THE MAGAZINE OF THE NEW JERSEY NATIONAL …...2nd District of New Jersey, joined Brig. Gen. Glenn K....


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IndexTAG's Message Page 3CSM's Message Page 4

177th Supports OEF Page 5Combat Veteran To Head NJANG Page 6

'Faithful And Brave' Arrive Page 7

1-114th Deploys To Arabian Penninsula Pages 8253rd TC Back From Iraq Page 9

Mobilization Page Page 10

News Guard Families Can Use Page 11Salute The Troops Page 12-13

NJNG Newsmakers Page 14

Jersey Air Guardsman Wins Services Award Page 15Photos From Iraq Page 16

Finance Battalion Update Page 17

Family Appreciation Day Page 18Short Rounds Pages 19-21

NJ Places 17th In NG Marathon Page 22

Army And Air Enlisted Promotions Page 23In Memoriam Page 24


EditorsLt. Col. Roberta Niedt

Maj. Kris Frazier1st Lt. Luz Apontè

Assistant Editor-ProductionTech. Sgt. Mark C. Olsen

Staff PhotographerTech. Sgt. Shawn Mildren

Staff WritersRoman Martyniuk

Staff Sgt. Barbara Harbison

GUARDLIFE is published quarterlyusing federal funds under provisionsof AR 360-1 and AFI 35-101 by thePublic Affairs Office of the New Jer-sey Department of Military and Veter-ans Affairs for all members of theNew Jersey Army and Air NationalGuard. The views and opinions ex-pressed herein are not necessarilythose of the Department of Defense,the Army, the Air Force or the NationalGuard Bureau. Letters may be sentto: GUARDLIFE, Public Affairs Office,P.O. Box 340, NJDMAVA, Trenton,NJ, 08625-0340. E-mail

Cover253rd Returns HomeSpc. Wilfredo Dehoyos, 253rdTransportation Company, sa-lutes during the Welcome HomeCeremony at Cape May Court-house. Photo by Tech. Sgt. MarkOlsen, NJDMAVA/PA.

Inside CoverFueling Operation Iraqi FreedomSomewhere over Turkey, a 108thAir Refueling Wing KC-135EStratotanker refuels an Air ForceC-17 cargo transport. Photo byMaj. Gen. Clark Martin.

Family Assistance Centers (Army) And Family Readiness Centers (Air)Toll Free number 1-888-859-0352Cape May Court House600 Garden State ParkwayCape May Court House, NJ 08210POC: CSM(R) Mike Hughes (609) Armory151 Eggert Crossing Rd.Lawrenceville, NJ 08648POC: MSG(R) Jane Hackbarth (609) Armory430 Western Ave.Morristown, NJ 07960POC: Sgt. Thomas Fortier (973) Office – Fort Dix3650 Saylors Pond Rd.Fort Dix, NJ 08640POC: CW4 Ralph Cwieka (609) ArmoryTeaneck & Liberty RoadsTeaneck, NJ 07666POC: SFC Minnie Hiller (201)

Toms River Armory1200 Whitesville Rd.Toms River, NJ 08753POC: Capt. Kevin Williams (732) Armory658 North Evergreen Ave.Woodbury, NJ 08096POC: Heather Altman Air Refueling Wing3305 Fiebelkorn Rd.McGuire AFB, NJ 08641POC: Tiffany Colby (609) Fighter Wing400 Langley Rd.Egg Harbor Twp, NJ 08234POC: Joan F. Searfoss (609)

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TAG's MessageBy Brig. Gen. Glenn K. Rieth, The Adjutant General of New Jersey


Brig. Gen. Glenn K. Rieth, The Adjutant General of NewJersey with members of the 250th Signal Battalion at theWestfield Salute The Troops ceremony. Photo by Tech.Sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA.

s we approach the traditional summer vacationseason, more and more New Jersey NationalGuardsmen find themselves mobilized for ex-tended active duty…and more and more Guard

families are learning how to cope with the extendedabsence of their loved ones. This may not be thescenario many of us envisioned pre-September 11th,2001…but it’s a stark reality now in 2004. Through allthe “Support the Troops” rallies, and even in light ofthe wonderful homecoming we shared with the mem-bers of the 253rd Transportation Company who re-turned from Iraq in May, there is a growing sense of theseriousness of the missions we have been asked toserve.

The harsh reality of war and the potential, deadlyconsequences of armed conflict came home in earlyJune with our first four New Jersey Army Guard combatcasualties. It came home again with the tragic death ofanother soldier killed in a car accident on his way backto Fort Dix. These tragic occurrences are indeedsobering. Yet the courage, commitment, and determi-nation of our Citizen-Soldiers and Airmen remain un-diminished. It is this character of our military membersthat embodies their selfless dedication.As we continue to prepare for upcoming missions anddeployments, we need to remain focused on ourobjectives. Those involved in training, preparation,and support also need to be the best they can be atdoing those things. I like to refer to our National Guardas “New Jersey’s Home Town Team”. And at this pointin time, that’s exactly what it’s going to take for us tosucceed … a team effort.

We have received tremendous support fromthroughout our local communities, from civilian em-ployers to local organizations, as well as exceptionalsupport from our families. For our part, we’ll take careof the training, equipment, and supplies. We’ll ensurethat every soldier we deploy is fully prepared to deploy.Federal law provides certain guarantees regarding re-employment and job status when you come home. Ourextensive family assistance and family support net-work will help care of your families while you’re away.It’s up to you to take care of yourself and help take care

of your fellow soldiers.The summer months encompass three major pa-

triotic holidays. We began with the somewhat somberobservance of Memorial Day at the end of May, wecelebrate the Army’s birthday on Flag Day in themiddle of June, and we fully immerse ourselves in thefestivities and fireworks surrounding IndependenceDay on the 4th of July. Despite the difference in moodor flavor, all three of these holidays reflect the verysame pride in the values that made America great …democracy, liberty, and freedom. And they reflect ournation’s pride in the members of our Armed Forces.These annual patriotic observances also serve toremind us that we enjoy the gifts of freedom and libertyonly because courageous young men and women likeyou, and the brave veterans who preceded you, havealways been willing to fight to defend that freedom.

On behalf of all the people of New Jersey, and allyour fellow citizens of these United States, “Thank you”for answering the call …”Thank you” for the sacrificesyou have made…and “Thank you” for your patriotismand your service to our great state and nation.

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CSM's MessageBy New Jersey State Command Sergeant Major Richard S. Adkins, Jr.

he successes of the past will not be sufficientto meet the challenges of the future”.

