The Lost Dog



This is a story about a girl called Rachel who finds a dog lying in the park and brings it home. Then she finds out it is lost. She become so attached to the dog and she dosn't want to give it back. She dosn't know what to do.

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Rachel is a 10 year old girl who loves playing in the park with her friends and really loves animals. She has always wanted a pet but she never was allowed to keep ones that she found lost in the

park or ones she saw in the pet store. But one pet she really wanted to have was a


Rachel was walking home from playing in the park with her friend when she saw cute Poodle lying in the grass. She play with it for a little bit and she had always wanted dog. She really liked it and she knew that little Poodle was the dog she wanted.

She really wanted to keep the dog so she brought the dog home to see if her mom would let her keep it. But while her and the dog were walking home she thought to her self would mom let me keep the dog. When I was 5 years old I brought a cute little mouse home and my mom wouldn’t let me keep it. Although it was a mouse but it was worth a try.

When she got home she begged her mom if she could keep the dog. She mom thought for a bit while she stared at the adorable puppy. “Ok,” her mom replied “But only if you will be responsible and help take care of it.” “Yay!” Rachel screamed happily “I promise I wont let you down.”Rachel was so exited that she was actually going to get her own dog.

The next day Rachel and her mom went out to buy food and other things

they needed for the dog. They got food, a bed, some treats and other things they needed to have for the dog.While they were looking for stuff Rachel asked “What should we call our dog” “I don't know.” Rachel’s mom replied. “You should decide.” “What about Lily?” she saidHer mom agreed. So they called the dog Lily.

When they got home Rachel took the dog out for a walk in the park. They went to a area where Lily could play. She took Lily of the leash and he went to play around with the other dogs. Lily was having such a great time playing with the other dogs. After a while she and Lily left to keep walking. They took a seat on a bench for a little break. Rachel was having a great time and still couldn’t believe her mom let her keep the dog. She loved the dog so much and was having a great time with her.

When Rachel and Lily got back for the walk it was dinner time. She hadn't realized they were out for so long. “How was your walk?” her mom asked. “Good, and I’m sorry we were out for so long” Rachel apologized.While they sat down to eat dinner Rachel told her mom all about what they in the park and how much fun they had. “Sounds like you and Lily had a great time” Her mom told her.

It was Saturday morning and her best friend Amy came over with her favorite stuffed animal Lulu of course. She would never go anywhere with out it even school. When Amy came over Rachel ask her mom if her and Amy if they could take lily out for a walk. Her mom let them so they left the house. While they were walking the dog Amy noticed posters all over the park.

The Lost Dog Micaela

“Hey Rachel look at all these posters. Lets go check one out.”The two girls walked up to a tree and the poster said:


CALL: 5552-8053

“Is that your dog?” Amy asked. “Probably. It sure looks like her.” she said. “If its someone else's dog you should call and give it back.” Amy told her. “No of course not and I love Lily so so much and would never lose her unlike her old owner.” Rachel replied. “Well that not really fare. Anyways I have to go home for lunch.” Amy explained to her.So Amy left to go home. Rachel took the poster and went home too.

When Rachel got home she didn’t want to show her mom the poster that she and Amy saw in the park because she knew her mom would tell her to give the dog back. “Wheres Amy?” Rachel’s mom asked. “She had to go home for lunch.” Rachel replied to her. “Ok.”Rachel ran up to her room and laid down in her bed feeling upset. She didn’t know what to do because if she gave the dog back she would really miss her.

Her mom walked in to her room and noticed something was wrong. So she asked Rachel “Whats the matter?” “Well when me and Amy were walking in the park we saw this poster” Rachel told her mom while she gave her mom the poster. “And why should I give the dog back because they lost it so it doesn't show that there very responsible to take care of a dog.” “Well how do you think the owners fell right know, They’re probably so upset and hoping that the phone will ring any minute.”Rachel sighed. Not knowing what to do. Rachel felt so bad. She wanted to call the owners but she also didn’t want to give Lily away.

She thought really hard for a while and realized that she should give the dog back no matter how much she wanted to keep her. So she called the owners and said she was going to bring Lily back tomorrow. She felt a bit better but she knew it was the right thing to do.

It was about 11:00 and Rachel had left to bring Lily back to her owners. She !nally arrived at the house and rang the door bell. A lady answered the door And said “Hello what can I help you with.” “I was the one who called you last night. I came over to bring back you dog.” Rachel told her. “Oh thank you!” she replied as she picked up the dog. “I miss her so much.” “Your welcome. Well I have to go now.” “Ok. Thanks again.” Rachel left to go home and was so upset that she had to get rid of of Lily but knew it was the right thing to do.

Rachel got home and when she opened the door and there was a cute little dog lying in front of the door. She pick up the dog and brought it to her mom “Who's adorable dog is this?”

The Lost Dog Micaela

“Its your.” her mom replied “Your were so responsible and caring with Lily when you left to bring her back to the owner I went to the rescue center and bought you this dog.” Rachel was !lled with excitement. “Can we call the the dog Ginger?” Rachel asked. “Sure” her mom replied. “You can call it what ever you want.”

The Lost Dog Micaela
