The Medieval Era World History II



The Medieval Era World History II. Periodization. Early Middle Ages : 500 – 1000 High Middle Ages : 1000 – 1250 Late Middle Ages : 1250 - 1500. Europe in the 6c. The Medieval Catholic Church. filled the power vacuum left from the collapse of the classical world. monasticism: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Medieval Era

World History II

The Medieval Era

World History II


Early Middle Ages: 500 – 1000

High Middle Ages: 1000 – 1250

Late Middle Ages: 1250 - 1500

Europe in the 6cEurope in the 6cEurope in the 6cEurope in the 6c

The Medieval Catholic ChurchThe Medieval Catholic ChurchThe Medieval Catholic ChurchThe Medieval Catholic Church

filled the power vacuum left from the collapse of the classical world.


St. Benedict – Benedictine Rule of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

provided schools for the children of the upper class.

inns, hospitals, refuge in times of war.

libraries & scriptoria to copy books and illuminate manuscripts.

monks missionaries to the barbarians. [St. Patrick, St. Boniface]

The Power of the Medieval The Power of the Medieval ChurchChurch

The Power of the Medieval The Power of the Medieval ChurchChurch

bishops and abbots played a large part in the feudal system.

the church controlled about 1/3 of the land in Western Europe.

tried to curb feudal warfare only 40 days a year for combat.

curb heresies crusades; Inquisition

tithe 1/10 tax on your assets given to the church.

Peter’s Pence 1 penny per person [paid by the peasants].

A Medieval Monk’s DayA Medieval Monk’s DayA Medieval Monk’s DayA Medieval Monk’s Day

A Medieval Monastery: The A Medieval Monastery: The ScriptoriumScriptorium

A Medieval Monastery: The A Medieval Monastery: The ScriptoriumScriptorium

Illuminated ManuscriptsIlluminated ManuscriptsIlluminated ManuscriptsIlluminated Manuscripts

Romanesque Architectural Romanesque Architectural StyleStyle

Romanesque Architectural Romanesque Architectural StyleStyle Rounded Arches.

Barrel vaults.

Thick walls.

Darker, simplistic interiors.

Small windows, usually at the top of the wall.

Early Middle Ages

• Decline of Roman Empire • Rise of Northern Europe • New forms of government • Heavy “Romanization”

(religion, language, laws, architecture, government)

• Latin- “medium aevum” means “middle age” and is source of English word “medieval”

Early Middle Ages

• Dark Ages (500 CE- 1000 CE)- scholars named this as a time when the forces of darkness (barbarians) overwhelmed the forces of light (Romans)

• Rise of influence of barbarians as Roman Emperors had granted barbarian mercenaries land with the Roman Empire in return for military service and it was these barbarians who eventually became the new rulers

Barbarian Invasions

Merovingians• Merovingian is derived from the leader of the

tribe of Franks• First dynasty after the Romans and ruled for 300 years• Leader in 481 CE was Clovis I- he united Frankish tribes

and expanded territory• His conversion to Christianity won him support from the

Church• Clovis I wrote Salic Law - assigned a specific financial

value to everyone and everything; concept of trial options (trial by oath and trial by ordeal)

• Merovingian's founded and built many monasteries, churches and palaces and spread Christianity throughout Western Europe

• IMPACT = Eventually dynasty declined as kings relaxed power and became more like figure heads whereas the real power lay with the powerful officials and leading aristocracy


Frankish Empire

Carolingians• Rise of aristocratic Charles Martel who dominated

Frankish kingdom in 8th century

• He confiscated land given to Church and began Church reforms that would restore spirituality to clerical life

• His son Pepin the Short continued Church reforms and eventually with the support of reformed Church, removed last Merovingian king from throne

• Established the Carolingian dynasty, named to protect thepapacy and establish the popeand bishops are the makers of kings

