The Messenger · Second Sunday of Advent Light the Candle of Peace ... Miscellaneous 0.00 50.08...


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The Messenger

~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~

December 2017

Volume 63, Issue 12

We are God’s children called to seek, share, teach, and continue to experience the Word of God.

Behold the King (suggested readings: Colossians Chapter 2; Ephesians Chapter 3) The secular world has made Christmas about many things, yet it remains about one perfect gift…Jesus our Lord, and to Him we pay homage. Perhaps the coming of Christ didn't seem to cause too much stir at the time of Christ’s birth into our world, but Christ always causes a stir, it cannot be otherwise! Then and now, the world does a fair job of pretending to ignore Christ, some even believing they do so. In truth, at the most rudimentary level of life, Christ is unavoidable. Either He is a stumbling block to those who strive to resist Him or He is the precious and beautiful foundation stone on which we build our lives. As much as we love our Lord Jesus, we cannot know Him in the fullness of His glory in this place. As we think about the shepherds who came to worship our Lord that Christmas, what did they behold? Surely the sight and presence of Christ our Lord changed them forever! What does our view of Christ do for us? I considered that perhaps we all have some unique pieces of revelation into the mystery of Christ. It could be as if we each have pieces of a puzzle we carry with us, some of us may not even know we have them. As we share the love of Christ with each other, we get to see the pieces of revelation the other has been given, even as we share our revelation with them. As we go through life, the mystery and wonder of our Lord unfolds more each day. Jesus continues to amaze us! I imagine the shepherds talking with each other years later and still new mysteries unfold, as hearts bask in the warmth of God's love. Friends, there is a beauty of unparalleled majesty that awaits us all. Consider all the wonder that has ever been written or spoken about since the beginning of time, add the wonder of every experience collectively bestowed upon mankind, along with the accumulation of every goodness wrought by mankind; all this since the beginning of our time. It all pales woefully in comparison to the wonder of our Lord and King! There is only one Christmas gift that truly satisfies our deepest hunger. It is the gift of Christ Himself. Jesus has come that we would receive Him! In receiving Him, He receives us. In truth, Christians already have everything they want! It is just that we are forever caught up in the wonder and mystery of this gift of God! We will spend eternity unwrapping the beauty of our Lord! Rejoice! Christ

is Lord! Have a very Merry Christmas! ---- Pastor John


Season of Giving Christmas time is the most wonderful time of year. The decorations alone make the world a brighter, happier place, not to mention the music, family gatherings, cookies, and great food made by Grandma. Because most of us feel blessed this time of year, we feel compelled to give to those that don’t feel this way. People participate in Adopt-a-Family, Giving Trees, Food Baskets, and so much more, simply because we want to. We enjoy it. We feel this way because of the example Jesus gave us. He gave His life to forgive our sins, not because it was the season for giving, not because we asked Him to, not because it was the cool thing to do, but because He loves us. It only makes sense that we celebrate Christ Jesus’ birthday with a season of giving. A season not only to celebrate Him and what He has done for us, but also to follow in His footsteps. So, in this season of decorating, baking, gift wrapping, and singing, don’t forget it is also the season of giving, because that is what Jesus taught us. Is there any gift more fitting for Him on his birthday then? --- Becca MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! The Exhale Christmas Party will be held on December 17, 5-7pm. This will be a combined event with St. Paul Exhale. All 6-12 graders welcome. Bring a white elephant gift and snacks to share with the group. Hope to see you all there!

December Schedule 3 - Exhale 4-5:30 10 - Exhale 4-5:30 17 - Exhale Christmas Party - 5-7 24 - During Worship - Help with Love Offering 24 - NO EXHALE 31 - NO EXHALE

First Sunday of Advent

Light the Candle of Hope

Sunday, December 3 – 10:00 a.m.

Worship with Communion

Second Sunday of Advent

Light the Candle of Peace

Sunday, December 10 – 10:00 a.m.


Third Sunday of Advent

Light the Candle of Joy

Sunday, December 17 – 10:00 a.m.

Choirs Cantata

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Light the Candle of Love

Sunday, December 24 – 10:00 a.m.

Children’s Christmas Program

Christmas Eve Service

Light the Christ Candle

Sunday, December 24 – 11:00 p.m.

