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The Magazine of the Lichfield &Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust

Issue 62 Winter 2009/10

BW Narrow Boat “SEVERN DOLPHIN” Icebreaking (circa 1985).Photo from the J. Jinks Collection.

2Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

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3Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

For the first time in my 12 years of living in the lee of Offa’s Dyke I am snowed in asI sit to write this. Only the 4x4s, the tractors and the sheep are getting through andthe car looks like a snowdrift. Fortunately this has happened within the festive pausein L&H activity and I am not required in Lichfield for any meetings. It will soon beback to business as we prepare to push forward into another year of restoration. Itwould be good to be able to report that 2010 will see major tangible steps in thecanal reopening process but, realistically, it will be the mixture much as before. Wewere recently warned that the work on site is always the easy bit – the bit that bringsthe photographs and the press releases. The long and difficult bit is putting togetherthe plans, commissioning the suite of reports, getting the consents from the statutorybodies and then finding the money. We know what has to be done and must bepatient and determined as we edge forwards.

As many of you will know, and as my address shows, I live next to the ruin of aMarcher castle. It was much “slighted” during the Civil War when it enjoyed a briefmoment of infamy, and has been slowly slipping towards final collapse over thesubsequent centuries. It sits at the end of our garden and I suspect that the cottagewas built from its pilfered stones, as was much of the village. Two years ago it wasawarded a substantial Heritage Lottery Grant after many years of frustration anddisappointment. A Trust, with a handful of members, finally pressed the right buttonsand the money came. Work is now well under way, even in the snow. It has evenattracted “Time Team” and a programme will go out on Channel 4 sometime in 2010.The point is that persistence was rewarded and English Heritage is now handling amajor project, out of the hands of the amateurs and the volunteers.

L&H is always alert to possible funding streams although the big ones have mostlyeluded us. Our major coup was to tap into European funding a few years ago whichenabled us to rebuild Cappers Bridge, fund a feasibility study and fabricate somebridge sections. Currently, we are awaiting the outcome of a funding process run byLichfield District Council which may help us to progress works at Tamworth Road.

(continued over)


4Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

We are in competition with other good causes within Lichfield and the outcome ismuch too close to call. If we are given anything close to our expectations we canmake major strides at Tamworth Road. Depending on the level of funding we haveseveral schemes for introducing water to what we call the Borrowcop Locks CanalPark. Our own building team, led by Brian Davis, is now well advanced in creating aninteresting bywash for Lock 25 (See below and working party news).

The water will enter a circular structure inspired by the distinctive bywashes on theStaffs & Worcester Canal. This is both beautiful and innovative. If funding allows, wewould like to use contractors to finish Pound 26, alongside Mrs Attwood’s garden,and then fill it with water. This work will require much preliminary activity on the linesI mentioned earlier. The reports and the permissions must come before the building.

(continued over)

Our Vision StatementTo restore the Lichfield Canal and the Hatherton Canal to re-open

waterway links between Staffordshire and the West Midlands, for thebenefit of the environment, amenity and prosperity of the people of the

region and to enhance the nation’s inland waterway system.


Diagram of the Lock 25 bywash

5Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

1998 DATA PROTECTION ACTThe Lichfield & Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust Ltd will hold yourdetails for marketing purposes in accordance with the 1998 DataProtection Act. If you do not wish to receive updates from the Trustor any third party with whom we co-operate then please advise theTrust through Director Bob Williams on 01543 671427.


Observant readers will note that the Atkins Study divided the Lichfield restorationinto 5 phases with Phase 1 starting at the bottom, at Huddlesford, and then progressinguphill towards Ogley where Phase 5 ends. We are pleased to have developed ahealthy and co-operative relationship with members of the Lichfield Cruising Club. Itmight, therefore, seem illogical to be devoting major energies to the Tamworth Roadsite. There are several good reasons for this. Tamworth Road has been our mainsite for several years and we cannot just leave it to fit with a paper plan. It is a highlyvisible project, easily seen from the road and conveniently investigated from thefootpaths. It is relatively easy to finance and it is well-regarded by the authorities andthe neighbours. Our preparatory activities at Huddlesford are likely to take sometime and it is only logical to work where we can and when we can.

Meanwhile, we must continue to show that we are a two canal Trust. We are veryconscious that we must maintain a strong presence on the Hatherton. Much of this isin the form of a “watching brief”. Most of the section from The Roman Way to CalfHeath is in British Waterways ownership where the channel is an important part of itswater management network. The section from the old A460, through Churchbridge,needs careful monitoring to ensure that nothing is done which will threaten the ultimateline of restoration. From the A5 towards the proposed link to the Lord Hay Branch atPelsall is a lengthy section of “new build”. This is the route recommended by thesupplementary Atkins Report. We hope, in 2010, to progress the discussions withland owners as the first step towards building this section. Currently, we seem morelikely to get boats to Cannock from this direction rather than from the west as originallyenvisaged.

