The MILF Files


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  • 7/29/2019 The MILF Files


  • 7/29/2019 The MILF Files




    You have the right to ask the Information and Privacy Commissioner to review this decision. I

    have enclosed information on the review and complaint process.



    Cindy Elbahir, Manager

    Central Agency Team

    Information Access Operations


  • 7/29/2019 The MILF Files


  • 7/29/2019 The MILF Files




    If you have any questions regarding your request, please contact Heidi Sarrazin, the analyst

    assigned to your request, at 205-387-5423. This number can be reached toll-free by calling fromVancouver, 604-660-2421, or from elsewhere in BC, 1-800-663-7867 and asking to betransferred to 205-387-5423.

    You have the right to ask the Information and Privacy Commissioner to review this decision. I

    have enclosed information on the review and complaint process.





    For:Cindy Elbahir, ManagerCentral Agency TeamInformation Access Operations


  • 7/29/2019 The MILF Files


    -----Original Message-----

    From:Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 12:55 PMTo: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX

    Cc: contact@bcliberals.comSubject: Radio interview

    Dear Premier Clark:I just called your office and asked to leave a comment re: a recent interview you did with aVancouver Island DJ. Quite frankly, I was appalled and embarrassed, both as a BC citizen andas a woman, by the tone and content of this moronic interview. I am offended that as the presentleader of our province, you have time to do such totally banal radio interviews but not to

    comment on the recent Port Mann Bridge incident, for example.

    When I called your office, the young woman I spoke to would not record my name/address ormy comment for delivery to you. Her response to my concern: "That's your opinion. I think

    she's fantastic. You have a great day. Merry Christmas." Great public relations and suchdisdain and lack of respect for a BC citizen/voter.

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    Thank you for your email. The question in that live interview was highly inappropriate; it was

    shocking and unexpected, and the Premier was attempting to quickly move the interview back tomatters relating to her work and her office.Your concerns about this have been noted and will be shared with the Premier in the days ahead.

    We do appreciate your taking the time to share your views and hope you will find this responsehelpful.

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    Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 8:36 AMTo: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX

    Subject: good on you!

    Ms. Clark

    Regarding the recent 'milf' incident, congratulations on handling a silly question with a wittyanswer.

    I live in Alberta, but I would so rather you were our Premier than that one we have. It would be

    wonderful to have a Premier with a sense of humour, and more importantly, it would be great tohave a Premier that stands up for her province.

    If I ever move west, you will always have my vote.

    Happy Holidays

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    Thank you May we take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year.

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    -----Original Message-----

    From:Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 11:06 AMTo: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX

    Subject: Inappropriate comment by 98.9JERTFM

    Seasons Greetings Premier Clark;

    I often comment on your political views, and I always respect the right to question and orcomment our politicians. I also value the fact, that I can make comments to your defense. I justread this morning in an online newspaper an article about the question that was asked of you byradio host "Drex", on station 98.9jetfm. I am a , and did not

    know what the term M..F meant until a year ago, when I had to look it up on an online slangdictionary.This fellow was completely out of line, and Premier, you should have got up and walked out onthis guy. How disgusting! I do not know if you yourself knew what the word meant, but I am

    disgusted that a person, interviewing the Premier of our Province would ask such a degradingand inappropriate question. I hope he is fired. When I look at you I see the Premier, as I did

    with other Premiers of this province. I look at any politician as a politician, and would only everthink of asking them political questions, or personal ones if it has to do directly with their office,or the position she/he held.

    All the best to you, your family, your party, and our Province in the New Year !!

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    Thank you and we will be sure the Premier gets your message. May we take this opportunity

    to wish you a very Happy New Year.

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    Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 2:27 PMTo: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EXSubject: Madame Premier...


    Read about your MILF scenario... funny but good answer Christy. Not only am i a LiberalMember and supporter but i also support your answer 100%, and yes, the correct answer too!

    Good for you Christy!

    see you in the winners circle next Spring!

    best regards and Happy 2013,

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    Thank you May we take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year.

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    Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 4:16 PMTo: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EXSubject: comments degrading to women

    Ms. Clark,

    I am dismayed at your response to the radio interview where you took being a MILTF as acompliment. As a woman, mother of 2 daughters, grandmother of 2 girls,

    it is offensive that you would respond as you did. Youshould have immediately made it clear that the question was inappropriate. No one, man orwoman, should ask such a question and you should have made that clear and refused to answer.Instead, you made things worse.