Candlelight Service w/ Communion

Christmas Day Worship

Monday, December 25 – 9:00 a.m.

Worship with Communion

Salem Church Council Summary - November 9, 2017

President Steve Stille called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm with Pastor John, Kerri Reilson, and nine council members present. Pastor John led a devotion and then opened the meeting with a prayer. Minutes from the October Council meeting and the congregational meeting were approved. Christopher asked for clarification on updating the Salem website: Who oversees what should be added? We may want each committee to check their page and make sure it includes an accurate description of what they do, and check whether they want to have anything added. Treasurer’s Report/Approval of Report - Jill reported that a $91,500 check is coming from Ben Hoeft (investments) to go into the Building Fund for the roof project. Ronna moved to pay the bills; seconded by Kris; motion carried. Outstanding Bills/Approval to Pay - The new Salem credit card has been received, and the LiveStream account has been changed to the new Salem UCC credit card for the future. Carol Amiri’s insurance through Salem has ended now. Richelle/Derik moved to pay the bills; motion carried. Committee Reports BOCE - They’re working on the Christmas program and Turkey Fest; may do a plaque in memory of Pastor

Jerry (Salem Seekers); they’re still discussing. Attendance is way down, and we’re open to suggestions. Evangelism/Worship - There are old hymnals (loose pages…) that need to be disposed of; we may offer

these to the congregation first, and then send the rest to a charity for mission projects. Jill moved to do this. We will offer them for three weeks to congregation members, then donate. Motion seconded by Derik; motion carried. We discussed the purpose of communion cards: Is there a purpose to the cards? Some people don’t fill them out. What do we do with them after they’re collected? Are they still necessary? John doesn’t think the Worship committee would care if we decided to discontinue their use. Patrick moved to remove the communion card; seconded by Ronald. Motion carried.

Mission/Stewardship - no meeting Property - We discussed the rooster on the steeple; it is damaged and no longer rotates. Would we want

to replace it (cost of about $300). We aren’t sure if we could get one and return it if we decide not to use it. We will leave this to the Property committee’s discretion, with a cost not to exceed $500.

Vision Committee - Steve - Did not meet; right now we’re concerned with the roof project. President’s Report - Steve received an insurance bid for the church from a new company; may look into this to see if it would save more money. Kerri also reported that there is also a new law that would allow consumers to shop around for energy companies We need to find out how the cost (per kilowatt) compares to see if this would also save money. Assistant Pastor’s Report - Pastor John saw Rev. Shana Johnson recently, and she’s still looking for an interim for us. For the full-time pastor (settled minister), the search committee will likely be convened around March. Rev. Johnson suggests a good cross-section of the church. Interested congregation members can submit their names to a Council member for consideration. We will need to set a date for the Annual Meeting; we will do that next month. The next Council meeting will be held on December 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 pm with the Lord’s Prayer.


Salem Seekers The Christmas Story

December 3 December 10 December 17 December 24 December 31

Opening Gathering

in Gathering Room

8:45 – 9:05 a.m.



Opening Gathering

in Gathering Room

8:45 – 9:05 a.m.

Opening Gathering

in Gathering Room

8:45 – 9:05 a.m.

Opening Gathering

in Gathering Room

8:45 – 9:05 a.m.

No Salem Seekers

on December 31 All Children



Room for


All Children –

Parish Hall

Upstairs –

Drama & Music

All Children –

Parish Hall

Upstairs –

Christmas Eve

Program Practice

All Children –

Parish Hall

Upstairs –

Christmas Eve

Program Practice

Closing Gathering

in Gathering Room

9:40 – 9:50 a.m.



Closing Gathering

in Gathering Room

9:40 – 9:50 a.m.

Closing Gathering

in Gathering Room

9:40 – 9:50 a.m.

Closing Gathering

in Gathering Room

9:40 – 9:50 a.m.