For those of us serving in the armed forces,the tragic events of September 11th marked ourcollective consciousness both personally and pro-fessionally. I believe this despicable act by theenemies of freedom and democracy has served tostrengthen our resolve and focus our efforts to en-sure that we, as soldiers are fully prepared to defendour communities, state, and nation against anotherterror attack and against all enemies both foreign anddomestic.

Our professional competence, leadership abili-ties, and initiative long have been among the primaryreasons America’s armed forces are the best in theworld. Given our increasing involvement in Home-land Defense, Homeland Security, and our continuedrole in local emergency response missions, it’s evenmore important that we attain the highest possiblelevel of professional skill and help our junior NCO’sand enlisted personnel become the best soldiersthey can become. We’ve received tremendoussupport from our elected officials and from through-out every aspect of our local communities. We’vealso been fortunate to have solid support from withinour own chain of command. However, the suc-cesses of the past will not be sufficient to meet thechallenges of the future.

We need to reinforce the importance of NCOESand obtain the necessary funding so that every pro-motable soldier in the NJARNG has the opportunity toattend NCOES schools. This includes the 1,000soldiers who were promoted between January 2002to 15 July 2004 and still have a military educationrequirement to complete NCOES.

As the State Command Sergeant Major I wouldlike to identify four specific areas I feel are critical tothe successful professional development of the Non-commissioned Officer Corps. These areas will bemy top priorities for the next twenty-four months. It ismy sincere belief that proper attention to these initia-tives will increase our soldier’s awareness of the

importance of living Army Values, decrease the levelof complacency, and enhance our overall readiness.

1. Top loading from the Enlisted Promotion System(EPS) list for school attendance.2. Establishment of the New Jersey Army NationalGuard Enlisted Personnel Management Branch.Note: This is a brand new, first-time program to bemanaged by Sgt. Maj. Mike Amoroso.3. Enlisted Career Management Program publishdate 1 October 2004.4. Military and civilian education.

With your continued commitment and support Ihave every confidence that we will be the best we canbe; and perhaps most important, be what our nationand our fellow citizens need us to be.

New Jersey State Command Sergeant Major Richard S.Adkins, Jr. (center) with the New Jersey ChalleNGe YouthDrill Team during the Unity Day celebration at the JointForce Headquarters - New Jersey July 23. Photo by Tech.Sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA.

n June 4, Congressman Frank A. LoBiondo,2nd District of New Jersey, joined Brig. Gen.Glenn K. Rieth in bidding members of the177th Fighter Wing a safe journey as they

departed to Southwest Asia in support of OperationEnduring Freedom.

The deploying Airmen, which represent nearlyevery career field on the base, will be deployed forperiods ranging from two weeks to 90 days.

Brig. Gen. Rieth applauded the more than 350guardsmen and women who were departing as wellas the hundreds of support personnel who helpedprepare and equip them for this deployment. GeneralRieth urged the deploying personnel to “take care ofone another and be safe.”

Congressman LoBiondo also addressed the de-ploying personnel thanking them for their service andsacrifice to the Nation.


177th Supports OEFBy Capt. Yvonne Mays, 177FW/CCXO

Wing members line up to board their flight to SouthwestAsia. They will be deployed for periods ranging from twoweeks to 90 days. More than one-third of the wing'sstrength is deployed in support of various operationsworldwide. Photo by Tech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, 177FW/PA.

he 108th Air Refueling Wing’s Civil Engineer-ing Squadron recently completed its two-weekannual training at Borinquen, a U.S. CoastGuard Station in Puerto Rico from Mar. 27

through Apr. 10.While the training could be done at home station,

Maj. Paul Novello, Commander, CES, noted that thesquadron gains valuable, real-world experience byparticipating in training deployments. “By deployingto various areas throughout the world we have theopportunity to use different construction methodsand materials. At Borinquen most structures areconcrete, compared to McGuire where wood andmetal frame structures are more common.

The deployments have additional benefits. “Inaddition to providing planning logistics experiencethe training deployments are a good tool for recruit-ing, morale and retention,” concluded Maj. Novello.“It’s a win-win situation.”

108th CE Annual Training In Puerto RicoBy Senior Airman Lennard Gilbert, 108th Civil Engineering Squadron


More than 35 members of the 108th Air Refueling Wing CivilEngineering Squadron arrive at Borinquen U.S. CoastGuard Station, Puerto Rico, for annual training from Mar. 27through Apr. 10. Photo by Senior Master Sgt. Juan Prieto,108ARW/CES.

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Combat Veteran To Head NJANGStory and photos by Tech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, 177FW/PA

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n a ceremony attended by more than 1,500dignitaries, family members, guests andGuardsmen from the 177th Fighter Wing and the108th Air Refueling Wing Brig. Gen. Eugene

Chojnacki assumed command of the New Jersey AirNational Guard from Maj. Gen. Clark W. Martin Apr.17.

Brig. Gen. Glenn K. Rieth, The Adjutant Generalof New Jersey, appointed General Chojnacki tocommand the more than 2,400 members of the NewJersey Air National Guard.

Brig. Gen. Chojnacki, a decorated VietnamVeteran, served as a special operations pilot. He wascommissioned as a second lieutenant in the AirForce after graduating from Officer Training School,Lackland Air Force Base (AFB), Texas, in 1968. In1971, General Chojnacki attended helicopter transitiontraining at Sheppard AFB, Texas and was assignedto the 20th Special Operations Squadron, Cam RahnBay, Republic of Vietnam, as an UH-1N pilot. Duringhis combat tour, he flew 120 missions over Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam. In 1977, he accepted acommission with the New Jersey Air National Guardas the executive support officer for the 177th FighterInterceptor Group. In August, 2002, he was appointed

the vice commander of the New Jersey Air NationalGuard and subsequently promoted to brigadiergeneral. General Chojnacki is rated as a pilot withmore than 2,000 hours. His major awards include theDistinguished Flying Cross with One Oak Leaf Cluster,Air Medal with One Silver Oak Leaf Cluster, VietnamService Medal with One Bronze Star Device, and theRepublic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Device.

In his remarks, Brig. Gen. Chojnacki spoke aboutthe new roles facing the New Jersey Air NationalGuard. “We have seen the Air National Guard movefrom it’s cold war posture... into being an integral andutilized part of our nation’s military capability in day-to-day operations, in our war against terror and in theprotection of the homeland. It is the hard work, thededication, and the patriotism of each individualGuardsman that has made our past so successful -and our future so bright.”

As Commander, New Jersey Air National Guard,General Chojnacki will be promoted to the rank ofMajor General pending federal recognition.


Brig. Gen. Glenn K. Rieth, The Adjutant General of NewJersey passes the New Jersey Air National Guard standardto Brig. Gen. Eugene Chojnacki.

