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SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015

15:00 HRS.

Trinity Methodist Church

Georgetown, Guyana


Connexional Conference - Secretary


Connexional Conference - Vice President


Connexional President/Bishop



The Choir leads the procession of lay Members of Conference, The

Ministers and Presidents of District Conferences, the Treasurer, the

immediate past vice president, the Vice President-Designate, the

Vice President, the Secretary, UMC Bishop and the Bishop elect

PROCESSIONAL HYMN: See how great a Flame Aspires VIP # 141

See how great a flame aspires, Kindled by a spark of grace! Jesus’ love the nations fires, Sets the kingdoms on a blaze: To bring fire on earth He came; Kindled in some hearts it is: O that all might catch the flame, All partake the glorious bliss!

When He first the work begun, Small and feeble was His day: Now the word doth swiftly run; Now it wins its widening way: More and more it spread and grows, Ever mighty to prevail; Sin’s strongholds it now o’erthrows, Shakes the trembling gates of hell.

Sons of God, your Savior praise! He the door hath opened wide! He hath given the word of grace, Jesus’ word is glorified; Jesus, mighty to redeem, He alone the work hath wrought; Worthy is the work of Him, Him Who spake a world from naught.

Saw ye not the cloud arise, Little as a human hand? Now it spreads along the skies, Hangs o’er all the thirsty land: Lo! the promise of a shower

Drops already from above; But the Lord will shortly pour All the spirit of His love.

CHORAL INTROIT: Majesty The Georgetown Circuit Choir


M: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God almighty

C: Come, Holy Spirit and breath afresh upon us

M: Holy, Holy, Holy, all the saints adore thee

C: Come Holy Spirit, and unite us

M: Divine advocate we seek a fresh anointing

C: Holy Spirit breath your wind of change and transformation

in your church

M: The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice

C: We shall be glad and wait for his word


God of wind, word and fire, we bless your name this day for

sending the light and strength of your Holy Spirit. We give you

thanks for the gifts, great and small, that you have poured out

upon your children. Accept us with our gifts to be living praise

and witness to your love throughout all the earth; through

Jesus Christ, who lives with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever, Amen.

HYMN Come Holy Ghost, our Hearts Inspire, VIP # 149

Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, let us thine influence prove; source of the old prophetic fire, fountain of life and love. Come, Holy Ghost for moved by thee the prophets wrote and spoke, unlock the truth, thyself the key, unseal the sacred book. Expand thy wings, celestial Dove, brood o'er our nature's night; on our disordered spirits move,

and let there now be light. God, through himself we shall know if thou within us shine, and sound, with all thy saints below, the depths of love divine.

THE COLLECT FOR PURITY Let us all pray: ALMIGHTY GOD, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known and from whom no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



O holy and merciful God, we confess that we have not always taken upon ourselves the yoke of obedience, nor been willing to seek and to do your perfect will. We have not loved you with all our heart and mind and soul and strength’ neither have we loved our neighbours as ourselves. You have called to us in the need of our sisters and brothers, and we have passed unheeding on our way. In the pride of our hearts, and our unwillingness to repent, we have turned away from the cross of Christ, and have grieved your Holy Spirit.

(Silent Prayer)

L: Hear the words of assurance and justification. Christ Jesus has heard

your confession and he is able, faithful and just and has forgiven us from

all unrighteousness.

P: Amen, hallelujah, Amen

HYMN: The Holy Ghost Power is Moving. VIP # 158 The Holy Ghost power is moving just like a magnet The Holy Ghost power is

moving just like a magnet It’s moving here, moving there, just like the day of Pentecost The Holy Ghost power moving just like a magnet

The Holy Ghost power is moving all through the nations; The Holy Ghost power is

moving all through the nations; It wins some here, wins some there, Saving them from sin and fear. The Holy Ghost power is moving all through the nations.

The Holy Ghost power is moving here in our worship;

The Holy Ghost power is moving here in our worship;

It’s prompting here, prompting

there, to bring our lives to Jesus Christ.

The Holy Ghost power is moving here in our worship.

WELCOME Rev. Glenna Spencer (Guyana District President)

INTRODUCTIONS Revd. Patmore C. Henry


British Methodist Church

United Methodist Church

Mrs. Muriel Smith, Vice President, MCCA



Bro. Theodore Fahie (Treasurer of Connexional Funds)


We praise thee, O God: we acknowledge thee to be the Lord.

All the earth doth worship thee: the Father everlasting.

To thee all Angels cry aloud: the heavens, and all the powers there-in.

To thee cherubim and seraphim: continually do cry,

Holy, Holy, Holy: Lord God of Sabaoth;

Heaven and earth are full: of the Majesty of Thy glory.