Bleak January days are probably not the best time to try to plot an optimistic routethrough the year ahead. Indeed, such short-termism would be misplaced. We havealways realised that canal restoration is an extended concept. We have set ourselvesambitious targets for completion for anything else would remove the pressure andsense of purpose yet we must not be downhearted if we do not achieve all the aimswe set ourselves. My main hope for the year ahead is that we maintain our enthusiasmand replenish our numbers. We will always need more volunteers, more support andmore money, I appeal to all our members to help us with this.

Brian Kingshott

6Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

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7Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10


Michael Fabricant MPMember of Parliament for

the Constituency of Lichfield.

if you live in the Lichfield Parliamentary constituency, and yourequire assistance and think your MP can help, you can either write

to Michael Fabricant at theHouse of Commons, Westminster, London SW1A 0AA;

or you can email him by using the webform

or telephone his office at 01543 419650where you can also make an appointmentto see him at one of his regular surgeries.


8Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Donations to the TrustWe gratefully acknowledge the following donations for

amounts over £20 from 1st October to 31st December 2009.Name ( in order of receipt ) Trust & Suchet Restoration

Marketing Appeal & Land FundsMr P C Blundell 30.00Mr D Gray (pledge) 240.00Mr J R Haines 40.00Mr D J Jarvis 30.00Mr P Findlay 60.00Mr A J Watts 30.00Mrs M Ingham (pledge) 125.00Mr P A Forshaw 250.00Mr A F Myatt (part pledge) 60.00Mr J C S Ford 60.00Dr A W Read 120.00Mr B J Holloway (part pledge) 60.00Mrs S E Saunders 30.00Mr A P Arnold 60.00Longwood Boat Club 200.00Mr E L Hill 30.00Mr J E Grubb 30.00Me A Rowbotham 30.00Mrs V Naruszewicz-Neale 140.00Mr D L Antrobus 40.00Mr J B Atkins 30.00Mr C Sleight 30.00IWA, South London Branch 150.00Mr S G Buer 50.00Mrs T Samson 30.00Mr P J Rice (part pledge) 30.00Mr A D Culley (part Pledge) 60.00Mr D C Haywood (with sub.) 50.00Memorial gifts for James Calder dec’d 1,348.36Mr D E Ramsbottom 30.00Mrs S E Shaw 30.00Mr D E Slater 30.00Mrs P Stackhouse 30.00Dr I S Appleyard 30.00Mr C D Coyle 30.00Mr & Mrs R P R Sparks 30.00Mr L T Flower 60.00Mr J L Norton 30.00Mr T J Rogers 30.00

9Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Mrs M Smith 30.00Mr M W Fear 30.00Mrs A J Griffiths 30.00Mr M B Jones 30.00Mr R C Snell 30.00Mr D J Warren 30.00Mr P J Haslett 30.00Mr M J Beare 50.00Mrs J A Hodge; Pheasey Library talk 25.00Mr K Ashcroft (pledge) 240.00Mr M I Crompton (part pledge) 120.00Mrs E G Tonge 120.00Mrs J D Allison (part pledge) 60.00Mrs P A Gaskill (pledge) 240.00Mr R J Fenton 30.00Mr N M Waring 100.00Mr & Mrs R Wickham 50.00Mr R S Birch 30.00Mr P J Harman 30.00Miss V I Clark 50.00Mr L B Houghton 30.00Mr B Seymour 30.00Mr G K Williams 30.00Mrs M Woolston 30.00Mr J W Farren 100.00Mr & Mrs D J Bradbury 25.00Mr R G W Brunstrom 30.00Mr R J Chapman 30.00Mr A C Pegrum 30.00Mrs B M Staples 30.00Mr H Eyles 30.00Mr D S Stevens 30.00Mr A V H Gulvin 30.00Mr D H Junkison 120.00Mr P J Smith (with sub.) 44.00Mrs P F Bennett 30.00Mr G G Booth 30.00Mr D R Logan 30.00Mr G J Nicholson 30.00Mr S W Clarke 120.00Mr J A Laidlar 30.00Mr S Judge (with sub.) 25.00

Name ( in order of receipt ) Trust & Suchet RestorationMarketing Appeal & Land Funds

10Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Midlands Co-operative Society LimitedBoley Park store 25th anniversary draw 50.00Anonymous Charitable Giving 250.00Mr C D Gibson 100.00Mr M N Rayner 30.00Mr G W Oxley 50.00IWA, Lichfield Branch 300.00The Four Points Ramble Association 33.50Mr S Mundy 30.00Mr R A Smith 400.00Mr & Mrs R G Bradford 60.00Mr J Moody (returned property rent) 150.00Dr T Hollingworth 67.00Mr David Stanistreet 90.00Mr R H Davies (returned expenses) 405.50Mr D Dixon (returned expenses)Mr B Kingshott (returned expenses) 753.75Mr D L Moore (returned expenses) 50.00Mr R O Williams (returned expenses) 39.80Mr J E Wood 42.03Regular donors to appeals 568.50 425.00Aggregated donations below £20 each 576.90 255.00

We are very grateful to the following donors:-Mr M Allen, Great Barr, Birmingham, for historic photographs of Lichfield Canal.Mrs J Dickinson, Fradley, Staffs., for a quantity of concrete flagstones.Jack Moody Ltd, Hollybush Garden Centre, Essington, for supply of blue bricks.Mr R S Birch, Wendover, for historic local maps.

