THE MESSENGER - · dance group called Eternal Dance. We...


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March 2018 Issue No: 286



The Monthly Newsletter of St Michael’s,

Plas Newton, Chester

A good crowd gathered in St Michael’s on Sunday evening, 11th February, for an evening of

recognition and thanks for the ministry of Rob and Esther Peters over seven years, from 2010 to

2017. Bishop Keith was our visiting speaker and Anne de Reybekill led the worship.

In the time of intercession, Anne wove

into the prayers a number of personal

impressions of Rob’s ministry which she

had gathered from St Michael’s people,

and these formed the substance of our

prayers of thanksgiving: for life together;

for the ministry of Rob and Esther; for

Rob’s love of the Word; his gift of

preaching; skill of admin and planning;

his love and care for individuals.

Their three times of personal family loss

and grieving, during which they had to

travel into some heavy times but were still able to demonstrate how to “hold a Light to the Lord”

during such times.

Their loving family life together, with grandchildren. For the music he made and played, and for

his humour and tolerance. For his emails and his attention to detail. For his love of football and

(occasional) BCP liturgy. Our prayer time ended with thanks for the human people that they were

amongst us, and closed as we prayed for the appointment of a new vicar, and for all the

processes that are now needed.

Bishop Keith then spoke to the congregation, beginning with a prayer for all involved and for all

our hearts, for healing and forgiveness. Bishop Keith concluded with a prayer “that St Michael’s

may continue to know God’s restoration and joy as we put our trust in God”.

After a time of sung worship, Bishop Keith incorporated all three readings from the evening as he

preached from 1 Corinthians 15 (see page 2 overleaf).

It had been both an uplifting service of worship of our God, and also a moving thanksgiving for

the service in ministry of Rob and Esther.

A memorable evening in St Michael’s

TWO SERMONS Morning and Evening of 11th February in St Michael’s

Martin Smith (Diocesan Adviser in Christian Giving, and member of St

Michael’s). Martin’s title at the morning service was “Reflections on

Generosity”, 2 Corinthians 8: 1-15.

It is exciting to talk about giving because of the excitement to build God’s

kingdom. What are we giving for? Managing decline or resourcing God’s work

now and in the future? What motivates us to give? John Newton’s famous

hymn: ‘When I survey the wondrous richest gain I count but loss.’

Amy Carmichael: ‘You can give without loving, but you cannot love without

giving.’ These two great saints say the same thing... it is giving from the heart that motivates

and drives us.

The early church in Jerusalem got it right: no one claimed the possessions as their own, but they

shared everything. And in Macedonia, they gave as much as they were able. It was King David

who said, ‘I will not sacrifice that which cost me nothing.’ There is no better example than Jesus

himself, as Paul said in 2 Cor 8:9, ‘For you know the grace of Jesus, that though he was rich, yet

for your sake he became poor.’

How do we know if we are really giving generously? Some practical yardsticks are available as

questions. Is what I give a realistic proportion of my income? Does what I give make any

impact on my lifestyle? Is it a priority of what I receive (not leftovers)? And one final question to

ponder: If the amount I give was given back to me, would it make a real difference to me?

Bishop Keith (Bishop of Birkenhead)

I want to give to all of you in St Michael’s Psalm 126. ‘When the Lord

brought back the captives to Zion, we were like men who dreamed.’ It is

essentially a prayer that one day God’s promises will be truly available to

us, that we may enter his presence one day.

This links with another passage in the scriptures in Job 3:20 ff: Job asks

‘Why is light given to those in misery and life to the bitter in soul?’ The

Bible is so real, and it doesn’t avoid pain. It encourages honesty in us, not

the putting up of defences.

The Lord knows this because of 1 Corinthians 15:54 ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory.’

Jesus is the one in whom we have faith, because he has risen, and we can experience this

ourselves. This gospel message saved Rob and led him into a life of marriage and ministry. At

no point do we minimise sin and death, but as Christ’s people we engage in forgiveness and life.

Nothing takes away from the reality of this gospel which Rob so consistently shared with all. We

honour all that the Lord has done with him. All believers have this inheritance of resurrection


Ash Wednesday lies just ahead. This is a day that speaks of moving from the darkest of places

to the highest place of all. Grace and mercy move us to new and eternal life. Paul wrote in

Philippians 3 of his determination: ‘This one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind... I press on

to the heavenly realm.’ My prayer is that all in St Michael’s will undertake this same journey.


I was born in Liverpool in the 1970s to Bob

and Pam Toan. Along with my two brothers,

we were brought up to attend church. We

moved around a lot when I was small, but

wherever we were, we always went to church.

When I was about four

years old, Dad trained to

become a vicar at Oak Hill

Theological College in

London, and then went on

to do his curacy at

St. Mary’s, Upton on the

Wirral. Here, I joined the

choir, and at the age of

seven I encountered Jesus

personally for the first time,

when The Children’s

Christian Crusade held a

week-long evangelist

meeting there.