Salem UCC Treasurer's Report

Month ending October 31, 2017

Current Activity YTD Activity

Beginning General Fund Balance 2,878.48


Offering-Loose 12,673.20 84,950.32

Offering-Envelopes 9,661.00 82,367.75

Facility Use Donations 50.00


Miscellaneous Receipts 0.00


Interest Income-General Fund 1.03


Benevolence Received 445.08 6,837.14

Total General Fund Income 22,830.31


Salaries 7,450.50 90,711.20

Employee Benefits 799.91 25,099.56

Maintenance/Property Services 669.42


Insurance -


Utilities 1,319.55


Supplies-General 677.59 6,672.95

Professional Expense 0.00 2,557.89

Miscellaneous 0.00


Worship 742.49 2,511.11

Christian Education 743.95 2,861.19

Evangelism 0.00 1,120.65

Stewardship 39.80


Pastoral Care 0.00 499.15

Benevolence Paid 0.00 5,597.32

Total General Fund Expenses 12,443.21


Transfer from Reserve Fund 0.00


Ending General Fund Balance $ 13,265.58

$ 13,265.58

Beginning Memorial Fund Balance 27,192.18 22,938.55

Memorials received 0.00


Honorariums received


Miscellaneous Receipts - 810.00

Memorial Fund Expense:

HD Camera


Parish Hall: Door, Chairs


Postage & other projects



Ending Memorial Fund Balance $ 27,192.18

$ 27,192.18

Building Fund Balance 19,807.47


Building Fund Offering 1,055.00


Roof replacement 0.00


Building Fund Memorials 0.00


Miscellaneous Receipts-chairs


Building Fund Expense:

Passageway door -

(1,551.05) Formation Architects (1,500.00)


Building Improv-Sanctuary -

(24,689.00) Building Improv-Parsonage -


Ending Building Fund Balance $ 19,362.47

$ 19,362.47

Sabbatical Fund Balance 13,086.30


Contribution from Men's Fellowship


Salary and FICA-supply pastor


Travel Reimbursement (mileage)


Ending Sabbatical Fund Balance $ 13,086.30

$ 13,086.30

Endowment Fund Beginning Balance 61,982.46


Memorials-Endowment Fund - 100.00

Ending Endowment Fund Balance $ 61,982.46

$ 61,982.46

Beginning Investment Fund Balance 198,832.43


Change in Market Value 381.95 17,773.89



Ending Investment Fund Balance $ 199,214.38

$ 199,214.38

Beginning Mission Matching Fund Balance 119,465.11


Change in Market Value 458.60 8,934.44

Donations for future trip(s)


Mission Fund Disbursements:

Mission to Go donation to Youth Mission Trip


Ending Mission Matching Fund Balance $ 119,923.71

$ 119,923.71

Beginning Reserve Fund Balance 22,062.49


Interest Income-Reserve Fund 12.44


Transfer to General Fund


Ending Reserve Fund Balance $ 22,074.93

$ 22,074.93

Beginning Other Restricted Fund Balance 1,709.11


Donations for HD Camera transferred to Memorial Fund 0.00


Donations for house fire 0.00


$ 1,709.11

$ 1,709.11

Special Church Meeting

Sunday Oct 22, 2017

Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by President Steve Stille at


Steve Stille shared with the congregation that the entire roof has to be removed

because Everlast Construction found too much asbestos.

Mike Youngblood from Everlast said the asbestos content in the roof is too much,

and if any of it should fall on the ground, the fine is too steep and too much of a

risk for Everlast to take.

Jim Reagan asked if it would be more cost effective to put different shingles on

now since we have to remove the old ones. Mike said no.

Lewis Knackstedt said the bid does not include removing/replacing shingles on the

steeple, so congregation also needs to vote on that.

Mike said we could replace the steeple or leave steeple as is and apply that cost to

additional asbestos removal cost.

Patty Uhe asked if Mike knew life expectancy remaining on steeple shingles.

Mike said he honestly did not know.

Lewis said they’ve been on since 1976.

Richelle Ernst asked if we could do steeple at later date, and Mike said yes, it’s

separate so we could do it now or wait until later; it doesn’t seem to be a problem

(no water in the steeple) right now. Removing the steeple from the project would

save approximately $7,000 (cost of the lift).

Tim Stille suggested we do everything at once so the shingles match; Mike replied

he thought this particular shingle should match easily years later.

Jerry Frank asked about synthetic underlayment; Mike said yes that’s what they

were planning to do - he will talk to his boss and verify.