Name ( in order of receipt ) Trust & Suchet RestorationMarketing Appeal & Land Funds


We regret the loss of the following members:-Ms M E Wilson, Cannock, died October 2009.

Mr D C Haywood, Cannock, died 2nd December 2009.Mrs Pat Chandler, Alrewas, died 24th December 2009.

11Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

New Members up to 13th. Jan 2010

Mr G.Main, Deal, KentMr P.D.Hingley, Piccadilly, LondonMrs B.Bridge, Littleborough, Lancs.Mr D.E.Ramsbottom, LichfieldMr S.N.J.Blades, BathMr R.A.Strike, Erdington, BirminghamMrs J.Strike, Erdington, BirminghamMrs M.Guest, Bromley Hayes, Lichfield

Membership1148 ( Including 126 Life, 17Joint Life, 12 Group, 17 Corporate)Plus 486 Family. Total 1634. Covenanted Members 64.

Current Covenant and Gift Aid declarations 1184

Mr and Mrs P.Roberts, LichfieldMr C.Plant, GuernseyMrs M.Woolston, Sutton ColdfieldMrs V.R.M. Potter, StaffordMr A.Palfreyman, RugbyMr M.Beasley, EppingMr D.G.Thompson, LoughboroughMr G.G.Booth, Loughborough

GRAND PRIZE DRAGRAND PRIZE DRAGRAND PRIZE DRAGRAND PRIZE DRAGRAND PRIZE DRAW 2009 (Winners)W 2009 (Winners)W 2009 (Winners)W 2009 (Winners)W 2009 (Winners)1st. £500 CASH.

Mr. & Mrs. T. Thomas, Lichfield.

2nd. Hire of DAY BOAT from ANGLO WELSH at Great Haywood.Mrs. J. Stubbs, Lichfield.

3rd. Life Membership of LHCRT.Mr. E. Mobley, Walsall.

4th. 1 day RYA Boathandling Course.Mrs. E. Pettit, Ottery St Mary.

5th. M&S Voucher for £50.Ms. L. Birch, Burntwood.

6th. Christian Lacroix Perfume& Beauty Bag.

Mr. B. White, Tamworth.

7th. Men’s or Ladies Cut & Blow Dry at SILKS of LICHFIELD.Mrs. S. Jarvis, Littlewick.

8th. Duffle Bag & Shopping Guide.Mr. S. G. Taylor, Willenhall.

9th. £10 Asda Voucher.Mr. P. Stephens, Fradley.

10th £5 Morrisons VOUCHER.Mrs. V. Lilley, Harwich.

12Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10Bob Williams, Director (Finance)

David Suchet Thirty Pound AppealWith our thanks to more than 250 contributors so far, average donations of £1,000per week since July 2009 has taken the Appeal Fund over £25,000. This is an excellentstart towards work on Phase 1 of the Lichfield Canal. Before there can be any morevisible work on site, a lot of effort goes into project planning where professional feesmust be met for essential studies, reports and permissions. Paradoxically, somemight say that “digging is the easy bit that comes last”! Please keep them coming toget your own £30 note.

“Section 106” Planning Gain FundLichfield District Council have yet to reach a decision on a potential grant paymenttowards fully restoring Pound 26 in water at Tamworth Road.

2009 AccountsDraft figures for last year show the following outcome which may vary slightly whenfully audited for presentation to the AGM:-Total income £100,787Less expenditure (£97,659)Surplus £3,128Less asset depreciation (£8,488)Resources brought forward £181,379Resources carried forward £176,018

This is a pleasing result considering that £52,000 had to be spent on two majorFeasibility Studies, initially to secure the canal routes in the Local DevelopmentFrameworks being prepared by four of our Local Authorities. On the ground, ourregular volunteer workforce put in some 5,000 man hours throughout the year, assistedby occasional Waterway Recovery Group visiting teams. See the Lichfield Canalreport and pictures in this edition.

Replacing our excavator which was stolen last year meant supplementing a fairinsurance settlement with funds which would have been better spent on work, notthieves. Full accounts will be in included in the next edition for presenting to the AGMwith details of the meeting to be held on 18th June 2010.

Cost savingWhilst we constantly look for new funding opportunities, it is not always on the incomeside. Like everyone else, we have to look carefully at costs incurred in running theTrust. Bank charges, magazine printing and postage are under review where potentialsavings of about £2,000 a year are possible by adopting alternative methods.


13Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Since the last issue of Cut Both Ways, we have registered Member Number 291 of the 500Club. The Trust would like to thank everyone for their support during the year. However,during 2009 we also lost some memberships which means that the amount available forboth the Capital Fund and prizes has not increased. The prizes for the December drawhave remained the same as for the September 2009 draw.

In order to increase the contribution to the Capital Fund and, of course, the amount of prizemoney available, the number of 500 Club members needs to grow. Remember, membershipof the 500 Club is now open to everyone, not just members of Lichfield & Hatherton CanalsRestoration Trust. So please spread the word.

The winners of the draw are:First prize £173.94 No 226 Mr P Stephens, Fradley, StaffsSecond prize £113.73 No 92 Philip Kimpton, Hatherton, StaffsThird prize £46.83 No 13 Don Stevens, Cannock, Staffs

The “500 Club” Capital Fund has been established to raise funds for capital expenditure onland purchase and rebuilding structures on the Lichfield and Hatherton Canals. For anannual subscription of £12 Club Members are allocated 1 chance in each of 4 successivequarterly draws. Based on a membership of 500, the maximum prizes will be:

1st Prize £400 approx 26% income2nd Prize £250 approx 17% income3rd Prize £100 approx 7% income

Become a member of our 500 Club for the chance towin prizes of up to £400 every three months!

50% of the 500 Club income will be retained for capitalexpenditure essential for restoration of our twocanals… and

50% paid in prizes to its members.The “500 Club” could contribute up to £3,000 a year- or even more - whilst, for just £12 a year, ClubMembers get four chances of winning prizes of upto £400 - or maybe more each time!

If there are more or less than 500 members, the prizes will be proportionallyincreased or decreased. So the more 500 Club members we have, the higherthe prizes. If you want to subscribe, you can download an application form

from our website, or write toMavis Moore, 88 Spring Lane, Whittington, Lichfield WS14 9NA.

14Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Membership rates are:Adult £10; Family £15; Junior (under 18), Student, Retired or Unemployed £6;Group (Clubs & Societies) £25; Corporate £200; Life Membership £200.

To join, please contact the Membership Secretary (see address page).


The Birmingham Canal Navigations Society is pleased to announcethat its main Summer event this year will be held on the northernsection of the Birmingham Canal Navigations (BCN). The Festivalis supported by the Inland Waterways Association, Lichfield andBirmingham Black Country & Worcestershire Branches, LongwoodBoat Club and the Lichfield & Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust.

The dates will be 12/13th June 2010 and the location will be PelsallWood Common, off Wood Lane, Pelsall.

The campaigning aims of the event are to increase the profile ofthe northern BCN and to contribute to the fight against the currentreduction in funding for the Inland Waterways. This could put at riskthe future of the canals in this area unless their benefits for visitingboaters and the local communities can be demonstrated.

The location has been used previously for successful waterwaysevents and the organisers are confident that a warm welcome andfull support will be received from the local community. Boaters willhave the opportunity to join a BCN Explorer Cruise on their way tothe Festival.

The Festival will include stalls, entertainment, displays andrefreshments for the public as well as being a gathering of boatsfrom all over the country. Entry for the public will be free. Boatersand exhibitors are welcome to attend, for further information andan application form please contact;

Brenda Ward, tel. 0121 355 6351 email:

For general inquiries please contact;

Ivor Caplan, mobile 07778 685674 email: -

15Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10


In Ecology Matters12 (Cut Both Ways, Issue 56), published in 2008, the TamworthRoad restoration site was described in environmental terms as being a potentialparkland site. This followed the example of the successful restorations of theHuddersfield Narrow and Rochdale Canals described as “Linear Parks”: Thuspotentially attracting funding from a wider range of sources.

Subsequently, The Borrowcop Locks Canal Park designation for the Tamworth Roadsite was adopted by the Trust in 2008, to formally identify the work in progress. Laterwe were asked if the site might include a sensory garden so that those visitors withimpairments might also enjoy the canal side amenity.

In June 2009, FIRA, a company of landscape architects based in Birmingham becameinterested in the project and offered to design a suitable planting plan to meet thisobjective. Their suggestion, now adopted, was that the scope of the site be morefully exploited by creating a Sensory Trail. (At this point it is worth mentioning thatFIRA won the contract to plan the development of the National Arboretum so we arein ‘good hands’).

The plan resulting from this concept and donated to the Trust by FIRA is shown onthe centre pages of this edition. Donations are now being sought from Fund GrantingBodies (FGBs) that focus on this type of development (Urban recovery, Environment,Education, Healthy Living, Access for All, Schools/Youth engagement, etc.) to enablethe purchase of plants, shrubs and trees.

During 2007 groups of students from Great Barr School have visited the site toassist with environmental maintenance work. It is anticipated that this will continueto contribute to the completion of this planting plan.

