The Meaning of the Book of Job



Most people would think Job had it made. But the story isn’t about what Job had and what he lost. It is about what he learned through his suffering. While it is true that suffering is a major theme in the Book of Job, suffering is not the real meaning of Job. Rather, the focus is on what Job learns from his suffering. It is what Job learns about God through his suffering.

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The Meaning of the Book of JobJOB: THE MAN Scripture verse of importance: "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;" Hebrews 5:8.

Job is the central character in the book bearing his name. Job lived over 4,000 years ago; yet we still study about his life and can apply what he learned to our own lives. Job was blameless and an upright man. He feared God and shunned evil. Job was healthy. He was wealthy. He had 7,000 sheep, 3000 camels, 1000 oxen, and 500 donkeys. Job was a family man with a wife, seven sons and three daughters and a large household of servants. Most people would think Job had it made. But the story isnt about what Job had and what he lost. It is about what he learned through his suffering. While it is true that suffering is a major theme in the Book of Job, suffering is not the real meaning of Job. Rather, the focus is on what Job learns from his suffering. It is what Job learns about God through his suffering. You cannot talk about Job's suffering without talking about God's sovereignty. The first part of the Book of Job outlines the cause of Job's suffering. Then in Chapter 337 there are many dialogues with Job and his three friends. Job questions God and rehearse in his mind what he is going to say to God. God did not intervene but let Job go and his friends go on and on. Then in Chapter 38 God finally speaks.

JOB: THE MESSAGE Jobs suffering started when Satan suggested to God that Job would remain faithful only as long as he was prosperous. Then God permitted Satan to try Jobs faith. God allowed it, but He did oversee it and He set boundaries. He told Satan he could do what he wanted to do with Job except kill him. Job lost all he had including his good health, his wealth, his sheep, donkeys, oxen, servants and all ten children. Job experienced more tragedy in just a few days than most people experience in a lifetime. Every area of Jobs being was tested. Job did what was customary in times of mourning and suffering. In sackcloth and ashes, he sat for seven days without speaking. His three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar sat in silence with him. When Job finally spoke, his friends one after another tried to convince him to admit that he had sinned against God and God was punishing him. But Job held on to his faith. It was not until Job came to the end of himself that he could he see God for who He really was. Job had to lose it all before he could acknowledge the greatness of God, the majesty of God, and the sovereignty of God. It was only after Job had acknowleged God's sovereignty and prayed for his friends did God restore everything back to God and double in every case except for his children because they would marry and give Job grandchildren. There was something Job needed to know. There was something God wanted to teach Job, and it could be done only through his suffering. God wanted to point Job to a new way to interpret life. God wanted Job to recognize that God was the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. .

. What then is the real message in the book of Job? The REAL Message of Job is NOT Job's suffering because God would never end the story with suffering. Instead, God ended the book on a much more positive note. The ending of the Book of Job illustrates God's sovereignty and Goodness that is what we should focus on long after closing our Bible.