Patti Reckmann asked how long the removal/replacement would take. Mike said

approximately 7 to 10 days altogether.

Lewis addressed concerns about possible shingles falling on the statue - Lawrence

Henschen and Gene Templeman will build a lean-to that will keep any shingles

from falling directly on statues, sign etc.

Tim Stille asked about final bid price.

Removal of asbestos = $ 26,200.00

Shingles, gutters, steeple = $ 74,069.00

TOTAL $100,269.00

Tim made a motion to pay $100,269.00 and do everything at one time. Laverne

Korsmeyer seconded this motion. Motion carried

Carol Reckman asked if this included EVERYTHING, removal (airborne, ground,

etc.), cleanup etc. and Mike from Everlast said YES it did.

Jayne Roper asked if it was possible to keep the 5 red rings on the steeple.

Discussion on why we had 5 red rings, and it was decided that the architect thought

it would look nice, so he designed it that way.

Jayne made a motion to put red rings back on the steeple at no additional cost.

Laverne Korsmeyer seconded the motion. Motion carried

Patty Uhe made a motion to take money from the Investment Fund. Dave

Reichmann seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jim Reagan made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Patrick Stille seconded the


The meeting was adjourned at 11:45AM

A friendly reminder to everyone (especially all committees) that Salem’s Annual Meeting is coming up soon. Please start preparing your committee’s summary and treasurer’s report (if your committee has one) for the past year. Annual Meeting Reports are due on Wednesday, December 20, 2015, by 9:00 a.m.



Be sure to check the passageway for your 2018 offering envelopes. Please contact the church office…. If there are no envelopes

with your name on them, and you wish to receive the envelopes;

if you would like your envelopes mailed out to you;

if you no longer wish to receive the envelopes.


Salem U.C.C.’s

2018 Phone Directory

Starting on Sunday, December 17, there will be “2018 Salem Phone Directory – PROOF” copies in binders on the table outside the church office. Please look over all of your information and anyone else in your family to make sure everything is correct. Please mark any changes, deletions, and/or additions on at least one of the copies. If we do not have your cell phone or email, please consider adding it to the proof. The deadline for all changes is Sunday, January 14. The new phone directory will be ready for distribution by the Annual Meeting. Thank you in advance for helping Salem UCC maintain accurate records!

Children’s Christmas Eve Program

Sunday, December 24, 2017 10:00 a.m.

Evangelism/Worship Committee is inviting EVERYONE to

come decorate the sanctuary for the Christmas season

on Saturday, December 2 at 8:30 a.m. We can find something

for the young and old to do! Please consider coming for a while

or for the day!!! Hope to see you then!

In December, funds received in the “Christmas” envelopes

will be donated to Hoyleton Ministries. The Hoyleton Ministries are dedicated to helping all people realize the

quality of life that God intends. Their staff provides compassionate care to thousands of children who have, through no fault of their own, entered the child welfare system. Your donation helps to provide the resources

necessary for the Hoyleton Ministries to care for the most vulnerable members of our communities.

We need unwrapped gifts back for the Giving Tree by December 3, 2017. If you don’t have the time to shop, we will do it for you – just leave a donation in the box in the passage way. Thanks!


Highland Food Pantry Needs Your


Highland Food Pantry is in need of Cereal/Oatmeal and peaches/fruit cocktail.

From the

Food Basket Committee…

The Food Basket Committee thanks all that participated in the giving of the baskets this year. Thanks again!

Salem Church will hold their first rehearsal for the Christmas program, and on account of gas rationing, the practice will be during Sunday School time on Sunday morning. The program will be held on Thursday evening, December 24, at 7:30.

What year was this article published in the Edwardsville Intelligencer?

The article was published on December 18, 1942, and gas was rationed because of World War II.

From The Men’s Fellowship &

Women’s Guild Next Meeting of the Men’s

Fellowship & Women’s Guild: There will be a meeting on Thursday, December 21 at

6:30 p.m. (Christmas Potluck)

December Golden Agers Are: Alice Stille on December 13

Edith Kaufman on December 18

Christmas Gift Shop The Board of Christian Education will be sponsoring a Christmas

Gift Shop on Sunday, December 17, following worship. The

Christmas Gift Shop is for all children through 5th grade. An

item for each member of a child’s family will be given to that

child at no cost. While the children are shopping at the

Christmas Gift Shop, the Board of Christmas Education will have

cookies in the Parish Hall basement for the parents. If anyone

would like to donate new or gently used items for the Christmas

Gift Shop, the Board of Christian Education will graciously

accept. The Board of Christian Education would like to have any

donated items by Sunday, December 10.