Command Chief Master Sgt. Paul Gunning presents Maj.Gen. Clark Martin with his colors at the conclusion of theChange of Command ceremony.

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embers of 2ndB a t t a l i o n ,113th InfantryRegiment, ar-

rived at GuantanamoBay, Cuba, ready to as-sume responsibility forthe Joint Task Force(JTF) perimeter secu-rity.

“It’s a great oppor-tunity for the battalion,”said Lt. Col. PatrickDacey, Battalion Com-mander. “It’s a chal-lenge but the battalionis ready for it.”

The battalion isready because theyhave been anticipatinga mission for about ayear and a half. Thelocation changed butthe desire to serve didnot.

“It’s a chance forus to not only givesomething back but totake the years of train-ing and experience thatwe’ve had and put themto use,” said Maj. ArthurDiBenedetto, battalionexecutive officer.

Soldiers have been trainingdiligently to validate basic infantryskills and individual tasks at FortDix. Collective task training thereended in a five-day mobilizationtraining exercise which was a livescenario based specifically on theJTF mission.

“They’ve been training very

‘Faithful And Brave’ Arrive In GuantanamoPhoto and story by Sgt. Jolene Staker, Joint Task Force Public Affairs, Guantanamo Bay


hard, training for a long time andthey are ready to get this missionon,” said 1st Sgt. George Floyd,first sergeant of C Company.

The next step in their trainingis the left-seat/right-seat trainingwith members of the 1st Battalion,181st Infantry Regiment.

“They are going to train you to

standard,” said Col.Nelson Cannon, Com-mander, Joint Deten-tion Operations Group.“I know you will take it tothe next level and youwill leave here betterthan you came.”

Soldiers of the 2ndBattalion, 113th Infan-try Regiment are readyfor the next step.

“We’re looking for-ward to getting our on-the-ground training andbeing set in the direc-tion that we need to goto complete our mis-sion,” said CommandSgt. Maj. JosephTatem.

The Battalion hasmembers with deploy-ment experience andone soldier, Cpl. DanielTorres of D Company,served in GuantanamoBay as a translator dur-ing the refugee missionin 1994 for four months.

He shared with hismen what challengeshe knew Guantanamowould hold for them.

“It’s hot and it will take them awhile to get climatized,” said Cpl.Torres. “I tell them to drink a lot ofwater.”

Members of the 2nd Battalion, 113th Infantry Regiment arrive atGuananamo proudly displaying the battalion's colors.

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ore than 300 members of the 1st Battalion,114th Infantry, New Jersey Army NationalGuard deployed to the Arabian Peninsulain support of Operation Enduring

Freedom, the ongoing war against globalterrorism.

Unlike past missions, this is the first time aNew Jersey Army National Guard unit has beenchosen for this type of deployment.

On May 18, a “Salute the Troops” ceremonywas held at the Trenton War Memorial in Trentonto honor the battalion.

The deployment is expected to last up to 18months and is part of the second round ofrotations of Guard and Reserve units called upin support of Operations’ Noble Eagle/EnduringFreedom.

1-114th Deploys To Arabian PeninsulaBy the Guardlife Staff, photos by Tech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA


253rd TRANS Back From IraqPh


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On April 23, Cape May County hosted a community Welcome HomeCeremony to recognize the 253rd Transportation Company for theirsupport in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Six days earlier, more than 1,000family, friends, and supporters joined Governor James E. McGreeveyand Brig. Gen. Glenn K. Rieth in a emotional reunion at Joint ForceHeadquarters-New Jersey, Fort Dix.

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Mobilization PageCompiled by the Guardlife Staff

Operation Noble Eagle150th Adjutant General Det.254th Regional Training Institute50th Main Support Battalion5-117th Cavalry Squadron (Sqdn.)D Battery, 112th Field Artillery108th ARW Maintenance Sqdn.108th ARW Civil Engineer Sqdn.108th ARW Supply Sqdn.177th FW Civil Engineer Sqdn.177th FW Logistics Readiness Sqdn.Operation Enduring FreedomJoint Force Headquarter-New JerseyCompany E, 50th MSB108th ARW Security Forces Sqdn.108th ARW Medical Sqdn.108th ARW Maintenance Sqdn.177th FW Security Forces Sqdn.

Operation Iraqi FreedomCompany B, 50th MSB50th Finance Battalion50th Main Support BattalionB Battery 3rd Battalion, 112th Field ArtilleryJoint Force Headquarter-New Jersey108th ARW Civil Engineer Sqdn.108th ARW Transportation Sqdn.5th Squadron, 117th CavalryKosovo Forces50th MSBStabilization ForcesOSA Det. 19Joint Forge108th ARW Civil Engineer Sqdn.108th ARW Transportation Sqdn.177th FW Logistics Readiness Sqdn.177th FW Maintenance Sqdn.

New Jersey Army And Air Deployment Update

Pancakes Net 12KLinda Rieth, Co-Chair, New Jersey Family ReadinessCouncil; Charles Brothers, Commander, American LegionPost 414 and Roy Hoch, President, Lawrence Lions Club,along with volunteers and supporters, pose with a $12,000check representing the proceeds of a pancake breakfasthosted by the two organizations on June 6. The money willbe used to support the operation of the local FamilyAssistance Center at the Lawrenceville Armory and assistfamilies of deployed Guardsmen and Reservists. Photo byTech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA.

Family Day Check PresentedFormer Congressman Bob Franks, representing the HealthCare Institute of New Jersey, presents donation from oneof his member companies to Linda Rieth, New JerseyFamily Readiness Council (NJFRC) Co-Chair and JeffBloom, NJFRC Treasurer during the Council’s July meeting.The monies will be used to help support Family Day, Aug.21, at the National Guard Training Center in Sea Girt. Photoby Roman Martyniuk, NJDMAVA/PA.

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News Guard Families Can UseBetter Soldiers Sailors ActCompiled by the Guardlife Staff

A new law replacing theSoldiers’ and Sailors’ CivilRelief Act (SSCRA) of 1940will provide military

personnel greater protections tohandle their personal financial andlegal obligations.

The focus of the Service-members Civil Relief Act (SCRA)is to provide protections to servicemembers who have difficultymeeting their personal financialand legal obligations because oftheir military service. The SCRAclarifies and updates provisionsthat existed in the SSCRA, whileadding additional protections.

A significant change added inthe SCRA is an automatic 90-daystay of civil proceedings uponapplication by the service member.This applies to all judicial andadministrative hearings. In the

past, stays were discretionary withthe courts.

The SCRA states that the sixpercent limitation on interest ratesfor pre-service debts requires areduction in monthly payments,and that any interest in excess ofsix percent is forgiven, not deferred.