The glorious company of the apostles praise Thee.

The goodly fellowship of the prophets praise Thee.

The noble army of Martyrs: praise thee.

The holy Church throughout all the world doth acknowledge Thee;

The Father: of an infinite majesty;

Thine honourable, true and only Son:

Also the Holy Ghost: the Comforter.


Thou art the King of Glory O Christ:

Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father.

When Thou tookest upon Thee to deliver man: Thou didst not abhor the

Virgin's womb.

When Thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death:

Thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers.

Thou sittest at the right hand of God: in the glory of the Father.

We believe that Thou shalt come to be our Judge.

We therefore pray Thee, help Thy servants, whom Thou hast redeemed

with Thy precious blood.

Make them to be numbered with thy Saints : in glory everlasting.


O Lord, save Thy people and bless thine heritage:

Govern them and lift them up forever.

Day by day we magnify Thee;

And we worship Thy name ever world without end.

Vouchsafe, O Lord to keep us this day without sin:

O Lord, have mercy upon us have mercy upon us.

O Lord, let Thy mercy lighten upon us as our trust is in Thee.

O Lord, in Thee have I trusted, let me never be confounded.

THE EPISTLE: Titus 1: 7-9 (in French) Rev’d Gesner Paul

ANTHEM: Caribbean Hallelujah The Georgetown Circuit Choir

THE GOSPEL: John 21: 15-17 Rev’d Dr. Oral Thomas, and

Spanish by Rev. Margaret Johnson


Legal Advisor:

On Friday May 29, The Connexional Conference meeting in Guyana

agreed to amend DCO 43(4), a person who is elected as Connexional

President shall forthwith be inducted with the laying on of hands

into office as Connexional Bishop. He/she shall be recognized as

the Connexional Bishop but shall be called Bishop.

Presiding Bishop:

My brother, you are to be inducted as bishop in the Church of God. As

bishop you are to lead and guide all persons entrusted to your oversight;

induct other bishops, ordain presbyters and deacons for service to the

Church and to the world, proclaim the word and administer the

sacraments to those committed to your care.

The Connexional Conference having inducted you as President now

wishes to recognize you as its Bishop.

Will you accept the call to this ministry as bishop and fulfill this trust in

obedience to Christ?

I will, by the grace of God

Will you continue to guard the faith, order, liturgy, doctrine, and

discipline of the Church against all that is contrary to God’s Word?

I will, for the love of God.

Will you in cooperation with the other bishops and ministers take

counsel with them and share in supervision of the whole church

I will, by the grace given me

May the God who has given you the will to do these things give you

grace to perform them that the work begun in you may be brought to

perfection. Amen


The bishop elect kneels while the congregation prays in silence

The Presiding Bishop laying hands on the head of bishop elect says:

Gracious God, pour upon Otto Ogden Wade the Holy Spirit for the

ministry of a Bishop in your Church, in the name of the Father, and the

Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen


Commission on Ministry Secretary:

Bishop Wade, take this Bible and proclaim fearlessly the prophetic word

in the cause of justice and peace for all. Amen

A Deacon

Bishop Wade, take this towel and basin and be among us as one who

serves. Amen

BTCI Bishop:

Bishop Wade, take this clerical and be our pastor, preacher and teacher

yoked in obedience to Christ who calls you into this office. Amen

Connexional Secretary: Bishop Wade, Take this book of Constitution and Discipline and guard

the faith, seek unity and exercise discipline within the MCCA. Amen

Conn. Sec. Bishop Wade, these are the signs of your ministry among the

people of the MCCA.

Connexional Bishop: In the name of Christ, the head of the Church, I

gladly assume, with you and among you this ministry and I resolved to

serve faithfully, with the Lord being my help.

Congregation: On behalf of the congregations and people of the

MCCA, we receive you Bishop Otto Wade with thanksgiving as our

bishop and pastor. We pledge our prayers and our support as you

lead us. Amen.

(An interlude of music during the signing of the historical document and thereafter greeted by District Presidents, Connexional Officers and Family)

HYMN: People of God Rise Up, VIP # 321

1. People of God, Rise up!

Have done with lesser things.

Give heart and soul and mind

and strength

To serve the King of kings.

2. People of God, Rise up!

His kingdom tarries long.

Bring in the day of


And end the night of wrong.

3. People of God, Rise up!

The church for you doth wait,

her strength unequal to her task;

Rise up, and make her great!

4. Lift high the cross of


Tread where his feet have trod.

As siblings of the Son of Man,

Rise up, people of God!

THE SERMON Bishop Otto O. Wade


1. Lord, your Church on Earth is


Your renewal from above;

Teach us all the art of speaking

With the accent of your love.