• Greatest legacy was Charles the Great, or Charlemagne

Holy Roman Empire and Charlemagne

CharlemagneCharlemagne (Charles the Great) who was a military general and (Charles the Great) who was a military general and restored Pope Leo III who had been exiledrestored Pope Leo III who had been exiledIn return, Leo placed a crown on Charlemagne and named him In return, Leo placed a crown on Charlemagne and named him the the “Emperor of the Romans“Emperor of the Romans” which secured the relationship ” which secured the relationship between Frankish kings and the papacybetween Frankish kings and the papacyCharlemagne became the first ruler of the Charlemagne became the first ruler of the Holy Roman EmpireHoly Roman Empire, a , a dynasty that would last for more than 700 yearsdynasty that would last for more than 700 yearsCharlemagneCharlemagne- imposed order on empire through the Church and - imposed order on empire through the Church and statestateOrdered the Ordered the standardization of Latinstandardization of Latin, textbooks, manuals for , textbooks, manuals for preaching, schools for clergy and people, new form of handwritingpreaching, schools for clergy and people, new form of handwritingAll these promoted education and scholars and produced a All these promoted education and scholars and produced a precise written language (Latin)precise written language (Latin)

Charlemagne: 742 to 814Charlemagne: 742 to 814Charlemagne: 742 to 814Charlemagne: 742 to 814

Charlemagne’s Empire 814 A.D.

Charlemagne’s EmpireCharlemagne’s EmpireCharlemagne’s EmpireCharlemagne’s Empire

Pope Crowned CharlemagnePope Crowned CharlemagneHoly Roman Emperor: Dec. Holy Roman Emperor: Dec.

25, 80025, 800

Pope Crowned CharlemagnePope Crowned CharlemagneHoly Roman Emperor: Dec. Holy Roman Emperor: Dec.

25, 80025, 800

The Carolingian RenaissanceThe Carolingian RenaissanceThe Carolingian RenaissanceThe Carolingian Renaissance

Carolingian MinisculeCarolingian MinisculeCarolingian MinisculeCarolingian Miniscule

Charlemagne’s Empire Charlemagne’s Empire Collapses:Collapses:

Treaty of Verdun, 843Treaty of Verdun, 843

Charlemagne’s Empire Charlemagne’s Empire Collapses:Collapses:

Treaty of Verdun, 843Treaty of Verdun, 843

Vikings give rise to Feudalism

• The Vikings came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The name 'Viking' comes from a language called 'Old Norse' and means 'a pirate raid'. People who went off raiding in ships were said to be 'going Viking'.

• The Viking age in European history was about AD 700 to 1100. During this period many Vikings left Scandinavia and travelled to other countries, such as Britain and Ireland. Some went to fight and steal treasure. Others settled in new lands as farmers, craftsmen or traders.

Viking Routes

Vikings ContinuedSleek fast ships and lack of regard for people enabled the Vikings to terrorize Europe. Typical targets were monestaries and villages.


Feudalism• Increasing violence and lawless countryside• Weak turn to the strong for protection,

strong want something from the weak• Feudalism= relationship between those

ranked in a chain of association (kings, vassals, lords, knights, serfs)

• Feudalism worked because of the notion of mutual obligation, or voluntary co-operation from serf to noble

• A man’s word was the cornerstone of social life

Key terms• Fief = land given by a lord in return for a

vassal’s military service and oath of loyalty• Serfs= aka villeins or common peasants

who worked the lords land• Tithe = tax that serfs paid (tax or rent)• Corvee= condition of unpaid labour by serfs

(maintaining roads or ditches on a manor)

FeudalismFeudalismFeudalismFeudalismA political, economic, and social system based on loyalty and military service.

Feudalism Breakdown

Carcassonne: A Medieval Carcassonne: A Medieval CastleCastle

Carcassonne: A Medieval Carcassonne: A Medieval CastleCastle

Parts of a Medieval CastleParts of a Medieval CastleParts of a Medieval CastleParts of a Medieval Castle

The Road to KnighthoodThe Road to KnighthoodThe Road to KnighthoodThe Road to Knighthood




ChivalryChivalry:: A Code of Honor and A Code of Honor and BehaviorBehavior

ChivalryChivalry:: A Code of Honor and A Code of Honor and BehaviorBehavior

The Medieval ManorThe Medieval ManorThe Medieval ManorThe Medieval Manor

Life on the Medieval ManorLife on the Medieval ManorLife on the Medieval ManorLife on the Medieval Manor

SerfsSerfs at work at work

The Rise of European Monarchies The Rise of European Monarchies EnglandEngland

William the Conqueror:William the Conqueror:Battle of Hastings, 1066Battle of Hastings, 1066

(Bayeaux Tapestry)(Bayeaux Tapestry)

William the Conqueror:William the Conqueror:Battle of Hastings, 1066Battle of Hastings, 1066

(Bayeaux Tapestry)(Bayeaux Tapestry)

Evolution of England’s Evolution of England’s Political SystemPolitical System

Evolution of England’s Evolution of England’s Political SystemPolitical System

Henry I:

William’s son.

set up a court system.