The SCRA also expanded theprotection against eviction.Previously, service members thatentered into a lease for $1,200 orless could not be evicted without acourt order. The SCRA increasedthat maximum lease amount to$2,400 and added an annualadjustment for inflation. For 2004,the maximum will be $2,465.

The SCRA also gives theservice member who has receivedpermanent-change-of-stationorders or who is being deployedfor not less than 90 days the right

to terminate a housing lease with30 days’ written notice. Prior tothe SCRA, service memberscould be required to pay for housingthey were unable to occupy.

A provision in the SCRA thatdid not exist in the SSCRA was anadded protection for servicemembers who have motor vehicleleases. Any active duty servicemember who is being deployedfor not less than 180 days, mayterminate a motor vehicle lease.The law prohibits early terminationcharges so service memberswon’t have to pay monthly leasepayments for a car they can’t use.

If service members havequestions about the SCRA or theprotections that they may beentitled to, they should contacttheir unit judge advocate for furtherassistance.

Jenna Betten (left), daughter of deployed New Jersey ArmyNational Guardsman Sgt. Shawn Betten, accepts herfather’s college diploma from Dr. Herman J. Saatkamp,Jr., (right) President, Richard Stockton College of NewJersey, during the 2004 Graduation Ceremony held May 14.Jenna was given special permission by Stockton Collegeto accept her father’s Bachelor of Science degree inBusiness Management at the ceremony. Jenna was givena prolonged round of applause by the audience when theannouncement was made that she was accepting on behalfof her father who had been deployed in support of theGlobal War on Terrorism. Sgt. Betten is assigned to the3rd Battalion, 112th Field Artillery, headquartered at theNational Guard Armory in Cherry Hill. The Battalion is partof the New Jersey Army National Guard contingent thatrecently deployed to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in support ofOperation Enduring Freedom.

Daughter Accepts Deployed Guardsman’s College DegreePhoto and story by Tech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA

O n May 1, at 1 p.m., the New Jersey National Guard sponsored a “Salute the Troops”ceremony at the Sovereign Bank Arena in Trenton to honor the 650 citizen-soldiersfrom the Garden State deploying to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in support of OperationEnduring Freedom.

Troops include members of the 50th Brigade Headquarters (Lawrenceville), 2nd Battalion,113th Infantry (Riverdale, Newark, Jersey City, Woodbridge); 2nd Battalion, 102nd Armor(Port Murray, Newton, Dover, Somerset, West Orange, Hackettstown) and 50th FinanceDetachments (Flemington).

The event featured an Official Deployment Ceremony, a Parade of Troops and in additionto the troops’ family members and friends, include participation by Governor James E.McGreevey, Commander-in-Chief of the New Jersey National Guard; Brig. Gen. Glenn K.Rieth, The Adjutant General of New Jersey; Brig. Gen. Maria Falca-Dodson, Deputy AdjutantGeneral; elected officials, community representatives, members of the New Jersey Army andAir National Guard, veterans organizations and the USO.

Salute The TroopsBy the Guardlife Staff, photos by Tech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA

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Guard Deploys To Flooded South JerseyPhotos and story by Tech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA

The 254th Training Regiment graduated 30 new secondlieutenants in Officer Candidate School Class 47 at theNational Guard Training Center located at Sea Girt on June

Class 47 Largest In Nearly 20 Years27. Congratulations and Good Luck. Photo by Tech. Sgt.Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA.

Soldiers assigned to TaskForce Bulldog, a component ofTask Force South of the NJNG,responded to flooding in BurlingtonCounty on July 13. In a matter of afew hours, rains averaging nine to12 inches swelled local earthendams. The excessive amount ofrain caused one of the dams to

break, creating a cascadingeffect, sweeping away sevenother dams and flooding thetowns of Lumberton, Medfordand Medford Lakes.

“We had four trucks witheight drivers and assistantdrivers on the road withinfour hours of our firstcall-up,” stated Maj.Bryan Scully, TaskForce Operations Of-ficer.

Soldiers of C Bat-tery, 3rd Battalion, 112thField Artillery; Training andTraining Technology BattleLab and the 50th PersonnelServices Battalion, along withmembers of the 108th Air Re-fueling Wing set up check-points and Light-Alls to keepthe curious out and enable

Master Sgt. Frank Adams at a checkpoint.

(left to right): Maj. Brian Scully, Master Sgt.Charles Wagner, Master Sgt. Donald Scullyand Sgt. Joseph Maguire in Lumberton as-sessing the damage.

various state and federal agenciesaccess to the town.

At the end of the day, theLumberton citizens were gratefulto the Guardsmen for keeping or-der, providing stability and lendinga helping hand during their time ofneed.

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Jersey Air Guardsman Wins Services AwardBy Tech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, 177FW/PA, Photo by Tech. Sgt. Shawn Mildren, 177FW/MultiMedia Center

ech. Sgt. Kenneth D.Johnson, Services Flight,177th Fighter Wing, wasone of 19 individuals world-

wide to receive the coveted AirReserve Component Non-Com-missioned Officer, Air Force Ser-vices Award June 29.

This is the first time a memberof the New Jersey Air NationalGuard has ever won the presti-gious award. In addition, he wasthe only Guardsman in the UnitedStates to receive an award in thecompetition.

“This award is really recogni-tion for all the Air Guardsmen thatwere deployed during OperationIraqi Freedom,” said Tech. Sgt.Johnson, Food Services Assis-tant Shift Leader, 177th ServicesFlight.

The Air Force Services Indi-vidual Awards Program recog-nizes Services personnel in 19individual categories and 20 ser-vices program areas who make

outstanding contributions tothe Air Force Services Pro-gram, which covers a vari-ety of areas including: diningfacilities, lodging, Morale,Recreation and Welfare,mortuary affairs and fitness.

Tech. Sgt. Johnsonwas activated to supportOperation Iraqi Freedom,from Feb. 22 to Nov. 15,2003. Upon arrival in thecombat theatre, he assistedwith the build up of twobases, the first being at aclassified location 34 milesfrom the Iraqi border wherehe served as part of the688-member 447th Air Ex-peditionary Group where he playeda vital role in the conversion of asmall commercial airport to fullyoperational forward staging basein just 18 days.

Following the invasion of Iraq,Tech. Sgt. Johnson’s unit deployedto Camp Sather, Baghdad Inter-


national Airport (formerly SaddamInternational Airport), where hewas instrumental in the rapid build-up and sustainment of coalitionand humanitarian airfield opera-tions, as well as special opera-tions and combat search andrescue forces.