We would heed your great


"Go ye into every place;

Preach, baptize, fulfill My


Serve with love and share My


2. Freedom give to those in


Lift the burdens caused by sin;

Give new hope, new strength

and courage,

Grant release from fears within.

Light for darkness, joy for


Love for hatred, peace for strife.

These and countless blessings


As the Spirit gives new life.

3. In the streets of every city

Where the bruised and lonely


Let us show the Savior's pity,

Let us of His mercy tell.

In all lands and with all races

Let us serve and seek to bring

All the world to render praises,

Christ, to you, Redeemer, King.


PRAISE: God and God Alone Georgetown Circuit Choir





Leader: Let us pray for the Church throughout the world.

Dear Father, you established the church to continue the

mission of Jesus Christ throughout the world; grant that she

may be found faithful in the proclamation of the good news

to the poor, to those in captivity, to the bruised and broken

hearted and that the oppressed are redeemed from the ways

of wickedness, and sinners are converted to you.

People: Bless our bishop, all Pastors and congregations with

your truth and grace, and pour out your Holy Spirit

upon your whole church that she may manifest your

love, unity, holiness, and faithfulness through Jesus

Christ our Lord; Amen.

Minister: Let us pray for the peoples of the Caribbean region.

O God, our region is naturally divided by land and sea. Our

people are divided by our selfishness, vindictiveness, and

hatred. Your people in this region suffer injustice and

humiliation, and the influence of powerful external forces

often denying us the privilege of self- determination and true


People: Merciful God, give wisdom and grace to all leaders, and

grant them a love for righteousness, truth and justice.


Leader: Let us pray for the weak and vulnerable.

O Lord, our God, we pray for those who are weak in mind,

body and Spirit; for those who are weak in the faith, for

children, widows and orphans; for the sick and disabled,

and for victims of accident, drugs, and violence.

People: Lord Jesus, in your mercy and love, bless all who are

weak and vulnerable. Be their protector and guide, their

strength and salvation. Give them a sense of your

eternal presence, and through the strength of your

Spirit, give them the conquering faith, hope and love;

for your Name's sake. Amen.


Bishop: Let us pray for the people called Methodists.

O Almighty God, through your Holy Spirit you raised the

people called Methodists to reform nations and to spread

scriptural holiness throughout the world. And, in your

providence and power, you called into being the Conference

of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas

to be your special servant in this region.

People: Grant, O Lord that each congregation remains faithful to

its calling and is courageous in doing your will. Dear

God, order the lives of the laity and clergy that your

glory and power may be made manifest in all that we do

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer [Sung - Joseph Lees]

OUR FATHER, which art in heaven;

Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done on earth as it in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive them that trespass against us;

And lead us not Into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine Is the kingdom,

and the power and the glory,

for ever and ever. Amen


The Peace

The Service will begin with the Passing of the Peace - an

opportunity for those who do not wish to share to withdraw

quietly while an Organ Voluntary is being played.

The Minister shall commence:

If you are offering your gift upon the altar and there remember that

your brother or sister has a grievance against you, leave your gift

before the altar and go your way. First be reconciled with your

brother or sister and then come and offer your gift. (Matt 5: 23-24)

The Peace of the Lord be always with you.

And also with you.

The Peace shall be passed throughout the congregation, each

one greeting his neighbour with the words of Peace.

THE COMMUNION HYMN… 428 VIP “I am not worthy

Holy Lord...”

I am not worthy, holy Lord,

That Thou shouldst come to me;

Speak but the word; one

gracious word

Can set the sinner free.

I am not worthy; cold and bare

The lodging of my soul;

How canst Thou deign to enter


Lord, speak, and make me


I am not worthy; yet, my God,

How can I say Thee nay;

Thee, who didst give Thy flesh

and blood

My ransom price to pay?

O come! in this sweet morning


Feed me with food divine;

And fill with all Thy love and


This worthless heart of mine.

The Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them up unto the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God.

It is right and fitting so to do.

It is a good and pleasant thing, joyful and salutary, always and

everywhere, to give you thanks and praise, Lord God, Ever-living, Ever-

Blessed, Almighty, All-loving. Through Jesus Christ, your only Son our


You created all things and made us in your image. And when we had

fallen into sin, You gave him to be our Saviour. He shared our human

nature and lived a fully human life. He suffered rejection and

condemnation, and died on the cross.

You raised him up from the dead, and you exalted him to the glory of

your right hand,

Where he reigns forever as priest and king and makes intercession for us.

In witness of his glory and honour, you poured out the Holy Spirit,

Building up many people into one Body, Making us living members of

your holy Church,

And enabling us to stand before you to sing your praises and celebrate

your mighty acts.

