a v:;.


ot�ee :�

o: Hear no ... · • all ,of yeo of -the, advent of same PUfJJ'O&l!

_. ___ _

I no. afUr ,,'h.!ch Inga Ooplerud and An· an unkno"TI baggage'fnto your midst. D. O. R. GIRLS MEET AT , I '---K-O-D-A-K-.S---....

naA :::Il �:;�n;:���lIed 'on Feb.

m� :-mystrry-.... hat th:l$ apparition MRS. T. O. SVARE'S HOME

ruary 26�oa�:�;�

5.:e :��o�u

�re:� :n·:·�ttn·t kll If ),OU find out,


, DB�'

reR. :net ;::e




in r and Kodak Finishin" StUdents' Unlon at ClI.nton,.,south Da. , Well. nOw to be serlou.s,

Mareh 5. :�:$

' to h'elp support f�11rTl miMlon- �t�nd out .... hat the phenomenon The proeram ('0n5\5ted of a plano

Oak Pearl and Black IIf Ih('

Beller Kind An ('Clips("' (no. It won't ef. 11010 by Eyelyn sOlum. reading! by Hel.

the light In the hall. MlI.ryin) A en � Eleanor and Ag. [ w� Appreciate Your


'Rosso's Garage

freak? Olson, and a voeaI 1Ol0 by Helen

A ';:kt ' "',e h,ave ,I,t. me-thinks! . ::0;;;::: II.b��r:541 V::�lng 10---------.1 .. ��.·�;�1l:1

(re�:��r )':';hl�; . r----------,

If yuh uk me, Ita OJr 8ulin�� To S�rv� �� t:�t the reholnr haUs of C(JLL£GIA,TE and Ser',-� Efficiently HANSO;:�'S Lutheran 0011*, there Is a

Jeweler spirit-It can't be a person- CRUSHERS That" .... hy we are here, for your converuen'ee and we 1If'&Ilt you to feel tree to use our fadllUI!I In every and lUly manner, We devel· lop and print y� kodak fllma.

Watch Repairing a Specially And thls splr:it twhlch 1s no dream: 257 So. llth St. betkr a n1ght-m8rej Is always trying 1�==='�f'I�d�'U�'y�B�ld=g�.';;;;;;;;;;� to pry Into your private affairs.

It .... 111 unearth all the scandals, all the dreams, ambitions and dBJly life of the distracted patlents of P. L. C� Than why you're being warned about


If there be anything you ';Ilant ,to

.$1 .25 /

Davis' Men's Shop H2 Paelflc Ave. Parkland Mercantn� Co.

keep 5t<:N'�eatroy the evidence. , for 1Fr'''''''''''''''' ...... i;;;;;'''''''''' ... "ii! _ _ J o h n s o n - C o x

this no..... �::::::::::::::::::� J. ____ "!!!' ____ • Paul Pry (Yepl That's hls name)

\ . CompaD:>' , a few. flowers or a nice tilooming' plant, Flowers for e,'e�body an� ('"t'ry:"

With. thing

Brown & Haley SeamoIU Flower Chocolates SIWp

���·.�������.����I ����Oth��:�:==�='�==��::==���::�::� �;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:'S5_=="""::::,,,,,,,,,,,,,� V F.riendohip & USE FAIRMONT COj:rEE LEHMANS PUMPKIN SHELL Birthday Monos A1wayo the Best


The Store For Men aDd


,v .. u.. .• NonHIea

fII SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHE8� MUlwo�k and Gablnet Shop SUppUH

1 I()'12

WASHINGTON u.ytDW'ARE CO. . SpaImng Athletic C<HHJ. 1" . n4 � Aft. ' 'h«IIDil, Wuh. '

) Ma1D ,. /

Dr. H. A. Hedberg . ' o..tId . ....a Pldeqt;r JDdt.

Ten Years� Experience Hao Sliown the Wisdom

AND Demo'nstrated the Advantages .

OF 1. Restricted Fi�ld 2. Select M�m�l"!Ihip -s

LUfHERAN BllOTHEIiilooD " (Ule lIIauraDcI) , . J254 McKnight Building. Mi.oDalpo� .Mino.


. , . ,' ' .

I I I I' t "



�j To :\ppl':ar In Con«n at: i'ln,tnl O\'tt dation KV] �t���hf\::::t;:I�'·to f0.

9:00 o'rlo.-II..

To Apprar In Yt'lm ThurMIay """nln,.

Marth 21

. . . . t'ront.Ro"·:-Dorolhy Eberwle. Ingtborg Dolstad. M1'1I. Aroy Edwards, Mlrlam Helmdahl. Elna Trulson, Dorothy Lehmann, Margaret !"adheA/!, Theo'la AITdl'r.iOn. C!"n M}'hre. Anna Mikkelsen. Eliot Mlchellen. . Sff.Ond RO"':-Edna Captand. IdA Hlnderlie-! MIll. J. U. Xav1tr, Elv1ra H&erutai1. Eva Knut.5en .. Emma .Kaaland, J. O. Edward • . dl�tor. Oert­lude 5)"1109 •. Elraner Lofthus. tnga, ,Ooplerud. Lelah GrIM, Ladelle Winney, Berdine Knutsen.

. Third RC!w:-Wllmfl Oulleson. Irfn(' Dahl. Franklin Lacy, Aif M,yhrf. Sigurd BJrldt. Gerhard Lane. Peter Flott. Arthur 0111On. Carl Andenon.

Iklllniham Mt. Vunon

","vt'rftt SeatU,1!!

and t'Uhu Both,,1 ur GIl' n.rbor

Co", Vista. Phyllis OrandI!'. • "' . � �·�����::;�ani!!. ,::::��:

nja::::;� KnutUn. �arner Quale. John Ooplenld. Arnold ThosteMOn. Theodore EvJenth. St)'mort' Samueben.

Reunion Banquet Is -ICiViCS CI ••• , 1?'ke;; C ' IChoir Scheduled to Dr, Solberg Sp�ak. , , Rep�rt of Meeting Success This Year: VIS.t to Olymp.a Tour Puget Sound Ah�Cat�cb •• ", Told by Delegate

. -- � Ai most Intert'stlng !,nd Instructive 'C't" Af . E "The Anniverv.ry of the Cat.echlarn" . --Student&. Faculty. ana Alumni I tr:\p we. taken by Mr.. Taylor's Civics I l Ies ter ' aster ..... the lb""e of a abort talk i1ven at Twenty..&nn Attend Conven·

Meet Old Classt.'"Btes and i1cIUS 9)1 Tuesday, 12. ' ,- the chapel exerc1ael Tue.ctay, March 12, tlon Held 'for Lut�eran Stu-

• Ren,ew Acquaintances The Ilxttf'n members or the d .... leU Program Is Asaisted by Vocal by Rev. Or. Bolbert. OHn or the Luth. den� at A�gullana

Living up to �ltlOn '''''hleh has 1 :'k!��


u:;�o::;:� \ and Violin Number8. Se"eral eran Bible School I'} ChlcalJQ. Attended by 21 delega.te; rt'p�ntlna

tx.n observed for many yesra, the AI- 1 0f the Intert'3ted audience In the �nate ! Nu,:"ber8 Added t� ProKram "The little: calechlam 15 stili un- 12.or �he 18 schoola or the NOI'Wes\an umnl Association and many prt'scnt i chamber or the magnJn(!ent ne�' capl- Followed Last Year ehaniN:' aa1d the apeaker. "and Is the Lutheran Ch�n:h Qr Amtnca. the an-studtnta 0: Paelfle Lutheran Coltt"ge I tol building at Olympia. most perfect document of ILl klnd ever Qual national .conventlon of the Luth-held their annu..! l"II!\!nion banQuet at I From ele\'en o'elock until t",.o In the 1 The P. L. C. acapella eholr. on a put together. Luther set out to do three tran Btudenta' Union wu held at. Au· tht Tacoma Hotel Saturday t\'enlng'

laflernoon. the Ume · ... 81 spent In ex- I concert lOur. 110'111 appear In the tol- thlnp.-to teaeh the PtOple bow to .In,; gwtana Academy. Canton.

SOUth 0..­Mal'ch 8. Tht banQuet ,,'U wtll at- , amlnlna the capitol building. meeting IO""lng to"'m 'ln the western part or to give them a BIble they could use; to ���M:;;: � 6� ��h:'==' �eun!:ri��


�� ::


a: :����

I: I �;e;��c

H::�:: .. lind climbing to the thll �tate. Bellingham. Mt. Vernon. �:�hbe��.�

m �/�:!�I


iS:Ul!.art'� AUlrUStana. Pa�k �on . ...faldorf. and · t)· Everyone enjoyed rt'newlng old ac- It is said that &ome of the membelli Stan"ood. Everett. Stattle. Bremttton . - Paclfle Lutheran eollC'I'N. Luther and

Q�«3 with old d8llimatt'3 and I wert' un�)' because they thought the and either Bothel or Olg Harbot. -AA :!e� a�� �::I��� �����rdla p��� Red Wing seminaries. Mad1aon Nor­

meeting rello",' aJumnl. An outatand- . chandelier ... u not attached flnnly Ilrt'llmlnary concerti they are to appear doctrIne atate-d 10 elearly. The com. maJ. �d the ChiC&lJO Det.coneu HosP.I-

. Ing fee.turt' of the reunion was the pre· enough In the dome. In ytlm tomorrow and thll evenl"" mandmenta:the CrHd. the Lord'i pra,- tal. Pacific Lut.heran �11�. reprt'-va.]tnoe or . tht same P. L. C. spin! u I At 1110'0 o'clock these studenta llatened wLII broadcaat over radl" station KVI. . Ioente-d by Irt'ne Dahl. wu the most dla-

' ---.only this Institution can give. This to the ptoc�dlngs �n the House of Rep- Altho the schedule or!glnally 11,.- ;:�:� �:�;ea�����t��m

���� ':�� tant SChool. to send a delep�. ifptnt gave uolty to 'the entlrt' meeting. resentatlves being partlell1arly Inter- Aberd�n thl' part had to me p

oIIt- explained In simple word,;'. tlian can be TIle open1na: gathering took place

Th� banQuet room "'as arU..stleally I este-d In Mr. Shov.·aJten speech regard· eluded Portland. Aatona. Silverton and eully undellitood. Doctor 60lbert con- FrIday eYeolng ,In the AC'IId""y Audi· deco�� ,.,1th orange and yellow bal- I lng the 'ust' and distribution of school poned, �ue to dlfncultles encountered. t dueled a &eries of lecturu at centnJ torlum. The address of "lcome by Rev. 10001. IA �quet Of marigolds stood flnanees. The program .... It will be i1ven at lLutheran Church In Taeoma. last week. B. J. Rothntm of AUI\I8tan& Ac.dtmy In the center of each table. and stream- The trip. which ended In Parkland each Ippearance. excepting over radIo. Rev. Rustad. of Central Lutheran was ��ded to by the. pt"eaIdent of ers of red. blue. and green eonfettl. ! latt In tht afternoon. waa unanlmously composea of; Ohun:h. accompanied the dean on h1I the un�n. Mr. Olear �brt'taoD. o( .'hleh began failing from all sJdt'3 al- vlte-d a� aueeess. _ vtait to the ooU�. Luther 6enUtl&ry. The eonv��n

· nlost as lOOn 8li the �nQuet was ata�t-

I '\ A Crown of for Man Brahma theme .. "CO-workera with Chr\It" was

�� := .. asA e:;���:: :�",:� Cooperation Result �,:�I Ye . .: .- nc���:= Presentation Well :'�U:y,b��. ��."::m� :

· thuslum 'Ill" aho""" In the yelb alven In Development Plan Oladwme Radlanee 0retchanlnort Worthy of Claming ... hi.. thtn;1e. "How Do We EIec:O� :: !


or the dlffert'nt tables

� Driv� Favorable P. L. C

2.9Cholr Very Big Success :r


The prorram eons1lte-d or mort , The Itudenta responded hearUly to I COm�rtf' . Caro Roma A product worthy or preeentaUon ... !:t.d:"

to � .. ��es::a.


=es.n==.;n�=7::' :�� l :

ec:�:a: r.::O:m:� ::II:�:� !:k�IOVedt . ' . ci� ��= the ali-schOO: rour-f.Ct pia, "C1arenee." creed toO = one', �U&n 1I1�:

denta . . Martha Hjennatad, presldtnt of I a result or thIa one part. or eoope�tlon V�lee group-Anna Mikkelsen . :t:'d�n. :�eht���h

a�:tor1�; :::� that roundauon. .

the Alwnnl Association and at prt'llt'nt : the ,8&IOClaUon wu able to rt'8.Ch the . ' 3. alter ro'ur !tf'U of hard work ' under "The TuII:," tb� second .ub-toplc of " atudent at Ute University of Waah1na- 1.000 mark on March .. e, and by Ma.rch OloriOUI Chi1at . ... ......... .. .. _ .. .. . . EdW&rdl[MIII SUxrud' po&ch1 the play the oonvenuon


theme, wu the lubJect. ton. acte-d toutm .. ter. She ftJ- l� �e number wu Incrt'Ued to 11111 Sweet �I Vciloe:s ....... _ ........... Edw&n1l In fuJI fuhtO:. &nd lh"!e who he&id It of an ad�.l1ftD �tunsay m�

:e:e� ':;:!�p:O: :thlh

� 0 B� ���:.:rth� .. o�:;Ut1&nlm pronounced It ';�II worth the' money." :u':y.�����de=.or= help 01 the .tudenta, the reach1ni or Prom:�ven' Above ... ..,.. Chriatl.,.-n Booth Tar!dnaton·, comedy pla)'l ate .. b1eh � .. bI.(lBt ehall� one. the the 1,000 mark. ( taUon-Anna JoDkkeaen) rHdlly dlrette-d by any 'wllence, and .peaker emphutsed that the talk tot

ahowine the d1frert'Det' between rood nuS month Doctor TIn(elltad and P. L: C. Choir thla proved to be no·excep�on. A,ta:re aerytce In 000'1 il1DIdCI:D . ealla for' . jOts and Jokes tt'I&� C8U1e UI teeUna. Mr. ElftSmlm re::etftd new lIilemben ... . crowd attended the perl� and atn-11eII: world in CbNC,', .� John c. Oopier\w:t and Doctor 'I'tnpl_ from the concrecaUOOI ()( HeY. Menta Romanee ((rom 2nd c:oncerto) . tftrJOQe wm.t hOme wtth .. "heart run Now 18 the Ume. "Shall ft. whole aOulI at&d. .� the lmport,t,Doe of the De- in 8eaU.1e: ReT. LoI)o bt T&coma: Rn. .. .........................

.. :. ................ Wle�wat1 or Joy," u· only 'IV1dnCton:s eo:med1ts are Uahted deny OW' reno. men'" It lit

velopment Campatln now bel", ean1ed Kraabel In �d, and from lhe two floncUno ... .: ... Beethoven Krlealer can produce. our duty to obey Chrtat:. eommand, on. and ahO� how almunl could help churchet: In SUvertOO" Ke)'a� ............. : .................. Wlem,aw.t1 . Reynold J&; ... Clarence. �y8d "00 ye." "We 1a abort. .. .a1d the apeU;M alOD& th_� 1M:- �er To1re'. or .. Sunday, March 24. DoetoI' nngell\ad VIOUn-Dqm&r IIaCftlea the part. o! the hero and � known u. :'HOW 10lli wW ,("n,.ln" . BUftTtoon. Oreaon. Ixwaht-:�_ .m Pf'CIIieot .the Deffiopment Asmc:la- 5. ,hlI abWty to "c�rh'e mules without 8&turday &t'ternooIl ... · ilPent 1n .. . rrdm the .cla:a of '21. Inpbcq Sol--tiOQ in Itt •. Uwania' c:b;urcb In Ta- Wake Me. Oh Lord Ood ............ Brahma nrtartnr." "etareooe" ,ave the audJeDoe croup CUKuIIkII1. led. b1 bY. N. at It&d. ... repraented the prestnt stu- c:omL In Aprll plana hue been made .Den store H'r1de Plok .................. . Oner ,man, a thrill by b1a UDu.Ju.W kDowledp: Ylril&ll:er. wbo aid . at \be � .. U deI1t.1. or tbe eon. in � the ft- to preeent the c:ampa1pl. to c::ooptIp_ '1be Oreat WNte a.:.t) or'beeUeL - tboM who lieUitve that die. members- Of IaUoa. of the co1leIe today \!:) that or UC1t3 of the Pupt Sound c1Wb1ct. ' I . (.BoI.O-:-AnDa �) KurItu. 'Hort, ... � Wheeler. and .-en.UoD are not th1bi;- . . r� ,..,.. • . " . i 'Ibe numbe:t ot � of the �. � Tbbu.�Yicar .. __ .. _ ChrtIUanIeD Warner Quale, ... Bobby Wheeler. p� 1DI .mouaJ" let tlM{m ""'«Del. 1UCb . • " Irlo � 0( Mra. Xaner, � l.ocIatIoa bJ Ita_ .. .. f�: Wub-j BNuW'ui. BaYlour .. _ ..... -: ChrUttanIen the atte:nUn aud.1ebce � a lauch �YetlUGb. � Uda. aDd bear 'fIbat WI. Eclnnl&, m:t JrfJ"S. BauIt, aceomPMkd .�.&11, caJ1fotDlt. m. OfttOb..:lOt, . (Ani7 Kd�) Solo Witb all of tbeIr brotberl)' and·...",. Mft beard to4lJ." •

· oq,. \be .soun .;y. Dapw' BaI'eDIII and .Y:!nn.oc. "", Iowa ' 30, North. ,1JUofa . . P. 1.. 'C.' ctdr quarrda. Both ftre typlcal Tart1nr- KeY. C, B. TboIye, of MlnDea�, "'\.. . (CoaUnuecl OIl Pace �) . . (CooUnued OIl .... , '4) Con V&.ta.--o\ooompaat.t. . (00D� on Pap- 4) . ' l0c0Ubued OIl ..... JJ ,





THE MOOalNG MASTi Daily Diary • • J •

Wed.n-sa,. ,Mareh f-

<'\lDUshed every t"'o �ks during tbe SChool lear by the sludenu 01 PaclOc Lutheran College Parltlat Washington

Subscription one dol per lear

What I.S that awful noise? Bounds ILke

.. sea lion roaring': Don't. be �IArmed: It is onl1 Jack and Jake', ten·dollar Ford. ' .

Th.".s.,. Mareb 1-

Un�ual ne!,,' Itent-""e lost_the. dr-bal<. FrIda" Maftb .. -Entered as second class matter October 2 1925 at the Po5t,Offlce at Parkland - -.' '[00 can'\ exactly blame Cora t

�&.5h1ngton Wlder the Act If March '!': 1879

... March 20 19291 2 The meanest Scot.chman ls the one screaming even thOUi

: It

A�a thyOU Dear lola and Pa .,.ho went out In the back yartl. fired oetock In the mom! g

��-��r .' _ - •

- _ -JO��= It was too bad that you C?Uldn t come the illD once and returned to the hOU3t realll shouldn't eat


��e:::ltor - -. -. -

_ M�}���� : � Al:enJ 11s:nl�O�1:1�I�b:f:: �ul�e�

at Santa Clau.s

h� co

mmitted ::: =:: �:�k�n their sleep .-J Sport Ed.1tor - - - - - • - - ETllna Jacobson Umet'S tell about h

OIll fixy th!!)' ""'as 3 They found the SCotctuftan after Satanta,.. Mareh , __

�:l� =�\ � � _- _ _- _- _- po

- O::�==I: when they "'''e�t to school and how three days search on a pay-as-you- Alumni banquet.. Welcome, bad: old Organlzlltlons

,.... Eina

�ulso� �na J�h�n chrisune J�hn50�rothY Lehmann

:�e� i��i!.:kas

th�t�:::!: �:��:� le


�r:t=tchmen bet twenty-.flv ��" �reh 11-Humor and Feature - - - - - Ingeborg Bo15tad, Gerhard Molden tlon Is greatly Improved In thls latter �nt.s that they could lean tarth�t out �e What do you meap by UlIlng ���� Ta� - -

- - - Sy!vta


�a������ respect, as they know hoy.' hard It Is of a tenth-story wtndow.-They were my 'Clean wash �lotti to �Iean your _s�oes

��;�Locals � . _ . - 1:n� �t;� -to.!-:�,��ewas a gi-ea(banquet. 'We

bo��H��:!:OU;le 8e(ltch box- wI

��e: i t)eg to dUfer .wlth you. y ' Faculty News Ida Hlnderlle, Haro.I� JQ�n were at the table from se\'en o'clock er ",'ho used to hit w.llh hls ope!l hands jUst washed my neck wtth It.. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT untll ten. and I sUPpo!l;('- you think that untll his ·manager put a nickel In each Ta�,.. �reb 'J!. - . , . ' . Ellot MlckebO..r 'Carl ' Anderson we sat there and ate untl!; ""e could one? . In n�tr1t1on Mr. XavIer' said, "Girls.

ClRCULATION bardly walk. How5OlneverJ this WIlS' 6. Then there is the w�o are different from any other fruit. Agnes Klippen

Gerhard �. Peggy Huyey not the' case. A banquet. 15 jlot built on upon lea\1ng the s�mer In �ew York They're the 'sweete.!l when they je

ADVERTISING them line$; and Is meant to puuJe the saw a diver coming .up and exclaimed. �n!" , George Lane victims rather than anything else, I "If I'd known tha� .I-would have walked Wednesda,.. March 13.-TYl'ING �Iyn SOlum


wish 1 could �I you what we had t.o across too I We hear that a couple of girls hiked eat but most 0 it is sun a dark mys� 7 A Scotchman \li1lS told that there to Spana",ay before CaeMr tery to me Th SOphomore. whlch,.sat 15 sugar In tean; and nq,p.' he clles o�er was ambitiOUS and look what happened o J STUEN N J HONO �next to me_ Mid that the flrst/�urse h1s rorn flakes to him! ---------------..;..�-_:=_--'--J l was a cocktail ,!Jut you can t put any- -- Tbgnda,., Marcb 14-SPRING FEVER I thins like that Qver on me There LITTLE WILLIE Is .that straight goods that Prof

Wh.11 IS Ihe Ullllll'lIt crccplll� o\er Ihe sludl'llls herl' .11 lul- �1lS� t elve

�� s:���; �;


���� :���e��na �


\ ::


nq�::�� �n�

v�e: :�{o::� . lege 1 They " alk aruund. dreBllllh. on I;:. hal( hche\ 1Il� the) eXlsl. swa� .... 1ng the spoon which we ate I The neighbors said Th�re sure Is pep there \liMn t any Santa Claus fltl<llllg II 1.1I1r<l 1.0 sll.uly.uncl gel do" II 10 ielll ".ork .\h ;:. �u, .,\t' wlth_ but WIlS saved by a,balloon which In Little WllUe s fancy step Frida,., March lS,- ' . know. II IS sprmg it'n'r, thc malady �rtJllI which 110 one IS JII�- burst In the nick of tlme. You see there -

There seems to be dire need of an-IlHlllt'. It is not a-.��rlll . . di�usc,. hu� �oll�es . . sl�.on�lIl\eul�sly: . !,ts ""as . balloons .lIed lD all ·the chairs HIT AND MISS other campUll day as far as the kicking symptO!llS �re. dro"sll�ess: especmll) III duss . • 1 tllrefn c SPIrit, which would explode like a shot-gun. A pa.rade. rour m11es long wi�l 101· po..<; t Is coi!icerned. It surely does need und all IrrCSIS!'lblc longlill-! 10 he out of duurs. . . . The purPose of thb was. to remind us �ow H�ver to the WhIte House. The . t or paint. Hut nil this is lu he t'xpet'led. At u t't'rlllLlI tllne of .1�1l' year, or the wild and woolley west and make dirigible, La:!: Angeles, wui be In the � �oard M .th 16.- r WI.IC!l the sunshine u&lllin. clears up the :

,'rc, th.cre �s t11w�\'s us feel at_ .home. . processl,?n along with a number or p.I a

:e "'�:� th:rdtbate "'itl?- St. Mahln'S! tillS len<l(,lll'y of prefcrru!g 10 sludy ( : ) UII.I�ldl' nn :m�IC hclO

,\cd There. was mallY foolish ques�lons bags. ... Mon� March 18,-sput of Ihe cumpus. ThiS, h.owcycr. IS It " II'h�l', 1I0t ! fuult .. A &SKed by people at the different tables. -- B ket ball letteI1i were awarded. Bill pcr�ons would not h(' human If he w('re I!ot suhj('c1 10 u IIttack uf !Ike for Instance, "Ha\'e you ever seen A noted lecturer In Toledo made this Cer�nlY does hide his age well, doesn't sprlllg fevcr. • ,.../ a kitchen sink?" or "Have you ever seen stateme:�t: "All the world's a st&Je, and. he? None of U!o; knew he WIlS so dumb -----�-----:-:-:�-:-::_:�:::':. ::::::-:�:::- I a c.lnnamon roll?"' aU, the speaking part8 are gI�n to that It was necessary for him to spend CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS These questions ..... hich the college women." '

twenty-five years at P. L. C. . � r .

. :��d�:�it


a�;)� .. ::

mal�!;! Try thia one: U a pea !alUng from a T

a;:a:����! :�;depressed look on Tuesday, March 1 9 bad as the ones which the faculty t"'''enty-story bulldl,;,g develops sum- Lelah's face'? She didn·t hear. about the X:O() P. il1. l.11dil's {;uild Ilwrls wilh· .. Mrs. O. F. Olson. WL"} S. Ta- asked.'Uke (or"lnstance. "Have you ever cient veloeltr to ItJIl a cat. how many I h t hurch until eleven l'OI!(U AV(,Il11t,. Tucoma. o;.e.en the teachers pet?" panca.tes will shingle a smoke house? ��:oc:�c Jover a . c

. Wedriesda,'. 1\1arch 20. From now on you cannot expect many letters from your loving daughter. on A new . thouiht--Lead a &enslble IS 2:00 P. M. i.udics Aid ruerls in Churt'h Parlors. (,Jlh'I'llIim'd h�' ,ccount of baseball season having start- school lite and you will get along mcely. REUNION BANQUET ., Mrs. H. O. I.anning nnd Mrs, C. S. Pell'rson . ed. There b much talent among t):1e But the worst t.tl1n& about making such SUCCESS THIS YEAR ' 1:00 P. M. Cunfirll,llllinll Class girls thla year. and It looks as I f we lU"e a rad.lca1 change is that everyonp. else tcontinued lrorr. Page 1) I:;m P. 1\1. Mid-,veek f)cvotiolllli Hour. going to have a whirlwind ot a team. wUl consider you aUly. on the plano by Mr. Edwards. sang.

. Thursday, March 21 When Phyllls- Grande. which Is a girl Plano solos wer:e given by.Blgne Hjenn- . 7: -1:-, P. 1\1. Choir Hclwarsul. who plays baseball and goes to school Jan Woac1t1'iq Stad. Esther Towe; and .Mr. Edwards.

Frida)� March 22. here. starts showing the other teams As I sit and WJ1te my EngI1ah themes Dagmar Hagenellll., accomparued by her 1 :;\0 P. 1\1. Thc Ladies (;uiid givc H Basket Sociul in the Chllrt'll ;1�;�n�he:rdll�:/�eYh:��

��:'=e� I ':ite�hew:::"::



r; P:t�


SOJI��ters ' which Parlors. Girls, bring your huskct and ynur fricnd. she Is pitching. Otherwise. the' cham- Are like the onell I dream tonIshi. hatt,been received, expre.asing greetings. Saturday, March 23 pion-ship would be Just as good &.II put were read by the t.OULmaster. . 1 V-�� :t �t 1����(;a

l�I��i�ool and Confirmul ion C,!lIliS. on ice, (or us. ' As I sit and read my EnglIah Ule{DaI The menu included tnUt cocktail. It looks like spring 15 actually here. \And ponder what next I ahould'WJ1te, boulllon •. chicken pie, pea.s"aa1ad. olives, Sunday. March ·24, and many student.!! has Commenced to I often wonder tI other folU' themes fOils. I� cream, wafers; and coffee. 'JO:� A. M. Norsc Sen-ices take .long walks In the open . . I 6UP- Are themes llke the one I WTtte to· ��:::;;:������=4 I I : A. 1\1. Norse Scn-kcs . pose their health is In' bad' condlUon on . nJght.. . 7::1 P. 1\1, Tlw Cllntata "Pall1�s of \'idory" is sung hy III(' Junior account of so much study and worry: and S('nior Choirs. Mrs. Ph. E. Hau/.!c. diredress. One student told me he d.1d not see how As I sit and write my' £ngllah themal Iktm PrinUa ..

Easter Sunday, March 31 he could get thru the semester elUUllS, In the candle's fadlng ·glow. �y�tone PrinU�g Co.., Inc: M:l;) I'. 1\1. The P. L. C. Choir gives !I�conccrt ill the.Collcge gym. ��eo;::w�::.

r :����: �:cc:;�:� I U::m: the grades. of my other

Main 3757 10% Paclfie A ... e TACOMA him out of exams, I don't thlnk he will And Wonder' wbat makes tbem' 80 have nervouS prostrations from over- I F��=======:' If=�2��2����-Siickers and Sweat Shirls--Meanwell Balls and Shoes worlt. low.

Wilson Athletic Goods There 15 many expenses wN-ch come . Tobaccos, Cigars and . KIMBALL SPORTING GOODS CO. :;�,h:!:eaO�I!�:�



The Bome. of % Pants Su.lts ' Candles, Magazines, Papers 110'1' BROADWAY . . � \n '

I�;:::::::;:;:::::;:;:::::::;:::::::;:::::::; �r::


e ��

en� �:: JETLAND &.. PALAGRUTI T40ralf L'lfedersen . ....... 8O"l PactI1.c Avenue I will get quite a tew, so you had better 1il12 Pac. Ave Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma, Wub . .

Your loving daughter,


'und me some money. �=;::====::==:;.::�t==========� Cheroba.

I A Trlh:te to the Scoteh . �erican Pl���!�:ea�SupptyCo.

I . .

Call Mr Lyons MaIn 2431 !


' i I ! I I

p,mia.AND LIGHT .& WATi!:IJ CO. A mutual company-Organized 1914 ..

Furnlsbee Water: Lighi· and .Power to �ember� Only Water minimum 60c per month ineluding 100 eu. f�_ water

Water fumlahed to P. L. C. � .

For further inform�tio� apply lo� . . E. B. ELLINGSON. Mg<. I .

�A scotdunan died of heart ·fallure , -the tber day. He was toI!4Ing pennie. Plum�ing. Steain and Mill Suppliea out 0 the window to the and Phone Main 1707 1908-10 Pacific Avenue the s broke! �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�� �a!a" D� ,,!,::;- FOLLOW TRZ GqLDEN' BOAD TO BriTa HLu.�.

Neal' E, Thorsen IIa"tr. GoocIi. IIalr Dyes, .Toapeea, WIp. ...... 1U}i �1 .......... .... Ma.l.a 3111 Phone J4&1n :MI0

Dr. H. L. Monzingo . DENTIST


BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. _ . ' Groceries; P1our, Ha,.. Grain. Peed.. 8boeI, . Rubbei- �. Drup,

. Han:1ware, Plumbtnc SuEiPl*. PaInt., Rootbir Suite" i114 Pupt Sound B&Ilk Bide· MADtBON 104J4 PBONJ:B KADIBON 1DRI

__ �TA_CO�� ___ W_ASHDn ____ O_TO __

N __ C-' L-__________ � __ P�ARKLAND���'_W�AKa�� __ ��� __ ��"



Only Three Gam,.. U uai season Is-- IREPORT OF l\1E�ING Pre .. Conference · J· Thir.y Aopiranl8 . .

nus . J TOLD BY DELEGATE _ . I'- First Feu.u...,..


Up Well i" . �irls·Losc Du.ring ... Closed- In De�ate . tContinned from Paie I ) or An"lUaLMecI11l� � Diamond Tur�lOul Baskethall Season I \ . -_. -

Ispoke Saturday e\'enlng 011 Ih� topic. . -.-_ ! _ . --

� $fIla'lI hopes at the ��nlng of the I nd \Vins One Debate . .' everything In life:' . he said. " goOO or r ventlon of the Lutheran 8.1udents UII- Rarm�ad. Pacific Lutheran basebl\lI ,"'though the girls' buketbl\U tnun St. ]\rriinos GOI


lege Loses One "The Spirit," ';Th�re.1$ l!. , motive for The tint fealure of the l;laUon,al con- f ?n �onaay. March H. coach. A. W.

. ' . , ! .

From 1'. L. C. . .. " ur moth'e {Of Christian ser. at Canton· 8. DIlkota, March I. mentor, WJlled the fI�t caU for dl�- _, �n. the labll!$ turned. and Ihl' l __ ' .' bad. . 0 . LuthenUl PresS Conference, mond uplranla. About thirty men, In-:leMOn ended ""1.'11 enough to please The debates ",ith St. Martln's Cpllett' I "Ice suquld be not only the desire. . of h'o Sl"S!ilotU on f'r1day. '


IlIUdlng 81t,'en lettermen, are now out everyone, . Of t�e eleY�lll}'ed


dosed a "ery u�usupJ �n for the

l.1ove. for al\ythlng done for Ood "dthout Sarah Moru;erud: editor of theL"Au- for places on the teit.m. All Indlca.Uot�

the girls lost lhl"ff. TIlere Is one big Pacific Lutheran C1ebBters, Inasmuch a..s \0"1.' Is ustleM. Christ calls everyone. gustana Mlrro�:' gave the opening. talk. point. toward II sUceeMful M!MOn. CQ.ns

olatiOn i,n h�vtng lost the three 1 '�O:;'d:�g s.��!!�:

d ",�:����� \ paue.�tly. When .'111 you ofter your- �����ra:;;�

ri:!c��I;is:�� r:;1::�. 1 p::I��

r;; :::: ::����:�y ,�!!!. a..s the team also .·on from I"IICh

! not be coll.'l{de� .u�fU1. but from selr? 1 • Ing It.s . ! the mere strenuous type of lurnout.3 te�m that "defeated them. P. L. C. must the stAlndpolnt of \he debaters ilOd of Dlvlne servl� were held .l!' the Can-

Rolfe A. Hut,'edt, editor. of "Luther. which have been ·prevalent the few ghe cred}t to Sumner, I"He. and'. un-i


sludent.s hearina: the deb!t-tes a great ton Lu�heran Church. Sunday mo.�nlng. College Chip!l:' USlni '� his .subJect, a(temoona. ,.J CQI� Park, for spoUing the victory .board.. deal of benefit "''U derinod from them. where Doctor Boe: president of �t. �Iaf , College Paper . as: a Christian ' several candidates are loomlpg up u The girls yrld� thefl}lleh'es on ""innJng The �'lIld of fate. which. seemingly College, preached the sermoll� He dls- Agency:' lold !;If the op�rlunltles the 1 CQntenders for poaltlON. ., • o�t' �me from Sumner. as that team had gotten the better of our debatt'rs. cussed Chrl3t a.� the �l leader III Ood's college pape� has of retlei:t1ni Chri:'- Siegel. i!I II. southpaw bill ..... OI"U "��


Of�= :� u ���m o;�r:�'

e;: ; �:'::

i:'h::� ��: "'1>ri. and said t�at ..... 1.', In being lea�- �::UI


s �::e

h:::�� :;:

r�u�:� ' ��I:I��



g r� follo""$:' . ,Po i.. C. afflrmatl-;:e team ..... on from St, ers. mwst first learn to foll0v.: In Christ 5 5010 by Hannah Hanson. of. AugUStAlnR

l�hOUii1ered by Col�m, Pal? and Howlc'll:. P. L. C. 21-8umller 6'9 Martbfs nega�lve' team lut Friday stetw.'- 1hen ""1.' tOQ, at th!. close of lire. College . .., tbe �ubJecl, . "The �!to? All arl' �howll}jl: up well. and , all Ilre P. L. C. 2Q--Sumner 17 I eyening, In a 2-0. deci!ll�m. TIli!l de�a.te, may be able to say, "1

."'I:I.ave (lnlshed Task:' .WalI dc::veloped by Noms Halvor- el1p�ble of f11111l.1 an Infield btrth if not P. L. C, Z2-Unco\n Park 24 a..s expressed by many who ·hea.rd it, the work thou ga.vest me lo do· ... son. Edllor of the Concordia COllege used as twlrle�. <:,ther Infit'ld candld-P. L. C. 22-Uncoln Park � ' cont.alned tl"ie most lively d\..scUS&lo

Fo\lowtn a sacred concert by the "Concordlan." ate's' Ilre Ny·mllll. SIlnders?n" J{off. p, L. C. 37-Fife 32


0f any .of the debat� . . TIlls wa..s the Au tAlna i'College Choir. S?nday af- The afternoon session of the Press Wells. M.onson and Berenlson . . In thll P. L. C. 32-Flfe 3S only vlclory g.alned by P. L. C. this gus . E TIl 'of China opened wllh a III.'lecUon by' outfield Fn!nch. E. Jacobeo�. 8. Jacob-P. L. C. 48--centralia 22 f'""'I season. The same e"enlng our negative temoon, Re'·. P. . Or!i?�' ( '1

. . ClefC," a chorus or Augus- �on. L. Sander&lIl. Oardlln. John.wn P. L. C. '21---Centralla 20) I I team I�t to 8t. Martln's afflrmath-e at gave a tAllil:, on missiOns. s � ng ' . MOrTiS Wei. oC Luther I anct Oopelerud are staging �. battle for P. L. C, 34--Flrsl Luthertns 32' I St. Martln's College . ..... Ith which we ::;�p�:sen�tn�t��

r :O��e �


rs then pre:e�ted plans which I positiON. . P. L. C. 31-F'Il'l1t Lutherans 26 II hR"e had fortnslc relRt\ons for sev- The cI=ng seat.on of the convention 10 the. effectiveness of the

I ' Last TuesdRY's pracUce was feature4 P. L. C. 2S-Alumnl 2.1 . ' erRI years. . . was held Sunda� �venlng .�Ith Rev. PrI'55 Association. One sug- with a few Innings oC scrimmage. The The �rlli' basketball team rlg.htfully The debaters previous to these two 'arlln of Minneapolis ptiile that a committee be'.OTgRnlzed l reliull1!. conlilderlng the time of .the feels that they ha,'C had a successful have a.1I been lost to flPposlng teams: On rpeaker In spe�ltlg on his subject. seminary rqr the pUrp06e Of season. were proml�lng. Although t�e sclI�n. March 1 the p, !-. C. n i.'PUve team met :'The �waltlng Crown." Rev. Norstad news from the different schools II regular lineup Is as yet Indefinite,

the Weber College afflrmallve team used Paul as an exa'mple of one who at to-the L)llheran. Church Herold. \ ""as Ram.s� used Siegel and coltom as ALUMNI LOSE TO GIRLS from Ogden. Utah. Weber ·Col\.ege Is the close of his lire was satisfied that he adopted. . battery for the first !lC\uad. 'oVIth HOW

. lot -- reno""ned for Its excellent debate had en up w.QI"ldlY fame. glort. hon- Miss Borghlld Dahl, teR$hcr of Jour- at fint. Sanderson lit �nd. Nyman In

CIOM' Game Encb With S<:o� of %5 teams. and mRkes lin amiual tour along or a: ,,:ealth for the bett:r re ...... rd of nallsm at Augustana, made 'a comparl-

I t?e shortpatch. and Palo �n third.