Signal To De-ploy To IraqMembers of A Company,250th Signal Corps Battalionare entertained by "Bob Hope"(right) during the Farewell Sa-lute ceremony held June 17,at the Cherry Hill Armory. Atthe end of the ceremony aSoldier spends time with hisson (far right). Photos byTech. Sgt. Mark Olsen,NJDMAVA/PA.

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Photos From IraqPhotos courtesy 3rd Battalion, 112th Field Artillery, Iraq

Clockwise starting at the top: Cpl. Terrance Harrison, Sgt.Charles Shaw, 1st Lt. John Aslanian, Staff Sgt. JosephDrinkhouse and Staff Sgt. Ronald Sinclair have a break-fast snack while on patrol. Next Cpl. Terrence Harrisontakes a moment at the end of the day to practice his pipes.Middle right: Staff Sgt. Jose Couselo standing in front ofapproximately 100 weapons taken from a police station.Photos courtesy Staff Sgt. Couselo. Bottom right: 1st Sgt.Matthew Valentè takes a break with some friends in Iraq.Photo courtesy 1st Sgt. Valentè. Last, Specialists Chris-tian Betancourt and Ronald Humphrey painted this mural CCompany's Tactical Operations Center. Photo by Capt.David Beveridge.

Finance Battalion UpdatePhotos by Maj. Angelo Capolupo, Commander, 50th Finance Battalion, Iraq

T he 50th Finance Battalion has been busy set-ting up shop in Iraq.In addition to the normal in-theatre training,50th Soldiers have been traveling around the

country supporting funding units within their “area ofresponsibility”.

“They have performed admirably during the pastsix weeks,” stated Maj. Angelo Capolupo, the unit’sCommander.

“As the unit gets acclimatized, our troops arebeginning to get involved with some quality of lifeprojects. These include installing sleeping tents forvisitors and improving the Morale, Welfare and Rec-reation (MWR) facilities.”

Maj. Capolupo noted that there was considerableactivity related to renovating a building next to hisoffice to be used for MWR. It has three rooms: oneto be used for Friday night card and board games,one for a TV, and the last for reading and videogames.

According to the Major, these improvements usu-ally occurred while he and the command sergeantmajor were away. “It seems that every time the CSMand I are away, more and more work got done backat base camp. I think we have to stay away moreoften.”

Mail and care packages also are making their

way to the unit. “We’re getting packages left and rightand everyone’s really happy about that. We’ve re-ceived many packages from the Family ReadinessProgram back in New Jersey and believe me, it iscontributing to our well-being.”

Given the extremes in daily living conditions,security concerns, and the scope of their mission,the unit’s morale remains high.

The Commander summed it up best. “I’m happyto report that everybody is doing well.”

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Family Appreciation DayFamily Appreciation Day will begin

following the Youth Camp Closing Cer-emony at 10 a.m.

Highlights of the day are: a Car-nival, Big Top Musical Program,Picnic and Beach Party. The Car-nival includes inflated childrens'rides, games, carney snacks, ponyrides, clowns, bingo and more. TheBig Top Main events program includeslive performances of 63rd Army "Big"Band, Doo Wop, Blues, Jazz, Spanish,Rap, Big Band and Country music.There will also be appearances by a USO troupe,Miss America, WWE wrestlers, the New JerseyDevils player Ken Daneyko and the team's mascot.The Beach Party includes volleyball, a sand castle

contest and other familyactivities.

For more information,contact your local FamilyAssistance Center, Fam-ily Readiness Group repre-sentitive, or unit.Things To Bring- Your military orNJDMAVA ID card- For quicker entry, get adashboard pass from yourFAC (see list on page 2)- Suntan lotion, sun hats- Lawn chairs or blanketsfor concertsand most important...- An appetite fora good time!

Rain Date: Aug. 22The rain date announce-ment will be made throughunits' chain of command,FRGs and FACs.

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What: Beach Party, Carnival and MusicalPerformances.

When: August 21.

Time: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Picnic noon to 5 p.m.

Where: The National Guard Training Centerat Sea Girt (see map below for directions).

Who: Active New Jersey National Guardmembers, NJDMAVA employees, their spouseor significant other and children.

Why: A Great Place To Have Fun.

What: Beach Party, Carnival and MusicalPerformances.

When: August 21.

Time: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Picnic noon to 5 p.m.

Where: The National Guard Training Centerat Sea Girt (see map below for directions).

Who: Active New Jersey National Guardmembers, NJDMAVA employees, their spouseor significant other and children.

Why: A Great Place To Have Fun.

Family Appreciation Day

G U A R D L I F E19

Short Rounds: DAG Pins BG, Long DistanceSwearing In, Soldiers Of The Year

Perez Sworn In By Brother2nd Lt. Anthony W. Perez was sworn in as an officer duringa ceremony Feb. 12. What is unusual is that his brother,Capt. Johnny Perez, swore him in from Fort Wainwright,Alaska (2,888 miles away). The brothers raised their righthands and completed the oath, and then Capt. Perezwatched as 2nd Lt. Perez’s first insignia of rank, once wornby Capt. Perez, were pinned to his uniform. Compiled byBy Spc. Nikki St. Amant, Bayonet staff. Photo by Sgt. KimDooley, Bayonet assistant editor.

Photo by Roman Martyniuk, NJDMAVA/PA.

DAG Pins Brigadier GeneralOn April 17, Brig. Gen. Maria Falca-Dodson (center),Deputy Adjutant General, became the first woman generalin the New Jersey National Guard. Her husband Lt. Col.William "Dr. Buck" Dodson (right) and Brig. Gen. Glenn K.Rieth (left), The Adjutant General of New Jersey, pin theBrigadier General star on Col. Falca-Dodson. The ceremonywas held at the Training and Training Technology BattleLab at Fort Dix. Brig. Gen. Falca-Dodson was appointed byGovernor James E. McGreevey as the Deputy AdjutantGeneral of New Jersey on Mar. 1, 2002. She previouslyserved as the Commander of the 108th Medical Squadron,108th Air Refueling Wing. Photo by Tech. Sgt. MarkOlsen, 177FW/PA.

NJARNG Picks Top TroopsState Command Sgt. Maj. Richard Adkins (center) presentsStaff Sgt. William D. Collier (left), and Spc. RaymondOstrowski (right) with the 2004 New Jersey Army NationalGuard Outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer and the2004 New Jersey Army National Guard Outstanding EnlistedSoldier awards. Staff Sgt. Collier is currently assigned toE Company, 1st Battalion, 114th Infantry Regiment andSpc. Ostrowski serves with A Company, 2nd Battalion,102nd Armor. The award's basic criteria includes being orin the process of being MOS qualified, within Army heightand weight standards and weapons qualified. Once selected,they then compete against other units within the command,regional and national levels.