Over the past year Members of our Environment Group, the “Green team”, haveobtained and planted varieties of provenance British wild flower bulbs: Bluebells.Daffs, Celandine and others. If you happen to be passing the coppice next spring Ihope you might be able to stop to see the early results of this work

A further thought for the on-going site improvement is to upgrade the path fromCricket Lane to Lock 24, that can become pretty uninviting in wet weather. Thiswould be to create parallel paths “green” : i.e. mowed, over what will eventually bethe canal bed; but “brown”, hard core surfaced over the towpath to assist those withwheelchairs and buggies, who will use the path until such time as the canal is restored.

Mike Battisson,Environmental Officer

16Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

TOUCH – Plants which have tactile foliage, flowers or bark. Artemesia pontica - feathery foliage Ballota pseudodictamnus - white woolly foliage Deschamsia var (Tussock Grass) - soft feathery foliage Dryopteris erythrosora (Buckler Fern) - pinnate frondsPulsatilla vulgaris (Pasque Flower) - hairy flower budsSalix caprea (Goat Willow) - downy twigsStachys lanata (Lambs Ears) - downy leaves

SIGHT – Plants with bright flowers, variegated foliageor good autumn colour.

Acer campestre (field maple) - autumn colourAngelica archangelica - striking foliageCytisus scoparius (broom) - bright yellow flowersCrocosmia Lucifer - vivid red flowers (Pictured)Epimedium grandiflorum (Barrenwort) - autumn colourGeranium sanguineum (Crane’s-bill) - crimson flowersHelenium vars - vivid coloured flowersIris foetidissima (Stinking Iris) - orange seed headsRodgersia pinnata - vivid autumn colour to leavesViburnum opulus (Guelder-rose) - autumn colour

TOUCH – Soft feathery seed headsof Achnatherum

17Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

SMELL – Plants with fragrant flowers or foliage.Lavandula Hidcote (lavender) - fragrant foliage (Pictured)Lonicera periclymenum (Honeysuckle) - fragrant flowersRosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) - fragrant foliageSambucus nigra (Elder) - fragrant flowers.

SOUND – Plants which make a noise in the wind.Betula pendula (silver birch)-leaves rustle in the wind.

TASTE – Plants with edible fruit or foliage.Malus sylvestris (Crab apple) - fruitPrunus domestica (Damson) - fruit (Pictured)Rubus fruiticosa (Blackberry) -f ruit

18Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

There is very little activity in the Marketing Group at this time of year; most of thework is with booking the stand into the summer event programme. At the end of thispiece is a list of those we have already committed ourselves to for the first six months.Needless to say we would be delighted to see you at any or all of these events. TheMarketing Team really does need some new faces.

In October our autumn entertainment at Whittington was provided by Malcolm Stent,one of the Black Country’s best known and loved entertainers and a frequent performerat the Lichfield Garrick Theatre. Unfortunately at that time of year there is always alot of competition and as a result our audience was a little less than we hoped for butthose who did support us were well fed and entertained. If you get the chance to seeMalcolm at any local event I can recommend you take the opportunity to go.

Our Grand Prize draw was made at the event and the prize winners are noted in thisissue. This was the third draw that had been organised by Trish Humphries and mythanks to her for all the work she has put into this over the last three years. Trish hasnow stood down from this job and I am pleased to say the George Simonczyk hasundertaken to find the prizes for this year. If you can suggest someone or a companythat might be persuaded to donate one, please let one of the Group know.

Our only outdoor event in recent weeks has been the Lichfield Chamber of Commerceannual Christmas Fayre in the Market Place. As usual we were at the feet of thestatue of Doctor Johnson on a Sunday morning that was quite cold but not as bad assome we have experienced at this event. Trade was not as good as previous yearsbut nevertheless we raised £150 for the Trust. Our thanks to Mavis Moore whodonated a Teddy bear for a ‘Guess the name of the bear’ competition. The bear,(lucky name Patrick) was duly delivered to an address in Streethay from whence Ilearned it was due to go, with Father Christmas’s help, to a little girl in the Isle onMan. I hope it has found a good and loving home.

Finally can I direct you to our latest venture “Ramble through The Heart of England”.The book is written by Steve Saxton and is an account of his walk encompassing themost northerly, southerly, easterly and westerly points of England. The Lichfield &Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust has had the good fortune to be chosen as oneof the four charities to benefit from the sales of this fascinating book. The Trust willkeep 100% of the cost of all copies sold by us. Proceeds of copies sold elsewherewill be divided between the four beneficiaries.


19Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Book Four: Ramble through The Heart of England by Steve Saxton

Book Four (softback 144 pages) covers a hundred-mile section of the journey south,starting in Staffordshire and entering four more counties (Derbyshire, Leicestershire,Warwickshire, and Northants) as the route swings through the very centre of England.

It begins at Star Lock inStone, passes throughStafford, Lichfield, Moira,Measham, StokeGolding, Bedworth andRugby, and ends, alsocanalside, in Braunston,Northants. Trails andpaths followed include theHeart of England Way,and the towpaths of eightdifferent canals. Not somuch a guide book, butmore of a slow traveldiary, which also detailswildlife and places,together with local historyand other digressions.This book is intended forthe armchair traveller butmay also inspire theactive walker.