Therefore with angels and archangels and with all the company of

heaven, we join the hymn of everlasting praise;

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts,

Heaven and earth are full of your glory,

Hosanna in the highest,

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed are you, Lord God, King of the Universe,

And blessed is your Son Jesus Christ our Lord;

Who, on the night in which he was betrayed,

Took bread into his holy hands and looking up to heaven,

Gave thanks, broke it and gave it to his disciples saying,

"Take this and eat it. This is My Body given for you. Do this in

remembrance of me.

In the same way, after the supper, he took the cup, gave thanks and gave

it to them saying,

"Drink from it, all of you.

This is My Blood of the new covenant poured out for you and for many,

for the forgiveness of sins.

Do this whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.

Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again!

Therefore, Father, in obedience to his command, we do this in

remembrance of him, praying that you will accept our sacrifice of praise

and thanksgiving.

Grant that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we who receive your gifts of

bread and wine may share in the Body and Blood of Christ, and become

united with him.

And, as we offer ourselves to you as a living sacrifice, we pray that you

will bring us with your whole creation to your heavenly kingdom.

This we pray through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

To whom with you, 0 Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, be all

honour and glory from all who dwell on earth and in heaven

throughout the ages of ages. Amen.

The Action of the Bread and the Wine

The Minister breaking the Bread shall say:

The Bread which we break is a sharing in the Body of Christ.


and raising the Cup shall continue

The Cup of Blessing which we bless is a sharing in the Blood of


Amen. Though we are many we are one Body because we

share the one loaf and partake of the same drink.

The Minister kneeling and the people bowed, silence shall be

kept for a space.

Then the Minister and people shall say together:

LORD, we come to your table, trusting in your mercy and not in

any goodness of our own. We are not worthy to gather up the

crumbs under your table, but it is your nature always to have

mercy, and on that we depend. So feed us with the Body and

Blood of Jesus Christ, your Son, that we may for ever live in

him and he in us. Amen.

The Minister, having taken the Bread and Wine, shall also give

them to those who are assisting and then invite the people as


You who truly and sincerely repent of your sins, are in love and

charity with your neighbours and have resolved to lead a new life

following the commandments of God and by the power of the

Spirit, walking in his holy ways, draw near with faith, receive the

Body of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given for you and his

Blood which was shed for you, and feed on him in your hearts by

faith with thanksgiving.

As the bread is shared among the people these words shall be


The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given for you, keep

you in eternal life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ

died for you and feed on him in your heart by faith with


As the cup is given these words shall be spoken:

The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for you, keep

you in eternal life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's blood

was shed for you and be thankful.

After all have partaken, the Minister shall cover the Table and

what remains of the Elements with the Cloth and after silent

prayer he may offer prayer in his own words always ending

with the following, the people joining:

(and) we thank you, Lord, that you have fed us in this

Sacrament, united us with Christ, and given us a foretaste

of the heavenly banquet prepared for all mankind. Amen.



Bishop: Now let your people in all places be committed to reconciliation and peace, so that the seeds of national arrogance, intolerance, prejudice and fear, which can so readily grow into the horror of war, may find no welcome in our lands.

People: In all our nations:

let there be victories over poverty and greed;

let there be victories over anger and bigotry;

let there be victories over pain and disease;

let there be victories over despair and apathy.

In addition, may you, our God, reign forever and

ever, and the kingdoms of this world become the

places where your victory is recognized. Through

Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

RECESSIONAL HYMN: Father, Son and Holy Ghost, VIP # 307

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, As by the celestial host, Let thy will on earth be done; Praise by all to thee be given, Glorious Lord of earth and heaven. Vilest of the sinful race, Lo! I answer to thy call; Meanest vessel of thy grace, Grace divinely free for all, Lo! I come to do thy will, All thy counsel to fulfil. If a sinner such as I May to thy great glory live, All my actions sanctify, All my words and thoughts receive; Claim me for thy service, claim All I have and all I am.

Take my soul and body’s powers; take my memory, mind, and will, All my goods, and all my hours, All I know, and all I feel, All I think, or speak, or do; Take my heart, but make it new. Now, O God, thine own I am, Now I give thee back thine own; Freedom, friends, and health, and fame Consecrate to thee alone: Thine I live, thrice happy I; Happier still if thine I die. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, As by the celestial host, Let thy will on earth be done; Praise by all to thee be given, Glorious Lord of earth and heaven.


Lord, this day you have healed us and restored us. You have given us new strength and courage to serve you in this world. Now we go in peace and confidence, ready to be your people in all places and at all times. Praise be to you, Mighty God of love and mercy! AMEN.