. To !l the COlLSl. John Wiese and Erling: .. t�e crown of life." . . son of the'f�ur college papers. The Con- Swlndlll?d. B. Jacobson. and E. Jacob �j The P. L. t .... Aiumnl. (ter a glorioWl Jacobsen represent� P. L. C. In th� During the yarious sesslons, musical cordlan, the St. Olaf Messenger. Luther son worked In the ouUleld. � fight. loot their game with the P',L. C. debate. and Dan Kennedy and Jamell numbers were glvcn b'y students of Au- College Chips, and the Augustana Mlr-

I 1 girls. If they hlOd had the p .. act!cc. Nell. Weber College. gustana' ColIl'ge. of Sioux Failli. and ror. T� was followed by a generaL dls- I ' ..

the Oladlators ""'ould probably ha\'e I�t On March 8 our negath'e team, com� the "Treble Cleff," a girls' choru.� cussion. I the game. P. L, C. had a !2-polnt lead pooed of John Wiese and·Oerhard Lane, Augustana Academ),. Students of Charles NO�by of Luther College was I at the end of the half. but the Alumni debated the afflrmath·e. �m of Bell- gustana coiiege also a.sslsted elected president of the �oclallon for mUled and ga"e P. L. C. a chance to I Ingham Normal. ..... hlle our I\fflrmatlve f the Academy In making arrange- coming year. succ.g Howllrd � "·OrTY. The whistle bl'e"" ""hen the score team, Olar Ordal and Erling' Jacobsen, �enl$. I of St. Olaf CO!lege� I :!: WM 25 to 21 In fa,'or of P. L. C. The 1 debated thl' Normal n�ath'e team. Among matters discussed at the var- �=,===�===�� Imme "'a . .', $10""'. and bolh leams showed Both df'bates \\"er&-;l,'o� by Bellingham, 10Wi business sessions Willi the "gospel I . .... I�ck of recent practice. PoIIY


LangIOw The debilte question lor th�S year a.o;.l team .. Idea

.; reporl$

.g!. <en


bY the. dele-, BUTTER-MUT displayed her .w;�al prowess. IiClected by the PI Kappa Delta ..... as: gat;es shl!wed how the plan adopted last

. The lineup Is as follo"'1I: • ..Riesoh·ed. that 8 substItute for trial year had worked out ·The coro;ellSUS ?t •. R E .... D "Inmnl P. I.. C. by jury be adopted." The P. L. C, liquad opinion was that these teams. • � . LIlnglo"" <Fl Larson con.�ted or John �Iese. OerhardLane, Ing of '5e\'eral 'studenUl and teachers . .

Guod I. Ih t, ... , c .... ,.. M. F'adnc!>s ( 1" 1 Kaaland Erling Jacobsen. and Olaf Ordal. None I who ga\'e school programs outside of _ (Apolo14lu to �h ..... 11 »ou .. ) . Knutzen Omnde of these men ..... 111 be back next year to

1 the schOOl. were "cry successful In keep-:�;:�ss II�I, �:��� :nl�I:��r:�}�:


g m�::�a;::lI

l�a�:':1 :�: ��� �nh:��':s�::��::��:�la.

Brookdnle Ca,h Markel Jorgenwn 101 O. Knutsen be select.ed for the conring season.

I 'PacifiC Lutheran College Invited the

Subs: Alumni-Holmes and Klttle- 1930 convention to Parkland. It was All meat,;.s���gOVernment ��·rso��. L. C. crosby� Holmberg and BOYS AND GIRLS 'oVI�hl;�e



___ "::::::::= __ J===::














===:; RIrOtles Colle/l;ene final decisIon. The only difficulty r

IN AN ,���'''RI !�::tf��:





church schools ' MBeeA RB8GfAURANGf Shope is devoted to

Smart Costumes · for Co-eds

Rhodes Brothf>r.�


Importers of Norwegian Cod Lh'er Oil

Clor. Tacoma Avenue &: 11th St. Tacoma. Wash. Free DeilYI.'",

304 Rust Bldg ��p P. H. �

Stein way and other pianos, Duo � Reproducing PIanos, Vlctrolas and Victor Recorda. Band and oraiestra Instruments, Sheet Muaic and Music Boob, Radio seu and' ACC6A(lries

Open All Night THY OUR ANNEX I:lth & ·Cummercc

FOUNTAIN LUNCHES, SODAS, SUNDAES n Pa,. \0 Look WelL PatromR UnloD "Shops

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Shel'tnan�lay & CO. II;':=======�==:,1.;:==::: 928-30 .Bro&dway MakI 9115 Phone 4493 Tacoma I I �:;:========�ll ;=�::::::::::::::=========,"tl MA S O N' S ., , 10, "

948 Pacific A "e.




BINYON: OPI:1cu. CO, nG Bnladwa, , .. PboDe,�� Ij21

Easter . Suits� . . Sunshine and 80ft days are an urge to get that �ter Suit now

That Hat '00--88 well as ' Shirta, Ne(:kwear and Other A(:ceuories--..--- "

\ .-

\� 1 � I

. PAoa ...

C.'d'���I'�1 'P .. ll'�h :�L�::�R .. 'hat Paul Pry suimlllC'd .,,'hen the ne.... o\'er KVI .. t '8:30. nOll.t� aboUt school that t .. ·o Ce�ln ! March 21_Cholr CQI\cert at. Yrlm '81r1$ .and by-the-,,'IIo)'. they'", perfC'ttly 8:00 p. m. nlU rur1&, too. from ,t dlgnlfit<t stu-l March 23-Mounllln trip--ten


dl'nt body actuaUy ... nt "",..dln," II]. MU'C.h 28-Euter ,'.caUon be«hia yonder �t�m! ' - , '

ell" you beat I-hat? .

' 31-EIU!ter Sunday. Choir con-We're ""{Indertn', "'t I'IT�. cert In- P. L. C. gymn�IUm aL 8:00

they Il-ent ..... dlng jUJit to

! -:--':'---::---;/�N.!"""'"---:--: , <.Alumni 1'{ews I fJEV�������� ��i,�ABLE ___ F.�a_cu_�ty:.....,,-, _ews ___ .. Miss Qladya Knuuen, '28, is emplo� ! (COn!J.n� 'from '� U

L. Larson, e�terta1nt<t the .Rl" by the Marlne National COm�ny. Be- 12. SOUth �ota e. Idaho �. Brlttah club. Monday �venlnlJ. March 11. attie, Wash. I Columbia 4, IIl1.nou 4. Indiana 2. WU-

se-.rtIlj" club 11'&5 started by 'the � . -- ' • I consln 2. Alaska I. Ha":all r: KallSM 1.



::enty YM", the :::=c=re�·a:�:�::nt;.

MaMachUMII4·· I. Montana I. Nebrtub seattle ' Wash ' I. Ne'" York I. North c.roUna I. Nor-W�n�' =-::n� :1:;. from the : . __ ' . I •.• y 1. Ohio '\' .nd Tua.s I

and Mn. Ed .. ard 80vlk and chll-


�:;r d��d )I�t

;;;m;'U:�"��:I ���������'-'=-_I�:' l!CU", and shady mOlh·�t«) gt". ft't't a springtime dOlUing1

Well. tMo that L!; It may, the .. ", �. ' ",,>th, m.In5-.... e·U never kno.... Fountain of Youth.

And no"''. I ask. you. ""1lI'! that .. lhe : No'lll" to set 6n with �r 1Jtory-=:;n�

ndu:t for t� .. o prospective 'T!.!; said that on�' member of

ne upon ye-Dot and Helen! • ;;�e::e:n�a�:)�r�:Sk �!e::;f


vARm.AND GARAGE ,t-to Repair

11 .... OUt and ".eees.or·IH

. ;. C. Pet4.:o-son Oh mol Oh my! An' .. n'l " I�';':''' 0'."" " ,' An' I. Ih'nk Ihot .�. That Is. aln't It a ..... ful for the rella 1'Ip from thl.!; gWhln",,�untaln 1",'= 1 ,"."" " • •

oonc:ernf'd? . one of eternal youth--or .In Ufe

Thal"s right! I gU"fI )'ou '<!on'l kno",' th.n"llM J'ean! 'lll"h)' all the lamentatlonJ!.- Sure Ion' we'lI be proud to kno.'

Well. it·s JWlt this: .Q ct"ntury from . no .... ' old P. L. C. i��;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� still 'be' boQmlnlJ alung In the

W, , Tbe Sludent� do sa�;

they ha,"'e nC,"'('r heen

in Ta('oma unll� th�y

have eaten at

Carlyle'! Ca/eterio

J o h n s o n - C o x . . . Company ,

11 -726 PMifi< .. hom",. - , T tKO",a

handl' of Doctor T'ln�lstad!

I TIley My that:

LUlIan And!'rson hllJl R ",.'''n'nk'', ' Edgar made a mll;take In

poMlble! J I George Cronqul�t Is Mnglng a

wng' hlt lat!'l)"

IJj�c�eltlalion Wt'll

) 'Collt;n!��� �!e

� characten. Mae Keith. as MIS/! Pinney. the

ernesa, ..... 11..5 well charaet.erlud ! quirt. �rved peftona.llty. ! she ,,'U a "ontrut to the other i acten, she filled her part In the I

I ve�'UlI�:I!:as fumlshe-d �tween ' b�' the College orchestra. steond and third act& the cast Miss Stlxrud. their coach. with II.

� 'tUul bququet of s:eet peas and rtI&l'8. The monr}' taken In from this play.

after an expt'I1S('S are paid. will be u.s.ed for further stage Improvements.


The Store For Men and




'}()'12 PB!�� A"!ie. Millwork Al!d Cabinet Shop S.PP,Uea

WASHINGTON ,HARDWARi CO. � SpaUin,i AllaUtic Good. ".. Padftc; It.... \ Jib1n '7a 'l"aooma. IWub..

---, .-.-:--

,HANSON'S' Jeweler

BUCKLEY-KING CO . . FlInt'ral Dii-t·�tor� _

1 1I'lucld",'.K;ng FI�IIl'rlll 1 (lcoma Ave at So.


po""er of· the ltale vested? Watch �f:!�il�� �t�pecialt"Y l. Ho"" doe� the law define : Indellty BId"1.)

;n O.k

PeRri an,d ' Bhu�k

3I'hool day? 121 a school month? Il) I�=====S=:=�;II a .&ehool year? 4. What .re the provtllons for phya-

1 ICIiI eduC"lltlon: i l l In grade schoo13. �2) We Appreciate Your "The hat YOIl "an .blllle" hi

:? 8�':'�� I!'.U��: 1:�tU= Patronage : 1&. ___ ........ ____ .. !�.��:r� ot,corporal punishment by II. Ross� Garage _

6. Name the several (Ilffertnt k1n� '::=======;=::-� I t . _ Its Our Busines8 To Serve and Sene suktently

Mlram other delePu,


Phone J4ad.. .3811R6 Parkland q.aiu, &.ad Serrke

California FloriA ..

Ilr_ R. A. Hedbers. -lM-6�ftwtQ" B14



$1 .25

That's why we, are here. for your convenlence snd we want you to leel free to UM' our fr.dUUes In e\'er); and any manner. We devel­lap and print your kodu fUme. Parkland Mercantile Co.

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((((':(_��. 81, USE fAIRMONT COFFEE / Always the Best" '


Ten rears� Experience. Hils Shown tbe Wisdom

AND DemollBtrated the Advantages' •

OF, t . Restricted Field ' 2. Select M�mPership



1254 McKnight Building. Minneapo� Minn.


· 1 ',. \ (� ! ! \ ) j 1 t , I · I r


( J

. ;v . .:£Q.

Dutch Twins Move" I We Humbly DediCate This. IsSue To· the Me!1lory of Knutsen ISuccess Attained by .' To P. L. C. Campus F I S '" . . - . . . . . Ch ' Fi t T .

,__ . . nnera ervlees DedIcate Memory ' . OJr on ' . rs our

Timekeeper and BookkffPer Re- ! Held at Lutheran Of Eva Knut�ell at Fi C I G' I Cltt � ceh"(' Prize, or Chicken i?inner ,I Cll.l�rch in ,Portiand' Service� in Ch�,)el . �NOH�n�r 1:8rkl:�d ; Royal et:

F,or F8tt� Labo�lng I Th' _ of �u"-n .... " " n . ' Treatment Heceind

t:::J. """' .. ... Ch4lpel 5ervi�& on MOil"")' morn- . j _�a� of such u�ttl�. "'eather to Portland lut 'Monday .('l'enlntr. the .

Ing dedicated to the memory of Eva This )'ear's first exten�lve' tour Of the




���:o:; I �;th;n::t::te

:n�( ��:,.d.�� B:'!� . Knu�n \\'1'1"f' most appropriately eon- Pacific Lutheran COllt81' .Cholr luLlna

gh'en up \ht' Idu of • eam.pull day at l accompanyl...... � .. ducted by Rev. "'hose topic for !.Ix days came to aslOR 'Aprll �. after

I '.. address "·as. -Cl,?d Is Love." In addl- fin' succ:esllful concertA given in towns

aU. ?ollege sophomores aren't so 'The Pacific Lutheran College acult). . tlon to the roruiollng WOrdll of Rev. T. north of Parkland.


gloomy. hov.ever. 'a�d when the sun IChose Mr, PhU,p E. Hauge to represent O. Svare. centered about the Biblical On MondAY morning. April I. t�e en-

came out one day. some enterprulng I� at the funeral "'hlch toolt! place pa.Wlge "Ood 1& Lo\·e." and treating 011 tire choir accompanied by Dagmar IX'TSons mO\'ed that the (ollowlng FrI-

I ThUrsday at eleven o'clock In Our.Sav- the love eternal of our Lord Jt'ftUll Hagl'oess. violinist. and' Victor Elvt'S-day. M(lt'(.

:.h 22 . . "". srI aside for the .. bI' 1 ,,,.'5 Luth" 'n Chu-h 'n Po-I.nd. Ch '" , I ... " r",t, t�e studenWl Bnd faculty Joined trom. bu�neSli manftlJ,er. left ParkJand,

c eanup. O. K. said the fll.culty, but I Se\'erai tokens of sympathy were .sent In s!nglng the fa .. \·orlte hymn of the arriving 'In Burlington, that afternoon,

Ilre�re your lessons In case of rain." , by the various OrgatlM-tions of which b�ar departed- The Oreat White where they were ente'Tta1nm., by Ed. .


'::'::e:y �:�';.e�

e: I E"a was a member. ' . Host ... · a tran�laUon of "Den StOrt KnICtzen, The concert glve� that even- -� known, for FrIday morning dft"'lled : Besides �er mot�er Mlss Knutsen HVlde F.lok." The original Norwegian Ing took place at the Burlington High'

bright, and clear. with enough sun for I leavesf her :::p'fath�r'

IMr. J. J, Sanlls- ��I



m�o�·:; .. �o�:�

t�� =:�:����g�:':o,:

red' by


:�:.and without enough to cause 1a.z.- I ;��.�.�rTU�:.


u::� :� which EVa sang but a few da)'s ago On the following day dliUler was

. The col1)mlttee III charge. headed b): I-J· ole� of Portland: and Clara. of ThrouShout the services It $Carcely ;;en:ed In Edlson Hall by the ladles of

John Wiese. divided the students Into �anby. three brothers:. Ben. of Canby. seemed possible thftt ont so clO6e and the EdIsOn Lutheran Churen In the

groups \lo'Itll two captains at the head :�n. of San FranciscO. and B"511, of ��ar � al: Sh;U� no lSnger partake In afternoon the choir left for Bellingham,

of each working "liang," There wert' _ ryn-tland, . �I�

ora s o t e choir, but had been "'here .they apl'lt'ared In concert that

!<,angs for the te�nls courts, g>,m'2...aslum� Eva Knutsen wu born on July �. I ��t 11.::11.

�o;::��; as one of that evening at the O�rden Street Metho-

front campus, Idcldng . l105t, baseb:t.II ' 1907, In Blair. W\.seonsln. Her parenWl I Photo by HartsOok Studios y . dist Church. under the ftusplcetl of the

dlafl.lond• and. that place deemed by I \\'o!re Charles and Sophia 'net' Ten- , ' . �Aa a prtlude to the commemoration Lutheran Churehea In chal'Kl! of Rev,

man)' as the mo,t I�portant of all. the I nl'$(lnl Knl:lLsen, In htr �arlY youth the Eva KnutHn . servIces �f�: J, O. Ed .. 'ardJi; rende�� a Norby and R,ev:O, J. Oroat.

kitchen. AIf MYhre wu appointed as family mO\'ed to Oregon. settling'. at • , • - selection. Prelude In E Minor by The choir arrived Wednesday after-.. t��:"-.!'1!.�. LUJII'tIl.-"'!J!!�{!;9!l "".I .��by'.. It was here that she attended GIrl s 'Traglc Death I BaCh. on the pipe orp.n. Mrs. Philip noon In Stan ... ood, where the .evenlng·s oHt.._all booU:eeper( . 1 �nbo). PrIor to her coming r.o Pacific C d b A 'd t E. Hauge and hIiaa Ann. Mlkkel.een cOnc� w .. liven In the Lutheran

By 8:30 everyone was hard at "'ork. Lutheran College she attended ,the ause Y CCI en each sang a llOla. "Nlnety-flnt Psalm," churth, at 5:30. The ladles of the

b.llt non� �me sO In�rested that they , Monmouth Normal School and for two . --. , , I and " Unto Me" by) Cara Rama: Luther League IIt'rved , dlMer In t!;le

forgot dinner: In fact one gang came In years she taught In the state of Ore- UnnvOIdnble Colhston Re8lJIl8 In respeeth ely, Anna Mlkke(sen being ac-. hall.

a half hour urly. saying they had a I COLI. It was to flnlsl:l her normal sch�1 Pnssing of Sluden.l: and In- companied by . Cor,a Vista ahd Mrs. The next morning, In Everett. the

feeling It wu dinner time, This feellh'g I \\'or� that she "as enrolled here. juries of Professor Hauge by Mr. J. O. EdwarU.,. AI�.seleo- choir members "!Iere guests of the Park-. spread so quickly that when the dinner Her body will rest near that of her tlons were m�t beautifully rendered by land Chlldren's Home. w�ere they sang

gong finally sounded, ever)'one was in ' IRther, In Canby. Oregon. The death Qf Miss Eva Knut.sen. these friends of the departed and were a few of their cOncert numbers to the

line. To say that the group looked like popular second year normal student, of t'ftpeclal appreciation to the audience. chlldreil. Luncheon and dinner were

refugees would be putting things mlld- :'IUSS EVA KSUTSEN'S !\IEMORIAL resulled from Injuries recel,!ed !n an Dr. Tlngelstad. In openlllg hla re- Rr·ved In the church parlors. The con­

ly. E\'en the cOau "'ere surprised. and In the lut paprr Eva "TU:e for her autoliloblle accident s�ortly afte� the marks on 'the 'scripture paasai-ea John cert In the evening ..... glven Ih the

spent a frantic half hour making mort college Bible Class. she stressed the vital hour of midnight last Saturday. She 6:66-69. Im'oked the po'l'er of the Holy Same church. .

salad and trying more hamburgers. Importanct In her life ot the Christian w� coming hQ�e from seattle with Comforter tor those .who were berea\'ed From E�rett the choir traveled by

The groups ,,'el'f' sopn busily at work Intluence In her home. She dwelt upon VIctor. A. E1vestrom. field manager for and especially asked for aid to the one bUll to Beattie and from there by boat once more. but when. about •. 30. the the St;l.'Ct:t memories of the time when as the Paelflc Lu�heran College. where he who felt the accident most profoundly, to .Brem�rton. where they were the

kitchen crew carried doughnuts and I a child she listened to her mother's de- had been failed on busl.neS!! Saty.rday praying that the e"rft:Cts wrought ·upon �ests at the Lutheran' BrotherhOod coffee out on the campus. no bell was vout SOnliS ot praise. Since these in- q.flernoon: having alSo? stopped at Sum- him might soon be overcome. In the I Home. �day evening the concer! was necessary. ..that. feeling" came just fluences 'had become the guiding prln-

ner and Ke-nt to .rrange details In con- course of' his addre&.ll. Dr. Tlngel.lltad given In the M. E. church �nder the naturally. Mr. Lee. the photographer, clples of her life. and 51nce her ad\'lce necpon with ehoir concerts. On their read a paper written by Eva Knut.sen 11.$ . aUsplcetl of the Luther"n churctW.vhere must have had ft f�lIng too. At any 'to an), of her fello ..... students would return they hud proceeded but two an assignment In his Bible clasa. She I nev. T!leo. Hokenslad 1$ pastor . •

rale he brought his kbdak along and no have be-en, "Build your Character on blocks beyond the h_1II on Pac�f!c Ave- ..... rote on "My Personal Contact with After the B�JIlerton coneert the chOir doubt got some \'en' realistic pictures. the Foundation of Jesus Christ," It Is nue .... ·hlch terminates at thirty-fifth Agencies or Religious Ed\Icatlon." The eompleted Its tour back to IChool. ar"'l

�Contlnued on Page 2) indeed fitting lhat the stUdents. In pre- street .

..... hen a machine entered the I following Is the content of her paper. rlvtng home at 2:00 o'cloclt Baturday sentlng to the SChool a memorial of hlgh .. ay from their left anG from ali

i' "From a rel1glous�ucat1on point of morning. .

' STUDENTS TO GIVE PI.AY I Eva Knutsen, should have sele<:ted a evidences. at a terr.lfle rate of speed . .... I consider mysei't very fortunate In At the Individual homes the cholr . � beautlfu�plcture$ of Christ to be placed Mr. Eh'

.e.litrom. upon seelna that a col- I having lIot my foundation In a Chrlst- member. ... ere royally entertained. The

ApPl'ft'lation of Beaut)' Is Purpose of t In one of the corridors. u· a Silent re-Iislon .. as unavoidable. turned his own Ian home. Without . this beginning I trip W9..11 suecea.sful. not only flnanclal­

. Presentation I mlnder to young and old of the Infinite car


so that the blollj Should be receiVed cannot help ..... onderlng: just what would Iy but al60 Q an advertisement for the

Saturday e\'enlng. Aprn 13, the Art love of Ood. . 011 his 1IIde of the machine and at the �Contlntied on Page 2) school. Large crowCSl attended the con� .... .

and the Mualc::al departments of Pacific same time thrust Miss Knut.sen down . ' 'certJI lri most of the towns. and many

���e=tI�lI�w�h:�e � t;::��.� MOTHER 'OF S�UJ?ENTS' ��a��


e�:�er�)':�� Royal RU8siay Choir· ��:

o;�::; ::��:�� ;:�I::�;e;, �

by May E. Roblruon. SUCCU)\IBS..1'� ILLNESS his car overturned. rendering both oc- Merits l\fuch Praise Ed;"arCSl. " In this play the author has tried to

cupants unconscJous. . . / A concert hu Deen planned for Se-

MOW .. 1thout exaggeration some of the On March 25. shortly before Easter The occupanU .of the other car In- To compare the Royal Ru.IIsIan atUe Sund!ly, AprU 14. and an entended co

mmon mistakes ...

e _

ever)' day. be- vacation. Mrs, Laura Dorothe. John- volVed tn the aCCIdent .... ere believed to Cholr:15 presentaUon with an organLz.a- trip Into Oregon for May 18 and 19. I\evlng that It 1$ through art educa.-

son. the mother ot Sena and Christine I ha\'e been under the .1nlIuenee ol lntoxl- tlon sing41&' II capella 8..11 doeS the re'- dw1ng which coneerta wlU·be given at

tton that people learn to dLse

ard u1(ly. JOhn$On. stu�ents at P. L. . C .. passed cating liquor. at least one o( them "'8..11 nowned..5t. Olaf Cholr-q,lterlon of the SIlverton and Portland. ' .

u�less th\ng$. and to ch()Ol5e Instead away at he.r Home In Kent. Washington. I according to the report_at Pl?lIee head- PacifiC Lutheran COliece 'Choir-would , . .

thou ot beauty and uaefulness. Though Mn. Johnaon had been ill Quarters, and In tbe wreck several be 'a moot ditflcult task, for one could CHOIR TO BE ON PROGRAM The Ls as follows for some time he death came sudden- broken botUes were found, altho the I not meuure the JY.llQ...t.I of each com- --

Mt Brown .. Arnold Thoetenson Iy. as a shock to veryone Includ!ng contents of theR cannot be definitely manding merit on the same plane but All Unl.ert.ltJ Chapel Senlea To Hear

Mrs Brown Lillian And�n her two daughUlil he e at 5Chool They pro\ed The spefli of this car must would.have to cOlllllder which organlza- P L C. Jl.epl'eHDtatlVt'l

May Brown Pauline Larson wen; called home tor e funeral which have been terrUlc. &!nee. after glancing tlon reaches the 'acme of atta1nable per- -- I Junior Brown Robert M'oll9On was held Friday. March 29 Elvelltrom , car and overturning It, the fecUon Such then would reault In only The Pacl1lc Lutheran COUege Choir

Allee Browh ....... _ ... �_cora. Vlsta Mrs. Johnson wu born In Volga, other- car. ,till had vel«lty enough to • proportional comparison and wowe{ will sing In Mean'y Hall at the UnI-

Hden Brown .... . .. ...... .. .Bertha OJaon SOuth Dakota, OCtober .15, �882. She double Ita bumper .11Ialnlt a fire hyd- ailov,: the all important Issue, which �_ venlty of Waahln1(ton. Seattle, on Sun-

Spirit of Art .. _ ....... Id. Hbicterlle W&5 married ' to John O. John$On rant and to �realt. the hydrant ott three ganlmtion employs (he better type of day evelling. April 14, at ., p, m., lakin( InartisUc . Spirits: Eugenia ' Cralby, OCtober 2, 1908. in Kent. ... here she (CO!l tnued on Page 2) musical' presentation, at larae. part in the All Univen.lty chapel 1It'l'-'Pried.: :rayet, Ames Kllppen, Anna lived unUIthe Ume of 'her death, On'e·of the most noteworthy featurf:S v1ce 1J)011aor'N bJ the C&mPua ChrIat1an

Aamodt and lopbora' Bolatad. . The Moortng, Mast takes this oppor- CALENDAR of the Royal RUMlon Choir 1$ their council. The choir will I5ing the follow-

COlon: Eliot MIchelsen, Viola Taw. tunlty of exp"rt:l5a1ng to the bereaved capaelty to sing in planlaslmal d�. ID, oumb;ers: "A Cro::?, of OrACe' lor Emm� Kaaland. Margaret Holmberg, 'tamily the sincere sympathies of. the �prll 14-Cl)olr concert at Seattie. In the first nu�ber they.presented last Man:� "t?h .PraIae Ye." 'Qlad&ome Ra· ,Dorothy .�e; Beanca Jorvenaon, faculty and Itudenta. t'Speeially to sma April 1&-0. O. R. meeta at 4:30. , W�etlday evening. "What the ... FlowUlll dlance," "Make Me, Ob J..on:f" God.'" I Evelyn M'on!JOn. Edna erotnoVJ and C�. . . ' . . AprU l9-P. L. C. Choir slnp .t Luther of. {he

. Steep!! Told Me." the sopran� "From Heaven Abt;lve:' "BeauUful Ba. "

Marle Oardlln. . League Rally In Our .Savlour·' Luth- and alto seeUOns I&lJI $0 softly. 10 lour," and ��U.II Del" <

Spirit of 8Qna:: Ann&.� M1u Sarah U, Pin','former In.IItrUctor eran Church, 'I'¥Orna. steadily and so .w1tbout' apparent effort "AinUI Dei" by Kall.nn1kof Ai a res-- ' EJna nuJaon. . In the Normal �ent at 'P. 1... C., I April �Art c1a.\s �ta pla1. "Art that throuih the audlenee many ponae will �Iude the Procram· After

Questa: .CUl Anderson and Daplal' ,la'DOw teaehln&' In the TUlamoot High Whue Art 'nJou," 1n coUese Oym .t thouahts prevailed. TO' believe that the the chapel aer+k:e the cbotr w1ll be mo. HqeDesI:. ._ ' , 8ehool ln OrqOll. ' 8 0·clock. . . cContinuecl on Pa(-e 3) tertalned by the U. I;utbenn cbw-ch. . . " / . . . ' .



; r I t ,


·PAOF. ::. PACl1"IC L1.1'iHER.AN COI..l.J\OE. PARKLAND. W ASHING'l'SN . . I . INTERESTING PROGRAM AT THE MOORINO'MAST :-: . Cheroba......, :-: . :c: Family N...ews . :-: �IISsION S()CIETY MEETING .

e' � .

.- -

. ' April io. im Mrs . .1 U. Xavier ... as pl�ntlY sur: On Tuesd..,. evell�. April II •. the

........ =

� Dear Ma and Pa: .

1>rtsed � het blrthda SaturdaY.'rApril . M\s5lon SOCiety held Its -Rjular meet· . n l suppo5e you are geUlna !JO excited IS b ' f f � . bef"$ and UlI Arter the devotkmal servk:H In-

�'altli\g to hear about the choir trip .r�le�� group 0 acu ty. mem

' ie�1"I BolStad. played lion Inst.rumelltal

M.lbLLshed every t'J'O , ... ·eeks dunng .the \ sCh�1 Year 'by the stuC\.enLS of Plc1nc t. W il l .\ bla . f th . k Interesth\gh'

-:-.=-:----+-��-,..-..,..-.... ..,...--,.._-"_:__:_:::_ that you a� almost �l.lslng a telnper- , . . . . __ . . $010. and Helen Qualset iave a readl�g.

uthenn Coll� Parkl&nd Washington ;::e7t Isn:� e\'e�:ay th:

e :�o: I��'es� ·'nS"E


A,PnrU D�,.

·.PhC· .E". " . . 'N"" ...

e ��.e. :�,;!�

f!p:ri::;�� foi' mWlolI'-. SUbscrl�UO�. �ne dOllar' . per' yea:r. ' . ' .... ",,' """ -.,;u

�,..-,..-___ ";';;;';;;;';;';;';;;;"';;;;;''';';;;;;'''':;';;''':'';;;';''' ___ �,..--:- :::II!e �u�� r::e: ����'e� z:e:; ChUrc�, at a Luth

_er League meetlJll·

aryln�:: :':':-. �eeting plaN for a

Ente� U' 5t'COnd class matter':' OCtober ·2. l�, at tht Post Office at Parkland. .... . W.sh1ngtOn. unde� the Act of �h 3, 1879. • :::�e


�as told .·as ··'nIe .Mrs. L. Rasmussen visited friends and Rally 0..,. program .... ere. dlscusaed.

Ecl..Itor.ln-Chlef � _ Irene Dahl The fu:st place we stopped at for our. ����\�8�n Parkland O\'er the ftek·eoo GIRL'S TRAGIC DEATH .

��to�ltor M�=�r: x:�:;.:�

nf=I:��bu��:n""': Dr 0 A nnae�tad preathed In


�tor -Er�� sa .... W.alter French with hL, vut. sub- Stan9oood. In Rev Cleo lAne. church feet be�����:

m Paie

11 ���.� = . _ _ _ _ . . _ . o!,��i::=

I� ����r;tl�ew��

e;f:e;: :.;;::.�tp�l

l;�ue meet.ina. Sunday e\enlng. Mr. Elv�trOm . .w� 'tUHered only . Organ1zaUom • • _ • • _ • _ _ . Doroth� Lehmann Burllngton &pd we do too. now. after . __ m.lnor cut. and brU1Ies, on retaining

Humor and Fe&.::::: T_rulso

_n. �na J


����e �=.

nGerhard. Molden we have been thcre. Frenchy has been . . Dr.' and ·Mrs. O. A. nngelstad. attend- C?IUCIOu��U. lm



��lfI�o� .. ":

Alumni . _ .:.�:< _ Sylvia' Larson Rudolph sanderson there before. he wd. ed. the choir concert In Everett. ThUf"$- Knutsen s �e . ....

��::1�1ks . _ . . . .

' __ :� ��d �l�:::::' �:�:



eh�� day. April 4. _. _ . ' . :::::� ���h:� ot


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_ -. _ - _ - . _


- Ida Rlnderne: �� �=! to· �def"$tand. 'f!l.ere .... u .one joke M;. �. W. Ramstad made' -a buslness sen. · ..... hO suffered . 7��:illo��h�

BVSINESS DEPARTML"'fT about.a polar bear w1?lch asked Nobile trip to Bremerton 011 Mo_nda.y and brain and a crushed c ';t El10t loUcketson Carl Anderson

.���le�I��� .. �:-:�: =�d �t

w= Tuesday. evening'. APtt� 9. i:.:�IV:!��:;:!=:m�. She

C •. RCULATION tt\8 joke was about \\'hell th� stOry w_as I The Subutban Study Club met at the � away Monday moml� at 3:10. Agnes Klippen

ADVERTISING Pegp Harvey flitllihed. Persomi.lly . . 1 think the Joke home of Mrs. Ph. E, Haulli!. Tuesday Upon receiving word 'or he-r daughter's

was on Nobile, because anybody ou-ght ""\·""nlng. Aprl1 9. , condition, Mra . . .1. J.·Ba�dsneaa hurr.led Gerhard Lane George Lane to know that a Polar bear can't mOnk�Y __ to TacOma and stayed at lier daullhter's TYl'ING \ ..... Ith soap \\'flen he's busy s .... lmmlngJ Mrs. A. W. Ra�tad. and children I bedside untJl the i"nd. He� home Is In

FAC�� ':�ERS around the North Pole. BesIdes· polar ;s�nt the past "'eek In Bothel with. Mrs. Canby. O!'ellon. Miss Berdine KnutseQ.· bears alnt brought up that \\ay [Ramstad S mothcr Mrs Kvlndlog who "as spelldJng the week-end at the I'f. J. HONO-' " There was some dumb remlLrks made __ home of Rev Hokenstad In Bremerton


K-N-U-T-S-E-N-----..... -- too which I hope you .on t tell any: Dr 0 A 'I'lngelstad left for Spokane also hurrl� to her ! sls.ter s side re­body as the ohes which said them may- Tucscla� April 9 to attend a Special malnLnIl until Eva � away

To the IIll'lllOry of our IJdm'cd sl·hoolnwh'. Eva h.llulS('lI. be don t .'ant people to know about It Conference meeting held In The Spo- \: whum it hilS pll'uS('d (icitl 10 rt"IlW\'l' frulll our tII'is.l. Wl' h)\'ill�I:>-: n;nd I ..... ouldn·t be the olle .to give theml�ne College. DUTCH TWINS l\IOY� .-.--. {It·dit-ale lhis issue uf till"' :\Iunring :\Iasl.·

f.8way. ' . � TO P_ L. C. CA"MPU::; - \Yl' exlend ollr lIlusl sim.'t're s\'l1lllalhit'S III her SutTOWIII� Well . ... ·e · ... ·U pasMng. a si3n .·hlch MEMQRY IS DEDICATED (Continued Crom Page 1) rt'laliws. und pm\' Ihal (inti will Iwll) and ·slrl'l IgllwlI thl'lIt in Ibis said. "Cross-roads," when lOme one BY CHAPEL SERVICES If you � one. take a look at "Frenthy" IHJllr 'uf herea\·('III-elil. pipes up .... Ith. "I don·t � \\'hy they (�ntlnued from �ge 1) and his fiery Arabian.

. have any sillM like that. This road have been the result. The nevcr-Cor-As SIU.tll'llls nut! 1l'IIl'hC'rs we cnl'l hurdly reuhz('. lilul sh� has aln't a bit more cros.s ·than any other gotten grace before meals and the Towa'rd even�nll the camp� 100

= . Idl.

t.IS. \\ t' shall always l't'IIlCI�l !)('r ht'r as a musl SlIIt·,'rt: fnt'.nd. road. as far u I can see." prayer.; wcre a great Innuellce. More � If th� Oold Duat Twlns� and ,M).

a hlllhrui student. always slluHt..lg. I'\'t'r rt,tuly It) IwlJl utlwrs. Th J hn WI ' "I d. ·t than anything else p.s the Sunday 91d OUu:hes had spent the day there. Thuugh we shull miss Ilt'r. :llld till/ugh \\'t' it hllrei lu t."ult'.r� thlnk

e�SO· �Ith:�. B;::

e u�:�::s anot

Oh:r morning singing or my mother. as she And again there w�re abou.t 300 tired

stand wh:>-· she shuultl ll(' lukl'n a,,(·uy now, w(' Irust Ihal (lIId III I I 't d land d that· th had a Ilttle extra t!,me. due to our re. and hungry worll;ers who stormed the II is il�fini l.t' \\'istJo�lI and "I\·l' htt<tlo.lll' 11." for tilt' hest. · � �: thaCta:a)'$

u�s:� ShOU�:rs:. I �e\.e; malnlng In bed later than usual on this dining hall. Oh. yes, the surprise-

I-,\'a nn(ttscll Is nuw tlt'hI)Jl�C \\" th ( ,ml. fr('e fpllll l'Urlhly paUl heard anyone kick: about shoulder� not momln(l:. I oould not understand the the committee had proml.secl c�lcken and sorrow. and though ht'r sOjourn hl're on eurtlNms t·ntl(',!. she being soft enough:'·' Ilymm. beeause they were sUllg In the dln�er to the cre\\' \\1th a 100 per cent hus iJl'gull II pcw IInti more' gluriolls life �" ilh her �I!\·i()l·. Thosc Maybe you think that I set to work Norwegian language. but the reverenc"" attendance and most ralthCul work. The uf �IIS who arc Idt Ilwuil llw lime wilC'1l Wl' shull ull lw ·lllliled ,,,ith explaining these slgm to thl:." Well. and grace with Which they w""re sung award was given lo t,he timekeeper and her in thul "grelll white hilS'" IIIHI IIll'!'1 till' Bedel'mer flll'e lu fnce. I should say not Folks that don·t know will IIolways remain In my mt'rftOt1. · hb·��·W. __ IIO._�. __

\\"t' usk tty:it we 111:1'· .I;l' lI1ade 10 n.·alizt' th(' iilfinilt" wisdulll any more than' that \\'ouldn't Under- My Sunday School experience . ... 'as they couldn't eat anyway. Bud said he

nf uur :\Iuk('r. and prlly ilm! (iu<l \\'ill rOrt'\'('r hless a1l1UIlf,l' liS Iht, stand any explanation or lnterllretation very small because of � fact that I likro his chicken flne. nH'Ill(Jry (If I-:\:a Knuls('n. either. As Shakespeare SIl)'!. "Ignor- lived too Car from church' to enable me That e\'enlng a bonfire was IIghl.ed . __ ____ ._ ance Is bliss." But wouldn·t yo'(l think. to go other than on days when there In the west end of the campus and many

A 'V A Y Ma. thllt a eJ[perlenced. bright-looking were church services. "�hlch was usal!y' stuclent.s took the opportunity of \'Islt-I ('allllol say. nnd I '\\'ill 110,1 sllY fet!ow like Johnny Wiese. would know every three weeks. ParOCJ:tlal arid Sat- Ing the newly-painted. klcklllg post. Tlml sll{' is (l('u( 1 She is just awuy ! more than that? • urday SChools were not held In this con- --0 �i;�





1U1. Al�:h:��:e �:�!st�a: �:e�


h:;: �;

t::·flrmatlOn days "'ere a means T

And \'Oll-O \'Utl. \\'ho Ihl' wildesl '·('lUll whiCh was lucky for th""m. Elliot Mlck- of much IQformation on religious topl.;s. Fur illt' ultl-tlllll' !IItl'(l and the gilid rC'1 urn. elsen said me found · a brother ' as a but I regret the fact that due to my 1m- . GAS '" OIL ·

Think of her faring on. as dear souven!,r from the choir trip. but 1 don't mature age, much of the con"tent was GROCERIES In til(' Ion' of Thert' liS til(' 10\'(' of I ll'r(' : hardly think she" found him In the dime mlsunder.;t.ood. Think.of lu',· slill lls Ih(' slUIIt'. 1 SIIV= store.· Howsoever. Johnny Ooplerud Church·servlces. young peoples $Ocle. Sht' is nol dead -She is just n\\·a�·. found a souvenlf shoe s�nlng contrap- ties, Bible classes: choir singing . . etc.. I ' � ... __ ��� ___ �-=J�.�nmw_'&"_· I_' i�"_.n_n5' h_I_\i&IP_Y •. __ , tlon In �htl dime store. $0 )·ou ne\'tr can are a wonderCul Innuence for good ·ln · Sales Service Station

hr . te

� :��t. � ::l:1I t!�ln )�I�k a:u�

h��� :m'o'n �·�

u,nhg. ��n,.

d .. and I wu no excep-

Ten rears' Experience Has Shown the Wisdom


Denion�trated the Advantages OF

I . Restricted Field 2. Select :\'fcmllcrship


1254 McKnight. Building. Minneapolis, Minn.

• ...... ... Mr. Skinner: Prop thinss we saw and did at Stanwood. Our home al\\'ays contained the Luth- 4' I E\;erett. IIond Bremer;on. but It Is too eran Church papers In two '1anguages' l l

:=::::::=======� much to even start to conclud"". How- and the Sunday SChool papers. which soever. It would be even. worse to try to were eagerly read by all.

Be'u.- PrinUn, KeY8t�ne Printing Co· .. Inc • .

tell about aU the things we ate. Amle . At the present tl\le our class In re­Thostenson has explalned carefully that 1i3lous instruction. o�r chapel exercises. If was not true that h� �te eight pieces the choir slnglng. church services. etc .. of Chocolate cake for amner at Bremer- are \'ery Inspirlna and informational to Main :ns'J 'Jot Padlk Aft ton. This Is e(l.$y to belle\'e, as I ate me. 1 feel certain that their Influence TACOMA some of It myself arid do not blame him ",III last throullh· my whole life." at ,all If he ate more than that. .