The Christmas Fund The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund is one of the four special mission offerings of the National United Church of Christ. This special offering provides direct financial assistance to retired and active United Church of Christ authorized ministers and lay employees and their surviving spouses, including pension and health premium supplementation, emergency assistance, and Christmas thank-you checks.

Help Save Trees…. Did you know that you can receive The Messenger by email? The Salem E-Messenger is a delivery system where you would receive The Messenger by email instead of regular mail. To sign up for the Salem E-Messenger, please email the church office at

Are you on the List? There is a lot that happens from Sunday to Sunday…births, deaths, schedule changes, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to know these things sooner than later? The Salem Wire is an email message delivery system where you would receive notice of events and happenings in the church. To sign up for the Salem Wire distribution list, please email the church office at

From the Historical Committee A collection of items from Vera (Espenschied) Ohren and Olin

Espenschied was given to Salem for our archives. A photograph album

which includes many photos of Salem members, photos of Vera and her

family, and a Bible presented to Vera and one to Olin are

included. Many of the people in the photos have been identified. Our

thanks to Margie Glassmaker who handled Vera's estate for thinking

of Salem. ******************************************************************************************************************************************

70th Annual Whole Hog Sausage Supper


SERVING FROM 2:30 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M.



Sauerkraut Potatoes Gravy Green Beans Applesauce Bread Dessert Coffee Milk


Sausage Supper Committee Chairs:

Purchasing: Vernon Uhe

Processing: Lawrence Henschen Lewis Knackstedt

Kitchen: Brian Duncan Rhet Mansholt

Dave Renken

Dishwashing: Beverly Engelke Jill Verson

Fryers & Setup: Dennis Conrad Jim Reagan Greg Reinhardt

Leon Uhe

Sausage Sales: Charlie Brown Clint Conrad

Vernon & Linda Uhe

Carry-Out: Jim & Dagmar Annable Bill & Carol Reckman

Tables: Joe Dauderman Dean Korsmeyer Advertising & Ticket Sales: Laverne Korsmeyer

Ron Schmidt

Seating: Justin Bonnell Michael Dauderman Jerry Frank

Public Relations: Pastor John Mindrup

Carrier (Thursday): Gene Templeman

Sausage Carriers: Bryce Knackstedt Donal Reagan

Christopher Uhe

Elevator: Delmar Korsmeyer Ron Mindrup Kenneth Suhre

Parking: Boy Scouts Caine Kelso Joe Reinhardt

Butchering Date: January 22, 2018 Processing Dates: January 24, 2018 January 25, 2018

Supper Date: January 27, 2018


Used Clothing Service to Benefit

Hoyleton Ministries Hoyleton Ministries has placed a used clothing bin on our property

next to the mower shed on the southwest corner of the parking lot. This bin is for used clothing, shoes,

and linens of any size. These will be collected regularly and sold at

resale shops. The profits from these sales will benefit the

programs at Hoyleton.

Totenfest: A Service of Remembrance

On Sunday, November 26, we celebrated Totenfest at our 10:00 a.m. worship service. Totenfest is the day on which we pause to remember those who have died in the past year.

Salem remembered these friends and family:

Lorna McGee (01/28/57 – 12/24/2016)

Vernon Blom (03/04/1934 – 02/02/2017)

Dale Mindrup (08/27/1948 – 03/24/2017)

Reverend Arnold Bizer (09/21/1927– 03/28/2017)

Trever Hosto (09/23/1967 – 04/04/2017)

Ronald Debatin (5/11/1944 – 06/29/2017)

Jack Frandsen (12/13/1927 – 07/28/2017)

Dorothy Knabel (01/29/1926 – 08/01/2017)

Reverend Jerry Amiri (05/27/1955 – 08/10/2017)


