The Mind Experience Seminar


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Mind Experience

By Precious AjoonuMind Therapist/Founder ThinkingSchool

Outline• The Birthing Process?

• Death – What does it mean to die?

• Consciousness

• Reawakening Consciousness

Housekeeping- Human connections

The birthing Process

“Birth is the act or process of bearing or bringing forth a new life form, human being or offspring ”

What is the mind?

•The concept of the human mind is such that there are several definitions of it. So much so that James Allen declared “thought in the mind has made us”. We often hear things like “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”. The mind is the seat of thoughts, feelings and intellect.

Conscious & Unconscious Mind• “the unconscious mind comprises mental processes that are inaccessible to consciousness but that influence judgements, feelings, or behaviour (Wilson, 2002). According to Freud (1915), the unconscious mind is the primary source of human behaviour. Like an iceberg, the most important part of the mind is the part you cannot see.

How we think

•Before our unconscious mind attempts to learn any new behaviour it must first perceive an intent for doing so, a reason why?


•Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad (Psychology Today). Live in the moment…Breathe..

Mind Exercise

•Think about the thoughts you are having this very moment. Now become the observer of your thoughts and question why you are thinking what you are thinking.

Consciousness• We were all born conscious and as soon as we are faced with the rush of air from this universe we let out a cry to signify our presence. Consciousness is the formless nature of our being. When we go beyond thought and mind we reach the seat of our consciousness.

The purpose Question

•Who am I?

Man know Thyself

•What is my life’s purpose?


•There will only be one shot at life and none of us is coming out of this human experience alive, so what gives?

Consciousness – The death of Ego

•Ego – “our image of who we are”. “What we resist persists”. Ego is neither good nor bad, its just ego.

Time & Now

• “Time is an illusion”. The only certain moment is now. That is why it is called a “present” in English Language. We are here to learn, teach, and become our true nature, love and light, and those closest to us are our greatest teachers and students in this school of life.

Reawakening Consciousness

•“Love is who we are” – what is love? What is the connection between love and purpose?

Love is who we are• “Love is simply a state of non separation, where you perceive no division between yourself and some aspect of the world where you perceive wholeness and oneness” Dr, John F. Demartini.

True Love• True love transcends emotion. Love is the balance of perceived pain and pleasure, joy and sadness, light and darkness. You have access to infinite possibilities of the love inside of you. When your self tank is full, it will overflow like a stream to others. To love yourself & others is one of life’s truest gifts.

Exercise• Write down five unique qualities you are certain you possess. Pick one person in the audience and write down 5 qualities they possess. Meditate on these for some time. Be grateful for the life you have and the person you are observing. Practice this as often as you like. Eventually, your perceptions of good and bad or right and wrong will begin to fade. As you improve, you will be able to find yourself in anyone and anything.

Questions please…


•Thoughts becomes things – Creativity is abundance. Money is neither good nor bad, it is the meaning you give to it. “A man’s gift will make room for him & brings him before great men” Bible.

What is Creativity?• Creativity is about fresh thinking. It doesn't have to be new to the whole of humanity – though that's always a bonus – but certainly to the person whose work it is. (Ken Robison). The real driver of creativity is deep hunger for discovery and a passion for the work itself.

The Creative Myth• There are various myths about creativity. One is that only special people are creative; another is that creativity is just about the arts; a third is that it's all to do with uninhibited "self-expression". None of these is true. On the contrary, everyone has creative capacities; creativity is possible in whatever you do, and it can require great discipline and many different skills (Ken Robison).

Create• You have all you need to awaken your creative spark and birth that new idea, that will transform humanity.

• The time to start creating is now!!!


•Gratitude is essential for living. What are you thankful for? Keep a gratitude journal. Take stock of your daily progress. Be thankful for your self love and service to others. Love thrives in a grateful heart.

Beyond Thought - Choose life• The ego is nothing but a fearful thought. It feeds on fearful thinking. “Nothing you do or think is necessary to establish your thought” Marianne Williamson. You are not your mind. You are consciousness gaining expression in this world. Choose life over death. Become the “you” that you truly are.

Last word?

•Life is a balancing act…

May we spread love & light. Thank you for your presence.