    I hope that you will work hard to promote respect forall, including women. Your legacy will depend on how you react in such circumstances.

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    Thank you for your email. The question in that live interview was highly inappropriate; it was

    shocking and unexpected, and the Premier was attempting to quickly move the interview back tomatters relating to her work and her office.Your concerns about this have been noted and will be shared with the Premier in the days ahead.

    We do appreciate your taking the time to share your views and hope you will find this responsehelpful.

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    Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 9:13 AMTo: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EXSubject: The New

    Dear Ms. Clark, or should we now call you MILF,

    What filth you are, a disgrace to every woman, everywhere. I didnt think there was a politicianwith less class than but lady(?) you take the cake.

    I bet thats one quote your kids will be proud of, and trust me, its not going away!

    Voting Accordingly

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    Sent: Wednesday, January 2, 2013 10:59 PMTo: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EXSubject: radio interview


    I am a BC resident and constituent of your electoral district. I am writing as I have beenextremely upset after hearing your response to an interview. I will firstly apologize if I have thefacts incorrect. But my understanding is that you were asked if you would prefer being anMILF or a cougar. I appreciate both terms have context in popular culture but I wouldquestion whether in 2012 or later years such as this they have any place in characterizing or

    describing a female in a work environment. Realistically in some contexts this could beconsidered sexual harassment. I dont believe it does in this case however, in responding andmaking a selection, I am concerned about the message it delivers.

    I spent one night waking up periodically worrying that hey so does this mean my Premierendorses as I havent had the good fortune to have children my option as an attractive female is

    to be a COUGAR????????? I am chasing young men? Really? I thought that in 2012 and2013 and the years to come based on the hard work of women I was seen as sexless and anequal in the workplace and valued based on what I can offer - professionally. I really hope that Ican continue to feel this and not thought of or valued based on my looks but rather on myintelligence, the value my education brings and my positive attitude and drive for the best for my

    community and company.

    I appreciate we all make errors in judgement and when making quick statements in an interviewformat but I know in order to achieve the successes you have it is because you are anintelligent, driven women. My hope as a constituent is to see decisions and statements that

    reflect this in future and doesnt respond to the easy road of a quick positive media clip that (tome) debases women and the value they bring to our communities and companies beyond beingattractive.

    Thank you,

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  • 7/29/2019 The MILF Files


    Thank you for your email. The question in that live interview was highly inappropriate; it was

    shocking and unexpected, and the Premier was attempting to quickly move the interview back tomatters relating to her work and her office.Your concerns about this have been noted and will be shared with the Premier in the days ahead.

    We do appreciate your taking the time to share your views and hope you will find this responsehelpful.

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    -----Original Message-----

    From:Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2013 6:55 AMTo: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX


    Dear Premier,I am writing because I am a resident of Courtenay Iwork as a I am a mother of

    Yours sincerely,

    P.s. Looking forward to Family Day.PPS. I apologize on behalf of our local radio host for handling that question so poorly. Womenin politics do not deserve such base treatment, right?

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    -----Original Message-----

    From: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EXSent: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 2:17 PMTo:

    Cc: Minister, ENV ENV:EX; Minister, EMH EMH:EX; Minister, FLNR FLNR:EX; Murphy,Shelley EAO:EX

    Subject: RE:

    Thank you again for writing. Public input is very important to us as it helps to inform ourongoing discussions. We will be sure to share your concerns regarding this proposal as well asyour comments on Family Day and the recent radio interview in Courtenay with Premier Clark

    at the earliest opportunity.

    pc: Honourable Terry LakeHonourable Rich ColemanHonourable Steve Thomson

    Shelley Murphy

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    January 7, 2013

    PR I V A T E & C O N F I D E N T I A L

    The Honourable Christy Clark,

    Premier of British ColumbiaBox 9041, Station PROV GOVTVictoria, BC V8W 9E1

    Dear Premier Clark,

    I am a founder, the President and CEO of Vista Radio Ltd., the owner of Jet FM in Courtenay, British


    BritishColumbia is a wonderful place to live, work and play. We feel privileged to be able to serve thecommunity of Courtenay/Comox as well as the many other communities we serve in British



    Margot M. Micallef, QC

    President & CEOVista Radio Ltd.!

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