Acknowledgment of Honorariums

December 2016 – November 2017

Historical Committee Salem Memorial Fund

Lorman Reckman 90th Birthday Salem Memorial Fund


Acknowledgment of Honorariums of Remembrance

December 2016 – November 2017

Don Beshears Roof Building Fund

Chuck Bloemker Salem Memorial Fund

Esther Foulke Salem Memorial Fund

Danny Reinhardt Roof Building Fund

Leroy Sander Roof Building Fund

Herbert Schmidt 100th Birthday Salem Memorial Fund


Acknowledgment of Gifts & Memorials

December 2016 – November 2017

Reverend Jerry Amiri Salem Memorial Fund Board of Christian Education

Music Fund

Reverend Arnold Bizer Salem Memorial Fund

Music Fund

Delmar Blom Parlor Blinds

Vernon Blom Salem Memorial Fund

Carol Dauderman HD Camera

Dan Dauderman Parish Hall Banquet Chairs

Ron Debatin Salem Memorial Fund

Jack Frandsen Salem Memorial Fund

Trever Hosto Salem Memorial Fund

Janet Hunsche HD Camera Roof Building Fund

Dorothy Knabel Salem Memorial Fund

Jacqueline Myers HD Camera

Maurice Stille Salem Memorial Fund

Darrell Suhre Salem Memorial Fund

Miscellaneous Donation HD Camera

Undesignated Memorials Keying New Door Parish Hall Door


Worship Ministry Schedule

Nursery Schedule

December 3 December 10 December 17 December 24 December 31

Amanda Brase Jennifer Hunsche

Jill Verson Richelle Ernst

Clint Conrad Jenna Conrad

No Attendees Emily Stille

Tiffany Gillison

Worship Schedule


Scripture Readings Sermon Title Worship Leader

December 3 – 10 a.m. First Sunday of Advent

Worship with Communion

Isaiah 64:1-9 1 Corinthians 1:3-9

What We Need Pastor John Mindrup

December 10 – 10 a.m. Worship

Second Sunday of Advent

2 Peter 3:8-15a Mark 1:1-8

Living with a Vision Pastor John Mindrup

December 17 – 10 a.m. Worship / Third Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Choirs Cantata Pastor John Mindrup

December 24 – 10 a.m. Worship

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Matthew 1:21, Isaiah 9:6 Luke 2:8-12,14,16,19

Children’s Christmas Program Pastor John Mindrup

December 24 – 11 p.m. Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship with Communion

Luke 2:1-20 Joy to the World Pastor John Mindrup

December 25 – 9 a.m. Christmas Day Worship

with Communion Matthew 1:18-25 God with Us Pastor John Mindrup

December 31 – 10 a.m. Praise Worship

Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 2:22-40

Receiving the Promise Pastor John Mindrup

Communion Schedule for Hitz Home

December 3 – 10 a.m.

Ron & Rhonda Schmidt


Date Acolytes Greeter(s) Liturgist Ushers

Dec. 3 (10 am)

Elizabeth Brown Erin Brown

Dave & Jerri Riechmann

Irving Gray Jessica Ketcham / Sharon Kaufman Doris Driscoll / Haley Basler / Brady Quade

Dec. 10 (10 am)

Shayden Hogg Sayde Hogg

Jim Annable Dagmar Annable Brenda Schlechte / Sam Ahlmeyer Jill Verson / Cameron Verson / Tyler Verson

Dec. 17 (10 am)

Clara Doubet Grace Ouart

Gene & Terri Templeman

Laura Muench Laverne Korsmeyer / Laura Muench Judy Blom / Justin Bonnell / Paige Basler

Dec. 24 (10 am)

Kylie Ketcham Koy Ketcham

Need Volunteer Emily Uhe Ken Suhre / Steve Stille Lewis & Lorene Knackstedt / Kenny Gehrig

Dec. 24 (11 pm)

Riley Mansholt Brandt Mansholt

Pat Hinton Patti Reckmann Larry McGee / Ken Suhre Dennis Conrad / Anita K. Cain / Donna Yates

Dec. 25 (9 am)

Need Volunteers

Need Volunteer Lisa Uhe Jim & Dagmar Annable Jon Beshears / Faye Brown/ Cherie Kuhn

Dec. 31 (10 am)