We saw �he Navy Yards at Brcmerton Tobaccos. Cigar! and ���:;�I:?�ut'7::e ;:n't



The HOfne of �Z Pants Salta 1 Candie .. Magaz.inea. Papers tie on for that day, $0 we wouldn·t shoot JETLAND &'PALAGRU't! ' Thoralf L. Pedersen off the cannOM. 8O'J Paclflc Avenue It I.s kind of nice to be hack at P. L. C. 912 Pac. Ave Tacoma. WUh. . Tacoma. Wash.

away trom the madenlng crowds and I ;::=====:.:===:.!.'==========:; the bustle and noise of the busses. I ���������������������� have heard many cholf members say � . . .

iTi that' they are In Cavor oi a rest from lea- American Plumbing & S,eam Supply: Co. Millwork and Cabinet. Shop Sup�e8 .

WASHINGTON HARDWARE �. SPalding Alh!em; Good.

924 Pac1f1c Ave .. Tacoma. Wash. Main 768

SOllS for soQje days. but the prors. ha\'e Wholesale ::7k.



m"'�h I: Plumbing. Steam and Mill Supplies .

Your loving daughter, Pbone MB;,in 1707 19()8..10 Pacific. '\venue CMEROBA. '.


P . . 5. U's a good. thing that I Joined Ifr :t ���.�w:�t �::edU:e

t��:: =� FOLLOW THE 'G.OLDEN' �OAD TO BrrrD �EALTH ����������������������Iexalt.e:d. That was all a mIStake. Mr.

I1i Edwards satd. and you .kno .... mistakes --.AKE PARK BUTTER'

SPfltIAL BUSSES FO� PiRTIES . . Any Time, Any Place Call Mr. Lyofts. ..... . lla1n 2431 � T�COMA�S COMPANY


will happerv , MADE. BY LAKl!: PARK CREAKERY Co .. "I:ACOKA P. S. Please send me some money. �===�������������==::=� This Is no


\ r

' , -\


UEN & SELVIG Importers of Nor­�'egian Cod Liver


Stelnway and other pianos. Duo Art Reproducing Pianos. , Vlctrolas and V\clAlr Records, Band. fUld Orchestra Instruments. Sheet Music and Music Boob, Radio, sets and ACceMOries

Cor. Tacoma Avenue &: lIth St. SherIIl,an)lay & CO. Tacoma. Wash.

Free DeUl't1')' 928-30 BrOlLdway

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Main 995 V' H, Krug




Writef'arWfJrrrwlW, n , - ( I' -




911' PacUic Ave. Phone Main 3

,BINYON OPTICAL CO. m Broad ...... y Phone Bro&dny 1421

, -

a few flowers "Or a nice

bloonling plunL Flowers for everybody Ilnd �ycry­


Seamons Flow�r Shop

9th & Broadway

RBSGfAURANGf Open All Night

TRY OUR ANNEX ' 13th & Commer'cc

Fountain Lu.pches, Sotlas, Sundae� . It Pars to Look WeuJ htroDlIe UnIOn 8boPlJ",.

Parkland Confectione� & Barber Shop .

O. P. KUNDTSON, Prop.-Comer Car Line

TelePh0t.1e Main 59C;lO . kARL � .-\NDERSON


. 613 BT.'HEI..ENs AVE. .




',Economize by sending )'our laundry to us. \Ve h�"e the lulesl"1.'f(uipment to ]""ork with iucluding the modern iruner.

,lhe first one to be installed in \Voshingto,ll. ' ,

We 'Clean 'Cleaner Men'. Suits Dry 'Cleaned and Pres8<;Ji $1.00


. ' .

''mnJo£ OF YOUTH de\':� Ia found. The chilmn are I tducaUc;m. The}, nand back and k�p to' hal't: people talk to you pri�.telY conceioi.J.ll questkm. Ifrhleh �U5t. n�t. TO., . . probablJ sent to Sund.,. School; and Quitt and don't notice the thlnp t,tley about your �I.tlon to' Clod. or do )'ou urau, arlBe In the mind of an, ,row nl , W A •. OS "IS ,GO.D the parentl 'thlnk that that b enough. Ihould." - . resent It'" Forty ans ..... e�·. "I do not boy, or ,ttl, . .

. ... ...... III ,. ,.� � ""I::�::'�C:�:. r;:�lj':;:7: .�:�)' .. ;;;�u��O�:: ::;':��e��e.�b '�e:

n�:�(��::;e .=:,

e�·d��dg� �� r���U: :;;:� ;:!:r:.U�:� :�"�o�

· .. _�t Uw _ftII- Itt the routh: or perhaps �ey think 4:X:u�lon ot that of Ufe has f:(o'tr .'ho �petlk.s to me," A great many ma�t' of �ne mind', ho"'tver, u to how much ...... .. .t UNo Ilri'.... ttlat the' Sundar school I.s sufflcitllt;" �n brought up in my home. My. �tements similar ' to th.15 one: "I plt'&IUte they should have, or what , Its

..... . . , ' Another writes, " The' present ·�·stem mother told: me to let my conscience be ha\'en't once been' talked to privately nature shOUld be. All have a definite

"':'0,..,. 'm: :-:::� of lOt. Christian trai�ll1i w?Uld be ade- my guide, but when a �rson hu not about my relatlon-� ,Ood, but I dOn·t vie" about the maner, but' dlUerlng tfIf ......u.. .... )d he> hea hee � quate If more time and stress I!.'ere gh'- had much on which ta build up.a con- see .... hy I should resent. havinl Mlmeone more or less .un0n8 themselves. • t:IIiP .r. III th; youth '���'I� : en to It. The fault )Ies In· the fact science, It Is \'ery hard to decide be· sho,.,' ooncern for my soul." · .You", people as a whole are \'ery _ "" III (h.J bMh a.nd in � s\iht that in thls .... e of " Restless Youth" too tw�n r\itlt and wrona."' . ' One stat.e<l: " 1 u.$td. to·resent It before much In u..rn"t about their rellglon . . "'" t-.. .,... but know thou that for much time I.s s�nt in �'ordlr thought . 5everal try to excuse �e adults. say- r wu,a child of Ood. but now that I They like to be _�poken to �rlyately ,�� God "til' brina th� to ::rd t:: e�:;=I�I::e�.

lven to prepa�





I:�a� ':e�n�

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toeA?;:� �::

I:�� � ft .. Owt God ..-ks to 'youth. ,\ third student sa.y$. "Too-much,re- � end by saying tnat this t1�ldlty Another stated. "I regret to'say that fU"e anxlolL! to glv.e �.r reethe help. . .... .... J""'t1.h to bf full of .lOy. and

Iligion cannot be .tau.ght to any?ne,

. and causes.' them to lose the confidence Of I do not f�1 at eue when people talk SOme han alao f.9Und that If they speak U. "*" III n-.-tulNa. He 8:-pK"ts especially ro growing ,children. "I:he t�e young. . to me privately about·Ood. 1 think they of these thlng-Sro.othen, they are rldl- '

... .. '"' MInd",1 (If !'Ils eornmand- present day of fPoSt·lncreaslng complex- A fel!.' seem a Uttlt: bitter towards t.h� are driving at something I.ndlrl!Ctly. It· culed, and therefore �o on In sUenc.e, . ..... III!III t(I lind pleasure In sen'lng lUes make a goocf backgroWld for re- older generation. as In thl.S cllSe: " They Is. good t9 be reminded of one'�. rela- I hoping thai. some one who understandll _. I\IwdI II the .ttttUde. o� � to- Ilglon an�. � code of morals an: a

.b!!Olute leave the chUdren to


the talkIng Horu' � Ood onee In a yhlii. however," I �III s�ak. :.q them. . . ..... ...... h . Wh.t Pi routhT-attitude ne«SSlty, themselves. and then when' the youth -Stili anothe-r sll..Y�. ·"1 do not mind At Luth,er League, programs splrltl1al � Oed and tow .. nts Chrutlan Another 1!."TI�es In a little dUferent goes astra)' the adult.!! are the first to 'havlng people talk to me privately about u ""ell u entertaining numbers a�·en· � . \'eln. " J! the- parenta become too strict.. criticize ... · • . my ;elatlon to Ood. 1 am' not &Shamed Joy�.· Young· �ple enjoy the CQm-..... _loti � of ItaJ .Importance to I!.·!t.h their children, the latter usually The Chllrch andPII!'Uure ' of my. belief In Him, and 1t .1 can help pit.ny of true Ohrlstlans but hate sham .. ... ,. II Uw t:hun::h 1.1 to -cOntinue to make up for It ,.,'he-n they begin to ear� The question which drew the most anyone, or If an' one can el"\llgl)ten me and hypocrllY· They are l1lerclieM in � ... .� ",,",",I� JIlIUlt of n�lt�' I the-Ir o""n living. I think. hOI!.'ever that \',.ed and po.,ltlve answers and raised In any way as U; the truth, 'I apllrl!Clate ..t�elr ,1udiment.. at .fakes but have pro-_ treM Uw youNt ileOIllf'. . hQme training st)ould. Include the the- greatest dbcusslon was: " 00 )'ou It."' .

_ . found respect' a.nd love .for th� wtio �.., 'tft ftt )"I'IlIth·, own \'iewpolnt I Chrlstilm reUglon. 1 think young people tblnk that the <;hurch 15 too strict, ln Cholcl!' of Prorrams live their Chrlstlanlty. j .=" kt ChrbUan trai.nln,. ques- �hould like to go to ChU�ch." .

,, ' r�ard to pleasures?" . 'I\I.'enty said no, The !;I!'vl'nth question read. " 00 YO� The study of theu '!questions reveals I • ""If' ,,",I to aboUt IIlty of i Prattlcally all. �eallU'd tl}e Import- eighteen. �'es: two yes and no. and. seven like a Luther Lea@:ue program that alms many fact.!! which are t.ncouraglng lind _.� .�U at Pacific' Luther· I' ance of Chrlstlanlt)' In the home. Il I-!i Mid that :SOme churche-s were t� strict. to-be of help to your personal spiritual thought·provoklng. It 'should serve lIS .. � thr majOrity of .·hom .'ere l therefor not surprising . that\.Lhe an- The grl'Rt snag o\'e.r which they sturn- IUe. or do fOU prefer Informational or a challenge to every Chrls.tlan young or ......... _ .·lth a ItOOd sprinkling of .sVo·e-rs to the next questloll.\n�mel}" , bled 1!.'8S the attitude of the chutch to- entertaining progra�s?" old. to Increase hls errort.� to wIn and ....... ......,...Nllfnru Th" �tlld.nts were ··Whlch. of

Jnthes� Insut�tloru have wird dancing. We shall let them 5�ak ,Eighteen answered that they prefer- k�p the�young folks for Christ.

......... t4t .... lWTll'rtb- franil; In tlH�lr lin- �hf'IPed the 05t ? ' should � of the for themselves. "

rl!'d II program 'contalnlng a \'arlet}' of are m�ny dangers surrounding the: ... and _ pronnltted 10 hlllld In nature they \!o·ere. Thlrty.thr� ga\'e " Danclng Is what aile makes It." If onl!' secular numbers. 'Thlrteen preferred you�h of ' today. The. world and thl' ...... "'1--" ItndlMd I t�e home as the greatl!'St ald. ttfleen gbes to a da'nce to have l\ .good tline. t,pat aimed to 'be of help to their servants of the devil/are ne\'er lea�'e off

........ ...... . , \'ll!'w ga\'e the Sunday Schoo\. and thr� gave he does not necessarily become Pl\.!i- �rsollal spiritual life. and ten chose their u'rglng them � Join the kIngdom n. "",,·,,_Uon ukt'd wlis thl.s: " 00 I churCh schOOls: , . slon�te or rank. We do n�t go to daric�" entertaining and Informational pro- of darkness. We thet!'fore need tQ . �_ t that· thP I"....,nt system of I

' . The answers to . the lIext questloll just to be abll!' to embrace People. Peoople grams. "'Ilrshall all our fo;ces w6rlng th� f ...... ...., TralniM b' adequlllte for the Werl' more varied. It was stated thus : .-111 dance regardless . of what the Typical re�ns given for each group I youth to see the wlnsom�ess. the ...... .. �)" 1� In I"",uthe�ls I!.·as " Whlch h.�s had tJ:te lellst In.fluence In ch�rch saYS. Their conscience "jay hurt are th�e: ! strength. the lo\'e and drawing po\yer of ........ . MfI!J"I' lratnllllt. church. Sundar your life? ani): one ga\'e home as' flR\,- them at rtrst . tint �n thtlYts over. " 1 think that Luther .. League pro- Jesus. When He has become reRI to .......,. .f"OI'"tItrll and church sC"hool.s. !Ilg ,the least Influence. eight gave Sun-, come. and dance becomes a common- grams ··should be' varied. The League them. many of the problems regard Lng . .. .... _ to thb t1N'nty.t.·o !!-RId YI'!\ I day school: eight. church school: rive. place affair."' . alms to.brlng people to Ood. and to �how pleasure lind the like will solve thl'm' ... '.."..".-_t-m _Id 1\0 HO\l·"v�r��hUn:h. and f/��n. p8�ochlal school. one who holds the oPllOSlte view their relation to Him. It should al�dtselves . . Christ' alone can_ ch"imge the .. I,," .-.nt on to .h·f'· rt'ft..'IOI\!\ ror <�'he rt'a�ns g yen for. tlie scant Influ- states. '"The churches are not a bit too 'be entertaining. so tbit the young folks heart of man. yet He has set'n fit to ...... _" It .... found that the)' In !z:ce of Sun�ay and parochial schools strict'ln'regard to pleasures. They need need not go elsewhere for their amuse· use you and me to.speak for Him. and _ .. . _ .. .. � Thi!'y btlle\'e<1 !!If'-o�;�. �:�y�.�� h��\':tt:��� ����.�� to keep the »t'Ople away from .all Illaces ment."· I be Hls willing hantU and feet.

:::.;:;, ::u���t::�nt��nl:If:

·� I sUtutions. as a general rule. held t1�em :.���� the tendency � not toward the

th�n:e U���he:



e:le: 'have :W1�::e::




at ��� rltot ___ •• �trllI, ItretlMd. l in. high �steem..

Again we hl'af. "The young people of programs that give- spiritual help. as ,"ou wHllng to d� so? Would yO� take � ..,...,tf t.(iI Int""t In Hom(" . Guld.ance. "'a.nted. . today go to dances and consider It (:Jean one can hear secular prqgrams at school time to lead him to higher levelll and ........ I do not believe that tnere I The fourth Question was. " 00, YOll. enjoyment. I'll admit some people and In other places." ! him why you take your stand and "" -., � J�.)' where �Ime for I �I:!��

a���� !:;� �1���l�hl:�I�

t��� �h;e�

d a n:r:n

o;o::ew��n:\��r:r\��� ve:y

ns;:su� t::v;���d s������'e;:II�:: W�y this stand h� made you happy? � ,.. .. .t a . man beet.uee I gsrdlng morals an� C

.hrlStian Ideals?" scle�ce. I don·t think there Is any ha.rm to give any r�asons for t�elr pref�rence. co:�V

I:I� �:�!Ie:�

t:v��' :c::



· _ .... .. � .. beNu.e of "hat Thl.'< brought an o\erwhelmlng number In It The young people will go In spite Some. however. said. "We can get splrtt- . , � ........ .. __ uee he may appear of "noes" In reply. III �act. only four of the restriction of the churctf. so I!.'hy u�1 help In church:' One'student write. own W(,lIknes5. . � ,.. ..... f'MlIJ ta.uchInI" at rour thought that �nough attention was glv_ have such a law?'" " 1 prefer entertaining' programs, prob� ··Wherefore. take up the whole armor ,... � .Ld un _" our laQha en, to these topics. 1 w\ll Quote a few of In answer we .have this 5tateme-nt : " 1 ably because my training hIlS hot been of Ood that ye may be able to with-... .. ---" .. , I the reasons given. One says : _ oertalnly do not believe that our church right."" . 5t.and In the evI' day. a.nd having done "'Adults do not speak plainly to the Is too strict about ple-asure. It' dlsap- The eighth question was worded as





. ,










' "






. ';-;";1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; j younger generation. which Is one reas- proves of dancing. card playing. md follows: " Are- you more Inclined to dls-on why many of the young people of other things which no real Christian cuss your spiritual condition \\11th today are morally low and get wrong can enjoy. Since th'f're are so' many strangers than with membefs ot "your

J o h ns on-C o x ��I�r::�




sa�': ���:::�:



nto e�h�� �;:�




'7::��iI�� f�;�� BUCKLEY.KING CO. '

suffered on account of It."' things which are mostly patronized by Iy, and ·thlrteen to strangers.. A few Funeral l>ireeton Company . . . Anothl'� says. " The adults seem to be non-Christians?"' . answered, ··Nelther."· Those 110'1'\0. pre-rllther shy a.bout talking to the young Another says. ··It seems that today ferred to confide In 'thelr family usuallY" people of Chrlstilln mlltters. and th�' good. ch:urch "\I'm�rs. who profess to gave as their reason that ··their family


young fain often form false opinions of be ChristiAns and know they are doing understood them."' Those preferrIng • Christian morals and Ideals."' wrolll�. Indulge In pleasures forbidden strangers, thought the reason might

Still another says: " 1 don·t .thlnk· the by the church,': that strangers were not so well adults gl\"e enough· thought or time to Another says. " 1 think there should ted �Ith their failings. and help the younger ones In their moral be a Umlt to pleasure, and I do not would · not be contrasting their

����k I t::n C���

h a I�r�::t



I p�;:s�

. lif�:



ess:�� was, .

ure without overstepping the rules of you happy In the company of the church. Pleasure does not me-an Christians?" Thirty-four thftt one must do rash things or things ·'Yes."· four, "No," al'l� six, " Not that are not of the best."' The reasons given were varied and In­. These answers fU"e typical for the teresting. The following II a sample: '

whole group. The no or yes, 15 usually Som .. CGnc1aslons followed by a bill exclamaU(:m point, Let us summa.rlu thl.5 array·ot and the reasons given are very emph- loru and endeavor to draw .tic and full. Each I.!J sure that he I.s cluslons.

First, youth feels that



.11w 5l_ F ... ..... ..... . ...".

.,. . .. 1I()-12

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Californ.1a F1orUl8 Cut. n.wer.. hUed. 1'Iaa&. !lUI Pacltlc .Aft. Tacoma

I I'ut"k lcy-Ki n�f Fu nera (


1":'I.coma Ave. at So. FI� � M. m

It, O�r Bu.ln ... =-1 and ' s.r�.. Effleie.tly l'

Than why we are here, Cor your convenience al)d we want you to feel free to uae our CaclllUe6 In every and any manner. we....�eve!op and print '

your kodak films. . Mercantile Co.

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·PortraIt II Commer-eiaJ --1112�� Paclllc Ave..

1I1l % COmmerce Bt.

wu... .... �h _bait. and .ho ... · ........ a ..... .... &;;t;ft teDnit racqueta-:-finest made ' • > � 1"IIIILruDf " rood u new at ' . IUJI)IAU SPORTING GOODS CO. '

. Arency The QeDmrJ P1teprooflna Co. Pil1na" .ALIB'l'EEL EqUipment J, ·F; ViseD Company . Phone'Malo ;mv "''' -Ave.

USE-F Am'MONT COFFEE Always the Best


\ - '11'­BOOU8LI.KaS--8TATlOffE1t8

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, ,

Summer Session I Choir Gives COl1c�rt Field Secretary of lCl""" Does Vade" I Plans For For Students to ' i . At Normanna Han .:-Association'Talks Work liS Projects ! Graduation of Start on June 10 ' Tho' ch", 01 P L, C, Yn, " No" About Tuberculosis A doll ho"� '�'" boo' .nd ploy· I Class, of 1929 __ ! manila Hall on saturday night. May 4. ./ __ ground IJI811 gaH' ample amusement ! ' i:{eJ,!'ular Fa('ult�' �Iemhers to I B(,(,A\IOO of R m!sunderstalidlng as to Pre�enhon Or Health F.uluTf.>S Rnd lAbor for the methods and techniC Class On:\" Program' l-romi!K'S

fintinue to Teach; On!" the dale only a small cr�wd witnessed 1 S(ress,d bv Mrs TIIorn !

'I F ( O( d ( , ' h S ' , , . . '

(::' . cias.o; In their project work. 1 llny

, ,en �res; ..... u. en s J II,! ('hool Graduat,es ," h' '-,Io,m.n,- (on Rules for ood I H U · Po ( " Are Eligible .... �. • . .

T • The doll house. made by girls who tne I.. . r In The usual choir songs were given. Health Given .

_ workl'd It out as a jJTole<:t for primary Exer�lses . The 1929 :<iummer sess


ion. which will I Anna Mikkelson. SOlOist




�gmar " Preventlng Failures In Health'" wa" 1 gradeS,

' was made out of orang(! crates. The officers.of the Rdmlnls�raUOll are . ('�tend �\'('r a period.of six weeks. opt'ns ' �l:g�II::::�:���:���:h�:�d��l��U{;' the subje-ct of Mrs. Thornton's �lk' to cle\"('rly furnished \ •• !,h cardboo.rd fur; I bu.w lI'orklng out· detailed plans for

wlth registration on June 10. " I special request also sang Another con- the studcnts on Thursday. May 2. Mrs nlture The modes-or-travel book. for I Commencement Week. Sunday evening The purpose of this cou�o meet I cert may be arranged for In T�c�mlil I Thornton Is field secretary of .th� the illlermediate gradfs. Included plc- :.��: !:II�

t � l�ell�I"a�;�I�I��

re:��h:;:I� the fO�01\1ng ne-eds: ' I ' To enRble the I later on. , Wasp-Ington TUbercu]O!\ls .Assoclll.tlon. ·1 tures of \'ehlcles of trallllportation from Church. Spe-clal musl� will be fur-

llmlor college and .normal students to ! · 1 The I�e-ed of adequate f� and rest all parts ot the world. The playground nlshed. The spt'aker h� not yel be<'n

begin their training. ,2, To ename such fBoard of Trustees , 1\1 acquiring or keeping glJ?d health l pfttl.l. mad�y the boys of the class as chost'n. . � _____ _ .!!..udents to compl!!le a �Irrlcu]um al- Continues' Meeting IMI's. Thorntoq stressed es\>eelally: She an lI\l1le'r grade project. was a drawing Th� Commencement Day p�am

. r('ady Ix'gun; ,31 To enable a nor!1'al l I !ald. " Many of our teachern fall In the o[ fin Ideal school and ground:;;. w!\1 take place In the college audltor-gradua� . to do work toward ' the re- S. \" k" S--· c i I first 'fL\'e years because of poor hea]th' l This project work Is carried on every lum. Wednesday evening. JUl)e 5. at newal of 1\ cer'tLtLcate I �

I�. h' :�C, �ec�d�:U�on�uG��ea ! A . t('acher"s health must . be gOlXl. for ye8�

in Miss StLxrl.ld·s me'hods and �:�h�' tl}�:r t�:�l�:a:. 4�1��U

df:: :�� This summer couse Is open 10 all I Support to Plans a community demands leadership. as II IC

C nl� class for the purpose of ac- I junior col1ege. ten from the high $(:hool. students v.ho can carry the work with . ....... -- I well lIS 'academlc knowledge. Today qU91nung the prospecth'e teache:rs With and tv.enty-three -from the normal de-profll to them: however. high school 01;1 Aprll � the board of trustees of 'lmany ])COple are struggilng to gaLll l

thllt type of teaching. " [ Ilartment. . graduation or Its equivalent Is required PRCytC Lutheran'College met In Seattle What has been lost-their health:' IT h" C

The Class Nile progrRm on Tuesday, [or admission. -«I'contlnue their meeting of .April 23. . In the stRle of Washington a �ealtl l i eac .ng ontracts June 4. w\Jl opt'n Wflh the Ivy-p]anting

The faculty will be composed" ot l At this meeting It was decided to offer , certLflcll.te must be presentt'd by the I Signed. by Students ceremony lit 7 :30. on the college

members from the regular teachlllg i a s\x-wt'"ek summer course for teachers. teacher. but many who are not fit get " . [camPIiS' Gerhard Lane will give the

staff. I . Although the detalli!O plans for tt)e , one. ThiS:

not falrhlo the t�acher or , \VashinJ.,rton Schools To Claim �


l W�Ll:

_ the Ivy will be planted

The :nllmber O[ COUTSeS !waliable thl5 ' lm ' . · l to the chli ren taUg t. I . � . � erl a a o.

summer ,dll be determined by tht' de-prOlement of the P. L. C. campus I l"wenty years ago the average spRn of . FI\'c !.' 1... C. Graduates or The exercIses In the Colleg� audl-

" I lUi cont .. mp]ated b�' Mr .... Jtfllll�h. haw IIf .. ... ·a!> thirty-elllht yean. Tooay It 1 29 As Teachers torlum .... 111 begin at 8 p m with Wal-mand. The eout5eS p anne<! up to-this . ' --

' ' , date are as follows: educatlona] psy_ I IlOt ye� been presented. nor wLll be, un- Is fllIy-fh'e The reduction In tubercu-

One to Ie which Is lse\t r_ [t('r French as ma.<;ter of ceremonies.

chology. . educatlO�1 measurement, 'I ILl the IInnua] meeting of the PacJfk losls deaths alone has added ten years p d J ssed � .:rhe tentat!ve program I.s as follows:,

techniC of t('achlng. English composl- Luth .. ran College Association 10 be held I to lhe span of life. ,

.. jhllPs more than any other by th.e nor- I. Welcome address: Erling JIIoCOb­

lion. chlldren's IIteraturer English. at Portland. Or!f.gon: May' 23 to 27 .• ; " There Is no cure for tuberculosis, . mal students at P. L .. C. Is that of se- sen. grammar contemporary civilization' the board of trustees accepted tenta- said Mrs. ThOrllton. " and one's o.nly i C\lrln� leaching positions for the com- 2. Violin solo : Dagmar HRgenes.os .

. Amerlca� history. hygiene. fundamen� th'el)' his geceral outline presented at :t�::i�s 1:0 ab����I::I:���n���a:u�:� Ing year. Since the la.<;t Lss.ue of the 3. Class

.Hlstorr: John Johnson.

tals of music. normal music. physical I this meeting. I Mooring Mast flve ha\'e signed con- Warren Bov,man. Ine.: Arneson. Marie geography Introduction to sociology: The boo.rd I'oled 10 giw their sup- I not Inherited. and tile germs of It are 1 Oardlln �nd He]en Westby. .

port 10 secure complete accreditation hard to destroy. Mrs. Thorn�on also facts for teaching In Washington 4. Saxophone . solo: Lillian Ander-

Two. PUI)"ils to Be of the Liberal Arts dh'lslon of the Jun- enumerated some signs �f tuberculo:;ls. grammar scf'looI.S. WRiter Fren'ch '1>;111 son. .

lor College -departmenl The Normal SlIcll a!> thc following: contlnuR] tlred- teach the flflh-grade pupils at Yelm. �. Class Prophecy: Ingeborg Bol-Presented �lay 10 and High Schoo] departments are al- ness. freqb�nt atta.cks of Indlgestlo�. a Washington. lI'hUe Lela..h Grass will stad .. Lena Strandberg. Margaret Fad·

By J. 0.. Edwards relldy arcredlted. and It Is confl�entlY : �:g:f

t��� �:.n!�t:r::� �el�:;s� ��

m:� I teach music In the same school. : ness. Bertha Rod and Arnold ThO!;-__ ,

expected thllt the LI�ral ArW; dl\"lslon ls.",.eat.�. Rn

: the 'splttlng of b!OIXI. II' 1 Irene Moore has s!.gned her conlract ! tensen. .

. FrldRY evening. May to. Mr. J. 0' 1 WI�t ��I:h;e�:;�g l�h�I:�rd also decld- j �ccordln� ' to Mrs. ,Thornton. " �he I ��e��nc;a��}�f�]L

]��: ::�;


n·Is�� I o:�a]�d::�e�rd :an:��Obe�':�'nu��� Edwards Wilt present two pUlllls. J.ardls ed to 5end Or. Tlnge]stad and the Rev_ ��

n:;\�: �[ ���rculpsls Lies In iearnmg

leach. each year hires one Inexperlenc- I Nelptu Gulleson. Ida HlnderUe, P:hyllls Olberg and Margar!'t Roen. In a pipe Haa\'lk. pre�idelll o{ the board. to .

. g . l ed leacher. Irene will this year fill the Grande and LPdelte WllVley.

:�:: \\::I:l.oa;;:Srtl��g:�"��:'i;��� I :;�:et��'o���

gr�' s�:;;:I�.I�

e ��I�� I l'lale Oelette Sings ! �:�:L�"gr:


acher of the ,,,Ird and ! Le:��a; O:��U�:e�;d�\\�

r�p�r:a�� I

ist. Anna Mikkelsen. soprano. and Cora I the _same way as they are now sup- ' �Ianv Thues L,tcly ! RudolPt1 Sanderson and Marvin I wry and Ir_ene D\.sf;th. '- . I / VI"ta. Rccompanlsl. The rt'Cltal will i porullg Spokane College. . I 'T CI ' I . Howlck both se\ured schools be- I 8. Presentallon or


class gift: Mar-lake place In the J"Irst Norwegian j I n aC0l11a Hire les tV:'een Yelm and OIY"\Pla. Sanderson Iha Cline. .

Church. at 8 p. m. j PIANO AND ORGAN PUPILS. _ .-- IWIll be principal of the three-room 9. Acc.ordlon solo: Le]ah GrlUlS. Program:. !. TO HAVE RECITAL MAY 16 1 Sunday e\·emng. April 28. the P. L' ! SChOOI at Chamber·s. Prairie. Howick 10. Farewell addres.os: John Wiese

Organ- __ . C. Male Qctette sang at th(' Presby- I has acceP.ted a position 9S PrinCIPal l 9.nd Wilbert �yman. Sloi... MO\'ement 'from 5th organ t The studenu; from the music de_., lf:rlan church. of Tacoma. where Rev' l of the Collins sch?Ol. il. Vocal duet: Elna TrulSon and Concerto. Handel ! paTtment. under the Instruction of : Wey�r Is pastor. The same e\'enlng I In addition to these:. who are certain 1 Wilbert f":Jyman.

E Minor Prelude . J. S. Bach ! ProfeRSOf Ed';l'ards. appear In a Plano lthey

.took part In services at the �rst i Of positions. many, are eXPf:CUng fav- p. Class song: All.

Prelude and Fugue In C Major I and organ reCital Thursday evening. No.r\\eglan .Lutheran Church. Re\. J' l orable replies to their applications. dur- ----J. S Bach 1 May ]6. at 8 p. m:-\,9l the Trinity 1 0. Edwards charge. . Ing the next week 'or"' two. \",. Development Plan

Jardls Olberg Lutheral' Church-"audltorlum. which JSI Tuesday e\'enlng, April 30. the Qclette _ . l·: Vlolln- I located on the campus. Thcxse appear- sang at O�r �\'Ior"s Lutheran Church. MISSION SOCIETY HAS �

Romance (2nd Concerto) Wlenlaw�k.i Ing are: Oertrude Sydow. Cora Vista, Rev. Lonos charge. �sllng In ser- REGULAR MEETING HERE Draws Nearer To

Sub�cril)lion Goal Rondlno Beethoven-Kreisler 'Lilian Anderson, Helen Ho]mes, 'Agnes vices for the promotlol) of the Ta- .

. Orle�,ta]e

Dagmar HageneSs C. CUI Olsen. �ae Keith. Edgar La�!l' D .. e-· co:t t�::e


o:�;S:t ����. High The regular devotional services open- If the subscriptions to the Pacittc Organ- . �:rr�IU��r�Ie:�:�z:.ft�':dl:I�::' School. 'ThUrsd�y m.o�lng. M.ay 2, In �::y �:��, SC:��i ;�t:rl: �1���:�


e toJ?


n� �

Allegro Moderato �seeond ' honor of Boys Week the four num- Helmdahl gave a reading and Arthur have tile last week the 'goal of thr as-SOnata) . Warren

F1o�ence Ed';l,.ard!l�Helen Olsen and beTS gh·en ...... ere " Pllgrlms' ChOfllll."' bY loLson sang" a solo. a� whiCh Mr. !IOCiaUon will be · rnchl!d. TQ date Berceuse Dl!lbruck' Ia.<;t but not least. Barbara Xavier. Wagner; "The Fisherman" ; " Hear de Ramstad iSpoke very Interelll1ngly on there are 1,479 Aaernberl;_ with 9. totai CapriCcio .Lemalgre A COrdlal '!nvltation I s extended to all. Win' a' ��oWln':' by Kates, and· :'Oolna: f�stlval 'lU)d non:festlval days 1n the contribution of $4,215.45.. . ,

Margaret Roen • . . to Pres:s. . . I church year. ' Last Sunday the del'elopment pro- !

Organ-- J, 0_ EDWARDS TO GIVE' . I From now on the MWlon Society _111 gram W8.I presented_ to Rev. Henrick-Scheno Caprice .. . ......... Spross PIANOFORTE RECITAL

. CALENDAR . meet a,t 1:30 lnstead or 1 :00 o·c:lock . . sen'iS congreptlOI) In Seattle and, to Night SOQg . . .... Han1.i5 --

, , __ '_ oongregatlort!l In and. around Everett. Adagio . . Oun..r:i.anf _ J. 0. Edwardi dlrect:or of mU&iC: of May ll�:Baseball game with centralia LAST D. O. R. MEETING All the memberl of the Junior Leqlie Minuet ....... Wilkes Pacific Lutheran COllege gives his an- Junior College at centrAlia, 1:30. I AT MRS. HAUGE'S HOME from Rev . . LAne's congregatlQll In Stan-. Jardla Olbers: . . .. nuaJ complimentary pianoforte rec1tal May l�hOVP.8-f1Y at 8:00. 1 ' -- wood Joined the development a.aaoc1a: Voic:e- , �n Saturday. Ma.y 18, at 8:15 p. m. in Ma

,y l1-Baseb&!1 game with Bellar- The Daughters or the Reformation tI,on. In memory of Mn- Alyce Lee

Prayer Perfect ._...... . .' Stenson the TrtnJty LUtheran . Church audI- mine at Tac:qma. 3 :30. ' wl!re delightfullY enterta.l.ned at the Cla:rk the members of anjEverett eoh-Two 'Roses ... _ .. _.... . ................ OUberte totium. He w1U be "MSlated by Prof. May 24, 25, 26---S0uthem Wuhlngton home ot Mrs. PhPlp E. Hattie on Tuea- gregatlon, jll.lltead of nowerl, rave a25 Awake, Beloved! . ..,., .......... _ . C. Edwards Arnold l5olany, tenor sollat from Aber- �d Northern Oregtln choir �rlp. day �temoon, Kay seventh. 1bia .85 to the �t a.uoeIation. . .1 Anna. M1t..kelsen deen.. Mr . . laolany. � a very June 1---8enJor cbu Play, '"The �ce the lut meetln&' of the sc:1loo1 year. " Nelft SUnday· Dr.,'J'tripb; wUI. pre-. Orpn--

leuin&' voice. . . Chap." at 8:00. 'Papers were read by COra VIAta and sent'lne development prornm to � 'o.-vott.e ' .. : ........ � A cOnc:ert traDe! p�o will be fur- June 2-Baccalaureate Services at Lelah Oraas. A short b� cUaeu5- �aUona In Rliymond and SOuth

�"c� ... . ..

... ; �:�y -:� Ab�� J:��:e�WsCb:,.h. ' . si��yo���:� served by =':��':th��::= �� Rom ,vttal:1on is exunctl!d to every�ne. June 5-Commenoement E2:erc1aes. the hoste:III. . in SUvana.. . " � .•• J"



CherobtLJ :_: I THE MOOBlNG MASTi :�: , � May 8. 1929. \;"cdrH:sduy. :'lIllY S-I:UU fl, Ill. COllril'lI�ulioll C1I1SS: i: :ln p," =.a-=' , .Ill .aWh • . 1" min"'" 01 my Th ur,d"y. �I"y \I--i :·I:; p' . "" n"he"",,1 of ClIO;,. e� Dear Ma Ilnd Pa: ;\lidWt'(,·k D('vutiollill Huur. .

�� valuable lline (0 write you II. letter, &s Fhtluy. l\luy I O---H:(}4I I)·. lU. Boys St.·outs IIlt'l'l.


�:''h''''-I Y-'-U-b-Y-Ih""''''-''-"d-.-nlS-'I-Pa:''''-!I�c J :.el��: ;:,;:�n:t �11.

��!:.b���es:� Sut lIr��::�'� ; j\:���;J("11� -1!:l:�.\�U�;i�; .(��(




Ulltl (:onfi " IIIUI illil Luth Colleg�. J>!Lr'kland. Washington. 1*<=lally nov.' In all thb rain. SundllY. ;\lytlu:r's D,ny, :,\III�' I�- �IU)O II. m. ;-1U1Hluy· SdlOul IIlul

Speaklng of '"alue. reminds me o! Bihle Class; 1 1 :1)(1 u. Ill. Divine Ser"il't'S; ;\:Iltl p. Ill. Junior

Ent.,cred as Second class matter, OctOber 2, 1925, at the Post'Ottice at ParkI&nd., an Import.&.nt problem In Prlnclple� of I c;-;;;i':;c.c;:;··�g '�-ll;;" ��;-;

;;;;;· ;;:--...:.,----...,-------_...;,. ____________ ...".. ...... ____ ·_-"· 1

�n wrntlin&: over, It ls about the ON COLLEGE CAl\u'US C L ' I , WMhlngjon. under the Act of March 3, 1m. Education "'hleh Mr. Hallie and � hlOi I GRADE SCHOOLS .MEI!.---r I . ' .

Editor-In-Ohle! !' _ _ Irene Dahl '-'Valu� 01 r�tUnr." and, after.�tudy- . -.-- . ampus ,oca s ��to�

ltor Mar:..� ��le�r: �:th��::� �:u�l

y�:�;eo;O:: gr!::d ���:h�

a:: =:I

e c�lf�;:� Mw Agne! Obon.��nt the ""eek-e:,d


:�tor - . - John Wiese most \"aluab'� Pf:Ople In the whole el&.5l. ·lut· Frtda), forenoon. when the nelrh- I at the home of EleY10r Lofthus In

.BoY's -Sporn ���lnJ�=� . You ",;oul

dn't bellne It. but Mar\'ln .'�Orlng school..!; held their annual track Bremerton, .AprU �. ., Glrl's Sporn Dorothy EbersOle Ho\\-1ck runs a close second, One, day meet here, Although nothing specta.c- Rll.dolph Quale vl.s1t.ed hls big broth-Organlzatlorn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dorothy Leh--y.ann he got aWful excited ""hen he came to ular �k place. the . event turnlshed. er, War:ner. tor a' few days lin ""eek.

Humor and Fea��a T�uLso_

n. �na J_oh.ns�n. �';e�::ce �=n

oerhard Molden school. and after .he had hunted thru amuserp.en� .for· man.y of the college Anna MikkeLsen sang a group 0' vocal

AJumnl _ �.( Sylvl.o larsOn, R�dolph SandersOn his notebook like he was I�klng tor studen� as well as for the young1!r splos f'rldllY even!1l8' In ·the Central

Chapel· Talks Inga Ooplerud a gold' mine., he says, ""Now. I've gone chUd�n. Broad jumplnlt. high j�p- Lutheran Churt'b. Saturdl\y �venln.g In Exchanges John JOI\N:OIl and.(d�e It ! I've left m)' Memory and Ins:. pole va�ltlng and Ihe hl,mdred.- the 'Fint Norwegian, L�theran Church, '

�=�t� ��I..!; - Ida Hlnderile H� ��= Ima,inaUO'n at home... . , ya"rd 'dull \\-'ere. featuns ot the e'vent. and Sunday e\'enlng. in the Zion LuUl-

BUSINESS 'DEPARTMENT ·.what do you mean? I ho�' not," I eran Church, In Tacoma.

Eliot Mickelson Carl Andenon sa}�. . COMMENT . " Ola� Ord�I, had RaY,. Hoft as an over·

·"Oh, r':'ell," he answen. ··It didn't I ""We are ver.y pleased to �ave 1.$ one night gf.les� at, his ho�e In South Bell-

fi. Agnes Klippen CIRCVLA�ION

Peggy Harvey ��:���� :��h


t �a


�:� i ��'���t:.�;��s�Ue:I�:ha�g

�sy :: s7��:::

In���:. ��;�la���8

·Berd!n� �nu�n.