G U A R D L I F E20

Short Rounds: Change Of Commands AndCGSOC Graduates

Brigade Gets New CommanderCommand Sgt. Maj. Robert Trainor (right), 50th Ar-mored Brigade, New Jersey Army National Guard,presents the Brigade’s colors to (l-r) Col. StephenHines (outgoing commander), Maj. Gen. JosephTaluto, Commander, 42nd Infantry Division and Lt.Col. Frank Caruso (incoming commander) during aChange of Command ceremony Apr. 4, at the Na-tional Guard Armory in Lawrenceville. Photo by StaffSgt. Michael Druz, JFHQ-NJ/PA.

Rosenberg To Command CavLt. Col. James Rosenberg (right) accepts the 5thSquadron, 117th Cavalry’s colors from Col. FrankCaruso (left), Commander, 50th Brigade, at theChange of Command ceremony at the Joint ForceHeadquarters – New Jersey May 2. Col. Michael V.Shute is the outgoing commander. Prior to takingcommand, Lt. Col. Rosenberg served in a variety ofpositions within the National Guard during his 26years of service to include: tank platoon leader,tactical intelligence officer, company commander,battalion intelligence officer, battalion training officer,personnel officer and brigade personnel officer. Photoby Sgt. 1st Class Declan Callan, NJDMAVA/PA.

Eight Graduate From CGSOCEight members of the New Jersey Army NationalGuard graduated from the United States Army Com-mand and General Staff Officers Course (CGSOC). The CGSOC educates field grade officers in thevalues and practice of the profession of arms, withemphasis on tactical and operational skills requiredfor warfighting at the division and corps levels. (FrontRow, l-r) Maj. Deborah Kennedy, Maj. John Metzlerand Maj. Theresa Acocella. (Back Row l-r): Maj.Mark Boogaard, Maj. Robert Jarvis, Maj. Jemal J.Beale, Maj. William Peace. Not pictured: Maj. RicciAnderson. Photo Courtesy Maj. Jemal J. Beale.

G U A R D L I F E21

Short Rounds: Commanders, FAC OpenedAnd CSMs Meet

CSMs Hold MeetingOn Mar. 13, the annual Command Sergeants MajorSeminar was held at the Training and TrainingTechnology Battle Lab. Back row (l-r): CommandSgt. Maj. Joseph Tatem, Master Sgt. Tim Maskery,Command Sgt. Maj. James Marshall, CommandSgt. Maj. Robert Crossley, Command Sgt. Maj.Howard Wright, Command Sgt. Maj. Jerome Jenkins,Command Sgt. Maj. William Kryscnski, CommandSgt. Maj. Stephen Barna, Command Sgt. Maj. JamesBlazakis, State Command Sgt. Maj. Richard AdkinsJr.; Command Sgt. Maj. David Kenna and CommandSgt. Maj. Robert Trainor. Front Row (l-r): CommandSgt. Maj. Cora Byrd, Command Sgt. Maj. AnthonyMarino, Command Sgt. Maj. Charles Thomas,Command Sgt. Maj. Eloyd Britt and Command Sgt.Maj. Richard Bammert. Photo by Staff Sgt. BarbaraHarbison, NJDMAVA/PA.

Woodbury FAC OpensMay 14 at 2 p.m., the New Jersey National Guardopened a Family Assistance Center (FAC) at theNational Guard Armory in Woodbury. Cutting theribbon are (l-r) Brig. Gen. Glenn K. Rieth, The AdjutantGeneral of New Jersey; Heather Altman, WoodburyFAC coordinator; Lt. Col. Tommie Bellamy,Commander, 1st Battalion, 114th Infantry, and LeslieClark, Mayor of Woodbury. This was the eighth FACin New Jersey to be opened to support families ofdeployed New Jersey Army National Guardsmen.Photo by Tech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA.

Commanders MeetGovernor James E. McGreevey (right) shakes handswith Lt. Gen. Stephen Blum (center), Chief, NationalGuard Bureau, Washington, D.C., Apr. 15. Brig.Gen. Glenn K. Rieth (left), The Adjutant General ofNew Jersey hosted the Region 1, Northeast AdjutantsGeneral meeting. Ten adjutants general from acrossthe northeast discussed issues affecting the NationalGuard. Photo by Tech. Sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA.

G U A R D L I F E22

N.J. Places 17th In National Guard MarathonCompiled by Spc. Shelley Brown and Pvt. Riley Huskey, 111th Press Camp, Nebraska Army National Guard

he New Jersey National Guard combined teamplaced 17th in the 27th Annual Lincoln AllSportNational Guard Marathon May 2 with a teamtotal time of 10:14:15.

Led by Maj. Jesse Arnstein with 2:47:55 (averagepace per mile: 6:24), both Master Sgt. AlexandroEstrada and Sgt. 1st Class Donald Brandinelli hadtimes of 3:43:10 (average pace per mile: 8:31). Maj.Arnstein placed in the Open Male Roster for theNational Guard All Guard Team. Out of the 3,000participants and specifically the 200 Guard members

Maj. Jesse Arnstein, N.J. Air National Guard Headquarters,refuels during the 27th Annual Lincoln AllSport NationalGuard Marathon May 2. Photo by Spc. Katie Bieck,Nebraska Army National Guard.

Team New Jersey (l-r): Master Sgt. Alexandro Estrada, Sgt.1st Class Donald Brandinelli and Maj. Jesse Arnstein.Photo courtesy Nebraska Army National Guard.

Burkel Takes FirstMaster Sgt. Joe Burkel, 108th Air Refueling

Wing Marksmanship Team, topped the field at theHighpower Rifle Match at HH Range in WinslowMay 16. Shooting a 474 out of a possible 500points enabled Master Sgt. Joe Burkel to walkaway with first place honors. The 108th'sMarksmanship Team competes in matches onweekends from March through October. Photocourtesy 108th Marksmanship Team.


competing, Maj. Arnstein came in 20th overall and12th amongst the competing Guard members in the26.2 mile marathon.

The Puerto Rico contingent took first with a timeof 8:10:32. First place went to Sgt. 1st Class TimothyVandervlugt, 39, 1249th Engineer Battalion, OregonArmy National Guard, with a time of 2:35:02.

Every year Guard marathon teams from acrossthe United States and territories travel to Lincoln inthe hope of making one of the 55 spots on the All-Guard Marathon Team. The team consists of 35 ofthe top running Guardsmen under 40, the top 10Guard women under 40 and the top 10 MasterGuardsmen and women.

