The Mauryan Empire,...


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The Mauryan Empire

Credit - Mrs. Johnson

Modified by – Mrs. Brannen

Northern India was a battleground where rivals fought for control of the rich Ganges Valley.


In 321 B.C., a young Chandragupta Maurya first gained control of the Ganges Valley, but soon conquered much of Northern India.


From 321 to 185 B.C.E., the Maurya dynasty

ruled over a vast, united empire.

Organization is

Key Under the Maurya

dynasty, there was an

efficient bureaucracy

and a strong


The capital of the

Maurya Empire was at


bureaucracy - a system of

managing government with

departments run by

appointed officials.

Pataliputra boasted schools and a library, as well as a splendid palace and temples.

Megasthenes, a Greek ambassador to the Maurya Empire, reported that the wall around the city had 530 towers!

Royal officials collected taxes and oversaw the building of roads and harbors.

Other officials managed government owned factories and shipyards.

This helped trade to flourish throughout the empire.

Don’t Mess With the Mauryans!

The Mauryans’ rule was effective, but harsh.

A brutal secret police reported on corruption, crime, and dissent, any opposing ideas.

Fearful of enemies, Chandragupta had specially trained women warriors guard his palace.