Exchequer dept. of royal finances.

Henry II:

established the principle of common law throughout the kingdom.

grand jury.

trial by jury.

Evolution of England’s Evolution of England’s Political SystemPolitical System

Evolution of England’s Evolution of England’s Political SystemPolitical System

Henry I:

William’s son.

set up a court system.

Exchequer dept. of royal finances.

Henry II:

established the principle of common law throughout the kingdom.

grand jury.

trial by jury.

Magna Carta, 1215Magna Carta, 1215Magna Carta, 1215Magna Carta, 1215

King John IKing John I


“Great Charter”

monarchs were not above the law.

kings had to consult a council of advisors.

kings could not tax arbitrarily.

The Beginnings of the British The Beginnings of the British ParliamentParliament

The Beginnings of the British The Beginnings of the British ParliamentParliament

Great Council:

middle class merchants, townspeople [burgesses in Eng., bourgeoisie in Fr., burghers in Ger.] were added at the end of the 13c.

eventually called Parliament.

by 1400, two chambers evolved:

o House of Lords nobles & clergy.

o House of Commons knights and burgesses.

The Rise of European The Rise of European Monarchies:Monarchies:

France France

The Rise of European The Rise of European Monarchies:Monarchies:

France France

Gothic Architectural StyleGothic Architectural StyleGothic Architectural StyleGothic Architectural Style

Pointed arches.

High, narrow vaults.

Thinner walls.

Flying buttresses.

Elaborate, ornate, airier interiors.

Stained-glass windows.

“Flying” Buttresses

Pope Urban II: Preaching a Pope Urban II: Preaching a CrusadeCrusade

Pope Urban II: Preaching a Pope Urban II: Preaching a CrusadeCrusade

Setting Out on CrusadeSetting Out on CrusadeSetting Out on CrusadeSetting Out on Crusade

Christian Crusades: East and Christian Crusades: East and WestWest

Christian Crusades: East and Christian Crusades: East and WestWest

Medieval UniversitiesMedieval UniversitiesMedieval UniversitiesMedieval Universities

Oxford UniversityOxford UniversityOxford UniversityOxford University

Late Medieval Town DwellingsLate Medieval Town DwellingsLate Medieval Town DwellingsLate Medieval Town Dwellings

Medieval TradeMedieval TradeMedieval TradeMedieval Trade

Medieval GuildsMedieval GuildsMedieval GuildsMedieval Guilds

Guild Guild HallHall

Guild Guild HallHall

Commercial Monopoly:

Controlled membership apprentice journeyman master craftsman

Controlled quality of the product [masterpiece].

Controlled prices

Medieval Guilds: A Medieval Guilds: A Goldsmith’s ShopGoldsmith’s ShopMedieval Guilds: A Medieval Guilds: A Goldsmith’s ShopGoldsmith’s Shop

Crest of a Cooper’s GuildCrest of a Cooper’s GuildCrest of a Cooper’s GuildCrest of a Cooper’s Guild

Late Middle AgesBlack DeathBlack Deatha devastating worldwide pandemic that first struck Europe in the mid a devastating worldwide pandemic that first struck Europe in the mid 14th century14th centurykilled about a third of Europe’s population, an estimated 34 million killed about a third of Europe’s population, an estimated 34 million people.people.

The Bubonic Plague…aka.. Black Death

• Called “black death” because of striking symptom of the disease, in which sufferers' skin would blacken due to hemorrhages under the skin

• Spread by fleas and rats• painful lymph node swellings called buboes • buboes in the groin and armpits, which ooze pus and blood. • damage to the skin and underlying tissue until they were

covered in dark blotches• Most victims died within four to seven days after infection

EFFECTS• Caused massive depopulation and change

in social structure• Weakened influence of Church• Originated in Asia but was blamed on

Jews and lepers

Path of the Plague