. AD\'ERTISING George Lane whole thing In a nutshell,"" l ?f Hartwick College, _ Oneonta, New ond D.�n:Jar Hagen,ess are lIvlnll Ill..

Gerhart! Lane TYPING

l " ha\'e been thinking It o\'er since: I York. , the dorm now. :

Evelyn Solum \ ��d h�a�


ra I�u

h�h:�� ;��t


h:.1 tu��. �:��

r �a:O:;�



r:���:t��:� ' Qu::t:t.



a a::



N: J. )-IONO awful dumb. I would rather be a n'ut I spaces and some humorous ""'rJtlngs. dine, Helen. Beanca, and Polly. ________ ____ ..;.._�����-_--'-� tholl a nutshell, not meaning to In- i There are, howeyer. too many borrow- Mrs. Norman Langlow, formerly An­. slnuate, howsoever, tpat I am elthe� � Jokes In Ihls paper. and the head- elle Dahl. 0 graduate or '26. �as been

:\Iatly sludl'lIts an' tI�����;���.�t ahility uud skill 011 th�' on

�so� ��:befOre, I dOIl't t�lnk' th�rJ :���:I�'�� t';�PO��:��


a:l:r�::� :��l

ll�g of�en


I�:e!·re ��:�I::�

I.t'llnis eOIII"!> III fal·t, Illt'y_ SI1(1\\" I)l(lly illl l'l"t'sl ailit 11.llt ,11.11:111- Is many In 'our class ..... ho ls more valu- I are 4,SM,·and the asterisks employed to for their homes In ��.::).;:;e

s�'I\'l's 1lltJI'l' I,nto tlw �allll' II.Hln Ihey do III olh('1" athll'l�r tI,l'I.I\'IIWs. able·1.p forgetting thon me. Ho",'sQever, , separate ch.apters In a short story make EIl.z.abeth Riese, a;m::n��d..@.11 I er.hal)S tht' lad Ihal lll lt'llllls Illey lin' all(lwl,(1 t(I play IIHIIYI(11Ullly I WOuld not thInk of competing with It appear, ot a casual glance. to be a occldent" 'n the k.Itchen last week. She '.,ml l':In I'l'l'('i\,t' all tI,w IlUlllIl'S. tht'msl'ln'S ,!lI'l'OIlnls partly for Ihis. the racl.llty members, They �an even group ot short articles. cut her hand Quite badly on a fruit Jar. l ' rulll sUl:h olJ,SCI"\'allUllS 0111' IS I('d 10 bl'lw\"(' Ihal perhups a ollt'- fllrget the nomes of their wives. like _ The gIrls' dorm Is fragrant with the l11all Ims('hall 1('11111, lJaskdllllll il'alll, or fooilmll \l'um would hi' Mr. F;dwards did at the t;.holr concert STUDENTS 9BSERVE .AT CE:NTRAL sweet l!tlle violets so plentiful on the IlUlI"l' indudn' to inll'n'sl in the galla' UUllr til(' fll"es('nl furms. 111- at Sumnl!r. It was a -easy name to re- A very Interesting ob5enation was prairies at· this season. tl i" idual slarring would tlH'n IJt'IH'I'l'�sar\" lind possihll'. :"01 so member too .. and he had seen her only made by the methods and technic class MrrClaude Pellet. -'26. visited friends in athl(:I,il's its ordinarily l'()nslilul('l� . --rl'Hn,l-wurk is what Wt' recenll�'. I don't �ardly think I could ot t�e.central School In T�oma. This at school. Thli.rsda�·. Ma�' 2

want. I hrough \\'hull'hl'aril'd l' ()OPl'l"II t�()1I only l:an WI' sUn'l'p(!. torget that gooi:l, but It is kind of hllrd school has �peclal classes for those ""ho t--- ' _ __ _ _ , .. /_ to prO\'e on account of the fact that I �re hard of hearing or, deof. those - . j MOTHER's-1)AY al�lt got no wlte. . whose sight Is poor, ond those who are �tter PrlnUnll

'",rn' only ont·, hut "!fIll" ;:> mort' 10 ml' .. I alnt got .no tennis raclret either. mentally weak, T1)e visiting· students Keystone Printing Co .. Inc. ' . .1 han ull the �\'I'�llth of th�' w()dt! l'o,lIlt! .ht,; which Is worse. Alm05t about e\'ery 'found-the me�hods of teaching detec-.

" :'\{'xt SlII�t!aY'I :\lay 12, IS :\Iotlu'r s Day, \\ hy IS II WI' always morning at 5:30, the girls gets up and q\'e children very original and ilutruc- 1\laln 'J7�' . lot Padfle .... n

l'l'IlH'Il1I!l'r tillS da�' ·.' ' I I WHS :\Iotllt'r whtl tHughl lis our ,�,\ H C's,'" Slams the doors and plays ""WU It a Uve. TACOMA

gave us otlr ftlndullwntul rl'ligiotls truining, hroughl liS Ifp through dream"" and ""Here I am" and such on . ,

'.his Irnil.lin/-! 10 IIHwholld or wi1uUlIlhoo(1. It was through Jll'l" the victrola, whilst they Is tearing .ART CLASSES FURNISH HOUSE �:" lIlpatlll{,s and l'lIrl'SSes when Wt' wert· :>i,tlll� tlmt WI' learlled 10 .Into their clothes. getting ready to be Mn. Kreldler's normal art FI&.aS Is Tobaccos. Cigars and I(J�'(' her, In I"l'ganl hel" us Ihl' one alld only OIU' 10 whum wt' nHlld the early birds In the tennis courts. now redecorating a doll hoU§e. The �andies. Magazines. Papers hrll�/-t ollr Iroubles allli disuppoil�ll11t'nts, It wus tI�rollgh :\Iotlu' r's WeU of course. a tennis player ",1th-- house b to be repainted. furnlshed.. �nd ad\'u'�' Ihul WI' l'U1l1t' 10 SI'1' till' (hffl'rt'lll'l' hdwl'I' rlghl .llml wrong, ou.! a tennis racket Is IIkc a cake wlth- papered by the girls, Ea�h group. con- Thoralf L. Pellersen 80'1 Paclfl ... Avenue

Tacoma. ·wuh. �' SOIlIl' of liS UI"{, lit SdH.101 mUIl:,�'ni ll's frum hO"Il' and :\lotlwl", out a frosting. so ""there 1 0m." like, slsting of two or three. has a certal,n \) f) dl'<'ply fl'l'l tllI's('_ st'nlllll('lIts towards' her Hnd upprt'l'ial{' her the vlctrolo says. thinking "Wu It a room to work on. This work Is to give

�IS Jlerhaps 1H'�'I'r h('(oFt" , \\'t' thank {iod for 1ll'1" ant! till' hlt-ssillgs dream"" I had about rising to fame as the members of the class experience �=========� WI' hayp l"l'I'PIH'd thl"otl.�h Ill'r . a tennis champion or wasn't it' III decorating a home. 1 ...... :"\(':-;1 �lII�dny, :\Iolher's I>uy: WI' will w('ar flOW('I's, to show It Is a shame that a IIttl� money

- � "Slmlents' Store" (�lIr upl'n'l"l1Itmn, Illthl)lL�h !H}lhlllg \n' l'IlI1 do 01' say nlll :l'ully should pre\'ent havIng �'Qur loving Do not eSlimElte the number of your ,� I('pay h�'r for ul! slU' has gl\'{,1l us. Blessed I!t' Iht, 11II'IIlUl'U'S uf daughter a tennIs champIon. but I sup- animated Juvenile poultry prior to the � -'--------­t�IOSt' l1loilwrs who hll\'I' gOl�t' hOI1l(' tu I l illl nlHl hl('ssl'd 1.1£' Ihl' pose It con't be, helped, I will just have completion of the enUre Ilrocess ot In- § hyl's of IhuS{' who Ill"(' yl'l WIth liS, '":\Iany makl' Ihl' hOllsehold, to listen to .the racket Ilt 5:30 ond re- cubation. -=biiiu'iio�niil'ii:' ","':i"",' l�h�e.:;h"'o�"'�, .• �· .. �"�n�d�II�,,�'I�'�"'�,.�iS�

. ��I�,, '�h�I',�· ......... _�iiii

l member that there I.s other great pea_ In other '1o'ords : Do not count your

r pie which has struggled agalrut hand- tennis games before they' are WOIl. Her-

Ten Years' E�perience leaps. , I wouidn't think of asking for man. money tor a rocket 8-5' 1 am always so careful with your mOlley, but In case RoOm: Hey! I (/:lInk there's a mouse rou should- like to buy -one as an In_ In the room. \'estment. they cost about ten dollars. Mllte: Well just think that you hit

Por(er.CUD1mJng� Company

"Hum(' of til{' 2-pnnls suit"

\1:1 1 Pnl'ifi�' A nllUI' Has Shown the Wisdom A:-ID

Demon!ftrated the Advantages Your frugal daughter. the mouse with your shoe Instead of my , .......

Cheroba nose a�� go to sleep agal

�l. .. __ " _________ �,.

LUTHER �HOIR ON TOUR JOK� . --S .:... .. .. , 'I - OF 1. Rcstricl<'d Field 2, St'lccl Membership w�=�


k ��:�rts�� C�


h�:�:. te:��ng


k�,��� �:;d ':t

aCa��: GAS " OIL

and Is under thc direction of Slgvart J do the Eskimos have?"" GROCERIES

This chOir hu won cOlUlderable re- -'1 MJ nd The Home of Z Pan� SuJt,s S =��;r�'�:�

Its second extenSive tour Bright Girl : "seal Sklm' [I _

LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD- '\,/ �::.�. n nnesota a adjoining I Sales Service Station JETLAND & PALAGRUTI '

(Life Insurance) Mr SkInner Prop

1.. ___ 1.25.- 4.' _�_IC_K_n_;gmh_'_B_u_n_d_in_g_._�_Ii,;.n_nc_._p_OI_;S_._�_I;_"_n_. __ ;:J Mooryad Swen

91� Pac, Av� Tacoma WUh ">-

. Mil�work and Cabinet Shop Supplies "\ W ASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. \..

We're still waiting for the long-Nalt­ed-tor contract to arrive on the �ne -<>-

Our "yellow mystery" has turned. In­to • purple ex�tlon. AU of the girls are taking walks and ptherins aprinri

American Plumbing &: Steam Supply Co . " Wholesale ' Plumbing, Steam and Mill 8�pplie.

i24 Pac1flc Ave, Spalding Alhletic Good. . .

. -;'\ . . Tacoma. Wash, MaIn , ..

P.hone Main t7�7 1908-10 Pacific A,:,en�e flowen. '

. -<>- :.��������������������;;;; Maybe the dorm has Ita "Cheroba," Ifr but we will rival It w1�h our ··Paul 1i!.=;;""",,,,,,",,",,,,,",,,,,",,,,,",,,==i!;,,",,,,,",,,,,",,,,,",,,,==,,",,,,,",,,0Jl p,y."

SPECIAL BUSSES FOR PARtIES . Any Time, Any Place . . c,.u Me . .....,. TACOMA JjU�OMP� ' ...... .." , 1 ' -


Madison lWl

" . 0--

- (-

r ! .

' I I

SPORT PAGE First Conferen�e Bellaroline nefea .. " \ Boys Lose Again ,

I R.C<lu


et Slinge,;, 'Busr , [I :_: ' FaCtilty N.ews :_: Game Dr�ped to P,' L. C. Baseh.Il�.. To C ' P S Team In Tenms TOI1rnC)' , ' , , C \ ' C II ' :. -- • -, • --, - . Miss Lydltti StiJI:.rud entertatn� the . �. 13 0 cge In .thelr second gam,e of' �he �a.son I , ' -'-'-

,' . OUrlng the past t,:'o "'�b the �nnl.s Young L.adiu· Oulld In the College reo

Coach " BIII" Beck and hIs b�bal..I t�e Lutherans ,dropped '. han:!. tUMle Gam �Iad�a���t�o:shf:n : B} :��� :�;f�re��dtht�eSC;::If�

f L=� �Ptlon �m. Th,tsday .evenlng. April

'tossers of the Centra llf JunIor COIles.'! 1 to Coach Bill Hardy's baseball nine I Score of 8·1 . e� I'fCQuet uplranta ' are raphUy �;ctor Eleystrom is In StanwQOd. In\'aded the Lutherans' ground lutj,Of Bellarmlne Coll�e. . ' -- rou!ldint Into condlUon. The school ..... here he I.s worklnli for the �\'elop. Saturday attemoon to def!at the 10- The C'tthOUc bo}'3. belna: able to con- �e Gla,:l.Iatof$. gettl� oft to � slow tournament poII.SellSeS .every Indication ment campa�n. cals In a hart! fought battle for the first neel a little more frequently . at the stap this $eason. are �dUally �evel- of becoml� the best ever. Co

.mpetl� Or. O. A. T1ngelsta<! a�d Re .... O. 1..

game of North"'est Junior College Con- pl.ate than the· Lutherans, managei1 oping 1",10 a smoother "'orklng "."'11 ·�::allstl. keen

:��:�:!�f�. :e�:g �o:�� I Raavlk. pn!llident 01 the boa", of trus-

. to drh'e In nine runs' to the Oladla- team. This 9o'as made evident In Jut . egret: . �. droye to PeMieton, Oregon. where ference b}' a soore.of 9 to 8. ... I ' ' . I : ' 011 of �

t by e


Veryonp.. AlI .lndlCations point to- ltIey attended the North ..... est Confer-The-game wu In doubt till the (lnal tors three. · Friday 5 game at the C ege , ward eUlclent teams and a successful ence of the Joint Synod . . 11'lOlng. One team woUld forge ahead. 6ande:rson. of the P. 1.. C. team. wu SOund. The final score read 8 to 1 In season. . . IL W. Ranutad preached III Rev. A. and the

,n the other

,' Both teams �-1 the big, man ,with the willow. C?Uect- 'favor of the Tacomans. The Parkland The boys' department appears ex: I N, 'Eggen's ch�reh In' Kent. Sunday

ed 'to be 'evenly �atched In �� de-Ing two hits In five trips to the' plate. bo}:s. ,,1th a little more zest than they ce?t!onally strong this 5ta.son. 901th evening, ... pril 28. . , I Salatino. Webstq. and Greco �h sho ..... ed In thelt Initial appearance, such men as Kreidler. Nyman. &lnder- Ph. E . .. Hauge �polr.e on the Develop; partment' of the game. Palo pitched made t .... ·o hits for the .winners. ' �arted

ri ht ott to be;t the C. P. S: .son. Ordal. and Wells havlilg. "1Ul ed8e


ment ClUnpalgn., lri .Everett. Sunday, II. nice game. "Until Ho\\1ck relieved him Jacobsen and Coltom each turned In g . - . In the �I:arly' season �rformances. April 28. and In Silvana. Sunda,.. May . In the 5t\'enth Inning. . a nice pmI' on !.he mound. but the �eam. but owing to the pro,,'� of the' In the girls' .d�partment . Martha :.. . . The Lutherans we� the tlrst to I support was weak at the critical time. Tacojo.ns. the �ladlators ..... eN' unable CUne and. Pauline Larson. from Ill.'Jt Mr. ��d Mrs. J.- 0.' Ed",'ards. Mrs. J. score. tallying t ..... o runs In the second 'The ·summary . 'R H � to' turn the tabl�, year's squad. are the only experienced I U. Xavier. Mrs. H. ·L. J. Dahl. and Miss i��g. In the third CentralIa scored P. L. C. 3 7 9 . T�e Gladiators. ho ..... ever. showed" membj!rs back. The new malt'rial hu Clara Myhre motored \ to , "'berdeen. tl��hlto tie the count. In th.e fourth Bellanolne . 9 9 3 Imp;"vements In everY 'department qf Ill! yet not re\'ealed anything sensatlon- where ,they enjoyed the concert gb'e� I nlng both teams sc,ored one run. _ In Batteries: E, Jac�n, Coltum and .the game . . The oHensh'e play , was a1. b!lt there are enough to make the by the A capella C!,\olr ot our savlor .5 the tilth stanza Centralia pushed two Collum. Thostenson; Greeo and Paine. much better; the boys .... ·ere · able to race plenty hot. I Chureh In that clty.-The directress of mere acros:s to gh'e them the lead \ connect . ... Ithough they only made fans Upon the completion of the tourna- ! that choir Is'"Mf$, John Tenwlck. Mrs. While In the sixth the Lutherans had Four Years Ago �fe hl�. their ..... ork at the plate gave ment and the selection of the teams It I Xavier's sl.Uer. their btg Inning. scoring four t'l!ns to ' .L- , '"� " promise that they ..... ere de\·eloplng. a Is Quite probable that a fe ..... Inter- I Miss C. M. Myhre has signed a.con-gh·e them the lead. The Pacific team . � . keener batting eye. The work In tt!.e scholastic matche� ..... �ll be played. AJ!" tract to teach music .In .th� Lincoln was able to score one. more run be- At the ThesP.lan Dramatl.c �,Iet} outfield and Infield was a pronounced }'e\ .none have been �hed\lled. how- Schook In Bremertoh (or next year. fort' the game ended. but that ..... as not program on Ma) 1 the follo .... lng n\.lm- improvement, only four 'or f'tve errorS ever. \ Mr. an� Mrs. Gusl<jl.v Sherven and enough. as the Centralia team battled berS" .were glwn: Plano solo. "Love being marked against them. son. Robtrt. visited with Or. and Mrs. four run� acl"OlS.5 In the last thrre stan- �>ng. ' Sylvia Larso·r .readlng .

.. 'the Ho ..... lck ..... ho ..... as on the /11ound for �.RLS HAVE CLOGGING o . .... Tlngelstad. sunda�-""\Pdl-!8. _,..-; zas to' \\1n the gatne. �ear


and .. at1i�:no

�lod "R�- ttl'e Lut�erans. worked effectively. IN ' PHYSICAL EDUCATION l ot'. O . .... Tlngelstad preached In Rev . .... The Summary: R H E etto rap rase. an un . e holding the Loggers to three scattered . 000. Lane's church In StanwOl)d. SUIl- ' PaclUc Lutheran Coltege 8 7 · 3 Iiterar)' sutJl.r!se of the e\'enl�g was hits ' up to the last of the sixth. when Tap. tap. tap. When Is the' pedes- day. April 30\ 9 8 1 jlarts of works from .... ·1'11 known authofS he weakened and allo ..... ed four runs to trial corning off? Judglns- [rom the ___ _ Batteries Palo Ho\\lck and Coltom tad b� M}ron Kreidler The audience cross the plate giving the Loggers a .... ear and tear on the In'm floor the Have you heard about the creature Bm90n and C Wagner .... as to guess the names of the authors 6 to 1 margin While 011 the mound girls in Miss Stlxruds ph}slcal educa- r tl}.at hM four legs lives In II. stall and of the

hselections read Erna Helmdahl

H090lck recel\ed good support J Cork lion class ought to be able to tap their I c�n see equally .... ell out of either end The} 58} that a certain horn player .... '0\1 t e cO,ntest Coltom .... ho was on the recel\lng end wa} to tame on the st� Instead of In I No? Well It 5 a blind horse In the dorm sounds susplc!ously like a ) --replaced Ho .... lck In the last of the a teacher s seat ' �;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Il farmer Coach Ringstad made his tentathe sixth Coltom plU:hed good ball 11.1_ No .... the clog claS&' Is learning the l l

selection of members of the varsity 10 .... ll1g onl} t""o rull.5 steps that go .... 1th Turke}-In-the- , Phone Main 1464


bll.Seblln team. as follows: Ole Sen'old, The Loggers scor� one run In the St!}l ..... The g(rl.5 seem to get a great 1 The Students do ?r. Ar'i,���b�' �icks ��t ��:::�,� B:���� ��a�

I.�� �l




II���e: .�

he2 S;o

m� :� :r

f t:�;}��:: :�

tt:: ��::�:I:""�� �ay tlley' have never


B:��;I��� A�eoo

r man. and "'rt Knutzen� ' . ��:



d O�.n::d ���:�c� I LADIES TO GIVE GOOSE DINNER been in Tacoma un-

Tacoma, W.t;hlngton TilEY SAY THAT < to .second on error. A little later Siegel I The Ladles' Aid of Trinl�y Lutheran The tt'nnls stars are now beginning stole third. With one away and BIU I Church 90'111 give a "0


00&' ;hnner" May less they have eaten r ;. to shine. Nyman. the Lutheran's lead-off man 17. In the church parlors. During t1'!e at . PARK'LAND GARAGE I Fred Lee has lost hl.5 m�tache ; It's at bat. It looked as If the, Gladfators e,venlng a "pan;:el-PD6t .sale" �111 bel I . 'Jane but not f0T.i0nen. . .... ·ere going to score. Nyman drove one held. and a program will be ,Ivell. , Carlyle'., Cafeteria, o�:�n�:a;_� , Poll¥ Langlow 15 now on her way to out to the outfield bringing In Siegel. Serving begLns. at 6 p. m. Adults SOc; I':' ___ � ____ �

, ;, J. C. Pett.�n I Summer School ..... \11 be conducted In the sixth the Tacomans scored four 1 1F���������9ii � __


• . , or in California, 'I the ·Lutheran·s only run In the game, children 25c. .

':.-----'------,'. at P. L. C, for six weeks. more and added two more . in the tt . I K O 'D A K S r---------,,' eighth. . Brighten Up the home wtlh, I LIEN & SELVIG

Importers of Nor­wegian Cod Liver

Oil Cor. Tacoma Avenu� & 11th St.

Tacoma. Wash.

Stelnway and other pianos, Duo Art Reproduclng Pianos. Victrola.:! and Victor Records. Band and Orchestra Instrument.s. Sheet Music and Music Boob;. Radio Sets and Acce6S0ries

I Berger Jacobson was the big man at a few f1owcl's or a nic'e ! I the plate"or the L,uthetans. drlv1ng


o", I I a two-bagger and a single. while Lap- blooming plmit. Fluwers penbush. the Logger cau:her. collected three hits out of'four trlps,to the plate. for c\'crybod,' and c,,·cr,Y- .

ond Kodak Finishirig of tJ1C

Better Kind ) I The OIadlator.f, playing showed II. thing m&.rked Improvem�nt. 'CoaCh Ramstad I � �ay �ry to arrange another game ..... Ith Seamom Flower 5!h;!aIUUl S SUU� D .. � Sherman�lay & Co. Coach Hubbard's ball-tossers for II. Shop I �:�. Main 995


! �;�::�:::








��: ::: 9th & Broadway il

�5lI4�SERf1CZ�. ����F���D�'U�'�"'���� .• " I:======:::::::::::::� P L. C. � � � ,----..... . ' . . .. :

" c: p, S, 8 12 J HANJ�'O" ,

S I BUTTER ..... UT :JO I Rust Bldg � F. H. Krug Batlerles: Howlck. COltom. and Col- . .". "

928-30 Broadway

" tom. Thostenson. Ko�ach. Jessup. GII- .Watch Repairing a Specialty I BR E A D' ! ahan and Lappenbush. 257 SO.' 11th St. • � . _

� 1 'E��:';�;';���=j l ll�==�"§'d.�"�

t'�B� .. §

g�" ==



Guo. ,. , •• Lto., e..... ,.

Phone Mam 4493 Tacomll � I FLOWERS FOR EVERY (ApoloKtu to Xax .... u HOIl,,)

......... " ............... "'" ..... " ......... "." ........ ,, ................... " ..................... " ...... !'\.?'" ...... "", ... "" .. ,, OCCASION We Apprec(ate Your '!, . Brook'oo,�' Ca,h . WE CLEAN CLEANER

PARKLAND LAUNDRY ;\1('I1's suits. OYercoats. Ladies Couts. pluin und fancy dresses

dry-cleu.llcd und prcsS('d. We call (or and Je ... irc





" :-J ' , , , Write for InformDliD.n

HAYDEN-WATSON, / ' ' ... FLORISTS Patronage i MarKet 911 Paclllc Ave. Phone Main Rosso's Garage AU meats a�Pe

c�govemment MadJ50n IMlR2

j ' BINYO��!.<;U CO, Pbooe BmldnJ 1421

Open All Nigh.

TW�' OUR ANNEX 13th & C6m";lerce

Fountaip. LUDCh�, 'Sodas'" Sunda� It. Paya to I.ooIl WelL Patro� tlDJoa .8hope

Parkland Confectionery & Barber Shop . o. P. �N: Prop.-comer Car Line /

Tt!1ep� � ,5ioo KARL A_ ANl)ERSON

TA& II: GaA��=-:."'::=::' r'OaNAC&8 e13 ,BT. �8 AVE.




I \ '

I . PAGa 4

Paul Pry , <hom gu;",- b? , ' I C I t C t - N'"...,.rp.b._�=-_ I 1 W,H,..t'" J�< <hi" • ""'".,..., 1'1 Om)) e e as , Daily Diary :one of those' SII»('rnatu

,ral intelllgentj" Chosen for Play _' ____ .:..--'-.�--'--

'2nd Article. �Ings .... 'ho hal-t a habit ot ,belng ab- - -- TtI.netay. "pri'Y ....l..-- 5otnt�m1nded. " _ Pra('tict' Is Well Under Wa\' 'and I No ne ..... 'S . Hollo" mllny of thl'f:Udents have no- Of COUTSf'. this absent-minded busl· '\ViII Be Presented on" . I Frida)'. 'April %6

tj� the �t.f\I,nger . ' �r midst th,is ness really �]()ngs to profes.\on. ..... ·ho Mav 31 I lA!M 'news w«�. He 15 tall. d rk. Rnd entirely r�\Jlarl}" roriel w�lch tl'!ey're ('II.ting- ·

Manday, April !9 100 handsome for on girl's comfort. he · frogS or sandwiches-you all know that I hll.s blur 1')'1'5. and I Is told q�lte �on- jok_rock·rlbbed and, Rndent- the choosing of the cast lor the Une\'enUu\ ' day ' .

. :i;o���� th


e\\1�: :;�ei�:r:h���� 1:�

n�;:��::lis":I:;:��h�i:i!ro��:: ::PI:7: I::t "'; I�:=r�;te� [s roan bed!'; ex- . Nothing h:;::r, April 1O

R.Olden hair. I bet Yotl kids ar� get- I lfll all rlgt"!L . la�1 Issue of this publication. i \'(Iillie at dinner one evep in� ! ' Wedn�r; May I

ling rul excited. How about It glr!s?' T� g� back to the matur In hand- nouncement or the Jl.BrUclpants· wh.en A 'guest of honor WaJ pl"f:sent. I Not e\'en a �y �ket Hl' plays tennis well "'hen he dOl:'$fl't Not so many days ago. an esteemed ba� been _delayed until of late. "Of '" 'd h' f h "Wh

I n.nday Ma,. 2

• hit the . ball Into the net We'r� not : membe� of Ollr honorable fM;ulty re- hl}f been started and. Is well ' of it?" course'. sal �J At er. at

Worser and� w� ... ' , supposcd to talk about any onl". but solved to boll hlmsdr a " wee cup '0' way on �he play. Ilnd those

. i Frld Ma 3 this Is .talklng right to his faC"!".. don·t.' rouee ..




dln·ner. 1 with the situation feel "Why. you laId Ma this morning thAt " :!J ' y ,

you think? Folks say that he'1s a ' You see. he �'15 home alo!>e, and' of evet;y "phase or It will be you Wtre going to hrirrg An old munon· No news )UniOr In high school. He ""ears fancy course he had to get In:.o sgme mls- �n spite of the short amount of Less ne ..... s

� M�y 3

lI:olf trousers and a s .... t'Ilter Quite orten. chid-boys simply CIln't be trusted �� which to produce the play on F'J ' U I � D I Tonday. M, a, , . N?W put your hearts lOgether. �h7can alone-I0J..",otherwlse, for thRt matter) ' : ' 0 S . " U{ J <?

t�is myllterlous Mranger be?,

Why- but al"'&YS


have and alwRYs shall needr, .The cast for the seniors' RnnURI thert's the. a�nt-mlnded 50- Lesse.r new� �lllit'1'. Its only Fre-d with hls'han- 5(lme fair lady to watch over them ! production Is as follows: dery wo��n, who ltiJ.5ed her .hu�nd and · MOOfUN�Wed�Y, p���! dIe-ban excavat.e-d. . As I was $&ylng. Mr. Stuen-'twlll! he! wlTrlam Peyton Rudolph I cu� her p,oodlu .. -Judgr" ' O' UT WITH THE DELIG��� -- . -�aml! thirsty and resolve-d to dls- .Claudla Rt the age or 6 J Can Pedagogut'S cook? regard frequent admonitiOns to "leave MUd�ed "Is rhn chicken good?" . ukC'd the

. _��W:E��A!o�H�:! :::r �E!�' I ����:r� ��


e��h7::gnO:\�::' ���

n�:f;�o:� :hl:I:�'!l

gone!" and put Clar'.Iflla at the age of 8

Virginia commissary steward of the SAnS on the : WEEKS. TAIS 'AMUSING �ACT' Yes, he put it on. and then became Cla�dla at the age of 18 denr�tr. 0) • ! WAS BROUGHT TO A:r�NTION

5(1 det'ply engrossed In_may It have Eliot MlchelS!,'n "It mAy have been a good fowl moral-I

BY THE EDITOR O� THIS Column. been his Germall gTllmmar?-that he Jack Rodnt�y Lyell Krl"ldler i)':' warhled an old time gunnrr's mate. '"


mPletel), forgot. it, that !S, Ult

,l.lhat Marcus Bunion Marvin Howl�k "hut it cenainiy WAS a wrede. physically." 1 Allee Davie, '21. bllS retun\ed to her

nall5ealJng �orched odor lI.S5ai� his �hoebe Pllckers Dagmar Hageness home In Tac'oma after a sueccssful yeflr

. . . COmptlflY , . n:�:

I��. Ti� e\"�r a man's stilmRch that :;!:� �;:I:��n Mae E��hl;:::� fe!��: ''I'm sorry I'm stepping on your of tt'RchlnJj: In Dresden. IdRho .

k,.ep.� him pOOr. � . Artist friends of Pel' ton- Boot: "SIAl1 right.. I walk on them

• • '{ WI" Jptcidliu i,,} School 'Pri"lil7g

Shame. Mr. SlUen ! Don't you' know Pritz Peter 'Flott myself no,",' and the"."-Newport Rt· yet thil.t you can't, simply can not do Ballington Geri1ard Latie cruit. \ two thlng� lit once? . Yadder EV.8ns Carlson -----. To be SUtt'. these' especiall}' fntelll- �ruckmRn Raf,mond Hoff . There is a muter·at·arm� 3T the brig gent .�peclmens of the '"mighty'" sex Ilre The comrT'!lttees chosen to a,!'slst in who is so hard ·thaT ,",·hen he shaves ht continually . running down their frail production and prei>entatlon of the hAS to hold a revolvtr on himseH to ktcp count('r»art..�. but- are as follo ..... s: from cuning his throat.

i Pat s��;:� :� �:�i:8Si�r.�:r:mnt of I

Can pedagogu('s cook? No! They Ju�t committee: Erllng JRcob-'aln'tl that 1}'Ilt'!" ,I ahd Warren Bow-Moral: Be they ever 5(1 proud. every

Paul Pry . Max Goldstein's piacc: .�

"Ladics' Ready-ro-�r Clothing."

BU.CKLEY.�ING co . Vunt-raJ Dir����

BUl'kl�'y-l\illg Fum'ral Churl'll l:9.coma A\'e. lit So. FIrst M. 622

DARL GROCERY CO. PA':�;�h� .;�;Ic:�so:.?


time." mused , v_� ___ � _____ ''t

-Wik ,"h'. '""' "mh .. ddi"g 'Mi, 1 It, Ou, Ru, To S.". I General Mueb.aD4IIK

Phone· Mad. 3818R6 Parkland

QualIty and sUnce Sh . k �:�?�hall I go out and kill the tUT'

Ilnd �\'e Efficiently , lpwre� � W"" T,"d". "H, did"', h", '"Y' I �:""''''''''''�'''''====;::�:;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;:;;:;;;::-:l": thing to do with it-why talte it out on That's whl' we are hen�. for i .... A fe,w days ago. fourteen to 'be him?" your convenience and we want , I

LEH4'4AN5 PU�1PK ]N 5}-JELL g����P��M:�I���x::e��� �;yage come. tow-line on to tn,e "Moorlnlt i��1I:fes

f7� f=ry

toa� :�;

'1 ' a full crew of hands to �!ork In Mast' and with a laugh pulled. her in- manner. We develop and print f FOUNT.�IN LUNCH. del)artment from the royal top- port your kodak films. i WAFFLES-HAMBURG"ER�U�DAES ! down to the timber In her ""Here's to the heRlth or the 'M. M. Parkland' Mer�antile Co. t

become as IIreat a.s Its fallure i""---JXW '-______ , ___ __ ;::�==���=::::::=::�===::::=�� I::;�:; She had experienced many staff. Mil.)' its suc('es.� be .llffected to I , . ,

The· Store For Men anti Boys iJIj' . '

" , I


t 10-12 Pacific Ave,

Wilson and Reach baseballs and shoes Wright & Ditson and Bancroft tennis racquets--finest made

Racquets restrung as good as new at .





California lQdg, faeoma. W8.I,b. ) PortnJt III 'Commercial Pboto(rapber

Always the Best


N�iree to Appear


y D� are hereby ,given due notice to appe�r .E!elore a picked jury 01 style eXPertJ, in the court room 0/ MUlon'. Store on next Thursday; May 9, to , . a�wer to' the charge oj. . Not Wearing 1 D2D StraW' Hat 1I I0uM guilty, a sparkling new- bonnet will be ' correctly fitted to y�ur head, your .entepce wiIl be.$ever:al mo�m 0/ style �uff¥:tion, with cool, ,soothing hetid,comlort, aM an tUldiIionpl fine im-, posed Irom two-fi/ty 10 len doUan. '

signed: MASON'S 948 Pacifo: · _ Judge 01 the �tyle Cour�,ol No .4 Peals.


. I· . �

.� I


'-I : .

Ch t · t .

TEACHERS . . F .. A hOt t . arac ers 0 . I'ART IN CARNIVAL I am�us rc I ec . Chos�.n Soon -For. I LoI\fl" .may the glrl�' At" l�e Elnnua� r�lr' :nd eaml-

. ArrIves to Survey' SenIor Class Play ' furniture live. for n090' the stage val given by the.�rklllnd Pu.,IlllC.SChOOI I Campus at P. L. C.

__ gym Is amply equipped with a Friday evening, April 12. h'o one-Act · " • - _' __ " The Prince Ch�p" Chosen �g I new outfit of its own: "An o\'erstuff<.'d I plaYIl were presented In which several Charle" Altrllllsch Plnns FlItur�

f"'1Annual Presentation to Be I da\-enport and chair to match. two ,OC-, IItu�enU! Ilnd fncuLty me�berll tooI!;! . nuildin� for 'tnproving j J I Put on hy Graduating c3!ilonnl chairs. -Il library. table that clln ! part. I Parific T.uthei-nn ,) Class of 1929 be adjustro as a �Inlr�g.-room table, a

l �'And Then tm Lamp Went Out," a .' CQllege: -__ llbra�' lamp. doubl� drnpelS. and rodlS comedy Ilanlomlne. WRS cleverly worked __ _

Charnclc!"!; w111 be chosen within the i have been bought by tho Thl

la�\ 90- out by Mr. Hauge, Mrs. Edwards. MISSi Yesterday. April 23. WII.'! «n Important. nest, day or two. for the �nnual senior 1,1·���:re�·���"


f wa;

p�:� I SUlI.rud. aud Burton Kreidler. A 'short day In the history of PaCifiC LutherRn

cla"-� 1)lay to be given late In' May by CnOU!!h·monJ�. to Ilay for thCJurnlture ' sCene trom Ihe pln�'. ··Art. Where Art CO!lege . . ;or UI)()1l this day three evellt.�

IT!embers of the gradllatlng ,class. The [1\"1 full. a part . Piilyment was ma,de. the I :�II�

;I:�S :��


. A���;�

e�:s::a�� tOOk.

place which ",,:1111 determine largel,' e<:mmluee that scle-ctcd the play, IS ; rest to be paid next year. In 'addition , Robert\ Monson. and Ida Hlndl'rlle the future of this Institution. composed of Prof. Ph. E. Hauge. Miss t"o this thl' Thespian SOCiety ho!)CS to I At a meetin!! of t�e Board of T'rU1I-Stlxrud. and Lyell Kreidler, j be able to buy so'le flood lights and a . I R ' I R ' I tees In the afternoon� accredltaUon

The play selected. entitled " The new ru!/:, . ..: t tUn,'( , IlIne( I CQ[Ilmlttee trom the UnlvehJty or--" Prince Chap:' \\'ritten- by Edward Pcple. 1 And Theil Rairlt'd More WR.�hln!/:ton conferred \\Ith the board :,cal� \\1th a young 'American artist Final Flag Contest .. I -- members regarding the aeel'edltlqg by

��.��� ����:� ��r��n��: I:u����:: At Li.ncoln May 9.i ye:�u::�


I::: SP��lgdo�l� ��:� ��:t�






'girl he left behind awaits his attain� ' ;hose judged as winners In Tacoma I the leak Is but thM there Is I cannot yet be definitely stated , ment of suecess and his return to her I I \\e re sure tor this sprln!! Is ant The !iRme day Charles Altfllll.5t;h the

COri'lPIlCBtlOru; arise. during which th�s�hOOIS of th(' Oag con�est I bel

��11 held .

Prop1e speak�f cool gurgllng architectural engineer \\hO arrived here hero. WIl\\am �yton. adOpts the baby I l�




a�n\he e\':�: I spTln!!! no .... 1 think I know ""herej Monday morning April 22 from Deeor-

daughter of a woman ...... ho at onl' t� g h U I At h i . they !!ot the Idea.....,.llrobably heard and ah lo\\a presented In part his plans . - ' SChool auditorium. Eaell tonteswl,Ilt I , ' h d h I ho ld be London the sweetheart of the ,hero will delh'er an esSay \\'hlch he has Writ_ l l...a�d�cape .and .ArchltHtural I I and getting their new polka dot t e campus an sc 00 s u

senses a peculiar situation exlsLs be- I - bJ t th dlscusst III who WlII' matte plans for tbe P L. In a sudden shower Mr AIUl11l.5t;h a member of the Am-


had been a.

model. Upon her ,,",siting ing of :\fay 9 tn I


e nco n . g : !'11K. CIIARLES


I saw some girls running from the pc16t las to what the tuture development of

CR'use of the ,presence of his young I ten. The. su ecl 0';. e on \\" II C d BaUdl ' . what Is meant by eriean 1l1lltltute of ArChiu.':ture Is an

\\'f,l"d, From th'is pOint" orr the stor)' be� be relative to the one �. In th� prl- amp. an Dr, .

me of !JOft archltectun.l ell(lneer of ren\wned ab· �!! ��_��l1e� �� :a�' �;;ot�:s��� ��r _�� �en� A !-PI -Tu ._ __ _ WIeR J,Uty--....H� recej�_�at �'h!!S',-__ Ill! plot many::7sttuauons II1\'olVlng I � " . r ay . ms, . know "hat tha.t meantl Well anyway, j Unlveral.t, of Iowa, the Carnegie In� se\'cral \'ery excellent character paTU!. : Stars and Stripes-Uncaln High r' . Out BIg Success we haven't !lCen anythlrjg aroun� here I tlUtute of Technology, �d In several of The characters of Runion. a sen'ant of School Band. I __ . that looked soft. unless'I should �efer the larger offices of the east. speetll,Jlz-

' the hero. Phoebe Puckers. a child of , F1ag salute. led by Fay Mace A t CI l'tI b F'( P t I to some heads. and I don't want to get Ing In lrutltutlonal .de�lgn. His work the 'London slums aspiring to a high Star Spangl� Banner":'Uncoln f!!!!h r \v � ttb e� ��� D ill ar 8 pe-rsonal. �Ides. we don't like to ha5 been largely along these UnCI!. per-life. and the three artist friendi' of SChool Band e ; r OU

S ': 0 ars make room for- any reflections. �tt haps the mOl5� famUle.r being that

u:! Peyton's will furnish both IntereSting . Rema�ks on the F1ag I �s

. spring I This Is the hardest one �'e've �u�::;T�I�\�:::I::I�in��

e��ery an

;h:us��� .��I�e���ltIPate 'In the I Se��t


P=1;.r �:� II T:

he? .


