THE MELBOURNE CUP At the racecourse! Since 1861 people have gathered at Flemington Racetrack on the...


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At the racecourse!

• Since 1861 people have gathered at Flemington Racetrack on the first Tuesday in November to watch the Melbourne Cup.


• The horses first start in their barriers then the machine opens the gates and the race begins.


• People bet on horses at the racetrack or at the TAB.There are lots of bookmakers on the field who will take a bet if you are willing to take the risk!

Phar Lap

• Phar Lap was one of the most famous Melbourne Cup winners.

• You can see him at the new Melbourne Museum.

The Trophy

• The winner of the Melbourne Cup receives a trophy and thousands of dollars!

About the race

• The Melbourne Cup is run at 3.20p.m.

• The horses have to run 3200 metres to finish the race.

• 24 horses run in the race.• The trophy is worth

more than a million dollars!

Fashions on the field!

People go to the races to show off their


Hats are very popular to wear.

Many people dress in unusual ways at the races.

A Quiz!

• When is the Melbourne Cup held?• Where is it held?• What is the prizemoney?• Who is Phar Lap ?

What students think about the Melbourne Cup

• Student 1 - I think the Melbourne Cup is a wonderful event, because it is special for everyone going to a racing place and having fun. It is also so interesting the idea of the betting so everyone can try his/her luck..

The End