Blake Ernst Colton Prott

Need Volunteer Patty Uhe Patrick Stille / Tiffany Gillison Tim Stille / Carol & Bill Reckman


President Steve Stille

Vice-President Richelle Ernst

Secretary Ronna Renken

Treasurer Jill Verson

Financial Secretary Chris Uhe

Nancy Heidbrink

Kris Lynn

Ron Mindrup

Derik Payne

Jerri Riechmann

Patrick Stille

Judy Zimmerman

The Pastor/Parish/Personnel Relations Committee

The Pastor/Parish/Personnel Relations Committee (PPPRC) is always ready to hear ideas and suggestions. If you have a concern that you feel is not being addressed, please feel free to contact a member of the PPPRC. All concerns expressed will be held and addressed in confidence. Please refrain from contacting staff members at home.

2017 PPPRC members are: Dagmar Annable Sherri Korsmeyer Krista Mansholt Jerri Riechmann

Ken Suhre Lisa Uhe

December Birthdays

December 1 Chad Ernst Sara Bolen

Bobby Dauderman Max Schneider

December 2 Shirley Collmann

December 3 Betty Zweck

December 4 Maci Thornton

December 5 Ethel Hosto

Anna Renken Alex Schneider

Tori Lynn Adam Gillison

Harper Henschen

December 6 Katie Quade

December 7 Mike Henschen

December 8 Carter Stumpf

December 11 Angel Tillerson

December 13 Alice Stille

Erin Sander Tyler Hunsche

December 14 Laura Muench

December 15 Sharon Kaufman

Mike Stumpf Doris Driscoll

Brenda Henschen

December 16 Gary Henschen Jim Reagan Jr.

December 17 Dacoda Riechmann

December 18 Edith Kaufman

Brent Suhre Monica Cruthis Lexi Gibbons

Liam Thornton

December 19 Ron Schmidt

December 20 Gena Stout

Barbara Meguire Raiden Evans

December 21 Carol Lacey

December 22 Kaleb Brink

December 23 Bruce Henschen

December 24 Melissa Snider

Talia Rex

December 25 Ron Hunsche Tim Gehrig

Cassidy Eyman

December 26 Cindy Henschen

December 27 Marilyn Korsmeyer

Paige Basler James Sumner

December 28 Lorie Kaufman

December 29 Carol Gibbons Ruth Hamann

Ben Newman Jr. Randy Koch

December 30 Patti Snider

Courtney Wright Faith Lackey Bayla Fitterer

December 31 Eric Ross

Kody Ouart Bryce Knackstedt

If you are sad or struggling inside, do not suffer alone. Ask for help. We have a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care, encourage, pray, and help you through a tough time. (It is confidential too!) Find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders listed below. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!

Pastor John Mindrup: (C) 618-409-3941/ Betty Imboden: (C) 618-973-0572

12/01/1984 Pastor John & Merilee Mindrup

12/01/2012 Chad & Tara Schuster

12/05/1986 Steve & Brenda Sander

12/07/2001 Steve & Toni Rozanski

12/11/2011 Richard & Bev Gibson

12/14/1974 Howie & Marilyn Eyman

12/18/1979 Irving & Lorena Gray

12/22/1975 Kendall & Kathy Brink

12/29/2012 Ryan & Valerie Driscoll

12/29/2012 Tim & Kathy Stille

Prayer List

Cancer Concerns: Doug Bizer/Wayne Gentry

Health Concerns: Connie Abert (Niece-in-Law of Fern Scheller) / Linda Abert Verna Abert / Quintin Byrne (Cousin of Lisa Reinhardt)

Diana Donohoo / Ginny Gehrig Lester Gentry / Larry Kaufman / Marie Mindrup

Melvin Roberts / Toni Rozanski (daughter of Connie Duft) Wayne Stille

Alhambra Care Center: Velma Henkhaus

Eden Village: Hilbert & Verna Klenke

Highland Home: Anita Suhre

Hitz Memorial Home: Orlean Hosto / Electa Leitch / Vernon Otto

Our Servicemen & Servicewomen: Lt. Col. Derek Bright / Airman Dustin Garner

2Lt. Sarah Guithues / Jason Schlechte Sgt. Kenny Randle / Jared Thiems

Kyle Thornton

Exhale Youth would like to thank everyone for their support of our TurkeyFest this year. To the Men's Fellowship for the turkeys, those who prepared the food, those who helped set up and clean up, and those who enjoyed the delicious meal. We appreciate your continued support!