After Dad had finished his curacy we moved to

St Peter’s, Rock Ferry. It was here that my

faith grew; this was helped by the brilliant

teaching from the Sunday School, Pathfinder

and church youth group leaders. My brothers

and I were very blessed as teenagers; the

leaders at St Peter’s were always willing to talk

and engage in open and honest discussion and


At Birkenhead Town Hall I attended a monthly

interdenominational youth meeting, and later a

Rock Worship service was held at our own

church. I also went to Crossfire, an annual

Christian festival held at Aintree race course. It

was a bit like Greenbelt, with big name

Christian bands, worship and seminars. It was

also during this time that I joined a Christian

dance group called Eternal Dance. We danced

at churches across the Wirral and the North-

west, as well as in the streets of Birkenhead. I

was open with my friends about my faith and,

although I was shy, I always invited them to


During my time at university and

for about four years afterwards, I

lost my way and stopped going to

church except when I visited

home. I didn’t pray or read my

Bible so much, but all the time I

was aware that there were people

praying for me, and I kept coming

back to Psalm 121, ‘I lift my eyes

to the hills - where does my help

come from? My help comes from

the Lord, the Maker of heaven and

earth…The Lord will keep you

from harm - he will watch over

your life.’ Despite everything, I knew God was

my Father and would welcome me back with

arms wide open.

Not long after returning to Chester in January

2004, I met Stuart through my brother Ben.

We married in November 2005, Stuart and I

continue to attend St Michael’s church and are

grateful for the support that people there have

given us.

My faith in my Father God has continued to

grow. Stuart and I have been youth leaders

and children’s work helpers and we have also

served on the coffee rota. We adopted three

lovely boys and this is something that I

continue to be grateful to God for. If it had not

been for God’s love, patience and the peace

that he gives me daily, I think that my

continuing journey as his daughter, and the

mother of his little children, would be much

more difficult.

Jenny Davies shares her life and faith


Following a Chester Deanery Clergy visit to HMP Styal,

Canon Paul Dawson suggested that the Deanery might

like to support the work of the chaplaincy by collecting

underwear and small size travel toiletries. Some

parishes took this on enthusiastically and the photo

shows just some of the boxes being delivered in

December 2017 by Paul Dawson from St Mary’s,

Handbridge and Anne Stockdale (not shown as she took

the photo) from St Michael’s, Plas Newton.

95% of all the donations came from St Mary’s and

St Michael’s. Both parishes took up this challenge

magnanimously and we filled Paul’s car to the roof, so

well done and thank you St Michael’s folk. Rev Yvonne

Yates, (on the right) chaplain, HMP and YOI Styal, has

written a lovely thank you letter for our generous gifts,

explaining that many of the women there have few who

care for them personally. Staff in the reception area

were delighted to receive all the underwear, to give out

as the women arrive. Often the women have only the clothes they stand up in. The chaplaincy

also made up small gift parcels to give to the Christmas Day congregation and told them where

the gifts had come from.

Yvonne writes, “It is so important to our women that they recognise that people in the faith

communities outside are thinking about them and caring. For many of the women no-one does

care. ”

“Some of the women performed the Nativity (Styal version, where Jesus was born in Styal Prison

in 2017) in our Carol Service last Wednesday evening and so we made up some little gift bags for

the performers from the donations you gave to us. They were so thrilled and touched. They had

shown great commitment in writing and performing the drama and it was extremely powerful for

those of us who watched.”

Anne Stockdale reports on a Deanery Initiative

The Bible in 50 Words

God made, Adam bit, Noah arked, Abraham split, Joseph ruled,

Jacob fooled, bush talked, Moses balked, Pharaoh plagued,

people walked, sea divided, tablets guided, promise landed,

Saul freaked, David peeked, prophets warned,

Jesus born, God walked, love talked, anger crucified, hope died,

Love rose, Spirit flamed, Word spread, God remained.

Kate Coleman will be our speaker at the Houseparty in May

The date of our next church weekend is rapidly

approaching. Friday 4th to Sunday

6th May will see over a hundred of

us gather at Cloverley Hall.

This year we are privileged to

have Kate Coleman coming to

speak at the main sessions with

Pulse Ministries heading up the

Children´s and Youth sessions.

There´s a team of special visitors booked for

some fantastic family entertainment on the

Saturday night.

Kate has been the Chair of the Evangelical

Alliance and is a former President of the

Baptist Union, and a Baptist minister. A

popular speaker and lecturer, Kate has

gained a reputation as a visionary and an

inspiration to many. She is a strategic

advisor who mentors, coaches and

supports leaders and organisations locally,

nationally and internationally. Kate will be

sharing with us how we can become more

effective followers of Jesus.

There are a few places still available for the

weekend. We´d love you to join us!

Pick up a leaflet from church or contact Andy

Thorne on 07976 314081 or for more details.


Reflections for Lent from the Gospel of John

If you have not yet started to read anything for Lent this year, this book

might be one to try. Tim Chester writes in a very clear and engaging

way that is, at the same time, quite challenging. Perhaps you read and

remember his books for Advent from previous years?

What is standing in the way of our seeing the true glory of Jesus? In his

introduction to the book Tim says that “..seeing the glory of God in the

person of Jesus is not straightforward. For one thing, whatever you think

glory looks like, it doesn’t look like the battered and bloodied man we

see on Good Friday... Yet John (in his gospel) is clear... The Cross is

Christ’s glory.”