-ae��lay� " Ar� h7


t I ��'���d�;!�e��n d:a; �:a

dr�: �::� way .

. His plan of the �. K-n Pre,::��� .

presentation will fill the follo\\1ng nard Dickson and H. F. Weller ou" g ven a ur.

ay n g, . pr · ·to tradlt,lon" are hard, Including .the uRSlum. aceordl�

to r� . n


f ' s

rol('s : . Presentation of essays by !!Irls--- � In'the college audltoJ;1um, was well re- I teaChers'. We evcn heard of the �aste:b�;I�m. �o:��es�l�ter�r :�:

·Wllliam Perton. the hero: Jack Rod- Ruth Burman. Mildred Schaad and celved by a hlT!!e audience. This play boys stl.y the kicking post seat feels ceo y, . n.ey '�rl of Huntington ' : Runion . G('rtrude Davis I was I)�t on b:y the collegl' �rt class un- hard since a certain someone has re- ����:�:�:�e:��v�:;':nr:�t :�c������� '�eyton s S('n-ant ' :. Ballington. Fr. Itz· 1 Medley of Patrlotlt Selectlolls-L. H. S. der the direction of Mrs. Kreldle

. r. The 'I fused. 'also contrary


to tradition) tol er. Campus. Mr. Altfllllseh hRS been at

'I' adder. artist friends of the hero: Band proceeds from It will be applied as part walk down there ·anymore. He �!d she work on tentative plans for a newjdor-Claudia at the age of six. Claudia at Presentation of essays b�' boys---John. payment' on the flew baseball suits said her moth that she heard'l mltory _ which \\'ould house ab;O\lt 100 the age of el(::ht. Claudia at the age of ROZll..nskl. Fred Talbot and John , • . I someone· �y hat people said they bo This building was plarmed so

. elgh�n: Allte Travers. Phoebe PuCk- I Schull!. bought reccntJ)'.. , said wha� t shouldn·t say when they 'th�:' It would finance It:self',,-?ver ,a

('rs. Mrs. Arrington, and lhe Truckman. Address by Reo'. R. H. McGinnis I 'AU the characters were excellently I walked down to the KJck.lng Post. She ' pcrl� of about 18 years throulfi"the • ' I Pre�entatlon. of the awards by the I fitted for their parts. One c�n perhaps i told her mOther they dldn't say any- I lncome of the rooms. In connection

U .. of W. Hears Choir j Judges. Miss Ml"ddiru; and Mr. Guf- l stH! hear the wailing of the Inartlstlc I thing; then her mother said. " That's l wlth their c�pus development he �IIJ S· u 'I . H. II ,I fer I spirits as the artistic ones came to rule worse-people In love never say any- also made sketcbCII for the official mu� Ine at it ean� ;.l ! Lincoln High School band. ' . thing."' I know "mil: people that are seum of the Norwegian American His· ,

In Glarel Sf"rvit'es r . l in the Brown home. going to find It 'ard to hold their I torlcal Aisoclatlon. which hM authorlz---,

'I MRS. KREIDLER GETS i The .lIghting effect was e

��lany I

tongues long enough � Call In love ! ! ed the building to be located on the On Sunday evening. April 14. at six : "\ OFFICE IN GROUP I beautiful and artistic. es� a y SO , ' Luther College campus. In order to ob-

o·clock. the P. L. C. ChOir sang at : -- i when Eln� Tru.lson and ,Anna M��kel� MRS. SOVIG SPEAKS I taln a bul\dlng which wln .be In har·

' Meany Hall, University of Washing_ I At the meeting on April 3rd, ot ·t�e


fon san�. Love s Old S\\eet SOng and AT.D. O. R. MEETING l mony with the service It Is to rend�

tcn. at the Christian Campus Chapel I SOroptomlst Club. Mrs. Kreidler wasl�uanlta. The girls were dressed In -. - . Mr. Altfllll5ch contemplates a trip 100 "

Service before an audience of nearly elected a member of the board of dl- ccstumes of long ago. This together The DaughtA;rs of the Reformation Norway. _ _ t\\'O thousand. This Is the second time rectors.

. . . .. ..... lth the lighting made their appear� were enterta.ln� at the home of MJ1.I. The architectural engineer wUl spend In the cholr's history that the singers SOroptomlst Is '!ilJ*lective group of anee \'ery effedlve. J. O. Edwards 'thursday afte�n. si!vernl days here, on the cam� have had the opportun'lty of appear- \\'on;aen who 'ire In orl Extrn music between acts was fur- The girls erijoyed having Mrs . ..$Ovtk. pus survey, whlch,.has.been nnanud by

:�!! n:


th� ��\�:=m:�t

def��' U:� :�=

tI;���o�,' ��y

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school, but an Inspiration to the stu� any cla.sllifieation Is eU�ble In the same rectl.on of Pro!cssor Edwards,. ' work of our church In China. -- perlence In work of this k:1nd. and from dents group and MrtI Kreidler as Dean of Receipts for the play \\ere thlrty-Uve The rest of the program Included a his study of bulldlng& at VariOWI hultI� 'AfU'r the chapel �ce the choir Women and Miss SUlirud as Teacher doilars of which eveQ'th1ng above ex- violin solo by Da� H&i'Cnesa, ae�

I tutlons. lnclud.1ng PrInceton University,

was enU'rtalned by the lnkwell Club of tnJner were selected to fm these class� penses will go towards paS1ng for the companied by Cora Vista at the plano. Denison University Concordia 8emln-(h, Un"''''!y Lot"'';'" ,h=h The utaU"'; fo, ,:

y of T",oma �d n.w b""batt untro= Althou,h tho a ,�! .0'0 by m,,� HO" Mtad and "",' and a numbo, of �a1I" 'oll ..... __

club president, Martha Hjermstad vicinIty expen�e has not }et been detennlned j a plano solo by AIU\a Aamoc1t (ConUnued on Page Rour) a P 1.. C graduate of "26 ,.;elcomed about fifteen dollars profit Is es:pect.ed A business meeting was held and a � the choir heartily A mort program FAMOUS SPEA: ERS TO self-denla1 oltering was taUn.. Trustee Board and :: �;:


th� ��:f::� , DEBATE IN ORAL. CLASS Graduate on Debate Team I

th!����reshmenta w�re served by Committee Confer

nlshed by the club several. selections APparently deslrlng to demonstrate In a non-d�Won debate between the , . . About Accreditation nre ,giveD ' by an lnstrumen&a! trio. their oratotlcal and' argumentative Univer:sIUes of wLshington and Idaho, R�V. CHRISTENSEN TALKS , Miss Hje.rmstad also gave "i. re.:ad1na". abWtlCII, tw� of the .boys of Mr, Hong's �artha Hj'Umstad, "28, presented the 'AT CHAPEL EXERCIS�S On APrU 23 the accreditation comm1t-The numberS given by the P.·L. C, stu� oral es:pression class, Gerhard Molden main arguinenta!:1ve speech for the Unl- tee of the University of washlnaton..v1s-. 'ilenU! were a vocal solo by, Anna M1k� and Fred Walter. have challenged. two verslty of was�n team, At" ehapel exercises Wednesday, Aprtl lted. Pacific-Lutheran Colleie to COM1d� ulaoo, several· songs by the m.ale octet of lh� c�tes, Olenc1a Waters and ' CALENDAR ' 17, Rev. M.'A, Chitstenaen, of ¥torta, er whethe�,thC JunJm; CoIlqe should and. by the cboI.r, . � cro5by, to � debate. The . Oregon, spoke a few -w:or.da. H� said, be accredited 'by tb2 u'nIrersity. -Ref�� � .erved to the qUe:5t10D selected f� d�te is resolved: AprU 2f-BasebalI gltme with C, p, S. among- other · t.hlnp, that thOUlh we The lheinben of the �I� we�: cbo1r meDl.ben,..a.nd other JUCSta of the That all. mov1ni Pl-eture th�tera, In� at Tacoma. 3:30, may often become � and Dr, Benham for the·EDrlilb !lnd f6,",�

. ' dub. , .. � cJudln&:, .vaud.e�e, � playa, and AprU 28-Baseball �e with Bella.r� W1sh to ret away from respobs1i?II1�, langua&"e departnienta; Dr, RJa for.b1J... The cbo1r appean:d In � lat oon� othe.r � of a reI1I1� na� mine at Palkland, "3�. we should . remember that the oply tory and alUed aubject.a, Dr. creer for MmdIan H1&b��, -rue.da,.: APril tuie,.�� be closed on Supday. 80 AprU' 27-B&Ieb&Il ,&me with Centra11& thin&' worthwhile 111 to IUck_ to ·our history and.econom!CI, • 18, and at the � church in !ar It Is a deep, 'dark mystery u to at Parkland, 3:30. work, Instead ot ahirk1ni "'" abould Th1s � c;ommtttee, 1Ubkb � Sumner, Priclay �. AprU Uf, Pu� wb1ch aide �e eha.llengM aball chooee'lKaJ 2--A re�taUve of the Tubet� dedicate .��te'er ,ood we hayti . � lna� 8poka.De Co1lefe: April lQ •. � , . , ture � "d&j ue DOt yd_ �te. � debate, . '. cuJoIiI LeqUe. will speak In eb&pei Ood:S �oe' , ylslt 8t. M&rt1n's ColleIe. A� K.

� , . . . . . _ ,11 . . ., . it ( , . - " "

� . .

. �AOJ: 2

THI; MOOillN.G MAST.I :-: CherobtL> :-:. ;-; Faculty 1'{ews :-; �:�:���i!I!�!!;::::::. J ' April '24, '\93 , . MPurp me wttb. ·� aDi1 I &ball

. , -:H"�. This hfU .lx'en a dud. Il'ee«. AU we: South Bend, W�lt.on, Stlnday, wh1ttr thaD mow," 'S' OH.r Ma and Pa: . ·Dr. c:" A, nnrelata� preached and M' clean: ' Wub 11M. � I Ib&ll be

had' Il'a.! three choIr concerts, a Pep April 21. . "Oome �. aDd let III reuoa to-

::::;;::::-:::::-::±-:-:-��';;:�-:-.,..�:-::--.--.--'-::-:::::::� I ·CIUb m�tlI18. O. O. R. Soclcty, a Art" Dr. O. A. �n"latad a� Ph. ' E. rother. I&!tb tile Lord: 'IboUIh your, rubi1s.hed every '11l� ',weeb during 'th!! School year' by the SlU�ents o( Pacific Play. a track meet. and a baseball game.' Haule Ilttended a. Re(latrua' m�l1nf 11M be .. IIC&Z'let.,,. ahalI be as

Lutheran COlieire. Parkland. Wuhinl"t(ln. beside, the U$ual clll& m�tlnp. baseJ In Unlverslt)' of !,l.Shlnlton. April 18, wh1t1i ... mow: t.bouIb thI, be red . SubsczipU�n. one donit per ),ellLt. . . ball practll:Oe. pla)'-practlces and dress [

l1 and 18. . l1U crim.Ion, the, ah&11 be .. wool." ;:En::":: ... ::-: .. :-""':-n":,.":,,,,,,�':mo::':'tu:':;.::Ck:::"'_::::''::2.':,�,,:'5.'::&:;'' -"'h':'::_�' ::o,!::"":',,,';" .. :::::. Pv=kl:':'&n-:.�. I re�����.

y. ""'ruch was ga\'e �)' Mrs. s:::��\n��)����:: ::��=nl�� .:� the � ": an"':w �:re: . w�. und� the Act ot March 3. 187t1. Kriedler's art clllM. Il'u�ealled '·Art. � 19 iround. for � two .venea. lbe one Ed1t.or-ln-Ohlef Assoclal.e EdItor

. COllY Editor Make'up Editor Sport Editor BoY's Sports Olrl's Sports OllfanizatiOM

. . 'Where Art Thou" and I wish you could ' Re\'. N. M. Ylvtsalter. ExeeuUv,. Bee- from the . nn,-fim PWIIl arid the _ - Jot!

rec:p�� 9( seen .It .and round .out· ·"'·her:e he 'was �tary of the You.!l' Peop�e" Luther other t� the. � cba�tu of. ·Iaa1ah. _ _ Martrare� Holmberg �nd also whel"(! he wam·t. �n't get League. and Rev. AU. Kraa� or Port- There Ia DO� purer thaD mow ... ·a - � - _ . -Er��a� ��e ����.�o�e;

.e�h��i�.�� I�e

e�n-:� ·


v�.Ia��:14�-:;te�:e!t I:. �n- :::'.:1.. �e:= �e; b��:

"': - - _ - _ - �r:r�n �=: 'Dhot.l" Is a pet eltpresalon of RalrtmY'I' \'entlon. of Ule tteo"rgan1zaUon of th� maD ·tratnc. ' _ _ _ _ . Doroth)' Lehmann looltlng for a bashful basf:ball Player.] Lo"'er Divisions. In Beattie. Thursday' . Since aI.h came intO the world. the

Elna Truhon. Sena Johnson;Ctu-tstine Johnson :O '''''ho did not like to play .ln a apron. It· ,:nd .Frlday. Aprll 18 and 19. e&rth. not man. bu been .euned. Man ��r::.%and_Feature - - .. / - - . Inrebol1l' Bolatad. <nrhafll, M.olden would be 'a ralae lmp�o�. so to ' Or . . and Mni. O. A. nllre�tad . . Mr . ..... pure � \be b1q1mllDl. but. now Chapel Ta� _ .... - _ - _ - _ 8Y!Vla _La�. �Udol� ����� .Ipeak. ILl the B. B. boys hu bloom,ed Victor Elvestrom, Miss Clara Myhre, he bu �e defiled and bu defiled Exctuylges _ John Johnson out hi I:!rand new suits and mllIlon- Rev. All. Kraabel. and Rev. N. M. &l.l eI,Ie. Bu�. we read tht.� onl, • U1e Campu.s Locals . Agnes KlIppe(! tftIlla..r smilea, and Ule aproM hu. been Ylvisaker were entertarn� for dln- pW"'b in beart cIu;a tee God. Nothlna Faculty Neil'l - - ' - , . - . '

Id,. Hlnderlle, Harold JohNlO? len In the k.ltchen for another �n fier a.t Rev. fUld Mrs. M. Lono', home In rllUly can couie to b1m. 81nce our IO� BUSINESS DEPARTMENT re�rs �.more. . . Tacoma, Mond,-)'. April 15. . ' Ia a p!""" of God 'h1mIelf, we belona-. to Eliot Mickelson Carl Anderson �eU. t.o �e back to the p�y, there Miss �Iara Myhre had serdlne Knut- HIm &nd are. In.. helpers, wbIct!, 11 a . CIRCULATION Il;a.s much that could be learned from I son and Ec:Ina Dalsland u her guests (rea't bonor biletowed upon \a. But


Peggy Harvey ��!�f��rt�O:aro��:������ :1�


l�;I�attle over the w�k- '�ed-ln ��:�\��an: :v::;

Gerhard Lane ' George Lane Dignity. :Itls.Q good thing that.w.�lng Prof. Ph. E: Hauge and Mr. Victor iYmbol of purity •. le� UJ Ir.�p our.eIVe.

��;��um \ �1::���allsD7;!1::.


I���'0��d tI�:1 !�r�t;.

m �':

n�a�;e ::��I�� ��n::�:i pUn!. ..

FACULTY ADVISE.. 'wi", h,n! '0< Doro'h, 10 ''''P '10m 0". H.n" ,,,,,o·, 'h,�h " P",nn., 0'. YO> '-""-h-"-"-bo�", 'h' b,,,,,,, ___ ....;.0_. _J'..;S_TU_E_N_--,_

-. ___ .. I',-._J._H_O_N_O_'___ �:e

vt��� �,�: sl�"::a���.he cr�k

�bout RI

:{� Cnarles ' AltfWlsch or Decorah. =� :rro!p.l:t;d

t�:.d�I���;:n l;�:wS�;

THE DORM ORACLE Marie Gardlln was lUPposed' to. be 10"'''. arrived Monday. April 22. He will n the pourlnl rain,? ' . R� In thll ·play. H09.'Wever; thla .,,·as give th,e campu.s a c9mplete survey. . ____ _

A lit'\\' w('('kl\' puper, Ihe Dorm Orud(', puhlisht'd IInti di,o;lrih- not peculiar, 11.3 Red Carlson, has bee� The Boord or Trustees met here at The year's at the ,�g 1I.I�tI by il s smull �Iufr. Iius IIPP{'lclrCd on sail' dlll'iI\ Ihl' lust monlh. beside her corWderabl),. ,"d I SUPJ.iOSl' .the College. Tuesday. April 23. And the day's at the. mpJ!1: � II nil IIppcllrunCl's it is !-(r{)\\'in� biM)lt'r lind Iwl lt'r with cvcn' she had c�ught the renectlon.. · Morning's Ilt seven : I.SSll�'. a�l<l us SOUlI US t'nOll�h 1lI01lt'Y is luken in abo\"{' eXlx'n�s I;� ,_.��nlm· ,

lOOn. 'I �,�.�ah'" "'h',



- 'Daily Dia· ry The hlllslde's dew-pearl�. JlIslI��' It. u press for Ihis 'new pnper wilt t1l1duubtl'tlh- hl' l){JtJot..:hl II ;>;> ... _� The lark', on the wing: aml.l Ilstulled sOlllewll('re in the buildill/ol. . been dragged through a knot.-hole. and Frida,. Aprlld.2 The snall's on the thorn. \\'helher the �loorin� :\lust in t11!S weekh' has fuuntl tl rh·ul.' he worked like a hliSer t.o get tired We are very much concerned over a God's ·In hb heaven-

. or nn nlly hent on dCH')opill/ol tlll('ni for 1Ill' :\foorinl-l :\ll1sl ('uilllol enough to look hll part. Now he Is report that reached u,. s�tlng that the AU', right with the �·orld. �'cl bc as('crtained. \\'e indeNI h(,!pe thlll th(' luller is till' l'Use, I n having a tlerce lime to rest up again as ."8Ih·erton Bunch" dldn't have III trl _R.obeft Browning, l'ither eyenl this pUJ>e.r, with u l iH!l' mure respcd fM Ihe ruit-s of all th,c pro(a thought he had becom�'a =���ct����g �:��=ay� ;:;�ca�; I�=========4

Better PrlnUnl" I-lrllllllllllr unci n('\\"� styl(', will lI�l)huhledly Ilru\"l' II sun

:l'ss. �c:;�;:

a:�I�h� !�����p��d :I: �: "," and requires an I�vesllgatlon SHALL WE HAVE A STANDARD RING? . keep him fit for his P$.rt. · Th I Mon�" Ap�1I U Keystone Printing Co .. I�c. . ' , . Some '?<>YS In Utls school has started er� s muc rejoicing among the

. AtX' �('cnt sludpnl-body .Illechng Ihe queshon uf IIdopti.l�g U a paper ;""hlch they ea.J1a the "Dumb (torm students. The evening study beU ·Maln 3157. 10t heHle A"t"e stllnduf( rll}A" for nil �rudulltlll,.:! dusscs · \\"us hrow,.:!hl up. SlIlce 0 I " I I (1 d 'tell wUl not ring untll- 7:30 after this. TACOMA - �!U

.nls we're '.lIlde(:idl't\ nnd showedjlitllc ir�teresl in the·

'dis�. ai�:�ut.t�e sM:rke�

e:�� :�d ,uc� Taesday; Apr� 16

_______ l'usslon. It wus de<.·ldl'd to lell"C tht' 'lut'sllon unlll til(> sclliurs hud I I I d Lse Soph: Anyone In the library? rl'ceh'cd Iheir�l'illf::s in order Itl see if thb ring shduld 'he sul[sfllc- v ta

uth ngs an gh·l'.I Ill' �


�fS to More: one-"fte(S" and Marie, " Tobaccos, Cigar! and tory to nil us n stnndnrd. . .

. . . q'h'.6m. '"'Th.:.



nb'. ,:m� Wednesday, Aptil 11 . C dl M I P Although up to the prescnt tmlt' the h'l'utiuatlllg classes III • "" " ... Judging from the resJlonse, the boYI an es, agaz .nes, aper�

' lnost schools llIl,:e had individuul rings. Ihe time is nt hum'l when mar .mlatakes In it. hO"·&Ol'-::er. and dldn't seem to enjoy the 'concert g1ven Thoralf L. Pedersen we l'Ollle to sel' Ihe more liberal \'iewpuint of hu\'in� II slandard you knoll', Pl.. If there Ia anythIng I am them by the Pep Club .. rill�, with a seal lhut ('un be u��d us the colle�1- cmblelll . After all. particular abo�t It


�m�r and Thursda,. AprU 18 . ' . 807 Paclflc Avenue

nrc \\'l' gelling rinl-lli so much In n.,'llll'lllbl'r our duss hy or is it spelling. So last wee . I ta es the Or- Anyone attending the dress rehearsal l ,:===T&oo:::::::


&:.:W:U:::h:. =::;:::;

tilt' school we wanl 10 relllcmber? \\"hcthl'r \\'(' heluil" 10 the ... cle In my hllnd and bU$ts Int.o the Of"ArtWhere Art ThOU" wllI88"r� that l , SUlUt' dnss Qr nol. wc urc·ull dussmalt's. I-lraduull's of Ihe sume Editor', oUice all worked up like. a.?d It was well named.

school, and should huve Ihese rings ill COllllllon. sa:s'�'Where's}.our


' a

' �.da,. April 19 . . The Parkland LD:undry Everyone agrees that a stnndnrd ring .should bc udopled. Thl' A . go on,,, he . )' . -. d It seems that MIM Myhre h� a.rath- Wish to announce ,hat 'we are

hardesl ' thing to decide lIpon is the sttlltdurd . The rill�s dlOsen long time ago. er hard time establlahlng the fact that open' lor Blblne:u I,,· til(' '�J St.'llior doss urc nil gold. with J.ulht'r's cnut. of arllls as You�e:'"n tell !>y this answer that the she Is a member of ,the faculty, !lit· sen!. Thl'rl' will Ix' Iwo sizes--girls' und ho\,s'. The seal is stafr.aln·t very strong In English. and Saturda,. April ZO \'l'n' u'pproprillte for II I .UHlCrtllI school tll)d shuuld llIake a vcr\' the trouble Il'lth the a\'erage student Mrs. Kreidler ,has a very original

Economu.e by sending your laun­dry ·t.o u.s. We have the lateat equipment to work with Including the modern lnmer. the ftnt onr urli'stil' ring. . :n:=.

a�h�� �:



he don't ::��a:ar: '�::rn:'t�re�'of

r:�:;�� t.o be Installed In Washington

Ten ,Years' Experience Has Shown the Wisdom

AND Demonstraled Ihe Advantages

OF '

1. Reslri('ted Field 2. Select Membership


1254 McKnight Building. Minneapolis. Minn.

I am glad l .. m not a student like Art If any blundef3 were made. nobody . th!s. I ha\'e found out that my re- In the play .. needed prompting. sources has slowly shrank t.o a mere Sunda,. AprU 21

. pittance. and I · thlnk I oug/lt to let Tennis and swimming were the pre­you know about It at once so that rou dominating sports of the day. ·peggle can send me some more money, Haney' and Agnes Klippen claim the . Your lovtng daughter. title (or being the'lm students to go 'f

CHEROBA swimming In Lake !\panaway. I _____ Morula,. April Z2 SPRING We are ·pleased to have our an:hltect

The air Ia spiced sw�t perfumes, . us, and hope that his trip brings The birds their songs let ring: resulta.



rul so

unds I;:===::::::;======it l l That wondrou.s spring at last Is here The Home of Z Pants Sulb And oh! the .load It brought JETLA�D�#

PALAGRUTf; Of swuhlne, flowers, and h�ts of things 912 Pac. Ave Tacoma, Wash.

I "

We Clean Cleaner Men's Sulls Dry Cleaned altd � 'UO I

" , ..... ,', ... ," , ... ,', ...... " ..... ,', .. ," , .. ," , .. ," , ... , • ..1. • .1 GAS '" OIL


Sales Service Station " Mr. �k1nner. Prop,

Which we so long have sought. Those dandellons and da.tfodlla. '���������������������� TIlat thrush's joyous lay- ' ... itF AU &eem to shout the' gloriou.s fact American 'Plumbing & S�eam Supply, Co.

M�lJwork and Cabinet Shop Sup�es. >

WASHINGTON HARDWARE to. Spalding At�tic Good.

ric Pac1nc Ave. M&fn ". • Taccma. Wash.

That IPrina:. Ia he� to stay. • WholqaJe

And folb rorpt thoee dreary months. Plu'tnbing. Steam and Mill Buppllet . Those d!'-y, that held no ch�r. Ptl(�ne M�in 1707 1908-10 P"Ctci�ic �venue Wb.



e'l elothl'.l

were ,co

ld and l,_ .. , ..... "." .. ;"'"."',, ... , ...... ," , ... ,', .... ," ''''''', .. ,,'" " , .... :" " ,,, ...... ,, ............... ,,, .. "':' ..... ,,,..;,,,, ....... _ ....... . �:w1nter" elves were here . .

Obi 'Prtnc, thou joyou.s. happy Urne. ���������ii������������� Thou',t- cast our g'loom ·aslde, And .fWed . 'our hearts with joy and



With bope, -1lnd, IItrength. and pride. . Warner Quale

� . � C_� ..... � aDIl � 8 ... bI F_ 1leDt.

• Neal· E. ThorRD HaIr � '::.T"..-. IHK ......... , ,Slll

Hadaon lWl

BROOKDALE GROCERY CO, . Gl"OCB:I1s. Plour. Bay. O�\ ;;;;S, BboeI., RuIIba � • . J)ntp. . . Hard...,... PJIIIIlbIDI � PUll .. RI:IOftDc . MADISON lOU4 . p��WAIIB.. :.... �'�. '�

I --/-

I FAl\�OUS ARCHITECT . I . ' I " SMiLI..-SMIUW .. . ARRIVES AT �. �. c,/ AlumnI '

.Nothlill on earth can smU. but ffi:.:l l . !Contimled from Pare One) , .


__ l---Oef1\l rna; flash nnt,:Ptfd , .. fit., bUt

I in nrloull , p&rt.I of the country. ,Mr: On Marth �I • d.�tet. Monlea 1\'h_\ ia .',dlamond-nUh compared to _��I���I���el: �.��� I;::�:(M�I I :��.l:r v:::::' t� Mr. and .

Mrs. lver :: :::1��7::,�:: :h:lr


-.- � l\ .• - �I:".�:�em� :�=Ir.�.to�e':l-:;l

-'-. - . e\�n.the-! c.n�ot .cla:m. It 11 the PH' -.....;:;"."J"II?J!l!��������;'55-�.�""'_ "An:hltetuBl b8.uty," &aId Mr'". Altfll- the Unh�nJty of WU:h1ngton. in con. love wear&, and cheerfulnesa and j01- . � I rt8'ud to the needs of (utun! years. MLM 8ylvla Lal"son, "'28. I.s attending rotfatlve of man; It 1s the color .hleh

� £.....l.0 -� ';/ ...-:...._"A :..,:. _ . ' : ). _ � \ .... �_ . lisch. " fftulU from the plum\na: of th" nectl1in �'Uh the nurteS tralnln, COUI"8e thHf! th�. It. Is .1. IlIht In the ,,·In·

. , .' )--_ . � - ' , , -=-- whol" rathn than planning bulldln, • . wblch ah" bt'pn' at the BH.ttle Oen- dowa ot the tates, but :-h1ch the heart THE\' SAl' THAT . Pete: Old you hear' ·that Bid baa '�paraieIY," With .thll hi mind plans eral Hospital, March 2li

slgnUlee: I� Is at, and waiting. A-Herman Boldt obJecl3 to hulng his t'" tJcmau.m; tor Pacltlc Lutheran Co-lIt'1(e thrOUSh ' . tnce that canno,t smile is like I. ,bud that

name In the paper, Wt 9o'On't put It acu � AI , he next t�'ent)'.rh·e �'ean wlll'be madt' -. - I cannot bl6uom and dries up 'on the

. In. Hennan. , Sii'urd Bje)de: Ye., and ,hun't, abe not only .... '111 tht type' or archJtecture � Stanley Dahl. "'ho attended p, L. C· 1 1taLk.. Laughter 11 day • . and IObrlet)' ,IS

__ . rot P�tt1 curil! decld�, but also the kind and classJ- luj. �mester, and Norris Lanalo, '28, nllhl, and a ,",\Ie is the twUllht tha', The grad" at.hoo! fltld day vn't off . --. fleatlon' or buUdlngs to be conalructed �al1td on the Admiral Watson tor hoe,ro.. gentl)' bet,,'non both-mort! b!-

.... 1th a bIlng, E"en the college studenls ' as the IChool Kro .. ·s "1lI be.COl\lldt�. Alaska, April J7. Stanley .. 111 be em':: wltchll\8 lban either, . enjoyed It n�e-pt those- .. 'ho cut cluse-s. Details or this projt'C� .. ·m be 1.11_: p]oytd by the Kodiak ruherles, at Ko- : . -Henry W�rd Beecher, -- . I . ' noullced arter a complete survey of the dlak hland, . I ' ! ' .

Sprl,ng colds · can be OO16In61 now, grounds hllll been mad�, . _._ Kt'nntt� Bllme, and Ktrmlt Parktr, Ask .tht man who 01li'fLS one. Hermall James Holte, '2ti. a'&ellior at who are'now attending Oalt Junior Col·

. __ .

I ( - WORDS WI: .&LL KNOW . . the. Unlvtrslty or MlnnelOta Mtdical l l�t. in Callfornl_, all! aald to ,be ·the Tht" play caUtd "SOft Shouldt"r'$." Or, 1'1nI1�ta4: .1 brtna- you greeUnp SChool .. as marritd to 'MLu lrent only studtnll in tht Unlttd Statu "Who


g a�: ::·tt7��

h:.��r �� r":, �':f�;�:tta� J�t'a mlstak�. :�:

c� a =�ateF

e:��:��='No��ln.)' to an

d from �

hool e���a�.fUr-

be gll·tn until a future datt". I I (/Mr. Hone: Remember you are


not In wt'S. tt"rri Un!vtrsit)', I __ 'hlBh ac:hool any mont, You &re CO!- , ' . . �IlIlY Han'ey and AglltS Klippen In· I I I�ge students no..... Let me but do my work from day to day , Tile Studen. ts d9 j dJlged In aquatic sporUs at Spanaway \ � i Miss Stlxrud: We-II. walt a mrh�te In field or rore.�, at the dtsk or loom:

lut Sunday "Swim and gtt thin:' _ and I'U lee, Oh, )'No-- . . In roarlnij: market place or tranquil sa".' ,they ha,,'c never l" 'tl")'�)'. � Mr. Haup: In thla aae or· adoleJ' room, j � cence-- Let me but fh,d It In my heart to'say I ,u'.I�Uo


",_nn.':""o"" ,to :�Pdl "(''''I''

' Mr. J;tavl�r: That theory ..... bellevtd Whtn vagrant "'lIhes beckon me IllItray. !

". � <0 ... H '.... rttty yean ...-0. "This Is my ..... ork. my blessing, not my been in Tacoma un-less they ha�e eaten �senUy a car came along and ne I ""II�h J:lrl Klnnesota- Of all ,who live, I am the one by whom aI'

held up his hand ' I .11.111 I Mjrn them II' hunll',j Mr. Edwards: Remem�r thLs Ii to This ..... ork can best be dont, I ·· b .... hleh led to an old and unsafe bridrge l'�II" \ r� nil hlll ll�1I ' Mr. R.anatacl: Whtn I IIvtd baek In doom, .

What s tht matter? po .. ltd tht II" Itl ull h. r"m �'1!'IlIt.: lh�1II sound like an organ. .. And In the right ..... ay:· C�rlyle'. . a.L�'!!!......ia dr-her - - ---- Mrs. Kre-Idler: Oood �Ight, bo)'a!- . · I,;; .......... ;;;;:;;;;;:J __ At that moment McOulnnt5S �. MUSIC HAUNTS HIM Comt on. jJlrls. A IItU,: lun, a IIttlt ralll nlU'd him IllI the count) magbtrate --- A home ..... hereln to d .... ·ell , _________ � ..... gen�a�ly

lt . }'e�U ser Honor ht said : ������



gain K 0 0 A K S Yes It lsi .... 1llI the snapp) Iln�""'er

' Somt worth)' UJetul thing to do, and I1s all nght thtn said Mac IlS Clear "Islon which can se-e Kodak Fini�hing

he l!tC!P� politely out of, the way. � ' i"} 'Tht beaut)' or the gGiiQ and trut got orden to let no traffic through be- ! ) , Th1i 11 I. remarkable photo of two That Is enough tor me. caUJe or tht rotten bridge; but litCl� I p, 1.. C. studtau walk1n&" to the K1ck- uf the

It's you, )'tr Honor. 'Us a Pleasu�'1 1ng Post on .. fOllY day. BII reward 11

right ahead, sir!" - oftertd to an)'O!le who can IdenWl' Brighten up the I�ome with them.. Onl)' t.hIft· ruesae. allowed,

[I' few (Jowers or a nice

Better Kind

co:;r:7c:,; ?':"

a)' �o ..... ..... OUI� you dls- j " II,NT FOR TilE BOSS '

blooming plont. Flowers Dull Student: "By the quesUOIlll he Tht 80M: "Robert. I hope you try to

.... ,ould uk." M\'C! half or what you earn:'· ' - for everybody und c\'Cry-Office Boy: "I don·t gtt that much. thing ,I

Phone Main 14&1 air:' Sea",oru Fl�wer

Shop 11th & Broadw�y

Dr. Ar��!;. Hicks RI!

lcrnenutl�1 lilualc �h"a)"s hauriu I sa�e-:!��:R��E�:IV:a��A��S suIt R��� B���I� A-�e,,:,

r �he-II'l! h"" :lu�e you murder It 9o·jth n belt In tht back and a cuff on �ma, Washington fI..,.t. th

�o�����'; "No. Do you \\'ant a sock ���������������


il ' t . , f rARRLAND GARAGE -j 01" No ,1,

1 , .... mod.

, 1001 Oul or In 'h. ,yo'" , HA��2.N'S ' · I ..... BUTT· _ ER . ... U ..... T. Alfleld Who .... 1lS It thell? Lltll� Mary getting htr fln;t sight of ...

I A_to Repair a peacock, "Look qUick auntie, ont of Walch Repairing a Specially 'I BREAD' r. .... 00. &.lid A�.ne.. your 'chicken:! ·I.s In bloom:' 2ti7 SO, 11th at. I ·

A)c gues:! the }oke bane 011 me (FtdtUty Bldg.) • . . • J. C. Peu.!"SOn said tht a .. edt as thl." egg l!p]atte� . • I G ... .. I •• L.II' Cn •• "======:;====::'


hl::,,::,::ro::n::, =====::;1 "Wha.t l'5�your brother In college?" _ (ApoLo .. Lu to MU'I!eLl HQII�.) � :: Al m

h',,"n baln·


Steinway and other plano., Duo Art Reproduclna- Pianos, VlctrolU and Victor Records, Band and Orch�tra Irutrumenta, Sheet JoIua1c and Music Books, RadJo seta and Acceasorles

..... We Appreciate Your t Brookdale Ccuh' _ "op. In studies he's a ..... ay back," Patronaee , i �Market ' I Young ..... Ut at the leltphone, "But· Rosso's Garage I

i AU meat.ll l���govemm�nt I i �:�;'p�n�

do�:r::�nd ot steak and a�

L. ____ �----.-J M.a.d1Ion IMR2 ImporJers of Nor­",'egian Cod_ Liver

on Cor, Tacoma Avenue &; 11th at. � I MlMlon worker to tramp: "Ha"e you

taken a bath this morning?" Sherman lar& Co. 'Tramp: "No. sir. Is there one miss· .

ing?" . MBeeA RBS'IAURANG(

Open AU Nighl Tacoma. Wash. F'fte DeUYeIl'}' 928-30 Bro&dway

304 Rust Bldg ��; Rhone Mom 449J��







TRY OUR ,ANNEX 13th &:. Commerce

, F , H. Kn1I � HAYDEN,WATSON. FLORISTS Fo�niain Lunches, Soda�, SundaeS

It Par- &0 LooIt; Well. Palrollbe v .... s ..... .. Tacoma

IIlll Pacific Ave, Phone Main Parkland Confectionery & Barber' Shop

0, p, lIUNDTSOff. Prop.-Corner Car Llne ' Telephone Ka1n 5tOO



PARKLAND UGHT. & WArER CO. A Illutual co�pany-Organized 1914 /

I Furni�hH, I.lght an.d POWfl' .to Memben Only . -,Water minimum 60c .per·ino�th Includtoc 10� cu. It. water I Water !umlotied \0 P. L. C.

BOOON OPTIOO CO. For further info�.'ion .f.� 10 " , . ' I ... _-, ' . E. B" ELLINGSON. �gr, " . ��� __ �� __________ --------______ � L" __ �� ___ -�, __ � __ �IG_I��" L�� __ --�----,---------------______ ..1 ./.


· .or

rn 1 m ;Lu.heran Friend. I M d S Wonderful Speaker Churrk <A,lnoull<t",ml, c:au r1J' J , ., I ...... Promise Help For 1 _ o<?rya wen Discovered, ill 'Cla�� MOnday-April 22,-11:00 p. m.-Th�',

"�ter. Peter . .... ·c ... ·c been I�l"'kl�· Om elopmcot Plan I Wen mating our bo'ili &6.ln to so- Mc�bers of Pr?feillor Hong.'. Ort,1 Mell"S Ciub mHlA' ln .Qhu�h Parlors 1 hope we hlle! . I -- cle\y .fter .. sojourn to the �ulh Sea Expression c1u.s .... 'ere riry much sur- Rev. M. l4oI\o of Our Bavlor I LUlhc�1I Who ... ·ould 1bl)' h:l\'c.thourht It. As B rtsult of the ",-ork O! �. TIlliel-. Islands during the Mliny wcather. All prlK«t to dLM:o\'cr that th� had as Church of Tacoma Is the speaker. AU l"d Uke to kno'ili"! . stad .nd� Rc\'. Bogstad. new l\lcmbc.n polite �plc mould make .. rtlum slgn f.mous .. pe.rson"!n their midst u the are 11l\'lt«l. One of our ;1 hlghb' est��kt .�.,-e been adde;d to \.he Pacine Luth· of reaJ8nltlon. . A.mod\., of I Wednesday, Aprtt 24, 4:00 p. m.-Thl' .st'����;'�e! An' .... h.t m.y �ur dt'ar ,;ran. College Dtvt!opme�t Associ.tlon, Do )'01.1 know .. �'e know? That·, �::�I�I�

d�er wonderfUl .. peaklne! Confirm.Uon Clus meets: 1:30 I)· m 'Chool � comln' to?

....' . Dr. Tinge�uld I)resented

�e associ.· Good: ."e don't know It. ' .blllty, she held the cllWl S�lIbound. I Mld" .. tet. Devo,tlonal HOUf.