Published in November2009 by The Four Points

Ramble AssociationPrice: £8.50 (incl p&p

for mainland UKaddresses)

The four charities that have agreed to participate as beneficiaries are:The Lichfield and Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust

The Woodland TrustThe Mary Ann Evans Hospice

Emmaus (UK)


20Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

The Four Points Ramble AssociationA walking, writing, and charitable fundraising project set up to support and promotewildlife and heritage conservation, as well as the relief of suffering resulting fromillness or deprivation.A major means of achieving these objectives is through the making of grants toselected charities: either grants of money raised by selling books, or grants of bookswhich the charities may sell, keeping the proceeds of all sales. The books describea ramble round England.

The RambleThe Four Points Ramble challenge is to walk to each of the four extremities ofEngland (that is, the northernmost, southernmost, westernmost, and easternmosttips of the mainland), then return to the starting point. The Four Points Ramble isemphatically not conceived as a continuous, day-after-day exercise to be startedand finished in one go; that would transform a journey that should be enjoyed intoone to be endured. Neither is it creating a new Trail or Way; if others wish toundertake the challenge, the suggestion would be to walk the Four Points bywhatever route seems best at the time.A key part of this project is to write books, which are in part a diary of the walk butwith additional observations and digressions on subjects related to incidents on thewalk or with local connections. The digressions reflect interests in wildlife, history,literature, music, biography, industrial archaeology (in particular, canals and railwaysin the age of steam), genealogy, heraldry, church history, topography and story-telling.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Over the coming months the Marketing Team can be seen at the following events:

Sat 6 February WFEG Big Green Fair, Whittington Village HallSat 6 / Sun 7 February OwnerShips Show, BraunstonSat 6 March - am Joint Jumble Sale, Peace Hall, Penkridge

(with Lichfield IWA)Sat 6 March - eve Quiz Night and Fish ‘n’ Chip Supper,

Hammerwich WI HallSat 3 April Eric & Doreen Wood’s Coffee Morning, Whittington WharfSun 25 April Lichfield Canal Walk (10 till 4)Sat 29 - Mon 31 May Crick Boat Show, Crick Marina, NorthantsMon 31 May Lichfield Greenhill BowerFri 18 June LHCRT AGM, Brownhills Community CentreSat 12 / Sun13 June Canal Festival, Pelsall 2010, Pelsall Wood CommonSat 26 / Sun27 June Braunston Historic Boats Rally, Braunston

We would like to see you there with us.David Moore (Director)


21Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

HydrologyDirectors work to a regular pattern of meetings. On the second Wednesday of eachmonth we have our Board meeting which deals with all major issues, both currentand future. These are carefully structured and take a detailed and measured view ofthe Trust’s activities. There is not time to deal with much of the detail which we haveto consider and we therefore have a rotation of group meetings, usually on the fourthWednesday, to deal with Policy, Project Planning, Engineering and Land. Until recentlyFunding was part of this rotation but we have now decided to include this on theagenda of each of the groups. The meetings are attended by the directors especiallyinterested in the topic and by other officers and advisors. The Engineering Grouphas recently expanded considerably and now includes several specialists who addgreatly to the discussions. We recently called an expanded version of Engineering toa meeting at Lichfield Rugby Club to look at issues of water supply to the LichfieldCanal. This is becoming a crucial area as we look at how we water sections of thecanal as restoration proceeds and before we can link to the obvious source at OgleyJunction. At Tamworth Road, where the adding of water to the restored section isbecoming imminent, we have discussed how we might use the water from theculverted water course (Big Pipe), once all the permissions are in place. We nowhave some very useful ideas to be explored in greater detail.

BW on the HathertonThe section of the Hatherton from the Wolverhampton to Cannock road to the M6motorway is in British Waterways ownership. This former section of the Staffs &Worcester is still an important part of the water supply system. The Trust works onthis section by courtesy of BW. Some large trees have been felled behind the RomanWay Hotel which should help with the general appearance of the site and with publicsafety. We now hear that dredging of the channel is now planned but with anundertaking not to place the spoil on the towpath which caused considerableinconvenience last time. BW is also in discussion with the land owner at Cats Bridgewhere the dispute over boundaries has become live again. We are pleased that BWis being proactive over determining the fence line.

M6 DevelopmentsA few years ago we were hopeful that the congestion on the M6 around Junction 11and northwards would push the Highways Agency towards a major widening scheme.Had this happened it would have opened the possibility of restoring the navigationchannel through the embankment. Political pressures and financial restraints seemto have caused the Agency to adopt the hard-shoulder running or active trafficmanagement. This is disappointing but it is hard to believe that the widening projectwill not be approached again before long. The congestion at the confluence of theM6 and M6 Toll and continuing pressure to link the M54 to M6 northbound cannot bemanaged electronically for ever.


22Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Grasmere Garden CentreWe keep a close eye on the ownership of land on the Ogley Flight. The Trust ownsthe Top Lock Cottage and has regular discussion with other owners down the flight.All are well-aware of the Trust’s needs and are generally sympathetic. There havebeen developments at the Grasmere Garden Centre where there has been a changeof ownership. We hope to work closely with the new owners as they bring forwardany plans for the site.

HuddlesfordHuddlesford Junction has been determined as the starting point for full restoration ofthe Lichfield Canal by the Atkins Feasibility Study. This is where Phase 1 of 5 starts.The first requirement is to relocate the moorings of Lichfield Cruising Club with theco-operation of its members. Officers of both Trust and Club are working together onsite surveying as a first step towards developing a design for an off-line mooringfacility. There are many issues to be addressed, such as the extent of any flood plainfor the adjacent Darnford Brook which must be agreed with the Environment Agency.Agreements will also be needed with other statutory bodies and several detailedstudies commissioned. All these things take time, probably longer than the physicalwork.

Railway TurnThe new contractor (replacing the failed Wrekin Construction) has made significantprogress towards linking the two sections of the Lichfield Bypass. The partially builtrailway bridge has been demolished and a new one constructed. This is the point,just beside the former Lock 19, where the diverted section of the Lichfield Canal,running within the environmental strip of the bypass, rejoins the original line.

BWAs widely discussed in the waterways press, there has been a major reconfigurationof BW management which means that the Trust will have to deal with new faces. Weare confident that we will continue to have an excellent working relationship witheveryone. We are particularly pleased that we will continue to work with Tony Harveywho has moved from managing waterways from Fazeley to a wider role in promotingregeneration across the Midlands.

Denis CooperWe are sorry to hear that Denis Cooper has not been too well recently. Denis wasone of our original Directors and has continued to manage Trust work parties on theHatherton since his “retirement”. His local knowledge and sound advice are invaluable.Best wishes also to our membership Secretary, Trevor Morris, who has had a spell inhospital.


23Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

VacancySince our AGM last June we have had a vacancy for the Chairmanship of theMarketing Group with David Moore standing down. Despite several appeals we stillhave not found a replacement and are depending on Mavis Moore chairing themeetings in a non-executive role. We are most grateful to Mavis but we need alonger-term solution. The Marketing Group in general needs more volunteers asindeed do all our activities. The Group is vital to everything we do, fundraising, sellingand providing back-up for all our social activities. Anyone wishing to learn moreshould contact the Chairman or any other Director. Please come forward!

Social Evening, Whittington Village Hall, 31-Oct-09.


24Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

This is a good time to look back over last year, particularly through a selection ofphotographs as presented here. As work progresses slowly from month to monthone might not realise how much was achieved by a handful of volunteers only workingon occasional days, with a couple of visits from the Waterway Recovery Group. Withmore people, more could be done, and more quickly.

Former Lock 25 bywash outlet. 2008Restoration work centred on Lock 25 in the Borrowcop Locks Canal Park by TamworthRoad in Lichfield. The former derelict underground bywash pipe had not only to bereplaced but rebuilt to recommended dimensions that would accommodateextraordinary flood conditions in future. Added to this, the road-side location is veryprominent and provides central access to the towpath for public access. It was thusdecided to create what we believe will be recognised as a unique feature of theLichfield Canal in the national system.

There are a few circular weirs to be found elsewhere, but a circular drop shaft alongthe bywash in this location will be a functional attraction surrounded by a publicfootpath laid to meet disability standards. Some already call it a “wishing well” but afew coins will not go far! Work will continue in 2010 with construction using tons ofdonated stone for masonry sides on a shallow open channel, topped by a new weirbeside the head of Lock 25.


25Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Bob Williams, Project Co-ordinator

For details about our Regular Giving Schemecontact Bob Williams Tel 01543 671427

Norfolk House, 29 Hall Lane, Hammerwich, Burntwood, WS7 0JP

Installing Lock 25 bywash, March 2009Not all our work is visible to the public. Behind the scenes, a new Hydrology Groupfirst met in December 2009 to develop themes incorporated in the Atkins FeasibilityStudy as to water supply, quality and management. Phase 1 focuses attention onmooring proposals for the Lichfield Cruising Club as a precursor towards restoringthe first section. Whilst Phase 2 follows later, much work has already been donealongside Tamworth Road where water in the “Big Pipe” offers opportunities tocomplete an isolated section of canal in water. In the coming year, we will need towork closely with Lichfield District Council, British Waterways, Environment Agency,Natural England and others for the necessary agreements.

Funding is of course an issue which is covered under Money Matters. To accelerateprogress, we need more volunteers to work on the ground and lots more money toengage professionals for the major works. How can you help?


26Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10Bywash outlet and surrounding features completed. Dec, 09

Bywash drop shaft base. May,09


27Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Lock 25 by wash and spillway.The circular drop shaft is nowcomplete, and brick foundation wallsfor the bridge over the spillway havebeen added. Quotations for the steelbridge and railings for around the dropshaft are under consideration and anorder for this work should be placed inthe New Year. The stone walls eachside of the spillway are well under way,and the laborious task of cutting up thelarge stone blocks into suitable sizes

for building continues. Using this stone has created a lot of extra work, but as it wasdonated and even delivered free,it will make a considerable savingover the cost of the nine thousandbricks which would have beenrequired if we had not had thestone. We hope to complete thesewalls within the next few weeks,and then work will begin onbuilding the new weir for pound25.Estimating completion dates forthese projects can be somethingof a gamble, as it depends on the weather at this time of the year, and even more

importantly the size of theworkforce. We have a great littleteam of regulars who turn upevery week even in wet or verycold weather, and this team, alongwith the WRG visits is what keepsthe work ticking over throughoutthe year. Obviously when workingon a project like this spillway, thereis not room for a large labourforce, but a few extra hands tohelp in keeping the site and yard

buildings tidy and handing tools and materials to the bricklayers can speed up thejob considerably. When we have a large labour intensive task, such as mixing andlaying large areas of concrete, we put out an email appeal for extra workers whichusually bring a good response. Thank you all for that. Brian Davis

Lock 25 off-side Jan,09

Building up the bywash drop shaft Jul,09

Bywash drop shaft completed Aug,09


28Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

Hatherton CanalWork on the Hatherton Canal has continued in much the same steady way. As lastyear, some work parties had to be postponed due to wet weather. Grass cutting andtidying up fallen trees have been caught up on occasional days mid-week.

Earlier this year BWasked the Trust toconfirm names ofbridges on theHatherton sectionand since then ovalStaffs & Worcester-style name plateshave been fixed tothose at Calf Heath,Saredon Mill andScrawpers End. Itwould be interestingto know if the areasurrounding the lastof these, and thenearby cottages by

the feeder to GaileyReservoir, wasnamed after aparticular person ora trade - even ifanything to bediscovered may notbe as spectacularas the SaxonLichfield Angel andStaffordshire Hoard(Ogley Hay) whichwe have at eachend of the LichfieldCanal.

Denis Cooper


Scrawpers End Bridge, carries Oak Lane over theHatherton Branch November 2009

Saredon Mill Bridge No.4

29Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

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30Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10



web site:

The Lichfield & Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust Limited was established in 1988 as anon-profit distributing company limited by guarantee (No. 2456172) and is registered as aCharity (No. 702429).Principal Aims : To promote the restoration of the Wyrley and Essington Canal from OgleyJunction to Huddlesford Junction (the “Lichfield Canal”), and the Hatherton Branch of theStaffordshire & Worcestershire Canal, and also the construction of a navigable link betweenthe Hatherton Branch and the Birmingham Canal Navigations.

PRESIDENT Eric Wood VICE-PRESIDENT David Suchet OBE.PATRONS Chris Coburn MBE, Dr David Fletcher CBE, Michael Fabricant MP.DIRECTORSChairman Brian Kingshott !/Fax 01547 530457

Park Cottage, Hopton Castle, Craven Arms. SY7 0QFVice-Chairman Peter Magee !/Fax 01889 578289& Plant The Spinney, Bellamour Way, Colton, Rugeley WS15 3LLFinance Bob Williams ! 01543 671427 Fax 01543 677687

Norfolk House, 29 Hall Lane, Hammerwich. WS7 0JPSecretary Sue Williams ! 01543 671427& Web Master Norfolk House, 29 Hall Lane, Hammerwich. WS7 0JP

e-mail: Trevor Morris ! 0121 354 7952Secretary 163, Halton Road, Sutton Coldfield. B73 6NZLand & Property David Dixon ! 01543 258512

78 Gaia Lane, Lichfield WS13 7LSDavid Moore ! 01543 43271888, Spring Lane, Whittington, Lichfield. WS14 9NA

Project Planning Mike Battisson ! 01543 3000903, Minors Hill, Lichfield, Staffs. WS14 9DJ

Health & Safety Bob Mullarkey ! 01543 251408220, Upper St John Street, Lichfield. WS14 9EF

I. W. A. Vaughan Welch ! 0121 477 9782Representative 3, Beach Close, Northfield, Birmingham. B31 3DBOTHER OFFICERSMagazine Editor Stefan Szulc ! 01543 677156

e-mail: Stefan.Szulc@Gmail.comLichfield Work Party Bob Williams ! 01543 671427Hatherton Work Party Denis Cooper ! 01543 374370 (work)Education Andrew Williams ! 01543 250452Environment Geoff Crook ! 01543 254826Marketing & Sales VacantPublicity Mervyn Ainge ! 01543 307317Membership Asst. Pat Ainge ! 01543 492344

31Cut Both Ways Winter 2009/10

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