Tim takes us through John’s gospel with 47 days of short reflections,

together with hymns and prayers, old and new. Each week there is a key episode from Jesus’

earthly ministry to explore. The Sunday reading gives the whole of the Bible passage and then

in subsequent days through the week there are reflections on a part of it, in more depth.

Each week has a heading. The first is ‘Seeing the Kingdom of God’, moving on to ‘Seeing the

Bread of Life’, ‘the Good Shepherd’, ‘the Resurrection and the Life’, ‘the Glory of the Cross’, ‘the

Crucified King’ and then finally ‘The Triumph of the Cross’. We are taken on a journey with

Jesus to the foot of the cross, and as we do so we are invited to gaze at Christ in all his glory.

The Glory of the Cross is published by the Good Book Company,, and is

available from bookshops or online, price £6.99.


A previous Vicar, Bob Toan (1999-

2009), chatting after he had been

our preacher at the Ash Wednesday

Holy Communion.

We enjoyed a visit from Jakynai Nazarova, from Kyrgy-

stan, pictured with Olive Frost and Anne de Reybekill.

Chatter and Natter at

the Café on Thursday

and Friday afternoons.

Cyclists gather in the Café in mid


Puppets on stage in our morning

worship on 4th February.

ST MICHAEL’S NEWS Church at Prayer

Please be reminded that Church at Prayer will

take place at 8pm on Wednesday 7th March in

the church centre.

Progress with the Appointment Process

The Parish Profile is due to be put before the

PCC on 26th February. Thence it should be

used as a basis for advertising the post, as well

as forming an important part of the Information

Pack. Our Patron, David Bailey of the Simeon

Trustees, will be engaging importantly in the

process at this point.

Chester Bible Focus

This will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6th

and Wednesday 7th March in

All Saints Church, Hoole. The

speaker will be Jonathan

Lamb, and over the two

nights, he will deliver four

Bible expositions from the

book of Ruth entitled ‘Reading

between the lines’.

Jonathan Lamb has held

senior positions in a range

of organisations, including

UCCF, Keswick Ministries,

and Langham Partnership.

He is the author of several


Electoral Roll

It is the time of year when the roll is updated,

from 4th—25th March. If you would like to be

included, then look out for the necessary

paperwork at the back of church. Or more

directly, contact our Electoral Roll Officer, Jackie

Hockley, in the office (tel 315129).


West Cheshire Foodbank have recently been in

touch to say a big ‘thank you’ to St Michael’s for

the 1098 kg of food that we donated in 2017

which supported 85 people in need.


The Spring and Summer Session of TOGS has

recently begun. Amongst

other items on the new

programme is a talk on

March 7th by Anne de

Reybekill entitled ‘Glimpses

of Pakistan’.

TOGS meet in the Café on

Wednesday afternoons at

3.00pm. Please contact Pam

Black if you would like more information.

Youth Prayer Meeting

All are invited to gather to pray for the children,

youth & families within our church &

community on the 2nd Friday of the month,

7-8am upstairs in Room 1 (the Youth Office),

beginning on Friday 9th March.

Easter Celebrations in St Michael’s

Watch out for announcements of events and

services being planned for Maundy Thursday,

Good Friday and Easter Day.

From the Registers


Marlowe Robin Morgan,

Totland Grove, Newton.

Baptised 28 January.

We welcome this young one in the name of


Sun (4) LENT 3

8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Morning Worship

- Trevor Park

6.30pm Evening Service

- Julie Ellison

Mon (5) 7.30pm Standing


Tue (6) 7.30pm Chester Bible Focus

(All Saints Hoole)

Wed (7) 7.30pm with Jonathan


Wed (7) 8.00pm Church at Prayer



10.00am All Age Worship

- Ruth McKew

6.30pm Evening Service

- Rod Smith

Mon (12) 10.45am Holy Communion


7.30pm World Mission



Sat (17) 8.00am PCC Prayer

Breakfast (Lounge)

Sun (18) LENT 5

8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Holy Communion

- Ian Hobbs

6.30pm Evening Service

- Christine


Mon (19) 7.30pm PCC meeting (Café)


10.00am Morning Worship

- Bec Benson

6.30pm Holy Communion

with prayer for


- Ian Hobbs

Tue (27) 7.30pm Ministry Team


Thur (29) Maundy Thursday

7.30pm Holy Communion

- Les Austin

Fri (30) Good Friday

10.00am All Age Worship

- Anne de Reybekill

VICAR: Vacant


Steve McKew 01829 271974

Derek Taylor 383428


Graham Cooper 316746

Estelle Byrne 341774


Sas McConville 07460 422226


Alison Pantony 380962


John Allan 07948 401925


Mary Webster 343981

CHURCH MAGAZINE: David Blackmore 323494


Open for enquiries: Mon & Tues 9.30am –3.00pm Thur & Fri 10.00am—5.30pm


Fiona Prichard (Mon & Tues) 344276



Jackie Hockley (Thurs & Fri) 347860