What's ttlat? oft. you "'anta tnow �IOl) plan to Re,·. RlUtad 5 co�· -0- ' Sech ta'lent cannot be Idt obseUrM, . Thursd.y. April 25. 7:4.5 p. m. Choir



"'&3 a th;nkln, : ��I�a;


a U:S�:��;�t: ��:. jl!��:'';�'� t;;,c�e�e a;:rn::� �:�':��se:��:)�,����::� Mlss ::.ea�1. Mrs� Ph. E. Hauge: Dl


Jhllt you'd surely comprehended ... hatl )ll:u� 10 Rev,·s corig�- that ate slung around the da� room. "l..A�lrs and OeHtlemen: 1 am lurely Frlday� A))rl1 26, 7:00 )), ",.-The Boy . our tribulations concern. ' ! tlon In Seattle. " --0- , . happ)' to Introduce the next ·.peaker on Scouts mett. ' . W�ll. .�""'·a)', 11'$ Jw;t thls-nollo' hold Encouraging rn�lts h.,'C c:ome trom A BretOn and )'Cllow my .. tery hl!S been our program, namely the Honorablt Saturday. A\�rll 21, 9:�0 a, m Sat. on. ·e,·en·one. 'because 11'5 sure ... to be a ; tht talt. Or, Bot. p�dent of S.t. Olaf m):stlfylllll lhe myst.e.ry·lovlng )'OUng· Lady Aamodt ot Onion. Lady Aamodt utdiy SChool and ConfinnaUon CII..$$: �hc:t If you don't .I�ady kno",·. College. "TOte a.n encouraging letter siers lhe last couple of day.'. Said PUll:' has attained ' .. 'Orld ""Ide dletlneUon � 10:30 a. 'm, Junior �heanal. Wh,·, sUn.", in the biggest scandal and sent his second costrtbutlon to ue is a beautifUl boUq�et of da((odl� ;'The F4'flcleno)' senator of the west. ! Sund.y, April 28, 10:00. a. m. Or.ded v,'e','e h.d for and )un. . I thl'. de'�lopmenl. Dr. J. A .. Aa.sgaard. se.t on a sheU with .a background o� 'She ",'III speak to us thls .flemoon 0111 Sunday SChool .nd Bible Clasa: 11:00 1'0"" do }'Ou, rnollo'? Oh mt,.,6h m)'! presldellt of the Nor�gI.n Lulheran eleIllretON. Th.nk lOU. Jraelou. do "Putting Efficiency Inlo the 01 I ' Be I ' 3'00 JUIl-If thl.s ain't the dumbest bunch l'\'e Church of America . • bo 'IIiTOte .n�. . . Capllol. "Lady Aamodt hal . taken �he :� m�.�en�nte��l� �y ;;,::; Lar. e\'er -seen! . coll",glng leiter &,nd joined the· a519' -0- InIUI\lh'C In eight long n�ed rt:tonM, ' . .

Well. t� be brief. 1\ certAin pin ""&$ CI"tlo�. One pastor. In Iowa \'Oluntir- And then _�iie '=.In a.long .,..It� a t"';' of ...... hlch .1 shall brl�rty state to .liOn. __ . __ _

fCHnd a short time .ngo In the girl's i I!r promised to get 100 new mem�. grand rus� for COler. '!ennis $C!t!"', to you: The first Is thllt or, el!mln&tlni A

> AI�o, 1\5 a result of Dr. TIngebtad's be thriving by spurts, . IInlOklng In Ihe cailitol by placing .u Four Years go . . . . No"" ain't that the limit' 'We 1'endlnll the, February isIIue of the Bul. r/ . -0- the cuspidors on the front steps and ' - .

"OUld�'1 ha\'e �n so s'prl� If'it had , letln to thc putors ot the Nor ..... e&!an ( Just sill: more weeks. Ylpplll Hoo· �ulrlng' all the �lUltors to lhrow "All on account of Polly" �·as the !"been. say Rcd'� or Carrs. or lots o( Luther.m Chu.rch. these pMtors either ,ray! and othtr exclamations of joy. their cigars .nd Clg.�ttes into the� .senior pi.y chosen by the c1a&S of '25.

) J J; hers-bUI graelou�! Thl' initials on jclned lhem.seh'el; or ·.sent nAmes or Good by .nd � before enterini the building. The see· Mr . • nd MTI. H.uie, dlreclors o( the It lIo'ere " P. P." .nd he had to admit II members of their congregation. . ' ' . lind Is that reform In ..... hlch the .sena· play and claM 'l!dvtsOrs. cho6e the tOI-\l'as hls� As a rtl\ult of the � .. ork'f.t the as· . . tors are required 10 ..... e.r bedroom sllp- IOllo1ng to take p.rt: Burton Kreidler. Well: f>(>te-, m�' lad. t'm thlnkln' tha� oo:latlon. Charle5 AlttlUlsc:h".� archl· �g'reeablelless )Jers In their oUlcts at the eapltAl. In Oeorge Cooper. Sidney OIasIiO. Birier h.d It bt'en 1 lhe pm \lould ha\e gone t('Ct from the East ,,111 �me on April __ .order 10 sa,e the furniture from be- Nelson" Lrman Carlson Palma Helm. unclaimed for melhlnk.� lis better to 2Z to SUf\� Ihe CoHege campus He IlIg .scratched when the)' put their dahl Ruth Bull Stella SamueiSEln hnH! dl�lllh-"hnteer thC' cost I ",as the archlt('Ct \lho drt\.. up the The Urst thing }ou ';I;ant to do IIohen ffilt on the tablell This saves many S d Pal •

pilln.� for tht C K PrI'US gJr'hnaslum preparing tor . motor trip I� to take a gallo IS of varnish e,ery lear }I't IIoho Martha HjelTl'LSt�J Esther y 0.... -

IT 1:0."" T Till: " OKLO-IT � \ OU at Lutller College n building "'hlch III certain motto polish It up • lillie .nd but �d) Aamodt v.ould h .... e thought rna Langlo Am01

ttc Day Ruth Rlve-\ou sa� the "orid Is gloom) considered the &11ost be.utlful of Its Ilut It right ",here lOU can find It .... htn of such a simple remedy? I take great ness and Luetle �nth Dorothy Or-

The skies arc grim .nd grn) k.lnd In the M�'s.�illPI \alley � I 'ou need It Not .... heD lOU "Int it, p:C8.lIure In presenting to lOU Lady d.t and Olga Ellingson wtte selec� The- miht hl\li lost lu qUlct- Ol'f1nUl' piaN 'hl,e tJeton u to but .... hen )OU need It' because youll Aamodt EUlcll'ney Stnator or the I'" take the chlldreru parts

You fear the coming d.}" thl' .... ork ot Ihe [)ot\elopmenl A.'\so· n('('(l II lots of times IIohen lOU dont W t 1 --Thl' ...... orld is lIo'hat you Inake It. elation in the tuture. On Aprll,It Dr.I' .... ·nnt It. That motto Is: "Be Agreeable." ��ur chalrm.n, !l.lIp Bolstad, was April 30 a music recital ..... as jf.ven, by

• The sky is gray or blue TlIlgelstad I� \0 pN;'sent the plan to I�e Agrt'C.bleness � one o[ the m05t qulte'rlght In saying that I ""11..'1 putting I the pupils of Miss Vangie Loeffler, ,10-, Just as your soul may pnllll it CdilgT'{"gllllollll In Raymond and South ,'.llIable "Irwes roo can h.,·:, torth m)' utm05t efforta to put eWcl- lin. Mrs, Ph. E. H.uge. "olce. and Mls.!'i

It isn't the world, It'� rou! Bend. and Ihe following Sunday W this. qu.llt}· ,,1th you. and youll be In ency Into pracUce at the ea\lllot. 0 or- Llllla� Lund, '\llano. :!he (ollowlng • ""', Ihe congrl'gallons near Stanwood. On demnnd, (or people e"erywhere are Thc�e two reforms ere the most dlftl. took pnrt: Lilli an r-. Solvelg Rynnlng.

CIl'ar liP thl' clolldl'd \·Islon. )

.-,prll 21 Mr. Hauge will p�sent the looking tor the agreeable person. But cult to put through, and I would never Anga Dale. Ha�ry Sannerud. Irene Clean out the foggy mind; Dcl'elopmelit 1)I.n to ReI', Halwlk's If rou do not Intend taking I� with have succeeded had It not been (or my Dahl, Oladys .ThomlUl. Ted Lundeen.

The clouds arc al"'ays pa .... <;lng. ......... congregation!; In E\'erctt, yOIl, >'011 had better stay at .home. mnnelous ability lUI ah orator, tor I I ,Pnlm. Helmdahl, Nettle Larson, and And each Is s.Ih·er UnOO.- Now. when rou ha"e thls packed �I>eak ""lth1he eloquence ot Cicero .nd l:Slgne Hjermstad,

Thl' world is ,,'hat you lIlake 11_ HONOR ROLL FOR QUARTER awn.y. you can .back out ·your twelve� the forcefulness bf C.e&ar, which I ; . . --�en l�e It bright and true , -.- '" cyclillder omnibus. get set. and "'elgh In Professor Honl'l Oral Ex. ' At a meeting o( the MlMlon Society I And "he �06 sa) Its gloomy 23 Make flonon: '7 A�.OR the Dls,lIcth'e nnchor. prtMIon clus many ):ears ago at P. L Henry Klel spoke on "David Living·

! __ t the �orld Its �ou' Ust You 1I.rt' no"" u�der wa)'. �ettlng a C. I ",111 tell you of a fe"" reforms 01'


stone," A plano IiOlo by Constance ..... . bright .nd earl}, start . . IIohl1;e the which I am dlilgently ""orklng-:'an� Birtland and \\ reading by Mabel her-I -." The hono roll for the last quarter is neighbors a� stili In bed. before the which I will soon present to Coniresa. �n completed Ihe program, DAHL GROCERY CO. I as follows: Anna Aamodt, Inez Arneson. milkman arrives ""Ith the monthly bill. The first of' these 110'.1 brough't to-my . , , General Me�handlse t lngeborg Bolstad. Martha Cline, Marie and theft' Is no tr.utc, so" that )·ou attention br the publ!C .sentiment reo "If Caesar IIh9uld be alive today. I GardUn. Lelah ? Christine John- can "step on It" and · see If lIhe .. 111 gardlng the' number ot houf3 a ,day "'hal ""ould he do?"

I Phon

�=y ::��=klan{l. son. Mae K<'ith. Gerhard

�Iolden. Irene make that fifty miles an ho�r as eAll1ly spent by the Senatorl . • t th'elr work, "Nothing. MU&50ilnl would have him

-:. I ���e�ea:'�t!:e�:�


n�:��:�:� �o�� . �; t��U:es:f��al�oSht��Ou��B�r 1 have dev� a plan. !y w�eh �he




.� Ooplerud. Kurm. Hoff. Elvera Hoken· maChinery' In which you have If\\·�ted :�����h�;1I0f;;��� .�h:::ual �'ar�; .

I Slad. and Elmer T\'eter, o( the College more than you should I . .she does. and /f-------.. .., Department: Ida Hlndt'rlie. COnrad It is eas)' to be agreeable wheD things hour. SQ th�t It will appe.r 10 lhe p'ubllel .., Kirchoff, Ed",'.rd Llverton. Gertrude Ire going �moothIY. But then )·ou that they are Just .rrlvlng .fter lunoh BUCKLEY.�G CO,. J o·h n s o n-C o x Sydow. ·Alr Jacobson. Edgar Larson. and "'ant' to look tor-the unexpecled, for or after doing some elTllnd. The see· i Pauline Larson, of Ihe High School de· tha,t Is �ally 'wh.l you tra,'el for. and ond is the pr�1 lht.� the Speaker

, Company . I =l:;e.�� .. , ::::�udents had .n al·U· "'hate,'er happens, II. joke out :��!� !�� t��:r

ta�= �:h I�V� Funeral DireclOI'S

Bucklc)·.King FUllcral Church

. 'l:lcoma Ave., at SO. �t • I � d�tlnetlve h�nor roll. those ha\,· O( ���= "�e a�7baubr

l:�� geU: out Of off the platform In' order not �'�waken 11.!�0 grade below "B". is composed .ot kilter �nd fals. to �uskatehltate. or the ��u

s:e:)��:h s;n:���s��;o�as

�=:": the following: Gerhard Molden. Irene doojlggtr In the thingamabob (.ILs to the mm'ement to equip all the Senatons j More. Udelle Winney. John Gopll'rud. catch on the hlcky in the whatcha· I 1 KUI'l:!�r. Conr:nd Kirchoff . • nd E:(,I. macallit. or the gas has too much ""aler :I�:e ::�t :�:

t;;.IlS: �:;e

t e:l� :� \

gar . _____ In It. so that spontaneous combustion quickly. thereby savini much time go. 1 _________ •101'

M, 622

( "", spuialiu in) S�h()(}/�'Pr;"fi"g . is Imp06Slbte, or somelhlng goes wrolli, Ing up to make\thc:lr speeches. Thls I so th.t >'ou Ila"e to stay over night In ",111 eliminate the\,.use of the lItalrwayl .--___ -,-__ ..,.-__ -, the tas,t ,· of Brookdale. ""hen you eomplelely . • nd ",111 necessitate Ine:lnes ""anted to reach • certain staid metro- which ..... 111 be CQvered ..... Ith noise pre. Its Our Buaine88 To Serve

Remember 'Her • With

Brown & Haley

'polls only a short distance futher, ventlves. These are the refornu why, "laugh. clo ..... n. laugh!" _Not 50 which "'ill soon be brouiht before COn • �hal you Jook,as thooih It hurt )'our gfess: and ""hlch I feel confident will IChool·glrl complexion. but let It come be pas&ed. J hope to have another naturally, and It will be a wondertul chance to liipe� to you ai.ln on my

::�::� r:'::r

y;���r� ���.���� ",'ork .t the' capitOl." \

dnd Sen'e Efficiently

That'l whv we .re here. for your convenience and we want you to feel free 'to use our facilities in ever)' and any manner. We develop and print your kod.k films. for taxle cabs, That's It! "Be agree- TENNIS SEASON OPEN{ .b

�"lhls. Then n�_matter what hap. AND TO.URNEY TO START · Parkland Mercantile Co.

;;====="""""''''"'''''''''''''''''==''''''''''''''' .... '''''''''''''''''''''-''' I = �a:! =:�:� �:t �;:W;al� no�:n�:� == !,:C!�� e:: '-:;;;;::;;;;;;;.:;;;;�=� . LEHMANS PUMPKIN ' SHELL to happen, YOu1� have . hilarloIU tlme. of the lime. Players are 11gn1ng: tor the fiji . • ' of more value to th� party than annual tournament' which will be held � your C?'1'Umptive twelve·lunger that. ls aoon. a�d which wW Include ilrls' and

. .. _._ .... ...•. � F.O �UNTA�. LUNCH delinquent in mo� ways than one. boy.' singles and doubles, and mixed

_� _ .... = � The 'one and only pana� to ta�e double;ll. The tennls committee ha', �����==�=�=�=========M�e�laJOIli on a motor trip Is the motto: poeted the roliowln& tlme schedule:

' Lee

t' . "Be �Ie!" 01rla: Monday •. WednesdaYI and FTt-fill· , . 1 1 1;:::==================�' 1 �":i�-::y:-and Thundays. 3:30 The, Store

For Men and Boys

. pa��:�� ... e. California Florists �/J�turd.J_a11 day.

" . , , � Ca&-r..wu.. PoUed PIaD'.. EYery day-unUI 5:15 a, m .. 8·7:30 p. 1111� � 8t.

soCIETY BRAND C�BES 11111 P&c:Itle Aft, Tacoma _m._;_I2_',...._-'-l_p._m_._.:-::-:_=-=-=-=-':::--=-=-��==�==�===�

"WiltoD .and .R::e\tth -buebau. and Ihoea ' Wright &: DiUoD and Ban.c'oft teDni' racqu�firiHt made R&cqueta reatniDI' u '(OOd .. new at,'

AImC7 Tbe CJeoera.I Plreprooftna: Co. P'11IDi ALIBI'EEL �u1pment



/ ,r. ,F, Vioell cO!Dpany

PboIle. Ma1n 2I'l0 lI0II% PSclftc Aft, ' � WaablDct4D IIOOK.SELl..D8--8TCnoMUJI TACOMA GRO\::.ERY CO.

",- .

�, ' 1



La,stP.L.C. Choir' ' jSoliciti';g Plans For '

' \ ' , '__ . -Great VarielY of

. IPlal1s For Services Concert Tour Set Summer t.o Canvas ' . _ ,,-_baIl .. me .lIh SlAdlum Fun Offere� at .


" , -Of Graduates Are F 1'h. W k d I " East For Membe� H,lih " P''''lan�, .. ' 0',10<., AU.School PICDlC

, B ·

, Fi . hed

, or � ee en

� EncourQgtment In regard to the ri.L



.C' Choir ,linS' at Silver- The annual '6tudent.--Alumni picnIc j , . elng - nls .

Oregon and Washington Cities i \'eiopmenl Assoc:iatJon I.s being gladly 1 � 25-�. L.' C. Choir sings at Puget ...... 111 be" held thla year at Spanaway r Ludwig, Lono. and Tingelatad .

hAre Included in Itinery ; Sing- I rt'eeh'e-d at the college. The m�n (Island. . Park. June' I. from 2:00 to. 8:30 p. m, l


Take Part in rrogtam of ) I I ers to Be Assisted by. Violin , hundred mark in membership has DeeR \ M8Y 26-P. L. C. Cholr COncert In Port- All students. teachers, alumni, and their I Graduation a':lcf �ctalaur- . , and Vot'al Groups. 'I Passed and there Is every reason to be- la����;r�':no:::=on of the .�lflc friends are Invited. eate· C.erem�nif8 -The �cUlc Luthenln ,?<>Uege Choir ���;e �h;:

a��� g:

l ��y �0

�housand May 28--CompUme'ntary Choir. concert During the afternoon the time will Re\". M1lr.kel LOno, pa.s�r of OUT ",;11 leave Friday mornlng. May 24. on r Several of those duect'iv I�te'rested

at Fiut Lutheran Church in. T-acoma. be spent at Swimming. canoeing,· boat· 6&\'lor's Lutheran Church In Taooma. the 'last extended .concert tour of the \ In the B.SSOCl,Btlon work aY: going UlSI I June .1-Alumnl·Student Plcnl� at

l ing. playing base, ball. and other sports. "'ill pre;ch the sermon at the bacca· . Spanaway park from 2:00 to 8:00 p. .

season. That evening they !"'III slng In u.pon In\'ltatlon In June anO! July to m. SenJor Glas5 play. "The . PHnce I Al ,5:00 p. m. lum::h will be served at laureate services fo. �. held this yeaf

SIl\'erton, Oregon. aI S·p. m. solicit more,membeu. " . 1 ,Chap," S:OO p. m. ' . fifty cents a plate.. In Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday Saturday e\"l:'nlng a concert .",.111 be �:r

l�:�; ���e���a���

t �;;�}on

T��sd;� June 2--Bacca.laurea,te . services ' In :ollo\'lng the lunch, the annual bw;- evening. June 2. al\s:oo o·clock. Rev. glv�n on Puget Islar.d, and 'from there range for and tak\ care of a de\.elop-j Tr

inity Lutheran Ch�ch, Parklanl) .Iness meetlng of the Alumni will tak� Lono Is Qne of the ne.we.t ��111 of T,�""'--' the chOir .",;11 -go to Portland to take ment association booth to be held at at S :OO p. m. place. when .0rticel1l for the coming Clllma, having come from Maddock. N,

... part In the PAcific District Convention. the district meeting of the Young June 4--Class Day prOiI"am at 1:30 p, year will be ejected. D., last summer.

. ,

They .will sing at SUnda,Y morning ser· Pt'O, ple'$ Lut�er League. • , I J'u�� 5--Commencement ExerciseS' �t Alumni and friends expectlng to at- Class Day exercises, on J, une ,. will

viceS In Rh. Thorsoo's chureh, In the . 8'00 p m tend !.he outlng . are asked to send a begin with the Ivy planting ceremony afternoon a concert ",1.11 be given In the Architect Gives . . . ,

card to the Mooring Mast, In order that at 1:30 p. m .. and will continue with ' , saml.' church at three o'clock. . I P . ,. 'R t , II fRESHIES DETECT the committee In charge ·may mo the program In the COII�, auditorium A< eolonlal Hall. In Lon""" ., "''' l:Omlsmg epor s ' I .ll! final concert of the tour will take plac� 1\ __ '

. SENIORS' SNEAK easily make arrang ents. at 8:00 p. m, At this time, the new

at 8 p. m. . �I +hree Imp�rtant Objectives Out- ' -- .. , h . , Ch ' names that wllI.apPear on the Lambda

The ChOir will be ass, Isted In these r d ' PI . f I ""I wanna go where you go.. 1 T e Prmce . ap Chi loving cups \!o111 be announoed, concerts by Dagmar Hageness,""Vloli[Ust. me

AI:rillis:: 0 I ""00 what you do" sang the freshman . ' Wednesday evening, June 5, at 8:00 and by Anna Mlkltelsen, soprano, ac- __ i : as th��' raced after the seniors, up and r ,To Be Presented o'clock the pre6ldent'8 reception for companied by Cora Vista at the plano. Charles Altfl11lsch. archltec/tral en- I do ....

. n the halls on Tuesday evening, , __ the graduates, their relatives and �Da Mlkkel.seh and Ardy Edwards ",1.11 glnrer, or Decorah, Io",'&", who spent al,. , . F

or w�ks the freshman had been Plenty of Amusement Is Promis- ,friends, and the peraonnel of the school sing the solos of the choir n�fli. mo:st a week at PAcUlc Lutheran Col. i y,atchlng the �aduates f� clues con, ed to Spectators at will be held in the COllege dining hall. The choir will.APpear in full con. lege during the latter part of April.

I cernlnjt senior sneak day. , or courae I Senior Play At· the Commencement excrc1aes wblch


�t �':t:�:e:n�

n a;

a; �nO:PI���:



I��� �:� . �:� 7on

:flia h,�!::


. t�: �=, = The four-act Play) "The 'Prlnce � �t



o!�: ���:;

p. m .. when a complimentary concert velopr.1 ent of Pacific Lutheran COllege. ) that was obviously a' trick to Pyt others Chap." to be presented ' by .the grad. Rev. L. Ludwig. of, Portland. preatdent will be gh'en at the First Lutheran Aceordlng 12 Mr. AltfJlIIsche's report I of fth� trail. . .

uaUng classes of ' 1929 from P. L . .c .. of the Northwest Dlstrlct of the Joint church. 6th and I streets. there are three Important objectives to I Wh) did they hold class m.eetlngs .. Synod of Ohio, will deliver the Com·

be' achieved during the coming year: l e,very day' and guard their ""'Indows so promises to, furnish man.y thrills, and. mencement add.res.s. Doctor TIngelstad Ad"'isors Entertain First, the extension of the campus on carefully? Why did. Marvin Howlck. a whole evenlng's entertainment for will present the diplomas to the 42

• . all $Ides. to allo"" for thl:' expansion he buy l!. big package of buns it It w8.S!l·t I the spectators on Saturday evening, graduates. Graduating Class em'lslons; second, the building of a for ""sneak day""? Furthermore, on j June 1, a,t thll P. L, C. audl�rlum. Ed· . . At Evening Party modern home ror the president on this Tuesday e\'enlng, the library ""'as. closed ward Peplei author of ""The Prince A M d • __ enlarged. campus; third, equipping the at nine o·clock. Marie �nd IJlllan went Chap," will 'be remembered by man; nnouncement a e

The facuity advisors of the graduat· remaining space In the basement of to a ��rty "'1, tpout· telling any of the las author of "A Broken Rosa.,rt." an· or Eng




eDt at :�g t��a=��.



nnedr�: J!:�

d::� :::a��:�::�um for biology and PhrSIe.5 i :�

I:� y


reK��:rngW�t ��h


ot��e :!�:�"�f ��a:'

csat are all well Clever Little Party nesday evening, May 15. Additional campus space to the sautb

I Lelah cO\lldn't pos:dbly.flnd time to go fitted for their roles, and are worldng. At a gathering of a few c106e"'frlends

The evening was spent In playing would make It possible to relocate the' to the<�mpkln ShJ!ll. T��re could � hard, unfler the coaching Of StlX· at the home 01 Mi6s Thelma �nny, In various games and gues.slng .contests, athletic field betw


ecn the creek anti 1 no doubt. Th� must be sneak dayl I rud, to get. In sfu!.pe (or the final dis- ,Parkland, Tuesday evenlnl(, M4Y 14, the

thus giving several members the prlvi· the golf links. where there would be .. Clrcum$tantial evidence �n not 1101- 1 play a week from Saturday. Rudolph engagement of MIM Fenny 'to�lf

lege to sho"" their outstanding mental I plenty of room for a more suitable "'ays be relied upon, however, The I Sanderson and Eliot Mlc�elson plilY KlipPen wsa announced. Mr. itUpPen abilities. Those ",inning prizes \!o'ere gridiron and baseball diamond. Ad� seniors had. had no thought .of sneak· oppooslte as tt)e leading characters.- attended p, t. C, In 1928. I Gerhard Lane. Dagmar Hageness EV.jdltlonal property to the north and east l

ing OlLt on Tuesday night. but now that Rudy, as William Peyton an American I { ans Carlson. Peter Flott and �lIlan would furnish adequate room for what. e\'ery one was expecting them to do so, . artist, aOd Eliot � ClaucHa an adopted

The announcl!ment wsa made whl e

Anderson. � _ '

ever additional buildings are neces- the� decided to stage a fake sneak and i daUght�r of WIl\&m pe",.ton. Elna �:IC��: ;�::tIJ;a:a;:�he

wt:I�' .


t�: :�����es��:

r Sh:�:;





t�ee ��:��:::� ha��e

$Q�:���:n girls congregated In I ::��e�o

asl�!: :���' ::e

:e: ���� centerpiece ot pink .tullpl!, tall pink til· �

shol\'. ",:hlch revealed metamorphlc tal- !I;ugge$ls shOuld provld� 'not only all one room to discuss the matter, w.hlle j causes complications to arise over th� I per candles, place card!. a.nd nut cupa . . ent of a high order heretofore un· the con'venlences of a modern res!. the four, girls who were expected to adoption of lIt�le Claudia, repre&ented :��ec�:e;�:a::te

atrl�:�PI:,te:; . known. dence but also such accommodations sneak, Elna. Lelah. Ingeborg and by Mildred Knudtson and VIrginia ' . ."

Delightful refreshments were served, I as the pre$ldent m.ay require In the! 8nooklel discussed their plans In an, II Davis In the �Irsi thr'ee acts, When :��:;I� !�e t�b��an

:�� t�':;u:� after which Walter French expressed I tasks and duties which he mw;t per· I other. . Alice Traver$ visits London • . conruct lied th rlbbo th f d th the appreciation of the gradutes. form for after al'ltlile president hls A rush In the hallway. followed by a arises In the" plo!"and trouble �. p� ese ns, ey oun I'

The faculty ad\'!son are Mr. Ph. faml;v and hill hom' 8fe the sc�ool's I click. at the door, told the four gir16 Marvin Howlck a� Runlon the � name of the engapd couple wrl�ten Hauge and Miss Lydia Stlxrud. �onor I lmmed'late contacts ",1th the outside I that they had been locked in their sen'ant. and �gm8.r H�enesa I sa upon dlllTond r.1og·shaped card8. gut'Sts at the reception were Mns. world. room. After Jlgglln� and working the Phoebe Puckeu. a child of the �don The �C8ts were Misses Francell and Hauge and Mrs. Kreidler. I Mr. AltfllJlSth praises hI'ghly the door. It was found � be unlocked but slums of,fer exceptionally Beatrice Johnaon, o( Tacoma: Agnell

present chemical laboratory and urges firmly held by th� freshman girls on acter parts, The part of ' Mn. AX. Klippen, Peggy Harv�y •. Thora,. and

EDNA DA.GSLAND ELECTED that physics and biology . laboratories (Continued on Page Three) rington. tt.e mother of �udia. 1s .taken Bertha)"elson, Inga Elling5on. _Marie

PRESIDENT OF D 0 R I be established In the remalnJng space ' . by Mae Wohimacher. Jack Rodney. the OardlJn. Irene .Dahl. Dorothy ,Lehmann -'-� • • • In the in'ffin� ba.sement. Th1s More Graduates Earl ' of Huntlngton:- played. by Lyell and,UlIIan Anderson.

The D8ughters of the Reformation "\Io'ould take care of the nteds of the ' 8 ' . P . . I Kreldled'\s a special.. friend of Peyton,

""ere entertained by Mrs. Stuen and school untl.l a pe anent bull"ding can eeure O�ltl.OnS Peter Flott, a.s FrItz: Gerhard Lane, OF�CE� ELECTED FOR ' ._

Mu. Hauge. at the home ot Mrs, Hauge. be provided. . For Commg Yea� 1 M B,al�lngton .• and Evana Carlson. � BOYS DORMI.TO,RY UNION on Wednesday afternoon, May S. The architect Is at present wOfld�g I -- Yadder-three artist frlends of WUllam . peclal meeO . of the Do !' The program consllSted of read1np on a diagram showing Yl detllll thl:' so- Since 'the lut Issue of· the Mooring Peyton-furnish a whole carload of At a IJ



ys by COra ,vl.!ita ani .Lelah Grass, ' a .focal' called unit plan ot conatruction whlch Masl, several more Normal graduates laughter and thrllJ.a;. Raymond Hof!

Dormitory Vn1�n;held on Monday. Jlay solo by Theola Anderson, and a plano he deems particularly adapted ' to the have been secured jXII51Uona sa teachers as the trucJunan completes the llst of 13. the offiOO1l. which

laerv� � thU

solo by A� Aamodt. ' ... needs of this' school �ing both econ. tor next year, and many others eXp!Ct characters. . councl� .members, were e ect or e As this ·wu the la5t meeting of the omlcai u to consttucUon and favor. to sign cont.racts withln a few days. , Muaic will be fumlahed between acts coming year, 19251-183O .

. year. Edna Oagsland was �Iec:ted pres!. able for efficient administration. Ea. 1ngebol'i�tad will teach at the by the college orcheJJtra. . They' were sa folloWII:

dent of the organIzation to� next year. thetlcaJly, he belIeves It would lend It. Tanner InterDuidlate school, near Kent. The seniors are ,offering a pen.n&Dt PresIdent. P'nd Lee; vice preSlden.t, . : ' , &elf �. a .plcturesque grotIlIina: and Ladelle Winney h.aIJ accepted .. �; to the w:hlCb .ella the mc»t Ucuta Blnter JacobsOn: ,.ecre�, John Gard-PIA.NOFORTE RECITAL GIVEN building muses. producing viataa and Uon 10 the tut Stanwood school. where �tore ...June �lnt. ' B1n;Ce the money lln: �, Robert Knutzen: M'-

, 'Before a. Jarae and &1fp1"ec:1aUve 'au- a cl,lmulatlve effect of unlty with i'she'w1U have charge-of the Intermed- �en in p.bon � wW .be UJJed geant at ·arma. COntrad.K1rcboff. ' \ dlenc:oe In the amege eba�. Mt� O. hartnonIous roof llneJJ pleJ:C1ng the t.ree- l late Marle Oardlln will teach by. the seniors as a parUnf cUt to � B1nce t.hiIJ wu, the laat meeUne of . Edwards gave a cc:mpllmentary � topa. 1r:i h1a oPtn101l ' the south aide the t1nlt lour If'&deJJ at !.he L1ncoln schoo), a� .s1nce tbia 1I an euellen). the year, methods 01 lmprov1nc.�-'

forte recital Baturday,even1nc. May 18. will develop eventually into the moat IJChooI., near Paulabo. play. the If'&duating claDeI,bave eYer)' top' condlUona were d1Kuued. The Be ..... aaslated· by Arnold lIol&ny, 01 tnt.e:resUnr _View, wtt.b. bu11cI1nP , BIt- . Phyllis Ol'&Dde wW teacb the fifth reuoo to � a Iarp cfowd., Pr1ceI; meeting cJOIItd with a. leel1nI lhat tbe . . A!:Ierd� tenor'. with JoIra.. J. O. Ed- ua� on the hIlkkte. &IDOIlI the fir I lI'f,de at]la1.nler. &Del � Wohlma.c� are 50 cents tot adult .. and 35 �ts :Onion had templetec1 anot.btt "inter;- . wardI � the_��. ' . ' (Continued on Pace JI'our). will haft a poslUon at Edaertol). lor children. . .

. esUnl and lUcceutul year. . ' .

• ,/ J ' ! , '

-,-,- ' -' -' -.-�-..........

:-: - FaCulty News :-: THE 'MO�BINO MASTI. :-: CherobtL: :- : Daily Diar:y .�,::,�,,:,' . �

r lsM�o�

n�:; Ume since you i"e- Th�ma"Ma;' '0 . . -fUv. Carl P6M. prM\.de"n.:,.or SpO\:se

' Ll celvtd • letter 'from )"1)ur loving daugh-' . Mlt'r �!'I essay had bcoeu delly�nd college. 'Ul� P. 1.. C. lut Thursda .

J . tel'. but don't think I haven't .. 'role any :k���:;

hal; d:�::n:;;' ::�, H�

M::r.':�d M�. N. J. Hong and Mr. and

01' d < f Pa U'lc �!�I�i':.ot��l'IIe:iltl:�ItM 1 halle bt!en o� runners'" MlM ' Croeby annrered. Mrs. O. J . . Bluen ftn! present �t


r'Ubllsht<d e\�ry t":\t':::nd=�

.h:",��,):;::rn:::: .




0 c 1 hope I get A ann.-e.r. ' Ha, h.: ISI\'t \'ery t'mphl'ltlcally . . ':qan them IUl),- MoortnJ M,ast enteFtalnm;n�t!n edl


Subscrlpupn. >one dollar per y�r. that a good one-If you can app�IRte thing." ner he�t �:d:;�:enlnll' May 13. ' :'�-:-"";''''''''-:-:�:':::'::7;'':;��::-::�:;;;;:=-:::::�::-:=::::� l it. . FTlday:�!\I., 10 Irene . ' rds wcether wtth ... r-En�red a.$ �nd CltAs mat�. October 2, 19�. at the Poet OUice at Parkland. .In reg�rd to the eums and the col- �� thlnlt tha�. lh,e �.)·s "Ih�


no%r'I:I����::e "Com�lImentary re-


AMociate Editor Copy Editor Makeup Editor . Sport Editor Boy's Sports

'Glrl"s � Organlzatlom

wa.$h1n�n. under .the Act" of �h 3. 1879. locatloM, I . .... 111 say like Longfellow. in bttgl,H �n chord.3 sh� pp � cltal In the TrJnlly Church. Saturday

Irene Dahl ·t-1!"t a sleepU\g dog lie"; the� I.s no uSe smo�ed II�. �nd It wa.$n t St. Pat ev�nlnl. M'-:y 13.

_ John OOplerud d.\Ulng Into the dead .Past. · ricks D�y either. -

M." Loufse Taylor gave the· com-Mllrgaf"et Holmberg WhAt. Is occupying my mind no .. ' Is. Monda,. May IS ' . men�ment aditrep Ilt �tle high school

John, Wiese the �Itals, and Junior and. Senior We "'on't tr)' to describe the Moor-In Olenwood. �hlngton. · .... here she' _ ����n

J�� Partlt3. Ilnd Mooring MMt Dinners l ing Mast party bUlr'-lf you wllnt a .... as Jomer prlnclpal. .'� •. �rot

t'. �hm"".n

tne Which hll-'l been going on at 'full speed ]' �'onderful time. Just Join the starr. '. pro O. A., Tlngelstad. returned from

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UV '� ..... this wet'k. Tu.HCIay. May It, Mlnneapol15. Friday evening. May 17. Eina Trulson � John.Vln Chrl.!jtlne Johnson On MOnd8.�· night, the Editor of lhe The !>tnlon!, after one attempt, de- He altended' an Important bU51ne5S ��o:t�nd Feature - - - - -



ud�I��:n��:� Mooring Mast gue a s,\"C!1l dinner ror clded th;'t t.hey J�t couldn't hav.e a meeting. "f"here he ' represented and

����:l�� . Totan ������� ���. st;f!��O:n������h:�:t

1:.1: .��:�y:


. . 4

• al�: ��u:�:� .Study Club ha'd, a

Campw; Local� Agnes Klippen there. ILl I Ulought-It would be foolwi Ne .... s Item-Mt. Hong'lnf9rmed his guest day at the VUla De Vee, the home Faculty Ne",'� , Ida Hlnderlle, Harold Johl'l5O'.l to risk 108lng Ollt on someihlng. weil. orlll expression �Ia.'l" that th�y �re not I)f Mrs. Webb, th� president. Tuesda�'

J;I, Mickel:nV

SINESS �EPARTMEN�Il'rl ",ndersOn af,et the others had came. "'e all set high school students ,any more! evening. May 1 •. . • dO"'n to eat. I sat next to PRul: Pry, F,lda,. M., 11 J. O. Edwar'da presented hla plano.

"'gnes Klippen .

Gerhard Lane

CIRCUL:\TION . .....�Ich Is 8. Inqulslth'e fellow "'hat st,icks I TJ:te theatre party was e.njo�ed by orsan and 5ft.Xophone students. In Il re-ADVERTISING

Peggy Han'e): . :�b71:ee�

nl� I�l

t��� :�� .. s ���';t� .::.� I ��:r}:���: ::s 1:'l1S::J:;


em�: CI.�;�.:.


Ma":d �:rnny andJN, F.

George Lane \ ful time to keep him from makl�g 5o_ 11" �fln ... nna:· " t Freed and ' ramll� 110'111 ' make their

TYPING cla.ble blunders, howsoever, 9.3 he had Monday, May . . homes In seatUe thl.s su.mmer where Eftl)'n Solum no Idea of how to eat delicate-like. He � Cora says that she's going pome Mr. Ramstad and Mr. Freed will at�ll.d

FACU,LTY ADVISERS J e,'en bet'he could eat more than 1 «/Uld. l and tell her mamma. caU6e the)' took the UniVersity. ____ .:0;,.- J;,. . .:STU.:..:.;E:...N ____ ���_N�J�.

�H�O_NO __ ,..._ but he was undoubtedly sorry for �hat I away the grllnd plano ""hen she wanted MISI: Lydia Stlxr:ud entertalried Mr,. . . I afterwards. 1 proved that he coll.ldn't. It. .

and Mra. Lee Qsb'otn, her fonner PICNIC by beating hl� all to smash. ' 1 h9Pt- I TUt$da.�. May 21. ' teacher. and Mr. /and Mr!!. Henry .

Salurcla", .lUlU' 1, is {II{' dll\" s('1 fol' Ih(' allllual4'. I .. (:. Stucit'llt.- this will be a lesson to hlJn. �rot lY Ebersole made a special re- Saf1!telt a.t the col1eJe, Sunday. �ay 19 . . \llll11ni l)it-Il'il', at SpUlll1Wa\" (,,·k.,. Tht' urfll ir is lilt' firsl of IIH" It WI\., a wonderful dln�er, Ma. and'i'quest that the fact that Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Ph.

��auge and Mias, . ...... (:olllllll'lll't'IlH'1l1 "'t't'k e,·t'n'ls, Hnd is (lilt' tlml s11il1lill hI' t'llju)"('d '"l am greatly In fa"or of makln!! a dln- I Holmberg too� a bath today be an- . L�la ·Stlxrud · enterial'iled--t�e gracr:--�· b\" (,'\·l'r\"olU'. For sl ud{'IlIs. an!1 1(':Il'\U'rs it will h�' otH' of Ill(' lasl ner like that R Rnnual Cllstom for e"ery nounc� In the Dally OIary. uates In the glrl"s reception room. Wff,l-

d;IYS. 'lI\e�' will Spt'IH\ logcl\JIl'r, and for Iht, alumni il will Iw.- H year In the futllre. . nesday. May 15. I11f'f'Ii11/0: of old Oml l1l'W friends. .' . .

It would be safest for everybody to Church cA"tlou,icemellls ----\\"e hope Ihal Illllny alulllni will 'find il pllssihk 10 :tlh'l1�1 tillS leave their 008.1,'iI at ttome, howsoever. I\.� Stella Samuelson. '28. returned to her

·(Iiuting .. Spilnaway I)ark is surl� In hring huck oltl llWlllOr1{'S �n you n�"er can tell what will ha.ppen to Wednesday. May 22.--4 : 00 p. m. Con- home I


n Parkland Sunday evening. May all fnrnH'r slud('nts. atHl WI' Hl't' ""Sure Ihul Ihis "j.(t'I-lui.!l't!wr" wlil them. Agnes Klippen .hunted aU over flrmaUon Class. 19. from Lindsay. Montana. where she 11(' :lflollwr pit'asanl (" 't'lll IUllg Itlje I't·nit'mi.){'t'(:d. for hers, .when she was going home. and 7:30 p, m.-MldVWeek Devotional has been teaching the past y:ar.

TIlt' lime is 2:0() Itl l;:;m I )�. whit'h gin's 1,,·t'ryoIH' II dlUm'(' couldn't find' hide or hair of It. There Hour.

Better ";'Inttnr ::���Ij{olld Ill(' st'ninr l"Iass �IIY. lit' Prim·t' Chap," tht' Sllnlt' ('n'.I1- :: :::��:;o�:.r�;��. �:;e

J::t ���:r� Th

h�:'S:�: May 23-1:45 p, _m. Choir Re-

Alumll i, don'l forgel .IUIl(, 1 � airplane. as It w;� no good on earth Friday. May 24--6:00 p. m, Boy SCOuts Keystone Printing Co., Inc, . to her. We was all In a quarry over It, meet.'