G U A R D L I F E23

New Jersey ArmyNational Guard

To Sergeant Major (E9):Master Sgt. Joseph V. Tatem

To Master Sergeant (E8):Sgt. 1st Class Jack A. Cipolla

Sgt. 1st Class George P. DiorioSgt. 1st Class Kenneth A. HamiltonSgt. 1st Class Martin Sotomayor, Jr.Sgt. 1st Class Bruce D. Taylor, Jr.

Sgt. 1st Class Lavona A. ToplynSgt. 1st Class Mark M. Zarr

To Sergeant First Class(E7):

Staff Sgt. Gerald ColeStaff Sgt. Jose A. Colon

Staff Sgt. Denise E. CrearyStaff Sgt. Celeste J. Jachowski

Staff Sgt. Mark A. LeonardStaff Sgt. Stephanie M. Millhollin

Staff Sgt. Ronald L. Naylor, IIStaff Sgt. Gregory A. Panowicz, Jr.

Staff Sgt. Nicholas P. Perone, JrStaff Sgt. Angel Rodriguez

Staff Sgt. Ernesto Santiago, Jr.Staff Sgt. James J. VanderbiltTo Staff Sergeant (E6):

Sgt. Richard L. BasmajianSgt. Kuan I. BowlegSgt. Steven J. Brill

Sgt. Larissa E. CarneySgt. William J. Carroll, IV

Sgt. Carl L. Craft IIISgt. William J. Crawford

Sgt. James J. CurranSgt. Daniel E. Dagadu

Sgt. Justin G. DeliaSgt. Roger A. Diaz

Sgt. Christopher R. DisciulloSgt. Morris Fellenz

Sgt. Darla Y. FlanaganSgt. Allen M. Garth

Sgt. Jon L. E. GeorgeSgt. William J. Hargenrader

Sgt. Dexter L. HendricksSgt. Crystal J. KimSgt. Brian J. Kruzel

Sgt. Brian J. KurkjianSgt. Paul A. Laracy

Sgt. Ronald J. LattanzioSgt. John J. Lombardoni

Sgt. Christopher J. MahoneySgt. James Mcgoonan

Sgt. Jose E. MedinaortizSgt. Jacqueline C. Murphy

Sgt. Lance K. NashSgt. Damion O. Newman

Sgt. Joseph A. NivalSgt. Dennis M. Pasparage

Sgt. Edward J. PhillipsSgt. Hilton D. Pichardo

Sgt. Steven B. Porter, Jr.Sgt. Richard L. Raghnal

Sgt. Saul RamirezSgt. Salvador E. Reyes

Sgt. Andre RiveraSgt. Sgt. Cheryl Y. Robinson

New Jersey Army And Air National GuardEnlisted Promotions

Sgt. Steven C. RoySgt. Luisa Y. SanchezSgt. David C. Sanders

Sgt. Darius SmawSgt. Clifford W. Snedeker, Jr

Sgt. Michael SojkaSgt. Jason L. SolomonSgt. Reynaldo Tapia

Sgt. Craig R. TillotsonSgt. Humberto F. Timoteo

Sgt. Larry J. VancleefSgt. Gregory WilliamsTo Sergeant (E5):

Spc. Adolphus Bailey, Jr.Spc. Michael J. Baptiste

Spc. Anthony E. Baran, Jr.Spc. Alin C. Barboiu

Spc. Joseph H. BetheaSpc. John A. Capes, III

Spc. Glenn A. CarambacokerSpc. Yashica R. Carver

Spc. David T. CluneySpc. Frederick J. CoughlanSpc. Daniel E. Cunningham

Spc. Beverley F. CurlSpc. William E. Daisey

Spc. Antoine Desormes, Jr.Spc. Louis C. DevitisSpc. Alexander Dial

Spc. Joseph L. DonnellySpc. Lisa R. Easley

Spc. Jorge C. EstrellaSpc. Shannon A. Feuster

Spc. Donju T. FrazierSpc. Michael Giglio III

Spc. Bernardo GodengaudSpc. Christopher Gracia

Spc. Levi D. HallSpc. Mary A. Herget

Spc. Giovany R. HernandezSpc. Joseph C. Hollis Jr.Spc. Michael T. Kaplan

Spc. Antonio M. MacanasSpc. Jose L. Malave

Spc. Pedro C. MariandejesusSpc. Derek M. McCall

Spc. Michael S. McCormackSpc. Dale E. McTigheSpc. Tomas Montalvo

Spc. Zbigniew MroczkowskiSpc. Daniel M. MurilloSpc. Peter L. Okerchiri

Spc. Jose R. OteroSpc. Carlos A. Parra

Spc. Gregory J. PierceSpc. Vincent M. Reardon

Spc. Mario F. RiosSpc. Theodore S. Rogers

Spc. Karl W. RufSpc. Latrina K. Salters

Spc. David M. SantacroceSpc. Brian D. SmithSpc. Won K. Song

Spc. Atila SoylemezSpc. Bryan A. Steinhauser

Spc. Jonathan L. TaylorSpc. Theodore J. TitmanSpc. Thomas M. Titman

Spc. Lisa M. ValentineSpc. Sheldon G. Vickers

Spc. George W. Wood, Jr.Spc. Joseph A. WorrellTo Specialst (E4):

Pfc. Erica V. AlfaroPfc. Johnny Andino

Pfc. Kamilah N. AustinPfc. Marc Bautista

Pfc. Jennifer C. BriggsPfc. Tarance BryantPfc. Vincent T. Carr

Pfc. David So Mang ChaPfc. Christopher J. Clavette

Pfc. Melinda A. CobianPfc. Maribel Crespo

Pfc. Rahnell D. DawsonPfc. Michael A. Esposito, II

Pfc. Robert J. EvansPfc. Danielle L. Facchine

Pfc. Falcon H. AbadPfc. Flores E. EstalinPfc. Angel L. GarciaPfc. Pablo A. Garcia

Pfc. Richard J. GilbertPfc. Samuel A. Gonzalez, III

Pfc. Joshua J. HammillPfc. Kenneth W. Harris

Pfc. Justin M. Jackson, IIIPfc. Theodore R. Jackson, III

Pfc. Matthew R. JenkinsPfc. Christopher T. JohnPfc. Jeffrey J. KonopadaPfc. Scott W. Kowalski

Pfc. Philip Wing Sing LamPfc. Celiann LowmanPfc. Wanda Lugardo

Pfc. Kenneth G. McKennaPfc. Naji A. Mitchell

Pfc. Daniel P. MontgomeryPfc. Tony B. MusgravePfc. Michael K. Myles

Pfc. Eric J. NolanPfc. Nicholas G. Ochipinti

Pfc. Noah M. PerriPfc. Antonio F. Phillips

Pfc. Boris PoletaevPfc. Adam G. PsakPfc. Tyrene L. ReedPfc. Buie J. RiveraPfc. Jose R. Rivera

Pfc. Robin RuizPfc. David S. Rupert

Pfc. Franchesca M. SantanaPfc. Carlton I. Sargent, IIPfc. Justin M. ScheurenPfc. Charles A. SnookPfc. Michael J. SnyderPfc. Thomas A. SnyderPfc. Jimmy J. Solano

Pfc. Capri R. Allyn-SpearmanPfc. Heidi A. Strain

Pfc. Veronica I. VillegasPfc. Clarence E. Allen, Jr.