December Calendar

Saturday Dec. 2 8:30am Hanging of the Greens 7:00pm River Bend Astronomy Club Meeting Sunday Dec. 3 8:45am Salem Seekers (Sunday School) 10:00am Worship with Communion

(First Sunday of Advent) Praise Team Practice following Worship 4:00-5:30pm Exhale Monday Dec. 4 6:30pm Property Committee Meeting Tuesday Dec. 5 6:30pm Evangelism/Worship Committee Meeting Wednesday Dec. 6 6:00pm Salem Chimes Practice 6:30pm Confirmation 6:30pm Salem Ringers Practice 7:30pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice Thursday Dec. 7 7:00pm BOCE Meeting Sunday Dec. 10 8:45am Salem Seekers (Sunday School) 10:00am Worship

(Second Sunday of Advent) Praise Team Practice following Worship 4:00-5:30pm Exhale Wednesday Dec. 13 6:00pm Salem Chimes Practice 6:30pm Salem Ringers Practice 6:30pm Confirmation 7:30pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice Thursday Dec. 14 7:00pm Church Council Meeting 7:00pm Cub Scouts Meeting Friday Dec. 15 9:00am January Messenger Articles Due Sunday Dec. 17 8:45am Salem Seekers (Sunday School) 10:00am Worship (Third Sunday of Advent) / Choirs Cantata 11:15am Historical Committee Meeting Praise Team Practice following Worship 5:00-7:00pm Exhale Christmas Party Tuesday Dec. 19 12:00pm Senior Citizens Christmas Potluck Wednesday Dec. 20 6:30pm Salem Ringers Practice 6:30pm Confirmation 7:30pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice Thursday Dec. 21 6:30pm Guild & Brotherhood Christmas Potluck Sunday Dec. 24 8:45am Salem Seekers (Sunday School) 10:00am Worship (Fourth Sunday of Advent) / Children’s Christmas Eve Program No Exhale 11:00pm Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship with Communion Monday Dec. 25 9:00am Christmas Day Worship with Communion Wednesday Dec. 27 No Bells or Choir Practices No Confirmation Thursday Dec. 28 6:30pm Stephen Ministry 7:00pm Cub Scouts Sunday Dec. 31 No Sunday School 10:00am Praise Worship No Exhale



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1. Go to 2. Click on the black and white picture of the church, and you will either see the live broadcast of the worship

service or you can look for archived services. 3. To view an archived service, click on the play button of the date of the archived service you want to view. 4. To give online, visit

Select “Online Giving” / Click “Create Your Online Profile”

Enter your email address / Confirm your email address / Enter required information

Choose “add transaction” / Designate contribution amount, frequency, and start date

Choose account type, routing number and account number / Choose “process”

Note: You may change your contribution at any time.


Merry Christmas

From Your Church Staff

Salem United Church of Christ 1117 West North Street Alhambra, Illinois 62001 Phone: 618-488-3215 Fax: 618-488-3212


Pastor John Mindrup, Assistant Pastor Kerri Reilson, Office Coordinator Becca Braundmeier, Youth Director Dawn Reinhardt, Music Director Patti Reckmann, Custodian

The Messenger ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~

Church’s Email: Web Address:

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Salem UCC Office Hours: Tuesday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

~ 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT ~ October Year-to-Date


Offering – $ 22,334 $ 167,318

Expenses – $ 12,443 $ 170,643

Difference – $ 9,891 $ (3,325)

Other Income –

(i.e. facilities rental, etc.) $ 51 $ 4,985

Transfer from

Reserve Fund $ - $ 4,000

Net Change – $ 9,942 $ 5,660


OCWM – $ 165 $ 2,011

Other Benevolence – $ 280 $ 4,826

Total – $ 445 $ 6,837

Would You Like

Home Communion or a Visit

From Pastor John?

If you would like or know of someone who would like home communion or a visit from Pastor John

in your home for conversation and prayer, please contact him to schedule a time.

Church – 618-488-3215 / Cell – 618-409-3941

Email –