RAINBO\V COLORS , but It settled Itself fine when she mo:t Saturday. May 25.-9:30 a. m. SIltur- Main 3'75' '70% Pacific An \\'ho su,·s Iht, hu\"s al P. L C art' behind tilllt', alld who \\'unls her coat walking down the street a IIt- day school and Confirmation Cla$S.


:�===T:':C:O:M:'===� 10 know wh�' Hi('�' tltln 'l wear hri�hl l"Iotllt's"! ,\ntl. fur!lwt'uwrt', tie later. 10:30 a. m.-Junlor choir rehear-

who says Ihey han' no las It' for urI'" (ntit'('d, Slllll{' of IIll's(' CJW's- The Junior.; ha.s developed. lhe' pe- sal. lions 'Im"(' hl't'l1 sqllt'klll'd dllrin!-l Ihe pasl Iwo w('('ks whell sonll' ' cunlary Idea that a " sneak day" Is com- Sunday. May 26-10:00 }a. m, Sunday Tobaccos. Cigars and

'uf till' hoys look il UpOIl Ihellls('ln's 10 tiy{' till'ir cortls und sweat- Ing �loaUng along at any unsuspectable SChool and Bible ClasS.. Candles, Magazines. Papers sltirts ( '.') . .\ll lhe l'oltlrs I)f tIl(' rainhtlw :Ir(' nl),," .1IJ1lu'lll'i ng tUI I.hl' Ume. It almost looked. like (he Ide� 1 1 :00 a. m. Divine servlc�s. t"lll11PllS. " to had hatched out too, on Tuesday night. 3:00 p. m. Junior ueague. . Thoralf L. Pede ... en 807 'Pacific Avenue It hus h('t'll sllg�t'sl('(1 th UI smile of til\' hoys lak,· u�'1 Ill'xl The juniors "'as hot bn the trails of Or. O . .... Tlngelstad · and ·Mr. Ole year. hut whut !-lund ti()('S thai do 1111"" " ,\flt'l" all, grt't'll doilies the senior.; and both parties was acting Bull were the delegates' elected 19.3t Taooma. Wash. do harnlOlliz(' wondl'rfully· with sonll' Jll'oJlh', aut! 1111'11 Ihos(' who like they WM In tryouts for the violent Wednesday evening to attend the dls- '-:::=========� art' w('aring tilt' hrighl rc-d und orangt' may pl'rhaps hl' justifi('d wards. There was a une�rthlY notse trlct met'ting at Portland. May 23-2'7th. ," also, 7\1:1\'1)('" till'\' fel'l Ihal if til(' 1{'lIehl'rs ("anllol ddt't'l Iheir ill- all aro,· .d what reminded �e of a " - , ward bri�hllll'ss:tlll'\" must show il nulwanih-, 110W Ihat sdltlol is New Yurk subway. which r have never 'f TilEY SAY THAT: sonll oyer. \Yt· art' 'afraid, hn,\,{,,·t'r, 111<; 1 Sl'�'t'ral of lhl' sl udenls heard.'but It �ust be awful. Any ... ·ays. CoaLS are not ever safe at parties ,\:jl! 11(' l1('('din/.: shllti{'ti glasSt's 10 sun' tiwir {,,·t'S. it I""� i. celebration which Is not to be anymore. ...gnes kllppen's was taken

)'('s. sir, iht"' hoys ;1 1 p, L. L art' all J:'ighl, and Ihey III·t' llul sneezed at. by mistake. g"oing 10 Id Iht' !-lirls h('al 111('111 with hright doliit'S. The JuniorS took th,e sen!ors down tl 0 0 ::;;:;;;o ........ ...,25a;;��� ............ .;... ......... __ �_ ... j to�m to � " Nothln, But the TTUth" on The senior sneak' pulled off �n the 111' FrIday night. � think this was appro- fourteenth ""as a false alarm

Ten . Years' Experience prlate. especially In these degenerate times. But my confidence In the truth It Isn·t safe to Oy do .... n the steps has been considerably shaken, as the and land on one's nose.

"Studen13� Store"

Porter.Cummings Company

"I-Iunlt' or til(' 2-IHUlls suit"

Hai'< Shown the Wisdom . seniors has broadcasted nothing but 9:\ 1 11acific :\ "cn ue' I the truth In regards to " sneak day:' The golf bug has bitten m08t of the ,.,::::===�::::::====':;J A�f)

Demonstrated the Ad,'antages OF I . Restricted Field

2. Select Melllilt'rship


tlsh�����h�e��:i �I::; boys. . 0 \ � �,

now. and I suppose you are glad to " 1 didn't shoot that firecracker:' think that I will soon be back home to look things ov�r. As 1 said before, They say a. cynic Is a man .... ho Is }"ou never can �Il, nowadays. what Is having the time of hla lite thlnlr.1ng going to happen to �'ou. I have been that he isn·t.

::�nog; :�e;:I:�

d a�OS: :�t:.

o�h�: .t============t ... V . would 1 do? 1 would undoubtedly be a Th

.'" Home �r ! Pane. SUIt_)..

LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD to buy me a ne .... one. It .... ould be a JETLAND& PALAGRU.TJ (Life Insurance) . good !dea for you to'send me some more



Sales Setvic.e Station Mr. Skinner. Prop.

• total


embarrassment without .no money I . , 1254 McKnight B�ing. Minneapolis, l\�inn.· money In the next mail, as 1 thlnk 'l 912 Pac. Ave Tacoma-WMb.

'::::::;:::::::::::::;::�Iam going to a party pretty

licon. I �==:::==::::;:;===�:,�,,�========::::::=�

Iii' Your apprecla,ble daughter, I ! . CHEROBA,

' . American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co.' Mmwork a.nd Cabinet S�op SU�'" , Mooryad Swen Who ...... .

Plumbing, Steam and Mill SUPPIiH WASHINGTON HARDWARE 0.' . . Dorothy hU a new .... ay ·of gaining 1 j>hone Main 1707 1908-10 Pacifi� Avenue ! Spalding Athletic Good. ' superfluous upholatery for her ribS. , .I Matn 788 Laug\:l. clown, �t

_ .� Wuh. n·s. nice ",:eather today. �

A couple mo� nearly fUll-fledged pedagogues' Nve received requeatll for 1nacrlbed name... · We hope .... e won't


Madlaon 1'5Jl ,�


be kept. In suspense much longer for l �================�===� the rest. ' .

I I Pour of our ..;;; lot gall&nUy de- . BROOK.D� G.ROCERY .CO. ' c.n "'- """" I . _ . _ - : TACOMA BUS CO!IfPANY

K&1n 2411 , ::. In someth1nc called a tennis Orocene.. Plour, Hay" On1n,. Peed, 8boea.. Rubber PooWe&r. on.. Hanlware, P1U1:1:ll:1fDc' euwu-, PaiDtI, Jt.ooftDr


r ·


SPORT' PAGE G\irl�' Tennis Tel" Pleas,antness ' 1 Centralia Defeated' ' TO ELECT O":��E:' FOR NEXT I �Ia*:,;

. �:"'l' i:!�ball Lo ... 1 C. P. S. , . __ . . By P. L. C. Hitters AI ,", "'" moe,ln, or. ,,, """" ,. Team by 1 1.3 Seo ... Tht tennis match \llilt C p S did \a=� :::u';!e!U3·:It�:I'h O::�; I -- ted SIUMnti the officer.. for next ),car Clouting the offerlnl� of lour 8tl-:101 tum out It.. bHt I"e.,.ards for �he people think that belllg plruanl ls an Second Gam� Evens Up Confer- -..111 be el�ted Two candld.IM fo! dlum tlloirller.s at _Ill the Ot.dlalon IfIru lUI Thursda}' afterlloon. Ml.y 16 1 . job Pe II I think It la I ent'e Series. Close Clalth Ends each oWce are. nominated b� the ue- trlmm«l the Stadium Hlt;h nine by •

on the c. P. S. �urt3. . =� hardest J:��:t Y�nyone . can un- . �Ilh 6·4 Score · cuUve ·com�lttee. and any others may 1 11-3 $ore ThMday. May 14 . . After tht There were fl\'e single and t",·o de'rtake, � COItC,h Ra�t� and his' college Pa.,t- be nominated by, members of the stu- �:� In


��o� ,!:�:I�:�


e t:t t:.: doubl� rnfttches played off, The Pa- In the first plaC1!, no one ever thlnkll ImersjiLst Saturday. May lI:'hllnded the dent a&'IOClaUon. _ y . ("ltIc

, Luthe�n team did not ""In a ot taking me serlow;ly. E\'erythlng t say .trong" Junl,or College of Centralia ' a . I ���h�=�a boys M:Or«i three runs In slnglt set.

, The glr� that cornPQ!led .Is naturally supposed to bt a Jote. I� 8-f deftat to even up the se:rtt':S. Cen- �Contlnued fro'." Page One I

the flrst lonl on t� hll-'\. A; flow-. the p, L. C. ttam "'er:e Pauline Larsog. or poor. Any auigesUoM th�t I make ,tralla c;opped ·the first encounter from ,the other side. Lelah . tennis shoes and Ick had dlfrl�l t In leltlnl started 011 Martha Cline, Emma Kuland. Mar- are not to be laken Int� colUllderatlon, the Oladlators by a 9-8 count" O� floUllllkeepln" maprJne sailed the ·mound. he :ava way td Palo. 'A!ho garet Holmberg. and Ethel Johnson. The English class Is a ,'ery d�ruc- Saturday'. game was a thrll!er from thro�gh the t�lUIOm. while .. vt�rous retired the aide without further, 5Cor-The l..oIfger glrl� pla)'1!d an eltC1!l!en$f th'e to my plrasant nature,' Our P,TO- atArt to finish. Led by the Impr�lve tug of· wat �t the door wu In progr'-'!Ing. With the ",ld'of some'nlce fleldln!!. game .and aho""ed, thi.t the)' ""ere- m- fessor being \'err fond of criticlrJng'hia hurling of p, 1.. C:s pitcher,. the Olad- In the !Tlldst of the ba.t�le help arrived Palo held the appOsltkln lICOrelesa dur­l,ertor In all. part� ot the ga!!le. _ student3, plcD on "le, becalUt' 1 laugh ,Iators' playtd the best brand of ball of from, the outalde 10 rucue the


Ilng' the remal�dtr of the pmt and 11.1-' and take It as though I a� really good th,--seUM. Collom ... as very effeetivr p�Lwned �ma,ldena, The aailant illtad lo,,'ed only 'two safe' hlta. Staff Are Gui�t" natured .. , He . . spends a large part Of the on the mound, Only InJh"e fourJh Inn- era,plo",,� thru the �rricade of· chairs , The Lulherall5 took advantage of SIlt ' • ' . ' time crltlc"lng my shortcomings. 1 �'dld he eltP.t'rience dUOcultlts" whe.n In the hall, and s..-Utly pushrd _ t�lr erron In the first Inning- and pushed At Dmner G�ven

ltake It grinningly. Therefore, 1 am con_ four h� and an rr;or sent three Cen- I way to the beslea:ed' door, It , swung three- men' ·over tbe platter, In (ht B,' Chicf Eelitor aldered. good natunod, Jhough 1 am tralllans ac� the. platter. Their oth_ open, and the girls sped down the hall- l fourth three hlt3 netted tw� more lind .;r--, -'-- . reall�' raging In"'anily, �r l�ne: �IIY came In the s.lllth Inning, "':a)', ,*:hlch 110''' nov.' .!I1Io .. ....."lng again In the fifth a hit. a walk:and a Tj!'I!' Jt;l.ff of the Mooring Mast. "'"ere I Another thlni. ( can't get .angry to "'hen Elliot made first on an error. stole ,,1lh lleOPlr. sacrifice pushed two ruha �!'Cross. In ��es:: ��:




e:'e��i, ��� :::5




J�7R::::��!:�: ::��' and c!lme home on Ralnry:� 'n�:;hg:� o���y O!�:t ���::e

g:t :�:� ��e



k ;l:��:�n;:a�:�

NllIor-ln-chlef.· ; Whtn I gl\"{' rome Impossible sClnc- The Lutherans look a three run l�ad Where'! the rope?" final rally' In th"e eighth, when. Nyman ' The tables ""ere beauUfullr deeorat- bodies a 1l1f'C"t of �y mind, I am �"p� In the M!eOnd, whtn Collom, first man From then on giorlou!! confl1$lon took first as a result of a pl«:hed ball, ed In 1)lnk lind wtilte, s)'J1lboliting posed to \)(" o,llly �kl ng fun, I_may be up, clouted out a beautiful four-� reigned o\'er all. Pete put up a R"OOd Sanderson dr�ve one 10 the shor��p, spring, "'hlle at each place clen'rly de� houllldl!d to death by tea.,lng. but ebt- drive, E, Jacobson singled but W8..$ fight, but could'not handle a mob alone. but an attempt. for a double play fnlled. �ll!nrd placard!!. p·ertalnlng to :'K)me cause outwardly I take It good nftlu�- caught off first, B, Jacobson walked and \II'1lS roped In by the fre!!hmen. In Coltom,. Sanderson. an� E: Jacobson department ot Journalism. we� set. b'. I'm getting stili more of the .'!-Bme and scOred on ThOsLenson's' hit. ' Thos- (rylng to rl!'fch Pete to glve him some fared best at tt!e plate. Sanderson col-Mr. Hong ",nd Mr. Stuen lJ'lwe Short thing. . ttnliOn brought In the third ,Ull 8..$ a i..Mlstance, Johnny Wiese W8..$ captured leeted two <Singles, Whll�Coltom and talks Co\'erlng the ""ork of the past A more tatal dlSRdvB'tage I� laugh- result or � Centralia error. In the fifth imd'"lIed hand and foot. Fred Lee took Jacobson each dro\'e out a'doubtt and year, se\'tral pis lUI and suggesliolUl Ing when somrane ""an\ll to be taken the Oladlators scored two mor� on two R faricy dive down. the stairway, Red i a slng\c'. Nyman. the Luthera-n �le&d-110m discussed ror next �'eil.r by many with all serlousnes.s. Many Umes. 1 hlL, and scored a 'lone taliy In the wa.s marsha�led about the halls by 8..$ off man. pulled an unwlUal reat In get- . .

Matr members, ' laugh ""hen I'm lltlle In the laugh- .eighth: many glrla as could po&IIlbly hal1g on tlog on five times and I5COrlnll: three After dl,pntr ,a delightful time W8..$ Ing mood: then I am i1eeml!d a silly Collom struck out 10 mlW and did not to him Three of the Ilrls di¥PlJeared runs without get.tlng a hit. spent in games and pencil contests, in and trl\'qlous person ""ho has II. cavtty Issu� one free pass. McQa.n, the Cen- Imm�lateIY, but Ingeborg kept es- Summary R. • H. E whlC.h a great man)' ",'ords were made In �he upper story tralla pitcher, pitched a tine game. but caplng and being caught all evening. P. 1.. C. II 10 3 �p from the. ,�etten In the words .�J.\ what a baskboneless person I his control' wa.s poor at times. and the A distinct �urprlse ""as In store tor I SLamum 3 � Mooring Mast. In this cont�t Ida must -be, 1 Ot'\"er get .angr;, 1 haven't Oladlator's. hits· came at opportune Mn. Kreidler when ahe 4rrived home Batteries: Howlck, Palo, Th05ten;son HlnderUe, John Johnson, and Evel)'Tl a thought'ln my hrad: I can momenU, from the Oulld and found all thr girls Price. Vota.w, Jones. King. SOlum led ,,1th flft)'-nlne ...... ords each. be--tia.sed to the last utremlty; I am COltom. Sanderson, and E, Jacol;l6on at the front door 10 meet ber� A halt ! ' - silly and fri\'olous: 1 love criticism and �aeh gathertd two hiU. ",'hUe Rainey was called immed,lately, and order WUj • Phone Main 145f . 1 ne\'er mean anything I say. was the only Centrait.n to get more l"t'.''d 8..$ quickly as chaO!! had begun. I Dr. ArchieJ G .. Hi


Cks Well, I'm writing on this paper to tell than one hit. Ever)'One agreed that they had had a . DenUhry a te'" of my cla.ssmates t'ttat 1 do gel glorious time, Rust Bldi. 10th �oor angry. ver}' much so, that I have a ftw BELl ARMINE DEFEATS "Out walt until the seniors do take

11th at h.drl.9. Ave serious th�ughl.5 In my ,heat!. t,hat J ! � P L C BASEBALLERS a '�neak' and then � what hap-Tacoma, Wa.61ilngton honestly do get lIred of being t.ea.'If!d' 1 • • • pen.,," say the freshmen. .

The Sludent. do say they have never, been in Tacoma un-

that I am-not always silly and good for I CoaCh �1lI H� Pastlmen from The senior claM therefore j'lllshes t;O less they have eaten

al f'-.,--.--·------t I nothing. that I hate criticism Just U Bellarmlne College had' things vJ!f"Y announce that they will mef;,t In the

PARK-LAND GARAGE badly a.<; all the rest Of. you. "nd 1 am much their own ilia), last Friday after- engine room on Thursday after chapel flot al",ays maklnl fun when I give I noon and handily drubbed the Oladla- and "Ill sneak away dlreetly after the

, . f1as, o:':�n:=euoria \ ou II pleee ot my mind tors by shutting them out 10-0 The



' '''''�





... �








m· 1 �iiiiCii

aiiir�/�Y�"'ii'�' .�c�a�/�e,.,�riiiaiiiiii�

No" for goodness sakes don t tilkt IOladlators had an exceptional off dav body please meet up , J. C. Pett.!'SOn t me seriousl

y DOROTHY EBERSOLE v.lth I I errors marked up against them ->---�ellll��� l��: �x:�m!:resix����:gs :: Brighten- up the home \\ Ilh K 0 D A K S

LIEN & SELVIG Importers of Nor. �egial1 Cod Lh'er

Oil Cor. Tacoma Avenue � 11th Sl. Tacoma. Wash.

Stelnway and other pianos, Duo Art Reproducing PianO!!, Vlctrol&s and Victor Record!'!. Band and Orchestra Instrument6. Sheet Music and Music Boob, Radio Set6 and ACCC'S60ries

allov.ed only three hits during thr con- (I fe\\ flO\\ crs or a llIet' (I�d . I test, ' . Kodak Finishing I Summar), R. H. E, blooming plaut: Flowers P. L. C, 3 for evcryhody .Blld c,'ery-Bellarmlne 10 ' ""_

I Coltom. Pa.lo. Thostrnsoll. thing

of the

Beller Kind

I De,,·a.lde, Champakne. FI S"-ft"I'" ft. . � Seamoru OlOer 5h::lW .. _._,U���.�. ��< • • ' •• ". I S

928h._",erBmrooda�n, � la

.Y &





.. ,· 1 MISSION SOCIETY MEETS Shop II �,-"._:::'= .. ::'" The re-gular meeting of the Mission 11th &:; Oroadway (

SOCltty was conducted b), lngeborg ������������' 1,��IIIIIIi""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�� , I Free DeU,,� Bolstad on Tuescla}'...aNenlng. May 7. � ����������� ========:::;;:;;::;.:; I Atter the de\'otlonal servtce Christine n.�, � •

:" Johnson an,d Eliot Mickelsen gave HANS«?I"' 'S ..... . ' :10 1 RUSl l3ldg � F. H. Kro, ".dln,., an' M'. "' ... ,pok. on Jmk' BUTTER-MUT " Buslness and the Missions," Watch Repairing a Spedally BRE .... D. . It was deelded that· the Rally Day 2$'7 So. 11th St. ... • ')j- """ram .... called off fFldtllty Bldg.) ,

. :::;-�' �-����. ���=jil��=========�I ' Guo • •• I •• t..-u er ...

Phone Muin 1193 Tacoma r FLOWERS FOR EVERY . (Apululrf.,. to Mn..-.11 HO\l")

;":============:::;====1Z�==' OCCASION We Appreciate Your -HAYDEN-WATSoN, Patronage' �


Brookd<Jle Ctuh . Markel

)teu's suits.

O\'erconts. Ladies Cnats. plain and fnncy dresses dry"",'lt'ancd and pressed, 'Ve call for and le\' irc




1111 Pacific Ave, Pbo�e M&1n 301

w. la't1te _,.,.... eI Qu!lv. kriJIoe aM Prk!e­EumlnaUoo w1tbov.� eharp BINYON OPTICAi CO.' ntI &oed .. y Phooe an.d .. y lUI

Rosso's Garage _� All rntat6· state and government Ina"" .... MAd1aon 158R2

MEe� RBS'I'AURAN'I' Open All Night



Fountain LUDches, Sod�8;'Sundaes It rap .. Look WeD. PatroDbe U�D Sbo,.

. Parkland ConI""liooe�y & Barber Shop 0, p, Kt1NDTSON: Prop,--Corner Car Llne J To",,""" � ""'" 0''"\

KARL A.' ANDERSON TU . OaA�=:."� �"cu 81S ST. �8 AVE. TACOMA. WASH,


\ )

'AOa'��������==��������?�'�aDn�C�L�U�iHSkAM��'�' �::�::\�P�AR��O:.�Wp�'������·�i�OO�������:J�������-;-��-=-=-=�--Marriage of Graduale , 'Paul 'Pry F..... oe> eport r or GIVEN BY STUDENTS Chahe/ 'Ta,lk---, --- I I ' 0 R L' MOTHER'S DAY SEIt¥ICES

Occurs Tn Parkland ( .. . Con,,:enli«!" in Duluth ,F'rtday. 'May 10, Mot-h",', . Day, 8e1'- ____ :.r __ -:'-�_::___:_: -- '- Ltot It be> known' Although twill be -- vt� _� Mid In �haprl. !"red Walter A talthfu! wltn8S will not. lie but lnga EUingson dllt'Rhter of Mrs. hard Ul bellev� ACCOrdln8 too-a �port �Ived from Vlola ;La... � Eurenia eroeby Keh • \I -'

Clara Ellingson of Parkland lind Her- Not 50 many moons ago the mech- Duluth 5e\f:n youns; Pf'Opie from Port- giving short talks Brief parts of the III false wltntsB ",111 utter .�om and 1. I f thl.s p8J)tf we� Invited to \NLf- land On together _Ith twenly-flve 5IX'f'Ches follow /I scorner aeelr.elh man Schnugger of Tacoma "ere united ;:k�; a bountiful rep..,t and heated ,othen from the North Pac1fi(' District Thls ls a day set aside In honor of flndeth It not but knowled,e ls t'Uy In marriage at Trinlt)' Lut ran Church dtscussloru !It our editor s hOrne !I� !lmon, the Urat definitely N!port.e.d Ihe �t motMrs in the world-yours to him that undel"ltandeth In Pa.rkl!lnd on Monday I enlng Ma), NOI\ to loolt at her one '1;'0014 never parllCipants In Ihe International COn- and nilnt' Mother love 16 the hI,hHt uft 00

from ' the presence of • foolish � The bride at�nded P L C In 1925 think It of ht'r. but then one .can 'nevt'r \entlon of the Young �ple s Luther. t)1)e of love, there !.s. no �ub8.t1tuU for

man. when thou per<:eIvHt not In him "J!te ceremony ·�as performed at 6:l0 jUdge by appearances. . League and Choral Union, which ls a mother's 4evotlon or loyalty, We the lips of knowledge.:.' p. ni.. by Rev."T. O. S\'are II} the church AnYI\'ar, "I!.'heh It I\'as time to move scheduled 10 be ht'ld In Duluth, June 0"1\'1' It to her to ilve lives whic!1 will be

When' t\\'O or ' three of' us get to-I\'hlch' \\'as beautifully d�rated \\·Ith o�. Aggie- hurried upstairs to gather up' 1·$. I\'orthy eXllfI\ples. get. .... er 'iii! are tempted to talk about white IUId purplt' lilacs. The bride. gl\'_ her

' things. )tnd \\'hat do you think .she . This ('(Institutes the vangUa.rct ot :'Her 11ft' lit's be�lnd-OUrs befort'. �

t anoth�r� But how do we do It? Do , found" Nothlngl Her coat \\'as gone I m!ln)' tl)ousands ot enthusi8..llUc young us do something ted!lY· I;et Ull bri , I the best eorutructlon on. all he e� In marriage by her brother. H�rold.

compj:etei}' gone!' . �ple:lwho 1\.111 m! the :pllgrlmap �appln� to the . gr��est mother .In :c::.uor do we tear 'down? The habit .... ore a�dress of orchl� chiffon I\lth a . Of c-ourse I ..... a., wlth. he.r. I have ,a

to Duluth fr,tnn the Slatt's lind from the .... ·orld .. our mother. ';"1' get Into now Is a�to becOme per-.three,Ul'red ·.sklrt lind !'hlte sweet peas. habit of being .... ·tiere I shoul�n·t be-- �any provlnCf"S In Canada. Represen- . " manent; so let us uk �raelves a few Thora Olson. the maid of honor. lI'ore I Well. she looked for .' her coat-It tath·e.s aN: expected also from Lut.�er- Choir Boys Give Gay I questwn: .":Am 1 .wUneM!n, 'or Jesu�? an on::hld and blue figured chlrron, and wllsn't .... ·here she lett It-then ,she an mission fields In China, M�dlL,alS' : Port to Winners I Am I a 'good. witnl'Sll. or am I taking . carried a bouquet of orchid s .... ·eet �a.s

�rantICatlY ..... ·ent �hrough the pile ?f car .. and SOuth A(rlca. . ' __

y_. I good n.ame from .someon�? I Rnd � . . The best man was

.Wlnflel� ! My! 1 shall ne\'er .torget the tragic holds I� general conventions ·hlennial· ta��'��

s �r� :t lhls o��n�t1on ... ; son ",Ill have leSs eontldence In him or .

. -� '\\T1'Ips-but stili It wasn't there. .

I The Young People's Luther . League f h P L. C h i enter acted so that an aMOClate of this per-P'l'terson. of Tacoma. ' look stllmped upon her laee! " . Iy. :\.-

8eatttc, entertained th� last con- a ala Kg'ln the college recT"8t1on &0 he will � leM con(ldence In hlm-F'oI1�wln8 the ct'n!mony a wedding " Oh P.1,!ul! ),01)' coat lIS gone! she venUon. w�en rour large ",peelal tralm �m on�at�rday eVenlng, May 1I: :rhts sel!?" supper .... · 1tS served at the home of the ga.�pe-d.

? Wl't:e· required to carry tfle many dele· pa�ty was the. result ot an Bgnelflel\t Let WI be faithfUl witnesses for Jesus.

bride s mother to t .... ent}-the friends It Is? Honest Ote .... on t this make gatl!!; �� ,Isltors from the M'Iddle at the first of the year that the "de- -====�==::;:=======4 ' the s .... ell scandal tho? West rt'llon On Slinday of the con- hi h h d th most ab ... and relathes The rooms ....:ere decor- But then I dldn t have time to thInk lentlOn !lt lIS estimated. that fifteen girls or boy.s-w c a

sh �d give th� ated M pink .streamers .... hlle paper aboul II at the UrnI' IllI 1 felt It my thousand "Pt'Ople crowded the stadium ,nces during the year ou Cal'r ' FI ls t .... ·eddln'il,klls shaded the lights. throl\'- � duty to ftnd that. coat. . of the Unh'el"S�ty of Washington � ��:e:�a: �:::y;h��y:�:�


on- .1 orms or . H lng a soft pink glow on thl' tables. where SO \\"f' sat down to think. and Ihen hl'ar the st'n·lce.s and pr�ams otrered. 'The program tor the e\'enlng conslst- c., newen, FoUed Plailb lall pink taPer candlts burned. -came to tht conclusIon that �e- It 15 expected t.h�t Ihe Amphitheater ed of st'\'eral Impromptu �peeches an.d tlitl Pacific AV�. Tacoma bodr mu�t hn\'e g�tten that coat\- here · .... ·111 � taxed to capacity on Sun-. musical num�rs. John Wiese welcom- I !;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;


;;;;: ARCHITECT GIVES . either by :nlst,ake 9r by joke. .. dA�·. June 2 . . At. the morning service ed the girls \Il behalf ot the boys. To __ � __ .___ __ __ .. -PROMISING REPORT' No"" A,gle dldn·t like to sno.:op the Right ReW!rend Dr. J. A. Aasgaard ihls Otrtrude Sydow responded for the Agmcy TIle General rtreprooflng Iret'S olerlooklng the creek the alh- around a strange hOUR to tlud the \\"111 preach HI' Is the general presl· girls Mr EdwardlS played some selec- I Co Fllln, AI:.L8'l'EEL Equipment J�"(' field and the golf links belol\ . coat bl-ll me-I dldnt mlnd-so .... 1' dent �r the Nor9iegian Lulheran lions on the \llano Stanley Berentson J. F. Visell Co�! pany Mr Altfllllsch urges that definite I looked under the plllo\\"! but .... e dldn t Church of America and Warner Quale won the admiration Phone Mam 28'70 901111 lf1e Ave plans be adopted as to the klnd .and find It' And w I\e dtclded that a Go\ernor Theodore Chrlstiaown will of moany of those present with their Tacoma Wash1n n number of bulldlng!'i to be erected as I mlSlake had been made addrl'..,'\S the afternoon gathering when dialect 50Jl s Min Anba hun er vek ::80=O:K:S:'L:L:�:�;""";;T;';!:..:I�:N:J:�� wdl as the �t)"Je of archLlecture to be a grand

, chorus of twa thousand voices d " J JI

g.. Th I tette also 1 ----- = ---used. This being done, l'ach part can Whllf' Aggie tearfully awaited my trl- wlll -glvl' a concert program under the an u a. ' h I

e Imt � OC bets' A then be scheduled and bu!lt according '1 umphAnt return: 1 galloped �Io ..... -and 'ltlldershlp of Doctor F. MellUll Chris- sang

k some

lot t I' r

te at

� n�� .

to the ProBram. · ��a;:'";:! tlh:.s�::

'a�' ILke the StAtue tlansrn. the ramed dlrectgr of the St. �:a:S f��


o:n�rtal�;ent for��e BUCKLEY.KING CO.

rralln's the difficulties In carrying out 'WhAt kind of a coat did Dot Eber- In the evening the Concordia Collt,e �fr. Altflllish Is a practical man and I . Olaf Luthtran Choir. . boys as' well as the girls. In thts con.

such a program as he has ouUlned. but 1'0]. �ar when she left?" Choir of Moorhead will appear In a test· �en

l girls


� ��w:�

-he belLtl'es tt l.s possible under thl' " A I

)ht on�.·· so�eone rEplied. eoncert progTam. This chOir. unde.r the n;:�d e;r��n �:. :�es.

armuslca� leadershtp of Dr. Tlnge:!stad . . "I!.·hom he ··Oh. · I said kind of flat like. My leadership of Professor Herman W. g

h I' h mitt I d th 8chot regards as a man of unllm.lted courage. ' tht<Gr"y W!\5 now gone. And then ··caust' M.onson. has ..... on a large place for .It- ��::. �u;n\� g=:�:ent efor th� abundant enthus1aim. and. unuso1il e.\"eryonl' thought I .... 'as nosey. askln' st'I[ tn the heart of the people or the resl of the evening.' Retreshments con­o\ltlml�. based upon practical judg- Ihat. I explained: Northwest. At this p-r.ogn.m a brief slst.ed�Of toas:ted sandwlchu. Ice.cream

����;n:a���et h:��

sf;"�rh��� r:����� I I��'�:� :d l�t��


t��:�, �1��

le;�� �

oa: .��:= o;'�



rd:;;t �� cake. and coffee. . "-no ..... only a \"1�lon Into a beautiful rt'� i thot. mebtxo-.. and then I departed up the Choral Union. Dr. Ola.soe has jUlSt I. allty I SIll.lrs. returned from a year's study or �u" Long-looked.for Spring.

Wtll. 11'1' wtre tht center of Inlerest. catlonal. social and religious conditions M .... uerade & nt.-Vical Cos- I thcn. �'()U may be sure. My! but 1 ilkI' In the North of Europe. Elusive old thing,

Is here to stay II.

taines, TlU;.c''; ::'�t Ore. Suits j that ! . ' 1I'I�h�



f �t;:t


Neal E.· Thorsen 1 , ,r\nyway. when � tne others had Church. Addresses. conferenct�. music. Thl' .straw hat 'shows, Hair Good��� ToupeH, i ::r���n�




t Willi :1��.bU

��:'lS l'���e r;���en��;n



��Yor t:�y�

lnd blo�s. � �- � � I m t-,-----.,.----� And nOli' for the conclusion: Ten around the theme: " The Changeless _ My marks are I�w. (

I mlnute.s later: standing forlornly by the Christ for a Changing World." . r;-------...;� : roadside wru; Dot. and her stdek.1ck. The oCfleers of the c-on\,entlons In-. What 1 dOll't lqlow ., I . Is too much to SIll'. I ��:

. �:;'Rl:a��� ai: :�e��' ��n �::r: ��I�:g�r�.::tl:tI;re�I��:�:f


t���� IV.


J 0 h u s o n�C o X . . . CompAny .

• ( lVt lptdal;u ;n�l School 'Printing f

• 726 Pacifu A'>fflut· . Tacoma

I inlo the coat ! ! People's Luther [.,eallue. 11111 prelllde at �mSI::sg t7r�

O! ��:! a new song 1 An' that·s the end of this story-that the sessions: vice pre�ldent. the Re\' . : t�'l:


h:l�� o�7�ad not ���l




w:� __ 0_' _'h_"_"_'_-o--__

: better II"tar anything 'parltable' to questions ru;ked at thlt convention; sec· lrcnc'� hou_and no .... · It would ap- retary. t,he Rev. J. C. K. Preus. of Al-I pear' that Dorothy l.s to'� watehed-I bert Lea: ' treasurer, Mr. A. J. SLtaar-gUt"S she's nearsighted. Just like me! shclm of MlnneaJ;'OlIs; and the execu· , th'e secretll.ry. the Re\·. N. M. Ylvlsaker. ! Crllllt Is a dlw8St' tha.t needs arrest who l.s In genera.] charge or conven-I cure tion arrangements. The Executive Sec-I . rl'tary of the Choral Union Is the Rev. ! Whtn you �re wrong. admit It. The J. O. Dreng. o"r Elbow Lake. �nesola. next time you are right more' people Local committees headed by J. H. 1 .... 111 belle\'e )'ou. S.tcnberg. Jr .. ha\'e been organized to

car-e ror ever)" detail of the convention,

r' --+ � as 1.0 Insure to our v;elcome mitors DAHL GROCERY CO. I the maximum ot comfort profit and I G ... ", M'� I pl'M""

Phon, Mad 36f8R6 1 PUPILS PRESENTED IN �'Y and Serrioe MUSICAL RECITAL '" .. Fourteen pupils were presented. by � ____ �___ _��_� Mr J 0 Edwards in a musical recttal




rFun�rol Directon_

Buckley·King Funeral Church

1"9.coma Ave. at 80. F'lnt M, m

IJ�=BUSlne .. T=:-I , . and Serve Efficiently

That'lI whr we are here, tor l,

your convenience a


nd we want I r:�lI:;>t'lI



to a� �; I . manner. We develop and print I your kodak films.

Parkland Mercantile Co. I --' -

' ,-,

, !

Frank J Le� Oallfomia l''df� T&c:om.a. W .. ··b.

FOUNTAIN LUNCH � � ,r:�: ;;��:





WAFFLES-HAMBURGERS-SUND� .... 'tlrds. Barbara Xavier, Oo!dle Ness, --


�--� = .=:==� = - - sop. UIIIIlll Anderson, Helen Olson,

. _, .. USE FAm'MONT COFFEE Always the Bes.

;::::��5E==::�����==�-=�:::--�' �·_� Icarl AnderMh, eoTa VilIta, Agnes. 01-: .

Edgar Larson' and Mae Kelt!J. �::====:::===============� � pa!ilf�I�ve. PARKiAND LIGHT � WATER CO,

TACOMA' GROCERY co. The Store.

For M'en .and Boys � Joe,.,B��tz· A mutual cornpony�rg�nized l�H

: SOCIETY BRAND CLOT�ES� Service Station Furnishet Water. Light and Power to Members O�ly

\' .

Wils�n' and .Rea.cll-baaeballt and sh� '. . . Wright & DiUon and Kancrott tennis raequets-finesf made • Rac:queu restrung u/ cood u � .at . ' KIMBAr,L SPORTING GOODS CO,

' 'l.-


/ Gas .& OiI

Wa,ter iidnimum 60c 'per mont� including. 100 to. ft. �'ater Water furnl'�ed �o P. L. C .

'. For further'information apply to E, ·D. ELI.lNGSON, Mg'. '-


. . "

Hinderlie, .Bolstad', and ' ,Flott

, - - f,et Higfiest Honqrs" '" m-ill!.!" Cli ll Sllulcnts ( 'hlJ�"n' �(' ho:,, "r fnr r:nuc! ttu:ililil'� )-0�nwn, ThrlluJ.!houl :-;Iay · v . ,\1 1'. 1 •. (

", . , _

Th�' ullilu�u\c"m('rn ul Ill(' n:Unl':<' -IO • Ix> pl.rc.:tl 1111<111 tilt" C!;p,.., o( ':!;; Trophy

('Ulf�:' (nf the, .1" .'f '<lr '211 ;lIld -?J. \"a� '1I1:1r1<> lLI.lh, (,la,� "i"lcl;t "s('fcb�'� Tu��. d:r.· 1;1�IH A(to'l' f':lI! ... r .Hm! 'p:�lh:nl ,,["uI!nl.' tIn til" IMft or HlJd('llL�. c"p'"

�?��I\':':'\ I\I,:" ���::I� �.I,::::r ;��\l.; :;.���:.: ' ��::::��!l��;���r�7�,:�::'t 1��:'(';h�'I��II;�:I;' tll(' hlUh >-etrOOI' ldH Himlerlk' illld

. . .�--�,�--...:. ' .

, . \ • 1

1 42 Graduates to 'Receive ' Diplomas ' . TOJ.1.ulrrilw Evenin.g

H('\', .I.bdwh�. j,an(', H�la\· ik. aAd Syduw '!'lIk(· ,fltrt in t r(l.l! .r� m : ( "h . . i r and Soloj '!,,1 ttd:tfe . ... . . " u�ipd· �.lImh�r.;;: -

• CQmnii'Clw('IIIf'lIt (';;'I'd,o;('� ' for lilt': '1f:1dufltlllg cln.. ... � or 1929' \I'm be h�ld .... !NIllI·'cl:n· (\'cnl!lu In til!' colko.:l' :HilI!· t�l'Il1l11. :I!. Ii u'CIOf'k ' .\1 thh tllll(' r,)rl\· t\\(o-';:n�l!m�I"� 1,'ilI fl'<:I'IYI'. cllploU\n� .

R, � I� -l.u(lwlif. {,I I.s)rtlund. dbtrlct lm'�ld('111 ..... r Illf" Ohio . 'noel. \\ ill tlr-1IIt'r til<- C()uunf'llcl'mcnl , ,lI"j'<;.;;. TIl(' ..,;,,-f llinX<ltlon will 1)1' l:iwll b\' Rev (jf'4)TI(f' L.!tlif' 1111(1 tlw [\cJclrc�s or ..... ,:lcomc by ' Dr. Tim:d:<tutl It{'�·. 0 L' ll:vil'lic. <;If &·al\l<>. ',I'll! rn;�k{' fUI ndur"I'� OIl bl.'llaH

���;����>I�;�[I��!'I��f#'I.�;�f��}'���:�:y'3r�§ �t���@ Thl'ir r'("(luin!JlWllt w�"r .. Illllt th .. MU. • . . - " • • . • diplomas aUer �hleh the benediction m .. lHl:.'('I IVl'th b�l' the 19:!f, gr:u:lu:lt('.�. Ivy-.. Planting. Opens ·IGifl.,; 'i�h:;1 Grow ' 1M Lo

'no Preaches Doctor Tlng,"ls.t

ad WIll present the

d�nt. ';'ho hfld beell


of I,;rcal('st hell) I�nd' Class Day 'PrOl!ram ' ·Arl' . :\Iwa�'� Hf'�I ) At Baccalaureate . wH! � i)TO�IOUncCd by ·Rev. A . • Sydvw, -!n�])m\lton to his c1!\$1matell ill elicit Vfl ' • -. " . ' , jor Tacoma. • th ... n; !"t'(' d('ll:1rtml!nts should hilI' .. hl.� . . . -- , . In Ih� vision of Ihe deVl'lolln.lf:llt of :I. ! -- " I, ' (Continued on' Page "'.