Pfc. Jason T. ArcherPfc. Wyman C. Arthur

Pfc. Roland N. Awah

To Private (E3):Pvt. Brian M. DavisPvt. David S. Pawski

Pvt. Elvin Quirindongo, Jr.Pvt. Alex V. Bauza

Pvt. Cannon M. AnthonyPvt. Roberto A. Chavez

Pvt. Eric J. EasterPvt. Brad E. FarmerPvt. Adam C. Forbes

Pvt. Raymond Ford, Jr.Pvt. Jonathan GonzalezPvt. William D. Harpe

Pvt. William A. HawkinsPvt. Hamdan JaludiPvt. Daniela C. JaraPvt. Sherley Joseph

Pvt. Steven B. MichalskiPvt. Gregory J. RamirezPvt. Erick G.y Recinos

Pvt. David S. RiveraPvt. Miguel A. Rivera

Pvt. Jacob R.RodriguezTo Private Second Class (E2):

Pvt. Ziad A. ShehadyPvt. Darell F. Szezypta

Pvt. Daniel V. Welch

New Jersey AirNational Guard

To Chief Master Sergeant (E-9):Senior Master Sgt. Joseph F.

BilardelloSenior Master Sgt. Robert P. Hare

Senior Master Sgt. Robert J.Mccarty

To Senior Master Sergeant (E-8):Master Sgt. Atanya K. LindholmMaster Sgt. Richard E. ReikenTo Master Sergeant (E-7):

Tech. Sgt. Frank W. BeckTech. Sgt. John R. Burrell, III

Tech. Sgt. Richard ConcepcionTech. Sgt. Daniel T. Grimes, II

Tech. Sgt. Joseph T. Hammell, Sr.Tech. Sgt. Jack D. HofschildTech. Sgt. Monica A. Holder

Tech. Sgt. Frederick R. Kisby, IIITech. Sgt. Edgar F. Newell

Tech. Sgt. Thomas J. O’RourkeTech. Sgt. Margaret K. ReedTech. Sgt. Lisa R. SylvesterTech. Sgt. Tania C. Prairie

Tech. Sgt. Dennis J. SicilianoTech. Sgt. Jeffrey A. Stevenson

Tech. Sgt. Joseph Zane, Jr.To Technical Sergeant (E-6):

Staff Sgt. Carly M. BentleyStaff Sgt. Marlon Chantre

Staff Sgt. David RussoStaff Sgt. Kirk E. Sherry

Staff Sgt. Christopher R. TaggartStaff Sgt. Brian WaldronStaff Sgt. Jose L. Pereira

Staff Sgt. Michael A. SmithStaff Sgt. Stewart E. DuncanStaff Sgt. Reed E. Thielfoldt

Staff Sgt. Joseph M. OreillyTo Staff Sergeant (E-5):

Senior Airman Heather S. McCarthySenior Airman Stacey A. StewartSenior Airman Rebekah B. Lee

Senior Airman Chivonne Y. GreenSenior Airman Tanya M. Rodriguez

Senior Airman Wiston G. RiosSenior Airman Lawrence E. Dove, Jr.Senior Airman David W.L. Hightower

Senior Airman John A. RiccioSenior Airman Michael R.

HungerbuhlerSenior Airman Jose L. Anaya

Senior Airman Shawn T. WentzSenior Airman Kelly A. Banta

Senior Airman Sally J. HawkinsSenior Airman Dale A. Brown

To Senior Airman (E-4):Airman 1st Class Latasha J. Parker

Airman 1st Class Janice RiveraAirman 1st Class Stephen W. Klotz,

Jr.Airman 1st Class Charles S. May,

Jr.Airman 1st Class Kim Rauer

Airman 1st Class Mark M. CognataAirman 1st Class Douglas D.

WheelerAirman 1st Class Thomas J. Cornely

Airman 1st Class Michelle R.Hermann

Airman 1st Class Patric C.Klotzbuecher

Airman 1st Class Lauren A. ScottAirman 1st Class Loretta A.

CarracinoAirman 1st Class Keith R. WilliamsAirman 1st Class Emil C. Martinelli,

IIIAirman 1st Class Michael J. Bishop

Airman 1st Class Stephen M.Henderson

Airman 1st Class Kimberly A.Kaminski

Airman 1st Class Toshe L. MilesAirman 1st Class David W. Reese

Airman 1st Class Joshua J.Campbell

Airman 1st Class Harley S.Wildmann

Airman 1st Class Michael J.Primavera

Airman 1st Class Kenneth S.Sharretts, Jr.

Airman 1st Class Carey D. Searles,Jr.

Airman 1st Class Brian T. BramhallAirman 1st Class Shana Y. Graham

To Airman First Class (E-3):Airman Elztner L. Patonog

Airman Erin E. SteenAirman David Figueroa

To Airman (E-2):Airman Basic Anna Krotova

Airman Basic William R. Bounds


State of New JerseyDepartment of Military and Veterans AffairsPO Box 340Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0340


PaidPermit No. 356

York, PA

In MemoriamThe Department of Defense announced the death of the following New Jersey Army National

Guard soldiers supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom:

Sgt. Frank T. Carvill, 51, of Carlstadtand

Spc. Christopher M. Duffy, 26, of Brick

Sgt. Carvill and Spc. Duffy died in Baghdad, Iraq, on June 4, 2004, when individuals usingimprovised explosive devices and rocket-propelled grenades attacked their convoy.

Sgt. Humberto F. Timoteo, 25, of Newarkand

Spc. Ryan E. Doltz, 26, of Mine Hill

Sgt. Timoteo and Spc. Doltz died on June 5, 2004 in Baghdad, Iraq, when their vehicle hitan improvised explosive device.

All four of these soldiers were assigned to the New Jersey Army National Guard’s 3rdBattalion, 112th Field Artillery, in Lawrenceville.

These American soldiers answered our nation’s call to secure freedom for the oppressedpeople of Iraq. In doing so, they paid the ultimate price so that others may have what we soproudly enjoy.

Please remember these New Jersey Army National Guard soldiers and their families in yourthoughts and in your prayers.
