The Middle East in the World Today CHAPTER 28. Section 1: Regional and Global Issues The Middle East...


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The Middle East in the World Today


Section 1: Regional and Global IssuesThe Middle East and the Cold War

Since WWII, nations in the developed and developing worlds have become increasingly dependent on oil from the Middle East

The US and the Soviet Union recognized the strategic importance of the Middle East

This region controlled the oil needed for industry, but also vital waterways such as the Suez Canal and the Persian Gulf

During the Cold War, both powers competed for power and influence in the Middle East

TurkeyDuring the Cold War, the Soviet Union

backed the communist rebels in TurkeyThe US helped Turkey resist Soviet

pressureTurkey joined the North Atlantic Treaty

Organization (NATO)Ever since, NATO air bases in Turkey have

given the US an important strategic base in the Middle East

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold War, the US, Russia and

other nations became concerned with weapons of mass destruction in the ME

Iran, Iraq and Israel each worked to develop nuclear weapons

The spread of nuclear weapons was tied to the rise of extremism

Extremists were willing to use terrorism to achieve their goals


Had many causes1-lack of democracy2-many dissenters turned to violence as a way of

expressing opposition to oppressive governments3-poverty and social inequality 4-anger over the westernization of Islamic

societies Hated the western ideas of justice and law in Islamic

countries Opposed granting new rights to women Outraged by the influence of western fashions and

western media

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

1960-Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela (later expanded to 11 countries)

Goal of OPEC was to end the power of western oil companies over oil prices

Middle Eastern oil producing nations used oil as a weapon

During the Arab-Israeli war in 1973, OPEC stopped ME oil shipments to countries that supported Israel, including the US

Set off global oil crisis as prices rose and supplies dropped

Global effectsDeveloping nations were especially hard hitMany countries had to cut spending on social

programs in order to pay for costly imported oilIn industrial countries, high oil prices caused

inflationAfter 1970s, many countries reduced their

dependence on OPEC oilConservation and alternative energy Hunted for new oil sources or bought from non-

OPEC nations

Two Wars in the Persian GulfIran-Iraq WarPersian Gulf War

Iran-Iraq WarAfter Iran’s Islamic revolution, tensions rose

between it and its neighbor, IraqIn 1980, Iraq launched a massive invasion of IranFrom 1980-1989, each side destroyed the other’s

cities, ports, and oil fieldsMore than 1 million Iranians and Iraqis diedThe war raised international fears when both

sides attacked oil tankers and set mines in the Persian Gulf

The US sent warships to the Gulf to protect tankers in the region

End to Iran-Iraq WarExhausted by their

huge loses, the two nations finally excepted a UN cease-fire agreement

Persian Gulf WarFaced with massive debt and

general unrest, Saddam Hussein sought a way to win popular support among Iraqis

He used military power to invade Kuwait in 1990

He claimed Kuwait belonged to Iraq

He also threatened Saudi Arabia

Global crisisThe UN condemned Saddam’s aggression

and imposed a trade embargo on Iraq The US formed a coalition of American,

Arab, and other forcesIn 1991, the coalition moved against Iraq

by land and by airWithin a few days, Iraqi forces

surrendered However, Saddam remained in power in


Defeat of Saddam Hussein War on Terrorism Saddam was captured in December of

2003He was executed on December 30, 2006 at

an Iraqi army base