· na.rnl' rn).:raw'd upon thl:' 101'inl; cup. l" }II. I'ruJlhl'C'Y. Hlsto.r,\'. and , IlH'HIt'r PaCific Lutherlln ' Cvlle!!e the (;raduatl'� Man'h in PIj:lct'ssio)1 : I

. . ,-. . ' . hlrt,��,�;���!:�,��: �r:d�,���n By 1 9md uallng ChiS!; of. 1929 has takfn a j.' . (;h';��.S��� ��'I��a� O�;e���e�: . ,Dt":�'lupni(!111 !)�.,.il .

. �f'xl Yt'ar·!'! S�aff .t , -.-- . . j "n'nt su:p .fvr�·ard ill IIrl:'sejltln8 IIlclr I -.-_ ' . t · F or P. L C. (.,amIHls : J F(.r 'I(�()rin� �Ia�t I TU��


:����' lt�lxe;I���'�I::I �::e

l;:� , I:l:�:�,,::: ::-t�:' :]�;d;�

n�::�:;ng I Lu71��;��' ��I;cl:.I��

t�rL�!n�::rl)�":�:�:�� i . Sllr\�ey .�ccepled . . I� Parll�' ( :hn�t'l� !lhLrlt.III�' .�eretllOnles out�l(le Ihl!. Illi,in j th'" length of the c!,mpus on the east I lIle sermon ut .the Bacc,all!l1lreatc Ser- I At Inc' ;lIstrict m«tlng or the Nor • .

-- ' blll!d�n!;. III ""'\llch GC,rhilrd Llll1e. l:an'l �Ide in front Of Ihe main ulldlll �Ices held In Trinity Luthetnn Church IWE'glan Luthernn, Church of America, The� M

}�st �laff 'rvr'\)(,xl year the 1\)' ornUon. whllc Verna (i;1Il0 ' . Q g' ! I'!--'It Sullday t'VI:'!llr:rg. . • . In· Portlnnd. May 23:26. the . dcleglLtes llll� bt'Cll cho.�en ill parI. J.�hn (;vple· planted . Ihe ivy. 111 .hl� �ral�on �lr'. l SUlllcient room hn. .. been left betwe-en'j As Mr. Edwards begall to plor the IIPlIrol'ed 'the j)lan. of .the pnelfl� Luth. rial. \\"hv hns been aSSOClUte ('(Btor' dur· L:llle s:ml IIrnon!: other Ih1!l1!.�. ' jl til(" hedl;e��nd the stre:t for :1 parking procl'S1l..lonaJ. the forly.two IIraduntes cran College De\'clopmenl AsSociation Itl� t!lI' Im,;l . Y('i1T. will be editor· 111- 'We "Ialll this h·y:. not sImply to ("011- space loyautomQbiles. a projCj:;1 to be enU'rcd the church 'and tOo� tnelr lind utge9-- that every member of the clnef, The news ('(hlor. wHi br: In'llc fO!lll to th .. tradltJvn cslablbht'(] by 1 worked out later, perhal)S ' b)' future !places III front. while the audienCf:' re- church body join the organI7.atlon. TIle

· Dahl. :md Mal1(areL .Holm':e!Il:, alld the c1a, :--;.('s ·";I have gonc bdor�' u�. gr�dllat!ng c,asses. ' , lmn'ned standing. The. members vf p}e delegates aiso endorsed plnn!! for ' l' John JOI

,l.nson wlU be .copy -editors. Thc. but "'lth th\ Idea that the iI'Y "hill! I As Ihe first to respo,nd to Mr, AJt_ lfaculty were sealed with th� gradUAtes.' biOlogy Inl!?11l10ry lind a r.eslde�ce tir

Tei>OTlers and assistants will 1101 Iw' ymbollz .. C1ur 10\"l�. esteem, an.d r"slx'Ct . , ' , I sefore the 'scrmon Anna Mikkelson'

I the president as outlined by Mr, Alt·

["h��en 1111111 next cail; . for this OUT school. our belo\'cd p, L. C''' I 'rt'ISCh'� program ,"or. de\'elOllment of sang a �Io. and the male- octette gfll'e fIlHsch In his' campus sun·ET. . �(,Tdin(' Knutscn. ;"110 wll! succeed ,o\ft r the ceremonies the clas.� the Col!ege Call1lluS',, the Chl.s.'I of 1929 one number. ' I '. . The In,vltatlon of DoCtor Aasgal\T • Ehot Micht'!l'('n as bu�iness ImLllaj:'er, marched In a body Into the Cvlle!;e ha� fl'Cl'ln:d congratulations from the I' RC\', LQno had chosen as his text I lIre�ldent of N, L. C. A., to solicit be·

w:J! ha.I·" as hf'r aSlil.Stallt Miriam He,i�l- rLudltvriurn. ":h�re tJil' rt".;u!ar IltO- 1 �;chitccl on tl{elr selec�lvn' of Ii cln...s the stor�' of the. rich young ruler. reo I'elopmen t • A.sSOClAtlon · members and �!ahl. Helen Qualset WIll be nd\·Crllli· I:n\rn was I;ll'en. '. ·glft. The hed!;e is in perf«t accord corded In· the nineteenth ciinllter of funds In thl! Middle-West wa.s,accePt�, 1Il� mHnrLJ;er. taking G .. rhaTd L'me); In the addtt,ss of welcomc' Erling I '

.'. i11i t ' I f I Matthew, " This �'oun

,nU\n:' said the With this in mind the A.'ISOClatlon

piac... Apws KlIplX'a"an(t PCI:!;Y Har. Jacobson said:, . fllld .... ·Ith Mr. A t SC I S II ans or m-Ispcaker, "whv came to J('liUS and plnns to send'ten perSons, II po:s.\lble. to . "e�' �'IlJ contiflue' 'to hnve charge .Of· "'To us who are graduating this cwnt Ilfon


' men�'d IS the flrst,ol his id';.as lIS,ked, 'what things shall I do that r I,th; mlddle�we.lltern states during June the O:;lrculaUon department, ,COntinued vn Page � , )

tl1 be realized. . J 'Continued OQ Pagc 4, . 'ContlnU�d on Page '" . But that It Is IlOl only the gift tliat I . . . . . ,. .

l�nOTS FOR LAST FIVE YE,4RS STEF.R ' ooon" bot "" th' ,,,','; with wh"h It JVHERES . AtVD. JVHAl'S Of' GRJlDU,4 TE:,s. '. ' ,llOORltVC MASt . SUCCESSf:UU,Y· TlfR t ' I WM ,"'eo h" "',n ,how" .", " h by I· r;lKfi" THEM FROM , AUlA. MATER , . _ " ' . '

Ilh� students of t lie college, The .grad· .' . - ,

Thi� 'issue of the Mooring Mllst . tfie I Puget �und this_ mo�

' uRtimr. boys �'er� greatl�' admired for I "Wha� are you goln.g :0 do no""?" � I Rena. Strandber!;." and .Warren Bow·

�:�:;:o�: '7h����ll��t�:l

i: :;��:

�:�;� I M�r��a ��:�lr:':�


Sr��:���� t�·� l thelr· sacrifices 'and Cor the spirit with �h�:e��:� o���, '%��IsI���e g:

ea!����1 man also Imend to �aeh. next fall

. . .

yt';lr of Ihe Mooring MRS}:s life. ' ' jedltor.s poslllon , rr�m the job of fea: i WhlCh they went to' .work on Jl.lemvrial ""h� was �nt out b}' the MOO�ing M'ast I . ATI!Old ThosterlSfn plans on 9o'orklng '\Va�' b.' in 19'24, when a few enter ... tures "'riter. M�rthn. was anothl'!" edl.' OilY.' The real 10\'e f�! their AI�a to "fI.nl1, out:· 'returned with the fol. a , In Alaska . .. Pr�nk!!n Lacy t

il ,PrisJns' eollese sophomor .. s began to tor ".hO Could fill vacant gaileys with I Mat-r and their de.sire to see he� pro. 'I lowing information,:'

. �remnln at hl$ home. ne-a.r �yal u�' lllaiit:,..plal:S for Startltl!; a .real school Sllicy articles . . Bot1:1 Henry Klel, man· lgress In beauty was Ilppare.Jl,l. whe� they First, ttre' new teacher� IngebOrg Wash .. to take charge of his fatheE's -"�I)('r. It was tho'ughi b�' not a few that aglrtg �ltor,' that year: and Martha I the�' sacrificed a .g� time Oll.ll vaea· 1 Bolstad �'1lI teac� at the Tann'er School, ranch. 01>81 Ha��e)' h,as �o special the Mooring Mast wduJd su(fer tile fate I ha\'e attended the Unlverslty'of Wash. tlon da\' for good old P.·L. C. I m�ar Kent, Wash. Ladelle Winney has plBll!'! for the summer, . ' of Its weaker ,!redecessors llnd die a' / Im;ton durl.ryg th .. p t tv.'o )'ears and . The GrOu,nd 'has been prepa�ed bllt la IJOSltion In' the East S�n9o'ood school. Peter Flott ",�'II< take up �relgn



lt:C�a:: ���;:�� WI




':;� remar�able ���t:��l:



not be.p!ante

� ;r:��r a��:I�' \\��Ias:��


e �:�� =:���g�:II�;��

t��'�n�'�:;:�" w:]�


Idt:.a with enthusiasm, and '-'the college 11!l lha� he, managed to wear ,a perpet· . '''Olfts , that grow are best. • j O'rass will ' teach ·muslc In .the same en'teT school at S� .. to ('

sophomores, as usual:' no quote · a ual ·smlle In "]lIte or being lin editor, . Plan.

t Life does


the rest:' . I place. Rudolph Sanderson. will be speclallu In coaching. oerhal;d .. Lane phr� orten �n In that fln;t edltion(lswung the �1ast sllfel)' Inlo its third ' , ' . . . , . ' princjp�1 of the thre-e·roonl school at, p!ans, on entering, t:uther College, at

steered the �,1oorlng Mast safel), year: but at the end of the first quar- 0 . ' C ' .. Chambers Prairie, near Olympia. Mar· Decorah,L..lowa, RaymonD Hoff 'Will through Its first )'ear ...

lter withdrew frOth school ·to \\:o�k with fflcer.s hosen For . vln Howlck 90'111 teach ' at the p011lns ta"ntlnue 'SChOO] at wa.s111ngton State

Palma Hel,mdahl the C1n;t edltor.ln. his father In the Wa.shlngton Hard· Next ' Year'!; Council rSch��. Jl.iae WOhlmacher will be at, College. Pullman, Wash. ' .


���;;Im��: I:��� n�


t������ I W��t��:�n

T:�O�ame famous for The studenti �cUJc Lutheran I ��: :::�to: ::�ac��'7t�


e:�:� or�

l::; ��::el:�




as .... ell a.s sbe "leered the Mast 'She her editorials "and l abl1lt� to \\rlte Collegc held their annuaJ.'electlon (or at MIII .... ood Wash a!ld Helen Westb} "11:111 probably all attend tty l1nl�erslt1'

�!I�:t a�::g:S:tI!�r��n��:

l� ��:;

es ��::.



a��r � I�:��� ��a;





t· ;��ll� �e:n�:


e:r =:::t ':ae.::- o

'"J���=nlnw�:��: ti;man LJI.

r;membered for hB"humorous EU'Uc.lea.4.clates Marguerite Folco and Norrie I The follo\\lng officers were elected l ler Wash 90hlle Verna Gano will Ian Anderson Margll;ret Fadness Nel· . ....... hleh thollgh they \\ere often lruplred lj"La J nglo Ruth Is now t�achlng Mar· PreSident-Warner Qua.le teacb at the Vall school near Rainier I rii-a Gullesop Ida Hlnderlle and Dor.

at the last minute to fill a space left guerlte better·ItnOwn as Pat Is em· Vice President-Irene Dahl M,rle Oantlln .... m be at the .unCOln]othy Lehmann ·lntend to return to P • blank b} some reporter ' with spring ployed at the Olympic Ice Cream 'Com! I' Secretan'-Emtna Kaaland school near Paulsbo � Inez Ar· L. C and take... ,the Normal courl!C . fever ca\l.Sf"d many a laugh Burton PlIny' anti Nome lett rOt Alasta last Treasurer-Berger Jacob5on neson Martha CItne Irene Dlseth. Oertrude S)dow:.and Robert Knutxtn will be e:raduate4_Jiom !,he CoUese,of \ (Continued on Page 4) Sergeant·at·Arms-Pred e..:neel ioaa-mar HlI8eness Ethel Johnson' '11;111 also ("eturn for college .... ork

/ r

------- "">'-�.-);-.- .-, ' ,/'\.: , . �


]1 T

T B. 'B II 00 RI N G . it A$TI :-: CherobtL..J :-: OFFI���l.;!�RA��:CTED I

_· _C_a_��'P-;,U$_' .(1_-O_ca_l-::-s �

�:---=-----:�"""'-:;�:=;:=-'--��---'--I __ -=-� ____

· -;::=-=-;;;; I ' -- Lell Klippen •. who attended p� t.: c. o -=-.K'-=-- � Ma and Pa: . , . ' lion SocteI.7 ... hekl .on TU�� eYeR- eotna> ·.�1 bOIplW. fOnO"I� 1.(1

. ::; e� . . June t. 1m 'the lut. meetina oJ the P � L. 0 Mia· lut, II .m6u,1lY III .� !.he Ta,

It IHmI ... If there 11 �Iway. tOme- me. Mal' 22. P'oUowInl u..�! appendiX' OJ)H'&Uon. w:.,. :no th1na happening to me. Thls we'(t. It wrvice .. �.� .... It.en. lA!- . • -- . . '1.''0 WftU durlq the school. year by the. .tuden�· of Padllc ' . . lah 0......, gave .. readln&'. Elna, TntlIon • T'be P. t.. O. t.c:ult, aU;d the leachens . Lu�� ¢ollere;�. w� . �:

t :w=��

e �� ;� to wt� :: .an. .. sone. and ACnN OllOn played .. === :::,:n��:,er;l��� � . SublcrtpUon. one doU&r per ,,:.,r. ebo1r to Puaet U1&n� and fallin& on �F I0I0. Mr. Ramstad .poke on the

u.e etuen .boIne. Mr. and Mrs. O. J .. En� as .second cIa.u matter, Oet.ol:ler 1. 1m. at � Poll Office at Partl&nd. the sidewalk which W&I wet from the �k. of _the �t.h� Church. . Blum, 1lr: and Wn.. N. J. Hona. and ) w�. under the "Act �f Man:h S, 1�. �n and was so aUppei'y that au .. per.· ,.u this meetm, the follow1na ofrtcen Mr.·and �n .. Ludwta Lanon ...... ere hOSlS. __ ----�_:_--';...,-�..,�.'-----..... ---�. lIOn had to do ·wu \00 give hlmaelf' a were eJected lor nest )'t'al': preeldent, ��"" fttt.y·two iue��. ��·��r . • - • - - Ire�= ,taft frOm the top 01 the hili and he Arthur Ollon: .-vI.ce prea1dent. Warner ' -- . . �py Edltor -_ :'

•• � : � Holm�rr would 'land down:at the doeL. But that Q�e:, �, Johnlml: and � . An<lerl?n, 01 Hellnlns, ��u��

�tor ,- - . . . , . • • Er��ac:: ��� 11&1 ho" I!e 1VOUld land. : t�r, SIgu� BJelde, fain. J, O. r:!..:.u:,..

h�::�b��t ��;� = MarvIn Ho'llVla HoWtoever, the choll' hu nolhlna but. . ' !lpend'a month or more or) Ute COut, .

OrpnlraUoru ��t!::!: love for Puget IsLand..' a.s It wU:� (:LASS DAY PROGRA�i Elna Trulson, Sena JohnSttn, ChrlsUne Johnson . ' most rbeumattc plaCe lor loven that is especlall, a1gnlflcanL This � ooetor "nn(etatad and Victor. ElvH' �= and ,.Peatu:e : J . . ' . ' - S����d�� �= they found on tht· :whole trip, Can you �ci the c:onunencement

,exerellH to- ,;m ait.ended the Paclflc LutheRl1

Chapel Talb • - - • - _ _ ;' _ _ IDp Gopleiud tmastne It, Pa, the boyt out theri wee morro" evenlnc �k the concl\alon d�ct m�t� held in Port�d. �. ��� : .: ' : : __ __ __ _- , __ :.=� dr',lrls lor �ul.ori\�� rldt'll � �lr ot' our y� a� Paclflc�Luthert.n Col- gon, MaJ', 2S.�, __ ' � Facult)' News - - - ' . � ." . Ida HlnderUe, Harold J�o IOndo� and 'IJI� �1

.I �er their umbl'el- leg�, yean;. tUled WI�

.the, flnes� and VlsIton at' the �Uea:e d;lng th , BUSINESS DEPARTMENT . ' . I ... when It ralns, Ill" two turUe-dovH nchest opportunltJt'lI or our Uvea . • ', ' �.end: WaY 3l_June 2, we're sevet EIIO� MJclr.eJ.JOl'I . • carl �el1lOn while !.he; atms atol;nd In !.he river, We' hope that our lltUe Informal P:-, tormer lItudent.l: Mr. and Mra. 8ers:et , CIRCULATION ' .

There ain't, no stop and aO slanals, or aram may renec:t to a �ll deere: . e Nelson, Ami Ofen; ESther Sydo.,... A,nes Klippen ,PtnY Harvey ; parking ata:ris. W'. noUtIl., an ,1"11 bet college atmOlphere. We want to ring J>alma Jo

�; OI

adys Kn

�n, E

�!-�DV£RTISING they .have a good t1me. , ' " . . . to YOU. thls_ e"en1nc'

lne:o�pl:-u�!. � Iyn Bneve: lAurenee' Hauge, Ch.ristlne

TYl'ING 0ewIe ·t.arie The boys In the choir-didn't have no humorous 5ltuauo� eg

rl sides Knutzen, and" Elmer Knutzen, Einar. \ umbrella.s with them. how,lOever, and well ... the Ideal an rnoN! � ous and cUrford Knutzen accompailled EJ-

FAC�� ':�IItRS they rot .. regular shO",'u. b.'th on �e Of,=!=� .�� welcome � evening, mer .Knu�n.


·0 .. J, STUEN' J N. J. HOka . wat lrom West Port to PU8'!t Ial&nd, we fell that we are Indebted to all of ' , , ' -----'---"7-...:..-..,..----___ --"'-:-__ It w ... a good t.hlng It haPpen�1 too, as

you for the wonderful opportunities Ml5II Huel, HUJ;1'Io, 01 Everett, and - " , • being It was SAturday night �e)" might which have been ours," 'Nbs Ruth Jacobl.on, 01 lAlr.ew�, vbl: AU REVOIR , • have mIsSed their bath.s ,otherw�'. ' \ . w ... Iven b John ted Erling and\Bers:er J&C9b&on. last

TIll' s("hm),1 year i� nvcr- ellded, For :;nmc of liS tha� merely , I wish you could ha,ve heard o�r �n- nte CI�:�

ryBo"m�n, In:% Ar. Sunday, �

�' llIeuns u val:utmll UI)1I1 next fnll. when we sit II return, Hut fur cert.s on our, trip to Oregon Ma, bUl fa I Jottruon. e II d H I W t ' ' __ •. � ,ntlwrs it 1,IIcans the end uf schnol {hl�'s ut p, I., C. .

.. " "'"Quid have enJoyed the f1�rce COllere neson, Marte Oard 0 an e en es ... . Mlss Marie Johwo"n. �f �Vhcn, lessuns hu\'(' lH'<'n liard, we hove all wishcd 'S(:houl yells ",·Ii gave In !.he- bus mOlt. I think. by" , vlsJted her brother, :.John'. durtp.g Com-wOlild end, tlmt' exuminalions were o\=er, hut· now that tI�� timo I enjOyed It myself. as It's all the aame Ingeborg Bolstad. :::. S�d� mencement w�k. .

,has come, a fcclin/.t uf sudn('ss ('rt'Cps n\'er us, and most o\'cr thuS(' to me wether I holler or ling. al!.ho I M�aret Fadness, , "'ho lia"e spent their last YClir 11\ P. I.. r.,--the "radunles of :29 don't mean. to, tnt� that othen can'.t Arnold Thostewo� f��Ured In pre- Mw

Oudren Bo

lstad, a 'nu

rse at the who will not confe back. . tell the dlfrerence . ... I don't mean senUng the !, p ,Y

. Gi Mayo Cllnlc In Rochei8t.t;. Mlnneso�, Graduates, don't fnr/.tet �'iJur sehoul. She has glycn you �lJllle- �hlt.t, but what I cz;ave,is sell-rompres- An oct.ttt.t'_��Ung of � , n vlsIted her

lister, Inge

bars:, during thill� you will priz£' !leYOIH,olnepsllre in days tn ('pmc. c�'�n If you sI�n, . - " Lacy, Olaf ,Ordal. rhard lAne.

Rob- Commencement'w�k. ' dUll'! do it nuw. Though yuu 'lllly he away' frum fUlllIhar face,S It Is dlfllcult' to expreM mysell wlth- ert Knutzen. ,Ne}m& Oulleson, Ida Htn- - . __ and places. thou/.th you lllilY I{e abscnt from her halls. P. , I.. C. out any capital, howSoever, and the derUe,' PhYllis Orande. and Ladelle. ,

needs \'UU, She nceds \,our1ft;PPclrt. ,"our 10\'llity, \'Olir love. Comc only way I can th!nlr. of, to help mat- Winney lurnlshed several mualcal num: Mr. and Mn, J, o. Edward:' and Mr. hUl'k amh{"il often; dlrr,'t Jorget the'rclinioilS; lUl<1 don't forgl't tu ten along, Is. .for you to send me some bers. Other musical numbers were a ,and Mra. J. U, Xavier entertalned the, write, D,rop a Itne to the :\loorin/.t ;\Inst, und Icll us wlul:t you are money' In the 'lnstant luture, , vlouhSOlo;by.�arH .. eneu; a auo- faculty !1letnben and �v' and Mra·

IM . .

·doin�. \Vr are interestcd in witt, and we want nm to be mterested Your mu.sical -daua:hter. phone solo by I4lllan Andel1lOl1. an ac· �no, after !.he � ureate 8e.rv ces in us. ' ...: J , ' . ' . -, . CIU:RODA. cordlon solo by Lelah Orass: and ,a !alit Sunday evemna, . To those whom w�. shull llliss on re/.tistrat.ion ,d�y n�xt ful,l, P. S. Stanley says If, you . feel a vocaI duet bY Elna Trulson an� �llbertl�==========t we ('xtend our best Wishes fo� st!c('cs., and haPJ)tncss III their ""armlsh chili running . up and down N)'IJW1. j Brita' PrlII, t'�osen .\\:ork. To those who WIll r�turn we !ill)'. A happy \'acu- your back. It.:s a SUrf: sign of being In The C� WtIl. wh,Jch also, fuml.&hed .., . lion. "e II s:cc you 'next. Scptcmhcr, And to our teachers--:those lov�, Is that rliht Pa. or Is,..he mixlnc the audience 'IIVIth a rr-t �eal of mer· Keystone �rinUng Co .. Inc. who ha"e gl\'cn liS their hc�t, who have shown end!ess patience. things up agaln? ' , mertiment._ wll;S �esented 'by Inne MalII SU1 1ft Pa.cUk: AYe who huve been our advisers and comradcs-we wish you a pleas- More. DorothY Lehmann, Oertrude By- TACOMA ant summer, Au re\'�,i� ___ • LlFE'S LI'M'L£ TRAGE'DlES �:' ci::a

l a�-:::

Yhe:: I�

r;�:t�:� I :=========� TO ALUMNI AND· GRADUATES ThIa Is wrltt.en lor women only, 01 aehool. was present«! by Martha Cllne. l .

This �s the lust isslle of the Mast for the year 1928-2R :O;('xt course the men may react It, If they so nte fare.ell addreas w ... liven ,by' TobaccOI, CJran and fnll u new starr will take hold or the paper and try to givc the desire. but I am sure that It. wW not John WI�; who ,poke, In' part, u fol- Can�Uel, Maguln� Papers' school a beller paper ·than ever before, But the hopes a,nd nm- lnt.enst them, at le&st not In the degree lows: Tbor8H L Pedersen. hition' or the new ;tarf cun 1I0t be rt"alized unless you 10)'8I1y SU»- that It would. Interest the women. Por ''To our many fnends we leave an D_ 10'1' PacU1c AftDue port this work. Support your paper by your own subscril)tion, by "l}aCman, ho"ever 5)'l1Ipathetic or 1m- surance that our mutual Ut'lI shall re- 'hooma. Wub. - �rying to inten;st others, and by sending in news of }:01:l' own dl?- aglnatlve, can understand the sudden main �nbrolr.en. We have spectal lUI- I �===:::=:;::::=:;:;t::=. Jn$s �nd those of others. The st�ff tl�at has now fllllshed their wave Of em'otlon tbat- 5Urs:t'II through a on for expreuinctnUtude to, the mem- I l w�rk deser\'� a gr�at deol of p�alse an� encouragement for tI�e younc ·glrl's�� when ahe dIacovera bera ot the faculty-those who have ' . ( fmll,lful and unselfish work-they ha\'e' gl\'en thcl[' pOIK'r and Ih�lr a runner In "'r hew sllk stocklngsr lald 'the foundatlollll for our character "Studen'" SI.or:e" school this 'year. of , The Inslduous ,th1ng about these run- . , . , It Ii to this InstltuUon and to the • � O. J. ,STUEN. 'nus 15 that they may apPear at any personnel a& a whole tha� this farewell • I r;:===::;�:::::=..:::::t==::==========:=::::::====:::; t1me, unbeitnbwn to the :.eater and Is planned The Clul 01 '2IiI leaves

. .-

J)ROOKDr\LE GRO�RY CO. cause that dreaded feelIng "hlch Is no, great accomplialunenta, leaves no .Porter-CumJllings I Orooer1ea. Plour, Hay, Omin, � 8boei. �ubber Pootwev, Drup,

�1ftZ"t', Plumbiar SuPPl1el. PalDu. Rooftnr MADlSON lCMJ4 llADl80N 183RS

SPECIAL BUSSES FOR· P�S . . Any Time, Any Place , . Call Mr. Lyons "

Main 2431


akin to panic. h1gh'mark ofsu,;ess.- Weareu hwnan Cpmpany eJ:� =:� �=:. �lle::e:!; :v�:n= :'����o:-:ese� ':Home of the 2-ponts 8uit" at P. L. C.I I was industriously wor1l:1ng &incerel.y beg pardon. UndUJraduate In the library, placing boob back.upon college 'llIe 15' to'show the what of llIe the shelves, When suddenly I .. " a run_ m�re than the how, and thla baa been 934 Po.cifie Avenue ner In my stocking, Dismay and alarm shown. ' From' now on ,tbe problema are 'hllna'ied with consternation IUled my oun more than ever before. We have I ;;':=�=======� heart, What should I do? UnUI my the fondest and ,t.ron(est ho* of real- I -library period. was over, !.here was but !.tina' them 'and aSk.a well � and ,one � lor me � lollow. Any Ood-speed In, for thIa, ot;f1are. litl knows that spitUna' 00 a runner "ell" w1ll il:eep' the � from alIpp�, and The Pf'OIl'&ID ended with the Clul _ this was "hat I P� to do. ' Bone by the enUre clul.

G� .· on. GIl9CDlE8


t��I �:::::;====::;;:====t :==::::;::;:::::::::::::::::;::==::::::: Ito keep spltUng. I "u so concerned Tbe a- of I raa .. 8111� '

over my at..oekina, however: that I paid , � UtUe attention to obserVers: It .... JE'tLAND&-fALAGRUTI , Sal ... Service S,,!tion Mr. Sk1nMr, Prop. . ,

�fore qu1te 'a surprise to me "hen

" MiII�ork an� Cabinet Shop Sup� I

�;:tU:-:::�Id UI £he 'matter �'_I'



' ___ � __ W_ub._ .'=�=:::=====�

'IIVItb the lIbrartan? Bbt·, � aw- _ .. ___ ....... ..;.._ .......... _ ....... _, __ ful.b' queer and keepi: spltun, on her � . • ,


_��_ , _ _ S�_�� ..... .. , 'hcaDa" "'MIL ,

.� . .

� ... ........ "" - ; AmerIcan Plumbing&: S"",m Supply Co. 'IIVItb II. all the �." , • E ' . , I WhoJe.ale "Oh,' I .uppase abe'a startlni a new �

_ Plumbt..... Steam and MID aappU .. endurance' contst:' the other rejoined. 1 . p "You Dever'can � what. cn.ty stun&. � Phone Main 1707 1908-10 Pacific Averiue wW be thouabt of these .daJL .. :, ' I , 50 J'OU ... a-ruDDer ·may be the cauie or IDt.D:J dIIfkult1ea. If tbe wont � .tO.tHe wont, you. may eno hayti t:q wrtte borne for money to bu7 a De1r _ 01 _ . ."". \.' ........,... .... bard 'for me., .. "'JOU kDcrW bow cSretw l am � ID)' � �.rA:.


. -

PETERSB�G. T,AILORING (:0. WI: QIV& � � TO ORADUATD Kadi.:m 'It6Jl .� .

"" . _ ,"-

;. \

-SPORT ·PAGE . . ·


tMr. -':Id Mrs. . o. ECI ..... ni.s· and 'Mr.

and Mrs. J. U. Xavier .... ere Joint host-

Season'. Closing . �'IGradu�ting Ga�e Victoriou. To Take ' .. LIII." .I.,,. For . . P . .... C. Boy. .

esses at: a puty given 1n honor of the PlaYlnl' their rtnal game of the sea-P\l.dflc Lutheran) Coll� Choir. 8uJ)- son on the home lot, the day afternoon. June . 2. at the V.avier �t on a ba',una: ramp.,e and smoth­home. . ' ered the stadium ntne 11-2. The Glad., As this was the nnal me-eting of the lawn played • fine ball game thnlJ

1928.-29 en.semble choir, !5f!veril speak_ out. Harclo bltUng and 'brtlllatJ.t . t'l"S "'-ere called ,upon, the Jln' being fenstn work made the game Ooi:lor 'I'ingebtad. He . lng, e\'en 11 it ..... a.s· a one the choir members on their achievement falt. Althourh .the Stadium and thankt<l the choir and Its dl�tor ed:errt.Uc ball at stages tftey


:n;t��e '!I:ce 0!ur¥e:�t�� ���



EI1'estrom. the businf&'5 manqer. also whUe Palo and COltom. thanked thl" membenl for their loyalty ers. allowed only � aca.tte:� throughout : the year. Mr. E<iward.!l ' St.acflum opened the game by

�:t��n�f plans tor next YH.r'S organ· adVlUlt.age ot a hit and two

LIEN & SELVIG ImpC)l"ters of Nor­wegian Cod ·Liver

Oil . COr. Tacoma Avenue ok 11th 8e.. To<X>mA. Wub. Free· Deun:ry

Sherman)lay & CO.

lIfay Our Be.t Wilhe. Follow You Through the Future

Phone Main 44931���=������ WE CLEAN CLEANER




�- --.-: --� ·--�-mGl" SCII00rT.- .... �

W ritiior Info,.,...mOn

. .

Concerts of P . . L. C;;. Choir Are AU Big

a few flowers or a nice blooming· plant. Flowers for everyb'ody and �y�;� .


Seamoru Flower Shop , 9th ok Broadway

say theY' h�ve never been i�·T.�c...o�)a '�n­less they have eaten


.' To All Grad"ates

. Our Be�t

NEeeA' RES�AURAN� OPen A� Nig�t

TRY OUR ANNEX 13th ·& Commerce

Fouriiam Lun�he8, S0da8, Sundaes, It Pa,. .. Leek WeD: .......... tJidoa 8 .....

Parkland & Barber S":0P

-rim. A. ANDIlROUlN . - IIDft ID'I'AL .,;;;;,s.' . . .,TO . ouva. liOOnNQ, II;IJD.I.a& I'11&MACU . ' ' .

. '!-,.. ." .. . #TAOOIIA. WA811.

. ' j

F----.........-'.-. --- -' -' '-'

. .

. Senior. �Cla$S. Scores

gTHt. SUccelIS. Thl� Pl� � under the able, direction Of . Mw ntd. The pl"OCffds .. 111 u.sed by ("' Im("","'" c� to pay fot .. pil rt1ng gift � school. . . ,

!he partS. thou;h dlffl�ult, wt're ,;ery ""'el!" 'aken. each character sJ,ming to

" Sir! You have upon. your tbe flnt two act.s and. by Eilot Mikelson this moment a black bow tie! In t�e thlz:rt act. �.a.rv'tn HO'dC�Jk follow mel" .

. . . later'in practice writing

said � IpMker, "YO\I wUl loee . tor 'lhf!� will be �o succeu. no hap·

Runion and DaBmar Hageness as And tl),e man-he fOllowed. Docll::!r Horr finishes teaching at . the best wOrk ot which .

Phoebe Puckers took th,elr llam ve�' ... ew:;� .. �·�:�.

on behind �e scenes !I� :(e �






' the '

::x:h�:r:c.�'tM�:�\ C.t FI.werl',·Pot� rtanlll .. 'ell. Elna iI.S Alice Tnwers . But. Mwe.'<ir It may be. Sigurd ap� vcralty qf CaUfornia . • . Mr. Hong ye� )ofr 8008, who will 9'19 'Pacific Ave, Tacoma

and.I"rell Kreidler. as the Earl of Hunt· peared al\d san� In a black bow tie, and It:ach In, the s.umme�I.· ' have charge- of the �Iass, \s �klng �;;:��;;�;;;;;;��:! Ington were also Interestl


Qt chaI1l.cters, I th� man-well. he was ejec� Into the Wh


t r Mr, HalJge will teach preparatiol15. (or an Intereostlng study, � u -_. • •• • •• • ...... Entertainment 'betv,'een acts al)d be· I audlenCt' minus hl�r 'rather, WITH mer 001. or go east In the . ' , A8e.n�j The General Flreproortng 4

rore� pia}' was (umlshed by the p, a certain BRO'WN' t�e not his own. the, I v�lopment �Iatlon i\1. LONO PREACHES . I 90, Filing ALLBTEEL :.rUI�e.nt

�/'p.I�rchestNl, the celene. ",Three I , III It any wonder that P. L. C, ean't yet been d�lded. Miss Stbtrud's AT BACCALA,UREATE J. �. Visen Company _

F'ore�ners:: Stflnl!'), Betention, wa�ner do without a happy Insplratloll,allst such a";! not deflnUe yet, either. S�e I !liay ha\'e eternal me?' symbollr,es the Phone Main 28'1'0 �� Pa;Cl.f1c Ave, Quale. an� Slgut'd Bjelde. Mr. Edwards;. as �Ir, Edwards? .. � either teach at the suml!Ler school or, go graduate of a Christian Institution, and 800K�:.:m�R������ERS ,and 5aebJorn' 'ButlE'dahl, of Oslo, Nor- ' - , ' to the University of Washington. ; Christ's attitude toward the young nian- :_:_:_ : __ =====:.::::; way, Mr • . Buttedahl g�\'e two rea4�ngs. Fifth Year for· Mooring �In t · Mr!;, !aylor will be at her hom� In Is the,same as his attitude toward YOli i . one In English and one In NOrwegian., April, where .he.lsJworkllig. .J . WMh. , tonight:." I "Nprrle" was editor during lhe . . Tlnge\stad wUl be bu�y throug�. The young m"a'l h�d fIlany chllracter·

yeKr, and, Vema Onno was the summer w.!th Dcvl'lopm,;,nl and \sUC'! of the grllduate. He was riCh, a "\\"e'\"l' (;01 Your Cluthes" E'dltor, V:ma remained on the plRI15 for next year. ' ana a\leader: he W8$ young, and

! I\lUIi �he .graduated . last .l>tl� C�ra Myhre, our ge'l\al secre- ·to make something of the life Next fall she will tealh .at the I til':)'. left school Friday. May 31" for \a)( before him: he was moral, school. near RIllnler. Wash. hOIllt' ��

n�o����'. ::OC� ��e;I:


ay I yet he knew something wa.s lack·

BUCKLEY-KI\liG CO. Funeral Dir�

� llucklcy·King Funeral

Church Ing. In Ukt' mllnner the graduate II I where she will Join some eight �Ieh In education and opportunity : his

�o������t"' '��7��:;:�:;:::�::::'::�:�:�: '�hh::(;�I: �::,:;���(�;::��;:��;:; �����:�:'







"om. '�'': So ",,( . I ,"'�Ituary notiCes. and after. a 5tren- Unent.-England, France. , the wisdom of living a morJl,i Ufe: Like ��=:=:=::=�

DICKSON' BROS. CO U�U5 'ean work. Is glad to rl'tlre be· NO�'RY·. Rnd the ruler he. too, asks. �hat lack I ' 1 1 20-22,ilc.. A\c: 1 fore a yonI' Is fO� i.o write a similar �'I teach In Sremerton

. yet?" (

ln�e concerning herself Ttle as· Jes\IJI' al15l1ller to the ruler, ;'00. sell � sOclate E'dltor of �ear JOhn Oop· that which thou past, and give to Us Our Busine88 To Serve

rlod Sen'e·. Efficiently DAHL GROCERY CO j 1erud "Ill be next year s chief The GRADUATES ·TO poor:-and cO,me, follow me:' Is also

General Myn:bandke ' I ���r ��� e�e;t :u�a�t : edit a better Those r��������m�I!;�?M

AS :O�'d

w":I�. e



u.a:if_�:If�ce. I ( h

C II That'. why we are. here, for Phone Mad 3818R6 Parkland ng that a\tng done their 9 ege·grad\lates Inez Arneson, Inge- vice. and consecration. There' are your convenience and we want QWib iUld.,§enic-e �=y


er Bolstad. Martha CUne, Irene Dis· two way. to spend a lUe·serv!ng selt.- r:clll�es r�� r::ryW �.:;;; I

pardon for the Informal eudlng of ' Vem� i:1��' !:� 6:���' =:�: ���!�

n��l�� ���



ln:�t �: manner. We develop and print I r;::Mc:: ... :::.c:: ..... �'-::&-Th=-N"trica-;-:-, "'c'-.---+ rambling article, the editor and start. �arv�y, E�el Johnson, Eliot life he tried to 38.\'1' he l06t: tor the

your ·kodak turns. I . tillites. Tuedo Uld Dre$S SulLs celebration of the fifth anniversary , Irene More. B;ertha �, Bible says, "he went away sorrowful"." , Parkland Mercantile Co. I For Rent ,l>\le Mooring Mast..say; "Here's to ' E1na Trulson, Helen In the seHlsh life th'ere ia no satlA· Neal E: Thorsen readers-studenLs. teachers and friends Winney. and �;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;:;;;;;;;� , Hair Gooda, Hair Dya, To.pees.. I-and our ad\'ertlsef$. may the loyalty Warren Bowman, , .. "" I :==..:::::::.....::...:::::...:=::...:�:..:=:::

Wlrs: � I and SUppOrt you ha\'e shown continue Flott. Walter French; Evans m� B.n.d"':r , MaIn 3111 always." son, Raymond Hoff, Marvin Howlck, Erling Jacobson. Lyell Kreidler. Frank­lin Lacy, Oerhard Lane, 'Olaf Ordai.


.rJ/,;" ""/s, eyear r;}30.0L CI 1 1(/. 9aper ...

{gi,on @ox&} ��



Rudolph Sanderson. and�John Wiese. High School: LUUan Anderso'n, Mar·

gar('t Fadness. Nelma Oulleson, Ida HJnderUe. Dorothy l..ehmann.,and Oe�. rude Sydow. 'John Johnson, Wilbert Nfl!lan, Arnold Th��n, and Robert Knutzen.


and July. In this can be reallud the present membership of 1,548 wtll be

Qulbran&en of· Bell\.niham. Ington; Attorney M. H. Forde of' ett. Wa.ah.: Rev. R � of Eujene,





, :o�.� � .B&nlr.ell of .Aberdeen,


Knute B,.

Nonwing of

The Store For Men a�d


111().12 . Pacific -Ave: .

Joe Beitz SerVice station

Gas & Oil -


Frank J Le.e . Oltllfom1a l\1.cq,

. �Ten Years' E�perlerice .· H88 Shown the. Wisdom .

AND DemoD8t1-ated the Advantages .

OF , . .

· 1. Restricled Field . 2. Select Me{1'lhenhip

L .� . LUT��.�IQIOOD J

. 1254 McKnight '!luildiilg, Minn.


